{"x":"aback","y":"[1]astonish, astound, bewilder, disconcert, flabbergast @@@@ [2]floor @@@@ [3]nonplus, stagger, startle, stun, surprise @@@@ [4]astonish, astound, bewilder, disconcert, flabbergast @@@@ [5]floor @@@@ [6]nonplus, stagger, startle, stun, surprise"} {"x":"abaft","y":"[1]aft, astern, behind"} {"x":"abandon","y":"[1]desert, forsake, jilt, leave, leave behind, leave in the lurch, let (someone) stew in their own juice, strand @@@@ [2]evacuate, quit, vacate, withdraw from @@@@ [3]abdicate, cede, give up, relinquish, renounce, resign, surrender, waive, yield @@@@ [4]desist, discontinue, drop, forgo, kick @@@@ [5]careless freedom, dash, recklessness, unrestraint, wantonness, wild impulse, wildness"} {"x":"abandoned","y":"[1]cast aside, cast away, cast out, derelict, deserted, discarded, ditched, dropped, forlorn, forsaken, jilted, left, neglected, outcast, out of the window, rejected, relinquished, stranded, unoccupied, vacant @@@@ [2]corrupt, debauched, depraved, dissipated, dissolute, profligate, reprobate, sinful, wanton, wicked @@@@ [3]uncontrolled, uninhibited, unrestrained, wild"} {"x":"abase","y":"[1]belittle, bring low, cast down, debase, degrade, demean, demote, denigrate, depress, disgrace, dishonour, downgrade, humble, humiliate, lower, mortify, put in one's place, reduce"} {"x":"abash","y":"[1]affront, astound, bewilder, chagrin, confound, confuse, discomfit, discompose, disconcert, discountenance, embarrass, faze, humble, humiliate, mortify, perturb, shame, take the wind out of someone's sails"} {"x":"abate","y":"[1]alleviate, appease, attenuate, decline, decrease, diminish, dull, dwindle, ease, ebb, fade, lessen, let up, mitigate, moderate, quell, reduce, relax, relieve, sink, slacken, slake, slow, subside, taper off, wane, weaken @@@@ [2]deduct, discount, subtract"} {"x":"abattoir","y":"[1]butchery, shambles, slaughterhouse"} {"x":"abbey","y":"[1]cloister, convent, friary, monastery, nunnery, priory"} {"x":"abbreviate","y":"[1]abridge, abstract, clip, compress, condense, contract, curtail, cut, digest, epitomize, precis, reduce, shorten, summarize, trim, truncate"} {"x":"abbreviation","y":"[1]abridgment, abstract, clipping, compendium, compression, condensation, conspectus, contraction, curtailment, digest, epitome, precis, reduction, resume, shortening, summary, synopsis, trimming, truncation"} {"x":"abdicate","y":"[1]abandon, abjure, abnegate, cede, forgo, give up, quit, relinquish, renounce, resign, retire, step down @@@@ [2]surrender, vacate, waive, yield @@@@ [3]to abandon"} {"x":"abdication","y":"[1]abandonment, abjuration, abnegation, cession, giving up, quitting, relinquishment, renunciation, resignation, retiral @@@@ [2]retirement, surrender, waiver, yielding"} {"x":"abdomen","y":"[1]belly, breadbasket @@@@ [2]corporation @@@@ [3]guts @@@@ [4]midriff, midsection, paunch, pot, stomach, tummy"} {"x":"abdominal","y":"[1]gastric, intestinal, stomachic, stomachical, visceral"} {"x":"abduct","y":"[1]carry off, kidnap, make off with, run away with, run off with, seize, snatch"} {"x":"aberrant","y":"[1]abnormal, anomalous, defective, deviant, divergent, eccentric, irregular, odd, oddball @@@@ [2]off-the-wall @@@@ [3]outre, peculiar, queer, rambling, straying, untypical, wacko @@@@ [4]wandering @@@@ [5]delusive, delusory, disordered, hallucinatory, illusive, illusory, unstable @@@@ [6]corrupt, corrupted, degenerate, depraved, deviant, erroneous, perverse, perverted, wrong"} {"x":"aberration","y":"[1]aberrancy, abnormality, anomaly, defect, deviation, divergence, eccentricity, irregularity, lapse, oddity, peculiarity, quirk, rambling, straying, wandering @@@@ [2]delusion, hallucination, illusion, instability, mental disorder, vagary"} {"x":"abet","y":"[1]aid, assist, back, condone, connive at, help, promote, sanction, second, succour, support, sustain, uphold @@@@ [2]egg on, encourage, incite, prompt, spur, urge"} {"x":"abeyance","y":"[1]adjournment, deferral, discontinuation, inactivity, intermission, postponement, recess, reservation, suspense, suspension, waiting @@@@ [2]on ice @@@@ [3]pending, shelved, suspended"} {"x":"abhor","y":"[1]abominate, detest, execrate, hate, loathe, recoil from, regard with repugnance or horror, shrink from, shudder at"} {"x":"abide","y":"[1]accept, bear, brook, endure, hack @@@@ [2]put up with, stand, stomach, submit to, suffer, tolerate @@@@ [3]dwell, linger, live, lodge, reside, rest, sojourn, stay, stop, tarry, wait @@@@ [4]continue, endure, last, persist, remain, survive @@@@ [5]acknowledge, agree to, comply with, conform to, follow, obey, observe, submit to, toe the line @@@@ [6]adhere to, carry out, discharge, fulfil, hold to, keep to, persist in, stand by"} {"x":"ability","y":"[1]adeptness, aptitude, capability, capacity, competence, competency, craft, dexterity, endowment, energy, expertise, expertness, facility, faculty, flair, force, gift, knack, know-how @@@@ [2]potentiality, power, proficiency, qualification, skill, talent"} {"x":"abject","y":"[1]base, contemptible, cringing, debased, degraded, despicable, dishonourable, fawning, grovelling, humiliating, ignoble, ignominious, low, mean, servile, slavish, sordid, submissive, vile, worthless @@@@ [2]deplorable, forlorn, hopeless, miserable, outcast, pitiable, wretched"} {"x":"abjuration","y":"[1]denial, disavowal, disclaiming, disclamation, forswearing, recantation, renunciation, retraction @@@@ [2]abnegation, abstention, eschewal, rejection, relinquishment, self-denial"} {"x":"abjure","y":"[1]deny, disavow, disclaim, forswear, recant, renege on, renounce, retract @@@@ [2]abandon, abnegate, abstain from, eschew, forsake, give up, kick @@@@ [3]refrain from, reject, relinquish"} {"x":"ablaze","y":"[1]afire, aflame, alight, blazing, burning, fiery, flaming, ignited, lighted, on fire @@@@ [2]aglow, brilliant, flashing, gleaming, glowing, illuminated, incandescent, luminous, radiant, sparkling @@@@ [3]angry, aroused, enthusiastic, excited, fervent, fit to be tied @@@@ [4]foaming at the mouth, frenzied, fuming, furious, impassioned, incensed, on the warpath, passionate, raging, stimulated"} {"x":"able","y":"[1]accomplished, adept, adequate, adroit, capable, clever, competent, effective, efficient, experienced, expert, fit, fitted, gifted, highly endowed, masterful, masterly, powerful, practised, proficient, qualified, skilful, skilled, strong, talented @@@@ [2]accomplished, adept, adequate, adroit, capable, clever, competent, effective, efficient, experienced, expert, fit, fitted, gifted, highly endowed, masterful, masterly, powerful, practised, proficient, qualified, skilful, skilled, strong, talented"} {"x":"ablution","y":"[1]bath, bathing, cleansing, lavation, purification, shower, wash, washing"} {"x":"abnegate","y":"[1]abandon, abdicate, abjure, abstain from, concede, decline, deny, disallow, eschew, forbear, forgo, forsake, give up, kick @@@@ [2]refrain from, refuse, reject, relinquish, renounce, sacrifice, surrender, yield"} {"x":"abnegation","y":"[1]abandonment, abjuration, abstinence, continence, disallowance, eschewal, forbearance, giving up, refusal, rejection, relinquishment, renunciation, sacrifice, self-denial, surrender, temperance"} {"x":"abnormal","y":"[1]aberrant, anomalous, atypical, curious, deviant, eccentric, erratic, exceptional, extraordinary, irregular, monstrous, odd, oddball @@@@ [2]off-the-wall @@@@ [3]outre, peculiar, queer, singular, strange, uncommon, unexpected, unnatural, untypical, unusual, wacko @@@@ [4]weird"} {"x":"abnormality","y":"[1]aberration, anomaly, atypicalness, bizarreness, deformity, deviation, eccentricity, exception, extraordinariness, flaw, irregularity, monstrosity, oddity, peculiarity, queerness, singularity, strangeness, uncommonness, unexpectedness, unnaturalness, untypicalness, unusualness, weirdness"} {"x":"abnormally","y":"[1]atypically, bizarrely, disproportionately, exceptionally, excessively, extraordinarily, extremely, fantastically, freakishly, inordinately, in the extreme, oddly, overly, particularly, peculiarly, prodigiously, singularly, strangely, subnormally, supernormally, uncannily, uncommonly, unnaturally, unusually"} {"x":"abode","y":"[1]domicile, dwelling, dwelling-place, habitat, habitation, home, house, lodging, pad @@@@ [2]quarters, residence"} {"x":"abolish","y":"[1]abrogate, annihilate, annul, axe @@@@ [2]blot out, cancel, destroy, do away with, eliminate, end, eradicate, expunge, exterminate, extinguish, extirpate, invalidate, nullify, obliterate, overthrow, overturn, put an end to, quash, repeal, repudiate, rescind, revoke, stamp out, subvert, suppress, terminate, vitiate, void, wipe out"} {"x":"abolition","y":"[1]abrogation, annihilation, annulment, blotting out, cancellation, destruction, elimination, end, ending, eradication, expunction, extermination, extinction, extirpation, invalidation, nullification, obliteration, overthrow, overturning, quashing, repeal, repudiation, rescission, revocation, stamping out, subversion, suppression, termination, vitiation, voiding, wiping out, withdrawal"} {"x":"abominable","y":"[1]abhorrent, accursed, atrocious, base, contemptible, despicable, detestable, disgusting, execrable, foul, godawful @@@@ [2]hateful, heinous, hellish, horrible, horrid, loathsome, nauseous, obnoxious, obscene, odious, repellent, reprehensible, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, terrible, vile, villainous, wretched, yucky or yukky"} {"x":"abominate","y":"[1]abhor, detest, execrate, hate, loathe, recoil from, regard with repugnance, shudder at"} {"x":"aboriginal","y":"[1]ancient, autochthonous, earliest, first, indigenous, native, original, primary, primeval, primitive, primordial, pristine"} {"x":"aborigine","y":"[1]aboriginal, autochthon, indigene, native, original inhabitant"} {"x":"abortion","y":"[1]aborticide, deliberate miscarriage, feticide, miscarriage, termination @@@@ [2]disappointment, failure, fiasco, misadventure, monstrosity, vain effort"} {"x":"abound","y":"[1]be jammed with, be packed with, be plentiful, crowd, flourish, increase, infest, luxuriate, overflow, proliferate, superabound, swarm, swell, teem, thrive"} {"x":"about","y":"[1]anent @@@@ [2]as regards, concerned with, concerning, connected with, dealing with, on, re, referring to, regarding, relating to, relative to, respecting, touching, with respect to @@@@ [3]adjacent, beside, circa @@@@ [4]close to, near, nearby @@@@ [5]around, encircling, on all sides, round, surrounding @@@@ [6]all over, over, through, throughout @@@@ [7]almost, approaching, approximately, around, close to, more or less, nearing, nearly, roughly @@@@ [8]active, around, astir, in motion, present, stirring @@@@ [9]change of direction, reversal, reverse, right about (turn), turnabout, turnaround, U-turn, volte-face @@@@ [10]change direction, do or perform a U-turn or volte-face, face the opposite direction, reverse, turn about or around, turn through 180 degrees, volte-face @@@@ [11]accomplish, achieve, bring to pass, cause, compass, create, effect, effectuate, generate, give rise to, make happen, manage, occasion, produce, realize @@@@ [12]arise, befall, come to pass, happen, occur, result, take place, transpire @@@@ [13]gallivant, ramble, range, roam, rove, run around, stravaig @@@@ [14]stray, traipse @@@@ [15]wander @@@@ [16]circulate, move around, pass around, wander @@@@ [17]approach, begin, get the show on the road, set about, tackle, take the bit between one's teeth, undertake @@@@ [18]dally, linger, loiter, roam, tarry, waste time @@@@ [19]associate with, frequent, hang out @@@@ [20]hang with @@@@ [21]haunt, resort @@@@ [22]all but, almost, around, close to, nearly, not quite, practically, well-nigh @@@@ [23]ramble, range, roam, rove, traipse, travel, wander @@@@ [24]abuse, batter, beat up @@@@ [25]bruise, buffet, clobber @@@@ [26]damage, hit, hurt, lambast(e), maltreat, manhandle, maul, mistreat, strike, work over @@@@ [27]wound @@@@ [28]amuse oneself, dabble, fool (about or around), footle @@@@ [29]muck about @@@@ [30]play about or around, potter, trifle @@@@ [31]fiddle @@@@ [32]fool (about or around), interfere, meddle, piss about or around @@@@ [33]play, tamper, tinker, toy @@@@ [34]attend to, consider, deal with, give some thought to, look after, see to, take care of @@@@ [35]investigate, look into, make enquiries, research @@@@ [36]address oneself to, attack, begin, get cracking @@@@ [37]set to, start, tackle, take the first step, wade into @@@@ [38]assail, assault, attack, belabour, lambast(e), mug @@@@ [39]sail into @@@@ [40]act the fool, dawdle, footle @@@@ [41]hang around, idle, kill time, lark, mess about, play about, play the fool, waste time @@@@ [42]anent @@@@ [43]as regards, concerned with, concerning, connected with, dealing with, on, re, referring to, regarding, relating to, relative to, respecting, touching, with respect to @@@@ [44]adjacent, beside, circa @@@@ [45]close to, near, nearby @@@@ [46]around, encircling, on all sides, round, surrounding @@@@ [47]all over, over, through, throughout @@@@ [48]almost, approaching, approximately, around, close to, more or less, nearing, nearly, roughly @@@@ [49]active, around, astir, in motion, present, stirring @@@@ [50]change of direction, reversal, reverse, right about (turn), turnabout, turnaround, U-turn, volte-face @@@@ [51]change direction, do or perform a U-turn or volte-face, face the opposite direction, reverse, turn about or around, turn through 180 degrees, volte-face @@@@ [52]accomplish, achieve, bring to pass, cause, compass, create, effect, effectuate, generate, give rise to, make happen, manage, occasion, produce, realize @@@@ [53]arise, befall, come to pass, happen, occur, result, take place, transpire @@@@ [54]gallivant, ramble, range, roam, rove, run around, stravaig @@@@ [55]stray, traipse @@@@ [56]wander @@@@ [57]circulate, move around, pass around, wander @@@@ [58]approach, begin, get the show on the road, set about, tackle, take the bit between one's teeth, undertake @@@@ [59]dally, linger, loiter, roam, tarry, waste time @@@@ [60]associate with, frequent, hang out @@@@ [61]hang with @@@@ [62]haunt, resort @@@@ [63]all but, almost, around, close to, nearly, not quite, practically, well-nigh @@@@ [64]ramble, range, roam, rove, traipse, travel, wander @@@@ [65]abuse, batter, beat up @@@@ [66]bruise, buffet, clobber @@@@ [67]damage, hit, hurt, lambast(e), maltreat, manhandle, maul, mistreat, strike, work over @@@@ [68]wound @@@@ [69]amuse oneself, dabble, fool (about or around), footle @@@@ [70]muck about @@@@ [71]play about or around, potter, trifle @@@@ [72]fiddle @@@@ [73]fool (about or around), interfere, meddle, piss about or around @@@@ [74]play, tamper, tinker, toy @@@@ [75]attend to, consider, deal with, give some thought to, look after, see to, take care of @@@@ [76]investigate, look into, make enquiries, research @@@@ [77]address oneself to, attack, begin, get cracking @@@@ [78]set to, start, tackle, take the first step, wade into @@@@ [79]assail, assault, attack, belabour, lambast(e), mug @@@@ [80]sail into @@@@ [81]clown, fool about or around, misbehave, play the fool, play the goat, roughhouse @@@@ [82]anent @@@@ [83]as regards, concerned with, concerning, connected with, dealing with, on, re, referring to, regarding, relating to, relative to, respecting, touching, with respect to @@@@ [84]adjacent, beside, circa @@@@ [85]close to, near, nearby @@@@ [86]around, encircling, on all sides, round, surrounding @@@@ [87]all over, over, through, throughout @@@@ [88]almost, approaching, approximately, around, close to, more or less, nearing, nearly, roughly @@@@ [89]active, around, astir, in motion, present, stirring @@@@ [90]change of direction, reversal, reverse, right about (turn), turnabout, turnaround, U-turn, volte-face @@@@ [91]change direction, do or perform a U-turn or volte-face, face the opposite direction, reverse, turn about or around, turn through 180 degrees, volte-face @@@@ [92]accomplish, achieve, bring to pass, cause, compass, create, effect, effectuate, generate, give rise to, make happen, manage, occasion, produce, realize @@@@ [93]arise, befall, come to pass, happen, occur, result, take place, transpire @@@@ [94]gallivant, ramble, range, roam, rove, run around, stravaig @@@@ [95]stray, traipse @@@@ [96]wander @@@@ [97]circulate, move around, pass around, wander @@@@ [98]approach, begin, get the show on the road, set about, tackle, take the bit between one's teeth, undertake @@@@ [99]dally, linger, loiter, roam, tarry, waste time @@@@ [100]associate with, frequent, hang out @@@@ [101]hang with @@@@ [102]haunt, resort @@@@ [103]all but, almost, around, close to, nearly, not quite, practically, well-nigh @@@@ [104]ramble, range, roam, rove, traipse, travel, wander @@@@ [105]abuse, batter, beat up @@@@ [106]bruise, buffet, clobber @@@@ [107]damage, hit, hurt, lambast(e), maltreat, manhandle, maul, mistreat, strike, work over @@@@ [108]wound @@@@ [109]amuse oneself, dabble, fool (about or around), footle @@@@ [110]muck about @@@@ [111]play about or around, potter, trifle @@@@ [112]fiddle @@@@ [113]fool (about or around), interfere, meddle, piss about or around @@@@ [114]play, tamper, tinker, toy @@@@ [115]attend to, consider, deal with, give some thought to, look after, see to, take care of @@@@ [116]investigate, look into, make enquiries, research @@@@ [117]address oneself to, attack, begin, get cracking @@@@ [118]set to, start, tackle, take the first step, wade into @@@@ [119]assail, assault, attack, belabour, lambast(e), mug @@@@ [120]sail into @@@@ [121]flop, loaf, lollop, lounge, shamble, shuffle, slouch, slump, sprawl, veg out @@@@ [122]anent @@@@ [123]as regards, concerned with, concerning, connected with, dealing with, on, re, referring to, regarding, relating to, relative to, respecting, touching, with respect to @@@@ [124]adjacent, beside, circa @@@@ [125]close to, near, nearby @@@@ [126]around, encircling, on all sides, round, surrounding @@@@ [127]all over, over, through, throughout @@@@ [128]almost, approaching, approximately, around, close to, more or less, nearing, nearly, roughly @@@@ [129]active, around, astir, in motion, present, stirring @@@@ [130]change of direction, reversal, reverse, right about (turn), turnabout, turnaround, U-turn, volte-face @@@@ [131]change direction, do or perform a U-turn or volte-face, face the opposite direction, reverse, turn about or around, turn through 180 degrees, volte-face @@@@ [132]accomplish, achieve, bring to pass, cause, compass, create, effect, effectuate, generate, give rise to, make happen, manage, occasion, produce, realize @@@@ [133]arise, befall, come to pass, happen, occur, result, take place, transpire @@@@ [134]gallivant, ramble, range, roam, rove, run around, stravaig @@@@ [135]stray, traipse @@@@ [136]wander @@@@ [137]circulate, move around, pass around, wander @@@@ [138]approach, begin, get the show on the road, set about, tackle, take the bit between one's teeth, undertake @@@@ [139]dally, linger, loiter, roam, tarry, waste time @@@@ [140]associate with, frequent, hang out @@@@ [141]hang with @@@@ [142]haunt, resort @@@@ [143]all but, almost, around, close to, nearly, not quite, practically, well-nigh @@@@ [144]ramble, range, roam, rove, traipse, travel, wander @@@@ [145]abuse, batter, beat up @@@@ [146]bruise, buffet, clobber @@@@ [147]damage, hit, hurt, lambast(e), maltreat, manhandle, maul, mistreat, strike, work over @@@@ [148]wound @@@@ [149]amuse oneself, dabble, fool (about or around), footle @@@@ [150]muck about @@@@ [151]play about or around, potter, trifle @@@@ [152]fiddle @@@@ [153]fool (about or around), interfere, meddle, piss about or around @@@@ [154]play, tamper, tinker, toy @@@@ [155]attend to, consider, deal with, give some thought to, look after, see to, take care of @@@@ [156]investigate, look into, make enquiries, research @@@@ [157]address oneself to, attack, begin, get cracking @@@@ [158]set to, start, tackle, take the first step, wade into @@@@ [159]assail, assault, attack, belabour, lambast(e), mug @@@@ [160]sail into"} {"x":"above","y":"[1]atop, beyond, exceeding, higher than, on top of, over, upon @@@@ [2]before, beyond, exceeding, prior to, superior to, surpassing @@@@ [3]aloft, atop, in heaven, on high, overhead @@@@ [4]aforementioned, aforesaid, earlier, foregoing, preceding, previous, prior"} {"x":"abracadabra","y":"[1]chant, charm, conjuration, hocus-pocus, incantation, invocation, magic, mumbo jumbo, sorcery, spell, voodoo, witchcraft @@@@ [2]babble, balderdash, blather, drivel, gibberish, gobbledegook, Greek @@@@ [3]jabber, jargon, nonsense, pap, twaddle"} {"x":"abrade","y":"[1]erase, erode, file, grind, rub off, scour, scrape away, scrape out, wear away, wear down, wear off"} {"x":"abrasive","y":"[1]chafing, erosive, frictional, grating, rough, scraping, scratching, scratchy, scuffing @@@@ [2]annoying, biting, caustic, cutting, galling, grating, hurtful, irritating, nasty, rough, sharp, unpleasant, vitriolic @@@@ [3]abradant, burnisher, grinder, scarifier, scourer"} {"x":"abreast","y":"[1]alongside, beside, level, neck and neck, shoulder to shoulder, side by side @@@@ [2]acquainted, au courant, au fait, conversant, familiar, informed, in the picture, in touch, keeping one's finger on the pulse, knowledgeable, up to date, up to speed"} {"x":"abridge","y":"[1]abbreviate, abstract, clip, compress, concentrate, condense, contract, curtail, cut, cut down, decrease, digest, diminish, downsize, epitomize, lessen, precis, reduce, shorten, summarize, synopsize @@@@ [2]trim"} {"x":"abroad","y":"[1]beyond the sea, in foreign lands, out of the country, overseas @@@@ [2]about, at large, away, circulating, current, elsewhere, extensively, far, far and wide, forth, in circulation, out, out-of-doors, outside, publicly, widely, without"} {"x":"abrogate","y":"[1]abolish, annul, cancel, countermand, end, invalidate, nullify, obviate, override, quash, repeal, repudiate, rescind, retract, reverse, revoke, scrap @@@@ [2]set aside, void, withdraw"} {"x":"abrogation","y":"[1]abolition, annulment, cancellation, countermanding, ending, invalidation, nullification, overriding, quashing, repeal, repudiation, rescission, retraction, reversal, revocation, scrapping @@@@ [2]setting aside, voiding, withdrawal"} {"x":"abrupt","y":"[1]blunt, brisk, brusque, clipped, curt, direct, discourteous, gruff, impatient, impolite, monosyllabic, rough, rude, short, snappish, snappy, terse, unceremonious, uncivil, ungracious @@@@ [2]precipitous, sharp, sheer, steep, sudden @@@@ [3]hasty, headlong, hurried, precipitate, quick, sudden, surprising, swift, unanticipated, unexpected, unforeseen @@@@ [4]broken, disconnected, discontinuous, irregular, jerky, uneven"} {"x":"abscess","y":"[1]boil, bubo, carbuncle, felon, furuncle @@@@ [2]gathering, gumboil, infection, inflammation, parulis @@@@ [3]pustule, whitlow"} {"x":"absence","y":"[1]absenteeism, nonappearance, nonattendance, truancy @@@@ [2]default, defect, deficiency, lack, need, nonexistence, omission, privation, unavailability, want @@@@ [3]absent-mindedness, abstraction, distraction, inattention, preoccupation, reverie"} {"x":"absent","y":"[1]away, elsewhere, gone, lacking, missing, nonattendant, nonexistent, not present, out, truant, unavailable, wanting @@@@ [2]absent-minded, absorbed, abstracted, bemused, blank, daydreaming, distracted, dreamy, empty, faraway, heedless, inattentive, musing, oblivious, preoccupied, unaware, unconscious, unheeding, unthinking, vacant, vague @@@@ [3]abscond, bunk off @@@@ [4]depart, keep away, play truant, remove, slope off @@@@ [5]stay away, truant, withdraw @@@@ [6]abscond, bunk off @@@@ [7]depart, keep away, play truant, remove, slope off @@@@ [8]stay away, truant, withdraw"} {"x":"absentee","y":"[1]nonattender, no-show, stay-at-home, stayaway, truant"} {"x":"absolute","y":"[1]arrant, complete, consummate, deep-dyed @@@@ [2]downright, entire, full-on @@@@ [3]out-and-out, outright, perfect, pure, sheer, thorough, total, unadulterated, unalloyed, unmitigated, unmixed, unqualified, utter @@@@ [4]actual, categorical, certain, conclusive, decided, decisive, definite, exact, genuine, infallible, positive, precise, sure, unambiguous, unequivocal, unquestionable @@@@ [5]absolutist, arbitrary, autarchical, autocratic, autonomous, despotic, dictatorial, full, peremptory, sovereign, supreme, tyrannical, unbounded, unconditional, unlimited, unqualified, unquestionable, unrestrained, unrestricted"} {"x":"absolutely","y":"[1]completely, consummately, entirely, every inch, fully, lock, stock and barrel, one hundred per cent, perfectly, purely, thoroughly, totally, to the hilt, unmitigatedly, utterly, wholly @@@@ [2]actually, categorically, certainly, conclusively, decidedly, decisively, definitely, exactly, genuinely, infallibly, positively, precisely, surely, truly, unambiguously, unequivocally, unquestionably @@@@ [3]arbitrarily, autocratically, autonomously, despotically, dictatorially, fully, peremptorily, sovereignly, supremely, tyrannically, unconditionally, unquestionably, unrestrainedly, without qualification"} {"x":"absolution","y":"[1]acquittal, amnesty, deliverance, discharge, dispensation, exculpation, exemption, exoneration, forgiveness, freeing, indulgence, liberation, mercy, pardon, release, remission, setting free, shriving, vindication"} {"x":"absolutism","y":"[1]absoluteness, arbitrariness, autarchy, authoritarianism, autocracy, despotism, dictatorship, totalitarianism, tyranny"} {"x":"absolve","y":"[1]acquit, clear, deliver, discharge, exculpate, excuse, exempt, exonerate, forgive, free, let off, liberate, loose, pardon, release, remit, set free, shrive, vindicate"} {"x":"absorb","y":"[1]assimilate, consume, devour, digest, drink in, exhaust, imbibe, incorporate, ingest, osmose, receive, soak up, suck up, take in @@@@ [2]captivate, engage, engross, enwrap, fascinate, fill, fill up, fix, hold, immerse, monopolize, occupy, preoccupy, rivet"} {"x":"absorbed","y":"[1]captivated, concentrating, engaged, engrossed, fascinated, fixed, held, immersed, involved, lost, occupied, preoccupied, rapt, riveted, up to one's ears, wrapped up @@@@ [2]assimilated, consumed, devoured, digested, exhausted, imbibed, incorporated, received"} {"x":"absorption","y":"[1]assimilation, consumption, digestion, exhaustion, incorporation, osmosis, soaking up, sucking up @@@@ [2]captivation, concentration, engagement, fascination, holding, immersion, intentness, involvement, occupation, preoccupation, raptness"} {"x":"abstain","y":"[1]avoid, cease, decline, deny (oneself), desist, fast, forbear, forgo, give up, keep from, kick @@@@ [2]refrain, refuse, renounce, shun, stop, withhold"} {"x":"abstemious","y":"[1]abstinent, ascetic, austere, continent, frugal, moderate, self-denying, sober, sparing, temperate"} {"x":"abstinence","y":"[1]abstemiousness, asceticism, avoidance, continence, forbearance, moderation, refraining, self-denial, self-restraint, soberness, sobriety, teetotalism, temperance"} {"x":"abstract","y":"[1]abstruse, arcane, complex, conceptual, deep, general, generalized, hypothetical, indefinite, intellectual, nonconcrete, notional, occult, philosophical, profound, recondite, separate, subtle, theoretic, theoretical, unpractical, unrealistic @@@@ [2]abridgment, compendium, condensation, digest, epitome, essence, outline, precis, recapitulation, resume, summary, synopsis @@@@ [3]abbreviate, abridge, condense, digest, epitomize, outline, precis, shorten, summarize, synopsize @@@@ [4]detach, dissociate, extract, isolate, remove, separate, steal, take away, take out, withdraw"} {"x":"abstraction","y":"[1]absence, absent-mindedness, bemusedness, dreaminess, inattention, pensiveness, preoccupation, remoteness, woolgathering @@@@ [2]concept, formula, generality, generalization, hypothesis, idea, notion, theorem, theory, thought"} {"x":"abstruse","y":"[1]abstract, arcane, complex, dark, deep, Delphic, enigmatic, esoteric, hidden, incomprehensible, mysterious, mystical, obscure, occult, perplexing, profound, puzzling, recondite, subtle, unfathomable, vague"} {"x":"absurd","y":"[1]crazy @@@@ [2]daft @@@@ [3]farcical, foolish, idiotic, illogical, inane, incongruous, irrational, laughable, ludicrous, meaningless, nonsensical, preposterous, ridiculous, senseless, silly, stupid, unreasonable"} {"x":"abundant","y":"[1]ample, bounteous, bountiful, copious, exuberant, filled, full, lavish, luxuriant, overflowing, plenteous, plentiful, profuse, rank, rich, teeming, thick on the ground, two a penny, well-provided, well-supplied"} {"x":"abuse","y":"[1]damage, dump on @@@@ [2]exploit, harm, hurt, ill-treat, impose upon, injure, maltreat, manhandle, mar, misapply, misuse, oppress, shit on @@@@ [3]spoil, take advantage of, wrong @@@@ [4]calumniate, castigate, curse, defame, disparage, insult, inveigh against, libel, malign, revile, scold, slander, slate @@@@ [5]smear, swear at, traduce, upbraid, vilify, vituperate @@@@ [6]damage, exploitation, harm, hurt, ill-treatment, imposition, injury, maltreatment, manhandling, misapplication, misuse, oppression, spoiling, wrong @@@@ [7]blame, calumniation, castigation, censure, character assassination, contumely, curses, cursing, defamation, derision, disparagement, insults, invective, libel, opprobrium, reproach, revilement, scolding, slander, swearing, tirade, traducement, upbraiding, vilification, vituperation @@@@ [8]corruption, crime, delinquency, fault, injustice, misconduct, misdeed, offence, sin, wrong, wrongdoing"} {"x":"abut","y":"[1]adjoin, border, impinge, join, meet, touch, verge"} {"x":"abysmal","y":"[1]bottomless, boundless, complete, deep, endless, extreme, immeasurable, incalculable, infinite, profound, thorough, unending, unfathomable, vast"} {"x":"abyss","y":"[1]abysm, bottomless depth, chasm, crevasse, fissure, gorge, gulf, pit, void"} {"x":"academic","y":"[1]bookish, campus, college, collegiate, erudite, highbrow, learned, lettered, literary, scholarly, scholastic, school, studious, university @@@@ [2]abstract, conjectural, hypothetical, impractical, notional, speculative, theoretical @@@@ [3]academician, don, fellow, lecturer, master, professor, pupil, scholar, scholastic, schoolman, student, tutor"} {"x":"academy","y":"[1]centre of learning, college, institute, institution, school"} {"x":"accede","y":"[1]accept, acquiesce, admit, agree, assent, comply, concede, concur, consent, endorse, grant, own, yield @@@@ [2]assume, attain, come to, enter upon, inherit, succeed, succeed to"} {"x":"accelerate","y":"[1]advance, expedite, forward, further, hasten, hurry, pick up speed, precipitate, quicken, speed, speed up, spur, step up @@@@ [2]stimulate"} {"x":"accent","y":"[1]beat, cadence, emphasis, force, ictus, pitch, rhythm, stress, timbre, tonality @@@@ [2]articulation, brogue, enunciation, inflection, intonation, modulation, pronunciation, tone @@@@ [3]accentuate, emphasize, stress, underline, underscore"} {"x":"accentuate","y":"[1]accent, draw attention to, emphasize, foreground, highlight, stress, underline, underscore"} {"x":"accept","y":"[1]acquire, gain, get, have, obtain, receive, secure, take @@@@ [2]accede, acknowledge, acquiesce, admit, adopt, affirm, agree to, approve, believe, buy @@@@ [3]buy into @@@@ [4]concur with, consent to, cooperate with, recognize, swallow @@@@ [5]bear, bow to, brook, defer to, like it or lump it @@@@ [6]put up with, stand, submit to, suffer, take, yield to @@@@ [7]acknowledge, admit, assume, avow, bear, take on, undertake"} {"x":"acceptable","y":"[1]agreeable, delightful, grateful, gratifying, pleasant, pleasing, welcome @@@@ [2]adequate, admissible, all right, fair, moderate, passable, satisfactory, so-so @@@@ [3]standard, tolerable, up to scratch"} {"x":"acceptance","y":"[1]accepting, acquiring, gaining, getting, having, obtaining, receipt, securing, taking @@@@ [2]accedence, accession, acknowledgment, acquiescence, admission, adoption, affirmation, agreement, approbation, approval, assent, belief, compliance, concession, concurrence, consensus, consent, cooperation, credence, O.K. or okay @@@@ [3]permission, recognition, stamp or seal of approval @@@@ [4]deference, standing, submission, taking, yielding @@@@ [5]acknowledgment, admission, assumption, avowal, taking on, undertaking"} {"x":"accepted","y":"[1]acceptable, acknowledged, admitted, agreed, agreed upon, approved, authorized, common, confirmed, conventional, customary, established, normal, received, recognized, regular, sanctioned, standard, time-honoured, traditional, universal, usual"} {"x":"access","y":"[1]admission, admittance, approach, avenue, course, door, entering, entrance, entree, entry, gateway, key, passage, passageway, path, road @@@@ [2]attack, fit, onset, outburst, paroxysm"} {"x":"accessible","y":"[1]achievable, a hop, skip and a jump away, at hand, at one's fingertips, attainable, available, get-at-able @@@@ [2]handy, near, nearby, obtainable, on hand, possible, reachable, ready @@@@ [3]affable, approachable, available, conversable, cordial, friendly, informal @@@@ [4]exposed, liable, open, subject, susceptible, vulnerable, wide-open"} {"x":"accession","y":"[1]addition, augmentation, enlargement, extension, increase @@@@ [2]assumption, attaining to, attainment of, entering upon, succession @@@@ [3]accedence, acceptance, acquiescence, agreement, assent, concurrence, consent"} {"x":"accessory","y":"[1]abettor, accomplice, assistant, associate @@@@ [2]colleague, confederate, helper, partner @@@@ [3]accent, accompaniment, addition, add-on, adjunct, adornment, aid, appendage, attachment, component, convenience, decoration, extension, extra, frill, help, supplement, trim, trimming @@@@ [4]abetting, additional, aiding, ancillary, assisting in, auxiliary, contributory, extra, secondary, subordinate, supplemental, supplementary"} {"x":"accident","y":"[1]blow, calamity, casualty, chance, collision, crash, disaster, misadventure, mischance, misfortune, mishap, pile-up @@@@ [2]chance, fate, fluke, fortuity, fortune, hazard, luck"} {"x":"accidental","y":"[1]adventitious, casual, chance, contingent, fortuitous, haphazard, inadvertent, incidental, inessential, nonessential, random, uncalculated, uncertain, unessential, unexpected, unforeseen, unintended, unintentional, unlooked-for, unplanned, unpremeditated, unwitting"} {"x":"accidentally","y":"[1]adventitiously, by accident, by chance, by mistake, casually, fortuitously, haphazardly, inadvertently, incidentally, randomly, unconsciously, undesignedly, unexpectedly, unintentionally, unwittingly"} {"x":"acclaim","y":"[1]applaud, approve, celebrate, cheer, clap, commend, crack up @@@@ [2]eulogize, exalt, extol, hail, honour, laud, praise, salute, welcome @@@@ [3]acclamation, applause, approbation, approval, celebration, cheering, clapping, commendation, eulogizing, exaltation, honour, kudos, laudation, plaudits, praise, welcome"} {"x":"acclamation","y":"[1]acclaim, adulation, approbation, cheer, cheering, cheers, enthusiasm, kudos, laudation, loud homage, ovation, plaudit, praise, salutation, shouting, tribute"} {"x":"acclimatize","y":"[1]accommodate, acculturate, acculture, accustom, adapt, adjust, become seasoned to, get used to, habituate, inure, naturalize"} {"x":"acclivity","y":"[1]ascent, hill, rise, rising ground, steep upward slope"} {"x":"accolade","y":"[1]acclaim, acclamation, applause, approval, commendation, compliment, congratulation, eulogy, homage, honour, laud @@@@ [2]laudation @@@@ [3]ovation, plaudit, praise, recognition, tribute"} {"x":"accommodate","y":"[1]billet, board, cater for, entertain, harbour, house, lodge, put up, quarter, shelter @@@@ [2]afford, aid, assist, furnish, help, oblige, provide, purvey, serve, supply @@@@ [3]accustom, adapt, adjust, comply, compose, conform, fit, harmonize, modify, reconcile, settle"} {"x":"accommodation","y":"[1]adaptation, adjustment, compliance, composition, compromise, conformity, fitting, harmony, modification, reconciliation, settlement @@@@ [2]board, digs @@@@ [3]harbouring, house, housing, lodging(s), quartering, quarters, shelter, sheltering @@@@ [4]aid, assistance, help, provision, service, supply"} {"x":"accompaniment","y":"[1]accessory, companion, complement, supplement @@@@ [2]backing, backing music"} {"x":"accompanying","y":"[1]accessory, added, additional, appended, associate, associated, attached, attendant, complementary, concomitant, concurrent, connected, fellow, joint, related, supplemental, supplementary"} {"x":"accomplice","y":"[1]abettor, accessory, ally, assistant, associate, coadjutor, collaborator, colleague, confederate, helper, henchman, partner"} {"x":"accomplish","y":"[1]achieve, attain, bring about, bring off @@@@ [2]carry out, complete, conclude, consummate, do, effect, effectuate, execute, finish, fulfil, manage, perform, produce, put the tin lid on, realize"} {"x":"accomplished","y":"[1]achieved, attained, brought about, carried out, completed, concluded, consummated, done, effected, executed, finished, fulfilled, in the can @@@@ [2]managed, performed, produced, realized @@@@ [3]adept, consummate, cultivated, expert, gifted, masterly, polished, practised, proficient, skilful, skilled, talented"} {"x":"accord","y":"[1]agree, assent, be in tune @@@@ [2]concur, conform, correspond, fit, harmonize, match, suit, tally @@@@ [3]allow, bestow, concede, confer, endow, give, grant, present, render, tender, vouchsafe @@@@ [4]accordance, agreement, assent, concert, concurrence, conformity, congruence, correspondence, harmony, rapport, sympathy, unanimity, unison"} {"x":"accordance","y":"[1]accord, agreement, assent, concert, concurrence, conformity, congruence, correspondence, harmony, rapport, sympathy, unanimity @@@@ [2]according, allowance, bestowal, concession, conferment, conferral, endowment, gift, giving, granting, presentation, rendering, tendering"} {"x":"accordingly","y":"[1]appropriately, correspondingly, fitly, properly, suitably @@@@ [2]as a result, consequently, ergo, hence, in consequence, so, therefore, thus"} {"x":"accost","y":"[1]address, approach, buttonhole, confront, greet, hail, halt, salute, solicit @@@@ [2]stop"} {"x":"account","y":"[1]chronicle, description, detail, explanation, history, narration, narrative, recital, record, relation, report, statement, story, tale, version @@@@ [2]balance, bill, book, books, charge, computation, inventory, invoice, ledger, reckoning, register, score, statement, tally @@@@ [3]advantage, benefit, consequence, distinction, esteem, honour, import, importance, merit, note, profit, rank, repute, significance, standing, use, value, worth @@@@ [4]basis, cause, consideration, ground, grounds, interest, motive, reason, regard, sake, score @@@@ [5]appraise, assess, believe, calculate, compute, consider, count, deem, esteem, estimate, explain, gauge, hold, judge, rate, reckon, regard, think, value, weigh @@@@ [6]answer for, clarify, clear up, elucidate, explain, illuminate, justify, rationalize @@@@ [7]destroy, incapacitate, kill, put out of action, put paid to"} {"x":"accounting","y":"[1]accountancy, auditing, book-keeping"} {"x":"accoutre","y":"[1]adorn, appoint, array, bedeck, deck, decorate, equip, fit out, furnish, kit out, outfit, provide, supply"} {"x":"accredit","y":"[1]appoint, authorize, certify, commission, depute, empower, endorse, entrust, guarantee, license, recognize, sanction, vouch for @@@@ [2]ascribe, assign, attribute, credit"} {"x":"accretion","y":"[1]accumulation, addition, augmentation, enlargement, growth, increase, increment, supplement"} {"x":"accrue","y":"[1]accumulate, amass, arise, be added, build up, collect, enlarge, ensue, flow, follow, grow, increase, issue, spring up"} {"x":"accumulate","y":"[1]accrue, amass, build up, collect, cumulate, gather, grow, hoard, increase, pile up, stockpile, store"} {"x":"accumulation","y":"[1]aggregation, augmentation, build-up, collection, conglomeration, gathering, growth, heap, hoard, increase, mass, pile, rick, stack, stock, stockpile, store"} {"x":"accuracy","y":"[1]accurateness, authenticity, carefulness, closeness, correctness, exactitude, exactness, faithfulness, faultlessness, fidelity, meticulousness, niceness, nicety, precision, strictness, truth, truthfulness, veracity, verity"} {"x":"accurate","y":"[1]authentic, careful, close, correct, exact, faithful, faultless, just, meticulous, nice, on the money @@@@ [2]precise, proper, regular, right, scrupulous, spot-on @@@@ [3]strict, true, truthful, unerring, veracious"} {"x":"accurately","y":"[1]authentically, carefully, closely, correctly, exactly, faithfully, faultlessly, justly, meticulously, nicely, precisely, properly, regularly, rightly, scrupulously, strictly, to the letter, truly, truthfully, unerringly, veraciously"} {"x":"accursed","y":"[1]bedevilled, bewitched, condemned, cursed, damned, doomed, hopeless, ill-fated, ill-omened, jinxed, luckless, ruined, undone, unfortunate, unlucky, wretched @@@@ [2]abominable, despicable, detestable, execrable, hateful, hellish, horrible"} {"x":"accusation","y":"[1]allegation, arraignment, attribution, charge, citation, complaint, denunciation, impeachment, imputation, incrimination, indictment, recrimination"} {"x":"accuse","y":"[1]allege, arraign, attribute, blame, censure, charge, cite, denounce, impeach, impute, incriminate, indict, point a or the finger at, recriminate, tax"} {"x":"accustom","y":"[1]acclimatize, acquaint, adapt, discipline, exercise, familiarize, habituate, inure, season, train"} {"x":"accustomed","y":"[1]acclimatized, acquainted, adapted, disciplined, exercised, familiar, familiarized, given to, habituated, in the habit of, inured, seasoned, trained, used @@@@ [2]common, conventional, customary, established, everyday, expected, fixed, general, habitual, normal, ordinary, regular, routine, set, traditional, usual, wonted"} {"x":"ace","y":"[1]one, single point @@@@ [2]adept, buff @@@@ [3]champion, dab hand @@@@ [4]expert, genius, hotshot @@@@ [5]master, maven @@@@ [6]star, virtuoso, whizz @@@@ [7]winner, wizard @@@@ [8]awesome @@@@ [9]brilliant, champion, excellent, expert, fine, great, masterly, outstanding, superb, virtuoso"} {"x":"acerbity","y":"[1]acrimony, asperity, bitterness, brusqueness, churlishness, harshness, nastiness, pungency, rancour, rudeness, severity, sharpness, sternness, unfriendliness, unkindness @@@@ [2]acidity, acidulousness, acridity, acridness, astringency, bitterness, sourness, tartness"} {"x":"ache","y":"[1]hurt, pain, pound, smart, suffer, throb, twinge @@@@ [2]agonize, eat one's heart out, grieve, mourn, sorrow, suffer @@@@ [3]covet, crave, desire, eat one's heart out over, hanker, hope, hunger, long, need, pine, set one's heart on, thirst, yearn @@@@ [4]hurt, pain, pang, pounding, smart, smarting, soreness, suffering, throb, throbbing @@@@ [5]anguish, grief, mourning, sorrow, suffering @@@@ [6]craving, desire, hankering, hope, hunger, longing, need, pining, thirst, yearning"} {"x":"achieve","y":"[1]accomplish, acquire, attain, bring about, carry out, complete, consummate, do, earn, effect, execute, finish, fulfil, gain, get, obtain, perform, procure, put the tin lid on, reach, realize, win"} {"x":"achievement","y":"[1]accomplishment, acquirement, attainment, completion, execution, fulfilment, performance, production, realization @@@@ [2]accomplishment, act, deed, effort, exploit, feat, feather in one's cap, stroke"} {"x":"aching","y":"[1]hurting, painful, pounding, smarting, sore, suffering, throbbing, tired @@@@ [2]craving, desirous, eager, hankering, hungering, longing, pining, thirsting, yearning"} {"x":"acid","y":"[1]acerb, acerbic, acetic, acidulous, acrid, biting, pungent, sharp, sour, tart, vinegarish, vinegary @@@@ [2]acerbic, biting, bitter, caustic, cutting, harsh, hurtful, mordacious, mordant, pungent, sharp, stinging, trenchant, vitriolic"} {"x":"acidity","y":"[1]acerbity, acidulousness, acridity, acridness, bitterness, pungency, sharpness, sourness, tartness, vinegariness, vinegarishness @@@@ [2]acerbity, acridity, acridness, bitterness, causticity, causticness, harshness, hurtfulness, mordancy, pungency, sharpness, trenchancy"} {"x":"acidulous","y":"[1]acerb, acerbic, acetic, acid, bitter, harsh, sharp, sour, tart, vinegarish, vinegary @@@@ [2]acid, biting, bitter, caustic, cutting, harsh, pungent, sharp, sour, vitriolic"} {"x":"acknowledge","y":"[1]accede, accept, acquiesce, admit, allow, concede, confess, declare, grant, own, profess, recognize, yield @@@@ [2]address, greet, hail, notice, recognize, salute @@@@ [3]answer, notice, react to, recognize, reply to, respond to, return"} {"x":"acknowledged","y":"[1]accepted, accredited, admitted, answered, approved, conceded, confessed, declared, professed, recognized, returned"} {"x":"acme","y":"[1]apex, climax, crest, crown, culmination, height, high point, optimum, peak, pinnacle, summit, top, vertex, zenith"} {"x":"acolyte","y":"[1]adherent, admirer, altar boy, assistant, attendant, follower, helper"} {"x":"acquaint","y":"[1]advise, announce, apprise, disclose, divulge, enlighten, familiarize, inform, let (someone) know, notify, reveal, tell"} {"x":"acquainted","y":"[1]alive to, apprised of, au fait, aware of, cognizant of, conscious of, conversant with, experienced in, familiar with, informed of, in on, knowledgeable about, privy to, up to speed with, versed in"} {"x":"acquiesce","y":"[1]accede, accept, agree, allow, approve, assent, bow to, comply, concur, conform, consent, give in, go along with, play ball @@@@ [2]submit, yield"} {"x":"acquire","y":"[1]achieve, amass, attain, buy, collect, earn, gain, gather, get, land, obtain, pick up, procure, realize, receive, score @@@@ [2]secure, win"} {"x":"acquisition","y":"[1]buy, gain, possession, prize, property, purchase @@@@ [2]achievement, acquirement, attainment, gaining, learning, obtainment, procurement, pursuit"} {"x":"acquisitive","y":"[1]avaricious, avid, covetous, grabbing, grasping, greedy, predatory, rapacious"} {"x":"acquit","y":"[1]absolve, clear, deliver, discharge, exculpate, exonerate, free, fulfil, liberate, release, relieve, vindicate @@@@ [2]discharge, pay, pay off, repay, satisfy, settle @@@@ [3]bear, behave, comport, conduct, perform"} {"x":"acrid","y":"[1]acerb, acid, astringent, biting, bitter, burning, caustic, harsh, irritating, pungent, sharp, stinging, vitriolic @@@@ [2]acrimonious, biting, bitter, caustic, cutting, harsh, mordacious, mordant, nasty, sarcastic, sharp, trenchant, vitriolic"} {"x":"acridity","y":"[1]acerbity, acidity, acridness, astringency, bitterness, pungency, sharpness, sting, tartness @@@@ [2]acridness, acrimony, asperity, bitterness, harshness, mordancy, nastiness, sarcasm, sharpness, trenchancy, vitriol"} {"x":"acrimonious","y":"[1]acerbic, astringent, biting, bitter, caustic, censorious, churlish, crabbed, cutting, irascible, mordacious, mordant, peevish, petulant, pungent, rancorous, sarcastic, severe, sharp, spiteful, splenetic, tart, testy, trenchant, vitriolic"} {"x":"acrimony","y":"[1]acerbity, asperity, astringency, bitterness, churlishness, harshness, ill will, irascibility, mordancy, peevishness, pungency, rancour, sarcasm, spleen, tartness, trenchancy, virulence"} {"x":"acrobat","y":"[1]gymnast, tumbler"} {"x":"across","y":"[1]facing, opposite @@@@ [2]beyond, on the other or far side of, over, past @@@@ [3]all through, covering, over, over the length and breadth of, straddling, throughout @@@@ [4]athwart, crossways or crosswise, from side to side, transversely @@@@ [5]beyond, over, past, to the other or far side @@@@ [6]all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-inclusive, blanket, complete, comprehensive, full, general, indiscriminate, sweeping, thorough, thoroughgoing, total, universal, wall-to-wall, wholesale, widespread, without exception or omission"} {"x":"act","y":"[1]accomplishment, achievement, action, blow, deed, doing, execution, exertion, exploit, feat, move, operation, performance, step, stroke, undertaking @@@@ [2]bill, decree, edict, enactment, law, measure, ordinance, resolution, statute @@@@ [3]affectation, attitude, counterfeit, dissimulation, fake, feigning, front, performance, pose, posture, pretence, sham, show, stance @@@@ [4]performance, routine, show, sketch, turn @@@@ [5]acquit, bear, behave, carry, carry out, comport, conduct, do, enact, execute, exert, function, go about, make, move, operate, perform, react, serve, strike, take effect, undertake, work @@@@ [6]affect, assume, counterfeit, dissimulate, feign, imitate, perform, pose, posture, pretend, put on, seem, sham @@@@ [7]act out, characterize, enact, impersonate, mime, mimic, perform, personate, personify, play, play or take the part of, portray, represent @@@@ [8]cover for, deputize for, fill in for, function in place of, replace, represent, serve, stand in for, substitute for, take the place of @@@@ [9]act in accordance with, carry out, comply with, conform to, follow, heed, obey, yield to @@@@ [10]affect, alter, change, impact, influence, modify, sway, transform @@@@ [11]be naughty, carry on, cause trouble, give bother, give trouble, horse around @@@@ [12]malfunction, mess about, misbehave, piss about @@@@ [13]piss around @@@@ [14]play up @@@@ [15]raise Cain"} {"x":"acting","y":"[1]interim, pro tem, provisional, substitute, surrogate, temporary @@@@ [2]characterization, dramatics, enacting, impersonation, performance, performing, playing, portrayal, portraying, stagecraft, theatre @@@@ [3]assuming, counterfeiting, dissimulation, feigning, imitating, imitation, imposture, play-acting, posing, posturing, pretence, pretending, putting on, seeming, shamming"} {"x":"action","y":"[1]accomplishment, achievement, act, blow, deed, exercise, exertion, exploit, feat, move, operation, performance, step, stroke, undertaking @@@@ [2]activity, energy, force, liveliness, spirit, vigour, vim, vitality @@@@ [3]activity, effect, effort, exertion, force, functioning, influence, motion, movement, operation, power, process, work, working @@@@ [4]battle, combat, conflict, fighting, warfare @@@@ [5]affray, battle, clash, combat, contest, encounter, engagement, fight, fray, skirmish, sortie @@@@ [6]case, cause, lawsuit, litigation, proceeding, prosecution, suit"} {"x":"actions","y":"[1]bearing, behaviour, comportment, conduct, demeanour, deportment, manners, ways @@@@ [2]accomplishment, achievement, act, blow, deed, exercise, exertion, exploit, feat, move, operation, performance, step, stroke, undertaking @@@@ [3]activity, energy, force, liveliness, spirit, vigour, vim, vitality @@@@ [4]activity, effect, effort, exertion, force, functioning, influence, motion, movement, operation, power, process, work, working @@@@ [5]battle, combat, conflict, fighting, warfare @@@@ [6]affray, battle, clash, combat, contest, encounter, engagement, fight, fray, skirmish, sortie @@@@ [7]case, cause, lawsuit, litigation, proceeding, prosecution, suit"} {"x":"activate","y":"[1]actuate, animate, arouse, energize, galvanize, get going, impel, initiate, kick-start @@@@ [2]mobilize, motivate, move, prod, prompt, propel, rouse, set going, set in motion, set off, start, stimulate, stir, switch on, trigger (off), turn on"} {"x":"active","y":"[1]acting, astir, at work, doing, effectual, functioning, in action, in business, in force, in operation, live, moving, operative, running, stirring, working @@@@ [2]bustling, busy, engaged, full, hard-working, involved, occupied, on the go @@@@ [3]alert, alive and kicking, animated, diligent, energetic, industrious, lively, nimble, on the go @@@@ [4]quick, spirited, sprightly, spry, vibrant, vigorous, vital, vivacious @@@@ [5]activist, aggressive, ambitious, assertive, committed, devoted, energetic, engaged, enterprising, enthusiastic, forceful, forward, hard-working, industrious, militant, zealous"} {"x":"activity","y":"[1]action, activeness, animation, bustle, enterprise, exercise, exertion, hurly-burly, hustle, labour, life, liveliness, motion, movement, stir, work @@@@ [2]act, avocation, deed, endeavour, enterprise, hobby, interest, job, labour, occupation, pastime, project, pursuit, scheme, task, undertaking, venture, work"} {"x":"actor","y":"[1]actress, dramatic artist, leading man, luvvie @@@@ [2]performer, play-actor, player, thesp @@@@ [3]Thespian, tragedian, trouper @@@@ [4]agent, doer, executor, factor, functionary, operative, operator, participant, participator, performer, perpetrator, practitioner, worker"} {"x":"actress","y":"[1]actor, dramatic artist, leading lady, performer, play-actor, player, starlet, Thespian, tragedienne, trouper"} {"x":"actual","y":"[1]absolute, categorical, certain, concrete, corporeal, definite, factual, indisputable, indubitable, physical, positive, real, substantial, tangible, undeniable, unquestionable @@@@ [2]authentic, confirmed, genuine, real, realistic, true, truthful, verified @@@@ [3]current, existent, extant, live, living, present, present-day, prevailing"} {"x":"actuality","y":"[1]corporeality, factuality, materiality, reality, realness, substance, substantiality, truth, verity @@@@ [2]fact, reality, truth, verity"} {"x":"actually","y":"[1]absolutely, as a matter of fact, de facto, essentially, indeed, in fact, in point of fact, in reality, in truth, literally, really, truly, veritably"} {"x":"actuate","y":"[1]animate, arouse, cause, dispose, drive, excite, get going, impel, incite, induce, influence, inspire, instigate, motivate, move, prompt, quicken, rouse, set off, spur, stimulate, stir, urge"} {"x":"acumen","y":"[1]acuteness, astuteness, cleverness, discernment, ingenuity, insight, intelligence, judgment, keenness, penetration, perception, perspicacity, perspicuity, sagacity, sharpness, shrewdness, smartness, smarts @@@@ [2]wisdom, wit"} {"x":"acute","y":"[1]astute, canny, clever, discerning, discriminating, incisive, ingenious, insightful, intuitive, keen, observant, on the ball @@@@ [2]penetrating, perceptive, perspicacious, piercing, sensitive, sharp, smart, subtle @@@@ [3]critical, crucial, dangerous, decisive, essential, grave, important, serious, severe, sudden, urgent, vital @@@@ [4]cutting, distressing, excruciating, exquisite, fierce, harrowing, intense, overpowering, overwhelming, piercing, poignant, powerful, racking, severe, sharp, shooting, shrill, stabbing, sudden, violent @@@@ [5]cuspate, needle-shaped, peaked, pointed, sharp, sharpened"} {"x":"adage","y":"[1]aphorism, apophthegm, axiom, by-word, dictum, maxim, motto, precept, proverb, saw, saying"} {"x":"adamant","y":"[1]determined, firm, fixed, immovable, inexorable, inflexible, insistent, intransigent, obdurate, relentless, resolute, rigid, set, stiff, stubborn, unbending, uncompromising, unrelenting, unshakable, unyielding @@@@ [2]adamantine, flinty, hard, impenetrable, indestructible, rock-hard, rocky, steely, stony, tough, unbreakable"} {"x":"adapt","y":"[1]acclimatize, accommodate, adjust, alter, apply, change, comply, conform, convert, customize, familiarize, fashion, fit, habituate, harmonize, make, match, modify, prepare, qualify, remodel, shape, suit, tailor, tweak"} {"x":"adaptability","y":"[1]adaptableness, adjustability, alterability, changeability, compliancy, convertibility, flexibility, malleability, modifiability, plasticity, pliability, pliancy, resilience, variability, versatility"} {"x":"adaptation","y":"[1]adjustment, alteration, change, conversion, modification, refitting, remodelling, reworking, shift, transformation, variation, version @@@@ [2]acclimatization, accustomedness, familiarization, habituation, naturalization"} {"x":"add","y":"[1]adjoin, affix, amplify, annex, append, attach, augment, enlarge by, include, increase by, supplement @@@@ [2]add up, compute, count up, reckon, sum up, total, tot up"} {"x":"addendum","y":"[1]addition, adjunct, affix, appendage, appendix, attachment, augmentation, codicil, extension, extra, postscript, supplement"} {"x":"addict","y":"[1]dope-fiend @@@@ [2]fiend @@@@ [3]freak @@@@ [4]head @@@@ [5]junkie @@@@ [6]pill-popper @@@@ [7]user @@@@ [8]adherent, buff @@@@ [9]devotee, enthusiast, fan, follower, freak @@@@ [10]nut @@@@ [11]acid head @@@@ [12]crack-head @@@@ [13]dope-fiend @@@@ [14]head @@@@ [15]hop-head @@@@ [16]junkie @@@@ [17]tripper @@@@ [18]heroin addict"} {"x":"addicted","y":"[1]absorbed, accustomed, dedicated, dependent, devoted, disposed, fond, habituated, hooked @@@@ [2]inclined, obsessed, prone"} {"x":"addiction","y":"[1]craving, dependence, enslavement, habit, obsession"} {"x":"addition","y":"[1]accession, adding, adjoining, affixing, amplification, annexation, attachment, augmentation, enlargement, extension, inclusion, increasing @@@@ [2]addendum, additive, adjunct, affix, appendage, appendix, extension, extra, gain, increase, increment, supplement @@@@ [3]adding up, computation, counting up, reckoning, summation, summing up, totalling, totting up @@@@ [4]additionally, also, as well (as), besides, into the bargain, moreover, over and above, to boot, too, withal"} {"x":"additional","y":"[1]added, add-on, affixed, appended, extra, fresh, further, increased, more, new, other, over-and-above, spare, supplementary"} {"x":"additive","y":"[1]added ingredient, artificial or synthetic ingredient, E number, extra, supplement"} {"x":"addle","y":"[1]befuddle, bewilder, confuse, fluster, fuddle, mix up, muddle, perplex, stupefy @@@@ [2]rot, spoil, turn, turn bad @@@@ [3]befuddled, bewildered, confused, daft @@@@ [4]dim-witted, dopey @@@@ [5]dozy @@@@ [6]flustered, foolish, goofy @@@@ [7]halfwitted, mixed-up, muddled, muddleheaded, nonsensical, perplexed, silly, simple, simple-minded, stupid, thick, thickheaded, witless, woolly-minded"} {"x":"address","y":"[1]abode, domicile, dwelling, home, house, location, lodging, pad @@@@ [2]place, residence, situation, whereabouts @@@@ [3]direction, inscription, superscription @@@@ [4]discourse, disquisition, dissertation, harangue, lecture, oration, sermon, speech, talk @@@@ [5]adroitness, art, dexterity, discretion, expertness, ingenuity, skilfulness, skill, tact @@@@ [6]accost, apostrophize, approach, greet, hail, invoke, salute, speak to, talk to @@@@ [7]discourse, give a speech, give a talk, harangue, lecture, orate, sermonize, speak, spout, talk @@@@ [8]apply (oneself) to, attend to, concentrate on, devote (oneself) to, engage in, focus on, knuckle down to, look to, take care of, take up, turn to, undertake"} {"x":"adduce","y":"[1]advance, allege, cite, designate, mention, name, offer, present, quote"} {"x":"adept","y":"[1]able, accomplished, adroit, dexterous, expert, masterful, masterly, practised, proficient, skilful, skilled, versed @@@@ [2]buff @@@@ [3]dab hand @@@@ [4]expert, genius, hotshot @@@@ [5]master, maven @@@@ [6]whizz"} {"x":"adequate","y":"[1]capable, commensurate, competent, enough, fair, passable, requisite, satisfactory, sufficient, suitable, tolerable, up to scratch"} {"x":"adhere","y":"[1]attach, cement, cleave, cling, cohere, fasten, fix, glue, glue on, hold fast, paste, stick, stick fast, unite @@@@ [2]abide by, be attached, be constant, be devoted, be faithful, be loyal, be true, cleave to, cling, follow, fulfil, heed, keep, keep to, maintain, mind, obey, observe, respect, stand by, support"} {"x":"adhesion","y":"[1]adherence, adhesiveness, attachment, coherence, cohesion, grip, holding fast, sticking, union @@@@ [2]allegiance, attachment, constancy, devotion, faithfulness, fidelity, fulfilment, heed, loyalty, obedience, observation, respect, support, troth"} {"x":"adieu","y":"[1]conge, farewell, goodbye, leave-taking, parting, valediction"} {"x":"adipose","y":"[1]fat, fatty, greasy, obese, oily, oleaginous, sebaceous"} {"x":"adjacent","y":"[1]abutting, adjoining, alongside, beside, bordering, cheek by jowl, close, contiguous, near, neighbouring, next door, proximate, touching, within sniffing distance"} {"x":"adjoin","y":"[1]abut, add, affix, annex, append, approximate, attach, border, combine, communicate with, connect, couple, impinge, interconnect, join, link, neighbour, touch, unite, verge"} {"x":"adjourn","y":"[1]defer, delay, discontinue, interrupt, postpone, prorogue, put off, put on the back burner @@@@ [2]recess, stay, suspend, take a rain check on"} {"x":"adjudge","y":"[1]adjudicate, allot, apportion, assign, award, decide, declare, decree, determine, distribute, judge, order, pronounce"} {"x":"adjudicate","y":"[1]adjudge, arbitrate, decide, determine, judge, mediate, referee, settle, umpire"} {"x":"adjudication","y":"[1]adjudgment, arbitration, conclusion, decision, determination, finding, judgment, pronouncement, ruling, settlement, verdict"} {"x":"adjunct","y":"[1]accessory, addendum, addition, add-on, appendage, appurtenance, auxiliary, complement, supplement"} {"x":"adjure","y":"[1]appeal to, beg, beseech, entreat, implore, invoke, pray, supplicate @@@@ [2]charge, command, direct, enjoin, order"} {"x":"adjust","y":"[1]acclimatize, accommodate, accustom, adapt, alter, arrange, compose, convert, customize, dispose, fit, fix, harmonize, make conform, measure, modify, order, reconcile, rectify, redress, regulate, remodel, set, settle, suit, tune (up), tweak"} {"x":"adjustment","y":"[1]adaptation, alteration, arrangement, arranging, fitting, fixing, modification, ordering, rectification, redress, regulation, remodelling, setting, tuning @@@@ [2]acclimatization, harmonization, orientation, reconciliation, settlement, settling in"} {"x":"administer","y":"[1]conduct, control, direct, govern, handle, manage, oversee, run, superintend, supervise @@@@ [2]apply, contribute, dispense, distribute, execute, give, impose, mete out, perform, provide"} {"x":"administration","y":"[1]administering, application, conduct, control, direction, dispensation, distribution, execution, governing, government, management, overseeing, performance, provision, running, superintendence, supervision @@@@ [2]executive, governing body, government, management, ministry, term of office"} {"x":"administrative","y":"[1]directorial, executive, governmental, gubernatorial @@@@ [2]management, managerial, organizational, regulatory, supervisory"} {"x":"administrator","y":"[1]agent, bureaucrat, executive, functionary, manager, mandarin, minister, officer, official, organizer, supervisor"} {"x":"admirable","y":"[1]choice, commendable, estimable, excellent, exquisite, fine, laudable, meritorious, praiseworthy, rare, sterling, superior, valuable, wonderful, worthy"} {"x":"admiration","y":"[1]adoration, affection, amazement, appreciation, approbation, approval, astonishment, delight, esteem, pleasure, praise, regard, respect, surprise, veneration, wonder, wonderment"} {"x":"admire","y":"[1]adore, appreciate, approve, esteem, idolize, look up to, praise, prize, respect, take one's hat off to, think highly of, value, venerate, worship @@@@ [2]appreciate, delight in, marvel at, take pleasure in, wonder at"} {"x":"admirer","y":"[1]beau, boyfriend, lover, suitor, sweetheart, wooer @@@@ [2]adherent, buff @@@@ [3]devotee, disciple, enthusiast, fan, follower, partisan, protagonist, supporter, votary, worshipper"} {"x":"admissible","y":"[1]acceptable, allowable, allowed, passable, permissible, permitted, tolerable, tolerated"} {"x":"admission","y":"[1]acceptance, access, admittance, entrance, entree, entry, ingress, initiation, introduction @@@@ [2]acknowledgment, admitting, affirmation, allowance, avowal, concession, confession, declaration, disclosure, divulgence, profession, revelation"} {"x":"admit","y":"[1]accept, allow, allow to enter, give access, initiate, introduce, let in, receive, take in @@@@ [2]acknowledge, affirm, avow, concede, confess, cough @@@@ [3]declare, disclose, divulge, 'fess up @@@@ [4]own, profess, reveal @@@@ [5]agree, allow, grant, let, permit, recognize"} {"x":"admittance","y":"[1]acceptance, access, admitting, allowing, entrance, entry, letting in, passage, reception"} {"x":"admix","y":"[1]add, alloy, amalgamate, blend, combine, commingle, commix, include, incorporate, intermingle, meld, merge, mingle, mix, put in"} {"x":"admixture","y":"[1]alloy, amalgamation, blend, combination, compound, fusion, intermixture, medley, meld @@@@ [2]component, constituent, element, ingredient"} {"x":"admonish","y":"[1]advise, bawl out @@@@ [2]berate, carpet @@@@ [3]caution, censure, check, chew out @@@@ [4]chide, counsel, enjoin, exhort, forewarn, give a rocket @@@@ [5]rap over the knuckles, read the riot act, rebuke, reprimand, reprove, scold, slap on the wrist, tear into @@@@ [6]tell off @@@@ [7]upbraid, warn"} {"x":"admonition","y":"[1]advice, berating, caution, chiding, counsel, rebuke, remonstrance, reprimand, reproach, reproof, scolding, telling off @@@@ [2]upbraiding, warning"} {"x":"admonitory","y":"[1]admonishing, advisory, cautionary, rebuking, reprimanding, reproachful, reproving, scolding, warning"} {"x":"ado","y":"[1]agitation, bother, bustle, commotion, confusion, delay, disturbance, excitement, flurry, fuss, pother, stir, to-do, trouble"} {"x":"adolescence","y":"[1]boyhood, girlhood, juvenescence, minority, teens, youth @@@@ [2]boyishness, childishness, girlishness, immaturity, juvenility, puerility, youthfulness"} {"x":"adopt","y":"[1]accept, appropriate, approve, assume, choose, embrace, endorse, espouse, follow, maintain, ratify, select, support, take on, take over, take up @@@@ [2]foster, take in"} {"x":"adoption","y":"[1]acceptance, approbation, appropriation, approval, assumption, choice, embracing, endorsement, espousal, following, maintenance, ratification, selection, support, taking on, taking over, taking up @@@@ [2]adopting, fosterage, fostering, taking in"} {"x":"adorable","y":"[1]appealing, attractive, captivating, charming, cute, darling, dear, delightful, fetching, lovable, pleasing, precious"} {"x":"adoration","y":"[1]admiration, esteem, estimation, exaltation, glorification, honour, idolatry, idolization, love, reverence, veneration, worship, worshipping"} {"x":"adore","y":"[1]admire, bow to, cherish, dote on, esteem, exalt, glorify, honour, idolize, love, revere, reverence, venerate, worship"} {"x":"adoring","y":"[1]admiring, adulatory, affectionate, ardent, devoted, doting, enamoured, fond, idolizing, loving, reverent, reverential, venerating, worshipping"} {"x":"adorn","y":"[1]array, beautify, bedeck, deck, decorate, embellish, emblazon, engarland, enhance, enrich, festoon, garnish, gild the lily, grace, ornament, trim"} {"x":"adrift","y":"[1]afloat, drifting, unanchored, unmoored @@@@ [2]aimless, directionless, goalless, purposeless @@@@ [3]amiss, astray, off course, wrong"} {"x":"adroit","y":"[1]able, adept, apt, artful, bright @@@@ [2]clever, cunning, deft, dexterous, expert, ingenious, masterful, neat, nimble, proficient, quick-witted, skilful, skilled"} {"x":"adulation","y":"[1]blandishment, bootlicking @@@@ [2]extravagant flattery, fawning, fulsome praise, servile flattery, sycophancy, worship"} {"x":"adult","y":"[1]full grown, fully developed, fully grown, grown-up, mature, of age, ripe"} {"x":"adulterate","y":"[1]attenuate, bastardize, contaminate, corrupt, debase, depreciate, deteriorate, devalue, make impure, mix with, thin, vitiate, water down, weaken @@@@ [2]adulterated, attenuated, bastardized, contaminated, corrupt, debased, depreciated, deteriorated, devalued, mixed, thinned, vitiated, watered down, weakened"} {"x":"adultery","y":"[1]cheating @@@@ [2]extracurricular sex @@@@ [3]extramarital congress, extramarital relations, extramarital sex, fornication, having an affair or a fling, illicit sex, infidelity, playing away from home @@@@ [4]unchastity, unfaithfulness"} {"x":"adumbrate","y":"[1]delineate, indicate, outline, silhouette, sketch, suggest @@@@ [2]augur, forecast, foreshadow, foretell, portend, predict, prefigure, presage, prognosticate, prophesy @@@@ [3]bedim, darken, eclipse, obfuscate, obscure, overshadow"} {"x":"adumbration","y":"[1]delineation, draft, indication, outline, rough, silhouette, sketch, suggestion @@@@ [2]augury, forecast, foreshadowing, foretelling, omen, portent, prediction, prefiguration, prefigurement, presage, prognostication, prophecy, sign @@@@ [3]bedimming, cloud, darkening, darkness, eclipse, eclipsing, obfuscation, obscuring, overshadowing, shadow"} {"x":"advance","y":"[1]accelerate, bring forward, bring up, come forward, elevate, go ahead, go forward, go on, hasten, make inroads, move onward, move up, press on, proceed, progress, promote, send forward, send up, speed, upgrade @@@@ [2]benefit, further, grow, improve, multiply, prosper, thrive @@@@ [3]adduce, allege, cite, offer, present, proffer, put forward, submit, suggest @@@@ [4]lend, pay beforehand, supply on credit @@@@ [5]advancement, development, forward movement, headway, inroad, onward movement, progress @@@@ [6]advancement, amelioration, betterment, breakthrough, furtherance, gain, growth, improvement, progress, promotion, step @@@@ [7]appreciation, credit, deposit, down payment, increase @@@@ [8]loan, prepayment, retainer, rise @@@@ [9]approach, approaches, moves, overtures, proposals, proposition @@@@ [10]beforehand, early, foremost, forward, in front, leading, prior @@@@ [11]ahead, beforehand, earlier, in the forefront, in the lead, in the van, on the barrelhead, previously"} {"x":"advanced","y":"[1]ahead, avant-garde, extreme, foremost, forward, higher, late, leading, precocious, progressive"} {"x":"advantage","y":"[1]ace in the hole, ace up one's sleeve, aid, ascendancy, asset, assistance, avail, benefit, blessing, boon, boot @@@@ [2]convenience, dominance, edge, gain, good, help, inside track, interest, lead, mileage @@@@ [3]precedence, pre-eminence, profit, service, start, superiority, sway, upper hand, use, utility, welfare"} {"x":"advantageous","y":"[1]dominant, dominating, favourable, superior @@@@ [2]beneficial, convenient, expedient, helpful, of service, profitable, useful, valuable, worthwhile"} {"x":"advent","y":"[1]appearance, approach, arrival, coming, entrance, occurrence, onset, visitation"} {"x":"adventitious","y":"[1]accidental, casual, chance, extraneous, foreign, fortuitous, incidental, nonessential, unexpected"} {"x":"adventure","y":"[1]chance, contingency, enterprise, escapade, experience, exploit, hazard, incident, occurrence, risk, speculation, undertaking, venture @@@@ [2]dare, endanger, hazard, imperil, jeopardize, risk, venture"} {"x":"adversary","y":"[1]antagonist, competitor, contestant, enemy, foe, opponent, opposer, rival"} {"x":"adverse","y":"[1]antagonistic, conflicting, contrary, detrimental, disadvantageous, hostile, inexpedient, inimical, injurious, inopportune, negative, opposing, opposite, reluctant, repugnant, unfavourable, unfortunate, unfriendly, unlucky, unpropitious, unwilling"} {"x":"adversity","y":"[1]affliction, bad luck, calamity, catastrophe, deep water, disaster, distress, hardship, hard times, ill-fortune, ill-luck, misery, misfortune, mishap, reverse, sorrow, suffering, trial, trouble, woe, wretchedness"} {"x":"advert","y":"[1]allude, draw attention (to), mention, notice, observe, refer, regard, remark"} {"x":"advertise","y":"[1]advise, announce, apprise, blazon, crack up @@@@ [2]declare, display, flaunt, inform, make known, notify, plug @@@@ [3]praise, proclaim, promote, promulgate, publicize, publish, puff, push @@@@ [4]tout"} {"x":"advertisement","y":"[1]ad @@@@ [2]advert @@@@ [3]announcement, bill, blurb, circular, commercial, display, notice, placard, plug @@@@ [4]poster, promotion, publicity, puff"} {"x":"advice","y":"[1]admonition, caution, counsel, guidance, help, injunction, opinion, recommendation, suggestion, view @@@@ [2]information, instruction, intelligence, notice, notification, warning, word"} {"x":"advisable","y":"[1]appropriate, apt, desirable, expedient, fit, fitting, judicious, politic, profitable, proper, prudent, recommended, seemly, sensible, sound, suggested, suitable, wise"} {"x":"advise","y":"[1]admonish, caution, commend, counsel, enjoin, prescribe, recommend, suggest, urge @@@@ [2]acquaint, apprise, inform, make known, notify, report, tell, warn"} {"x":"adviser","y":"[1]aide, authority, coach, confidant, consultant, counsel, counsellor, guide, helper, lawyer, mentor, right-hand man, solicitor, teacher, tutor"} {"x":"advisory","y":"[1]advising, consultative, counselling, helping, recommending"} {"x":"advocacy","y":"[1]advancement, argument for, backing, campaigning for, championing, defence, encouragement, espousal, justification, pleading for, promotion, promulgation, propagation, proposal, recommendation, spokesmanship, support, upholding, urging"} {"x":"advocate","y":"[1]advise, argue for, campaign for, champion, commend, countenance, defend, encourage, espouse, favour, hold a brief for @@@@ [2]justify, plead for, prescribe, press for, promote, propose, recommend, speak for, support, uphold, urge @@@@ [3]apologist, apostle, backer, campaigner, champion, counsellor, defender, pleader, promoter, proponent, proposer, speaker, spokesman, supporter, upholder @@@@ [4]attorney, barrister, counsel, lawyer, solicitor"} {"x":"aegis","y":"[1]advocacy, auspices, backing, favour, guardianship, patronage, protection, shelter, sponsorship, support, wing"} {"x":"aesthetic","y":"[1]artistic, in good taste, pleasing, tasteful"} {"x":"affability","y":"[1]amiability, amicability, approachability, benevolence, benignity, civility, congeniality, cordiality, courtesy, friendliness, geniality, good humour, good nature, graciousness, kindliness, mildness, obligingness, pleasantness, sociability, urbanity, warmth"} {"x":"affable","y":"[1]amiable, amicable, approachable, benevolent, benign, civil, congenial, cordial, courteous, friendly, genial, good-humoured, good-natured, gracious, kindly, mild, obliging, pleasant, sociable, urbane, warm"} {"x":"affair","y":"[1]activity, business, circumstance, concern, episode, event, happening, incident, interest, matter, occurrence, proceeding, project, question, subject, transaction, undertaking @@@@ [2]amour, intrigue, liaison, relationship, romance @@@@ [3]affair, affaire de coeur, amour, intrigue, liaison, relationship, romance @@@@ [4]appreciation, devotion, enthusiasm, love, mania, passion"} {"x":"affect","y":"[1]act on, alter, bear upon, change, concern, impact, impinge upon, influence, interest, involve, modify, prevail over, regard, relate to, sway, transform @@@@ [2]disturb, impress, move, overcome, perturb, stir, touch, tug at (someone's) heartstrings @@@@ [3]upset @@@@ [4]adopt, aspire to, assume, contrive, counterfeit, feign, imitate, pretend, put on, sham, simulate"} {"x":"affectation","y":"[1]act, affectedness, appearance, artificiality, assumed manners, facade, fakery, false display, insincerity, mannerism, pose, pretence, pretension, pretentiousness, sham, show, simulation, unnatural imitation"} {"x":"affected","y":"[1]afflicted, altered, changed, concerned, damaged, deeply moved, distressed, hurt, impaired, impressed, influenced, injured, melted, stimulated, stirred, touched, troubled, upset @@@@ [2]artificial, assumed, camp @@@@ [3]conceited, contrived, counterfeit, feigned, insincere, la-di-da @@@@ [4]mannered, mincing, phoney or phony @@@@ [5]pompous, precious, pretended, pretentious, put-on, sham, simulated, spurious, stiff, studied, unnatural"} {"x":"affecting","y":"[1]moving, pathetic, piteous, pitiable, pitiful, poignant, sad, saddening, touching"} {"x":"affection","y":"[1]amity, attachment, care, desire, feeling, fondness, friendliness, goodwill, inclination, kindness, liking, love, passion, propensity, tenderness, warmth"} {"x":"affiance","y":"[1]betroth, bind, engage, pledge, promise"} {"x":"affiliate","y":"[1]ally, amalgamate, annex, associate, band together, combine, confederate, connect, incorporate, join, unite"} {"x":"affiliation","y":"[1]alliance, amalgamation, association, banding together, coalition, combination, confederation, connection, incorporation, joining, league, merging, relationship, union"} {"x":"affinity","y":"[1]alliance, analogy, closeness, compatibility, connection, correspondence, kinship, likeness, relation, relationship, resemblance, similarity @@@@ [2]attraction, fondness, inclination, leaning, liking, partiality, rapport, sympathy"} {"x":"affirm","y":"[1]assert, asseverate, attest, aver, avouch, avow, certify, confirm, declare, maintain, pronounce, ratify, state, swear, testify"} {"x":"affirmation","y":"[1]assertion, asseveration, attestation, averment, avouchment, avowal, certification, confirmation, declaration, oath, pronouncement, ratification, statement, testimony"} {"x":"affirmative","y":"[1]agreeing, approving, assenting, concurring, confirming, consenting, corroborative, favourable, positive"} {"x":"affix","y":"[1]add, annex, append, attach, bind, fasten, glue, join, paste, put on, stick, subjoin, tack, tag"} {"x":"afflict","y":"[1]ail, beset, burden, distress, grieve, harass, hurt, oppress, pain, plague, rack, smite, torment, trouble, try, wound"} {"x":"affluence","y":"[1]abundance, big bucks @@@@ [2]big money, exuberance, fortune, megabucks @@@@ [3]opulence, plenty, pretty penny @@@@ [4]profusion, prosperity, riches, tidy sum @@@@ [5]wad @@@@ [6]wealth"} {"x":"afford","y":"[1]bear, spare, stand, sustain @@@@ [2]bestow, furnish, give, grant, impart, offer, produce, provide, render, supply, yield"} {"x":"affray","y":"[1]bagarre, brawl, contest, disturbance, dogfight, encounter, feud, fight, fracas, free-for-all @@@@ [2]melee, outbreak, quarrel, scrap, scrimmage, scuffle, set-to @@@@ [3]shindig @@@@ [4]shindy @@@@ [5]skirmish, tumult"} {"x":"affront","y":"[1]abuse, anger, annoy, displease, insult, offend, outrage, pique, provoke, put or get one's back up, slight, vex @@@@ [2]abuse, indignity, injury, insult, offence, outrage, provocation, slap in the face @@@@ [3]slight, slur, vexation, wrong"} {"x":"aficionado","y":"[1]addict, adherent, admirer, buff @@@@ [2]connoisseur, devotee, disciple, enthusiast, fan, fanatic, follower, freak @@@@ [3]lover, nut @@@@ [4]supporter, votary"} {"x":"afire","y":"[1]ablaze, aflame, alight, blazing, burning, fiery, flaming, ignited, lighted, lit, on fire @@@@ [2]aglow, aroused, excited, fervent, impassioned, passionate, stimulated"} {"x":"aflame","y":"[1]ablaze, afire, alight, blazing, burning, fiery, flaming, ignited, lighted, lit, on fire @@@@ [2]afire, aroused, excited, fervent, impassioned, passionate, stimulated @@@@ [3]aglow, flushed, inflamed, red, ruddy"} {"x":"afloat","y":"[1]buoyant, floating, keeping one's head above water, on the surface, unsubmerged @@@@ [2]aboard, at sea, on board (ship), on shipboard, sailing, under sail @@@@ [3]awash, flooded, inundated, submerged, swamped, under water @@@@ [4]adrift, aweigh, cast off, drifting, unanchored, unmoored @@@@ [5]afoot, current, going about or around, in circulation, in the air @@@@ [6]above water, in business, solvent"} {"x":"afoot","y":"[1]about, abroad, afloat, astir, brewing, circulating, current, going on, hatching, in preparation, in progress, in the wind, on the go @@@@ [2]operating, up"} {"x":"afraid","y":"[1]alarmed, anxious, apprehensive, cowardly, faint-hearted, fearful, frightened, intimidated, nervous, reluctant, scared, suspicious, timid, timorous @@@@ [2]regretful, sorry, unhappy"} {"x":"afresh","y":"[1]again, anew, newly, once again, once more, over again"} {"x":"after","y":"[1]afterwards, behind, below, following, later, subsequently, succeeding, thereafter"} {"x":"aftermath","y":"[1]after-effects, consequences, effects, end, end result, outcome, results, sequel, upshot, wake"} {"x":"afterwards","y":"[1]after, after that, at a later date or time, following that, later, subsequently, then, thereafter @@@@ [2]after, after that, at a later date or time, following that, later, subsequently, then, thereafter"} {"x":"again","y":"[1]afresh, anew, another time, once more @@@@ [2]also, besides, furthermore, in addition, moreover, on the contrary, on the other hand"} {"x":"against","y":"[1]anti @@@@ [2]averse to, contra @@@@ [3]counter, hostile to, in contrast to, in defiance of, in opposition to, in the face of, opposed to, opposing, resisting, versus @@@@ [4]abutting, close up to, facing, fronting, in contact with, on, opposite to, touching, upon @@@@ [5]balance, compare, contrast, juxtapose, weigh @@@@ [6]alienate, disunite, divide, drive a wedge between, estrange, make bad blood, make mischief, oppose, set at cross purposes, set at odds, set by the ears @@@@ [7]sow dissension"} {"x":"agape","y":"[1]gaping, wide, wide open, yawning @@@@ [2]agog, amazed, astonished, astounded, awe-stricken, dumbfounded, eager, expectant, flabbergasted, gobsmacked @@@@ [3]spellbound, surprised, thunderstruck"} {"x":"age","y":"[1]date, day(s), duration, epoch, era, generation, lifetime, period, span, time @@@@ [2]advancing years, decline @@@@ [3]majority, maturity, old age, senescence, senility, seniority @@@@ [4]decline, deteriorate, grow old, mature, mellow, ripen @@@@ [5]decline, deteriorate, grow old, mature, mellow, ripen"} {"x":"aged","y":"[1]age-old, ancient, antiquated, antique, cobwebby, elderly, getting on, grey, hoary, old, past it @@@@ [2]senescent, superannuated"} {"x":"ageless","y":"[1]abiding, deathless, enduring, eternal, immortal, perennial, timeless, unchanging, unfading"} {"x":"agency","y":"[1]action, activity, auspices, efficiency, force, influence, instrumentality, intercession, intervention, means, mechanism, mediation, medium, operation, power, work @@@@ [2]bureau, business, department, office, organization"} {"x":"agenda","y":"[1]calendar, diary, list, plan, programme, schedule, timetable"} {"x":"agent","y":"[1]advocate, deputy, emissary, envoy, factor, go-between, negotiator, rep @@@@ [2]representative, substitute, surrogate @@@@ [3]actor, author, doer, executor, mover, officer, operative, operator, performer, worker @@@@ [4]agency, cause, force, instrument, means, power, vehicle @@@@ [5]cloak-and-dagger man, nark @@@@ [6]spook @@@@ [7]spy, undercover agent"} {"x":"ages","y":"[1]an age or eternity, centuries, coon's age @@@@ [2]donkey's years @@@@ [3]for ever @@@@ [4]years, yonks @@@@ [5]an age or eternity, centuries, coon's age @@@@ [6]donkey's years @@@@ [7]for ever @@@@ [8]years, yonks @@@@ [9]an age or eternity, centuries, coon's age @@@@ [10]donkey's years @@@@ [11]for ever @@@@ [12]years, yonks"} {"x":"agglutinate","y":"[1]adhere, attach, bond, cement, fasten, glue, gum, join, solder, stick, unite"} {"x":"aggrandize","y":"[1]advance, amplify, augment, dignify, elevate, enlarge, ennoble, enrich, exaggerate, exalt, inflate, intensify, magnify, promote, widen"} {"x":"aggravate","y":"[1]add insult to injury, exacerbate, exaggerate, fan the flames of, heighten, increase, inflame, intensify, magnify, make worse, worsen @@@@ [2]bother, exasperate, gall, get in one's hair @@@@ [3]hassle @@@@ [4]irk, irritate, nark @@@@ [5]needle @@@@ [6]nettle, pester, piss one off @@@@ [7]tease, vex"} {"x":"aggravation","y":"[1]exacerbation, exaggeration, heightening, increase, inflaming, intensification, magnification, worsening @@@@ [2]annoyance, exasperation, gall, grief @@@@ [3]hassle @@@@ [4]irksomeness, irritation, provocation, teasing, vexation"} {"x":"aggregate","y":"[1]accumulate, amass, assemble, collect, combine, heap, mix, pile @@@@ [2]accumulation, agglomeration, amount, assemblage, body, bulk, collection, combination, heap, lump, mass, mixture, pile, sum, total, whole @@@@ [3]accumulated, added, assembled, collected, collective, combined, composite, corporate, cumulative, mixed, total"} {"x":"aggregation","y":"[1]accumulation, agglomeration, assemblage, body, bulk, collection, combination, heap, lump, mass, mixture, pile"} {"x":"aggression","y":"[1]assault, attack, encroachment, injury, invasion, offence, offensive, onslaught, raid @@@@ [2]aggressiveness, antagonism, belligerence, destructiveness, hostility, pugnacity"} {"x":"aggressive","y":"[1]belligerent, destructive, hostile, offensive, pugnacious, quarrelsome @@@@ [2]assertive, bold, dynamic, energetic, enterprising, forceful, in-your-face @@@@ [3]militant, pushing, pushy @@@@ [4]vigorous, zealous"} {"x":"aghast","y":"[1]afraid, amazed, appalled, astonished, astounded, awestruck, confounded, frightened, horrified, horror-struck, shocked, startled, stunned, thunder-struck"} {"x":"agile","y":"[1]active, acute, alert, bright @@@@ [2]brisk, clever, limber, lissom(e), lithe, lively, nimble, prompt, quick, quick-witted, sharp, sprightly, spry, supple, swift"} {"x":"agility","y":"[1]activity, acuteness, alertness, briskness, cleverness, litheness, liveliness, nimbleness, promptitude, promptness, quickness, quick-wittedness, sharpness, sprightliness, spryness, suppleness, swiftness"} {"x":"agitate","y":"[1]beat, churn, convulse, disturb, rock, rouse, shake, stir, toss @@@@ [2]alarm, arouse, confuse, disconcert, disquiet, distract, disturb, excite, faze, ferment, fluster, incite, inflame, perturb, rouse, ruffle, stimulate, trouble, unnerve, upset, work up, worry @@@@ [3]argue, debate, discuss, dispute, examine, ventilate"} {"x":"agitation","y":"[1]churning, convulsion, disturbance, rocking, shake, shaking, stir, stirring, tossing, turbulence, upheaval @@@@ [2]alarm, arousal, clamour, commotion, confusion, discomposure, disquiet, distraction, disturbance, excitement, ferment, flurry, fluster, incitement, lather @@@@ [3]outcry, stimulation, tizzy, tizz or tiz-woz @@@@ [4]trouble, tumult, turmoil, upheaval, upset, worry @@@@ [5]argument, controversy, debate, discussion, disputation, dispute, ventilation"} {"x":"agitator","y":"[1]agent provocateur, demagogue, firebrand, inciter, instigator, rabble-rouser, revolutionary, stirrer @@@@ [2]troublemaker"} {"x":"agog","y":"[1]avid, curious, eager, enthralled, enthusiastic, excited, expectant, impatient, in suspense, keen"} {"x":"agonize","y":"[1]afflict, be in agony, be in anguish, distress, go through the mill, harrow, labour, pain, rack, strain, strive, struggle, suffer, torment, torture, worry, writhe"} {"x":"agony","y":"[1]affliction, anguish, distress, misery, pain, pangs, suffering, throes, torment, torture, woe"} {"x":"agrarian","y":"[1]agrestic, agricultural, country, farming, land, rural, rustic"} {"x":"agree","y":"[1]accede, acquiesce, admit, allow, assent, be of the same mind, comply, concede, concur, consent, engage, grant, permit, see eye to eye, settle, shake hands @@@@ [2]accord, answer, chime, coincide, conform, correspond, fit, get on (together), harmonize, match, square, suit, tally"} {"x":"agreed","y":"[1]arranged, definite, established, firm, fixed, given, guaranteed, predetermined, settled, stipulated @@@@ [2]all right, done, it's a bargain or deal, O.K. or okay @@@@ [3]settled, you're on"} {"x":"agreement","y":"[1]accord, accordance, affinity, analogy, assent, compatibility, compliance, concert, concord, concurrence, conformity, congruity, consistency, correspondence, harmony, similarity, suitableness, union, unison @@@@ [2]arrangement, bargain, compact, contract, covenant, deal @@@@ [3]pact, settlement, treaty, understanding"} {"x":"agricultural","y":"[1]agrarian, agrestic, agronomic, agronomical, country, farming, rural, rustic"} {"x":"agriculture","y":"[1]agronomics, agronomy, cultivation, culture, farming, husbandry, tillage"} {"x":"aground","y":"[1]ashore, beached, foundered, grounded, high and dry, on the rocks, stranded, stuck"} {"x":"ahead","y":"[1]along, at an advantage, at the head, before, forwards, in advance, in front, in the foreground, in the lead, in the vanguard, leading, on, onwards, to the fore, winning @@@@ [2]advance, be successful, cut it @@@@ [3]do well, flourish, get on, make good, make one's mark, progress, prosper, succeed, thrive @@@@ [4]excel, leave behind, outdo, outmanoeuvre, overtake, surpass @@@@ [5]assent, authorization, consent, green light, leave, O.K. or okay @@@@ [6]permission @@@@ [7]ambitious, enterprising, go-getting @@@@ [8]pioneering, progressive, up-and-coming @@@@ [9]advance, begin, continue, go forward, go on, proceed, progress"} {"x":"aid","y":"[1]abet, assist, befriend, encourage, favour, give a leg up @@@@ [2]help, promote, relieve, second, serve, subsidize, succour, support, sustain @@@@ [3]assistance, benefit, encouragement, favour, help, promotion, relief, service, succour, support @@@@ [4]abettor, adjutant, aide, aide-de-camp, assistant, helper, second, supporter"} {"x":"aide","y":"[1]adjutant, assistant, attendant, coadjutor @@@@ [2]deputy, helper, helpmate, henchman, right-hand man, second, supporter"} {"x":"ail","y":"[1]afflict, annoy, be the matter with, bother, distress, irritate, pain, sicken, trouble, upset, worry @@@@ [2]be ill, be indisposed, be or feel off colour, be sick, be unwell, feel unwell"} {"x":"ailment","y":"[1]affliction, complaint, disease, disorder, illness, infirmity, lurgi @@@@ [2]malady, sickness"} {"x":"aim","y":"[1]aspire, attempt, design, direct, draw a bead (on), endeavour, intend, level, mean, plan, point, propose, purpose, resolve, seek, set one's sights on, sight, strive, take aim (at), train, try, want, wish @@@@ [2]ambition, aspiration, course, design, desire, direction, end, goal, Holy Grail @@@@ [3]intent, intention, mark, object, objective, plan, purpose, scheme, target, wish"} {"x":"air","y":"[1]atmosphere, heavens, sky @@@@ [2]blast, breath, breeze, draught, puff, waft, whiff, wind, zephyr @@@@ [3]ambience, appearance, atmosphere, aura, bearing, character, demeanour, effect, feeling, flavour, impression, look, manner, mood, quality, style, tone, vibes @@@@ [4]circulation, display, dissemination, exposure, expression, publicity, utterance, vent, ventilation @@@@ [5]aria, lay, melody, song, tune @@@@ [6]aerate, expose, freshen, ventilate @@@@ [7]circulate, communicate, declare, disclose, display, disseminate, divulge, exhibit, expose, express, give vent to, make known, make public, proclaim, publicize, reveal, take the wraps off, tell, utter, ventilate, voice @@@@ [8]blather, blether, bombast, bosh @@@@ [9]claptrap @@@@ [10]empty talk, gas @@@@ [11]guff @@@@ [12]rant, tall talk @@@@ [13]verbiage, wind @@@@ [14]alfresco, outdoor"} {"x":"aircraft","y":"[1]aeroplane, airplane @@@@ [2]flying machine, kite @@@@ [3]plane"} {"x":"airport","y":"[1]aerodrome, airdrome @@@@ [2]airfield"} {"x":"airy","y":"[1]blowy, breezy, draughty, fresh, gusty, light, lofty, open, spacious, uncluttered, well-ventilated, windy @@@@ [2]aerial, delicate, ethereal, fanciful, flimsy, illusory, imaginary, immaterial, incorporeal, insubstantial, light, vaporous, visionary, weightless, wispy @@@@ [3]animated, blithe, buoyant, cheerful, cheery, chirpy @@@@ [4]debonair, frolicsome, gay, genial, graceful, happy, high-spirited, jaunty, light, light-hearted, lively, merry, nonchalant, sprightly, upbeat @@@@ [5]animated, blithe, buoyant, cheerful, cheery, chirpy @@@@ [6]debonair, frolicsome, gay, genial, graceful, happy, high-spirited, jaunty, light, light-hearted, lively, merry, nonchalant, sprightly, upbeat"} {"x":"aisle","y":"[1]alley, corridor, gangway, lane, passage, passageway, path"} {"x":"ajar","y":"[1]agape, gaping, open, partly open, unclosed"} {"x":"akin","y":"[1]affiliated, alike, allied, analogous, cognate, comparable, congenial, connected, consanguineous, corresponding, kin, kindred, like, of a piece, parallel, related, similar"} {"x":"alacrity","y":"[1]alertness, avidity, briskness, cheerfulness, dispatch, eagerness, enthusiasm, gaiety, hilarity, joyousness, liveliness, promptness, quickness, readiness, speed, sprightliness, willingness, zeal"} {"x":"alarm","y":"[1]daunt, dismay, distress, frighten, give (someone) a turn @@@@ [2]scare, startle, terrify, unnerve @@@@ [3]alert, arouse, signal, warn @@@@ [4]anxiety, apprehension, consternation, dismay, distress, fear, fright, nervousness, panic, scare, terror, trepidation, unease, uneasiness @@@@ [5]alarm-bell, alert, bell, danger signal, distress signal, hooter, siren, tocsin, warning"} {"x":"albeit","y":"[1]although, even if, even though, notwithstanding that, tho' @@@@ [2]though @@@@ [3]albeit \nalthough, even if, even though, notwithstanding that, tho' (U.S. or poetic) though"} {"x":"album","y":"[1]book, collection, scrapbook @@@@ [2]LP, record @@@@ [3]anthology, compilation, miscellany"} {"x":"alchemy","y":"[1]magic, sorcery, witchcraft, wizardry"} {"x":"alcohol","y":"[1]ethanol, ethyl alcohol @@@@ [2]booze @@@@ [3]drink, Dutch courage @@@@ [4]falling-down juice @@@@ [5]firewater, grog @@@@ [6]intoxicant, John Barleycorn, juice @@@@ [7]liquor, spirits, strong drink, the bottle"} {"x":"alcoholic","y":"[1]brewed, distilled, fermented, hard, inebriant, inebriating, intoxicating, spirituous, strong, vinous @@@@ [2]bibber, boozer @@@@ [3]dipsomaniac, drunk, drunkard, hard drinker, inebriate, soak @@@@ [4]sot, sponge @@@@ [5]tippler, toper, tosspot @@@@ [6]wino"} {"x":"alcove","y":"[1]bay, bower, compartment, corner, cubbyhole, cubicle, niche, nook, recess"} {"x":"alert","y":"[1]active, agile, attentive, awake, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed @@@@ [2]brisk, careful, circumspect, heedful, keeping a weather eye on, lively, nimble, observant, on guard, on one's toes, on the ball @@@@ [3]on the lookout, on the watch, perceptive, quick, ready, spirited, sprightly, vigilant, wary, watchful, wide-awake @@@@ [4]alarm, signal, siren, warning @@@@ [5]alarm, forewarn, inform, notify, signal, warn"} {"x":"alias","y":"[1]also called, also known as, otherwise, otherwise known as @@@@ [2]assumed name, nom de guerre, nom de plume, pen name, pseudonym, stage name"} {"x":"alibi","y":"[1]defence, excuse, explanation, justification, plea, pretext, reason"} {"x":"alien","y":"[1]adverse, beyond one's ken, conflicting, contrary, estranged, exotic, foreign, inappropriate, incompatible, incongruous, not native, not naturalized, opposed, outlandish, remote, repugnant, separated, strange, unfamiliar @@@@ [2]foreigner, newcomer, outsider, stranger"} {"x":"alienation","y":"[1]breaking off, disaffection, diversion, divorce, estrangement, indifference, remoteness, rupture, separation, setting against, turning away, withdrawal @@@@ [2]abalienation, conveyance, transfer"} {"x":"alight","y":"[1]come down, come to rest, descend, disembark, dismount, get down, get off, land, light, perch, settle, touch down"} {"x":"alike","y":"[1]akin, analogous, corresponding, cut from the same cloth, duplicate, equal, equivalent, even, identical, like two peas in a pod, of a piece, parallel, resembling, similar, the same, uniform @@@@ [2]analogously, correspondingly, equally, evenly, identically, similarly, uniformly"} {"x":"aliment","y":"[1]fare, feed, fodder, food, meat, nourishment, nutriment, nutrition, provender, sustenance, tack @@@@ [2]vittles"} {"x":"alimentary","y":"[1]beneficial, nourishing, nutritional, nutritious, nutritive, sustaining, wholesome"} {"x":"alive","y":"[1]animate, breathing, having life, in the land of the living @@@@ [2]living, subsisting @@@@ [3]active, existent, existing, extant, functioning, in existence, in force, operative, unquenched @@@@ [4]active, alert, animated, awake, brisk, cheerful, chirpy @@@@ [5]eager, energetic, full of beans @@@@ [6]full of life, lively, quick, spirited, sprightly, spry, vigorous, vital, vivacious, zestful"} {"x":"all","y":"[1]every bit of, the complete, the entire, the sum of, the totality of, the total of, the whole of @@@@ [2]each, each and every, every, every one of, every single @@@@ [3]complete, entire, full, greatest, perfect, total, utter @@@@ [4]aggregate, entirety, everything, sum, sum total, total, total amount, totality, utmost, whole, whole amount @@@@ [5]altogether, completely, entirely, fully, totally, utterly, wholly @@@@ [6]central, consequential, critical, crucial, essential, key, momentous, necessary, pivotal, significant, urgent, vital @@@@ [7]complete, determined, exhaustive, full, full-on @@@@ [8]full-scale, maximum, optimum, outright, resolute, supreme, thorough, thoroughgoing, total, undivided, unlimited, unremitting, unrestrained, unstinted, utmost @@@@ [9]complete, determined, exhaustive, full, full-on @@@@ [10]full-scale, maximum, optimum, outright, resolute, supreme, thorough, thoroughgoing, total, undivided, unlimited, unremitting, unrestrained, unstinted, utmost @@@@ [11]complete, determined, exhaustive, full, full-on @@@@ [12]full-scale, maximum, optimum, outright, resolute, supreme, thorough, thoroughgoing, total, undivided, unlimited, unremitting, unrestrained, unstinted, utmost"} {"x":"allay","y":"[1]alleviate, appease, assuage, blunt, calm, check, compose, diminish, dull, ease, lessen, mitigate, moderate, mollify, pacify, pour oil on troubled waters, quell, quiet, reduce, relax, relieve, smooth, soften, soothe, subdue"} {"x":"allegation","y":"[1]accusation, affirmation, assertion, asseveration, averment, avowal, charge, claim, declaration, deposition, plea, profession, statement"} {"x":"allege","y":"[1]advance, affirm, assert, asseverate, aver, avow, charge, claim, declare, depose, maintain, plead, profess, put forward, state"} {"x":"alleged","y":"[1]affirmed, asserted, averred, declared, described, designated, stated @@@@ [2]doubtful, dubious, ostensible, professed, purported, so-called, supposed, suspect, suspicious"} {"x":"allegedly","y":"[1]apparently, by all accounts, purportedly, reportedly, reputedly, supposedly"} {"x":"allegiance","y":"[1]adherence, constancy, devotion, duty, faithfulness, fealty, fidelity, homage, loyalty, obedience, obligation, troth"} {"x":"allegorical","y":"[1]emblematic, figurative, parabolic, symbolic, symbolizing"} {"x":"allegory","y":"[1]apologue, emblem, fable, myth, parable, story, symbol, symbolism, tale"} {"x":"allergic","y":"[1]affected by, hypersensitive, sensitive, sensitized, susceptible @@@@ [2]antipathetic, averse, disinclined, hostile, loath, opposed"} {"x":"allergy","y":"[1]antipathy, hypersensitivity, sensitivity, susceptibility @@@@ [2]antipathy, aversion, disinclination, dislike, hostility, loathing, opposition"} {"x":"alleviate","y":"[1]abate, allay, assuage, blunt, check, diminish, dull, ease, lessen, lighten, mitigate, moderate, mollify, palliate, quell, quench, quiet, reduce, relieve, slacken, slake, smooth, soften, soothe, subdue"} {"x":"alleviation","y":"[1]diminution, dulling, easing, lessening, lightening, mitigation, moderation, palliation, quelling, quenching, reduction, relief, slackening, slaking"} {"x":"alley","y":"[1]alleyway, backstreet, lane, passage, passageway, pathway, walk"} {"x":"alliance","y":"[1]affiliation, affinity, agreement, association, coalition, combination, compact, concordat, confederacy, confederation, connection, federation, league, marriage, pact, partnership, treaty, union"} {"x":"allied","y":"[1]affiliated, amalgamated, associated, bound, combined, confederate, connected, hand in glove @@@@ [2]in cahoots @@@@ [3]in league, joined, joint, kindred, leagued, linked, married, related, unified, united, wed"} {"x":"allocate","y":"[1]allot, apportion, appropriate, assign, budget, designate, earmark, mete, set aside, share out"} {"x":"allocation","y":"[1]allotment, allowance, apportionment, appropriation, grant, lot, measure, portion, quota, ration, share, stint, stipend"} {"x":"allot","y":"[1]allocate, apportion, appropriate, assign, budget, designate, earmark, mete, set aside, share out"} {"x":"allow","y":"[1]acknowledge, acquiesce, admit, concede, confess, grant, own @@@@ [2]approve, authorize, bear, brook, enable, endure, give leave, let, permit, put up with @@@@ [3]sanction, stand, suffer, tolerate @@@@ [4]allocate, allot, assign, deduct, give, grant, provide, remit, spare"} {"x":"alloy","y":"[1]admixture, amalgam, blend, combination, composite, compound, hybrid, meld, mixture @@@@ [2]admix, amalgamate, blend, combine, compound, fuse, meld, mix @@@@ [3]adulterate, debase, devalue, diminish, impair"} {"x":"allude","y":"[1]advert, glance, hint, imply, insinuate, intimate, mention, refer, remark, speak of, suggest, tip the wink, touch upon"} {"x":"allure","y":"[1]attract, beguile, cajole, captivate, charm, coax, decoy, enchant, entice, inveigle, lead on, lure, persuade, seduce, tempt, win over @@@@ [2]appeal, attraction, charm, enchantment, enticement, glamour, lure, persuasion, seductiveness, temptation"} {"x":"ally","y":"[1]abettor, accessory, accomplice, associate, coadjutor, collaborator, colleague, confederate, co-worker, friend, helper, partner @@@@ [2]affiliate, associate, band together, collaborate, combine, confederate, connect, join, join battle with, join forces, league, marry, unify, unite"} {"x":"almighty","y":"[1]absolute, all-powerful, invincible, omnipotent, supreme, unlimited @@@@ [2]awful, desperate, enormous, excessive, great, intense, loud, severe, terrible"} {"x":"almost","y":"[1]about, all but, approximately, as good as, close to, just about, nearly, not far from, not quite, on the brink of, practically, so near (and) yet so far, virtually, well-nigh"} {"x":"alms","y":"[1]benefaction, bounty, charity, donation, gift, relief"} {"x":"aloft","y":"[1]above, heavenward, higher, high up, in the air, in the sky, on high, overhead, skyward, up, up above, upward"} {"x":"alone","y":"[1]abandoned, apart, by itself, by oneself, deserted, desolate, detached, forlorn, forsaken, isolated, lonely, lonesome, only, on one's tod @@@@ [2]out on a limb, separate, single, single-handed, sole, solitary, unaccompanied, unaided, unassisted, unattended, uncombined, unconnected, under one's own steam, unescorted @@@@ [3]incomparable, matchless, peerless, singular, unequalled, unique, unparalleled, unsurpassed"} {"x":"aloof","y":"[1]chilly, cold, cool, detached, distant, forbidding, formal, haughty, indifferent, remote, reserved, standoffish, supercilious, unapproachable, unfriendly, uninterested, unresponsive, unsociable, unsympathetic @@@@ [2]above, apart, at a distance, at arm's length, away, distanced, distant"} {"x":"aloud","y":"[1]audibly, clearly, distinctly, intelligibly, out loud, plainly @@@@ [2]clamorously, loudly, noisily, vociferously"} {"x":"alphabet","y":"[1]letters, script, syllabary, writing system"} {"x":"already","y":"[1]as of now, at present, before now, by now, by that time, by then, by this time, even now, heretofore, just now, previously"} {"x":"also","y":"[1]additionally, along with, and, as well, as well as, besides, further, furthermore, in addition, including, into the bargain, moreover, on top of that, plus, to boot, too"} {"x":"alter","y":"[1]adapt, adjust, amend, change, convert, diversify, metamorphose, modify, recast, reform, remodel, reshape, revise, shift, transform, transmute, turn, tweak @@@@ [2]vary"} {"x":"alteration","y":"[1]adaptation, adjustment, amendment, change, conversion, difference, diversification, metamorphosis, modification, reformation, remodelling, reshaping, revision, shift, transformation, transmutation, variance, variation"} {"x":"altercation","y":"[1]argument, bickering, clash, contention, controversy, disagreement, discord, dispute, dissension, quarrel, row, squabble, wrangle"} {"x":"alternate","y":"[1]act reciprocally, alter, change, fluctuate, follow in turn, follow one another, interchange, intersperse, oscillate, rotate, substitute, take turns, vary @@@@ [2]alternating, every other, every second, interchanging, rotating @@@@ [3]alternative, another, different, second, substitute"} {"x":"alternation","y":"[1]change, fluctuation, oscillation, rotation, swing, vacillation, variation, vicissitude"} {"x":"alternative","y":"[1]choice, option, other @@@@ [2]preference, recourse, selection, substitute @@@@ [3]alternate, another, different, other, second, substitute @@@@ [4]another choice"} {"x":"although","y":"[1]albeit, despite the fact that, even if, even supposing, even though, notwithstanding, tho' @@@@ [2]though, while"} {"x":"altitude","y":"[1]elevation, height, loftiness, peak, summit"} {"x":"altogether","y":"[1]absolutely, completely, every inch, fully, lock, stock and barrel, perfectly, quite, thoroughly, totally, utterly, wholly @@@@ [2]all in all, all things considered, as a whole, collectively, generally, in general, in toto, on the whole @@@@ [3]all told, everything included, in all, in sum, in toto, taken together"} {"x":"altruism","y":"[1]beneficence, benevolence, bigheartedness, charitableness, charity, consideration, generosity, goodwill, greatheartedness, magnanimity, philanthropy, selflessness, self-sacrifice, unselfishness"} {"x":"altruistic","y":"[1]benevolent, charitable, considerate, generous, humanitarian, philanthropic, public-spirited, self-sacrificing, unselfish"} {"x":"always","y":"[1]aye @@@@ [2]consistently, constantly, continually, eternally, ever, everlastingly, evermore, every time, forever, in perpetuum, invariably, perpetually, repeatedly, unceasingly, without exception"} {"x":"amalgam","y":"[1]admixture, alloy, amalgamation, blend, combination, composite, compound, fusion, meld, mixture, union"} {"x":"amalgamate","y":"[1]alloy, ally, blend, coalesce, combine, commingle, compound, fuse, incorporate, integrate, intermix, meld, merge, mingle, unite"} {"x":"amass","y":"[1]accumulate, aggregate, assemble, collect, compile, garner, gather, heap up, hoard, pile up, rake up, scrape together"} {"x":"amateur","y":"[1]dabbler, dilettante, layman, nonprofessional"} {"x":"amateurish","y":"[1]amateur, bungling, clumsy, crude, inexpert, unaccomplished, unprofessional, unskilful"} {"x":"amatory","y":"[1]amorous, aphrodisiac, erotic, lascivious, libidinous, passionate, romantic, sensual, sexual, sexy, steamy"} {"x":"amaze","y":"[1]alarm, astonish, astound, bewilder, boggle the mind, bowl over @@@@ [2]confound, daze, dumbfound, electrify, flabbergast, shock, stagger, startle, stun, stupefy, surprise"} {"x":"amazing","y":"[1]astonishing, astounding, breathtaking, eye-opening, mind-boggling, overwhelming, staggering, startling, stunning, surprising"} {"x":"ambassador","y":"[1]agent, consul, deputy, diplomat, emissary, envoy, legate, minister, plenipotentiary, representative"} {"x":"ambiguity","y":"[1]doubt, doubtfulness, dubiety, dubiousness, enigma, equivocacy, equivocality, equivocation, inconclusiveness, indefiniteness, indeterminateness, obscurity, puzzle, tergiversation, uncertainty, unclearness, vagueness"} {"x":"ambiguous","y":"[1]cryptic, Delphic, doubtful, dubious, enigmatic, enigmatical, equivocal, inconclusive, indefinite, indeterminate, obscure, oracular, puzzling, uncertain, unclear, vague"} {"x":"ambition","y":"[1]aspiration, avidity, desire, drive, eagerness, enterprise, get-up-and-go @@@@ [2]hankering, longing, striving, yearning, zeal @@@@ [3]aim, aspiration, desire, dream, end, goal, Holy Grail @@@@ [4]hope, intent, objective, purpose, wish"} {"x":"ambitious","y":"[1]aspiring, avid, desirous, driving, eager, enterprising, hopeful, intent, purposeful, striving, zealous @@@@ [2]arduous, bold, challenging, demanding, difficult, elaborate, energetic, exacting, formidable, grandiose, hard, impressive, industrious, pretentious, severe, strenuous"} {"x":"ambivalence","y":"[1]clash, conflict, contradiction, doubt, equivocation, fluctuation, hesitancy, indecision, irresolution, opposition, uncertainty, vacillation, wavering"} {"x":"amble","y":"[1]dawdle, meander, mosey @@@@ [2]ramble, saunter, stroll, walk, wander"} {"x":"ambush","y":"[1]ambuscade, concealment, cover, hiding, hiding place, lying in wait, retreat, shelter, trap, waylaying @@@@ [2]ambuscade, bushwhack @@@@ [3]ensnare, surprise, trap, waylay"} {"x":"ameliorate","y":"[1]advance, allay, alleviate, amend, assuage, benefit, better, ease, elevate, improve, meliorate, mend, mitigate, promote, raise, reform, relieve"} {"x":"amenable","y":"[1]able to be influenced, acquiescent, agreeable, open, persuadable, responsive, susceptible, tractable @@@@ [2]accountable, answerable, chargeable, liable, responsible"} {"x":"amend","y":"[1]alter, ameliorate, better, change, correct, enhance, fix, improve, mend, modify, rectify, reform, remedy, repair, revise, tweak"} {"x":"amendment","y":"[1]alteration, amelioration, betterment, change, correction, emendation, enhancement, improvement, mending, modification, rectification, reform, remedy, repair, revision @@@@ [2]addendum, addition, adjunct, alteration, attachment, clarification"} {"x":"amends","y":"[1]apology, atonement, compensation, expiation, indemnity, recompense, redress, reparation, requital, restitution, restoration, satisfaction @@@@ [2]alter, ameliorate, better, change, correct, enhance, fix, improve, mend, modify, rectify, reform, remedy, repair, revise, tweak"} {"x":"amenity","y":"[1]advantage, comfort, convenience, facility, service @@@@ [2]affability, agreeableness, amiability, complaisance, courtesy, mildness, pleasantness @@@@ [3]politeness, refinement, suavity"} {"x":"amiability","y":"[1]affability, agreeableness, amiableness, attractiveness, benignity, charm, cheerfulness, delightfulness, engagingness, friendliness, friendship, geniality, good humour, good nature, kindliness, kindness, lovableness, pleasantness, pleasingness, sociability, sweetness, sweetness and light @@@@ [2]sweet temper, winsomeness"} {"x":"amiable","y":"[1]affable, agreeable, attractive, benign, charming, cheerful, congenial, delightful, engaging, friendly, genial, good-humoured, good-natured, kind, kindly, likable or likeable, lovable, obliging, pleasant, pleasing, sociable, sweet-tempered, winning, winsome"} {"x":"amicable","y":"[1]amiable, brotherly, civil, cordial, courteous, fraternal, friendly, good-humoured, harmonious, kind, kindly, neighbourly, peaceable, peaceful, polite, sociable"} {"x":"amid","y":"[1]amidst, among, amongst, in the middle of, in the midst of, in the thick of, surrounded by"} {"x":"amiss","y":"[1]awry, confused, defective, erroneous, fallacious, false, faulty, improper, inaccurate, inappropriate, incorrect, mistaken, out of order, unsuitable, untoward, wrong @@@@ [2]as an insult, as offensive, erroneously, faultily, improperly, inappropriately, incorrectly, mistakenly, out of turn, unsuitably, wrongly"} {"x":"amity","y":"[1]accord, amicability, brotherhood, comity, comradeship, concord, cordiality, fellowship, fraternity, friendliness, friendship, goodwill, harmony, kindliness, peace, peacefulness, tranquillity, understanding"} {"x":"ammunition","y":"[1]armaments, cartridges, explosives, materiel, munitions, powder, rounds, shells, shot, shot and shell"} {"x":"amnesty","y":"[1]absolution, condonation, dispensation, forgiveness, general pardon, immunity, oblivion, remission @@@@ [2]reprieve"} {"x":"amok","y":"[1]berserk, destructively, ferociously, frenziedly, in a frenzy, insanely, madly, maniacally, murderously, savagely, uncontrollably, violently, wildly"} {"x":"among","y":"[1]amid, amidst, in association with, in the middle of, in the midst of, in the thick of, midst, surrounded by, together with, with @@@@ [2]If people talk, fight, or agree amongthemselves, they do it together, without involving anyone else."} {"x":"amoral","y":"[1]nonmoral, unethical, unvirtuous"} {"x":"amorous","y":"[1]affectionate, amatory, ardent, attached, doting, enamoured, erotic, fond, impassioned, in love, lovesick, loving, lustful, passionate, tender"} {"x":"amorphous","y":"[1]characterless, formless, inchoate, indeterminate, irregular, nebulous, nondescript, shapeless, unformed, unshaped, unshapen, unstructured, vague"} {"x":"amount","y":"[1]bulk, expanse, extent, lot, magnitude, mass, measure, number, quantity, supply, volume @@@@ [2]addition, aggregate, entirety, extent, lot, sum, sum total, total, whole @@@@ [3]full effect, full value, import, result, significance @@@@ [4]add up to, aggregate, become, come to, develop into, equal, grow, mean, purport, total"} {"x":"amour","y":"[1]affair, affaire de coeur, intrigue, liaison, love affair, relationship, romance @@@@ [2]dignity, faith in oneself, morale, pride, self-esteem, self-respect"} {"x":"ample","y":"[1]abounding, abundant, big, bountiful, broad, capacious, commodious, copious, enough and to spare, expansive, extensive, full, generous, great, large, lavish, liberal, plenteous, plentiful, plenty, profuse, rich, roomy, spacious, substantial, two a penny, unrestricted, voluminous, wide"} {"x":"amplification","y":"[1]augmentation, boosting, deepening, development, dilation, elaboration, enlargement, expansion, expatiation, extension, fleshing out, heightening, increase, intensification, lengthening, magnification, raising, rounding out, strengthening, stretching, supplementing, widening"} {"x":"amplify","y":"[1]augment, boost, deepen, develop, dilate, elaborate, enlarge, expand, expatiate, extend, flesh out, go into detail, heighten, increase, intensify, lengthen, magnify, raise, round out, strengthen, stretch, supplement, widen"} {"x":"amplitude","y":"[1]bigness, breadth, bulk, capaciousness, compass, dimension, expanse, extent, greatness, hugeness, largeness, magnitude, mass, range, reach, scope, size, spaciousness, sweep, vastness, width @@@@ [2]abundance, ampleness, completeness, copiousness, fullness, plenitude, plethora, profusion, richness"} {"x":"amputate","y":"[1]curtail, cut off, lop, remove, separate, sever, truncate"} {"x":"amulet","y":"[1]charm, fetish, juju, periapt @@@@ [2]talisman"} {"x":"amuse","y":"[1]beguile, charm, cheer, delight, divert, enliven, entertain, gladden, gratify, interest, occupy, please, recreate, regale, tickle"} {"x":"analogous","y":"[1]agreeing, akin, alike, comparable, corresponding, equivalent, homologous, like, of a piece, parallel, related, resembling, similar"} {"x":"analysis","y":"[1]anatomization, anatomy, assay, breakdown, dissection, dissolution, division, enquiry, examination, investigation, perusal, resolution, scrutiny, separation, sifting, test @@@@ [2]estimation, evaluation, finding, interpretation, judgment, opinion, reasoning, study"} {"x":"analytic","y":"[1]detailed, diagnostic, discrete, dissecting, explanatory, expository, inquiring, inquisitive, interpretative, interpretive, investigative, logical, organized, problem-solving, questioning, rational, searching, studious, systematic, testing"} {"x":"anarchic","y":"[1]chaotic, confused, disordered, disorganized, lawless, misgoverned, misruled, off the rails, rebellious, revolutionary, rioting, riotous, ungoverned"} {"x":"anarchy","y":"[1]chaos, confusion, disorder, disorganization, lawlessness, misgovernment, misrule, rebellion, revolution, riot"} {"x":"anathema","y":"[1]ban, condemnation, curse, damnation, denunciation, excommunication, execration, imprecation, malediction, proscription, taboo @@@@ [2]abomination, bane, bete noire, bugbear, enemy, pariah"} {"x":"anatomize","y":"[1]analyse, break down, dissect, dissolve, divide, examine, resolve, scrutinize, separate, study"} {"x":"anatomy","y":"[1]analysis, dismemberment, dissection, division, enquiry, examination, investigation, study @@@@ [2]build, composition, frame, framework, make-up, structure"} {"x":"ancestor","y":"[1]forebear, forefather, forerunner, precursor, predecessor, progenitor"} {"x":"ancestral","y":"[1]ancestorial, antecedent, forefatherly, genealogical, hereditary, inherited, lineal, patriarchal"} {"x":"anchor","y":"[1]bower @@@@ [2]drogue, hook @@@@ [3]kedge, mooring, sheet anchor @@@@ [4]cast anchor, come to anchor, dock, drop anchor, drop the hook, kedge, kedge off, lay anchor, let go the anchor, moor, tie up @@@@ [5]attach, bolt, chain, fix, secure, tie"} {"x":"anchorage","y":"[1]berth, dock, dockage, harbour, harbourage, haven, moorage, port, quay"} {"x":"anchorite","y":"[1]eremite, hermit, recluse"} {"x":"ancient","y":"[1]aged, age-old, antediluvian, antiquated, antique, archaic, bygone, cobwebby, early, hoary, obsolete, old, old as the hills, olden, old-fashioned, outmoded, out-of-date, primeval, primordial, superannuated, timeworn"} {"x":"ancillary","y":"[1]accessory, additional, auxiliary, contributory, extra, secondary, subordinate, subsidiary, supplementary"} {"x":"and","y":"[1]along with, also, as well as, furthermore, in addition to, including, moreover, plus, together with @@@@ [2]cuddle"} {"x":"android","y":"[1]automaton, bionic man or woman, cyborg, humanoid, mechanical man, robot"} {"x":"anecdote","y":"[1]reminiscence, short story, sketch, story, tale, urban legend, yarn"} {"x":"anew","y":"[1]afresh, again, another time, from scratch, from the beginning, once again, once more, over again"} {"x":"angel","y":"[1]archangel, cherub, divine messenger, guardian spirit, seraph, spiritual being @@@@ [2]beauty, darling, dear, dream, gem, ideal, jewel, paragon, saint, treasure"} {"x":"angelic","y":"[1]celestial, cherubic, ethereal, heavenly, seraphic @@@@ [2]adorable, beatific, beautiful, entrancing, innocent, lovely, pure, saintly, virtuous"} {"x":"anger","y":"[1]annoyance, antagonism, choler, displeasure, exasperation, fury, ill humour, ill temper, indignation, ire, irritability, irritation, outrage, passion, pique, rage, resentment, seeing red, spleen, temper, vexation, wrath @@@@ [2]affront, aggravate @@@@ [3]annoy, antagonize, be on one's back @@@@ [4]displease, enrage, exasperate, excite, fret, gall, get in one's hair @@@@ [5]hassle @@@@ [6]incense, infuriate, irritate, madden, make one's blood boil, nark @@@@ [7]nettle, offend, outrage, pique, piss one off @@@@ [8]provoke, put one's back up, rile, vex"} {"x":"angle","y":"[1]bend, corner, crook, crotch, cusp, edge, elbow, intersection, knee, nook, point @@@@ [2]approach, aspect, outlook, perspective, point of view, position, side, slant, standpoint, viewpoint @@@@ [3]cast, fish @@@@ [4]cast about or around for, contrive, fish for, hunt, invite, look for, scheme, seek, set one's sights on, solicit, try for"} {"x":"angry","y":"[1]annoyed, antagonized, as black as thunder, at daggers drawn, choked, choleric, cross, displeased, enraged, exasperated, fit to be tied @@@@ [2]foaming at the mouth, furious, hacked (off) @@@@ [3]heated, hot, hot under the collar @@@@ [4]ill-tempered, incensed, indignant, infuriated, in high dudgeon, irascible, irate, ireful, irritable, irritated, mad @@@@ [5]nettled, on the warpath, outraged, passionate, piqued, pissed off @@@@ [6]provoked, raging, resentful, riled, splenetic, tumultuous, up in arms, uptight @@@@ [7]wrathful"} {"x":"angst","y":"[1]agitation, anxiety, apprehension, care, disquietude, distress, fretfulness, inquietude, malaise, perturbation, torment, unease, vexation, worry"} {"x":"anguish","y":"[1]agony, distress, grief, heartache, heartbreak, misery, pain, pang, sorrow, suffering, throe, torment, torture, woe @@@@ [2]anxiety"} {"x":"angular","y":"[1]bony, gaunt, lank, lanky, lean, macilent @@@@ [2]rangy, rawboned, scrawny, skinny, spare"} {"x":"animal","y":"[1]beast, brute, creature @@@@ [2]barbarian, beast, brute, monster, savage, wild man @@@@ [3]bestial, bodily, brutish, carnal, fleshly, gross, physical, sensual @@@@ [4]An animal is a living creature such as a dog, lion, or rabbit, rather than a bird, fish, insect, or human being."} {"x":"animate","y":"[1]activate, breathe life into, embolden, encourage, energize, enliven, excite, fire, gladden, impel, incite, inspire, inspirit, instigate, invigorate, kick-start @@@@ [2]kindle, move, prod, quicken, revive, rouse, spark, spur, stimulate, stir, urge, vitalize, vivify @@@@ [3]alive, alive and kicking, breathing, live, living, moving @@@@ [4]gay, lively, spirited, vivacious"} {"x":"animation","y":"[1]action, activity, airiness, ardour, brio, briskness, buoyancy, dynamism, ebullience, elation, energy, enthusiasm, excitement, exhilaration, fervour, gaiety, high spirits, life, liveliness, passion, pep, pizzazz or pizazz @@@@ [2]sparkle, spirit, sprightliness, verve, vibrancy, vigour, vitality, vivacity, zeal, zest, zing"} {"x":"animosity","y":"[1]acrimony, animus, antagonism, antipathy, bad blood, bitterness, enmity, hate, hatred, hostility, ill will, malevolence, malice, malignity, rancour, resentment, virulence"} {"x":"animus","y":"[1]acrimony, animosity, antagonism, antipathy, bad blood, bitterness, enmity, hate, hatred, hostility, ill will, malevolence, malice, malignity, rancour, resentment, virulence @@@@ [2]animating force, intention, motive, purpose, will"} {"x":"annals","y":"[1]accounts, archives, chronicles, history, journals, memorials, records, registers"} {"x":"anneal","y":"[1]case-harden, harden, indurate, steel, strengthen, temper, toughen"} {"x":"annex","y":"[1]add, adjoin, affix, append, attach, connect, fasten, join, subjoin, tack, unite @@@@ [2]acquire, appropriate, arrogate, conquer, expropriate, occupy, seize, take over"} {"x":"annexation","y":"[1]annexing, appropriation, arrogation, conquest, expropriation, occupation, seizure, takeover"} {"x":"annihilate","y":"[1]abolish, destroy, eradicate, erase, exterminate, extinguish, extirpate, liquidate, nullify, obliterate, root out, wipe from the face of the earth, wipe out"} {"x":"annotate","y":"[1]commentate, comment on, elucidate, explain, footnote, gloss, illustrate, interpret, make observations, note"} {"x":"annotation","y":"[1]comment, commentary, elucidation, exegesis, explanation, explication, footnote, gloss, illustration, interpretation, note, observation"} {"x":"announce","y":"[1]broadcast, declare, disclose, divulge, give out, intimate, make known, proclaim, promulgate, propound, publish, report, reveal, shout from the rooftops @@@@ [2]tell @@@@ [3]augur, betoken, foretell, harbinger, herald, portend, presage, signal, signify"} {"x":"announcement","y":"[1]advertisement, broadcast, bulletin, communique, declaration, disclosure, divulgence, intimation, proclamation, promulgation, publication, report, revelation, statement"} {"x":"annoy","y":"[1]aggravate @@@@ [2]anger, badger, bedevil, be on one's back @@@@ [3]bore, bother, bug @@@@ [4]displease, disturb, exasperate, gall, get @@@@ [5]harass, harry, hassle @@@@ [6]incommode, irk, irritate, madden, make one's blood boil, molest, nark @@@@ [7]needle @@@@ [8]nettle, peeve, pester, piss one off @@@@ [9]plague, provoke, put one's back up, rile, rub (someone) up the wrong way @@@@ [10]ruffle, tease, trouble, vex"} {"x":"annoyed","y":"[1]aggravated @@@@ [2]bothered, browned off @@@@ [3]displeased, exasperated, harassed, harried, hassled @@@@ [4]irked, irritated, maddened, miffed @@@@ [5]nettled, peeved @@@@ [6]piqued, pissed off @@@@ [7]riled, ruffled, vexed"} {"x":"annoying","y":"[1]aggravating, bedevilling, boring, bothersome, displeasing, disturbing, exasperating, galling, harassing, irksome, irritating, maddening, peeving @@@@ [2]provoking, teasing, troublesome, vexatious"} {"x":"annual","y":"[1]once a year, yearlong, yearly"} {"x":"annul","y":"[1]abolish, abrogate, cancel, countermand, declare or render null and void, invalidate, negate, nullify, obviate, recall, repeal, rescind, retract, reverse, revoke, void"} {"x":"anodyne","y":"[1]analgesic, narcotic, painkiller, pain reliever, palliative @@@@ [2]analgesic, deadening, dulling, narcotic, numbing, pain-killing, pain-relieving, palliative"} {"x":"anoint","y":"[1]daub, embrocate, grease, oil, rub, smear, spread over @@@@ [2]anele @@@@ [3]bless, consecrate, hallow, sanctify"} {"x":"anomalous","y":"[1]aberrant, abnormal, atypical, bizarre, deviating, eccentric, exceptional, incongruous, inconsistent, irregular, odd, oddball @@@@ [2]off-the-wall @@@@ [3]outre, peculiar, rare, unusual"} {"x":"anomaly","y":"[1]aberration, abnormality, departure, deviation, eccentricity, exception, incongruity, inconsistency, irregularity, oddity, peculiarity, rarity"} {"x":"anon","y":"[1]before long, betimes @@@@ [2]erelong @@@@ [3]presently, promptly, shortly, soon"} {"x":"anonymity","y":"[1]innominateness, namelessness @@@@ [2]characterlessness, unremarkability or unremarkableness, unsingularity"} {"x":"anonymous","y":"[1]incognito, innominate, nameless, unacknowledged, unattested, unauthenticated, uncredited, unidentified, unknown, unnamed, unsigned @@@@ [2]characterless, nondescript, unexceptional"} {"x":"answer","y":"[1]acknowledgment, comeback, counterattack, defence, explanation, plea, reaction, refutation, rejoinder, reply, report, resolution, response, retort, return, riposte, solution, vindication @@@@ [2]acknowledge, explain, react, refute, rejoin, reply, resolve, respond, retort, return, solve @@@@ [3]conform, correlate, correspond, do, fill, fit, fulfil, measure up, meet, pass, qualify, satisfy, serve, suffice, suit, work"} {"x":"answerable","y":"[1]accountable, amenable, chargeable, liable, responsible, subject, to blame @@@@ [2]explainable, refutable, resolvable, solvable"} {"x":"antagonism","y":"[1]antipathy, competition, conflict, contention, discord, dissension, friction, hostility, opposition, rivalry"} {"x":"antagonist","y":"[1]adversary, competitor, contender, enemy, foe, opponent, opposer, rival"} {"x":"antecedent","y":"[1]anterior, earlier, foregoing, former, preceding, precursory, preliminary, previous, prior"} {"x":"antediluvian","y":"[1]prehistoric, primeval, primitive, primordial @@@@ [2]ancient, antiquated, antique, archaic, obsolete, old as the hills, old-fashioned, out-of-date, out of the ark @@@@ [3]passe"} {"x":"anterior","y":"[1]fore, forward, front, frontward @@@@ [2]antecedent, earlier, foregoing, former, introductory, preceding, previous, prior"} {"x":"anteroom","y":"[1]antechamber, foyer, lobby, outer room, reception room, vestibule, waiting room"} {"x":"anthem","y":"[1]canticle, carol, chant, chorale, hymn, psalm"} {"x":"anthology","y":"[1]analects, choice, collection, compendium, compilation, digest, garland, miscellany, selection, treasury"} {"x":"anticipate","y":"[1]apprehend, await, count upon, expect, forecast, foresee, foretell, hope for, look for, look forward to, predict, prepare for @@@@ [2]forestall, intercept, prevent"} {"x":"anticlimax","y":"[1]bathos, comedown @@@@ [2]disappointment, letdown"} {"x":"antidote","y":"[1]antitoxin, antivenin, corrective, counteragent, countermeasure, cure, neutralizer, nostrum, preventive, remedy, specific"} {"x":"antipathy","y":"[1]abhorrence, animosity, animus, antagonism, aversion, bad blood, contrariety, disgust, dislike, distaste, enmity, hatred, hostility, ill will, incompatibility, loathing, odium, opposition, rancour, repugnance, repulsion"} {"x":"antiquated","y":"[1]antediluvian, antique, archaic, dated, obsolete, old-fashioned, old hat, outmoded, out-of-date, outworn, passe @@@@ [2]aged, ancient, cobwebby, elderly, hoary, old, old as the hills, past it @@@@ [3]superannuated"} {"x":"antique","y":"[1]aged, ancient, elderly, old, superannuated @@@@ [2]archaic, obsolete, old-fashioned, outdated @@@@ [3]antiquarian, classic, olden, vintage @@@@ [4]bygone, heirloom, object of virtu, relic"} {"x":"antiquity","y":"[1]age, ancientness, elderliness, old age, oldness @@@@ [2]ancient times, distant past, olden days, time immemorial @@@@ [3]antique, relic, ruin"} {"x":"antiseptic","y":"[1]aseptic, clean, germ-free, hygienic, pure, sanitary, sterile, uncontaminated, unpolluted @@@@ [2]bactericide, disinfectant, germicide, purifier"} {"x":"antisocial","y":"[1]alienated, asocial, misanthropic, reserved, retiring, uncommunicative, unfriendly, unsociable, withdrawn @@@@ [2]antagonistic, belligerent, disorderly, disruptive, hostile, menacing, rebellious"} {"x":"antithesis","y":"[1]antipode, contrary, contrast, converse, inverse, opposite, reverse @@@@ [2]contradiction, contraposition, contrariety, contrast, inversion, opposition, reversal"} {"x":"anxiety","y":"[1]angst, apprehension, care, concern, disquiet, disquietude, distress, foreboding, fretfulness, misgiving, nervousness, restlessness, solicitude, suspense, tension, trepidation, unease, uneasiness, watchfulness, worry"} {"x":"anxious","y":"[1]angsty, apprehensive, careful, concerned, disquieted, distressed, disturbed, fearful, fretful, hot and bothered, in suspense, nervous, neurotic, on pins and needles, on tenterhooks, overwrought, restless, solicitous, taut, tense, troubled, twitchy @@@@ [2]uneasy, unquiet @@@@ [3]watchful, wired @@@@ [4]worried @@@@ [5]ardent, avid, desirous, eager, expectant, impatient, intent, itching, keen, yearning"} {"x":"anybody","y":"[1]Anybody"} {"x":"apace","y":"[1]at full speed, expeditiously, posthaste, quickly, rapidly, speedily, swiftly, with dispatch, without delay"} {"x":"apart","y":"[1]afar, alone, aloof, aside, away, by itself, by oneself, cut off, distant, distinct, divorced, excluded, independent, independently, isolated, out on a limb, piecemeal, separate, separated, separately, singly, to itself, to oneself, to one side @@@@ [2]asunder, in bits, in pieces, into parts, to bits, to pieces @@@@ [3]aside from, besides, but, except for, excluding, not counting, other than, save @@@@ [4]break, come unstuck, crumble, disintegrate, fall to pieces, give way, separate, split, tear @@@@ [5]break up, come apart at the seams, crumble, disband, disintegrate, disperse, dissolve, fall to bits, go or come to pieces, go to seed, lose cohesion, shatter"} {"x":"apartment","y":"[1]accommodation, chambers, compartment, flat, living quarters, penthouse, quarters, room, rooms, suite"} {"x":"apathetic","y":"[1]cold, cool, emotionless, impassive, indifferent, insensible, listless, passive, phlegmatic, sluggish, stoic, stoical, torpid, unconcerned, unemotional, unfeeling, uninterested, unmoved, unresponsive"} {"x":"apathy","y":"[1]coldness, coolness, emotionlessness, impassibility, impassivity, indifference, inertia, insensibility, listlessness, nonchalance, passiveness, passivity, phlegm, sluggishness, stoicism, torpor, unconcern, unfeelingness, uninterestedness, unresponsiveness"} {"x":"ape","y":"[1]affect, caricature, copy, counterfeit, echo, imitate, mimic, mirror, mock, parody, parrot"} {"x":"aperture","y":"[1]breach, chink, cleft, crack, eye, eyelet, fissure, gap, hole, interstice, opening, orifice, passage, perforation, rent, rift, slit, slot, space, vent"} {"x":"apex","y":"[1]acme, apogee, climax, crest, crown, culmination, height, high point, peak, pinnacle, point, summit, tip, top, vertex, zenith"} {"x":"aphorism","y":"[1]adage, apothegm, axiom, dictum, gnome, maxim, precept, proverb, saw, saying"} {"x":"aphrodisiac","y":"[1]love potion, philter @@@@ [2]arousing, erotic or erotical, exciting, stimulating, venereal"} {"x":"apiece","y":"[1]each, for each, from each, individually, respectively, separately, severally, to each"} {"x":"aplomb","y":"[1]balance, calmness, composure, confidence, coolness, equanimity, level-headedness, poise, sang-froid, self-assurance, self-confidence, self-possession, stability"} {"x":"apocalypse","y":"[1]disclosure, prefigurement, prophecy, revelation, telling, vaticination @@@@ [2]carnage, conflagration, destruction, devastation, havoc, holocaust"} {"x":"apogee","y":"[1]acme, apex, climax, crest, crown, culmination, height, high point, peak, pinnacle, summit, tip, top, vertex, zenith"} {"x":"apologetic","y":"[1]contrite, penitent, regretful, remorseful, rueful, sorry"} {"x":"apologia","y":"[1]apology, argument, case, defence, explanation, justification, plea"} {"x":"apologize","y":"[1]ask forgiveness, beg pardon, express regret, say one is sorry, say sorry"} {"x":"apoplectic","y":"[1]beside oneself, boiling, enraged, frantic, frenzied, fuming, furious, incensed, infuriated, livid @@@@ [2]mad, raging"} {"x":"apoplexy","y":"[1]attack, convulsion, fit, paroxysm, seizure"} {"x":"apostasy","y":"[1]backsliding, defection, desertion, disloyalty, faithlessness, falseness, heresy, perfidy, recreance or recreancy @@@@ [2]treachery, unfaithfulness"} {"x":"apostate","y":"[1]backslider, defector, deserter, heretic, recreant @@@@ [2]renegade, traitor, turncoat @@@@ [3]backsliding, disloyal, faithless, false, heretical, perfidious, recreant, traitorous, treacherous, unfaithful, untrue"} {"x":"apostle","y":"[1]evangelist, herald, messenger, missionary, preacher, proselytizer @@@@ [2]advocate, champion, pioneer, propagandist, propagator, proponent"} {"x":"apothegm","y":"[1]adage, aphorism, axiom, dictum, gnome, maxim, precept, proverb, saw, saying"} {"x":"apotheosis","y":"[1]deification, elevation, exaltation, glorification, idealization, idolization"} {"x":"appal","y":"[1]alarm, astound, daunt, dishearten, dismay, frighten, harrow, horrify, intimidate, make one's hair stand on end @@@@ [2]outrage, petrify, scare, shock, terrify, unnerve"} {"x":"apparatus","y":"[1]appliance, contraption @@@@ [2]device, equipment, gear, implements, machine, machinery, materials, means, mechanism, outfit, tackle, tools, utensils @@@@ [3]bureaucracy, chain of command, hierarchy, network, organization, setup @@@@ [4]structure, system"} {"x":"apparel","y":"[1]accoutrements, array @@@@ [2]attire, clothes, clothing, costume, dress, equipment, garb, garments, gear @@@@ [3]habiliments, habit, outfit, raiment @@@@ [4]robes, schmutter @@@@ [5]threads @@@@ [6]trappings, vestments"} {"x":"apparent","y":"[1]blatant, bold, clear, conspicuous, discernible, distinct, evident, indubitable, manifest, marked, obvious, open, overt, patent, plain, plain as the nose on your face, salient, understandable, unmistakable, visible @@@@ [2]ostensible, outward, seeming, specious, superficial"} {"x":"apparently","y":"[1]it appears that, it seems that, on the face of it, ostensibly, outwardly, seemingly, speciously, superficially"} {"x":"apparition","y":"[1]appearance, manifestation, materialization, presence, vision, visitation @@@@ [2]chimera, eidolon, ghost, phantom, revenant, shade @@@@ [3]spectre, spirit, spook @@@@ [4]visitant, wraith"} {"x":"appeal","y":"[1]adjuration, application, entreaty, invocation, petition, plea, prayer, request, solicitation, suit, supplication @@@@ [2]allure, attraction, attractiveness, beauty, charm, engagingness, fascination, interestingness, pleasingness @@@@ [3]adjure, apply, ask, beg, beseech, call, call upon, entreat, implore, petition, plead, pray, refer, request, resort to, solicit, sue, supplicate @@@@ [4]allure, attract, charm, engage, entice, fascinate, interest, invite, please, tempt"} {"x":"appear","y":"[1]arise, arrive, attend, be present, come forth, come into sight, come into view, come out, come to light, crop up @@@@ [2]develop, emerge, issue, loom, materialize, occur, show @@@@ [3]surface, turn out, turn up @@@@ [4]look (like or as if), occur, seem, strike one as @@@@ [5]be apparent, be clear, be evident, be manifest, be obvious, be patent, be plain @@@@ [6]become available, be created, be developed, be invented, be published, come into being, come into existence, come out @@@@ [7]act, be exhibited, come on, come onstage, enter, perform, play, play a part, take part"} {"x":"appearance","y":"[1]advent, appearing, arrival, coming, debut, emergence, introduction, presence, showing up @@@@ [2]turning up @@@@ [3]air, aspect, bearing, demeanour, expression, face, figure, form, image, look, looks, manner, mien @@@@ [4]front, guise, illusion, image, impression, outward show, pretence, semblance"} {"x":"appease","y":"[1]allay, alleviate, assuage, blunt, calm, compose, conciliate, diminish, ease, lessen, lull, mitigate, mollify, pacify, placate, pour oil on troubled waters, quell, quench, quiet, satisfy, soften, soothe, subdue, tranquillize"} {"x":"appellation","y":"[1]address, description, designation, epithet, name, sobriquet, style, term, title"} {"x":"append","y":"[1]add, adjoin, affix, annex, attach, fasten, hang, join, subjoin, tack on, tag on"} {"x":"appendage","y":"[1]accessory, addendum, addition, adjunct, affix, ancillary, annexe, appendix, appurtenance, attachment, auxiliary, supplement @@@@ [2]extremity, limb, member, projection, protuberance"} {"x":"appendix","y":"[1]addendum, addition, add-on, adjunct, appendage, codicil, postscript, supplement"} {"x":"appertain","y":"[1]apply, bear upon, be characteristic of, be connected, belong, be part of, be pertinent, be proper, be relevant, have to do with, inhere in, pertain, refer, relate, touch upon"} {"x":"appetite","y":"[1]appetence, appetency, craving, demand, desire, hankering, hunger, inclination, liking, longing, passion, proclivity, propensity, relish, stomach, taste, willingness, yearning, zeal, zest"} {"x":"appetizer","y":"[1]antipasto, canape, cocktail, hors d'oeuvre, titbit @@@@ [2]aperitif, cocktail @@@@ [3]foretaste, sample, taste"} {"x":"applaud","y":"[1]acclaim, approve, cheer, clap, commend, compliment, crack up @@@@ [2]encourage, eulogize, extol, give (someone) a big hand, laud, magnify @@@@ [3]praise"} {"x":"applause","y":"[1]acclaim, acclamation, accolade, approbation, approval, big hand, cheering, cheers, commendation, eulogizing, hand, hand-clapping, laudation, ovation, plaudit, praise"} {"x":"appliance","y":"[1]apparatus, device, gadget, implement, instrument, machine, mechanism, tool, waldo"} {"x":"applicable","y":"[1]apposite, appropriate, apropos, apt, befitting, fit, fitting, germane, pertinent, relevant, suitable, suited, to the point, to the purpose, useful"} {"x":"applicant","y":"[1]aspirant, candidate, claimant, inquirer, petitioner, postulant, suitor, suppliant"} {"x":"application","y":"[1]appositeness, exercise, function, germaneness, pertinence, practice, purpose, relevance, use, value @@@@ [2]appeal, claim, inquiry, petition, request, requisition, solicitation, suit @@@@ [3]assiduity, attention, attentiveness, commitment, dedication, diligence, effort, hard work, industry, perseverance, study @@@@ [4]balm, cream, dressing, emollient, lotion, ointment, poultice, salve, unguent @@@@ [5]pre-candidature"} {"x":"apply","y":"[1]administer, assign, bring into play, bring to bear, carry out, employ, engage, execute, exercise, exert, implement, practise, put to use, use, utilize @@@@ [2]appertain, be applicable, be appropriate, bear upon, be fitting, be relevant, fit, pertain, refer, relate, suit @@@@ [3]anoint, bring into contact with, cover with, lay on, paint, place, put on, smear, spread on, touch to @@@@ [4]appeal, claim, inquire, make application, petition, put in, request, requisition, solicit, sue @@@@ [5]address, be assiduous, be diligent, be industrious, buckle down @@@@ [6]commit, concentrate, dedicate, devote, direct, give, make an effort, pay attention, persevere, study, try, work hard"} {"x":"appoint","y":"[1]allot, arrange, assign, choose, decide, designate, determine, establish, fix, set, settle @@@@ [2]assign, choose, commission, delegate, elect, install, name, nominate, select @@@@ [3]command, decree, direct, enjoin, ordain @@@@ [4]equip, fit out, furnish, provide, supply"} {"x":"appointed","y":"[1]allotted, arranged, assigned, chosen, decided, designated, determined, established, fixed, set, settled @@@@ [2]assigned, chosen, commissioned, delegated, elected, installed, named, nominated, selected @@@@ [3]commanded, decreed, directed, enjoined, ordained @@@@ [4]equipped, fitted out, furnished, provided, supplied"} {"x":"appointment","y":"[1]arrangement, assignation, consultation, date, engagement, interview, meeting, rendezvous, session, tryst @@@@ [2]allotment, assignment, choice, choosing, commissioning, delegation, designation, election, installation, naming, nomination, selection @@@@ [3]assignment, berth @@@@ [4]job, office, place, position, post, situation, station @@@@ [5]appointee, candidate, delegate, nominee, office-holder, representative @@@@ [6]accoutrements, appurtenances, equipage, fittings, fixtures, furnishings, gear, outfit, paraphernalia, trappings"} {"x":"apportion","y":"[1]allocate, allot, assign, deal, dispense, distribute, divide, dole out, measure out, mete out, parcel out, ration out, share"} {"x":"apposite","y":"[1]appertaining, applicable, appropriate, apropos, apt, befitting, fitting, germane, pertinent, proper, relevant, suitable, suited, to the point, to the purpose"} {"x":"appraise","y":"[1]assay, assess, estimate, evaluate, eye up, gauge, inspect, judge, price, rate, recce @@@@ [2]review, size up @@@@ [3]survey, value"} {"x":"appreciable","y":"[1]ascertainable, clear-cut, considerable, definite, detectable, discernible, distinguishable, evident, marked, material, measurable, noticeable, obvious, perceivable, perceptible, pronounced, recognizable, significant, substantial, visible"} {"x":"appreciate","y":"[1]be appreciative, be grateful for, be indebted, be obliged, be thankful for, give thanks for @@@@ [2]acknowledge, be alive to, be aware of, be cognizant of, be conscious of, comprehend, estimate, know, perceive, realize, recognize, sympathize with, take account of, understand @@@@ [3]admire, cherish, enjoy, esteem, like, prize, rate highly, regard, relish, respect, savour, treasure, value @@@@ [4]enhance, gain, grow, improve, increase, inflate, raise the value of, rise"} {"x":"appreciation","y":"[1]acknowledgment, gratefulness, gratitude, indebtedness, obligation, thankfulness, thanks @@@@ [2]admiration, appraisal, assessment, awareness, cognizance, comprehension, enjoyment, esteem, estimation, knowledge, liking, perception, realization, recognition, regard, relish, respect, responsiveness, sensitivity, sympathy, understanding, valuation @@@@ [3]enhancement, gain, growth, improvement, increase, inflation, rise @@@@ [4]acclamation, criticism, critique, notice, praise, review, tribute"} {"x":"appreciative","y":"[1]beholden, grateful, indebted, obliged, thankful @@@@ [2]admiring, aware, cognizant, conscious, enthusiastic, in the know @@@@ [3]knowledgeable, mindful, perceptive, pleased, regardful, respectful, responsive, sensitive, supportive, sympathetic, understanding"} {"x":"apprehend","y":"[1]arrest, bust @@@@ [2]capture, catch, collar @@@@ [3]lift @@@@ [4]nab @@@@ [5]nail @@@@ [6]nick @@@@ [7]pinch @@@@ [8]run in @@@@ [9]seize, take, take prisoner @@@@ [10]appreciate, believe, comprehend, conceive, get the message, get the picture, grasp, imagine, know, perceive, realize, recognize, think, understand @@@@ [11]be afraid of, dread, fear"} {"x":"apprehensive","y":"[1]afraid, alarmed, anxious, concerned, disquieted, doubtful, fearful, foreboding, mistrustful, nervous, neurotic, suspicious, twitchy @@@@ [2]uneasy, worried"} {"x":"apprentice","y":"[1]beginner, learner, neophyte, novice, probationer, pupil, student, trainee, tyro"} {"x":"approach","y":"[1]advance, catch up, come close, come near, come to, draw near, gain on, meet, move towards, near, push forward, reach @@@@ [2]appeal to, apply to, broach the matter with, make advances to, make a proposal to, make overtures to, sound out @@@@ [3]begin, begin work on, commence, embark on, enter upon, make a start, set about, undertake @@@@ [4]approximate, be comparable to, be like, come close to, come near to, compare with, resemble @@@@ [5]access, advance, advent, arrival, avenue, coming, drawing near, entrance, nearing, passage, road, way @@@@ [6]approximation, likeness, semblance @@@@ [7]advance, appeal, application, invitation, offer, overture, proposal, proposition @@@@ [8]attitude, course, manner, means, method, mode, modus operandi, procedure, style, technique, way"} {"x":"approbation","y":"[1]acceptance, acclaim, applause, approval, assent, commendation, congratulation, encouragement, endorsement, favour, laudation, praise, ratification, recognition, sanction, support"} {"x":"appropriate","y":"[1]adapted, applicable, apposite, appurtenant, apropos, apt, becoming, befitting, belonging, congruous, correct, felicitous, fit, fitting, germane, meet @@@@ [2]opportune, pertinent, proper, relevant, right, seemly, suitable, to the point, to the purpose, well-suited, well-timed @@@@ [3]allocate, allot, apportion, assign, devote, earmark, set apart @@@@ [4]annex, arrogate, assume, commandeer, confiscate, expropriate, impound, pre-empt, seize, take, take over, take possession of, usurp @@@@ [5]embezzle, filch, misappropriate, pilfer, pocket, steal"} {"x":"appropriation","y":"[1]allocation, allotment, apportionment, assignment, earmarking, setting apart @@@@ [2]annexation, arrogation, assumption, commandeering, confiscation, expropriation, impoundment, pre-emption, seizure, takeover, taking, usurpation"} {"x":"approval","y":"[1]acquiescence, agreement, assent, authorization, blessing, compliance, concurrence, confirmation, consent, countenance, endorsement, imprimatur, leave, licence, mandate, O.K. or okay @@@@ [2]permission, ratification, recommendation, sanction, the go-ahead @@@@ [3]acclaim, admiration, applause, appreciation, approbation, Brownie points, commendation, esteem, favour, good opinion, liking, praise, regard, respect"} {"x":"approve","y":"[1]acclaim, admire, applaud, appreciate, be pleased with, commend, esteem, favour, have a good opinion of, like, praise, regard highly, respect, think highly of @@@@ [2]accede to, accept, advocate, agree to, allow, assent to, authorize, bless, buy into @@@@ [3]concur in, confirm, consent to, countenance, endorse, give the go-ahead @@@@ [4]give the green light, go along with, mandate, O.K. or okay @@@@ [5]pass, permit, ratify, recommend, sanction, second, subscribe to, uphold, validate"} {"x":"approximate","y":"[1]almost accurate, almost exact, close, near @@@@ [2]estimated, inexact, loose, rough @@@@ [3]analogous, close, comparable, like, near, relative, similar, verging on @@@@ [4]adjacent, bordering, close together, contiguous, near, nearby, neighbouring @@@@ [5]approach, border on, come close, come near, reach, resemble, touch, verge on"} {"x":"approximately","y":"[1]about, almost, around, circa @@@@ [2]close to, generally, in the neighbourhood of, in the region of, in the vicinity of, just about, loosely, more or less, nearly, not far off, relatively, roughly @@@@ [3]An approximate number, time, or position is close to the correct number, time, or position, but is not exact."} {"x":"approximation","y":"[1]ballpark estimate @@@@ [2]ballpark figure @@@@ [3]conjecture, estimate, estimation, guess, guesswork, rough calculation, rough idea @@@@ [4]approach, correspondence, likeness, resemblance, semblance"} {"x":"appurtenance","y":"[1]accessory, accompaniment, adjunct, annexe, appendage, appurtenant, attachment, auxiliary, concomitant, incidental, piece of equipment, subordinate, subsidiary, supplement @@@@ [2]accessories, accompaniments, accoutrements, appendages, equipment, impedimenta, paraphernalia, trappings"} {"x":"apron","y":"[1]pinafore, pinny"} {"x":"apropos","y":"[1]applicable, apposite, appropriate, apt, befitting, belonging, correct, fit, fitting, germane, meet @@@@ [2]opportune, pertinent, proper, related, relevant, right, seemly, suitable, to the point, to the purpose @@@@ [3]appropriately, aptly, opportunely, pertinently, relevantly, suitably, timely, to the point, to the purpose @@@@ [4]by the bye, by the way, incidentally, in passing, parenthetically, while on the subject @@@@ [5]in respect of, on the subject of, re, regarding, respecting, with reference to, with regard to, with respect to"} {"x":"apt","y":"[1]applicable, apposite, appropriate, apropos, befitting, correct, fit, fitting, germane, meet @@@@ [2]pertinent, proper, relevant, seemly, suitable, timely, to the point, to the purpose @@@@ [3]disposed, given, inclined, liable, likely, of a mind, prone, ready @@@@ [4]astute, bright, clever, expert, gifted, ingenious, intelligent, prompt, quick, sharp, skilful, smart, talented, teachable"} {"x":"aptitude","y":"[1]bent, disposition, inclination, leaning, predilection, proclivity, proneness, propensity, tendency @@@@ [2]ability, aptness, capability, capacity, cleverness, faculty, flair, gift, giftedness, intelligence, knack, proficiency, quickness, talent @@@@ [3]applicability, appositeness, appropriateness, fitness, relevance, suitability, suitableness"} {"x":"arable","y":"[1]cultivable, farmable, fecund, fertile, fruitful, ploughable, productive, tillable"} {"x":"arbiter","y":"[1]adjudicator, arbitrator, judge, referee, umpire @@@@ [2]authority, controller, dictator, expert, governor, lord, master, pundit, ruler"} {"x":"arbitrariness","y":"[1]capriciousness, fancifulness, inconsistency, randomness, subjectivity, unreasonableness, whimsicality, wilfulness @@@@ [2]absoluteness, despotism, dictatorialness, dogmatism, domineeringness, high-handedness, imperiousness, magisterialness, overbearingness, peremptoriness, summariness, tyrannicalness, tyrannousness, tyranny, uncontrolledness, unlimitedness, unrestrainedness"} {"x":"arbitrary","y":"[1]capricious, chance, discretionary, erratic, fanciful, inconsistent, optional, personal, random, subjective, unreasonable, whimsical, wilful @@@@ [2]absolute, autocratic, despotic, dictatorial, dogmatic, domineering, high-handed, imperious, magisterial, overbearing, peremptory, summary, tyrannical, tyrannous, uncontrolled, unlimited, unrestrained"} {"x":"arbitrate","y":"[1]adjudge, adjudicate, decide, determine, judge, mediate, pass judgment, referee, settle, sit in judgment, umpire"} {"x":"arbitration","y":"[1]adjudication, arbitrament, decision, determination, judgment, settlement"} {"x":"arbitrator","y":"[1]adjudicator, arbiter, judge, referee, umpire"} {"x":"arc","y":"[1]arch, bend, bow, crescent, curve, half-moon"} {"x":"arcane","y":"[1]cabbalistic, esoteric, hidden, mysterious, occult, recondite, secret"} {"x":"arch","y":"[1]archway, curve, dome, span, vault @@@@ [2]arc, bend, bow, curvature, curve, hump, semicircle @@@@ [3]arc, bend, bow, bridge, curve, embow, span @@@@ [4]accomplished, chief, consummate, expert, finished, first, foremost, greatest, head, highest, lead, leading, main, major, master, pre-eminent, primary, principal, top @@@@ [5]artful, frolicsome, knowing, mischievous, pert, playful, roguish, saucy, sly, waggish, wily"} {"x":"archaeology","y":"[1]prehistory, protohistory"} {"x":"archaic","y":"[1]ancient, antiquated, antique, behind the times, bygone, obsolete, old, olden @@@@ [2]old-fashioned, old hat, outmoded, out of date, passe, primitive, superannuated"} {"x":"archer","y":"[1]bowman @@@@ [2]toxophilite"} {"x":"archetype","y":"[1]classic, exemplar, form, ideal, model, norm, original, paradigm, pattern, prime example, prototype, standard"} {"x":"architect","y":"[1]designer, master builder, planner @@@@ [2]author, contriver, creator, deviser, engineer, founder, instigator, inventor, maker, originator, planner, prime mover, shaper"} {"x":"architecture","y":"[1]architectonics, building, construction, design, planning @@@@ [2]construction, design, framework, make-up, structure, style"} {"x":"archives","y":"[1]annals, chronicles, documents, papers, records, registers, rolls @@@@ [2]museum, record office, registry, repository"} {"x":"arctic","y":"[1]far-northern, hyperborean, polar @@@@ [2]chilly, cold, cold as ice, freezing, frigid, frost-bound, frosty, frozen, gelid, glacial, icy"} {"x":"ardent","y":"[1]ablaze, amorous, avid, eager, enthusiastic, fervent, fervid, fierce, fiery, flaming, hot, hot-blooded, impassioned, intense, keen, keen as mustard, lusty, passionate, spirited, vehement, warm, warm-blooded, zealous"} {"x":"arduous","y":"[1]backbreaking, burdensome, difficult, exhausting, fatiguing, formidable, gruelling, hard, harsh, heavy, laborious, onerous, painful, punishing, rigorous, severe, steep, strenuous, taxing, tiring, toilsome, tough, troublesome, trying"} {"x":"area","y":"[1]district, domain, locality, neck of the woods @@@@ [2]neighbourhood, patch, plot, realm, region, sector, sphere, stretch, territory, tract, turf @@@@ [3]zone @@@@ [4]ambit, breadth, compass, expanse, extent, range, scope, size, width @@@@ [5]arena, department, domain, field, province, realm, sphere, territory @@@@ [6]part, portion, section, sector @@@@ [7]sunken space, yard"} {"x":"arena","y":"[1]amphitheatre, bowl, coliseum, field, ground, park @@@@ [2]ring, stadium, stage @@@@ [3]area, battlefield, battleground, domain, field, field of conflict, lists, province, realm, scene, scope, sector, sphere, territory, theatre"} {"x":"argot","y":"[1]cant, dialect, idiom, jargon, lingo @@@@ [2]parlance, patois, patter, slang, vernacular"} {"x":"argue","y":"[1]altercate, bandy words, be at sixes and sevens, bicker, cross swords, disagree, dispute, fall out @@@@ [2]feud, fight, fight like cat and dog, go at it hammer and tongs, have an argument, quarrel, squabble, wrangle @@@@ [3]assert, claim, contend, controvert, debate, discuss, dispute, expostulate, hold, maintain, plead, question, reason, remonstrate @@@@ [4]convince, persuade, prevail upon, talk into, talk round @@@@ [5]demonstrate, denote, display, evince, exhibit, imply, indicate, manifest, point to, show, suggest"} {"x":"argument","y":"[1]altercation, barney @@@@ [2]bickering, clash, controversy, difference of opinion, disagreement, dispute, falling out @@@@ [3]feud, fight, quarrel, row, squabble, wrangle @@@@ [4]assertion, claim, contention, debate, discussion, dispute, expostulation, plea, pleading, questioning, remonstrance, remonstration @@@@ [5]argumentation, case, defence, dialectic, ground(s), line of reasoning, logic, polemic, reason, reasoning @@@@ [6]abstract, gist, outline, plot, story, story line, subject, summary, synopsis, theme"} {"x":"argumentative","y":"[1]belligerent, combative, contentious, contrary, disputatious, litigious, opinionated, quarrelsome @@@@ [2]contentious, controversial, disputed, polemic"} {"x":"arid","y":"[1]barren, desert, dried up, dry, moistureless, parched, sterile, torrid, waterless @@@@ [2]as dry as dust, boring, colourless, dreary, dry, dull, flat, jejune, lifeless, spiritless, tedious, tiresome, uninspired, uninteresting, vapid"} {"x":"aridity","y":"[1]barrenness, dryness, moisturelessness, parchedness, sterility, waterlessness @@@@ [2]boredom, colourlessness, dreariness, dryness, dullness, flatness, jejuneness, jejunity, lifelessness, spiritlessness, tediousness, tedium, uninspiredness, uninterestingness, vapidity, vapidness"} {"x":"aright","y":"[1]accurately, appropriately, aptly, correctly, duly, exactly, fitly, in due order, justly, properly, rightly, suitably, truly, without error"} {"x":"arise","y":"[1]appear, begin, come into being, come to light, commence, crop up @@@@ [2]emanate, emerge, ensue, follow, happen, issue, occur, originate, proceed, result, set in, spring, start, stem @@@@ [3]get to one's feet, get up, go up, rise, stand up, wake up @@@@ [4]ascend, climb, lift, mount, move upward, rise, soar, tower"} {"x":"aristocracy","y":"[1]body of nobles, elite, gentry, haut monde, nobility, noblesse @@@@ [2]patricians, patriciate, peerage, ruling class, upper class, upper crust"} {"x":"aristocrat","y":"[1]aristo @@@@ [2]childe @@@@ [3]grandee, lady, lord, noble, nobleman, noblewoman, patrician, peer, peeress"} {"x":"aristocratic","y":"[1]blue-blooded, elite, gentle @@@@ [2]gentlemanly, highborn, lordly, noble, patrician, titled, upper-class, well-born @@@@ [3]courtly, dignified, elegant, fine, haughty, polished, refined, snobbish, stylish, well-bred"} {"x":"arithmetical","y":"[1]Arithmetical calculations, processes, or skills involve the addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division of numbers."} {"x":"arm","y":"[1]appendage, limb, upper limb @@@@ [2]bough, branch, department, detachment, division, extension, offshoot, projection, section, sector @@@@ [3]branch, channel, estuary, firth, inlet, sound, strait, tributary @@@@ [4]authority, command, force, might, potency, power, strength, sway @@@@ [5]accoutre, array, deck out, equip, furnish, issue with, outfit, provide, rig, supply @@@@ [6]mobilize, muster forces, prepare for war, take up arms @@@@ [7]brace, equip, forearm, fortify, gird one's loins, guard, make ready, outfit, prepare, prime, protect, strengthen"} {"x":"armada","y":"[1]fleet, flotilla, navy, squadron"} {"x":"armed","y":"[1]accoutred, arrayed, carrying weapons, equipped, fitted out, forearmed, fortified, furnished, girded, guarded, in arms, prepared, primed, protected, provided, ready, rigged out, strengthened, supplied, under arms"} {"x":"armistice","y":"[1]ceasefire, peace, suspension of hostilities, truce"} {"x":"arms","y":"[1]armaments, firearms, guns, instruments of war, ordnance, weaponry, weapons @@@@ [2]blazonry, crest, escutcheon, heraldry, insignia @@@@ [3]appendage, limb, upper limb @@@@ [4]bough, branch, department, detachment, division, extension, offshoot, projection, section, sector @@@@ [5]branch, channel, estuary, firth, inlet, sound, strait, tributary @@@@ [6]authority, command, force, might, potency, power, strength, sway"} {"x":"army","y":"[1]armed force, host @@@@ [2]land forces, legions, military, military force, soldiers, soldiery, troops @@@@ [3]array, horde, host, multitude, pack, swarm, throng, vast number"} {"x":"aroma","y":"[1]bouquet, fragrance, odour, perfume, redolence, savour, scent, smell"} {"x":"aromatic","y":"[1]balmy, fragrant, odoriferous, perfumed, pungent, redolent, savoury, spicy, sweet-scented, sweet-smelling"} {"x":"arouse","y":"[1]agitate, animate, awaken, call forth, enliven, excite, foment, foster, goad, incite, inflame, instigate, kindle, move, prod, provoke, quicken, rouse, sharpen, spark, spur, stimulate, stir up, summon up, waken, wake up, warm, whet, whip up"} {"x":"arraign","y":"[1]accuse, call to account, charge, complain about, denounce, impeach, incriminate, indict, prosecute, take to task"} {"x":"arrange","y":"[1]align, array, class, classify, dispose, file, form, group, line up, marshal, order, organize, position, put in order, range, rank, sequence, set out, sort, sort out @@@@ [2]systematize, tidy @@@@ [3]adjust, agree to, come to terms, compromise, construct, contrive, determine, devise, fix up, organize, plan, prepare, project, schedule, settle @@@@ [4]adapt, instrument, orchestrate, score"} {"x":"arrangement","y":"[1]alignment, array, classification, design, display, disposition, form, grouping, line-up, marshalling, order, ordering, organization, ranging, rank, setup @@@@ [2]structure, system @@@@ [3]adjustment, agreement, compact, compromise, construction, deal, devising, organization, plan, planning, preparation, provision, schedule, settlement, terms @@@@ [4]adaptation, instrumentation, interpretation, orchestration, score, version"} {"x":"arrant","y":"[1]absolute, atrocious, blatant, complete, deep-dyed @@@@ [2]downright, egregious, extreme, flagrant, gross, infamous, monstrous, notorious, out-and-out, outright, rank, thorough, thoroughgoing, undisguised, unmitigated, utter, vile"} {"x":"array","y":"[1]arrangement, collection, display, disposition, exhibition, formation, line-up, marshalling, muster, order, parade, show, supply @@@@ [2]apparel, attire, clothes, dress, finery, garb, garments, raiment @@@@ [3]regalia, schmutter @@@@ [4]threads @@@@ [5]align, arrange, display, dispose, draw up, exhibit, form up, group, line up, marshal, muster, order, parade, place in order, range, sequence, set in line @@@@ [6]show @@@@ [7]accoutre, adorn, apparel @@@@ [8]attire, bedeck, caparison, clothe, deck, decorate, dress, equip, festoon, fit out, garb, get ready, outfit, robe, supply, wrap"} {"x":"arrest","y":"[1]apprehend, bust @@@@ [2]capture, catch, collar @@@@ [3]nab @@@@ [4]nail @@@@ [5]nick @@@@ [6]pinch @@@@ [7]run in @@@@ [8]seize, take, take into custody, take prisoner @@@@ [9]block, check, delay, end, halt, hinder, hold, inhibit, interrupt, obstruct, restrain, retard, slow, stall, stay, stop, suppress @@@@ [10]absorb, catch, engage, engross, fascinate, grip, hold, intrigue, occupy @@@@ [11]apprehension, bust @@@@ [12]capture, cop @@@@ [13]detention, seizure @@@@ [14]blockage, check, delay, end, halt, hindrance, inhibition, interruption, obstruction, restraint, stalling, stay, stoppage, suppression"} {"x":"arrival","y":"[1]advent, appearance, arriving, coming, entrance, happening, occurrence, taking place @@@@ [2]arriver, caller, comer, entrant, incomer, newcomer, visitant, visitor"} {"x":"arrive","y":"[1]appear, attain, befall, come, enter, get to, happen, occur, reach, show up @@@@ [2]achieve recognition, become famous, make good, make it"} {"x":"arrogant","y":"[1]assuming, blustering, conceited, contemptuous, disdainful, haughty, high and mighty @@@@ [2]high-handed, imperious, insolent, looking down one's nose at, lordly, overbearing, overweening, pompous, presumptuous, pretentious, proud, scornful, supercilious, swaggering, too big for one's boots or breeches, turning up one's nose at, uppish"} {"x":"arrogate","y":"[1]appropriate, assume, claim unduly, commandeer, demand, expropriate, presume, seize, usurp"} {"x":"arrow","y":"[1]bolt, dart, flight, quarrel, reed @@@@ [2]shaft @@@@ [3]indicator, pointer"} {"x":"arsenal","y":"[1]ammunition dump, armoury, arms depot, magazine, ordnance depot, stock, stockpile, store, storehouse, supply"} {"x":"art","y":"[1]adroitness, aptitude, artifice @@@@ [2]artistry, craft, craftsmanship, dexterity, expertise, facility, ingenuity, knack, knowledge, mastery, method, profession, skill, trade, virtuosity @@@@ [3]artfulness, artifice, astuteness, craftiness, cunning, deceit, duplicity, guile, trickery, wiliness @@@@ [4]latest, newest, up-to-date, up-to-the-minute"} {"x":"artful","y":"[1]adept, adroit, clever, crafty, cunning, deceitful, designing, dexterous, foxy, ingenious, intriguing, masterly, politic, proficient, resourceful, scheming, sharp, shrewd, skilful, sly, smart, subtle, tricky, wily"} {"x":"article","y":"[1]commodity, item, object, piece, substance, thing, unit @@@@ [2]composition, discourse, essay, feature, item, paper, piece, story, treatise @@@@ [3]branch, clause, count, detail, division, head, heading, item, matter, paragraph, part, particular, passage, piece, point, portion, section"} {"x":"articulate","y":"[1]clear, coherent, comprehensible, eloquent, expressive, fluent, intelligible, lucid, meaningful, understandable, vocal, well-spoken @@@@ [2]enounce, enunciate, express, pronounce, say, speak, state, talk, utter, verbalize, vocalize, voice @@@@ [3]connect, couple, fit together, hinge, join, joint"} {"x":"articulation","y":"[1]delivery, diction, enunciation, expression, pronunciation, saying, speaking, statement, talking, utterance, verbalization, vocalization, voicing @@@@ [2]connection, coupling, hinge, joint, jointing, juncture"} {"x":"artifice","y":"[1]contrivance, device, dodge, expedient, hoax, machination, manoeuvre, ruse, stratagem, subterfuge, tactic, trick, wile @@@@ [2]artfulness, chicanery, craft, craftiness, cunning, deception, duplicity, guile, scheming, slyness, trickery @@@@ [3]adroitness, cleverness, deftness, facility, finesse, ingenuity, invention, inventiveness, skill"} {"x":"artificer","y":"[1]artisan, craftsman, mechanic @@@@ [2]architect, builder, contriver, creator, designer, deviser, inventor, maker, originator"} {"x":"artificial","y":"[1]man-made, manufactured, non-natural, plastic, synthetic @@@@ [2]bogus, counterfeit, ersatz, fake, imitation, mock, phoney or phony @@@@ [3]pseudo @@@@ [4]sham, simulated, specious, spurious @@@@ [5]affected, assumed, contrived, false, feigned, forced, hollow, insincere, meretricious, phoney or phony @@@@ [6]pretended, spurious, unnatural"} {"x":"artillery","y":"[1]battery, big guns, cannon, cannonry, gunnery, ordnance"} {"x":"artisan","y":"[1]artificer, craftsman, handicraftsman, journeyman, mechanic, skilled workman, technician"} {"x":"artist","y":"[1]artisan @@@@ [2]craftsman, creator, maker, master"} {"x":"artiste","y":"[1]entertainer, performer @@@@ [2]craftsman, expert, master"} {"x":"artistic","y":"[1]aesthetic, beautiful, creative, cultivated, cultured, decorative, elegant, exquisite, graceful, imaginative, ornamental, refined, sensitive, sophisticated, stylish, tasteful"} {"x":"artistry","y":"[1]accomplishment, art, artistic ability, brilliance, craft, craftsmanship, creativity, finesse, flair, genius, mastery, proficiency, sensibility, skill, style, talent, taste, touch, virtuosity, workmanship"} {"x":"artless","y":"[1]candid, direct, fair, frank, genuine, guileless, honest, open, plain, round, sincere, straightforward, true, undesigning, upfront @@@@ [2]humble, natural, plain, pure, simple, unadorned, unaffected, uncontrived, unpretentious @@@@ [3]awkward, bungling, clumsy, crude, incompetent, inept, maladroit, primitive, rude, unskilled, untalented @@@@ [4]childlike, ingenuous, innocent, jejune, naive, trustful, trusting, unsophisticated"} {"x":"arty","y":"[1]artistic, arty-crafty @@@@ [2]arty-farty"} {"x":"as","y":"[1]at the time that, during the time that, just as, when, while @@@@ [2]that which, what @@@@ [3]because, considering that, seeing that, since @@@@ [4]for instance, like, such as @@@@ [5]as regards, in reference to, on the subject of, with reference to, with regard to, with respect to @@@@ [6]act as if or though, affect, feign, feint, give the impression that, make a show of, pretend"} {"x":"ascend","y":"[1]climb, float up, fly up, go up, lift off, mount, move up, rise, scale, slope upwards, soar, take off, tower"} {"x":"ascension","y":"[1]ascent, climb, mounting, moving upwards, rise, rising"} {"x":"ascent","y":"[1]ascending, ascension, clambering, climb, climbing, mounting, rise, rising, scaling, upward movement @@@@ [2]acclivity, gradient, incline, ramp, rise, rising ground, upward slope"} {"x":"ascertain","y":"[1]confirm, determine, discover, establish, ferret out, find out, fix, identify, learn, make certain, settle, suss (out) @@@@ [2]verify"} {"x":"ascetic","y":"[1]abstainer, anchorite, hermit, monk, nun, recluse, self-denier @@@@ [2]abstemious, abstinent, austere, celibate, frugal, harsh, plain, puritanical, rigorous, self-denying, self-disciplined, severe, Spartan, stern"} {"x":"ascribe","y":"[1]assign, attribute, charge, credit, impute, put down, refer, set down"} {"x":"asexual","y":"[1]neuter, neutral, sexless"} {"x":"ashamed","y":"[1]abashed, bashful, blushing, chagrined, conscience-stricken, crestfallen, discomfited, distressed, embarrassed, guilty, humbled, humiliated, mortified, prudish, reluctant, remorseful, shamefaced, sheepish, shy, sorry"} {"x":"ashen","y":"[1]anaemic, ashy, colourless, grey, leaden, like death warmed up @@@@ [2]livid, pale, pallid, pasty, wan, white"} {"x":"ashore","y":"[1]aground, landwards, on dry land, on land, on the beach, on the shore, shorewards, to the shore"} {"x":"aside","y":"[1]alone, alongside, apart, away, beside, in isolation, in reserve, on one side, out of mind, out of the way, privately, separately, to one side, to the side @@@@ [2]departure, digression, excursion, excursus, interpolation, interposition, parenthesis, tangent @@@@ [3]discount, dismiss, disregard, have no time for, ignore, kiss off @@@@ [4]override, sweep aside @@@@ [5]abandon, cast aside, dismiss, postpone, put aside, put off, reject, shelve @@@@ [6]cache, deposit, keep in reserve, lay by, salt away, save, squirrel away, stockpile, store, stow away @@@@ [7]bury, discount, disregard, forget, ignore @@@@ [8]earmark, keep, keep back, put on one side, reserve, save, select, separate, set apart, single out @@@@ [9]abrogate, annul, cancel, discard, dismiss, nullify, overrule, overturn, quash, reject, render null and void, repudiate, reverse"} {"x":"asinine","y":"[1]braindead @@@@ [2]brainless, daft @@@@ [3]dunderheaded, fatuous, foolish, goofy @@@@ [4]gormless @@@@ [5]halfwitted, idiotic, imbecile, imbecilic, inane, moronic, obstinate, senseless, silly, stupid, thickheaded, thick-witted"} {"x":"asininity","y":"[1]brainlessness, cloddishness, daftness, doltishness, fatuity, fatuousness, foolishness @@@@ [2]goofiness, gormlessness @@@@ [3]half-wittedness, idiocy, imbecility, inanity, moronism, moronity, oafishness, obstinacy, senselessness, silliness, stupidness, thickheadedness, thick-wittedness"} {"x":"ask","y":"[1]inquire, interrogate, query, question, quiz @@@@ [2]appeal, apply, beg, beseech, claim, crave, demand, entreat, implore, petition, plead, pray, request, seek, solicit, sue, supplicate @@@@ [3]bid, invite, summon"} {"x":"askance","y":"[1]awry, indirectly, obliquely, out of the corner of one's eye, sideways, with a side glance @@@@ [2]disapprovingly, distrustfully, doubtfully, dubiously, mistrustfully, sceptically, suspiciously"} {"x":"askew","y":"[1]aslant, awry, cockeyed @@@@ [2]crooked, crookedly, lopsided, oblique, obliquely, off-centre, skewwhiff"} {"x":"aslant","y":"[1]aslope, at a slant, atilt, slantingly, slopingly @@@@ [2]across, athwart"} {"x":"asleep","y":"[1]crashed out @@@@ [2]dormant, dozing, fast asleep, napping, out for the count, sleeping, slumbering, snoozing @@@@ [3]sound asleep"} {"x":"aspect","y":"[1]air, appearance, attitude, bearing, condition, countenance, demeanour, expression, look, manner, mien @@@@ [2]bearing, direction, exposure, outlook, point of view, position, prospect, scene, situation, view @@@@ [3]angle, facet, feature, side"} {"x":"asperity","y":"[1]acerbity, acrimony, bitterness, churlishness, crabbedness, crossness, harshness, irascibility, irritability, moroseness, peevishness, roughness, ruggedness, severity, sharpness, sourness, sullenness"} {"x":"aspersion","y":"[1]abuse, calumny, censure, character assassination, defamation, denigration, detraction, disparagement, obloquy, reproach, slander, slur, smear, traducement, vilification, vituperation"} {"x":"asphyxiate","y":"[1]choke, smother, stifle, strangle, strangulate, suffocate, throttle"} {"x":"aspirant","y":"[1]applicant, aspirer, candidate, hopeful, postulant, seeker, suitor @@@@ [2]ambitious, aspiring, eager, endeavouring, hopeful, longing, striving, wishful"} {"x":"aspiration","y":"[1]aim, ambition, craving, desire, dream, eagerness, endeavour, goal, hankering, Holy Grail @@@@ [2]hope, longing, object, objective, wish, yearning"} {"x":"aspire","y":"[1]aim, be ambitious, be eager, crave, desire, dream, hanker, hope, long, pursue, seek, set one's heart on, wish, yearn"} {"x":"ass","y":"[1]donkey, jennet, moke @@@@ [2]airhead @@@@ [3]berk @@@@ [4]blockhead, bonehead @@@@ [5]charlie @@@@ [6]coot, daftie @@@@ [7]dickhead @@@@ [8]dickwit @@@@ [9]dipstick @@@@ [10]divvy @@@@ [11]dolt, dope @@@@ [12]dork @@@@ [13]dunce, dweeb @@@@ [14]fathead @@@@ [15]fool, fuckwit @@@@ [16]geek @@@@ [17]gobshite @@@@ [18]gonzo @@@@ [19]halfwit, idiot, jackass, jerk @@@@ [20]nincompoop, ninny, nitwit @@@@ [21]oaf, pillock @@@@ [22]plank @@@@ [23]plonker @@@@ [24]prat @@@@ [25]prick @@@@ [26]schmuck @@@@ [27]twit @@@@ [28]wally @@@@ [29]weenie"} {"x":"assail","y":"[1]assault, attack, belabour, beset, charge, encounter, fall upon, invade, lay into @@@@ [2]maltreat, set about, set upon @@@@ [3]abuse, berate, blast, criticize, go for the jugular, impugn, lambast(e), malign, put down, revile, tear into @@@@ [4]vilify"} {"x":"assassin","y":"[1]eliminator @@@@ [2]executioner, hatchet man @@@@ [3]hit man @@@@ [4]killer, liquidator, murderer, slayer"} {"x":"assault","y":"[1]aggression, attack, campaign, charge, incursion, inroad, invasion, offensive, onset, onslaught, storm, storming, strike @@@@ [2]assail, attack, belabour, beset, charge, fall upon, invade, lay into @@@@ [3]set about, set upon, storm, strike at"} {"x":"assay","y":"[1]analyse, appraise, assess, evaluate, examine, inspect, investigate, prove, test, try, weigh @@@@ [2]attempt, endeavour, essay, stab @@@@ [3]try, venture @@@@ [4]analysis, examination, inspection, investigation, test, trial"} {"x":"assemblage","y":"[1]accumulation, aggregation, assembly, body, collection, company, conclave, congregation, convocation, crowd, flock, gathering, group, mass, meeting, multitude, rally, throng"} {"x":"assemble","y":"[1]accumulate, amass, bring together, call together, collect, come together, congregate, convene, convoke, flock, foregather, gather, marshal, meet, muster, rally, round up, summon @@@@ [2]build up, connect, construct, erect, fabricate, fit together, join, make, manufacture, piece together, put together, set up"} {"x":"assembly","y":"[1]accumulation, aggregation, assemblage, body, collection, company, conclave, conference, congregation, congress, convention, convocation, council, crowd, diet, flock, gathering, group, house, mass, meeting, multitude, rally, synod, throng @@@@ [2]building up, connecting, construction, erection, fabrication, fitting together, joining, manufacture, piecing together, putting together, setting up"} {"x":"assent","y":"[1]accede, accept, acquiesce, agree, allow, approve, comply, concur, consent, fall in with, go along with, grant, permit, sanction, subscribe @@@@ [2]acceptance, accession, accord, acquiescence, agreement, approval, compliance, concurrence, consent, permission, sanction"} {"x":"assert","y":"[1]affirm, allege, asseverate, attest, aver, avouch @@@@ [2]avow, contend, declare, maintain, predicate, profess, pronounce, state, swear @@@@ [3]claim, defend, insist upon, press, put forward, stand up for, stress, uphold, vindicate"} {"x":"assertion","y":"[1]affirmation, allegation, asseveration, attestation, avowal, claim, contention, declaration, predication, profession, pronouncement, statement @@@@ [2]defence, insistence, maintenance, stressing, vindication"} {"x":"assess","y":"[1]appraise, compute, determine, estimate, evaluate, eye up, fix, gauge, judge, rate, size up @@@@ [2]value, weigh @@@@ [3]demand, evaluate, fix, impose, levy, rate, tax, value"} {"x":"assessment","y":"[1]appraisal, computation, determination, estimate, estimation, evaluation, judgment, rating, valuation @@@@ [2]charge, demand, duty, evaluation, fee, impost, levy, rate, rating, tariff, tax, taxation, toll, valuation"} {"x":"asset","y":"[1]ace in the hole, ace up one's sleeve, advantage, aid, benefit, blessing, boon, feather in one's cap, help, resource, service @@@@ [2]capital, estate, funds, goods, holdings, means, money, possessions, property, reserves, resources, valuables, wealth"} {"x":"asseverate","y":"[1]affirm, assert, attest, aver, avouch @@@@ [2]avow, declare, maintain, predicate, profess, pronounce, protest, state, swear"} {"x":"assiduity","y":"[1]application, assiduousness, attentiveness, constancy, diligence, indefatigability, industriousness, industry, laboriousness, perseverance, persistence, sedulity, sedulousness, steadiness, studiousness, tirelessness"} {"x":"assiduous","y":"[1]attentive, constant, diligent, hard-working, indefatigable, industrious, laborious, persevering, persistent, sedulous, steady, studious, unflagging, untiring, unwearied"} {"x":"assign","y":"[1]appoint, choose, delegate, designate, name, nominate, select @@@@ [2]allocate, allot, apportion, consign, distribute, give, give out, grant, make over @@@@ [3]appoint, appropriate, determine, fix, set apart, stipulate @@@@ [4]accredit, ascribe, attribute, put down"} {"x":"assignation","y":"[1]clandestine meeting, illicit meeting, rendezvous, secret meeting, tryst @@@@ [2]allocation, allotment, appointment, apportionment, appropriation, ascription, assignment, attribution, choice, consignment, delegation, designation, determination, distribution, giving, grant, nomination, selection, specification, stipulation"} {"x":"assignment","y":"[1]appointment, charge, commission, duty, job, mission, position, post, responsibility, task @@@@ [2]allocation, allotment, appointment, apportionment, appropriation, ascription, assignation @@@@ [3]attribution, choice, consignment, delegation, designation, determination, distribution, giving, grant, nomination, selection, specification, stipulation"} {"x":"assimilate","y":"[1]absorb, digest, imbibe @@@@ [2]incorporate, ingest, learn, take in @@@@ [3]acclimatize, accommodate, acculturate, accustom, adapt, adjust, become like, become similar, blend in, conform, fit, homogenize, intermix, mingle"} {"x":"assist","y":"[1]abet, aid, back, benefit, boost, collaborate, cooperate, encourage, expedite, facilitate, further, give a leg up @@@@ [2]help, lend a helping hand, promote, reinforce, relieve, second, serve, succour, support, sustain, work for, work with"} {"x":"assistance","y":"[1]abetment, aid, backing, benefit, boost, collaboration, cooperation, encouragement, furtherance, help, helping hand, promotion, reinforcement, relief, service, succour, support, sustenance"} {"x":"assistant","y":"[1]abettor, accessory, accomplice, aide, aider, ally, associate, auxiliary, backer, coadjutor @@@@ [2]collaborator, colleague, confederate, cooperator, helper, helpmate, henchman, partner, protagonist, right-hand man, second, supporter"} {"x":"associate","y":"[1]affiliate, ally, combine, confederate, conjoin, connect, correlate, couple, identify, join, league, link, lump together, mention in the same breath, mix, pair, relate, think of together, unite, yoke @@@@ [2]accompany, befriend, be friends, consort, fraternize, hang about, hang out @@@@ [3]hang with @@@@ [4]hobnob, mingle, mix, run around @@@@ [5]ally, collaborator, colleague, companion, compeer, comrade, confederate, confrere, co-worker, follower, friend, mate, partner"} {"x":"associated","y":"[1]affiliated, allied, bound, combined, confederated, connected, correlated, involved, joined, leagued, linked, related, syndicated, tied, united, yoked"} {"x":"association","y":"[1]affiliation, alliance, band, clique, club, coalition, combine, company, confederacy, confederation, cooperative, corporation, federation, fraternity, group, league, order, organization, partnership, society, syndicate, union @@@@ [2]affinity, companionship, comradeship, familiarity, fellowship, fraternization, friendship, intimacy, liaison, partnership, relations, relationship @@@@ [3]blend, bond, combination, concomitance, connection, correlation, identification, joining, juxtaposition, linkage, linking, lumping together, mixing, mixture, pairing, relation, tie, union, yoking"} {"x":"assort","y":"[1]arrange, array, categorize, classify, dispose, distribute, file, grade, group, range, rank, sort, type"} {"x":"assuage","y":"[1]allay, alleviate, calm, ease, lessen, lighten, mitigate, moderate, palliate, quench, relieve, soothe, temper @@@@ [2]appease, calm, lull, mollify, pacify, pour oil on troubled waters, quiet, relax, satisfy, soften, soothe, still, tranquillize"} {"x":"assume","y":"[1]accept, believe, expect, fancy, guess @@@@ [2]imagine, infer, presume, presuppose, suppose, surmise, suspect, take for granted, think @@@@ [3]adopt, affect, counterfeit, feign, imitate, impersonate, mimic, pretend to, put on, sham, simulate @@@@ [4]accept, acquire, attend to, begin, don, embark upon, embrace, enter upon, put on, set about, shoulder, take on, take over, take responsibility for, take up, undertake @@@@ [5]acquire, appropriate, arrogate, commandeer, expropriate, pre-empt, seize, take, take over, usurp"} {"x":"assumed","y":"[1]affected, bogus, counterfeit, fake, false, feigned, fictitious, imitation, made-up, make-believe, phoney or phony @@@@ [2]pretended, pseudonymous, sham, simulated, spurious @@@@ [3]accepted, expected, hypothetical, presumed, presupposed, supposed, surmised, taken for granted @@@@ [4]appropriated, arrogated, pre-empted, seized, usurped"} {"x":"assuming","y":"[1]arrogant, bold, conceited, disdainful, domineering, egotistic, forward, haughty, imperious, overbearing, presumptuous, pushy @@@@ [2]rude"} {"x":"assumption","y":"[1]acceptance, belief, conjecture, expectation, fancy, guess, hypothesis, inference, postulate, postulation, premise, premiss, presumption, presupposition, supposition, surmise, suspicion, theory @@@@ [2]acceptance, acquisition, adoption, embracing, entering upon, putting on, shouldering, takeover, taking on, taking up, undertaking @@@@ [3]acquisition, appropriation, arrogation, expropriation, pre-empting, seizure, takeover, taking, usurpation @@@@ [4]arrogance, conceit, imperiousness, presumption, pride, self-importance"} {"x":"assurance","y":"[1]affirmation, assertion, declaration, guarantee, oath, pledge, profession, promise, protestation, vow, word, word of honour @@@@ [2]assertiveness, assuredness, boldness, certainty, certitude, confidence, conviction, coolness, courage, faith, firmness, nerve, poise, positiveness, security, self-confidence, self-reliance, sureness @@@@ [3]arrogance, brass neck @@@@ [4]chutzpah @@@@ [5]effrontery, gall @@@@ [6]impudence, neck @@@@ [7]nerve @@@@ [8]presumption, sassiness"} {"x":"assure","y":"[1]comfort, convince, embolden, encourage, hearten, persuade, reassure, soothe @@@@ [2]affirm, attest, certify, confirm, declare confidently, give one's word to, guarantee, pledge, promise, swear, vow @@@@ [3]clinch, complete, confirm, ensure, guarantee, make certain, make sure, seal, secure"} {"x":"assured","y":"[1]beyond doubt, clinched, confirmed, dependable, ensured, fixed, guaranteed, indubitable, in the bag @@@@ [2]irrefutable, made certain, sealed, secure, settled, sure, unquestionable @@@@ [3]assertive, audacious, bold, brazen, certain, complacent, confident, overconfident, poised, positive, pushy @@@@ [4]resting on one's laurels, self-assured, self-confident, self-possessed, sure of oneself"} {"x":"astir","y":"[1]active, afoot, awake, in motion, on the go @@@@ [2]out of bed, roused, up and about, up and around"} {"x":"astonish","y":"[1]amaze, astound, bewilder, boggle the mind, confound, daze, dumbfound, flabbergast @@@@ [2]stagger, stun, stupefy, surprise"} {"x":"astound","y":"[1]amaze, astonish, bewilder, boggle the mind, confound, daze, dumbfound, flabbergast @@@@ [2]overwhelm, stagger, stun, stupefy, surprise, take one's breath away"} {"x":"astray","y":"[1]adrift, afield, amiss, lost, off, off course, off the mark, off the right track, off the subject @@@@ [2]into error, into sin, to the bad, wrong"} {"x":"astringent","y":"[1]acerbic, austere, caustic, exacting, grim, hard, harsh, rigid, rigorous, severe, stern, strict, stringent @@@@ [2]contractile, contractive, styptic"} {"x":"astrology","y":"[1]astromancy, horoscopy, stargazing"} {"x":"astronaut","y":"[1]cosmonaut, spaceman, space pilot, space traveller, spacewoman"} {"x":"astronomical","y":"[1]boundless, colossal, enormous, galactic, Gargantuan, giant, gigantic, great, huge, immeasurable, immense, infinite, massive, monumental, titanic, vast"} {"x":"astute","y":"[1]adroit, artful, bright, calculating, canny, clever, crafty, cunning, discerning, foxy, insightful, intelligent, keen, knowing, on the ball @@@@ [2]penetrating, perceptive, politic, sagacious, sharp, shrewd, sly, subtle, wily"} {"x":"asunder","y":"[1]apart, in pieces, into pieces, rent, to bits, to pieces, torn, to shreds"} {"x":"asylum","y":"[1]harbour, haven, preserve, refuge, retreat, safety, sanctuary, shelter @@@@ [2]funny farm @@@@ [3]hospital, institution, laughing academy @@@@ [4]loony bin @@@@ [5]madhouse @@@@ [6]mental hospital, nuthouse"} {"x":"atheism","y":"[1]disbelief, freethinking, godlessness, heathenism, infidelity, irreligion, nonbelief, paganism, scepticism, unbelief"} {"x":"atheist","y":"[1]disbeliever, freethinker, heathen, infidel, irreligionist, nonbeliever, pagan, sceptic, unbeliever"} {"x":"atheistic","y":"[1]disbelieving, faithless, freethinking, godless, heathen, infidel, irreligious, nonbelieving, nullifidian, paganistic, sceptic, unbelieving"} {"x":"athlete","y":"[1]competitor, contender, contestant, games player, gymnast, player, runner, sportsman, sportswoman"} {"x":"athletic","y":"[1]able-bodied, active, brawny, energetic, fit, herculean, husky @@@@ [2]lusty, muscular, powerful, robust, sinewy, strapping, strong, sturdy, vigorous, well-proportioned @@@@ [3]contests, exercises, games of strength, gymnastics, races, sports, track and field events"} {"x":"atmosphere","y":"[1]aerosphere, air, heavens, sky @@@@ [2]air, ambience, aura, character, climate, environment, feel, feeling, flavour, mood, quality, spirit, surroundings, tone, vibes"} {"x":"atom","y":"[1]bit, crumb, dot, fragment, grain, iota, jot, mite, molecule, morsel, mote, particle, scintilla @@@@ [2]scrap, shred, speck, spot, tittle, trace, whit"} {"x":"atone","y":"[1]answer for, compensate, do penance for, make amends for, make redress, make reparation for, make up for, pay for, recompense, redress @@@@ [2]appease, expiate, make expiation for, propitiate, reconcile, redeem"} {"x":"atrocious","y":"[1]barbaric, brutal, cruel, diabolical, fiendish, flagrant, godawful @@@@ [2]heinous, hellacious @@@@ [3]infamous, infernal, inhuman, monstrous, nefarious, ruthless, savage, vicious, villainous, wicked @@@@ [4]appalling, detestable, execrable, grievous, horrible, horrifying, shocking, terrible"} {"x":"atrocity","y":"[1]abomination, act of savagery, barbarity, brutality, crime, cruelty, enormity, evil, horror, monstrosity, outrage, villainy @@@@ [2]atrociousness, barbarity, barbarousness, brutality, cruelty, enormity, fiendishness, grievousness, heinousness, horror, infamy, inhumanity, monstrousness, nefariousness, ruthlessness, savagery, shockingness, viciousness, villainousness, wickedness"} {"x":"atrophy","y":"[1]decay, decaying, decline, degeneration, deterioration, diminution, meltdown @@@@ [2]shrivelling, wasting, wasting away, withering @@@@ [3]decay, decline, degenerate, deteriorate, diminish, dwindle, fade, shrink, shrivel, waste, waste away, wilt, wither"} {"x":"attach","y":"[1]add, adhere, affix, annex, append, bind, connect, couple, fasten, fix, join, link, make fast, secure, stick, subjoin, tie, unite @@@@ [2]accompany, affiliate, associate, become associated with, combine, enlist, join, join forces with, latch on to, sign on with, sign up with, unite with @@@@ [3]ascribe, assign, associate, attribute, connect, impute, invest with, lay, place, put @@@@ [4]allocate, allot, appoint, assign, consign, designate, detail, earmark, second, send"} {"x":"attached","y":"[1]affectionate towards, devoted, fond of, full of regard for, possessive @@@@ [2]accompanied, engaged, married, partnered, spoken for"} {"x":"attachment","y":"[1]adaptor or adapter, bond, clamp, connection, connector, coupling, fastener, fastening, joint, junction, link, tie @@@@ [2]affection, affinity, attraction, bond, devotion, fidelity, fondness, friendship, liking, love, loyalty, partiality, possessiveness, predilection, regard, tenderness @@@@ [3]accessory, accoutrement, adaptor or adapter, addition, add-on, adjunct, appendage, appurtenance, auxiliary, extension, extra, fitting, fixture, supplement, supplementary part"} {"x":"attack","y":"[1]aggression, assault, campaign, charge, foray, incursion, inroad, invasion, offensive, onset, onslaught, raid, rush, strike @@@@ [2]abuse, blame, calumny, censure, character assassination, criticism, denigration, impugnment, stick @@@@ [3]vilification @@@@ [4]access, bout, convulsion, fit, paroxysm, seizure, spasm, spell, stroke @@@@ [5]assail, assault, charge, fall upon, invade, lay into @@@@ [6]raid, rush, set about, set upon, storm, strike (at) @@@@ [7]abuse, berate, bite someone's head off, blame, blast, censure, criticize, excoriate, go for the jugular, have a go (at) @@@@ [8]impugn, lambast(e), malign, put down, revile, snap someone's head off, tear into @@@@ [9]vilify"} {"x":"attain","y":"[1]accomplish, achieve, acquire, arrive at, bring off, complete, earn, effect, fulfil, gain, get, grasp, land, obtain, procure, reach, realize, reap, score @@@@ [2]secure, win"} {"x":"attainment","y":"[1]accomplishment, achievement, acquirement, acquisition, arrival at, completion, feat, fulfilment, gaining, getting, obtaining, procurement, reaching, realization, reaping, winning @@@@ [2]ability, accomplishment, achievement, art, capability, competence, gift, mastery, proficiency, skill, talent"} {"x":"attempt","y":"[1]assault, attack, bid, crack @@@@ [2]effort, endeavour, essay, experiment, go @@@@ [3]shot @@@@ [4]stab @@@@ [5]trial, try, undertaking, venture @@@@ [6]endeavour, essay, experiment, have a crack, have a go @@@@ [7]seek, strive, tackle, take on, take the bit between one's teeth, try, try one's hand at, undertake, venture"} {"x":"attempted","y":"[1]assayed, endeavoured, tried, undertaken, ventured"} {"x":"attend","y":"[1]appear, be at, be here, be present, be there, frequent, go to, haunt, make one @@@@ [2]turn up, visit @@@@ [3]care for, look after, mind, minister to, nurse, take care of, tend @@@@ [4]follow, hear, hearken @@@@ [5]heed, listen, look on, mark, mind, note, notice, observe, pay attention, pay heed, regard, take to heart, watch @@@@ [6]accompany, arise from, be associated with, be connected with, be consequent on, follow, go hand in hand with, issue from, occur with, result from @@@@ [7]apply oneself to, concentrate on, devote oneself to, get to work on, look after, occupy oneself with, see to, take care of @@@@ [8]accompany, chaperon, companion, convoy, escort, guard, squire, usher @@@@ [9]be in the service of, serve, wait upon, work for"} {"x":"attendance","y":"[1]appearance, attending, being there, presence @@@@ [2]audience, crowd, gate, house, number present, turnout"} {"x":"attention","y":"[1]concentration, consideration, contemplation, deliberation, heed, heedfulness, intentness, mind, scrutiny, thinking, thought, thoughtfulness @@@@ [2]awareness, consciousness, consideration, notice, observation, recognition, regard @@@@ [3]care, concern, looking after, ministration, treatment @@@@ [4]assiduities, care, civility, compliment, consideration, courtesy, deference, gallantry, mindfulness, politeness, regard, respect, service"} {"x":"attenuate","y":"[1]adulterate, contract, decrease, devaluate, dilute, diminish, enervate, enfeeble, lessen, lower, reduce, sap, water down, weaken @@@@ [2]draw out, elongate, extend, lengthen, make fine, make slender, rarefy, refine, slim, spin out, stretch out, thin @@@@ [3]adulterated, contracted, decreased, devalued, dilute, diluted, diminished, enervated, enfeebled, lessened, lowered, reduced, sapped, watered down, weakened @@@@ [4]drawn out, elongated, extended, lengthened, rarefied, refined, slender, slimmed, spun out, stretched out, thinned"} {"x":"attest","y":"[1]adjure, affirm, assert, authenticate, aver, bear out, bear witness, certify, confirm, corroborate, declare, demonstrate, display, evince, exhibit, give evidence, invoke, manifest, prove, ratify, seal, show, substantiate, swear, testify, verify, vouch for, warrant, witness"} {"x":"attic","y":"[1]chaste, classical, correct, elegant, graceful, polished, pure, refined, simple, tasteful @@@@ [2]garret, loft"} {"x":"attire","y":"[1]accoutrements, apparel, array @@@@ [2]clothes, clothing, costume, dress, garb, garments, gear @@@@ [3]habiliments, habit, outfit, raiment @@@@ [4]robes, schmutter @@@@ [5]threads @@@@ [6]uniform, vestment, wear @@@@ [7]accoutre, apparel @@@@ [8]array, clothe, costume, deck out, dress, equip, fit out, garb, get ready, rig out, robe, turn out"} {"x":"attitude","y":"[1]approach, disposition, frame of mind, mood, opinion, outlook, perspective, point of view, position, posture, stance, standing, view @@@@ [2]air, aspect, bearing, carriage, condition, demeanour, manner, mien @@@@ [3]pose, position, posture, stance"} {"x":"attorney","y":"[1]lawyer"} {"x":"attract","y":"[1]allure, appeal to, bewitch, captivate, catch (someone's) eye, charm, decoy, draw, enchant, endear, engage, entice, fascinate, incline, induce, interest, invite, lure, pull @@@@ [2]tempt"} {"x":"attraction","y":"[1]allure, appeal, attractiveness, bait, captivation, charm, come-on @@@@ [2]draw, enchantment, endearment, enticement, fascination, incentive, inducement, interest, invitation, lure, magnetism, pull @@@@ [3]temptation, temptingness"} {"x":"attractive","y":"[1]agreeable, alluring, appealing, beautiful, bonny, captivating, charming, comely, cute, engaging, enticing, fair, fascinating, fetching, glamorous, good-looking, gorgeous, handsome, interesting, inviting, likable or likeable, lovely, magnetic, pleasant, pleasing, prepossessing, pretty, seductive, tempting, winning, winsome"} {"x":"attributable","y":"[1]accountable, applicable, ascribable, assignable, blamable or blameable, explicable, imputable, placeable, referable or referrable, traceable"} {"x":"attribute","y":"[1]apply, ascribe, assign, blame, charge, credit, impute, lay at the door of, put down to, refer, set down to, trace to @@@@ [2]aspect, character, characteristic, facet, feature, idiosyncrasy, indication, mark, note, peculiarity, point, property, quality, quirk, sign, symbol, trait, virtue"} {"x":"attribution","y":"[1]ascription, assignation, assignment, attachment, blame, charge, credit, imputation, placement, referral"} {"x":"attrition","y":"[1]abrasion, chafing, erosion, friction, grinding, rubbing, scraping, wear, wearing away, wearing down @@@@ [2]attenuation, debilitation, harassment, harrying, thinning out, weakening, wearing down"} {"x":"attune","y":"[1]acclimatize, accord, accustom, adapt, adjust, coordinate, familiarize, harmonize, modulate, regulate, set, tune"} {"x":"atypical","y":"[1]deviant, exceptional, nonconforming, out of keeping, out of the ordinary, singular, uncharacteristic, uncommon, unconforming, unconventional, uncustomary, unique, unorthodox, unrepresentative, unusual"} {"x":"auburn","y":"[1]chestnut-coloured, copper-coloured, henna, nutbrown, reddish-brown, russet, rust-coloured, tawny, Titian red"} {"x":"audacious","y":"[1]adventurous, bold, brave, courageous, daredevil, daring, dauntless, death-defying, enterprising, fearless, intrepid, rash, reckless, risky, valiant, venturesome @@@@ [2]assuming, brazen, cheeky, defiant, disrespectful, forward, fresh @@@@ [3]impertinent, impudent, insolent, in-your-face @@@@ [4]pert, presumptuous, rude, sassy @@@@ [5]shameless"} {"x":"audacity","y":"[1]adventurousness, audaciousness, boldness, bravery, courage, daring, dauntlessness, enterprise, face @@@@ [2]fearlessness, front, guts @@@@ [3]intrepidity, nerve, rashness, recklessness, valour, venturesomeness @@@@ [4]audaciousness, brass neck @@@@ [5]cheek, chutzpah @@@@ [6]defiance, disrespectfulness, effrontery, forwardness, gall @@@@ [7]impertinence, impudence, insolence, neck @@@@ [8]nerve, pertness, presumption, rudeness, sassiness @@@@ [9]shamelessness"} {"x":"audible","y":"[1]clear, detectable, discernible, distinct, hearable, perceptible"} {"x":"audience","y":"[1]assemblage, assembly, congregation, crowd, gallery, gathering, house, listeners, onlookers, spectators, turnout, viewers @@@@ [2]devotees, fans, following, market, public @@@@ [3]consultation, hearing, interview, meeting, reception"} {"x":"audit","y":"[1]balancing, check, checking, examination, inspection, investigation, review, scrutiny, verification @@@@ [2]balance, check, examine, go over, go through, inspect, investigate, review, scrutinize, verify"} {"x":"augment","y":"[1]add to, amplify, boost, build up, dilate, enhance, enlarge, expand, extend, grow, heighten, increase, inflate, intensify, magnify, multiply, raise, reinforce, strengthen, swell"} {"x":"augmentation","y":"[1]accession, addition, amplification, boost, build-up, dilation, enhancement, enlargement, expansion, extension, growth, heightening, increase, inflation, intensification, magnification, multiplication, reinforcement, rise, strengthening, swelling"} {"x":"augur","y":"[1]auspex, diviner, haruspex, oracle, prophet, seer, soothsayer @@@@ [2]betoken, bode, foreshadow, harbinger, herald, portend, predict, prefigure, presage, promise, prophesy, signify"} {"x":"augury","y":"[1]divination, prediction, prophecy, soothsaying, sortilege @@@@ [2]auspice, forerunner, forewarning, harbinger, herald, omen, portent, precursor, presage, prognostication, promise, prophecy, sign, token, warning"} {"x":"august","y":"[1]dignified, exalted, glorious, grand, high-ranking, imposing, impressive, kingly, lofty, magnificent, majestic, monumental, noble, regal, solemn, stately, superb"} {"x":"aura","y":"[1]air, ambience, aroma, atmosphere, emanation, feel, feeling, mood, odour, quality, scent, suggestion, tone, vibes @@@@ [2]vibrations"} {"x":"auspice","y":"[1]advocacy, aegis, authority, backing, care, championship, charge, control, countenance, guidance, influence, patronage, protection, sponsorship, supervision, support @@@@ [2]augury, indication, omen, portent, prognostication, prophecy, sign, token, warning"} {"x":"auspicious","y":"[1]bright, encouraging, favourable, felicitous, fortunate, happy, hopeful, lucky, opportune, promising, propitious, prosperous, rosy, timely"} {"x":"austere","y":"[1]cold, exacting, forbidding, formal, grave, grim, hard, harsh, inflexible, rigorous, serious, severe, solemn, stern, stiff, strict, stringent, unfeeling, unrelenting @@@@ [2]abstemious, abstinent, ascetic, chaste, continent, economical, exacting, puritanical, rigid, self-denying, self-disciplined, sober, solemn, Spartan, strait-laced, strict, unrelenting @@@@ [3]bleak, economical, harsh, plain, severe, simple, spare, Spartan, stark, subdued, unadorned, unornamented"} {"x":"austerity","y":"[1]coldness, exactingness, forbiddingness, formality, gravity, grimness, hardness, harshness, inflexibility, rigour, seriousness, severity, solemnity, sternness, stiffness, strictness @@@@ [2]abstemiousness, abstinence, asceticism, chasteness, chastity, continence, economy, exactingness, puritanism, rigidity, self-denial, self-discipline, sobriety, solemnity, Spartanism, strictness @@@@ [3]economy, plainness, severity, simplicity, spareness, Spartanism, starkness"} {"x":"authentic","y":"[1]accurate, actual, authoritative, bona fide, certain, dependable, factual, faithful, genuine, legitimate, on the level @@@@ [2]original, pure, real, reliable, simon-pure @@@@ [3]the real McCoy, true, true-to-life, trustworthy, valid, veritable"} {"x":"authenticate","y":"[1]attest, authorize, avouch, certify, confirm, endorse, guarantee, validate, verify, vouch for, warrant"} {"x":"authenticity","y":"[1]accuracy, actuality, authoritativeness, certainty, dependability, factualness, faithfulness, genuineness, legitimacy, purity, realness, reliability, trustworthiness, truth, truthfulness, validity, veritableness, verity"} {"x":"author","y":"[1]architect, composer, creator, designer, doer, fabricator, father, founder, framer, initiator, inventor, maker, mover, originator, parent, planner, prime mover, producer, writer"} {"x":"authoritarian","y":"[1]absolute, autocratic, despotic, dictatorial, disciplinarian, doctrinaire, dogmatic, domineering, harsh, imperious, rigid, severe, strict, tyrannical, unyielding @@@@ [2]absolutist, autocrat, despot, dictator, disciplinarian, tyrant"} {"x":"authoritative","y":"[1]accurate, authentic, definitive, dependable, factual, faithful, learned, reliable, scholarly, sound, true, trustworthy, truthful, valid, veritable @@@@ [2]assertive, autocratic, commanding, confident, decisive, dictatorial, dogmatic, dominating, imperative, imperious, imposing, lordly, masterly, peremptory, self-assured @@@@ [3]approved, authorized, commanding, legitimate, official, sanctioned, sovereign"} {"x":"authority","y":"[1]ascendancy, charge, command, control, direction, domination, dominion, force, government, influence, jurisdiction, might, power, prerogative, right, rule, say-so, strength, supremacy, sway, weight @@@@ [2]administration, government, management, officialdom, police, powers that be, the establishment @@@@ [3]a blank cheque, authorization, justification, licence, permission, permit, sanction, say-so, warrant @@@@ [4]arbiter, bible, connoisseur, expert, judge, master, professional, scholar, specialist, textbook @@@@ [5]attestation, avowal, declaration, evidence, profession, say-so, statement, testimony, word"} {"x":"authorization","y":"[1]ability, a blank cheque, authority, power, right, say-so, strength @@@@ [2]approval, credentials, leave, licence, permission, permit, sanction, say-so, warrant"} {"x":"authorize","y":"[1]accredit, commission, empower, enable, entitle, give authority @@@@ [2]accredit, allow, approve, confirm, countenance, give a blank cheque to, give authority for, give leave, give the green light for, license, permit, ratify, sanction, vouch for, warrant"} {"x":"authorized","y":"[1]allowed, approved, commissioned, confirmed, countenanced, licensed, official, permitted, ratified, sanctioned, signed and sealed, warranted"} {"x":"autobiography","y":"[1]history, life story, memoirs, record, resume"} {"x":"autocracy","y":"[1]absolutism, despotism, dictatorship, tyranny"} {"x":"autocrat","y":"[1]absolutist, despot, dictator, tyrant"} {"x":"autocratic","y":"[1]absolute, all-powerful, despotic, dictatorial, domineering, imperious, tyrannical, tyrannous, unlimited"} {"x":"automatic","y":"[1]automated, mechanical, mechanized, push-button, robot, self-acting, self-activating, self-moving, self-propelling, self-regulating @@@@ [2]habitual, kneejerk, mechanical, perfunctory, routine, unconscious @@@@ [3]instinctive, instinctual, involuntary, mechanical, natural, reflex, spontaneous, unconscious, unwilled @@@@ [4]assured, certain, inescapable, inevitable, necessary, routine, unavoidable"} {"x":"autonomous","y":"[1]free, independent, self-determining, self-governing, self-ruling, sovereign"} {"x":"autonomy","y":"[1]freedom, home rule, independence, self-determination, self-government, self-rule, sovereignty"} {"x":"autopsy","y":"[1]dissection, necropsy, postmortem, postmortem examination"} {"x":"auxiliary","y":"[1]accessory, aiding, ancillary, assisting, back-up, emergency, fall-back, helping, reserve, secondary, subsidiary, substitute, supplementary, supporting @@@@ [2]accessory, accomplice, ally, assistant, associate, companion, confederate, helper, henchman, partner, protagonist, reserve, subordinate, supporter"} {"x":"avail","y":"[1]aid, assist, be effective, benefit, be of advantage, be of use, be useful, help, profit, serve, work @@@@ [2]employ, exploit, have recourse to, make the most of, make use of, profit from, take advantage of, turn to account, use, utilize @@@@ [3]advantage, aid, assistance, benefit, boot @@@@ [4]effectiveness, efficacy, good, help, mileage @@@@ [5]profit, purpose, service, use, usefulness, utility"} {"x":"available","y":"[1]accessible, applicable, at hand, at one's disposal, at one's fingertips, attainable, convenient, free, handy, obtainable, on hand, on tap, ready, ready for use, to hand, vacant"} {"x":"avalanche","y":"[1]landslide, landslip, snow-slide, snow-slip @@@@ [2]barrage, deluge, flood, inundation, torrent"} {"x":"avarice","y":"[1]acquisitiveness, close-fistedness, covetousness, cupidity, graspingness, greed, greediness, meanness, miserliness, niggardliness, parsimony, penny-pinching, penuriousness, rapacity, stinginess"} {"x":"avaricious","y":"[1]acquisitive, close-fisted, covetous, grasping, greedy, mean, miserable, miserly, niggardly, parsimonious, penny-pinching, penurious, rapacious, snoep @@@@ [2]stingy, tight-arsed @@@@ [3]tight-assed"} {"x":"avenge","y":"[1]get one's own back, hit back, pay (someone) back in his or her own coin, punish, repay, requite, retaliate, revenge, take satisfaction for, take vengeance"} {"x":"avenue","y":"[1]access, alley, approach, boulevard, channel, course, drive, driveway, entrance, entry, pass, passage, path, pathway, road, route, street, thoroughfare, way"} {"x":"aver","y":"[1]affirm, allege, assert, asseverate, avouch, avow, declare, maintain, proclaim, profess, pronounce, protest, say, state, swear"} {"x":"average","y":"[1]common run, mean, medium, midpoint, norm, normal, par, rule, run, run of the mill, standard @@@@ [2]as a rule, for the most part, generally, normally, typically, usually @@@@ [3]banal, bog-standard @@@@ [4]common, commonplace, fair, general, indifferent, mediocre, middle-of-the-road, middling, moderate, no great shakes @@@@ [5]normal, not bad, ordinary, passable, regular, run-of-the-mill, so-so @@@@ [6]standard, tolerable, typical, undistinguished, unexceptional, usual, vanilla @@@@ [7]intermediate, mean, median, medium, middle @@@@ [8]balance out to, be on average, do on average, even out to, make on average"} {"x":"averse","y":"[1]antipathetic, backward, disinclined, hostile, ill-disposed, indisposed, inimical, loath, opposed, reluctant, unfavourable, unwilling"} {"x":"aversion","y":"[1]abhorrence, animosity, antipathy, detestation, disgust, disinclination, dislike, distaste, hate, hatred, horror, hostility, indisposition, loathing, odium, opposition, reluctance, repugnance, repulsion, revulsion, unwillingness"} {"x":"avert","y":"[1]turn, turn aside, turn away @@@@ [2]avoid, fend off, forestall, frustrate, preclude, prevent, stave off, ward off"} {"x":"aviation","y":"[1]aeronautics, flight, flying, powered flight"} {"x":"aviator","y":"[1]aeronaut, airman, flyer, pilot"} {"x":"avid","y":"[1]ardent, devoted, eager, enthusiastic, fanatical, fervent, intense, keen, keen as mustard, passionate, zealous @@@@ [2]acquisitive, athirst, avaricious, covetous, grasping, greedy, hungry, insatiable, rapacious, ravenous, thirsty, voracious"} {"x":"avidity","y":"[1]ardour, devotion, eagerness, enthusiasm, fervour, keenness, zeal @@@@ [2]acquisitiveness, avarice, covetousness, cupidity, desire, graspingness, greediness, hankering, hunger, insatiability, longing, rapacity, ravenousness, thirst, voracity"} {"x":"avocation","y":"[1]diversion, hobby, occupation, pastime, recreation @@@@ [2]business, calling, employment, job, occupation, profession, pursuit, trade, vocation, work"} {"x":"avoid","y":"[1]avert, body-swerve @@@@ [2]bypass, circumvent, dodge, duck (out of) @@@@ [3]elude, escape, eschew, evade, fight shy of, give a wide berth to, keep aloof from, keep away from, prevent, refrain from, shirk, shun, sidestep, slip through the net, steer clear of"} {"x":"avouch","y":"[1]acknowledge, affirm, allege, assert, asseverate, aver, avow, declare, guarantee, maintain, proclaim, profess, pronounce, state, swear, vouch for"} {"x":"avow","y":"[1]acknowledge, admit, affirm, allege, assert, asseverate, aver, confess, declare, maintain, own, proclaim, profess, recognize, state, swear"} {"x":"await","y":"[1]abide, anticipate, expect, look for, look forward to, stay for, wait for @@@@ [2]attend, be in readiness for, be in store for, be prepared for, be ready for, wait for"} {"x":"awake","y":"[1]awaken, rouse, wake, wake up @@@@ [2]activate, alert, animate, arouse, awaken, breathe life into, call forth, enliven, excite, fan, incite, kick-start @@@@ [3]kindle, provoke, revive, stimulate, stir up, vivify @@@@ [4]alert, alive, aroused, attentive, awakened, aware, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, conscious, heedful, not sleeping, observant, on guard, on one's toes, on the alert, on the lookout, vigilant, wakeful, waking, watchful, wide-awake @@@@ [5]alert, alive, aroused, attentive, awakened, aware, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, conscious, heedful, not sleeping, observant, on guard, on one's toes, on the alert, on the lookout, vigilant, wakeful, waking, watchful, wide-awake"} {"x":"awaken","y":"[1]activate, alert, animate, arouse, awake, breathe life into, call forth, enliven, excite, fan, incite, kick-start @@@@ [2]kindle, provoke, revive, rouse, stimulate, stir up, vivify, wake"} {"x":"award","y":"[1]accord, adjudge, allot, apportion, assign, bestow, confer, decree, distribute, endow, gift, give, grant, hand out, present, render @@@@ [2]adjudication, allotment, bestowal, conferment, conferral, decision, decree, endowment, gift, hand-out, order, presentation, stipend @@@@ [3]bonsela @@@@ [4]decoration, gift, grant, prize, trophy, verdict"} {"x":"aware","y":"[1]acquainted, alive to, appreciative, apprised, attentive, au courant, clued-up @@@@ [2]cognizant, conscious, conversant, enlightened, familiar, hip @@@@ [3]informed, in the picture, keeping one's finger on the pulse, knowing, knowledgeable, mindful, sensible, sentient, wise"} {"x":"awareness","y":"[1]acquaintance, appreciation, attention, cognizance, consciousness, enlightenment, familiarity, knowledge, mindfulness, perception, realization, recognition, sensibility, sentience, understanding"} {"x":"awash","y":"[1]afloat, deluged, drowned, engulfed, flooded, immersed, inundated, overburdened, overwhelmed, submerged, submersed, swamped, swept"} {"x":"away","y":"[1]abroad, elsewhere, from here, from home, hence, off @@@@ [2]apart, at a distance, far, remote @@@@ [3]continuously, incessantly, interminably, relentlessly, repeatedly, uninterruptedly, unremittingly @@@@ [4]abroad, absent, elsewhere, gone, not at home, not here, not present, not there, out @@@@ [5]beat it @@@@ [6]begone, be off, bugger off @@@@ [7]fuck off @@@@ [8]get lost @@@@ [9]get out, go, go away, on your bike @@@@ [10]exert oneself, graft @@@@ [11]hammer away, keep one's nose to the grindstone, peg away, persevere, persist, plug away @@@@ [12]slog, work @@@@ [13]decamp, escape, flee, fly, hook it @@@@ [14]break with, detach, part company, secede, separate @@@@ [15]blow away @@@@ [16]bump off @@@@ [17]destroy, do in @@@@ [18]exterminate, kill, liquidate, murder, slay, take out @@@@ [19]abolish, axe @@@@ [20]chuck @@@@ [21]discard, discontinue, eliminate, get rid of, junk @@@@ [22]pull, put an end to, put paid to, remove @@@@ [23]dally away, dissipate, fool away, idle (away), misspend, run through, spend like water, squander, waste @@@@ [24]abscond, break free, break out, decamp, depart, disappear, escape, flee, leave, make good one's escape, slope off @@@@ [25]betray, disclose, divulge, expose, grass @@@@ [26]grass up @@@@ [27]inform on, leak, let out, let slip, let the cat out of the bag @@@@ [28]reveal, shop @@@@ [29]uncover @@@@ [30]decamp, depart, exit, get on one's bike @@@@ [31]hook it @@@@ [32]leave, make tracks, move out, pack one's bags @@@@ [33]slope off, withdraw @@@@ [34]accumulate, collect, hoard, keep, lay aside, lay in, salt away, save, stash @@@@ [35]stockpile, store @@@@ [36]abscond, beat a hasty retreat, clear out @@@@ [37]decamp, depart, do a runner @@@@ [38]flee, fly, fly the coop @@@@ [39]hook it @@@@ [40]scoot, skedaddle @@@@ [41]abduct, cabbage @@@@ [42]filch, kidnap, knock off @@@@ [43]nick @@@@ [44]pilfer, pinch @@@@ [45]purloin, steal, swipe @@@@ [46]blow away @@@@ [47]bump off @@@@ [48]destroy, dispose of, do away with, do in @@@@ [49]eliminate, get rid of, kill, murder, rub out @@@@ [50]buy it @@@@ [51]check out @@@@ [52]croak @@@@ [53]decease, depart (this life), die, expire, go belly-up @@@@ [54]kick it @@@@ [55]pass on, pass over, peg it @@@@ [56]peg out @@@@ [57]put back, replace, return to (its) place, tidy away @@@@ [58]deposit, keep, lay in, put by, save, set aside, store away @@@@ [59]certify, commit, confine, institutionalize, lock up @@@@ [60]consume, devour, eat up, gobble, gulp down, wolf down @@@@ [61]destroy, do away with, put down, put out of its misery, put to sleep @@@@ [62]at once, directly, forthwith, immediately, instantly, now, posthaste, promptly, pronto @@@@ [63]right off, straightaway, straight off @@@@ [64]this instant, without delay, without hesitation @@@@ [65]abscond, beat it @@@@ [66]bolt, clear out, cut and run @@@@ [67]escape, flee, fly the coop @@@@ [68]hook it @@@@ [69]scram @@@@ [70]abduct, abscond, elope @@@@ [71]abscond, make off, pinch @@@@ [72]run off, snatch, steal @@@@ [73]accumulate, amass, bank, cache, hide, hoard up, lay by, lay in, lay up, put by, save, save for a rainy day, stash away @@@@ [74]stockpile @@@@ [75]abandon, dispose of, forgo, give up all claim to, lose, relinquish, renounce, surrender, transfer, waive @@@@ [76]axe @@@@ [77]bin @@@@ [78]cast off, chuck @@@@ [79]discard, dispense with, dispose of, ditch @@@@ [80]dump @@@@ [81]get rid of, jettison, junk @@@@ [82]reject, scrap, throw out @@@@ [83]blow @@@@ [84]fail to exploit, fritter away, lose, make poor use of, squander, waste @@@@ [85]blow @@@@ [86]fail to exploit, fritter away, lose, make poor use of, squander, waste @@@@ [87]blow @@@@ [88]fail to exploit, fritter away, lose, make poor use of, squander, waste"} {"x":"awe","y":"[1]admiration, amazement, astonishment, dread, fear, horror, respect, reverence, terror, veneration, wonder @@@@ [2]amaze, astonish, cow, daunt, frighten, horrify, impress, intimidate, put the wind up @@@@ [3]stun, terrify @@@@ [4]amaze, astonish, cow, daunt, frighten, horrify, impress, intimidate, put the wind up @@@@ [5]stun, terrify"} {"x":"awesome","y":"[1]alarming, amazing, astonishing, awe-inspiring, awful, breathtaking, daunting, dreadful, fearful, fearsome, formidable, frightening, horrible, horrifying, imposing, impressive, intimidating, magnificent, majestic, overwhelming, redoubtable, shocking, solemn, striking, stunning, stupefying, terrible, terrifying, wonderful, wondrous"} {"x":"awful","y":"[1]abysmal, alarming, appalling, deplorable, dire, distressing, dreadful, fearful, frightful, from hell @@@@ [2]ghastly, godawful @@@@ [3]gruesome, harrowing, hellacious @@@@ [4]hideous, horrendous, horrible, horrid, horrific, horrifying, nasty, shocking, terrible, tremendous, ugly, unpleasant, unsightly @@@@ [5]amazing, awe-inspiring, awesome, dread, fearsome, majestic, portentous, solemn"} {"x":"awhile","y":"[1]briefly, for a little while, for a moment, for a short time, for a while"} {"x":"awkward","y":"[1]all thumbs, artless, blundering, bungling, clownish, clumsy, coarse, gauche, gawky, graceless, ham-fisted or ham-handed @@@@ [2]ill-bred, inelegant, inept, inexpert, lumbering, maladroit, oafish, rude, skill-less, stiff, uncoordinated, uncouth, ungainly, ungraceful, unpolished, unrefined, unskilful, unskilled @@@@ [3]clunky @@@@ [4]cumbersome, difficult, inconvenient, troublesome, unhandy, unmanageable, unwieldy @@@@ [5]compromising, cringe-making @@@@ [6]cringeworthy @@@@ [7]delicate, difficult, embarrassed, embarrassing, ill at ease, inconvenient, inopportune, painful, perplexing, sticky @@@@ [8]thorny, ticklish, troublesome, trying, uncomfortable, unpleasant, untimely @@@@ [9]annoying, bloody-minded @@@@ [10]difficult, disobliging, exasperating, hard to handle, intractable, irritable, perverse, prickly, stubborn, touchy, troublesome, trying, uncooperative, unhelpful, unpredictable, vexatious, vexing @@@@ [11]chancy @@@@ [12]dangerous, difficult, hazardous, perilous, risky"} {"x":"awry","y":"[1]amiss, askew, asymmetrical, cockeyed @@@@ [2]crooked, crookedly, misaligned, obliquely, off-centre, off course, out of line, out of true, skew-whiff @@@@ [3]to one side, twisted, uneven, unevenly, wrong"} {"x":"axe","y":"[1]adze, chopper, hatchet @@@@ [2]grievance, personal consideration, pet subject, private ends, private purpose, ulterior motive @@@@ [3]cancellation, cutback, discharge, dismissal, termination, the boot @@@@ [4]the chop @@@@ [5]the sack @@@@ [6]wind-up @@@@ [7]chop, cut down, fell, hew @@@@ [8]cancel, cut back, discharge, dismiss, dispense with, eliminate, fire @@@@ [9]give the push, oust, pull, pull the plug on, relegate, remove, sack @@@@ [10]terminate, throw out, turn off @@@@ [11]wind up @@@@ [12]ballbreaker @@@@ [13]disciplinarian, fury, harridan, scold, shrew, tartar, termagant, virago, vixen"} {"x":"axiom","y":"[1]adage, aphorism, apophthegm, dictum, fundamental, gnome, maxim, postulate, precept, principle, truism"} {"x":"axiomatic","y":"[1]absolute, accepted, apodictic or apodeictic, assumed, certain, fundamental, given, granted, indubitable, manifest, presupposed, self-evident, understood, unquestioned @@@@ [2]aphoristic, apophthegmatic, epigrammatic, gnomic, pithy, terse"} {"x":"axis","y":"[1]axle, centre line, pivot, shaft, spindle @@@@ [2]alliance, bloc, coalition, compact, entente, league, pact"} {"x":"axle","y":"[1]arbor, axis, mandrel, pin, pivot, rod, shaft, spindle"} {"x":"azure","y":"[1]blue, cerulean, clear blue, sky-blue, sky-coloured, ultramarine"} {"x":"babble","y":"[1]blab, burble, cackle, chatter, gabble, gibber, gurgle, jabber, mumble, murmur, mutter, prate, prattle, rabbit (on) @@@@ [2]waffle @@@@ [3]burble, clamour, drivel, gabble, gibberish, murmur, waffle"} {"x":"babe","y":"[1]ankle-biter @@@@ [2]baby, bairn @@@@ [3]child, infant, nursling, rug rat @@@@ [4]sprog @@@@ [5]suckling"} {"x":"babel","y":"[1]bedlam, clamour, confusion, din, disorder, hubbub, hullabaloo, hurly-burly, pandemonium, tumult, turmoil, uproar"} {"x":"baby","y":"[1]ankle-biter @@@@ [2]babe, babe in arms, bairn @@@@ [3]child, infant, newborn child, rug rat @@@@ [4]sprog @@@@ [5]diminutive, dwarf, little, midget, mini, miniature, minute, pygmy or pigmy, small, teensy-weensy, teeny-weeny, tiny, wee @@@@ [6]coddle, cosset, humour, indulge, mollycoddle, overindulge, pamper, pet, spoil, spoon-feed"} {"x":"back","y":"[1]abet, advocate, assist, champion, countenance, encourage, endorse, espouse, favour, finance, promote, sanction, second, side with, sponsor, subsidize, support, sustain, underwrite @@@@ [2]back off, backtrack, go back, move back, regress, retire, retreat, reverse, turn tail, withdraw @@@@ [3]backside, end, far end, hind part, hindquarters, posterior, rear, reverse, stern, tail end @@@@ [4]end, hind, hindmost, posterior, rear, tail @@@@ [5]delayed, earlier, elapsed, former, overdue, past, previous @@@@ [6]covertly, deceitfully, secretly, sneakily, surreptitiously @@@@ [7]covertly, deceitfully, secretly, sneakily, surreptitiously"} {"x":"backfire","y":"[1]boomerang, disappoint, fail, flop @@@@ [2]miscarry, rebound, recoil"} {"x":"background","y":"[1]breeding, circumstances, credentials, culture, education, environment, experience, grounding, history, milieu, preparation, qualifications, tradition, upbringing"} {"x":"backside","y":"[1]back, end, far end, hind part, hindquarters, posterior, rear, reverse, stern, tail end @@@@ [2]arse @@@@ [3]ass @@@@ [4]behind @@@@ [5]bottom, bum @@@@ [6]buns @@@@ [7]butt @@@@ [8]buttocks, cheeks @@@@ [9]coit @@@@ [10]derriere @@@@ [11]fanny @@@@ [12]fundament, jacksy @@@@ [13]nates @@@@ [14]posterior, rear, rear end, rump, seat, tail @@@@ [15]tush"} {"x":"backup","y":"[1]aid, assistance, backing, help, reinforcement, reserves, support @@@@ [2]locum, relief, replacement, reserve, second string, stand-by, stand-in, substitute, understudy"} {"x":"backwards","y":"[1]bashful, diffident, hesitating, late, reluctant, shy, sluggish, tardy, unwilling, wavering @@@@ [2]behind, behindhand, braindead @@@@ [3]dense, dozy @@@@ [4]dull, obtuse, retarded, slow, stupid, subnormal, underdeveloped, undeveloped @@@@ [5]aback, behind, in reverse, rearward"} {"x":"bacteria","y":"[1]bacilli, bugs @@@@ [2]germs, microbes, microorganisms, pathogens, viruses"} {"x":"bad","y":"[1]chickenshit @@@@ [2]defective, deficient, duff @@@@ [3]erroneous, fallacious, faulty, imperfect, inadequate, incorrect, inferior, low-rent @@@@ [4]of a sort or of sorts, pathetic, poor, poxy @@@@ [5]substandard, unsatisfactory @@@@ [6]damaging, dangerous, deleterious, detrimental, harmful, hurtful, injurious, ruinous, unhealthy @@@@ [7]base, corrupt, criminal, delinquent, evil, immoral, mean, sinful, vile, villainous, wicked, wrong @@@@ [8]disobedient, mischievous, naughty, unruly @@@@ [9]decayed, mouldy, off, putrid, rancid, rotten, sour, spoiled @@@@ [10]disastrous, distressing, grave, harsh, painful, serious, severe, terrible @@@@ [11]ailing, diseased, ill, sick, unwell @@@@ [12]apologetic, conscience-stricken, contrite, guilty, regretful, remorseful, sad, sorry, upset @@@@ [13]adverse, discouraged, discouraging, distressed, distressing, gloomy, grim, low, melancholy, troubled, troubling, unfortunate, unpleasant @@@@ [14]all right, average, fair, fair to middling @@@@ [15]passable, respectable, so-so @@@@ [16]tolerable @@@@ [17]all right, average, fair, fair to middling @@@@ [18]passable, respectable, so-so @@@@ [19]tolerable @@@@ [20]all right, average, fair, fair to middling @@@@ [21]passable, respectable, so-so @@@@ [22]tolerable"} {"x":"badge","y":"[1]brand, device, emblem, identification, insignia, mark, sign, stamp, token"} {"x":"badger","y":"[1]bully, chivvy, goad, harass, harry, hound, importune, nag, pester, plague, torment"} {"x":"badinage","y":"[1]banter, chaff, drollery, mockery, persiflage, pleasantry, raillery, repartee, teasing, waggery, wordplay"} {"x":"badly","y":"[1]carelessly, defectively, erroneously, faultily, imperfectly, inadequately, incorrectly, ineptly, poorly, shoddily, wrong, wrongly @@@@ [2]unfavourably, unfortunately, unsuccessfully @@@@ [3]criminally, evilly, immorally, improperly, naughtily, shamefully, unethically, wickedly @@@@ [4]acutely, deeply, desperately, exceedingly, extremely, gravely, greatly, intensely, painfully, seriously, severely"} {"x":"baffle","y":"[1]amaze, astound, bewilder, boggle the mind, confound, confuse, daze, disconcert, dumbfound, elude, flummox, mystify, nonplus, perplex, puzzle, stump, stun @@@@ [2]balk, check, defeat, foil, frustrate, hinder, thwart, upset"} {"x":"bag","y":"[1]balloon, bulge, droop, sag, swell @@@@ [2]acquire, capture, catch, gain, get, kill, land, shoot, take, trap @@@@ [3]poke @@@@ [4]receptacle, sac, sack"} {"x":"baggage","y":"[1]accoutrements, bags, belongings, equipment, gear, impedimenta, luggage, paraphernalia, suitcases, things"} {"x":"baggy","y":"[1]billowing, bulging, droopy, floppy, ill-fitting, loose, oversize, roomy, sagging, seated, slack"} {"x":"bail","y":"[1]bond, guarantee, guaranty, pledge, security, surety, warranty @@@@ [2]dip, drain off, ladle, scoop"} {"x":"bait","y":"[1]allurement, attraction, bribe, carrot and stick, decoy, enticement, incentive, inducement, lure, snare, temptation @@@@ [2]aggravate @@@@ [3]harass, hassle @@@@ [4]hound, irk, irritate, nark @@@@ [5]needle @@@@ [6]provoke, put one's back up, tease, torment, wind up @@@@ [7]allure, beguile, entice, lure, seduce, tempt"} {"x":"baked","y":"[1]arid, desiccated, dry, parched, scorched, seared, sun-baked, torrid @@@@ [2]brainless, crackpot @@@@ [3]crazy, foolish, harebrained, inane, loopy @@@@ [4]senseless, silly, stupid @@@@ [5]ill-conceived, ill-judged, impractical, poorly planned, short-sighted, unformed, unthought out or through"} {"x":"balance","y":"[1]level, librate, match, parallel, poise, stabilize, steady @@@@ [2]adjust, compensate for, counteract, counterbalance, counterpoise, equalize, equate, make up for, neutralize, offset @@@@ [3]assess, compare, consider, deliberate, estimate, evaluate, weigh @@@@ [4]calculate, compute, settle, square, tally, total @@@@ [5]correspondence, equilibrium, equipoise, equity, equivalence, evenness, parity, symmetry @@@@ [6]composure, equanimity, poise, self-control, self-possession, stability, steadiness @@@@ [7]difference, remainder, residue, rest, surplus"} {"x":"balanced","y":"[1]disinterested, equitable, even-handed, fair, impartial, just, unbiased, unprejudiced @@@@ [2]disinterested, equitable, even-handed, fair, impartial, just, unbiased, unprejudiced"} {"x":"balcony","y":"[1]terrace, veranda @@@@ [2]gallery, gods, upper circle"} {"x":"bald","y":"[1]baldheaded, baldpated, depilated, glabrous @@@@ [2]hairless @@@@ [3]barren, bleak, exposed, naked, stark, treeless, uncovered @@@@ [4]bare, blunt, direct, downright, forthright, outright, plain, severe, simple, straight, straightforward, unadorned, unvarnished, upfront"} {"x":"balderdash","y":"[1]balls @@@@ [2]bilge @@@@ [3]bosh @@@@ [4]bull @@@@ [5]bullshit @@@@ [6]bunk @@@@ [7]claptrap @@@@ [8]cobblers @@@@ [9]crap @@@@ [10]drivel, eyewash @@@@ [11]garbage @@@@ [12]gibberish, guff @@@@ [13]hogwash, hokum @@@@ [14]horsefeathers @@@@ [15]hot air @@@@ [16]kak @@@@ [17]moonshine, nonsense, pap, piffle @@@@ [18]poppycock @@@@ [19]rot, rubbish, shit @@@@ [20]tommyrot, tosh @@@@ [21]trash, tripe @@@@ [22]twaddle, waffle"} {"x":"bale","y":"[1]dip, drain off, ladle, scoop"} {"x":"baleful","y":"[1]calamitous, deadly, evil, harmful, hurtful, injurious, maleficent, malevolent, malignant, menacing, mournful, noxious, ominous, pernicious, ruinous, sad, sinister, venomous, woeful"} {"x":"balk","y":"[1]demur, dodge, evade, flinch, hesitate, jib, recoil, refuse, resist, shirk, shrink from @@@@ [2]baffle, bar, check, counteract, defeat, disconcert, foil, forestall, frustrate, hinder, obstruct, prevent, thwart"} {"x":"ball","y":"[1]drop, globe, globule, orb, pellet, sphere, spheroid @@@@ [2]ammunition, bullet, grapeshot, pellet, shot, slug"} {"x":"ballast","y":"[1]balance, counterbalance, counterweight, equilibrium, sandbag, stability, stabilizer, weight"} {"x":"balloon","y":"[1]belly, billow, bloat, blow up, dilate, distend, enlarge, expand, grow rapidly, inflate, puff out, swell"} {"x":"ballot","y":"[1]election, poll, polling, vote, voting"} {"x":"balls","y":"[1]cobblers @@@@ [2]cojones @@@@ [3]family jewels @@@@ [4]gonads, goolies @@@@ [5]nuts @@@@ [6]rocks @@@@ [7]testes, testicles @@@@ [8]backbone, bottle @@@@ [9]cojones @@@@ [10]courage, face @@@@ [11]grit, guts @@@@ [12]nerve, spirit, spunk @@@@ [13]toughness @@@@ [14]bull @@@@ [15]bullshit @@@@ [16]claptrap @@@@ [17]cobblers @@@@ [18]codswallop @@@@ [19]crap @@@@ [20]garbage @@@@ [21]horsefeathers @@@@ [22]kak @@@@ [23]nonsense, poppycock @@@@ [24]rubbish, tosh @@@@ [25]drop, globe, globule, orb, pellet, sphere, spheroid @@@@ [26]ammunition, bullet, grapeshot, pellet, shot, slug"} {"x":"ballyhoo","y":"[1]babble, commotion, fuss, hubbub, hue and cry, hullabaloo, noise, racket, to-do @@@@ [2]advertising, build-up, hype, PR, promotion, propaganda, publicity"} {"x":"balm","y":"[1]balsam, cream, embrocation, emollient, lotion, ointment, salve, unguent @@@@ [2]anodyne, comfort, consolation, curative, palliative, restorative, solace"} {"x":"bamboozle","y":"[1]cheat, con @@@@ [2]deceive, defraud, delude, dupe, fool, hoax, hoodwink, pull a fast one on @@@@ [3]skin @@@@ [4]swindle, trick @@@@ [5]baffle, befuddle, confound, confuse, mystify, perplex, puzzle, stump"} {"x":"ban","y":"[1]banish, bar, black, blackball, block, boycott, debar, disallow, disqualify, exclude, forbid, interdict, outlaw, prohibit, proscribe, restrict, suppress @@@@ [2]block, boycott, censorship, disqualification, embargo, interdict, interdiction, prohibition, proscription, restriction, stoppage, suppression, taboo"} {"x":"banal","y":"[1]cliched, cliche-ridden, commonplace, everyday, hackneyed, humdrum, mundane, old hat, ordinary, pedestrian, platitudinous, stale, stereotyped, stock, threadbare, tired, trite, unimaginative, unoriginal, vanilla @@@@ [2]vapid"} {"x":"banality","y":"[1]bromide @@@@ [2]cliche, commonplace, platitude, triteness, trite phrase, triviality, truism, vapidity"} {"x":"band","y":"[1]bandage, belt, binding, bond, chain, cord, fetter, fillet, ligature, manacle, ribbon, shackle, strap, strip, tie @@@@ [2]assembly, association, bevy, body, camp, clique, club, company, coterie, crew @@@@ [3]gang, horde, party, posse @@@@ [4]society, troop @@@@ [5]combo, ensemble, group, orchestra @@@@ [6]affiliate, ally, consolidate, federate, gather, group, join, merge, unite"} {"x":"bandage","y":"[1]compress, dressing, gauze, plaster @@@@ [2]bind, cover, dress, swathe"} {"x":"bandit","y":"[1]brigand, crook, desperado, footpad, freebooter, gangster, gunman, highwayman, hijacker, marauder, outlaw, pirate, racketeer, robber, thief"} {"x":"bandy","y":"[1]barter, exchange, interchange, pass, shuffle, swap, throw, toss, trade @@@@ [2]bandy-legged, bent, bowed, bow-legged, crooked, curved"} {"x":"bane","y":"[1]affliction, bete noire, blight, burden, calamity, curse, despair, destruction, disaster, downfall, misery, nuisance, pest, plague, ruin, scourge, torment, trial, trouble, woe"} {"x":"bang","y":"[1]boom, burst, clang, clap, clash, detonation, explosion, peal, pop, report, shot, slam, thud, thump @@@@ [2]belt @@@@ [3]blow, box, bump, cuff, hit, knock, punch, smack, stroke, wallop @@@@ [4]whack @@@@ [5]bash @@@@ [6]beat, belt @@@@ [7]bump, clatter, crash, hammer, knock, pound, pummel, rap, slam, strike, thump, tonk @@@@ [8]boom, burst, clang, detonate, drum, echo, explode, peal, resound, thump, thunder @@@@ [9]abruptly, hard, headlong, noisily, precisely, slap, smack, straight, suddenly"} {"x":"banish","y":"[1]deport, drive away, eject, evict, exclude, excommunicate, exile, expatriate, expel, ostracize, outlaw, shut out, transport @@@@ [2]ban, cast out, discard, dislodge, dismiss, dispel, eliminate, eradicate, get rid of, oust, remove, shake off"} {"x":"bank","y":"[1]accumulation, depository, fund, hoard, repository, reserve, reservoir, savings, stock, stockpile, store, storehouse @@@@ [2]deal with, deposit, keep, save, transact business with @@@@ [3]banking, embankment, heap, mass, mound, pile, ridge @@@@ [4]brink, edge, margin, shore, side @@@@ [5]amass, heap, mass, mound, pile, stack @@@@ [6]camber, cant, heel, incline, pitch, slant, slope, tilt, tip @@@@ [7]array, file, group, line, rank, row, sequence, series, succession, tier, train @@@@ [8]A bankof things, especially machines, switches, or dials, is a row of them, or a series of rows."} {"x":"bankrupt","y":"[1]beggared, broke @@@@ [2]depleted, destitute, exhausted, failed, impoverished, in queer street, insolvent, in the red, lacking, on one's uppers, on the rocks, ruined, spent, wiped out"} {"x":"bankruptcy","y":"[1]crash, disaster, exhaustion, failure, indebtedness, insolvency, lack, liquidation, ruin"} {"x":"banner","y":"[1]banderole, burgee, colours, ensign, fanion, flag, gonfalon, pennant, pennon, standard, streamer"} {"x":"banquet","y":"[1]dinner, feast, meal, repast, revel, treat"} {"x":"banter","y":"[1]chaff, deride, jeer, jest, joke, josh @@@@ [2]kid @@@@ [3]taunt, tease, twit @@@@ [4]badinage, chaff, chaffing, derision, jeering, jesting, joking, kidding @@@@ [5]mockery, persiflage, pleasantry, raillery, repartee, ribbing @@@@ [6]ridicule, wordplay"} {"x":"baptism","y":"[1]christening, immersion, purification, sprinkling @@@@ [2]beginning, debut, dedication, initiation, introduction, launching, rite of passage"} {"x":"baptize","y":"[1]besprinkle, cleanse, immerse, purify @@@@ [2]admit, enrol, initiate, recruit @@@@ [3]call, christen, dub, name, title"} {"x":"bar","y":"[1]batten, crosspiece, paling, palisade, pole, rail, rod, shaft, stake, stick @@@@ [2]barricade, barrier, block, deterrent, hindrance, impediment, interdict, obstacle, obstruction, rail, railing, stop @@@@ [3]boozer @@@@ [4]canteen, counter, hostelry @@@@ [5]inn, lounge, pub @@@@ [6]public house, saloon, taproom, tavern, watering hole @@@@ [7]bench, court, courtroom, dock, law court @@@@ [8]barristers, body of lawyers, counsel, court, judgment, tribunal @@@@ [9]barricade, bolt, fasten, latch, lock, secure @@@@ [10]ban, black, blackball, exclude, forbid, hinder, keep out, obstruct, prevent, prohibit, restrain"} {"x":"barb","y":"[1]bristle, point, prickle, prong, quill, spike, spur, thorn @@@@ [2]affront, cut, dig, gibe, insult, rebuff, sarcasm, scoff, sneer"} {"x":"barbarian","y":"[1]brute, hooligan, lout, lowbrow, ned @@@@ [2]ruffian, savage, vandal, yahoo @@@@ [3]bigot, boor, ignoramus, illiterate, lowbrow, philistine @@@@ [4]boorish, crude, lowbrow, philistine, primitive, rough, uncouth, uncultivated, uncultured, unsophisticated, vulgar, wild"} {"x":"barbaric","y":"[1]primitive, rude, uncivilized, wild @@@@ [2]barbarous, boorish, brutal, coarse, crude, cruel, fierce, inhuman, savage, uncouth, vulgar"} {"x":"barbarism","y":"[1]coarseness, crudity, savagery, uncivilizedness @@@@ [2]atrocity, barbarity, enormity, outrage @@@@ [3]corruption, misusage, misuse, solecism, vulgarism"} {"x":"barbarity","y":"[1]brutality, cruelty, inhumanity, ruthlessness, savagery, viciousness"} {"x":"barbarous","y":"[1]barbarian, brutish, primitive, rough, rude, savage, uncivilized, uncouth, wild @@@@ [2]barbaric, brutal, cruel, ferocious, heartless, inhuman, monstrous, ruthless, vicious @@@@ [3]coarse, crude, ignorant, uncultured, unlettered, unrefined, vulgar"} {"x":"barbed","y":"[1]hooked, jagged, prickly, pronged, spiked, spiny, thorny, toothed @@@@ [2]acid, acrid, catty @@@@ [3]critical, cutting, hostile, hurtful, nasty, pointed, scathing, unkind"} {"x":"bard","y":"[1]minstrel, poet, rhymer, singer, troubadour"} {"x":"bare","y":"[1]buck naked @@@@ [2]denuded, exposed, in the bare scud @@@@ [3]nude, peeled, scuddy @@@@ [4]shorn, stripped, unclad, unclothed, uncovered, undressed, without a stitch on @@@@ [5]barren, blank, empty, lacking, mean, open, poor, scanty, scarce, unfurnished, vacant, void, wanting @@@@ [6]austere, bald, basic, cold, essential, hard, literal, plain, severe, sheer, simple, spare, spartan, stark, unadorned, unembellished, unfussy, unvarnished"} {"x":"barely","y":"[1]almost, at a push, by the skin of one's teeth, hardly, just, only just, scarcely"} {"x":"bargain","y":"[1]agreement, arrangement, business, compact, contract, convention, engagement, negotiation, pact, pledge, promise, stipulation, transaction, treaty, understanding @@@@ [2](cheap) purchase, discount, giveaway, good buy, good deal, good value, reduction, snip @@@@ [3]steal @@@@ [4]agree, contract, covenant, negotiate, promise, stipulate, transact @@@@ [5]barter, buy, deal, haggle, sell, trade, traffic @@@@ [6]anticipate, contemplate, expect, foresee, imagine, look for, plan for @@@@ [7]assume, bank on, count on, depend on, plan on, rely on"} {"x":"barge","y":"[1]canal boat, flatboat, lighter, narrow boat, scow @@@@ [2]break in, burst in, butt in, infringe, interrupt, intrude, muscle in @@@@ [3]bump into, cannon into, collide with, hit, push, shove"} {"x":"bark","y":"[1]casing, cortex @@@@ [2]covering, crust, husk, rind, skin @@@@ [3]abrade, flay, rub, scrape, shave, skin, strip @@@@ [4]bay, growl, howl, snarl, woof, yap, yelp @@@@ [5]bawl, bawl at, berate, bluster, growl, shout, snap, snarl, yell"} {"x":"baroque","y":"[1]bizarre, convoluted, elaborate, extravagant, flamboyant, florid, grotesque, ornate, overdecorated, rococo"} {"x":"barracks","y":"[1]billet, camp, cantonment, casern, encampment, garrison, quarters @@@@ [2]abuse, boo, criticize, gibe or jibe, heckle, jeer, mock, taunt"} {"x":"barrage","y":"[1]battery, bombardment, cannonade, curtain of fire, fusillade, gunfire, salvo, shelling, volley @@@@ [2]assault, attack, burst, deluge, hail, mass, onslaught, plethora, profusion, rain, storm, stream, torrent"} {"x":"barred","y":"[1]banded, crosshatched, lined, marked, ribbed, ridged, streaked, striped, veined @@@@ [2]banned, excluded, forbidden, off limits, outlawed, prohibited, proscribed, taboo"} {"x":"barren","y":"[1]childless, infecund, infertile, sterile, unprolific @@@@ [2]arid, desert, desolate, dry, empty, unfruitful, unproductive, waste @@@@ [3]boring, dull, flat, fruitless, lacklustre, stale, uninformative, uninspiring, uninstructive, uninteresting, unrewarding, useless, vapid"} {"x":"barricade","y":"[1]barrier, blockade, bulwark, fence, obstruction, palisade, rampart, stockade @@@@ [2]bar, block, blockade, defend, fortify, obstruct, protect, shut in"} {"x":"barrier","y":"[1]bar, barricade, block, blockade, boundary, ditch, fence, fortification, obstacle, obstruction, pale, railing, rampart, stop, wall @@@@ [2]check, difficulty, drawback, handicap, hazard, hindrance, hurdle, impediment, limitation, obstacle, restriction, stumbling block"} {"x":"barter","y":"[1]bargain, drive a hard bargain, exchange, haggle, sell, swap, trade, traffic"} {"x":"base","y":"[1]bed, bottom, foot, foundation, groundwork, pedestal, rest, stand, support @@@@ [2]basis, core, essence, essential, fundamental, heart, key, origin, principle, root, source @@@@ [3]camp, centre, headquarters, home, post, settlement, starting point, station @@@@ [4]build, construct, depend, derive, establish, found, ground, hinge, locate, station @@@@ [5]build, construct, depend, derive, establish, found, ground, hinge, locate, station"} {"x":"bases","y":"[1]bed, bottom, foot, foundation, groundwork, pedestal, rest, stand, support @@@@ [2]basis, core, essence, essential, fundamental, heart, key, origin, principle, root, source @@@@ [3]camp, centre, headquarters, home, post, settlement, starting point, station @@@@ [4]build, construct, depend, derive, establish, found, ground, hinge, locate, station"} {"x":"bash","y":"[1]belt @@@@ [2]biff @@@@ [3]break, chin @@@@ [4]crash, crush, deck @@@@ [5]punch, slosh @@@@ [6]smash, sock @@@@ [7]strike, tonk @@@@ [8]wallop @@@@ [9]attempt, crack @@@@ [10]go @@@@ [11]shot @@@@ [12]stab @@@@ [13]try"} {"x":"bashful","y":"[1]abashed, blushing, confused, constrained, coy, diffident, easily embarrassed, nervous, overmodest, reserved, reticent, retiring, self-conscious, self-effacing, shamefaced, sheepish, shrinking, shy, timid, timorous"} {"x":"basic","y":"[1]bog-standard @@@@ [2]central, elementary, essential, fundamental, immanent, indispensable, inherent, intrinsic, key, necessary, primary, radical, underlying, vital"} {"x":"basically","y":"[1]at bottom, at heart, au fond, essentially, firstly, fundamentally, inherently, in substance, intrinsically, mostly, primarily, radically"} {"x":"basis","y":"[1]base, bottom, footing, foundation, ground, groundwork, support @@@@ [2]chief ingredient, core, essential, fundamental, heart, premise, principal element, principle, theory"} {"x":"bask","y":"[1]laze, lie in, loll, lounge, relax, sunbathe, swim in, toast oneself, warm oneself @@@@ [2]delight in, enjoy, indulge oneself, luxuriate, relish, revel, savour, take pleasure, wallow"} {"x":"bass","y":"[1]deep, deep-toned, grave, low, low-pitched, resonant, sonorous"} {"x":"bastard","y":"[1]by-blow @@@@ [2]illegitimate (child), love child, natural child, whoreson @@@@ [3]adulterated, baseborn, counterfeit, false, illegitimate, imperfect, impure, inferior, irregular, misbegotten, sham, spurious"} {"x":"bastion","y":"[1]bulwark, citadel, defence, fastness, fortress, mainstay, prop, rock, stronghold, support, tower of strength"} {"x":"bat","y":"[1]bang, hit, punch, rap, smack, strike, swat, thump, wallop @@@@ [2]whack"} {"x":"batch","y":"[1]accumulation, aggregation, amount, assemblage, bunch, collection, crowd, group, lot, pack, quantity, set"} {"x":"bath","y":"[1]ablution, cleansing, douche, douse, scrubbing, shower, soak, soaping, sponging, tub, wash, washing @@@@ [2]bathe, clean, douse, lave @@@@ [3]scrub down, shower, soak, soap, sponge, tub, wash"} {"x":"bathe","y":"[1]cleanse, cover, dunk, flood, immerse, moisten, rinse, soak, steep, suffuse, wash, wet @@@@ [2]dip, dook @@@@ [3]swim, wash"} {"x":"bathetic","y":"[1]anticlimactic, mawkish, sentimental"} {"x":"bathos","y":"[1]anticlimax, false pathos, letdown, mawkishness, sentimentality"} {"x":"bathroom","y":"[1]comfort station @@@@ [2]convenience @@@@ [3]lavatory, powder room, rest room, shower, toilet, washroom, water closet, WC"} {"x":"baton","y":"[1]club, crook, mace, rod, sceptre, staff, stick, truncheon, wand"} {"x":"battalion","y":"[1]army, brigade, company, contingent, division, force, horde, host, legion, multitude, regiment, squadron, throng"} {"x":"batten","y":"[1]board up, clamp down, cover up, fasten, fasten down, fix, nail down, secure, tighten @@@@ [2]fatten, flourish, gain, grow, increase, prosper, thrive, wax"} {"x":"batter","y":"[1]assault, bash @@@@ [2]beat, beat the living daylights out of, belabour, break, buffet, clobber @@@@ [3]dash against, lambast(e), lash, pelt, pound, pummel, smash, smite, thrash, wallop @@@@ [4]bruise, crush, deface, demolish, destroy, disfigure, hurt, injure, mangle, mar, maul, ruin, shatter, shiver, total @@@@ [5]trash"} {"x":"battery","y":"[1]chain, ring, sequence, series, set, suite @@@@ [2]assault, attack, beating, mayhem, onslaught, physical violence, thumping @@@@ [3]artillery, cannon, cannonry, gun emplacements, guns"} {"x":"battle","y":"[1]action, attack, combat, encounter, engagement, fight, fray, hostilities, skirmish, war, warfare @@@@ [2]agitation, campaign, clash, conflict, contest, controversy, crusade, debate, disagreement, dispute, head-to-head, strife, struggle @@@@ [3]agitate, argue, clamour, combat, contend, contest, dispute, feud, fight, lock horns, strive, struggle, war"} {"x":"bauble","y":"[1]bagatelle, gewgaw, gimcrack, kickshaw, knick-knack, plaything, toy, trifle, trinket"} {"x":"bawdy","y":"[1]blue, coarse, dirty, erotic, gross, indecent, indecorous, indelicate, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, libidinous, licentious, lustful, near the knuckle @@@@ [2]obscene, prurient, ribald, risque, rude, salacious, smutty, steamy @@@@ [3]suggestive, vulgar, X-rated"} {"x":"bawl","y":"[1]bellow, call, clamour, halloo, howl, roar, shout, vociferate, yell @@@@ [2]blubber, cry, sob, squall, wail, weep"} {"x":"bay","y":"[1]bight, cove, gulf, inlet, natural harbour, sound @@@@ [2]alcove, compartment, embrasure, niche, nook, opening, recess @@@@ [3]bark, bell, clamour, cry, growl, howl, yelp @@@@ [4]caught, cornered, trapped"} {"x":"bayonet","y":"[1]impale, knife, run through, spear, stab, stick, transfix"} {"x":"bazaar","y":"[1]exchange, market, marketplace, mart @@@@ [2]bring-and-buy, fair, fete, sale of work"} {"x":"be","y":"[1]be alive, breathe, exist, inhabit, live @@@@ [2]befall, come about, come to pass, happen, occur, take place, transpire @@@@ [3]abide, continue, endure, last, obtain, persist, prevail, remain, stand, stay, survive @@@@ [4]budding, dormant, latent, manque, potential, professed, quasi-, self-appointed, self-styled, so-called, soi-disant, undeveloped, unfulfilled, unrealized"} {"x":"beach","y":"[1]coast, lido, littoral, margin, plage, sands, seaboard @@@@ [2]seashore, seaside, shingle, shore, strand, water's edge"} {"x":"beacon","y":"[1]beam, bonfire, flare, lighthouse, pharos, rocket, sign, signal, signal fire, smoke signal, watchtower"} {"x":"bead","y":"[1]blob, bubble, dot, drop, droplet, globule, pellet, pill, spherule"} {"x":"beak","y":"[1]bill, mandible, neb @@@@ [2]nib @@@@ [3]nose, proboscis, snout @@@@ [4]bow, prow, ram, rostrum, stem"} {"x":"beaked","y":"[1]curved, hooked, pointed, sharp"} {"x":"beam","y":"[1]girder, joist, plank, rafter, spar, support, timber @@@@ [2]bar, emission, gleam, glimmer, glint, glow, radiation, ray, shaft, streak, stream @@@@ [3]broadcast, emit, glare, gleam, glitter, glow, radiate, shine, transmit @@@@ [4]grin, laugh, smile"} {"x":"bear","y":"[1]bring, carry, convey, hump @@@@ [2]move, take, tote @@@@ [3]transport @@@@ [4]cherish, entertain, exhibit, harbour, have, hold, maintain, possess, shoulder, support, sustain, uphold, weigh upon @@@@ [5]abide, admit, allow, brook, endure, hack @@@@ [6]stomach, suffer, tolerate, undergo @@@@ [7]beget, breed, bring forth, develop, engender, generate, give birth to, produce, yield"} {"x":"beard","y":"[1]bristles, five-o'clock shadow, stubble, whiskers @@@@ [2]brave, confront, dare, defy, face, oppose, tackle"} {"x":"bearing","y":"[1]air, aspect, attitude, behaviour, carriage, demeanour, deportment, manner, mien, posture @@@@ [2]course, direction, point of compass @@@@ [3]application, connection, import, pertinence, reference, relation, relevance, significance"} {"x":"beast","y":"[1]animal, brute, creature @@@@ [2]barbarian, brute, fiend, ghoul, monster, ogre, sadist, savage, swine"} {"x":"beat","y":"[1]bang, batter, belt @@@@ [2]break, bruise, buffet, cane, chin @@@@ [3]clobber @@@@ [4]cudgel, deck @@@@ [5]drub, flog, hit, knock, lambast(e), lash, lay one on @@@@ [6]lick @@@@ [7]maul, pelt, pound, punch, strike, thrash, thwack, tonk @@@@ [8]whip @@@@ [9]conquer, defeat, excel, knock spots off @@@@ [10]lick @@@@ [11]master, outdo, outrun, outstrip, overcome, overwhelm, pip at the post, put in the shade @@@@ [12]stuff @@@@ [13]subdue, surpass, tank @@@@ [14]undo, vanquish, wipe the floor with @@@@ [15]fashion, forge, form, hammer, model, shape, work @@@@ [16]flap, flutter, palpitate, pound, pulsate, pulse, quake, quiver, shake, throb, thump, tremble, vibrate @@@@ [17]bugger off @@@@ [18]depart, exit, fuck off @@@@ [19]get lost @@@@ [20]hook it @@@@ [21]hop it @@@@ [22]leave, make tracks, pack one's bags @@@@ [23]piss off @@@@ [24]scarper @@@@ [25]scram @@@@ [26]shoo, skedaddle @@@@ [27]vamoose @@@@ [28]belt @@@@ [29]blow, hit, lash, punch, shake, slap, strike, swing, thump @@@@ [30]flutter, palpitation, pulsation, pulse, throb @@@@ [31]accent, cadence, ictus, measure @@@@ [32]metre, rhythm, stress, time @@@@ [33]circuit, course, path, rounds, route, way @@@@ [34]clapped out @@@@ [35]exhausted, fatigued, on one's last legs, shagged out @@@@ [36]tired, wearied, wiped out @@@@ [37]worn out, zonked @@@@ [38]assault, attack, batter, beat the living daylights out of @@@@ [39]clobber @@@@ [40]do over @@@@ [41]duff up @@@@ [42]fill in @@@@ [43]thrash, work over"} {"x":"beaten","y":"[1]baffled, cowed, defeated, disappointed, disheartened, frustrated, overcome, overwhelmed, thwarted, vanquished @@@@ [2]forged, formed, hammered, shaped, stamped, worked @@@@ [3]much travelled, trampled, trodden, well-trodden, well-used, worn @@@@ [4]blended, foamy, frothy, mixed, stirred, whipped, whisked"} {"x":"beatific","y":"[1]blessed, blissed out, blissful, divine, ecstatic, enraptured, exalted, glorious, heavenly, joyful, rapt, rapturous, sent, serene, sublime"} {"x":"beating","y":"[1]belting @@@@ [2]caning, chastisement, corporal punishment, flogging, pasting @@@@ [3]slapping, smacking, thrashing, whipping @@@@ [4]conquest, defeat, downfall, overthrow, pasting @@@@ [5]rout, ruin"} {"x":"beau","y":"[1]admirer, boyfriend, escort, fancy man @@@@ [2]fiance, guy @@@@ [3]leman @@@@ [4]lover, suitor, swain, sweetheart @@@@ [5]cavalier, coxcomb, dandy, fop, gallant, ladies' man, popinjay, swell"} {"x":"beautiful","y":"[1]alluring, appealing, attractive, charming, comely, delightful, drop-dead @@@@ [2]exquisite, fair, fine, glamorous, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, handsome, lovely, pleasing, radiant, ravishing, stunning"} {"x":"beautify","y":"[1]adorn, array, bedeck, deck, decorate, embellish, enhance, festoon, garnish, gild, glamorize, grace, ornament"} {"x":"beauty","y":"[1]allure, attractiveness, bloom, charm, comeliness, elegance, exquisiteness, fairness, glamour, grace, handsomeness, loveliness, pulchritude, seemliness, symmetry @@@@ [2]belle, charmer, cracker @@@@ [3]goddess, good-looker, humdinger @@@@ [4]lovely @@@@ [5]stunner @@@@ [6]Venus @@@@ [7]advantage, asset, attraction, benefit, blessing, boon, excellence, feature, good thing"} {"x":"because","y":"[1]as, by reason of, in that, on account of, owing to, since, thanks to"} {"x":"beck","y":"[1]gesture, nod, signal, summons, wave"} {"x":"beckon","y":"[1]bid, gesticulate, gesture, motion, nod, signal, summon, wave at @@@@ [2]allure, attract, call, coax, draw, entice, invite, lure, pull, tempt"} {"x":"becloud","y":"[1]bedim, befog, complicate, confuse, darken, muddle, muddy the waters, obfuscate, obscure, overcast, screen, veil"} {"x":"become","y":"[1]alter to, be transformed into, change into, develop into, evolve into, grow into, mature into, metamorphose into, ripen into @@@@ [2]embellish, enhance, fit, flatter, grace, harmonize, ornament, set off, suit"} {"x":"becoming","y":"[1]attractive, comely, enhancing, flattering, graceful, neat, pretty, tasteful @@@@ [2]appropriate, befitting, comme il faut, compatible, congruous, decent, decorous, fit, fitting, in keeping, meet @@@@ [3]proper, seemly, suitable, worthy"} {"x":"bed","y":"[1]bedstead, berth, bunk, cot, couch, divan, pallet @@@@ [2]area, border, garden, patch, plot, row, strip @@@@ [3]base, bottom, foundation, groundwork, substratum @@@@ [4]base, embed, establish, fix, found, implant, insert, plant, settle, set up @@@@ [5]lie, retire, settle down, sleep, turn in"} {"x":"bedaub","y":"[1]besmear, smear, smirch, soil, spatter, splash, stain"} {"x":"bedeck","y":"[1]adorn, array, bedight @@@@ [2]bedizen @@@@ [3]decorate, embellish, engarland, festoon, garnish, ornament, trim"} {"x":"bedevil","y":"[1]afflict, aggravate @@@@ [2]breathe down someone's neck, confound, distress, fret, frustrate, get in one's hair @@@@ [3]harass, hassle @@@@ [4]irk, irritate, pester, plague, torment, torture, trouble, vex, worry"} {"x":"bedew","y":"[1]besprinkle, dampen, drench, moisten, shower, soak, spray, sprinkle, water, wet"} {"x":"bedlam","y":"[1]chaos, clamour, commotion, confusion, furore, hubbub, hullabaloo, madhouse @@@@ [2]noise, pandemonium, tumult, turmoil, uproar"} {"x":"bedraggled","y":"[1]dirty, dishevelled, disordered, drenched, dripping, messy, muddied, muddy, sodden, soiled, stained, sullied, unkempt, untidy"} {"x":"bedridden","y":"[1]confined, confined to bed, flat on one's back, incapacitated, laid up"} {"x":"beef","y":"[1]brawn, flesh, heftiness, muscle, physique, robustness, sinew, strength @@@@ [2]complaint, criticism, dispute, grievance, gripe @@@@ [3]grouch @@@@ [4]grouse, grumble, objection, protest, protestation @@@@ [5]If you beef up something, you increase, strengthen, or improve it."} {"x":"beehive","y":"[1]apiary, comb, hive, honeycomb"} {"x":"beer","y":"[1]brew, hop juice, swipes @@@@ [2]wallop"} {"x":"beetle","y":"[1]hanging over, jutting, leaning over, overhanging, pendent, projecting, prominent, protruding, sticking out, swelling over @@@@ [2]frowning, glowering, lowering, pouting, scowling, sullen"} {"x":"befall","y":"[1]bechance, betide, chance, come to pass, ensue, fall, follow, happen, materialize, occur, supervene, take place, transpire"} {"x":"befit","y":"[1]be appropriate, become, be fitting, behoove @@@@ [2]behove, be seemly, be suitable, suit"} {"x":"befog","y":"[1]becloud, blur, confuse, darken, fuzz, make hazy, make indistinct, make vague, muddle, muddy the waters, obfuscate, obscure"} {"x":"before","y":"[1]ahead, earlier, formerly, in advance, in front, previously, sooner @@@@ [2]earlier than, in advance of, in front of, in the presence of, prior to"} {"x":"befriend","y":"[1]advise, aid, assist, back, benefit, encourage, favour, help, patronize, side with, stand by, succour, support, sustain, uphold, welcome"} {"x":"befuddle","y":"[1]baffle, bewilder, confuse, daze, disorient, intoxicate, muddle, puzzle, stupefy"} {"x":"beg","y":"[1]beseech, crave, desire, entreat, implore, importune, petition, plead, pray, request, solicit, supplicate @@@@ [2]blag @@@@ [3]cadge, call for alms, mooch @@@@ [4]scrounge, seek charity, solicit charity, sponge on, touch (someone) for @@@@ [5]avoid, dodge, duck @@@@ [6]equivocate, eschew, evade, fend off, flannel @@@@ [7]hedge, parry, shirk, shun, sidestep"} {"x":"beget","y":"[1]breed, father, generate, get, procreate, propagate, sire @@@@ [2]bring, bring about, cause, create, effect, engender, give rise to, occasion, produce, result in"} {"x":"beggar","y":"[1]bag lady @@@@ [2]bum @@@@ [3]cadger, mendicant, scrounger @@@@ [4]sponger @@@@ [5]supplicant, tramp, vagrant @@@@ [6]bankrupt, down-and-out, pauper, starveling @@@@ [7]baffle, challenge, defy, surpass"} {"x":"begin","y":"[1]inaugurate, initiate, instigate, institute, prepare, set about, set on foot, start @@@@ [2]appear, arise, be born, come into being, come into existence, commence, crop up @@@@ [3]dawn, emerge, happen, originate, spring, start"} {"x":"beginning","y":"[1]birth, commencement, inauguration, inception, initiation, onset, opening, opening move, origin, outset, overture, preface, prelude, rise, rudiments, source, start, starting point @@@@ [2]embryo, fount, fountainhead, germ, root, seed"} {"x":"begrime","y":"[1]besmirch, blacken, dirty, muddy, smear, smirch, soil, spatter, stain, sully, tarnish"} {"x":"behalf","y":"[1]account, advantage, benefit, defence, good, interest, part, profit, sake, side, support"} {"x":"behave","y":"[1]act, function, operate, perform, run, work"} {"x":"behaviour","y":"[1]actions, bearing, carriage, comportment, conduct, demeanour, deportment, manner, manners, ways @@@@ [2]action, functioning, operation, performance"} {"x":"behead","y":"[1]decapitate, decollate @@@@ [2]execute, guillotine, truncate"} {"x":"behemoth","y":"[1]Brobdingnagian, colossus, giant, leviathan, mammoth, monster, titan"} {"x":"behest","y":"[1]bidding, canon, charge, command, commandment, decree, dictate, direction, expressed desire, injunction, instruction, mandate, order, precept, wish"} {"x":"behind","y":"[1]after, at the back of, at the heels of, at the rear of, following, later than @@@@ [2]at the bottom of, causing, initiating, instigating, responsible for @@@@ [3]backing, for, in agreement, on the side of, supporting @@@@ [4]after, afterwards, following, in the wake (of), next, subsequently @@@@ [5]behindhand, in arrears, in debt, overdue @@@@ [6]arse @@@@ [7]ass @@@@ [8]bottom, bum @@@@ [9]buns @@@@ [10]butt @@@@ [11]buttocks, derriere @@@@ [12]jacksy @@@@ [13]posterior, rump, seat, tail @@@@ [14]tush @@@@ [15]arse @@@@ [16]ass @@@@ [17]bottom, bum @@@@ [18]buns @@@@ [19]butt @@@@ [20]buttocks, derriere @@@@ [21]jacksy @@@@ [22]posterior, rump, seat, tail @@@@ [23]tush"} {"x":"behold","y":"[1]check, check out @@@@ [2]clock @@@@ [3]consider, contemplate, discern, eye, eyeball @@@@ [4]look at, observe, perceive, recce @@@@ [5]regard, scan, survey, take a dekko at @@@@ [6]view, watch, witness @@@@ [7]lo, look, mark, observe, see, watch"} {"x":"beige","y":"[1]biscuit, buff, cafe au lait, camel, cinnamon, coffee, cream, ecru, fawn, khaki, mushroom, neutral, oatmeal, sand, tan"} {"x":"being","y":"[1]actuality, animation, existence, life, living, reality @@@@ [2]entity, essence, nature, soul, spirit, substance @@@@ [3]animal, beast, body, creature, human being, individual, living thing, mortal, thing"} {"x":"belch","y":"[1]burp @@@@ [2]eruct, eructate, hiccup @@@@ [3]discharge, disgorge, emit, erupt, give off, gush, spew forth, vent, vomit"} {"x":"beleaguer","y":"[1]assail, beset, besiege, blockade, encompass, environ, hem in, surround @@@@ [2]aggravate @@@@ [3]annoy, badger, be on one's back @@@@ [4]harass, hassle @@@@ [5]pester, vex"} {"x":"belie","y":"[1]confute, contradict, deny, disprove, gainsay @@@@ [2]give the lie to, make a nonsense of, negate, rebut, repudiate @@@@ [3]conceal, deceive, disguise, falsify, gloss over, mislead, misrepresent"} {"x":"belief","y":"[1]admission, assent, assurance, confidence, conviction, credit, feeling, impression, judgment, notion, opinion, persuasion, presumption, reliance, theory, trust, view @@@@ [2]credence, credo, creed, doctrine, dogma, faith, ideology, principles, tenet"} {"x":"believe","y":"[1]accept, be certain of, be convinced of, buy @@@@ [2]count on, credit, depend on, have faith in, hold, place confidence in, presume true, rely on, swallow @@@@ [3]swear by, take as gospel, take on board, trust @@@@ [4]assume, conjecture, consider, gather, guess @@@@ [5]imagine, judge, maintain, postulate, presume, reckon, speculate, suppose, think @@@@ [6]assume, conjecture, consider, gather, guess @@@@ [7]imagine, judge, maintain, postulate, presume, reckon, speculate, suppose, think"} {"x":"believer","y":"[1]adherent, convert, devotee, disciple, follower, proselyte, protagonist, supporter, upholder, zealot"} {"x":"belle","y":"[1]beauty, cracker @@@@ [2]good-looker, looker @@@@ [3]lovely, peach @@@@ [4]stunner @@@@ [5]Venus"} {"x":"bellicose","y":"[1]aggressive, antagonistic, belligerent, combative, defiant, hawkish, hostile, jingoistic, militaristic, provocative, pugnacious, quarrelsome, sabre-rattling, warlike, warloving, warmongering"} {"x":"bellicosity","y":"[1]aggression, aggressiveness, antagonism, belligerence, combativeness, hostility, pugnacity, truculence, warlike nature"} {"x":"bellow","y":"[1]bawl, bell, call, clamour, cry, howl, roar, scream, shout, shriek, yell"} {"x":"belly","y":"[1]abdomen, breadbasket @@@@ [2]corporation @@@@ [3]gut, insides @@@@ [4]paunch, potbelly, stomach, tummy, vitals @@@@ [5]billow, bulge, fill, spread, swell, swell out"} {"x":"belong","y":"[1]attach to, be connected with, be fitting, be part of, fit, go with, have as a proper place, pertain to, relate to"} {"x":"belonging","y":"[1]acceptance, affiliation, affinity, association, attachment, fellowship, inclusion, kinship, loyalty, rapport, relationship"} {"x":"beloved","y":"[1]admired, adored, cherished, darling, dear, dearest, loved, pet, precious, prized, revered, sweet, treasured, worshipped"} {"x":"below","y":"[1]beneath, down, lower, under, underneath @@@@ [2]inferior, lesser, lesser than, subject, subordinate, unworthy of @@@@ [3]below average, imperfect, inferior, off colour, off form, poor, second-rate, unfit @@@@ [4]If something is below a particular amount, rate, or level, it is less than that amount, rate, or level."} {"x":"belt","y":"[1]band, cincture, cummerbund, girdle, girth, sash, waistband @@@@ [2]area, district, layer, region, stretch, strip, tract, zone @@@@ [3]cowardly, foul, not playing the game @@@@ [4]unfair, unjust, unscrupulous, unsporting, unsportsmanlike"} {"x":"bemoan","y":"[1]bewail, cry over spilt milk, deplore, express sorrow, grieve for, lament, moan over, mourn, regret, rue, weep for"} {"x":"bench","y":"[1]form, pew, seat, settle, stall @@@@ [2]board, counter, table, trestle table, workbench, worktable @@@@ [3]court, courtroom, judge, judges, judiciary, magistrate, magistrates, tribunal"} {"x":"bend","y":"[1]arc, arch, bow, buckle, contort, crouch, curve, deflect, diverge, flex, incline, incurvate, lean, stoop, swerve, turn, twist, veer, warp @@@@ [2]compel, direct, influence, mould, persuade, shape, subdue, submit, sway, yield @@@@ [3]angle, arc, arch, bow, corner, crook, curve, hook, loop, turn, twist, zigzag"} {"x":"beneath","y":"[1]below, in a lower place, underneath @@@@ [2]below, inferior to, less than, lower than, unbefitting, underneath, unworthy of"} {"x":"benediction","y":"[1]beatitude, benedictus, benison, blessing, consecration, favour, grace, gratitude, invocation, orison, prayer, thankfulness, thanksgiving"} {"x":"benefactor","y":"[1]angel @@@@ [2]backer, contributor, donor, helper, patron, philanthropist, promoter, sponsor, subscriber, subsidizer, supporter, well-wisher"} {"x":"benefice","y":"[1]Church living, emolument, incumbency, office, prebend, preferment, sinecure, stipend"} {"x":"beneficence","y":"[1]altruism, benevolence, compassion, generosity, goodness, goodwill, helpfulness, kindness, largesse or largess, liberality, love, unselfishness, virtue @@@@ [2]aid, benefaction, bestowal, donation, gift, hand-out, largesse or largess, present, relief, succour"} {"x":"beneficial","y":"[1]advantageous, benign, expedient, favourable, gainful, healthful, helpful, profitable, salubrious, salutary, serviceable, useful, valuable, wholesome"} {"x":"benefit","y":"[1]advantage, aid, asset, assistance, avail, betterment, blessing, boon, boot @@@@ [2]favour, gain, good, help, inside track @@@@ [3]interest, mileage @@@@ [4]profit, use, utility @@@@ [5]advance, advantage, aid, ameliorate, assist, avail, better, enhance, further, improve, profit, promote, serve"} {"x":"benevolence","y":"[1]altruism, charity, compassion, fellow feeling, generosity, goodness, goodwill, humanity, kind-heartedness, kindness, sympathy"} {"x":"benighted","y":"[1]backward, crude, ignorant, illiterate, primitive, uncivilized, uncultivated, unenlightened"} {"x":"benign","y":"[1]affable, amiable, complaisant, friendly, generous, genial, gracious, kind, kindly, liberal, obliging, sympathetic @@@@ [2]balmy, gentle, healthful, mild, refreshing, temperate, warm, wholesome @@@@ [3]advantageous, auspicious, beneficial, encouraging, favourable, good, lucky, propitious, salutary @@@@ [4]curable, harmless, limited, remediable, slight, superficial"} {"x":"bent","y":"[1]angled, arched, bowed, crooked, curved, hunched, stooped, twisted @@@@ [2]determined, disposed, fixed, inclined, insistent, predisposed, resolved, set @@@@ [3]ability, aptitude, bag @@@@ [4]facility, faculty, flair, forte, inclination, knack, leaning, penchant, preference, proclivity, propensity, talent, tendency"} {"x":"benumb","y":"[1]anaesthetize, chill, deaden, freeze, numb, paralyse, shock, stun, stupefy"} {"x":"bequeath","y":"[1]bestow, commit, endow, entrust, give, grant, hand down, impart, leave to by will, pass on, transmit, will"} {"x":"berserk","y":"[1]amok, ape @@@@ [2]apeshit @@@@ [3]crazy, enraged, frantic, frenzied, insane, mad, maniacal, manic, rabid, raging, uncontrollable, violent, wild"} {"x":"berth","y":"[1]bed, billet, bunk, cot @@@@ [2]hammock @@@@ [3]anchorage, dock, harbour, haven, pier, port, quay, slip, wharf @@@@ [4]appointment, employment, job, living, position, post, situation @@@@ [5]anchor, dock, drop anchor, land, moor, tie up"} {"x":"beseech","y":"[1]adjure, ask, beg, call upon, crave, entreat, implore, importune, petition, plead, pray, solicit, sue, supplicate"} {"x":"beside","y":"[1]abreast of, adjacent to, alongside, at the side of, cheek by jowl, close to, near, nearby, neighbouring, next door to, next to, overlooking @@@@ [2]apoplectic, at the end of one's tether, berserk, crazed, delirious, demented, deranged, desperate, distraught, frantic, frenzied, insane, mad, out of one's mind, unbalanced, uncontrolled, unhinged @@@@ [3]extraneous, immaterial, inapplicable, inapposite, inappropriate, inconsequent, irrelevant, neither here nor there, unconnected"} {"x":"besides","y":"[1]also, as well, further, furthermore, in addition, into the bargain, moreover, otherwise, too, what's more @@@@ [2]apart from, barring, excepting, excluding, in addition to, other than, over and above, without @@@@ [3]abreast of, adjacent to, alongside, at the side of, cheek by jowl, close to, near, nearby, neighbouring, next door to, next to, overlooking @@@@ [4]apoplectic, at the end of one's tether, berserk, crazed, delirious, demented, deranged, desperate, distraught, frantic, frenzied, insane, mad, out of one's mind, unbalanced, uncontrolled, unhinged @@@@ [5]extraneous, immaterial, inapplicable, inapposite, inappropriate, inconsequent, irrelevant, neither here nor there, unconnected"} {"x":"besiege","y":"[1]beleaguer, beset, blockade, confine, encircle, encompass, environ, hedge in, hem in, invest @@@@ [2]lay siege to, shut in, surround @@@@ [3]bother, harass, harry, hassle @@@@ [4]hound, importune, nag, pester, plague, trouble"} {"x":"besmirch","y":"[1]daub, defame, dishonour, slander, smear, smirch, soil, stain, sully, tarnish"} {"x":"besotted","y":"[1]befuddled, bevvied @@@@ [2]bladdered @@@@ [3]blitzed @@@@ [4]blotto @@@@ [5]bombed @@@@ [6]drunk, intoxicated, legless @@@@ [7]lit up @@@@ [8]paralytic @@@@ [9]pissed @@@@ [10]rat-arsed @@@@ [11]smashed @@@@ [12]steamboats @@@@ [13]steaming @@@@ [14]stupefied, wasted @@@@ [15]wrecked @@@@ [16]zonked @@@@ [17]doting, hypnotized, infatuated, smitten, spellbound @@@@ [18]confused, foolish, muddled, witless"} {"x":"best","y":"[1]chief, finest, first, first-class, first-rate, foremost, highest, leading, most excellent, outstanding, perfect, pre-eminent, principal, superlative, supreme, unsurpassed @@@@ [2]advantageous, apt, correct, golden, most desirable, most fitting, right @@@@ [3]greatest, largest, most @@@@ [4]advantageously, attractively, excellently, most fortunately @@@@ [5]extremely, greatly, most deeply, most fully, most highly @@@@ [6]choice, cream, creme de la creme, elite, favourite, finest, first, flower, pick, prime, top @@@@ [7]hardest, highest endeavour, utmost @@@@ [8]conquer, defeat, get the better of, lick @@@@ [9]master, outclass, outdo, put in the shade @@@@ [10]stuff @@@@ [11]surpass, tank @@@@ [12]thrash, triumph over, trounce, undo, wipe the floor with @@@@ [13]chart-topping @@@@ [14]highly successful, hit @@@@ [15]number one, smash @@@@ [16]smash-hit @@@@ [17]successful @@@@ [18]best friend"} {"x":"bestial","y":"[1]animal, barbaric, barbarous, beastlike, beastly, brutal, brutish, carnal, degraded, depraved, gross, inhuman, low, savage, sensual, sordid, vile"} {"x":"bestiality","y":"[1]barbarity, beastliness, brutality, brutishness, carnality, cruelty, depravity, inhumanity, savagery @@@@ [2]zooerastia, zoophilia"} {"x":"bestie","y":"[1]best friend"} {"x":"bestir","y":"[1]activate, actuate, animate, awaken, exert, get going, incite, motivate, rouse, set off, stimulate, stir up, trouble"} {"x":"bet","y":"[1]ante, gamble, hazard, long shot, pledge, risk, speculation, stake, venture, wager @@@@ [2]chance, gamble, hazard, pledge, punt @@@@ [3]put money on, put one's shirt on, risk, speculate, stake, venture, wager"} {"x":"bethink","y":"[1]cogitate, consider, ponder, recall, recollect, reconsider, reflect, remember, review, take thought"} {"x":"betray","y":"[1]be disloyal, be treacherous, be unfaithful, break one's promise, break with, double-cross @@@@ [2]grass @@@@ [3]grass up @@@@ [4]sell out @@@@ [5]shop @@@@ [6]blurt out, disclose, divulge, evince, expose, give away, lay bare, let slip, manifest, reveal, show, tell, tell on, uncover, unmask @@@@ [7]beguile, corrupt, deceive, delude, dupe, ensnare, entrap, lead astray, mislead, take for a ride @@@@ [8]undo @@@@ [9]abandon, desert, forsake, jilt, walk out on"} {"x":"better","y":"[1]bigger, excelling, finer, fitter, greater, higher-quality, larger, more appropriate, more desirable, more expert, more fitting, more suitable, more useful, more valuable, preferable, streets ahead, superior, surpassing, worthier @@@@ [2]cured, fitter, fully recovered, healthier, improving, less ill, mending, more healthy, on the mend @@@@ [3]progressing, recovering, stronger, well @@@@ [4]bigger, greater, larger, longer @@@@ [5]in a more excellent manner, in a superior way, more advantageously, more attractively, more competently, more completely, more effectively, more thoroughly, to a greater degree @@@@ [6]advance, ameliorate, amend, correct, enhance, forward, further, improve, meliorate, mend, promote, raise, rectify, reform @@@@ [7]beat, cap @@@@ [8]clobber @@@@ [9]exceed, excel, improve on or upon, knock spots off @@@@ [10]lick @@@@ [11]outdo, outstrip, put in the shade @@@@ [12]surpass, top @@@@ [13]beat, best, defeat, get the upper hand, outdo, outsmart @@@@ [14]outwit, prevail over, score off, surpass, triumph over, worst"} {"x":"betterment","y":"[1]amelioration, edification, improvement, melioration"} {"x":"between","y":"[1]amidst, among, betwixt, halfway, in the middle of, mid @@@@ [2]alienate, divide, estrange, interfere, meddle, part, separate, set at odds @@@@ [3]agent, broker, dealer, factor, intermediary, liaison, mediator, medium, middleman"} {"x":"bevel","y":"[1]angle, bezel, cant, chamfer, diagonal, mitre, oblique, slant, slope @@@@ [2]cant, chamfer, cut at an angle, mitre"} {"x":"beverage","y":"[1]bevvy @@@@ [2]draught, drink, libation @@@@ [3]liquid, liquor, potable, potation, refreshment"} {"x":"bevy","y":"[1]band, bunch @@@@ [2]collection, company, crowd, gathering, group, pack, troupe @@@@ [3]covey, flight, flock"} {"x":"bewail","y":"[1]bemoan, cry over, deplore, express sorrow, grieve for, keen, lament, moan, mourn, regret, repent, rue, wail, weep over"} {"x":"beware","y":"[1]avoid, be careful, be cautious, be wary, guard against, heed, look out, mind, refrain from, shun, steer clear of, take heed, watch out"} {"x":"beyond","y":"[1]above, apart from, at a distance, away from, before, farther, out of range, out of reach, outwith @@@@ [2]over, past, remote, superior to, yonder"} {"x":"bias","y":"[1]bent, bigotry, favouritism, inclination, intolerance, jobs for the boys @@@@ [2]leaning, narrow-mindedness, nepotism, one-sidedness, partiality, penchant, predilection, predisposition, prejudice, proclivity, proneness, propensity, tendency, turn, unfairness @@@@ [3]angle, cross, diagonal line, slant @@@@ [4]distort, influence, predispose, prejudice, slant, sway, twist, warp, weight"} {"x":"bicker","y":"[1]argue, cross swords, disagree, dispute, fight, fight like cat and dog, go at it hammer and tongs, quarrel, row @@@@ [2]scrap @@@@ [3]spar, squabble, wrangle"} {"x":"bid","y":"[1]offer, proffer, propose, submit, tender @@@@ [2]call, greet, say, tell, wish @@@@ [3]ask, call, charge, command, desire, direct, enjoin, instruct, invite, require, solicit, summon, tell @@@@ [4]advance, amount, offer, price, proposal, proposition, submission, sum, tender @@@@ [5]attempt, crack @@@@ [6]effort, endeavour, go @@@@ [7]stab @@@@ [8]try, venture"} {"x":"big","y":"[1]bulky, burly, colossal, considerable, elephantine, enormous, extensive, gigantic, great, huge, hulking, humongous or humungous @@@@ [2]immense, large, mammoth, massive, ponderous, prodigious, sizable or sizeable, spacious, stellar @@@@ [3]substantial, vast, voluminous @@@@ [4]big-time @@@@ [5]eminent, important, influential, leading, main, major league @@@@ [6]momentous, paramount, powerful, prime, principal, prominent, serious, significant, valuable, weighty @@@@ [7]adult, elder, grown, grown-up, mature @@@@ [8]altruistic, benevolent, generous, gracious, heroic, magnanimous, noble, princely, unselfish @@@@ [9]arrogant, boastful, bragging, conceited, haughty, inflated, pompous, pretentious, proud @@@@ [10]arrogant, boastful, bragging, conceited, haughty, inflated, pompous, pretentious, proud"} {"x":"bigot","y":"[1]dogmatist, fanatic, persecutor, sectarian, zealot"} {"x":"bigwig","y":"[1]big cheese @@@@ [2]big gun @@@@ [3]big shot @@@@ [4]celeb @@@@ [5]celebrity, dignitary, heavyweight @@@@ [6]mogul, nob @@@@ [7]notability, notable, panjandrum, personage, somebody, V.I.P."} {"x":"bile","y":"[1]anger, bitterness, churlishness, ill humour, irascibility, irritability, nastiness, peevishness, rancour, spleen"} {"x":"bilious","y":"[1]liverish, nauseated, out of sorts, queasy, sick @@@@ [2]bad-tempered, cantankerous, crabby, cross, crotchety, edgy, grouchy @@@@ [3]grumpy, ill-humoured, ill-tempered, irritable, like a bear with a sore head, nasty, peevish, ratty @@@@ [4]short-tempered, testy, tetchy, touchy"} {"x":"bilk","y":"[1]bamboozle @@@@ [2]cheat, con @@@@ [3]cozen, deceive, defraud, do @@@@ [4]rook @@@@ [5]stiff @@@@ [6]swindle, trick"} {"x":"bill","y":"[1]account, charges, invoice, note of charge, reckoning, score, statement, tally @@@@ [2]advertisement, broadsheet, bulletin, circular, handbill, handout, leaflet, notice, placard, playbill, poster @@@@ [3]agenda, card, catalogue, inventory, list, listing, programme, roster, schedule, syllabus @@@@ [4]measure, piece of legislation, projected law, proposal @@@@ [5]charge, debit, figure, invoice, reckon, record @@@@ [6]advertise, announce, give advance notice of, post @@@@ [7]beak, mandible, neb @@@@ [8]nib @@@@ [9]cuddle"} {"x":"billet","y":"[1]accommodation, barracks, lodging, quarters @@@@ [2]accommodate, berth, quarter, station"} {"x":"billow","y":"[1]breaker, crest, roller, surge, swell, tide, wave @@@@ [2]cloud, deluge, flood, outpouring, rush, surge, wave @@@@ [3]balloon, belly, puff up, rise up, roll, surge, swell"} {"x":"bind","y":"[1]attach, fasten, glue, hitch, lash, paste, rope, secure, stick, strap, tie, tie up, truss, wrap @@@@ [2]compel, constrain, engage, force, necessitate, obligate, oblige, prescribe, require @@@@ [3]confine, detain, hamper, hinder, restrain, restrict @@@@ [4]bandage, cover, dress, encase, swathe, wrap @@@@ [5]border, edge, finish, hem, trim @@@@ [6]bore, difficulty, dilemma, drag @@@@ [7]hot water @@@@ [8]predicament, quandary, spot @@@@ [9]tight spot"} {"x":"binding","y":"[1]compulsory, conclusive, imperative, indissoluble, irrevocable, mandatory, necessary, obligatory, unalterable"} {"x":"binge","y":"[1]beano @@@@ [2]bender @@@@ [3]blind @@@@ [4]bout, feast, fling, jag @@@@ [5]orgy, spree"} {"x":"biography","y":"[1]account, curriculum vitae, CV, life, life history, life story, memoir, memoirs, profile, record"} {"x":"birth","y":"[1]childbirth, delivery, nativity, parturition @@@@ [2]beginning, emergence, fountainhead, genesis, origin, rise, source @@@@ [3]ancestry, background, blood, breeding, derivation, descent, extraction, forebears, genealogy, line, lineage, nobility, noble extraction, parentage, pedigree, race, stock, strain"} {"x":"bisect","y":"[1]bifurcate, cross, cut across, cut in half, cut in two, divide in two, halve, intersect, separate, split, split down the middle"} {"x":"bisexual","y":"[1]AC/DC @@@@ [2]ambidextrous @@@@ [3]androgyne, androgynous, bi @@@@ [4]gynandrous, hermaphrodite, hermaphroditic, monoclinous"} {"x":"bit","y":"[1]atom, chip, crumb, fragment, grain, iota, jot, mite, morsel, mouthful, part, piece, remnant, scrap, segment, slice, small piece, speck, tittle, whit @@@@ [2]instant, jiffy @@@@ [3]little while, minute, moment, period, second, spell, tick @@@@ [4]time @@@@ [5]brake, check, curb, restraint, snaffle @@@@ [6]defy, disobey, get stuck into @@@@ [7]get to grips with, rebel, resist, revolt, run amok, rush into, set about @@@@ [8](AM)"} {"x":"bite","y":"[1]champ, chew, clamp, crunch, crush, cut, gnaw, grip, hold, masticate, nibble, nip, pierce, pinch, rend, seize, snap, tear, wound @@@@ [2]burn, corrode, eat away, eat into, erode, smart, sting, tingle, wear away @@@@ [3]itch, nip, pinch, prick, smarting, sting, tooth marks, wound @@@@ [4]food, light meal, morsel, mouthful, piece, refreshment, snack, taste @@@@ [5]edge, kick @@@@ [6]piquancy, punch @@@@ [7]pungency, spice"} {"x":"biting","y":"[1]bitter, blighting, cold, cold as ice, cutting, freezing, harsh, nipping, penetrating, piercing, sharp @@@@ [2]caustic, cutting, incisive, mordacious, mordant, sarcastic, scathing, severe, sharp, stinging, trenchant, vitriolic, withering"} {"x":"bitter","y":"[1]acerb, acid, acrid, astringent, sharp, sour, tart, unsweetened, vinegary @@@@ [2]acrimonious, begrudging, crabbed, embittered, hostile, morose, rancorous, resentful, sore, sour, sullen, with a chip on one's shoulder @@@@ [3]calamitous, cruel, dire, distressing, galling, grievous, harsh, heartbreaking, merciless, painful, poignant, ruthless, savage, vexatious @@@@ [4]biting, fierce, freezing, intense, severe, stinging"} {"x":"bizarre","y":"[1]abnormal, comical, curious, eccentric, extraordinary, fantastic, freakish, grotesque, left-field @@@@ [2]ludicrous, odd, oddball @@@@ [3]off-beat, off the rails, off-the-wall @@@@ [4]outlandish, outre, peculiar, queer, ridiculous, rum @@@@ [5]strange, unusual, wacko @@@@ [6]way-out @@@@ [7]weird, zany"} {"x":"blab","y":"[1]blurt out, disclose, divulge, gossip, let slip, let the cat out of the bag, reveal, shop @@@@ [2]sing @@@@ [3]tattle, tell, tell all, tell on"} {"x":"black","y":"[1]coal-black, dark, dusky, ebony, inky, jet, murky, pitchy, raven, sable, starless, stygian, swarthy @@@@ [2]atrocious, depressing, dismal, distressing, doleful, foreboding, funereal, gloomy, hopeless, horrible, lugubrious, mournful, ominous, sad, sombre @@@@ [3]dingy, dirty, filthy, grimy, grubby, soiled, sooty, stained @@@@ [4]angry, furious, hostile, menacing, resentful, sullen, threatening @@@@ [5]bad, evil, iniquitous, nefarious, villainous, wicked @@@@ [6]ban, bar, blacklist, boycott @@@@ [7]in credit, in funds, solvent, without debt"} {"x":"blackball","y":"[1]ban, bar, blacklist, debar, drum out, exclude, expel, ostracize, oust, repudiate, snub, vote against"} {"x":"blacken","y":"[1]befoul, begrime, cloud, darken, grow black, make black, smudge, soil @@@@ [2]bad-mouth @@@@ [3]calumniate, decry, defame, defile, denigrate, dishonour, knock @@@@ [4]malign, rubbish @@@@ [5]slag (off) @@@@ [6]slander, smear, smirch, stain, sully, taint, tarnish, traduce, vilify"} {"x":"blackguard","y":"[1]bad egg @@@@ [2]bastard @@@@ [3]blighter @@@@ [4]bounder @@@@ [5]bugger @@@@ [6]miscreant, rascal, rogue, scoundrel, scumbag @@@@ [7]shit @@@@ [8]skelm @@@@ [9]son-of-a-bitch @@@@ [10]swine, villain, wretch"} {"x":"blacklist","y":"[1]ban, bar, blackball, boycott, debar, exclude, expel, ostracize, preclude, proscribe, reject, repudiate, snub, vote against"} {"x":"blame","y":"[1]accountability, culpability, fault, guilt, incrimination, liability, onus, rap @@@@ [2]responsibility @@@@ [3]accusation, castigation, censure, charge, complaint, condemnation, criticism, recrimination, reproach, reproof, stick @@@@ [4]accuse, admonish, blast, censure, charge, chide, condemn, criticize, disapprove, express disapprobation, find fault with, hold responsible, lambast(e), point a or the finger at, put down, reprehend, reproach, reprove, tax, tear into @@@@ [5]upbraid"} {"x":"blanch","y":"[1]become or grow white, become pallid, bleach, blench, drain, fade, pale, turn pale, wan, whiten"} {"x":"bland","y":"[1]boring, dull, flat, humdrum, insipid, monotonous, tasteless, tedious, tiresome, undistinctive, unexciting, uninspiring, uninteresting, unstimulating, vanilla @@@@ [2]vapid, weak @@@@ [3]affable, amiable, congenial, courteous, debonair, friendly, gentle, gracious, smooth, suave, unemotional, urbane @@@@ [4]balmy, calm, mild, mollifying, nonirritant or nonirritating @@@@ [5]soft, soothing, temperate"} {"x":"blank","y":"[1]bare, clean, clear, empty, plain, spotless, uncompleted, unfilled, unmarked, void, white @@@@ [2]deadpan, dull, empty, expressionless, hollow, impassive, inane, lifeless, poker-faced @@@@ [3]vacant, vacuous, vague @@@@ [4]at a loss, at sea, bewildered, confounded, confused, disconcerted, dumbfounded, flummoxed, muddled, nonplussed, uncomprehending @@@@ [5]absolute, complete, out and out, outright, thorough, unqualified, utter @@@@ [6]emptiness, empty space, gap, nothingness, space, tabula rasa, vacancy, vacuity, vacuum, void"} {"x":"blanket","y":"[1]afghan, cover, coverlet, rug @@@@ [2]carpet, cloak, coat, coating, covering, envelope, film, layer, mantle, sheet, wrapper, wrapping @@@@ [3]across-the-board, all-inclusive, comprehensive, overall, sweeping, wide-ranging @@@@ [4]cloak, cloud, coat, conceal, cover, eclipse, hide, mask, obscure, suppress, surround"} {"x":"blare","y":"[1]blast, boom, clamour, clang, honk, hoot, peal, resound, roar, scream, sound out, toot, trumpet"} {"x":"blarney","y":"[1]blandishment, cajolery, coaxing, exaggeration, flattery, honeyed words, overpraise, soft soap @@@@ [2]spiel, sweet talk @@@@ [3]wheedling"} {"x":"blaspheme","y":"[1]abuse, anathematize, curse, damn, desecrate, execrate, profane, revile, swear"} {"x":"blasphemy","y":"[1]cursing, desecration, execration, impiety, impiousness, indignity @@@@ [2]irreverence, profanation, profaneness, profanity, sacrilege, swearing"} {"x":"blast","y":"[1]blare, blow, clang, honk, peal, scream, toot, wail @@@@ [2]bang, blow-up, burst, crash, detonation, discharge, eruption, explosion, outburst, salvo, volley @@@@ [3]gale, gust, squall, storm, strong breeze, tempest @@@@ [4]blow sky-high, blow up, break up, burst, demolish, destroy, explode, put paid to, ruin, shatter @@@@ [5]blight, kill, shrivel, wither @@@@ [6]attack, castigate, criticize, flay, lambast(e), put down, rail at, tear into"} {"x":"blatant","y":"[1]bald, brazen, conspicuous, flagrant, flaunting, glaring, naked, obtrusive, obvious, ostentatious, outright, overt, prominent, pronounced, sheer, unmitigated @@@@ [2]clamorous, deafening, ear-splitting, harsh, loud, noisy, piercing, strident"} {"x":"blather","y":"[1]claptrap @@@@ [2]drivel, gibberish, gobbledegook, jabber, jabbering, moonshine, pap, twaddle"} {"x":"blaze","y":"[1]bonfire, conflagration, fire, flame, flames @@@@ [2]beam, brilliance, flare, flash, glare, gleam, glitter, glow, light, radiance @@@@ [3]blast, burst, eruption, flare-up, fury, outbreak, outburst, rush, storm, torrent @@@@ [4]beam, burn, fire, flame, flare, flash, glare, gleam, glow, shine @@@@ [5]boil, explode, flare up, fume, seethe"} {"x":"blazing","y":"[1]ablaze, afire, aflame, alight, burning, fiery, flaming, on fire @@@@ [2]aglow, brilliant, coruscating, flashing, gleaming, glowing, illuminated, incandescent, luminous, radiant, sparkling @@@@ [3]angry, excited, fervent, frenzied, fuming, furious, impassioned, incensed, passionate, raging, seething @@@@ [4]A trail-blazing idea, event, or organization is new, exciting, and original."} {"x":"blazon","y":"[1]broadcast, celebrate, flourish, make known, proclaim, renown, trumpet"} {"x":"bleach","y":"[1]blanch, etiolate, fade, grow pale, lighten, peroxide, wash out, whiten"} {"x":"bleak","y":"[1]bare, barren, chilly, cold, desolate, exposed, gaunt, open, raw, stark, unsheltered, weather-beaten, windswept, windy @@@@ [2]cheerless, comfortless, depressing, discouraging, disheartening, dismal, dreary, gloomy, grim, hopeless, joyless, sombre, unpromising"} {"x":"bleary","y":"[1]blurred, blurry, dim, fogged, foggy, fuzzy, hazy, indistinct, misty, murky, rheumy, watery"} {"x":"bleed","y":"[1]exude, flow, gush, lose blood, ooze, run, seep, shed blood, spurt, trickle, weep @@@@ [2]deplete, drain, draw or take blood, exhaust, extort, extract, fleece, leech, milk, phlebotomize @@@@ [3]reduce, sap, squeeze @@@@ [4]ache, agonize, feel for, grieve, pity, suffer, sympathize"} {"x":"blemish","y":"[1]blot, blotch, blot on one's escutcheon, blur, defect, demerit, disfigurement, disgrace, dishonour, fault, flaw, imperfection, mark, scar, smirch, smudge, speck, spot, stain, taint @@@@ [2]blot, blotch, blur, damage, deface, disfigure, flaw, impair, injure, mar, mark, smirch, smudge, spoil, spot, stain, sully, taint, tarnish"} {"x":"blench","y":"[1]cower, cringe, falter, flinch, hesitate, quail, quake, quiver, recoil, shrink, shudder, shy, start, wince"} {"x":"blend","y":"[1]amalgamate, coalesce, combine, compound, fuse, intermix, meld, merge, mingle, mix, synthesize, unite @@@@ [2]complement, fit, go well, go with, harmonize, suit @@@@ [3]alloy, amalgam, amalgamation, combination, composite, compound, concoction, fusion, meld, mix, mixture, synthesis, union"} {"x":"bless","y":"[1]anoint, consecrate, dedicate, exalt, extol, give thanks to, glorify, hallow, invoke happiness on, magnify, ordain, praise, sanctify, thank @@@@ [2]bestow, endow, favour, give, grace, grant, provide"} {"x":"blessed","y":"[1]adored, beatified, divine, hallowed, holy, revered, sacred, sanctified @@@@ [2]endowed, favoured, fortunate, granted, jammy @@@@ [3]lucky @@@@ [4]blissful, contented, glad, happy, joyful, joyous"} {"x":"blessing","y":"[1]benediction, benison, commendation, consecration, dedication, grace, invocation, thanksgiving @@@@ [2]approbation, approval, backing, concurrence, consent, favour, good wishes, leave, permission, regard, sanction, support @@@@ [3]advantage, benefit, boon, boot @@@@ [4]bounty, favour, gain, gift, godsend, good fortune, help, kindness, manna from heaven, profit, service, windfall"} {"x":"blight","y":"[1]canker, decay, disease, fungus, infestation, mildew, pest, pestilence, rot @@@@ [2]affliction, bane, contamination, corruption, curse, evil, plague, pollution, scourge, woe @@@@ [3]blast, destroy, injure, nip in the bud, ruin, shrivel, taint with mildew, wither @@@@ [4]annihilate, crush, dash, disappoint, frustrate, mar, nullify, put a damper on, ruin, spoil, undo, wreck"} {"x":"blind","y":"[1]destitute of vision, eyeless, sightless, stone-blind, unseeing, unsighted, visionless @@@@ [2]careless, heedless, ignorant, inattentive, inconsiderate, indifferent, indiscriminate, injudicious, insensitive, morally darkened, neglectful, oblivious, prejudiced, thoughtless, unaware of, unconscious of, uncritical, undiscerning, unmindful of, unobservant, unreasoning @@@@ [3]hasty, impetuous, irrational, mindless, rash, reckless, senseless, uncontrollable, uncontrolled, unthinking, violent, wild @@@@ [4]closed, concealed, dark, dead-end, dim, hidden, leading nowhere, obscured, obstructed, without exit @@@@ [5]camouflage, cloak, cover, facade, feint, front, mask, masquerade, screen, smoke screen"} {"x":"blinding","y":"[1]bedazzling, blurring, dazzling @@@@ [2]bright, brilliant, coruscating, dazzling, flaming, glaring, intense, scintillating, searing, vivid"} {"x":"blink","y":"[1]bat, flutter, glimpse, nictate, nictitate, peer, squint, wink @@@@ [2]flash, flicker, gleam, glimmer, scintillate, shine, sparkle, twinkle, wink @@@@ [3]condone, connive at, disregard, ignore, overlook, pass by, turn a blind eye to @@@@ [4]faulty, malfunctioning, not working (properly), on the fritz"} {"x":"bliss","y":"[1]beatitude, blessedness, blissfulness, ecstasy, euphoria, felicity, gladness, happiness, heaven, joy, nirvana, paradise, rapture"} {"x":"blister","y":"[1]abscess, blain, bleb, boil, bubble, canker, carbuncle, cyst, furuncle @@@@ [2]pimple, pustule, sore, swelling, ulcer, welt, wen"} {"x":"blithe","y":"[1]animated, buoyant, carefree, cheerful, cheery, chirpy @@@@ [2]debonair, gay, genial, gladsome @@@@ [3]happy, jaunty, light-hearted, merry, mirthful, sprightly, sunny, upbeat @@@@ [4]vivacious @@@@ [5]careless, casual, heedless, indifferent, nonchalant, thoughtless, unconcerned, untroubled"} {"x":"blitz","y":"[1]assault, attack, blitzkrieg, bombardment, campaign, offensive, onslaught, raid, strike"} {"x":"blizzard","y":"[1]blast, gale, snowstorm, squall, storm, tempest"} {"x":"bloat","y":"[1]balloon, blow up, dilate, distend, enlarge, expand, inflate, puff up, swell"} {"x":"blob","y":"[1]ball, bead, bubble, dab, dewdrop, drop, droplet, glob, globule, lump, mass, pearl, pellet, pill"} {"x":"bloc","y":"[1]alliance, axis, cabal, clique, coalition, combine, entente, faction, group, league, ring, schism, union, wing"} {"x":"block","y":"[1]bar, brick, cake, chunk, cube, hunk, ingot, lump, mass, nugget, piece, square @@@@ [2]bar, barrier, blockage, hindrance, impediment, jam, obstacle, obstruction, occlusion, stoppage @@@@ [3]bung up @@@@ [4]choke, clog, close, obstruct, plug, stem the flow, stop up @@@@ [5]arrest, bar, check, deter, halt, hinder, hobble, impede, obstruct, put a spoke in someone's wheel, stop, throw a spanner in the works, thwart"} {"x":"blockade","y":"[1]barricade, barrier, block, closure, encirclement, hindrance, impediment, obstacle, obstruction, restriction, siege, stoppage"} {"x":"blockhead","y":"[1]berk @@@@ [2]bimbo @@@@ [3]bonehead @@@@ [4]charlie @@@@ [5]chump @@@@ [6]coot, dickhead @@@@ [7]dickwit @@@@ [8]dimwit @@@@ [9]dipstick @@@@ [10]divvy @@@@ [11]dolt, dork @@@@ [12]dullard, dunce, dweeb @@@@ [13]fathead @@@@ [14]fool, fuckwit @@@@ [15]geek @@@@ [16]gobshite @@@@ [17]gonzo @@@@ [18]idiot, ignoramus, jerk @@@@ [19]nitwit, noodle, numbskull or numskull, numpty @@@@ [20]pillock @@@@ [21]plank @@@@ [22]plonker @@@@ [23]prat @@@@ [24]prick @@@@ [25]schmuck @@@@ [26]thickhead, twit @@@@ [27]wally"} {"x":"blood","y":"[1]gore, lifeblood, vital fluid @@@@ [2]ancestry, birth, consanguinity, descendants, descent, extraction, family, kindred, kinship, lineage, noble extraction, relations @@@@ [3]anger, disposition, feeling, passion, spirit, temper @@@@ [4]acrimony, anger, animosity, antagonism, dislike, enmity, feud, hatred, ill feeling, ill will, malevolence, malice, rancour, resentment, seeing red"} {"x":"bloodshed","y":"[1]blood bath, blood-letting, butchery, carnage, gore, killing, massacre, murder, slaughter, slaying"} {"x":"bloody","y":"[1]bleeding, blood-soaked, blood-spattered, bloodstained, gaping, raw, unstaunched @@@@ [2]cruel, ferocious, fierce, sanguinary, savage @@@@ [3]awkward, contrary, cussed @@@@ [4]obstructive, perverse, uncooperative, unhelpful, unreasonable"} {"x":"bloom","y":"[1]blossom, blossoming, bud, efflorescence, flower, opening @@@@ [2]beauty, blush, flourishing, flush, freshness, glow, health, heyday, lustre, perfection, prime, radiance, rosiness, vigour @@@@ [3]blossom, blow, bud, burgeon, open, sprout @@@@ [4]develop, fare well, flourish, grow, prosper, succeed, thrive, wax"} {"x":"blossom","y":"[1]bloom, bud, floret, flower, flowers @@@@ [2]bloom, burgeon, flower @@@@ [3]bloom, develop, flourish, grow, mature, progress, prosper, thrive"} {"x":"blot","y":"[1]blotch, mark, patch, smear, smudge, speck, splodge, spot @@@@ [2]blemish, blot on one's escutcheon, blur, defect, demerit, disgrace, fault, flaw, scar, smirch, spot, stain, taint @@@@ [3]bespatter, disfigure, disgrace, mark, smirch, smudge, spoil, spot, stain, sully, tarnish @@@@ [4]absorb, dry, soak up, take up @@@@ [5]cancel, darken, destroy, eclipse, efface, erase, expunge, obliterate, obscure, shadow"} {"x":"blotch","y":"[1]blemish, blot, mark, patch, scar, smirch, smudge, smutch, splash, splodge, spot, stain"} {"x":"blow","y":"[1]blast, breathe, exhale, fan, pant, puff, waft @@@@ [2]flow, rush, stream, whirl @@@@ [3]bear, buffet, drive, fling, flutter, sweep, waft, whirl, whisk @@@@ [4]blare, mouth, pipe, play, sound, toot, trumpet, vibrate @@@@ [5]blast, draught, flurry, gale, gust, puff, strong breeze, tempest, wind @@@@ [6]bang, bash @@@@ [7]belt @@@@ [8]buffet, clomp @@@@ [9]clout @@@@ [10]clump @@@@ [11]knock, punch, rap, slosh @@@@ [12]smack, sock @@@@ [13]stroke, thump, tonk @@@@ [14]wallop @@@@ [15]whack @@@@ [16]affliction, bolt from the blue, bombshell, bummer @@@@ [17]calamity, catastrophe, choker @@@@ [18]comedown @@@@ [19]disappointment, disaster, jolt, misfortune, reverse, setback, shock, sucker punch, upset, whammy"} {"x":"blowsy","y":"[1]bedraggled, dishevelled, frowzy, slatternly, slipshod, sloppy, slovenly, sluttish, tousled, unkempt, untidy @@@@ [2]florid, red-faced, ruddy"} {"x":"blowy","y":"[1]blustery, breezy, draughty, exposed, fresh, stormy, well-ventilated, windy"} {"x":"bludgeon","y":"[1]club, cosh @@@@ [2]cudgel, shillelagh, truncheon @@@@ [3]beat, beat up, club, cosh @@@@ [4]cudgel, knock down, strike @@@@ [5]browbeat, bulldoze @@@@ [6]bully, coerce, dragoon, force, hector, put the screws on, railroad @@@@ [7]steamroller"} {"x":"blue","y":"[1]azure, cerulean, cobalt, cyan, navy, sapphire, sky-coloured, ultramarine @@@@ [2]dejected, depressed, despondent, dismal, downcast, down-hearted, down in the dumps @@@@ [3]down in the mouth, fed up, gloomy, glum, low, melancholy, sad, unhappy @@@@ [4]bawdy, dirty, indecent, lewd, naughty, near the knuckle @@@@ [5]obscene, risque, smutty, vulgar, X-rated"} {"x":"blues","y":"[1]dejection, depression, despondency, doldrums, dumps @@@@ [2]gloom, gloominess, glumness, low spirits, melancholy, moodiness, the hump @@@@ [3]azure, cerulean, cobalt, cyan, navy, sapphire, sky-coloured, ultramarine @@@@ [4]dejected, depressed, despondent, dismal, downcast, down-hearted, down in the dumps @@@@ [5]down in the mouth, fed up, gloomy, glum, low, melancholy, sad, unhappy @@@@ [6]bawdy, dirty, indecent, lewd, naughty, near the knuckle @@@@ [7]obscene, risque, smutty, vulgar, X-rated"} {"x":"bluff","y":"[1]con, deceive, defraud, delude, fake, feign, humbug, lie, mislead, pretend, pull the wool over someone's eyes, sham @@@@ [2]bluster, boast, braggadocio, bragging, bravado, deceit, deception, fake, feint, fraud, humbug, idle boast, lie, mere show, pretence, sham, show, subterfuge @@@@ [3]bank, cliff, crag, escarpment, headland, peak, precipice, promontory, ridge, scarp @@@@ [4]abrupt, blunt, blustering, downright, frank, genial, good-natured, hearty, open, outspoken, plain-spoken @@@@ [5]abrupt, perpendicular, precipitous, sheer, steep, towering"} {"x":"blunder","y":"[1]error, fault, inaccuracy, mistake, oversight, slip, slip-up @@@@ [2]bloomer @@@@ [3]boob @@@@ [4]boo-boo @@@@ [5]clanger @@@@ [6]faux pas, gaffe, gaucherie, howler @@@@ [7]impropriety, indiscretion, mistake @@@@ [8]bodge @@@@ [9]botch, bungle, drop a brick @@@@ [10]err, flub @@@@ [11]slip up @@@@ [12]bumble, confuse, flounder, misjudge, stumble"} {"x":"blunt","y":"[1]dull, dulled, edgeless, pointless, rounded, unsharpened @@@@ [2]bluff, brusque, discourteous, downright, explicit, forthright, frank, impolite, outspoken, plain-spoken, rude, straightforward, straight from the shoulder, tactless, trenchant, uncivil, unpolished, upfront @@@@ [3]dampen, deaden, dull, numb, soften, take the edge off, water down, weaken"} {"x":"blur","y":"[1]becloud, bedim, befog, blear, cloud, darken, dim, fog, make hazy, make indistinct, make vague, mask, obscure, soften @@@@ [2]blot, smear, smudge, spot, stain @@@@ [3]blear, blurredness, cloudiness, confusion, dimness, fog, haze, indistinctness, obscurity @@@@ [4]blot, smear, smudge, spot, stain"} {"x":"blush","y":"[1]colour, crimson, flush, go red as a beetroot, redden, turn red, turn scarlet @@@@ [2]colour, flush, glow, pink tinge, reddening, rosiness, rosy tint, ruddiness"} {"x":"bluster","y":"[1]blow one's own trumpet, boast, brag, bulldoze, bully, domineer, hector, rant, roar, roister, storm, swagger, swell, vaunt @@@@ [2]bluff, boasting, boisterousness, bombast, bragging, bravado, crowing, hot air @@@@ [3]swagger, swaggering"} {"x":"board","y":"[1]panel, piece of timber, plank, slat, timber @@@@ [2]daily meals, food, meals, provisions, victuals @@@@ [3]advisers, advisory group, committee, conclave, council, directorate, directors, panel, quango, trustees @@@@ [4]embark, embus, enplane, enter, entrain, mount @@@@ [5]accommodate, feed, house, lodge, put up, quarter, room @@@@ [6]accommodate, feed, house, lodge, put up, quarter, room"} {"x":"boast","y":"[1]blow one's own trumpet, bluster, brag, crow, exaggerate, puff, strut, swagger, talk big @@@@ [2]vaunt @@@@ [3]be proud of, congratulate oneself on, exhibit, flatter oneself, possess, pride oneself on, show off @@@@ [4]avowal, brag, gasconade @@@@ [5]rodomontade @@@@ [6]swank @@@@ [7]vaunt @@@@ [8]gem, joy, pride, pride and joy, source of pride, treasure"} {"x":"boat","y":"[1]barge @@@@ [2]barque, craft, ship, vessel @@@@ [3]alike, equal, even, on a par, on equal or even terms, on the same or equal footing, together @@@@ [4]let slip, lose out, miss one's chance or opportunity, miss out @@@@ [5]cause trouble, dissent, make waves"} {"x":"bob","y":"[1]bounce, duck, hop, jerk, leap, nod, oscillate, quiver, skip, waggle, weave, wobble @@@@ [2]appear, arise, emerge, materialize, pop up, rise, spring up, surface, turn up"} {"x":"bode","y":"[1]augur, betoken, forebode, foreshadow, foretell, forewarn, impart, omen, portend, predict, presage, prophesy, signify, threaten"} {"x":"bodiless","y":"[1]disembodied, ghostly, immaterial, incorporeal, insubstantial, spectral, spiritual, supernatural"} {"x":"bodily","y":"[1]actual, carnal, corporal, corporeal, fleshly, material, physical, substantial, tangible @@@@ [2]altogether, as a body, as a group, collectively, completely, en masse, entirely, fully, totally, wholly"} {"x":"body","y":"[1]build, figure, form, frame, physique, shape, torso, trunk @@@@ [2]cadaver, carcass, corpse, dead body, relics, remains, stiff @@@@ [3]being, creature, human, human being, individual, mortal, person @@@@ [4]bulk, essence, main part, mass, material, matter, substance @@@@ [5]association, band, bloc, collection, company, confederation, congress, corporation, society @@@@ [6]crowd, horde, majority, mass, mob, multitude, throng @@@@ [7]consistency, density, firmness, richness, solidity, substance"} {"x":"bog","y":"[1]fen, marsh, marshland, mire, morass, moss @@@@ [2]peat bog, quagmire, slough, swamp, wetlands @@@@ [3]delay, halt, impede, sink, slow down, slow up, stall, stick"} {"x":"bogus","y":"[1]artificial, counterfeit, dummy, ersatz, fake, false, forged, fraudulent, imitation, phoney or phony @@@@ [2]pseudo @@@@ [3]sham, spurious"} {"x":"bohemian","y":"[1]alternative, artistic, arty @@@@ [2]avant-garde, eccentric, exotic, left bank, nonconformist, oddball @@@@ [3]offbeat, off-the-wall @@@@ [4]outre, unconventional, unorthodox, way-out @@@@ [5]beatnik, dropout, hippy, iconoclast, nonconformist"} {"x":"boil","y":"[1]agitate, bubble, churn, effervesce, fizz, foam, froth, seethe @@@@ [2]be angry, be indignant, blow a fuse @@@@ [3]crack up @@@@ [4]fulminate, fume, go ballistic @@@@ [5]rage, rave, see red @@@@ [6]storm, wig out @@@@ [7]blain, blister, carbuncle, furuncle @@@@ [8]gathering, pustule, tumour, ulcer"} {"x":"boisterous","y":"[1]bouncy, clamorous, disorderly, impetuous, loud, noisy, obstreperous, riotous, rollicking, rowdy, rumbustious, unrestrained, unruly, uproarious, vociferous, wild @@@@ [2]blustery, gusty, raging, rough, squally, stormy, tempestuous, tumultuous, turbulent"} {"x":"bold","y":"[1]adventurous, audacious, brave, courageous, daring, dauntless, enterprising, fearless, gallant, gritty, heroic, intrepid, lion-hearted, valiant, valorous @@@@ [2]barefaced, brash, brazen, cheeky, confident, feisty @@@@ [3]forward, fresh @@@@ [4]impudent, insolent, in-your-face @@@@ [5]pert, pushy @@@@ [6]rude, sassy @@@@ [7]saucy, shameless @@@@ [8]bright, colourful, conspicuous, eye-catching, flashy, forceful, lively, loud, prominent, pronounced, salient, showy, spirited, striking, strong, vivid"} {"x":"bolster","y":"[1]aid, assist, augment, boost, brace, buoy up, buttress, cushion, give a leg up @@@@ [2]help, hold up, maintain, pillow, prop, reinforce, shore up, stay, strengthen, support"} {"x":"bolt","y":"[1]bar, catch, fastener, latch, lock, sliding bar @@@@ [2]peg, pin, rivet, rod @@@@ [3]bound, dart, dash, escape, flight, rush, spring, sprint @@@@ [4]arrow, dart, missile, projectile, shaft, thunderbolt @@@@ [5]bar, fasten, latch, lock, secure @@@@ [6]cram, devour, gobble, gorge, gulp, guzzle, stuff, swallow whole, wolf @@@@ [7]abscond, bound, dash, decamp, do a runner @@@@ [8]escape, flee, fly, fly the coop @@@@ [9]hurtle, jump, leap, make a break (for it), run, run for it, rush, skedaddle @@@@ [10]spring, sprint, take a powder"} {"x":"bomb","y":"[1]bombshell, charge, device, explosive, grenade, mine, missile, projectile, rocket, shell, torpedo @@@@ [2]attack, blow sky-high, blow up, bombard, destroy, shell, strafe, torpedo"} {"x":"bombard","y":"[1]assault, blast, blitz, bomb, cannonade, fire upon, open fire, pound, shell, strafe @@@@ [2]assail, attack, barrage, batter, beset, besiege, harass, hound, pester"} {"x":"bombast","y":"[1]bluster, brag, braggadocio, extravagant boasting, fustian, gasconade @@@@ [2]grandiloquence, grandiosity, hot air @@@@ [3]magniloquence, pomposity, rant, rodomontade"} {"x":"bombastic","y":"[1]declamatory, fustian, grandiloquent, grandiose, high-flown, histrionic, inflated, magniloquent, pompous, ranting, turgid, verbose, windy, wordy"} {"x":"bond","y":"[1]band, binding, chain, cord, fastening, fetter, ligature, link, manacle, shackle, tie @@@@ [2]affiliation, affinity, attachment, connection, link, relation, tie, union @@@@ [3]agreement, compact, contract, covenant, guarantee, obligation, pledge, promise, word @@@@ [4]bind, connect, fasten, fix together, fuse, glue, gum, paste"} {"x":"bondage","y":"[1]captivity, confinement, duress, enslavement, enthralment, imprisonment, serfdom, servitude, slavery, subjection, subjugation, thraldom, vassalage, yoke"} {"x":"bonhomie","y":"[1]affability, cheerfulness, congeniality, conviviality, cordiality, friendliness, geniality, good cheer, good humour, heartiness, hospitality, warmth"} {"x":"bonus","y":"[1]benefit, bounty, commission, dividend, extra, gift, gratuity, hand-out, honorarium, icing on the cake, perk @@@@ [2]plus, premium, prize, reward"} {"x":"booby","y":"[1]berk @@@@ [2]blockhead, charlie @@@@ [3]coot, dickhead @@@@ [4]dickwit @@@@ [5]dimwit @@@@ [6]dipstick @@@@ [7]divvy @@@@ [8]dork @@@@ [9]duffer @@@@ [10]dunce, dweeb @@@@ [11]fathead @@@@ [12]fool, fuckwit @@@@ [13]geek @@@@ [14]gobshite @@@@ [15]gonzo @@@@ [16]goof @@@@ [17]idiot, jerk @@@@ [18]lamebrain @@@@ [19]muggins @@@@ [20]nitwit, numbskull or numskull, numpty @@@@ [21]oaf, pillock @@@@ [22]plank @@@@ [23]plonker @@@@ [24]prat @@@@ [25]prick @@@@ [26]schmuck @@@@ [27]simpleton, twit @@@@ [28]wally @@@@ [29]weenie"} {"x":"book","y":"[1]hardback, manual, paperback, publication, roll, scroll, textbook, title, tome, tract, volume, work @@@@ [2]album, diary, exercise book, jotter, notebook, pad @@@@ [3]arrange for, bill, charter, engage, line up, make reservations, organize, procure, programme, reserve, schedule @@@@ [4]enrol, enter, insert, list, log, mark down, note, post, put down, record, register, write down @@@@ [5]If a hotel, restaurant, theatre, or transport service is fully booked, or booked solid, it is booked up."} {"x":"booklet","y":"[1]brochure, leaflet, pamphlet"} {"x":"boom","y":"[1]bang, blast, crash, explode, resound, reverberate, roar, roll, rumble, thunder @@@@ [2]develop, expand, flourish, gain, grow, increase, intensify, prosper, spurt, strengthen, succeed, swell, thrive @@@@ [3]bang, blast, burst, clap, crash, explosion, roar, rumble, thunder @@@@ [4]advance, boost, development, expansion, gain, growth, improvement, increase, jump, push, spurt, upsurge, upswing, upturn"} {"x":"boomerang","y":"[1]backfire, come back, come home to roost, rebound, recoil, return, reverse, ricochet"} {"x":"boon","y":"[1]advantage, benefaction, benefit, blessing, donation, favour, gift, godsend, grant, gratuity, hand-out, manna from heaven, present, windfall @@@@ [2]close, intimate, special"} {"x":"boor","y":"[1]barbarian, brute, bumpkin, churl, clodhopper @@@@ [2]clodpole, hayseed @@@@ [3]hick @@@@ [4]lout, oaf, peasant, philistine, redneck @@@@ [5]vulgarian"} {"x":"boost","y":"[1]encouragement, help, hype, improvement, praise, promotion @@@@ [2]heave, hoist, lift, push, raise, shove, thrust @@@@ [3]addition, expansion, improvement, increase, increment, jump, rise @@@@ [4]advance, advertise, assist, crack up @@@@ [5]encourage, foster, further, hype, improve, inspire, plug @@@@ [6]praise, promote, support, sustain @@@@ [7]elevate, heave, hoist, lift, push, raise, shove, thrust @@@@ [8]add to, amplify, develop, enlarge, expand, heighten, hoick, increase, jack up, magnify, raise"} {"x":"boot","y":"[1]drive, drop-kick, kick, knock, punt, put the boot in(to) @@@@ [2]shove @@@@ [3]dismiss, eject, expel, give (someone) their marching orders, give the boot @@@@ [4]oust, relegate, sack"} {"x":"bootleg","y":"[1]black-market, contraband, hooky @@@@ [2]illegal, illicit, outlawed, pirate, unauthorized, under-the-counter, under-the-table, unlicensed, unofficial"} {"x":"bootless","y":"[1]fruitless, futile, ineffective, profitless, unavailing, unsuccessful, useless, vain"} {"x":"booty","y":"[1]boodle @@@@ [2]gains, haul, loot, pillage, plunder, prey, spoil, spoils, swag @@@@ [3]takings, winnings"} {"x":"booze","y":"[1]alcohol, drink, firewater, grog @@@@ [2]intoxicant, John Barleycorn, juice @@@@ [3]liquor, spirits, strong drink, the bottle @@@@ [4]bevvy @@@@ [5]booze-up @@@@ [6]drink, sesh @@@@ [7]session @@@@ [8]wet @@@@ [9]bevvy @@@@ [10]carouse, drink, drink like a fish, get drunk, get plastered, get soused, get tanked up @@@@ [11]imbibe, indulge, tipple, tope"} {"x":"border","y":"[1]bound, boundary, bounds, brim, brink, confine, confines, edge, flange, hem, limit, limits, lip, margin, pale, rim, skirt, verge @@@@ [2]borderline, boundary, frontier, line, march @@@@ [3]bind, decorate, edge, fringe, hem, rim, trim @@@@ [4]abut, adjoin, connect, contact, impinge, join, march, neighbour, touch, verge on @@@@ [5]approach, approximate, be like, be similar to, come close to, come near, echo, match, parallel, resemble"} {"x":"bore","y":"[1]burrow, drill, gouge out, mine, penetrate, perforate, pierce, sink, tunnel @@@@ [2]borehole, calibre, drill hole, hole, shaft, tunnel @@@@ [3]annoy, be tedious, bother, exhaust, fatigue, jade, pall on, pester, send to sleep, tire, trouble, vex, wear out, weary, worry @@@@ [4]anorak @@@@ [5]bother, drag @@@@ [6]dullard, dull person, headache @@@@ [7]nuisance, pain @@@@ [8]pest, tiresome person, wearisome talker, yawn"} {"x":"bored","y":"[1]ennuied, fed up, listless, stupefied, tired, uninterested, wearied"} {"x":"boredom","y":"[1]apathy, doldrums, dullness, ennui, flatness, irksomeness, monotony, sameness, tediousness, tedium, weariness, world-weariness"} {"x":"boring","y":"[1]dead, dull, flat, ho-hum @@@@ [2]humdrum, insipid, mind-numbing, monotonous, old, repetitious, routine, stale, tedious, tiresome, tiring, unexciting, uninteresting, unvaried, wearisome"} {"x":"borrow","y":"[1]blag @@@@ [2]cadge, mooch @@@@ [3]scrounge @@@@ [4]use temporarily @@@@ [5]acquire, adopt, appropriate, copy, filch, imitate, obtain, pilfer, pirate, plagiarize, simulate, steal, take, use, usurp"} {"x":"bosom","y":"[1]breast, bust, chest @@@@ [2]affections, emotions, feelings, heart, sentiments, soul, spirit, sympathies @@@@ [3]centre, circle, core, midst, protection, shelter @@@@ [4]boon, cherished, close, confidential, intimate, very dear"} {"x":"boss","y":"[1]administrator, big cheese @@@@ [2]chief, director, employer, executive, foreman, gaffer @@@@ [3]governor @@@@ [4]head, kingpin, leader, manager, master, Mister Big @@@@ [5]numero uno @@@@ [6]overseer, owner, superintendent, supervisor, torchbearer @@@@ [7]administrate, call the shots, call the tune, command, control, direct, employ, manage, oversee, run, superintend, supervise, take charge @@@@ [8]knob, nub, nubble, point, protuberance, stud, tip"} {"x":"botch","y":"[1]balls up @@@@ [2]blunder, bodge @@@@ [3]bungle, butcher, cobble, cock up @@@@ [4]flub @@@@ [5]fuck up @@@@ [6]mar, mend, mess, mismanage, muff, patch, screw up @@@@ [7]spoil @@@@ [8]balls-up @@@@ [9]blunder, bungle, bungling, cock-up @@@@ [10]failure, fuck-up @@@@ [11]fumble, hash, mess, miscarriage, pig's breakfast @@@@ [12]pig's ear"} {"x":"bother","y":"[1]alarm, annoy, bend someone's ear @@@@ [2]breathe down someone's neck, concern, dismay, distress, disturb, gall, get on one's nerves @@@@ [3]harass, hassle @@@@ [4]inconvenience, irritate, molest, nag, nark @@@@ [5]pester, plague, put out, trouble, upset, vex, worry @@@@ [6]aggravation, annoyance, bustle, difficulty, flurry, fuss, gall, grief @@@@ [7]hassle @@@@ [8]inconvenience, irritation, molestation, nuisance, perplexity, pest, problem, strain, trouble, vexation, worry"} {"x":"bottom","y":"[1]base, basis, bed, deepest part, depths, floor, foot, foundation, groundwork, lowest part, pedestal, support @@@@ [2]lower side, sole, underneath, underside @@@@ [3]arse @@@@ [4]ass @@@@ [5]backside, behind @@@@ [6]bum @@@@ [7]buns @@@@ [8]butt @@@@ [9]buttocks, derriere @@@@ [10]fundament, jacksy @@@@ [11]posterior, rear, rear end, rump, seat, tail @@@@ [12]tush @@@@ [13]base, basis, cause, core, essence, ground, heart, mainspring, origin, principle, root, source, substance @@@@ [14]base, basement, basic, fundamental, ground, last, lowest, undermost"} {"x":"bounce","y":"[1]bob, bound, bump, jounce, jump, leap, rebound, recoil, resile, ricochet, spring, thump @@@@ [2]boot out @@@@ [3]eject, fire @@@@ [4]kick out @@@@ [5]oust, relegate, throw out @@@@ [6]bound, elasticity, give, rebound, recoil, resilience, spring, springiness @@@@ [7]animation, brio, dynamism, energy, go @@@@ [8]life, liveliness, pep, vigour, vitality, vivacity, zip"} {"x":"bound","y":"[1]cased, fastened, fixed, pinioned, secured, tied, tied up @@@@ [2]certain, destined, doomed, fated, sure @@@@ [3]beholden, committed, compelled, constrained, duty-bound, forced, obligated, obliged, pledged, required @@@@ [4]bob, bounce, caper, frisk, gambol, hurdle, jump, leap, lope, pounce, prance, skip, spring, vault @@@@ [5]border, boundary, confine, edge, extremity, fringe, limit, line, march, margin, pale, periphery, rim, termination, verge @@@@ [6]banned, barred, forbidden, off-limits @@@@ [7]prohibited, taboo @@@@ [8]circumscribe, confine, define, delimit, demarcate, encircle, enclose, hem in, limit, restrain, restrict, surround, terminate"} {"x":"boundary","y":"[1]barrier, border, borderline, bounds, brink, confines, edge, extremity, fringe, frontier, limits, march, margin, pale, precinct, termination, verge"} {"x":"bountiful","y":"[1]abundant, ample, bounteous, copious, exuberant, lavish, luxuriant, plenteous, plentiful, prolific @@@@ [2]beneficent, bounteous, generous, liberal, magnanimous, munificent, open-handed, princely, prodigal, unstinting"} {"x":"bounty","y":"[1]almsgiving, assistance, beneficence, benevolence, charity, generosity, kindness, largesse or largess, liberality, open-handedness, philanthropy @@@@ [2]bonus, donation, gift, grant, gratuity, largesse or largess, meed @@@@ [3]premium, present, recompense, reward"} {"x":"bouquet","y":"[1]boutonniere, bunch of flowers, buttonhole, corsage, garland, nosegay, posy, spray, wreath @@@@ [2]aroma, fragrance, perfume, redolence, savour, scent"} {"x":"bourgeois","y":"[1]conventional, hidebound, materialistic, middle-class, Pooterish, traditional"} {"x":"bout","y":"[1]course, fit, period, round, run, session, spell, spree, stint, stretch, term, time, turn @@@@ [2]battle, boxing match, competition, contest, encounter, engagement, fight, head-to-head, match, set-to, struggle @@@@ [3]bacchanalia, bender @@@@ [4]bevvy @@@@ [5]binge @@@@ [6]celebration, debauch, orgy, pub-crawl @@@@ [7]spree, wassail"} {"x":"bovine","y":"[1]dense, dozy @@@@ [2]dull, slow, sluggish, stolid, stupid, thick"} {"x":"bow","y":"[1]bend, bob, droop, genuflect, incline, make obeisance, nod, stoop @@@@ [2]accept, acquiesce, comply, concede, defer, give in, kowtow, relent, submit, succumb, surrender, yield @@@@ [3]cast down, conquer, crush, depress, overpower, subdue, subjugate, vanquish, weigh down @@@@ [4]bending, bob, genuflexion, inclination, kowtow, nod, obeisance, salaam @@@@ [5]beak, fore, head, prow, stem"} {"x":"bowdlerize","y":"[1]blue-pencil, censor, clean up, expurgate, mutilate, sanitize"} {"x":"bower","y":"[1]alcove, arbour, grotto, leafy shelter, shady recess, summerhouse"} {"x":"bowl","y":"[1]basin, deep dish, vessel @@@@ [2]fling, hurl, pitch, revolve, roll, rotate, spin, throw, trundle, whirl"} {"x":"box","y":"[1]ark @@@@ [2]carton, case, casket, chest, coffret, container, kist @@@@ [3]pack, package, portmanteau, receptacle, trunk @@@@ [4]pack, package, wrap @@@@ [5]exchange blows, fight, spar @@@@ [6]belt @@@@ [7]buffet, butt, chin @@@@ [8]clout @@@@ [9]cuff, deck @@@@ [10]punch, slap, sock @@@@ [11]strike, thwack, tonk @@@@ [12]wallop @@@@ [13]whack @@@@ [14]belt @@@@ [15]blow, buffet, clout @@@@ [16]cuff, punch, slap, stroke, thumping, wallop"} {"x":"boxing","y":"[1]fisticuffs, prizefighting, pugilism, sparring, the fight game @@@@ [2]the ring"} {"x":"boy","y":"[1]fellow, junior, lad, schoolboy, stripling, youngster, youth"} {"x":"boycott","y":"[1]ban, bar, black, blackball, blacklist, embargo, exclude, ostracize, outlaw, prohibit, proscribe, refrain from, refuse, reject, spurn"} {"x":"boyfriend","y":"[1]admirer, beau, date, follower, leman @@@@ [2]lover, man, steady, suitor, swain, sweetheart, toy boy, young man"} {"x":"brace","y":"[1]bolster, bracer, bracket, buttress, prop, reinforcement, stanchion, stay, strut, support, truss @@@@ [2]bandage, bind, bolster, buttress, fasten, fortify, hold up, prop, reinforce, shove, shove up, steady, strap, strengthen, support, tie, tighten"} {"x":"brackish","y":"[1]bitter, brak @@@@ [2]briny, saline, salt, salty, undrinkable"} {"x":"brag","y":"[1]blow one's own trumpet, bluster, boast, crow, swagger, talk big @@@@ [2]vaunt"} {"x":"braggart","y":"[1]bigmouth @@@@ [2]bluffer, blusterer, boaster, brag, braggadocio, bragger, hot dog @@@@ [3]show-off @@@@ [4]swaggerer, swashbuckler"} {"x":"braid","y":"[1]entwine, interlace, intertwine, interweave, lace, plait, ravel, twine, weave"} {"x":"brain","y":"[1]bluestocking @@@@ [2]brainbox, egghead @@@@ [3]genius, highbrow, intellect, intellectual, mastermind, prodigy, pundit, sage, scholar"} {"x":"brains","y":"[1]capacity, intellect, intelligence, mind, nous @@@@ [2]reason, sagacity, savvy @@@@ [3]sense, shrewdness, smarts @@@@ [4]suss @@@@ [5]understanding, wit @@@@ [6]bluestocking @@@@ [7]brainbox, egghead @@@@ [8]genius, highbrow, intellect, intellectual, mastermind, prodigy, pundit, sage, scholar"} {"x":"brake","y":"[1]check, constraint, control, curb, rein, restraint @@@@ [2]check, decelerate, halt, moderate, reduce speed, slacken, slow, stop"} {"x":"branch","y":"[1]arm, bough, limb, offshoot, prong, ramification, shoot, spray, sprig @@@@ [2]chapter, department, division, local office, office, part, section, subdivision, subsection, wing @@@@ [3]add to, develop, diversify, enlarge, expand, extend, have a finger in every pie, increase, multiply, proliferate, ramify, spread out"} {"x":"brand","y":"[1]cast, class, grade, kind, make, quality, sort, species, type, variety @@@@ [2]emblem, hallmark, label, mark, marker, sign, stamp, symbol, trademark @@@@ [3]blot, disgrace, infamy, mark, reproach, slur, smirch, stain, stigma, taint @@@@ [4]burn, burn in, label, mark, scar, stamp @@@@ [5]censure, denounce, discredit, disgrace, expose, mark, stigmatize"} {"x":"brandish","y":"[1]display, exhibit, flaunt, flourish, parade, raise, shake, swing, wield"} {"x":"brash","y":"[1]audacious, foolhardy, hasty, impetuous, impulsive, indiscreet, precipitate, rash, reckless @@@@ [2]bold, brazen, cocky, forward, heedless, impertinent, impudent, insolent, pushy @@@@ [3]rude"} {"x":"brass","y":"[1]audacity, brass neck @@@@ [2]cheek, chutzpah @@@@ [3]effrontery, face @@@@ [4]front, gall, impertinence, impudence, insolence, neck @@@@ [5]nerve @@@@ [6]presumption, rudeness, sassiness"} {"x":"brat","y":"[1]cub, guttersnipe, jackanapes, kid @@@@ [2]puppy @@@@ [3]rascal, spoilt child, urchin, whippersnapper, youngster"} {"x":"bravado","y":"[1]bluster, boast, boastfulness, boasting, bombast, brag, braggadocio, fanfaronade @@@@ [2]swagger, swaggering, swashbuckling, vaunting"} {"x":"brave","y":"[1]ballsy @@@@ [2]bold, courageous, daring, dauntless, fearless, gallant, gritty, heroic, intrepid, plucky, resolute, undaunted, valiant, valorous @@@@ [3]bear, beard, challenge, confront, dare, defy, endure, face, face the music, go through the mill, stand up to, suffer, tackle, walk into the lion's den, withstand"} {"x":"bravery","y":"[1]balls @@@@ [2]ballsiness @@@@ [3]boldness, bravura, courage, daring, dauntlessness, doughtiness, fearlessness, fortitude, gallantry, grit, guts @@@@ [4]hardihood, hardiness, heroism, indomitability, intrepidity, mettle, pluck, pluckiness, spirit, spunk @@@@ [5]valour"} {"x":"bravo","y":"[1]assassin, bandit, brigand, cut-throat, desperado, hired killer, murderer, villain"} {"x":"bravura","y":"[1]animation, audacity, boldness, brilliance, brio, daring, dash, display, elan, energy, exhibitionism, ostentation, panache, punch @@@@ [2]spirit, verve, vigour, virtuosity"} {"x":"brawl","y":"[1]affray @@@@ [2]altercation, argument, bagarre, battle, broil, clash, disorder, dispute, donnybrook, fight, fracas, fray, free-for-all @@@@ [3]quarrel, row @@@@ [4]ruckus @@@@ [5]rumpus, scrap @@@@ [6]scrimmage, scuffle, shindig @@@@ [7]shindy @@@@ [8]skirmish, squabble, tumult, uproar, wrangle @@@@ [9]altercate, argue, battle, dispute, fight, fight like Kilkenny cats, go at it hammer and tongs, quarrel, row @@@@ [10]scrap @@@@ [11]scuffle, tussle, wrangle, wrestle"} {"x":"brawn","y":"[1]beef @@@@ [2]beefiness @@@@ [3]brawniness, flesh, might, muscle, muscles, muscularity, power, robustness, strength, vigour"} {"x":"bray","y":"[1]bell, bellow, blare, heehaw, hoot, roar, screech, trumpet @@@@ [2]bawl, bell, bellow, blare, cry, harsh sound, heehaw, hoot, roar, screech, shout"} {"x":"brazen","y":"[1]audacious, barefaced, bold, brash, brassy @@@@ [2]defiant, forward, immodest, impudent, insolent, pert, pushy @@@@ [3]saucy, shameless, unabashed, unashamed @@@@ [4]brass, brassy, bronze, metallic @@@@ [5]be impenitent, be unashamed, confront, defy, outface, outstare, persevere, stare out"} {"x":"breach","y":"[1]aperture, break, chasm, cleft, crack, fissure, gap, hole, opening, rent, rift, rupture, split @@@@ [2]contravention, disobedience, infraction, infringement, noncompliance, nonobservance, offence, transgression, trespass, violation @@@@ [3]alienation, difference, disaffection, disagreement, dissension, division, estrangement, falling-out @@@@ [4]parting of the ways, quarrel, schism, separation, severance, variance"} {"x":"bread","y":"[1]aliment, diet, fare, food, necessities, nourishment, nutriment, provisions, subsistence, sustenance, viands, victuals @@@@ [2]ackers @@@@ [3]brass @@@@ [4]cash, dibs @@@@ [5]dosh @@@@ [6]dough @@@@ [7]finance, funds, money, necessary @@@@ [8]needful @@@@ [9]rhino @@@@ [10]shekels @@@@ [11]silver, spondulicks @@@@ [12]tin"} {"x":"breadth","y":"[1]beam @@@@ [2]broadness, latitude, span, spread, wideness, width @@@@ [3]amplitude, area, compass, comprehensiveness, dimension, expanse, extensiveness, extent, magnitude, measure, range, reach, scale, scope, size, space, spread, sweep, vastness @@@@ [4]broad-mindedness, freedom, latitude, liberality, open-mindedness, openness, permissiveness @@@@ [5]fraction, hair, jot, narrow margin, whisker @@@@ [6]close, hazardous, narrow"} {"x":"break","y":"[1]batter, burst, crack, crash, demolish, destroy, disintegrate, divide, fracture, fragment, part, rend, separate, sever, shatter, shiver, smash, snap, splinter, split, tear, total @@@@ [2]trash @@@@ [3]breach, contravene, disobey, disregard, infract @@@@ [4]infringe, renege on, transgress, violate @@@@ [5]cow, cripple, demoralize, dispirit, enervate, enfeeble, impair, incapacitate, subdue, tame, undermine, weaken @@@@ [6]abandon, cut, discontinue, give up, interrupt, pause, rest, stop, suspend @@@@ [7]bust @@@@ [8]degrade, demote, discharge, dismiss, humiliate, impoverish, make bankrupt, reduce, ruin @@@@ [9]announce, come out, come out in the wash, disclose, divulge, impart, inform, let out, make public, proclaim, reveal, tell @@@@ [10]beat, better, cap @@@@ [11]exceed, excel, go beyond, outdo, outstrip, surpass, top @@@@ [12]appear, burst out, come forth suddenly, emerge, erupt, happen, occur @@@@ [13]dash, escape, flee, fly, get away, hook it @@@@ [14]run away @@@@ [15]cushion, diminish, lessen, lighten, moderate, reduce, soften, weaken @@@@ [16]breach, cleft, crack, division, fissure, fracture, gap, gash, hole, opening, rent, rift, rupture, split, tear @@@@ [17]breather @@@@ [18]breathing space, entr'acte, halt, hiatus, interlude, intermission, interruption, interval, let-up @@@@ [19]lull, pause, recess, respite, rest, suspension @@@@ [20]alienation, breach, disaffection, dispute, divergence, estrangement, rift, rupture, schism, separation, split @@@@ [21]advantage, chance, fortune, opening, opportunity, stroke of luck"} {"x":"breakage","y":"[1]breach, break, cleft, crack, cut, fissure, fracture, rent, rift, rupture, tear"} {"x":"breakdown","y":"[1]collapse, crackup @@@@ [2]disintegration, disruption, failure, mishap, stoppage @@@@ [3]analysis, categorization, classification, detailed list, diagnosis, dissection, itemization @@@@ [4]breakdown, collapse, crack-up @@@@ [5]nervous disorder, neurasthenia"} {"x":"breakwater","y":"[1]groyne, jetty, mole, sea wall, spur"} {"x":"breast","y":"[1]boob @@@@ [2]bosom, bust, chest, front, teat, thorax, tit @@@@ [3]udder @@@@ [4]being, conscience, core, emotions, feelings, heart, seat of the affections, sentiments, soul, thoughts"} {"x":"breath","y":"[1]air, animation, breathing, exhalation, gasp, gulp, inhalation, pant, respiration, wheeze @@@@ [2]aroma, niff @@@@ [3]odour, smell, vapour, whiff @@@@ [4]break, breather, breathing-space, instant, moment, pause, respite, rest, second @@@@ [5]faint breeze, flutter, gust, puff, sigh, slight movement, waft, zephyr @@@@ [6]hint, murmur, suggestion, suspicion, undertone, whisper @@@@ [7]animation, energy, existence, life, lifeblood, life force, vitality"} {"x":"breathe","y":"[1]draw in, gasp, gulp, inhale and exhale, pant, puff, respire, wheeze @@@@ [2]imbue, impart, infuse, inject, inspire, instil, transfuse @@@@ [3]articulate, express, murmur, say, sigh, utter, voice, whisper"} {"x":"breathtaking","y":"[1]amazing, astonishing, awe-inspiring, awesome, brilliant, dramatic, exciting, heart-stirring, impressive, magnificent, moving, overwhelming, sensational, striking, stunning @@@@ [2]thrilling, wondrous"} {"x":"breech","y":"[1]arse @@@@ [2]ass @@@@ [3]backside @@@@ [4]behind @@@@ [5]bum @@@@ [6]buns @@@@ [7]butt @@@@ [8]buttocks, derriere @@@@ [9]fundament, jacksy @@@@ [10]posterior, rump, seat, tail @@@@ [11]tush"} {"x":"breed","y":"[1]bear, beget, bring forth, engender, generate, hatch, multiply, originate, procreate, produce, propagate, reproduce @@@@ [2]bring up, cultivate, develop, discipline, educate, foster, instruct, nourish, nurture, raise, rear @@@@ [3]arouse, bring about, cause, create, generate, give rise to, induce, make, occasion, originate, produce, stir up @@@@ [4]brand, class, extraction, family, ilk, kind, line, lineage, pedigree, progeny, race, sort, species, stamp, stock, strain, type, variety"} {"x":"breeze","y":"[1]air, breath of wind, capful of wind, current of air, draught, flurry, gust, light wind, puff of air, waft, whiff, zephyr @@@@ [2]flit, glide, hurry, move briskly, pass, sail, sally, sweep, trip"} {"x":"brevity","y":"[1]conciseness, concision, condensation, crispness, curtness, economy, pithiness, succinctness, terseness @@@@ [2]briefness, ephemerality, impermanence, shortness, transience, transitoriness"} {"x":"brew","y":"[1]boil, ferment, infuse @@@@ [2]make @@@@ [3]prepare by fermentation, seethe, soak, steep, stew @@@@ [4]breed, concoct, contrive, develop, devise, excite, foment, form, gather, hatch, plan, plot, project, scheme, start, stir up @@@@ [5]beverage, blend, concoction, distillation, drink, fermentation, infusion, liquor, mixture, preparation"} {"x":"bribe","y":"[1]allurement, backhander @@@@ [2]boodle @@@@ [3]corrupting gift, enticement, graft @@@@ [4]hush money @@@@ [5]incentive, inducement, kickback @@@@ [6]pay-off @@@@ [7]payola @@@@ [8]reward for treachery, sop, sweetener @@@@ [9]buy off, corrupt, get at, grease the palm or hand of @@@@ [10]pay off @@@@ [11]reward, square, suborn"} {"x":"bridal","y":"[1]bride's, conjugal, connubial, hymeneal, marital, marriage, matrimonial, nuptial, spousal, wedding"} {"x":"bridge","y":"[1]arch, flyover, overpass, span, viaduct @@@@ [2]band, bond, connection, link, tie @@@@ [3]arch over, attach, bind, connect, couple, cross, cross over, extend across, go over, join, link, reach across, span, traverse, unite"} {"x":"bridle","y":"[1]check, constrain, control, curb, govern, have in one's pocket, keep a tight rein on, keep in check, keep on a string, master, moderate, rein, repress, restrain, subdue @@@@ [2]be indignant, bristle, draw (oneself) up, get angry, get one's back up, raise one's hackles, rear up @@@@ [3]check, control, curb, rein, restraint, trammels"} {"x":"brief","y":"[1]clipped, compendious, compressed, concise, crisp, curt, laconic, limited, monosyllabic, pithy, short, succinct, terse, thumbnail, to the point @@@@ [2]ephemeral, fast, fleeting, hasty, little, momentary, quick, quickie @@@@ [3]short, short-lived, swift, temporary, transitory @@@@ [4]abrupt, blunt, brusque, curt, sharp, short, surly @@@@ [5]abridgment, abstract, digest, epitome, outline, precis, sketch, summary, synopsis @@@@ [6]argument, case, contention, data, defence, demonstration @@@@ [7]advise, clue in @@@@ [8]explain, fill in @@@@ [9]gen up @@@@ [10]inform, instruct, keep posted, prepare, prime, put (someone) in the picture"} {"x":"briefing","y":"[1]conference, directions, guidance, information, instruction, instructions, meeting, preamble, preparation, priming, rundown"} {"x":"briefly","y":"[1]abruptly, briskly, casually, concisely, cursorily, curtly, fleetingly, hastily, hurriedly, in a few words, in a nutshell, in brief, in outline, in passing, momentarily, precisely, quickly, shortly, temporarily"} {"x":"brigade","y":"[1]band, body, camp, company, contingent, corps, crew, force, group, organization, outfit, party, squad, team, troop, unit"} {"x":"brigand","y":"[1]bandit, desperado, footpad @@@@ [2]freebooter, gangster, highwayman, marauder, outlaw, plunderer, robber, ruffian"} {"x":"bright","y":"[1]beaming, blazing, brilliant, dazzling, effulgent, flashing, gleaming, glistening, glittering, glowing, illuminated, intense, lambent, luminous, lustrous, radiant, resplendent, scintillating, shimmering, shining, sparkling, twinkling, vivid @@@@ [2]clear, clement, cloudless, fair, limpid, lucid, pellucid, pleasant, sunny, translucent, transparent, unclouded @@@@ [3]acute, astute, aware, brainy, brilliant, clear-headed, clever, ingenious, intelligent, inventive, keen, quick, quick-witted, sharp, smart, wide-awake @@@@ [4]auspicious, encouraging, excellent, favourable, golden, good, hopeful, optimistic, palmy, promising, propitious, prosperous, rosy @@@@ [5]cheerful, chirpy @@@@ [6]gay, genial, glad, happy, jolly, joyful, joyous, light-hearted, lively, merry, sparky, upbeat @@@@ [7]vivacious @@@@ [8]distinguished, famous, glorious, illustrious, magnificent, outstanding, remarkable, splendid"} {"x":"brighten","y":"[1]clear up, enliven, gleam, glow, illuminate, lighten, light up, make brighter, shine @@@@ [2]buoy up, cheer, encourage, enliven, gladden, hearten, make happy, perk up"} {"x":"brilliant","y":"[1]ablaze, bright, coruscating, dazzling, glittering, glossy, intense, luminous, lustrous, radiant, refulgent, resplendent, scintillating, shining, sparkling, vivid @@@@ [2]celebrated, eminent, exceptional, famous, glorious, illustrious, magnificent, notable, outstanding, splendid, superb @@@@ [3]accomplished, acute, astute, brainy, clever, discerning, expert, gifted, intellectual, intelligent, inventive, masterly, penetrating, profound, quick, talented"} {"x":"brim","y":"[1]border, brink, circumference, edge, flange, lip, margin, rim, skirt, verge @@@@ [2]fill, fill up, hold no more, overflow, run over, spill, well over"} {"x":"brindled","y":"[1]mottled, patched, speckled, spotted, streaked, tabby"} {"x":"brine","y":"[1]pickling solution, saline solution, salt water, sea water, the sea"} {"x":"bring","y":"[1]accompany, bear, carry, conduct, convey, deliver, escort, fetch, gather, guide, import, lead, take, transfer, transport, usher @@@@ [2]cause, contribute to, create, effect, engender, inflict, occasion, produce, result in, wreak @@@@ [3]compel, convince, dispose, force, induce, influence, make, move, persuade, prevail on or upon, prompt, sway @@@@ [4]command, earn, fetch, gross, net, produce, return, sell for, yield @@@@ [5]accomplish, achieve, bring to pass, cause, compass, create, effect, effectuate, generate, give rise to, make happen, manage, occasion, produce, realize @@@@ [6]abase, cut down, drop, fell, floor, lay low, level, lower, overthrow, overturn, pull down, reduce, shoot down, undermine, upset @@@@ [7]accrue, bear, be worth, fetch, gross, produce, profit, realize, return, yield @@@@ [8]accomplish, achieve, bring home the bacon @@@@ [9]bring to pass, carry off, carry out, crack it @@@@ [10]cut it @@@@ [11]discharge, execute, perform, pull off, succeed @@@@ [12]breed, develop, educate, form, nurture, raise, rear, support, teach, train @@@@ [13]advance, allude to, broach, introduce, mention, move, propose, put forward, submit"} {"x":"brink","y":"[1]border, boundary, brim, edge, fringe, frontier, limit, lip, margin, point, rim, skirt, threshold, verge"} {"x":"brio","y":"[1]animation, dash, elan, energy, enthusiasm, get-up-and-go @@@@ [2]gusto, liveliness, panache, pep, spirit, verve, vigour, vivacity, zest, zip"} {"x":"brisk","y":"[1]active, agile, alert, animated, bustling, busy, energetic, lively, nimble, no-nonsense, quick, sparky, speedy, sprightly, spry, vigorous, vivacious @@@@ [2]biting, bracing, crisp, exhilarating, fresh, invigorating, keen, nippy, refreshing, sharp, snappy, stimulating"} {"x":"bristle","y":"[1]barb, hair, prickle, spine, stubble, thorn, whisker @@@@ [2]horripilate, prickle, rise, stand on end, stand up @@@@ [3]be angry, be infuriated, be maddened, bridle, flare up, get one's dander up @@@@ [4]go ballistic @@@@ [5]rage, see red, seethe, spit @@@@ [6]wig out @@@@ [7]abound, be alive, be thick, crawl, hum, swarm, teem"} {"x":"brittle","y":"[1]breakable, crisp, crumbling, crumbly, delicate, fragile, frail, frangible, friable, shatterable, shivery @@@@ [2]curt, edgy, irritable, nervous, prim, stiff, stilted, tense, wired"} {"x":"broach","y":"[1]approach, bring up, hint at, introduce, mention, open up, propose, raise the subject, speak of, suggest, talk of, touch on @@@@ [2]crack, draw off, open, pierce, puncture, start, tap, uncork"} {"x":"broad","y":"[1]ample, beamy @@@@ [2]capacious, expansive, extensive, generous, large, roomy, spacious, vast, voluminous, wide, widespread @@@@ [3]all-embracing, catholic, comprehensive, encyclopedic, far-reaching, general, global, inclusive, nonspecific, sweeping, undetailed, universal, unlimited, wide, wide-ranging @@@@ [4]clear, full, obvious, open, plain, straightforward, undisguised @@@@ [5]broad-minded, liberal, open, permissive, progressive, tolerant, unbiased @@@@ [6]blue, coarse, gross, improper, indecent, indelicate, near the knuckle @@@@ [7]unrefined, vulgar @@@@ [8]blue, coarse, gross, improper, indecent, indelicate, near the knuckle @@@@ [9]unrefined, vulgar"} {"x":"broadcast","y":"[1]air, beam, cable, put on the air, radio, relay, show, televise, transmit @@@@ [2]advertise, announce, circulate, disseminate, make public, proclaim, promulgate, publish, report, shout from the rooftops @@@@ [3]spread @@@@ [4]programme, show, telecast, transmission"} {"x":"broaden","y":"[1]augment, develop, enlarge, expand, extend, fatten, increase, open up, spread, stretch, supplement, swell, widen"} {"x":"brochure","y":"[1]advertisement, booklet, circular, folder, handbill, hand-out, leaflet, mailshot, pamphlet"} {"x":"broil","y":"[1]affray, altercation, bagarre, brawl, brouhaha, dispute, feud, fracas, fray, quarrel, scrimmage, shindig @@@@ [2]shindy @@@@ [3]skirmish, strife, wrangle @@@@ [4]brawl, dispute, quarrel, scrimmage, wrangle"} {"x":"broke","y":"[1]bankrupt, bust @@@@ [2]cleaned out @@@@ [3]dirt-poor @@@@ [4]impoverished, in queer street, insolvent, in the red, not have a penny to one's name, on one's uppers, penniless, penurious, ruined, short, skint @@@@ [5]stony-broke"} {"x":"broken","y":"[1]burst, demolished, destroyed, fractured, fragmented, rent, ruptured, separated, severed, shattered, shivered @@@@ [2]buggered @@@@ [3]defective, exhausted, feeble, imperfect, kaput @@@@ [4]out of order, ruined, run-down, spent, weak @@@@ [5]disconnected, discontinuous, disturbed, erratic, fragmentary, incomplete, intermittent, interrupted, spasmodic @@@@ [6]beaten, browbeaten, crippled, crushed, defeated, demoralized, humbled, oppressed, overpowered, subdued, tamed, vanquished @@@@ [7]dishonoured, disobeyed, disregarded, forgotten, ignored, infringed, isolated, retracted, traduced, transgressed @@@@ [8]disjointed, halting, hesitating, imperfect, stammering @@@@ [9]collapsed, dilapidated, in disrepair, inoperative, kaput @@@@ [10]not functioning, not in working order, old, on the blink"} {"x":"brokenhearted","y":"[1]choked, crestfallen, desolate, despairing, devastated, disappointed, disconsolate, down in the dumps @@@@ [2]grief-stricken, heartbroken, heart-sick, inconsolable, miserable, mournful, prostrated, sorrowful, wretched"} {"x":"broker","y":"[1]agent, dealer, factor, go-between, intermediary, middleman, negotiator"} {"x":"bronze","y":"[1]brownish, chestnut, copper, copper-coloured, metallic brown, reddish-brown, reddish-tan, rust, tan"} {"x":"brood","y":"[1]agonize, dwell upon, eat one's heart out, fret, have a long face, meditate, mope, mull over, muse, ponder, repine, ruminate, think upon @@@@ [2]cover, hatch, incubate, set, sit upon @@@@ [3]breed, chicks, children, clutch, family, hatch, infants, issue, litter, offspring, progeny, young"} {"x":"brook","y":"[1]beck, burn, gill @@@@ [2]rill, rivulet, runnel @@@@ [3]stream, streamlet, watercourse @@@@ [4]abide, accept, allow, bear, countenance, endure, hack @@@@ [5]stand, stomach, suffer, support, swallow, thole @@@@ [6]tolerate, withstand"} {"x":"brothel","y":"[1]bagnio, bawdy house @@@@ [2]bordello, cathouse @@@@ [3]red-light district, stews @@@@ [4]whorehouse"} {"x":"brother","y":"[1]blood brother, kin, kinsman, relation, relative, sibling @@@@ [2]associate, chum @@@@ [3]cock @@@@ [4]colleague, companion, compeer, comrade, confrere, fellow member, mate, pal @@@@ [5]partner @@@@ [6]cleric, friar, monk, regular, religious"} {"x":"brow","y":"[1]air, appearance, aspect, bearing, countenance, eyebrow, face, forehead, front, mien, temple @@@@ [2]brim, brink, crest, crown, edge, peak, rim, summit, tip, top, verge"} {"x":"brown","y":"[1]auburn, bay, brick, bronze, bronzed, browned, brunette, chestnut, chocolate, coffee, dark, donkey brown, dun, dusky, fuscous, ginger, hazel, rust, sunburnt, tan, tanned, tawny, toasted, umber @@@@ [2]cook, fry, grill, saute, seal, sear @@@@ [3]absorption, abstractedness, abstraction, contemplation, meditation, musing, preoccupation, reflection, reverie, rumination"} {"x":"browse","y":"[1]dip into, examine cursorily, flip through, glance at, leaf through, look round, look through, peruse, scan, skim, survey @@@@ [2]crop, eat, feed, graze, nibble, pasture"} {"x":"bruise","y":"[1]blacken, blemish, contuse, crush, damage, deface, discolour, injure, mar, mark, pound, pulverize @@@@ [2]displease, grieve, hurt, injure, insult, offend, pain, sting, wound @@@@ [3]black-and-blue mark, black mark, blemish, contusion, discoloration, injury, mark, swelling, trauma"} {"x":"brunt","y":"[1]burden, force, full force, impact, pressure, shock, strain, stress, thrust, violence"} {"x":"brush","y":"[1]besom, broom, sweeper @@@@ [2]clash, conflict, confrontation, encounter, fight, fracas, scrap @@@@ [3]set-to @@@@ [4]skirmish, slight engagement, spot of bother @@@@ [5]tussle @@@@ [6]buff, clean, paint, polish, sweep, wash @@@@ [7]caress, contact, flick, glance, graze, kiss, scrape, stroke, sweep, touch @@@@ [8]brushwood, bushes, copse, scrub, shrubs, thicket, undergrowth, underwood"} {"x":"brusque","y":"[1]abrupt, blunt, curt, discourteous, gruff, hasty, impolite, monosyllabic, sharp, short, surly, tart, terse, unmannerly"} {"x":"brutal","y":"[1]barbarous, bloodthirsty, cruel, ferocious, heartless, inhuman, merciless, pitiless, remorseless, ruthless, savage, uncivilized, vicious @@@@ [2]animal, beastly, bestial, brute, brutish, carnal, coarse, crude, sensual @@@@ [3]bearish, callous, gruff, harsh, impolite, insensitive, rough, rude, severe, uncivil, unfeeling, unmannerly"} {"x":"brutality","y":"[1]atrocity, barbarism, barbarity, bloodthirstiness, brutishness, cruelty, ferocity, inhumanity, ruthlessness, savageness, savagery, viciousness"} {"x":"brutally","y":"[1]barbarically, barbarously, brutishly, callously, cruelly, ferociously, fiercely, hardheartedly, heartlessly, in cold blood, inhumanly, meanly, mercilessly, murderously, pitilessly, remorselessly, ruthlessly, savagely, unkindly, viciously"} {"x":"brute","y":"[1]animal, beast, creature, wild animal @@@@ [2]barbarian, beast, devil, fiend, ghoul, monster, ogre, sadist, savage, swine @@@@ [3]bodily, carnal, fleshly, instinctive, mindless, physical, senseless, unthinking @@@@ [4]bestial, coarse, depraved, gross, sensual @@@@ [5]If you call someone, usually a man, a brute, you mean that they are rough, violent, and insensitive."} {"x":"bubble","y":"[1]air ball, bead, blister, blob, drop, droplet, globule, vesicle @@@@ [2]bagatelle, delusion, fantasy, illusion, toy, trifle, vanity @@@@ [3]boil, effervesce, fizz, foam, froth, percolate, seethe, sparkle @@@@ [4]babble, burble, gurgle, murmur, purl, ripple, trickle, trill"} {"x":"buccaneer","y":"[1]corsair, freebooter, pirate, privateer, sea-rover"} {"x":"buck","y":"[1]beau, blade, blood, coxcomb, dandy, fop, gallant, popinjay, spark @@@@ [2]bound, jerk, jump, leap, prance, spring, start, vault @@@@ [3]dislodge, throw, unseat @@@@ [4]cheer, encourage, gladden, gratify, hearten, inspirit, please @@@@ [5]get a move on, hasten, hurry up, shake a leg, speed up @@@@ [6]brighten, cheer up, encourage, hearten, inspirit, perk up, rally, take heart"} {"x":"buckle","y":"[1]catch, clasp, clip, fastener, hasp @@@@ [2]bulge, contortion, distortion, kink, warp @@@@ [3]catch, clasp, close, fasten, hook, secure @@@@ [4]bend, bulge, cave in, collapse, contort, crumple, distort, fold, twist, warp @@@@ [5]apply oneself, exert oneself, launch into, pitch in, put one's shoulder to the wheel, set to"} {"x":"bucolic","y":"[1]agrarian, agrestic, agricultural, country, pastoral, rural, rustic"} {"x":"bud","y":"[1]embryo, germ, shoot, sprout @@@@ [2]burgeon, burst forth, develop, grow, pullulate, shoot, sprout"} {"x":"budge","y":"[1]dislodge, give way, inch, move, propel, push, remove, roll, shift, slide, stir @@@@ [2]bend, change, convince, give way, influence, persuade, sway, yield"} {"x":"budget","y":"[1]allocation, allowance, cost, finances, financial statement, fiscal estimate, funds, means, resources @@@@ [2]allocate, apportion, cost, cost out, estimate, plan, ration"} {"x":"buff","y":"[1]sandy, straw, tan, yellowish, yellowish-brown @@@@ [2]bare, buck naked @@@@ [3]naked, nude, scuddy @@@@ [4]unclad, unclothed, with bare skin, without a stitch on @@@@ [5]brush, burnish, polish, rub, shine, smooth @@@@ [6]addict, admirer, aficionado, connoisseur, devotee, enthusiast, expert, fan, fiend @@@@ [7]freak @@@@ [8]grandmaster, hotshot @@@@ [9]maven @@@@ [10]whizz"} {"x":"buffer","y":"[1]bulwark, bumper, cushion, fender, intermediary, safeguard, screen, shield, shock absorber"} {"x":"buffet","y":"[1]brasserie, cafe, cafeteria, cold table, counter, cupboard, refreshment-counter, salad bar, sideboard, smorgasbord, snack bar @@@@ [2]bang, batter, beat, box, bump, clobber @@@@ [3]cuff, flail, knock, lambast(e), pound, pummel, punch, push, rap, shove, slap, strike, thump, wallop @@@@ [4]bang, blow, box, bump, cuff, jolt, knock, push, rap, shove, slap, smack, thump, wallop"} {"x":"buffoon","y":"[1]clown, comedian, comic, droll, fool, harlequin, jester, joculator or (fem.) joculatrix, joker, merry-andrew, silly billy @@@@ [2]wag"} {"x":"bug","y":"[1]bacterium, disease, germ, infection, lurgi @@@@ [2]microorganism, virus @@@@ [3]craze, fad, mania, obsession, rage @@@@ [4]blemish, catch, defect, error, failing, fault, flaw, glitch, gremlin, imperfection, snarl-up @@@@ [5]virus @@@@ [6]aggravate @@@@ [7]annoy, badger, be on one's back @@@@ [8]bother, disturb, gall, get in one's hair @@@@ [9]harass, hassle @@@@ [10]irk, irritate, nark @@@@ [11]needle @@@@ [12]nettle, pester, piss one off @@@@ [13]plague, vex @@@@ [14]eavesdrop, listen in, spy, tap, wiretap"} {"x":"bugbear","y":"[1]anathema, bane, bete noire, bogey, bogeyman, bugaboo, devil, dread, fiend, horror, nightmare, pet hate"} {"x":"build","y":"[1]assemble, construct, erect, fabricate, form, make, put up, raise @@@@ [2]base, begin, constitute, establish, formulate, found, inaugurate, initiate, institute, originate, set up, start @@@@ [3]accelerate, amplify, augment, develop, enlarge, escalate, extend, improve, increase, intensify, strengthen @@@@ [4]body, figure, form, frame, physique, shape, structure"} {"x":"building","y":"[1]domicile, dwelling, edifice, fabric, house, pile, structure @@@@ [2]architecture, construction, erection, fabricating, raising @@@@ [3]If pressure, speed, sound, or excitement builds, it gradually becomes greater. @@@@ [4]If pressure, speed, sound, or excitement builds, it gradually becomes greater."} {"x":"bulbous","y":"[1]bloated, bulging, convex, rounded, swelling, swollen"} {"x":"bulge","y":"[1]bump, hump, lump, projection, protrusion, protuberance, swelling @@@@ [2]boost, increase, intensification, rise, surge @@@@ [3]bag, dilate, distend, enlarge, expand, project, protrude, puff out, sag, stand out, stick out, swell, swell out"} {"x":"bulk","y":"[1]amplitude, bigness, dimensions, immensity, largeness, magnitude, massiveness, size, substance, volume, weight @@@@ [2]better part, body, generality, lion's share, main part, majority, major part, mass, most, nearly all, plurality, preponderance @@@@ [3]be important, carry weight, dominate, loom, loom large, preponderate, stand out, threaten"} {"x":"bullet","y":"[1]ball, missile, pellet, projectile, shot, slug"} {"x":"bulletin","y":"[1]account, announcement, communication, communique, dispatch, message, news flash, notification, report, statement"} {"x":"bully","y":"[1]big bully, browbeater, bully boy, coercer, intimidator, oppressor, persecutor, ruffian, tormentor, tough @@@@ [2]bluster, browbeat, bulldoze @@@@ [3]bullyrag, coerce, cow, domineer, hector, intimidate, oppress, overbear, persecute, push around @@@@ [4]ride roughshod over, swagger, terrorize, tyrannize @@@@ [5]admirable, excellent, fine, nifty @@@@ [6]radical @@@@ [7]very good @@@@ [8]bravo, capital, good, grand, great, well done"} {"x":"bulwark","y":"[1]bastion, buttress, defence, embankment, fortification, outwork, partition, rampart, redoubt @@@@ [2]buffer, guard, mainstay, safeguard, security, support"} {"x":"bump","y":"[1]bang, collide (with), crash, hit, knock, slam, smash into, strike @@@@ [2]bounce, jar, jerk, jolt, jostle, jounce, rattle, shake @@@@ [3]budge, dislodge, displace, move, remove, shift @@@@ [4]bang, blow, collision, crash, hit, impact, jar, jolt, knock, rap, shock, smash, thud, thump @@@@ [5]bulge, contusion, hump, knob, knot, lump, node, nodule, protuberance, swelling @@@@ [6]chance upon, come across, encounter, happen upon, light upon, meet, meet up with, run across, run into @@@@ [7]assassinate, blow away @@@@ [8]dispatch, do away with, do in @@@@ [9]eliminate, finish off, kill, knock off @@@@ [10]liquidate, murder, remove, rub out @@@@ [11]take out @@@@ [12]wipe out"} {"x":"bumpkin","y":"[1]boor, clodhopper, clown, country bumpkin, hayseed @@@@ [2]hick @@@@ [3]hillbilly, lout, lubber, oaf, peasant, rustic, yokel"} {"x":"bumptious","y":"[1]arrogant, boastful, brash, cocky, conceited, egotistic, forward, full of oneself, impudent, overbearing, overconfident, presumptuous, pushy @@@@ [2]self-assertive, showy, swaggering, vainglorious, vaunting"} {"x":"bunch","y":"[1]assortment, batch, bouquet, bundle, clump, cluster, collection, heap, lot, mass, number, parcel, pile, quantity, rick, sheaf, spray, stack, tuft @@@@ [2]band, bevy, crew @@@@ [3]crowd, flock, gang, gathering, group, knot, mob, multitude, party, posse @@@@ [4]swarm, team, troop @@@@ [5]assemble, bundle, cluster, collect, congregate, cram together, crowd, flock, group, herd, huddle, mass, pack"} {"x":"bundle","y":"[1]accumulation, assortment, batch, bunch, collection, group, heap, mass, pile, quantity, rick, stack @@@@ [2]bag, bale, box, carton, crate, pack, package, packet, pallet, parcel, roll @@@@ [3]bale, bind, fasten, pack, package, palletize, tie, tie together, tie up, truss, wrap @@@@ [4]hurry, hustle, push, rush, shove, throw, thrust @@@@ [5]clothe warmly, muffle up, swathe, wrap up"} {"x":"bungle","y":"[1]blow @@@@ [2]blunder, bodge @@@@ [3]botch, butcher, cock up @@@@ [4]flub @@@@ [5]fudge, louse up @@@@ [6]mar, mess up, miscalculate, mismanage, muff, ruin, screw up @@@@ [7]spoil"} {"x":"bunk","y":"[1]abscond, beat it @@@@ [2]bolt, clear out @@@@ [3]scram @@@@ [4]skedaddle @@@@ [5]balderdash, balls @@@@ [6]baloney @@@@ [7]bilge @@@@ [8]bosh @@@@ [9]bullshit @@@@ [10]cobblers @@@@ [11]crap @@@@ [12]eyewash @@@@ [13]garbage @@@@ [14]guff @@@@ [15]havers @@@@ [16]hogwash, hokum @@@@ [17]hooey @@@@ [18]horsefeathers @@@@ [19]hot air @@@@ [20]kak @@@@ [21]moonshine, nonsense, piffle @@@@ [22]poppycock @@@@ [23]rot, rubbish, shit @@@@ [24]stuff and nonsense, tarradiddle, tomfoolery, tommyrot, tosh @@@@ [25]trash, tripe @@@@ [26]truck @@@@ [27]twaddle"} {"x":"buoy","y":"[1]beacon, float, guide, marker, signal @@@@ [2]boost, cheer, cheer up, encourage, hearten, keep afloat, lift, raise, support, sustain"} {"x":"buoyancy","y":"[1]floatability, lightness, weightlessness @@@@ [2]animation, bounce @@@@ [3]cheerfulness, cheeriness, good humour, high spirits, liveliness, pep, spiritedness, sunniness, zing"} {"x":"burden","y":"[1]affliction, albatross, anxiety, care, clog, encumbrance, grievance, load, millstone, obstruction, onus, pigeon @@@@ [2]responsibility, sorrow, strain, stress, trial, trouble, weight, worry @@@@ [3]cargo, freight, lading, tonnage @@@@ [4]bother, encumber, handicap, load, oppress, overload, overwhelm, saddle with, strain, tax, weigh down, worry"} {"x":"bureau","y":"[1]desk, writing desk @@@@ [2]agency, branch, department, division, office, service"} {"x":"bureaucracy","y":"[1]administration, authorities, civil service, corridors of power, directorate, government, ministry, officialdom, officials, the system @@@@ [2]bumbledom, officialdom, officialese, red tape, regulations"} {"x":"bureaucrat","y":"[1]administrator, apparatchik, civil servant, functionary, mandarin, minister, office-holder, officer, official, public servant"} {"x":"burgeon","y":"[1]bloom, blossom, bud, develop, flourish, flower, grow, increase, mature, progress, prosper, sprout, thrive"} {"x":"burglary","y":"[1]break-in, breaking and entering, filching, housebreaking, larceny, pilferage, robbery, stealing, theft, thieving"} {"x":"burial","y":"[1]burying, entombment, exequies, funeral, inhumation, interment, obsequies, sepulture @@@@ [2]cemetery, churchyard, God's acre, golgotha @@@@ [3]graveyard, necropolis"} {"x":"buried","y":"[1]coffined, consigned to the grave, entombed, interred, laid to rest @@@@ [2]dead and buried, dead and gone, in the grave, long gone, pushing up the daisies, six feet under @@@@ [3]covered, forgotten, hidden, repressed, sunk in oblivion, suppressed @@@@ [4]cloistered, concealed, hidden, private, sequestered, tucked away @@@@ [5]caught up, committed, concentrating, devoted, engrossed, immersed, intent, lost, occupied, preoccupied, rapt"} {"x":"burlesque","y":"[1]caricature, mock, mockery, parody, satire, send-up @@@@ [2]spoof @@@@ [3]takeoff @@@@ [4]travesty @@@@ [5]caricatural, comic, farcical, hudibrastic, ironical, ludicrous, mock, mock-heroic, mocking, parodic, satirical, travestying @@@@ [6]ape, caricature, exaggerate, imitate, lampoon, make a monkey out of, make fun of, mock, parody, ridicule, satirize, send up @@@@ [7]spoof @@@@ [8]take off @@@@ [9]travesty"} {"x":"burly","y":"[1]beefy @@@@ [2]big, brawny, bulky, hefty, hulking, muscular, powerful, stocky, stout, strapping, strong, sturdy, thickset, well-built @@@@ [3]beefy @@@@ [4]big, brawny, bulky, hefty, hulking, muscular, powerful, stocky, stout, strapping, strong, sturdy, thickset, well-built"} {"x":"burn","y":"[1]be ablaze, be on fire, blaze, flame, flare, flash, flicker, glow, go up in flames, smoke @@@@ [2]brand, calcine, char, ignite, incinerate, kindle, light, parch, reduce to ashes, scorch, sear, set on fire, shrivel, singe, toast, wither @@@@ [3]bite, hurt, pain, smart, sting, tingle @@@@ [4]be angry, be aroused, be excited, be inflamed, be passionate, blaze, desire, fume, seethe, simmer, smoulder, yearn @@@@ [5]consume, eat up, expend, use"} {"x":"burning","y":"[1]blazing, fiery, flaming, flashing, gleaming, glowing, hot, illuminated, scorching, smouldering @@@@ [2]ablaze, afire, all-consuming, ardent, eager, earnest, fervent, fervid, flaming, frantic, frenzied, impassioned, intense, passionate, vehement, zealous @@@@ [3]acrid, biting, caustic, irritating, painful, piercing, prickling, pungent, reeking, smarting, stinging, tingling @@@@ [4]acute, compelling, critical, crucial, essential, important, now or never, pressing, significant, urgent, vital"} {"x":"burnish","y":"[1]brighten, buff, furbish, glaze, polish, rub up, shine, smooth @@@@ [2]gloss, lustre, patina, polish, sheen, shine"} {"x":"burrow","y":"[1]den, hole, lair, retreat, shelter, tunnel @@@@ [2]delve, dig, excavate, hollow out, scoop out, tunnel"} {"x":"burst","y":"[1]blow up, break, crack, disintegrate, explode, fly open, fragment, puncture, rend asunder, rupture, shatter, shiver, split, tear apart @@@@ [2]barge, break, break out, erupt, gush forth, run, rush, spout @@@@ [3]bang, blast, blasting, blowout, blow-up, breach, break, crack, discharge, explosion, rupture, split @@@@ [4]eruption, fit, gush, gust, outbreak, outburst, outpouring, rush, spate, spurt, surge, torrent @@@@ [5]flat, punctured, rent, ruptured, split @@@@ [6]If you burst into tears, laughter, or song, you suddenly begin to cry, laugh, or sing."} {"x":"bury","y":"[1]consign to the grave, entomb, inearth, inhume, inter, lay to rest, sepulchre @@@@ [2]conceal, cover, cover up, draw a veil over, enshroud, hide, secrete, shroud, stash @@@@ [3]stow away @@@@ [4]drive in, embed, engulf, implant, sink, submerge @@@@ [5]absorb, engage, engross, immerse, interest, occupy"} {"x":"bush","y":"[1]hedge, plant, shrub, shrubbery, thicket @@@@ [2]back country @@@@ [3]backlands @@@@ [4]backwoods, brush, scrub, scrubland, the wild, woodland"} {"x":"busily","y":"[1]actively, assiduously, briskly, carefully, diligently, earnestly, energetically, industriously, intently, purposefully, speedily, strenuously"} {"x":"business","y":"[1]calling, career, craft, employment, function, job, line, metier, occupation, profession, pursuit, trade, vocation, work @@@@ [2]company, concern, corporation, enterprise, establishment, firm, organization, venture @@@@ [3]bargaining, commerce, dealings, industry, manufacturing, merchandising, selling, trade, trading, transaction @@@@ [4]affair, assignment, concern, duty, function, issue, matter, pigeon @@@@ [5]point, problem, question, responsibility, subject, task, topic @@@@ [6]carry-on @@@@ [7]clowning, horseplay, mischief, monkey tricks, pranks, shenanigans @@@@ [8]skylarking @@@@ [9]tomfoolery @@@@ [10]chicanery, dishonesty, funny business, hanky-panky @@@@ [11]skulduggery @@@@ [12]trickery"} {"x":"businessman","y":"[1]capitalist, employer, entrepreneur, executive, financier, homme d'affaires, industrialist, merchant, tradesman, tycoon"} {"x":"bust","y":"[1]bosom, breast, chest, torso @@@@ [2]break, burst, fracture, rupture @@@@ [3]bankrupt, break, crash, fail, impoverish, ruin @@@@ [4]arrest, catch, collar @@@@ [5]cop @@@@ [6]lift @@@@ [7]nab @@@@ [8]nail @@@@ [9]raid, search @@@@ [10]become insolvent, be ruined, break, fail, go bankrupt @@@@ [11]arrest, capture, cop @@@@ [12]raid, search, seizure @@@@ [13]eclater"} {"x":"bustle","y":"[1]beetle, bestir, dash, flutter, fuss, hasten, hurry, rush, scamper, scramble, scurry, scuttle, stir, tear @@@@ [2]activity, ado, agitation, commotion, excitement, flurry, fuss, haste, hurly-burly, hurry, pother, stir, to-do, tumult"} {"x":"busy","y":"[1]active, assiduous, brisk, diligent, employed, engaged, engrossed, hard at work, industrious, in harness, occupied, on active service, on duty, persevering, rushed off one's feet, slaving, working @@@@ [2]active, energetic, exacting, full, hectic, hustling, lively, on the go @@@@ [3]restless, strenuous, tireless, tiring @@@@ [4]fussy, inquisitive, interfering, meddlesome, meddling, nosy, officious, prying, snoopy, stirring, troublesome @@@@ [5]absorb, employ, engage, engross, immerse, interest, occupy"} {"x":"busybody","y":"[1]eavesdropper, gossip, intriguer, intruder, meddler, nosy parker @@@@ [2]pry, scandalmonger, snoop, snooper, stirrer @@@@ [3]troublemaker"} {"x":"but","y":"[1]further, however, moreover, nevertheless, on the contrary, on the other hand, still, yet @@@@ [2]bar, barring, except, excepting, excluding, notwithstanding, save, with the exception of @@@@ [3]just, merely, only, simply, singly, solely"} {"x":"butcher","y":"[1]destroyer, killer, murderer, slaughterer, slayer @@@@ [2]carve, clean, cut, cut up, dress, joint, prepare, slaughter @@@@ [3]assassinate, cut down, destroy, exterminate, kill, liquidate, massacre, put to the sword, slaughter, slay @@@@ [4]bodge @@@@ [5]botch, destroy, mess up, mutilate, ruin, spoil, wreck"} {"x":"butt","y":"[1]haft, handle, hilt, shaft, shank, stock @@@@ [2]base, end, fag end @@@@ [3]foot, leftover, stub, tail, tip @@@@ [4]Aunt Sally, dupe, laughing stock, mark, object, point, subject, target, victim @@@@ [5]buck, buffet, bump, bunt, jab, knock, poke, prod, punch, push, ram, shove, thrust @@@@ [6]abut, join, jut, meet, project, protrude @@@@ [7]chip in @@@@ [8]cut in, interfere, interrupt, intrude, meddle, put one's oar in, put one's two cents in @@@@ [9]barrel, cask, pipe"} {"x":"buttocks","y":"[1]arse @@@@ [2]ass @@@@ [3]backside @@@@ [4]behind @@@@ [5]bottom, bum @@@@ [6]buns @@@@ [7]butt @@@@ [8]derriere @@@@ [9]fundament, gluteus maximus @@@@ [10]haunches, hindquarters, jacksy @@@@ [11]nates @@@@ [12]posterior, rear, rump, seat, tail @@@@ [13]tush"} {"x":"buttress","y":"[1]abutment, brace, mainstay, pier, prop, reinforcement, shore, stanchion, stay, strut, support @@@@ [2]augment, back up, bolster, brace, prop, prop up, reinforce, shore, shore up, strengthen, support, sustain, uphold"} {"x":"buxom","y":"[1]ample, bosomy, busty, comely, curvaceous, debonair, fresh-looking, full-bosomed, healthy, hearty, jocund, jolly, lively, lusty, merry, plump, robust, sprightly, voluptuous, well-rounded, winsome"} {"x":"buy","y":"[1]acquire, get, invest in, obtain, pay for, procure, purchase, score @@@@ [2]shop for @@@@ [3]bribe, corrupt, fix @@@@ [4]square, suborn @@@@ [5]acquisition, bargain, deal, purchase"} {"x":"buzz","y":"[1]buzzing, drone, hiss, hum, murmur, purr, ring, ringing, sibilation, susurration or susurrus @@@@ [2]whir, whisper @@@@ [3]dirt @@@@ [4]gen @@@@ [5]gossip, hearsay, latest @@@@ [6]news, report, rumour, scandal, scuttlebutt @@@@ [7]whisper @@@@ [8]drone, fizzle, hum, murmur, reverberate, ring, sibilate, susurrate @@@@ [9]whir, whisper, whizz @@@@ [10]chatter, gossip, natter, rumour, tattle"} {"x":"bygone","y":"[1]ancient, antiquated, departed, erstwhile, extinct, forgotten, former, gone by, lost, of old, of yore, olden, one-time, past, past recall, previous, sunk in oblivion"} {"x":"bypass","y":"[1]avoid, body-swerve @@@@ [2]circumvent, depart from, detour round, deviate from, get round, give a wide berth to, go round, ignore, neglect, outflank, pass round"} {"x":"c'mon","y":"[1]come on"} {"x":"cab","y":"[1]hackney, hackney carriage, minicab, taxi, taxicab"} {"x":"cabal","y":"[1]camp, caucus, clique, coalition, combination, conclave, confederacy, conspiracy, coterie, faction, intrigue, junta, league, machination, party, plot, scheme, schism, set"} {"x":"cabin","y":"[1]berth, bothy, chalet, cot, cottage, crib, hovel, hut, lodge, shack, shanty, shed @@@@ [2]berth, compartment, deckhouse, quarters, room"} {"x":"cabinet","y":"[1]case, chiffonier, closet, commode, cupboard, dresser, escritoire, locker @@@@ [2]administration, assembly, council, counsellors, ministry @@@@ [3]apartment, boudoir, chamber"} {"x":"cache","y":"[1]accumulation, fund, garner @@@@ [2]hiding place, hoard, nest egg, repository, reserve, stash @@@@ [3]stockpile, store, storehouse, supply, treasury @@@@ [4]bury, conceal, hide, put away, secrete, stash @@@@ [5]store"} {"x":"cackle","y":"[1]babble, blather, chatter, chuckle, cluck, crow, gabble, gibber, giggle, jabber, prattle, snicker, snigger, titter"} {"x":"cacophony","y":"[1]caterwauling, discord, disharmony, dissonance, stridency"} {"x":"cad","y":"[1]bounder @@@@ [2]churl, cur, dastard @@@@ [3]heel @@@@ [4]knave, rat @@@@ [5]rotter @@@@ [6]scoundrel, scumbag"} {"x":"cadaverous","y":"[1]ashen, blanched, bloodless, corpse-like, deathlike, deathly, emaciated, exsanguinous, gaunt, ghastly, haggard, hollow-eyed, like death warmed up @@@@ [2]pale, pallid, wan"} {"x":"cadence","y":"[1]beat, lilt, measure @@@@ [2]metre, pulse, rhythm, swing, tempo, throb @@@@ [3]accent, inflection, intonation, modulation"} {"x":"cadge","y":"[1]beg, freeload @@@@ [2]scrounge @@@@ [3]sponge @@@@ [4]beggar, bloodsucker @@@@ [5]freeloader @@@@ [6]hanger-on, leech, parasite, scrounger @@@@ [7]sponger"} {"x":"cadre","y":"[1]core, framework, hard core, infrastructure, key group, nucleus"} {"x":"cage","y":"[1]confine, coop up, fence in, immure, impound, imprison, incarcerate, lock up, mew, pound, restrain, shut up @@@@ [2]corral @@@@ [3]enclosure, pen, pound"} {"x":"caitiff","y":"[1]coward, knave, miscreant, rascal, rogue, scoundrel, traitor, vagabond, villain, wretch @@@@ [2]base, cowardly, craven, dastardly, ignoble"} {"x":"cajole","y":"[1]beguile, coax, decoy, dupe, entice, entrap, flatter, inveigle, lure, manoeuvre, mislead, seduce, sweet-talk @@@@ [2]tempt, wheedle"} {"x":"cake","y":"[1]bake, cement, coagulate, congeal, consolidate, dry, encrust, harden, inspissate @@@@ [2]ossify, solidify, thicken @@@@ [3]bar, block, cube, loaf, lump, mass, slab"} {"x":"calamity","y":"[1]adversity, affliction, cataclysm, catastrophe, disaster, distress, downfall, hardship, misadventure, mischance, misfortune, mishap, reverse, ruin, scourge, tragedy, trial, tribulation, woe, wretchedness"} {"x":"calculate","y":"[1]adjust, compute, consider, count, determine, enumerate, estimate, figure, gauge, judge, rate, reckon, value, weigh, work out @@@@ [2]aim, design, intend, plan"} {"x":"calculated","y":"[1]considered, deliberate, intended, intentional, planned, premeditated, purposeful"} {"x":"calculation","y":"[1]answer, computation, estimate, estimation, figuring, forecast, judgment, reckoning, result @@@@ [2]caution, circumspection, contrivance, deliberation, discretion, foresight, forethought, planning, precaution"} {"x":"calibrate","y":"[1]gauge, measure"} {"x":"calibre","y":"[1]bore, diameter, gauge, measure @@@@ [2]ability, capacity, distinction, endowment, faculty, force, gifts, merit, parts, quality, scope, stature, strength, talent, worth"} {"x":"call","y":"[1]announce, arouse, awaken, cry, cry out, hail, halloo, proclaim, rouse, shout, waken, yell @@@@ [2]assemble, bid, collect, contact, convene, convoke, gather, invite, muster, rally, summon @@@@ [3]phone, ring up @@@@ [4]telephone @@@@ [5]christen, denominate, describe as, designate, dub, entitle, label, name, style, term @@@@ [6]announce, appoint, declare, decree, elect, ordain, order, proclaim, set apart @@@@ [7]consider, estimate, judge, regard, think @@@@ [8]cry, hail, scream, shout, signal, whoop, yell @@@@ [9]announcement, appeal, command, demand, invitation, notice, order, plea, request, ring @@@@ [10]summons, supplication, visit @@@@ [11]cause, claim, excuse, grounds, justification, need, occasion, reason, right, urge"} {"x":"calling","y":"[1]business, career, employment, life's work, line, metier, mission, occupation, profession, province, pursuit, trade, vocation, walk of life, work"} {"x":"callous","y":"[1]affectless, apathetic, case-hardened, cold, hard-bitten, hard-boiled @@@@ [2]hardened, hardhearted, harsh, heartless, indifferent, indurated @@@@ [3]insensate, insensible, insensitive, inured, obdurate, soulless, thick-skinned, torpid, uncaring, unfeeling, unresponsive, unsusceptible, unsympathetic"} {"x":"callow","y":"[1]green, guileless, immature, inexperienced, jejune, juvenile, naive, puerile, raw, unfledged, unsophisticated, untried"} {"x":"calm","y":"[1]balmy, halcyon, mild, pacific, peaceful, placid, quiet, restful, serene, smooth, still, tranquil, windless @@@@ [2]as cool as a cucumber, collected, composed, cool, dispassionate, equable, impassive, imperturbable, keeping one's cool, relaxed, sedate, self-possessed, undisturbed, unemotional, unexcitable, unexcited, unfazed @@@@ [3]unflappable @@@@ [4]unmoved, unruffled @@@@ [5]hush, mollify, placate, quieten, relax, soothe @@@@ [6]calmness, hush, peace, peacefulness, quiet, repose, serenity, stillness"} {"x":"calumniate","y":"[1]asperse, backbite, bad-mouth @@@@ [2]blacken, defame, denigrate, detract, knock @@@@ [3]lampoon, libel, malign, misrepresent, revile, rubbish @@@@ [4]slag (off) @@@@ [5]slander, stigmatize, traduce, vilify, vilipend"} {"x":"calumnious","y":"[1]abusive, aspersive, backbiting, defamatory, derogatory, detractive, insulting, libellous, lying, slanderous, vituperative"} {"x":"calumny","y":"[1]abuse, aspersion, backbiting, calumniation, defamation, denigration, derogation, detraction, evil-speaking, insult, libel, lying, misrepresentation, obloquy, revilement, slander, smear, stigma, vilification, vituperation"} {"x":"camaraderie","y":"[1]brotherhood, brotherliness, companionability, companionship, comradeship, esprit de corps, fellowship, fraternization, good-fellowship, togetherness"} {"x":"camouflage","y":"[1]blind, cloak, concealment, cover, deceptive markings, disguise, false appearance, front, guise, mask, masquerade, mimicry, protective colouring, screen, subterfuge @@@@ [2]cloak, conceal, cover, disguise, hide, mask, obfuscate, obscure, screen, veil"} {"x":"camp","y":"[1]bivouac, camping ground, camp site, cantonment @@@@ [2]encampment, tents @@@@ [3]affected, artificial, camped up @@@@ [4]campy @@@@ [5]effeminate, mannered, ostentatious, poncy @@@@ [6]posturing"} {"x":"campaign","y":"[1]attack, crusade, drive, expedition, jihad @@@@ [2]movement, offensive, operation, push"} {"x":"canaille","y":"[1]hoi polloi, masses, mob, plebs, populace, proletariat, rabble, ragtag, riffraff, scum, vulgar herd"} {"x":"canal","y":"[1]channel, conduit, duct, passage, watercourse, waterway"} {"x":"cancel","y":"[1]abolish, abort, abrogate, annul, blot out, call off, countermand, cross out, delete, do away with, efface, eliminate, erase, expunge, obliterate, obviate, quash, repeal, repudiate, rescind, revoke @@@@ [2]balance out, compensate for, counterbalance, make up for, neutralize, nullify, obviate, offset, redeem"} {"x":"cancellation","y":"[1]abandoning, abandonment, abolition, annulment, deletion, elimination, quashing, repeal, revocation"} {"x":"cancer","y":"[1]blight, canker, carcinoma @@@@ [2]corruption, evil, growth, malignancy, pestilence, rot, sickness, tumour"} {"x":"candid","y":"[1]blunt, downright, fair, forthright, frank, free, guileless, honest, impartial, ingenuous, just, open, outspoken, plain, round, sincere, straightforward, truthful, unbiased, unequivocal, unprejudiced, upfront @@@@ [2]impromptu, informal, uncontrived, unposed"} {"x":"candidate","y":"[1]applicant, aspirant, claimant, competitor, contender, contestant, entrant, nominee, possibility, runner, solicitant, suitor"} {"x":"canker","y":"[1]blight, consume, corrode, corrupt, embitter, envenom, inflict, poison, pollute, rot, rust, waste away @@@@ [2]bane, blight, blister, cancer, corrosion, corruption, infection, lesion, rot, scourge, sore, ulcer"} {"x":"cannon","y":"[1]artillery piece, big gun, field gun, gun, mortar @@@@ [2]artillery, battery, big guns, cannonry, field guns, guns, ordnance"} {"x":"cannonade","y":"[1]barrage, battery, bombardment, broadside, pounding, salvo, shelling, volley"} {"x":"canny","y":"[1]acute, artful, astute, careful, cautious, circumspect, clever, judicious, knowing, on the ball @@@@ [2]perspicacious, prudent, sagacious, sharp, shrewd, subtle, wise, worldly-wise"} {"x":"canon","y":"[1]criterion, dictate, formula, precept, principle, regulation, rule, standard, statute, yardstick @@@@ [2]catalogue, list, roll"} {"x":"canonical","y":"[1]accepted, approved, authoritative, authorized, orthodox, recognized, sanctioned"} {"x":"canopy","y":"[1]awning, baldachin, covering, shade, sunshade, tester"} {"x":"cant","y":"[1]affected piety, humbug, hypocrisy, insincerity, lip service, pious platitudes, pretence, pretentiousness, sanctimoniousness, sham holiness @@@@ [2]argot, jargon, lingo, patter, slang, vernacular @@@@ [3]angle, bevel, incline, rise, slant, slope, tilt"} {"x":"cantankerous","y":"[1]bad-tempered, captious, choleric, contrary, crabby, cranky @@@@ [2]crotchety @@@@ [3]crusty, difficult, disagreeable, grouchy @@@@ [4]grumpy, ill-humoured, irascible, irritable, liverish, peevish, perverse, quarrelsome, ratty @@@@ [5]testy, tetchy, waspish"} {"x":"canter","y":"[1]amble, dogtrot, easy gait, jog, lope"} {"x":"canvass","y":"[1]analyse, campaign, electioneer, examine, fly a kite, inspect, investigate, poll, scan, scrutinize, sift, solicit, solicit votes, study, ventilate @@@@ [2]agitate, debate, discuss, dispute @@@@ [3]examination, investigation, poll, scrutiny, survey, tally"} {"x":"canyon","y":"[1]coulee @@@@ [2]gorge, gulch @@@@ [3]gulf, gully, ravine"} {"x":"cap","y":"[1]beat, better, clobber @@@@ [2]complete, cover, crown, eclipse, exceed, excel, finish, lick @@@@ [3]outdo, outstrip, overtop, put in the shade, run rings around @@@@ [4]surpass, top, transcend"} {"x":"capability","y":"[1]ability, capacity, competence, facility, faculty, means, potential, potentiality, power, proficiency, qualification(s), wherewithal"} {"x":"capable","y":"[1]able, accomplished, adapted, adept, adequate, apt, clever, competent, efficient, experienced, fitted, gifted, intelligent, masterly, proficient, qualified, skilful, suited, susceptible, talented"} {"x":"capacious","y":"[1]ample, broad, comfortable, commodious, comprehensive, expansive, extended, extensive, generous, liberal, roomy, sizable or sizeable, spacious, substantial, vast, voluminous, wide"} {"x":"capacity","y":"[1]amplitude, compass, dimensions, extent, magnitude, range, room, scope, size, space, volume @@@@ [2]ability, aptitude, aptness, brains, capability, cleverness, competence, competency, efficiency, facility, faculty, forte, genius, gift, intelligence, power, readiness, strength @@@@ [3]appointment, function, office, position, post, province, role, service, sphere"} {"x":"cape","y":"[1]chersonese @@@@ [2]head, headland, ness @@@@ [3]peninsula, point, promontory"} {"x":"caper","y":"[1]bounce, bound, cavort, cut a rug @@@@ [2]dance, frisk, frolic, gambol, hop, jump, leap, romp, skip, spring, trip @@@@ [3]antic, dido @@@@ [4]escapade, gambol, high jinks, hop, jape, jest, jump, lark @@@@ [5]leap, mischief, practical joke, prank, revel, shenanigan @@@@ [6]sport, stunt"} {"x":"capital","y":"[1]cardinal, central, chief, controlling, essential, foremost, important, leading, main, major, overruling, paramount, pre-eminent, primary, prime, principal, prominent, vital @@@@ [2]excellent, fine, first, first-rate, prime, splendid, sterling, superb, world-class @@@@ [3]assets, cash, finance, finances, financing, funds, investment(s), means, money, principal, property, resources, stock, wealth, wherewithal"} {"x":"capitalism","y":"[1]free enterprise, laissez faire or laisser faire, private enterprise, private ownership"} {"x":"capitalize","y":"[1]exploit, gain from, make the most of, profit from, take advantage of"} {"x":"capitulate","y":"[1]come to terms, give in, give up, relent, submit, succumb, surrender, yield"} {"x":"caprice","y":"[1]changeableness, fad, fancy, fickleness, fitfulness, freak, humour, impulse, inconstancy, notion, quirk, vagary, whim, whimsy"} {"x":"capricious","y":"[1]changeful, crotchety @@@@ [2]erratic, fanciful, fickle, fitful, freakish, impulsive, inconsistent, inconstant, mercurial, odd, queer, quirky, unpredictable, variable, wayward, whimsical"} {"x":"capsize","y":"[1]invert, keel over, overturn, tip over, turn over, turn turtle, upset"} {"x":"capsule","y":"[1]bolus, lozenge, pill, tablet, troche @@@@ [2]case, pericarp @@@@ [3]pod, receptacle, seed vessel, sheath, shell, vessel"} {"x":"captain","y":"[1]boss, chief, chieftain, commander, head, leader, master, number one @@@@ [2]officer, (senior) pilot, skipper, torchbearer"} {"x":"captious","y":"[1]carping, cavilling, censorious, critical, deprecating, disparaging, fault-finding, hypercritical, nagging, nit-picking @@@@ [2]acrimonious, cantankerous, crabbed, cross, irritable, peevish, ratty @@@@ [3]testy, tetchy, touchy"} {"x":"captivate","y":"[1]absorb, allure, attract, beguile, bewitch, charm, dazzle, enamour, enchant, enrapture, enslave, ensnare, enthral, entrance, fascinate, hypnotize, infatuate, lure, mesmerize, ravish, seduce, sweep off one's feet, win"} {"x":"captivation","y":"[1]absorption, allurement, attraction, beguilement, enchantment, enslavement, ensnarement, enthralment, entrancement, fascination, hypnotization or hypnotisation, infatuation, mesmerization or mesmerisation, ravishment, seduction, tantalization or tantalisation"} {"x":"captive","y":"[1]bondservant, convict, detainee, hostage, internee, prisoner, prisoner of war, slave @@@@ [2]caged, confined, enslaved, ensnared, imprisoned, incarcerated, locked up, penned, restricted, subjugated"} {"x":"captivity","y":"[1]bondage, confinement, custody, detention, durance @@@@ [2]duress, enthralment, imprisonment, incarceration, internment, restraint, servitude, slavery, thraldom, vassalage"} {"x":"captor","y":"[1]confiner, custodian, detainer, enslaver, ensnarer, imprisoner, incarcerator, jailer or gaoler"} {"x":"capture","y":"[1]apprehend, arrest, bag, catch, collar @@@@ [2]lift @@@@ [3]nab @@@@ [4]nail @@@@ [5]secure, seize, take, take into custody, take prisoner @@@@ [6]apprehension, arrest, catch, imprisonment, seizure, taking, taking captive, trapping"} {"x":"car","y":"[1]auto @@@@ [2]automobile, jalopy @@@@ [3]machine, motor, motorcar, vehicle, wheels @@@@ [4]buffet car, cable car, coach, dining car, (railway) carriage, sleeping car, van"} {"x":"carafe","y":"[1]decanter, flagon, flask, jug, pitcher"} {"x":"carcass","y":"[1]body, cadaver @@@@ [2]corpse, corse @@@@ [3]dead body, framework, hulk, remains, shell, skeleton"} {"x":"cardinal","y":"[1]capital, central, chief, essential, first, foremost, fundamental, greatest, highest, important, key, leading, main, paramount, pre-eminent, primary, prime, principal"} {"x":"care","y":"[1]affliction, anxiety, burden, concern, disquiet, hardship, interest, perplexity, pressure, responsibility, solicitude, stress, tribulation, trouble, vexation, woe, worry @@@@ [2]attention, carefulness, caution, circumspection, consideration, direction, forethought, heed, management, meticulousness, pains, prudence, regard, vigilance, watchfulness @@@@ [3]charge, control, custody, guardianship, keeping, management, ministration, protection, supervision, ward"} {"x":"career","y":"[1]calling, employment, life's work, livelihood, occupation, pursuit, vocation @@@@ [2]course, passage, path, procedure, progress, race, walk @@@@ [3]barrel (along) @@@@ [4]bolt, burn rubber @@@@ [5]dash, hurtle, race, rush, speed, tear"} {"x":"carefree","y":"[1]airy, blithe, breezy, buoyant, careless, cheerful, cheery, chirpy @@@@ [2]easy-going, halcyon, happy, happy-go-lucky, insouciant, jaunty, light-hearted, lightsome @@@@ [3]radiant, sunny, untroubled"} {"x":"careful","y":"[1]accurate, attentive, cautious, chary, circumspect, conscientious, discreet, fastidious, heedful, painstaking, precise, prudent, punctilious, scrupulous, thoughtful, thrifty @@@@ [2]alert, concerned, judicious, mindful, particular, protective, solicitous, vigilant, wary, watchful"} {"x":"caress","y":"[1]cuddle, embrace, fondle, hug, kiss, neck @@@@ [2]nuzzle, pet, stroke @@@@ [3]cuddle, embrace, fondling, hug, kiss, pat, stroke"} {"x":"caretaker","y":"[1]concierge, curator, custodian, janitor, keeper, porter, superintendent, warden, watchman @@@@ [2]holding, interim, short-term, temporary"} {"x":"cargo","y":"[1]baggage, consignment, contents, freight, goods, lading, load, merchandise, shipment, tonnage, ware"} {"x":"caricature","y":"[1]burlesque, cartoon, distortion, farce, lampoon, mimicry, parody, pasquinade, satire, send-up @@@@ [2]takeoff @@@@ [3]travesty @@@@ [4]burlesque, distort, lampoon, mimic, mock, parody, ridicule, satirize, send up @@@@ [5]take off"} {"x":"caring","y":"[1]compassionate, considerate, kindly, loving, receptive, responsive, sensitive, soft, softhearted, sympathetic, tender, tenderhearted, touchy-feely @@@@ [2]warm, warmhearted @@@@ [3]If someone is caring, they are affectionate, helpful, and sympathetic. @@@@ [4]If someone is caring, they are affectionate, helpful, and sympathetic."} {"x":"carnage","y":"[1]blood bath, bloodshed, butchery, havoc, holocaust, massacre, mass murder, murder, shambles, slaughter"} {"x":"carnal","y":"[1]amorous, animal, erotic, fleshly, impure, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, libidinous, licentious, lustful, prurient, randy @@@@ [2]raunchy @@@@ [3]salacious, sensual, sensuous, sexual, sexy @@@@ [4]steamy @@@@ [5]unchaste, voluptuous, wanton @@@@ [6]bodily, corporeal, earthly, human, mundane, natural, physical, profane, secular, sublunary, temporal, unregenerate, unspiritual, worldly"} {"x":"carnality","y":"[1]bestiality, corporeality, fleshliness, lechery, lust, lustfulness, prurience, salaciousness, sensuality, voluptuousness, worldliness"} {"x":"carnival","y":"[1]celebration, fair, festival, fete, fiesta, gala, holiday, jamboree, jubilee, Mardi Gras, merrymaking, revelry"} {"x":"carol","y":"[1]canticle, canzonet, chorus, ditty, hymn, lay, noel, song, strain"} {"x":"carouse","y":"[1]bevvy @@@@ [2]booze @@@@ [3]drink, imbibe, make merry, quaff, roister, wassail"} {"x":"carp","y":"[1]beef @@@@ [2]cavil, censure, complain, criticize, find fault, hypercriticize, knock @@@@ [3]kvetch @@@@ [4]nag, pick holes, quibble, reproach"} {"x":"carpenter","y":"[1]cabinet-maker, joiner, woodworker"} {"x":"carriage","y":"[1]carrying, conveyance, conveying, delivery, freight, transport, transportation @@@@ [2]cab, coach, conveyance, vehicle @@@@ [3]air, bearing, behaviour, comportment, conduct, demeanour, deportment, gait, manner, mien, posture, presence"} {"x":"carry","y":"[1]bear, bring, conduct, convey, fetch, haul, hump @@@@ [2]lift, lug, move, relay, take, tote @@@@ [3]transfer, transmit, transport @@@@ [4]accomplish, capture, effect, gain, secure, win @@@@ [5]drive, impel, influence, motivate, spur, urge @@@@ [6]bear, bolster, hold up, maintain, shoulder, stand, suffer, support, sustain, underpin, uphold @@@@ [7]broadcast, communicate, display, disseminate, give, offer, publish, release, stock @@@@ [8]continue, endure, keep going, last, maintain, perpetuate, persevere, persist @@@@ [9]administer, manage, operate, run @@@@ [10]create @@@@ [11]make a fuss, misbehave, raise Cain @@@@ [12]commotion, disturbance, fracas, fuss, hubbub, racket, rumpus, shindy @@@@ [13]tumult @@@@ [14]accomplish, achieve, carry through, consummate, discharge, effect, execute, fulfil, implement, perform, realize"} {"x":"carton","y":"[1]box, case, container, pack, package, packet"} {"x":"cartoon","y":"[1]animated cartoon, animated film, animation, caricature, comic strip, lampoon, parody, satire, sketch, takeoff"} {"x":"cartridge","y":"[1]capsule, case, cassette, container, cylinder, magazine @@@@ [2]charge, round, shell"} {"x":"carve","y":"[1]chip, chisel, cut, divide, engrave, etch, fashion, form, grave @@@@ [2]hack, hew, incise, indent, inscribe, mould, sculpt, sculpture, slash, slice, whittle"} {"x":"cascade","y":"[1]avalanche, cataract, deluge, downpour, falls, flood, fountain, outpouring, shower, torrent, waterfall @@@@ [2]descend, flood, gush, overflow, pitch, plunge, pour, spill, surge, teem, tumble"} {"x":"case","y":"[1]box, cabinet, canister, capsule, carton, cartridge, casket, chest, coffret, compact, container, crate, holder, receptacle, suitcase, tray, trunk @@@@ [2]capsule, casing, cover, covering, envelope, folder, integument, jacket, sheath, shell, wrapper, wrapping @@@@ [3]circumstance(s), condition, context, contingency, dilemma, event, plight, position, predicament, situation, state @@@@ [4]example, illustration, instance, occasion, occurrence, specimen @@@@ [5]action, cause, dispute, lawsuit, proceedings, process, suit, trial"} {"x":"cash","y":"[1]ackers @@@@ [2]banknotes, brass @@@@ [3]bread @@@@ [4]bullion, change, coin, coinage, currency, dibs @@@@ [5]dosh @@@@ [6]dough @@@@ [7]funds, money, necessary @@@@ [8]needful @@@@ [9]notes, payment, ready @@@@ [10]ready money, resources, rhino @@@@ [11]shekels @@@@ [12]silver, specie, spondulicks @@@@ [13]tin @@@@ [14]wherewithal"} {"x":"cashier","y":"[1]accountant, bank clerk, banker, bursar, clerk, purser, teller, treasurer @@@@ [2]break, cast off, discard, discharge, dismiss, drum out, expel, give the boot to"} {"x":"casing","y":"[1]cover, covering, integument, shell"} {"x":"cask","y":"[1]barrel, cylinder, drum"} {"x":"casket","y":"[1]ark @@@@ [2]box, case, chest, coffer, coffret, jewel box, kist"} {"x":"cast","y":"[1]chuck @@@@ [2]drive, drop, fling, hurl, impel, launch, lob, pitch, project, shed, shy, sling, throw, thrust, toss @@@@ [3]bestow, deposit, diffuse, distribute, emit, give, radiate, scatter, shed, spread @@@@ [4]allot, appoint, assign, choose, name, pick, select @@@@ [5]add, calculate, compute, figure, forecast, reckon, total @@@@ [6]form, found, model, mould, set, shape @@@@ [7]fling, lob, throw, thrust, toss @@@@ [8]air, appearance, complexion, demeanour, look, manner, mien, semblance, shade, stamp, style, tinge, tone, turn @@@@ [9]actors, characters, company, dramatis personae, players, troupe @@@@ [10]deject, depress, desolate, discourage, dishearten, dispirit"} {"x":"caste","y":"[1]class, estate, grade, lineage, order, race, rank, social order, species, station, status, stratum"} {"x":"castigate","y":"[1]bawl out @@@@ [2]beat, berate, blast, cane, carpet @@@@ [3]censure, chasten, chastise, chew out @@@@ [4]correct, criticize, discipline, dress down @@@@ [5]excoriate, flail, flay, flog, give a rocket @@@@ [6]lambast(e), lash, put down, rap over the knuckles, read the riot act, rebuke, reprimand, scold, scourge, slap on the wrist, slate @@@@ [7]tear into @@@@ [8]whip"} {"x":"castigation","y":"[1]bawling-out @@@@ [2]beating, blast, caning, censure, chastisement, condemnation, correction, criticism, discipline, dressing down @@@@ [3]excoriation, flogging, fustigation @@@@ [4]put-down, whipping"} {"x":"castle","y":"[1]chateau, citadel, donjon, fastness, fortress, keep, mansion, palace, peel, stronghold, tower"} {"x":"castrate","y":"[1]emasculate, geld, neuter, unman"} {"x":"casual","y":"[1]accidental, chance, contingent, fortuitous, hit-and-miss or hit-or-miss @@@@ [2]incidental, irregular, occasional, random, serendipitous, uncertain, unexpected, unforeseen, unintentional, unpremeditated @@@@ [3]apathetic, blase, careless, cursory, indifferent, informal, insouciant, lackadaisical, nonchalant, offhand, perfunctory, relaxed, unconcerned @@@@ [4]informal, non-dressy, sporty"} {"x":"casualty","y":"[1]loss, sufferer, victim @@@@ [2]accident, calamity, catastrophe, chance, contingency, disaster, misadventure, misfortune, mishap @@@@ [3]dead, fatalities, losses, missing, wounded"} {"x":"casuistry","y":"[1]chicanery, equivocation, oversubtleness, sophism, sophistry, speciousness"} {"x":"cat","y":"[1]feline, gib, grimalkin, kitty, malkin @@@@ [2]moggy @@@@ [3]mouser, puss @@@@ [4]pussy @@@@ [5]tabby"} {"x":"cataclysm","y":"[1]calamity, catastrophe, collapse, convulsion, debacle, disaster, upheaval"} {"x":"cataclysmic","y":"[1]calamitous, catastrophic, convulsionary, disastrous"} {"x":"catacomb","y":"[1]crypt, ossuary, tomb, vault"} {"x":"catalogue","y":"[1]directory, gazetteer, index, inventory, list, record, register, roll, roster, schedule @@@@ [2]accession, alphabetize, classify, file, index, inventory, list, register, tabulate"} {"x":"catapult","y":"[1]ballista, sling, slingshot @@@@ [2]trebuchet @@@@ [3]heave, hurl, hurtle, pitch, plunge, propel, shoot, toss"} {"x":"cataract","y":"[1]cascade, deluge, downpour, falls, Niagara, rapids, torrent, waterfall @@@@ [2]opacity"} {"x":"catastrophe","y":"[1]adversity, affliction, blow, bummer @@@@ [2]calamity, cataclysm, deep water, devastation, disaster, failure, fiasco, ill, meltdown @@@@ [3]mischance, misfortune, mishap, reverse, tragedy, trial, trouble, whammy @@@@ [4]conclusion, culmination, curtain, debacle, denouement, end, finale, termination, upshot, winding-up"} {"x":"catastrophic","y":"[1]calamitous, cataclysmic, devastating, disastrous, tragic"} {"x":"catch","y":"[1]apprehend, arrest, capture, clutch, ensnare, entangle, entrap, feel one's collar @@@@ [2]get, grab, grasp, grip, lay hold of, lift @@@@ [3]nab @@@@ [4]nail @@@@ [5]seize, snare, snatch, take @@@@ [6]catch in the act, detect, discover, expose, find out, surprise, take unawares, unmask @@@@ [7]bewitch, captivate, charm, delight, enchant, enrapture, fascinate @@@@ [8]contract, develop, get, go down with, incur, succumb to, suffer from @@@@ [9]apprehend, discern, feel, follow, get, grasp, hear, perceive, recognize, sense, take in, twig @@@@ [10]bolt, clasp, clip, fastener, hasp, hook, hook and eye, latch, sneck @@@@ [11]snib @@@@ [12]disadvantage, drawback, fly in the ointment, hitch, snag, stumbling block, trap, trick"} {"x":"catching","y":"[1]communicable, contagious, infectious, infective, transferable, transmittable @@@@ [2]attractive, captivating, charming, enchanting, fascinating, fetching, taking, winning"} {"x":"catchy","y":"[1]captivating, haunting, memorable, popular"} {"x":"catechumen","y":"[1]convert, disciple, initiate, learner, neophyte, novice, probationer, tyro"} {"x":"categorical","y":"[1]absolute, direct, downright, emphatic, explicit, express, positive, unambiguous, unconditional, unequivocal, unqualified, unreserved"} {"x":"category","y":"[1]class, classification, department, division, grade, grouping, head, heading, list, order, rank, section, sort, type"} {"x":"cater","y":"[1]furnish, outfit, provide, provision, purvey, supply, victual @@@@ [2]coddle, fawn on, feed, gratify, humour, indulge, minister to, mollycoddle, pamper, pander to, spoil"} {"x":"caterwaul","y":"[1]bawl, howl, scream, screech, shriek, squall, wail, yowl"} {"x":"catholic","y":"[1]all-embracing, all-inclusive, broad-minded, charitable, comprehensive, eclectic, ecumenical, general, global, liberal, tolerant, unbigoted, universal, unsectarian, whole, wide, world-wide"} {"x":"cattle","y":"[1]beasts, bovines, cows, kine @@@@ [2]livestock, neat @@@@ [3]stock"} {"x":"catty","y":"[1]backbiting, bitchy @@@@ [2]ill-natured, malevolent, malicious, mean, rancorous, shrewish, snide, spiteful, venomous"} {"x":"caucus","y":"[1]assembly, conclave, congress, convention, get-together @@@@ [2]meeting, parley, session"} {"x":"cause","y":"[1]agent, beginning, creator, genesis, mainspring, maker, origin, originator, prime mover, producer, root, source, spring @@@@ [2]account, agency, aim, basis, consideration, end, grounds, incentive, inducement, motivation, motive, object, purpose, reason, the why and wherefore @@@@ [3]attempt, belief, conviction, enterprise, ideal, movement, purpose, undertaking @@@@ [4]begin, bring about, compel, create, effect, engender, generate, give rise to, incite, induce, lead to, motivate, occasion, precipitate, produce, provoke, result in"} {"x":"caustic","y":"[1]acrid, astringent, biting, burning, corroding, corrosive, keen, mordant, vitriolic @@@@ [2]acrimonious, cutting, mordacious, pungent, sarcastic, scathing, severe, stinging, trenchant, virulent, vitriolic"} {"x":"caution","y":"[1]alertness, belt and braces, care, carefulness, circumspection, deliberation, discretion, forethought, heed, heedfulness, prudence, vigilance, watchfulness @@@@ [2]admonition, advice, counsel, injunction, warning @@@@ [3]admonish, advise, tip off, urge, warn"} {"x":"cautious","y":"[1]alert, belt-and-braces, cagey @@@@ [2]careful, chary, circumspect, discreet, guarded, heedful, judicious, keeping a weather eye on, on one's toes, prudent, tentative, vigilant, wary, watchful"} {"x":"cavalcade","y":"[1]array, march-past, parade, procession, spectacle, train"} {"x":"cavalier","y":"[1]chevalier, equestrian, horseman, knight, royalist @@@@ [2]beau, blade @@@@ [3]escort, gallant, gentleman @@@@ [4]arrogant, condescending, curt, disdainful, haughty, insolent, lofty, lordly, offhand, scornful, supercilious"} {"x":"cavalry","y":"[1]horse, horsemen, mounted troops"} {"x":"cave","y":"[1]cavern, cavity, den, grotto, hollow"} {"x":"caveat","y":"[1]admonition, caution, warning"} {"x":"cavern","y":"[1]cave, hollow, pothole"} {"x":"cavil","y":"[1]beef @@@@ [2]carp, censure, complain, find fault, hypercriticize, kvetch @@@@ [3]object, quibble"} {"x":"cavity","y":"[1]crater, dent, gap, hole, hollow, pit"} {"x":"cavort","y":"[1]caper, caracole, frisk, frolic, gambol, prance, romp, sport"} {"x":"cease","y":"[1]belay @@@@ [2]break off, bring or come to an end, conclude, culminate, desist, die away, discontinue, end, fail, finish, halt, leave off, refrain, stay, stop, terminate"} {"x":"cede","y":"[1]abandon, abdicate, allow, concede, convey, grant, hand over, make over, relinquish, renounce, resign, step down @@@@ [2]surrender, transfer, yield"} {"x":"celebrate","y":"[1]bless, commemorate, commend, crack up @@@@ [2]drink to, eulogize, exalt, extol, glorify, honour, keep, kill the fatted calf, laud, observe, perform, praise, proclaim, publicize, put the flags out, rejoice, reverence, solemnize, toast"} {"x":"celebrated","y":"[1]acclaimed, distinguished, eminent, famed, famous, glorious, illustrious, lionized, notable, outstanding, popular, pre-eminent, prominent, renowned, revered, well-known"} {"x":"celebration","y":"[1]beano @@@@ [2]carousal, -fest @@@@ [3]festival, festivity, gala, hooley or hoolie @@@@ [4]jollification, jubilee, junketing, merrymaking, party, rave @@@@ [5]rave-up @@@@ [6]red-letter day, revelry @@@@ [7]anniversary, commemoration, honouring, observance, performance, remembrance, solemnization"} {"x":"celebrity","y":"[1]bigwig @@@@ [2]celeb @@@@ [3]dignitary, face @@@@ [4]lion, luminary, megastar @@@@ [5]name, personage, personality, star, superstar, V.I.P. @@@@ [6]distinction, eclat, eminence, fame, glory, honour, notability, popularity, pre-eminence, prestige, prominence, renown, reputation, repute, stardom"} {"x":"celerity","y":"[1]dispatch, expedition, fleetness, haste, promptness, quickness, rapidity, speed, swiftness, velocity, vivacity @@@@ [2]swiftness;speed"} {"x":"celestial","y":"[1]angelic, astral, divine, elysian, empyrean @@@@ [2]eternal, ethereal, godlike, heavenly, immortal, seraphic, spiritual, sublime, supernatural"} {"x":"celibacy","y":"[1]chastity, continence, purity, singleness, virginity"} {"x":"cell","y":"[1]cavity, chamber, compartment, cubicle, dungeon, stall @@@@ [2]caucus, coterie, group, nucleus, unit"} {"x":"cement","y":"[1]attach, bind, bond, cohere, combine, glue, gum, join, plaster, seal, solder, stick together, unite, weld @@@@ [2]adhesive, binder, glue, gum, paste, plaster, sealant"} {"x":"cemetery","y":"[1]burial ground, churchyard, God's acre, graveyard, necropolis"} {"x":"censor","y":"[1]blue-pencil, bowdlerize, cut, expurgate"} {"x":"censorious","y":"[1]captious, carping, cavilling, condemnatory, disapproving, disparaging, fault-finding, hypercritical, scathing, severe"} {"x":"censorship","y":"[1]blue pencil, bowdlerization or bowdlerisation, expurgation, purgation, sanitization or sanitisation"} {"x":"censure","y":"[1]abuse, bawl out @@@@ [2]berate, blame, blast, carpet @@@@ [3]castigate, chew out @@@@ [4]chide, condemn, criticize, denounce, excoriate, give (someone) a rocket @@@@ [5]lambast(e), put down, rap over the knuckles, read the riot act, rebuke, reprehend, reprimand, reproach, reprove, scold, slap on the wrist, slate @@@@ [6]tear into @@@@ [7]upbraid @@@@ [8]blame, castigation, condemnation, criticism, disapproval, dressing down @@@@ [9]obloquy, rebuke, remonstrance, reprehension, reprimand, reproach, reproof, stick @@@@ [10]stricture"} {"x":"central","y":"[1]chief, essential, focal, fundamental, inner, interior, key, main, mean, median, mid, middle, primary, principal"} {"x":"centralize","y":"[1]amalgamate, compact, concentrate, concentre, condense, converge, incorporate, rationalize, streamline, unify"} {"x":"centre","y":"[1]bull's-eye, core, crux, focus, heart, hub, kernel, mid @@@@ [2]middle, midpoint, nucleus, pivot @@@@ [3]cluster, concentrate, converge, focus, revolve"} {"x":"centrifugal","y":"[1]diffusive, divergent, diverging, efferent, radial, radiating"} {"x":"ceremonial","y":"[1]formal, liturgical, ritual, ritualistic, solemn, stately @@@@ [2]ceremony, formality, rite, ritual, solemnity"} {"x":"ceremony","y":"[1]commemoration, function, observance, parade, rite, ritual, service, show, solemnities @@@@ [2]ceremonial, decorum, etiquette, form, formal courtesy, formality, niceties, pomp, propriety, protocol"} {"x":"certain","y":"[1]assured, confident, convinced, positive, satisfied, sure @@@@ [2]ascertained, conclusive, incontrovertible, indubitable, irrefutable, known, plain, true, undeniable, undoubted, unequivocal, unmistakable, valid @@@@ [3]bound, definite, destined, fated, ineluctable, inescapable, inevitable, inexorable, sure @@@@ [4]decided, definite, established, fixed, settled @@@@ [5]assured, constant, dependable, reliable, stable, staunch, steady, trustworthy, unfailing, unquestionable @@@@ [6]express, individual, particular, precise, special, specific"} {"x":"certainly","y":"[1]absolutely, assuredly, come hell or high water, decidedly, definitely, doubtlessly, indisputably, indubitably, irrefutably, positively, surely, truly, undeniably, undoubtedly, unequivocally, unquestionably, without doubt, without question"} {"x":"certainty","y":"[1]assurance, authoritativeness, certitude, confidence, conviction, faith, indubitableness, inevitability, positiveness, sureness, trust, validity @@@@ [2]fact, reality, sure thing @@@@ [3]surety, truth"} {"x":"certificate","y":"[1]authorization, credential(s), diploma, document, licence, testimonial, voucher, warrant"} {"x":"certify","y":"[1]ascertain, assure, attest, authenticate, aver, avow, confirm, corroborate, declare, endorse, guarantee, notify, show, testify, validate, verify, vouch, witness"} {"x":"certitude","y":"[1]assurance, certainty, confidence, conviction"} {"x":"cessation","y":"[1]abeyance, arrest, break, ceasing, discontinuance, ending, entr'acte, halt, halting, hiatus, intermission, interruption, interval, let-up @@@@ [2]pause, recess, remission, respite, rest, standstill, stay, stoppage, suspension, termination, time off"} {"x":"cession","y":"[1]abandonment, abnegation, capitulation, ceding, conceding, concession, conveyance, grant, relinquishment, renunciation, surrender, yielding"} {"x":"chafe","y":"[1]abrade, anger, annoy, exasperate, fret, fume, gall, get or take a rise out of, get on someone's nerves, get on someone's wick @@@@ [2]grate, incense, inflame, irritate, nark @@@@ [3]offend, provoke, rage, rasp, rub, rub (someone) up the wrong way @@@@ [4]ruffle, scrape, scratch, vex, worry"} {"x":"chaff","y":"[1]dregs, glumes, hulls, husks, refuse, remains, rubbish, trash, waste @@@@ [2]badinage, banter, joking, josh @@@@ [3]persiflage, raillery, teasing @@@@ [4]banter, deride, jeer, josh @@@@ [5]mock, rib @@@@ [6]ridicule, scoff, take the piss out of @@@@ [7]taunt, tease"} {"x":"chagrin","y":"[1]annoyance, discomfiture, discomposure, displeasure, disquiet, dissatisfaction, embarrassment, fretfulness, humiliation, ill-humour, irritation, mortification, peevishness, spleen, vexation @@@@ [2]annoy, discomfit, discompose, displease, disquiet, dissatisfy, embarrass, humiliate, irk, irritate, mortify, peeve, vex"} {"x":"chain","y":"[1]bind, confine, enslave, fetter, gyve @@@@ [2]handcuff, manacle, restrain, shackle, tether, trammel, unite @@@@ [3]bond, coupling, fetter, link, manacle, shackle, union @@@@ [4]concatenation, progression, sequence, series, set, string, succession, train"} {"x":"chairman","y":"[1]chairperson, chairwoman, director, master of ceremonies, president, presider, speaker, spokesman, toastmaster"} {"x":"challenge","y":"[1]accost, arouse, beard, brave, call out, call (someone's) bluff, claim, confront, dare, defy, demand, dispute, face off @@@@ [2]impugn, investigate, object to, provoke, question, require, stimulate, summon, tackle, tax, test, throw down the gauntlet, try @@@@ [3]confrontation, dare, defiance, face-off @@@@ [4]interrogation, provocation, question, summons to contest, test, trial, ultimatum"} {"x":"chamber","y":"[1]apartment, bedroom, cavity, compartment, cubicle, enclosure, hall, hollow, room @@@@ [2]assembly, council, legislative body, legislature"} {"x":"champion","y":"[1]backer, challenger, conqueror, defender, guardian, hero, nonpareil, patron, protector, title holder, upholder, victor, vindicator, warrior, winner @@@@ [2]advocate, back, commend, defend, encourage, espouse, fight for, promote, stick up for @@@@ [3]support, uphold"} {"x":"chance","y":"[1]liability, likelihood, occasion, odds, opening, opportunity, possibility, probability, prospect, scope, time, window @@@@ [2]accident, casualty, coincidence, contingency, destiny, fate, fortuity, fortune, luck, misfortune, peril, providence @@@@ [3]gamble, hazard, jeopardy, risk, speculation, uncertainty @@@@ [4]befall, betide, come about, come to pass, fall out, happen, occur @@@@ [5]endanger, gamble, go out on a limb, hazard, jeopardize, risk, skate on thin ice, stake, try, venture, wager @@@@ [6]accidental, casual, contingent, fortuitous, inadvertent, incidental, random, serendipitous, unforeseeable, unforeseen, unintentional, unlooked-for"} {"x":"chancy","y":"[1]dangerous, dicey @@@@ [2]dodgy @@@@ [3]hazardous, perilous, problematical, risky, speculative, uncertain"} {"x":"change","y":"[1]alter, convert, diversify, fluctuate, metamorphose, moderate, modify, mutate, reform, remodel, reorganize, restyle, shift, transform, transmute, vacillate, vary, veer @@@@ [2]alternate, barter, convert, displace, exchange, interchange, remove, replace, substitute, swap @@@@ [3]trade, transmit @@@@ [4]alteration, difference, innovation, metamorphosis, modification, mutation, permutation, revolution, transformation, transition, transmutation, vicissitude @@@@ [5]conversion, exchange, interchange, substitution, trade @@@@ [6]break @@@@ [7]departure, diversion, novelty, variation, variety, whole new ball game"} {"x":"channel","y":"[1]canal, chamber, conduit, duct, fluting, furrow, groove, gutter, main, passage, route, strait @@@@ [2]approach, artery, avenue, course, means, medium, path, route, way @@@@ [3]conduct, convey, direct, guide, transmit"} {"x":"chant","y":"[1]carol, chorus, melody, psalm, song @@@@ [2]carol, chorus, croon, descant, intone, recite, sing, warble"} {"x":"chaos","y":"[1]anarchy, bedlam, confusion, disorder, disorganization, entropy, lawlessness, mayhem, pandemonium, tumult"} {"x":"chaotic","y":"[1]anarchic, confused, deranged, disordered, disorganized, lawless, purposeless, rampageous, riotous, topsy-turvy, tumultuous, uncontrolled"} {"x":"chap","y":"[1]bloke @@@@ [2]character, cove @@@@ [3]customer @@@@ [4]dude @@@@ [5]fellow, guy @@@@ [6]individual, person, sort, type"} {"x":"chaplet","y":"[1]bouquet, coronal, garland, wreath"} {"x":"chapter","y":"[1]clause, division, episode, part, period, phase, section, stage, topic"} {"x":"char","y":"[1]carbonize, cauterize, scorch, sear, singe"} {"x":"character","y":"[1]attributes, bent, calibre, cast, complexion, constitution, disposition, individuality, kidney, make-up, marked traits, nature, personality, quality, reputation, temper, temperament, type @@@@ [2]honour, integrity, rectitude, strength, uprightness @@@@ [3]card @@@@ [4]eccentric, nut @@@@ [5]oddball @@@@ [6]odd bod @@@@ [7]oddity, original, queer fish @@@@ [8]cipher, device, emblem, figure, hieroglyph, letter, logo, mark, rune, sign, symbol, type @@@@ [9]part, persona, portrayal, role @@@@ [10]fellow, guy @@@@ [11]individual, person, sort, type"} {"x":"characteristic","y":"[1]distinctive, distinguishing, idiosyncratic, individual, peculiar, representative, singular, special, specific, symbolic, symptomatic, typical @@@@ [2]attribute, faculty, feature, idiosyncrasy, mark, peculiarity, property, quality, quirk, trait"} {"x":"characterize","y":"[1]brand, distinguish, identify, indicate, inform, mark, represent, stamp, typify"} {"x":"charge","y":"[1]accuse, arraign, blame, impeach, incriminate, indict, involve @@@@ [2]accusation, allegation, imputation, indictment @@@@ [3]assail, assault, attack, rush, stampede, storm @@@@ [4]assault, attack, onset, onslaught, rush, sortie, stampede @@@@ [5]afflict, burden, commit, entrust, tax @@@@ [6]burden, care, concern, custody, duty, office, responsibility, safekeeping, trust, ward @@@@ [7]amount, cost, damage @@@@ [8]expenditure, expense, outlay, payment, price, rate, toll @@@@ [9]fill, instil, lade, load, suffuse @@@@ [10]bid, command, demand, enjoin, exhort, instruct, order, require @@@@ [11]canon, command, demand, dictate, direction, exhortation, injunction, instruction, mandate, order, precept"} {"x":"charismatic","y":"[1]alluring, attractive, charming, enticing, influential, magnetic"} {"x":"charitable","y":"[1]beneficent, benevolent, bountiful, eleemosynary, generous, kind, lavish, liberal, philanthropic @@@@ [2]broad-minded, considerate, favourable, forgiving, gracious, humane, indulgent, kindly, lenient, magnanimous, sympathetic, tolerant, understanding"} {"x":"charity","y":"[1]alms-giving, assistance, benefaction, contributions, donations, endowment, fund, gift, hand-out, largesse or largess, philanthropy, relief @@@@ [2]affection, Agape, altruism, benevolence, benignity, bountifulness, bounty, compassion, fellow feeling, generosity, goodness, goodwill, humanity, indulgence, love, pity, tenderheartedness"} {"x":"charlatan","y":"[1]cheat, con man @@@@ [2]fake, fraud, fraudster, grifter @@@@ [3]impostor, mountebank, phoney or phony @@@@ [4]pretender, quack, sham, swindler"} {"x":"charm","y":"[1]absorb, allure, attract, beguile, bewitch, cajole, captivate, delight, enamour, enchant, enrapture, entrance, fascinate, mesmerize, please, ravish, win, win over @@@@ [2]allure, allurement, appeal, attraction, desirability, enchantment, fascination, magic, magnetism, sorcery, spell @@@@ [3]amulet, fetish, good-luck piece, lucky piece, periapt @@@@ [4]talisman, trinket"} {"x":"chart","y":"[1]blueprint, diagram, graph, map, plan, table, tabulation @@@@ [2]delineate, draft, graph, map out, outline, plot, shape, sketch"} {"x":"charter","y":"[1]bond, concession, contract, deed, document, franchise, indenture, licence, permit, prerogative, privilege, right @@@@ [2]authorize, commission, employ, hire, lease, rent, sanction"} {"x":"chary","y":"[1]careful, cautious, circumspect, guarded, heedful, leery @@@@ [2]prudent, reluctant, scrupulous, slow, suspicious, uneasy, wary @@@@ [3]careful @@@@ [4]frugal, niggardly, parsimonious, thrifty"} {"x":"chase","y":"[1]course, drive, drive away, expel, follow, hound, hunt, pursue, put to flight, run after, track @@@@ [2]hunt, hunting, pursuit, race, venery"} {"x":"chasm","y":"[1]abyss, alienation, breach, cavity, cleft, crater, crevasse, fissure, gap, gorge, gulf, hiatus, hollow, opening, ravine, rent, rift, split, void"} {"x":"chassis","y":"[1]anatomy, bodywork, frame, framework, fuselage, skeleton, substructure"} {"x":"chaste","y":"[1]austere, decent, decorous, elegant, immaculate, incorrupt, innocent, modest, moral, neat, pure, quiet, refined, restrained, simple, unaffected, uncontaminated, undefiled, unsullied, vestal, virginal, virtuous, wholesome"} {"x":"chasten","y":"[1]afflict, castigate, chastise, correct, cow, curb, discipline, humble, humiliate, put in one's place, repress, soften, subdue, tame"} {"x":"chastise","y":"[1]beat, berate, castigate, censure, correct, discipline, flog, lash, lick @@@@ [2]punish, scold, scourge, upbraid, whip"} {"x":"chastity","y":"[1]celibacy, continence, innocence, maidenhood, modesty, purity, virginity, virtue"} {"x":"chat","y":"[1]chatter, chinwag @@@@ [2]confab @@@@ [3]gossip, heart-to-heart, natter, schmooze @@@@ [4]talk, tete-a-tete @@@@ [5]gossip, jaw @@@@ [6]natter, rabbit (on) @@@@ [7]schmooze @@@@ [8]talk"} {"x":"chatter","y":"[1]babble, blather, chat, gab @@@@ [2]gossip, jabber, natter, prate, prattle, rabbit (on) @@@@ [3]schmooze @@@@ [4]tattle, twaddle"} {"x":"chatterbox","y":"[1]gossip, jabberer, natterer, prater, prattler, tattler, tattletale @@@@ [2]twaddler"} {"x":"chatty","y":"[1]colloquial, familiar, friendly, gossipy, informal, newsy @@@@ [2]talkative"} {"x":"cheap","y":"[1]bargain, cheapo @@@@ [2]cut-price, economical, economy, inexpensive, keen, low-cost, low-priced, reasonable, reduced, sale @@@@ [3]bush-league @@@@ [4]chickenshit @@@@ [5]common, crappy @@@@ [6]dime-a-dozen @@@@ [7]inferior, low-rent @@@@ [8]paltry, piss-poor @@@@ [9]poor, poxy @@@@ [10]second-rate, shoddy, tatty, tawdry, tinhorn @@@@ [11]worthless @@@@ [12]base, contemptible, despicable, low, mean, scurvy, sordid, vulgar"} {"x":"cheapen","y":"[1]belittle, debase, degrade, demean, denigrate, depreciate, derogate, devalue, discredit, disparage, lower"} {"x":"cheat","y":"[1]bamboozle @@@@ [2]beguile, bilk, con @@@@ [3]cozen, deceive, defraud, diddle @@@@ [4]do @@@@ [5]double-cross @@@@ [6]dupe, finagle @@@@ [7]fleece, fool, gull @@@@ [8]hoax, hoodwink, kid @@@@ [9]rip off @@@@ [10]skin @@@@ [11]stiff @@@@ [12]sting @@@@ [13]stitch up @@@@ [14]take in @@@@ [15]thwart, trick, victimize @@@@ [16]baffle, check, defeat, deprive, foil, frustrate, prevent, thwart @@@@ [17]artifice, deceit, deception, fraud, imposture, rip-off @@@@ [18]scam @@@@ [19]sting @@@@ [20]swindle, trickery @@@@ [21]charlatan, cheater, chiseller @@@@ [22]con man @@@@ [23]deceiver, dodger, double-crosser @@@@ [24]fraudster, grifter @@@@ [25]impostor, knave @@@@ [26]rogue, shark, sharper, swindler, trickster"} {"x":"check","y":"[1]check out @@@@ [2]compare, confirm, enquire into, examine, inspect, investigate, look at, look over, make sure, monitor, note, probe, research, scrutinize, study, take a dekko at @@@@ [3]test, tick, verify, vet, work over @@@@ [4]arrest, bar, bridle, control, curb, delay, halt, hinder, hobble, impede, inhibit, limit, nip in the bud, obstruct, pause, put a spoke in someone's wheel, rein, repress, restrain, retard, stem the flow, stop, thwart @@@@ [5]admonish, bawl out @@@@ [6]blame, carpet @@@@ [7]chew out @@@@ [8]rap over the knuckles, rate, read the riot act, rebuff, rebuke, reprimand, reprove, scold, slap on the wrist, tear into @@@@ [9]tell off @@@@ [10]examination, inspection, investigation, once-over @@@@ [11]research, scrutiny, test @@@@ [12]constraint, control, curb, damper, hindrance, impediment, inhibition, limitation, obstacle, obstruction, rein, restraint, stoppage @@@@ [13]blow, disappointment, frustration, rejection, reverse, setback, whammy"} {"x":"cheek","y":"[1]audacity, brass neck @@@@ [2]brazenness, chutzpah @@@@ [3]disrespect, effrontery, face @@@@ [4]front, gall @@@@ [5]impertinence, impudence, insolence, lip @@@@ [6]neck @@@@ [7]nerve, sassiness @@@@ [8]sauce @@@@ [9]temerity"} {"x":"cheeky","y":"[1]audacious, disrespectful, forward, fresh @@@@ [2]impertinent, impudent, insolent, insulting, lippy @@@@ [3]pert, sassy @@@@ [4]saucy"} {"x":"cheer","y":"[1]animate, brighten, buoy up, cheer up, comfort, console, elate, elevate, encourage, enliven, exhilarate, gladden, hearten, incite, inspirit, solace, uplift, warm @@@@ [2]acclaim, applaud, clap, hail, hurrah @@@@ [3]animation, buoyancy, cheerfulness, comfort, gaiety, gladness, glee, hopefulness, joy, liveliness, merriment, merry-making, mirth, optimism, solace @@@@ [4]acclamation, applause, ovation, plaudits"} {"x":"cheerful","y":"[1]animated, blithe, bright, bucked @@@@ [2]buoyant, cheery, chirpy @@@@ [3]contented, enlivening, enthusiastic, gay, genial, glad, gladsome @@@@ [4]happy, hearty, jaunty, jolly, joyful, light-hearted, lightsome @@@@ [5]merry, optimistic, pleasant, sparkling, sprightly, sunny, upbeat"} {"x":"cheery","y":"[1]breezy, carefree, cheerful, chirpy @@@@ [2]genial, good-humoured, happy, jovial, lively, pleasant, sunny, upbeat"} {"x":"chemical","y":"[1]compound, drug, potion, synthetic"} {"x":"cherish","y":"[1]care for, cleave to, cling to, comfort, cosset, encourage, entertain, foster, harbour, hold dear, love, nourish, nurse, nurture, prize, shelter, support, sustain, treasure"} {"x":"chest","y":"[1]ark @@@@ [2]box, case, casket, coffer, crate, kist @@@@ [3]strongbox, trunk"} {"x":"chew","y":"[1]bite, champ, chomp, crunch, gnaw, grind, masticate, munch @@@@ [2]consider, deliberate upon, meditate, mull (over), muse on, ponder, reflect upon, ruminate, weigh"} {"x":"chic","y":"[1]elegant, fashionable, modish, sexy @@@@ [2]smart, stylish, trendy @@@@ [3]up-to-date, urbane"} {"x":"chicanery","y":"[1]artifice, cheating, chicane, deception, deviousness, dodge, double-dealing, duplicity, intrigue, sharp practice, skulduggery @@@@ [2]sophistry, stratagems, subterfuge, trickery, underhandedness, wiles, wire-pulling"} {"x":"chide","y":"[1]admonish, bawl out @@@@ [2]berate, blame, blast, carpet @@@@ [3]censure, check, chew out @@@@ [4]criticize, find fault, give (someone) a rocket @@@@ [5]lambast(e), lecture, put down, rap over the knuckles, read the riot act, rebuke, reprehend, reprimand, reproach, reprove, scold, slap on the wrist, slate @@@@ [6]tear into @@@@ [7]tell off @@@@ [8]upbraid"} {"x":"chief","y":"[1]big-time @@@@ [2]capital, cardinal, central, especial, essential, foremost, grand, highest, key, leading, main, major league @@@@ [3]most important, outstanding, paramount, predominant, pre-eminent, premier, prevailing, primary, prime, principal, superior, supreme, uppermost, vital @@@@ [4]boss @@@@ [5]captain, chieftain, commander, director, governor, head, leader, lord, manager, master, principal, ringleader, ruler, superintendent, superior, suzerain, torchbearer"} {"x":"chiefly","y":"[1]above all, especially, essentially, in general, in the main, largely, mainly, mostly, on the whole, predominantly, primarily, principally, usually"} {"x":"child","y":"[1]ankle-biter @@@@ [2]baby, bairn @@@@ [3]brat, chit, descendant, infant, issue, juvenile, kid @@@@ [4]little one, minor, nipper @@@@ [5]nursling, offspring, progeny, rug rat @@@@ [6]sprog @@@@ [7]suckling, toddler, tot, wean @@@@ [8]youngster"} {"x":"childbirth","y":"[1]accouchement, child-bearing, confinement, delivery, labour, lying-in, parturition, travail"} {"x":"childhood","y":"[1]boyhood, girlhood, immaturity, infancy, minority, schooldays, youth @@@@ [2]Alzheimer's disease, caducity, dotage, senility"} {"x":"childish","y":"[1]boyish, foolish, frivolous, girlish, immature, infantile, juvenile, puerile, silly, simple, trifling, weak, young"} {"x":"chill","y":"[1]biting, bleak, chilly, cold, freezing, frigid, parky @@@@ [2]raw, sharp, wintry @@@@ [3]aloof, cool, depressing, distant, frigid, hostile, stony, unfriendly, ungenial, unresponsive, unwelcoming @@@@ [4]congeal, cool, freeze, refrigerate @@@@ [5]dampen, deject, depress, discourage, dishearten, dismay @@@@ [6]bite, cold, coldness, coolness, crispness, frigidity, nip, rawness, sharpness @@@@ [7]relax, calm down"} {"x":"chime","y":"[1]boom, clang, dong, jingle, peal, ring, sound, strike, tinkle, tintinnabulate, toll"} {"x":"chimera","y":"[1]bogy, delusion, dream, fantasy, figment, hallucination, ignis fatuus, illusion, monster, monstrosity, snare, spectre, will-o'-the-wisp"} {"x":"china","y":"[1]ceramics, crockery, porcelain, pottery, service, tableware, ware"} {"x":"chink","y":"[1]aperture, cleft, crack, cranny, crevice, cut, fissure, flaw, gap, opening, rift"} {"x":"chip","y":"[1]dent, flake, flaw, fragment, nick, notch, paring, scrap, scratch, shard, shaving, sliver, wafer @@@@ [2]chisel, damage, gash, nick, whittle @@@@ [3]contribute, donate, go Dutch @@@@ [4]interpose, interrupt, pay, subscribe"} {"x":"chirp","y":"[1]cheep, chirrup, peep, pipe, tweet, twitter, warble"} {"x":"chivalrous","y":"[1]bold, brave, courageous, courteous, courtly, gallant, gentlemanly, heroic, high-minded, honourable, intrepid, knightly, magnanimous, true, valiant"} {"x":"choice","y":"[1]alternative, discrimination, election, option, pick, preference, say, selection, variety @@@@ [2]bad @@@@ [3]best, crucial @@@@ [4]dainty, def @@@@ [5]elect, elite, excellent, exclusive, exquisite, hand-picked, nice, precious, prime, prize, rare, select, special, superior, uncommon, unusual, valuable"} {"x":"choke","y":"[1]asphyxiate, bar, block, bung, clog, close, congest, constrict, dam, gag, obstruct, occlude, overpower, smother, stifle, stop, strangle, suffocate, suppress, throttle"} {"x":"choleric","y":"[1]angry, bad-tempered, cross, fiery, hasty, hot, hot-tempered, ill-tempered, irascible, irritable, passionate, petulant, quick-tempered, ratty @@@@ [2]testy, tetchy, touchy"} {"x":"choose","y":"[1]adopt, cherry-pick, cull, designate, desire, elect, espouse, fix on, opt for, pick, predestine, prefer, see fit, select, settle upon, single out, take, wish"} {"x":"chop","y":"[1]axe, cleave, cut, fell, hack, hew, lop, sever, shear, slash, truncate @@@@ [2]dismissal, one's cards, sacking @@@@ [3]termination, the axe @@@@ [4]the boot @@@@ [5]the sack @@@@ [6]cube, dice, divide, fragment, mince"} {"x":"choppy","y":"[1]blustery, broken, rough, ruffled, squally, tempestuous"} {"x":"chore","y":"[1]burden, duty, errand, fag @@@@ [2]job, no picnic, task"} {"x":"chortle","y":"[1]cackle, chuckle, crow, guffaw"} {"x":"chorus","y":"[1]choir, choristers, ensemble, singers, vocalists @@@@ [2]burden, refrain, response, strain @@@@ [3]accord, concert, harmony, unison"} {"x":"christen","y":"[1]baptize, call, designate, dub, name, style, term, title"} {"x":"chronic","y":"[1]confirmed, deep-rooted, deep-seated, habitual, incessant, incurable, ineradicable, ingrained, inveterate, persistent @@@@ [2]abysmal, appalling, atrocious, awful, dreadful"} {"x":"chronicle","y":"[1]account, annals, diary, history, journal, narrative, record, register, story @@@@ [2]enter, narrate, put on record, record, recount, register, relate, report, set down, tell"} {"x":"chronological","y":"[1]consecutive, historical, in sequence, ordered, progressive, sequential"} {"x":"chubby","y":"[1]buxom, flabby, fleshy, plump, podgy, portly, rotund, round, stout, tubby"} {"x":"chuck","y":"[1]cast, discard, fling, heave, hurl, pitch, shy, sling, throw, toss"} {"x":"chuckle","y":"[1]chortle, crow, exult, giggle, laugh, snigger, titter"} {"x":"chum","y":"[1]cock @@@@ [2]companion, comrade, crony, friend, mate @@@@ [3]pal"} {"x":"chummy","y":"[1]affectionate, buddy-buddy @@@@ [2]close, friendly, intimate, matey or maty @@@@ [3]pally @@@@ [4]palsy-walsy @@@@ [5]thick"} {"x":"chunk","y":"[1]block, dollop @@@@ [2]hunk, lump, mass, nugget, piece, portion, slab, wad, wodge"} {"x":"church","y":"[1]basilica, cathedral, chapel, house of God, kirk @@@@ [2]minster, place of worship, procathedral, tabernacle, temple"} {"x":"churl","y":"[1]boor, lout, oaf @@@@ [2]bumpkin, clodhopper @@@@ [3]clown, hayseed @@@@ [4]hick @@@@ [5]hillbilly, peasant, rustic, yokel @@@@ [6]curmudgeon, miser, niggard, skinflint"} {"x":"churn","y":"[1]agitate, beat, boil, convulse, foam, froth, seethe, stir up, swirl, toss"} {"x":"chute","y":"[1]channel, gutter, incline, ramp, runway, slide, slope, trough"} {"x":"cicerone","y":"[1]courier, dragoman, escort, guide, mentor, pilot"} {"x":"cigarette","y":"[1]cancer stick @@@@ [2]ciggy @@@@ [3]coffin nail @@@@ [4]fag @@@@ [5]gasper @@@@ [6]smoke"} {"x":"cinema","y":"[1]big screen @@@@ [2]films, flicks @@@@ [3]motion pictures, movies, pictures"} {"x":"cipher","y":"[1]nil, nothing, nought, zero @@@@ [2]nobody, nonentity @@@@ [3]character, digit, figure, number, numeral, symbol @@@@ [4]code, cryptograph @@@@ [5]device, logo, mark, monogram"} {"x":"circa","y":"[1]about, approximately, around, in the region of, roughly"} {"x":"circle","y":"[1]band, circumference, coil, cordon, cycle, disc, globe, lap, loop, orb, perimeter, periphery, revolution, ring, round, sphere, turn @@@@ [2]area, bounds, circuit, compass, domain, enclosure, field, orbit, province, range, realm, region, scene, sphere @@@@ [3]assembly, class, clique, club, company, coterie, crowd, fellowship, fraternity, group, order, school, set, society @@@@ [4]belt, circumnavigate, circumscribe, coil, compass, curve, encircle, enclose, encompass, envelop, gird, hem in, pivot, revolve, ring, rotate, surround, tour, whirl"} {"x":"circuit","y":"[1]area, compass, course, journey, lap, orbit, perambulation, revolution, round, route, tour, track @@@@ [2]boundary, bounding line, bounds, circumference, compass, district, limit, pale, range, region, tract"} {"x":"circuitous","y":"[1]ambagious @@@@ [2]devious, indirect, labyrinthine, meandering, oblique, rambling, roundabout, tortuous, winding"} {"x":"circular","y":"[1]annular, discoid, globelike, orbicular, ring-shaped, rotund, round, spherical @@@@ [2]circuitous, cyclical, orbital @@@@ [3]advertisement, notice"} {"x":"circulate","y":"[1]broadcast, diffuse, disseminate, distribute, issue, make known, promulgate, propagate, publicize, publish, spread @@@@ [2]flow, gyrate, radiate, revolve, rotate"} {"x":"circulation","y":"[1]currency, dissemination, distribution, spread, transmission, vogue @@@@ [2]circling, flow, motion, rotation @@@@ [3]bloodstream"} {"x":"circumference","y":"[1]ambit, border, boundary, bounds, circuit, edge, extremity, fringe, limits, outline, pale, perimeter, periphery, rim, verge"} {"x":"circumlocution","y":"[1]diffuseness, discursiveness, euphemism, indirectness, periphrasis, prolixity, redundancy, wordiness"} {"x":"circumscribe","y":"[1]bound, confine, define, delimit, delineate, demarcate, encircle, enclose, encompass, environ, hem in, limit, mark off, restrain, restrict, straiten, surround"} {"x":"circumspect","y":"[1]attentive, canny, careful, cautious, deliberate, discreet, discriminating, guarded, heedful, judicious, observant, politic, prudent, sagacious, sage, vigilant, wary, watchful"} {"x":"circumspection","y":"[1]canniness, care, caution, chariness, deliberation, discretion, keeping one's head down, prudence, wariness"} {"x":"circumstance","y":"[1]accident, condition, contingency, detail, element, event, fact, factor, happening, incident, item, occurrence, particular, position, respect, situation"} {"x":"circumstances","y":"[1]lie of the land, lifestyle, means, position, resources, situation, state, state of affairs, station, status, times @@@@ [2]accident, condition, contingency, detail, element, event, fact, factor, happening, incident, item, occurrence, particular, position, respect, situation"} {"x":"circumstantial","y":"[1]conjectural, contingent, detailed, founded on circumstances, hearsay, incidental, indirect, inferential, particular, presumptive, provisional, specific"} {"x":"circumvent","y":"[1]beguile, bypass, deceive, dupe, elude, ensnare, entrap, evade, hoodwink, mislead, outflank, outgeneral, outwit, overreach, sidestep, steer clear of, thwart, trick"} {"x":"cistern","y":"[1]basin, reservoir, sink, tank, vat"} {"x":"citadel","y":"[1]bastion, fastness, fortification, fortress, keep, stronghold, tower"} {"x":"citation","y":"[1]commendation, excerpt, illustration, passage, quotation, quote, reference, source @@@@ [2]award, commendation, mention"} {"x":"cite","y":"[1]adduce, advance, allude to, enumerate, evidence, extract, mention, name, quote, specify @@@@ [2]call, subpoena, summon"} {"x":"citizen","y":"[1]burgess, burgher, denizen, dweller, freeman, inhabitant, ratepayer, resident, subject, townsman @@@@ [2]elder, O.A.P., old age pensioner, old or elderly person, pensioner, retired person"} {"x":"city","y":"[1]conurbation, megalopolis, metropolis, municipality @@@@ [2]civic, metropolitan, municipal, urban"} {"x":"civic","y":"[1]borough, communal, community, local, municipal, public"} {"x":"civil","y":"[1]civic, domestic, home, interior, municipal, political @@@@ [2]accommodating, affable, civilized, complaisant, courteous, courtly, obliging, polished, polite, refined, urbane, well-bred, well-mannered"} {"x":"civility","y":"[1]affability, amiability, breeding, complaisance, cordiality, courteousness, courtesy, good manners, graciousness, politeness, politesse, tact, urbanity"} {"x":"civilization","y":"[1]advancement, cultivation, culture, development, education, enlightenment, progress, refinement, sophistication @@@@ [2]community, nation, people, polity, society @@@@ [3]customs, mores, way of life"} {"x":"civilize","y":"[1]cultivate, educate, enlighten, humanize, improve, polish, refine, sophisticate, tame"} {"x":"clad","y":"[1]accoutred, apparelled, arrayed, attired, clothed, covered, decked out, draped, dressed, fitted out, invested, rigged out"} {"x":"claim","y":"[1]allege, ask, assert, call for, challenge, collect, demand, exact, hold, insist, maintain, need, pick up, profess, require, take, uphold @@@@ [2]affirmation, allegation, application, assertion, call, demand, petition, pretension, privilege, protestation, request, requirement, right, title"} {"x":"claimant","y":"[1]applicant, petitioner, pretender, suppliant, supplicant"} {"x":"clairvoyant","y":"[1]extrasensory, fey, oracular, prescient, prophetic, psychic, second-sighted, sibylline, telepathic, vatic, visionary @@@@ [2]augur, diviner, fortune-teller, haruspex, oracle, prophet, prophetess, seer, sibyl, soothsayer, telepath, telepathist, visionary"} {"x":"clamber","y":"[1]claw, climb, scale, scrabble, scramble, shin"} {"x":"clammy","y":"[1]close, damp, dank, drizzly, moist, pasty, slimy, sticky, sweating, sweaty"} {"x":"clamp","y":"[1]bracket, fastener, grip, press, vice @@@@ [2]brace, clinch, fasten, fix, impose, make fast, secure"} {"x":"clan","y":"[1]band, brotherhood, clique, coterie, faction, family, fraternity, gens, group, house, order, race, schism, sect, sept, set, society, sodality, tribe"} {"x":"clandestine","y":"[1]cloak-and-dagger, closet, concealed, covert, fraudulent, furtive, hidden, private, secret, sly, stealthy, surreptitious, underground, underhand, under-the-counter"} {"x":"clang","y":"[1]bong, chime, clank, clash, jangle, resound, reverberate, ring, toll @@@@ [2]clangour, ding-dong, knell, reverberation"} {"x":"clap","y":"[1]acclaim, applaud, cheer, give (someone) a big hand @@@@ [2]bang, pat, punch, slap, strike gently, thrust, thwack, wallop @@@@ [3]whack"} {"x":"claptrap","y":"[1]affectation, balls @@@@ [2]bilge @@@@ [3]blarney, bombast, bosh @@@@ [4]bull @@@@ [5]bullshit @@@@ [6]bunk @@@@ [7]cobblers @@@@ [8]crap @@@@ [9]drivel, eyewash @@@@ [10]flannel @@@@ [11]garbage @@@@ [12]guff @@@@ [13]hogwash, hokum @@@@ [14]horsefeathers @@@@ [15]hot air @@@@ [16]humbug, insincerity, moonshine, nonsense, pap, piffle @@@@ [17]poppycock @@@@ [18]rodomontade @@@@ [19]rot, rubbish, shit @@@@ [20]tommyrot, tosh @@@@ [21]trash, tripe @@@@ [22]twaddle"} {"x":"clarification","y":"[1]elucidation, explanation, exposition, illumination, interpretation, simplification"} {"x":"clarify","y":"[1]clear the air, clear up, elucidate, explain, explicate, illuminate, interpret, make plain, resolve, simplify, throw or shed light on @@@@ [2]cleanse, purify, refine"} {"x":"clarion","y":"[1]blaring, clear, inspiring, loud, ringing, stirring, strident"} {"x":"clarity","y":"[1]clearness, comprehensibility, definition, explicitness, intelligibility, limpidity, lucidity, obviousness, precision, simplicity, transparency"} {"x":"clash","y":"[1]bang, clang, clank, clatter, crash, jangle, jar, rattle @@@@ [2]conflict, cross swords, feud, grapple, lock horns, quarrel, war, wrangle @@@@ [3]brush, collision, conflict, confrontation, difference of opinion, disagreement, fight, showdown @@@@ [4]When people clash, they fight, argue, or disagree with each other."} {"x":"clasp","y":"[1]concatenate, connect, fasten @@@@ [2]attack, clutch, embrace, enfold, grapple, grasp, grip, hold, hug, press, seize, squeeze @@@@ [3]brooch, buckle, catch, clip, fastener, fastening, grip, hasp, hook, pin, press stud, snap @@@@ [4]embrace, grasp, grip, hold, hug"} {"x":"class","y":"[1]caste, category, classification, collection, denomination, department, division, genre, genus, grade, group, grouping, kind, league, order, rank, set, sort, species, sphere, stamp, status, type, value @@@@ [2]brand, categorize, classify, codify, designate, grade, group, label, rank, rate @@@@ [3]ace @@@@ [4]bad @@@@ [5]bitchin' @@@@ [6]blue-chip, boffo @@@@ [7]brill @@@@ [8]brilliant, capital, champion, chillin' @@@@ [9]choice, crack @@@@ [10]cracking @@@@ [11]crucial @@@@ [12]def @@@@ [13]dope @@@@ [14]elite, excellent, exceptional, exemplary, first-rate, five-star, great, jim-dandy @@@@ [15]marvellous, matchless, mean @@@@ [16]mega @@@@ [17]outstanding, premium, prime, second to none, sovereign, superb, superlative, the dog's bollocks @@@@ [18]tiptop, top, top-class, top-drawer, top-flight, top-notch @@@@ [19]topping @@@@ [20]tops @@@@ [21]twenty-four carat, very good, world-class @@@@ [22]ace @@@@ [23]bad @@@@ [24]bitchin' @@@@ [25]blue-chip, boffo @@@@ [26]brill @@@@ [27]brilliant, capital, champion, chillin' @@@@ [28]choice, crack @@@@ [29]cracking @@@@ [30]crucial @@@@ [31]def @@@@ [32]dope @@@@ [33]elite, excellent, exceptional, exemplary, first-rate, five-star, great, jim-dandy @@@@ [34]marvellous, matchless, mean @@@@ [35]mega @@@@ [36]outstanding, premium, prime, second to none, sovereign, superb, superlative, the dog's bollocks @@@@ [37]tiptop, top, top-class, top-drawer, top-flight, top-notch @@@@ [38]topping @@@@ [39]tops @@@@ [40]twenty-four carat, very good, world-class"} {"x":"classic","y":"[1]best, consummate, finest, first-rate, masterly, world-class @@@@ [2]archetypal, definitive, exemplary, ideal, master, model, paradigmatic, quintessential, standard @@@@ [3]characteristic, regular, standard, time-honoured, typical, usual @@@@ [4]abiding, ageless, deathless, enduring, immortal, lasting, undying @@@@ [5]exemplar, masterpiece, masterwork, model, paradigm, prototype, standard"} {"x":"classical","y":"[1]chaste, elegant, harmonious, pure, refined, restrained, symmetrical, understated, well-proportioned @@@@ [2]Attic, Augustan, Grecian, Greek, Hellenic, Latin, Roman"} {"x":"classification","y":"[1]analysis, arrangement, cataloguing, categorization, codification, grading, sorting, taxonomy"} {"x":"classy","y":"[1]elegant, exclusive, high-class, high-toned, posh @@@@ [2]ritzy @@@@ [3]select, stylish, superior, swanky @@@@ [4]swish @@@@ [5]top-drawer, up-market, urbane"} {"x":"clause","y":"[1]article, chapter, condition, paragraph, part, passage, section @@@@ [2]heading, item, point, provision, proviso, rider, specification, stipulation"} {"x":"claw","y":"[1]nail, nipper, pincer, talon, tentacle, unguis @@@@ [2]dig, graze, lacerate, mangle, maul, rip, scrabble, scrape, scratch, tear"} {"x":"clean","y":"[1]faultless, flawless, fresh, hygienic, immaculate, impeccable, laundered, pure, sanitary, spotless, squeaky-clean, unblemished, unsoiled, unspotted, unstained, unsullied, washed @@@@ [2]antiseptic, clarified, decontaminated, natural, purified, sterile, sterilized, unadulterated, uncontaminated, unpolluted @@@@ [3]chaste, decent, exemplary, good, honourable, impeccable, innocent, moral, pure, respectable, undefiled, upright, virtuous @@@@ [4]delicate, elegant, graceful, neat, simple, tidy, trim, uncluttered @@@@ [5]complete, conclusive, decisive, entire, final, perfect, thorough, total, unimpaired, whole @@@@ [6]bath, cleanse, deodorize, disinfect, do up, dust, launder, lave, mop, purge, purify, rinse, sanitize, scour, scrub, sponge, swab, sweep, vacuum, wash, wipe"} {"x":"cleanse","y":"[1]absolve, clean, clear, lustrate, purge, purify, rinse, scour, scrub, wash"} {"x":"clear","y":"[1]bright, cloudless, fair, fine, halcyon, light, luminous, shining, sunny, unclouded, undimmed @@@@ [2]apparent, articulate, audible, blatant, bold, coherent, comprehensible, conspicuous, cut-and-dried @@@@ [3]definite, distinct, evident, explicit, express, incontrovertible, intelligible, lucid, manifest, obvious, palpable, patent, perceptible, plain, pronounced, recognizable, unambiguous, unequivocal, unmistakable, unquestionable @@@@ [4]empty, free, open, smooth, unhampered, unhindered, unimpeded, unlimited, unobstructed @@@@ [5]crystalline, glassy, limpid, pellucid, see-through, translucent, transparent @@@@ [6]certain, convinced, decided, definite, positive, resolved, satisfied, sure @@@@ [7]clean, guiltless, immaculate, innocent, pure, sinless, stainless, unblemished, undefiled, untarnished, untroubled @@@@ [8]clean, guiltless, immaculate, innocent, pure, sinless, stainless, unblemished, undefiled, untarnished, untroubled"} {"x":"clearance","y":"[1]authorization, blank cheque, consent, endorsement, go-ahead @@@@ [2]green light, leave, O.K. or okay @@@@ [3]permission, sanction @@@@ [4]allowance, gap, headroom, margin @@@@ [5]depopulation, emptying, evacuation, eviction, removal, unpeopling, withdrawal"} {"x":"clearing","y":"[1]dell, glade"} {"x":"clearly","y":"[1]beyond doubt, distinctly, evidently, incontestably, incontrovertibly, markedly, obviously, openly, overtly, undeniably, undoubtedly @@@@ [2]Clear eyes look healthy, attractive, and shining."} {"x":"cleave","y":"[1]abide by, adhere, agree, attach, be devoted to, be true, cling, cohere, hold, remain, stand by, stick @@@@ [2]crack, dissever, disunite, divide, hew, open, part, rend, rive, sever, slice, split, sunder, tear asunder"} {"x":"cleft","y":"[1]breach, break, chasm, chink, crack, cranny, crevice, fissure, fracture, gap, opening, rent, rift @@@@ [2]cloven, parted, rent, riven, ruptured, separated, split, sundered, torn"} {"x":"clemency","y":"[1]compassion, forbearance, forgiveness, humanity, indulgence, kindness, leniency, mercifulness, mercy, mildness, moderation, pity, quarter, soft-heartedness, tenderness"} {"x":"clergy","y":"[1]churchmen, clergymen, clerics, ecclesiastics, first estate, holy orders, ministry, priesthood, the cloth"} {"x":"clerical","y":"[1]ecclesiastical, pastoral, priestly, sacerdotal @@@@ [2]book-keeping, clerkish, clerkly, office, secretarial, stenographic"} {"x":"clever","y":"[1]able, adroit, apt, astute, brainy @@@@ [2]bright, canny, capable, cunning, deep, dexterous, discerning, expert, gifted, ingenious, intelligent, inventive, keen, knowing, knowledgeable, quick, quick-witted, rational, resourceful, sagacious, sensible, shrewd, skilful, smart, talented, witty"} {"x":"click","y":"[1]beat, clack, snap, tick @@@@ [2]become clear, come home (to), fall into place, make sense"} {"x":"client","y":"[1]applicant, buyer, consumer, customer, dependant, habitue, patient, patron, protege, shopper"} {"x":"clientele","y":"[1]business, clients, customers, following, market, patronage, regulars, trade"} {"x":"cliff","y":"[1]bluff, crag, escarpment, face, overhang, precipice, rock face, scar, scarp"} {"x":"climactic","y":"[1]climactical, critical, crucial, decisive, paramount, peak"} {"x":"climate","y":"[1]clime, country, region, temperature, weather @@@@ [2]ambience, disposition, feeling, mood, temper, tendency, trend"} {"x":"climax","y":"[1]acme, apogee, crest, culmination, head, height, highlight, high spot @@@@ [2]peak, summit, top, zenith @@@@ [3]come to a head, culminate, peak"} {"x":"climb","y":"[1]ascend, clamber, mount, rise, scale, shin up, soar, top @@@@ [2]descend, dismount @@@@ [3]eat one's words, retract, retreat"} {"x":"clinch","y":"[1]assure, cap, conclude, confirm, decide, determine, seal, secure, set the seal on, settle, sew up @@@@ [2]bolt, clamp, fasten, fix, make fast, nail, rivet, secure @@@@ [3]clutch, cuddle, embrace, grasp, hug, squeeze"} {"x":"cling","y":"[1]adhere, attach to, be true to, clasp, cleave to, clutch, embrace, fasten, grasp, grip, hug, stick, twine round"} {"x":"clinical","y":"[1]analytic, antiseptic, cold, detached, disinterested, dispassionate, emotionless, impersonal, objective, scientific, unemotional"} {"x":"clip","y":"[1]crop, curtail, cut, cut short, dock, pare, prune, shear, shorten, snip, trim @@@@ [2]belt @@@@ [3]blow, box, clout @@@@ [4]cuff, knock, punch, skelp @@@@ [5]smack, thump, wallop @@@@ [6]whack @@@@ [7]gallop, lick @@@@ [8]rate, speed, velocity @@@@ [9]attach, fasten, fix, hold, pin, staple"} {"x":"clique","y":"[1]cabal, circle, clan, coterie, crew @@@@ [2]crowd, faction, gang, group, mob, pack, posse @@@@ [3]schism, set"} {"x":"cloak","y":"[1]camouflage, conceal, cover, disguise, hide, mask, obscure, screen, veil @@@@ [2]blind, cape, coat, cover, front, mantle, mask, pretext, shield, wrap"} {"x":"clod","y":"[1]block, chunk, clump, hunk, lump, mass, piece"} {"x":"clog","y":"[1]block, bung, burden, congest, dam up, hamper, hinder, impede, jam, obstruct, occlude, shackle, stop up @@@@ [2]burden, dead weight, drag, encumbrance, hindrance, impediment, obstruction"} {"x":"close","y":"[1]bar, block, bung, choke, clog, confine, cork, fill, lock, obstruct, plug, seal, secure, shut, shut up, stop up @@@@ [2]axe @@@@ [3]cease, complete, conclude, culminate, discontinue, end, finish, mothball, shut down, terminate, wind up @@@@ [4]come together, connect, couple, fuse, grapple, join, unite @@@@ [5]come together, connect, couple, fuse, grapple, join, unite"} {"x":"closed","y":"[1]fastened, locked, out of business, out of service, sealed, shut @@@@ [2]concluded, decided, ended, finished, over, resolved, settled, terminated @@@@ [3]exclusive, restricted"} {"x":"closet","y":"[1]cabinet, cubbyhole, cubicle, cupboard, recess @@@@ [2]den, retreat @@@@ [3]concealed, covert, hidden, private, secret"} {"x":"closure","y":"[1]cessation, closing, conclusion, end, finish, stoppage @@@@ [2]bung, cap, lid, plug, seal, stopper @@@@ [3]cloture, guillotine"} {"x":"clot","y":"[1]clotting, coagulation, curdling, embolism, embolus, gob, lump, mass, occlusion, thrombus @@@@ [2]ass, berk @@@@ [3]buffoon, charlie @@@@ [4]coot, dickhead @@@@ [5]dickwit @@@@ [6]dipstick @@@@ [7]divvy @@@@ [8]dolt, dope @@@@ [9]dork @@@@ [10]dunderhead, dweeb @@@@ [11]fathead @@@@ [12]fool, fuckwit @@@@ [13]geek @@@@ [14]gobshite @@@@ [15]gonzo @@@@ [16]idiot, jerk @@@@ [17]nincompoop, nit @@@@ [18]nitwit @@@@ [19]pillock @@@@ [20]plank @@@@ [21]plonker @@@@ [22]prat @@@@ [23]prick @@@@ [24]schmuck @@@@ [25]twit @@@@ [26]wally @@@@ [27]coagulate, coalesce, congeal, curdle, jell, thicken"} {"x":"cloth","y":"[1]dry goods, fabric, material, stuff, textiles"} {"x":"clothe","y":"[1]accoutre, apparel, array, attire, bedizen @@@@ [2]caparison, cover, deck, doll up @@@@ [3]drape, dress, endow, enwrap, equip, fit out, garb, get ready, habit, invest, outfit, rig, robe, swathe"} {"x":"clothes","y":"[1]apparel, attire, clobber @@@@ [2]costume, dress, duds @@@@ [3]ensemble, garb, garments, gear @@@@ [4]get-up @@@@ [5]glad rags @@@@ [6]habits, outfit, raiment @@@@ [7]rigout @@@@ [8]schmutter @@@@ [9]threads @@@@ [10]togs @@@@ [11]vestments, vesture, wardrobe, wear @@@@ [12]accoutre, apparel, array, attire, bedizen @@@@ [13]caparison, cover, deck, doll up @@@@ [14]drape, dress, endow, enwrap, equip, fit out, garb, get ready, habit, invest, outfit, rig, robe, swathe"} {"x":"cloud","y":"[1]billow, darkness, fog, gloom, haze, mist, murk, nebula, nebulosity, obscurity, vapour @@@@ [2]crowd, dense mass, flock, horde, host, multitude, shower, swarm, throng @@@@ [3]becloud, darken, dim, eclipse, obfuscate, obscure, overcast, overshadow, shade, shadow, veil @@@@ [4]confuse, disorient, distort, impair, muddle, muddy the waters"} {"x":"cloudy","y":"[1]blurred, confused, dark, dim, dismal, dull, dusky, emulsified, gloomy, hazy, indistinct, leaden, louring or lowering, muddy, murky, nebulous, obscure, opaque, overcast, sombre, sullen, sunless"} {"x":"clout","y":"[1]box, chin @@@@ [2]clobber @@@@ [3]cuff, deck @@@@ [4]punch, skelp @@@@ [5]sock @@@@ [6]strike, thump, tonk @@@@ [7]wallop @@@@ [8]wham @@@@ [9]authority, bottom, influence, power, prestige, pull, standing, weight"} {"x":"cloven","y":"[1]bisected, cleft, divided, split"} {"x":"clown","y":"[1]buffoon, comedian, dolt, fool, harlequin, jester, joculator or (fem.) joculatrix, joker, merry-andrew, mountebank, pierrot, prankster, punchinello @@@@ [2]boor, clodhopper @@@@ [3]hind @@@@ [4]peasant, swain @@@@ [5]yahoo, yokel @@@@ [6]act the fool, act the goat, jest, mess about, piss about or around"} {"x":"cloy","y":"[1]disgust, glut, gorge, nauseate, sate, satiate, sicken, surfeit, weary"} {"x":"club","y":"[1]bat, bludgeon, cosh @@@@ [2]cudgel, stick, truncheon @@@@ [3]bash, baste, batter, beat, bludgeon, clobber @@@@ [4]clout @@@@ [5]cosh @@@@ [6]hammer, pommel @@@@ [7]pummel, strike @@@@ [8]association, circle, clique, company, fraternity, group, guild, lodge, order, set, society, sodality, union"} {"x":"clue","y":"[1]evidence, hint, indication, inkling, intimation, lead, pointer, sign, suggestion, suspicion, tip, tip-off, trace"} {"x":"clump","y":"[1]bunch, bundle, cluster, mass, shock @@@@ [2]bumble, clomp, lumber, plod, stamp, stomp, stump, thud, thump, tramp"} {"x":"clumsy","y":"[1]accident-prone, awkward, blundering, bumbling, bungling, butterfingered @@@@ [2]cack-handed @@@@ [3]gauche, gawky, ham-fisted @@@@ [4]ham-handed @@@@ [5]heavy, ill-shaped, inept, inexpert, klutzy @@@@ [6]like a bull in a china shop, lumbering, maladroit, ponderous, uncoordinated, uncouth, ungainly, unhandy, unskilful, unwieldy"} {"x":"cluster","y":"[1]assemblage, batch, bunch, clump, collection, gathering, group, knot @@@@ [2]assemble, bunch, collect, flock, gather, group"} {"x":"clutch","y":"[1]catch (up), clasp, cling to, embrace, fasten, grab, grapple, grasp, grip, seize, snatch"} {"x":"clutter","y":"[1]confusion, disarray, disorder, hotchpotch, jumble, litter, mess, muddle, untidiness @@@@ [2]litter, scatter, strew"} {"x":"coach","y":"[1]bus, car, carriage, charabanc, vehicle @@@@ [2]handler, instructor, teacher, trainer, tutor @@@@ [3]cram, drill, exercise, instruct, prepare, train, tutor"} {"x":"coalesce","y":"[1]amalgamate, blend, cohere, combine, come together, commingle, commix, consolidate, fraternize, fuse, incorporate, integrate, meld, merge, mix, unite"} {"x":"coalition","y":"[1]affiliation, alliance, amalgam, amalgamation, association, bloc, combination, compact, confederacy, confederation, conjunction, fusion, integration, league, merger, union"} {"x":"coarse","y":"[1]boorish, brutish, coarse-grained, foul-mouthed, gruff, loutish, rough, rude, uncivil @@@@ [2]bawdy, earthy, immodest, impolite, improper, impure, indelicate, inelegant, mean, offensive, raunchy @@@@ [3]ribald, rude, smutty, vulgar @@@@ [4]coarse-grained, crude, homespun, impure, rough-hewn, unfinished, unpolished, unprocessed, unpurified, unrefined"} {"x":"coarsen","y":"[1]anaesthetize, blunt, callous, deaden, desensitize, dull, harden, indurate, roughen"} {"x":"coast","y":"[1]beach, border, coastline, littoral, seaboard, seaside, shore, strand @@@@ [2]cruise, drift, freewheel, get by, glide, sail, taxi"} {"x":"coat","y":"[1]fleece, fur, hair, hide, pelt, skin, wool @@@@ [2]coating, covering, layer, overlay @@@@ [3]apply, Artex @@@@ [4]cover, plaster, smear, spread"} {"x":"coax","y":"[1]allure, beguile, cajole, decoy, entice, flatter, inveigle, persuade, prevail upon, soft-soap @@@@ [2]soothe, sweet-talk @@@@ [3]talk into, twist (someone's) arm, wheedle"} {"x":"cobble","y":"[1]botch, bungle, clout, mend, patch, tinker"} {"x":"cock","y":"[1]chanticleer, cockerel, rooster @@@@ [2]perk up, prick, raise, stand up"} {"x":"cocky","y":"[1]arrogant, brash, cocksure, conceited, egotistical, full of oneself, lordly, swaggering, swollen-headed, vain"} {"x":"cocoon","y":"[1]cushion, envelop, insulate, pad, protect, swaddle, swathe, wrap"} {"x":"coddle","y":"[1]baby, cosset, humour, indulge, mollycoddle, nurse, pamper, pet, spoil, wet-nurse"} {"x":"code","y":"[1]cipher, cryptograph @@@@ [2]canon, convention, custom, ethics, etiquette, manners, maxim, regulations, rules, system"} {"x":"codify","y":"[1]catalogue, classify, collect, condense, digest, organize, summarize, systematize, tabulate"} {"x":"coerce","y":"[1]browbeat, bulldoze @@@@ [2]bully, compel, constrain, dragoon, drive, force, intimidate, press-gang, pressurize, railroad"} {"x":"coeval","y":"[1]coetaneous @@@@ [2]coexistent, contemporaneous, contemporary, synchronous"} {"x":"coffer","y":"[1]ark @@@@ [2]case, casket, chest, kist @@@@ [3]repository, strongbox, treasure chest, treasury"} {"x":"cogent","y":"[1]compelling, compulsive, conclusive, convincing, effective, forceful, forcible, influential, irresistible, potent, powerful, strong, urgent, weighty"} {"x":"cogitate","y":"[1]consider, contemplate, deliberate, meditate, mull over, muse, ponder, reflect, ruminate, think"} {"x":"cogitation","y":"[1]consideration, contemplation, deliberation, meditation, reflection, rumination, thought"} {"x":"cognate","y":"[1]affiliated, akin, alike, allied, analogous, associated, connected, kindred, related, similar"} {"x":"cognition","y":"[1]apprehension, awareness, comprehension, discernment, insight, intelligence, perception, reasoning, understanding"} {"x":"cognizance","y":"[1]acknowledgment, apprehension, cognition, knowledge, notice, perception, percipience, recognition, regard"} {"x":"cohere","y":"[1]adhere, bind, cling, coalesce, combine, consolidate, fuse, glue, hold, stick, unite @@@@ [2]agree, be connected, be consistent, correspond, hang together, harmonize, hold good, hold water, square"} {"x":"cohort","y":"[1]band, company, contingent, legion, regiment, squadron, troop @@@@ [2]accomplice, assistant, comrade, follower, henchman, mate, myrmidon, partner, protagonist, sidekick @@@@ [3]supporter"} {"x":"coil","y":"[1]convolute, curl, entwine, loop, snake, spiral, twine, twist, wind, wreathe, writhe"} {"x":"coin","y":"[1]conceive, create, fabricate, forge, formulate, frame, invent, make up, mint, mould, originate, think up @@@@ [2]cash, change, copper, dosh @@@@ [3]money, silver, specie"} {"x":"coincide","y":"[1]be concurrent, coexist, occur simultaneously, synchronize @@@@ [2]accord, harmonize, match, quadrate, square, tally @@@@ [3]acquiesce, agree, concur, correspond"} {"x":"coincidence","y":"[1]accident, chance, eventuality, fluke, fortuity, happy accident, luck, stroke of luck @@@@ [2]concomitance, concurrence, conjunction, correlation, correspondence, synchronism"} {"x":"coincident","y":"[1]coinciding, concomitant, concurring, consonant, contemporaneous, coordinate, correspondent, synchronous"} {"x":"coitus","y":"[1]coition, congress, copulation, coupling, mating, nookie @@@@ [2]rumpy-pumpy @@@@ [3]union"} {"x":"cold","y":"[1]arctic, biting, bitter, bleak, brumal, chill, chilly, cool, freezing, frigid, frosty, frozen, gelid, harsh, icy, inclement, parky @@@@ [2]raw, wintry @@@@ [3]benumbed, chilled, chilly, freezing, frozen to the marrow, numbed, shivery @@@@ [4]affectless, aloof, apathetic, cold-blooded, dead, distant, frigid, glacial, indifferent, inhospitable, lukewarm, passionless, phlegmatic, reserved, spiritless, standoffish, stony, undemonstrative, unfeeling, unmoved, unresponsive, unsympathetic @@@@ [5]chill, chilliness, coldness, frigidity, frostiness, iciness, inclemency @@@@ [6]chill, chilliness, coldness, frigidity, frostiness, iciness, inclemency"} {"x":"collaborate","y":"[1]cooperate, coproduce, join forces, participate, play ball @@@@ [2]collude, conspire, cooperate, fraternize"} {"x":"collapse","y":"[1]break down, cave in, come to nothing, crack up @@@@ [2]crumple, fail, faint, fall, fall apart at the seams, fold, founder, give way, go belly-up @@@@ [3]subside @@@@ [4]breakdown, cave-in, disintegration, downfall, exhaustion, failure, faint, flop, prostration, ruin, slump, subsidence"} {"x":"collar","y":"[1]apprehend, appropriate, capture, catch, catch in the act, grab, lay hands on, nab @@@@ [2]nail @@@@ [3]seize @@@@ [4]clerical, executive, nonmanual, office, professional, salaried"} {"x":"collate","y":"[1]adduce, analogize, collect, compare, compose, gather"} {"x":"collateral","y":"[1]assurance, deposit, guarantee, pledge, security, surety @@@@ [2]concurrent, confirmatory, corroborative, indirect, not lineal, parallel, related, supporting @@@@ [3]ancillary, auxiliary, secondary, subordinate"} {"x":"colleague","y":"[1]aider, ally, assistant, associate, auxiliary, coadjutor @@@@ [2]collaborator, companion, comrade, confederate, confrere, fellow worker, helper, partner, team-mate, workmate"} {"x":"collect","y":"[1]accumulate, aggregate, amass, assemble, gather, heap, hoard, save, stockpile @@@@ [2]assemble, cluster, congregate, convene, converge, flock together, rally @@@@ [3]acquire, muster, obtain, raise, secure, solicit"} {"x":"collected","y":"[1]as cool as a cucumber, calm, composed, confident, cool, keeping one's cool, placid, poised, sedate, self-possessed, serene, together @@@@ [2]unfazed @@@@ [3]unperturbable, unperturbed, unruffled"} {"x":"collection","y":"[1]accumulation, anthology, compilation, congeries, heap, hoard, mass, pile, set, stockpile, store @@@@ [2]assemblage, assembly, assortment, cluster, company, congregation, convocation, crowd, gathering, group @@@@ [3]alms, contribution, offering, offertory"} {"x":"collective","y":"[1]aggregate, combined, common, composite, concerted, cooperative, corporate, cumulative, joint, shared, unified, united"} {"x":"collide","y":"[1]clash, come into collision, conflict, crash, meet head-on"} {"x":"colloquial","y":"[1]conversational, demotic, everyday, familiar, idiomatic, informal, vernacular"} {"x":"colloquy","y":"[1]confabulation, conference, conversation, debate, dialogue, discourse, discussion, talk"} {"x":"collusion","y":"[1]cahoots @@@@ [2]complicity, connivance, conspiracy, craft, deceit, fraudulent artifice, intrigue, secret understanding"} {"x":"colonist","y":"[1]colonial, colonizer, frontiersman, homesteader @@@@ [2]immigrant, pioneer, planter, settler"} {"x":"colonnade","y":"[1]arcade, cloisters, covered walk, peristyle, portico"} {"x":"colony","y":"[1]community, dependency, dominion, outpost, possession, province, satellite state, settlement, territory"} {"x":"colossal","y":"[1]Brobdingnagian, elephantine, enormous, gargantuan, gigantic, ginormous @@@@ [2]herculean, huge, humongous or humungous @@@@ [3]immense, mammoth, massive, monstrous, monumental, mountainous, prodigious, stellar @@@@ [4]titanic, vast"} {"x":"colour","y":"[1]colorant, coloration, complexion, dye, hue, paint, pigment, pigmentation, shade, tincture, tinge, tint @@@@ [2]animation, bloom, blush, brilliance, flush, glow, liveliness, rosiness, ruddiness, vividness @@@@ [3]appearance, disguise, excuse, facade, false show, guise, plea, pretence, pretext, semblance @@@@ [4]colourwash, dye, paint, stain, tinge, tint @@@@ [5]disguise, distort, embroider, exaggerate, falsify, garble, gloss over, misrepresent, pervert, prejudice, slant, taint @@@@ [6]blush, burn, crimson, flush, go as red as a beetroot, go crimson, redden @@@@ [7]green about the gills, ill, not up to par, off form, out of sorts, peaky, peely-wally @@@@ [8]poorly @@@@ [9]queasy, run down, sick, under par, under the weather @@@@ [10]unwell, washed out"} {"x":"colours","y":"[1]banner, emblem, ensign, flag, standard @@@@ [2]aspect, breed, character, identity, nature, stamp, strain @@@@ [3]colorant, coloration, complexion, dye, hue, paint, pigment, pigmentation, shade, tincture, tinge, tint @@@@ [4]animation, bloom, blush, brilliance, flush, glow, liveliness, rosiness, ruddiness, vividness @@@@ [5]appearance, disguise, excuse, facade, false show, guise, plea, pretence, pretext, semblance @@@@ [6]colourwash, dye, paint, stain, tinge, tint @@@@ [7]disguise, distort, embroider, exaggerate, falsify, garble, gloss over, misrepresent, pervert, prejudice, slant, taint @@@@ [8]blush, burn, crimson, flush, go as red as a beetroot, go crimson, redden @@@@ [9]green about the gills, ill, not up to par, off form, out of sorts, peaky, peely-wally @@@@ [10]poorly @@@@ [11]queasy, run down, sick, under par, under the weather @@@@ [12]unwell, washed out"} {"x":"column","y":"[1]cavalcade, file, line, list, procession, queue, rank, row, string, train @@@@ [2]caryatid, obelisk, pilaster, pillar, post, shaft, support, upright"} {"x":"columnist","y":"[1]correspondent, critic, editor, gossip columnist, journalist, journo @@@@ [2]reporter, reviewer"} {"x":"coma","y":"[1]insensibility, lethargy, oblivion, somnolence, stupor, torpor, trance, unconsciousness"} {"x":"comb","y":"[1]arrange, curry, dress, groom, untangle @@@@ [2]card, hackle, hatchel, heckle, tease, teasel, teazle @@@@ [3]forage, go through with a fine-tooth comb, hunt, rake, ransack, rummage, scour, screen, search, sift, sweep"} {"x":"combat","y":"[1]action, battle, conflict, contest, encounter, engagement, fight, skirmish, struggle, war, warfare @@@@ [2]battle, contend, contest, cope, defy, do battle with, engage, fight, oppose, resist, strive, struggle, withstand"} {"x":"combatant","y":"[1]adversary, antagonist, belligerent, contender, enemy, fighter, fighting man, gladiator, opponent, serviceman, soldier, warrior @@@@ [2]battling, belligerent, combative, conflicting, contending, fighting, opposing, warring"} {"x":"combative","y":"[1]aggressive, antagonistic, bellicose, belligerent, contentious, militant, pugnacious, quarrelsome, truculent, warlike"} {"x":"combination","y":"[1]amalgam, amalgamation, blend, coalescence, composite, connection, meld, mix, mixture @@@@ [2]alliance, association, cabal, cartel, coalition, combine, compound, confederacy, confederation, consortium, conspiracy, federation, merger, syndicate, unification, union"} {"x":"combine","y":"[1]amalgamate, associate, bind, blend, bond, compound, connect, cooperate, fuse, incorporate, integrate, join (together), link, marry, meld, merge, mix, pool, put together, synthesize, unify, unite"} {"x":"combustible","y":"[1]explosive, flammable, incendiary, inflammable"} {"x":"come","y":"[1]advance, appear, approach, arrive, become, draw near, enter, happen, materialize, move, move towards, near, occur, originate, show up @@@@ [2]appear, arrive, attain, enter, materialize, reach, show up @@@@ [3]turn up @@@@ [4]fall, happen, occur, take place @@@@ [5]arise, emanate, emerge, end up, flow, issue, originate, result, turn out @@@@ [6]extend, reach @@@@ [7]be available, be made, be offered, be on offer, be produced @@@@ [8]arise, befall, come to pass, happen, occur, result, take place, transpire @@@@ [9]bump into @@@@ [10]chance upon, discover, encounter, find, happen upon, hit upon, light upon, meet, notice, stumble upon, unearth @@@@ [11]develop, improve, mend, perk up, pick up, progress, rally, recover, recuperate @@@@ [12]break, come unstuck, crumble, disintegrate, fall to pieces, give way, separate, split, tear @@@@ [13]attain, discover, find, grasp, reach @@@@ [14]assail, assault, attack, charge, fall upon, fly at, go for, light into, rush, rush at @@@@ [15]reappear, recur, re-enter, return @@@@ [16]alienate, divide, estrange, interfere, meddle, part, separate, set at odds @@@@ [17]acquire, get, land, lay hold of, obtain, procure, score @@@@ [18]secure, take possession of, win @@@@ [19]acknowledge, admit, come out of the closet, confess, cough up @@@@ [20]'fess up @@@@ [21]make a clean breast of, own up, reveal, sing @@@@ [22]decline, degenerate, descend, deteriorate, fall, go downhill, go to pot @@@@ [23]reduce, worsen @@@@ [24]choose, decide, favour, recommend @@@@ [25]bawl out @@@@ [26]blast, carpet @@@@ [27]chew out @@@@ [28]criticize, dress down @@@@ [29]jump on @@@@ [30]lambast(e), put down, rap over the knuckles, read the riot act, rebuke, reprimand, tear into @@@@ [31]amount to, boil down to, end up as, result in @@@@ [32]ail, be stricken with, catch, contract, fall ill, fall victim to, get, sicken, take, take sick @@@@ [33]appear, arrive, cross the threshold, enter, finish, reach, show up @@@@ [34]acquire, bear the brunt of, endure, get, receive, suffer @@@@ [35]go off, happen, occur, succeed, take place, transpire @@@@ [36]advance, develop, improve, make headway, proceed, progress @@@@ [37]appear, begin, take place @@@@ [38]appear, be announced, be divulged, be issued, be published, be released, be reported, be revealed @@@@ [39]conclude, end, result, terminate @@@@ [40]acknowledge, come clean, declare, disclose, divulge, lay open, own, own up, say @@@@ [41]accede, acquiesce, allow, concede, grant, mellow, relent, yield @@@@ [42]come to, rally, recover, regain consciousness, revive @@@@ [43]call, drop in, pop in, stop by, visit @@@@ [44]accomplish, achieve, make the grade @@@@ [45]prevail, succeed, triumph @@@@ [46]endure, survive, weather the storm, withstand @@@@ [47]arise, crop up, happen, occur, rise, spring up, turn up @@@@ [48]admit of comparison with, approach, compare with, equal, match, measure up to, meet, resemble, rival, stand or bear comparison with @@@@ [49]advance, create, discover, furnish, offer, present, produce, propose, provide, submit, suggest @@@@ [50]If someone or something comes first, next, or last, they are first, next, or last in a series, list, or competition. @@@@ [51]If a type of thing comesin a particular range of colours, forms, styles, or sizes, it can have any of those colours, forms, styles, or sizes."} {"x":"comeback","y":"[1]rally, rebound, recovery, resurgence, return, revival, triumph @@@@ [2]rejoinder, reply, response, retaliation, retort, riposte"} {"x":"comedian","y":"[1]card @@@@ [2]clown, comic, funny man, humorist, jester, joculator or (fem.) joculatrix, joker, laugh @@@@ [3]wag, wit"} {"x":"comedown","y":"[1]anticlimax, blow, decline, deflation, demotion, disappointment, humiliation, letdown, reverse, whammy"} {"x":"comedy","y":"[1]chaffing, drollery, facetiousness, farce, fun, hilarity, humour, jesting, joking, light entertainment, sitcom @@@@ [2]slapstick, wisecracking, witticisms"} {"x":"comely","y":"[1]attractive, beautiful, becoming, blooming, bonny, buxom, cute, fair, good-looking, graceful, handsome, lovely, pleasing, pretty, wholesome, winsome @@@@ [2]decent, decorous, fit, fitting, proper, seemly, suitable"} {"x":"comeuppance","y":"[1]chastening, deserts, due reward, dues, merit, punishment, recompense, requital, retribution"} {"x":"comfort","y":"[1]alleviate, assuage, cheer, commiserate with, compassionate @@@@ [2]console, ease, encourage, enliven, gladden, hearten, inspirit, invigorate, reassure, refresh, relieve, solace, soothe, strengthen @@@@ [3]aid, alleviation, cheer, compensation, consolation, ease, encouragement, enjoyment, help, relief, satisfaction, succour, support @@@@ [4]cosiness, creature comforts, ease, luxury, opulence, snugness, wellbeing"} {"x":"comfortable","y":"[1]adequate, agreeable, ample, commodious, convenient, cosy, delightful, easy, enjoyable, homely, loose, loose-fitting, pleasant, relaxing, restful, roomy, snug @@@@ [2]at ease, at home, contented, gratified, happy, relaxed, serene @@@@ [3]affluent, in clover @@@@ [4]prosperous, well-off, well-to-do"} {"x":"comic","y":"[1]amusing, comical, droll, facetious, farcical, funny, humorous, jocular, joking, light, rich, waggish, witty @@@@ [2]buffoon, clown, comedian, funny man, humorist, jester, joculator or (fem.) joculatrix, wag, wit"} {"x":"coming","y":"[1]approaching, at hand, due, en route, forthcoming, future, imminent, impending, in store, in the wind, just round the corner, near, next, nigh, on the cards, upcoming @@@@ [2]aspiring, future, promising, up-and-coming @@@@ [3]accession, advent, approach, arrival @@@@ [4]ambitious, eager, go-getting @@@@ [5]promising, pushing @@@@ [6]If someone or something comes first, next, or last, they are first, next, or last in a series, list, or competition. @@@@ [7]If a type of thing comesin a particular range of colours, forms, styles, or sizes, it can have any of those colours, forms, styles, or sizes."} {"x":"command","y":"[1]bid, charge, compel, demand, direct, enjoin, order, require @@@@ [2]administer, call the shots, call the tune, control, dominate, govern, handle, head, lead, manage, reign over, rule, supervise, sway @@@@ [3]behest, bidding, canon, commandment, decree, demand, direction, directive, edict, fiat, injunction, instruction, mandate, order, precept, requirement, ultimatum @@@@ [4]authority, charge, control, direction, domination, dominion, government, grasp, management, mastery, power, rule, supervision, sway, upper hand"} {"x":"commandeer","y":"[1]appropriate, confiscate, expropriate, hijack, requisition, seize, sequester, sequestrate, usurp"} {"x":"commander","y":"[1]boss, captain, chief, C in C, C.O., commander-in-chief, commanding officer, director, head, leader, officer, ruler"} {"x":"commemorate","y":"[1]celebrate, honour, immortalize, keep, memorialize, observe, pay tribute to, remember, salute, solemnize"} {"x":"commence","y":"[1]begin, embark on, enter upon, get the show on the road @@@@ [2]inaugurate, initiate, open, originate, start"} {"x":"commend","y":"[1]acclaim, applaud, approve, compliment, crack up @@@@ [2]eulogize, extol, praise, recommend, speak highly of @@@@ [3]commit, confide, consign, deliver, entrust, hand over, yield"} {"x":"commendation","y":"[1]acclaim, acclamation, approbation, approval, Brownie points, credit, encomium, encouragement, good opinion, panegyric, praise, recommendation"} {"x":"commensurate","y":"[1]adequate, appropriate, coextensive, comparable, compatible, consistent, corresponding, due, equivalent, fit, fitting, in accord, proportionate, sufficient"} {"x":"comment","y":"[1]animadvert, interpose, mention, note, observe, opine, point out, remark, say, utter @@@@ [2]annotate, criticize, elucidate, explain, interpret @@@@ [3]animadversion, observation, remark, statement @@@@ [4]annotation, commentary, criticism, elucidation, explanation, exposition, illustration, note"} {"x":"commentary","y":"[1]analysis, critique, description, exegesis, explanation, narration, notes, review, treatise, voice-over"} {"x":"commerce","y":"[1]business, dealing, exchange, merchandising, trade, traffic @@@@ [2]communication, dealings, intercourse, relations, socializing"} {"x":"commercial","y":"[1]business, mercantile, profit-making, sales, trade, trading @@@@ [2]in demand, marketable, popular, profitable, saleable @@@@ [3]exploited, materialistic, mercenary, monetary, pecuniary, profit-making, venal"} {"x":"commingle","y":"[1]amalgamate, blend, combine, commix, intermingle, intermix, join, meld, mingle, unite"} {"x":"commiserate","y":"[1]compassionate @@@@ [2]condole, console, feel for, pity, sympathize"} {"x":"commission","y":"[1]appointment, authority, charge, duty, employment, errand, function, mandate, mission, task, trust, warrant @@@@ [2]allowance, brokerage, compensation, cut, fee, percentage, rake-off @@@@ [3]royalties @@@@ [4]board, body of commissioners, commissioners, committee, delegation, deputation, representative @@@@ [5]appoint, authorize, contract, delegate, depute, empower, engage, nominate, order, select, send"} {"x":"commit","y":"[1]carry out, do, enact, execute, perform, perpetrate @@@@ [2]commend, confide, consign, deliver, deposit, engage, entrust, give, hand over @@@@ [3]align, bind, compromise, endanger, make liable, obligate, pledge, rank @@@@ [4]confine, imprison, put in custody"} {"x":"commitment","y":"[1]duty, engagement, liability, obligation, responsibility, tie @@@@ [2]adherence, dedication, devotion, involvement, loyalty @@@@ [3]assurance, guarantee, pledge, promise, undertaking, vow, word"} {"x":"committed","y":"[1]adherent, dedicated, devoted, devout, dutiful, faithful, intent, loyal, resolute @@@@ [2]aligned, avowed, duty-bound, engaged, entrusted, involved, obliged, pledged, promised, tied"} {"x":"committee","y":"[1]commission, delegation, deputation, group, panel, subcommittee"} {"x":"common","y":"[1]a dime a dozen, average, bog-standard @@@@ [2]commonplace, conventional, customary, daily, everyday, familiar, frequent, general, habitual, humdrum, obscure, ordinary, plain, regular, routine, run-of-the-mill, simple, standard, stock, usual, vanilla @@@@ [3]workaday @@@@ [4]accepted, general, popular, prevailing, prevalent, universal, widespread @@@@ [5]collective, communal, community, popular, public, social @@@@ [6]coarse, hackneyed, inferior, low, pedestrian, plebeian, stale, trite, undistinguished, vulgar @@@@ [7]coarse, hackneyed, inferior, low, pedestrian, plebeian, stale, trite, undistinguished, vulgar"} {"x":"commonplace","y":"[1]banal, common, customary, dime-a-dozen @@@@ [2]everyday, humdrum, mundane, obvious, ordinary, pedestrian, run-of-the-mill, stale, threadbare, trite, uninteresting, vanilla @@@@ [3]widespread, worn out @@@@ [4]banality, cliche, platitude, truism"} {"x":"commotion","y":"[1]ado, agitation, brouhaha, bustle, disorder, disturbance, excitement, ferment, furore, fuss, hubbub, hue and cry, hullabaloo, hurly-burly, perturbation, racket, riot, rumpus, to-do, tumult, turmoil, upheaval, uproar"} {"x":"communal","y":"[1]collective, communistic, community, general, joint, neighbourhood, public, shared"} {"x":"commune","y":"[1]communicate, confer, confide in, converse, discourse, discuss, parley @@@@ [2]contemplate, meditate, muse, ponder, reflect @@@@ [3]collective, community, cooperative, kibbutz"} {"x":"communicable","y":"[1]catching, contagious, infectious, taking, transferable, transmittable"} {"x":"communicate","y":"[1]acquaint, announce, be in contact, be in touch, connect, convey, correspond, declare, disclose, disseminate, divulge, impart, inform, make known, pass on, phone, proclaim, publish, report, reveal, ring up @@@@ [2]signify, spread, transmit, unfold"} {"x":"communication","y":"[1]connection, contact, conversation, correspondence, dissemination, intercourse, link, transmission @@@@ [2]announcement, disclosure, dispatch, information, intelligence, message, news, report, statement, word"} {"x":"communications","y":"[1]routes, transport, travel @@@@ [2]information technology, media, publicity, public relations, telecommunications @@@@ [3]connection, contact, conversation, correspondence, dissemination, intercourse, link, transmission @@@@ [4]announcement, disclosure, dispatch, information, intelligence, message, news, report, statement, word"} {"x":"communion","y":"[1]accord, affinity, agreement, closeness, communing, concord, consensus, converse, fellowship, harmony, intercourse, participation, rapport, sympathy, togetherness, unity @@@@ [2]Eucharist, Lord's Supper, Mass, Sacrament"} {"x":"communism","y":"[1]Bolshevism, collectivism, Eurocommunism, Maoism, Marxism, Marxism-Leninism, socialism, Stalinism, state socialism, Titoism, Trotskyism"} {"x":"communist","y":"[1]Bolshevik, collectivist, Marxist, Red @@@@ [2]socialist"} {"x":"community","y":"[1]association, body politic, brotherhood, commonwealth, company, district, general public, locality, people, populace, population, public, residents, society, state @@@@ [2]affinity, agreement, identity, likeness, sameness, similarity"} {"x":"commute","y":"[1]barter, exchange, interchange, substitute, switch, trade @@@@ [2]alleviate, curtail, mitigate, modify, reduce, remit, shorten, soften"} {"x":"compact","y":"[1]close, compressed, condensed, dense, firm, impenetrable, impermeable, pressed together, solid, thick @@@@ [2]brief, compendious, concise, epigrammatic, laconic, pithy, pointed, succinct, terse, to the point @@@@ [3]compress, condense, cram, pack down, stuff, tamp"} {"x":"companion","y":"[1]accomplice, ally, associate, buddy @@@@ [2]colleague, comrade, confederate, consort, crony, friend, gossip @@@@ [3]homeboy @@@@ [4]mate @@@@ [5]partner @@@@ [6]aide, assistant, attendant, chaperon, duenna, escort, squire @@@@ [7]complement, counterpart, fellow, match, mate, twin"} {"x":"company","y":"[1]assemblage, assembly, band, bevy, body, camp, circle, collection, community, concourse, convention, coterie, crew, crowd, ensemble, gathering, group, league, party, set, throng, troop, troupe, turnout @@@@ [2]association, business, concern, corporation, establishment, firm, house, partnership, syndicate @@@@ [3]callers, companionship, fellowship, guests, party, presence, society, visitors @@@@ [4]If you feel, believe, or know something in company with someone else, you both feel, believe, or know it."} {"x":"comparable","y":"[1]a match for, as good as, commensurate, equal, equivalent, in a class with, on a par, proportionate, tantamount @@@@ [2]akin, alike, analogous, cognate, corresponding, cut from the same cloth, of a piece, related, similar"} {"x":"comparative","y":"[1]approximate, by comparison, qualified, relative"} {"x":"compare","y":"[1]balance, collate, contrast, juxtapose, set against, weigh @@@@ [2]correlate, equate, identify with, liken, mention in the same breath, parallel, resemble @@@@ [3]approach, approximate to, bear comparison, be in the same class as, be on a par with, come up to, compete with, equal, hold a candle to, match, vie"} {"x":"comparison","y":"[1]collation, contrast, distinction, juxtaposition @@@@ [2]analogy, comparability, correlation, likeness, resemblance, similarity"} {"x":"compass","y":"[1]area, bound, boundary, circle, circuit, circumference, enclosure, extent, field, limit, range, reach, realm, round, scope, sphere, stretch, zone @@@@ [2]beset, besiege, blockade, circumscribe, encircle, enclose, encompass, environ, hem in, invest @@@@ [3]surround @@@@ [4]accomplish, achieve, attain, bring about, effect, execute, fulfil, perform, procure, realize"} {"x":"compassion","y":"[1]charity, clemency, commiseration, compunction, condolence, fellow feeling, heart, humanity, kindness, mercy, pity, quarter, ruth @@@@ [2]soft-heartedness, sorrow, sympathy, tender-heartedness, tenderness"} {"x":"compatible","y":"[1]accordant, adaptable, agreeable, congenial, congruent, congruous, consistent, consonant, harmonious, in harmony, in keeping, like-minded, reconcilable, suitable"} {"x":"compatriot","y":"[1]countryman, fellow citizen, fellow countryman"} {"x":"compel","y":"[1]bulldoze @@@@ [2]coerce, constrain, dragoon, drive, enforce, exact, force, hustle @@@@ [3]impel, make, necessitate, oblige, railroad @@@@ [4]restrain, squeeze, urge"} {"x":"compendium","y":"[1]collection, compilation, digest @@@@ [2]abbreviation, abridgment, abstract, capsule, epitome, outline, precis, summary, synopsis"} {"x":"compensate","y":"[1]atone, indemnify, make good, make restitution, recompense, refund, reimburse, remunerate, repay, requite, reward, satisfy @@@@ [2]balance, cancel (out), counteract, counterbalance, countervail, make amends, make up for, offset, redress"} {"x":"compensation","y":"[1]amends, atonement, damages, indemnification, indemnity, meed @@@@ [2]offset, payment, recompense, reimbursement, remuneration, reparation, requital, restitution, reward, satisfaction"} {"x":"compete","y":"[1]be in the running, challenge, contend, contest, emulate, fight, pit oneself against, rival, strive, struggle, vie"} {"x":"competence","y":"[1]ability, adequacy, appropriateness, capability, capacity, competency, craft, expertise, fitness, proficiency, skill, suitability"} {"x":"competent","y":"[1]able, adapted, adequate, appropriate, capable, clever, endowed, equal, fit, pertinent, proficient, qualified, sufficient, suitable"} {"x":"competition","y":"[1]contention, contest, emulation, one-upmanship @@@@ [2]opposition, rivalry, strife, struggle @@@@ [3]championship, contest, event, head-to-head, puzzle, quiz, tournament @@@@ [4]challengers, field, opposition, rivals"} {"x":"competitive","y":"[1]aggressive, ambitious, antagonistic, at odds, combative, cut-throat, dog-eat-dog, emulous, opposing, rival, vying"} {"x":"competitor","y":"[1]adversary, antagonist, challenger, competition, contestant, emulator, opponent, opposition, rival"} {"x":"compilation","y":"[1]accumulation, anthology, assemblage, assortment, collection, treasury"} {"x":"compile","y":"[1]accumulate, amass, anthologize, collect, cull, garner, gather, marshal, organize, put together"} {"x":"complain","y":"[1]beef @@@@ [2]bellyache @@@@ [3]bemoan, bewail, bitch @@@@ [4]bleat, carp, deplore, find fault, fuss, grieve, gripe @@@@ [5]groan, grouch @@@@ [6]grouse, growl, grumble, kick up a fuss @@@@ [7]kvetch @@@@ [8]lament, moan, put the boot in @@@@ [9]whine, whinge"} {"x":"complaint","y":"[1]accusation, annoyance, beef @@@@ [2]bitch @@@@ [3]charge, criticism, dissatisfaction, fault-finding, grievance, gripe @@@@ [4]grouch @@@@ [5]grouse, grumble, lament, moan, plaint, protest, remonstrance, trouble, wail @@@@ [6]affliction, ailment, disease, disorder, illness, indisposition, malady, sickness, upset"} {"x":"complaisance","y":"[1]accommodativeness, acquiescence, agreeableness, compliance, deference, obligingness"} {"x":"complement","y":"[1]companion, completion, consummation, correlative, counterpart, finishing touch, rounding-off, supplement @@@@ [2]aggregate, capacity, entirety, quota, total, totality, wholeness @@@@ [3]cap @@@@ [4]complete, crown, round off, set off"} {"x":"complementary","y":"[1]companion, completing, correlative, corresponding, fellow, interdependent, interrelating, matched, reciprocal"} {"x":"complete","y":"[1]all, entire, faultless, full, intact, integral, plenary, unabridged, unbroken, undivided, unimpaired, whole @@@@ [2]accomplished, achieved, concluded, ended, finished @@@@ [3]absolute, consummate, deep-dyed @@@@ [4]dyed-in-the-wool, outright, perfect, thorough, thoroughgoing, total, utter @@@@ [5]accomplish, achieve, cap, close, conclude, crown, discharge, do, end, execute, fill in, finalize, finish, fulfil, perfect, perform, put the tin lid on, realize, round off, settle, terminate, wrap up"} {"x":"completely","y":"[1]absolutely, a hundred per cent, altogether, down to the ground, en masse, entirely, every inch, from A to Z, from beginning to end, fully, heart and soul, hook, line and sinker, in full, in toto, lock, stock and barrel, one hundred per cent, perfectly, quite, root and branch, solidly, thoroughly, totally, utterly, wholly @@@@ [2]If you complete something, you finish doing, making, or producing it."} {"x":"completion","y":"[1]accomplishment, attainment, bitter end, close, conclusion, consummation, culmination, end, expiration, finalization, fruition, fulfilment, realization @@@@ [2]If you complete something, you finish doing, making, or producing it."} {"x":"complex","y":"[1]circuitous, complicated, convoluted, Daedalian @@@@ [2]elaborate, intricate, involved, knotty, labyrinthine, mingled, mixed, tangled, tortuous @@@@ [3]composite, compound, compounded, heterogeneous, manifold, multifarious, multiple @@@@ [4]aggregate, composite, network, organization, scheme, structure, synthesis, system @@@@ [5]fixation, fixed idea, idee fixe, obsession, phobia, preoccupation"} {"x":"complexion","y":"[1]colour, colouring, hue, pigmentation, skin, skin tone @@@@ [2]appearance, aspect, cast, character, countenance, disposition, guise, light, look, make-up, nature, stamp"} {"x":"complexity","y":"[1]complication, convolution, elaboration, entanglement, intricacy, involvement, multiplicity, ramification"} {"x":"compliance","y":"[1]acquiescence, agreement, assent, complaisance, concession, concurrence, conformity, consent, deference, obedience, observance, passivity, submission, submissiveness, yielding"} {"x":"complicate","y":"[1]confuse, embroil, entangle, interweave, involve, make intricate, muddle, ravel, snarl up"} {"x":"complicated","y":"[1]Byzantine @@@@ [2]complex, convoluted, elaborate, interlaced, intricate, involved, labyrinthine @@@@ [3]difficult, involved, perplexing, problematic, puzzling, troublesome"} {"x":"complication","y":"[1]combination, complexity, confusion, entanglement, intricacy, mixture, web @@@@ [2]aggravation, difficulty, drawback, embarrassment, factor, obstacle, problem, snag"} {"x":"complicity","y":"[1]abetment, collaboration, collusion, concurrence, connivance"} {"x":"compliment","y":"[1]admiration, bouquet, commendation, congratulations, courtesy, eulogy, favour, flattery, honour, praise, tribute @@@@ [2]commend, congratulate, crack up @@@@ [3]extol, felicitate, flatter, laud, pat on the back, pay tribute to, praise, salute, sing the praises of, speak highly of, wish joy to"} {"x":"complimentary","y":"[1]appreciative, approving, commendatory, congratulatory, eulogistic, flattering, laudatory, panegyrical @@@@ [2]courtesy, donated, free, free of charge, gratis, gratuitous, honorary, on the house"} {"x":"comply","y":"[1]abide by, accede, accord, acquiesce, adhere to, agree to, conform to, consent to, defer, discharge, follow, fulfil, obey, observe, perform, play ball @@@@ [2]respect, satisfy, submit, toe the line, yield"} {"x":"component","y":"[1]constituent, element, ingredient, item, part, piece, unit @@@@ [2]composing, constituent, inherent, intrinsic"} {"x":"comport","y":"[1]accord, agree, coincide, correspond, fit, harmonize, square, suit, tally @@@@ [2]acquit, act, bear, behave, carry, conduct, demean"} {"x":"compose","y":"[1]build, compound, comprise, constitute, construct, fashion, form, make, make up, put together @@@@ [2]contrive, create, devise, frame, imagine, indite, invent, produce, write @@@@ [3]adjust, arrange, reconcile, regulate, resolve, settle @@@@ [4]appease, assuage, calm, collect, control, pacify, placate, quell, quiet, soothe, still, tranquillize"} {"x":"composed","y":"[1]as cool as a cucumber, at ease, calm, collected, confident, cool, imperturbable, keeping one's cool, laid-back @@@@ [2]level-headed, poised, relaxed, sedate, self-possessed, serene, together @@@@ [3]tranquil, unfazed @@@@ [4]unflappable, unruffled, unworried"} {"x":"composite","y":"[1]blended, combined, complex, compound, conglomerate, mixed, synthesized @@@@ [2]amalgam, blend, compound, conglomerate, fusion, meld, synthesis"} {"x":"composition","y":"[1]arrangement, configuration, constitution, design, form, formation, layout, make-up, organization, structure @@@@ [2]compilation, creation, fashioning, formation, formulation, invention, making, mixture, production @@@@ [3]creation, essay, exercise, literary work, opus, piece, study, treatise, work, writing @@@@ [4]arrangement, balance, concord, consonance, harmony, placing, proportion, symmetry"} {"x":"compost","y":"[1]humus, mulch, organic fertilizer"} {"x":"composure","y":"[1]aplomb, calm, calmness, collectedness, cool @@@@ [2]coolness, dignity, ease, equanimity, imperturbability, placidity, poise, sang-froid, sedateness, self-assurance, self-possession, serenity, tranquillity"} {"x":"compound","y":"[1]amalgamate, blend, coalesce, combine, concoct, fuse, intermingle, meld, mingle, mix, synthesize, unite @@@@ [2]add insult to injury, add to, aggravate, augment, complicate, exacerbate, heighten, intensify, magnify, worsen @@@@ [3]adjust, arrange, compose, settle @@@@ [4]alloy, amalgam, blend, combination, composite, composition, conglomerate, fusion, medley, meld, mixture, synthesis @@@@ [5]complex, composite, conglomerate, intricate, multiple, not simple"} {"x":"comprehend","y":"[1]apprehend, assimilate, conceive, discern, fathom, get the hang of @@@@ [2]get the picture, grasp, know, make out, perceive, see, see the light of day, take in, understand @@@@ [3]comprise, contain, embody, embrace, enclose, encompass, include, involve, take in"} {"x":"comprehensive","y":"[1]all-embracing, all-inclusive, blanket, broad, catholic, complete, encyclopedic, exhaustive, extensive, full, inclusive, sweeping, thorough, umbrella, wide"} {"x":"compress","y":"[1]abbreviate, compact, concentrate, condense, constrict, contract, cram, crowd, crush, knit, press, pucker, shorten, squash, squeeze, summarize, wedge"} {"x":"comprise","y":"[1]be composed of, comprehend, consist of, contain, embrace, encompass, include, take in @@@@ [2]compose, constitute, form, make up"} {"x":"compromise","y":"[1]adjust, agree, arbitrate, compose, compound, concede, give and take, go fifty-fifty @@@@ [2]meet halfway, settle, strike a balance @@@@ [3]accommodation, accord, adjustment, agreement, concession, give-and-take, half measures, middle ground, settlement, trade-off @@@@ [4]discredit, dishonour, embarrass, endanger, expose, hazard, imperil, implicate, jeopardize, prejudice, weaken"} {"x":"compulsion","y":"[1]coercion, constraint, demand, duress, force, obligation, pressure, urgency @@@@ [2]drive, necessity, need, obsession, preoccupation, urge"} {"x":"compunction","y":"[1]contrition, misgiving, penitence, qualm, regret, reluctance, remorse, repentance, sorrow, stab or sting of conscience"} {"x":"compute","y":"[1]add up, calculate, cast up, cipher, count, enumerate, estimate, figure, figure out, measure, rate, reckon, sum, tally, total"} {"x":"computer","y":"[1]computer"} {"x":"comrade","y":"[1]ally, associate, buddy @@@@ [2]cock @@@@ [3]colleague, companion, compatriot, compeer, confederate, co-worker, crony, fellow, friend, homeboy @@@@ [4]mate @@@@ [5]pal @@@@ [6]partner"} {"x":"con","y":"[1]bamboozle @@@@ [2]bilk, cheat, cozen, deceive, defraud, diddle @@@@ [3]double-cross @@@@ [4]dupe, gull @@@@ [5]hoax, hoodwink, humbug, inveigle, kid @@@@ [6]rip off @@@@ [7]rook @@@@ [8]stiff @@@@ [9]sting @@@@ [10]trick @@@@ [11]bluff, canard, deception, fraud, scam @@@@ [12]sting @@@@ [13]swindle, trick"} {"x":"concatenation","y":"[1]chain, connection, interlocking, linking, nexus, sequence, series, succession"} {"x":"concave","y":"[1]cupped, depressed, excavated, hollow, hollowed, incurved, indented, scooped, sunken"} {"x":"conceal","y":"[1]bury, camouflage, cover, disguise, dissemble, draw a veil over, hide, keep dark, keep secret, keep under one's hat, mask, obscure, screen, secrete, shelter, stash"} {"x":"concede","y":"[1]accept, acknowledge, admit, allow, confess, grant, own @@@@ [2]cede, give up, hand over, relinquish, surrender, yield"} {"x":"conceit","y":"[1]amour-propre, arrogance, complacency, egotism, narcissism, pride, self-importance, self-love, swagger, vainglory, vanity @@@@ [2]belief, fancy, fantasy, idea, image, imagination, judgment, notion, opinion, quip, thought, vagary, whim, whimsy"} {"x":"conceive","y":"[1]appreciate, apprehend, believe, comprehend, envisage, fancy, get the picture, grasp, imagine, realize, suppose, understand @@@@ [2]contrive, create, design, develop, devise, form, formulate, produce, project, purpose, think up"} {"x":"concentrate","y":"[1]bring to bear, centre, cluster, converge, focus @@@@ [2]accumulate, cluster, collect, congregate, gather, huddle"} {"x":"concentrated","y":"[1]all-out @@@@ [2]deep, hard, intense, intensive @@@@ [3]boiled down, condensed, evaporated, reduced, rich, thickened, undiluted"} {"x":"concentration","y":"[1]absorption, application, heed, single-mindedness @@@@ [2]bringing to bear, centralization, centring, combination, compression, consolidation, convergence, focusing, intensification @@@@ [3]accumulation, aggregation, cluster, collection, convergence, horde, mass"} {"x":"concept","y":"[1]abstraction, conception, conceptualization, hypothesis, idea, image, impression, notion, theory, view"} {"x":"conception","y":"[1]concept, design, idea, image, notion, plan @@@@ [2]beginning, birth, formation, inception, initiation, invention, launching, origin, outset @@@@ [3]appreciation, clue, comprehension, impression, inkling, perception, picture, understanding @@@@ [4]fertilization, germination, impregnation, insemination"} {"x":"concern","y":"[1]affect, apply to, bear on, be relevant to, interest, involve, pertain to, regard, touch @@@@ [2]affair, business, charge, department, field, interest, involvement, job, matter, mission, occupation, pigeon @@@@ [3]responsibility, task, transaction @@@@ [4]bearing, importance, interest, reference, relation, relevance @@@@ [5]bother, disquiet, distress, disturb, make anxious, make uneasy, perturb, trouble, worry @@@@ [6]anxiety, apprehension, attention, burden, care, consideration, disquiet, disquietude, distress, heed, responsibility, solicitude, worry @@@@ [7]business, company, corporation, enterprise, establishment, firm, house, organization"} {"x":"concerned","y":"[1]active, implicated, interested, involved, mixed up, privy to @@@@ [2]anxious, bothered, distressed, disturbed, exercised, troubled, uneasy, upset, worried @@@@ [3]attentive, caring, interested, solicitous"} {"x":"concerning","y":"[1]about, anent @@@@ [2]apropos of, as regards, as to, in the matter of, on the subject of, re, regarding, relating to, respecting, touching, with reference to"} {"x":"concert","y":"[1]accord, agreement, concord, concordance, harmony, unanimity, union, unison @@@@ [2]concertedly, in collaboration, in league, in unison, jointly, shoulder to shoulder, together, unanimously"} {"x":"concerted","y":"[1]agreed upon, collaborative, combined, coordinated, joint, planned, prearranged, united"} {"x":"concession","y":"[1]acknowledgment, admission, assent, confession, surrender, yielding @@@@ [2]adjustment, allowance, boon, compromise, grant, indulgence, permit, privilege, sop"} {"x":"conciliate","y":"[1]appease, clear the air, disarm, mediate, mollify, pacify, placate, pour oil on troubled waters, propitiate, reconcile, restore harmony, soothe, win over"} {"x":"concise","y":"[1]brief, compact, compendious, compressed, condensed, epigrammatic, in a nutshell, laconic, pithy, short, succinct, summary, synoptic, terse, to the point"} {"x":"conclave","y":"[1]assembly, cabinet, conference, congress, council, parley, secret or private meeting, session"} {"x":"conclude","y":"[1]bring down the curtain, cease, close, come to an end, complete, draw to a close, end, finish, round off, terminate, wind up @@@@ [2]assume, decide, deduce, gather, infer, judge, reckon @@@@ [3]sum up, suppose, surmise @@@@ [4]accomplish, bring about, carry out, clinch, decide, determine, effect, establish, fix, pull off, resolve, settle, work out"} {"x":"conclusion","y":"[1]bitter end, close, completion, end, finale, finish, result, termination @@@@ [2]consequence, culmination, end result, issue, outcome, result, sequel, upshot @@@@ [3]agreement, conviction, decision, deduction, inference, judgment, opinion, resolution, settlement, verdict @@@@ [4]finally, in closing, lastly, to sum up"} {"x":"concoct","y":"[1]brew, contrive, cook up @@@@ [2]design, devise, fabricate, formulate, hatch, invent, make up, manufacture, mature, plot, prepare, project, think up, trump up"} {"x":"concord","y":"[1]accord, agreement, amity, concert, consensus, consonance, friendship, good understanding, goodwill, harmony, peace, rapport, unanimity, unison @@@@ [2]agreement, compact, concordat, convention, entente, protocol, treaty"} {"x":"concourse","y":"[1]assemblage, assembly, collection, confluence, convergence, crowd, crush, gathering, meeting, multitude, rout @@@@ [2]throng @@@@ [3]entrance, foyer, gathering or meeting place, hall, lounge, rallying point"} {"x":"concrete","y":"[1]actual, definite, explicit, factual, material, real, sensible, specific, substantial, tangible @@@@ [2]calcified, compact, compressed, conglomerated, consolidated, firm, petrified, solid, solidified @@@@ [3]cement @@@@ [4]concretion"} {"x":"concubine","y":"[1]courtesan, kept woman, leman @@@@ [2]mistress, odalisque, paramour"} {"x":"concupiscence","y":"[1]appetite, desire, horniness @@@@ [2]lasciviousness, lechery, libidinousness, libido, lickerishness @@@@ [3]lust, lustfulness, randiness"} {"x":"concur","y":"[1]accede, accord, acquiesce, agree, approve, assent, buy into @@@@ [2]coincide, combine, consent, cooperate, harmonize, join"} {"x":"concussion","y":"[1]clash, collision, crash, impact, jarring, jolt, jolting, shaking, shock"} {"x":"condemn","y":"[1]blame, censure, damn, denounce, disapprove, excoriate, reprehend, reproach, reprobate, reprove, upbraid @@@@ [2]convict, damn, doom, pass sentence on, proscribe, sentence"} {"x":"condemnation","y":"[1]blame, censure, denouncement, denunciation, disapproval, reproach, reprobation, reproof, stricture @@@@ [2]conviction, damnation, doom, judgment, proscription, sentence"} {"x":"condemnatory","y":"[1]accusatory, accusing, censorious, critical, damnatory, denunciatory, disapproving, proscriptive, reprobative, scathing"} {"x":"condensation","y":"[1]abridgment, contraction, digest, precis, synopsis @@@@ [2]condensate, deliquescence, distillation, liquefaction, precipitate, precipitation @@@@ [3]compression, concentration, consolidation, crystallization, curtailment, reduction"} {"x":"condense","y":"[1]abbreviate, abridge, compact, compress, concentrate, contract, curtail, encapsulate, epitomize, precis, shorten, summarize @@@@ [2]boil down, coagulate, concentrate, decoct, precipitate @@@@ [3]reduce, solidify, thicken"} {"x":"condescend","y":"[1]deign, humble or demean oneself, lower oneself, see fit, stoop, submit, unbend @@@@ [2]vouchsafe"} {"x":"condign","y":"[1]adequate, appropriate, deserved, fitting, just, meet @@@@ [2]merited, richly-deserved, suitable"} {"x":"condition","y":"[1]case, circumstances, lie of the land, plight, position, predicament, shape, situation, state, state of affairs, status quo @@@@ [2]arrangement, article, demand, limitation, modification, prerequisite, provision, proviso, qualification, requirement, requisite, restriction, rider, rule, stipulation, terms @@@@ [3]fettle, fitness, health, kilter, order, shape, state of health, trim @@@@ [4]ailment, complaint, infirmity, malady, problem, weakness @@@@ [5]caste, class, estate, grade, order, position, rank, status, stratum @@@@ [6]accustom, adapt, educate, equip, habituate, inure, make ready, prepare, ready, tone up, train, work out"} {"x":"conditions","y":"[1]circumstances, environment, milieu, situation, surroundings, way of life @@@@ [2]case, circumstances, lie of the land, plight, position, predicament, shape, situation, state, state of affairs, status quo @@@@ [3]arrangement, article, demand, limitation, modification, prerequisite, provision, proviso, qualification, requirement, requisite, restriction, rider, rule, stipulation, terms @@@@ [4]fettle, fitness, health, kilter, order, shape, state of health, trim @@@@ [5]ailment, complaint, infirmity, malady, problem, weakness @@@@ [6]caste, class, estate, grade, order, position, rank, status, stratum @@@@ [7]accustom, adapt, educate, equip, habituate, inure, make ready, prepare, ready, tone up, train, work out"} {"x":"condole","y":"[1]commiserate, compassionate @@@@ [2]console, feel for, sympathize"} {"x":"condolence","y":"[1]commiseration, compassion, consolation, fellow feeling, pity, sympathy"} {"x":"condone","y":"[1]disregard, excuse, forgive, let pass, look the other way, make allowance for, overlook, pardon, turn a blind eye to, wink at"} {"x":"conduce","y":"[1]advance, aid, avail, contribute, lead, promote, tend"} {"x":"conduct","y":"[1]administration, control, direction, guidance, leadership, management, organization, running, supervision @@@@ [2]administer, carry on, control, direct, govern, handle, lead, manage, organize, preside over, regulate, run, supervise @@@@ [3]accompany, attend, chair, convey, escort, guide, pilot, preside over, steer, usher @@@@ [4]attitude, bearing, behaviour, carriage, comportment, demeanour, deportment, manners, mien @@@@ [5]ways @@@@ [6]acquit, act, behave, carry, comport, deport @@@@ [7]authorization, licence, pass, passport, permit, safeguard, warrant"} {"x":"conduit","y":"[1]canal, channel, duct, main, passage, pipe, tube"} {"x":"confederacy","y":"[1]alliance, bund, coalition, compact, confederation, conspiracy, covenant, federation, league, union"} {"x":"confederate","y":"[1]allied, associated, combined, federal, federated, in alliance @@@@ [2]abettor, accessory, accomplice, ally, associate, colleague, partner @@@@ [3]ally, amalgamate, associate, band together, combine, federate, merge, unite"} {"x":"confer","y":"[1]accord, award, bestow, give, grant, hand out, present, vouchsafe @@@@ [2]consult, converse, deliberate, discourse, parley, talk"} {"x":"conference","y":"[1]colloquium, congress, consultation, convention, convocation, discussion, forum, meeting, seminar, symposium, teach-in"} {"x":"confess","y":"[1]acknowledge, admit, allow, blurt out, come clean @@@@ [2]come out of the closet, concede, confide, disclose, divulge, 'fess up @@@@ [3]grant, make a clean breast of, own, own up, recognize, sing @@@@ [4]affirm, assert, attest, aver, confirm, declare, evince, manifest, profess, prove, reveal"} {"x":"confidant","y":"[1]alter ego, bosom friend, close friend, crony, familiar, intimate"} {"x":"confide","y":"[1]admit, breathe, confess, disclose, divulge, impart, reveal, whisper @@@@ [2]commend, commit, consign, entrust"} {"x":"confidence","y":"[1]belief, credence, dependence, faith, reliance, trust @@@@ [2]aplomb, assurance, boldness, courage, firmness, nerve, self-possession, self-reliance @@@@ [3]between you and me (and the gatepost), confidentially, in secrecy, privately"} {"x":"confident","y":"[1]certain, convinced, counting on, positive, satisfied, secure, sure @@@@ [2]assured, bold, can-do @@@@ [3]dauntless, fearless, self-assured, self-reliant"} {"x":"confidential","y":"[1]classified, hush-hush @@@@ [2]intimate, off the record, private, privy, secret @@@@ [3]faithful, familiar, trusted, trustworthy, trusty"} {"x":"configuration","y":"[1]arrangement, cast, conformation, contour, figure, form, outline, shape"} {"x":"confine","y":"[1]bind, bound, cage, circumscribe, clip someone's wings, enclose, hem in, hold back, immure, imprison, incarcerate, intern, keep, limit, repress, restrain, restrict, shut up, straiten @@@@ [2]border, boundary, frontier, limit, precinct"} {"x":"confined","y":"[1]enclosed, limited, restricted @@@@ [2]in childbed, in childbirth, lying-in"} {"x":"confirm","y":"[1]assure, buttress, clinch, establish, fix, fortify, reinforce, settle, strengthen @@@@ [2]approve, authenticate, bear out, corroborate, endorse, ratify, sanction, substantiate, validate, verify"} {"x":"confirmation","y":"[1]authentication, corroboration, evidence, proof, substantiation, testimony, validation, verification @@@@ [2]acceptance, agreement, approval, assent, endorsement, ratification, sanction"} {"x":"confirmed","y":"[1]chronic, dyed-in-the-wool, habitual, hardened, ingrained, inured, inveterate, long-established, rooted, seasoned"} {"x":"confiscate","y":"[1]appropriate, commandeer, expropriate, impound, seize, sequester, sequestrate"} {"x":"confiscation","y":"[1]appropriation, expropriation, forfeiture, impounding, seizure, sequestration, takeover"} {"x":"conflagration","y":"[1]blaze, fire, holocaust, inferno, wildfire"} {"x":"conflict","y":"[1]battle, clash, collision, combat, contention, contest, encounter, engagement, fight, fracas, head-to-head, set-to @@@@ [2]strife, war, warfare @@@@ [3]antagonism, bad blood, difference, disagreement, discord, dissension, divided loyalties, friction, hostility, interference, opposition, strife, variance @@@@ [4]be at variance, clash, collide, combat, contend, contest, differ, disagree, fight, interfere, strive, struggle"} {"x":"confluence","y":"[1]concurrence, conflux, convergence, junction @@@@ [2]assemblage, assembly, concourse, concurrence, crowd, host, meeting, multitude, union"} {"x":"conform","y":"[1]adapt, adjust, comply, fall in with, follow, follow the crowd, obey, run with the pack, toe the line, yield @@@@ [2]accord, agree, assimilate, correspond, harmonize, match, square, suit, tally"} {"x":"conformation","y":"[1]anatomy, arrangement, build, configuration, form, framework, outline, shape, structure"} {"x":"conformity","y":"[1]allegiance, Babbittry @@@@ [2]compliance, conventionality, observance, orthodoxy @@@@ [3]affinity, agreement, conformance, congruity, consonance, correspondence, harmony, likeness, resemblance, similarity"} {"x":"confound","y":"[1]amaze, astonish, astound, baffle, be all Greek to @@@@ [2]bewilder, boggle the mind, confuse, dumbfound, flabbergast @@@@ [3]flummox, mix up, mystify, nonplus, perplex, startle, surprise @@@@ [4]annihilate, contradict, demolish, destroy, explode, make a nonsense of, overthrow, overwhelm, refute, ruin"} {"x":"confront","y":"[1]accost, beard, brave, bring face to face with, call out, challenge, defy, encounter, face, face off @@@@ [2]face the music, face up to, oppose, stand up to, tackle, walk into the lion's den"} {"x":"confrontation","y":"[1]conflict, contest, crisis, encounter, face-off @@@@ [2]head-to-head, set-to @@@@ [3]showdown"} {"x":"confuse","y":"[1]bemuse, bewilder, darken, faze, flummox, muddy the waters, mystify, nonplus, obscure, perplex, puzzle @@@@ [2]blend, confound, disarrange, disorder, intermingle, involve, jumble, mingle, mistake, mix up, muddle, ravel, snarl up @@@@ [3]tangle @@@@ [4]abash, addle, demoralize, discomfit, discompose, disconcert, discountenance, disorient, embarrass, fluster, mortify, nonplus, rattle @@@@ [5]shame, throw off balance, unnerve, upset"} {"x":"confused","y":"[1]at a loss, at sea, at sixes and sevens, baffled, bewildered, dazed, discombobulated @@@@ [2]disorganized, disorientated, flummoxed, muddled, muzzy @@@@ [3]perplexed, puzzled, taken aback, thrown off balance, upset @@@@ [4]at sixes and sevens, chaotic, disarranged, disarrayed, disordered, disorderly, disorganized, higgledy-piggledy @@@@ [5]hugger-mugger @@@@ [6]in disarray, jumbled, mistaken, misunderstood, mixed up, out of order, topsy-turvy, untidy"} {"x":"confusing","y":"[1]ambiguous, baffling, clear as mud @@@@ [2]complicated, contradictory, disconcerting, inconsistent, misleading, muddling, perplexing, puzzling, unclear"} {"x":"confusion","y":"[1]befuddlement, bemusement, bewilderment, disorientation, mystification, perplexity, puzzlement @@@@ [2]bustle, chaos, clutter, commotion, disarrangement, disarray, disorder, disorganization, hodgepodge @@@@ [3]hotchpotch, jumble, mess, muddle, pig's breakfast @@@@ [4]shambles, state, tangle, turmoil, untidiness, upheaval @@@@ [5]abashment, chagrin, demoralization, discomfiture, distraction, embarrassment, fluster, mind-fuck @@@@ [6]perturbation"} {"x":"confute","y":"[1]controvert, disprove, invalidate, oppugn, overthrow, prove false, rebut, refute, set aside"} {"x":"congeal","y":"[1]benumb, clot, coagulate, condense, curdle, freeze, gelatinize, harden, jell, set, solidify, stiffen, thicken"} {"x":"congenial","y":"[1]adapted, affable, agreeable, companionable, compatible, complaisant, favourable, fit, friendly, genial, kindly, kindred, like-minded, pleasant, pleasing, suitable, sympathetic, well-suited"} {"x":"congenital","y":"[1]constitutional, immanent, inborn, inbred, inherent, innate, natural @@@@ [2]complete, deep-dyed @@@@ [3]inveterate, thorough, utter"} {"x":"conglomerate","y":"[1]amassed, clustered, composite, heterogeneous, massed @@@@ [2]accumulate, agglomerate, aggregate, cluster, coalesce, snowball @@@@ [3]agglomerate, aggregate, multinational"} {"x":"congratulate","y":"[1]compliment, felicitate, pat on the back, wish joy to"} {"x":"congratulations","y":"[1]best wishes, compliments, felicitations, good wishes, greetings, pat on the back"} {"x":"congregate","y":"[1]assemble, collect, come together, concentrate, convene, converge, convoke, flock, forgather, gather, mass, meet, muster, rally, rendezvous, throng"} {"x":"congregation","y":"[1]assembly, brethren, crowd, fellowship, flock, host, laity, multitude, parish, parishioners, throng"} {"x":"congress","y":"[1]assembly, chamber of deputies, conclave, conference, convention, convocation, council, delegates, diet, house, legislative assembly, legislature, meeting, parliament, quango, representatives"} {"x":"congruence","y":"[1]accord, agreement, coincidence, compatibility, concurrence, conformity, congruity, consistency, correspondence, harmony, identity"} {"x":"congruous","y":"[1]appropriate, apt, becoming, compatible, concordant, congruent, consistent, consonant, correspondent, corresponding, fit, meet, seemly, suitable"} {"x":"conic","y":"[1]cone-shaped, conoid, funnel-shaped, pointed, pyramidal, tapered, tapering"} {"x":"conjecture","y":"[1]assume, fancy, guess, hypothesize, imagine, infer, suppose, surmise, suspect, theorize @@@@ [2]assumption, conclusion, fancy, guess, guesstimate @@@@ [3]guesswork, hypothesis, inference, notion, presumption, shot in the dark, speculation, supposition, surmise, theorizing, theory"} {"x":"conjugal","y":"[1]bridal, connubial, hymeneal, marital, married, matrimonial, nuptial, spousal, wedded"} {"x":"conjunction","y":"[1]association, coincidence, combination, concurrence, juxtaposition, union"} {"x":"conjure","y":"[1]juggle, play tricks @@@@ [2]bewitch, call upon, cast a spell, charm, enchant, fascinate, invoke, raise, rouse, summon up @@@@ [3]adjure, appeal to, beg, beseech, crave, entreat, implore, importune, pray, supplicate @@@@ [4]bring to mind, contrive, create, evoke, produce as by magic, recall, recollect"} {"x":"connect","y":"[1]affix, ally, associate, attach, cohere, combine, couple, fasten, join, link, relate, unite"} {"x":"connected","y":"[1]affiliated, akin, allied, associated, banded together, bracketed, combined, coupled, joined, linked, related, united @@@@ [2]coherent, comprehensible, consecutive, intelligible"} {"x":"connection","y":"[1]alliance, association, attachment, coupling, fastening, junction, link, tie, union @@@@ [2]affiliation, affinity, association, bond, commerce, communication, correlation, correspondence, intercourse, interrelation, liaison, link, marriage, nexus, relation, relationship, relevance, tie-in @@@@ [3]context, frame of reference, reference @@@@ [4]acquaintance, ally, associate, contact, friend, sponsor @@@@ [5]kin, kindred, kinsman, kith, relation, relative"} {"x":"connive","y":"[1]cabal, collude, conspire, cook up @@@@ [2]intrigue, plot, scheme @@@@ [3]abet, aid, be an accessory to, be a party to, be in collusion with, blink at, disregard, lend oneself to, let pass, look the other way, overlook, pass by, shut one's eyes to, turn a blind eye to, wink at"} {"x":"connoisseur","y":"[1]aficionado, appreciator, arbiter, authority, buff @@@@ [2]cognoscente, devotee, expert, judge, maven @@@@ [3]savant, specialist, whiz"} {"x":"connotation","y":"[1]association, colouring, implication, nuance, significance, suggestion, undertone"} {"x":"connote","y":"[1]betoken, hint at, imply, indicate, intimate, involve, signify, suggest"} {"x":"connubial","y":"[1]conjugal, marital, married, matrimonial, nuptial, wedded"} {"x":"conquer","y":"[1]bring to their knees, checkmate, clobber @@@@ [2]crush, defeat, discomfit, get the better of, humble, lick @@@@ [3]master, overcome, overpower, overthrow, prevail, put in their place, quell, rout, run rings around @@@@ [4]stuff @@@@ [5]subdue, subjugate, succeed, surmount, tank @@@@ [6]triumph, undo, vanquish, wipe the floor with @@@@ [7]acquire, annex, obtain, occupy, overrun, seize, win"} {"x":"conquest","y":"[1]defeat, discomfiture, mastery, overthrow, pasting @@@@ [2]rout, triumph, vanquishment, victory @@@@ [3]acquisition, annexation, appropriation, coup, invasion, occupation, subjection, subjugation, takeover @@@@ [4]captivation, enchantment, enthralment, enticement, seduction @@@@ [5]acquisition, adherent, admirer, catch, fan, feather in one's cap, follower, prize, supporter, worshipper"} {"x":"consanguinity","y":"[1]affinity, blood-relationship, family tie, kin, kindred, kinship"} {"x":"conscience","y":"[1]moral sense, principles, scruples, sense of right and wrong, still small voice @@@@ [2]assuredly, certainly, fairly, honestly, in truth, rightly, truly @@@@ [3]ashamed, compunctious, contrite, disturbed, guilty, penitent, remorseful, repentant, sorry, troubled"} {"x":"conscientious","y":"[1]careful, diligent, exact, faithful, having one's nose to the grindstone, meticulous, painstaking, particular, punctilious, thorough @@@@ [2]high-minded, high-principled, honest, honourable, incorruptible, just, moral, responsible, scrupulous, straightforward, strict, upright"} {"x":"conscious","y":"[1]alert, alive to, awake, aware, clued-up @@@@ [2]cognizant, percipient, responsive, sensible, sentient, wise to @@@@ [3]calculated, deliberate, intentional, knowing, premeditated, rational, reasoning, reflective, responsible, self-conscious, studied, wilful"} {"x":"consciousness","y":"[1]apprehension, awareness, knowledge, realization, recognition, sensibility"} {"x":"consecrate","y":"[1]dedicate, devote, exalt, hallow, ordain, sanctify, set apart, venerate"} {"x":"consecutive","y":"[1]chronological, following, in sequence, in turn, running, sequential, seriatim, succeeding, successive, uninterrupted"} {"x":"consensus","y":"[1]agreement, assent, common consent, concord, concurrence, general agreement, harmony, unanimity, unity"} {"x":"consent","y":"[1]accede, acquiesce, agree, allow, approve, assent, comply, concede, concur, permit, play ball @@@@ [2]yield @@@@ [3]acquiescence, agreement, approval, assent, compliance, concession, concurrence, go-ahead @@@@ [4]permission, sanction"} {"x":"consequence","y":"[1]effect, end, end result, event, issue, outcome, repercussion, result, sequel, upshot @@@@ [2]account, concern, import, importance, interest, moment, note, portent, significance, value, weight @@@@ [3]bottom, distinction, eminence, notability, rank, repute, standing, status @@@@ [4]as a result, because, following"} {"x":"consequential","y":"[1]eventful, far-reaching, grave, important, momentous, serious, significant, weighty @@@@ [2]arrogant, bumptious, conceited, inflated, pompous, pretentious, self-important, supercilious, vainglorious @@@@ [3]consequent, indirect, resultant"} {"x":"consequently","y":"[1]accordingly, ergo, hence, necessarily, subsequently, therefore, thus"} {"x":"conservation","y":"[1]custody, economy, guardianship, husbandry, maintenance, preservation, protection, safeguarding, safekeeping, saving, upkeep"} {"x":"conservative","y":"[1]cautious, conventional, die-hard, guarded, hidebound, middle-of-the-road, moderate, quiet, reactionary, right-wing, sober, tory, traditional @@@@ [2]middle-of-the-roader, moderate, reactionary, right-winger, stick-in-the-mud @@@@ [3]tory, traditionalist"} {"x":"conservatory","y":"[1]glasshouse, greenhouse, hothouse"} {"x":"conserve","y":"[1]go easy on, hoard, husband, keep, nurse, preserve, protect, save, store up, take care of, use sparingly"} {"x":"consider","y":"[1]chew over, cogitate, consult, contemplate, deliberate, discuss, examine, eye up, meditate, mull over, muse, ponder, reflect, revolve, ruminate, study, think about, turn over in one's mind, weigh, work over @@@@ [2]believe, deem, hold to be, judge, rate, regard as, think @@@@ [3]bear in mind, care for, keep in view, make allowance for, reckon with, regard, remember, respect, take into account"} {"x":"considerable","y":"[1]abundant, ample, appreciable, comfortable, goodly, great, large, lavish, marked, much, noticeable, plentiful, reasonable, sizable or sizeable, substantial, tidy, tolerable @@@@ [2]distinguished, important, influential, notable, noteworthy, renowned, significant, venerable"} {"x":"considerably","y":"[1]appreciably, greatly, markedly, noticeably, remarkably, seriously @@@@ [2]significantly, substantially, very much"} {"x":"consideration","y":"[1]analysis, attention, cogitation, contemplation, deliberation, discussion, examination, perusal, reflection, regard, review, scrutiny, study, thought @@@@ [2]concern, factor, issue, point @@@@ [3]concern, considerateness, friendliness, kindliness, kindness, respect, solicitude, tact, thoughtfulness @@@@ [4]fee, payment, perquisite, recompense, remuneration, reward, tip @@@@ [5]bear in mind, make allowance for, take into account, weigh"} {"x":"considering","y":"[1]all in all, all things considered, insomuch as, in the light of, in view of"} {"x":"consign","y":"[1]commend to, commit, convey, deliver, deposit with, entrust, hand over, relegate, ship @@@@ [2]transfer, transmit"} {"x":"consignment","y":"[1]assignment, committal, dispatch, distribution, entrusting, handing over, relegation, sending, shipment, transmittal @@@@ [2]batch, delivery, goods, shipment"} {"x":"consist","y":"[1]amount to, be composed of, be made up of, comprise, contain, embody, include, incorporate, involve @@@@ [2]be expressed by, be found or contained in, inhere, lie, reside"} {"x":"consistent","y":"[1]constant, dependable, persistent, regular, steady, true to type, unchanging, undeviating @@@@ [2]accordant, agreeing, all of a piece, coherent, compatible, congruous, consonant, harmonious, logical"} {"x":"consolation","y":"[1]alleviation, assuagement, cheer, comfort, ease, easement, encouragement, help, relief, solace, succour, support"} {"x":"console","y":"[1]assuage, calm, cheer, comfort, encourage, express sympathy for, relieve, solace, soothe"} {"x":"consolidate","y":"[1]amalgamate, cement, combine, compact, condense, conjoin, federate, fuse, harden, join, solidify, thicken, unite @@@@ [2]fortify, reinforce, secure, stabilize, strengthen"} {"x":"consonance","y":"[1]accord, agreement, concord, conformity, congruence, congruity, consistency, correspondence, harmony, suitableness, unison"} {"x":"consort","y":"[1]associate, companion, fellow, husband, partner, significant other @@@@ [2]spouse, wife @@@@ [3]associate, fraternize, go around with, hang about, around or out with, hang with @@@@ [4]keep company, mingle, mix @@@@ [5]accord, agree, correspond, harmonize, square, tally"} {"x":"conspectus","y":"[1]abstract, compendium, digest, epitome, outline, precis, resume, summary, survey, syllabus, synopsis"} {"x":"conspicuous","y":"[1]apparent, blatant, clear, discernible, easily seen, evident, manifest, noticeable, obvious, patent, perceptible, salient, visible @@@@ [2]celebrated, distinguished, eminent, famous, illustrious, notable, outstanding, prominent, remarkable, salient, signal, striking @@@@ [3]blatant, flagrant, flashy, garish, glaring, showy"} {"x":"conspiracy","y":"[1]cabal, collusion, confederacy, frame-up @@@@ [2]intrigue, league, machination, plot, scheme, treason"} {"x":"constancy","y":"[1]decision, determination, devotion, fidelity, firmness, fixedness, permanence, perseverance, regularity, resolution, stability, steadfastness, steadiness, tenacity, uniformity"} {"x":"constant","y":"[1]continual, even, firm, fixed, habitual, immovable, immutable, invariable, permanent, perpetual, regular, stable, steadfast, steady, unalterable, unbroken, uniform, unvarying @@@@ [2]ceaseless, continual, continuous, endless, eternal, everlasting, incessant, interminable, never-ending, nonstop, perpetual, persistent, relentless, sustained, uninterrupted, unrelenting, unremitting @@@@ [3]determined, dogged, persevering, resolute, unflagging, unshaken, unwavering @@@@ [4]attached, dependable, devoted, faithful, loyal, stalwart, staunch, tried-and-true, true, trustworthy, trusty, unfailing"} {"x":"constantly","y":"[1]all the time, always, aye @@@@ [2]continually, continuously, endlessly, everlastingly, incessantly, interminably, invariably, morning, noon and night, night and day, nonstop, perpetually, persistently, relentlessly"} {"x":"consternation","y":"[1]alarm, amazement, anxiety, awe, bewilderment, confusion, dismay, distress, dread, fear, fright, horror, panic, shock, terror, trepidation"} {"x":"constitute","y":"[1]compose, comprise, create, enact, establish, fix, form, found, make, make up, set up @@@@ [2]appoint, authorize, commission, delegate, depute, empower, name, nominate, ordain"} {"x":"constitution","y":"[1]composition, establishment, formation, organization @@@@ [2]build, character, composition, disposition, form, habit, health, make-up, nature, physique, structure, temper, temperament"} {"x":"constitutional","y":"[1]congenital, immanent, inborn, inherent, intrinsic, organic @@@@ [2]chartered, statutory, vested @@@@ [3]airing, stroll, turn, walk"} {"x":"constrain","y":"[1]bind, coerce, compel, drive, force, impel, necessitate, oblige, pressure, pressurize, urge @@@@ [2]chain, check, confine, constrict, curb, hem in, rein, restrain, straiten"} {"x":"constrict","y":"[1]choke, compress, contract, cramp, inhibit, limit, narrow, pinch, restrict, shrink, squeeze, strangle, strangulate, tighten"} {"x":"construct","y":"[1]assemble, build, compose, create, design, elevate, engineer, erect, establish, fabricate, fashion, form, formulate, found, frame, make, manufacture, organize, put up, raise, set up, shape"} {"x":"construction","y":"[1]assembly, building, composition, creation, edifice, erection, fabric, fabrication, figure, form, formation, shape, structure @@@@ [2]explanation, inference, interpretation, reading, rendering, take"} {"x":"construe","y":"[1]analyse, deduce, explain, expound, interpret, parse, read, read between the lines, render, take, translate"} {"x":"consult","y":"[1]ask, ask advice of, commune, compare notes, confer, consider, debate, deliberate, interrogate, pick (someone's) brains, question, refer to, take counsel, turn to @@@@ [2]consider, have regard for, regard, respect, take account of, take into consideration"} {"x":"consultant","y":"[1]adviser, authority, specialist"} {"x":"consultation","y":"[1]appointment, conference, council, deliberation, dialogue, discussion, examination, hearing, interview, meeting, seminar, session"} {"x":"consume","y":"[1]absorb, deplete, dissipate, drain, eat up, employ, exhaust, expend, finish up, fritter away, lavish, lessen, spend, squander, use, use up, utilize, vanish, waste, wear out @@@@ [2]devour, eat, eat up, gobble (up), guzzle, polish off @@@@ [3]put away, swallow @@@@ [4]annihilate, decay, demolish, destroy, devastate, lay waste, ravage @@@@ [5]absorb, devour, dominate, eat up, engross, monopolize, obsess, preoccupy"} {"x":"consumer","y":"[1]buyer, customer, purchaser, shopper, user"} {"x":"consummate","y":"[1]accomplish, achieve, carry out, compass, complete, conclude, crown, effectuate, end, finish, perfect, perform, put the tin lid on @@@@ [2]absolute, accomplished, complete, conspicuous, deep-dyed @@@@ [3]finished, matchless, perfect, polished, practised, skilled, superb, supreme, total, transcendent, ultimate, unqualified, utter"} {"x":"consummation","y":"[1]achievement, completion, culmination, end, fulfilment, perfection, realization"} {"x":"consumption","y":"[1]consuming, decay, decrease, depletion, destruction, diminution, dissipation, drain, exhaustion, expenditure, loss, use, using up, utilization, waste @@@@ [2]atrophy, emaciation, phthisis, T.B., tuberculosis"} {"x":"contact","y":"[1]association, communication, connection @@@@ [2]approximation, contiguity, junction, juxtaposition, touch, union @@@@ [3]acquaintance, connection @@@@ [4]approach, call, communicate with, get hold of, get or be in touch with, phone, reach, ring (up) @@@@ [5]write to"} {"x":"contagion","y":"[1]contamination, corruption, infection, pestilence, plague, pollution, taint @@@@ [2]communication, passage, spread, transference, transmittal"} {"x":"contain","y":"[1]accommodate, enclose, have capacity for, hold, incorporate, seat @@@@ [2]comprehend, comprise, embody, embrace, include, involve @@@@ [3]control, curb, hold back, hold in, keep a tight rein on, repress, restrain, stifle @@@@ [4]If writing, speech, or film contains particular information, ideas, or images, it includes them."} {"x":"contaminate","y":"[1]adulterate, befoul, corrupt, defile, deprave, infect, pollute, radioactivate, smirch, soil, stain, sully, taint, tarnish, vitiate"} {"x":"contemn","y":"[1]despise, disdain, disregard, hold cheap, neglect, scorn, slight, spurn, treat with contempt"} {"x":"contemplate","y":"[1]brood over, consider, deliberate, meditate, meditate on, mull over, muse over, observe, ponder, reflect upon, revolve or turn over in one's mind, ruminate (upon), study @@@@ [2]behold, check out @@@@ [3]examine, eye, eye up, gaze at, inspect, recce @@@@ [4]regard, scrutinize, stare at, survey, view, weigh @@@@ [5]aspire to, consider, design, envisage, expect, foresee, have in view or in mind, intend, mean, plan, propose, think of"} {"x":"contemplation","y":"[1]cogitation, consideration, deliberation, meditation, musing, pondering, reflection, reverie, rumination, thought @@@@ [2]examination, gazing at, inspection, looking at, observation, recce @@@@ [3]scrutiny, survey, viewing"} {"x":"contemplative","y":"[1]deep or lost in thought, in a brown study, intent, introspective, meditative, musing, pensive, rapt, reflective, ruminative, thoughtful"} {"x":"contemporary","y":"[1]coetaneous @@@@ [2]coeval, coexistent, coexisting, concurrent, contemporaneous, synchronous @@@@ [3]a la mode, current, happening @@@@ [4]in fashion, latest, modern, newfangled, present, present-day, recent, trendy @@@@ [5]ultramodern, up-to-date, up-to-the-minute, with it @@@@ [6]compeer, fellow, peer"} {"x":"contempt","y":"[1]condescension, contumely, derision, despite @@@@ [2]disdain, disregard, disrespect, mockery, neglect, scorn, slight @@@@ [3]disgrace, dishonour, humiliation, shame"} {"x":"contemptuous","y":"[1]arrogant, cavalier, condescending, contumelious, derisive, disdainful, haughty, high and mighty, insolent, insulting, on one's high horse @@@@ [2]scornful, sneering, supercilious, withering"} {"x":"contend","y":"[1]clash, compete, contest, cope, emulate, grapple, jostle, litigate, skirmish, strive, struggle, vie @@@@ [2]affirm, allege, argue, assert, aver, avow, debate, dispute, hold, maintain"} {"x":"content","y":"[1]appease, delight, gladden, gratify, humour, indulge, mollify, placate, please, reconcile, sate, satisfy, suffice @@@@ [2]comfort, contentment, ease, gratification, peace, peace of mind, pleasure, satisfaction @@@@ [3]agreeable, at ease, comfortable, contented, fulfilled, satisfied, willing to accept @@@@ [4]burden, essence, gist, ideas, matter, meaning, significance, substance, text, thoughts @@@@ [5]capacity, load, measure, size, volume"} {"x":"contented","y":"[1]at ease, at peace, cheerful, comfortable, complacent, content, glad, gratified, happy, pleased, satisfied, serene, thankful"} {"x":"contention","y":"[1]bone of contention, competition, contest, discord, dispute, dissension, enmity, feuding, hostility, rivalry, row, strife, struggle, wrangling @@@@ [2]affirmation, allegation, argument, assertion, asseveration, belief, claim, declaration, ground, idea, maintaining, opinion, position, profession, stand, thesis, view"} {"x":"contentment","y":"[1]comfort, complacency, content, contentedness, ease, equanimity, fulfilment, gladness, gratification, happiness, peace, pleasure, repletion, satisfaction, serenity"} {"x":"contents","y":"[1]constituents, elements, ingredients, load @@@@ [2]chapters, divisions, subject matter, subjects, themes, topics @@@@ [3]appease, delight, gladden, gratify, humour, indulge, mollify, placate, please, reconcile, sate, satisfy, suffice @@@@ [4]comfort, contentment, ease, gratification, peace, peace of mind, pleasure, satisfaction @@@@ [5]agreeable, at ease, comfortable, contented, fulfilled, satisfied, willing to accept"} {"x":"contest","y":"[1]competition, game, head-to-head, match, tournament, trial @@@@ [2]affray, altercation, battle, combat, conflict, controversy, debate, discord, dispute, encounter, fight, shock, struggle @@@@ [3]compete, contend, fight, fight over, strive, vie @@@@ [4]argue, call in or into question, challenge, debate, dispute, doubt, litigate, object to, oppose, question"} {"x":"context","y":"[1]background, connection, frame of reference, framework, relation @@@@ [2]ambience, circumstances, conditions, situation"} {"x":"contiguous","y":"[1]abutting, adjacent, adjoining, beside, bordering, conterminous, in contact, juxtaposed, juxtapositional, near, neighbouring, next, next door to, touching"} {"x":"continence","y":"[1]abstinence, asceticism, celibacy, chastity, moderation, self-control, self-restraint, temperance"} {"x":"continent","y":"[1]abstemious, abstinent, ascetic, austere, celibate, chaste, self-restrained, sober"} {"x":"contingency","y":"[1]accident, chance, emergency, event, eventuality, fortuity, happening, incident, juncture, possibility, uncertainty"} {"x":"continual","y":"[1]constant, continuous, endless, eternal, everlasting, frequent, incessant, interminable, oft-repeated, perpetual, recurrent, regular, repeated, repetitive, unceasing, uninterrupted, unremitting"} {"x":"continually","y":"[1]all the time, always, aye @@@@ [2]constantly, endlessly, eternally, everlastingly, forever, incessantly, interminably, nonstop, persistently, repeatedly"} {"x":"continuation","y":"[1]addition, extension, furtherance, postscript, sequel, supplement @@@@ [2]maintenance, perpetuation, prolongation, resumption"} {"x":"continue","y":"[1]abide, carry on, endure, last, live on, persist, remain, rest, stay, stay on, survive @@@@ [2]go on, keep at, keep on, keep one's hand in, keep the ball rolling, keep up, maintain, persevere, persist in, prolong, pursue, stick at, stick to, sustain @@@@ [3]draw out, extend, lengthen, project, prolong, reach @@@@ [4]carry on, pick up where one left off, proceed, recommence, resume, return to, take up"} {"x":"continuing","y":"[1]enduring, in progress, lasting, ongoing, sustained"} {"x":"continuity","y":"[1]cohesion, connection, flow, interrelationship, progression, sequence, succession, whole"} {"x":"continuous","y":"[1]connected, constant, continued, extended, prolonged, unbroken, unceasing, undivided, uninterrupted"} {"x":"contort","y":"[1]convolute, deform, distort, gnarl, knot, misshape, twist, warp, wrench, writhe"} {"x":"contour","y":"[1]curve, figure, form, lines, outline, profile, relief, shape, silhouette"} {"x":"contraband","y":"[1]black-marketing, bootlegging, moonshine @@@@ [2]rum-running, smuggling, trafficking @@@@ [3]banned, black-market, bootleg, bootlegged, forbidden, hot @@@@ [4]illegal, illicit, interdicted, prohibited, smuggled, unlawful"} {"x":"contract","y":"[1]abbreviate, abridge, compress, condense, confine, constrict, curtail, diminish, dwindle, epitomize, knit, lessen, narrow, pucker, purse, reduce, shrink, shrivel, tighten, wither, wrinkle @@@@ [2]agree, arrange, bargain, clinch, close, come to terms, commit oneself, covenant, engage, enter into, negotiate, pledge, shake hands, stipulate @@@@ [3]acquire, be afflicted with, catch, develop, get, go down with, incur @@@@ [4]agreement, arrangement, bargain, bond, commission, commitment, compact, concordat, convention, covenant, deal @@@@ [5]engagement, pact, settlement, stipulation, treaty, understanding"} {"x":"contraction","y":"[1]abbreviation, compression, constriction, diminution, drawing in, elision, narrowing, reduction, shortening, shrinkage, shrivelling, tensing, tightening"} {"x":"contradict","y":"[1]be at variance with, belie, challenge, contravene, controvert, counter, counteract, deny, dispute, fly in the face of, gainsay @@@@ [2]impugn, make a nonsense of, negate, oppose, rebut"} {"x":"contraption","y":"[1]apparatus, contrivance, device, gadget, instrument, mechanism, rig, waldo"} {"x":"contrary","y":"[1]adverse, antagonistic, clashing, contradictory, counter, discordant, hostile, inconsistent, inimical, opposed, opposite, paradoxical @@@@ [2]awkward, balky, cantankerous, cussed @@@@ [3]difficult, disobliging, froward @@@@ [4]intractable, obstinate, perverse, stroppy @@@@ [5]thrawn @@@@ [6]unaccommodating, wayward, wilful @@@@ [7]antithesis, converse, opposite, reverse @@@@ [8]conversely, in contrast, not at all, on the other hand, quite the opposite or reverse"} {"x":"contrast","y":"[1]comparison, contrariety, difference, differentiation, disparity, dissimilarity, distinction, divergence, foil, opposition @@@@ [2]compare, differ, differentiate, distinguish, oppose, set in opposition, set off"} {"x":"contravene","y":"[1]break, disobey, go against, infringe, transgress, violate @@@@ [2]conflict with, contradict, counteract, cross, go against, hinder, interfere, oppose, refute, thwart"} {"x":"contribute","y":"[1]add, afford, bestow, chip in @@@@ [2]donate, furnish, give, provide, subscribe, supply @@@@ [3]be conducive, be instrumental, be partly responsible for, conduce, help, lead, tend"} {"x":"contribution","y":"[1]addition, bestowal, donation, gift, grant, input, offering, stipend, subscription"} {"x":"contributor","y":"[1]backer, bestower, conferrer, donor, giver, patron, subscriber, supporter @@@@ [2]correspondent, freelance, freelancer, journalist, journo @@@@ [3]reporter"} {"x":"contrite","y":"[1]chastened, conscience-stricken, humble, in sackcloth and ashes, penitent, regretful, remorseful, repentant, sorrowful, sorry"} {"x":"contrition","y":"[1]compunction, humiliation, penitence, remorse, repentance, self-reproach, sorrow"} {"x":"contrivance","y":"[1]artifice, design, dodge, expedient, fabrication, formation, intrigue, inventiveness, machination, measure, plan, plot, project, ruse, scheme, stratagem, trick @@@@ [2]apparatus, appliance, contraption, device, equipment, gadget, gear, implement, instrument, invention, machine, mechanism"} {"x":"contrive","y":"[1]concoct, construct, create, design, devise, engineer, fabricate, frame, improvise, invent, manufacture, wangle @@@@ [2]arrange, bring about, effect, hit upon, manage, manoeuvre, plan, plot, scheme, succeed"} {"x":"control","y":"[1]administer, boss @@@@ [2]call the shots, call the tune, command, conduct, direct, dominate, govern, handle, have charge of, have (someone) in one's pocket, hold the purse strings, keep a tight rein on, keep on a string, lead, manage, manipulate, oversee, pilot, reign over, rule, steer, superintend, supervise @@@@ [3]bridle, check, constrain, contain, curb, hold back, limit, master, rein in, repress, restrain, subdue @@@@ [4]counteract, determine, monitor, regulate, verify @@@@ [5]authority, charge, command, direction, discipline, government, guidance, jurisdiction, management, mastery, oversight, rule, superintendence, supervision, supremacy @@@@ [6]brake, check, curb, limitation, regulation, restraint @@@@ [7]calmness, cool, coolness, restraint, self-discipline, self-mastery, self-restraint, strength of mind or will, willpower"} {"x":"controls","y":"[1]console, control panel, dash, dashboard, dials, instruments @@@@ [2]administer, boss @@@@ [3]call the shots, call the tune, command, conduct, direct, dominate, govern, handle, have charge of, have (someone) in one's pocket, hold the purse strings, keep a tight rein on, keep on a string, lead, manage, manipulate, oversee, pilot, reign over, rule, steer, superintend, supervise @@@@ [4]bridle, check, constrain, contain, curb, hold back, limit, master, rein in, repress, restrain, subdue @@@@ [5]counteract, determine, monitor, regulate, verify @@@@ [6]authority, charge, command, direction, discipline, government, guidance, jurisdiction, management, mastery, oversight, rule, superintendence, supervision, supremacy @@@@ [7]brake, check, curb, limitation, regulation, restraint @@@@ [8]calmness, cool, coolness, restraint, self-discipline, self-mastery, self-restraint, strength of mind or will, willpower"} {"x":"controversial","y":"[1]at issue, contended, contentious, controvertible, debatable, disputable, disputed, open to question, polemic, under discussion"} {"x":"controversy","y":"[1]altercation, argument, contention, debate, discussion, dispute, dissension, polemic, quarrel, row, squabble, strife, wrangle, wrangling"} {"x":"controvert","y":"[1]challenge, contradict, counter, deny, fly in the face of, make a nonsense of, oppose, refute @@@@ [2]argue, contest, debate, discuss, dispute, wrangle"} {"x":"contumacious","y":"[1]haughty, headstrong, insubordinate, intractable, intransigent, obdurate, obstinate, perverse, pig-headed, rebellious, recalcitrant, refractory, stiff-necked, stubborn"} {"x":"contumacy","y":"[1]contempt, contrariety, delinquency, disobedience, haughtiness, insubordination, intransigence, obstinacy, perverseness, pig-headedness, rebelliousness, recalcitrance, refractoriness, stubbornness"} {"x":"contumelious","y":"[1]contemptuous, disdainful, insolent, insulting, scornful, sneering, sniffy @@@@ [2]supercilious, withering"} {"x":"contumely","y":"[1]abuse, affront, arrogance, contempt, derision, disdain, humiliation, indignity, insolence, insult, obloquy, opprobrium, rudeness, scorn, superciliousness"} {"x":"contusion","y":"[1]bruise, discoloration, injury, knock, swelling, trauma"} {"x":"conundrum","y":"[1]brain-teaser @@@@ [2]enigma, poser, problem, puzzle, riddle, teaser"} {"x":"convalesce","y":"[1]improve, rally, recover, recuperate, rehabilitate, rest"} {"x":"convene","y":"[1]assemble, bring together, call, come together, congregate, convoke, gather, meet, muster, rally, summon"} {"x":"convenience","y":"[1]accessibility, appropriateness, availability, fitness, handiness, opportuneness, serviceability, suitability, usefulness, utility @@@@ [2]chance, leisure, opportunity, spare moment, spare time @@@@ [3]accommodation, advantage, benefit, comfort, ease, enjoyment, satisfaction, service, use @@@@ [4]amenity, appliance, comfort, facility, help, labour-saving device"} {"x":"convenient","y":"[1]adapted, appropriate, beneficial, commodious, fit, fitted, handy, helpful, labour-saving, opportune, seasonable, serviceable, suitable, suited, timely, useful, well-timed @@@@ [2]accessible, at hand, available, close at hand, handy, just round the corner, nearby, within reach"} {"x":"convent","y":"[1]convent school, nunnery, religious community"} {"x":"convention","y":"[1]assembly, conference, congress, convocation, council, delegates, meeting, representatives @@@@ [2]code, custom, etiquette, formality, practice, propriety, protocol, tradition, usage @@@@ [3]agreement, bargain, compact, concordat, contract, pact, protocol, stipulation, treaty"} {"x":"conventional","y":"[1]accepted, bog-standard @@@@ [2]common, correct, customary, decorous, expected, formal, habitual, normal, ordinary, orthodox, prevailing, prevalent, proper, regular, ritual, standard, traditional, usual, wonted @@@@ [3]banal, bourgeois, commonplace, hackneyed, hidebound, pedestrian, Pooterish, prosaic, routine, run-of-the-mill, stereotyped, unoriginal, vanilla"} {"x":"converge","y":"[1]coincide, combine, come together, concentrate, focus, gather, join, meet, merge, mingle"} {"x":"conversant","y":"[1]acquainted, au fait, experienced, familiar, knowledgeable, practised, proficient, skilled, versed, well-informed, well up in"} {"x":"conversation","y":"[1]chat, chinwag @@@@ [2]colloquy, communication, communion, confab @@@@ [3]confabulation, conference, converse, dialogue, discourse, discussion, exchange, gossip, intercourse, powwow, talk, tete-a-tete"} {"x":"converse","y":"[1]chat, commune, confer, discourse, exchange views, shoot the breeze @@@@ [2]associate, consort @@@@ [3]chat, communication, conference, conversation, dialogue, talk @@@@ [4]antithesis, contrary, obverse, opposite, other side of the coin, reverse @@@@ [5]contrary, counter, opposite, reverse, reversed, transposed"} {"x":"conversion","y":"[1]change, metamorphosis, transfiguration, transformation, transmogrification @@@@ [2]transmutation @@@@ [3]adaptation, alteration, modification, reconstruction, remodelling, reorganization @@@@ [4]change of heart, proselytization, rebirth, reformation, regeneration"} {"x":"convert","y":"[1]alter, change, interchange, metamorphose, transform, transmogrify @@@@ [2]transmute, transpose, turn @@@@ [3]adapt, apply, appropriate, customize, modify, remodel, reorganize, restyle, revise @@@@ [4]baptize, bring to God, convince, proselytize, reform, regenerate, save @@@@ [5]catechumen, disciple, neophyte, proselyte"} {"x":"convertible","y":"[1]adaptable, adjustable, exchangeable, interchangeable"} {"x":"convex","y":"[1]bulging, gibbous, outcurved, protuberant, rounded"} {"x":"convey","y":"[1]bear, bring, carry, conduct, fetch, forward, grant, guide, move, send, support, transmit, transport @@@@ [2]communicate, disclose, impart, make known, relate, reveal, tell @@@@ [3]bequeath, cede, deliver, demise, devolve, grant, lease, transfer, will"} {"x":"convict","y":"[1]condemn, find guilty, imprison, pronounce guilty, sentence @@@@ [2]con @@@@ [3]criminal, culprit, felon, jailbird, lag @@@@ [4]malefactor, prisoner, villain"} {"x":"conviction","y":"[1]assurance, certainty, certitude, confidence, earnestness, fervour, firmness, reliance @@@@ [2]belief, creed, faith, opinion, persuasion, principle, tenet, view"} {"x":"convince","y":"[1]assure, bring round, gain the confidence of, persuade, prevail upon, prove to, satisfy, sway, win over"} {"x":"convivial","y":"[1]back-slapping, cheerful, festive, friendly, fun-loving, gay, genial, hearty, hilarious, jolly, jovial, lively, merry, mirthful, partyish @@@@ [2]sociable"} {"x":"convocation","y":"[1]assemblage, assembly, conclave, concourse, congregation, congress, convention, council, diet, meeting, synod"} {"x":"convoke","y":"[1]assemble, call together, collect, convene, gather, muster, summon"} {"x":"convolution","y":"[1]coil, coiling, complexity, contortion, curlicue, helix, intricacy, involution, loop, sinuosity, sinuousness, spiral, tortuousness, twist, undulation, winding"} {"x":"convoy","y":"[1]armed guard, attendance, attendant, escort, guard, protection @@@@ [2]accompany, attend, escort, guard, pilot, protect, shepherd, usher"} {"x":"convulse","y":"[1]agitate, churn up, derange, disorder, disturb, shake, shatter, twist, work"} {"x":"convulsion","y":"[1]agitation, commotion, disturbance, furore, shaking, tumult, turbulence, upheaval @@@@ [2]contortion, contraction, cramp, fit, paroxysm, seizure, spasm, throe @@@@ [3]tremor"} {"x":"cook","y":"[1]concoct, contrive, devise, dream up, fabricate, improvise, invent, manufacture, plot, prepare, scheme, trump up"} {"x":"cool","y":"[1]chilled, chilling, chilly, coldish, nippy, refreshing @@@@ [2]calm, collected, composed, deliberate, dispassionate, imperturbable, laid-back @@@@ [3]level-headed, placid, quiet, relaxed, sedate, self-controlled, self-possessed, serene, together @@@@ [4]unemotional, unexcited, unfazed @@@@ [5]unruffled @@@@ [6]aloof, apathetic, distant, frigid, incurious, indifferent, lukewarm, offhand, reserved, standoffish, uncommunicative, unconcerned, unenthusiastic, unfriendly, uninterested, unresponsive, unwelcoming @@@@ [7]audacious, bold, brazen, cheeky, impertinent, impudent, presumptuous, shameless @@@@ [8]cosmopolitan, elegant, sophisticated, urbane @@@@ [9]chill, cool off, freeze, lose heat, refrigerate @@@@ [10]abate, allay, assuage, calm (down), dampen, lessen, moderate, quiet, temper @@@@ [11]calmness, composure, control, poise, self-control, self-discipline, self-possession, temper"} {"x":"coop","y":"[1]box, cage, corral @@@@ [2]enclosure, hutch, pen, pound @@@@ [3]cage, confine, immure, impound, imprison, pen, pound, shut up"} {"x":"cooperate","y":"[1]abet, aid, assist, collaborate, combine, concur, conduce, conspire, contribute, coordinate, go along with, help, join forces, lend a helping hand, pitch in, play ball @@@@ [2]pool resources, pull together, work together"} {"x":"cooperation","y":"[1]assistance, collaboration, combined effort, concert, concurrence, esprit de corps, give-and-take, helpfulness, participation, responsiveness, teamwork, unity"} {"x":"cooperative","y":"[1]accommodating, helpful, obliging, responsive, supportive @@@@ [2]coactive, collective, combined, concerted, coordinated, joint, shared, unified, united"} {"x":"coordinate","y":"[1]correlate, harmonize, integrate, match, mesh, organize, relate, synchronize, systematize @@@@ [2]coequal, correlative, correspondent, equal, equivalent, parallel, tantamount"} {"x":"cope","y":"[1]make the grade, manage, rise to the occasion, struggle through, survive @@@@ [2]contend, deal, dispatch, encounter, grapple, handle, struggle, tangle, tussle, weather, wrestle"} {"x":"copious","y":"[1]abundant, ample, bounteous, bountiful, extensive, exuberant, full, generous, lavish, liberal, luxuriant, overflowing, plenteous, plentiful, profuse, rich, superabundant"} {"x":"copulate","y":"[1]ball @@@@ [2]bonk @@@@ [3]fuck @@@@ [4]have intercourse, have sex, hump @@@@ [5]screw @@@@ [6]shag"} {"x":"copulation","y":"[1]carnal knowledge, coition, coitus, congress, coupling, intimacy, legover @@@@ [2]love, lovemaking, mating, nookie @@@@ [3]rumpy-pumpy @@@@ [4]sex, sex act, sexual intercourse, the other @@@@ [5]venery"} {"x":"copy","y":"[1]archetype, carbon copy, counterfeit, duplicate, facsimile, fake, fax, forgery, image, imitation, likeness, model, pattern, photocopy, Photostat @@@@ [2]print, replica, replication, representation, reproduction, transcription, Xerox @@@@ [3]counterfeit, duplicate, photocopy, Photostat @@@@ [4]replicate, reproduce, transcribe, Xerox @@@@ [5]ape, echo, emulate, follow, follow suit, follow the example of, imitate, mimic, mirror, parrot, repeat, simulate"} {"x":"coquetry","y":"[1]dalliance, flirtation, wantonness"} {"x":"cord","y":"[1]line, rope, string, twine @@@@ [2]bond, connection, link, tie"} {"x":"cordial","y":"[1]affable, affectionate, agreeable, cheerful, congenial, earnest, friendly, genial, heartfelt, hearty, invigorating, sociable, warm, warm-hearted, welcoming, wholehearted"} {"x":"cordiality","y":"[1]affability, amiability, friendliness, geniality, heartiness, sincerity, warmth, wholeheartedness"} {"x":"cordon","y":"[1]barrier, chain, line, ring @@@@ [2]close off, encircle, enclose, fence off, isolate, picket, separate, surround"} {"x":"core","y":"[1]centre, crux, essence, gist, heart, kernel, nub, nucleus, pith @@@@ [2]dedicated, die-hard, dyed-in-the-wool, extreme, intransigent, obstinate, rigid, staunch, steadfast @@@@ [3]explicit, obscene, X-rated"} {"x":"corner","y":"[1]angle, bend, crook, joint @@@@ [2]cavity, cranny, hideaway, hide-out, hidey-hole @@@@ [3]hole, niche, nook, recess, retreat @@@@ [4]hole @@@@ [5]hot water @@@@ [6]pickle @@@@ [7]predicament, spot @@@@ [8]tight spot @@@@ [9]bring to bay, run to earth, trap @@@@ [10]dominate, engross, hog @@@@ [11]monopolize @@@@ [12]backstairs, clandestine, furtive, secret, secretive, sneaky @@@@ [13]stealthy, surreptitious, underhand, under the counter"} {"x":"corny","y":"[1]banal, commonplace, dull, feeble, hackneyed, maudlin, mawkish, old-fashioned, old hat, sentimental, stale, stereotyped, trite"} {"x":"corollary","y":"[1]conclusion, consequence, deduction, induction, inference, result, sequel, upshot"} {"x":"corporal","y":"[1]anatomical, bodily, carnal, corporeal @@@@ [2]fleshly, material, physical, somatic"} {"x":"corporate","y":"[1]allied, collaborative, collective, combined, communal, joint, merged, pooled, shared, united"} {"x":"corporation","y":"[1]association, corporate body, society @@@@ [2]civic authorities, council, municipal authorities, town council @@@@ [3]beer belly @@@@ [4]middle-age spread @@@@ [5]paunch, pod, pot, potbelly, spare tyre @@@@ [6]spread"} {"x":"corporeal","y":"[1]bodily, fleshy, human, material, mortal, physical, substantial"} {"x":"corps","y":"[1]band, body, company, contingent, crew, detachment, division, regiment, squad, squadron, team, troop, unit"} {"x":"corpse","y":"[1]body, cadaver, carcass, remains, stiff"} {"x":"corpulence","y":"[1]beef @@@@ [2]blubber, burliness, embonpoint, fatness, fleshiness, obesity, plumpness, portliness, rotundity, stoutness, tubbiness"} {"x":"corpus","y":"[1]body, collection, compilation, complete works, entirety, oeuvre, whole"} {"x":"corral","y":"[1]confine, coop, enclosure, fold, pen, yard @@@@ [2]cage, confine, coop up, enclose, fence in, impound, mew, pen in"} {"x":"correct","y":"[1]adjust, amend, cure, emend, improve, rectify, redress, reform, regulate, remedy, right, set the record straight @@@@ [2]admonish, chasten, chastise, chide, discipline, punish, reprimand, reprove @@@@ [3]accurate, equitable, exact, faultless, flawless, just, O.K. or okay @@@@ [4]on the right lines, precise, regular, right, strict, true @@@@ [5]acceptable, appropriate, diplomatic, fitting, kosher @@@@ [6]proper, seemly, standard"} {"x":"correction","y":"[1]adjustment, alteration, amendment, emendation, improvement, modification, rectification, righting @@@@ [2]admonition, castigation, chastisement, discipline, punishment, reformation, reproof"} {"x":"correctly","y":"[1]accurately, aright, perfectly, precisely, properly, right, rightly"} {"x":"correlate","y":"[1]associate, compare, connect, coordinate, correspond, equate, interact, parallel, tie in"} {"x":"correlation","y":"[1]alternation, correspondence, equivalence, interaction, interchange, interdependence, interrelationship, reciprocity"} {"x":"correspond","y":"[1]accord, agree, be consistent, coincide, complement, conform, correlate, dovetail, fit, harmonize, match, square, tally @@@@ [2]communicate, exchange letters, keep in touch, write"} {"x":"correspondence","y":"[1]agreement, analogy, coincidence, comparability, comparison, concurrence, conformity, congruity, correlation, fitness, harmony, match, relation, similarity @@@@ [2]communication, letters, mail, post, writing"} {"x":"correspondent","y":"[1]contributor, gazetteer @@@@ [2]journalist, journo @@@@ [3]reporter, special correspondent @@@@ [4]analogous, comparable, like, of a piece, parallel, reciprocal, similar"} {"x":"corresponding","y":"[1]analogous, answering, complementary, correlative, correspondent, equivalent, identical, interrelated, matching, reciprocal, similar, synonymous"} {"x":"corridor","y":"[1]aisle, alley, hallway, passage, passageway"} {"x":"corroborate","y":"[1]authenticate, back up, bear out, confirm, document, endorse, establish, ratify, substantiate, support, sustain, validate"} {"x":"corrode","y":"[1]canker, consume, corrupt, deteriorate, eat away, erode, gnaw, impair, oxidize, rust, waste, wear away"} {"x":"corrupt","y":"[1]bent @@@@ [2]bribable, crooked @@@@ [3]dishonest, fraudulent, rotten, shady @@@@ [4]unethical, unprincipled, unscrupulous, venal @@@@ [5]abandoned, debased, defiled, degenerate, demoralized, depraved, dishonoured, dissolute, profligate, vicious @@@@ [6]bribe, buy off, debauch, demoralize, deprave, entice, fix @@@@ [7]lure, pervert, square, suborn, subvert @@@@ [8]adulterated, altered, contaminated, decayed, defiled, distorted, doctored, falsified, infected, polluted, putrescent, putrid, rotten, tainted @@@@ [9]adulterate, contaminate, debase, defile, doctor, infect, putrefy, spoil, taint, tamper with, vitiate"} {"x":"corruption","y":"[1]breach of trust, bribery, bribing, crookedness @@@@ [2]demoralization, dishonesty, extortion, fiddling @@@@ [3]fraud, fraudulency, graft @@@@ [4]jobbery, profiteering, shadiness, shady dealings @@@@ [5]unscrupulousness, venality @@@@ [6]baseness, decadence, degeneration, degradation, depravity, evil, immorality, impurity, iniquity, perversion, profligacy, sinfulness, turpitude, vice, viciousness, wickedness @@@@ [7]adulteration, debasement, decay, defilement, distortion, doctoring, falsification, foulness, infection, pollution, putrefaction, putrescence, rot, rottenness"} {"x":"corsair","y":"[1]buccaneer, freebooter, picaroon @@@@ [2]pirate, rover, sea rover"} {"x":"corset","y":"[1]belt, bodice, corselet, foundation garment, girdle, panty girdle, stays @@@@ [2]check, curb, limitation, restriction"} {"x":"cortege","y":"[1]cavalcade, entourage, procession, retinue, suite, train"} {"x":"cosmetic","y":"[1]beautifying, nonessential, superficial, surface, touching-up"} {"x":"cosmic","y":"[1]grandiose, huge, immense, infinite, limitless, measureless, stellar @@@@ [2]universal, vast"} {"x":"cosmonaut","y":"[1]astronaut, spaceman, space pilot"} {"x":"cosmopolitan","y":"[1]broad-minded, catholic, open-minded, sophisticated, universal, urbane, well-travelled, worldly, worldly-wise @@@@ [2]cosmopolite, jet-setter, man or woman of the world, sophisticate"} {"x":"cosmos","y":"[1]creation, macrocosm, universe, world @@@@ [2]harmony, order, structure"} {"x":"cost","y":"[1]amount, charge, damage @@@@ [2]expenditure, expense, figure, outlay, payment, price, rate, worth @@@@ [3]damage, deprivation, detriment, expense, harm, hurt, injury, loss, penalty, sacrifice, suffering @@@@ [4]come to, command a price of, sell at, set (someone) back @@@@ [5]do disservice to, harm, hurt, injure, lose, necessitate"} {"x":"costs","y":"[1]budget, expenses, outgoings, overheads @@@@ [2]at any price, no matter what, regardless, without fail @@@@ [3]amount, charge, damage @@@@ [4]expenditure, expense, figure, outlay, payment, price, rate, worth @@@@ [5]damage, deprivation, detriment, expense, harm, hurt, injury, loss, penalty, sacrifice, suffering @@@@ [6]come to, command a price of, sell at, set (someone) back @@@@ [7]do disservice to, harm, hurt, injure, lose, necessitate"} {"x":"costume","y":"[1]apparel, attire, clothing, dress, ensemble, garb, get-up @@@@ [2]livery, national dress, outfit, robes, uniform @@@@ [3]bathing suit, bikini, swimming costume, swimsuit, trunks"} {"x":"coterie","y":"[1]cabal, camp, circle, clique, gang, group, outfit @@@@ [2]posse @@@@ [3]set"} {"x":"cottage","y":"[1]but-and-ben @@@@ [2]cabin, chalet, cot, hut, lodge, shack"} {"x":"couch","y":"[1]express, frame, phrase, set forth, utter, word @@@@ [2]bed, chaise longue, chesterfield, day bed, divan, ottoman, settee, sofa"} {"x":"cough","y":"[1]bark, clear one's throat, hack, hawk, hem @@@@ [2]ante up @@@@ [3]come across, deliver, fork out @@@@ [4]give up, hand over, shell out @@@@ [5]surrender"} {"x":"council","y":"[1]assembly, board, cabinet, chamber, committee, conclave, conference, congress, convention, convocation, diet, governing body, house, ministry, panel, parliament, quango, synod"} {"x":"counsel","y":"[1]admonition, advice, caution, consideration, consultation, deliberation, direction, forethought, guidance, information, recommendation, suggestion, warning @@@@ [2]advocate, attorney, barrister, lawyer, legal adviser, solicitor @@@@ [3]admonish, advise, advocate, caution, exhort, instruct, prescribe, recommend, urge, warn"} {"x":"count","y":"[1]add (up), calculate, cast up, check, compute, enumerate, estimate, number, reckon, score, tally, tot up @@@@ [2]consider, deem, esteem, impute, judge, look upon, rate, regard, think @@@@ [3]enter into consideration, matter, rate, signify, tell, weigh @@@@ [4]calculation, computation, enumeration, numbering, poll, reckoning, sum, tally @@@@ [5]bank on, believe (in), depend on, lean on, pin one's faith on, reckon on, rely on, take for granted, take on trust, trust @@@@ [6]disregard, except, exclude, leave out, leave out of account, pass over @@@@ [7]add, reckon up, sum, tally, total"} {"x":"countenance","y":"[1]appearance, aspect, expression, face, features, look, mien, physiognomy, visage @@@@ [2]aid, approval, assistance, backing, endorsement, favour, sanction, support @@@@ [3]abet, aid, approve, back, champion, commend, condone, encourage, endorse, help, sanction, support @@@@ [4]brook, endure, hack @@@@ [5]stand for @@@@ [6]tolerate"} {"x":"counter","y":"[1]against, at variance with, contrarily, contrariwise, conversely, in defiance of, versus @@@@ [2]adverse, against, conflicting, contradictory, contrary, contrasting, obverse, opposed, opposing, opposite @@@@ [3]answer, hit back, meet, obviate, offset, parry, resist, respond, retaliate, return, ward off"} {"x":"counteract","y":"[1]annul, check, contravene, counterbalance, countervail, cross, defeat, foil, frustrate, hinder, invalidate, negate, neutralize, obviate, offset, oppose, resist, thwart"} {"x":"counterbalance","y":"[1]balance, compensate, counterpoise, countervail, make up for, offset, set off"} {"x":"counterfeit","y":"[1]copy, fabricate, fake, feign, forge, imitate, impersonate, pretend, sham, simulate @@@@ [2]bogus, copied, ersatz, faked, false, feigned, forged, fraudulent, imitation, phoney or phony @@@@ [3]sham, simulated, spurious, suppositious @@@@ [4]copy, fake, forgery, fraud, imitation, phoney or phony @@@@ [5]reproduction, sham"} {"x":"countermand","y":"[1]annul, cancel, override, repeal, rescind, retract, reverse, revoke"} {"x":"countless","y":"[1]endless, immeasurable, incalculable, infinite, innumerable, legion, limitless, measureless, multitudinous, myriad, numberless, uncounted, untold"} {"x":"country","y":"[1]commonwealth, kingdom, nation, people, realm, sovereign state, state @@@@ [2]fatherland, homeland, motherland, nationality, native land, patria @@@@ [3]land, part, region, terrain, territory @@@@ [4]citizenry, citizens, community, electors, grass roots, inhabitants, nation, people, populace, public, society, voters @@@@ [5]back country @@@@ [6]backlands @@@@ [7]backwoods, boondocks @@@@ [8]countryside, farmland, green belt, outback @@@@ [9]outdoors, provinces, rural areas, sticks @@@@ [10]agrarian, agrestic, Arcadian, bucolic, georgic @@@@ [11]landed, pastoral, provincial, rural, rustic"} {"x":"county","y":"[1]province, shire @@@@ [2]green-wellie, huntin', shootin', and fishin' @@@@ [3]plummy @@@@ [4]tweedy, upper-class, upper-crust"} {"x":"coup","y":"[1]accomplishment, action, deed, exploit, feat, manoeuvre, masterstroke, stratagem, stroke, stroke of genius, stunt, tour de force @@@@ [2]coup, overthrow, palace revolution, putsch, rebellion, seizure of power, takeover"} {"x":"couple","y":"[1]brace, duo, item, pair, span @@@@ [2]twain @@@@ [3]two, twosome @@@@ [4]buckle, clasp, conjoin, connect, hitch, join, link, marry, pair, unite, wed, yoke"} {"x":"coupon","y":"[1]card, certificate, detachable portion, slip, ticket, token, voucher"} {"x":"courage","y":"[1]balls @@@@ [2]ballsiness @@@@ [3]boldness, bottle @@@@ [4]bravery, daring, dauntlessness, fearlessness, firmness, fortitude, gallantry, grit, guts @@@@ [5]hardihood, heroism, intrepidity, lion-heartedness, mettle, nerve, pluck, resolution, spunk @@@@ [6]valour"} {"x":"courageous","y":"[1]audacious, ballsy @@@@ [2]bold, brave, daring, dauntless, fearless, gallant, gritty, hardy, heroic, indomitable, intrepid, lion-hearted, plucky, resolute, stalwart, stouthearted, valiant, valorous"} {"x":"courier","y":"[1]bearer, carrier, emissary, envoy, herald, messenger, pursuivant @@@@ [2]runner @@@@ [3]guide, representative"} {"x":"course","y":"[1]advance, advancement, continuity, development, flow, furtherance, march, movement, order, progress, progression, sequence, succession, tenor, unfolding @@@@ [2]channel, direction, line, orbit, passage, path, road, route, tack, track, trail, trajectory, way @@@@ [3]duration, lapse, passage, passing, sweep, term, time @@@@ [4]behaviour, conduct, manner, method, mode, plan, policy, procedure, programme, regimen @@@@ [5]cinder track, circuit, lap, race, racecourse, round @@@@ [6]classes, course of study, curriculum, lectures, programme, schedule, studies @@@@ [7]dash, flow, gush, move apace, race, run, scud, scurry, speed, stream, surge, tumble @@@@ [8]chase, follow, hunt, pursue @@@@ [9]eventually, finally, in the course of time, in the end, in time, sooner or later @@@@ [10]certainly, definitely, indubitably, naturally, needless to say, obviously, undoubtedly, without a doubt"} {"x":"court","y":"[1]cloister, courtyard, piazza, plaza, quad @@@@ [2]quadrangle, square, yard @@@@ [3]hall, manor, palace @@@@ [4]attendants, cortege, entourage, retinue, royal household, suite, train @@@@ [5]bar, bench, court of justice, law court, seat of judgment, tribunal @@@@ [6]addresses, attention, homage, respects, suit @@@@ [7]chase, date, go (out) with, go steady with @@@@ [8]keep company with, make love to, pay court to, pay one's addresses to, pursue, run after, serenade, set one's cap at, sue @@@@ [9]take out, walk out with, woo @@@@ [10]cultivate, curry favour with, fawn upon, flatter, pander to, seek, solicit @@@@ [11]attract, bring about, incite, invite, prompt, provoke, seek"} {"x":"courteous","y":"[1]affable, attentive, ceremonious, civil, courtly, elegant, gallant, gracious, mannerly, polished, polite, refined, respectful, urbane, well-bred, well-mannered"} {"x":"courtesan","y":"[1]call girl, demimondaine, fille de joie, harlot, hetaera, kept woman, mistress, paramour, prostitute, scarlet woman, whore, working girl"} {"x":"courtesy","y":"[1]affability, civility, courteousness, courtliness, elegance, gallantness, gallantry, good breeding, good manners, grace, graciousness, polish, politeness, urbanity @@@@ [2]benevolence, consent, consideration, favour, generosity, indulgence, kindness"} {"x":"courtier","y":"[1]attendant, follower, henchman, liegeman, pursuivant @@@@ [2]squire, train-bearer"} {"x":"courtly","y":"[1]affable, aristocratic, ceremonious, chivalrous, civil, decorous, dignified, elegant, flattering, formal, gallant, highbred, lordly, obliging, polished, refined, stately, urbane"} {"x":"courtship","y":"[1]courting, engagement, keeping company, pursuit, romance, suit, wooing"} {"x":"cove","y":"[1]anchorage, bay, bayou, creek, firth or frith @@@@ [2]inlet, sound @@@@ [3]bloke @@@@ [4]chap, character, customer, fellow, type"} {"x":"covenant","y":"[1]arrangement, bargain, commitment, compact, concordat, contract, convention, pact, promise, stipulation, treaty, trust @@@@ [2]bond, deed @@@@ [3]agree, bargain, contract, engage, pledge, shake hands, stipulate, undertake"} {"x":"cover","y":"[1]camouflage, cloak, conceal, cover up, curtain, disguise, eclipse, enshroud, hide, hood, house, mask, obscure, screen, secrete, shade, shroud, veil @@@@ [2]cloak, cover-up, disguise, facade, front, mask, pretence, screen, smoke screen, veil, window-dressing @@@@ [3]defend, guard, protect, reinforce, shelter, shield, watch over @@@@ [4]camouflage, concealment, defence, guard, hiding place, protection, refuge, sanctuary, shelter, shield, undergrowth, woods @@@@ [5]canopy, clothe, coat, daub, dress, encase, envelop, invest, layer, mantle, overlay, overspread, put on, wrap @@@@ [6]awning, binding, canopy, cap, case, clothing, coating, covering, dress, envelope, jacket, lid, sheath, top, wrapper @@@@ [7]comprehend, comprise, consider, contain, deal with, embody, embrace, encompass, examine, include, incorporate, involve, provide for, refer to, survey, take account of @@@@ [8]relieve, stand in for, substitute, take over, take the rap for @@@@ [9]describe, detail, investigate, narrate, recount, relate, report, tell of, write up @@@@ [10]balance, compensate, counterbalance, insure, make good, make up for, offset @@@@ [11]compensation, indemnity, insurance, payment, protection, reimbursement @@@@ [12]cross, pass through or over, range, travel over, traverse @@@@ [13]engulf, flood, overrun, submerge, wash over"} {"x":"coverage","y":"[1]analysis, description, reportage, reporting, treatment"} {"x":"covering","y":"[1]blanket, casing, clothing, coating, cover, housing, layer, overlay, protection, shelter, top, wrap, wrapper, wrapping @@@@ [2]accompanying, descriptive, explanatory, introductory"} {"x":"covert","y":"[1]clandestine, concealed, disguised, dissembled, hidden, private, secret, sly, stealthy, surreptitious, underhand, unsuspected, veiled @@@@ [2]brush @@@@ [3]bushes, coppice, shrubbery, thicket, undergrowth, underwood"} {"x":"covet","y":"[1]aspire to, begrudge, crave, desire, envy, fancy @@@@ [2]hanker after, have one's eye on, long for, lust after, set one's heart on, thirst for, would give one's eyeteeth for, yearn for"} {"x":"covey","y":"[1]bevy, brood, cluster, flight, flock, group, nye or nide"} {"x":"cow","y":"[1]awe, browbeat, bully, daunt, dishearten, dismay, frighten, intimidate, overawe, psych out @@@@ [2]scare, subdue, terrorize, unnerve"} {"x":"coward","y":"[1]caitiff @@@@ [2]chicken @@@@ [3]craven, dastard @@@@ [4]faint-heart, funk @@@@ [5]poltroon, recreant @@@@ [6]renegade, scaredy-cat @@@@ [7]skulker, sneak, wimp @@@@ [8]yellow-belly"} {"x":"cowboy","y":"[1]broncobuster @@@@ [2]buckaroo @@@@ [3]cattleman, cowhand, cowpuncher @@@@ [4]drover, gaucho @@@@ [5]herder, herdsman, rancher, ranchero @@@@ [6]stockman, wrangler"} {"x":"cower","y":"[1]cringe, crouch, draw back, fawn, flinch, grovel, quail, shrink, skulk, sneak, tremble, truckle"} {"x":"coxcomb","y":"[1]beau, Beau Brummell, dandy, dude @@@@ [2]exquisite, fop, macaroni @@@@ [3]peacock, popinjay, poser @@@@ [4]prig, puppy, spark @@@@ [5]swell"} {"x":"coy","y":"[1]arch, backward, bashful, coquettish, demure, evasive, flirtatious, kittenish, modest, overmodest, prudish, reserved, retiring, self-effacing, shrinking, shy, skittish, timid"} {"x":"cozen","y":"[1]bilk, cheat, circumvent, con @@@@ [2]deceive, diddle @@@@ [3]double-cross @@@@ [4]dupe, gull @@@@ [5]hoodwink, impose on, inveigle, stiff @@@@ [6]stitch up @@@@ [7]victimize"} {"x":"crabbed","y":"[1]acrid, acrimonious, captious, churlish, cross, cynical, difficult, fretful, harsh, ill-tempered, irritable, morose, perverse, petulant, prickly, ratty @@@@ [2]sour, splenetic, surly, tart, testy, tetchy, tough, trying @@@@ [3]awkward, cramped, hieroglyphical, illegible, indecipherable, laboured, squeezed, unreadable"} {"x":"crabby","y":"[1]acid, awkward, bad-tempered, cross, crotchety @@@@ [2]grouchy @@@@ [3]ill-humoured, irritable, mardy @@@@ [4]misanthropic, nasty-tempered, prickly, ratty @@@@ [5]snappish, snappy, sour, surly, testy, tetchy, unsociable"} {"x":"crack","y":"[1]break, burst, chip, chop, cleave, crackle, craze, fracture, rive, snap, splinter, split @@@@ [2]breach, break, chink, chip, cleft, cranny, crevice, fissure, fracture, gap, interstice, rift @@@@ [3]burst, crash, detonate, explode, pop, ring, snap @@@@ [4]burst, clap, crash, explosion, pop, report, snap @@@@ [5]break down, collapse, give way, go to pieces, lose control, succumb, yield @@@@ [6]buffet, clip @@@@ [7]clout @@@@ [8]cuff, slap, thump, wallop @@@@ [9]whack @@@@ [10]decipher, fathom, get the answer to, solve, work out @@@@ [11]attempt, go @@@@ [12]opportunity, shot, stab @@@@ [13]try @@@@ [14]dig, funny remark, gag @@@@ [15]insult, jibe, joke, quip, smart-alecky remark, wisecrack, witticism @@@@ [16]ace, choice, elite, excellent, first-class, first-rate, hand-picked, superior, world-class @@@@ [17]freak out @@@@ [18]go ape @@@@ [19]go apeshit"} {"x":"cracked","y":"[1]broken, chipped, crazed, damaged, defective, faulty, fissured, flawed, imperfect, split @@@@ [2]bats @@@@ [3]batty @@@@ [4]crackbrained, crackpot @@@@ [5]crazy @@@@ [6]daft @@@@ [7]doolally @@@@ [8]eccentric, gonzo @@@@ [9]insane, loony @@@@ [10]loopy @@@@ [11]nuts @@@@ [12]nutty @@@@ [13]oddball @@@@ [14]off-the-wall @@@@ [15]blown up, exaggerated, hyped (up), overpraised, overrated, puffed up"} {"x":"cradle","y":"[1]bassinet, cot, crib, Moses basket @@@@ [2]beginning, birthplace, fount, fountainhead, origin, source, spring, wellspring @@@@ [3]hold, lull, nestle, nurse, rock, support @@@@ [4]nourish, nurture, tend, watch over"} {"x":"craft","y":"[1]ability, aptitude, art, artistry, cleverness, dexterity, expertise, expertness, ingenuity, knack, know-how @@@@ [2]skill, technique, workmanship @@@@ [3]artfulness, artifice, contrivance, craftiness, cunning, deceit, duplicity, guile, ruse, scheme, shrewdness, stratagem, subterfuge, subtlety, trickery, wiles @@@@ [4]business, calling, employment, handicraft, handiwork, line, occupation, pursuit, trade, vocation, work @@@@ [5]aircraft, barque, boat, plane, ship, spacecraft, vessel"} {"x":"craftsman","y":"[1]artificer, artisan, maker, master, skilled worker, smith, technician, wright"} {"x":"crafty","y":"[1]artful, astute, calculating, canny, cunning, deceitful, designing, devious, duplicitous, foxy, fraudulent, guileful, insidious, knowing, scheming, sharp, shrewd, sly, subtle, tricksy, tricky, wily"} {"x":"crag","y":"[1]aiguille, bluff, peak, pinnacle, rock, tor"} {"x":"cram","y":"[1]compact, compress, crowd, crush, fill to overflowing, force, jam, overcrowd, overfill, pack, pack in, press, ram, shove, squeeze, stuff @@@@ [2]glut, gorge, gormandize, guzzle, overeat, overfeed, pig out @@@@ [3]put or pack away, satiate, stuff @@@@ [4]con, grind, mug up @@@@ [5]revise, study, swot, swot up"} {"x":"cramp","y":"[1]check, circumscribe, clip someone's wings, clog, confine, constrain, encumber, hamper, hamstring, handicap, hinder, impede, inhibit, obstruct, restrict, shackle, stymie, thwart @@@@ [2]ache, contraction, convulsion, crick, pain, pang, shooting pain, spasm, stiffness, stitch, twinge"} {"x":"crank","y":"[1]case @@@@ [2]character @@@@ [3]freak @@@@ [4]kook @@@@ [5]nut @@@@ [6]oddball @@@@ [7]odd fish @@@@ [8]queer fish @@@@ [9]rum customer @@@@ [10]screwball"} {"x":"cranky","y":"[1]bizarre, capricious, eccentric, erratic, freakish, freaky @@@@ [2]funny @@@@ [3]idiosyncratic, odd, oddball @@@@ [4]off-the-wall @@@@ [5]outre, peculiar, queer, quirky, rum @@@@ [6]wacky"} {"x":"cranny","y":"[1]breach, chink, cleft, crack, crevice, fissure, gap, hole, interstice, nook, opening, rift"} {"x":"crash","y":"[1]bang, boom, clang, clash, clatter, clattering, din, racket, smash, smashing, thunder @@@@ [2]break, break up, dash to pieces, disintegrate, fracture, fragment, shatter, shiver, smash, splinter @@@@ [3]dash, fall, fall headlong, give way, hurtle, lurch, overbalance, pitch, plunge, precipitate oneself, sprawl, topple @@@@ [4]bang, bump (into), collide, crash-land @@@@ [5]drive into, have an accident, hit, hurtle into, plough into, run together, wreck @@@@ [6]accident, bump, collision, jar, jolt, pile-up @@@@ [7]prang @@@@ [8]smash, smash-up, thud, thump, wreck @@@@ [9]bankruptcy, collapse, debacle, depression, downfall, failure, ruin, smash @@@@ [10]be ruined, collapse, fail, fold, fold up, go belly up @@@@ [11]go broke @@@@ [12]go bust @@@@ [13]go to the wall, go under, smash @@@@ [14]emergency, immediate, intensive, round-the-clock, speeded-up, telescoped, urgent"} {"x":"crass","y":"[1]asinine, blundering, boorish, bovine, coarse, dense, doltish, gross, indelicate, insensitive, lumpish, oafish, obtuse, stupid, unrefined, witless"} {"x":"crate","y":"[1]box, case, container, packing case, tea chest @@@@ [2]box, case, encase, enclose, pack, pack up"} {"x":"crater","y":"[1]depression, dip, hollow, shell hole"} {"x":"crave","y":"[1]desire, eat one's heart out over, fancy @@@@ [2]hanker after, hope for, hunger after, long for, lust after, need, pant for, pine for, require, set one's heart on, sigh for, thirst for, want, would give one's eyeteeth for, yearn for @@@@ [3]ask, beg, beseech, entreat, implore, petition, plead for, pray for, seek, solicit, supplicate"} {"x":"craven","y":"[1]abject, caitiff @@@@ [2]chicken-hearted, chickenshit @@@@ [3]cowardly, dastardly, fearful, lily-livered, mean-spirited, niddering @@@@ [4]pusillanimous, scared, timorous, weak, yellow @@@@ [5]base fellow @@@@ [6]caitiff @@@@ [7]coward, dastard @@@@ [8]niddering @@@@ [9]poltroon, recreant @@@@ [10]renegade, wheyface, yellow-belly"} {"x":"craving","y":"[1]ache, appetite, cacoethes, desire, hankering, hope, hunger, longing, lust, thirst, urge, yearning, yen"} {"x":"crawl","y":"[1]advance slowly, creep, drag, go on all fours, inch, move at a snail's pace, move on hands and knees, pull or drag oneself along, slither, worm one's way, wriggle, writhe @@@@ [2]be alive, be full of, be lousy, be overrun @@@@ [3]swarm, teem @@@@ [4]abase oneself, brown-nose @@@@ [5]cringe, fawn, grovel, humble oneself, kiss ass @@@@ [6]pander to, toady, truckle"} {"x":"craze","y":"[1]enthusiasm, fad, fashion, infatuation, mania, mode, novelty, passion, preoccupation, rage, the latest @@@@ [2]thing, trend, vogue @@@@ [3]bewilder, confuse, dement, derange, distemper, drive mad, enrage, infatuate, inflame, madden, make insane, send crazy or berserk, unbalance, unhinge, unsettle"} {"x":"crazy","y":"[1]barking @@@@ [2]barking mad @@@@ [3]barmy @@@@ [4]batty @@@@ [5]berserk, bonkers @@@@ [6]cracked @@@@ [7]crackpot @@@@ [8]crazed, cuckoo @@@@ [9]daft @@@@ [10]delirious, demented, deranged, doolally @@@@ [11]idiotic, insane, loopy @@@@ [12]lunatic, mad, mad as a hatter, mad as a March hare, maniacal, mental @@@@ [13]nuts @@@@ [14]nutty @@@@ [15]off-the-wall @@@@ [16]potty @@@@ [17]touched, unbalanced, unhinged, up the pole @@@@ [18]bizarre, eccentric, fantastic, odd, oddball @@@@ [19]outrageous, peculiar, ridiculous, rum @@@@ [20]silly, strange, wacko or whacko @@@@ [21]weird @@@@ [22]absurd, bird-brained @@@@ [23]cockeyed @@@@ [24]derisory, fatuous, foolhardy, foolish, half-baked @@@@ [25]idiotic, ill-conceived, impracticable, imprudent, inane, inappropriate, irresponsible, ludicrous, nonsensical, potty @@@@ [26]preposterous, puerile, quixotic, senseless, short-sighted, unrealistic, unwise, unworkable, wild @@@@ [27]ablaze, ardent, beside oneself, devoted, eager, enamoured, enthusiastic, fanatical, hysterical, infatuated, into @@@@ [28]mad, passionate, smitten, very keen, wild @@@@ [29]zealous"} {"x":"creak","y":"[1]grate, grind, groan, rasp, scrape, scratch, screech, squeak, squeal"} {"x":"cream","y":"[1]cosmetic, emulsion, essence, liniment, lotion, oil, ointment, paste, salve, unguent @@@@ [2]best, creme de la creme, elite, flower, pick, prime @@@@ [3]off-white, yellowish-white"} {"x":"crease","y":"[1]corrugate, crimp, crinkle, crumple, double up, fold, pucker, ridge, ruck up, rumple, screw up, wrinkle @@@@ [2]bulge, corrugation, fold, groove, line, overlap, pucker, ridge, ruck, tuck, wrinkle"} {"x":"create","y":"[1]beget, bring into being or existence, coin, compose, concoct, design, develop, devise, dream up @@@@ [2]form, formulate, generate, give birth to, give life to, hatch, initiate, invent, make, originate, produce, spawn @@@@ [3]appoint, constitute, establish, found, install, invest, make, set up @@@@ [4]bring about, cause, lead to, occasion"} {"x":"creation","y":"[1]conception, formation, generation, genesis, making, procreation, siring @@@@ [2]constitution, development, establishment, formation, foundation, inception, institution, laying down, origination, production, setting up @@@@ [3]achievement, brainchild @@@@ [4]chef-d'oeuvre, concept, concoction, handiwork, invention, magnum opus, piece de resistance, production @@@@ [5]all living things, cosmos, life, living world, natural world, nature, universe, world"} {"x":"creative","y":"[1]artistic, clever, fertile, gifted, imaginative, ingenious, inspired, inventive, original, productive, stimulating, visionary"} {"x":"creator","y":"[1]architect, author, begetter, designer, father, framer, God, initiator, inventor, maker, originator, prime mover"} {"x":"creature","y":"[1]animal, beast, being, brute, critter @@@@ [2]dumb animal, living thing, lower animal, quadruped @@@@ [3]body, character, fellow, human being, individual, man, mortal, person, soul, wight @@@@ [4]woman @@@@ [5]cohort @@@@ [6]dependant, hanger-on, hireling, instrument @@@@ [7]lackey, minion, puppet, retainer, tool, wretch"} {"x":"credence","y":"[1]acceptance, assurance, belief, certainty, confidence, credit, dependence, faith, reliance, trust"} {"x":"credibility","y":"[1]believability, believableness, integrity, plausibility, reliability, tenability, trustworthiness"} {"x":"credible","y":"[1]believable, conceivable, imaginable, likely, plausible, possible, probable, reasonable, supposable, tenable, thinkable, verisimilar @@@@ [2]dependable, honest, reliable, sincere, trustworthy, trusty"} {"x":"credit","y":"[1]acclaim, acknowledgment, approval, Brownie points, commendation, fame, glory, honour, kudos, merit, praise, recognition, thanks, tribute @@@@ [2]character, clout @@@@ [3]esteem, estimation, good name, influence, position, prestige, regard, reputation, repute, standing, status @@@@ [4]belief, confidence, credence, faith, reliance, trust @@@@ [5]by deferred payment, by instalments, on account, on hire-purchase, on (the) H.P., on the slate @@@@ [6]on tick @@@@ [7]accredit, ascribe to, assign to, attribute to, chalk up to @@@@ [8]accept, bank on, believe, buy @@@@ [9]depend on, fall for, have faith in, rely on, swallow @@@@ [10]trust"} {"x":"credulity","y":"[1]blind faith, credulousness, gullibility, nafvete, silliness, simplicity, stupidity"} {"x":"credulous","y":"[1]dupable, green, gullible, naive, overtrusting, trustful, uncritical, unsuspecting, unsuspicious, wet behind the ears"} {"x":"creed","y":"[1]articles of faith, belief, canon, catechism, confession, credo, doctrine, dogma, persuasion, principles, profession @@@@ [2]tenet"} {"x":"creek","y":"[1]bay, bight, cove, firth or frith @@@@ [2]inlet @@@@ [3]bayou, brook, rivulet, runnel, stream, streamlet, tributary, watercourse"} {"x":"creep","y":"[1]crawl, crawl on all fours, glide, insinuate, slither, squirm, worm, wriggle, writhe @@@@ [2]approach unnoticed, skulk, slink, sneak, steal, tiptoe @@@@ [3]crawl, dawdle, drag, edge, inch, proceed at a snail's pace @@@@ [4]bootlick @@@@ [5]brown-nose @@@@ [6]cower, cringe, fawn, grovel, kiss (someone's) ass @@@@ [7]kowtow, pander to, scrape, suck up to @@@@ [8]toady, truckle @@@@ [9]ass-kisser @@@@ [10]bootlicker @@@@ [11]brown-noser @@@@ [12]sneak, sycophant, toady @@@@ [13]disgust, frighten, horrify, make one flinch, make one quail, make one shrink, make one squirm, make one's hair stand on end, make one wince @@@@ [14]repel, repulse, scare, terrify, terrorize"} {"x":"creepy","y":"[1]awful, direful, disgusting, disturbing, eerie, forbidding, frightening, ghoulish, goose-pimply @@@@ [2]gruesome, hair-raising, horrible, macabre, menacing, nightmarish, ominous, scary @@@@ [3]sinister, terrifying, threatening, unpleasant, weird"} {"x":"crescent","y":"[1]half-moon, meniscus, new moon, old moon, sickle, sickle-shape @@@@ [2]arched, bow-shaped, curved, falcate, semicircular, sickle-shaped @@@@ [3]growing, increasing, waxing @@@@ [4]Islam, Mohammedanism, Muslim Empire, Turkey"} {"x":"crest","y":"[1]apex, crown, head, height, highest point, peak, pinnacle, ridge, summit, top @@@@ [2]aigrette, caruncle @@@@ [3]cockscomb, comb, crown, mane, panache, plume, tassel, topknot, tuft @@@@ [4]badge, bearings, charge, device, emblem, insignia, symbol"} {"x":"crestfallen","y":"[1]chapfallen, choked, dejected, depressed, despondent, disappointed, disconsolate, discouraged, disheartened, downcast, downhearted, sick as a parrot"} {"x":"crevasse","y":"[1]abyss, bergschrund, chasm, cleft, crack, fissure"} {"x":"crevice","y":"[1]chink, cleft, crack, cranny, fissure, fracture, gap, hole, interstice, opening, rent, rift, slit, split"} {"x":"crew","y":"[1]hands, (ship's) company, (ship's) complement @@@@ [2]company, corps, gang, party, posse, squad, team, working party @@@@ [3]assemblage, band, bunch @@@@ [4]camp, company, crowd, gang, herd, horde, lot, mob, pack, posse @@@@ [5]set, swarm, troop"} {"x":"crib","y":"[1]bassinet, bed, cot, cradle @@@@ [2]bin, box, bunker, manger, rack, stall @@@@ [3]key, translation, trot @@@@ [4]cheat, pass off as one's own work, pilfer, pirate, plagiarize, purloin, steal @@@@ [5]box up, cage, confine, coop, coop up, enclose, fence, imprison, limit, pen, rail, restrict, shut in"} {"x":"crick","y":"[1]convulsion, cramp, spasm, twinge @@@@ [2]jar, rick, wrench"} {"x":"crime","y":"[1]atrocity, fault, felony, job @@@@ [2]malfeasance, misdeed, misdemeanour, offence, outrage, transgression, trespass, unlawful act, violation, wrong @@@@ [3]corruption, delinquency, guilt, illegality, iniquity, lawbreaking, malefaction, misconduct, sin, unrighteousness, vice, villainy, wickedness, wrong, wrongdoing"} {"x":"criminal","y":"[1]con @@@@ [2]con man @@@@ [3]convict, crook @@@@ [4]culprit, delinquent, evildoer, felon, jailbird, lag @@@@ [5]lawbreaker, malefactor, offender, sinner, skelm @@@@ [6]transgressor, villain @@@@ [7]bent @@@@ [8]corrupt, crooked @@@@ [9]culpable, felonious, illegal, illicit, immoral, indictable, iniquitous, lawless, nefarious, peccant @@@@ [10]under-the-table, unlawful, unrighteous, vicious, villainous, wicked, wrong @@@@ [11]deplorable, foolish, preposterous, ridiculous, scandalous, senseless"} {"x":"criminality","y":"[1]corruption, culpability, delinquency, depravity, guiltiness, illegality, sinfulness, turpitude, villainy, wickedness"} {"x":"cringe","y":"[1]blench, cower, dodge, draw back, duck, flinch, quail, quiver, recoil, shrink, shy, start, tremble, wince @@@@ [2]bend, bootlick @@@@ [3]bow, brown-nose @@@@ [4]crawl, creep, crouch, fawn, grovel, kiss ass @@@@ [5]kneel, kowtow, pander to, sneak, stoop, toady, truckle"} {"x":"crinkle","y":"[1]cockle, crimp, crimple, crumple, curl, fold, pucker, ruffle, rumple, scallop, twist, wrinkle @@@@ [2]crackle, hiss, rustle, swish, whisper"} {"x":"cripple","y":"[1]debilitate, disable, enfeeble, hamstring, incapacitate, lame, maim, mutilate, paralyse, weaken @@@@ [2]bring to a standstill, cramp, damage, destroy, halt, impair, put out of action, put paid to, ruin, spoil, vitiate"} {"x":"crisis","y":"[1]climacteric, climax, confrontation, critical point, crunch @@@@ [2]crux, culmination, height, moment of truth, point of no return, turning point @@@@ [3]catastrophe, critical situation, deep water, dilemma, dire straits, disaster, emergency, exigency, extremity, meltdown @@@@ [4]mess, panic stations @@@@ [5]pass, plight, predicament, quandary, strait, trouble"} {"x":"crisp","y":"[1]brittle, crispy, crumbly, crunchy, firm, fresh, unwilted @@@@ [2]bracing, brisk, fresh, invigorating, refreshing @@@@ [3]brief, brusque, clear, incisive, pithy, short, succinct, tart, terse @@@@ [4]clean-cut, neat, orderly, smart, snappy, spruce, tidy, trig @@@@ [5]well-groomed, well-pressed"} {"x":"criterion","y":"[1]bench mark, canon, gauge, measure, norm, par, principle, proof, rule, standard, test, touchstone, yardstick"} {"x":"critic","y":"[1]analyst, arbiter, authority, commentator, connoisseur, expert, expositor, judge, pundit, reviewer @@@@ [2]attacker, carper, caviller, censor, censurer, detractor, fault-finder, knocker @@@@ [3]Momus, reviler, vilifier"} {"x":"critical","y":"[1]captious, carping, cavilling, censorious, derogatory, disapproving, disparaging, fault-finding, nagging, niggling, nit-picking @@@@ [2]scathing @@@@ [3]accurate, analytical, diagnostic, discerning, discriminating, fastidious, judicious, penetrating, perceptive, precise @@@@ [4]all-important, crucial, dangerous, deciding, decisive, grave, hairy @@@@ [5]high-priority, momentous, now or never, perilous, pivotal, precarious, pressing, psychological, risky, serious, urgent, vital"} {"x":"criticism","y":"[1]animadversion, bad press, brickbats @@@@ [2]censure, character assassination, critical remarks, denigration, disapproval, disparagement, fault-finding, flak @@@@ [3]knocking @@@@ [4]panning @@@@ [5]slam @@@@ [6]slating @@@@ [7]stick @@@@ [8]stricture @@@@ [9]analysis, appraisal, appreciation, assessment, comment, commentary, critique, elucidation, evaluation, judgment, notice, review"} {"x":"critique","y":"[1]analysis, appraisal, assessment, commentary, essay, examination, review, treatise"} {"x":"croak","y":"[1]caw, gasp, grunt, squawk, utter or speak harshly, utter or speak huskily, utter or speak throatily, wheeze @@@@ [2]complain, groan, grouse, grumble, moan, murmur, mutter, repine @@@@ [3]buy it @@@@ [4]check out @@@@ [5]die, expire, go belly-up @@@@ [6]kick it @@@@ [7]peg out"} {"x":"crone","y":"[1]beldam @@@@ [2]gammer @@@@ [3]hag, old bag @@@@ [4]old bat @@@@ [5]witch"} {"x":"crony","y":"[1]accomplice, ally, associate, buddy @@@@ [2]china @@@@ [3]chum @@@@ [4]cock @@@@ [5]colleague, companion, comrade, friend, gossip @@@@ [6]homeboy @@@@ [7]mate @@@@ [8]pal @@@@ [9]sidekick"} {"x":"crook","y":"[1]cheat, chiseller @@@@ [2]criminal, fraudster, grifter @@@@ [3]knave @@@@ [4]lag @@@@ [5]racketeer, robber, rogue, shark, skelm @@@@ [6]swindler, thief, villain @@@@ [7]angle, bend, bow, curve, flex, hook"} {"x":"crooked","y":"[1]anfractuous, bent, bowed, crippled, curved, deformed, deviating, disfigured, distorted, hooked, irregular, meandering, misshapen, out of shape, tortuous, twisted, twisting, warped, winding, zigzag @@@@ [2]angled, askew, asymmetric, at an angle, awry, lopsided, off-centre, skewwhiff @@@@ [3]slanted, slanting, squint, tilted, to one side, uneven, unsymmetrical @@@@ [4]bent @@@@ [5]corrupt, crafty, criminal, deceitful, dishonest, dishonourable, dubious, fraudulent, illegal, knavish, nefarious, questionable, shady @@@@ [6]shifty, treacherous, underhand, under-the-table, unlawful, unprincipled, unscrupulous"} {"x":"croon","y":"[1]breathe, hum, purr, sing, warble"} {"x":"crop","y":"[1]fruits, gathering, harvest, produce, reaping, season's growth, vintage, yield @@@@ [2]clip, curtail, cut, dock, lop, mow, pare, prune, reduce, shear, shorten, snip, top, trim @@@@ [3]bring home, bring in, collect, garner, gather, harvest, mow, pick, reap @@@@ [4]browse, graze, nibble @@@@ [5]appear, arise, emerge, happen, occur, spring up, turn up"} {"x":"cross","y":"[1]angry, annoyed, cantankerous, captious, choked, churlish, crotchety @@@@ [2]crusty, disagreeable, fractious, fretful, grouchy @@@@ [3]grumpy, hacked (off) @@@@ [4]ill-humoured, ill-tempered, impatient, in a bad mood, irascible, irritable, liverish, out of humour, peeved @@@@ [5]peevish, pettish, petulant, pissed off @@@@ [6]put out, querulous, ratty @@@@ [7]shirty @@@@ [8]short, snappish, snappy, splenetic, sullen, surly, testy, tetchy, vexed, waspish @@@@ [9]bridge, cut across, extend over, ford, meet, pass over, ply, span, traverse, zigzag @@@@ [10]crisscross, intersect, intertwine, lace, lie athwart of @@@@ [11]blend, crossbreed, cross-fertilize, cross-pollinate, hybridize, interbreed, intercross, mix, mongrelize @@@@ [12]block, deny, foil, frustrate, hinder, impede, interfere, obstruct, oppose, resist, thwart @@@@ [13]affliction, burden, grief, load, misery, misfortune, trial, tribulation, trouble, woe, worry @@@@ [14]crucifix, rood @@@@ [15]crossing, crossroads, intersection, junction @@@@ [16]amalgam, blend, combination, crossbreed, cur, hybrid, hybridization, mixture, mongrel, mutt @@@@ [17]crosswise, intersecting, oblique, transverse @@@@ [18]adverse, contrary, opposed, opposing, unfavourable @@@@ [19]opposite, reciprocal"} {"x":"crotch","y":"[1]crutch, groin"} {"x":"crotchet","y":"[1]caprice, fad, fancy, quirk, vagary, whim, whimsy"} {"x":"crouch","y":"[1]bend down, bow, duck, hunch, kneel, squat, stoop @@@@ [2]abase oneself, cower, cringe, fawn, grovel, pander to, truckle"} {"x":"crow","y":"[1]blow one's own trumpet, bluster, boast, brag, drool, exult, flourish, gloat, glory in, strut, swagger, triumph, vaunt"} {"x":"crowd","y":"[1]army, assembly, bevy, company, concourse, flock, herd, horde, host, mass, mob, multitude, pack, press, rabble, swarm, throng, troupe @@@@ [2]bunch @@@@ [3]circle, clique, group, lot, set @@@@ [4]attendance, audience, gate, house, spectators @@@@ [5]cluster, congregate, cram, flock, foregather, gather, huddle, mass, muster, press, push, stream, surge, swarm, throng @@@@ [6]bundle, congest, cram, pack, pile, squeeze @@@@ [7]batter, butt, elbow, jostle, shove @@@@ [8]hoi polloi, masses, mob, people, populace, proletariat, public, rabble, rank and file, riffraff, vulgar herd"} {"x":"crowded","y":"[1]busy, congested, cramped, crushed, full, huddled, jam-packed, mobbed, overflowing, packed, populous, swarming, teeming, thronged @@@@ [2]If your timetable, your life, or your mind is crowded, it is full of events, activities, or thoughts."} {"x":"crown","y":"[1]chaplet, circlet, coronal @@@@ [2]coronet, diadem, tiara @@@@ [3]bays, distinction, garland, honour, kudos, laurels, laurel wreath, prize, trophy @@@@ [4]emperor, empress, king, monarch, monarchy, queen, rex, royalty, ruler, sovereign, sovereignty @@@@ [5]acme, apex, crest, head, perfection, pinnacle, summit, tip, top, ultimate, zenith @@@@ [6]adorn, dignify, festoon, honour, invest, reward @@@@ [7]be the climax or culmination of, cap, complete, consummate, finish, fulfil, perfect, put the finishing touch to, put the tin lid on, round off, surmount, terminate, top @@@@ [8]belt @@@@ [9]biff @@@@ [10]box, cuff, hit over the head, punch"} {"x":"crucial","y":"[1]central, critical, decisive, pivotal, psychological, searching, testing, trying @@@@ [2]essential, high-priority, important, momentous, now or never, pressing, urgent, vital"} {"x":"crucify","y":"[1]execute, harrow, persecute, rack, torment, torture @@@@ [2]lampoon, pan"} {"x":"crude","y":"[1]boorish, coarse, crass, dirty, gross, indecent, lewd, obscene, smutty, tactless, tasteless, uncouth, vulgar, X-rated @@@@ [2]natural, raw, unmilled, unpolished, unprepared, unprocessed, unrefined @@@@ [3]clumsy, makeshift, outline, primitive, rough, rough-and-ready, rough-hewn, rude, rudimentary, sketchy, undeveloped, unfinished, unformed, unpolished"} {"x":"crudity","y":"[1]coarseness, crudeness, impropriety, indecency, indelicacy, lewdness, loudness, lowness, obscenity, obtrusiveness, smuttiness, vulgarity @@@@ [2]clumsiness, crudeness, primitiveness, roughness, rudeness"} {"x":"cruel","y":"[1]atrocious, barbarous, bitter, bloodthirsty, brutal, brutish, callous, cold-blooded, depraved, excruciating, fell @@@@ [2]ferocious, fierce, flinty, grim, hard, hard-hearted, harsh, heartless, hellish, implacable, inclement, inexorable, inhuman, inhumane, malevolent, murderous, painful, poignant, ravening, raw, relentless, remorseless, sadistic, sanguinary, savage, severe, spiteful, stony-hearted, unfeeling, unkind, unnatural, vengeful, vicious @@@@ [3]merciless, pitiless, ruthless, unrelenting"} {"x":"cruise","y":"[1]coast, sail, voyage @@@@ [2]coast, drift, keep a steady pace, travel along @@@@ [3]boat trip, sail, sea trip, voyage"} {"x":"crumb","y":"[1]atom, bit, grain, mite, morsel, particle, scrap, shred, sliver, snippet, soupcon, speck"} {"x":"crumble","y":"[1]bruise, crumb, crush, fragment, granulate, grind, pound, powder, pulverize, triturate @@@@ [2]break down, break up, collapse, come to dust, decay, decompose, degenerate, deteriorate, disintegrate, fall apart, go to pieces, go to wrack and ruin, moulder, perish, tumble down"} {"x":"crumple","y":"[1]crease, crush, pucker, rumple, screw up, scrumple, wrinkle @@@@ [2]break down, cave in, collapse, fall, give way, go to pieces"} {"x":"crunch","y":"[1]champ, chew noisily, chomp, grind, masticate, munch @@@@ [2]crisis, critical point, crux, emergency, hour of decision, moment of truth, test"} {"x":"crusade","y":"[1]campaign, cause, drive, holy war, jihad, movement, push"} {"x":"crush","y":"[1]bray, break, bruise, comminute, compress, contuse, crease, crumble, crumple, crunch, mash, pound, pulverize, rumple, scrumple, smash, squash, squeeze, wrinkle @@@@ [2]conquer, extinguish, overcome, overpower, overwhelm, put down, quell, stamp out, subdue, vanquish @@@@ [3]abash, browbeat, chagrin, dispose of, humiliate, mortify, put down @@@@ [4]quash, shame @@@@ [5]embrace, enfold, hug, press, squeeze @@@@ [6]crowd, huddle, jam, party"} {"x":"crust","y":"[1]caking, coat, coating, concretion, covering, film, incrustation, layer, outside, scab, shell, skin, surface"} {"x":"crux","y":"[1]core, decisive point, essence, heart, nub"} {"x":"cry","y":"[1]bawl, bewail, blubber, boohoo, greet @@@@ [2]howl one's eyes out, keen, lament, mewl, pule, shed tears, snivel, sob, wail, weep, whimper, whine, whinge @@@@ [3]yowl @@@@ [4]bawling, blubbering, crying, greet @@@@ [5]howl, keening, lament, lamentation, plaint @@@@ [6]snivel, snivelling, sob, sobbing, sorrowing, wailing, weep, weeping @@@@ [7]bawl, bell, bellow, call, call out, ejaculate, exclaim, hail, halloo, holler @@@@ [8]howl, roar, scream, screech, shout, shriek, sing out, vociferate, whoop, yell @@@@ [9]bawl, bell, bellow, call, ejaculation, exclamation, holler @@@@ [10]hoot, howl, outcry, roar, scream, screech, shriek, squawk, whoop, yell, yelp, yoo-hoo @@@@ [11]advertise, announce, bark @@@@ [12]broadcast, bruit, hawk, noise, proclaim, promulgate, publish, shout from the rooftops @@@@ [13]trumpet @@@@ [14]announcement, barking @@@@ [15]noising, proclamation, publication @@@@ [16]beg, beseech, clamour, entreat, implore, plead, pray @@@@ [17]appeal, entreaty, petition, plea, prayer, supplication"} {"x":"crypt","y":"[1]catacomb, ossuary, tomb, undercroft, vault"} {"x":"cryptic","y":"[1]abstruse, ambiguous, apocryphal, arcane, cabbalistic, coded, dark, Delphic, enigmatic, equivocal, esoteric, hidden, mysterious, obscure, occult, oracular, perplexing, puzzling, recondite, secret, vague, veiled"} {"x":"cub","y":"[1]offspring, whelp, young @@@@ [2]babe @@@@ [3]beginner, fledgling, greenhorn @@@@ [4]lad, learner, puppy, recruit, tenderfoot, trainee, whippersnapper, youngster"} {"x":"cubbyhole","y":"[1]den, hideaway, hole, snug @@@@ [2]compartment, niche, pigeonhole, recess, slot"} {"x":"cuddle","y":"[1]clasp, cosset, embrace, fondle, hug, nestle, pet, snuggle"} {"x":"cudgel","y":"[1]bastinado, baton, bludgeon, club, cosh @@@@ [2]shillelagh, stick, truncheon @@@@ [3]bang, baste, batter, beat, bludgeon, cane, cosh @@@@ [4]drub, maul, pound, pummel, thrash, thump, thwack"} {"x":"cue","y":"[1]catchword, hint, key, nod, prompting, reminder, sign, signal, suggestion"} {"x":"cuff","y":"[1]bat @@@@ [2]beat, belt @@@@ [3]biff @@@@ [4]box, buffet, clap, clobber @@@@ [5]clout @@@@ [6]knock, lambast(e), pummel, punch, slap, smack, thump, whack @@@@ [7]belt @@@@ [8]biff @@@@ [9]box, buffet, clout @@@@ [10]knock, punch, rap, slap, smack, thump, whack @@@@ [11]ad lib, extempore, impromptu, improvised, offhand, off the top of one's head, on the spur of the moment, spontaneous, spontaneously, unrehearsed"} {"x":"cull","y":"[1]cherry-pick, choose, pick, pluck, select, sift, thin, thin out, winnow @@@@ [2]amass, collect, gather, glean, pick up"} {"x":"culminate","y":"[1]climax, close, come to a climax, come to a head, conclude, end, end up, finish, rise to a crescendo, terminate, wind up"} {"x":"culmination","y":"[1]acme, apex, apogee, climax, completion, conclusion, consummation, crown, crowning touch, finale, height, ne plus ultra, peak, perfection, pinnacle, punch line, summit, top, zenith"} {"x":"culpable","y":"[1]answerable, at fault, blamable, blameworthy, censurable, found wanting, guilty, in the wrong, liable, reprehensible, sinful, to blame, wrong"} {"x":"culprit","y":"[1]criminal, delinquent, evildoer, felon, guilty party, malefactor, miscreant, offender, person responsible, rascal, sinner, transgressor, villain, wrongdoer"} {"x":"cult","y":"[1]body, church, clique, denomination, faction, faith, following, party, religion, school, sect @@@@ [2]admiration, craze, devotion, idolization, reverence, veneration, worship"} {"x":"cultivate","y":"[1]bring under cultivation, farm, fertilize, harvest, plant, plough, prepare, tend, till, work @@@@ [2]ameliorate, better, bring on, cherish, civilize, develop, discipline, elevate, enrich, foster, improve, polish, promote, refine, train @@@@ [3]aid, devote oneself to, encourage, forward, foster, further, help, patronize, promote, pursue, support @@@@ [4]associate with, butter up, consort with, court, dance attendance upon, run after, seek out, seek someone's company or friendship, take trouble or pains with"} {"x":"cultivated","y":"[1]accomplished, advanced, civilized, cultured, developed, discerning, discriminating, educated, enlightened, erudite, genteel, polished, refined, sophisticated, urbane, versed, well-bred, well-educated"} {"x":"cultivation","y":"[1]agronomy, farming, gardening, husbandry, planting, ploughing, tillage, tilling, working @@@@ [2]breeding, civility, civilization, culture, discernment, discrimination, education, enlightenment, gentility, good taste, learning, letters, manners, polish, refinement, sophistication, taste @@@@ [3]advancement, advocacy, development, encouragement, enhancement, fostering, furtherance, help, nurture, patronage, promotion, support @@@@ [4]devotion to, pursuit, study"} {"x":"cultural","y":"[1]artistic, broadening, civilizing, developmental, edifying, educational, educative, elevating, enlightening, enriching, humane, humanizing, liberal, liberalizing"} {"x":"culture","y":"[1]civilization, customs, lifestyle, mores, society, stage of development, the arts, way of life @@@@ [2]accomplishment, breeding, education, elevation, enlightenment, erudition, gentility, good taste, improvement, polish, politeness, refinement, sophistication, urbanity @@@@ [3]agriculture, agronomy, cultivation, farming, husbandry"} {"x":"culvert","y":"[1]channel, conduit, drain, gutter, watercourse"} {"x":"cumulative","y":"[1]accruing, accumulative, aggregate, amassed, collective, heaped, increasing, snowballing"} {"x":"cunning","y":"[1]artful, astute, canny, crafty, devious, foxy, guileful, knowing, Machiavellian, sharp, shifty, shrewd, subtle, tricky, wily @@@@ [2]artfulness, astuteness, craftiness, deceitfulness, deviousness, foxiness, guile, shrewdness, slyness, trickery, wiliness @@@@ [3]adroit, deft, dexterous, imaginative, ingenious, skilful @@@@ [4]ability, adroitness, art, artifice, cleverness, craft, deftness, dexterity, finesse, ingenuity, skill, subtlety"} {"x":"cup","y":"[1]beaker, cannikin, chalice, demitasse, goblet, mug, teacup @@@@ [2]trophy"} {"x":"cupboard","y":"[1]ambry @@@@ [2]cabinet, closet, locker, press"} {"x":"cupidity","y":"[1]acquisitiveness, avarice, avidity, covetousness, graspingness, greed, greediness, hunger, itching, longing, rapaciousness, rapacity, voracity, yearning"} {"x":"cupola","y":"[1]dome, onion dome"} {"x":"cur","y":"[1]canine, hound, mongrel, mutt @@@@ [2]stray @@@@ [3]bad egg @@@@ [4]bastard @@@@ [5]blackguard, bugger @@@@ [6]cocksucker @@@@ [7]coward, good-for-nothing, heel @@@@ [8]rat @@@@ [9]rotter @@@@ [10]scoundrel, scumbag @@@@ [11]shit @@@@ [12]son-of-a-bitch @@@@ [13]villain, wretch"} {"x":"curative","y":"[1]alleviative, corrective, healing, healthful, health-giving, medicinal, remedial, restorative, salutary, therapeutic, tonic"} {"x":"curb","y":"[1]bite back, bridle, check, constrain, contain, control, hinder, impede, inhibit, keep a tight rein on, moderate, muzzle, repress, restrain, restrict, retard, stem the flow, subdue, suppress @@@@ [2]brake, bridle, check, control, deterrent, limitation, rein, restraint"} {"x":"curdle","y":"[1]clot, coagulate, condense, congeal, curd, solidify, thicken, turn sour"} {"x":"cure","y":"[1]alleviate, correct, ease, heal, help, make better, mend, rehabilitate, relieve, remedy, restore, restore to health @@@@ [2]alleviation, antidote, corrective, healing, medicine, nostrum, panacea, recovery, remedy, restorative, specific, treatment @@@@ [3]dry, kipper, pickle, preserve, salt, smoke @@@@ [4]catholicon, elixir, elixir vitae, nostrum, panacea"} {"x":"curio","y":"[1]antique, bibelot, bygone, collector's item, knick-knack, trinket"} {"x":"curiosity","y":"[1]inquisitiveness, interest, nosiness @@@@ [2]prying, snooping @@@@ [3]celebrity, freak, marvel, novelty, oddity, phenomenon, rarity, sight, spectacle, wonder @@@@ [4]bibelot, bygone, collector's item, curio, knick-knack, objet d'art, trinket"} {"x":"curious","y":"[1]inquiring, inquisitive, interested, puzzled, questioning, searching @@@@ [2]inquisitive, meddling, nosy @@@@ [3]peeping, peering, prying, snoopy @@@@ [4]bizarre, exotic, extraordinary, marvellous, mysterious, novel, odd, peculiar, puzzling, quaint, queer, rare, rum @@@@ [5]singular, strange, unconventional, unexpected, unique, unorthodox, unusual, wonderful"} {"x":"curl","y":"[1]bend, coil, convolute, corkscrew, crimp, crinkle, crisp, curve, entwine, frizz, loop, meander, ripple, spiral, turn, twine, twirl, twist, wind, wreathe, writhe @@@@ [2]coil, curlicue, kink, ringlet, spiral, twist, whorl"} {"x":"currency","y":"[1]bills, coinage, coins, dosh @@@@ [2]medium of exchange, money, notes @@@@ [3]acceptance, circulation, exposure, popularity, prevalence, publicity, transmission, vogue"} {"x":"current","y":"[1]accepted, circulating, common, common knowledge, customary, general, going around, in circulation, in progress, in the air, in the news, ongoing, popular, present, prevailing, prevalent, rife, topical, widespread @@@@ [2]contemporary, fashionable, happening @@@@ [3]in, in fashion, in vogue, now @@@@ [4]present-day, sexy @@@@ [5]trendy @@@@ [6]up-to-date, up-to-the-minute @@@@ [7]course, draught, flow, jet, progression, river, stream, tide, tideway, undertow @@@@ [8]atmosphere, drift, feeling, inclination, mood, tendency, trend, undercurrent, vibes"} {"x":"curse","y":"[1]blasphemy, expletive, oath, obscenity, swearing, swearword @@@@ [2]anathema, ban, denunciation, evil eye, excommunication, execration, hoodoo @@@@ [3]imprecation, jinx, malediction, malison @@@@ [4]affliction, bane, burden, calamity, cross, disaster, evil, hardship, misfortune, ordeal, plague, scourge, torment, tribulation, trouble, vexation @@@@ [5]be foul-mouthed, blaspheme, cuss @@@@ [6]accurse, anathematize, damn, excommunicate, execrate, fulminate, imprecate @@@@ [7]afflict, blight, burden, destroy, doom, plague, scourge, torment, trouble, vex"} {"x":"cursed","y":"[1]accursed, bedevilled, blighted, cast out, confounded, damned, doomed, excommunicate, execrable, fey @@@@ [2]foredoomed, ill-fated, star-crossed, unholy, unsanctified, villainous @@@@ [3]abominable, damnable, detestable, devilish, fell @@@@ [4]fiendish, hateful, infamous, infernal, loathsome, odious, pernicious, pestilential, vile"} {"x":"cursory","y":"[1]brief, careless, casual, desultory, hasty, hurried, offhand, passing, perfunctory, rapid, slapdash, slight, summary, superficial"} {"x":"curt","y":"[1]abrupt, blunt, brief, brusque, concise, gruff, monosyllabic, offhand, pithy, rude, sharp, short, snappish, succinct, summary, tart, terse, unceremonious, uncivil, ungracious"} {"x":"curtail","y":"[1]abbreviate, abridge, contract, cut, cut back, cut short, decrease, diminish, dock, lessen, lop, pare down, reduce, retrench, shorten, trim, truncate"} {"x":"curtain","y":"[1]drape @@@@ [2]hanging @@@@ [3]conceal, drape, hide, screen, shroud, shut off, shutter, veil"} {"x":"curvature","y":"[1]arching, bend, curve, curving, curvity, deflection, flexure, incurvation"} {"x":"curve","y":"[1]arc, arch, bend, bow, coil, hook, inflect, spiral, swerve, turn, twist, wind @@@@ [2]arc, bend, camber, curvature, half-moon, loop, trajectory, turn"} {"x":"cushion","y":"[1]beanbag, bolster, hassock, headrest, pad, pillow, scatter cushion, squab @@@@ [2]bolster, buttress, cradle, dampen, deaden, muffle, pillow, protect, soften, stifle, support, suppress"} {"x":"custodian","y":"[1]caretaker, curator, guardian, keeper, overseer, protector, superintendent, warden, warder, watchdog, watchman"} {"x":"custody","y":"[1]aegis, auspices, care, charge, custodianship, guardianship, keeping, observation, preservation, protection, safekeeping, supervision, trusteeship, tutelage, ward, watch @@@@ [2]arrest, confinement, detention, durance @@@@ [3]duress, imprisonment, incarceration"} {"x":"custom","y":"[1]habit, habitude @@@@ [2]manner, mode, procedure, routine, way, wont @@@@ [3]convention, etiquette, fashion, form, formality, matter of course, observance, observation, policy, practice, praxis, ritual, rule, style, tradition, unwritten law, usage, use @@@@ [4]customers, patronage, trade"} {"x":"customarily","y":"[1]as a rule, commonly, generally, habitually, in the ordinary way, normally, ordinarily, regularly, traditionally, usually"} {"x":"customary","y":"[1]accepted, accustomed, acknowledged, bog-standard @@@@ [2]common, confirmed, conventional, established, everyday, familiar, fashionable, general, habitual, normal, ordinary, popular, regular, routine, traditional, usual, wonted"} {"x":"customer","y":"[1]buyer, client, consumer, habitue, patron, prospect, purchaser, regular @@@@ [2]shopper"} {"x":"customs","y":"[1]duty, import charges, tariff, taxes, toll @@@@ [2]habit, habitude @@@@ [3]manner, mode, procedure, routine, way, wont @@@@ [4]convention, etiquette, fashion, form, formality, matter of course, observance, observation, policy, practice, praxis, ritual, rule, style, tradition, unwritten law, usage, use @@@@ [5]customers, patronage, trade"} {"x":"cut","y":"[1]chop, cleave, divide, gash, incise, lacerate, lance, nick, notch, penetrate, pierce, score, sever, slash, slice, slit, wound @@@@ [2]carve, chip, chisel, chop, engrave, fashion, form, inscribe, saw, sculpt, sculpture, shape, whittle @@@@ [3]clip, dock, fell, gather, hack, harvest, hew, lop, mow, pare, prune, reap, saw down, shave, snip, trim @@@@ [4]contract, cut back, decrease, diminish, downsize, ease up on, lower, rationalize, reduce, slash, slim (down) @@@@ [5]abbreviate, abridge, condense, curtail, delete, edit out, excise, precis, shorten @@@@ [6]bisect, carve, cleave, cross, dissect, divide, interrupt, intersect, part, segment, sever, slice, split, sunder @@@@ [7]avoid, cold-shoulder, freeze (someone) out @@@@ [8]grieve, hurt, ignore, insult, look straight through (someone), pain, put down, send to Coventry, slight, snub, spurn, sting, turn one's back on, wound @@@@ [9]gash, graze, groove, incision, laceration, nick, rent, rip, slash, slit, snip, stroke, wound @@@@ [10]cutback, decrease, decrement, diminution, economy, fall, lowering, reduction, saving @@@@ [11]chop @@@@ [12]division, kickback @@@@ [13]percentage, piece, portion, rake-off @@@@ [14]section, share, slice @@@@ [15]configuration, fashion, form, look, mode, shape, style @@@@ [16]better than, higher than, more capable than, more competent than, more efficient than, more reliable than, more trustworthy than, more useful than, superior to @@@@ [17]automatic, fixed, organized, prearranged, predetermined, settled, sorted out"} {"x":"cutback","y":"[1]cut, decrease, economy, lessening, reduction, retrenchment"} {"x":"cute","y":"[1]appealing, attractive, charming, delightful, engaging, lovable, sweet, winning, winsome"} {"x":"cutting","y":"[1]biting, bitter, chill, keen, numbing, penetrating, piercing, raw, sharp, stinging @@@@ [2]acid, acrimonious, barbed, bitter, caustic, hurtful, malicious, mordacious, pointed, sarcastic, sardonic, scathing, severe, trenchant, vitriolic, wounding"} {"x":"cycle","y":"[1]aeon, age, circle, era, period, phase, revolution, rotation, round"} {"x":"cyclone","y":"[1]hurricane, tempest, tornado, twister @@@@ [2]typhoon, whirlwind"} {"x":"cynic","y":"[1]doubter, misanthrope, misanthropist, pessimist, sceptic, scoffer"} {"x":"cynicism","y":"[1]disbelief, doubt, misanthropy, pessimism, sarcasm, sardonicism, scepticism"} {"x":"cynosure","y":"[1]attraction, centre, centre of attention, focus, focus of attention, leading light"} {"x":"cyst","y":"[1]bleb, blister, growth, sac, vesicle, wen"} {"x":"dab","y":"[1]blot, daub, pat, stipple, swab, tap, touch, wipe @@@@ [2]bit, dollop @@@@ [3]drop, fleck, pat, smidgen or smidgin @@@@ [4]smudge, speck, spot @@@@ [5]flick, pat, peck, smudge, stroke, tap, touch @@@@ [6]ace @@@@ [7]adept, buff @@@@ [8]dabster @@@@ [9]expert, hotshot @@@@ [10]maven @@@@ [11]past master, whizz @@@@ [12]wizard"} {"x":"dabble","y":"[1]dip, guddle @@@@ [2]moisten, paddle, spatter, splash, sprinkle, wet @@@@ [3]dally, dip into, play at, potter, tinker, trifle (with)"} {"x":"daft","y":"[1]absurd, asinine, crackpot @@@@ [2]crazy, doolally @@@@ [3]dopey @@@@ [4]foolish, giddy, gonzo @@@@ [5]goofy @@@@ [6]idiotic, inane, loopy @@@@ [7]scatty @@@@ [8]silly, simple, stupid, up the pole @@@@ [9]witless @@@@ [10]barking @@@@ [11]barking mad @@@@ [12]crackers @@@@ [13]crazy, demented, deranged, insane, lunatic, mental @@@@ [14]nuts @@@@ [15]nutty @@@@ [16]touched, unhinged @@@@ [17]besotted by, crazy @@@@ [18]doting, dotty @@@@ [19]infatuated by, mad, nuts @@@@ [20]nutty @@@@ [21]potty @@@@ [22]sweet on"} {"x":"dagger","y":"[1]bayonet, dirk, poniard, skean, stiletto @@@@ [2]at enmity, at loggerheads, at odds, at war, on bad terms, up in arms @@@@ [3]frown, glare, glower, look black, lour or lower, scowl"} {"x":"daily","y":"[1]circadian, diurnal, everyday, quotidian @@@@ [2]common, commonplace, day-to-day, everyday, ordinary, quotidian, regular, routine @@@@ [3]constantly, day after day, day by day, every day, often, once a day, per diem, regularly"} {"x":"dainty","y":"[1]charming, delicate, elegant, exquisite, fine, graceful, neat, petite, pretty @@@@ [2]choice, delectable, delicious, palatable, savoury, tasty, tender, toothsome @@@@ [3]choosy, fastidious, finical, finicky, fussy, mincing, nice, particular, picky @@@@ [4]refined, scrupulous @@@@ [5]bonne bouche, delicacy, fancy, sweetmeat, titbit"} {"x":"dais","y":"[1]estrade, platform, podium, rostrum, stage"} {"x":"dale","y":"[1]bottom, coomb, dell, dingle, glen, strath @@@@ [2]vale, valley"} {"x":"dally","y":"[1]dawdle, delay, dilly-dally @@@@ [2]drag one's feet or heels, fool (about or around), fritter away, hang about, linger, loiter, procrastinate, tarry, waste time, while away @@@@ [3]caress, flirt, fondle, fool (about or around), frivol @@@@ [4]lead on, play, play fast and loose @@@@ [5]tamper, tease, toy, trifle"} {"x":"dam","y":"[1]barrage, barrier, embankment, hindrance, obstruction, wall @@@@ [2]barricade, block, block up, check, choke, confine, hold back, hold in, obstruct, restrict"} {"x":"damage","y":"[1]destruction, detriment, devastation, harm, hurt, impairment, injury, loss, mischief, mutilation, suffering @@@@ [2]bill, charge, cost, expense, total @@@@ [3]compensation, fine, indemnity, reimbursement, reparation, satisfaction @@@@ [4]deface, harm, hurt, impair, incapacitate, injure, mar, mutilate, play (merry) hell with @@@@ [5]ruin, spoil, tamper with, undo, weaken, wreck"} {"x":"dame","y":"[1]baroness, dowager, grande dame, lady, matron @@@@ [2]noblewoman, peeress"} {"x":"damn","y":"[1]blast, castigate, censure, condemn, criticize, denounce, denunciate, excoriate, inveigh against, lambast(e), pan @@@@ [2]put down, slam @@@@ [3]slate @@@@ [4]tear into @@@@ [5]abuse, anathematize, blaspheme, curse, execrate, imprecate, revile, swear @@@@ [6]condemn, doom, sentence @@@@ [7]brass farthing, hoot, iota, jot, tinker's curse or damn @@@@ [8]two hoots, whit @@@@ [9]be indifferent, not care, not mind"} {"x":"damnable","y":"[1]abominable, accursed, atrocious, culpable, cursed, despicable, detestable, execrable, hateful, horrible, offensive, wicked"} {"x":"damnation","y":"[1]anathema, ban, condemnation, consigning to perdition, damning, denunciation, doom, excommunication, objurgation, proscription, sending to hell"} {"x":"damned","y":"[1]accursed, anathematized, condemned, doomed, infernal, lost, reprobate, unhappy @@@@ [2]confounded, despicable, detestable, hateful, infamous, infernal, loathsome, revolting"} {"x":"damp","y":"[1]clamminess, dampness, dankness, dew, drizzle, fog, humidity, mist, moisture, mugginess, vapour @@@@ [2]clammy, dank, dewy, dripping, drizzly, humid, misty, moist, muggy, sodden, soggy, sopping, vaporous, wet @@@@ [3]dampen, moisten, wet @@@@ [4]allay, check, chill, cool, curb, dash, deaden, deject, depress, diminish, discourage, dispirit, dull, inhibit, moderate, pour cold water on, restrain, stifle @@@@ [5]check, chill, cold water @@@@ [6]curb, damper, discouragement, gloom, restraint, wet blanket"} {"x":"dampen","y":"[1]bedew, besprinkle, make damp, moisten, spray, wet @@@@ [2]check, dash, deaden, depress, deter, dishearten, dismay, dull, lessen, moderate, muffle, reduce, restrain, smother, stifle"} {"x":"dance","y":"[1]frolic, gambol, hop, jig, prance, rock, skip, spin, sway, swing, trip, whirl @@@@ [2]ball, dancing party, disco, discotheque, hop @@@@ [3]knees-up @@@@ [4]social @@@@ [5]ado, commotion, flap @@@@ [6]fuss, hoo-ha, kerfuffle @@@@ [7]pantomime @@@@ [8]performance @@@@ [9]pother, shindig @@@@ [10]shindy @@@@ [11]stir, to-do"} {"x":"dandle","y":"[1]amuse, caress, cradle, cuddle, dance, fondle, give a knee ride, pet, rock, toss, toy (with)"} {"x":"dandy","y":"[1]beau, blade @@@@ [2]blood @@@@ [3]buck @@@@ [4]coxcomb, dude @@@@ [5]exquisite @@@@ [6]fop, macaroni @@@@ [7]man about town, peacock, popinjay, swell @@@@ [8]toff @@@@ [9]capital, excellent, fine, first-rate, great, splendid"} {"x":"danger","y":"[1]endangerment, hazard, insecurity, jeopardy, menace, peril, pitfall, precariousness, risk, threat, venture, vulnerability"} {"x":"dangerous","y":"[1]alarming, breakneck, chancy @@@@ [2]exposed, hairy @@@@ [3]hazardous, insecure, menacing, nasty, parlous @@@@ [4]perilous, precarious, risky, threatening, treacherous, ugly, unchancy @@@@ [5]unsafe, vulnerable"} {"x":"dangle","y":"[1]depend, flap, hang, hang down, sway, swing, trail @@@@ [2]brandish, entice, flaunt, flourish, lure, tantalize, tempt, wave"} {"x":"dank","y":"[1]chilly, clammy, damp, dewy, dripping, moist, slimy, soggy"} {"x":"dapper","y":"[1]active, brisk, chic, dainty, natty @@@@ [2]neat, nice, nimble, smart, soigne or soignee, spruce, spry, stylish, trig @@@@ [3]trim, well-groomed, well turned out"} {"x":"dapple","y":"[1]bespeckle, dot, fleck, freckle, mottle, speckle, spot, stipple"} {"x":"dare","y":"[1]challenge, defy, goad, provoke, taunt, throw down the gauntlet @@@@ [2]adventure, brave, endanger, gamble, hazard, make bold, presume, risk, skate on thin ice, stake, venture @@@@ [3]challenge, defiance, provocation, taunt"} {"x":"daredevil","y":"[1]adrenalin junky @@@@ [2]adventurer, desperado, exhibitionist, hot dog @@@@ [3]madcap, show-off @@@@ [4]stunt man @@@@ [5]adventurous, audacious, bold, daring, death-defying, madcap, reckless"} {"x":"daring","y":"[1]adventurous, audacious, ballsy @@@@ [2]bold, brave, daredevil, fearless, game @@@@ [3]have-a-go @@@@ [4]impulsive, intrepid, plucky, rash, reckless, valiant, venturesome @@@@ [5]audacity, balls @@@@ [6]ballsiness @@@@ [7]boldness, bottle @@@@ [8]bravery, courage, derring-do @@@@ [9]face @@@@ [10]fearlessness, grit, guts @@@@ [11]intrepidity, nerve @@@@ [12]pluck, rashness, spirit, spunk @@@@ [13]temerity"} {"x":"dark","y":"[1]black, brunette, dark-skinned, dusky, ebony, sable, swarthy @@@@ [2]cloudy, darksome @@@@ [3]dim, dingy, indistinct, murky, overcast, pitch-black, pitchy, shadowy, shady, sunless, unlit @@@@ [4]abstruse, arcane, concealed, cryptic, deep, Delphic, enigmatic, hidden, mysterious, mystic, obscure, occult, puzzling, recondite, secret @@@@ [5]bleak, cheerless, dismal, doleful, drab, gloomy, grim, joyless, morbid, morose, mournful, sombre @@@@ [6]benighted, ignorant, uncultivated, unenlightened, unlettered @@@@ [7]atrocious, damnable, evil, foul, hellish, horrible, infamous, infernal, nefarious, satanic, sinful, sinister, vile, wicked @@@@ [8]angry, dour, forbidding, frowning, glowering, glum, ominous, scowling, sulky, sullen, threatening @@@@ [9]darkness, dimness, dusk, gloom, murk, murkiness, obscurity, semi-darkness @@@@ [10]evening, night, nightfall, night-time, twilight @@@@ [11]concealment, ignorance, secrecy"} {"x":"darken","y":"[1]becloud, blacken, cloud up or over, deepen, dim, eclipse, make dark, make darker, make dim, obscure, overshadow, shade, shadow @@@@ [2]become angry, become gloomy, blacken, cast a pall over, cloud, deject, depress, dispirit, grow troubled, look black, sadden"} {"x":"darkling","y":"[1]black, dark, darksome @@@@ [2]dim, dusky, gloomy, pitchy, shadowy, tenebrous"} {"x":"darkness","y":"[1]blackness, dark, dimness, dusk, duskiness, gloom, murk, murkiness, nightfall, obscurity, shade, shadiness, shadows @@@@ [2]blindness, concealment, ignorance, mystery, privacy, secrecy, unawareness @@@@ [3]If someone has dark hair, eyes, or skin, they have brown or black hair, eyes, or skin."} {"x":"darling","y":"[1]beloved, dear, dearest, love, sweetheart, truelove @@@@ [2]favourite, pet, spoilt child @@@@ [3]adored, beloved, cherished, dear, precious, treasured @@@@ [4]adorable, attractive, captivating, charming, cute, enchanting, lovely, sweet"} {"x":"darn","y":"[1]cobble up, mend, patch, repair, sew up, stitch @@@@ [2]invisible repair, mend, patch, reinforcement"} {"x":"dart","y":"[1]bound, dash, flash, flit, fly, race, run, rush, scoot, shoot, spring, sprint, start, tear, whistle, whizz @@@@ [2]cast, fling, hurl, launch, propel, send, shoot, sling, throw"} {"x":"dash","y":"[1]break, crash, destroy, shatter, shiver, smash, splinter @@@@ [2]cast, fling, hurl, slam, sling, throw @@@@ [3]barrel (along) @@@@ [4]bolt, bound, burn rubber @@@@ [5]dart, fly, haste, hasten, hurry, race, run, rush, speed, spring, sprint, tear @@@@ [6]abash, chagrin, confound, dampen, disappoint, discomfort, discourage @@@@ [7]blight, foil, frustrate, ruin, spoil, thwart, undo @@@@ [8]bolt, dart, haste, onset, race, run, rush, sortie, sprint, spurt @@@@ [9]brio, elan, flair, flourish, panache, spirit, style, verve, vigour, vivacity @@@@ [10]bit, drop, flavour, hint, little, pinch, smack, soupcon, sprinkling, suggestion, tinge, touch"} {"x":"dastard","y":"[1]caitiff @@@@ [2]coward, craven, niddering @@@@ [3]poltroon, recreant @@@@ [4]renegade, sneak, traitor, worm"} {"x":"data","y":"[1]details, documents, dope @@@@ [2]facts, figures, info @@@@ [3]information, input, materials, statistics"} {"x":"date","y":"[1]age, epoch, era, period, stage, time @@@@ [2]appointment, assignation, engagement, meeting, rendezvous, tryst @@@@ [3]escort, friend, partner, steady @@@@ [4]antiquated, archaic, dated, obsolete, old, old-fashioned, passe @@@@ [5]now, so far, up to now, up to the present, up to this point, yet @@@@ [6]a la mode, contemporary, current, fashionable, modern, trendy @@@@ [7]up-to-the-minute @@@@ [8]bear a date, belong to, come from, exist from, originate in @@@@ [9]become obsolete, be dated, obsolesce, show one's age @@@@ [10]antiquated, archaic, dated, discarded, elapsed, expired, extinct, invalid, lapsed, obsolete, old-fashioned, outmoded, out of the ark @@@@ [11]outworn, passe, stale, superannuated, superseded, unfashionable @@@@ [12]antiquated, archaic, dated, discarded, elapsed, expired, extinct, invalid, lapsed, obsolete, old-fashioned, outmoded, out of the ark @@@@ [13]outworn, passe, stale, superannuated, superseded, unfashionable"} {"x":"dated","y":"[1]antiquated, archaic, demode, obsolete, old-fashioned, old hat, out, outdated, outmoded, out of date, out of the ark @@@@ [2]passe, unfashionable, untrendy"} {"x":"daub","y":"[1]coat, cover, paint, plaster, slap on @@@@ [2]smear @@@@ [3]bedaub, begrime, besmear, blur, deface, dirty, grime, smirch, smudge, spatter, splatter, stain, sully @@@@ [4]blot, blotch, smear, smirch, splodge, splotch, spot, stain"} {"x":"daunt","y":"[1]alarm, appal, cow, dismay, frighten, frighten off, intimidate, overawe, scare, subdue, terrify @@@@ [2]deter, discourage, dishearten, dispirit, put off, shake"} {"x":"dawdle","y":"[1]dally, delay, dilly-dally @@@@ [2]drag one's feet or heels, fritter away, hang about, idle, lag, loaf, loiter, potter, trail, waste time"} {"x":"dawdler","y":"[1]laggard, lingerer, loiterer, slowcoach @@@@ [2]slowpoke @@@@ [3]snail, tortoise"} {"x":"dawn","y":"[1]aurora @@@@ [2]cockcrow, crack of dawn, dawning, daybreak, daylight, dayspring @@@@ [3]morning, sunrise, sunup @@@@ [4]break, brighten, gleam, glimmer, grow light, lighten @@@@ [5]advent, beginning, birth, dawning, emergence, genesis, inception, onset, origin, outset, rise, start, unfolding @@@@ [6]appear, begin, develop, emerge, initiate, open, originate, rise, unfold @@@@ [7]come into one's head, come to mind, cross one's mind, flash across one's mind, hit, occur, register @@@@ [8]strike"} {"x":"day","y":"[1]daylight, daylight hours, daytime, twenty-four hours, working day @@@@ [2]age, ascendancy, cycle, epoch, era, generation, height, heyday, period, prime, time, zenith @@@@ [3]date, particular day, point in time, set time, time @@@@ [4]end, finish, knock off @@@@ [5]pack up @@@@ [6]continually, monotonously, persistently, regularly, relentlessly @@@@ [7]daily, gradually, progressively, steadily @@@@ [8]accustomed, customary, everyday, habitual, quotidian, regular, routine, run-of-the-mill, usual, wonted @@@@ [9]all the time, ceaselessly, constantly, continually, continuously, day in, day out, endlessly, incessantly, interminably, unremittingly @@@@ [10]contemporary, current, latter-day, modern, newfangled, present, recent, up-to-date"} {"x":"daylight","y":"[1]light of day, sunlight, sunshine @@@@ [2]broad day, daylight hours, daytime @@@@ [3]full view, light of day, openness, public attention"} {"x":"daze","y":"[1]benumb, numb, paralyse, shock, stun, stupefy @@@@ [2]amaze, astonish, astound, befog, bewilder, blind, confuse, dazzle, dumbfound, flabbergast @@@@ [3]flummox, nonplus, perplex, stagger, startle, surprise @@@@ [4]bewilderment, confusion, distraction, mind-fuck @@@@ [5]shock, stupor, trance, trancelike state"} {"x":"dazzle","y":"[1]bedazzle, blind, blur, confuse, daze @@@@ [2]amaze, astonish, awe, bowl over @@@@ [3]fascinate, hypnotize, impress, overawe, overpower, overwhelm, strike dumb, stupefy, take one's breath away @@@@ [4]brilliance, eclat, flash, glitter, magnificence, razzle-dazzle @@@@ [5]razzmatazz @@@@ [6]sparkle, splendour"} {"x":"dead","y":"[1]deceased, defunct, departed, extinct, gone, inanimate, late, lifeless, passed away, perished, pushing up (the) daisies @@@@ [2]apathetic, callous, cold, dull, frigid, glassy, glazed, indifferent, inert, lukewarm, numb, paralysed, spiritless, torpid, unresponsive, wooden @@@@ [3]barren, inactive, inoperative, not working, obsolete, stagnant, sterile, still, unemployed, unprofitable, useless @@@@ [4]boring, dead-and-alive, dull, flat, ho-hum @@@@ [5]insipid, stale, tasteless, uninteresting, vapid @@@@ [6]absolute, complete, downright, entire, outright, thorough, total, unqualified, utter @@@@ [7]dead beat @@@@ [8]exhausted, spent, tired, worn out @@@@ [9]depth, middle, midst @@@@ [10]absolutely, completely, directly, entirely, exactly, totally"} {"x":"deaden","y":"[1]abate, alleviate, anaesthetize, benumb, blunt, check, cushion, damp, dampen, diminish, dull, hush, impair, lessen, muffle, mute, numb, paralyse, quieten, reduce, smother, stifle, suppress, weaken"} {"x":"deadline","y":"[1]cutoff point, limit, target date, time limit"} {"x":"deadlock","y":"[1]cessation, dead heat, draw, full stop, gridlock, halt, impasse, stalemate, standoff, standstill, tie"} {"x":"deadly","y":"[1]baleful, baneful, dangerous, death-dealing, deathly, destructive, fatal, lethal, malignant, mortal, noxious, pernicious, poisonous, venomous @@@@ [2]cruel, grim, implacable, mortal, ruthless, savage, unrelenting @@@@ [3]ashen, deathlike, deathly, ghastly, ghostly, pallid, wan, white @@@@ [4]accurate, effective, exact, on target, precise, sure, true, unerring, unfailing @@@@ [5]as dry as dust, boring, dull, ho-hum @@@@ [6]mind-numbing, monotonous, tedious, tiresome, uninteresting, wearisome"} {"x":"deaf","y":"[1]hard of hearing, stone deaf, without hearing @@@@ [2]indifferent, oblivious, unconcerned, unhearing, unmoved"} {"x":"deafen","y":"[1]din, drown out, make deaf, split or burst the eardrums"} {"x":"deal","y":"[1]attend to, come to grips with, cope with, get to grips with, handle, manage, oversee, see to, take care of, treat @@@@ [2]concern, consider, treat (of) @@@@ [3]act, behave, conduct oneself @@@@ [4]bargain, buy and sell, do business, negotiate, sell, stock, trade, traffic, treat (with) @@@@ [5]agreement, arrangement, bargain, contract, pact, transaction, understanding @@@@ [6]allot, apportion, assign, bestow, dispense, distribute, divide, dole out, give, mete out, reward, share @@@@ [7]amount, degree, distribution, extent, portion, quantity, share, transaction @@@@ [8]cut and shuffle, distribution, hand, round, single game"} {"x":"dealer","y":"[1]chandler, marketer, merchandiser, merchant, purveyor, supplier, trader, tradesman, wholesaler @@@@ [2]betrayer, cheat, con man @@@@ [3]cozener, deceiver, dissembler, double-crosser @@@@ [4]fraud, fraudster, grifter @@@@ [5]hypocrite, rogue, snake in the grass @@@@ [6]swindler, traitor, two-timer"} {"x":"dear","y":"[1]beloved, cherished, close, darling, esteemed, familiar, favourite, intimate, precious, prized, respected, treasured @@@@ [2]at a premium, costly, expensive, high-priced, overpriced, pricey @@@@ [3]angel, beloved, darling, loved one, precious, treasure"} {"x":"dearly","y":"[1]extremely, greatly, profoundly, very much @@@@ [2]affectionately, devotedly, fondly, lovingly, tenderly"} {"x":"dearth","y":"[1]absence, deficiency, exiguousness, famine, inadequacy, insufficiency, lack, need, paucity, poverty, scantiness, scarcity, shortage, sparsity, want"} {"x":"death","y":"[1]bereavement, cessation, curtains @@@@ [2]decease, demise, departure, dissolution, dying, end, exit, expiration, loss, passing, quietus, release @@@@ [3]annihilation, destruction, downfall, eradication, extermination, extinction, finish, grave, obliteration, ruin, ruination, undoing"} {"x":"debacle","y":"[1]catastrophe, collapse, defeat, devastation, disaster, downfall, fiasco, havoc, overthrow, reversal, rout, ruin, ruination"} {"x":"debar","y":"[1]bar, black, blackball, deny, exclude, hinder, interdict, keep out, obstruct, preclude, prevent, prohibit, refuse admission to, restrain, segregate, shut out, stop"} {"x":"debase","y":"[1]abase, cheapen, degrade, demean, devalue, disgrace, dishonour, drag down, humble, humiliate, lower, reduce, shame @@@@ [2]adulterate, bastardize, contaminate, corrupt, defile, depreciate, impair, pollute, taint, vitiate"} {"x":"debate","y":"[1]argue, contend, contest, controvert, discuss, dispute, question, wrangle @@@@ [2]altercation, argument, contention, controversy, discussion, disputation, dispute, polemic, row @@@@ [3]cogitate, consider, deliberate, meditate upon, mull over, ponder, reflect, revolve, ruminate, weigh @@@@ [4]cogitation, consideration, deliberation, meditation, reflection"} {"x":"debilitate","y":"[1]devitalize, enervate, enfeeble, exhaust, incapacitate, prostrate, relax, sap, undermine, weaken, wear out"} {"x":"debonair","y":"[1]affable, buoyant, charming, cheerful, courteous, dashing, elegant, jaunty, light-hearted, refined, smooth, sprightly, suave, urbane, well-bred"} {"x":"debouch","y":"[1]come forth, come out, come out in the open, disembogue, emerge, issue, sally, sortie"} {"x":"debrief","y":"[1]cross-examine, examine, interrogate, probe, question, quiz @@@@ [2]describe, detail, report"} {"x":"debris","y":"[1]bits, brash, detritus, dross, fragments, litter, pieces, remains, rubbish, rubble, ruins, waste, wreck, wreckage"} {"x":"debt","y":"[1]arrears, bill, claim, commitment, debit, due, duty, liability, obligation, score @@@@ [2]accountable, beholden, in arrears, in hock @@@@ [3]liable, owing, responsible"} {"x":"debunk","y":"[1]cut down to size, deflate, disparage, expose, lampoon, mock, puncture, ridicule, show up"} {"x":"debut","y":"[1]beginning, bow, coming out, entrance, first appearance, inauguration, initiation, introduction, launching, presentation"} {"x":"decadence","y":"[1]corruption, debasement, decay, decline, degeneration, deterioration, dissipation, dissolution, fall, perversion, retrogression"} {"x":"decamp","y":"[1]abscond, bolt, desert, do a bunk @@@@ [2]escape, flee, flit @@@@ [3]hightail @@@@ [4]hook it @@@@ [5]make off, run away, scarper @@@@ [6]skedaddle @@@@ [7]sneak off, steal away, take a powder @@@@ [8]break up camp, evacuate, march off, move off, strike camp, vacate"} {"x":"decapitate","y":"[1]behead, execute, guillotine"} {"x":"decay","y":"[1]atrophy, break down, crumble, decline, degenerate, deteriorate, disintegrate, dissolve, dwindle, moulder, shrivel, sink, spoil, wane, waste away, wear away, wither @@@@ [2]corrode, decompose, mortify, perish, putrefy, rot @@@@ [3]atrophy, collapse, decadence, decline, degeneracy, degeneration, deterioration, dying, fading, failing, wasting, withering @@@@ [4]caries, cariosity, decomposition, gangrene, mortification, perishing, putrefaction, putrescence, putridity, rot, rotting"} {"x":"deceive","y":"[1]bamboozle @@@@ [2]beguile, betray, cheat, con @@@@ [3]cozen, delude, disappoint, double-cross @@@@ [4]dupe, ensnare, entrap, fool, hoax, hoodwink, impose upon, kid @@@@ [5]mislead, outwit, pull a fast one @@@@ [6]sting @@@@ [7]take in @@@@ [8]trick @@@@ [9]be made a fool of, be taken in (by), be the dupe of, bite, fall for, fall into a trap, swallow @@@@ [10]swallow hook, line, and sinker"} {"x":"decelerate","y":"[1]brake, check, put the brakes on, reduce speed, slow, slow down or up"} {"x":"decency","y":"[1]appropriateness, civility, correctness, courtesy, decorum, etiquette, fitness, good form, good manners, modesty, propriety, respectability, seemliness"} {"x":"decent","y":"[1]appropriate, becoming, befitting, chaste, comely, comme il faut, decorous, delicate, fit, fitting, modest, nice, polite, presentable, proper, pure, respectable, seemly, suitable @@@@ [2]acceptable, adequate, ample, average, competent, fair, passable, reasonable, satisfactory, sufficient, tolerable @@@@ [3]accommodating, courteous, friendly, generous, gracious, helpful, kind, obliging, thoughtful"} {"x":"deception","y":"[1]craftiness, cunning, deceit, deceitfulness, deceptiveness, dissimulation, duplicity, fraud, fraudulence, guile, hypocrisy, imposition, insincerity, legerdemain, treachery, trickery @@@@ [2]artifice, bluff, canard, cheat, decoy, feint, fraud, hoax, hokum @@@@ [3]illusion, imposture, leg-pull @@@@ [4]lie, pork pie @@@@ [5]porky @@@@ [6]ruse, sham, snare, snow job @@@@ [7]stratagem, subterfuge, trick, wile"} {"x":"decide","y":"[1]adjudge, adjudicate, choose, come to a conclusion, commit oneself, conclude, decree, determine, elect, end, make a decision, make up one's mind, purpose, reach or come to a decision, resolve, settle, tip the balance"} {"x":"decided","y":"[1]absolute, categorical, certain, clear-cut, definite, distinct, express, indisputable, positive, pronounced, unambiguous, undeniable, undisputed, unequivocal, unquestionable @@@@ [2]assertive, decisive, deliberate, determined, emphatic, firm, resolute, strong-willed, unfaltering, unhesitating"} {"x":"decipher","y":"[1]construe, crack, decode, deduce, explain, figure out @@@@ [2]interpret, make out, read, reveal, solve, suss (out) @@@@ [3]understand, unfold, unravel"} {"x":"decision","y":"[1]arbitration, conclusion, finding, judgment, outcome, resolution, result, ruling, sentence, settlement, verdict @@@@ [2]decisiveness, determination, firmness, purpose, purposefulness, resoluteness, resolution, resolve, strength of mind or will"} {"x":"deck","y":"[1]adorn, apparel @@@@ [2]array, attire, beautify, bedeck, bedight @@@@ [3]bedizen @@@@ [4]clothe, decorate, dress, embellish, engarland, festoon, garland, grace, ornament, trim @@@@ [5]doll up @@@@ [6]get ready, prettify, pretty up, prink, rig out, tog up or out, trick out"} {"x":"declaim","y":"[1]harangue, hold forth, lecture, orate, perorate, proclaim, rant, recite, speak, spiel @@@@ [2]attack, decry, denounce, inveigh, rail"} {"x":"declamation","y":"[1]address, harangue, lecture, oration, rant, recitation, speech, tirade"} {"x":"declamatory","y":"[1]bombastic, discursive, fustian, grandiloquent, high-flown, incoherent, inflated, magniloquent, orotund, pompous, rhetorical, stagy, stilted, theatrical, turgid"} {"x":"declaration","y":"[1]acknowledgment, affirmation, assertion, attestation, averment, avowal, deposition, disclosure, protestation, revelation, statement, testimony @@@@ [2]announcement, edict, manifesto, notification, proclamation, profession, promulgation, pronouncement, pronunciamento"} {"x":"declarative","y":"[1]affirmative, definite, demonstrative, enunciatory, explanatory, expository, expressive, positive"} {"x":"declare","y":"[1]affirm, announce, assert, asseverate, attest, aver, avow, certify, claim, confirm, maintain, notify, proclaim, profess, pronounce, state, swear, testify, utter, validate @@@@ [2]confess, convey, disclose, make known, manifest, reveal, show"} {"x":"declension","y":"[1]decadence, decay, decline, degeneracy, descent, deterioration, diminution, fall @@@@ [2]inflection, variation"} {"x":"declination","y":"[1]decline, declivity, descent, deviation, dip, divergence, inclination, obliquity, slope"} {"x":"decline","y":"[1]abstain, avoid, deny, forgo, refuse, reject, say `no', send one's regrets, turn down @@@@ [2]decrease, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb, fade, fail, fall, fall off, flag, lessen, shrink, sink, wane @@@@ [3]abatement, diminution, downturn, drop, dwindling, falling off, lessening, recession, slump @@@@ [4]decay, degenerate, deteriorate, droop, languish, pine, weaken, worsen @@@@ [5]decay, decrepitude, degeneration, deterioration, enfeeblement, failing, senility, weakening, worsening @@@@ [6]consumption, phthisis, tuberculosis @@@@ [7]descend, dip, sink, slant, slope @@@@ [8]declivity, hill, incline, slope"} {"x":"declivity","y":"[1]brae @@@@ [2]declination, descent, incline, slant, slope"} {"x":"decode","y":"[1]crack, decipher, decrypt, descramble, interpret, solve, unscramble, work out"} {"x":"decompose","y":"[1]break up, crumble, decay, fall apart, fester, putrefy, rot, spoil @@@@ [2]analyse, atomize, break down, break up, decompound, disintegrate, dissect, dissolve, distil, separate"} {"x":"decomposition","y":"[1]atomization, breakdown, corruption, decay, disintegration, dissolution, division, putrefaction, putrescence, putridity, rot"} {"x":"decontaminate","y":"[1]clean, cleanse, deodorize, disinfect, disinfest, fumigate, make safe, purify, sanitize, sterilize"} {"x":"decorate","y":"[1]adorn, beautify, bedeck, deck, embellish, engarland, enrich, festoon, grace, ornament, trim @@@@ [2]colour, do up @@@@ [3]furbish, paint, paper, renovate, wallpaper @@@@ [4]cite, honour, pin a medal on"} {"x":"decoration","y":"[1]adornment, beautification, elaboration, embellishment, enrichment, garnishing, ornamentation, trimming @@@@ [2]arabesque, bauble, cartouch(e), curlicue, falderal, festoon, flounce, flourish, frill, furbelow, garnish, ornament, scroll, spangle, trimmings, trinket @@@@ [3]award, badge, colours, emblem, garter, medal, order, ribbon, star"} {"x":"decorative","y":"[1]adorning, arty-crafty, beautifying, enhancing, fancy, nonfunctional, ornamental, pretty"} {"x":"decorous","y":"[1]appropriate, becoming, befitting, comely, comme il faut, correct, decent, dignified, fit, fitting, mannerly, polite, proper, refined, sedate, seemly, staid, suitable, well-behaved"} {"x":"decorum","y":"[1]behaviour, breeding, courtliness, decency, deportment, dignity, etiquette, gentility, good grace, good manners, gravity, politeness, politesse, propriety, protocol, punctilio, respectability, seemliness"} {"x":"decoy","y":"[1]attraction, bait, ensnarement, enticement, inducement, lure, pretence, trap @@@@ [2]allure, bait, deceive, ensnare, entice, entrap, inveigle, lure, seduce, tempt"} {"x":"decrease","y":"[1]abate, contract, curtail, cut down, decline, diminish, drop, dwindle, ease, fall off, lessen, lower, peter out, reduce, shrink, slacken, subside, wane @@@@ [2]abatement, contraction, cutback, decline, diminution, downturn, dwindling, ebb, falling off, lessening, loss, reduction, shrinkage, subsidence"} {"x":"decree","y":"[1]act, canon, command, demand, dictum, edict, enactment, law, mandate, order, ordinance, precept, proclamation, regulation, ruling, statute @@@@ [2]command, decide, demand, determine, dictate, enact, establish, lay down, ordain, order, prescribe, proclaim, pronounce, rule"} {"x":"decrepit","y":"[1]aged, crippled, debilitated, doddering, effete, feeble, frail, incapacitated, infirm, past it, superannuated, wasted, weak @@@@ [2]antiquated, battered, beat-up @@@@ [3]broken-down, deteriorated, dilapidated, ramshackle, rickety, run-down, tumbledown, weather-beaten, worn-out"} {"x":"decry","y":"[1]abuse, asperse, belittle, blame, blast, censure, condemn, criticize, cry down, denigrate, denounce, depreciate, derogate, detract, devalue, discredit, disparage, excoriate, lambast(e), put down, rail against, run down, tear into @@@@ [2]traduce, underestimate, underrate, undervalue"} {"x":"dedicate","y":"[1]commit, devote, give over to, pledge, surrender @@@@ [2]address, assign, inscribe, offer @@@@ [3]bless, consecrate, hallow, sanctify, set apart"} {"x":"dedicated","y":"[1]committed, devoted, enthusiastic, given over to, purposeful, single-minded, sworn, wholehearted, zealous"} {"x":"dedication","y":"[1]adherence, allegiance, commitment, devotedness, devotion, faithfulness, loyalty, single-mindedness, wholeheartedness @@@@ [2]address, inscription, message @@@@ [3]consecration, hallowing, sanctification"} {"x":"deduce","y":"[1]conclude, derive, draw, gather, glean, infer, put two and two together, read between the lines, reason, take to mean, understand"} {"x":"deed","y":"[1]achievement, act, action, exploit, fact, feat, performance, reality, truth @@@@ [2]contract, document, indenture, instrument, title, title deed, transaction"} {"x":"deem","y":"[1]account, believe, conceive, consider, esteem, estimate, hold, imagine, judge, reckon, regard, suppose, think"} {"x":"deep","y":"[1]abyssal, bottomless, broad, far, profound, unfathomable, wide, yawning @@@@ [2]abstract, abstruse, arcane, esoteric, hidden, mysterious, obscure, recondite, secret @@@@ [3]acute, discerning, learned, penetrating, sagacious, wise @@@@ [4]artful, astute, canny, cunning, designing, devious, insidious, knowing, scheming, shrewd @@@@ [5]extreme, grave, great, intense, profound, serious @@@@ [6]unqualified @@@@ [7]absorbed, engrossed, immersed, lost, preoccupied, rapt @@@@ [8]dark, intense, rich, strong, vivid @@@@ [9]bass, booming, full-toned, low, low-pitched, resonant, sonorous @@@@ [10]briny @@@@ [11]high seas, main, ocean, sea @@@@ [12]culmination, dead, middle, mid point @@@@ [13]deeply, far down, far into, late @@@@ [14]deeply, far down, far into, late"} {"x":"deeply","y":"[1]completely, gravely, profoundly, seriously, severely, thoroughly, to the core, to the heart, to the quick @@@@ [2]acutely, affectingly, distressingly, feelingly, intensely, mournfully, movingly, passionately, sadly"} {"x":"deface","y":"[1]blemish, deform, destroy, disfigure, impair, injure, mar, mutilate, obliterate, spoil, sully, tarnish, total @@@@ [2]trash @@@@ [3]vandalize"} {"x":"defalcation","y":"[1]default, deficiency, deficit, embezzlement, fraud, misappropriation, shortage"} {"x":"defamation","y":"[1]aspersion, calumny, character assassination, denigration, disparagement, libel, obloquy, opprobrium, scandal, slander, slur, smear, traducement, vilification"} {"x":"defamatory","y":"[1]abusive, calumnious, contumelious, denigrating, derogatory, disparaging, injurious, insulting, libellous, slanderous, vilifying, vituperative"} {"x":"defame","y":"[1]asperse, bad-mouth @@@@ [2]belie, besmirch, blacken, calumniate, cast a slur on, cast aspersions on, denigrate, detract, discredit, disgrace, dishonour, disparage, knock @@@@ [3]libel, malign, rubbish @@@@ [4]slag (off) @@@@ [5]slander, smear, speak evil of, stigmatize, traduce, vilify, vituperate"} {"x":"default","y":"[1]absence, defect, deficiency, dereliction, failure, fault, lack, lapse, neglect, nonpayment, omission, want @@@@ [2]bilk, defraud, dodge, evade, fail, levant @@@@ [3]neglect, rat @@@@ [4]swindle, welsh"} {"x":"defeat","y":"[1]clobber @@@@ [2]conquer, crush, lick @@@@ [3]master, outplay, overpower, overthrow, overwhelm, pip at the post, quell, repulse, rout, run rings around @@@@ [4]stuff @@@@ [5]subdue, subjugate, tank @@@@ [6]trounce, undo, vanquish, wipe the floor with @@@@ [7]worst @@@@ [8]baffle, balk, confound, disappoint, discomfit, foil, frustrate, get the better of, ruin, thwart @@@@ [9]beating, conquest, debacle, overthrow, pasting @@@@ [10]repulse, rout, trouncing, vanquishment @@@@ [11]disappointment, discomfiture, failure, frustration, rebuff, repulse, reverse, setback, thwarting"} {"x":"defeated","y":"[1]balked, beaten, bested, checkmated, conquered, crushed, licked @@@@ [2]overcome, overpowered, overwhelmed, routed, thrashed, thwarted, trounced, vanquished, worsted"} {"x":"defect","y":"[1]blemish, blotch, error, failing, fault, flaw, foible, imperfection, mistake, spot, taint, want @@@@ [2]absence, default, deficiency, frailty, inadequacy, lack, shortcoming, weakness @@@@ [3]abandon, apostatize, break faith, change sides, desert, go over, rebel, revolt, tergiversate, walk out on @@@@ [4]If you defect, you leave your country, political party, or other group, and join an opposing country, party, or group."} {"x":"defective","y":"[1]broken, deficient, faulty, flawed, imperfect, inadequate, incomplete, insufficient, not working, on the blink @@@@ [2]out of order, scant, short @@@@ [3]abnormal, mentally deficient, retarded, subnormal"} {"x":"defence","y":"[1]armament, cover, deterrence, guard, immunity, protection, resistance, safeguard, security, shelter @@@@ [2]barricade, bastion, buckler, bulwark, buttress, fastness, fortification, rampart, shield @@@@ [3]apologia, apology, argument, excuse, exoneration, explanation, extenuation, justification, plea, vindication @@@@ [4]alibi, case, declaration, denial, plea, pleading, rebuttal, testimony"} {"x":"defend","y":"[1]cover, fortify, guard, keep safe, preserve, protect, safeguard, screen, secure, shelter, shield, ward off, watch over @@@@ [2]assert, champion, endorse, espouse, justify, maintain, plead, speak up for, stand by, stand up for, stick up for @@@@ [3]support, sustain, uphold, vindicate"} {"x":"defendant","y":"[1]appellant, defence, litigant, offender, prisoner at the bar, respondent, the accused"} {"x":"defensive","y":"[1]averting, defending, on the defensive, opposing, protective, safeguarding, uptight @@@@ [2]watchful, withstanding"} {"x":"deference","y":"[1]acquiescence, capitulation, complaisance, compliance, obedience, obeisance, submission, yielding @@@@ [2]attention, civility, consideration, courtesy, esteem, homage, honour, obeisance, politeness, regard, respect, reverence, thoughtfulness, veneration"} {"x":"deferential","y":"[1]civil, complaisant, considerate, courteous, dutiful, ingratiating, obedient, obeisant, obsequious, polite, regardful, respectful, reverential, submissive"} {"x":"deferment","y":"[1]adjournment, delay, moratorium, postponement, putting off, stay, suspension"} {"x":"deficiency","y":"[1]defect, demerit, failing, fault, flaw, frailty, imperfection, shortcoming, weakness @@@@ [2]absence, dearth, deficit, inadequacy, insufficiency, lack, scantiness, scarcity, shortage"} {"x":"deficient","y":"[1]defective, faulty, flawed, impaired, imperfect, incomplete, inferior, unsatisfactory, weak @@@@ [2]exiguous, inadequate, insufficient, lacking, meagre, pathetic, scant, scanty, scarce, short, skimpy, wanting"} {"x":"deficit","y":"[1]arrears, default, deficiency, loss, shortage, shortfall"} {"x":"defile","y":"[1]befoul, contaminate, corrupt, dirty, make foul, pollute, smear, smirch, soil, taint, tarnish, vitiate @@@@ [2]besmirch, debase, degrade, disgrace, dishonour, smirch, stain, sully @@@@ [3]desecrate, profane, treat sacrilegiously @@@@ [4]abuse, deflower, molest, rape, ravish, seduce, violate @@@@ [5]gorge, gully, pass, passage, ravine, way through"} {"x":"define","y":"[1]characterize, describe, designate, detail, determine, explain, expound, interpret, specify, spell out @@@@ [2]bound, circumscribe, delimit, delineate, demarcate, limit, mark out, outline"} {"x":"definite","y":"[1]black-and-white, clear, clear-cut, clearly defined, cut-and-dried @@@@ [2]determined, exact, explicit, express, fixed, marked, obvious, particular, precise, specific @@@@ [3]assured, certain, decided, guaranteed, positive, settled, sure"} {"x":"definitely","y":"[1]absolutely, beyond any doubt, categorically, certainly, clearly, come hell or high water @@@@ [2]decidedly, easily, far and away, finally, indubitably, needless to say, obviously, plainly, positively, surely, undeniably, unequivocally, unmistakably, unquestionably, without doubt, without fail, without question"} {"x":"definition","y":"[1]clarification, description, elucidation, explanation, exposition, statement of meaning @@@@ [2]delimitation, delineation, demarcation, determination, fixing, outlining, settling @@@@ [3]clarity, contrast, distinctness, focus, precision, sharpness"} {"x":"definitive","y":"[1]absolute, authoritative, complete, conclusive, decisive, exhaustive, final, mother (of all) @@@@ [2]perfect, reliable, ultimate"} {"x":"deflate","y":"[1]collapse, contract, empty, exhaust, flatten, puncture, shrink, void @@@@ [2]chasten, dash, debunk @@@@ [3]disconcert, dispirit, humble, humiliate, mortify, put down @@@@ [4]decrease, depreciate, depress, devalue, diminish, reduce"} {"x":"deform","y":"[1]buckle, contort, distort, gnarl, malform, mangle, misshape, twist, warp @@@@ [2]cripple, deface, disfigure, injure, maim, mar, mutilate, ruin, spoil"} {"x":"deformation","y":"[1]contortion, disfiguration, distortion, malformation, misshapenness, warping"} {"x":"deformity","y":"[1]abnormality, defect, disfigurement, distortion, irregularity, malformation, misproportion, misshapenness, ugliness @@@@ [2]corruption, depravity, grossness, hatefulness, vileness"} {"x":"deft","y":"[1]able, adept, adroit, agile, clever, dexterous, expert, handy, neat, nimble, proficient, skilful"} {"x":"defunct","y":"[1]dead, deceased, departed, extinct, gone @@@@ [2]a dead letter, bygone, expired, inoperative, invalid, nonexistent, not functioning, obsolete, out of commission"} {"x":"defy","y":"[1]beard, brave, challenge, confront, contemn, dare, despise, disregard, face, flout, hurl defiance at, provoke, scorn, slight, spurn @@@@ [2]baffle, call (someone's) bluff, defeat, elude, foil, frustrate, repel, repulse, resist, thwart, withstand"} {"x":"degradation","y":"[1]abasement, debasement, decadence, decline, degeneracy, degeneration, demotion, derogation, deterioration, downgrading, perversion @@@@ [2]discredit, disgrace, dishonour, humiliation, ignominy, mortification, shame"} {"x":"degrade","y":"[1]cheapen, corrupt, debase, demean, deteriorate, discredit, disgrace, dishonour, humble, humiliate, impair, injure, pervert, shame, vitiate @@@@ [2]break, cashier, demote, depose, downgrade, lower, reduce to inferior rank @@@@ [3]adulterate, dilute, doctor, mix, thin, water, water down, weaken"} {"x":"degree","y":"[1]class, grade, level, order, position, rank, standing, station, status @@@@ [2]division, extent, gradation, grade, interval, limit, mark, measure, notch, point, rung, scale, stage, step, unit @@@@ [3]ambit, calibre, extent, intensity, level, measure, proportion, quality, quantity, range, rate, ratio, scale, scope, severity, standard @@@@ [4]bit by bit, gently, gradually, imperceptibly, inch by inch, little by little, slowly, step by step"} {"x":"dehydrate","y":"[1]desiccate, drain, dry out, dry up, evaporate, exsiccate, parch"} {"x":"deification","y":"[1]apotheosis, elevation, ennoblement, exaltation, glorification, idolization"} {"x":"deify","y":"[1]apotheosize, elevate, ennoble, enthrone, exalt, extol, glorify, idealize, idolize, immortalize, venerate, worship"} {"x":"deign","y":"[1]condescend, consent, deem worthy, lower oneself, see fit, stoop, think fit"} {"x":"deity","y":"[1]celestial being, divine being, divinity, god, goddess, godhead, idol, immortal, supreme being"} {"x":"dejected","y":"[1]blue, cast down, crestfallen, depressed, despondent, disconsolate, disheartened, dismal, doleful, down, downcast, downhearted, down in the dumps @@@@ [2]gloomy, glum, low, low-spirited, melancholy, miserable, morose, sad, sick as a parrot @@@@ [3]woebegone, wretched"} {"x":"delay","y":"[1]beat about the bush, defer, hold over, play for time, postpone, procrastinate, prolong, protract, put off, put on the back burner @@@@ [2]shelve, stall, suspend, table, take a rain check on @@@@ [3]temporize @@@@ [4]deferment, postponement, procrastination, stay, suspension @@@@ [5]arrest, bog down, check, detain, halt, hinder, hold back, hold up, impede, obstruct, retard, set back, slow up, stop, throw a spanner in the words @@@@ [6]check, detention, hindrance, hold-up, impediment, interruption, interval, obstruction, setback, stoppage, wait @@@@ [7]dawdle, dilly-dally @@@@ [8]lag, linger, loiter, tarry @@@@ [9]dawdling, dilly-dallying @@@@ [10]lingering, loitering, tarrying"} {"x":"delectable","y":"[1]adorable, agreeable, appetizing, charming, dainty, delicious, delightful, enjoyable, enticing, gratifying, inviting, luscious, lush, pleasant, pleasurable, satisfying, scrumptious @@@@ [2]tasty, toothsome, yummy"} {"x":"delectation","y":"[1]amusement, delight, diversion, enjoyment, entertainment, gratification, happiness, jollies @@@@ [2]pleasure, refreshment, relish, satisfaction"} {"x":"delegate","y":"[1]agent, ambassador, commissioner, deputy, envoy, legate, representative, vicar @@@@ [2]accredit, appoint, authorize, commission, depute, designate, empower, mandate @@@@ [3]assign, consign, devolve, entrust, give, hand over, pass on, relegate, transfer"} {"x":"delegation","y":"[1]commission, contingent, deputation, embassy, envoys, legation, mission @@@@ [2]assignment, commissioning, committal, deputizing, devolution, entrustment, relegation"} {"x":"delete","y":"[1]blot out, blue-pencil, cancel, cross out, cut out, dele, edit, edit out, efface, erase, excise, expunge, obliterate, remove, rub out, strike out"} {"x":"deleterious","y":"[1]bad, damaging, destructive, detrimental, harmful, hurtful, injurious, pernicious, prejudicial, ruinous"} {"x":"deliberate","y":"[1]cogitate, consider, consult, debate, discuss, meditate, mull over, ponder, reflect, think, weigh @@@@ [2]calculated, conscious, considered, designed, intentional, planned, prearranged, premeditated, purposeful, studied, thoughtful, wilful @@@@ [3]careful, cautious, circumspect, heedful, measured, methodical, ponderous, prudent, slow, thoughtful, unhurried, wary"} {"x":"delicacy","y":"[1]accuracy, daintiness, elegance, exquisiteness, fineness, lightness, nicety, precision, subtlety @@@@ [2]debility, flimsiness, fragility, frailness, frailty, infirmity, slenderness, tenderness, weakness @@@@ [3]discrimination, fastidiousness, finesse, purity, refinement, sensibility, sensitiveness, sensitivity, tact, taste @@@@ [4]bonne bouche, dainty, luxury, relish, savoury, titbit, treat"} {"x":"delicate","y":"[1]ailing, debilitated, flimsy, fragile, frail, sickly, slender, slight, tender, weak @@@@ [2]choice, dainty, delicious, elegant, exquisite, fine, graceful, savoury, tender @@@@ [3]faint, muted, pastel, soft, subdued, subtle @@@@ [4]accurate, deft, detailed, minute, precise, skilled @@@@ [5]considerate, diplomatic, discreet, sensitive, tactful @@@@ [6]built on sand, critical, difficult, precarious, sensitive, sticky @@@@ [7]ticklish, touchy @@@@ [8]careful, critical, discriminating, fastidious, nice, prudish, pure, refined, scrupulous, squeamish"} {"x":"delicious","y":"[1]ambrosial, appetizing, choice, dainty, delectable, luscious, mouthwatering, nectareous, palatable, savoury, scrumptious @@@@ [2]tasty, toothsome, yummy @@@@ [3]agreeable, charming, delightful, enjoyable, entertaining, exquisite, pleasant, pleasing"} {"x":"delight","y":"[1]ecstasy, enjoyment, felicity, gladness, glee, gratification, happiness, jollies @@@@ [2]joy, pleasure, rapture, transport @@@@ [3]amuse, charm, cheer, divert, enchant, gratify, please, ravish, rejoice, satisfy, thrill @@@@ [4]appreciate, enjoy, feast on, glory in, indulge in, like, love, luxuriate in, relish, revel in, savour"} {"x":"delimit","y":"[1]bound, define, demarcate, determine, fix, mark (out)"} {"x":"delineate","y":"[1]characterize, chart, contour, depict, describe, design, draw, figure, map out, outline, paint, picture, portray, render, sketch, trace"} {"x":"delinquency","y":"[1]crime, fault, misbehaviour, misconduct, misdeed, misdemeanour, offence, wrongdoing"} {"x":"delirium","y":"[1]aberration, derangement, hallucination, insanity, lunacy, madness, raving @@@@ [2]ecstasy, fever, frenzy, fury, hysteria, passion, rage"} {"x":"deliver","y":"[1]bear, bring, carry, cart, convey, distribute, transport @@@@ [2]cede, commit, give up, grant, hand over, make over, relinquish, resign, surrender, transfer, turn over, yield @@@@ [3]acquit, discharge, emancipate, free, liberate, loose, ransom, redeem, release, rescue, save @@@@ [4]announce, declare, give, give forth, present, proclaim, pronounce, publish, read, utter @@@@ [5]administer, aim, deal, direct, give, inflict, launch, strike, throw @@@@ [6]discharge, dispense, feed, give forth, provide, purvey, release, supply @@@@ [7]If you deliver something that you have promised to do, make, or produce, you do, make, or produce it."} {"x":"delivery","y":"[1]consignment, conveyance, dispatch, distribution, handing over, surrender, transfer, transmission, transmittal @@@@ [2]articulation, elocution, enunciation, intonation, speech, utterance @@@@ [3]childbirth, confinement, labour, parturition @@@@ [4]deliverance, escape, liberation, release, rescue"} {"x":"delude","y":"[1]bamboozle @@@@ [2]beguile, cheat, con @@@@ [3]cozen, deceive, dupe, fool, gull @@@@ [4]hoax, hoodwink, impose on, kid @@@@ [5]take in @@@@ [6]trick"} {"x":"deluge","y":"[1]cataclysm, downpour, flood, inundation, overflowing, spate, torrent @@@@ [2]avalanche, barrage, flood, rush, spate, torrent @@@@ [3]douse, drench, drown, flood, inundate, soak, submerge, swamp @@@@ [4]engulf, inundate, overload, overrun, overwhelm, swamp"} {"x":"delusion","y":"[1]deception, error, fallacy, false impression, fancy, hallucination, illusion, misapprehension, misbelief, misconception, mistake, phantasm, self-deception"} {"x":"delve","y":"[1]burrow, dig into, examine, explore, ferret out, forage, investigate, look into, probe, ransack, research, rummage, search, unearth"} {"x":"demand","y":"[1]ask, challenge, inquire, interrogate, question, request @@@@ [2]call for, cry out for, entail, involve, necessitate, need, require, take, want @@@@ [3]claim, exact, expect, insist on, order @@@@ [4]bidding, charge, inquiry, interrogation, order, question, request, requisition @@@@ [5]call, claim, market, necessity, need, requirement, want @@@@ [6]fashionable, in vogue, like gold dust, needed, popular, requested, sought after"} {"x":"demanding","y":"[1]challenging, difficult, exacting, exhausting, exigent, hard, taxing, tough, trying, wearing @@@@ [2]clamorous, imperious, importunate, insistent, nagging, pressing, urgent"} {"x":"demarcate","y":"[1]define, delimit, determine, differentiate, distinguish between, fix, mark, separate"} {"x":"demarcation","y":"[1]bound, boundary, confine, enclosure, limit, margin, pale @@@@ [2]delimitation, differentiation, distinction, division, separation"} {"x":"demean","y":"[1]abase, debase, degrade, descend, humble, lower, stoop"} {"x":"demented","y":"[1]barking @@@@ [2]barking mad @@@@ [3]crackbrained, crackpot @@@@ [4]crazed, crazy, daft @@@@ [5]deranged, distraught, doolally @@@@ [6]dotty @@@@ [7]foolish, frenzied, gonzo @@@@ [8]idiotic, insane, loopy @@@@ [9]lunatic, mad, maniacal, manic, non compos mentis, not the full shilling @@@@ [10]unbalanced, unhinged, up the pole"} {"x":"demise","y":"[1]death, decease, departure, expiration @@@@ [2]collapse, dissolution, downfall, end, failure, fall, ruin, termination @@@@ [3]alienation, conveyance, transfer, transmission @@@@ [4]bequeath, convey, grant, leave, transfer, will"} {"x":"demobilize","y":"[1]deactivate, decommission, demob @@@@ [2]disband, discharge, release"} {"x":"democracy","y":"[1]commonwealth, government by the people, representative government, republic"} {"x":"democratic","y":"[1]autonomous, egalitarian, popular, populist, representative, republican, self-governing"} {"x":"demolish","y":"[1]bulldoze, destroy, dismantle, flatten, knock down, level, overthrow, pulverize, raze, ruin, tear down, total @@@@ [2]trash @@@@ [3]defeat, destroy, lick @@@@ [4]master, overthrow, overturn, stuff @@@@ [5]tank @@@@ [6]wreck @@@@ [7]consume, devour, eat, gobble up, put away"} {"x":"demolition","y":"[1]bulldozing, destruction, explosion, knocking down, levelling, razing, wrecking"} {"x":"demon","y":"[1]devil, evil spirit, fiend, ghoul, goblin, malignant spirit @@@@ [2]devil, fiend, ghoul, monster, rogue, villain @@@@ [3]ace @@@@ [4]addict, fanatic, fiend, go-getter @@@@ [5]master, wizard @@@@ [6]daemon, daimon, genius, guardian spirit, ministering angel, numen"} {"x":"demonstrable","y":"[1]attestable, axiomatic, certain, evident, evincible, incontrovertible, indubitable, irrefutable, obvious, palpable, positive, provable, self-evident, undeniable, unmistakable, verifiable"} {"x":"demonstrate","y":"[1]display, establish, evidence, evince, exhibit, indicate, manifest, prove, show, testify to @@@@ [2]describe, explain, illustrate, make clear, show how, teach @@@@ [3]march, parade, picket, protest, rally"} {"x":"demonstration","y":"[1]affirmation, confirmation, display, evidence, exhibition, expression, illustration, manifestation, proof, substantiation, testimony, validation @@@@ [2]description, explanation, exposition, presentation, test, trial @@@@ [3]march, mass lobby, parade, picket, protest, rally, sit-in"} {"x":"demonstrative","y":"[1]affectionate, effusive, emotional, expansive, expressive, gushing, loving, open, unreserved, unrestrained @@@@ [2]evincive, explanatory, expository, illustrative, indicative, symptomatic"} {"x":"demoralize","y":"[1]cripple, daunt, deject, depress, disconcert, discourage, dishearten, dispirit, enfeeble, psych out @@@@ [2]rattle @@@@ [3]sap, shake, undermine, unnerve, weaken @@@@ [4]corrupt, debase, debauch, deprave, lower, pervert, vitiate"} {"x":"den","y":"[1]cave, cavern, haunt, hide-out, hole, lair, shelter @@@@ [2]cloister, cubbyhole, hideaway, retreat, sanctuary, sanctum, snuggery, study"} {"x":"denial","y":"[1]adjuration, contradiction, disavowal, disclaimer, dismissal, dissent, negation, prohibition, rebuff, refusal, rejection, renunciation, repudiation, repulse, retraction, veto"} {"x":"denigrate","y":"[1]asperse, bad-mouth @@@@ [2]belittle, besmirch, blacken, calumniate, decry, defame, disparage, impugn, knock @@@@ [3]malign, revile, rubbish @@@@ [4]slander, vilify"} {"x":"denizen","y":"[1]citizen, dweller, inhabitant, occupant, resident"} {"x":"denominate","y":"[1]call, christen, designate, dub, entitle, name, phrase, style, term"} {"x":"denotation","y":"[1]designation, indication, meaning, signification, specification"} {"x":"denote","y":"[1]betoken, designate, express, imply, import, indicate, mark, mean, show, signify, typify"} {"x":"denounce","y":"[1]accuse, arraign, attack, brand, castigate, censure, condemn, declaim against, decry, denunciate, excoriate, impugn, point a or the finger at, proscribe, revile, stigmatize, vilify"} {"x":"dense","y":"[1]close, close-knit, compact, compressed, condensed, heavy, impenetrable, opaque, solid, substantial, thick, thickset @@@@ [2]blockish, braindead @@@@ [3]dozy @@@@ [4]dull, obtuse, slow, slow-witted, stolid, stupid, thick, thick-witted"} {"x":"density","y":"[1]body, bulk, closeness, compactness, consistency, crowdedness, denseness, impenetrability, mass, solidity, thickness, tightness @@@@ [2]crassness, dullness, obtuseness, slowness, stolidity, stupidity, thickness"} {"x":"dent","y":"[1]chip, concavity, crater, depression, dimple, dip, hollow, impression, indentation, pit @@@@ [2]depress, dint, gouge, hollow, imprint, make a dent in, make concave, press in, push in"} {"x":"denude","y":"[1]bare, divest, expose, lay bare, strip, uncover"} {"x":"denunciation","y":"[1]accusation, castigation, censure, character assassination, condemnation, criticism, denouncement, fulmination, incrimination, invective, obloquy, stick @@@@ [2]stigmatization"} {"x":"deny","y":"[1]contradict, disagree with, disprove, gainsay @@@@ [2]oppose, rebuff, rebut, refute @@@@ [3]abjure, disavow, discard, disclaim, disown, recant, renege, renounce, repudiate, retract, revoke @@@@ [4]begrudge, decline, disallow, forbid, negative, refuse, reject, turn down, veto, withhold"} {"x":"deodorant","y":"[1]air freshener, antiperspirant, deodorizer, disinfectant, fumigant"} {"x":"depart","y":"[1]absent (oneself), decamp, disappear, escape, exit, go, go away, hook it @@@@ [2]leave, make tracks, migrate, pack one's bags @@@@ [3]quit, remove, retire, retreat, set forth, slope off, start out, take (one's) leave, vanish, withdraw @@@@ [4]deviate, differ, digress, diverge, stray, swerve, turn aside, vary, veer"} {"x":"department","y":"[1]district, division, province, region, sector @@@@ [2]branch, bureau, division, office, section, station, subdivision, unit @@@@ [3]area, domain, function, line, province, realm, responsibility, speciality, sphere"} {"x":"departure","y":"[1]exit, exodus, going, going away, leave-taking, leaving, removal, retirement, withdrawal @@@@ [2]abandonment, branching off, deviation, digression, divergence, variation, veering @@@@ [3]branching out, change, difference, innovation, novelty, shift, whole new ball game"} {"x":"depend","y":"[1]bank on, build upon, calculate on, confide in, count on, lean on, reckon on, rely upon, trust in, turn to @@@@ [2]be based on, be contingent on, be determined by, be subject to, be subordinate to, hang on, hinge on, rest on, revolve around"} {"x":"dependence","y":"[1]assurance, belief, confidence, expectation, faith, hope, reliance, trust @@@@ [2]addiction, attachment, helplessness, need, subordination, subservience, vulnerability, weakness"} {"x":"dependent","y":"[1]counting on, defenceless, helpless, immature, reliant, relying on, vulnerable, weak @@@@ [2]conditional, contingent, depending, determined by, liable to, relative, subject to @@@@ [3]feudal, subject, subordinate, tributary"} {"x":"depict","y":"[1]delineate, draw, illustrate, limn, outline, paint, picture, portray, render, reproduce, sculpt, sketch @@@@ [2]characterize, describe, detail, narrate, outline, sketch"} {"x":"deplete","y":"[1]bankrupt, consume, decrease, drain, empty, evacuate, exhaust, expend, impoverish, lessen, milk, reduce, use up"} {"x":"deport","y":"[1]banish, exile, expatriate, expel, extradite, oust @@@@ [2]acquit, act, bear, behave, carry, comport, conduct, hold"} {"x":"deportation","y":"[1]banishment, eviction, exile, expatriation, expulsion, extradition, transportation"} {"x":"deportment","y":"[1]air, appearance, aspect, bearing, behaviour, carriage, cast, comportment, conduct, demeanour, manner, mien, posture, stance"} {"x":"deposit","y":"[1]drop, lay, locate, place, precipitate, put, settle, sit down @@@@ [2]amass, bank, consign, entrust, hoard, lodge, save, store @@@@ [3]down payment, instalment, money @@@@ [4]part payment, pledge, retainer, security, stake, warranty @@@@ [5]accumulation, alluvium, deposition, dregs, lees, precipitate, sediment, silt"} {"x":"deposition","y":"[1]dethronement, dismissal, displacement, ousting, removal @@@@ [2]affidavit, declaration, evidence, sworn statement, testimony"} {"x":"depository","y":"[1]depot, repository, safe-deposit box, store, storehouse, warehouse"} {"x":"depot","y":"[1]depository, repository, storehouse, warehouse @@@@ [2]arsenal, dump @@@@ [3]bus station, garage, terminus"} {"x":"deprave","y":"[1]brutalize, corrupt, debase, debauch, degrade, demoralize, lead astray, pervert, seduce, subvert, vitiate"} {"x":"deprecate","y":"[1]condemn, deplore, disapprove of, frown on, object to, protest against, take exception to @@@@ [2]belittle, denigrate, depreciate, detract, disparage"} {"x":"deprecatory","y":"[1]censuring, condemnatory, disapproving, opprobrious, reproachful @@@@ [2]apologetic, contrite, penitent, regretful, remorseful, rueful"} {"x":"depreciate","y":"[1]decrease, deflate, devaluate, devalue, lessen, lose value, lower, reduce @@@@ [2]belittle, decry, denigrate, deride, detract, disparage, look down on, ridicule, run down, scorn, sneer at, traduce, underestimate, underrate, undervalue"} {"x":"depredation","y":"[1]desolation, despoiling, destruction, devastation, harrying, laying waste, marauding, pillage, plunder, ransacking, rapine, ravaging, robbery, spoliation, theft"} {"x":"depress","y":"[1]cast down, chill, damp, daunt, deject, desolate, discourage, dishearten, dispirit, make despondent, oppress, sadden, weigh down @@@@ [2]debilitate, devitalize, drain, enervate, exhaust, lower, sap, slow up, weaken @@@@ [3]cheapen, depreciate, devaluate, devalue, diminish, downgrade, impair, lessen, lower, reduce @@@@ [4]flatten, level, lower, press down, push down"} {"x":"depressed","y":"[1]blue, crestfallen, dejected, despondent, discouraged, dispirited, down, downcast, downhearted, down in the dumps @@@@ [2]fed up, glum, low, low-spirited, melancholy, moody, morose, pessimistic, sad, unhappy @@@@ [3]concave, hollow, indented, recessed, set back, sunken @@@@ [4]deprived, destitute, disadvantaged, distressed, grey, needy, poor, poverty-stricken, run-down @@@@ [5]cheapened, depreciated, devalued, impaired, weakened"} {"x":"depressing","y":"[1]black, bleak, daunting, dejecting, depressive, discouraging, disheartening, dismal, dispiriting, distressing, dreary, funereal, gloomy, harrowing, heartbreaking, hopeless, melancholy, sad, saddening, sombre"} {"x":"depression","y":"[1]dejection, despair, despondency, dolefulness, downheartedness, dumps @@@@ [2]gloominess, hopelessness, low spirits, melancholia, melancholy, sadness, the blues, the hump @@@@ [3]dullness, economic decline, hard or bad times, inactivity, lowness, recession, slump, stagnation @@@@ [4]bowl, cavity, concavity, dent, dimple, dip, excavation, hollow, impression, indentation, pit, sag, sink, valley"} {"x":"deprivation","y":"[1]denial, deprival, dispossession, divestment, expropriation, removal, withdrawal, withholding @@@@ [2]destitution, detriment, disadvantage, distress, hardship, need, privation, want"} {"x":"deprive","y":"[1]bereave, despoil, dispossess, divest, expropriate, rob, strip, wrest"} {"x":"depth","y":"[1]abyss, deepness, drop, extent, measure, profoundness, profundity @@@@ [2]astuteness, discernment, insight, penetration, profoundness, profundity, sagacity, wisdom @@@@ [3]abstruseness, complexity, obscurity, reconditeness @@@@ [4]intensity, richness, strength @@@@ [5]abyss, bowels of the earth, deepest part, furthest part, innermost part, middle, midst, most intense part, nadir, remotest part, slough of despond @@@@ [6]comprehensively, extensively, intensively, thoroughly"} {"x":"deputation","y":"[1]commission, delegates, delegation, deputies, embassy, envoys, legation @@@@ [2]appointment, assignment, commission, designation, nomination"} {"x":"depute","y":"[1]accredit, appoint, authorize, charge, commission, delegate, empower, entrust, mandate"} {"x":"deputize","y":"[1]commission, delegate, depute @@@@ [2]act for, stand in for, take the place of, understudy"} {"x":"deputy","y":"[1]agent, ambassador, commissioner, delegate, legate, lieutenant, nuncio, proxy, representative, second-in-command, substitute, surrogate, vicegerent @@@@ [2]assistant, depute @@@@ [3]subordinate"} {"x":"derange","y":"[1]confound, confuse, disarrange, disarray, discompose, disconcert, disorder, displace, disturb, ruffle, unsettle, upset @@@@ [2]craze, dement @@@@ [3]drive mad, madden, make insane, unbalance, unhinge"} {"x":"derelict","y":"[1]abandoned, deserted, dilapidated, discarded, forsaken, neglected, ruined @@@@ [2]careless, irresponsible, lax, negligent, remiss, slack @@@@ [3]bag lady @@@@ [4]bum @@@@ [5]down-and-out, good-for-nothing, ne'er-do-well, outcast, tramp, vagrant, wastrel"} {"x":"dereliction","y":"[1]delinquency, evasion, failure, faithlessness, fault, neglect, negligence, nonperformance, remissness @@@@ [2]abandonment, abdication, desertion, forsaking, relinquishment, renunciation"} {"x":"deride","y":"[1]chaff, contemn, detract, disdain, disparage, flout, gibe, insult, jeer, knock @@@@ [2]mock, pooh-pooh, ridicule, scoff, scorn, sneer, take the piss out of @@@@ [3]taunt"} {"x":"derivation","y":"[1]acquiring, deriving, extraction, getting, obtaining @@@@ [2]ancestry, basis, beginning, descent, etymology, foundation, genealogy, origin, root, source"} {"x":"derivative","y":"[1]acquired, borrowed, derived, inferred, obtained, procured, transmitted @@@@ [2]copied, imitative, plagiaristic, plagiarized, rehashed, secondary, second-hand, uninventive, unoriginal @@@@ [3]by-product, derivation, descendant, offshoot, outgrowth, spin-off"} {"x":"derive","y":"[1]collect, deduce, draw, elicit, extract, follow, gain, gather, get, glean, infer, obtain, procure, receive, trace @@@@ [2]arise, descend, emanate, flow, issue, originate, proceed, spring from, stem from"} {"x":"derogate","y":"[1]cheapen, compromise, depreciate, detract, devaluate, diminish, disparage, lessen, run down @@@@ [2]decline, degenerate, degrade, descend, deteriorate, deviate from, retrogress, stoop"} {"x":"derogatory","y":"[1]belittling, damaging, defamatory, depreciative, detracting, discreditable, dishonouring, disparaging, injurious, offensive, slighting, uncomplimentary, unfavourable, unflattering"} {"x":"descant","y":"[1]amplify, animadvert, comment on, dilate, discourse, discuss, enlarge, expatiate @@@@ [2]animadversion, commentary, criticism, discourse, discussion, dissertation @@@@ [3]counterpoint, decoration, melody, song, tune"} {"x":"descend","y":"[1]alight, dismount, drop, fall, go down, move down, plummet, plunge, sink, subside, tumble @@@@ [2]dip, gravitate, incline, slant, slope @@@@ [3]be handed down, be passed down, derive, issue, originate, proceed, spring @@@@ [4]abase oneself, condescend, degenerate, deteriorate, lower oneself, stoop @@@@ [5]arrive, assail, assault, attack, come in force, invade, pounce, raid, swoop"} {"x":"descent","y":"[1]coming down, drop, fall, plunge, swoop @@@@ [2]declination, declivity, dip, drop, incline, slant, slope @@@@ [3]ancestry, extraction, family tree, genealogy, heredity, lineage, origin, parentage @@@@ [4]debasement, decadence, decline, degradation, deterioration @@@@ [5]assault, attack, foray, incursion, invasion, pounce, raid, swoop"} {"x":"describe","y":"[1]characterize, define, depict, detail, explain, express, illustrate, narrate, portray, recount, relate, report, specify, tell @@@@ [2]delineate, draw, mark out, outline, trace"} {"x":"description","y":"[1]account, characterization, delineation, depiction, detail, explanation, narration, narrative, portrayal, report, representation, sketch @@@@ [2]brand, breed, category, class, genre, genus, ilk, kidney, kind, order, sort, species, type, variety"} {"x":"desecrate","y":"[1]abuse, blaspheme, commit sacrilege, contaminate, defile, despoil, dishonour, pervert, pollute, profane, violate"} {"x":"desecration","y":"[1]blasphemy, debasement, defilement, impiety, profanation, sacrilege, violation"} {"x":"desert","y":"[1]solitude, waste, wasteland, wilderness, wilds @@@@ [2]arid, bare, barren, desolate, infertile, lonely, solitary, uncultivated, uninhabited, unproductive, untilled, waste, wild @@@@ [3]abandon, abscond, betray, decamp, defect, forsake, give up, go over the hill @@@@ [4]jilt, leave, leave high and dry, leave (someone) in the lurch, leave stranded, maroon, quit, rat (on) @@@@ [5]relinquish, renounce, resign, run out on @@@@ [6]strand, throw over, vacate, walk out on"} {"x":"deserve","y":"[1]be entitled to, be worthy of, earn, gain, justify, merit, procure, rate, warrant, win"} {"x":"deserved","y":"[1]appropriate, condign, due, earned, fair, fitting, just, justifiable, justified, meet @@@@ [2]merited, proper, right, rightful, suitable, warranted, well-earned"} {"x":"desiccate","y":"[1]dehydrate, drain, dry, evaporate, exsiccate, parch"} {"x":"desideratum","y":"[1]aim, aspiration, dream, essential, goal, heart's desire, hope, ideal, lack, need, objective, sine qua non, want, wish"} {"x":"design","y":"[1]delineate, describe, draft, draw, outline, plan, sketch, trace @@@@ [2]blueprint, delineation, draft, drawing, model, outline, plan, scheme, sketch @@@@ [3]conceive, create, fabricate, fashion, invent, originate, think up @@@@ [4]arrangement, configuration, construction, figure, form, motif, organization, pattern, shape, style @@@@ [5]aim, contrive, destine, devise, intend, make, mean, plan, project, propose, purpose, scheme, tailor @@@@ [6]enterprise, plan, project, schema, scheme, undertaking @@@@ [7]aim, end, goal, intent, intention, meaning, object, objective, point, purport, purpose, target, view @@@@ [8]conspiracy, evil intentions, intrigue, machination, plot, scheme"} {"x":"designate","y":"[1]call, christen, dub, entitle, label, name, nominate, style, term @@@@ [2]allot, appoint, assign, choose, delegate, depute, nominate, select @@@@ [3]characterize, define, denote, describe, earmark, indicate, pinpoint, show, specify, stipulate"} {"x":"designation","y":"[1]denomination, description, epithet, label, mark, name, title @@@@ [2]appointment, classification, delegation, indication, selection, specification"} {"x":"designer","y":"[1]architect, artificer, couturier, creator, deviser, inventor, originator, planner, stylist @@@@ [2]conniver, conspirator, intriguer, plotter, schemer"} {"x":"designing","y":"[1]artful, astute, conniving, conspiring, crafty, crooked @@@@ [2]cunning, deceitful, devious, intriguing, Machiavellian, plotting, scheming, sharp, shrewd, sly, treacherous, tricky, unscrupulous, wily"} {"x":"desirable","y":"[1]advantageous, advisable, agreeable, beneficial, covetable, eligible, enviable, good, pleasing, preferable, profitable, to die for @@@@ [2]worthwhile @@@@ [3]adorable, alluring, attractive, fascinating, fetching, glamorous, seductive, sexy @@@@ [4]to-die-for"} {"x":"desire","y":"[1]aspire to, covet, crave, desiderate, fancy, hanker after, hope for, long for, set one's heart on, thirst for, want, wish for, yearn for @@@@ [2]ache, appetite, aspiration, craving, hankering, hope, longing, need, thirst, want, wish, yearning, yen @@@@ [3]ask, entreat, importune, petition, request, solicit @@@@ [4]appeal, entreaty, importunity, petition, request, solicitation, supplication @@@@ [5]appetite, concupiscence, lasciviousness, lechery, libido, lust, lustfulness, passion"} {"x":"desired","y":"[1]accurate, appropriate, correct, exact, expected, express, fitting, necessary, particular, proper, required, right"} {"x":"desirous","y":"[1]ambitious, anxious, aspiring, avid, craving, desiring, eager, hopeful, hoping, keen, longing, ready, willing, wishing, yearning"} {"x":"desolate","y":"[1]bare, barren, bleak, desert, dreary, godforsaken, ruined, solitary, unfrequented, uninhabited, waste, wild @@@@ [2]depopulate, despoil, destroy, devastate, lay low, lay waste, pillage, plunder, ravage, ruin @@@@ [3]abandoned, bereft, cheerless, comfortless, companionless, dejected, depressing, despondent, disconsolate, dismal, downcast, down in the dumps @@@@ [4]forlorn, forsaken, gloomy, lonely, melancholy, miserable, wretched @@@@ [5]daunt, deject, depress, discourage, dishearten, dismay, distress, grieve"} {"x":"desolation","y":"[1]destruction, devastation, havoc, ravages, ruin, ruination @@@@ [2]barrenness, bleakness, desolateness, forlornness, isolation, loneliness, solitariness, solitude, wildness @@@@ [3]anguish, dejection, despair, distress, gloom, gloominess, melancholy, misery, sadness, unhappiness, woe, wretchedness"} {"x":"despair","y":"[1]despond, give up, lose heart, lose hope @@@@ [2]anguish, dejection, depression, desperation, despondency, disheartenment, gloom, hopelessness, melancholy, misery, wretchedness @@@@ [3]burden, cross, hardship, ordeal, pain, trial, tribulation"} {"x":"desperado","y":"[1]bandit, criminal, cut-throat, gangster, gunman, heavy @@@@ [2]hoodlum @@@@ [3]lawbreaker, mugger @@@@ [4]outlaw, ruffian, skelm @@@@ [5]thug, villain"} {"x":"desperate","y":"[1]audacious, dangerous, daring, death-defying, determined, foolhardy, frantic, furious, hasty, hazardous, headstrong, impetuous, madcap, precipitate, rash, reckless, risky, violent, wild @@@@ [2]acute, critical, dire, drastic, extreme, great, urgent, very grave @@@@ [3]at the end of one's tether, despairing, despondent, forlorn, hopeless, inconsolable, irrecoverable, irremediable, irretrievable, wretched"} {"x":"desperation","y":"[1]defiance, foolhardiness, frenzy, heedlessness, impetuosity, madness, rashness, recklessness @@@@ [2]agony, anguish, anxiety, despair, despondency, distraction, heartache, hopelessness, misery, pain, sorrow, torture, trouble, unhappiness, worry"} {"x":"despicable","y":"[1]abject, base, beyond contempt, cheap, contemptible, degrading, detestable, disgraceful, disreputable, hateful, ignominious, infamous, low, mean, pitiful, reprehensible, scurvy, shameful, sordid, vile, worthless, wretched"} {"x":"despise","y":"[1]abhor, contemn, deride, detest, disdain, disregard, flout, have a down on @@@@ [2]loathe, look down on, neglect, revile, scorn, slight, spurn, undervalue"} {"x":"despite","y":"[1]against, even with, in contempt of, in defiance of, in spite of, in the face of, in the teeth of, notwithstanding, regardless of, undeterred by"} {"x":"despond","y":"[1]be cast down, be depressed, despair, give up, lose heart, lose hope, mourn, sorrow"} {"x":"despot","y":"[1]autocrat, dictator, monocrat, oppressor, tyrant"} {"x":"despotic","y":"[1]absolute, arbitrary, arrogant, authoritarian, autocratic, dictatorial, domineering, imperious, monocratic, oppressive, tyrannical, unconstitutional"} {"x":"despotism","y":"[1]absolutism, autarchy, autocracy, dictatorship, monocracy, oppression, totalitarianism, tyranny"} {"x":"dessert","y":"[1]afters @@@@ [2]last course, pudding, second course, sweet, sweet course"} {"x":"destination","y":"[1]harbour, haven, journey's end, landing-place, resting-place, station, stop, terminus @@@@ [2]aim, ambition, design, end, goal, intention, object, objective, purpose, target"} {"x":"destine","y":"[1]allot, appoint, assign, consecrate, decree, design, devote, doom, earmark, fate, intend, mark out, ordain, predetermine, preordain, purpose, reserve"} {"x":"destined","y":"[1]bound, certain, designed, doomed, fated, foreordained, ineluctable, inescapable, inevitable, intended, meant, ordained, predestined, unavoidable @@@@ [2]assigned, booked, bound for, directed, en route, heading, on the road to, routed, scheduled"} {"x":"destiny","y":"[1]cup, divine decree, doom, fate, fortune, karma, kismet, lot, portion"} {"x":"destitute","y":"[1]dirt-poor @@@@ [2]distressed, down and out, flat broke @@@@ [3]impecunious, impoverished, indigent, in queer street @@@@ [4]insolvent, moneyless, necessitous, needy, on one's uppers, on the breadline @@@@ [5]on the rocks, penniless, penurious, poor, poverty-stricken, short, without two pennies to rub together @@@@ [6]bereft of, deficient in, depleted, deprived of, devoid of, drained, empty of, in need of, lacking, wanting, without"} {"x":"destitution","y":"[1]beggary, dire straits, distress, impecuniousness, indigence, neediness, pauperism, pennilessness, penury, privation, utter poverty, want"} {"x":"destroy","y":"[1]annihilate, blow sky-high, blow to bits, break down, crush, demolish, desolate, devastate, dismantle, dispatch, eradicate, extinguish, extirpate, gut, kill, put paid to, ravage, raze, ruin, shatter, slay, smash, torpedo, total @@@@ [2]trash @@@@ [3]waste, wipe out, wreck"} {"x":"destruction","y":"[1]annihilation, crushing, demolition, devastation, downfall, end, eradication, extermination, extinction, havoc, liquidation, massacre, overthrow, overwhelming, ruin, ruination, shattering, slaughter, undoing, wreckage, wrecking"} {"x":"desuetude","y":"[1]abandonment, abeyance, discontinuation, disuse, neglect"} {"x":"desultory","y":"[1]aimless, capricious, cursory, disconnected, discursive, disorderly, erratic, fitful, haphazard, inconsistent, inconstant, inexact, irregular, loose, maundering, off and on, rambling, random, roving, spasmodic, unmethodical, unsettled, unsystematic, vague"} {"x":"detach","y":"[1]cut off, disconnect, disengage, disentangle, disjoin, disunite, divide, free, isolate, loosen, remove, segregate, separate, sever, tear off, unbridle, uncouple, unfasten, unhitch"} {"x":"detachment","y":"[1]aloofness, coolness, indifference, nonchalance, remoteness, unconcern @@@@ [2]disinterestedness, fairness, impartiality, neutrality, nonpartisanship, objectivity @@@@ [3]disconnection, disengagement, disjoining, separation, severing @@@@ [4]body, detail, force, party, patrol, squad, task force, unit"} {"x":"detail","y":"[1]aspect, component, count, element, fact, factor, feature, item, particular, point, respect, specific, technicality @@@@ [2]fine points, ins and outs, minutiae, niceties, particulars, parts, trivia, trivialities @@@@ [3]comprehensively, exhaustively, inside out, item by item, point by point, thoroughly @@@@ [4]assignment, body, detachment, duty, fatigue, force, party, squad @@@@ [5]catalogue, delineate, depict, describe, enumerate, individualize, itemize, narrate, particularize, portray, recite, recount, rehearse, relate, specify, tabulate @@@@ [6]allocate, appoint, assign, charge, commission, delegate, detach, send"} {"x":"detailed","y":"[1]blow-by-blow, circumstantial, comprehensive, elaborate, exact, exhaustive, full, intricate, itemized, meticulous, minute, particular, particularized, specific, thorough"} {"x":"detain","y":"[1]check, delay, hinder, hold up, impede, keep, keep back, retard, slow up (or down), stay, stop @@@@ [2]arrest, confine, hold, intern, restrain"} {"x":"detection","y":"[1]discovery, expose, exposure, ferreting out, revelation, tracking down, uncovering, unearthing, unmasking"} {"x":"detective","y":"[1]bizzy @@@@ [2]C.I.D. man, constable, cop @@@@ [3]copper @@@@ [4]dick @@@@ [5]gumshoe @@@@ [6]investigator, private eye, private investigator, sleuth @@@@ [7]tec"} {"x":"detention","y":"[1]confinement, custody, delay, hindrance, holding back, imprisonment, incarceration, keeping in, porridge @@@@ [2]quarantine, restraint, withholding"} {"x":"determinable","y":"[1]answerable, ascertainable, assessable, definable, describable, discoverable"} {"x":"determination","y":"[1]backbone, constancy, conviction, dedication, doggedness, drive, firmness, fortitude, indomitability, perseverance, persistence, resoluteness, resolution, resolve, single-mindedness, steadfastness, tenacity, willpower @@@@ [2]conclusion, decision, judgment, purpose, resolve, result, settlement, solution, verdict"} {"x":"determine","y":"[1]arbitrate, conclude, decide, end, finish, fix upon, ordain, regulate, settle, terminate @@@@ [2]ascertain, certify, check, detect, discover, find out, learn, verify, work out @@@@ [3]choose, decide, elect, establish, fix, make up one's mind, purpose, resolve @@@@ [4]affect, condition, control, decide, dictate, direct, govern, impel, impose, incline, induce, influence, lead, modify, regulate, rule, shape"} {"x":"determined","y":"[1]bent on, constant, dogged, firm, fixed, immovable, intent, persevering, persistent, purposeful, resolute, set on, single-minded, stalwart, steadfast, strong-minded, strong-willed, tenacious, unflinching, unwavering"} {"x":"determining","y":"[1]conclusive, critical, crucial, deciding, decisive, definitive, essential, final, important, settling"} {"x":"detest","y":"[1]abhor, abominate, despise, dislike intensely, execrate, feel aversion towards, feel disgust towards, feel hostility towards, feel repugnance towards, hate, loathe, recoil from"} {"x":"detestation","y":"[1]abhorrence, abomination, animosity, animus, antipathy, aversion, disgust, dislike, execration, hatred, hostility, loathing, odium, repugnance, revulsion @@@@ [2]abomination, anathema, bete noire, hate"} {"x":"dethrone","y":"[1]depose, oust, uncrown, unseat"} {"x":"detonate","y":"[1]blast, blow up, discharge, explode, fulminate, set off, touch off, trigger"} {"x":"detonation","y":"[1]bang, blast, blow-up, boom, discharge, explosion, fulmination, report"} {"x":"detour","y":"[1]bypass, byway, circuitous route, deviation, diversion, indirect course, roundabout way"} {"x":"detract","y":"[1]derogate, devaluate, diminish, lessen, lower, reduce, take away from @@@@ [2]deflect, distract, divert, shift"} {"x":"detriment","y":"[1]damage, disadvantage, disservice, harm, hurt, impairment, injury, loss, mischief, prejudice"} {"x":"detrimental","y":"[1]adverse, baleful, damaging, deleterious, destructive, disadvantageous, harmful, inimical, injurious, mischievous, pernicious, prejudicial, unfavourable"} {"x":"detritus","y":"[1]debris, fragments, litter, remains, rubbish, waste"} {"x":"devastate","y":"[1]demolish, desolate, despoil, destroy, lay waste, level, pillage, plunder, ravage, raze, ruin, sack, spoil, total @@@@ [2]trash @@@@ [3]waste, wreck @@@@ [4]chagrin, confound, discomfit, discompose, disconcert, floor @@@@ [5]nonplus, overpower, overwhelm, take aback"} {"x":"devastation","y":"[1]demolition, depredation, desolation, destruction, havoc, pillage, plunder, ravages, ruin, ruination, spoliation"} {"x":"develop","y":"[1]advance, blossom, cultivate, evolve, flourish, foster, grow, mature, progress, promote, prosper, ripen @@@@ [2]amplify, augment, broaden, dilate upon, elaborate, enlarge, expand, unfold, work out @@@@ [3]acquire, begin, breed, commence, contract, establish, form, generate, invent, originate, pick up, start @@@@ [4]be a direct result of, break out, come about, ensue, follow, happen, result @@@@ [5]If you develop an idea, theory, story, or theme, or if it develops, it gradually becomes more detailed, advanced, or complex."} {"x":"development","y":"[1]advance, advancement, evolution, expansion, growth, improvement, increase, maturity, progress, progression, spread, unfolding, unravelling @@@@ [2]change, circumstance, event, happening, incident, issue, occurrence, outcome, phenomenon, result, situation, turn of events, upshot"} {"x":"deviant","y":"[1]aberrant, abnormal, bent @@@@ [2]deviate, devious, freaky @@@@ [3]heretical, kinky @@@@ [4]perverse, perverted, pervy @@@@ [5]queer @@@@ [6]sick @@@@ [7]sicko @@@@ [8]twisted, warped, wayward @@@@ [9]deviate, freak, misfit, odd type, pervert, queer @@@@ [10]sicko"} {"x":"deviate","y":"[1]avert, bend, deflect, depart, differ, digress, diverge, drift, err, meander, part, stray, swerve, turn, turn aside, vary, veer, wander"} {"x":"deviation","y":"[1]aberration, alteration, change, deflection, departure, digression, discrepancy, disparity, divergence, fluctuation, inconsistency, irregularity, shift, variance, variation"} {"x":"device","y":"[1]apparatus, appliance, contraption, contrivance, gadget, gimmick, gizmo or gismo @@@@ [2]implement, instrument, invention, tool, utensil, waldo @@@@ [3]artifice, design, dodge, expedient, gambit, improvisation, manoeuvre, plan, ploy, project, purpose, ruse, scheme, shift, stratagem, strategy, stunt, trick, wile @@@@ [4]badge, colophon, crest, design, emblem, figure, insignia, logo, motif, motto, symbol, token"} {"x":"devil","y":"[1]Abbadon, Apollyon, archfiend, Beelzebub, Belial, Clootie @@@@ [2]deil @@@@ [3]demon, Deuce, Evil One, fiend, Foul Fiend, Lord of the Flies, Lucifer, Mephisto, Mephistopheles, Old Gentleman @@@@ [4]Old Harry @@@@ [5]Old Hornie @@@@ [6]Old Nick @@@@ [7]Prince of Darkness, Satan, Tempter, Wicked One @@@@ [8]beast, brute, demon, fiend, ghoul, monster, ogre, rogue, savage, terror, villain @@@@ [9]imp, monkey @@@@ [10]pickle @@@@ [11]rascal, rogue, scamp, scoundrel @@@@ [12]beggar, creature, thing, unfortunate, wretch @@@@ [13]demon, enthusiast, fiend, go-getter @@@@ [14]careless, casual, easy-going, flippant, happy-go-lucky, heedless, insouciant, nonchalant, reckless, swaggering, swashbuckling, unconcerned"} {"x":"devilment","y":"[1]devilry, knavery, mischief, mischievousness, naughtiness, rascality, roguery, roguishness"} {"x":"devious","y":"[1]calculating, crooked @@@@ [2]deceitful, dishonest, double-dealing, evasive, indirect, insidious, insincere, not straightforward, scheming, sly, surreptitious, treacherous, tricky, underhand, wily @@@@ [3]circuitous, confusing, crooked, deviating, erratic, excursive, indirect, misleading, rambling, roundabout, tortuous, wandering"} {"x":"devise","y":"[1]arrange, conceive, concoct, construct, contrive, design, dream up, form, formulate, frame, imagine, invent, plan, plot, prepare, project, scheme, think up, work out"} {"x":"devitalize","y":"[1]cripple, debilitate, enervate, enfeeble, exhaust, reduce, sap, undermine, weaken"} {"x":"devoid","y":"[1]barren, bereft, deficient, denuded, destitute, empty, free from, lacking, sans @@@@ [2]vacant, void, wanting, without"} {"x":"devolution","y":"[1]decentralization, delegation"} {"x":"devolve","y":"[1]be transferred, commission, consign, delegate, depute, entrust, fall upon or to, rest with, transfer @@@@ [2]alienate, be handed down, convey"} {"x":"devote","y":"[1]allot, apply, appropriate, assign, commit, concern oneself, consecrate, dedicate, enshrine, give, occupy oneself, pledge, reserve, set apart"} {"x":"devoted","y":"[1]ardent, caring, committed, concerned, constant, dedicated, devout, faithful, fond, loving, loyal, staunch, steadfast, true"} {"x":"devotee","y":"[1]addict, adherent, admirer, aficionado, buff @@@@ [2]disciple, enthusiast, fan, fanatic, follower, supporter, votary"} {"x":"devotion","y":"[1]adherence, allegiance, commitment, consecration, constancy, dedication, faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty @@@@ [2]adoration, devoutness, godliness, holiness, piety, prayer, religiousness, reverence, sanctity, spirituality, worship @@@@ [3]affection, ardour, attachment, earnestness, fervour, fondness, intensity, love, passion, zeal @@@@ [4]church service, divine office, prayers, religious observance"} {"x":"devour","y":"[1]bolt, consume, cram, dispatch, eat, gobble, gorge, gulp, guzzle, pig out on @@@@ [2]polish off @@@@ [3]stuff, swallow, wolf @@@@ [4]annihilate, consume, destroy, ravage, spend, waste, wipe out @@@@ [5]absorb, appreciate, be engrossed by, be preoccupied, delight in, drink in, enjoy, feast on, go through, read compulsively or voraciously, relish, revel in, take in"} {"x":"dexterity","y":"[1]adroitness, artistry, craft, deftness, effortlessness, expertise, facility, finesse, handiness, knack, mastery, neatness, nimbleness, proficiency, skill, smoothness, touch @@@@ [2]ability, address, adroitness, aptitude, aptness, art, cleverness, expertness, ingenuity, readiness, skilfulness, tact"} {"x":"dexterous","y":"[1]able, active, acute, adept, adroit, agile, apt, clever, deft, expert, handy, ingenious, masterly, neat, nimble, nimble-fingered, proficient, prompt, quick, skilful"} {"x":"diadem","y":"[1]circlet, coronet, crown, tiara"} {"x":"diagnose","y":"[1]analyse, determine, distinguish, identify, interpret, investigate, pinpoint, pronounce, put one's finger on, recognize"} {"x":"diagnosis","y":"[1]analysis, examination, investigation, scrutiny @@@@ [2]conclusion, interpretation, opinion, pronouncement"} {"x":"diagnostic","y":"[1]demonstrative, distinctive, distinguishing, idiosyncratic, indicative, particular, peculiar, recognizable, symptomatic"} {"x":"diagonal","y":"[1]angled, cater-cornered @@@@ [2]cornerways, cross, crossways, crosswise, oblique, slanting"} {"x":"diagram","y":"[1]chart, drawing, figure, graph, layout, outline, plan, representation, sketch"} {"x":"dialect","y":"[1]accent, brogue, idiom, jargon, language, lingo @@@@ [2]localism, patois, pronunciation, provincialism, speech, tongue, vernacular"} {"x":"dialectic","y":"[1]analytic, argumentative, dialectical, logical, polemical, rational, rationalistic @@@@ [2]argumentation, contention, discussion, disputation, logic, polemics, ratiocination, reasoning"} {"x":"dialogue","y":"[1]colloquy, communication, confabulation, conference, conversation, converse, discourse, discussion, duologue, interlocution @@@@ [2]conversation, lines, script, spoken part"} {"x":"diametrically","y":"[1]absolutely, completely, entirely, utterly"} {"x":"diaphanous","y":"[1]chiffon, clear, cobwebby, delicate, filmy, fine, gauzy, gossamer, light, pellucid, see-through, sheer, thin, translucent, transparent"} {"x":"diarrhoea","y":"[1]dysentery, gippy tummy, holiday tummy, looseness, Montezuma's revenge @@@@ [2]Spanish tummy, the runs, the skits @@@@ [3]the skitters @@@@ [4]the trots"} {"x":"diary","y":"[1]appointment book, chronicle, daily record, day-to-day account, engagement book, Filofax @@@@ [2]journal"} {"x":"diatribe","y":"[1]abuse, castigation, criticism, denunciation, disputation, harangue, invective, philippic, reviling, stream of abuse, stricture, tirade, verbal onslaught, vituperation"} {"x":"dichotomy","y":"[1]bisection, disjunction, division, divorce, separation, split (in two)"} {"x":"dicky","y":"[1]fluttery, queer, shaky, unreliable, unsound, unsteady, weak"} {"x":"dictate","y":"[1]read out, say, speak, transmit, utter @@@@ [2]command, decree, demand, direct, enjoin, establish, impose, lay down, lay down the law, ordain, order, prescribe, pronounce @@@@ [3]behest, bidding, command, decree, demand, direction, edict, fiat, injunction, mandate, order, ordinance, requirement, statute, ultimatum, word @@@@ [4]canon, code, dictum, law, precept, principle, rule"} {"x":"dictator","y":"[1]absolute ruler, autocrat, despot, oppressor, tyrant"} {"x":"dictatorial","y":"[1]absolute, arbitrary, autocratic, despotic, totalitarian, tyrannical, unlimited, unrestricted @@@@ [2]authoritarian, bossy @@@@ [3]dogmatical, domineering, imperious, iron-handed, magisterial, oppressive, overbearing"} {"x":"dictatorship","y":"[1]absolute rule, absolutism, authoritarianism, autocracy, despotism, reign of terror, totalitarianism, tyranny"} {"x":"diction","y":"[1]expression, language, phraseology, phrasing, style, usage, vocabulary, wording @@@@ [2]articulation, delivery, elocution, enunciation, fluency, inflection, intonation, pronunciation, speech"} {"x":"dictionary","y":"[1]concordance, encyclopedia, glossary, lexicon, vocabulary, wordbook"} {"x":"dictum","y":"[1]canon, command, decree, demand, dictate, edict, fiat, order, pronouncement @@@@ [2]adage, axiom, gnome, maxim, precept, proverb, saw, saying"} {"x":"didactic","y":"[1]edifying, educational, enlightening, homiletic, instructive, moral, moralizing, pedagogic, pedantic, preceptive"} {"x":"die","y":"[1]check out @@@@ [2]croak @@@@ [3]decease, depart, expire, finish, give up the ghost, go belly-up @@@@ [4]kick it @@@@ [5]peg out @@@@ [6]snuff it @@@@ [7]decay, decline, disappear, dwindle, ebb, end, fade, lapse, pass, sink, subside, vanish, wane, wilt, wither @@@@ [8]break down, fade out or away, fail, fizzle out, halt, lose power, peter out, run down, stop @@@@ [9]ache, be eager, desire, hunger, languish, long, pine for, set one's heart on, swoon, yearn @@@@ [10]be overcome, collapse, succumb to"} {"x":"diet","y":"[1]abstinence, dietary, fast, regime, regimen @@@@ [2]aliment, comestibles, commons, edibles, fare, food, nourishment, nutriment, provisions, rations, subsistence, sustenance, viands, victuals @@@@ [3]abstain, eat sparingly, fast, lose weight, reduce, slim"} {"x":"differ","y":"[1]be dissimilar, be distinct, contradict, contrast, depart from, diverge, run counter to, stand apart, vary @@@@ [2]clash, contend, debate, demur, disagree, dispute, dissent, oppose, take issue"} {"x":"difference","y":"[1]alteration, change, contrast, deviation, differentiation, discrepancy, disparity, dissimilarity, distinction, distinctness, divergence, diversity, unlikeness, variation, variety @@@@ [2]distinction, exception, idiosyncrasy, particularity, peculiarity, singularity @@@@ [3]argument, clash, conflict, contention, contrariety, contretemps, controversy, debate, disagreement, discordance, dispute, quarrel, row, set-to @@@@ [4]strife, tiff, wrangle @@@@ [5]balance, remainder, rest, result"} {"x":"different","y":"[1]altered, at odds, at variance, changed, clashing, contrasting, deviating, discrepant, disparate, dissimilar, divergent, diverse, inconsistent, opposed, streets apart, unlike @@@@ [2]another, discrete, distinct, individual, other, separate @@@@ [3]assorted, divers @@@@ [4]diverse, manifold, many, miscellaneous, multifarious, numerous, several, some, sundry, varied, various @@@@ [5]another story, atypical, bizarre, distinctive, extraordinary, left-field @@@@ [6]out of the ordinary, peculiar, rare, singular, something else, special, strange, uncommon, unconventional, unique, unusual"} {"x":"differential","y":"[1]diacritical, discriminative, distinctive, distinguishing @@@@ [2]amount of difference, difference, discrepancy, disparity"} {"x":"difficult","y":"[1]arduous, burdensome, demanding, formidable, hard, laborious, like getting blood out of a stone, no picnic @@@@ [2]onerous, painful, strenuous, toilsome, uphill, wearisome @@@@ [3]abstract, abstruse, baffling, complex, complicated, delicate, enigmatical, intricate, involved, knotty, obscure, perplexing, problematical, thorny, ticklish @@@@ [4]demanding, fastidious, fractious, fussy, hard to please, intractable, obstreperous, perverse, refractory, rigid, tiresome, troublesome, trying, unaccommodating, unamenable, unmanageable @@@@ [5]dark, full of hardship, grim, hard, straitened, tough, trying"} {"x":"difficulty","y":"[1]arduousness, awkwardness, hardship, laboriousness, labour, pain, painfulness, strain, strenuousness, tribulation @@@@ [2]deep water, dilemma, distress, embarrassment, fix @@@@ [3]hot water @@@@ [4]jam @@@@ [5]mess, perplexity, pickle @@@@ [6]plight, predicament, quandary, spot @@@@ [7]straits, tight spot, trial, trouble @@@@ [8]complication, hassle @@@@ [9]hazard, hindrance, hurdle, impediment, objection, obstacle, opposition, pitfall, problem, protest, snag, stumbling block"} {"x":"diffident","y":"[1]backward, bashful, constrained, distrustful, doubtful, hesitant, insecure, meek, modest, reluctant, reserved, self-conscious, self-effacing, sheepish, shrinking, shy, suspicious, timid, timorous, unassertive, unassuming, unobtrusive, unsure, withdrawn"} {"x":"diffuse","y":"[1]circumlocutory, copious, diffusive, digressive, discursive, long-winded, loose, maundering, meandering, prolix, rambling, vague, verbose, waffling @@@@ [2]wordy @@@@ [3]dispersed, scattered, spread out, unconcentrated @@@@ [4]circulate, dispel, dispense, disperse, disseminate, dissipate, distribute, propagate, scatter, spread"} {"x":"diffusion","y":"[1]circulation, dispersal, dispersion, dissemination, dissipation, distribution, expansion, propaganda, propagation, scattering, spread @@@@ [2]circuitousness, diffuseness, digressiveness, discursiveness, long-windedness, prolixity, rambling, verbiage, verbosity, wandering, wordiness"} {"x":"dig","y":"[1]break up, burrow, delve, excavate, gouge, grub, hoe, hollow out, mine, penetrate, pierce, quarry, scoop, till, tunnel, turn over @@@@ [2]drive, jab, poke, prod, punch, thrust @@@@ [3]delve, dig down, go into, investigate, probe, research, search @@@@ [4]bring to light, come across, come up with, discover, expose, extricate, find, retrieve, root @@@@ [5]rootle, uncover, unearth, uproot @@@@ [6]appreciate, enjoy, follow, groove @@@@ [7]like, understand @@@@ [8]jab, poke, prod, punch, thrust @@@@ [9]barb, crack @@@@ [10]cutting remark, gibe, insult, jeer, quip, sneer, taunt, wisecrack @@@@ [11]defend, entrench, establish, fortify, maintain @@@@ [12]begin, fall to, set about, start eating, tuck in"} {"x":"digest","y":"[1]absorb, assimilate, concoct, dissolve, incorporate, macerate @@@@ [2]absorb, assimilate, con, consider, contemplate, grasp, master, meditate, ponder, study, take in, understand @@@@ [3]arrange, classify, codify, dispose, methodize, systematize, tabulate @@@@ [4]abridge, compress, condense, reduce, shorten, summarize @@@@ [5]abridgment, abstract, compendium, condensation, epitome, precis, resume, summary, synopsis"} {"x":"digit","y":"[1]finger, toe @@@@ [2]figure, number, numeral"} {"x":"dignified","y":"[1]august, decorous, distinguished, exalted, formal, grave, honourable, imposing, lofty, lordly, noble, reserved, solemn, stately, upright"} {"x":"dignity","y":"[1]courtliness, decorum, grandeur, gravity, hauteur, loftiness, majesty, nobility, propriety, solemnity, stateliness @@@@ [2]elevation, eminence, excellence, glory, greatness, honour, importance, nobleness, rank, respectability, standing, station, status @@@@ [3]amour-propre, pride, self-esteem, self-importance, self-possession, self-regard, self-respect"} {"x":"digress","y":"[1]be diffuse, depart, deviate, diverge, drift, expatiate, get off the point or subject, go off at a tangent, meander, ramble, stray, turn aside, wander"} {"x":"dilapidated","y":"[1]battered, beat-up @@@@ [2]broken-down, crumbling, decayed, decaying, decrepit, fallen in, falling apart, gone to rack and ruin, in ruins, neglected, ramshackle, rickety, ruined, ruinous, run-down, shabby, shaky, tumbledown, uncared for, worn-out"} {"x":"dilate","y":"[1]broaden, distend, enlarge, expand, extend, puff out, stretch, swell, widen @@@@ [2]amplify, be profuse, be prolix, descant, detail, develop, dwell on, enlarge, expand, expatiate, expound, spin out"} {"x":"dilation","y":"[1]broadening, dilatation, distension, enlargement, expansion, extension, increase, spread"} {"x":"dilatory","y":"[1]backward, behindhand, dallying, delaying, laggard, lingering, loitering, procrastinating, putting off, slack, slow, sluggish, snail-like, tardy, tarrying, time-wasting"} {"x":"dilemma","y":"[1]difficulty, embarrassment, fix @@@@ [2]how-do-you-do @@@@ [3]jam @@@@ [4]mess, perplexity, pickle @@@@ [5]plight, predicament, problem, puzzle, quandary, spot"} {"x":"dilettante","y":"[1]aesthete, amateur, dabbler, nonprofessional, trifler"} {"x":"diligent","y":"[1]active, assiduous, attentive, busy, careful, conscientious, constant, earnest, hard-working, indefatigable, industrious, laborious, painstaking, persevering, persistent, sedulous, studious, tireless"} {"x":"dilute","y":"[1]adulterate, cut, make thinner, thin (out), water down, weaken @@@@ [2]attenuate, decrease, diffuse, diminish, lessen, mitigate, reduce, temper, weaken"} {"x":"dim","y":"[1]caliginous @@@@ [2]cloudy, dark, darkish, dusky, grey, overcast, poorly lit, shadowy, tenebrous, unilluminated @@@@ [3]bleary, blurred, faint, fuzzy, ill-defined, indistinct, obscured, shadowy, unclear @@@@ [4]braindead @@@@ [5]dense, doltish, dozy @@@@ [6]dull, dumb @@@@ [7]obtuse, slow, slow on the uptake @@@@ [8]stupid, thick @@@@ [9]confused, hazy, imperfect, indistinct, intangible, obscure, remote, shadowy, vague @@@@ [10]dingy, dull, feeble, lacklustre, muted, opaque, pale, sullied, tarnished, weak @@@@ [11]dashing, depressing, discouraging, gloomy, sombre, unfavourable, unpromising @@@@ [12]be displeased, be sceptical, disapprove, look askance, reject, suspect, take exception, view with disfavour @@@@ [13]bedim, blur, cloud, darken, dull, fade, lower, obscure, tarnish, turn down @@@@ [14]bedim, blur, cloud, darken, dull, fade, lower, obscure, tarnish, turn down"} {"x":"dimension","y":"[1]amplitude, bulk, capacity, extent, measurement, proportions, size, volume @@@@ [2]bigness, extent, greatness, importance, largeness, magnitude, measure, range, scale, scope"} {"x":"diminish","y":"[1]abate, contract, curtail, cut, decrease, downsize, lessen, lower, reduce, retrench, shrink, taper, weaken @@@@ [2]decline, die out, dwindle, ebb, fade away, peter out, recede, shrivel, slacken, subside, wane @@@@ [3]belittle, cheapen, demean, depreciate, devalue"} {"x":"diminution","y":"[1]abatement, contraction, curtailment, cut, cutback, decay, decline, decrease, deduction, lessening, reduction, retrenchment, weakening"} {"x":"diminutive","y":"[1]bantam, Lilliputian, little, midget, mini, miniature, minute, petite, pocket(-sized), pygmy or pigmy, small, teensy-weensy, teeny-weeny, tiny, undersized, wee"} {"x":"din","y":"[1]babel, clamour, clangour, clash, clatter, commotion, crash, hubbub, hullabaloo, noise, outcry, pandemonium, racket, row, shout, uproar @@@@ [2]drum into, go on at, hammer into, inculcate, instil, instruct, teach"} {"x":"dine","y":"[1]banquet, chow down @@@@ [2]eat, feast, lunch, sup @@@@ [3]consume, eat, feed on"} {"x":"dingle","y":"[1]dale, dell, glen, hollow, vale, valley"} {"x":"dingy","y":"[1]bedimmed, colourless, dark, dim, dirty, discoloured, drab, dreary, dull, dusky, faded, gloomy, grimy, murky, obscure, seedy, shabby, soiled, sombre, tacky"} {"x":"dinky","y":"[1]cute, dainty, mini, miniature, natty @@@@ [2]neat, petite, small, trim"} {"x":"dinner","y":"[1]banquet, beanfeast @@@@ [2]blowout @@@@ [3]collation, feast, main meal, meal, refection, repast, spread"} {"x":"dint","y":"[1]force, means, power, use, virtue @@@@ [2]blow, dent, depression, indentation, stroke"} {"x":"diocese","y":"[1]bishopric, see"} {"x":"dip","y":"[1]bathe, douse, duck, dunk, immerse, plunge, rinse, souse @@@@ [2]decline, descend, disappear, droop, drop (down), fade, fall, lower, sag, set, sink, slope, slump, subside, tilt @@@@ [3]ladle, scoop, spoon @@@@ [4]browse, dabble, glance at, peruse, play at, run over, sample, skim, try @@@@ [5]douche, drenching, ducking, immersion, plunge, soaking @@@@ [6]bathe, dive, plunge, swim @@@@ [7]concoction, dilution, infusion, mixture, preparation, solution, suspension @@@@ [8]basin, concavity, depression, hole, hollow, incline, slope @@@@ [9]decline, drop, fall, lowering, sag, slip, slump"} {"x":"diplomacy","y":"[1]international negotiation, statecraft, statesmanship @@@@ [2]artfulness, craft, delicacy, discretion, finesse, savoir-faire, skill, subtlety, tact"} {"x":"diplomat","y":"[1]conciliator, go-between, mediator, moderator, negotiator, politician, public relations expert, tactician"} {"x":"diplomatic","y":"[1]adept, discreet, polite, politic, prudent, sensitive, subtle, tactful"} {"x":"dire","y":"[1]alarming, appalling, awful, calamitous, cataclysmic, catastrophic, cruel, disastrous, godawful @@@@ [2]horrible, horrid, ruinous, terrible, woeful @@@@ [3]bodeful, dismal, dreadful, fearful, gloomy, grim, ominous, portentous @@@@ [4]critical, crucial, crying, desperate, drastic, exigent, extreme, now or never, pressing, urgent"} {"x":"direct","y":"[1]administer, advise, call the shots, call the tune, conduct, control, dispose, govern, guide, handle, lead, manage, mastermind, oversee, preside over, regulate, rule, run, superintend, supervise @@@@ [2]bid, charge, command, demand, dictate, enjoin, instruct, order @@@@ [3]guide, indicate, lead, point in the direction of, point the way, show @@@@ [4]address, aim, cast, fix, focus, intend, level, mean, point, train, turn @@@@ [5]address, label, mail, route, send, superscribe @@@@ [6]candid, downright, frank, honest, man-to-man, matter-of-fact, open, outspoken, plain-spoken, round, sincere, straight, straightforward, upfront @@@@ [7]absolute, blunt, categorical, downright, explicit, express, plain, point-blank, unambiguous, unequivocal @@@@ [8]nonstop, not crooked, shortest, straight, through, unbroken, undeviating, uninterrupted @@@@ [9]face-to-face, first-hand, head-on, immediate, personal"} {"x":"direction","y":"[1]administration, charge, command, control, government, guidance, leadership, management, order, oversight, superintendence, supervision @@@@ [2]aim, bearing, course, line, path, road, route, track, way @@@@ [3]bent, bias, current, drift, end, leaning, orientation, proclivity, tack, tendency, tenor, trend @@@@ [4]address, label, mark, superscription"} {"x":"directions","y":"[1]briefing, guidance, guidelines, indication, instructions, plan, recommendation, regulations @@@@ [2]administration, charge, command, control, government, guidance, leadership, management, order, oversight, superintendence, supervision @@@@ [3]aim, bearing, course, line, path, road, route, track, way @@@@ [4]bent, bias, current, drift, end, leaning, orientation, proclivity, tack, tendency, tenor, trend @@@@ [5]address, label, mark, superscription"} {"x":"directly","y":"[1]by the shortest route, exactly, in a beeline, precisely, straight, unswervingly, without deviation @@@@ [2]as soon as possible, at once, dead, due, forthwith, immediately, in a second, instantaneously, instantly, pdq @@@@ [3]posthaste, presently, promptly, pronto @@@@ [4]quickly, right away, soon, speedily, straightaway @@@@ [5]candidly, face-to-face, honestly, in person, openly, overtly, personally, plainly, point-blank, straightforwardly, truthfully, unequivocally, without prevarication"} {"x":"director","y":"[1]administrator, boss @@@@ [2]chairman, chief, controller, executive, governor, head, leader, manager, organizer, principal, producer, supervisor"} {"x":"direful","y":"[1]appalling, awful, calamitous, dire, dreadful, fearful, ghastly, gloomy, godawful @@@@ [2]horrible, horrid, shocking, terrible"} {"x":"dirge","y":"[1]coronach @@@@ [2]dead march, elegy, funeral song, lament, requiem, threnody"} {"x":"dirt","y":"[1]crap @@@@ [2]crud @@@@ [3]dust, excrement, filth, grime, grot @@@@ [4]impurity, kak @@@@ [5]mire, muck, mud, shit @@@@ [6]slime, slob @@@@ [7]smudge, stain, tarnish @@@@ [8]clay, earth, loam, soil @@@@ [9]indecency, obscenity, pornography, sleaze, smut"} {"x":"dirty","y":"[1]begrimed, filthy, foul, grimy, grotty @@@@ [2]grubby, grungy @@@@ [3]messy, mucky, muddy, nasty, polluted, scuzzy @@@@ [4]soiled, sullied, unclean @@@@ [5]blue, indecent, obscene, off-colour, pornographic, risque, salacious, sleazy, smutty, vulgar, X-rated @@@@ [6]clouded, dark, dull, miry, muddy, not clear @@@@ [7]corrupt, crooked, dishonest, fraudulent, illegal, treacherous, unfair, unscrupulous, unsporting @@@@ [8]base, beggarly, contemptible, cowardly, despicable, ignominious, low, low-down @@@@ [9]mean, nasty, scurvy, shabby, sordid, squalid, vile @@@@ [10]angry, annoyed, bitter, choked, indignant, offended, resentful, scorching @@@@ [11]gusty, louring or lowering, rainy, squally, stormy @@@@ [12]begrime, blacken, defile, foul, mess up, muddy, pollute, smear, smirch, smudge, soil, spoil, stain, sully"} {"x":"disability","y":"[1]affliction, ailment, complaint, defect, disablement, disorder, handicap, impairment, infirmity, malady @@@@ [2]disqualification, impotency, inability, incapacity, incompetency, unfitness, weakness"} {"x":"disable","y":"[1]cripple, damage, debilitate, enfeeble, hamstring, handicap, immobilize, impair, incapacitate, paralyse, prostrate, put out of action, render hors de combat, render inoperative, unfit, unman, weaken @@@@ [2]disenable, disqualify, invalidate, render or declare incapable"} {"x":"disabled","y":"[1]bedridden, crippled, handicapped, incapacitated, infirm, lame, maimed, mangled, mutilated, paralysed, weak, weakened, wrecked"} {"x":"disabuse","y":"[1]correct, enlighten, free from error, open the eyes of, set right, set straight, shatter (someone's) illusions, undeceive"} {"x":"disadvantage","y":"[1]damage, detriment, disservice, harm, hurt, injury, loss, prejudice @@@@ [2]burden, downside, drawback, flaw, fly in the ointment @@@@ [3]handicap, hardship, hindrance, impediment, inconvenience, liability, minus @@@@ [4]nuisance, privation, snag, trouble, weakness, weak point @@@@ [5]boxed in, cornered, handicapped, in a corner, vulnerable, with one's hands tied behind one's back"} {"x":"disadvantageous","y":"[1]adverse, damaging, deleterious, detrimental, harmful, hurtful, ill-timed, inconvenient, inexpedient, injurious, inopportune, prejudicial, unfavourable"} {"x":"disaffect","y":"[1]alienate, antagonize, disunite, divide, estrange, repel"} {"x":"disagree","y":"[1]be discordant, be dissimilar, conflict, contradict, counter, depart, deviate, differ, diverge, run counter to, vary @@@@ [2]argue, be at sixes and sevens, bicker, clash, contend, contest, cross swords, debate, differ (in opinion), dispute, dissent, fall out @@@@ [3]have words @@@@ [4]object, oppose, quarrel, take issue with, wrangle @@@@ [5]be injurious, bother, discomfort, distress, hurt, make ill, nauseate, sicken, trouble, upset"} {"x":"disallow","y":"[1]abjure, disavow, disclaim, dismiss, disown, rebuff, refuse, reject, repudiate @@@@ [2]ban, boycott, cancel, embargo, forbid, prohibit, proscribe, veto"} {"x":"disappear","y":"[1]abscond, be lost to view, depart, drop out of sight, ebb, escape, evanesce, fade away, flee, fly, go, pass, recede, retire, vanish from sight, vanish off the face of the earth, wane, withdraw @@@@ [2]cease, cease to be known, die out, dissolve, end, evaporate, expire, fade, leave no trace, melt away, pass away, perish, vanish"} {"x":"disappointed","y":"[1]balked, cast down, choked, depressed, despondent, discontented, discouraged, disenchanted, disgruntled, disillusioned, dissatisfied, distressed, downhearted, foiled, frustrated, let down, saddened, thwarted, upset"} {"x":"disapprobation","y":"[1]blame, censure, condemnation, disapproval, disfavour, dislike, displeasure, dissatisfaction, reproof, stricture"} {"x":"disapproval","y":"[1]censure, condemnation, criticism, denunciation, deprecation, disapprobation, displeasure, dissatisfaction, objection, reproach, stick"} {"x":"disarm","y":"[1]disable, render defenceless, unarm @@@@ [2]deactivate, demilitarize, demobilize, disband @@@@ [3]persuade, set at ease, win over"} {"x":"disarrange","y":"[1]confuse, derange, discompose, disorder, disorganize, disturb, jumble (up), mess (up), scatter, shake (up), shuffle, unsettle, untidy"} {"x":"disassemble","y":"[1]deconstruct, dismantle, dismount, knock down, strike, take apart, take down"} {"x":"disaster","y":"[1]accident, act of God, adversity, blow, bummer @@@@ [2]calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe, misadventure, mischance, misfortune, mishap, reverse, ruin, ruination, stroke, tragedy, trouble, whammy"} {"x":"disavow","y":"[1]abjure, contradict, deny, disclaim, disown, forswear, gainsay @@@@ [2]rebut, reject, repudiate, retract"} {"x":"disband","y":"[1]break up, demobilize, dismiss, disperse, dissolve, go (their) separate ways, let go, part company, scatter, send home, separate"} {"x":"disbelieve","y":"[1]discount, discredit, give no credence to, mistrust, not accept, not buy @@@@ [2]reject, repudiate, scoff at, suspect"} {"x":"disburden","y":"[1]alleviate, diminish, discharge, disencumber, ease, free, lighten, relieve, take a load off one's mind, unburden, unload"} {"x":"disburse","y":"[1]expend, fork out @@@@ [2]lay out, pay out, shell out @@@@ [3]spend"} {"x":"disc","y":"[1]circle, discus, plate, saucer @@@@ [2]platter @@@@ [3]record, vinyl"} {"x":"discard","y":"[1]abandon, axe @@@@ [2]cast aside, chuck @@@@ [3]dispense with, dispose of, ditch @@@@ [4]drop, dump @@@@ [5]get rid of, jettison, junk @@@@ [6]reject, relinquish, remove, repudiate, scrap, shed, throw away or out"} {"x":"discern","y":"[1]behold, catch sight of, descry, discover, espy, make out, notice, observe, perceive, recognize, see, suss (out) @@@@ [2]detect, determine, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, judge, make a distinction, pick out"} {"x":"discharge","y":"[1]absolve, acquit, allow to go, clear, exonerate, free, liberate, pardon, release, set free @@@@ [2]acquittal, clearance, exoneration, liberation, pardon, release, remittance @@@@ [3]cashier, discard, dismiss, eject, expel, fire @@@@ [4]oust, remove, sack @@@@ [5]conge, demobilization, dismissal, ejection, the boot @@@@ [6]the sack @@@@ [7]detonate, explode, fire, let loose @@@@ [8]let off, set off, shoot @@@@ [9]blast, burst, detonation, discharging, explosion, firing, fusillade, report, salvo, shot, volley @@@@ [10]disembogue, dispense, emit, empty, excrete, exude, give off, gush, leak, ooze, pour forth, release, void @@@@ [11]emission, emptying, excretion, flow, ooze, pus, secretion, seepage, suppuration, vent, voiding @@@@ [12]disburden, lighten, off-load, remove, unburden, unload @@@@ [13]disburdening, emptying, unburdening, unloading @@@@ [14]accomplish, carry out, do, execute, fulfil, observe, perform @@@@ [15]accomplishment, achievement, execution, fulfilment, observance, performance @@@@ [16]clear, honour, meet, pay, relieve, satisfy, settle, square up @@@@ [17]payment, satisfaction, settlement"} {"x":"disciple","y":"[1]adherent, apostle, believer, catechumen, convert, devotee, follower, learner, partisan, proselyte, pupil, student, supporter, votary"} {"x":"disciplinarian","y":"[1]authoritarian, despot, drill sergeant, hard master, martinet, stickler, strict teacher, taskmaster, tyrant"} {"x":"discipline","y":"[1]drill, exercise, method, practice, regimen, regulation, training @@@@ [2]conduct, control, orderliness, regulation, restraint, self-control, strictness @@@@ [3]castigation, chastisement, correction, punishment @@@@ [4]area, branch of knowledge, course, curriculum, field of study, speciality, subject @@@@ [5]break in, bring up, check, control, drill, educate, exercise, form, govern, instruct, inure, prepare, regulate, restrain, train @@@@ [6]bring to book, castigate, chasten, chastise, correct, penalize, punish, reprimand, reprove"} {"x":"disclaim","y":"[1]abandon, abjure, abnegate, decline, deny, disaffirm, disallow, disavow, disown, forswear, rebut, reject, renege, renounce, repudiate, retract"} {"x":"disclosure","y":"[1]acknowledgment, admission, announcement, broadcast, confession, declaration, discovery, divulgence, expose, exposure, leak, publication, revelation, uncovering"} {"x":"discomfit","y":"[1]abash, confound, confuse, demoralize, discompose, disconcert, embarrass, faze, flurry, fluster, perplex, perturb, rattle @@@@ [2]ruffle, take aback, take the wind out of someone's sails, unnerve, unsettle, worry @@@@ [3]baffle, balk, beat, checkmate, defeat, foil, frustrate, outwit, overcome, thwart, trump, worst"} {"x":"discomfiture","y":"[1]abashment, chagrin, confusion, demoralization, discomposure, embarrassment, humiliation, shame, unease @@@@ [2]beating, defeat, disappointment, failure, frustration, overthrow, rout, ruin, undoing"} {"x":"discomfort","y":"[1]ache, annoyance, disquiet, distress, gall, hardship, hurt, inquietude, irritation, malaise, nuisance, pain, soreness, trouble, uneasiness, unpleasantness, vexation @@@@ [2]discomfit, discompose, disquiet, distress, disturb, embarrass, make uncomfortable"} {"x":"discommode","y":"[1]annoy, bother, burden, disquiet, disturb, harass, hassle @@@@ [2]incommode, inconvenience, molest, put out, trouble"} {"x":"disconsolate","y":"[1]crushed, dejected, desolate, despairing, dismal, down in the dumps @@@@ [2]forlorn, gloomy, grief-stricken, heartbroken, hopeless, inconsolable, low, melancholy, miserable, sad, unhappy, woeful, wretched"} {"x":"discontent","y":"[1]discontentment, displeasure, dissatisfaction, envy, fretfulness, regret, restlessness, uneasiness, unhappiness, vexation"} {"x":"discontinued","y":"[1]abandoned, ended, finished, given up or over, halted, no longer made, terminated"} {"x":"discontinuity","y":"[1]disconnectedness, disconnection, disjointedness, disruption, disunion, incoherence, interruption, lack of coherence, lack of unity"} {"x":"discontinuous","y":"[1]broken, disconnected, fitful, intermittent, interrupted, irregular, spasmodic"} {"x":"discord","y":"[1]clashing, conflict, contention, difference, disagreement, discordance, dispute, dissension, disunity, division, friction, incompatibility, lack of concord, opposition, row, rupture, strife, variance, wrangling @@@@ [2]cacophony, din, disharmony, dissonance, harshness, jangle, jarring, racket, tumult"} {"x":"discordant","y":"[1]at odds, clashing, conflicting, contradictory, contrary, different, disagreeing, divergent, incompatible, incongruous, inconsistent, opposite @@@@ [2]cacophonous, dissonant, grating, harsh, inharmonious, jangling, jarring, shrill, strident, unmelodious"} {"x":"discount","y":"[1]brush off @@@@ [2]disbelieve, disregard, ignore, leave out of account, overlook, pass over @@@@ [3]deduct, lower, mark down, rebate, reduce, take off @@@@ [4]abatement, allowance, concession, cut, cut price, deduction, drawback, percentage @@@@ [5]rebate, reduction"} {"x":"discountenance","y":"[1]abash, chagrin, confuse, discompose, disconcert, embarrass, humiliate, put down @@@@ [2]shame @@@@ [3]condemn, disapprove, discourage, disfavour, frown on, object to, oppose, resist, take exception to, veto"} {"x":"discourage","y":"[1]abash, awe, cast down, cow, damp, dampen, dash, daunt, deject, demoralize, depress, dishearten, dismay, dispirit, frighten, intimidate, overawe, psych out @@@@ [2]put a damper on, scare, unman, unnerve @@@@ [3]check, curb, deprecate, deter, discountenance, disfavour, dissuade, divert from, hinder, inhibit, prevent, put off, restrain, talk out of, throw cold water on"} {"x":"discourse","y":"[1]chat, communication, conversation, converse, dialogue, discussion, seminar, speech, talk @@@@ [2]address, disquisition, dissertation, essay, homily, lecture, oration, sermon, speech, talk, treatise @@@@ [3]confer, converse, debate, declaim, discuss, expatiate, hold forth, speak, talk"} {"x":"discourteous","y":"[1]abrupt, bad-mannered, boorish, brusque, curt, disrespectful, ill-bred, ill-mannered, impolite, insolent, offhand, rude, uncivil, uncourteous, ungentlemanly, ungracious, unmannerly"} {"x":"discover","y":"[1]bring to light, come across, come upon, dig up, find, light upon, locate, turn up, uncover, unearth @@@@ [2]ascertain, descry, detect, determine, discern, disclose, espy, find out, get wise to @@@@ [3]learn, notice, perceive, realize, recognize, reveal, see, spot, suss (out) @@@@ [4]turn up, uncover @@@@ [5]conceive, contrive, design, devise, invent, originate, pioneer"} {"x":"discovery","y":"[1]ascertainment, detection, disclosure, espial, exploration, finding, introduction, locating, location, origination, revelation, uncovering @@@@ [2]bonanza, breakthrough, coup, find, findings, godsend, innovation, invention, secret"} {"x":"discrimination","y":"[1]bias, bigotry, favouritism, inequity, intolerance, prejudice, unfairness @@@@ [2]acumen, acuteness, clearness, discernment, insight, judgment, keenness, penetration, perception, refinement, sagacity, subtlety, taste"} {"x":"discuss","y":"[1]argue, confer, consider, consult with, converse, debate, deliberate, examine, exchange views on, get together, go into, reason about, review, sift, talk about, thrash out, ventilate, weigh up the pros and cons"} {"x":"discussion","y":"[1]analysis, argument, colloquy, confabulation, conference, consideration, consultation, conversation, debate, deliberation, dialogue, discourse, examination, exchange, review, scrutiny, seminar, symposium"} {"x":"disease","y":"[1]affliction, ailment, complaint, condition, disorder, ill health, illness, indisposition, infection, infirmity, lurgi @@@@ [2]malady, sickness, upset @@@@ [3]blight, cancer, canker, contagion, contamination, disorder, malady, plague"} {"x":"disgrace","y":"[1]baseness, degradation, dishonour, disrepute, ignominy, infamy, odium, opprobrium, shame @@@@ [2]aspersion, blemish, blot, blot on one's escutcheon, defamation, reproach, scandal, slur, stain, stigma @@@@ [3]contempt, discredit, disesteem, disfavour, obloquy @@@@ [4]abase, bring shame upon, defame, degrade, discredit, disfavour, dishonour, disparage, humiliate, reproach, shame, slur, stain, stigmatize, sully, taint"} {"x":"disguise","y":"[1]camouflage, cloak, conceal, cover, hide, mask, screen, secrete, shroud, veil @@@@ [2]deceive, dissemble, dissimulate, fake, falsify, fudge, gloss over, misrepresent @@@@ [3]camouflage, cloak, costume, cover, get-up @@@@ [4]mask, screen, veil @@@@ [5]deception, dissimulation, facade, front, pretence, semblance, trickery, veneer"} {"x":"disgust","y":"[1]cause aversion, displease, fill with loathing, gross out @@@@ [2]nauseate, offend, outrage, put off, repel, revolt, sicken, turn one's stomach @@@@ [3]abhorrence, abomination, antipathy, aversion, detestation, dislike, distaste, hatefulness, hatred, loathing, nausea, odium, repugnance, repulsion, revulsion"} {"x":"disgusting","y":"[1]abominable, cringe-making @@@@ [2]detestable, distasteful, foul, gross, grotty @@@@ [3]hateful, loathsome, nasty, nauseating, nauseous, noisome, objectionable, obnoxious, odious, offensive, repellent, repugnant, revolting, shameless, sickening, stinking, vile, vulgar, yucky or yukky"} {"x":"dish","y":"[1]bowl, plate, platter, salver @@@@ [2]fare, food, recipe @@@@ [3]finish, muck up @@@@ [4]ruin, spoil, torpedo, wreck @@@@ [5]allocate, distribute, dole out, hand out, inflict, mete out @@@@ [6]concave, cupped, cup-shaped, depressed, hollow, hollowed out, incurvate, incurved, pushed in, scooped, scooped out, scyphiform, sunken @@@@ [7]hand out, ladle, prepare, present, produce, scoop, serve, spoon"} {"x":"disharmony","y":"[1]clash, conflict, disaccord, discord, discordance, dissonance, friction, inharmoniousness"} {"x":"dishearten","y":"[1]cast down, crush, damp, dampen, dash, daunt, deject, depress, deter, discourage, dismay, dispirit, put a damper on"} {"x":"dishonest","y":"[1]bent @@@@ [2]cheating, corrupt, crafty, crooked @@@@ [3]deceitful, deceiving, deceptive, designing, disreputable, double-dealing, false, fraudulent, guileful, knavish @@@@ [4]lying, mendacious, perfidious, shady @@@@ [5]swindling, treacherous, unfair, unprincipled, unscrupulous, untrustworthy, untruthful"} {"x":"disillusion","y":"[1]break the spell, bring down to earth, disabuse, disenchant, open the eyes of, shatter one's illusions, undeceive"} {"x":"disinclination","y":"[1]alienation, antipathy, aversion, demur, dislike, hesitance, lack of desire, lack of enthusiasm, loathness, objection, opposition, reluctance, repugnance, resistance, unwillingness"} {"x":"disintegrate","y":"[1]break apart, break up, crumble, disunite, fall apart, fall to pieces, go to pieces, go to seed, reduce to fragments, separate, shatter, splinter"} {"x":"disinter","y":"[1]dig up, disentomb, exhume, unearth @@@@ [2]bring to light, disclose, discover, expose, uncover, unearth"} {"x":"disinterested","y":"[1]candid, detached, dispassionate, equitable, even-handed, free from self-interest, impartial, impersonal, neutral, outside, unbiased, uninvolved, unprejudiced, unselfish"} {"x":"dislike","y":"[1]animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, aversion, detestation, disapprobation, disapproval, disgust, disinclination, displeasure, distaste, enmity, hatred, hostility, loathing, odium, repugnance @@@@ [2]abhor, abominate, be averse to, despise, detest, disapprove, disfavour, disrelish, hate, have a down on @@@@ [3]have no taste or stomach for, loathe, not be able to bear or abide, object to, scorn, shun, take a dim view of"} {"x":"dislocate","y":"[1]disorder, displace, disrupt, disturb, misplace, shift @@@@ [2]disarticulate, disconnect, disengage, disjoint, disunite, luxate"} {"x":"dislocation","y":"[1]disarray, disorder, disorganization, disruption, disturbance, misplacement @@@@ [2]disarticulation, disconnection, disengagement, luxation @@@@ [3]unhinging"} {"x":"dislodge","y":"[1]dig out, disentangle, displace, disturb, eject, extricate, force out, knock loose, oust, remove, uproot"} {"x":"dismal","y":"[1]black, bleak, cheerless, dark, depressing, despondent, discouraging, dolorous, dreary, forlorn, funereal, gloomy, gruesome, lonesome, louring or lowering, lugubrious, melancholy, sad, sombre, sorrowful, wretched"} {"x":"dismantle","y":"[1]demolish, disassemble, dismount, raze, strike, strip, take apart, take to pieces, unrig"} {"x":"disobedience","y":"[1]indiscipline, infraction, insubordination, mutiny, noncompliance, nonobservance, recalcitrance, revolt, unruliness, waywardness"} {"x":"disorder","y":"[1]chaos, clutter, confusion, derangement, disarray, disorderliness, disorganization, hodgepodge @@@@ [2]hotchpotch, irregularity, jumble, mess, muddle, pig's breakfast @@@@ [3]shambles, state, untidiness @@@@ [4]bagarre, brawl, clamour, commotion, disturbance, fight, fracas, hubbub, hullabaloo, quarrel, riot, rumpus, scrimmage, shindig @@@@ [5]shindy @@@@ [6]tumult, turbulence, turmoil, unrest, unruliness, upheaval, uproar @@@@ [7]affliction, ailment, complaint, disease, illness, indisposition, malady, sickness @@@@ [8]clutter, confound, confuse, derange, disarrange, discompose, disorganize, disturb, jumble, make hay of, mess up, mix up, muddle, scatter, unsettle, upset"} {"x":"disorganize","y":"[1]break up, confuse, convulse, derange, destroy, disarrange, discompose, disorder, disrupt, disturb, jumble, make a shambles of, muddle, turn topsy-turvy, unsettle, upset"} {"x":"disown","y":"[1]abandon, abnegate, cast off, deny, disallow, disavow, disclaim, rebut, refuse to acknowledge or recognize, reject, renounce, repudiate, retract"} {"x":"disparate","y":"[1]at odds, at variance, contrary, contrasting, different, discordant, discrepant, dissimilar, distinct, diverse, unlike"} {"x":"disparity","y":"[1]difference, discrepancy, disproportion, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, distinction, gap, imbalance, incongruity, inequality, unevenness, unlikeness"} {"x":"dispassionate","y":"[1]calm, collected, composed, cool, imperturbable, moderate, quiet, serene, sober, temperate, unemotional, unexcitable, unexcited, unfazed @@@@ [2]unmoved, unruffled @@@@ [3]candid, detached, disinterested, fair, impartial, impersonal, indifferent, neutral, objective, unbiased, uninvolved, unprejudiced"} {"x":"dispatch","y":"[1]accelerate, consign, dismiss, express, forward, hasten, hurry, quicken, remit, send, transmit @@@@ [2]conclude, discharge, dispose of, expedite, finish, make short work of @@@@ [3]perform, settle @@@@ [4]assassinate, blow away @@@@ [5]bump off @@@@ [6]butcher, eliminate @@@@ [7]execute, finish off, kill, murder, put an end to, slaughter, slay, take out @@@@ [8]alacrity, celerity, expedition, haste, precipitateness, promptitude, promptness, quickness, rapidity, speed, swiftness @@@@ [9]account, bulletin, communication, communique, document, instruction, item, letter, message, missive, news, piece, report, story"} {"x":"dispel","y":"[1]allay, banish, chase away, dismiss, disperse, dissipate, drive away, eliminate, expel, resolve, rout, scatter"} {"x":"dispensation","y":"[1]allotment, appointment, apportionment, bestowal, conferment, consignment, dealing out, disbursement, distribution, endowment, supplying @@@@ [2]award, dole, part, portion, quota, share @@@@ [3]administration, direction, economy, management, plan, regulation, scheme, stewardship, system @@@@ [4]exception, exemption, immunity, indulgence, licence, permission, privilege, relaxation, relief, remission, reprieve"} {"x":"dispense","y":"[1]allocate, allot, apportion, assign, deal out, disburse, distribute, dole out, mete out, share @@@@ [2]measure, mix, prepare, supply @@@@ [3]administer, apply, carry out, direct, discharge, enforce, execute, implement, operate, undertake @@@@ [4]except, excuse, exempt, exonerate, let off @@@@ [5]release, relieve, reprieve @@@@ [6]abstain from, do without, forgo, give up, omit, relinquish, waive @@@@ [7]abolish, brush aside, cancel, dispose of, disregard, do away with, get rid of, ignore, pass over, render needless, shake off"} {"x":"display","y":"[1]betray, demonstrate, disclose, evidence, evince, exhibit, expose, manifest, open, open to view, present, reveal, show, take the wraps off, unveil @@@@ [2]expand, extend, model, open out, spread out, stretch out, unfold, unfurl @@@@ [3]boast, flash @@@@ [4]flaunt, flourish, parade, show off, vaunt @@@@ [5]array, demonstration, exhibition, exposition, exposure, manifestation, presentation, revelation, show @@@@ [6]flourish, ostentation, pageant, parade, pomp, show, spectacle"} {"x":"displease","y":"[1]aggravate @@@@ [2]anger, annoy, disgust, dissatisfy, exasperate, gall, hassle @@@@ [3]incense, irk, irritate, nark @@@@ [4]nettle, offend, pique, piss one off @@@@ [5]provoke, put one's back up, put out, rile, upset, vex"} {"x":"disport","y":"[1]amuse, beguile, cheer, delight, divert, entertain, make merry @@@@ [2]caper, frisk, frolic, gambol, play, revel, romp, sport"} {"x":"disposal","y":"[1]clearance, discarding, dumping @@@@ [2]ejection, jettisoning, parting with, relinquishment, removal, riddance, scrapping, throwing away @@@@ [3]arrangement, array, dispensation, disposition, distribution, grouping, placing, position @@@@ [4]assignment, bequest, bestowal, consignment, conveyance, dispensation, gift, settlement, transfer @@@@ [5]authority, conduct, control, determination, direction, discretion, government, management, ordering, regulation, responsibility"} {"x":"disposed","y":"[1]apt, given, inclined, liable, likely, of a mind to, predisposed, prone, ready, subject, tending towards @@@@ [2]against, antagonistic, anti @@@@ [3]antipathetic, averse, disobliging, down on @@@@ [4]hostile, inimical, opposed, uncooperative, unfriendly, unwelcoming"} {"x":"disposition","y":"[1]character, constitution, make-up, nature, spirit, temper, temperament @@@@ [2]bent, bias, habit, inclination, leaning, predisposition, proclivity, proneness, propensity, readiness, tendency @@@@ [3]adjustment, arrangement, classification, disposal, distribution, grouping, ordering, organization, placement @@@@ [4]control, direction, disposal, management, regulation"} {"x":"dispossess","y":"[1]deprive, dislodge, divest, drive out, eject, evict, expel, oust, strip, take away, turn out"} {"x":"dispraise","y":"[1]animadvert on or upon, blame, blast, censure, condemn, criticize, disapprove, disparage, lambast(e), put down, reproach, reprove, tear into @@@@ [2]blame, censure, depreciation, discredit, disgrace, dishonour, disparagement, opprobrium, reproach, shame"} {"x":"disproportion","y":"[1]asymmetry, discrepancy, disparity, imbalance, inadequacy, inequality, insufficiency, lopsidedness, unevenness, unsuitableness"} {"x":"disprove","y":"[1]confute, contradict, controvert, discredit, expose, give the lie to, invalidate, make a nonsense of, negate, prove false, rebut, refute"} {"x":"disputable","y":"[1]arguable, controversial, debatable, doubtful, dubious, iffy @@@@ [2]moot, open to discussion, questionable, uncertain"} {"x":"disputant","y":"[1]adversary, antagonist, arguer, contender, contestant, debater, opponent"} {"x":"disputation","y":"[1]argumentation, controversy, debate, dispute, dissension, polemics"} {"x":"dispute","y":"[1]altercate, argue, brawl, clash, contend, cross swords, debate, discuss, quarrel, row, spar, squabble, wrangle @@@@ [2]challenge, contest, contradict, controvert, deny, doubt, impugn, question, rebut @@@@ [3]altercation, argument, bagarre, brawl, conflict, disagreement, discord, disturbance, feud, friction, quarrel, shindig @@@@ [4]shindy @@@@ [5]strife, wrangle @@@@ [6]argument, contention, controversy, debate, discussion, dissension"} {"x":"disqualify","y":"[1]disable, incapacitate, invalidate, unfit @@@@ [2]ban, debar, declare ineligible, disentitle, preclude, prohibit, rule out"} {"x":"disquiet","y":"[1]alarm, angst, anxiety, concern, disquietude, distress, disturbance, fear, foreboding, fretfulness, nervousness, restlessness, trepidation, trouble, uneasiness, unrest, worry @@@@ [2]agitate, annoy, bother, concern, discompose, distress, disturb, fret, harass, hassle @@@@ [3]incommode, make uneasy, perturb, pester, plague, trouble, unsettle, upset, vex, worry"} {"x":"disquisition","y":"[1]discourse, dissertation, essay, exposition, lecture, paper, thesis, treatise"} {"x":"disregard","y":"[1]brush aside or away, discount, disobey, ignore, laugh off, leave out of account, make light of, neglect, overlook, pass over, pay no attention to, pay no heed to, take no notice of, turn a blind eye to @@@@ [2]brush off @@@@ [3]cold-shoulder, contemn, despise, disdain, disparage, send to Coventry, slight, snub @@@@ [4]brushoff @@@@ [5]contempt, disdain, disrespect, heedlessness, ignoring, inattention, indifference, neglect, negligence, oversight, slight, the cold shoulder"} {"x":"disrepair","y":"[1]collapse, decay, deterioration, dilapidation, ruination @@@@ [2]broken, bust @@@@ [3]decayed, decrepit, kaput @@@@ [4]out of commission, out of order, worn-out"} {"x":"disreputable","y":"[1]base, contemptible, derogatory, discreditable, disgraceful, dishonourable, disorderly, ignominious, infamous, louche, low, mean, notorious, opprobrious, scandalous, shady @@@@ [2]shameful, shocking, unprincipled, vicious, vile @@@@ [3]bedraggled, dilapidated, dingy, dishevelled, down at heel, scruffy, seedy, shabby, threadbare, worn"} {"x":"disrepute","y":"[1]discredit, disesteem, disfavour, disgrace, dishonour, ignominy, ill favour, ill repute, infamy, obloquy, shame, unpopularity"} {"x":"disrespect","y":"[1]cheek, contempt, discourtesy, dishonour, disregard, impertinence, impoliteness, impudence, incivility, insolence, irreverence, lack of respect, lese-majesty, rudeness, sauce, unmannerliness"} {"x":"disrobe","y":"[1]bare, denude, divest, doff, remove, shed, strip, take off, unclothe, uncover, undress"} {"x":"dissatisfaction","y":"[1]annoyance, chagrin, disappointment, discomfort, discontent, dislike, dismay, displeasure, distress, exasperation, frustration, irritation, regret, resentment, unhappiness"} {"x":"dissatisfy","y":"[1]annoy, disappoint, discontent, disgruntle, displease, give cause for complaint, irritate, leave dissatisfied, not pass muster, not suffice, put out, vex"} {"x":"dissect","y":"[1]anatomize, cut up or apart, dismember, lay open @@@@ [2]analyse, break down, explore, inspect, investigate, research, scrutinize, study"} {"x":"dissemble","y":"[1]camouflage, cloak, conceal, cover up, disguise, dissimulate, hide, mask @@@@ [2]affect, counterfeit, falsify, feign, pretend, sham, simulate"} {"x":"disseminate","y":"[1]broadcast, circulate, diffuse, disperse, dissipate, distribute, proclaim, promulgate, propagate, publicize, publish, scatter, sow, spread"} {"x":"dissension","y":"[1]conflict, conflict of opinion, contention, difference, disagreement, discord, discordance, dispute, dissent, friction, quarrel, row, strife, variance"} {"x":"dissent","y":"[1]decline, differ, disagree, object, protest, refuse, withhold assent or approval @@@@ [2]difference, disagreement, discord, dissension, dissidence, nonconformity, objection, opposition, refusal, resistance"} {"x":"dissertation","y":"[1]critique, discourse, disquisition, essay, exposition, thesis, treatise"} {"x":"disservice","y":"[1]bad turn, disfavour, harm, ill turn, injury, injustice, unkindness, wrong"} {"x":"dissever","y":"[1]cleave, disunite, divorce, part, rend, rift, separate, sever, sunder"} {"x":"dissident","y":"[1]differing, disagreeing, discordant, dissentient, dissenting, heterodox, nonconformist, schismatic @@@@ [2]agitator, dissenter, protester, rebel, recusant"} {"x":"dissimilar","y":"[1]different, disparate, divergent, diverse, heterogeneous, manifold, mismatched, not alike, not capable of comparison, not similar, unlike, unrelated, various"} {"x":"dissimulate","y":"[1]camouflage, cloak, conceal, disguise, dissemble, feign, hide, mask, pretend @@@@ [2]When people dissimulate, they hide their true feelings, intentions, or nature."} {"x":"dissipate","y":"[1]burn up, consume, deplete, expend, fritter away, indulge oneself, lavish, misspend, run through, spend, squander, waste @@@@ [2]disappear, dispel, disperse, dissolve, drive away, evaporate, scatter, vanish"} {"x":"dissipation","y":"[1]abandonment, debauchery, dissoluteness, drunkenness, excess, extravagance, indulgence, intemperance, lavishness, prodigality, profligacy, squandering, wantonness, waste @@@@ [2]amusement, distraction, diversion, entertainment, gratification @@@@ [3]disappearance, disintegration, dispersal, dissemination, dissolution, scattering, vanishing"} {"x":"dissociate","y":"[1]break off, disband, disrupt, part company, quit @@@@ [2]detach, disconnect, distance, divorce, isolate, segregate, separate, set apart"} {"x":"dissolute","y":"[1]abandoned, corrupt, debauched, degenerate, depraved, dissipated, immoral, lax, lewd, libertine, licentious, loose, profligate, rakish, unrestrained, vicious, wanton, wild"} {"x":"dissolution","y":"[1]breaking up, disintegration, division, divorce, parting, resolution, separation @@@@ [2]death, decay, decomposition, demise, destruction, dispersal, extinction, overthrow, ruin @@@@ [3]adjournment, conclusion, disbandment, discontinuation, dismissal, end, ending, finish, suspension, termination @@@@ [4]corruption, debauchery, dissipation, intemperance, wantonness @@@@ [5]disappearance, evaporation, liquefaction, melting, solution"} {"x":"dissolve","y":"[1]deliquesce, flux, fuse, liquefy, melt, soften, thaw @@@@ [2]break down, crumble, decompose, diffuse, disappear, disintegrate, disperse, dissipate, dwindle, evanesce, evaporate, fade, melt away, perish, vanish, waste away @@@@ [3]axe @@@@ [4]break up, destroy, discontinue, dismiss, end, overthrow, ruin, suspend, terminate, wind up @@@@ [5]break into or up, collapse, disorganize, disunite, divorce, loose, resolve into, separate, sever"} {"x":"dissonance","y":"[1]cacophony, discord, discordance, harshness, jangle, jarring, unmelodiousness, want of harmony @@@@ [2]difference, disagreement, discord, discrepancy, disparity, dissension, incongruity, inconsistency, variance"} {"x":"dissuade","y":"[1]advise against, deter, discourage, disincline, divert, expostulate, persuade not to, put off, remonstrate, talk out of, urge not to, warn"} {"x":"distance","y":"[1]absence, extent, gap, interval, lapse, length, range, reach, remoteness, remove, separation, space, span, stretch, width @@@@ [2]aloofness, coldness, coolness, frigidity, reserve, restraint, stiffness @@@@ [3]bring to an end, complete, finish, see through, stay the course @@@@ [4]avoid, be aloof, be indifferent, be reserved, keep (someone) at arm's length, shun @@@@ [5]afar, far away, far off, on the horizon, yonder @@@@ [6]dissociate oneself, put in proportion, separate oneself @@@@ [7]leave behind, outdistance, outdo, outrun, outstrip, pass"} {"x":"distant","y":"[1]abroad, afar, far, faraway, far-flung, far-off, outlying, out-of-the-way, remote, removed @@@@ [2]apart, disparate, dispersed, distinct, scattered, separate @@@@ [3]aloof, at arm's length, ceremonious, cold, cool, formal, haughty, reserved, restrained, reticent, standoffish, stiff, unapproachable, unfriendly, withdrawn @@@@ [4]faint, indirect, indistinct, obscure, slight, uncertain"} {"x":"distaste","y":"[1]abhorrence, antipathy, aversion, detestation, disfavour, disgust, disinclination, dislike, displeasure, disrelish, dissatisfaction, horror, loathing, odium, repugnance, revulsion"} {"x":"distil","y":"[1]condense, draw out, evaporate, express, extract, press out, purify, rectify, refine, sublimate, vaporize"} {"x":"distillation","y":"[1]elixir, essence, extract, quintessence, spirit"} {"x":"distinct","y":"[1]apparent, black-and-white, blatant, bold, clear, clear-cut, decided, definite, evident, lucid, manifest, marked, noticeable, obvious, palpable, patent, plain, recognizable, sharp, unambiguous, unmistakable, well-defined @@@@ [2]detached, different, discrete, dissimilar, individual, separate, unconnected"} {"x":"distinction","y":"[1]differentiation, discernment, discrimination, penetration, perception, separation @@@@ [2]contrast, difference, differential, division, fine line, separation @@@@ [3]characteristic, distinctiveness, feature, individuality, mark, particularity, peculiarity, quality @@@@ [4]account, celebrity, consequence, credit, eminence, excellence, fame, greatness, honour, importance, merit, name, note, prominence, quality, rank, renown, reputation, repute, superiority, worth"} {"x":"distinctive","y":"[1]characteristic, different, distinguishing, extraordinary, idiosyncratic, individual, original, peculiar, singular, special, typical, uncommon, unique"} {"x":"distinguish","y":"[1]ascertain, decide, determine, differentiate, discriminate, judge, tell apart, tell between, tell the difference @@@@ [2]categorize, characterize, classify, individualize, make distinctive, mark, separate, set apart, single out @@@@ [3]discern, know, make out, perceive, pick out, recognize, see, tell @@@@ [4]celebrate, dignify, honour, immortalize, make famous, signalize"} {"x":"distinguishable","y":"[1]bold, clear, conspicuous, discernible, evident, manifest, noticeable, obvious, perceptible, plain, recognizable, well-marked"} {"x":"distinguished","y":"[1]acclaimed, celebrated, conspicuous, eminent, famed, famous, illustrious, notable, noted, renowned, well-known @@@@ [2]conspicuous, extraordinary, marked, outstanding, signal, striking"} {"x":"distort","y":"[1]bend, buckle, contort, deform, disfigure, misshape, twist, warp, wrench, wrest @@@@ [2]bias, colour, falsify, garble, misrepresent, pervert, slant, twist"} {"x":"distrait","y":"[1]absent, absent-minded, abstracted, distracted, forgetful, inattentive, oblivious, preoccupied, unaware"} {"x":"distraught","y":"[1]agitated, anxious, at the end of one's tether, beside oneself, crazed, desperate, distracted, distressed, frantic, hysterical, mad, out of one's mind, overwrought, raving, wild, worked-up, wrought-up"} {"x":"distress","y":"[1]affliction, agony, anguish, anxiety, desolation, discomfort, grief, heartache, misery, pain, sadness, sorrow, suffering, torment, torture, woe, worry, wretchedness @@@@ [2]adversity, calamity, destitution, difficulties, hardship, indigence, misfortune, need, poverty, privation, straits, trial, trouble @@@@ [3]afflict, agonize, bother, disturb, grieve, harass, harrow, pain, perplex, sadden, torment, trouble, upset, worry, wound"} {"x":"distribute","y":"[1]administer, allocate, allot, apportion, assign, deal, dispense, dispose, divide, dole out, give, measure out, mete, share @@@@ [2]circulate, convey, deliver, hand out, pass round @@@@ [3]diffuse, disperse, disseminate, scatter, spread, strew @@@@ [4]arrange, assort, categorize, class, classify, file, group"} {"x":"distribution","y":"[1]allocation, allotment, apportionment, dispensation, division, dole, partition, sharing @@@@ [2]circulation, diffusion, dispersal, dispersion, dissemination, propagation, scattering, spreading @@@@ [3]arrangement, assortment, classification, disposition, grouping, location, organization, placement @@@@ [4]dealing, delivery, handling, mailing, marketing, trading, transport, transportation"} {"x":"district","y":"[1]area, community, locale, locality, neck of the woods @@@@ [2]neighbourhood, parish, quarter, region, sector, vicinity, ward"} {"x":"distrust","y":"[1]be sceptical of, be suspicious of, be wary of, disbelieve, discredit, doubt, misbelieve, mistrust, question, smell a rat @@@@ [2]suspect, wonder about @@@@ [3]disbelief, doubt, dubiety, lack of faith, misgiving, mistrust, qualm, question, scepticism, suspicion, wariness"} {"x":"disturb","y":"[1]bother, butt in on, disrupt, interfere with, interrupt, intrude on, pester, rouse, startle @@@@ [2]confuse, derange, disarrange, disorder, disorganize, muddle, unsettle @@@@ [3]agitate, alarm, annoy, confound, discompose, distract, distress, excite, fluster, harass, hassle @@@@ [4]perturb, ruffle, shake, trouble, unnerve, unsettle, upset, worry"} {"x":"disturbed","y":"[1]disordered, maladjusted, neurotic, troubled, unbalanced, upset @@@@ [2]agitated, angsty @@@@ [3]anxious, apprehensive, bothered, concerned, disquieted, nervous, troubled, uneasy, upset, worried"} {"x":"disunite","y":"[1]detach, disband, disconnect, disengage, disjoin, disrupt, divide, part, segregate, separate, sever, split, sunder @@@@ [2]alienate, embroil, estrange, set at odds, set at variance"} {"x":"disunity","y":"[1]alienation, breach, disagreement, discord, discordance, dissension, dissent, estrangement, rupture, schism, split, variance"} {"x":"ditch","y":"[1]channel, drain, dyke, furrow, gully, moat, trench, watercourse @@@@ [2]dig, drain, excavate, gouge, trench @@@@ [3]abandon, axe @@@@ [4]bin @@@@ [5]chuck @@@@ [6]discard, dispose of, drop, dump @@@@ [7]get rid of, jettison, junk @@@@ [8]all-out @@@@ [9]desperate, final, frantic, heroic, straining, struggling"} {"x":"dither","y":"[1]faff about @@@@ [2]falter, haver, hesitate, hum and haw, oscillate, shillyshally @@@@ [3]swither @@@@ [4]teeter, vacillate, waver @@@@ [5]bother, flap @@@@ [6]fluster, flutter, pother, stew @@@@ [7]tiz-woz @@@@ [8]tizzy @@@@ [9]twitter"} {"x":"diurnal","y":"[1]circadian, daily, daytime, everyday, quotidian, regular"} {"x":"diva","y":"[1]opera singer, prima donna, singer"} {"x":"dive","y":"[1]descend, dip, disappear, drop, duck, fall, go underwater, jump, leap, nose-dive, pitch, plummet, plunge, submerge, swoop @@@@ [2]dash, header @@@@ [3]jump, leap, lunge, nose dive, plunge, spring @@@@ [4]honky-tonk @@@@ [5]joint @@@@ [6]sleazy bar @@@@ [7]dive, drop, plummet, plunge"} {"x":"diverge","y":"[1]bifurcate, branch, divaricate, divide, fork, part, radiate, separate, split, spread @@@@ [2]be at odds, be at variance, conflict, differ, disagree, dissent @@@@ [3]depart, deviate, digress, meander, stray, turn aside, wander"} {"x":"divers","y":"[1]different, manifold, many, multifarious, numerous, several, some, sundry, varied, various"} {"x":"diverse","y":"[1]assorted, diversified, manifold, miscellaneous, of every description, several, sundry, varied, various @@@@ [2]different, differing, discrete, disparate, dissimilar, distinct, divergent, separate, unlike, varying"} {"x":"diversify","y":"[1]alter, assort, branch out, change, expand, have a finger in every pie, mix, modify, spread out, transform, variegate, vary"} {"x":"diversity","y":"[1]assortment, difference, dissimilarity, distinctiveness, divergence, diverseness, diversification, heterogeneity, medley, multiplicity, range, unlikeness, variance, variegation, variety"} {"x":"divest","y":"[1]denude, disrobe, doff, remove, strip, take off, unclothe, undress @@@@ [2]deprive, despoil, dispossess, strip"} {"x":"divide","y":"[1]bisect, cleave, cut (up), detach, disconnect, part, partition, segregate, separate, sever, shear, split, subdivide, sunder @@@@ [2]allocate, allot, apportion, deal out, dispense, distribute, divvy (up) @@@@ [3]dole out, measure out, portion, share @@@@ [4]alienate, break up, cause to disagree, come between, disunite, estrange, set at variance or odds, set or pit against one another, sow dissension, split @@@@ [5]arrange, categorize, classify, grade, group, put in order, separate, sort"} {"x":"dividend","y":"[1]bonus, cut @@@@ [2]divvy @@@@ [3]extra, gain, plus, portion, share, surplus"} {"x":"divination","y":"[1]augury, clairvoyance, divining, foretelling, fortune-telling, prediction, presage, prognostication, prophecy, soothsaying, sortilege"} {"x":"divine","y":"[1]angelic, celestial, godlike, heavenly, holy, spiritual, superhuman, supernatural @@@@ [2]consecrated, holy, religious, sacred, sanctified, spiritual @@@@ [3]beatific, blissful, exalted, mystical, rapturous, supreme, transcendent, transcendental, transmundane @@@@ [4]beautiful, excellent, glorious, marvellous, perfect, splendid, superlative, wonderful @@@@ [5]churchman, clergyman, cleric, ecclesiastic, minister, pastor, priest, reverend @@@@ [6]apprehend, conjecture, deduce, discern, foretell, guess, infer, intuit, perceive, prognosticate, suppose, surmise, suspect, understand @@@@ [7]dowse"} {"x":"divinity","y":"[1]deity, divine nature, godhead, godhood, godliness, holiness, sanctity @@@@ [2]daemon, deity, genius, god, goddess, guardian spirit, spirit @@@@ [3]religion, religious studies, theology"} {"x":"divisible","y":"[1]dividable, fractional, separable, splittable"} {"x":"division","y":"[1]bisection, cutting up, detaching, dividing, partition, separation, splitting up @@@@ [2]allotment, apportionment, distribution, sharing @@@@ [3]border, boundary, demarcation, divide, divider, dividing line, partition @@@@ [4]branch, category, class, compartment, department, group, head, part, portion, section, sector, segment @@@@ [5]breach, difference of opinion, disagreement, discord, disunion, estrangement, feud, rupture, split, variance"} {"x":"divisive","y":"[1]alienating, damaging, detrimental, discordant, disruptive, estranging, inharmonious, pernicious, troublesome, unsettling"} {"x":"divorce","y":"[1]annulment, breach, break, decree nisi, dissolution, disunion, rupture, separation, severance, split-up @@@@ [2]annul, disconnect, dissociate, dissolve @@@@ [3]disunite, divide, part, separate, sever, split up, sunder"} {"x":"divulge","y":"[1]communicate, confess, cough @@@@ [2]declare, disclose, exhibit, expose, get off one's chest @@@@ [3]impart, leak, let slip, make known, out @@@@ [4]proclaim, promulgate, publish, reveal, spill @@@@ [5]tell, uncover"} {"x":"dizzy","y":"[1]faint, giddy, light-headed, off balance, reeling, shaky, staggering, swimming, vertiginous, weak at the knees, wobbly, woozy @@@@ [2]at sea, befuddled, bemused, bewildered, confused, dazed, dazzled, muddled @@@@ [3]lofty, steep, vertiginous @@@@ [4]capricious, fickle, flighty, foolish, frivolous, giddy, light-headed, scatterbrained, silly"} {"x":"do","y":"[1]accomplish, achieve, act, carry out, complete, conclude, discharge, end, execute, perform, produce, transact, undertake, work @@@@ [2]answer, be adequate, be enough, be of use, be sufficient, cut the mustard, pass muster, satisfy, serve, suffice, suit @@@@ [3]arrange, be responsible for, fix, get ready, look after, make, make ready, organize, prepare, see to, take on @@@@ [4]decipher, decode, figure out, puzzle out, resolve, solve, work out @@@@ [5]adapt, render, translate, transpose @@@@ [6]bear oneself, behave, carry oneself, comport oneself, conduct oneself @@@@ [7]fare, get along, get on, make out, manage, proceed @@@@ [8]bring about, cause, create, effect, produce @@@@ [9]act, give, perform, present, produce, put on @@@@ [10]cover, explore, journey through or around, look at, stop in, tour, travel, visit @@@@ [11]cheat, con @@@@ [12]cozen, deceive, defraud, diddle @@@@ [13]dupe, fleece, hoax, pull a fast one on @@@@ [14]skin @@@@ [15]stiff @@@@ [16]trick @@@@ [17]affair, event, function, gathering, occasion, party @@@@ [18]code, customs, etiquette, instructions, regulations, rules, standards @@@@ [19]blow away @@@@ [20]bump off @@@@ [21]destroy, do in @@@@ [22]exterminate, kill, liquidate, murder, slay, take out @@@@ [23]abolish, axe @@@@ [24]chuck @@@@ [25]discard, discontinue, eliminate, get rid of, junk @@@@ [26]pull, put an end to, put paid to, remove @@@@ [27]defeat, destroy, finish (off), kill, ruin, shatter, slay, undo @@@@ [28]blow away @@@@ [29]butcher, dispatch, eliminate @@@@ [30]execute, kill, liquidate, murder, slaughter, slay, take out @@@@ [31]exhaust, fag @@@@ [32]fatigue, knacker @@@@ [33]shatter @@@@ [34]tire, wear out, weary @@@@ [35]death-or-glory, desperate, going for broke, hazardous, kill-or-cure, risky, win-or-bust @@@@ [36]balk, bilk, cheat, con @@@@ [37]cozen, deprive, diddle @@@@ [38]swindle, trick @@@@ [39]abstain from, dispense with, forgo, get along without, give up, kick @@@@ [40]manage without @@@@ [41]cope, get along or by, improvise, manage, muddle through, scrape along or by @@@@ [42]black sheep, good-for-nothing, idler, layabout, loafer, loser, skiver @@@@ [43]wastrel @@@@ [44]agitation, bother, brouhaha, bustle, commotion, disturbance, excitement, flap @@@@ [45]furore, fuss, hoo-ha, hue and cry, performance @@@@ [46]quarrel, ruction @@@@ [47]rumpus, stir, tumult, turmoil, unrest, upheaval, uproar @@@@ [48]affluent, comfortable, flush @@@@ [49]loaded @@@@ [50]moneyed, prosperous, rich, wealthy, well-heeled @@@@ [51]well-off"} {"x":"docile","y":"[1]amenable, biddable, compliant, ductile, manageable, obedient, pliant, submissive, teachable @@@@ [2]tractable"} {"x":"docility","y":"[1]amenability, biddableness, compliance, ductility, manageability, meekness, obedience, pliancy, submissiveness, tractability"} {"x":"dock","y":"[1]harbour, pier, quay, waterfront, wharf @@@@ [2]anchor, berth, drop anchor, land, moor, put in, tie up @@@@ [3]couple, hook up, join, link up, rendezvous, unite @@@@ [4]clip, crop, curtail, cut off, cut short, diminish, lessen, shorten @@@@ [5]decrease, deduct, diminish, lessen, reduce, subtract, withhold"} {"x":"docket","y":"[1]bill, certificate, chit, chitty, counterfoil, label, receipt, tab, tag, tally, ticket, voucher @@@@ [2]catalogue, file, index, label, mark, register, tab, tag, ticket"} {"x":"doctor","y":"[1]general practitioner, G.P., medic @@@@ [2]medical practitioner, physician @@@@ [3]botch, cobble, do up @@@@ [4]fix, mend, patch up, repair @@@@ [5]alter, change, disguise, falsify, fudge, misrepresent, pervert, tamper with @@@@ [6]add to, adulterate, cut, dilute, mix with, spike, water down"} {"x":"doctrinaire","y":"[1]biased, dogmatic, fanatical, inflexible, insistent, opinionated, rigid @@@@ [2]hypothetical, ideological, impractical, speculative, theoretical, unpragmatic, unrealistic"} {"x":"doctrine","y":"[1]article, article of faith, belief, canon, concept, conviction, creed, dogma, opinion, precept, principle, teaching, tenet"} {"x":"document","y":"[1]certificate, instrument, legal form, paper, record, report @@@@ [2]authenticate, back up, certify, cite, corroborate, detail, give weight to, instance, particularize, substantiate, support, validate, verify"} {"x":"dodder","y":"[1]quake, quaver, quiver, shake, shamble, shiver, shuffle, stagger, sway, teeter, totter, tremble"} {"x":"dodge","y":"[1]body-swerve @@@@ [2]dart, duck, shift, sidestep, swerve, turn aside @@@@ [3]avoid, body-swerve @@@@ [4]deceive, elude, equivocate, evade, fend off, flannel @@@@ [5]fudge, get out of, hedge, parry, shirk, shuffle, trick @@@@ [6]contrivance, device, feint, flannel @@@@ [7]machination, ploy, ruse, scheme, stratagem, subterfuge, trick, wheeze @@@@ [8]wile @@@@ [9]If you dodge, you move suddenly, often to avoid being hit, caught, or seen."} {"x":"doff","y":"[1]lift, raise, remove, take off, tip, touch @@@@ [2]cast off, discard, remove, shed, slip off, slip out of, take off, throw off, undress"} {"x":"dog","y":"[1]bitch, canine, cur, hound, kuri or goorie @@@@ [2]man's best friend, mongrel, mutt @@@@ [3]pooch @@@@ [4]pup, puppy, tyke @@@@ [5]beast, blackguard, cur, heel @@@@ [6]knave @@@@ [7]scoundrel, villain @@@@ [8]cut-throat, ferocious, fierce, ruthless, vicious, with no holds barred @@@@ [9]degenerate, deteriorate, go down the drain, go to pot, go to ruin @@@@ [10]haunt, hound, plague, pursue, shadow, tail @@@@ [11]track, trail, trouble"} {"x":"dogged","y":"[1]determined, firm, immovable, indefatigable, obstinate, persevering, persistent, pertinacious, resolute, single-minded, staunch, steadfast, steady, stiff-necked, stubborn, tenacious, unflagging, unshakable, unyielding"} {"x":"dogma","y":"[1]article, article of faith, belief, credo, creed, doctrine, opinion, precept, principle, teachings, tenet"} {"x":"dogmatic","y":"[1]arbitrary, arrogant, assertive, categorical, dictatorial, doctrinaire, downright, emphatic, imperious, magisterial, obdurate, opinionated, overbearing, peremptory @@@@ [2]authoritative, canonical, categorical, doctrinal, ex cathedra, oracular, positive"} {"x":"doing","y":"[1]achievement, act, action, carrying out or through, deed, execution, exploit, handiwork, implementation, performance"} {"x":"doings","y":"[1]actions, affairs, concerns, dealings, deeds, events, exploits, goings-on @@@@ [2]handiwork, happenings, proceedings, transactions @@@@ [3]achievement, act, action, carrying out or through, deed, execution, exploit, handiwork, implementation, performance"} {"x":"doldrums","y":"[1]apathy, blues, boredom, depression, dullness, dumps @@@@ [2]ennui, gloom, inertia, lassitude, listlessness, malaise, stagnation, tedium, the hump @@@@ [3]torpor"} {"x":"dole","y":"[1]allowance, alms, benefit, donation, gift, grant, gratuity, modicum, parcel, pittance, portion, quota, share @@@@ [2]allocation, allotment, apportionment, dispensation, distribution, division @@@@ [3]administer, allocate, allot, apportion, assign, deal, dispense, distribute, divide, give, hand out, mete, share"} {"x":"dollop","y":"[1]gob, helping, lump, portion, scoop, serving"} {"x":"dolt","y":"[1]ass, berk @@@@ [2]blockhead, booby, charlie @@@@ [3]chump @@@@ [4]clot @@@@ [5]coot, dickwit @@@@ [6]dimwit @@@@ [7]dipstick @@@@ [8]dope @@@@ [9]dork @@@@ [10]dullard, dunce, dweeb @@@@ [11]fathead @@@@ [12]fool, fuckwit @@@@ [13]geek @@@@ [14]gobshite @@@@ [15]gonzo @@@@ [16]idiot, ignoramus, jerk @@@@ [17]lamebrain @@@@ [18]nitwit @@@@ [19]oaf, plank @@@@ [20]plonker @@@@ [21]prat @@@@ [22]prick @@@@ [23]schmuck @@@@ [24]simpleton, thickhead, twit @@@@ [25]wally"} {"x":"domain","y":"[1]demesne, dominion, empire, estate, kingdom, lands, policies @@@@ [2]province, realm, region, territory @@@@ [3]area, authority, bailiwick, concern, department, discipline, field, jurisdiction, orbit, power, realm, scope, speciality, sphere, sway"} {"x":"domestic","y":"[1]domiciliary, family, home, household, private @@@@ [2]domesticated, home-loving, homely, housewifely, stay-at-home @@@@ [3]domesticated, house, house-trained, pet, tame, trained @@@@ [4]indigenous, internal, native, not foreign @@@@ [5]char @@@@ [6]charwoman, daily, daily help, help, maid, servant, woman"} {"x":"domesticate","y":"[1]break, gentle, house-train, tame, train @@@@ [2]acclimatize, accustom, familiarize, habituate, naturalize"} {"x":"domesticity","y":"[1]domestication, home life, home-lovingness, homemaking, housekeeping, housewifery"} {"x":"domicile","y":"[1]abode, dwelling, habitation, home, house, legal residence, mansion, pad @@@@ [2]residence, residency, settlement"} {"x":"dominance","y":"[1]ascendancy, authority, command, control, domination, government, mastery, paramountcy, power, rule, supremacy, sway"} {"x":"dominant","y":"[1]ascendant, assertive, authoritative, commanding, controlling, governing, leading, presiding, ruling, superior, supreme @@@@ [2]chief, influential, main, outstanding, paramount, predominant, pre-eminent, prevailing, prevalent, primary, principal, prominent"} {"x":"domination","y":"[1]ascendancy, authority, command, control, influence, mastery, power, rule, superiority, supremacy, sway @@@@ [2]despotism, dictatorship, oppression, repression, subjection, subordination, suppression, tyranny"} {"x":"domineer","y":"[1]browbeat, bully, hector, intimidate, lord (it) over, menace, overbear, ride roughshod over, swagger, threaten, tyrannize"} {"x":"dominion","y":"[1]ascendancy, authority, command, control, domination, government, jurisdiction, mastery, power, rule, sovereignty, supremacy, sway @@@@ [2]country, domain, empire, kingdom, patch, province, realm, region, territory, turf"} {"x":"don","y":"[1]clothe oneself in, dress in, get into, pull on, put on, slip on or into @@@@ [2]Casanova, gallant, ladies' man, lady-killer @@@@ [3]libertine, Lothario, philanderer, poodle-faker @@@@ [4]Prince Charming, rake, Romeo, seducer, wolf @@@@ [5]womanizer"} {"x":"donate","y":"[1]bequeath, bestow, chip in @@@@ [2]contribute, gift, give, hand out, make a gift of, present, subscribe"} {"x":"donation","y":"[1]alms, benefaction, boon, contribution, gift, grant, gratuity, hand-out, largesse or largess, offering, present, stipend, subscription"} {"x":"done","y":"[1]accomplished, completed, concluded, consummated, ended, executed, finished, in the can @@@@ [2]over, perfected, realized, terminated, through @@@@ [3]cooked, cooked enough, cooked sufficiently, cooked to a turn, ready @@@@ [4]depleted, exhausted, finished, spent, used up @@@@ [5]acceptable, conventional, de rigueur, proper @@@@ [6]cheated, conned @@@@ [7]tricked @@@@ [8]agreed, it's a bargain, O.K. or okay @@@@ [9]settled, you're on @@@@ [10]beaten, broken, dashed, defeated, destroyed, doomed, finished, foiled, lost, ruined, undone, wrecked @@@@ [11]all in @@@@ [12]bushed @@@@ [13]clapped out @@@@ [14]creamcrackered @@@@ [15]dead @@@@ [16]dead beat @@@@ [17]dog-tired @@@@ [18]exhausted, fagged out @@@@ [19]knackered @@@@ [20]on one's last legs, ready to drop, tired out, worn out, worn to a frazzle @@@@ [21]zonked @@@@ [22]be through with, desist, end relations with, finish with, give up, throw over, wash one's hands of"} {"x":"donor","y":"[1]almsgiver, benefactor, contributor, donator, giver, grantor @@@@ [2]philanthropist"} {"x":"doom","y":"[1]catastrophe, death, destiny, destruction, downfall, fate, fortune, lot, portion, ruin @@@@ [2]condemnation, decision, decree, judgment, sentence, verdict @@@@ [3]Armageddon, Doomsday, end of the world, Judgment Day, the Last Day, the Last Judgment, the last trump @@@@ [4]condemn, consign, damn, decree, destine, foreordain, judge, predestine, preordain, sentence, sound the death knell, threaten"} {"x":"door","y":"[1]doorway, egress, entrance, entry, exit, ingress, opening @@@@ [2]blame, censure, charge, hold responsible, impute to @@@@ [3]alfresco, in the air, out, outdoors, outside @@@@ [4]bounce @@@@ [5]eject, oust, show out"} {"x":"dope","y":"[1]drugs, narcotic, opiate @@@@ [2]berk @@@@ [3]blockhead, charlie @@@@ [4]coot, dickhead @@@@ [5]dickwit @@@@ [6]dimwit @@@@ [7]dipstick @@@@ [8]divvy @@@@ [9]dolt, dork @@@@ [10]dunce, dweeb @@@@ [11]fathead @@@@ [12]fool, fuckwit @@@@ [13]geek @@@@ [14]gobshite @@@@ [15]gonzo @@@@ [16]idiot, jerk @@@@ [17]lamebrain @@@@ [18]nitwit @@@@ [19]oaf, pillock @@@@ [20]plank @@@@ [21]plonker @@@@ [22]prat @@@@ [23]prick @@@@ [24]schmuck @@@@ [25]simpleton, twit @@@@ [26]wally @@@@ [27]details, facts, gen @@@@ [28]info @@@@ [29]information, inside information, lowdown @@@@ [30]news, tip @@@@ [31]anaesthetize, doctor, drug, inject, knock out, narcotize, sedate, stupefy"} {"x":"dormant","y":"[1]asleep, comatose, fallow, hibernating, inactive, inert, inoperative, latent, quiescent, sleeping, sluggish, slumbering, suspended, torpid"} {"x":"dose","y":"[1]dosage, draught, drench, measure, portion, potion, prescription, quantity"} {"x":"dot","y":"[1]atom, circle, dab, fleck, full stop, iota, jot, mark, mite, mote, point, speck, speckle, spot @@@@ [2]on time, precisely, promptly, punctually, to the minute @@@@ [3]dab, dabble, fleck, speckle, spot, sprinkle, stipple, stud"} {"x":"dotage","y":"[1]decrepitude, eld @@@@ [2]feebleness, imbecility, old age, second childhood, senility, weakness @@@@ [3]doting, foolish fondness, infatuation"} {"x":"double","y":"[1]binate @@@@ [2]coupled, doubled, dual, duplicate, in pairs, paired, twice, twin, twofold @@@@ [3]deceitful, dishonest, false, hypocritical, insincere, Janus-faced, knavish @@@@ [4]perfidious, treacherous, two-faced, vacillating @@@@ [5]duplicate, enlarge, fold, grow, increase, magnify, multiply, plait, repeat @@@@ [6]clone, copy, counterpart, dead ringer @@@@ [7]Doppelganger, duplicate, fellow, impersonator, lookalike, mate, replica, ringer @@@@ [8]spitting image @@@@ [9]twin @@@@ [10]at full speed, briskly, immediately, in double-quick time, pdq @@@@ [11]posthaste, quickly, without delay @@@@ [12]backtrack, circle, dodge, loop, retrace one's steps, return, reverse @@@@ [13]betray, cheat, cozen, defraud, hoodwink, mislead, sell down the river @@@@ [14]swindle, trick, two-time @@@@ [15]betrayer, cheat, con man @@@@ [16]cozener, deceiver, dissembler, double-crosser @@@@ [17]fraud, fraudster, grifter @@@@ [18]hypocrite, rogue, snake in the grass @@@@ [19]swindler, traitor, two-timer @@@@ [20]bad faith, betrayal, cheating, deceit, deception, dishonesty, duplicity, foul play, hypocrisy, mendacity, perfidy, treachery, trickery, two-timing @@@@ [21]cheating, crooked @@@@ [22]deceitful, dishonest, duplicitous, fraudulent, hypocritical, lying, perfidious, sneaky, swindling, treacherous, tricky, two-faced, two-timing @@@@ [23]underhanded, untrustworthy, wily @@@@ [24]ambiguity, double meaning, innuendo, play on words, pun"} {"x":"doublet","y":"[1]jacket, jerkin, vest, waistcoat @@@@ [2]couple, pair, set, two"} {"x":"doubly","y":"[1]again, as much again, even more, in double measure, once more, over again, twice, twofold"} {"x":"doubt","y":"[1]discredit, distrust, fear, lack confidence in, misgive, mistrust, query, question, suspect @@@@ [2]apprehension, disquiet, distrust, fear, incredulity, lack of faith, misgiving, mistrust, qualm, scepticism, suspicion @@@@ [3]be dubious, be uncertain, demur, fluctuate, hesitate, scruple, vacillate, waver @@@@ [4]dubiety, hesitancy, hesitation, indecision, irresolution, lack of conviction, suspense, uncertainty, vacillation @@@@ [5]confusion, difficulty, dilemma, perplexity, problem, quandary @@@@ [6]admittedly, assuredly, certainly, doubtless, doubtlessly, probably, surely"} {"x":"doubtless","y":"[1]assuredly, certainly, clearly, indisputably, of course, precisely, surely, truly, undoubtedly, unquestionably, without doubt @@@@ [2]apparently, most likely, ostensibly, presumably, probably, seemingly, supposedly"} {"x":"doughty","y":"[1]bold, brave, courageous, daring, dauntless, fearless, gallant, gritty, hardy, heroic, intrepid, redoubtable, resolute, stouthearted, valiant, valorous"} {"x":"dour","y":"[1]dismal, dreary, forbidding, gloomy, grim, morose, sour, sullen, unfriendly @@@@ [2]austere, hard, inflexible, obstinate, rigid, rigorous, severe, strict, uncompromising, unyielding"} {"x":"douse","y":"[1]drench, duck, dunk, immerse, plunge into water, saturate, soak, souse, steep, submerge @@@@ [2]blow out, extinguish, put out, smother, snuff (out)"} {"x":"dovetail","y":"[1]fit, fit together, interlock, join, link, mortise, tenon, unite @@@@ [2]accord, agree, coincide, conform, correspond, harmonize, match, tally"} {"x":"dowdy","y":"[1]dingy, drab, frowzy, frumpish, frumpy, ill-dressed, old-fashioned, scrubby @@@@ [2]shabby, slovenly, tacky @@@@ [3]unfashionable"} {"x":"dower","y":"[1]dowry, inheritance, legacy, portion, provision, share @@@@ [2]endowment, faculty, gift, talent"} {"x":"down","y":"[1]blue, dejected, depressed, disheartened, dismal, downcast, down in the dumps @@@@ [2]low, miserable, sad, sick as a parrot @@@@ [3]unhappy @@@@ [4]bring down, deck @@@@ [5]fell, floor, knock down, overthrow, prostrate, subdue, tackle, throw, trip @@@@ [6]drain, drink (down), gulp, put away, swallow, toss off @@@@ [7]decline, descent, drop, dropping, fall, falling, reverse @@@@ [8]away with, get rid of, kick out @@@@ [9]oust, push out @@@@ [10]accede, admit defeat, back-pedal, concede, give in, surrender, withdraw, yield @@@@ [11]burden, compress, encumber, press down, push, strain, weigh down @@@@ [12]advance on, approach, attack, close in, converge on, move in @@@@ [13]lie, retire, settle down, sleep, turn in @@@@ [14]delay, halt, impede, sink, slow down, slow up, stall, stick @@@@ [15]come down, condense, decrease, reduce, summarize @@@@ [16]be overcome, collapse, come unstuck, conk out @@@@ [17]crack up @@@@ [18]fail, fall apart at the seams, give way, go kaput @@@@ [19]go phut, go to pieces, seize up, stop, stop working @@@@ [20]abase, cut down, drop, fell, floor, lay low, level, lower, overthrow, overturn, pull down, reduce, shoot down, undermine, upset @@@@ [21]collapsed, dilapidated, in disrepair, inoperative, kaput @@@@ [22]not functioning, not in working order, old, on the blink @@@@ [23]apply oneself, exert oneself, launch into, pitch in, put one's shoulder to the wheel, set to @@@@ [24]deject, depress, desolate, discourage, dishearten, dispirit @@@@ [25]descend, dismount @@@@ [26]eat one's words, retract, retreat @@@@ [27]decline, degenerate, descend, deteriorate, fall, go downhill, go to pot @@@@ [28]reduce, worsen @@@@ [29]choose, decide, favour, recommend @@@@ [30]bawl out @@@@ [31]blast, carpet @@@@ [32]chew out @@@@ [33]criticize, dress down @@@@ [34]jump on @@@@ [35]lambast(e), put down, rap over the knuckles, read the riot act, rebuke, reprimand, tear into @@@@ [36]amount to, boil down to, end up as, result in @@@@ [37]ail, be stricken with, catch, contract, fall ill, fall victim to, get, sicken, take, take sick @@@@ [38]asperse, bad-mouth @@@@ [39]belittle, decry, denigrate, disparage, knock @@@@ [40]rubbish @@@@ [41]fell, hew, level, lop, raze @@@@ [42]decrease, lessen, lower, reduce @@@@ [43]blow away @@@@ [44]dispatch, kill, massacre, mow down, slaughter, slay @@@@ [45]take out @@@@ [46]derelict, destitute, dirt-poor @@@@ [47]flat broke @@@@ [48]penniless, ruined, short, without two pennies to rub together @@@@ [49]bag lady @@@@ [50]beggar, bum @@@@ [51]derelict, dosser @@@@ [52]loser, outcast, pauper, tramp, vagabond, vagrant @@@@ [53]bush-league @@@@ [54]inferior, lowbrow, low-grade, low-quality, second-rate, shoddy, tacky @@@@ [55]tawdry, two-bit @@@@ [56]bush-league @@@@ [57]inferior, lowbrow, low-grade, low-quality, second-rate, shoddy, tacky @@@@ [58]tawdry, two-bit @@@@ [59]bush-league @@@@ [60]inferior, lowbrow, low-grade, low-quality, second-rate, shoddy, tacky @@@@ [61]tawdry, two-bit @@@@ [62]bush-league @@@@ [63]inferior, lowbrow, low-grade, low-quality, second-rate, shoddy, tacky @@@@ [64]tawdry, two-bit @@@@ [65]bush-league @@@@ [66]inferior, lowbrow, low-grade, low-quality, second-rate, shoddy, tacky @@@@ [67]tawdry, two-bit @@@@ [68]bush-league @@@@ [69]inferior, lowbrow, low-grade, low-quality, second-rate, shoddy, tacky @@@@ [70]tawdry, two-bit @@@@ [71]bush-league @@@@ [72]inferior, lowbrow, low-grade, low-quality, second-rate, shoddy, tacky @@@@ [73]tawdry, two-bit"} {"x":"downbeat","y":"[1]depressed, discouraging, disheartening, flat, gloomy, low-key, muted, negative, pessimistic, sober, sombre, subdued, unfavourable"} {"x":"downcast","y":"[1]cheerless, choked, crestfallen, daunted, dejected, depressed, despondent, disappointed, disconsolate, discouraged, disheartened, dismal, dismayed, dispirited, down in the dumps @@@@ [2]miserable, sad, sick as a parrot @@@@ [3]unhappy"} {"x":"downy","y":"[1]feathery, fleecy, fluffy, plumate @@@@ [2]silky, soft, velvety, woolly"} {"x":"dowse","y":"[1]drench, duck, dunk, immerse, plunge into water, saturate, soak, souse, steep, submerge @@@@ [2]blow out, extinguish, put out, smother, snuff (out)"} {"x":"doze","y":"[1]catnap, drop off @@@@ [2]drowse, kip @@@@ [3]nap, nod, nod off @@@@ [4]sleep, sleep lightly, slumber, snooze @@@@ [5]zizz @@@@ [6]catnap, forty winks @@@@ [7]kip @@@@ [8]little sleep, nap, shuteye @@@@ [9]siesta, snooze @@@@ [10]zizz"} {"x":"drab","y":"[1]cheerless, colourless, dingy, dismal, dreary, dull, flat, gloomy, grey, lacklustre, shabby, sombre, uninspired, vapid"} {"x":"draft","y":"[1]compose, delineate, design, draw, draw up, formulate, outline, plan, sketch @@@@ [2]abstract, delineation, outline, plan, preliminary form, rough, sketch, version @@@@ [3]bill @@@@ [4]cheque, order, postal order"} {"x":"drag","y":"[1]draw, hale, haul, lug, pull, tow, trail, tug, yank @@@@ [2]crawl, creep, go slowly, inch, limp along, shamble, shuffle @@@@ [3]dawdle, draggle, lag behind, linger, loiter, straggle, trail behind @@@@ [4]draw out, extend, keep going, lengthen, persist, prolong, protract, spin out, stretch out @@@@ [5]block, hold back, obstruct, procrastinate, stall @@@@ [6]annoyance, bore, bother, nuisance, pain @@@@ [7]pest"} {"x":"dragoon","y":"[1]browbeat, bully, coerce, compel, constrain, drive, force, impel, intimidate, railroad @@@@ [2]strong-arm"} {"x":"drain","y":"[1]bleed, draw off, dry, empty, evacuate, milk, pump off or out, remove, tap, withdraw @@@@ [2]consume, deplete, dissipate, empty, exhaust, sap, strain, tax, use up, weary @@@@ [3]discharge, effuse, exude, flow out, leak, ooze, seep, trickle, well out @@@@ [4]drink up, finish, gulp down, quaff, swallow @@@@ [5]channel, conduit, culvert, ditch, duct, outlet, pipe, sewer, sink, trench, watercourse @@@@ [6]depletion, drag, exhaustion, expenditure, reduction, sap, strain, withdrawal @@@@ [7]gone, gone for good, lost, ruined, wasted"} {"x":"dram","y":"[1]drop, glass, measure, shot @@@@ [2]slug, snifter @@@@ [3]snort @@@@ [4]tot"} {"x":"drama","y":"[1]dramatization, play, show, stage play, stage show, theatrical piece @@@@ [2]acting, dramatic art, dramaturgy, stagecraft, theatre, Thespian art @@@@ [3]crisis, dramatics, excitement, histrionics, scene, spectacle, theatrics, turmoil"} {"x":"dramatic","y":"[1]dramaturgic, dramaturgical, theatrical, Thespian @@@@ [2]breathtaking, climactic, electrifying, emotional, exciting, high-octane @@@@ [3]melodramatic, sensational, shock-horror @@@@ [4]startling, sudden, suspenseful, tense, thrilling @@@@ [5]affecting, effective, expressive, impressive, moving, powerful, striking, vivid"} {"x":"dramatist","y":"[1]dramaturge, playwright, screen-writer, scriptwriter"} {"x":"dramatize","y":"[1]act, exaggerate, lay it on (thick) @@@@ [2]make a performance of, overdo, overstate, play-act, play to the gallery"} {"x":"drape","y":"[1]adorn, array, cloak, cover, fold, swathe, wrap @@@@ [2]dangle, droop, drop, hang, lean over, let fall, suspend"} {"x":"drastic","y":"[1]desperate, dire, extreme, forceful, harsh, radical, severe, strong"} {"x":"draw","y":"[1]drag, haul, pull, tow, tug @@@@ [2]delineate, depict, design, map out, mark out, outline, paint, portray, sketch, trace @@@@ [3]deduce, derive, get, infer, make, take @@@@ [4]allure, attract, bring forth, call forth, elicit, engage, entice, evoke, induce, influence, invite, persuade @@@@ [5]extort, extract, pull out, take out @@@@ [6]attenuate, elongate, extend, lengthen, stretch @@@@ [7]breathe in, drain, inhale, inspire, puff, pull, respire, suck @@@@ [8]compose, draft, formulate, frame, prepare, write @@@@ [9]choose, pick, select, single out, take @@@@ [10]attraction, enticement, lure, pull @@@@ [11]dead heat, deadlock, impasse, stalemate, tie @@@@ [12]back off, recoil, retract, retreat, shrink, start back, withdraw @@@@ [13]employ, exploit, extract, fall back on, have recourse to, make use of, rely on, take from, use @@@@ [14]drag out, extend, lengthen, make longer, prolong, prolongate, protract, spin out, stretch, string out"} {"x":"drawing","y":"[1]cartoon, delineation, depiction, illustration, outline, picture, portrayal, representation, sketch, study @@@@ [2]If you draw a comparison, parallel, or distinction, you compare or contrast two different ideas, systems, or other things."} {"x":"drawl","y":"[1]drag out, draw out, extend, lengthen, prolong, protract"} {"x":"drawn","y":"[1]fatigued, fraught, haggard, harassed, harrowed, pinched, sapped, strained, stressed, taut, tense, tired, worn @@@@ [2]dragged out, interminable, lengthy, marathon, overextended, overlong, prolonged, protracted, spun out"} {"x":"dread","y":"[1]anticipate with horror, cringe at, fear, have cold feet @@@@ [2]quail, shrink from, shudder, tremble @@@@ [3]affright, alarm, apprehension, aversion, awe, dismay, fear, fright, funk @@@@ [4]heebie-jeebies @@@@ [5]horror, terror, trepidation @@@@ [6]alarming, awe-inspiring, awful, dire, dreaded, dreadful, frightening, frightful, horrible, terrible, terrifying"} {"x":"dream","y":"[1]daydream, delusion, fantasy, hallucination, illusion, imagination, pipe dream, reverie, speculation, trance, vagary, vision @@@@ [2]ambition, aspiration, design, desire, goal, Holy Grail @@@@ [3]hope, notion, thirst, wish @@@@ [4]beauty, delight, gem, joy, marvel, pleasure, treasure @@@@ [5]build castles in the air or in Spain, conjure up, daydream, envisage, fancy, fantasize, hallucinate, have dreams, imagine, stargaze, think, visualize @@@@ [6]concoct, contrive, cook up @@@@ [7]create, devise, hatch, imagine, invent, spin, think up @@@@ [8]castle in the air, chimera, daydream, delusion, dream, fantasy, notion, reverie, vagary"} {"x":"dreamer","y":"[1]daydreamer, Don Quixote, fantasist, fantasizer, fantast, idealist, romancer, theorizer, utopian, visionary, Walter Mitty"} {"x":"dreary","y":"[1]bleak, cheerless, comfortless, depressing, dismal, doleful, downcast, drear, forlorn, funereal, gloomy, glum, joyless, lonely, lonesome, melancholy, mournful, sad, solitary, sombre, sorrowful, wretched @@@@ [2]as dry as dust, boring, colourless, drab, dull, ho-hum @@@@ [3]humdrum, lifeless, mind-numbing, monotonous, routine, tedious, tiresome, uneventful, uninteresting, wearisome"} {"x":"dregs","y":"[1]deposit, draff, dross, grounds, lees, residue, residuum, scourings, scum, sediment, trash, waste @@@@ [2]canaille, down-and-outs, good-for-nothings, outcasts, rabble, ragtag and bobtail, riffraff, scum @@@@ [3]bit, drop, mite, particle, piece, remnant, scrap"} {"x":"drench","y":"[1]drown, duck, flood, imbrue, inundate, saturate, soak, souse, steep, wet @@@@ [2]dose, physic, purge"} {"x":"dress","y":"[1]costume, ensemble, frock, garment, get-up @@@@ [2]gown, outfit, rigout @@@@ [3]robe, suit @@@@ [4]apparel, attire, clothes, clothing, costume, garb, garments, gear @@@@ [5]guise, habiliment, raiment @@@@ [6]schmutter @@@@ [7]threads @@@@ [8]togs, vestment @@@@ [9]attire, change, clothe, don, garb, put on, robe, slip on or into @@@@ [10]adorn, apparel @@@@ [11]array, bedeck, deck, decorate, drape, embellish, festoon, furbish, ornament, rig, trim @@@@ [12]adjust, align, arrange, comb (out), dispose, do (up), fit, get ready, groom, prepare, set, straighten @@@@ [13]bandage, bind up, plaster, treat"} {"x":"dribble","y":"[1]drip, drop, fall in drops, leak, ooze, run, seep, trickle @@@@ [2]drip saliva, drivel, drool, slaver, slobber"} {"x":"driblet","y":"[1]bit, dash, drop, droplet, fragment, gobbet, morsel, piece, scrap, speck, sprinkling"} {"x":"drift","y":"[1]be carried along, coast, float, go (aimlessly), meander, stray, waft, wander @@@@ [2]accumulate, amass, bank up, drive, gather, pile up @@@@ [3]accumulation, bank, heap, mass, mound, pile @@@@ [4]course, current, direction, flow, impulse, movement, rush, sweep, trend @@@@ [5]aim, design, direction, gist, implication, import, intention, meaning, object, purport, scope, significance, tendency, tenor, thrust"} {"x":"drill","y":"[1]coach, discipline, exercise, instruct, practise, rehearse, teach, train @@@@ [2]discipline, exercise, instruction, practice, preparation, repetition, training @@@@ [3]bore, penetrate, perforate, pierce, puncture, sink in @@@@ [4]bit, borer, boring-tool, gimlet, rotary tool"} {"x":"drink","y":"[1]absorb, drain, gulp, guzzle, imbibe, partake of, quaff, sip, suck, sup, swallow, swig @@@@ [2]swill, toss off, wash down, wet one's whistle @@@@ [3]bevvy @@@@ [4]booze @@@@ [5]indulge, pub-crawl @@@@ [6]revel, tipple, tope, wassail @@@@ [7]beverage, liquid, potion, refreshment, thirst quencher @@@@ [8]alcohol, booze @@@@ [9]liquor, spirits, the bottle @@@@ [10]cup, draught, glass, gulp, noggin, sip, snifter @@@@ [11]swallow, swig @@@@ [12]taste, tipple @@@@ [13]the briny @@@@ [14]the deep, the main, the ocean, the sea @@@@ [15]absorb, assimilate, be all ears @@@@ [16]pledge, pledge the health of, salute, toast @@@@ [17]Drink is alcohol, such as beer, wine, or whisky."} {"x":"drip","y":"[1]dribble, drizzle, drop, exude, filter, plop, splash, sprinkle, trickle @@@@ [2]dribble, dripping, drop, leak, trickle @@@@ [3]milksop, mummy's boy @@@@ [4]namby-pamby, ninny, softie @@@@ [5]weakling, weed @@@@ [6]wet"} {"x":"drive","y":"[1]herd, hurl, impel, propel, push, send, urge @@@@ [2]direct, go, guide, handle, manage, motor, operate, ride, steer, travel @@@@ [3]actuate, coerce, compel, constrain, dragoon, force, goad, harass, impel, motivate, oblige, overburden, overwork, press, prick, prod, prompt, railroad @@@@ [4]rush, spur @@@@ [5]dash, dig, hammer, plunge, ram, sink, stab, thrust @@@@ [6]excursion, hurl @@@@ [7]jaunt, journey, outing, ride, run, spin @@@@ [8]trip, turn @@@@ [9]action, advance, appeal, campaign, crusade, effort, push @@@@ [10]surge @@@@ [11]ambition, effort, energy, enterprise, get-up-and-go @@@@ [12]initiative, motivation, pep, pressure, push @@@@ [13]vigour, zip @@@@ [14]aim, allude to, get at, have in mind, hint at, imply, indicate, insinuate, intend, intimate, mean, refer to, signify, suggest"} {"x":"drivel","y":"[1]dribble, drool, slaver, slobber @@@@ [2]babble, blether, gab @@@@ [3]gas @@@@ [4]maunder, prate, ramble, waffle @@@@ [5]balderdash, balls @@@@ [6]bilge @@@@ [7]blah @@@@ [8]bosh @@@@ [9]bull @@@@ [10]bullshit @@@@ [11]bunk @@@@ [12]cobblers @@@@ [13]crap @@@@ [14]dross, eyewash @@@@ [15]fatuity, garbage @@@@ [16]gibberish, guff @@@@ [17]hogwash, hokum @@@@ [18]horsefeathers @@@@ [19]hot air @@@@ [20]moonshine, nonsense, pap, piffle @@@@ [21]poppycock @@@@ [22]prating, rot, rubbish, shit @@@@ [23]stuff, tommyrot, tosh @@@@ [24]trash, tripe @@@@ [25]twaddle, waffle @@@@ [26]saliva, slaver, slobber"} {"x":"driving","y":"[1]compelling, dynamic, energetic, forceful, galvanic, sweeping, vigorous, violent"} {"x":"drizzle","y":"[1]fine rain, Scotch mist, smir @@@@ [2]mizzle @@@@ [3]rain, shower, spot or spit with rain, spray, sprinkle"} {"x":"droll","y":"[1]amusing, clownish, comic, comical, diverting, eccentric, entertaining, farcical, funny, humorous, jocular, laughable, ludicrous, odd, oddball @@@@ [2]off-the-wall @@@@ [3]quaint, ridiculous, risible, waggish, whimsical"} {"x":"drone","y":"[1]couch potato @@@@ [2]idler, leech, loafer, lounger, parasite, scrounger @@@@ [3]skiver @@@@ [4]sluggard, sponger @@@@ [5]buzz, hum, purr, thrum, vibrate, whirr @@@@ [6]be boring, chant, drawl, intone, prose about, speak monotonously, spout, talk interminably @@@@ [7]buzz, hum, murmuring, purr, thrum, vibration, whirr, whirring @@@@ [8]If something drones, it makes a low, continuous, dull noise."} {"x":"drool","y":"[1]dote on, fondle, gloat over, gush, make much of, pet, rave @@@@ [2]slobber over, spoil @@@@ [3]dribble, drivel, salivate, slaver, slobber, water at the mouth"} {"x":"droop","y":"[1]bend, dangle, drop, fall down, hang (down), sag, sink @@@@ [2]decline, diminish, fade, faint, flag, languish, slump, wilt, wither @@@@ [3]despond, falter, give in, give up, give way, lose heart or hope"} {"x":"drop","y":"[1]bead, bubble, driblet, drip, droplet, globule, pearl, tear @@@@ [2]dab, dash, mouthful, nip, pinch, shot @@@@ [3]sip, spot, taste, tot, trace, trickle @@@@ [4]abyss, chasm, declivity, descent, fall, plunge, precipice, slope @@@@ [5]cut, decline, decrease, deterioration, downturn, fall-off, lowering, reduction, slump @@@@ [6]dribble, drip, fall in drops, trickle @@@@ [7]decline, depress, descend, diminish, dive, droop, fall, lower, plummet, plunge, sink, tumble @@@@ [8]abandon, axe @@@@ [9]cease, desert, discontinue, forsake, give up, kick @@@@ [10]leave, quit, relinquish, remit, terminate @@@@ [11]disown, ignore, jilt, reject, renounce, repudiate, throw over @@@@ [12]deposit, leave, let off, set down, unload @@@@ [13]blow in @@@@ [14]call, call in, go and see, look in (on), look up, pop in @@@@ [15]roll up @@@@ [16]stop, turn up, visit @@@@ [17]decline, decrease, diminish, dwindle, fall off, lessen, slacken @@@@ [18]allow to alight, deliver, leave, let off, set down @@@@ [19]catnap, doze (off), drowse, fall asleep, have forty winks @@@@ [20]nod (off), snooze @@@@ [21]abandon, back out, cop out @@@@ [22]fall by the wayside, forsake, give up, leave, quit, renege, stop, withdraw"} {"x":"dross","y":"[1]crust, debris, dregs, impurity, lees, recrement, refuse, remains, scoria, scum, waste"} {"x":"drove","y":"[1]collection, company, crowd, flock, gathering, herd, horde, mob, multitude, press, swarm, throng"} {"x":"drown","y":"[1]deluge, drench, engulf, flood, go down, go under, immerse, inundate, sink, submerge, swamp @@@@ [2]deaden, engulf, muffle, obliterate, overcome, overpower, overwhelm, stifle, swallow up, wipe out"} {"x":"drowse","y":"[1]be drowsy, be lethargic, be sleepy, doze, drop off @@@@ [2]kip @@@@ [3]nap, nod, sleep, slumber, snooze @@@@ [4]zizz @@@@ [5]doze, forty winks @@@@ [6]kip @@@@ [7]nap, sleep, slumber, zizz"} {"x":"drowsy","y":"[1]comatose, dazed, dopey @@@@ [2]dozy, drugged, half asleep, heavy, lethargic, nodding, sleepy, somnolent, tired, torpid @@@@ [3]dreamy, lulling, restful, sleepy, soothing, soporific"} {"x":"drub","y":"[1]bang, beat, birch, cane, clobber @@@@ [2]club, cudgel, flog, hit, knock, lambast(e), pound, pummel, punch, strike, thrash, thump, tonk @@@@ [3]whack @@@@ [4]beat, best, blow out of the water @@@@ [5]defeat, hammer @@@@ [6]lick @@@@ [7]master, outclass, overcome, rout, run rings around @@@@ [8]stuff @@@@ [9]tank @@@@ [10]trounce, undo, vanquish, wipe the floor with @@@@ [11]worst"} {"x":"drudge","y":"[1]dogsbody @@@@ [2]factotum, hack, maid or man of all work, menial, plodder, scullion @@@@ [3]servant, skivvy @@@@ [4]slave, toiler, worker @@@@ [5]grind @@@@ [6]plod, plug away @@@@ [7]slave, toil, work"} {"x":"drug","y":"[1]medicament, medication, medicine, physic, poison, remedy @@@@ [2]dope @@@@ [3]narcotic, opiate, stimulant @@@@ [4]dose, medicate, treat @@@@ [5]anaesthetize, deaden, knock out, numb, poison, stupefy @@@@ [6]acid head @@@@ [7]crack-head @@@@ [8]dope-fiend @@@@ [9]head @@@@ [10]hop-head @@@@ [11]junkie @@@@ [12]tripper"} {"x":"drum","y":"[1]beat, pulsate, rap, reverberate, tap, tattoo, throb @@@@ [2]din into, drive home, hammer away, harp on, instil, reiterate @@@@ [3]cashier, discharge, dismiss, disown, drive out, expel, oust, outlaw @@@@ [4]attract, bid for, canvass, obtain, petition, round up, solicit"} {"x":"drunk","y":"[1]babalas @@@@ [2]bacchic, bevvied @@@@ [3]bladdered @@@@ [4]blitzed @@@@ [5]blotto @@@@ [6]bombed @@@@ [7]canned @@@@ [8]drunken, flying @@@@ [9]fu' @@@@ [10]inebriated, intoxicated, legless @@@@ [11]lit up @@@@ [12]loaded @@@@ [13]maudlin, merry @@@@ [14]paralytic @@@@ [15]pickled @@@@ [16]pie-eyed @@@@ [17]pissed @@@@ [18]plastered @@@@ [19]rat-arsed @@@@ [20]sloshed @@@@ [21]smashed @@@@ [22]soaked @@@@ [23]steamboats @@@@ [24]steaming @@@@ [25]stewed @@@@ [26]stoned @@@@ [27]tanked up @@@@ [28]tiddly @@@@ [29]tight @@@@ [30]wasted @@@@ [31]well-oiled @@@@ [32]wrecked @@@@ [33]zonked @@@@ [34]boozer @@@@ [35]drunkard, inebriate, lush @@@@ [36]soak @@@@ [37]sot, toper, wino @@@@ [38]befuddled, confused, dazed, groggy @@@@ [39]in a daze, knocked silly, punchy @@@@ [40]reeling, slaphappy @@@@ [41]staggering, stupefied, unsteady, woozy"} {"x":"drunken","y":"[1]bevvied @@@@ [2]bibulous, bladdered @@@@ [3]blitzed @@@@ [4]blotto @@@@ [5]bombed @@@@ [6]boozing @@@@ [7]drunk, flying @@@@ [8](gin-)sodden, inebriate, intoxicated, legless @@@@ [9]lit up @@@@ [10]paralytic @@@@ [11]pissed @@@@ [12]rat-arsed @@@@ [13]red-nosed, smashed @@@@ [14]sottish, steamboats @@@@ [15]steaming @@@@ [16]tippling, toping, under the influence @@@@ [17]wasted @@@@ [18]wrecked @@@@ [19]zonked @@@@ [20]bacchanalian, bacchic, boozy @@@@ [21]debauched, dionysian, dissipated, orgiastic, riotous, saturnalian"} {"x":"dry","y":"[1]arid, barren, dehydrated, desiccated, dried up, juiceless, moistureless, parched, sapless, thirsty, torrid, waterless @@@@ [2]boring, dreary, dull, ho-hum @@@@ [3]monotonous, plain, tedious, tiresome, uninteresting @@@@ [4]cutting, deadpan, droll, keen, low-key, quietly humorous, sarcastic, sharp, sly @@@@ [5]dehumidify, dehydrate, desiccate, drain, make dry, parch, sear @@@@ [6]become dry, become unproductive, harden, mummify, shrivel up, wilt, wither, wizen"} {"x":"dual","y":"[1]binary, coupled, double, duplex, duplicate, matched, paired, twin, twofold"} {"x":"duality","y":"[1]biformity, dichotomy, doubleness, dualism, duplexity, polarity"} {"x":"dub","y":"[1]bestow, confer, confer knighthood upon, entitle, knight @@@@ [2]call, christen, denominate, designate, label, name, nickname, style, term"} {"x":"dubious","y":"[1]doubtful, hesitant, iffy @@@@ [2]leery @@@@ [3]sceptical, uncertain, unconvinced, undecided, unsure, wavering @@@@ [4]ambiguous, debatable, dodgy @@@@ [5]doubtful, equivocal, indefinite, indeterminate, obscure, problematical, unclear, unsettled @@@@ [6]dodgy @@@@ [7]fishy @@@@ [8]questionable, shady @@@@ [9]suspect, suspicious, undependable, unreliable, untrustworthy"} {"x":"duck","y":"[1]bend, bob, bow, crouch, dodge, drop, lower, stoop @@@@ [2]dip, dive, douse, dunk, immerse, plunge, souse, submerge, wet @@@@ [3]avoid, body-swerve @@@@ [4]dodge, escape, evade, shirk, shun, sidestep"} {"x":"duct","y":"[1]blood vessel, canal, channel, conduit, funnel, passage, pipe, tube"} {"x":"ductile","y":"[1]extensible, flexible, malleable, plastic, pliable, pliant, tensile @@@@ [2]amenable, biddable, compliant, docile, manageable, tractable, yielding"} {"x":"dud","y":"[1]clinker @@@@ [2]failure, flop @@@@ [3]washout @@@@ [4]broken, bust @@@@ [5]duff @@@@ [6]failed, inoperative, kaput @@@@ [7]not functioning, valueless, worthless"} {"x":"dudgeon","y":"[1]indignation, ire, resentment, umbrage, wrath @@@@ [2]angry, choked, fuming, indignant, offended, resentful, vexed"} {"x":"due","y":"[1]in arrears, outstanding, owed, owing, payable, unpaid @@@@ [2]appropriate, becoming, bounden, deserved, fit, fitting, just, justified, merited, obligatory, proper, requisite, right, rightful, suitable, well-earned @@@@ [3]adequate, ample, enough, plenty of, sufficient @@@@ [4]expected, expected to arrive, scheduled @@@@ [5]comeuppance @@@@ [6]deserts, merits, prerogative, privilege, right(s) @@@@ [7]dead, direct, directly, exactly, straight, undeviatingly"} {"x":"duel","y":"[1]clash, competition, contest, encounter, engagement, fight, head-to-head, rivalry @@@@ [2]clash, compete, contend, contest, fight, lock horns, rival, struggle, vie with"} {"x":"dues","y":"[1]charge, charges, contribution, fee, levy, membership fee @@@@ [2]in arrears, outstanding, owed, owing, payable, unpaid @@@@ [3]appropriate, becoming, bounden, deserved, fit, fitting, just, justified, merited, obligatory, proper, requisite, right, rightful, suitable, well-earned @@@@ [4]adequate, ample, enough, plenty of, sufficient @@@@ [5]expected, expected to arrive, scheduled @@@@ [6]comeuppance @@@@ [7]deserts, merits, prerogative, privilege, right(s) @@@@ [8]dead, direct, directly, exactly, straight, undeviatingly"} {"x":"duffer","y":"[1]blunderer, booby, bungler, clod, clot @@@@ [2]galoot @@@@ [3]lubber, lummox @@@@ [4]oaf"} {"x":"dulcet","y":"[1]agreeable, charming, delightful, euphonious, harmonious, honeyed, mellifluent, mellifluous, melodious, musical, pleasant, pleasing, soothing, sweet"} {"x":"dull","y":"[1]braindead @@@@ [2]daft, dense, dim, dim-witted @@@@ [3]doltish, dozy @@@@ [4]obtuse, slow, stolid, stupid, thick, unintelligent @@@@ [5]apathetic, blank, callous, dead, empty, heavy, indifferent, insensible, insensitive, lifeless, listless, passionless, slow, sluggish, unresponsive, unsympathetic, vacuous @@@@ [6]as dry as dust, boring, commonplace, dozy, dreary, dry, flat, ho-hum @@@@ [7]humdrum, mind-numbing, monotonous, plain, prosaic, run-of-the-mill, tedious, tiresome, unimaginative, uninteresting, vapid @@@@ [8]blunt, blunted, dulled, edgeless, not keen, not sharp, unsharpened @@@@ [9]cloudy, dim, dismal, gloomy, leaden, opaque, overcast, turbid @@@@ [10]depressed, inactive, slack, slow, sluggish, torpid, uneventful @@@@ [11]drab, faded, feeble, indistinct, lacklustre, muffled, murky, muted, sombre, subdued, subfusc, toned-down @@@@ [12]dampen, deject, depress, discourage, dishearten, dispirit, sadden @@@@ [13]allay, alleviate, assuage, blunt, lessen, mitigate, moderate, palliate, paralyse, relieve, soften, stupefy, take the edge off @@@@ [14]cloud, darken, dim, fade, obscure, stain, sully, tarnish"} {"x":"dullard","y":"[1]blockhead, clod, dimwit @@@@ [2]dolt, dope @@@@ [3]dunce, fathead @@@@ [4]gobshite @@@@ [5]lamebrain @@@@ [6]nitwit @@@@ [7]oaf"} {"x":"duly","y":"[1]accordingly, appropriately, befittingly, correctly, decorously, deservedly, fittingly, properly, rightfully, suitably @@@@ [2]at the proper time, on time, punctually"} {"x":"dumb","y":"[1]at a loss for words, inarticulate, mum, mute, silent, soundless, speechless, tongue-tied, voiceless, wordless @@@@ [2]asinine, braindead @@@@ [3]dense, dim-witted @@@@ [4]dozy @@@@ [5]dull, foolish, obtuse, stupid, thick, unintelligent"} {"x":"dummy","y":"[1]figure, form, lay figure, manikin, mannequin, model @@@@ [2]copy, counterfeit, duplicate, imitation, sham, substitute @@@@ [3]berk @@@@ [4]blockhead, charlie @@@@ [5]coot, dickhead @@@@ [6]dickwit @@@@ [7]dimwit @@@@ [8]dipstick @@@@ [9]divvy @@@@ [10]dolt, dork @@@@ [11]dullard, dunce, dweeb @@@@ [12]fathead @@@@ [13]fool, fuckwit @@@@ [14]geek @@@@ [15]gobshite @@@@ [16]gonzo @@@@ [17]jerk @@@@ [18]lamebrain @@@@ [19]nitwit @@@@ [20]oaf, pillock @@@@ [21]plank @@@@ [22]plonker @@@@ [23]prat @@@@ [24]prick @@@@ [25]schmuck @@@@ [26]simpleton, wally @@@@ [27]weenie @@@@ [28]artificial, bogus, fake, false, imitation, mock, phoney or phony @@@@ [29]sham, simulated @@@@ [30]mock, practice, simulated, trial"} {"x":"dump","y":"[1]deposit, drop, fling down, let fall, throw down @@@@ [2]coup @@@@ [3]discharge, dispose of, ditch @@@@ [4]empty out, get rid of, jettison, scrap, throw away or out, tip, unload @@@@ [5]junkyard, refuse heap, rubbish heap, rubbish tip, tip @@@@ [6]hole @@@@ [7]hovel, joint @@@@ [8]mess, pigsty, shack, shanty, slum"} {"x":"dumps","y":"[1]blues, dejection, depression, despondency, dolour, gloom, gloominess, low spirits, melancholy, mopes, sadness, the hump @@@@ [2]unhappiness, woe @@@@ [3]deposit, drop, fling down, let fall, throw down @@@@ [4]coup @@@@ [5]discharge, dispose of, ditch @@@@ [6]empty out, get rid of, jettison, scrap, throw away or out, tip, unload @@@@ [7]junkyard, refuse heap, rubbish heap, rubbish tip, tip @@@@ [8]hole @@@@ [9]hovel, joint @@@@ [10]mess, pigsty, shack, shanty, slum"} {"x":"dumpy","y":"[1]chubby, chunky, fubsy @@@@ [2]homely, plump, podgy, pudgy, roly-poly, short, squab, squat, stout, tubby"} {"x":"dun","y":"[1]beset, importune, pester, plague, press, urge"} {"x":"dunce","y":"[1]ass, blockhead, bonehead @@@@ [2]dimwit @@@@ [3]dolt, donkey, duffer @@@@ [4]dullard, dunderhead, fathead @@@@ [5]goose @@@@ [6]halfwit, ignoramus, lamebrain @@@@ [7]loon @@@@ [8]moron, nincompoop, nitwit @@@@ [9]numbskull or numskull, oaf, simpleton, thickhead"} {"x":"dungeon","y":"[1]cage, calaboose @@@@ [2]cell, donjon, lockup, oubliette, prison, vault"} {"x":"dupe","y":"[1]fall guy @@@@ [2]gull, mug @@@@ [3]pigeon @@@@ [4]pushover @@@@ [5]sap @@@@ [6]simpleton, sucker @@@@ [7]victim @@@@ [8]cat's-paw, instrument, pawn, puppet, stooge @@@@ [9]tool @@@@ [10]bamboozle @@@@ [11]beguile, cheat, con @@@@ [12]cozen, deceive, defraud, delude, gull @@@@ [13]hoax, hoodwink, humbug, kid @@@@ [14]outwit, overreach, pull a fast one on @@@@ [15]rip off @@@@ [16]trick"} {"x":"duplicate","y":"[1]corresponding, identical, matched, matching, twin, twofold @@@@ [2]carbon copy, clone, copy, dead ringer @@@@ [3]double, facsimile, fax, likeness, lookalike, match, mate, photocopy, Photostat @@@@ [4]replica, reproduction, ringer @@@@ [5]twin, Xerox @@@@ [6]clone, copy, double, echo, fax, photocopy, Photostat @@@@ [7]reinvent the wheel, repeat, replicate, reproduce, Xerox"} {"x":"duplicity","y":"[1]artifice, chicanery, deceit, deception, dishonesty, dissimulation, double-dealing, falsehood, fraud, guile, hypocrisy, perfidy"} {"x":"durability","y":"[1]constancy, durableness, endurance, imperishability, lastingness, permanence, persistence"} {"x":"durable","y":"[1]abiding, constant, dependable, enduring, fast, firm, fixed, hard-wearing, lasting, long-lasting, permanent, persistent, reliable, resistant, sound, stable, strong, sturdy, substantial, tough"} {"x":"duration","y":"[1]continuance, continuation, extent, length, period, perpetuation, prolongation, span, spell, stretch, term, time"} {"x":"duress","y":"[1]coercion, compulsion, constraint, pressure, threat @@@@ [2]captivity, confinement, constraint, hardship, imprisonment, incarceration, restraint"} {"x":"dusk","y":"[1]dark, evening, eventide, gloaming @@@@ [2]nightfall, sundown, sunset, twilight @@@@ [3]darkness, gloom, murk, obscurity, shade, shadowiness"} {"x":"dust","y":"[1]fine fragments, grime, grit, particles, powder, powdery dirt @@@@ [2]dirt, earth, ground, soil @@@@ [3]commotion, disturbance, fuss, racket, row @@@@ [4]die, drop dead, expire, fall in battle, pass away, perish @@@@ [5]be servile, bootlick @@@@ [6]demean oneself, grovel, kowtow, toady @@@@ [7]con @@@@ [8]confuse, deceive, fool, have (someone) on, hoodwink, mislead, take in @@@@ [9]cover, dredge, powder, scatter, sift, spray, spread, sprinkle @@@@ [10]argument, brush, conflict, encounter, fight, fracas, punch-up @@@@ [11]quarrel, scrap @@@@ [12]set-to @@@@ [13]shindig @@@@ [14]skirmish, tussle @@@@ [15](metaphorically) die"} {"x":"dusty","y":"[1]dirty, grubby, sooty, unclean, undusted, unswept @@@@ [2]chalky, crumbly, friable, granular, powdery, sandy"} {"x":"dutiful","y":"[1]compliant, conscientious, deferential, devoted, docile, duteous @@@@ [2]filial, obedient, punctilious, respectful, reverential, submissive"} {"x":"duty","y":"[1]assignment, business, calling, charge, engagement, function, mission, obligation, office, onus, pigeon @@@@ [2]province, responsibility, role, service, task, work @@@@ [3]allegiance, deference, loyalty, obedience, respect, reverence @@@@ [4]customs, due, excise, impost, levy, tariff, tax, toll @@@@ [5]stand in, substitute, take the place of @@@@ [6]behove @@@@ [7]devolve upon, pertain to, rest with @@@@ [8]at leisure, free, off, off work, on holiday @@@@ [9]at work, busy, engaged, on active service"} {"x":"dwarf","y":"[1]bantam, homunculus, hop-o'-my-thumb, Lilliputian, manikin, midget, munchkin @@@@ [2]gnome, goblin @@@@ [3]baby, bonsai, diminutive, dwarfed, Lilliputian, miniature, petite, pint-sized, pocket, small, teensy-weensy, teeny-weeny, tiny, undersized @@@@ [4]dim, diminish, dominate, minimize, overshadow, tower above or over @@@@ [5]check, cultivate by bonsai, lower, retard, stunt"} {"x":"dwell","y":"[1]abide, establish oneself, hang out @@@@ [2]inhabit, live, lodge, quarter, remain, reside, rest, settle, sojourn, stay, stop @@@@ [3]be engrossed in, continue, elaborate, emphasize, expatiate, harp on, linger over, tarry over"} {"x":"dwindle","y":"[1]abate, contract, decay, decline, decrease, die away, die down, die out, diminish, ebb, fade, fall, grow less, lessen, peter out, pine, shrink, shrivel, sink, subside, taper off, wane, waste away, weaken, wither"} {"x":"dye","y":"[1]colorant, colour, colouring, pigment, stain, tinge, tint @@@@ [2]colour, pigment, stain, tincture, tinge, tint"} {"x":"dying","y":"[1]at death's door, ebbing, expiring, fading, failing, final, going, in extremis, moribund, mortal, not long for this world, passing, perishing, sinking"} {"x":"dynamic","y":"[1]active, alive and kicking, driving, electric, energetic, forceful, full of beans @@@@ [2]go-ahead, go-getting @@@@ [3]high-octane @@@@ [4]high-powered, lively, magnetic, powerful, vigorous, vital, zippy"} {"x":"dynasty","y":"[1]ascendancy, dominion, empire, government, house, regime, rule, sovereignty, sway"} {"x":"each","y":"[1]every @@@@ [2]each and every one, each one, every one, one and all @@@@ [3]apiece, for each, from each, individually, per capita, per head, per person, respectively, singly, to each"} {"x":"eager","y":"[1]agog, anxious, ardent, athirst, avid, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed @@@@ [2]earnest, enthusiastic, fervent, fervid, greedy, hot, hungry, impatient, intent, keen, keen as mustard, longing, raring, up for it @@@@ [3]vehement, yearning, zealous"} {"x":"ear","y":"[1]attention, consideration, hearing, heed, notice, regard @@@@ [2]appreciation, discrimination, musical perception, sensitivity, taste @@@@ [3]be tone-deaf"} {"x":"early","y":"[1]advanced, forward, premature, untimely @@@@ [2]primeval, primitive, primordial, undeveloped, young @@@@ [3]ahead of time, beforehand, betimes @@@@ [4]in advance, in good time, prematurely, too soon"} {"x":"earmark","y":"[1]allocate, designate, flag, keep back, label, mark out, reserve, set aside, tag @@@@ [2]attribute, characteristic, feature, hallmark, label, quality, signature, stamp, tag, token, trademark, trait"} {"x":"earn","y":"[1]bring in, collect, draw, gain, get, gross, make, net, obtain, procure, realize, reap, receive @@@@ [2]acquire, attain, be entitled to, be worthy of, deserve, merit, rate, warrant, win"} {"x":"earnest","y":"[1]close, constant, determined, firm, fixed, grave, intent, resolute, resolved, serious, sincere, solemn, stable, staid, steady, thoughtful @@@@ [2]ablaze, ardent, devoted, eager, enthusiastic, fervent, fervid, heartfelt, impassioned, keen, keen as mustard, passionate, purposeful, urgent, vehement, warm, zealous @@@@ [3]determination, reality, resolution, seriousness, sincerity, truth @@@@ [4]assurance, deposit, down payment, earnest money @@@@ [5]foretaste, guarantee, pledge, promise, security, token"} {"x":"earnings","y":"[1]emolument, gain, income, pay, proceeds, profits, receipts, remuneration, return, reward, salary, stipend, takings, wages"} {"x":"earth","y":"[1]globe, orb, planet, sphere, terrestrial sphere, world @@@@ [2]clay, clod, dirt, ground, land, loam, mould, sod, soil, topsoil, turf @@@@ [3]common-sense, hard-headed, matter-of-fact, mundane, no-nonsense, plain-spoken, practical, realistic, sane, sensible, unsentimental"} {"x":"earthy","y":"[1]bawdy, coarse, crude, down-to-earth, homely, lusty, natural, raunchy @@@@ [2]ribald, robust, rough, simple, uninhibited, unrefined, unsophisticated"} {"x":"ease","y":"[1]affluence, calmness, comfort, content, contentment, enjoyment, happiness, leisure, peace, peace of mind, quiet, quietude, relaxation, repose, rest, restfulness, serenity, tranquillity @@@@ [2]easiness, effortlessness, facility, readiness, simplicity @@@@ [3]flexibility, freedom, informality, liberty, naturalness, unaffectedness, unconstraint, unreservedness @@@@ [4]aplomb, composure, insouciance, nonchalance, poise, relaxedness @@@@ [5]abate, allay, alleviate, appease, assuage, calm, comfort, disburden, lessen, lighten, mitigate, moderate, mollify, pacify, palliate, quiet, relax, relent, relieve, slacken, soothe, still, tranquillize @@@@ [6]aid, assist, expedite, facilitate, forward, further, give a leg up @@@@ [7]lessen the labour of, make easier, simplify, smooth, speed up @@@@ [8]edge, guide, inch, manoeuvre, move carefully, slide, slip, squeeze, steer @@@@ [9]edge, guide, inch, manoeuvre, move carefully, slide, slip, squeeze, steer"} {"x":"easily","y":"[1]comfortably, effortlessly, facilely, like a knife through butter, readily, simply, smoothly, standing on one's head, with ease, with one hand tied behind one's back, with one's eyes closed or shut, without difficulty, without trouble @@@@ [2]absolutely, beyond question, by far, certainly, clearly, definitely, doubtlessly, far and away, indisputably, indubitably, plainly, surely, undeniably, undoubtedly, unequivocally, unquestionably, without a doubt @@@@ [3]almost certainly, probably, well @@@@ [4]Moverse facilmente"} {"x":"easy","y":"[1]a pushover @@@@ [2]child's play @@@@ [3]clear, easy-peasy @@@@ [4]effortless, facile, light, no bother, not difficult, no trouble, painless, plain sailing, simple, smooth, straightforward, uncomplicated, undemanding @@@@ [5]calm, carefree, comfortable, contented, cushy @@@@ [6]easeful, leisurely, peaceful, pleasant, quiet, relaxed, satisfied, serene, tranquil, undisturbed, untroubled, unworried, well-to-do @@@@ [7]flexible, indulgent, lenient, liberal, light, mild, permissive, tolerant, unburdensome, unoppressive @@@@ [8]affable, casual, easy-going, friendly, gentle, graceful, gracious, informal, laid-back @@@@ [9]mild, natural, open, pleasant, relaxed, smooth, tolerant, unaffected, unceremonious, unconstrained, undemanding, unforced, unpretentious @@@@ [10]accommodating, amenable, biddable, compliant, docile, gullible, manageable, pliant, soft, submissive, suggestible, susceptible, tractable, trusting, yielding @@@@ [11]comfortable, gentle, leisurely, light, mild, moderate, temperate, undemanding, unexacting, unhurried @@@@ [12]comfortable, gentle, leisurely, light, mild, moderate, temperate, undemanding, unexacting, unhurried"} {"x":"eat","y":"[1]chew, consume, devour, gobble, ingest, munch, scoff @@@@ [2]swallow @@@@ [3]dine, feed, have a meal, take food, take nourishment @@@@ [4]corrode, crumble, decay, dissolve, erode, rot, waste away, wear away @@@@ [5]abjure, recant, rescind, retract, take (statement) back"} {"x":"eavesdrop","y":"[1]bug @@@@ [2]earwig @@@@ [3]listen in, monitor, overhear, snoop @@@@ [4]spy, tap"} {"x":"ebb","y":"[1]abate, fall away, fall back, flow back, go out, recede, retire, retreat, retrocede, sink, subside, wane, withdraw @@@@ [2]ebb tide, going out, low tide, low water, reflux, regression, retreat, retrocession, subsidence, wane, waning, withdrawal @@@@ [3]decay, decline, decrease, degenerate, deteriorate, diminish, drop, dwindle, fade away, fall away, flag, lessen, peter out, shrink, sink, slacken, weaken @@@@ [4]decay, decline, decrease, degeneration, deterioration, diminution, drop, dwindling, fading away, flagging, lessening, petering out, shrinkage, sinking, slackening, weakening"} {"x":"ebullient","y":"[1]buoyant, effervescent, effusive, elated, enthusiastic, excited, exhilarated, exuberant, frothy, gushing, in high spirits, irrepressible, vivacious, zestful @@@@ [2]boiling, bubbling, effervescent, foaming, frothing, seething"} {"x":"ebullition","y":"[1]boiling, bubbling, effervescence, fermentation, frothing, outburst, overflow, seething @@@@ [2]access, fit, outbreak, outburst, overflow, paroxysm, spasm, storm, throe"} {"x":"eccentric","y":"[1]aberrant, abnormal, anomalous, bizarre, capricious, erratic, freakish, idiosyncratic, irregular, odd, oddball @@@@ [2]outlandish, outre, peculiar, queer @@@@ [3]quirky, rum @@@@ [4]singular, strange, uncommon, unconventional, wacko @@@@ [5]weird, whimsical @@@@ [6]card @@@@ [7]case @@@@ [8]character @@@@ [9]crank @@@@ [10]freak @@@@ [11]kook @@@@ [12]loose cannon, nonconformist, nut @@@@ [13]oddball @@@@ [14]odd fish @@@@ [15]oddity, queer fish @@@@ [16]rum customer @@@@ [17]screwball @@@@ [18]wacko"} {"x":"eccentricity","y":"[1]aberration, abnormality, anomaly, bizarreness, caprice, capriciousness, foible, freakishness, idiosyncrasy, irregularity, nonconformity, oddity, oddness, outlandishness, peculiarity, queerness @@@@ [2]quirk, singularity, strangeness, unconventionality, waywardness, weirdness, whimsicality, whimsicalness"} {"x":"ecclesiastic","y":"[1]churchman, clergyman, cleric, divine, holy man, man of the cloth, minister, parson, pastor, priest @@@@ [2]church, churchly, clerical, divine, holy, pastoral, priestly, religious, spiritual"} {"x":"echelon","y":"[1]degree, grade, level, office, place, position, rank, tier"} {"x":"echo","y":"[1]repeat, resound, reverberate @@@@ [2]ape, copy, imitate, mirror, parallel, parrot, recall, reflect, reiterate, reproduce, resemble, ring, second @@@@ [3]answer, repetition, reverberation @@@@ [4]copy, imitation, mirror image, parallel, reflection, reiteration, reproduction, ringing @@@@ [5]allusion, evocation, hint, intimation, memory, reminder, suggestion, trace @@@@ [6]aftereffect, aftermath, consequence, repercussion"} {"x":"eclectic","y":"[1]all-embracing, broad, catholic, comprehensive, dilettantish, diverse, diversified, general, heterogeneous, liberal, manifold, many-sided, multifarious, selective, varied, wide-ranging"} {"x":"eclipse","y":"[1]blot out, cloud, darken, dim, extinguish, obscure, overshadow, shroud, veil @@@@ [2]exceed, excel, outdo, outshine, put in the shade @@@@ [3]surpass, transcend @@@@ [4]darkening, dimming, extinction, obscuration, occultation, shading @@@@ [5]decline, diminution, failure, fall, loss"} {"x":"eclogue","y":"[1]bucolic, georgic, idyll, pastoral"} {"x":"economic","y":"[1]business, commercial, financial, industrial, mercantile, trade @@@@ [2]money-making, productive, profitable, profit-making, remunerative, solvent, viable @@@@ [3]bread-and-butter @@@@ [4]budgetary, financial, fiscal, material, monetary, pecuniary @@@@ [5]cheap, fair, inexpensive, low, low-priced, modest, reasonable @@@@ [6]cost-effective, efficient, money-saving, neat, sparing, time-saving, unwasteful, work-saving @@@@ [7]careful, economizing, frugal, prudent, saving, scrimping, sparing, thrifty @@@@ [8]cheap, fair, inexpensive, low, low-priced, modest, reasonable"} {"x":"economics","y":"[1]business, commercial, financial, industrial, mercantile, trade @@@@ [2]money-making, productive, profitable, profit-making, remunerative, solvent, viable @@@@ [3]bread-and-butter @@@@ [4]budgetary, financial, fiscal, material, monetary, pecuniary @@@@ [5]cheap, fair, inexpensive, low, low-priced, modest, reasonable"} {"x":"economize","y":"[1]be economical, be frugal, be on a shoestring, be sparing, cut back, draw in one's horns, husband, pull in one's horns, retrench, save, scrimp, tighten one's belt"} {"x":"economy","y":"[1]frugality, husbandry, parsimony, providence, prudence, restraint, retrenchment, saving, sparingness, thrift, thriftiness"} {"x":"ecstasy","y":"[1]bliss, delight, elation, enthusiasm, euphoria, exaltation, fervour, frenzy, joy, rapture, ravishment, rhapsody, seventh heaven, trance, transport"} {"x":"ecstatic","y":"[1]blissed out, blissful, cock-a-hoop, delirious, elated, enraptured, enthusiastic, entranced, euphoric, fervent, floating on air, frenzied, in exaltation, in seventh heaven, in transports of delight, joyful, joyous, on cloud nine @@@@ [2]rapturous, rhapsodic, sent, transported, walking on air"} {"x":"ecumenical","y":"[1]catholic, general, unifying, universal, worldwide"} {"x":"eddy","y":"[1]counter-current, counterflow, swirl, tideway, undertow, vortex, whirlpool @@@@ [2]swirl, whirl"} {"x":"edge","y":"[1]border, bound, boundary, brim, brink, contour, flange, fringe, limit, line, lip, margin, outline, perimeter, periphery, rim, side, threshold, verge @@@@ [2]acuteness, animation, bite, effectiveness, force, incisiveness, interest, keenness, point, pungency, sharpness, sting, urgency, zest @@@@ [3]advantage, ascendancy, dominance, lead, superiority, upper hand @@@@ [4]apprehensive, eager, edgy, excited, ill at ease, impatient, irritable, keyed up, nervous, on tenterhooks, tense, tetchy, twitchy @@@@ [5]uptight @@@@ [6]wired @@@@ [7]bind, border, fringe, hem, rim, shape, trim @@@@ [8]creep, ease, inch, sidle, steal, work, worm @@@@ [9]hone, sharpen, strop, whet"} {"x":"edible","y":"[1]comestible @@@@ [2]digestible, eatable, esculent, fit to eat, good, harmless, palatable, wholesome"} {"x":"edict","y":"[1]act, canon, command, decree, demand, dictate, dictum, enactment, fiat, injunction, law, mandate, manifesto, order, ordinance, proclamation, pronouncement, pronunciamento, regulation, ruling, statute, ukase"} {"x":"edification","y":"[1]education, elevation, enlightenment, guidance, improvement, information, instruction, nurture, schooling, teaching, tuition, uplifting"} {"x":"edify","y":"[1]educate, elevate, enlighten, guide, improve, inform, instruct, nurture, school, teach, uplift"} {"x":"edit","y":"[1]adapt, annotate, censor, check, condense, correct, emend, polish, redact, rephrase, revise, rewrite @@@@ [2]assemble, compose, put together, rearrange, reorder, select"} {"x":"edition","y":"[1]copy, impression, issue, number, printing, programme @@@@ [2]version, volume"} {"x":"educate","y":"[1]civilize, coach, cultivate, develop, discipline, drill, edify, enlighten, exercise, foster, improve, indoctrinate, inform, instruct, mature, rear, school, teach, train, tutor"} {"x":"educated","y":"[1]coached, informed, instructed, nurtured, schooled, taught, tutored @@@@ [2]civilized, cultivated, cultured, enlightened, experienced, informed, knowledgeable, learned, lettered, literary, polished, refined, sophisticated, tasteful"} {"x":"education","y":"[1]breeding, civilization, coaching, cultivation, culture, development, discipline, drilling, edification, enlightenment, erudition, improvement, indoctrination, instruction, knowledge, nurture, scholarship, schooling, teaching, training, tuition, tutoring"} {"x":"educational","y":"[1]cultural, didactic, edifying, educative, enlightening, heuristic, improving, informative, instructive"} {"x":"educe","y":"[1]come out, develop, evolve @@@@ [2]bring forth, bring out, derive, draw out, elicit, evoke, extract @@@@ [3]conclude, deduce, infer"} {"x":"efface","y":"[1]annihilate, blot out, cancel, cross out, delete, destroy, dim, eradicate, erase, excise, expunge, extirpate, obliterate, raze, rub out, wipe out @@@@ [2]be bashful, be diffident, be modest, be retiring, be timid, be unassertive, humble, lower, make inconspicuous, withdraw"} {"x":"effect","y":"[1]aftermath, conclusion, consequence, end result, event, fruit, issue, outcome, result, upshot @@@@ [2]clout @@@@ [3]effectiveness, efficacy, efficiency, fact, force, influence, power, reality, strength, use, validity, vigour, weight @@@@ [4]drift, essence, impact, import, impression, meaning, purport, purpose, sense, significance, tenor @@@@ [5]action, enforcement, execution, force, implementation, operation @@@@ [6]actually, effectively, essentially, for practical purposes, in actuality, in fact, in reality, in truth, really, to all intents and purposes, virtually @@@@ [7]become operative, begin, come into force, produce results, work @@@@ [8]accomplish, achieve, actuate, bring about, carry out, cause, complete, consummate, create, effectuate, execute, fulfil, give rise to, initiate, make, perform, produce"} {"x":"effective","y":"[1]able, active, adequate, capable, competent, effectual, efficacious, efficient, energetic, operative, productive, serviceable, useful @@@@ [2]cogent, compelling, convincing, emphatic, forceful, forcible, impressive, moving, persuasive, potent, powerful, striking, telling @@@@ [3]active, actual, current, in effect, in execution, in force, in operation, operative, real"} {"x":"effectiveness","y":"[1]bottom, capability, clout @@@@ [2]cogency, effect, efficacy, efficiency, force, influence, potency, power, strength, success, use, validity, vigour, weight"} {"x":"effects","y":"[1]belongings, chattels, furniture, gear, goods, movables, paraphernalia, possessions, property, things, trappings @@@@ [2]aftermath, conclusion, consequence, end result, event, fruit, issue, outcome, result, upshot @@@@ [3]clout @@@@ [4]effectiveness, efficacy, efficiency, fact, force, influence, power, reality, strength, use, validity, vigour, weight @@@@ [5]drift, essence, impact, import, impression, meaning, purport, purpose, sense, significance, tenor @@@@ [6]action, enforcement, execution, force, implementation, operation @@@@ [7]actually, effectively, essentially, for practical purposes, in actuality, in fact, in reality, in truth, really, to all intents and purposes, virtually @@@@ [8]become operative, begin, come into force, produce results, work @@@@ [9]accomplish, achieve, actuate, bring about, carry out, cause, complete, consummate, create, effectuate, execute, fulfil, give rise to, initiate, make, perform, produce"} {"x":"effeminate","y":"[1]camp @@@@ [2]delicate, feminine, poofy @@@@ [3]sissy, soft, tender, unmanly, weak, wimpish or wimpy @@@@ [4]womanish, womanlike, womanly"} {"x":"effervesce","y":"[1]bubble, ferment, fizz, foam, froth, sparkle"} {"x":"efficiency","y":"[1]ability, adeptness, capability, competence, economy, effectiveness, efficacy, power, productivity, proficiency, readiness, skilfulness, skill"} {"x":"efficient","y":"[1]able, adept, businesslike, capable, competent, economic, effective, effectual, organized, powerful, productive, proficient, ready, skilful, well-organized, workmanlike"} {"x":"effort","y":"[1]application, blood, sweat, and tears @@@@ [2]elbow grease @@@@ [3]endeavour, energy, exertion, force, labour, pains, power, strain, stress, stretch, striving, struggle, toil, travail @@@@ [4]trouble, work @@@@ [5]attempt, endeavour, essay, go @@@@ [6]shot @@@@ [7]stab @@@@ [8]try @@@@ [9]accomplishment, achievement, act, creation, deed, feat, job, product, production"} {"x":"egocentric","y":"[1]egoistic, egoistical, egotistic, egotistical, self-centred, selfish"} {"x":"egoism","y":"[1]egocentricity, egomania, egotism, narcissism, self-absorption, self-centredness, self-importance, self-interest, selfishness, self-love, self-regard, self-seeking, vanity"} {"x":"egoistic","y":"[1]egocentric, egomaniacal, egotistic, egotistical, full of oneself, narcissistic, self-absorbed, self-centred, self-important, self-seeking"} {"x":"egotism","y":"[1]conceitedness, egocentricity, egoism, egomania, narcissism, self-admiration, self-centredness, self-conceit, self-esteem, self-importance, self-love, self-praise, superiority, vainglory, vanity"} {"x":"egotistic","y":"[1]boasting, bragging, conceited, egocentric, egoistic, egoistical, egomaniacal, full of oneself, narcissistic, opinionated, self-admiring, self-centred, self-important, superior, vain, vainglorious"} {"x":"egregious","y":"[1]arrant, enormous, flagrant, glaring, grievous, gross, heinous, infamous, insufferable, intolerable, monstrous, notorious, outrageous, rank, scandalous, shocking"} {"x":"egress","y":"[1]departure, emergence, escape, exit, exodus, issue, outlet, passage out, vent, way out, withdrawal"} {"x":"ejaculate","y":"[1]discharge, eject, emit, spurt @@@@ [2]blurt out, burst out, cry out, exclaim, shout"} {"x":"eject","y":"[1]cast out, discharge, disgorge, emit, expel, spew, spout, throw out, vomit @@@@ [2]banish, boot out @@@@ [3]bounce @@@@ [4]deport, dispossess, drive out, evacuate, evict, exile, expel, give the bum's rush @@@@ [5]oust, relegate, remove, show one the door, throw out, throw out on one's ear @@@@ [6]turn out @@@@ [7]discharge, dislodge, dismiss, fire @@@@ [8]oust, sack @@@@ [9]throw out"} {"x":"elaborate","y":"[1]careful, detailed, exact, intricate, laboured, minute, painstaking, perfected, precise, skilful, studied, thorough @@@@ [2]complex, complicated, decorated, detailed, extravagant, fancy, fussy, involved, ornamented, ornate, ostentatious, showy @@@@ [3]add detail, amplify, complicate, decorate, develop, devise, embellish, enhance, enlarge, expand (upon), flesh out, garnish, improve, ornament, polish, produce, refine, work out"} {"x":"elapse","y":"[1]glide by, go, go by, lapse, pass, pass by, roll by, roll on, slip away, slip by"} {"x":"elastic","y":"[1]ductile, flexible, plastic, pliable, pliant, resilient, rubbery, springy, stretchable, stretchy, supple, tensile, yielding @@@@ [2]accommodating, adaptable, adjustable, complaisant, compliant, flexible, supple, tolerant, variable, yielding @@@@ [3]bouncy, buoyant, irrepressible, resilient"} {"x":"elbow","y":"[1]angle, bend, corner, joint, turn @@@@ [2]at hand, close by, handy, near, to hand, within reach @@@@ [3]beggarly, down at heel, impoverished, in rags, ragged, seedy, shabby, tattered @@@@ [4]associate, fraternize, hang out @@@@ [5]hobnob, mingle, mix, socialize @@@@ [6]absorbed, busy, engaged, engrossed, immersed, occupied, tied up, up to the ears, wrapped up @@@@ [7]bump, crowd, hustle, jostle, knock, nudge, push, shoulder, shove"} {"x":"elder","y":"[1]ancient, earlier born, first-born, older, senior @@@@ [2]older person, senior @@@@ [3]church official, office bearer, presbyter"} {"x":"elect","y":"[1]appoint, choose, decide upon, designate, determine, opt for, pick, pick out, prefer, select, settle on, vote @@@@ [2]choice, chosen, elite, hand-picked, picked, preferred, select, selected"} {"x":"election","y":"[1]appointment, choice, choosing, decision, determination, judgment, preference, selection, vote, voting"} {"x":"elector","y":"[1]chooser, constituent, selector, voter"} {"x":"electric","y":"[1]charged, dynamic, exciting, high-octane @@@@ [2]rousing, stimulating, stirring, tense, thrilling"} {"x":"electrify","y":"[1]amaze, animate, astonish, astound, excite, fire, galvanize, invigorate, jolt, rouse, shock, startle, stimulate, stir, take one's breath away, thrill"} {"x":"eleemosynary","y":"[1]almsgiving, altruistic, benevolent, charitable, philanthropic"} {"x":"elegance","y":"[1]beauty, courtliness, dignity, exquisiteness, gentility, grace, gracefulness, grandeur, luxury, polish, politeness, refinement, sumptuousness @@@@ [2]discernment, distinction, propriety, style, taste"} {"x":"elegant","y":"[1]a la mode, artistic, beautiful, chic, choice, comely, courtly, cultivated, delicate, exquisite, fashionable, fine, genteel, graceful, handsome, luxurious, modish, nice, polished, refined, stylish, sumptuous, tasteful, urbane @@@@ [2]appropriate, apt, clever, effective, ingenious, neat, simple"} {"x":"elegiac","y":"[1]dirgeful, funereal, keening, lamenting, melancholy, mournful, nostalgic, plaintive, sad, threnodial, threnodic, valedictory"} {"x":"elegy","y":"[1]coronach @@@@ [2]dirge, keen, lament, plaint @@@@ [3]requiem, threnody"} {"x":"element","y":"[1]basis, component, constituent, essential factor, factor, feature, hint, ingredient, member, part, section, subdivision, trace, unit @@@@ [2]domain, environment, field, habitat, medium, milieu, sphere"} {"x":"elemental","y":"[1]basic, elementary, essential, fundamental, original, primal, primitive, primordial @@@@ [2]atmospheric, meteorological, natural"} {"x":"elementary","y":"[1]clear, easy, facile, plain, rudimentary, simple, straightforward, uncomplicated @@@@ [2]basic, bog-standard @@@@ [3]elemental, fundamental, initial, introductory, original, primary, rudimentary"} {"x":"elements","y":"[1]basics, essentials, foundations, fundamentals, nuts and bolts @@@@ [2]principles, rudiments @@@@ [3]atmospheric conditions, atmospheric forces, powers of nature, weather @@@@ [4]basis, component, constituent, essential factor, factor, feature, hint, ingredient, member, part, section, subdivision, trace, unit @@@@ [5]domain, environment, field, habitat, medium, milieu, sphere"} {"x":"elephantine","y":"[1]bulky, clumsy, enormous, heavy, huge, hulking, humongous or humungous @@@@ [2]immense, laborious, lumbering, massive, monstrous, ponderous, weighty"} {"x":"elevate","y":"[1]heighten, hoist, lift, lift up, raise, uplift, upraise @@@@ [2]advance, aggrandize, exalt, prefer, promote, upgrade @@@@ [3]animate, boost, brighten, buoy up, cheer, elate, excite, exhilarate, hearten, lift up, perk up, raise, rouse, uplift @@@@ [4]augment, boost, heighten, increase, intensify, magnify, swell"} {"x":"elevated","y":"[1]dignified, exalted, grand, high, high-flown, high-minded, inflated, lofty, noble, sublime @@@@ [2]animated, bright, cheerful, cheery, elated, excited, exhilarated, gleeful, in high spirits, overjoyed"} {"x":"elevation","y":"[1]altitude, height @@@@ [2]acclivity, eminence, height, hill, hillock, mountain, rise, rising ground @@@@ [3]exaltedness, grandeur, loftiness, nobility, nobleness, sublimity @@@@ [4]advancement, aggrandizement, exaltation, preferment, promotion, upgrading"} {"x":"elfin","y":"[1]arch, charming, elfish, elflike, elvish, frolicsome, impish, ludic @@@@ [2]mischievous, playful, prankish, puckish, sprightly"} {"x":"elicit","y":"[1]bring forth, bring out, bring to light, call forth, cause, derive, draw out, educe, evoke, evolve, exact, extort, extract, give rise to, obtain, wrest"} {"x":"eligible","y":"[1]acceptable, appropriate, desirable, fit, preferable, proper, qualified, suitable, suited, worthy"} {"x":"eliminate","y":"[1]cut out, dispose of, do away with, eradicate, exterminate, get rid of, get shot of, remove, stamp out, take out, wipe from the face of the earth @@@@ [2]axe @@@@ [3]dispense with, disregard, drop, eject, exclude, expel, ignore, knock out, leave out, omit, put out, reject, throw out @@@@ [4]annihilate, blow away @@@@ [5]bump off @@@@ [6]kill, liquidate, murder, rub out @@@@ [7]slay, take out @@@@ [8]terminate, waste"} {"x":"elite","y":"[1]aristocracy, best, cream, creme de la creme, elect, flower, gentry, high society, nobility, pick, upper class @@@@ [2]aristocratic, best, choice, crack @@@@ [3]elect, exclusive, first-class, noble, pick, selected, upper-class"} {"x":"elixir","y":"[1]cure-all, nostrum, panacea, sovereign remedy @@@@ [2]concentrate, essence, extract, pith, principle, quintessence @@@@ [3]mixture, potion, solution, syrup, tincture"} {"x":"elocution","y":"[1]articulation, declamation, delivery, diction, enunciation, oratory, pronunciation, public speaking, rhetoric, speech, speechmaking, utterance, voice production"} {"x":"elongate","y":"[1]draw out, extend, lengthen, make longer, prolong, protract, stretch"} {"x":"elope","y":"[1]abscond, bolt, decamp, disappear, escape, leave, run away, run off, slip away, steal away"} {"x":"eloquent","y":"[1]articulate, fluent, forceful, graceful, moving, persuasive, silver-tongued, stirring, well-expressed @@@@ [2]expressive, meaningful, pregnant, revealing, suggestive, telling, vivid"} {"x":"elsewhere","y":"[1]abroad, absent, away, hence @@@@ [2]in or to another place, not here, not present, somewhere else"} {"x":"elucidate","y":"[1]annotate, clarify, clear the air, clear up, explain, explicate, expound, gloss, illuminate, illustrate, interpret, make plain, shed or throw light upon, spell out, unfold"} {"x":"elude","y":"[1]avoid, body-swerve @@@@ [2]circumvent, dodge, duck @@@@ [3]escape, evade, flee, get away from, outrun, shirk, shun, slip through one's fingers, slip through the net @@@@ [4]baffle, be beyond (someone), confound, escape, foil, frustrate, puzzle, stump, thwart"} {"x":"elusive","y":"[1]difficult to catch, shifty, slippery, tricky @@@@ [2]baffling, fleeting, indefinable, intangible, puzzling, subtle, transient, transitory @@@@ [3]ambiguous, deceitful, deceptive, elusory, equivocal, evasive, fallacious, fraudulent, illusory, misleading, oracular, unspecific"} {"x":"emanate","y":"[1]arise, come forth, derive, emerge, flow, issue, originate, proceed, spring, stem @@@@ [2]discharge, emit, exhale, give off, give out, issue, radiate, send forth"} {"x":"emanation","y":"[1]arising, derivation, emergence, flow, origination, proceeding @@@@ [2]discharge, effluent, efflux, effusion, emission, exhalation, radiation"} {"x":"emancipate","y":"[1]deliver, discharge, disencumber, disenthral, enfranchise, free, liberate, manumit, release, set free, unbridle, unchain, unfetter, unshackle"} {"x":"emasculate","y":"[1]castrate, geld @@@@ [2]cripple, debilitate, deprive of force, enervate, impoverish, soften, weaken"} {"x":"embalm","y":"[1]mummify, preserve @@@@ [2]cherish, consecrate, conserve, enshrine, immortalize, store, treasure @@@@ [3]make fragrant, perfume, scent"} {"x":"embargo","y":"[1]ban, bar, barrier, block, blockage, boycott, check, hindrance, impediment, interdict, interdiction, prohibition, proscription, restraint, restriction, stoppage @@@@ [2]ban, bar, block, boycott, check, impede, interdict, prohibit, proscribe, restrict, stop"} {"x":"embark","y":"[1]board ship, go aboard, put on board, take on board, take ship @@@@ [2]begin, broach, commence, engage, enter, get the show on the road @@@@ [3]initiate, launch, plunge into, set about, set out, start, take up, undertake"} {"x":"embarrass","y":"[1]abash, chagrin, confuse, discomfit, discompose, disconcert, discountenance, distress, faze, fluster, mortify, put out of countenance, shame, show up"} {"x":"embezzle","y":"[1]abstract, appropriate, defalcate @@@@ [2]misapply, misappropriate, misuse, peculate, pilfer, purloin, rip off @@@@ [3]steal"} {"x":"emblem","y":"[1]badge, crest, device, figure, image, insignia, mark, representation, sigil @@@@ [2]sign, symbol, token, type"} {"x":"emblematic","y":"[1]figurative, representative, symbolic"} {"x":"embody","y":"[1]body forth, concretize, exemplify, express, incarnate, incorporate, manifest, personify, realize, reify, represent, stand for, symbolize, typify @@@@ [2]bring together, codify, collect, combine, comprehend, comprise, concentrate, consolidate, contain, include, incorporate, integrate, organize, systematize"} {"x":"embrace","y":"[1]clasp, cuddle, encircle, enfold, envelop, grasp, hold, hug, neck @@@@ [2]accept, adopt, avail oneself of, espouse, grab, make use of, receive, seize, take on board, take up, welcome @@@@ [3]comprehend, comprise, contain, cover, deal with, embody, enclose, encompass, include, involve, provide for, subsume, take in, take into account @@@@ [4]canoodle @@@@ [5]clasp, clinch @@@@ [6]cuddle, hug, squeeze"} {"x":"embroil","y":"[1]complicate, compromise, confound, confuse, disorder, disturb, encumber, enmesh, ensnare, entangle, implicate, incriminate, involve, mire, mix up, muddle, perplex, stitch up @@@@ [2]trouble"} {"x":"embryo","y":"[1]beginning, germ, nucleus, root, rudiment"} {"x":"embryonic","y":"[1]beginning, early, germinal, immature, inchoate, incipient, primary, rudimentary, seminal, undeveloped"} {"x":"emend","y":"[1]amend, correct, edit, improve, rectify, redact, revise"} {"x":"emendation","y":"[1]amendment, correction, editing, improvement, rectification, redaction, revision"} {"x":"emerge","y":"[1]appear, arise, become visible, come forth, come into view, come out, come up, emanate, issue, proceed, rise, spring up, surface @@@@ [2]become apparent, become known, come out, come out in the wash, come to light, crop up, develop, materialize, transpire, turn up"} {"x":"emergency","y":"[1]crisis, danger, difficulty, exigency, extremity, necessity, panic stations @@@@ [2]pass, pinch, plight, predicament, quandary, scrape @@@@ [3]strait"} {"x":"emetic","y":"[1]vomitive, vomitory"} {"x":"emigrate","y":"[1]migrate, move, move abroad, remove"} {"x":"emigration","y":"[1]departure, exodus, migration, removal"} {"x":"eminence","y":"[1]celebrity, dignity, distinction, esteem, fame, greatness, illustriousness, importance, notability, note, pre-eminence, prestige, prominence, rank, renown, reputation, repute, superiority @@@@ [2]elevation, height, high ground, hill, hillock, knoll, rise, summit @@@@ [3]distinction, excellence, paramountcy, predominance, prestige, prominence, renown, superiority, supremacy, transcendence"} {"x":"emissary","y":"[1]agent, ambassador, courier, delegate, deputy, envoy, go-between, herald, legate, messenger, representative, scout, secret agent, spy"} {"x":"emit","y":"[1]breathe forth, cast out, diffuse, discharge, eject, emanate, exhale, exude, give off, give out, give vent to, issue, radiate, send forth, send out, shed, throw out, transmit, utter, vent"} {"x":"emollient","y":"[1]assuaging, assuasive, balsamic, demulcent, lenitive, mollifying, softening, soothing @@@@ [2]balm, lenitive, liniment, lotion, moisturizer, oil, ointment, salve"} {"x":"emolument","y":"[1]benefit, compensation, earnings, fee, gain, hire, pay, payment, profits, recompense, remuneration, return, reward, salary, stipend, wages"} {"x":"emotion","y":"[1]agitation, ardour, excitement, feeling, fervour, passion, perturbation, sensation, sentiment, vehemence, warmth"} {"x":"emotional","y":"[1]demonstrative, excitable, feeling, hot-blooded, passionate, responsive, sensitive, sentimental, susceptible, temperamental, tender, touchy-feely @@@@ [2]warm @@@@ [3]affecting, emotive, exciting, heart-warming, moving, pathetic, poignant, sentimental, stirring, tear-jerking @@@@ [4]three-hankie @@@@ [5]thrilling, touching @@@@ [6]ablaze, ardent, enthusiastic, fervent, fervid, fiery, flaming, heated, impassioned, passionate, roused, stirred, zealous"} {"x":"emphasis","y":"[1]accent, accentuation, attention, decidedness, force, importance, impressiveness, insistence, intensity, moment, positiveness, power, pre-eminence, priority, prominence, significance, strength, stress, underscoring, weight"} {"x":"emphatic","y":"[1]absolute, categorical, certain, decided, definite, direct, distinct, earnest, energetic, forceful, forcible, important, impressive, insistent, in spades, marked, momentous, positive, powerful, pronounced, resounding, significant, striking, strong, telling, unequivocal, unmistakable, vigorous"} {"x":"empire","y":"[1]commonwealth, domain, imperium @@@@ [2]kingdom, realm @@@@ [3]authority, command, control, dominion, government, power, rule, sovereignty, supremacy, sway"} {"x":"empirical","y":"[1]experiential, experimental, first-hand, observed, practical, pragmatic"} {"x":"emplacement","y":"[1]location, lodgment, platform, position, site, situation, station @@@@ [2]placement, placing, positioning, putting in place, setting up, stationing"} {"x":"employ","y":"[1]commission, engage, enlist, hire, retain, take on @@@@ [2]engage, fill, keep busy, make use of, occupy, spend, take up, use up @@@@ [3]apply, bring to bear, exercise, exert, make use of, ply, put to use, use, utilize @@@@ [4]employment, engagement, hire, service @@@@ [5]If you employ certain methods, materials, or expressions, you use them."} {"x":"employed","y":"[1]active, busy, engaged, in a job, in employment, in work, occupied, working"} {"x":"employee","y":"[1]hand, job-holder, staff member, wage-earner, worker, workman"} {"x":"employer","y":"[1]boss @@@@ [2]business, company, establishment, firm, gaffer @@@@ [3]organization, outfit @@@@ [4]owner, patron, proprietor"} {"x":"employment","y":"[1]engagement, enlistment, hire, retaining, taking on @@@@ [2]application, exercise, exertion, use, utilization @@@@ [3]avocation @@@@ [4]business, calling, craft, employ, job, line, metier, occupation, profession, pursuit, service, trade, vocation, work"} {"x":"emporium","y":"[1]bazaar, market, mart, shop, store, warehouse"} {"x":"empower","y":"[1]allow, authorize, commission, delegate, enable, entitle, license, permit, qualify, sanction, warrant"} {"x":"emptiness","y":"[1]bareness, blankness, desertedness, desolation, destitution, vacancy, vacuum, void, waste @@@@ [2]aimlessness, banality, barrenness, frivolity, futility, hollowness, inanity, ineffectiveness, meaninglessness, purposelessness, senselessness, silliness, unreality, unsatisfactoriness, unsubstantiality, vainness, valuelessness, vanity, worthlessness @@@@ [3]cheapness, hollowness, idleness, insincerity, triviality, trivialness @@@@ [4]absentness, blankness, expressionlessness, unintelligence, vacancy, vacantness, vacuity, vacuousness @@@@ [5]desire, hunger, ravening"} {"x":"empty","y":"[1]bare, blank, clear, deserted, desolate, destitute, hollow, unfurnished, uninhabited, unoccupied, untenanted, vacant, void, waste @@@@ [2]aimless, banal, bootless, frivolous, fruitless, futile, hollow, inane, ineffective, meaningless, otiose, purposeless, senseless, silly, unreal, unsatisfactory, unsubstantial, vain, valueless, worthless @@@@ [3]cheap, hollow, idle, insincere, trivial @@@@ [4]absent, blank, expressionless, unintelligent, vacant, vacuous @@@@ [5]esurient, famished, hungry, ravenous, starving @@@@ [6]unfed, unfilled @@@@ [7]clear, consume, deplete, discharge, drain, dump, evacuate, exhaust, gut, pour out, unburden, unload, use up, vacate, void"} {"x":"empyrean","y":"[1]aerial, airy, celestial, ethereal, heavenly, refined, skylike, sublime"} {"x":"emulate","y":"[1]challenge, compete with, contend with, copy, echo, follow, follow in the footsteps of, follow suit, follow the example of, imitate, mimic, rival, take after, take a leaf out of someone's book, vie with"} {"x":"emulation","y":"[1]challenge, competition, contention, contest, copying, envy, following, imitation, jealousy, mimicry, rivalry, strife"} {"x":"emulous","y":"[1]aspiring, competitive, contending, imitative, vying"} {"x":"enable","y":"[1]allow, authorize, capacitate, commission, empower, entitle, facilitate, fit, license, permit, prepare, qualify, sanction, warrant"} {"x":"enchain","y":"[1]bind, enslave, fetter, hold, hold fast, manacle, pinion, put in irons, shackle"} {"x":"encircle","y":"[1]begird @@@@ [2]circle, circumscribe, compass, enclose, encompass, enfold, envelop, environ, enwreath, gird in, girdle, hem in, ring, surround"} {"x":"enclose","y":"[1]bound, circumscribe, cover, encase, encircle, encompass, environ, fence, hedge, hem in, impound, pen, pound, shut in, wall in, wrap @@@@ [2]include, insert, put in, send with @@@@ [3]comprehend, contain, embrace, hold, include, incorporate"} {"x":"encomium","y":"[1]acclaim, acclamation, applause, compliment, eulogy, homage, laudation, panegyric, praise, tribute"} {"x":"encompass","y":"[1]circle, circumscribe, encircle, enclose, envelop, environ, enwreath, girdle, hem in, ring, surround @@@@ [2]bring about, cause, contrive, devise, effect, manage @@@@ [3]admit, comprehend, comprise, contain, cover, embody, embrace, hold, include, incorporate, involve, subsume, take in"} {"x":"encounter","y":"[1]bump into @@@@ [2]chance upon, come upon, confront, experience, face, happen on or upon, meet, run across, run into @@@@ [3]attack, clash with, combat, come into conflict with, contend, cross swords with, do battle with, engage, face off @@@@ [4]fight, grapple with, join battle with, strive, struggle @@@@ [5]brush, confrontation, meeting, rendezvous @@@@ [6]action, battle, clash, collision, combat, conflict, contest, dispute, engagement, face-off @@@@ [7]fight, head-to-head, run-in @@@@ [8]set to @@@@ [9]skirmish"} {"x":"encourage","y":"[1]animate, buoy up, cheer, comfort, console, embolden, hearten, incite, inspire, inspirit, rally, reassure, rouse, stimulate @@@@ [2]abet, advance, advocate, aid, boost, commend, egg on, favour, forward, foster, further, help, promote, prompt, spur, strengthen, succour, support, urge"} {"x":"encouraging","y":"[1]bright, cheerful, cheering, comforting, good, heartening, hopeful, promising, reassuring, rosy, satisfactory, stimulating"} {"x":"end","y":"[1]bound, boundary, edge, extent, extreme, extremity, limit, point, terminus, tip @@@@ [2]attainment, cessation, close, closure, completion, conclusion, consequence, consummation, culmination, denouement, ending, end result, expiration, expiry, finale, finish, issue, outcome, resolution, result, sequel, stop, termination, upshot, wind-up @@@@ [3]aim, aspiration, design, drift, goal, intent, intention, object, objective, point, purpose, reason @@@@ [4]part, piece, portion, responsibility, share, side @@@@ [5]bit, butt, fragment, leftover, oddment, remainder, remnant, scrap, stub, tag end, tail end @@@@ [6]annihilation, death, demise, destruction, dissolution, doom, extermination, extinction, ruin, ruination @@@@ [7]beyond endurance, insufferable, intolerable, the final blow, the last straw, the limit @@@@ [8]unbearable, unendurable @@@@ [9]axe @@@@ [10]belay @@@@ [11]bring to an end, cease, close, complete, conclude, culminate, dissolve, expire, finish, nip in the bud, pull the plug on, put paid to, resolve, stop, terminate, wind up @@@@ [12]abolish, annihilate, destroy, exterminate, extinguish, kill, put to death, ruin"} {"x":"endanger","y":"[1]compromise, hazard, imperil, jeopardize, put at risk, put in danger, risk, threaten"} {"x":"ended","y":"[1]all over (bar the shouting), at an end, closed, complete, concluded, done, finis, finished, over, settled, through, wrapped-up"} {"x":"ending","y":"[1]catastrophe, cessation, close, completion, conclusion, consummation, culmination, denouement, end, finale, finish, resolution, termination, wind-up"} {"x":"endless","y":"[1]boundless, ceaseless, constant, continual, eternal, everlasting, immortal, incessant, infinite, interminable, limitless, measureless, perpetual, unbounded, unbroken, undying, unending, uninterrupted, unlimited @@@@ [2]interminable, monotonous, overlong @@@@ [3]continuous, unbroken, undivided, whole"} {"x":"endorse","y":"[1]advocate, affirm, approve, authorize, back, champion, confirm, espouse, favour, prescribe, promote, ratify, recommend, sanction, subscribe to, support, sustain, vouch for, warrant @@@@ [2]countersign, sign, superscribe, undersign"} {"x":"endowment","y":"[1]award, benefaction, bequest, bestowal, boon, donation, fund, gift, grant, hand-out, income, largesse or largess, legacy, presentation, property, provision, revenue, stipend @@@@ [2]ability, aptitude, attribute, capability, capacity, faculty, flair, genius, gift, power, qualification, quality, talent"} {"x":"enemy","y":"[1]adversary, antagonist, competitor, foe, opponent, rival, the opposition, the other side"} {"x":"energetic","y":"[1]active, alive and kicking, animated, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed @@@@ [2]brisk, dynamic, forceful, forcible, full of beans @@@@ [3]high-octane @@@@ [4]high-powered, indefatigable, lively, potent, powerful, spirited, strenuous, strong, tireless, vigorous, zippy"} {"x":"energize","y":"[1]activate, animate, enliven, inspirit, invigorate, liven up, motivate, pep up, quicken, stimulate, vitalize @@@@ [2]activate, electrify, kick-start, start up, switch on, turn on"} {"x":"energy","y":"[1]activity, animation, ardour, brio, drive, efficiency, elan, elbow grease @@@@ [2]exertion, fire, force, forcefulness, get-up-and-go @@@@ [3]go @@@@ [4]intensity, life, liveliness, pep, pluck, power, spirit, stamina, strength, strenuousness, verve, vigour, vim @@@@ [5]vitality, vivacity, zeal, zest, zip"} {"x":"enervate","y":"[1]debilitate, devitalize, enfeeble, exhaust, fatigue, incapacitate, paralyse, prostrate, sap, tire, unnerve, wash out, weaken, wear out @@@@ [2]debilitated, devitalized, done in @@@@ [3]enervated, enfeebled, exhausted, fatigued, feeble, incapacitated, limp, paralysed, prostrate, prostrated, run-down, sapped, spent, tired, undermined, unnerved, washed out, weak, weakened, worn out"} {"x":"enfeeble","y":"[1]debilitate, deplete, devitalize, diminish, exhaust, fatigue, render feeble, sap, undermine, unhinge, unnerve, weaken, wear out"} {"x":"enfold","y":"[1]clasp, embrace, enclose, encompass, envelop, enwrap, fold, hold, hug, shroud, swathe, wrap, wrap up"} {"x":"enforcement","y":"[1]administration, application, carrying out, exaction, execution, implementation, imposition, prosecution, reinforcement @@@@ [2]coercion, compulsion, constraint, insistence, obligation, pressure, requirement"} {"x":"engage","y":"[1]appoint, commission, employ, enlist, enrol, hire, retain, take on @@@@ [2]bespeak, book, charter, hire, lease, prearrange, rent, reserve, secure @@@@ [3]absorb, busy, engross, grip, involve, occupy, preoccupy, tie up @@@@ [4]allure, arrest, attach, attract, captivate, catch, charm, draw, enamour, enchant, fascinate, fix, gain, win @@@@ [5]embark on, enter into, join, partake, participate, practise, set about, take part, undertake @@@@ [6]affiance, agree, betroth @@@@ [7]bind, commit, contract, covenant, guarantee, obligate, oblige, pledge, promise, undertake, vouch, vow @@@@ [8]assail, attack, combat, come to close quarters with, encounter, face off @@@@ [9]fall on, fight with, give battle to, join battle with, meet, take on @@@@ [10]activate, apply, bring into operation, energize, set going, switch on @@@@ [11]dovetail, interact, interconnect, interlock, join, mesh"} {"x":"engaged","y":"[1]affianced, betrothed @@@@ [2]pledged, promised, spoken for @@@@ [3]absorbed, busy, committed, employed, engrossed, in use, involved, occupied, preoccupied, tied up, unavailable"} {"x":"engender","y":"[1]beget, breed, bring about, cause, create, excite, foment, generate, give rise to, hatch, incite, induce, instigate, lead to, make, occasion, precipitate, produce, provoke @@@@ [2]beget, breed, bring forth, father, generate, give birth to, procreate, propagate, sire, spawn"} {"x":"engine","y":"[1]machine, mechanism, motor @@@@ [2]agency, agent, apparatus, appliance, contrivance, device, implement, instrument, means, tool, weapon"} {"x":"engineer","y":"[1]architect, contriver, designer, deviser, director, inventor, manager, manipulator, originator, planner, schemer @@@@ [2]bring about, cause, concoct, contrive, control, create, devise, effect, encompass, finagle @@@@ [3]manage, manoeuvre, mastermind, originate, plan, plot, scheme, wangle @@@@ [4]A civil engineer is a person who plans, designs, and constructs roads, bridges, harbours, and public buildings."} {"x":"engineering","y":"[1]Civil engineering is the planning, design, and building of roads, bridges, harbours, and public buildings."} {"x":"engraft","y":"[1]graft, implant, incorporate, inculcate, infix, infuse, ingrain, instil"} {"x":"engross","y":"[1]absorb, arrest, engage, engulf, hold, immerse, involve, occupy, preoccupy @@@@ [2]corner, monopolize, sew up"} {"x":"enigma","y":"[1]conundrum, mystery, problem, puzzle, riddle, teaser"} {"x":"enigmatic","y":"[1]ambiguous, cryptic, Delphic, doubtful, equivocal, incomprehensible, indecipherable, inexplicable, inscrutable, mysterious, obscure, oracular, perplexing, puzzling, recondite, sphinxlike, uncertain, unfathomable, unintelligible"} {"x":"enjoin","y":"[1]advise, bid, call upon, charge, command, counsel, demand, direct, instruct, order, prescribe, require, urge, warn @@@@ [2]ban, bar, disallow, forbid, interdict, place an injunction on, preclude, prohibit, proscribe, restrain"} {"x":"enjoy","y":"[1]appreciate, be entertained by, be pleased with, delight in, like, rejoice in, relish, revel in, take joy in, take pleasure in or from @@@@ [2]be blessed or favoured with, experience, have, have the benefit of, have the use of, own, possess, reap the benefits of, use"} {"x":"enmesh","y":"[1]catch, embroil, ensnare, entangle, implicate, incriminate, involve, net, snare, snarl, tangle, trammel, trap"} {"x":"enmity","y":"[1]acrimony, animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, aversion, bad blood, bitterness, hate, hatred, hostility, ill will, malevolence, malice, malignity, rancour, spite, venom"} {"x":"ennoble","y":"[1]aggrandize, dignify, elevate, enhance, exalt, glorify, honour, magnify, raise"} {"x":"ennui","y":"[1]boredom, dissatisfaction, lassitude, listlessness, tedium, the doldrums"} {"x":"enormity","y":"[1]atrociousness, atrocity, depravity, disgrace, evilness, heinousness, monstrousness, nefariousness, outrageousness, turpitude, viciousness, vileness, villainy, wickedness @@@@ [2]abomination, atrocity, crime, disgrace, evil, horror, monstrosity, outrage, villainy @@@@ [3]enormousness, greatness, hugeness, immensity, magnitude, massiveness, vastness"} {"x":"enormous","y":"[1]astronomic, Brobdingnagian, colossal, elephantine, excessive, gargantuan, gigantic, ginormous @@@@ [2]gross, huge, humongous or humungous @@@@ [3]immense, jumbo @@@@ [4]mammoth, massive, monstrous, mountainous, prodigious, stellar @@@@ [5]titanic, tremendous, vast @@@@ [6]abominable, atrocious, depraved, disgraceful, evil, heinous, monstrous, nefarious, odious, outrageous, vicious, vile, villainous, wicked"} {"x":"enough","y":"[1]abundant, adequate, ample, plenty, sufficient @@@@ [2]abundance, adequacy, ample supply, plenty, right amount, sufficiency @@@@ [3]abundantly, adequately, amply, fairly, moderately, passably, reasonably, satisfactorily, sufficiently, tolerably"} {"x":"enquire","y":"[1]ask, query, question, request information, seek information @@@@ [2]conduct an inquiry, examine, explore, inspect, investigate, look into, make inquiry, probe, research, scrutinize, search @@@@ [3]examine, explore, inspect, investigate, look into, make inquiries, probe, research, scrutinize, search @@@@ [4]ask, query, question, request information, seek information @@@@ [5]ask, query, question, request information, seek information @@@@ [6]conduct an inquiry, examine, explore, inspect, investigate, look into, make inquiry, probe, research, scrutinize, search"} {"x":"enquiry","y":"[1]query, question @@@@ [2]examination, exploration, inquest, inspection, investigation, probe, research, scrutiny, search, study, survey @@@@ [3]examination, exploration, inquest, interrogation, investigation, probe, research, scrutiny, search, study, survey @@@@ [4]query, question @@@@ [5]query, question @@@@ [6]examination, exploration, inquest, inspection, investigation, probe, research, scrutiny, search, study, survey"} {"x":"enrage","y":"[1]aggravate @@@@ [2]anger, exasperate, gall, get one's back up, incense, incite, inflame, infuriate, irritate, madden, make one's blood boil, make one see red @@@@ [3]nark"} {"x":"ensconce","y":"[1]curl up, establish, install, nestle, settle, snuggle up @@@@ [2]conceal, cover, hide, protect, screen, shelter, shield"} {"x":"ensemble","y":"[1]aggregate, assemblage, collection, entirety, set, sum, total, totality, whole, whole thing @@@@ [2]costume, get-up @@@@ [3]outfit, suit @@@@ [4]band, cast, chorus, company, group, supporting cast, troupe @@@@ [5]all at once, all together, as a group, as a whole, at once, at the same time, en masse, in concert"} {"x":"enshrine","y":"[1]apotheosize, cherish, consecrate, dedicate, embalm, exalt, hallow, preserve, revere, sanctify, treasure"} {"x":"ensign","y":"[1]badge, banner, colours, flag, jack, pennant, pennon, standard, streamer"} {"x":"enslave","y":"[1]bind, dominate, enchain, enthral, reduce to slavery, subjugate, yoke"} {"x":"ensure","y":"[1]certify, confirm, effect, guarantee, make certain, make sure, secure, warrant @@@@ [2]guard, make safe, protect, safeguard, secure"} {"x":"entail","y":"[1]bring about, call for, cause, demand, encompass, give rise to, impose, involve, lead to, necessitate, occasion, require, result in"} {"x":"entente","y":"[1]agreement, arrangement, compact, deal, friendship, pact, treaty, understanding"} {"x":"enter","y":"[1]arrive, come or go in or into, insert, introduce, make an entrance, pass into, penetrate, pierce @@@@ [2]become a member of, begin, commence, commit oneself to, embark upon, enlist, enrol, join, participate in, set about, set out on, sign up, start, take part in, take up @@@@ [3]inscribe, list, log, note, record, register, set down, take down @@@@ [4]offer, present, proffer, put forward, register, submit, tender"} {"x":"enterprise","y":"[1]adventure, effort, endeavour, essay, operation, plan, programme, project, undertaking, venture @@@@ [2]activity, adventurousness, alertness, audacity, boldness, daring, dash, drive, eagerness, energy, enthusiasm, get-up-and-go @@@@ [3]gumption @@@@ [4]initiative, pep, push @@@@ [5]readiness, resource, resourcefulness, spirit, vigour, zeal @@@@ [6]business, company, concern, establishment, firm, operation"} {"x":"entertain","y":"[1]amuse, charm, cheer, delight, divert, occupy, please, recreate @@@@ [2]regale @@@@ [3]accommodate, be host to, harbour, have company, have guests or visitors, lodge, put up, show hospitality to, treat @@@@ [4]cherish, cogitate on, conceive, consider, contemplate, foster, harbour, hold, imagine, keep in mind, maintain, muse over, ponder, support, think about, think over @@@@ [5]If a performer, performance, or activity entertains you, it amuses you, interests you, or gives you pleasure."} {"x":"entertaining","y":"[1]amusing, charming, cheering, delightful, diverting, funny, humorous, interesting, pleasant, pleasing, pleasurable, recreative @@@@ [2]witty @@@@ [3]If a performer, performance, or activity entertains you, it amuses you, interests you, or gives you pleasure."} {"x":"entertainment","y":"[1]cheer, distraction, diversion, enjoyment, fun, good time, leisure activity, pastime, play, pleasure, recreation, satisfaction, sport, treat"} {"x":"enthral","y":"[1]absorb, beguile, captivate, charm, enchant, enrapture, entrance, fascinate, grip, hold spellbound, hypnotize, intrigue, mesmerize, ravish, rivet, spellbind"} {"x":"enthusiasm","y":"[1]ardour, avidity, devotion, eagerness, earnestness, excitement, fervour, frenzy, interest, keenness, passion, relish, vehemence, warmth, zeal, zest, zing @@@@ [2]craze, fad @@@@ [3]hobby, hobbyhorse, interest, mania, passion, rage"} {"x":"entice","y":"[1]allure, attract, beguile, cajole, coax, dangle a carrot in front of (someone's) nose, decoy, draw, inveigle, lead on, lure, persuade, prevail on, seduce, tempt, wheedle"} {"x":"entire","y":"[1]complete, full, gross, total, whole @@@@ [2]absolute, full, outright, thorough, total, undiminished, unmitigated, unreserved, unrestricted @@@@ [3]intact, perfect, sound, unbroken, undamaged, unmarked, unmarred, whole, without a scratch @@@@ [4]continuous, integrated, unbroken, undivided, unified"} {"x":"entirely","y":"[1]absolutely, altogether, completely, every inch, fully, in every respect, lock, stock and barrel, perfectly, thoroughly, totally, unreservedly, utterly, wholly, without exception, without reservation @@@@ [2]exclusively, only, solely"} {"x":"entity","y":"[1]being, body, creature, existence, individual, object, organism, presence, quantity, substance, thing @@@@ [2]essence, essential nature, quiddity @@@@ [3]quintessence, real nature"} {"x":"entomb","y":"[1]bury, inhume, inter, inurn, lay to rest, sepulchre"} {"x":"entourage","y":"[1]associates, attendants, companions, company, cortege, court, escort, followers, following, retainers, retinue, staff, suite, train @@@@ [2]ambience, environment, environs, milieu, surroundings"} {"x":"entrance","y":"[1]access, avenue, door, doorway, entry, gate, ingress, inlet, opening, passage, portal, way in @@@@ [2]appearance, arrival, coming in, entry, ingress, introduction @@@@ [3]access, admission, admittance, entree, entry, ingress, permission to enter @@@@ [4]beginning, commencement, debut, initiation, introduction, outset, start @@@@ [5]beginning, commencement, debut, initiation, introduction, outset, start"} {"x":"entrant","y":"[1]beginner, convert, initiate, neophyte, newcomer, new member, novice, probationer, tyro @@@@ [2]candidate, competitor, contestant, entry, participant, player"} {"x":"entrap","y":"[1]capture, catch, ensnare, net, snare, trap @@@@ [2]allure, beguile, decoy, embroil, enmesh, ensnare, entangle, entice, implicate, inveigle, involve, lead on, lure, seduce, trick"} {"x":"entreat","y":"[1]appeal to, ask, ask earnestly, beg, beseech, conjure, crave, enjoin, exhort, implore, importune, petition, plead with, pray, request, supplicate"} {"x":"entrench","y":"[1]construct defences, dig in, dig trenches, fortify @@@@ [2]anchor, dig in, embed, ensconce, establish, fix, implant, ingrain, install, lodge, plant, root, seat, set, settle @@@@ [3]encroach, impinge, infringe, interlope, intrude, make inroads, trespass"} {"x":"entrepreneur","y":"[1]businessman, businesswoman, contractor, director, financier, impresario, industrialist, magnate, tycoon"} {"x":"entrust","y":"[1]assign, authorize, charge, commend, commit, confide, consign, delegate, deliver, give custody of, hand over, invest, trust, turn over"} {"x":"entry","y":"[1]appearance, coming in, entering, entrance, initiation, introduction @@@@ [2]access, avenue, door, doorway, entrance, gate, ingress, inlet, opening, passage, passageway, portal, way in @@@@ [3]access, admission, entrance, entree, free passage, permission to enter @@@@ [4]account, item, jotting, listing, memo, memorandum, minute, note, record, registration @@@@ [5]attempt, candidate, competitor, contestant, effort, entrant, participant, player, submission"} {"x":"entwine","y":"[1]braid, embrace, encircle, entwist @@@@ [2]interlace, intertwine, interweave, knit, plait, ravel, surround, twine, twist, weave, wind"} {"x":"enumerate","y":"[1]cite, detail, itemize, list, mention, name, quote, recapitulate, recite, recount, rehearse, relate, specify, spell out, tell @@@@ [2]add up, calculate, compute, count, number, reckon, sum up, tally, total"} {"x":"enunciate","y":"[1]articulate, enounce, pronounce, say, sound, speak, utter, vocalize, voice @@@@ [2]declare, proclaim, promulgate, pronounce, propound, publish, state"} {"x":"envelop","y":"[1]blanket, cloak, conceal, cover, embrace, encase, encircle, enclose, encompass, enfold, engulf, enwrap, hide, obscure, sheathe, shroud, surround, swaddle, swathe, veil, wrap"} {"x":"envelope","y":"[1]case, casing, coating, cover, covering, jacket, sheath, shell, skin, wrapper, wrapping"} {"x":"envenom","y":"[1]contaminate, infect, poison, taint @@@@ [2]acerbate, aggravate @@@@ [3]embitter, enrage, exacerbate, exasperate, incense, inflame, irritate, madden, provoke, sour"} {"x":"enviable","y":"[1]advantageous, blessed, covetable, desirable, favoured, fortunate, lucky, much to be desired, privileged, to die for"} {"x":"envious","y":"[1]begrudging, covetous, green-eyed, green with envy, grudging, jaundiced, jealous, malicious, resentful, spiteful"} {"x":"environment","y":"[1]atmosphere, background, conditions, context, domain, element, habitat, locale, medium, milieu, scene, setting, situation, surroundings, territory @@@@ [2]The environment is the natural world of land, sea, air, plants, and animals."} {"x":"environs","y":"[1]district, locality, neighbourhood, outskirts, precincts, purlieus, suburbs, surrounding area, vicinity @@@@ [2]beset, besiege, encircle, enclose, encompass, engird, envelop, gird, hem, invest @@@@ [3]ring, surround"} {"x":"envisage","y":"[1]conceive (of), conceptualize, contemplate, fancy, imagine, picture, think up, visualize @@@@ [2]anticipate, envision, foresee, predict, see"} {"x":"envoy","y":"[1]agent, ambassador, courier, delegate, deputy, diplomat, emissary, intermediary, legate, messenger, minister, plenipotentiary, representative"} {"x":"envy","y":"[1]covetousness, enviousness, grudge, hatred, ill will, jealousy, malice, malignity, resentfulness, resentment, spite, the green-eyed monster @@@@ [2]be envious (of), begrudge, be jealous (of), covet, grudge, resent"} {"x":"ephemeral","y":"[1]brief, evanescent, fleeting, flitting, fugacious, fugitive, impermanent, momentary, passing, short, short-lived, temporary, transient, transitory"} {"x":"epicure","y":"[1]bon vivant, epicurean, foodie, gastronome, gourmet @@@@ [2]glutton, gourmand, hedonist, sensualist, sybarite, voluptuary"} {"x":"epicurean","y":"[1]bacchanalian, gluttonous, gourmandizing, hedonistic, libertine, luscious, lush, luxurious, pleasure-seeking, self-indulgent, sensual, sybaritic, voluptuous @@@@ [2]bon vivant, epicure, foodie, gastronome, gourmet"} {"x":"epidemic","y":"[1]general, pandemic, prevailing, prevalent, rampant, rife, sweeping, wide-ranging, widespread @@@@ [2]contagion, growth, outbreak, plague, rash, spread, upsurge, wave"} {"x":"epigram","y":"[1]aphorism, bon mot, quip, witticism"} {"x":"epigrammatic","y":"[1]concise, laconic, piquant, pithy, pointed, pungent, sharp, short, succinct, terse, witty"} {"x":"epilogue","y":"[1]afterword, coda, concluding speech, conclusion, postscript"} {"x":"episode","y":"[1]adventure, affair, business, circumstance, escapade, event, experience, happening, incident, matter, occurrence @@@@ [2]chapter, instalment, part, passage, scene, section"} {"x":"episodic","y":"[1]anecdotal, digressive, disconnected, discursive, disjointed, intermittent, irregular, occasional, picaresque, rambling, sporadic, wandering"} {"x":"epistle","y":"[1]communication, letter, message, missive, note"} {"x":"epithet","y":"[1]appellation, description, designation, moniker or monicker @@@@ [2]name, nickname, sobriquet, tag, title"} {"x":"epitome","y":"[1]archetype, embodiment, essence, exemplar, norm, personification, quintessence, representation, type, typical example @@@@ [2]abbreviation, abridgment, abstract, compendium, condensation, conspectus, contraction, digest, precis, resume, summary, syllabus, synopsis"} {"x":"epoch","y":"[1]age, date, era, period, time"} {"x":"equable","y":"[1]agreeable, calm, composed, easy-going, even-tempered, imperturbable, level-headed, placid, serene, temperate, unexcitable, unfazed @@@@ [2]unflappable @@@@ [3]unruffled @@@@ [4]consistent, constant, even, on an even keel, regular, smooth, stable, steady, temperate, tranquil, unchanging, uniform, unvarying"} {"x":"equal","y":"[1]alike, commensurate, equivalent, identical, like, one and the same, proportionate, tantamount, the same, uniform @@@@ [2]balanced, corresponding, egalitarian, even, evenly balanced, evenly matched, evenly proportioned, fifty-fifty @@@@ [3]level pegging @@@@ [4]matched, regular, symmetrical, uniform, unvarying @@@@ [5]able, adequate, capable, competent, fit, good enough, ready, strong enough, suitable, up to @@@@ [6]egalitarian, equable, even-handed, fair, impartial, just, unbiased @@@@ [7]brother, compeer, counterpart, equivalent, fellow, match, mate, parallel, peer, rival, twin @@@@ [8]agree with, amount to, balance, be equal to, be even with, be level with, be tantamount to, come up to, correspond to, equalize, equate, even, level, match, parallel, rival, square with, tally with, tie with"} {"x":"equality","y":"[1]balance, coequality, correspondence, egalitarianism, equal opportunity, equatability, equivalence, evenness, fairness, identity, likeness, parity, sameness, similarity, uniformity"} {"x":"equalize","y":"[1]balance, equal, equate, even up, level, make equal, match, regularize, smooth, square, standardize"} {"x":"equanimity","y":"[1]aplomb, calm, calmness, composure, coolness, imperturbability, level-headedness, peace, phlegm, placidity, poise, presence of mind, sang-froid, self-possession, serenity, steadiness, tranquillity"} {"x":"equate","y":"[1]agree, balance, be commensurate, compare, correspond with or to, equalize, liken, make or be equal, match, mention in the same breath, offset, pair, parallel, square, tally, think of together"} {"x":"equation","y":"[1]agreement, balancing, comparison, correspondence, equality, equalization, equating, equivalence, likeness, match, pairing, parallel"} {"x":"equestrian","y":"[1]in the saddle, mounted, on horseback @@@@ [2]cavalier @@@@ [3]horseman, knight, rider"} {"x":"equilibrium","y":"[1]balance, counterpoise, equipoise, evenness, rest, stability, steadiness, symmetry @@@@ [2]calm, calmness, collectedness, composure, coolness, equanimity, poise, self-possession, serenity, stability, steadiness"} {"x":"equip","y":"[1]accoutre, arm, array, attire, deck out, dress, endow, fit out, fit up, furnish, kit out, outfit, prepare, provide, rig, stock, supply"} {"x":"equipage","y":"[1]carriage, coach @@@@ [2]accoutrements, apparatus, baggage, equipment, gear, materiel, munitions, stores"} {"x":"equipment","y":"[1]accoutrements, apparatus, appurtenances, baggage, equipage, furnishings, furniture, gear, materiel, outfit, paraphernalia, rig, stuff, supplies, tackle, tools"} {"x":"equipoise","y":"[1]balance, equilibrium, even balance, evenness, stability, steadiness, symmetry @@@@ [2]ballast, counterbalance, counterpoise, counterweight, offset @@@@ [3]balance, ballast, compensate (for), counterbalance, counterpoise, countervail, equilibrate, neutralize, offset"} {"x":"equitable","y":"[1]candid, disinterested, dispassionate, due, even-handed, fair, honest, impartial, just, nondiscriminatory, proper, proportionate, reasonable, right, rightful, unbiased, unprejudiced"} {"x":"equity","y":"[1]disinterestedness, equitableness, even-handedness, fair-mindedness, fairness, fair play, honesty, impartiality, integrity, justice, reasonableness, rectitude, righteousness, uprightness"} {"x":"equivalent","y":"[1]alike, commensurate, comparable, correspondent, corresponding, equal, even, homologous, interchangeable, of a kind, of a piece, same, similar, synonymous, tantamount @@@@ [2]correspondent, counterpart, equal, match, opposite number, parallel, peer, twin"} {"x":"equivocal","y":"[1]ambiguous, ambivalent, doubtful, dubious, evasive, indefinite, indeterminate, misleading, oblique, obscure, oracular, prevaricating, questionable, suspicious, uncertain, vague"} {"x":"era","y":"[1]aeon, age, cycle, date, day or days, epoch, generation, period, stage, time"} {"x":"eradicate","y":"[1]abolish, annihilate, deracinate, destroy, efface, eliminate, erase, excise, expunge, exterminate, extinguish, extirpate, obliterate, put paid to, remove, root out, stamp out, uproot, weed out, wipe from the face of the earth, wipe out"} {"x":"erase","y":"[1]blot, cancel, delete, efface, excise, expunge, obliterate, remove, rub out, scratch out, wipe out"} {"x":"erect","y":"[1]elevated, firm, perpendicular, pricked-up, raised, rigid, standing, stiff, straight, upright, vertical @@@@ [2]build, construct, elevate, lift, mount, pitch, put up, raise, rear, set up, stand up @@@@ [3]create, establish, form, found, initiate, institute, organize, set up"} {"x":"erelong","y":"[1]before long, early, quickly, shortly, soon, speedily"} {"x":"eremite","y":"[1]anchorite, hermit, recluse, solitary"} {"x":"erode","y":"[1]abrade, consume, corrode, destroy, deteriorate, disintegrate, eat away, grind down, spoil, wear down or away"} {"x":"erotic","y":"[1]amatory, aphrodisiac, carnal, erogenous, lustful, rousing, seductive, sensual, sexy @@@@ [2]steamy @@@@ [3]stimulating, suggestive, titillating, voluptuous"} {"x":"err","y":"[1]be inaccurate, be incorrect, be in error, blot one's copybook @@@@ [2]go astray, go wrong, make a mistake, misapprehend, miscalculate, misjudge, mistake, put one's foot in it @@@@ [3]slip up @@@@ [4]deviate, do wrong, fall, go astray, lapse, misbehave, offend, sin, transgress, trespass"} {"x":"errand","y":"[1]charge, commission, job, message, mission, task"} {"x":"errant","y":"[1]itinerant, journeying, nomadic, peripatetic, rambling, roaming, roving, wandering @@@@ [2]aberrant, deviant, erring, offending, sinning, straying, wayward, wrong"} {"x":"erratic","y":"[1]aberrant, abnormal, capricious, changeable, desultory, eccentric, fitful, inconsistent, inconstant, irregular, shifting, uneven, unpredictable, unreliable, unstable, variable, wayward @@@@ [2]directionless, meandering, planetary, wandering"} {"x":"erratum","y":"[1]corrigendum, literal, misprint, omission, typo"} {"x":"erroneous","y":"[1]amiss, fallacious, false, faulty, flawed, inaccurate, incorrect, inexact, invalid, mistaken, spurious, unfounded, unsound, untrue, wide of the mark, wrong"} {"x":"erroneously","y":"[1]falsely, inaccurately, incorrectly, in error, mistakenly, wrongly"} {"x":"error","y":"[1]bloomer @@@@ [2]blunder, boner @@@@ [3]boob @@@@ [4]delusion, erratum, fallacy, fault, flaw, howler @@@@ [5]inaccuracy, misapprehension, miscalculation, misconception, mistake, oversight, slip, solecism @@@@ [6]delinquency, deviation, fault, lapse, misdeed, offence, sin, transgression, trespass, wrong, wrongdoing"} {"x":"ersatz","y":"[1]artificial, bogus, counterfeit, fake, imitation, phoney or phony @@@@ [2]pretended, sham, simulated, spurious, substitute, synthetic"} {"x":"erudite","y":"[1]cultivated, cultured, educated, knowledgeable, learned, lettered, literate, scholarly, well-educated, well-read"} {"x":"erudition","y":"[1]education, knowledge, learning, letters, lore, scholarship"} {"x":"erupt","y":"[1]be ejected, belch forth, blow up, break out, burst forth, burst into, burst out, discharge, explode, flare up, gush, pour forth, spew forth or out, spit out, spout, throw off, vent, vomit @@@@ [2]appear, break out"} {"x":"escapade","y":"[1]adventure, antic, caper, fling, lark @@@@ [2]mischief, prank, romp, scrape @@@@ [3]spree, stunt, trick"} {"x":"escape","y":"[1]abscond, bolt, break free or out, decamp, do a bunk @@@@ [2]flee, fly, fly the coop @@@@ [3]skip, slip away, slip through one's fingers, take a powder @@@@ [4]bolt, break, break-out, decampment, flight, getaway @@@@ [5]avoid, body-swerve @@@@ [6]circumvent, dodge, duck, elude, evade, pass, shun, slip @@@@ [7]avoidance, circumvention, elusion, evasion @@@@ [8]discharge, drain, emanate, exude, flow, gush, issue, leak, pour forth, seep, spurt @@@@ [9]discharge, drain, effluence, efflux, emanation, emission, gush, leak, leakage, outflow, outpour, seepage, spurt @@@@ [10]baffle, be beyond (someone), be forgotten by, elude, puzzle, stump @@@@ [11]distraction, diversion, pastime, recreation, relief @@@@ [12]When gas, liquid, or heat escapes, it comes out from a pipe, container, or place."} {"x":"eschew","y":"[1]abandon, abjure, abstain from, avoid, elude, fight shy of, forgo, forswear, give a wide berth to, give up, have nothing to do with, keep or steer clear of, kick @@@@ [2]refrain from, renounce, shun, swear off"} {"x":"escort","y":"[1]bodyguard, company, convoy, cortege, entourage, guard, protection, retinue, safeguard, train @@@@ [2]attendant, beau, chaperon, companion, guide, partner, protector, squire @@@@ [3]accompany, chaperon, conduct, convoy, guard, guide, hold (someone's) hand, lead, partner, protect, shepherd, squire, usher"} {"x":"esoteric","y":"[1]abstruse, arcane, cabbalistic, cryptic, hidden, inner, inscrutable, mysterious, mystic, mystical, obscure, occult, private, recondite, secret"} {"x":"especial","y":"[1]chief, distinguished, exceptional, extraordinary, marked, notable, noteworthy, outstanding, principal, signal, special, uncommon, unusual @@@@ [2]exclusive, express, individual, particular, peculiar, personal, private, singular, special, specific, unique"} {"x":"especially","y":"[1]chiefly, conspicuously, exceptionally, extraordinarily, largely, mainly, markedly, notably, outstandingly, principally, remarkably, seriously @@@@ [2]signally, specially, strikingly, supremely, uncommonly, unusually @@@@ [3]exclusively, expressly, particularly, peculiarly, singularly, specifically, uniquely"} {"x":"espionage","y":"[1]counter-intelligence, intelligence, spying, surveillance, undercover work"} {"x":"espousal","y":"[1]adoption, advocacy, backing, championing, championship, defence, embracing, maintenance, promotion, support, taking up @@@@ [2]affiancing, betrothal, betrothing @@@@ [3]engagement, espousing @@@@ [4]marriage, nuptials, plighting, wedding"} {"x":"esprit","y":"[1]animation, brio, elan, liveliness, quickness, sparkle, spirit, sprightliness, verve, vitality, vivacity, wit, zest"} {"x":"espy","y":"[1]behold, catch a glimpse of, catch sight of, descry, detect, discern, discover, glimpse, make out, notice, observe, perceive, sight, spot, spy"} {"x":"essay","y":"[1]article, composition, discourse, disquisition, dissertation, paper, piece, tract, treatise @@@@ [2]aim, attempt, bid, crack @@@@ [3]effort, endeavour, exertion, experiment, go @@@@ [4]shot @@@@ [5]stab @@@@ [6]struggle, test, trial, try, undertaking, venture @@@@ [7]aim, attempt, endeavour, have a bash @@@@ [8]put to the test, strive, take on, test, try, try out, undertake"} {"x":"essence","y":"[1]being, bottom line, core, crux, entity, heart, kernel, life, lifeblood, meaning, nature, pith, principle, quiddity, quintessence, significance, soul, spirit, substance @@@@ [2]concentrate, distillate, elixir, extract, spirits, tincture @@@@ [3]cologne, fragrance, perfume, scent @@@@ [4]basically, essentially, fundamentally, in effect, in substance, in the main, materially, substantially, to all intents and purposes, virtually @@@@ [5]crucial, essential, indispensable, of the utmost importance, vital, vitally important"} {"x":"essential","y":"[1]crucial, important, indispensable, necessary, needed, requisite, vital @@@@ [2]basic, cardinal, constitutional, elemental, elementary, fundamental, immanent, inherent, innate, intrinsic, key, main, principal, radical @@@@ [3]absolute, complete, ideal, perfect, quintessential @@@@ [4]concentrated, distilled, extracted, rectified, refined, volatile @@@@ [5]basic, fundamental, must, necessity, prerequisite, principle, requisite, rudiment, sine qua non, vital part"} {"x":"establish","y":"[1]base, constitute, create, decree, enact, ensconce, entrench, fix, form, found, ground, implant, inaugurate, install, institute, organize, plant, put down roots, root, secure, settle, set up, sow the seeds, start @@@@ [2]authenticate, certify, confirm, corroborate, demonstrate, prove, ratify, show, substantiate, validate, verify"} {"x":"establishment","y":"[1]creation, enactment, formation, foundation, founding, inauguration, installation, institution, organization, setting up @@@@ [2]business, company, concern, corporation, enterprise, firm, house, institute, institution, organization, outfit @@@@ [3]setup @@@@ [4]structure, system @@@@ [5]building, factory, house, office, plant, quarters @@@@ [6]abode, domicile, dwelling, home, house, household, pad @@@@ [7]residence @@@@ [8]established order, institutionalized authority, ruling class, the powers that be, the system"} {"x":"estate","y":"[1]area, demesne, domain, holdings, lands, manor, property @@@@ [2]assets, belongings, effects, fortune, goods, possessions, property, wealth @@@@ [3]caste, class, order, rank @@@@ [4]condition, lot, period, place, position, quality, rank, situation, standing, state, station, status"} {"x":"estimable","y":"[1]admirable, esteemed, excellent, good, honourable, honoured, meritorious, reputable, respectable, respected, valuable, valued, worthy"} {"x":"estimate","y":"[1]appraise, assess, calculate roughly, evaluate, gauge, guess, judge, number, reckon, value @@@@ [2]assess, believe, conjecture, consider, form an opinion, guess, judge, rank, rate, reckon, surmise, think @@@@ [3]appraisal, appraisement, approximate calculation, assessment, ballpark estimate @@@@ [4]ballpark figure @@@@ [5]evaluation, guess, guesstimate @@@@ [6]judgment, reckoning, valuation @@@@ [7]appraisal, appraisement, assessment, belief, conjecture, educated guess, estimation, judgment, opinion, surmise, thought(s)"} {"x":"estimation","y":"[1]appraisal, appreciation, assessment, belief, consideration, considered opinion, estimate, evaluation, judgment, opinion, view @@@@ [2]admiration, Brownie points, credit, esteem, good opinion, honour, regard, respect, reverence, veneration"} {"x":"estrange","y":"[1]alienate, antagonize, disaffect, disunite, divide, drive apart, lose or destroy the affection of, make hostile, part, separate, set at odds, withdraw, withhold"} {"x":"estuary","y":"[1]creek, firth, fjord, inlet, mouth"} {"x":"etch","y":"[1]carve, corrode, cut, eat into, engrave, furrow, impress, imprint, incise, ingrain, inscribe, stamp"} {"x":"eternal","y":"[1]abiding, ceaseless, constant, deathless, endless, everlasting, immortal, infinite, interminable, never-ending, perennial, perpetual, sempiternal @@@@ [2]timeless, unceasing, undying, unending, unremitting, without end @@@@ [3]deathless, enduring, everlasting, immortal, immutable, imperishable, indestructible, lasting, permanent"} {"x":"eternity","y":"[1]age, ages, endlessness, for ever, immortality, infinitude, infinity, perpetuity, timelessness, time without end @@@@ [2]heaven, paradise, the afterlife, the hereafter, the next world"} {"x":"ethereal","y":"[1]dainty, delicate, exquisite, fine, insubstantial, light, rarefied, refined, subtle, tenuous @@@@ [2]aerial, airy, fairy, impalpable, intangible, light, rarefied @@@@ [3]celestial, empyreal, heavenly, spiritual, sublime, unearthly, unworldly"} {"x":"ethical","y":"[1]conscientious, correct, decent, fair, fitting, good, honest, honourable, just, moral, principled, proper, right, righteous, upright, virtuous"} {"x":"ethics","y":"[1]conscience, moral code, morality, moral philosophy, moral values, principles, rules of conduct, standards"} {"x":"ethnic","y":"[1]cultural, folk, indigenous, national, native, racial, traditional"} {"x":"etiquette","y":"[1]civility, code, convention, courtesy, customs, decorum, formalities, good or proper behaviour, manners, politeness, politesse, propriety, protocol, p's and q's, rules, usage"} {"x":"eulogize","y":"[1]acclaim, applaud, commend, compliment, crack up @@@@ [2]cry up, exalt, extol, glorify, laud, magnify @@@@ [3]panegyrize, pay tribute to, praise, sing or sound the praises of"} {"x":"eulogy","y":"[1]acclaim, acclamation, accolade, applause, commendation, compliment, encomium, exaltation, glorification, laudation, paean, panegyric, plaudit, praise, tribute"} {"x":"euphony","y":"[1]consonance, harmony, mellifluousness, mellowness, melodiousness, melody, music, musicality, tunefulness, unison"} {"x":"euphoria","y":"[1]bliss, ecstasy, elation, exaltation, exhilaration, exultation, glee, high spirits, intoxication, joy, joyousness, jubilation, rapture, transport"} {"x":"evacuate","y":"[1]abandon, clear, decamp, depart, desert, forsake, leave, move out, pull out, quit, relinquish, remove, vacate, withdraw @@@@ [2]crap @@@@ [3]defecate, discharge, eject, eliminate, empty, excrete, expel, shit @@@@ [4]void"} {"x":"evade","y":"[1]avoid, body-swerve @@@@ [2]circumvent, decline, dodge, duck, elude, escape, escape the clutches of, eschew, get away from, shirk, shun, sidestep, slip through one's fingers, slip through the net, steer clear of @@@@ [3]balk, beat about the bush, circumvent, cop out @@@@ [4]equivocate, fence, fend off, flannel @@@@ [5]fudge, hedge, parry, prevaricate, quibble, waffle"} {"x":"evaluate","y":"[1]appraise, assay, assess, calculate, estimate, gauge, judge, rank, rate, reckon, size up @@@@ [2]value, weigh"} {"x":"evaluation","y":"[1]appraisal, assessment, calculation, estimate, estimation, judgment, opinion, rating, valuation"} {"x":"evanescent","y":"[1]brief, ephemeral, fading, fleeting, fugacious, fugitive, impermanent, momentary, passing, short-lived, transient, transitory, vanishing"} {"x":"evangelical","y":"[1]crusading, missionary, propagandizing, proselytizing, zealous"} {"x":"evaporate","y":"[1]dehydrate, desiccate, dry, dry up, vaporize @@@@ [2]dematerialize, disappear, dispel, disperse, dissipate, dissolve, evanesce, fade, fade away, melt, melt away, vanish"} {"x":"evasion","y":"[1]artifice, avoidance, circumvention, cop-out @@@@ [2]cunning, dodge, elusion, equivocation, escape, evasiveness, excuse, fudging, obliqueness, pretext, prevarication, ruse, shift, shirking, shuffling, sophism, sophistry, subterfuge, trickery, waffle"} {"x":"eve","y":"[1]day before, night before, vigil @@@@ [2]brink, edge, point, threshold, verge"} {"x":"even","y":"[1]flat, flush, horizontal, level, parallel, plane, plumb, smooth, steady, straight, true, uniform @@@@ [2]constant, metrical, regular, smooth, steady, unbroken, uniform, uninterrupted, unvarying, unwavering @@@@ [3]calm, composed, cool, equable, equanimous, even-tempered, imperturbable, peaceful, placid, serene, stable, steady, tranquil, undisturbed, unexcitable, unruffled, well-balanced @@@@ [4]coequal, commensurate, comparable, drawn, equal, equalized, equally balanced, fifty-fifty @@@@ [5]identical, level, level pegging @@@@ [6]like, matching, neck and neck, on a par, parallel, similar, square, the same, tied, uniform @@@@ [7]balanced, disinterested, dispassionate, equitable, fair, fair and square, impartial, just, unbiased, unprejudiced @@@@ [8]be revenged or revenge oneself, even the score, get one's own back, give tit for tat, pay back, pay (someone) back in his or her own coin, reciprocate, repay, requite, return like for like, settle the score, take an eye for an eye, take vengeance @@@@ [9]all the more, much, still, yet @@@@ [10]despite, disregarding, in spite of, notwithstanding @@@@ [11]at the same time as, at the time that, during the time that, exactly as, just as, while, whilst @@@@ [12]all the same, be that as it may, despite (that), however, in spite of (that), nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding (that), still, yet @@@@ [13]align, balance, become level, equal, equalize, flatten, level, match, regularize, smooth, square, stabilize, steady @@@@ [14]get one's own back, give tit for tat, pay (someone) back, reciprocate, repay, requite, return like for like, settle the score, take an eye for an eye, take vengeance @@@@ [15]get one's own back, give tit for tat, pay (someone) back, reciprocate, repay, requite, return like for like, settle the score, take an eye for an eye, take vengeance"} {"x":"evening","y":"[1]crepuscule, dusk, e'en @@@@ [2]eve, even @@@@ [3]eventide @@@@ [4]gloaming @@@@ [5]twilight, vesper"} {"x":"event","y":"[1]adventure, affair, business, circumstance, episode, escapade, experience, fact, happening, incident, matter, milestone, occasion, occurrence @@@@ [2]conclusion, consequence, effect, end, issue, outcome, result, termination, upshot @@@@ [3]bout, competition, contest, game, tournament @@@@ [4]at any rate, come what may, in any case, in any event, regardless, whatever happens"} {"x":"eventual","y":"[1]concluding, consequent, ensuing, final, future, later, overall, prospective, resulting, ultimate"} {"x":"eventually","y":"[1]after all, at the end of the day, finally, in the course of time, in the end, in the fullness of time, in the long run, one day, some day, some time, sooner or later, ultimately, when all is said and done"} {"x":"ever","y":"[1]at all, at any period, at any point, at any time, by any chance, in any case, on any occasion @@@@ [2]always, at all times, aye @@@@ [3]constantly, continually, endlessly, eternally, everlastingly, evermore, for ever, incessantly, perpetually, relentlessly, to the end of time, unceasingly, unendingly"} {"x":"everlasting","y":"[1]abiding, deathless, endless, eternal, immortal, imperishable, indestructible, infinite, interminable, never-ending, perpetual, timeless, undying @@@@ [2]ceaseless, constant, continual, continuous, endless, incessant, interminable, never-ending, unceasing, uninterrupted, unremitting"} {"x":"every","y":"[1]all, each, each one, the whole number"} {"x":"everybody","y":"[1]all and sundry, each one, each person, everyone, every person, one and all, the whole world @@@@ [2]Everybody"} {"x":"everyday","y":"[1]daily, quotidian @@@@ [2]accustomed, banal, bog-standard @@@@ [3]commonplace, conventional, customary, dime-a-dozen @@@@ [4]dull, familiar, frequent, habitual, informal, mundane, ordinary, routine, run-of-the-mill, stock, unexceptional, unimaginative, usual, vanilla @@@@ [5]wonted, workaday"} {"x":"everyone","y":"[1]all and sundry, each one, each person, everybody, every person, one and all, the whole world"} {"x":"everything","y":"[1]all, each thing, the aggregate, the entirety, the lot, the sum, the total, the whole caboodle"} {"x":"everywhere","y":"[1]all around, all over, far and wide or near, high and low, in each place, in every nook and cranny, in every place, omnipresent, the world over, to or in all places, ubiquitous, ubiquitously"} {"x":"evict","y":"[1]boot out @@@@ [2]chuck out @@@@ [3]dislodge, dispossess, eject, expel, kick out @@@@ [4]oust, put out, remove, show the door (to), throw on to the streets, throw out, turf out @@@@ [5]turn out"} {"x":"evidence","y":"[1]affirmation, attestation, averment, confirmation, corroboration, data, declaration, demonstration, deposition, grounds, indication, manifestation, mark, proof, sign, substantiation, testimony, token, witness @@@@ [2]demonstrate, denote, display, evince, exhibit, indicate, manifest, prove, reveal, show, signify, testify to, witness"} {"x":"evident","y":"[1]apparent, blatant, bold, clear, conspicuous, incontestable, incontrovertible, indisputable, manifest, noticeable, obvious, palpable, patent, perceptible, plain, plain as the nose on your face, salient, tangible, unmistakable, visible"} {"x":"evidently","y":"[1]clearly, doubtless, doubtlessly, incontestably, incontrovertibly, indisputably, manifestly, obviously, patently, plainly, undoubtedly, unmistakably, without question @@@@ [2]apparently, it seems, it would seem, ostensibly, outwardly, seemingly, to all appearances"} {"x":"evil","y":"[1]bad, base, corrupt, depraved, heinous, immoral, iniquitous, maleficent, malevolent, malicious, malignant, nefarious, reprobate, sinful, unholy, vicious, vile, villainous, wicked, wrong @@@@ [2]badness, baseness, corruption, curse, depravity, heinousness, immorality, iniquity, maleficence, malignity, sin, sinfulness, turpitude, vice, viciousness, villainy, wickedness, wrong, wrongdoing @@@@ [3]baneful @@@@ [4]calamitous, catastrophic, deleterious, destructive, detrimental, dire, disastrous, harmful, hurtful, inauspicious, injurious, mischievous, painful, pernicious, ruinous, sorrowful, unfortunate, unlucky, woeful @@@@ [5]affliction, calamity, catastrophe, disaster, harm, hurt, ill, injury, mischief, misery, misfortune, pain, ruin, sorrow, suffering, woe @@@@ [6]foul, mephitic, noxious, offensive, pestilential, putrid, unpleasant, vile @@@@ [7]bitchy @@@@ [8]depraved, dirty-minded, filthy, foul-mouthed, gossip-mongering, lewd, malicious, nasty, poisonous, salacious, snide, spiteful, venomous"} {"x":"evildoer","y":"[1]bad hat @@@@ [2]criminal, crook @@@@ [3]culprit, delinquent, malefactor, miscreant, offender, villain, wrongdoer, wrong 'un @@@@ [4]beast, blackguard, devil, devil incarnate, fiend, mischief-maker, monster, ogre, reprobate, rogue, sinner"} {"x":"evince","y":"[1]attest, bespeak, betoken, demonstrate, display, establish, evidence, exhibit, express, indicate, make clear, make evident, manifest, reveal, show, signify"} {"x":"evoke","y":"[1]arouse, awaken, call, excite, give rise to, induce, recall, rekindle, stimulate, stir up, summon up @@@@ [2]call forth, educe @@@@ [3]elicit, produce, provoke @@@@ [4]arouse, call, call forth, conjure up, invoke, raise, summon"} {"x":"evolution","y":"[1]development, enlargement, evolvement, expansion, growth, increase, maturation, progress, progression, unfolding, unrolling, working out"} {"x":"evolve","y":"[1]develop, disclose, educe, elaborate, enlarge, expand, grow, increase, mature, open, progress, unfold, unroll, work out"} {"x":"exacerbate","y":"[1]embitter, enrage, envenom, exasperate, excite, fan the flames of, inflame, infuriate, intensify, irritate, madden, provoke, vex, worsen"} {"x":"exact","y":"[1]accurate, careful, correct, definite, explicit, express, faithful, faultless, identical, literal, methodical, on the money @@@@ [2]orderly, particular, precise, right, specific, true, unequivocal, unerring, veracious, very @@@@ [3]careful, exacting, meticulous, painstaking, punctilious, rigorous, scrupulous, severe, strict @@@@ [4]call for, claim, command, compel, demand, extort, extract, force, impose, insist upon, require, squeeze, wrest, wring"} {"x":"exactitude","y":"[1]accuracy, carefulness, correctness, exactness, faithfulness, faultlessness, nicety, orderliness, painstakingness, preciseness, precision, promptitude, regularity, rigorousness, rigour, scrupulousness, strictness, truth, unequivocalness, veracity"} {"x":"exactly","y":"[1]accurately, carefully, correctly, definitely, explicitly, faithfully, faultlessly, literally, methodically, precisely, rigorously, scrupulously, severely, strictly, truly, truthfully, unequivocally, unerringly, veraciously @@@@ [2]absolutely, bang, explicitly, expressly, indeed, in every respect, just, on the button @@@@ [3]particularly, precisely, prompt @@@@ [4]quite, specifically, to the letter @@@@ [5]by no means, certainly not, hardly, in no manner, in no way, not at all, not by any means, not quite, not really @@@@ [6]absolutely, assuredly, as you say, certainly, indeed, just so, of course, precisely, quite, quite so, spot-on @@@@ [7]truly"} {"x":"exaggerate","y":"[1]amplify, blow out of all proportion, embellish, embroider, emphasize, enlarge, exalt, hyperbolize, inflate, lay it on thick @@@@ [2]overdo, overemphasize, overestimate, overstate @@@@ [3]If something exaggerates a situation, quality, or feature, it makes the situation, quality, or feature appear greater, more obvious, or more important than it really is."} {"x":"exalt","y":"[1]advance, aggrandize, dignify, elevate, ennoble, honour, promote, raise, upgrade @@@@ [2]acclaim, apotheosize, applaud, bless, crack up @@@@ [3]extol, glorify, idolize, laud, magnify @@@@ [4]pay homage to, pay tribute to, praise, reverence, set on a pedestal, worship @@@@ [5]animate, arouse, electrify, elevate, excite, fire the imagination (of), heighten, inspire, inspirit, stimulate, uplift @@@@ [6]delight, elate, exhilarate, fill with joy, thrill"} {"x":"exaltation","y":"[1]advancement, aggrandizement, dignity, elevation, eminence, ennoblement, grandeur, high rank, honour, loftiness, prestige, promotion, rise, upgrading @@@@ [2]acclaim, acclamation, apotheosis, applause, blessing, extolment, glorification, glory, homage, idolization, laudation, lionization, magnification, panegyric, plaudits, praise, reverence, tribute, worship @@@@ [3]animation, elevation, excitement, inspiration, stimulation, uplift @@@@ [4]bliss, delight, ecstasy, elation, exhilaration, exultation, joy, joyousness, jubilation, rapture, transport"} {"x":"examination","y":"[1]analysis, assay, catechism, checkup, exploration, inquiry, inquisition, inspection, interrogation, investigation, observation, once-over @@@@ [2]perusal, probe, questioning, quiz, recce @@@@ [3]research, review, scrutiny, search, study, survey, test, trial"} {"x":"examine","y":"[1]analyse, appraise, assay, check, check out, consider, explore, go over or through, inspect, investigate, look over, peruse, ponder, pore over, probe, recce @@@@ [2]research, review, scan, scrutinize, sift, study, survey, take stock of, test, vet, weigh, work over @@@@ [3]catechize, cross-examine, grill @@@@ [4]inquire, interrogate, question, quiz @@@@ [5]catechize, grill @@@@ [6]interrogate, pump, question, quiz"} {"x":"example","y":"[1]case, case in point, exemplification, illustration, instance, sample, specimen @@@@ [2]archetype, exemplar, ideal, illustration, model, norm, paradigm, paragon, pattern, precedent, prototype, standard @@@@ [3]admonition, caution, lesson, warning @@@@ [4]as an illustration, by way of illustration, e.g., exempli gratia, for instance, to cite an instance, to illustrate"} {"x":"exasperate","y":"[1]aggravate @@@@ [2]anger, annoy, bug @@@@ [3]embitter, enrage, exacerbate, excite, gall, get @@@@ [4]hassle @@@@ [5]incense, inflame, infuriate, irk, irritate, madden, nark @@@@ [6]needle @@@@ [7]nettle, peeve @@@@ [8]provoke, rankle, rile @@@@ [9]rouse, try the patience of, vex"} {"x":"excavate","y":"[1]burrow, cut, delve, dig, dig out, dig up, gouge, hollow, mine, quarry, scoop, trench, tunnel, uncover, unearth"} {"x":"excavation","y":"[1]burrow, cavity, cut, cutting, dig, diggings, ditch, dugout, hole, hollow, mine, pit, quarry, shaft, trench, trough"} {"x":"exceed","y":"[1]beat, be superior to, better, cap @@@@ [2]eclipse, excel, go beyond, knock spots off @@@@ [3]outdistance, outdo, outreach, outrun, outshine, outstrip, overtake, pass, put in the shade @@@@ [4]surmount, surpass, top, transcend"} {"x":"excel","y":"[1]beat, be superior, better, cap @@@@ [2]eclipse, exceed, go beyond, outdo, outrival, outshine, pass, put in the shade @@@@ [3]surmount, surpass, top, transcend @@@@ [4]be good, be master of, be proficient, be skilful, be talented, have (something) down to a fine art, predominate, shine, show talent, take precedence"} {"x":"excellence","y":"[1]distinction, eminence, fineness, goodness, greatness, high quality, merit, perfection, pre-eminence, purity, superiority, supremacy, transcendence, virtue, worth"} {"x":"excellent","y":"[1]admirable, bitchin' @@@@ [2]bodacious @@@@ [3]boffo @@@@ [4]brill @@@@ [5]brilliant, capital, champion, chillin' @@@@ [6]choice, cracking @@@@ [7]crucial @@@@ [8]def @@@@ [9]distinguished, dope @@@@ [10]estimable, exemplary, exquisite, fine, first-class, first-rate, good, great, jim-dandy @@@@ [11]mean @@@@ [12]mega @@@@ [13]meritorious, notable, noted, outstanding, prime, select, sovereign, sterling, superb, superior, superlative, the dog's bollocks @@@@ [14]tiptop, top-notch @@@@ [15]topping @@@@ [16]world-class, worthy"} {"x":"except","y":"[1]apart from, bar, barring, besides, but, excepting, excluding, exclusive of, omitting, other than, save @@@@ [2]ban, bar, disallow, exclude, leave out, omit, pass over, reject, rule out"} {"x":"exception","y":"[1]debarment, disallowment, excepting, exclusion, leaving out, omission, passing over, rejection @@@@ [2]anomaly, departure, deviation, freak, inconsistency, irregularity, oddity, peculiarity, quirk, special case @@@@ [3]be offended, be resentful, demur, disagree, object, quibble, take offence, take umbrage"} {"x":"excerpt","y":"[1]citation, extract, fragment, part, passage, pericope, piece, portion, quotation, quote @@@@ [2]section, selection @@@@ [3]cite, cull, extract, pick out, quote, select, take"} {"x":"excess","y":"[1]glut, leftover, overabundance, overdose, overflow, overload, plethora, remainder, superabundance, superfluity, surfeit, surplus, too much @@@@ [2]debauchery, dissipation, dissoluteness, exorbitance, extravagance, immoderation, intemperance, overindulgence, prodigality, unrestraint @@@@ [3]extra, leftover, redundant, remaining, residual, spare, superfluous, surplus"} {"x":"excessive","y":"[1]disproportionate, enormous, exaggerated, exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, fulsome, immoderate, inordinate, intemperate, needless, O.T.T. @@@@ [2]overdone, overmuch, over the odds, over the top @@@@ [3]prodigal, profligate, superfluous, too much, unconscionable, undue, unreasonable"} {"x":"exchange","y":"[1]bandy, barter, change, commute, convert into, interchange, reciprocate, swap @@@@ [2]switch, trade, truck @@@@ [3]barter, dealing, interchange, quid pro quo, reciprocity, substitution, swap @@@@ [4]switch, tit for tat, trade, traffic, truck @@@@ [5]Bourse, market"} {"x":"excise","y":"[1]customs, duty, impost, levy, surcharge, tariff, tax, toll @@@@ [2]cross out, cut, delete, destroy, eradicate, erase, expunge, exterminate, extirpate, strike out, wipe from the face of the earth @@@@ [3]cut off or out, extract, remove"} {"x":"excite","y":"[1]agitate, animate, arouse, awaken, discompose, disturb, electrify, elicit, evoke, fire, foment, galvanize, incite, inflame, inspire, instigate, kindle, move, provoke, quicken, rouse, stimulate, stir up, thrill, titillate, waken, whet"} {"x":"excited","y":"[1]aflame, agitated, animated, aroused, awakened, discomposed, disturbed, enthusiastic, feverish, flurried, high @@@@ [2]moved, nervous, overwrought, roused, stimulated, stirred, thrilled, tumultuous, wild, worked up"} {"x":"excitement","y":"[1]action, activity, ado, adventure, agitation, animation, commotion, discomposure, elation, enthusiasm, ferment, fever, flurry, furore, heat, kicks @@@@ [2]passion, perturbation, thrill, tumult, warmth @@@@ [3]impulse, incitement, instigation, motivation, motive, provocation, stimulation, stimulus, urge"} {"x":"exciting","y":"[1]dramatic, electrifying, exhilarating, inspiring, intoxicating, moving, provocative, rip-roaring @@@@ [2]rousing, sensational, sexy @@@@ [3]stimulating, stirring, thrilling, titillating"} {"x":"exclaim","y":"[1]call, call out, cry, cry out, declare, ejaculate, proclaim, shout, utter, vociferate, yell"} {"x":"exclamation","y":"[1]call, cry, ejaculation, expletive, interjection, outcry, shout, utterance, vociferation, yell @@@@ [2]An exclamation is a sound, word, or sentence that is spoken suddenly, loudly, or emphatically and that expresses excitement, admiration, shock, or anger."} {"x":"exclude","y":"[1]ban, bar, black, blackball, boycott, debar, disallow, embargo, forbid, interdict, keep out, ostracize, prohibit, proscribe, refuse, shut out, veto @@@@ [2]count out, eliminate, except, ignore, leave out, omit, pass over, preclude, reject, repudiate, rule out, set aside @@@@ [3]bounce @@@@ [4]drive out, eject, evict, expel, force out, get rid of, oust, remove, throw out"} {"x":"exclusive","y":"[1]absolute, complete, entire, full, only, private, single, sole, total, undivided, unique, unshared, whole @@@@ [2]aristocratic, chic, choice, clannish, classy @@@@ [3]cliquish, closed, discriminative, elegant, fashionable, high-toned, limited, narrow, posh @@@@ [4]private, restricted, restrictive, ritzy @@@@ [5]select, selfish, snobbish, swish @@@@ [6]top-drawer, up-market @@@@ [7]confined, limited, peculiar, restricted, unique @@@@ [8]debarring, except for, excepting, excluding, leaving aside, not counting, omitting, restricting, ruling out"} {"x":"excogitate","y":"[1]conceive, contemplate, contrive, deliberate, devise, evolve, frame, invent, mull over, ponder, ruminate, think out or up, weigh, work out"} {"x":"excommunicate","y":"[1]anathematize, ban, banish, cast out, denounce, eject, exclude, expel, proscribe, remove, repudiate, unchurch"} {"x":"excoriate","y":"[1]abrade, flay, gall, peel, scarify, scrape, scratch, skin, strip @@@@ [2]attack, bawl out @@@@ [3]berate, blast, carpet @@@@ [4]castigate, censure, chastise, chew out @@@@ [5]condemn, criticize, denounce, flay, give a rocket @@@@ [6]lambast(e), put down, read the riot act, rebuke, reproach, reprove, revile, scold, slam @@@@ [7]slate @@@@ [8]tear into @@@@ [9]upbraid, vilify"} {"x":"excrement","y":"[1]crap @@@@ [2]droppings, dung, excreta, faeces, kak @@@@ [3]mess @@@@ [4]motion, night soil, ordure, shit @@@@ [5]stool, turd"} {"x":"excrescence","y":"[1]growth, lump, swelling, tumour, wart @@@@ [2]knob, lump, outgrowth, process, projection, prominence, protrusion, protuberance"} {"x":"excrete","y":"[1]crap @@@@ [2]defecate, discharge, egest, eject, eliminate, evacuate, expel, exude, shit @@@@ [3]void"} {"x":"excruciating","y":"[1]acute, agonizing, burning, exquisite, extreme, harrowing, insufferable, intense, piercing, racking, searing, severe, tormenting, torturous, unbearable, unendurable, violent"} {"x":"exculpate","y":"[1]absolve, acquit, clear, discharge, dismiss, excuse, exonerate, free, justify, pardon, release, vindicate"} {"x":"excursion","y":"[1]airing, day trip, expedition, jaunt, journey, outing, pleasure trip, ramble, tour, trip @@@@ [2]detour, deviation, digression, episode, excursus, wandering"} {"x":"excursive","y":"[1]devious, diffusive, digressive, discursive, episodic, errant, rambling, roaming, roving, wandering"} {"x":"excuse","y":"[1]absolve, acquit, bear with, exculpate, exonerate, extenuate, forgive, indulge, make allowances for, overlook, pardon, pass over, tolerate, turn a blind eye to, wink at @@@@ [2]apologize for, condone, defend, explain, justify, mitigate, vindicate @@@@ [3]absolve, discharge, exempt, free, let off, liberate, release, relieve, spare @@@@ [4]apology, defence, explanation, grounds, justification, mitigation, plea, pretext, reason, vindication @@@@ [5]cop-out @@@@ [6]disguise, evasion, expedient, makeshift, pretence, pretext, semblance, shift, subterfuge @@@@ [7]apology, makeshift, mockery, substitute, travesty"} {"x":"execrable","y":"[1]abhorrent, abominable, accursed, atrocious, cringe-making @@@@ [2]damnable, deplorable, despicable, detestable, disgusting, foul, hateful, heinous, horrible, loathsome, nauseous, obnoxious, obscene, odious, offensive, repulsive, revolting, sickening, vile, yucky or yukky"} {"x":"execrate","y":"[1]abhor, abominate, anathematize, condemn, curse, damn, denounce, deplore, despise, detest, excoriate, hate, imprecate, loathe, revile, slam @@@@ [2]vilify"} {"x":"execration","y":"[1]abhorrence, abomination, anathema, condemnation, contempt, curse, damnation, detestation, excoriation, hate, hatred, imprecation, loathing, malediction, odium, vilification"} {"x":"execute","y":"[1]behead, electrocute, guillotine, hang, kill, put to death, shoot @@@@ [2]accomplish, achieve, administer, bring off, carry out, complete, consummate, discharge, do, effect, enact, enforce, finish, fulfil, implement, perform, prosecute, put into effect, realize, render @@@@ [3]deliver, seal, serve, sign, validate"} {"x":"execution","y":"[1]accomplishment, achievement, administration, carrying out, completion, consummation, discharge, effect, enactment, enforcement, implementation, operation, performance, prosecution, realization, rendering @@@@ [2]capital punishment, hanging, killing, necktie party @@@@ [3]delivery, manner, mode, performance, rendition, style, technique @@@@ [4]warrant, writ"} {"x":"executive","y":"[1]administrator, director, manager, official @@@@ [2]administration, directorate, directors, government, hierarchy, leadership, management @@@@ [3]administrative, controlling, decision-making, directing, governing, managerial"} {"x":"exemplar","y":"[1]criterion, epitome, example, ideal, model, paradigm, paragon, pattern, standard @@@@ [2]example, exemplification, illustration, instance, prototype, specimen, type"} {"x":"exemplary","y":"[1]admirable, commendable, correct, estimable, excellent, fine, good, honourable, ideal, laudable, meritorious, model, praiseworthy, punctilious, sterling @@@@ [2]admonitory, cautionary, monitory, warning @@@@ [3]characteristic, illustrative, representative, typical"} {"x":"exemplify","y":"[1]demonstrate, depict, display, embody, evidence, exhibit, illustrate, instance, manifest, represent, serve as an example of, show"} {"x":"exempt","y":"[1]absolve, discharge, except, excuse, exonerate, free, grant immunity, let off, liberate, release, relieve, spare @@@@ [2]absolved, clear, discharged, excepted, excused, favoured, free, immune, liberated, not liable, not subject, privileged, released, spared"} {"x":"exercise","y":"[1]apply, bring to bear, employ, enjoy, exert, practise, put to use, use, utilize, wield @@@@ [2]discipline, drill, habituate, inure, practise, train, work out @@@@ [3]afflict, agitate, annoy, burden, distress, disturb, occupy, pain, perturb, preoccupy, trouble, try, vex, worry @@@@ [4]action, activity, discipline, drill, drilling, effort, labour, toil, training, work, work-out @@@@ [5]accomplishment, application, discharge, employment, enjoyment, exertion, fulfilment, implementation, practice, use, utilization @@@@ [6]drill, lesson, practice, problem, schooling, schoolwork, task, work"} {"x":"exert","y":"[1]apply, bring into play, bring to bear, employ, exercise, expend, make use of, put forth, use, utilize, wield @@@@ [2]rupture oneself @@@@ [3]spare no effort, strain, strive, struggle, toil, try hard, work @@@@ [4]deploy, put out"} {"x":"exhalation","y":"[1]breath, breathing out, discharge, effluvium, emanation, emission, evaporation, exhaust, expiration, fog, fume, mist, smoke, steam, vapour"} {"x":"exhale","y":"[1]breathe, breathe out, discharge, eject, emanate, emit, evaporate, expel, give off, issue, respire, steam"} {"x":"exhaust","y":"[1]bankrupt, cripple, debilitate, disable, drain, enervate, enfeeble, fatigue, impoverish, prostrate, sap, tire, tire out, weaken, wear out @@@@ [2]consume, deplete, dissipate, expend, finish, run through, spend, squander, use up, waste @@@@ [3]drain, dry, empty, strain, void @@@@ [4]be emitted, discharge, emanate, escape, issue"} {"x":"exhausted","y":"[1]all in @@@@ [2]beat @@@@ [3]buggered @@@@ [4]clapped out @@@@ [5]creamcrackered @@@@ [6]crippled, dead @@@@ [7]dead beat @@@@ [8]dead tired, debilitated, disabled, dog-tired @@@@ [9]done in @@@@ [10]drained, effete, enervated, enfeebled, fatigued, jaded, knackered @@@@ [11]prostrated, ready to drop, sapped, shagged out @@@@ [12]spent, tired out, wasted, weak, wiped out @@@@ [13]zonked @@@@ [14]at an end, consumed, depleted, dissipated, done, expended, finished, gone, spent, squandered, used up, wasted @@@@ [15]bare, drained, dry, empty, void"} {"x":"exhaustion","y":"[1]debilitation, enervation, fatigue, feebleness, lassitude, prostration, tiredness, weariness @@@@ [2]consumption, depletion, emptying"} {"x":"exhibit","y":"[1]air, demonstrate, disclose, display, evidence, evince, expose, express, flaunt, indicate, make clear or plain, manifest, offer, parade, present, put on view, reveal, show @@@@ [2]display, exhibition, illustration, model, show"} {"x":"exhibition","y":"[1]airing, demonstration, display, exhibit, expo @@@@ [2]exposition, fair, manifestation, performance, presentation, representation, show, showing, spectacle"} {"x":"exhilarate","y":"[1]animate, cheer, delight, elate, enliven, exalt, gladden, inspirit, invigorate, lift, pep or perk up, rejoice, stimulate, thrill"} {"x":"exhort","y":"[1]admonish, advise, beseech, bid, call upon, caution, counsel, encourage, enjoin, entreat, goad, incite, persuade, press, prompt, spur, urge, warn"} {"x":"exhortation","y":"[1]admonition, advice, beseeching, bidding, caution, clarion call, counsel, encouragement, enjoinder @@@@ [2]entreaty, goading, incitement, lecture, persuasion, sermon, urging, warning"} {"x":"exhume","y":"[1]dig up, disentomb, disinter, unbury, unearth"} {"x":"exigency","y":"[1]acuteness, constraint, criticalness, demandingness, difficulty, distress, emergency, imperativeness, necessity, needfulness, pressingness, pressure, stress, urgency @@@@ [2]constraint, demand, necessity, need, requirement, wont @@@@ [3]crisis, difficulty, emergency, extremity, fix @@@@ [4]hardship, jam @@@@ [5]juncture, panic stations @@@@ [6]pass, pickle @@@@ [7]pinch, plight, predicament, quandary, scrape @@@@ [8]strait"} {"x":"exigent","y":"[1]acute, constraining, critical, crucial, imperative, importunate, insistent, necessary, needful, pressing, urgent @@@@ [2]arduous, demanding, difficult, exacting, hard, harsh, rigorous, severe, stiff, strict, stringent, taxing, tough"} {"x":"exiguous","y":"[1]bare, meagre, negligible, paltry, scanty, skimpy, slender, spare, sparse"} {"x":"exile","y":"[1]banishment, deportation, expatriation, expulsion, ostracism, proscription, separation @@@@ [2]deportee, emigre, expatriate, outcast, refugee @@@@ [3]banish, deport, drive out, eject, expatriate, expel, ostracize, oust, proscribe"} {"x":"exist","y":"[1]abide, be, be extant, be living, be present, breathe, continue, endure, happen, last, live, obtain, occur, prevail, remain, stand, survive @@@@ [2]eke out a living, get along or by, keep one's head above water, stay alive, subsist, survive"} {"x":"existence","y":"[1]actuality, animation, being, breath, continuance, continuation, duration, endurance, life, subsistence, survival @@@@ [2]being, creature, entity, thing @@@@ [3]creation, life, reality, the world"} {"x":"existing","y":"[1]alive, alive and kicking, extant, in existence, living, remaining, surviving"} {"x":"exit","y":"[1]door, egress, gate, outlet, passage out, vent, way out @@@@ [2]adieu, departure, evacuation, exodus, farewell, going, goodbye, leave-taking, retirement, retreat, withdrawal @@@@ [3]death, decease, demise, expiry, passing away @@@@ [4]bid farewell, depart, go away, go offstage @@@@ [5]go out, issue, leave, make tracks, retire, retreat, say goodbye, take one's leave, withdraw"} {"x":"exodus","y":"[1]departure, evacuation, exit, flight, going out, leaving, migration, retirement, retreat, withdrawal"} {"x":"exonerate","y":"[1]absolve, acquit, clear, discharge, dismiss, exculpate, excuse, justify, pardon, vindicate @@@@ [2]discharge, dismiss, except, excuse, exempt, free, let off, liberate, release, relieve"} {"x":"exorbitant","y":"[1]enormous, excessive, extortionate, extravagant, extreme, immoderate, inordinate, outrageous, preposterous, ridiculous, unconscionable, undue, unreasonable, unwarranted"} {"x":"exorcise","y":"[1]adjure, cast out, deliver (from), drive out, expel, purify"} {"x":"exordium","y":"[1]beginning, foreword, introduction, opening, opening remarks, preamble, preface, prelude, proem, prolegomenon, prologue"} {"x":"exotic","y":"[1]alien, external, extraneous, extrinsic, foreign, imported, introduced, naturalized, not native @@@@ [2]beyond one's ken, bizarre, colourful, curious, different, extraordinary, fascinating, glamorous, mysterious, outlandish, peculiar, strange, striking, unfamiliar, unusual"} {"x":"expand","y":"[1]amplify, augment, bloat, blow up, broaden, develop, dilate, distend, enlarge, extend, fatten, fill out, grow, heighten, increase, inflate, lengthen, magnify, multiply, prolong, protract, swell, thicken, wax, widen @@@@ [2]diffuse, open (out), outspread, spread (out), stretch (out), unfold, unfurl, unravel, unroll @@@@ [3]amplify, develop, dilate, elaborate, embellish, enlarge, expatiate, expound, flesh out, go into detail"} {"x":"expansion","y":"[1]amplification, augmentation, development, diffusion, dilatation, distension, enlargement, expanse, growth, increase, inflation, magnification, multiplication, opening out, spread, swelling, unfolding, unfurling"} {"x":"expatiate","y":"[1]amplify, descant, develop, dilate, dwell on, elaborate, embellish, enlarge, expound, go into detail"} {"x":"expatriate","y":"[1]banished, emigrant, emigre, exiled, refugee @@@@ [2]emigrant, emigre, exile @@@@ [3]banish, exile, expel, ostracize, proscribe"} {"x":"expect","y":"[1]assume, believe, calculate, conjecture, forecast, foresee, imagine, presume, reckon, suppose, surmise, think, trust @@@@ [2]anticipate, await, bargain for, contemplate, envisage, hope for, look ahead to, look for, look forward to, predict, watch for @@@@ [3]call for, count on, demand, insist on, look for, rely upon, require, want, wish"} {"x":"expectation","y":"[1]assumption, assurance, belief, calculation, confidence, conjecture, forecast, likelihood, presumption, probability, supposition, surmise, trust @@@@ [2]anticipation, apprehension, chance, expectancy, fear, hope, looking forward, outlook, possibility, prediction, promise, prospect, suspense @@@@ [3]demand, insistence, reliance, requirement, trust, want, wish"} {"x":"expected","y":"[1]anticipated, awaited, counted on, forecast, hoped-for, long-awaited, looked-for, predicted, promised, wanted"} {"x":"expecting","y":"[1]enceinte, expectant, gravid, in the club @@@@ [2]pregnant, with child"} {"x":"expediency","y":"[1]advantageousness, advisability, appropriateness, aptness, benefit, convenience, desirability, effectiveness, fitness, helpfulness, judiciousness, meetness, practicality, pragmatism, profitability, properness, propriety, prudence, suitability, usefulness, utilitarianism, utility @@@@ [2]contrivance, device, expedient, makeshift, manoeuvre, means, measure, method, resort, resource, scheme, shift, stopgap, stratagem, substitute"} {"x":"expedite","y":"[1]accelerate, advance, assist, dispatch, facilitate, forward, hasten, hurry, precipitate, press, promote, quicken, rush, speed (up), urge"} {"x":"expedition","y":"[1]enterprise, excursion, exploration, journey, mission, quest, safari, tour, trek, trip, undertaking, voyage @@@@ [2]company, crew, explorers, team, travellers, voyagers, wayfarers @@@@ [3]alacrity, celerity, dispatch, expeditiousness, haste, hurry, promptness, quickness, rapidity, readiness, speed, swiftness"} {"x":"expel","y":"[1]belch, cast out, discharge, dislodge, drive out, eject, remove, spew, throw out @@@@ [2]ban, banish, bar, black, blackball, discharge, dismiss, drum out, evict, exclude, exile, expatriate, give the bum's rush @@@@ [3]oust, proscribe, relegate, send packing, show one the door, throw out, throw out on one's ear @@@@ [4]turf out"} {"x":"expend","y":"[1]consume, disburse, dissipate, employ, exhaust, fork out @@@@ [2]spend, use (up) @@@@ [3]To expend something, especially energy, time, or money, means to use it or spend it."} {"x":"expenditure","y":"[1]application, charge, consumption, cost, disbursement, expense, outgoings, outlay, output, payment, spending, use"} {"x":"expense","y":"[1]charge, consumption, cost, disbursement, expenditure, loss, outlay, output, payment, sacrifice, spending, toll, use"} {"x":"expensive","y":"[1]costly, dear, excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, high-priced, inordinate, lavish, overpriced, rich, steep @@@@ [2]stiff"} {"x":"experience","y":"[1]contact, doing, evidence, exposure, familiarity, involvement, know-how @@@@ [2]knowledge, observation, participation, practice, proof, training, trial, understanding @@@@ [3]adventure, affair, encounter, episode, event, happening, incident, occurrence, ordeal, test, trial @@@@ [4]apprehend, become familiar with, behold, encounter, endure, face, feel, go through, have, know, live through, meet, observe, participate in, perceive, sample, sense, suffer, sustain, taste, try, undergo"} {"x":"experienced","y":"[1]accomplished, adept, capable, competent, expert, familiar, knowledgeable, master, practised, professional, qualified, seasoned, skilful, tested, trained, tried, veteran, well-versed @@@@ [2]knowing, mature, sophisticated, wise, worldly, worldly-wise"} {"x":"experiment","y":"[1]assay, attempt, examination, experimentation, investigation, procedure, proof, research, test, trial, trial and error, trial run, venture @@@@ [2]assay, examine, investigate, put to the test, research, sample, test, try, verify"} {"x":"experimental","y":"[1]empirical, exploratory, pilot, preliminary, probationary, provisional, speculative, tentative, test, trial, trial-and-error"} {"x":"expert","y":"[1]ace @@@@ [2]adept, authority, buff @@@@ [3]connoisseur, dab hand @@@@ [4]hotshot @@@@ [5]master, maven @@@@ [6]past master, pro @@@@ [7]professional, specialist, virtuoso, whizz @@@@ [8]wizard @@@@ [9]able, adept, adroit, apt, clever, deft, dexterous, experienced, facile, handy, knowledgeable, master, masterly, practised, professional, proficient, qualified, skilful, skilled, trained, virtuoso"} {"x":"expertise","y":"[1]ableness, adroitness, aptness, cleverness, command, craft, deftness, dexterity, expertness, facility, grasp, grip, judgment, knack, know-how @@@@ [2]knowing inside out, knowledge, masterliness, mastery, proficiency, skilfulness, skill"} {"x":"expiate","y":"[1]atone for, do penance for, make amends for, redeem, redress"} {"x":"expiation","y":"[1]amends, atonement, penance, redemption, redress, shrift"} {"x":"expiration","y":"[1]cessation, close, conclusion, end, expiry, finis, finish, termination @@@@ [2]death, decease, demise, departure"} {"x":"expire","y":"[1]cease, close, come to an end, conclude, end, finish, lapse, run out, stop, terminate @@@@ [2]breathe out, emit, exhale, expel @@@@ [3]buy it @@@@ [4]check out @@@@ [5]croak @@@@ [6]decease, depart, die, go belly-up @@@@ [7]kick it @@@@ [8]peg out @@@@ [9]snuff it"} {"x":"explain","y":"[1]clarify, clear up, define, demonstrate, describe, disclose, elucidate, explicate @@@@ [2]expound, illustrate, interpret, make clear or plain, resolve, solve, teach, unfold @@@@ [3]account for, excuse, give an explanation for, give a reason for, justify"} {"x":"explanation","y":"[1]clarification, definition, demonstration, description, elucidation, explication, exposition, illustration, interpretation, resolution @@@@ [2]account, answer, cause, excuse, justification, meaning, mitigation, motive, reason, sense, significance, the why and wherefore, vindication"} {"x":"explanatory","y":"[1]demonstrative, descriptive, elucidatory, explicative, expository, illuminative, illustrative, interpretive, justifying"} {"x":"explicable","y":"[1]accountable, definable, explainable, intelligible, interpretable, justifiable, resolvable, understandable"} {"x":"explicate","y":"[1]clarify, clear up, elucidate, explain, expound, interpret, make clear or explicit, make plain, unfold, untangle @@@@ [2]construct, develop, devise, evolve, formulate, work out"} {"x":"explicit","y":"[1]absolute, categorical, certain, clear, definite, direct, distinct, exact, express, frank, open, outspoken, patent, plain, positive, precise, round, specific, stated, straightforward, unambiguous, unequivocal, unqualified, unreserved, upfront"} {"x":"explode","y":"[1]blow up, burst, detonate, discharge, erupt, go off, set off, shatter, shiver @@@@ [2]debunk, discredit, disprove, give the lie to, invalidate, refute, repudiate"} {"x":"exploit","y":"[1]accomplishment, achievement, adventure, attainment, deed, escapade, feat, stunt @@@@ [2]abuse, dump on @@@@ [3]impose upon, manipulate, milk, misuse, play on or upon, shit on @@@@ [4]live off the backs of, make capital out of, make use of, profit by or from, put to use, turn to account, use, use to advantage, utilize"} {"x":"exploitation","y":"[1]abuse, imposition, manipulation, misuse, trading upon @@@@ [2]capitalization, utilization"} {"x":"exploration","y":"[1]analysis, examination, inquiry, inspection, investigation, once-over @@@@ [2]probe, research, scrutiny, search, study @@@@ [3]expedition, recce @@@@ [4]reconnaissance, survey, tour, travel, trip"} {"x":"explore","y":"[1]analyse, examine, inquire into, inspect, investigate, look into, probe, prospect, research, scrutinize, search, work over @@@@ [2]case @@@@ [3]reconnoitre, scout, survey, tour, travel, traverse"} {"x":"explosion","y":"[1]bang, blast, burst, clap, crack, detonation, discharge, outburst, report @@@@ [2]eruption, fit, outbreak, outburst, paroxysm"} {"x":"exponent","y":"[1]advocate, backer, champion, defender, promoter, propagandist, proponent, spokesman, spokeswoman, supporter, upholder @@@@ [2]commentator, demonstrator, elucidator, expositor, expounder, illustrator, interpreter @@@@ [3]example, exemplar, illustration, indication, model, norm, sample, specimen, type @@@@ [4]executant, interpreter, performer, player, presenter"} {"x":"expose","y":"[1]display, exhibit, manifest, present, put on view, reveal, show, take the wraps off, uncover, unveil @@@@ [2]air, betray, blow wide open @@@@ [3]bring to light, denounce, detect, disclose, divulge, lay bare, let out, make known, out @@@@ [4]reveal, show up, smoke out, uncover, unearth, unmask @@@@ [5]endanger, hazard, imperil, jeopardize, lay open, leave open, make vulnerable, risk, subject @@@@ [6]acquaint with, bring into contact with, familiarize with, introduce to, make conversant with"} {"x":"exposed","y":"[1]bare, exhibited, laid bare, made manifest, made public, on display, on show, on view, revealed, shown, unconcealed, uncovered, unveiled @@@@ [2]open, open to the elements, unprotected, unsheltered @@@@ [3]in danger, in peril, laid bare, laid open, left open, liable, open, susceptible, vulnerable, wide open"} {"x":"exposition","y":"[1]account, commentary, critique, description, elucidation, exegesis, explanation, explication, illustration, interpretation, presentation @@@@ [2]demonstration, display, exhibition, expo @@@@ [3]fair, presentation, show"} {"x":"expostulate","y":"[1]argue (with), dissuade, protest, reason (with), remonstrate (with)"} {"x":"exposure","y":"[1]baring, display, exhibition, manifestation, presentation, publicity, revelation, showing, uncovering, unveiling @@@@ [2]airing, betrayal, denunciation, detection, disclosure, divulgence, divulging, expose, revelation, unmasking @@@@ [3]danger, hazard, jeopardy, risk, vulnerability @@@@ [4]acquaintance, contact, conversancy, experience, familiarity, introduction, knowledge @@@@ [5]aspect, frontage, location, outlook, position, setting, view"} {"x":"expound","y":"[1]describe, elucidate, explain, explicate @@@@ [2]illustrate, interpret, set forth, spell out, unfold"} {"x":"express","y":"[1]articulate, assert, asseverate, communicate, couch, declare, enunciate, phrase, pronounce, put, put across, put into words, say, speak, state, tell, utter, verbalize, voice, word @@@@ [2]bespeak, convey, denote, depict, designate, disclose, divulge, embody, evince, exhibit, indicate, intimate, make known, manifest, represent, reveal, show, signify, stand for, symbolize, testify @@@@ [3]extract, force out, press out, squeeze out @@@@ [4]accurate, categorical, certain, clear, definite, direct, distinct, exact, explicit, outright, plain, pointed, precise, unambiguous @@@@ [5]clear-cut, especial, particular, singular, special @@@@ [6]direct, fast, high-speed, nonstop, quick, quickie @@@@ [7]rapid, speedy, swift"} {"x":"expression","y":"[1]announcement, assertion, asseveration, communication, declaration, enunciation, mention, pronouncement, speaking, statement, utterance, verbalization, voicing @@@@ [2]demonstration, embodiment, exhibition, indication, manifestation, representation, show, sign, symbol, token @@@@ [3]air, appearance, aspect, countenance, face, look, mien @@@@ [4]choice of words, delivery, diction, emphasis, execution, intonation, language, phraseology, phrasing, speech, style, wording @@@@ [5]idiom, locution, phrase, remark, set phrase, term, turn of phrase, word"} {"x":"expropriate","y":"[1]appropriate, arrogate, assume, commandeer, confiscate, impound, requisition, seize, take, take over"} {"x":"expulsion","y":"[1]banishment, debarment, discharge, dislodgment, dismissal, ejection, eviction, exclusion, exile, expatriation, extrusion, proscription, removal"} {"x":"expunge","y":"[1]abolish, annihilate, annul, blot out, cancel, delete, destroy, efface, eradicate, erase, excise, exterminate, extinguish, extirpate, obliterate, raze, remove, strike out, wipe from the face of the earth, wipe out"} {"x":"expurgate","y":"[1]blue-pencil, bowdlerize, censor, clean up @@@@ [2]cut, purge, purify, sanitize"} {"x":"exquisite","y":"[1]beautiful, dainty, delicate, elegant, fine, lovely, precious @@@@ [2]attractive, beautiful, charming, comely, lovely, pleasing, striking @@@@ [3]admirable, choice, consummate, delicious, divine, excellent, fine, flawless, incomparable, matchless, outstanding, peerless, perfect, rare, select, splendid, superb, superlative @@@@ [4]appreciative, consummate, cultivated, discerning, discriminating, fastidious, impeccable, meticulous, polished, refined, selective, sensitive @@@@ [5]acute, excruciating, intense, keen, piercing, poignant, sharp"} {"x":"extant","y":"[1]existent, existing, in existence, living, remaining, subsisting, surviving, undestroyed"} {"x":"extemporaneous","y":"[1]ad-lib, extempore, free, impromptu, improvisatory, improvised, made-up, offhand, off-the-cuff @@@@ [2]off the top of one's head, spontaneous, unplanned, unpremeditated, unprepared, unrehearsed @@@@ [3]expedient, improvised, makeshift, on-the-spot, temporary"} {"x":"extend","y":"[1]carry on, continue, drag out, draw out, elongate, lengthen, make longer, prolong, protract, spin out, spread out, stretch, unfurl, unroll @@@@ [2]carry on, continue, go on, last, take @@@@ [3]amount to, attain, go as far as, reach, spread @@@@ [4]add to, amplify, augment, broaden, develop, dilate, enhance, enlarge, expand, increase, spread, supplement, widen @@@@ [5]advance, bestow, confer, give, grant, hold out, impart, offer, present, proffer, put forth, reach out, stretch out, yield"} {"x":"extended","y":"[1]continued, drawn-out, elongated, enlarged, lengthened, long, prolonged, protracted, spread (out), stretched out, unfolded, unfurled, unrolled @@@@ [2]broad, comprehensive, enlarged, expanded, extensive, far-reaching, large-scale, sweeping, thorough, wide, widespread @@@@ [3]conferred, outstretched, proffered, stretched out"} {"x":"extension","y":"[1]amplification, augmentation, broadening, continuation, delay, development, dilatation, distension, elongation, enlargement, expansion, extent, increase, lengthening, postponement, prolongation, protraction, spread, stretching, widening @@@@ [2]addendum, addition, add-on, adjunct, annexe, appendage, appendix, branch, ell, supplement, wing"} {"x":"extensive","y":"[1]all-inclusive, broad, capacious, commodious, comprehensive, expanded, extended, far-flung, far-reaching, general, great, huge, humongous or humungous @@@@ [2]large, large-scale, lengthy, long, pervasive, prevalent, protracted, spacious, sweeping, thorough, universal, vast, voluminous, wholesale, wide, widespread"} {"x":"extent","y":"[1]ambit, bounds, compass, play, range, reach, scope, sphere, sweep @@@@ [2]amount, amplitude, area, breadth, bulk, degree, duration, expanse, expansion, length, magnitude, measure, quantity, size, stretch, term, time, volume, width"} {"x":"extenuate","y":"[1]decrease, diminish, excuse, lessen, make allowances for, minimize, mitigate, moderate, palliate, play down, qualify, reduce, soften, temper, weaken @@@@ [2]discount, make light of, underestimate, underrate, undervalue"} {"x":"exterior","y":"[1]appearance, aspect, coating, covering, facade, face, finish, outside, shell, skin, surface @@@@ [2]external, outer, outermost, outside, outward, superficial, surface @@@@ [3]alien, exotic, external, extraneous, extrinsic, foreign, outside"} {"x":"exterminate","y":"[1]abolish, annihilate, destroy, eliminate, eradicate, extirpate"} {"x":"external","y":"[1]apparent, exterior, outer, outermost, outside, outward, superficial, surface, visible @@@@ [2]alien, exotic, exterior, extramural, extraneous, extrinsic, foreign, independent, outside"} {"x":"extinct","y":"[1]dead, defunct, gone, lost, vanished @@@@ [2]doused, extinguished, inactive, out, quenched, snuffed out @@@@ [3]abolished, defunct, ended, obsolete, terminated, void"} {"x":"extinction","y":"[1]abolition, annihilation, death, destruction, dying out, eradication, excision, extermination, extirpation, obliteration, oblivion"} {"x":"extinguish","y":"[1]blow out, douse, put out, quench, smother, snuff out, stifle @@@@ [2]abolish, annihilate, destroy, eliminate, end, eradicate, erase, expunge, exterminate, extirpate, kill, obscure, put paid to, remove, suppress, wipe out"} {"x":"extirpate","y":"[1]abolish, annihilate, deracinate, destroy, eliminate, eradicate, erase, excise, expunge, exterminate, extinguish, pull up by the roots, remove, root out, uproot, wipe from the face of the earth, wipe out"} {"x":"extort","y":"[1]blackmail, bleed @@@@ [2]bully, coerce, exact, extract, force, squeeze, wrest, wring"} {"x":"extortionate","y":"[1]excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, immoderate, inflated, inordinate, outrageous, preposterous, sky-high, unreasonable @@@@ [2]blood-sucking @@@@ [3]exacting, grasping, hard, harsh, oppressive, rapacious, rigorous, severe, usurious"} {"x":"extra","y":"[1]accessory, added, additional, add-on, ancillary, auxiliary, fresh, further, more, new, other, supplemental, supplementary @@@@ [2]excess, extraneous, inessential, leftover, needless, redundant, reserve, spare, supererogatory, superfluous, supernumerary, surplus, unnecessary, unneeded, unused @@@@ [3]accessory, addendum, addition, add-on, adjunct, affix, appendage, appurtenance, attachment, bonus, complement, extension, supernumerary, supplement @@@@ [4]especially, exceptionally, extraordinarily, extremely, particularly, remarkably, uncommonly, unusually"} {"x":"extract","y":"[1]draw, extirpate, pluck out, pull, pull out, remove, take out, uproot, withdraw @@@@ [2]bring out, derive, draw, elicit, evoke, exact, gather, get, glean, obtain, reap, wrest, wring @@@@ [3]deduce, derive, develop, educe, elicit, evolve @@@@ [4]distil, draw out, express, obtain, press out, separate out, squeeze, take out @@@@ [5]abstract, choose, cite, copy out, cull, cut out, quote, select @@@@ [6]concentrate, decoction, distillate, distillation, essence, juice @@@@ [7]abstract, citation, clipping, cutting, excerpt, passage, quotation, selection"} {"x":"extraneous","y":"[1]accidental, additional, adventitious, extra, incidental, inessential, needless, nonessential, peripheral, redundant, superfluous, supplementary, unessential, unnecessary, unneeded @@@@ [2]beside the point, immaterial, impertinent, inadmissible, inapplicable, inapposite, inappropriate, inapt, irrelevant, off the subject, unconnected, unrelated @@@@ [3]adventitious, alien, exotic, external, extrinsic, foreign, out of place, strange"} {"x":"extraordinary","y":"[1]amazing, beyond one's ken, bizarre, curious, exceptional, fantastic, marvellous, notable, odd, out of this world @@@@ [2]outstanding, particular, peculiar, phenomenal, rare, remarkable, serious @@@@ [3]singular, special, strange, surprising, uncommon, unfamiliar, unheard-of, unique, unprecedented, unusual, unwonted, weird, wonderful, wondrous"} {"x":"extravagant","y":"[1]excessive, having money to burn, improvident, imprudent, lavish, prodigal, profligate, spendthrift, wasteful @@@@ [2]absurd, exaggerated, excessive, exorbitant, fanciful, fantastic, foolish, immoderate, inordinate, O.T.T. @@@@ [3]outrageous, outre, over the top @@@@ [4]preposterous, reckless, unreasonable, unrestrained, wild @@@@ [5]fancy, flamboyant, flashy, garish, gaudy, grandiose, ornate, ostentatious, pretentious, showy @@@@ [6]costly, excessive, exorbitant, expensive, extortionate, inordinate, overpriced, steep @@@@ [7]unreasonable"} {"x":"extravaganza","y":"[1]display, flight of fancy, pageant, show, spectacle, spectacular"} {"x":"extreme","y":"[1]acute, great, greatest, high, highest, intense, maximum, mother (of all) @@@@ [2]severe, supreme, ultimate, utmost, uttermost, worst @@@@ [3]downright, egregious, exaggerated, exceptional, excessive, extraordinary, extravagant, fanatical, immoderate, inordinate, intemperate, O.T.T. @@@@ [4]out-and-out, outrageous, over the top @@@@ [5]radical, remarkable, sheer, uncommon, unconventional, unreasonable, unusual, utter, zealous @@@@ [6]dire, Draconian, drastic, harsh, radical, rigid, severe, stern, strict, unbending, uncompromising @@@@ [7]faraway, far-off, farthest, final, last, most distant, outermost, remotest, terminal, ultimate, utmost, uttermost @@@@ [8]acme, apex, apogee, boundary, climax, consummation, depth, edge, end, excess, extremity, height, limit, maximum, minimum, nadir, pinnacle, pole, termination, top, ultimate, zenith"} {"x":"extremely","y":"[1]acutely, awfully @@@@ [2]exceedingly, exceptionally, excessively, extraordinarily, greatly, highly, inordinately, intensely, markedly, quite, severely, terribly, to a fault, to or in the extreme, to the nth degree, ultra, uncommonly, unusually, utterly, very"} {"x":"extricate","y":"[1]clear, deliver, disembarrass, disengage, disentangle, free, get out, get (someone) off the hook @@@@ [2]liberate, release, relieve, remove, rescue, withdraw, wriggle out of"} {"x":"extrinsic","y":"[1]alien, exotic, exterior, external, extraneous, foreign, imported, outside, superficial"} {"x":"extrovert","y":"[1]amiable, exuberant, gregarious, hearty, out-going, sociable, social"} {"x":"extrude","y":"[1]eject, expel, force out, press out, squeeze out, thrust out"} {"x":"exuberant","y":"[1]animated, buoyant, cheerful, chirpy @@@@ [2]eager, ebullient, effervescent, elated, energetic, enthusiastic, excited, exhilarated, full of beans @@@@ [3]full of life, high-spirited, in high spirits, lively, sparkling, spirited, sprightly, upbeat @@@@ [4]vigorous, vivacious, zestful @@@@ [5]effusive, exaggerated, excessive, fulsome, lavish, overdone, prodigal, superfluous @@@@ [6]abundant, copious, lavish, lush, luxuriant, overflowing, plenteous, plentiful, profuse, rank, rich, superabundant, teeming"} {"x":"exude","y":"[1]bleed, discharge, emanate, emit, excrete, filter through, issue, leak, ooze, secrete, seep, sweat, trickle, weep, well forth @@@@ [2]display, emanate, exhibit, manifest, radiate, show"} {"x":"exult","y":"[1]be delighted, be elated, be in high spirits, be joyful, be jubilant, be overjoyed, celebrate, jubilate, jump for joy, make merry, rejoice @@@@ [2]boast, brag, crow, drool, gloat, glory (in), revel, take delight in, taunt, triumph, vaunt"} {"x":"exultation","y":"[1]celebration, delight, elation, glee, high spirits, joy, joyousness, jubilation, merriness, rejoicing, transport @@@@ [2]boasting, bragging, crowing, gloating, glory, glorying, revelling, triumph"} {"x":"eye","y":"[1]eyeball, optic @@@@ [2]orb @@@@ [3]peeper @@@@ [4]appreciation, discernment, discrimination, judgment, perception, recognition, taste @@@@ [5]belief, judgment, mind, opinion, point of view, viewpoint @@@@ [6]guard, keep in view, keep tabs on @@@@ [7]keep under surveillance, look after, look out for, monitor, observe, pay attention to, regard, scrutinize, supervise, survey, watch, watch like a hawk, watch over @@@@ [8]justice, reprisal, requital, retaliation, retribution, revenge, vengeance @@@@ [9]behold, come across, encounter, meet, notice, observe, run into, see @@@@ [10]accord, agree, back, be in unison, coincide, concur, fall in, get on, go along, harmonize, jibe @@@@ [11]subscribe to @@@@ [12]busy, caught up, engaged, flooded out, fully occupied, inundated, overwhelmed, up to here, up to one's elbows, wrapped up in @@@@ [13]behold @@@@ [14]check, check out @@@@ [15]clock @@@@ [16]contemplate, eyeball @@@@ [17]glance at, have or take a look at, inspect, look at, peruse, recce @@@@ [18]regard, scan, scrutinize, stare at, study, survey, take a dekko at @@@@ [19]view, watch @@@@ [20]eye up, give (someone) the (glad) eye, leer at, make eyes at, ogle @@@@ [21]arresting, attractive, captivating, dramatic, showy, spectacular, striking @@@@ [22]head, imagination, memory, mind, recollection, remembrance @@@@ [23]accord, agree, click, coincide, concur, correspond, fit, get along, get on like a house on fire @@@@ [24]perceived visually"} {"x":"eyesight","y":"[1]observation, perception, range of vision, sight, vision"} {"x":"eyesore","y":"[1]atrocity, blemish, blight, blot, disfigurement, disgrace, horror, mess, monstrosity, sight @@@@ [2]ugliness"} {"x":"eyewitness","y":"[1]bystander, looker-on, observer, onlooker, passer-by, spectator, viewer, watcher, witness"} {"x":"fable","y":"[1]allegory, apologue, legend, myth, parable, story, tale @@@@ [2]fabrication, fairy story @@@@ [3]falsehood, fantasy, fib, fiction, figment, invention, lie, romance, tall story @@@@ [4]untruth, urban legend, white lie, yarn"} {"x":"fabric","y":"[1]cloth, material, stuff, textile, web @@@@ [2]constitution, construction, foundations, framework, infrastructure, make-up, organization, structure"} {"x":"fabricate","y":"[1]assemble, build, construct, erect, fashion, form, frame, make, manufacture, shape @@@@ [2]coin, concoct, devise, fake, falsify, feign, forge, form, invent, make up, trump up"} {"x":"fabrication","y":"[1]assemblage, assembly, building, construction, erection, manufacture, production @@@@ [2]cock-and-bull story @@@@ [3]concoction, fable, fairy story @@@@ [4]fake, falsehood, fiction, figment, forgery, invention, lie, myth, pork pie @@@@ [5]porky @@@@ [6]untruth"} {"x":"fabulous","y":"[1]amazing, astounding, breathtaking, fictitious, immense, inconceivable, incredible, legendary, phenomenal, unbelievable @@@@ [2]brilliant, fantastic @@@@ [3]magic @@@@ [4]marvellous, out-of-this-world @@@@ [5]sensational @@@@ [6]spectacular, superb, wonderful @@@@ [7]apocryphal, fantastic, fictitious, imaginary, invented, legendary, made-up, mythical, unreal"} {"x":"face","y":"[1]clock @@@@ [2]countenance, dial @@@@ [3]features, kisser @@@@ [4]lineaments, mug @@@@ [5]physiognomy, visage @@@@ [6]appearance, aspect, expression, frown, grimace, look, moue, pout, scowl, smirk @@@@ [7]air, appearance, disguise, display, exterior, facade, front, mask, pretence, semblance, show @@@@ [8]authority, dignity, honour, image, prestige, reputation, self-respect, standing, status @@@@ [9]assurance, audacity, boldness, brass neck @@@@ [10]cheek @@@@ [11]chutzpah @@@@ [12]confidence, effrontery, front, gall @@@@ [13]impudence, neck @@@@ [14]nerve, presumption, sauce @@@@ [15]aspect, cover, exterior, facet, front, outside, right side, side, surface @@@@ [16]a deux, confronting, eyeball to eyeball, in confrontation, opposite, tete-a-tete, vis-a-vis @@@@ [17]act in defiance of, defy, disobey, go against, oppose, rebel against, snap one's fingers at @@@@ [18]apparently, at first sight, seemingly, to all appearances, to the eye @@@@ [19]frown, grimace, knit one's brows, look black, look disapproving, look displeased, look put out, look stern, lour or lower, pout, scowl, sulk @@@@ [20]approach, be seen, come, put in or make an appearance, show up @@@@ [21]turn up @@@@ [22]directly, in one's presence, openly, straight @@@@ [23]be confronted by, brave, come up against, confront, cope with, deal with, defy, encounter, experience, face off @@@@ [24]meet, oppose, tackle @@@@ [25]be opposite, front onto, give towards or onto, look onto, overlook @@@@ [26]clad, coat, cover, dress, finish, level, line, overlay, sheathe, surface, veneer @@@@ [27]renovation, restoration @@@@ [28]accept, acknowledge, come to terms with, confront, cope with, deal with, face the music, meet head-on, tackle @@@@ [29]If your face is happy, sad, or serious, for example, the expression on your face shows that you are happy, sad, or serious."} {"x":"facet","y":"[1]angle, aspect, face, part, phase, plane, side, slant, surface"} {"x":"facetious","y":"[1]amusing, comical, droll, flippant, frivolous, funny, humorous, jesting, jocose, jocular, merry, playful, pleasant, tongue in cheek, unserious, waggish, witty"} {"x":"facile","y":"[1]adept, adroit, dexterous, easy, effortless, fluent, light, proficient, quick, ready, simple, skilful, smooth, uncomplicated @@@@ [2]cursory, glib, hasty, shallow, slick, superficial"} {"x":"facilitate","y":"[1]assist the progress of, ease, expedite, forward, further, help, make easy, oil the wheels, pave the way for, promote, smooth the path of, speed up"} {"x":"facility","y":"[1]ability, adroitness, craft, dexterity, ease, efficiency, effortlessness, expertness, fluency, gift, knack, proficiency, quickness, readiness, skilfulness, skill, smoothness, talent @@@@ [2]advantage, aid, amenity, appliance, convenience, equipment, means, opportunity, resource"} {"x":"facing","y":"[1]fronting, opposite, partnering @@@@ [2]cladding, coating, facade, false front, front, overlay, plaster, reinforcement, revetment, stucco, surface, trimming, veneer"} {"x":"facsimile","y":"[1]carbon, carbon copy, copy, duplicate, fax @@@@ [2]photocopy, Photostat @@@@ [3]print, replica, reproduction, transcript, Xerox"} {"x":"fact","y":"[1]act, deed, event, fait accompli, happening, incident, occurrence, performance @@@@ [2]actuality, certainty, gospel (truth), naked truth, reality, truth @@@@ [3]circumstance, detail, feature, item, particular, point, specific @@@@ [4]actually, indeed, in point of fact, in reality, in truth, really, truly"} {"x":"faction","y":"[1]bloc, cabal, camp, caucus, clique, coalition, combination, confederacy, contingent, coterie, division, gang, ginger group, group, junta, lobby, minority, party, pressure group, schism, section, sector, set, splinter group @@@@ [2]conflict, disagreement, discord, disharmony, dissension, disunity, division, divisiveness, friction, infighting, rebellion, sedition, strife, tumult, turbulence"} {"x":"factitious","y":"[1]affected, artificial, assumed, counterfeited, engineered, fabricated, fake, false, imitation, insincere, made-up, manufactured, mock, phoney or phony @@@@ [2]pinchbeck, pseudo @@@@ [3]put-on, sham, simulated, spurious, synthetic, unnatural, unreal"} {"x":"factor","y":"[1]aspect, cause, circumstance, component, consideration, determinant, element, influence, item, part, point, thing @@@@ [2]agent, deputy, estate manager, middleman, reeve, steward"} {"x":"factory","y":"[1]manufactory @@@@ [2]mill, plant, works"} {"x":"factotum","y":"[1]Girl Friday, handyman, jack of all trades, Man Friday, man of all work, odd job man"} {"x":"facts","y":"[1]data, details, gen @@@@ [2]info @@@@ [3]information, ins and outs, the lowdown @@@@ [4]the score @@@@ [5]act, deed, event, fait accompli, happening, incident, occurrence, performance @@@@ [6]actuality, certainty, gospel (truth), naked truth, reality, truth @@@@ [7]circumstance, detail, feature, item, particular, point, specific @@@@ [8]actually, indeed, in point of fact, in reality, in truth, really, truly"} {"x":"factual","y":"[1]accurate, authentic, circumstantial, close, correct, credible, exact, faithful, genuine, literal, matter-of-fact, objective, precise, real, sure, true, true-to-life, unadorned, unbiased, veritable"} {"x":"faculty","y":"[1]ability, adroitness, aptitude, bent, capability, capacity, cleverness, dexterity, facility, gift, knack, power, propensity, readiness, skill, talent, turn @@@@ [2]branch of learning, department, discipline, profession, school, teaching staff @@@@ [3]authorization, licence, prerogative, privilege, right"} {"x":"fad","y":"[1]affectation, craze, fancy, fashion, mania, mode, rage, trend, vogue, whim"} {"x":"fade","y":"[1]blanch, bleach, blench, dim, discolour, dull, grow dim, lose colour, lose lustre, pale, wash out @@@@ [2]decline, die away, die out, dim, disappear, disperse, dissolve, droop, dwindle, ebb, etiolate, evanesce, fail, fall, flag, languish, melt away, perish, shrivel, vanish, vanish into thin air, wane, waste away, wilt, wither"} {"x":"faded","y":"[1]bleached, dim, discoloured, dull, etiolated, indistinct, lustreless, pale, washed out"} {"x":"fading","y":"[1]declining, decreasing, disappearing, dying, on the decline, vanishing"} {"x":"fag","y":"[1]bind @@@@ [2]bore, bother, chore, drag @@@@ [3]inconvenience, irritation, nuisance, pain in the arse @@@@ [4]bender @@@@ [5]catamite, fairy @@@@ [6]gay, homo @@@@ [7]homosexual, nancy boy @@@@ [8]poof @@@@ [9]poofter @@@@ [10]queen @@@@ [11]queer @@@@ [12]woofter"} {"x":"fail","y":"[1]be defeated, be found lacking or wanting, be in vain, be unsuccessful, bite the dust, break down, come a cropper @@@@ [2]come to grief, come to naught, come to nothing, come unstuck, fall, fall by the wayside, fall flat, fall flat on one's face, fall short, fall short of, fall through, fizzle out @@@@ [3]flop @@@@ [4]founder, go astray, go belly-up @@@@ [5]meet with disaster, miscarry, misfire, miss, not make the grade @@@@ [6]abandon, break one's word, desert, disappoint, forget, forsake, let down, neglect, omit, turn one's back on @@@@ [7]cease, conk out @@@@ [8]cut out, decline, die, disappear, droop, dwindle, fade, fall apart at the seams, give out, give up, go phut, gutter, languish, peter out, sicken, sink, stop working, wane, weaken @@@@ [9]become insolvent, close down, crash, fold @@@@ [10]go bust @@@@ [11]go into receivership, go out of business, go to the wall, go under, smash @@@@ [12]conscientiously, constantly, dependably, like clockwork, punctually, regularly, religiously, without exception"} {"x":"failing","y":"[1]blemish, blind spot, defect, deficiency, drawback, error, failure, fault, flaw, foible, frailty, imperfection, lapse, miscarriage, misfortune, shortcoming, weakness"} {"x":"failure","y":"[1]abortion, breakdown, collapse, defeat, downfall, fiasco, frustration, lack of success, miscarriage, overthrow, wreck @@@@ [2]black sheep, clinker @@@@ [3]dead duck @@@@ [4]disappointment, dud @@@@ [5]flop @@@@ [6]incompetent, loser, ne'er-do-well, no-good, no-hoper @@@@ [7]nonstarter, washout @@@@ [8]default, deficiency, dereliction, neglect, negligence, nonobservance, nonperformance, nonsuccess, omission, remissness, shortcoming, stoppage @@@@ [9]breakdown, decay, decline, deterioration, failing, loss @@@@ [10]bankruptcy, crash, downfall, folding @@@@ [11]insolvency, liquidation, ruin"} {"x":"fain","y":"[1]as lief @@@@ [2]as soon, cheerfully, eagerly, gladly, willingly @@@@ [3]anxious, eager, glad, well-pleased @@@@ [4]compelled, constrained, with no alternative but"} {"x":"faint","y":"[1]bleached, delicate, dim, distant, dull, faded, faltering, feeble, hazy, hushed, ill-defined, indistinct, light, low, muffled, muted, soft, subdued, thin, vague, whispered @@@@ [2]feeble, remote, slight, unenthusiastic, weak @@@@ [3]dizzy, drooping, enervated, exhausted, faltering, fatigued, giddy, languid, lethargic, light-headed, muzzy, vertiginous, weak, woozy @@@@ [4]faint-hearted, lily-livered, spiritless, timid, timorous @@@@ [5]black out, collapse, fade, fail, flake out @@@@ [6]keel over @@@@ [7]languish, lose consciousness, pass out, swoon @@@@ [8]weaken @@@@ [9]blackout, collapse, swoon @@@@ [10]syncope @@@@ [11]unconsciousness @@@@ [12]blackout, collapse, swoon @@@@ [13]syncope @@@@ [14]unconsciousness"} {"x":"fair","y":"[1]bazaar, carnival, expo @@@@ [2]exposition, festival, fete, gala, market, show @@@@ [3]above board, according to the rules, clean, disinterested, dispassionate, equal, equitable, even-handed, honest, honourable, impartial, just, lawful, legitimate, objective, on the level @@@@ [4]proper, square, trustworthy, unbiased, unprejudiced, upright @@@@ [5]blond, blonde, fair-haired, flaxen-haired, light, light-complexioned, tow-haired, towheaded @@@@ [6]adequate, all right, average, decent, mediocre, middling, moderate, not bad, O.K. or okay @@@@ [7]passable, reasonable, respectable, satisfactory, so-so @@@@ [8]tolerable @@@@ [9]beauteous, beautiful, bonny, comely, handsome, lovely, pretty, well-favoured @@@@ [10]bright, clear, clement, cloudless, dry, favourable, fine, sunny, sunshiny, unclouded"} {"x":"fairly","y":"[1]adequately, moderately, pretty well, quite, rather, reasonably, somewhat, tolerably @@@@ [2]deservedly, equitably, honestly, impartially, justly, objectively, properly, without fear or favour @@@@ [3]absolutely, in a manner of speaking, positively, really, veritably @@@@ [4]A fair amount, degree, size, or distance is quite a large amount, degree, size, or distance. @@@@ [5]A county, state, or country fair is an event where there are, for example, displays of goods and animals, and amusements, games, and competitions."} {"x":"fairy","y":"[1]brownie, elf, hob, leprechaun, peri, pixie, Robin Goodfellow, sprite @@@@ [2]chimerical, fanciful, feeble, flimsy, incorporeal, insubstantial, lightweight, shaky, unconvincing, unsound, without substance"} {"x":"faith","y":"[1]assurance, confidence, conviction, credence, credit, dependence, reliance, trust @@@@ [2]belief, church, communion, creed, denomination, dogma, persuasion, religion @@@@ [3]allegiance, constancy, faithfulness, fealty, fidelity, loyalty, troth @@@@ [4]truth, truthfulness @@@@ [5]honour, pledge, promise, sincerity, vow, word, word of honour"} {"x":"faithful","y":"[1]attached, constant, dependable, devoted, immovable, loyal, reliable, staunch, steadfast, true, true-blue, trusty, truthful, unswerving, unwavering @@@@ [2]accurate, close, exact, just, precise, strict, true @@@@ [3]adherents, believers, brethren, communicants, congregation, followers, the elect"} {"x":"fake","y":"[1]affect, assume, copy, counterfeit, fabricate, feign, forge, pretend, put on, sham, simulate @@@@ [2]charlatan, copy, forgery, fraud, hoax, imitation, impostor, mountebank, phoney or phony @@@@ [3]reproduction, sham @@@@ [4]affected, artificial, assumed, counterfeit, false, forged, imitation, mock, phoney or phony @@@@ [5]pinchbeck, pseudo @@@@ [6]reproduction, sham"} {"x":"fall","y":"[1]be precipitated, cascade, collapse, come a cropper @@@@ [2]crash, descend, dive, drop, drop down, go head over heels, keel over, nose-dive, pitch, plummet, plunge, settle, sink, stumble, subside, topple, trip, trip over, tumble @@@@ [3]abate, become lower, decline, decrease, depreciate, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb, fall off, flag, go down, lessen, slump, subside @@@@ [4]be overthrown, be taken, capitulate, give in or up, give way, go out of office, pass into enemy hands, resign, succumb, surrender, yield @@@@ [5]be a casualty, be killed, be lost, be slain, die, meet one's end, perish @@@@ [6]become, befall, chance, come about, come to pass, fall out, happen, occur, take place @@@@ [7]become attached to, become enamoured of, become fond of, become infatuated (with), be smitten by, conceive an affection for, fall (for), lose one's heart (to), take a fancy to @@@@ [8]fall away, incline, incline downwards, slope @@@@ [9]backslide, err, go astray, lapse, offend, sin, transgress, trespass, yield to temptation @@@@ [10]descent, dive, drop, nose dive, plummet, plunge, slip, spill, tumble @@@@ [11]cut, decline, decrease, diminution, dip, drop, dwindling, falling off, lessening, lowering, reduction, slump @@@@ [12]capitulation, collapse, death, defeat, destruction, downfall, failure, overthrow, resignation, ruin, surrender @@@@ [13]declivity, descent, downgrade, incline, slant, slope @@@@ [14]degradation, failure, lapse, sin, slip, transgression @@@@ [15]degradation, failure, lapse, sin, slip, transgression"} {"x":"fallacious","y":"[1]deceptive, delusive, delusory, erroneous, false, fictitious, illogical, illusory, incorrect, misleading, mistaken, sophistic, sophistical, spurious, untrue, wrong"} {"x":"fallacy","y":"[1]casuistry, deceit, deception, delusion, error, falsehood, faultiness, flaw, illusion, inconsistency, misapprehension, misconception, mistake, sophism, sophistry, untruth"} {"x":"fallen","y":"[1]collapsed, decayed, flat, on the ground, ruinous, sunken @@@@ [2]disgraced, dishonoured, immoral, loose, lost, ruined, shamed, sinful, unchaste @@@@ [3]dead, killed, lost, perished, slain, slaughtered @@@@ [4]If something falls, it decreases in amount, value, or strength. @@@@ [5]If a responsibility, duty, or opportunity falls to someone, it becomes their responsibility, duty, or opportunity."} {"x":"fallible","y":"[1]erring, frail, ignorant, imperfect, mortal, prone to error, uncertain, weak"} {"x":"fallow","y":"[1]dormant, idle, inactive, inert, resting, uncultivated, undeveloped, unplanted, untilled, unused"} {"x":"falls","y":"[1]cascade, cataract, force @@@@ [2]linn @@@@ [3]rapids, waterfall @@@@ [4]be precipitated, cascade, collapse, come a cropper @@@@ [5]crash, descend, dive, drop, drop down, go head over heels, keel over, nose-dive, pitch, plummet, plunge, settle, sink, stumble, subside, topple, trip, trip over, tumble @@@@ [6]abate, become lower, decline, decrease, depreciate, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb, fall off, flag, go down, lessen, slump, subside @@@@ [7]be overthrown, be taken, capitulate, give in or up, give way, go out of office, pass into enemy hands, resign, succumb, surrender, yield @@@@ [8]be a casualty, be killed, be lost, be slain, die, meet one's end, perish @@@@ [9]become, befall, chance, come about, come to pass, fall out, happen, occur, take place @@@@ [10]become attached to, become enamoured of, become fond of, become infatuated (with), be smitten by, conceive an affection for, fall (for), lose one's heart (to), take a fancy to @@@@ [11]fall away, incline, incline downwards, slope @@@@ [12]backslide, err, go astray, lapse, offend, sin, transgress, trespass, yield to temptation @@@@ [13]descent, dive, drop, nose dive, plummet, plunge, slip, spill, tumble @@@@ [14]cut, decline, decrease, diminution, dip, drop, dwindling, falling off, lessening, lowering, reduction, slump @@@@ [15]capitulation, collapse, death, defeat, destruction, downfall, failure, overthrow, resignation, ruin, surrender @@@@ [16]declivity, descent, downgrade, incline, slant, slope @@@@ [17]degradation, failure, lapse, sin, slip, transgression @@@@ [18]degradation, failure, lapse, sin, slip, transgression"} {"x":"false","y":"[1]concocted, erroneous, faulty, fictitious, improper, inaccurate, incorrect, inexact, invalid, mistaken, unfounded, unreal, wrong @@@@ [2]lying, mendacious, truthless, unreliable, unsound, untrue, untrustworthy, untruthful @@@@ [3]artificial, bogus, counterfeit, ersatz, fake, feigned, forged, imitation, mock, pretended, pseudo @@@@ [4]sham, simulated, spurious, synthetic @@@@ [5]deceitful, deceiving, deceptive, delusive, fallacious, fraudulent, hypocritical, misleading, trumped up @@@@ [6]dishonest, dishonourable, disloyal, double-dealing, duplicitous, faithless, false-hearted, hypocritical, perfidious, treacherous, treasonable, two-faced, unfaithful, untrustworthy @@@@ [7]betray, cheat, deceive, double-cross, give the Judas kiss to, sell down the river"} {"x":"falsehood","y":"[1]deceit, deception, dishonesty, dissimulation, inveracity @@@@ [2]mendacity, perjury, prevarication, untruthfulness @@@@ [3]fabrication, fib, fiction, lie, misstatement, pork pie @@@@ [4]porky @@@@ [5]story, untruth"} {"x":"falsification","y":"[1]adulteration, deceit, dissimulation, distortion, forgery, misrepresentation, perversion, tampering with"} {"x":"falsify","y":"[1]alter, belie, cook @@@@ [2]counterfeit, distort, doctor, fake, forge, garble, misrepresent, misstate, pervert, tamper with"} {"x":"falsity","y":"[1]deceit, deceptiveness, dishonesty, double-dealing, duplicity, fraudulence, hypocrisy, inaccuracy, mendacity, perfidy, treachery, unreality, untruth @@@@ [2]cheating, deception, fraud, lie, pork pie @@@@ [3]porky"} {"x":"falter","y":"[1]break, hesitate, shake, speak haltingly, stammer, stumble, stutter, totter, tremble, vacillate, waver"} {"x":"fame","y":"[1]celebrity, credit, eminence, glory, honour, illustriousness, name, prominence, public esteem, renown, reputation, repute, stardom"} {"x":"famed","y":"[1]acclaimed, celebrated, recognized, renowned, widely-known"} {"x":"familiar","y":"[1]accustomed, common, common or garden @@@@ [2]conventional, customary, domestic, everyday, frequent, household, mundane, ordinary, recognizable, repeated, routine, stock, well-known @@@@ [3]abreast of, acquainted with, at home with, au courant, au fait, aware of, conscious of, conversant with, introduced, knowledgeable, no stranger to, on speaking terms with, versed in, well up in @@@@ [4]amicable, buddy-buddy @@@@ [5]chummy @@@@ [6]close, confidential, cordial, easy, free, free-and-easy, friendly, hail-fellow-well-met, informal, intimate, near, open, palsy-walsy @@@@ [7]relaxed, unceremonious, unconstrained, unreserved @@@@ [8]bold, disrespectful, forward, impudent, intrusive, overfree, presuming, presumptuous"} {"x":"familiarity","y":"[1]acquaintance, acquaintanceship, awareness, experience, grasp, understanding @@@@ [2]absence of reserve, closeness, ease, fellowship, freedom, friendliness, friendship, informality, intimacy, naturalness, openness, sociability, unceremoniousness @@@@ [3]boldness, disrespect, forwardness, liberties, liberty, presumption"} {"x":"familiarize","y":"[1]accustom, bring into common use, coach, get to know (about), habituate, instruct, inure, make conversant, make used to, prime, school, season, train"} {"x":"family","y":"[1]brood, children, descendants, folk @@@@ [2]household, issue, kin, kindred, kinsfolk, kinsmen, kith and kin, menage, offspring, one's nearest and dearest, one's own flesh and blood, people, progeny, relations, relatives @@@@ [3]ancestors, ancestry, birth, blood, clan, descent, dynasty, extraction, forebears, forefathers, genealogy, house, line, lineage, parentage, pedigree, race, sept, stemma, stirps, strain, tribe @@@@ [4]class, classification, genre, group, kind, network, subdivision, system @@@@ [5]ancestry, extraction, genealogy, line, lineage, line of descent, pedigree, stemma, stirps"} {"x":"famine","y":"[1]dearth, destitution, hunger, scarcity, starvation"} {"x":"famous","y":"[1]acclaimed, celebrated, conspicuous, distinguished, eminent, excellent, far-famed, glorious, honoured, illustrious, legendary, lionized, much-publicized, notable, noted, prominent, remarkable, renowned, signal, well-known"} {"x":"fan","y":"[1]add fuel to the flames, agitate, arouse, enkindle, excite, impassion, increase, provoke, rouse, stimulate, stir up, whip up, work up @@@@ [2]air-condition, air-cool, blow, cool, refresh, ventilate, winnow @@@@ [3]air conditioner, blade, blower, propeller, punkah @@@@ [4]vane, ventilator @@@@ [5]addict, adherent, admirer, aficionado, buff @@@@ [6]devotee, enthusiast, fiend @@@@ [7]follower, freak @@@@ [8]groupie @@@@ [9]lover, rooter @@@@ [10]supporter, zealot"} {"x":"fanatic","y":"[1]activist, addict, bigot, buff @@@@ [2]devotee, energumen, enthusiast, extremist, militant, visionary, zealot"} {"x":"fancier","y":"[1]aficionado, amateur, breeder, connoisseur, expert"} {"x":"fancy","y":"[1]be inclined to think, believe, conceive, conjecture, guess @@@@ [2]imagine, infer, reckon, suppose, surmise, think, think likely @@@@ [3]be attracted to, crave, desire, dream of, hanker after, have a yen for, hope for, long for, relish, thirst for, wish for, would like, yearn for @@@@ [4]be attracted to, be captivated by, desire, favour, go for, have an eye for, like, lust after, prefer, take a liking to, take to @@@@ [5]caprice, desire, humour, idea, impulse, inclination, notion, thought, urge, whim @@@@ [6]fondness, hankering, inclination, liking, partiality, predilection, preference, relish, thirst @@@@ [7]conception, image, imagination, impression @@@@ [8]chimera, daydream, delusion, dream, fantasy, nightmare, phantasm, vision @@@@ [9]baroque, decorated, decorative, elaborate, elegant, embellished, extravagant, fanciful, intricate, ornamental, ornamented, ornate @@@@ [10]capricious, chimerical, delusive, fanciful, fantastic, far-fetched, illusory, whimsical"} {"x":"fanfare","y":"[1]ballyhoo, fanfaronade, flourish, trump @@@@ [2]trumpet call, tucket"} {"x":"fang","y":"[1]tooth, tusk"} {"x":"fantastic","y":"[1]comical, eccentric, exotic, fanciful, freakish, grotesque, imaginative, odd, oddball @@@@ [2]off-the-wall @@@@ [3]outlandish, outre, peculiar, phantasmagorical, quaint, queer, rococo, strange, unreal, weird, whimsical, zany @@@@ [4]ambitious, chimerical, extravagant, far-fetched, grandiose, illusory, ludicrous, ridiculous, unrealistic, visionary, wild @@@@ [5]absurd, capricious, cock-and-bull @@@@ [6]implausible, incredible, irrational, mad, preposterous, unlikely @@@@ [7]enormous, extreme, great, overwhelming, severe, tremendous @@@@ [8]awesome @@@@ [9]bitchin' @@@@ [10]boffo @@@@ [11]brill @@@@ [12]chillin' @@@@ [13]cracking @@@@ [14]crucial @@@@ [15]def @@@@ [16]dope @@@@ [17]excellent, first-rate, jim-dandy @@@@ [18]marvellous, mean @@@@ [19]mega @@@@ [20]sensational @@@@ [21]sovereign, superb, the dog's bollocks @@@@ [22]topping @@@@ [23]wonderful, world-class"} {"x":"fantasy","y":"[1]creativity, fancy, imagination, invention, originality @@@@ [2]apparition, daydream, delusion, dream, fancy, figment of the imagination, flight of fancy, hallucination, illusion, mirage, nightmare, pipe dream, reverie, vision"} {"x":"far","y":"[1]afar, a good way, a great distance, a long way, deep, miles @@@@ [2]considerably, decidedly, extremely, greatly, incomparably, much, very much @@@@ [3]by a long shot, by a long way, easily, far and away, immeasurably, incomparably, to a great degree, very much @@@@ [4]broadly, everywhere, extensively, far and near, here, there and everywhere, in every nook and cranny, widely, worldwide @@@@ [5]thus far, to date, until now, up to now, up to the present @@@@ [6]distant, faraway, far-flung, far-off, far-removed, long, outlying, out-of-the-way, remote, removed @@@@ [7]distant, faraway, far-flung, far-off, far-removed, long, outlying, out-of-the-way, remote, removed"} {"x":"faraway","y":"[1]beyond the horizon, distant, far, far-flung, far-off, far-removed, outlying, remote @@@@ [2]absent, abstracted, distant, dreamy, lost, vague"} {"x":"farce","y":"[1]broad comedy, buffoonery, burlesque, comedy, satire, slapstick @@@@ [2]absurdity, joke, mockery, nonsense, parody, ridiculousness, sham, travesty"} {"x":"fare","y":"[1]charge, passage money, price, ticket money, transport cost @@@@ [2]passenger, pick-up @@@@ [3]traveller @@@@ [4]commons, diet, eatables, feed, food, meals, menu, nosebag @@@@ [5]provisions, rations, sustenance, table, tack @@@@ [6]victuals, vittles @@@@ [7]do, get along, get on, make out, manage, prosper @@@@ [8]go, happen, pan out @@@@ [9]proceed, turn out"} {"x":"farewell","y":"[1]adieu, adieux or adieus, departure, goodbye, leave-taking, parting, sendoff @@@@ [2]valediction"} {"x":"farm","y":"[1]acreage, acres, croft @@@@ [2]farmstead, grange, holding, homestead, land, plantation, ranch @@@@ [3]smallholding, station @@@@ [4]bring under cultivation, cultivate, operate, plant, practise husbandry, till the soil, work"} {"x":"farmer","y":"[1]agriculturist, agronomist, cockie @@@@ [2]husbandman, smallholder, yeoman"} {"x":"farming","y":"[1]agriculture, agronomy, husbandry"} {"x":"farrago","y":"[1]gallimaufry, hash, hodgepodge, hotchpotch, jumble, medley, melange, miscellany, mishmash, mixed bag, mixture, potpourri, salmagundi"} {"x":"fascinate","y":"[1]absorb, allure, beguile, bewitch, captivate, charm, delight, enamour, enchant, engross, enrapture, enravish, enthral, entrance, hold spellbound, hypnotize, infatuate, intrigue, mesmerize, ravish, rivet, spellbind, transfix"} {"x":"fascination","y":"[1]allure, attraction, charm, enchantment, glamour, lure, magic, magnetism, pull, sorcery, spell"} {"x":"fascism","y":"[1]absolutism, authoritarianism, autocracy, dictatorship, Hitlerism, totalitarianism"} {"x":"fashion","y":"[1]convention, craze, custom, fad, latest, latest style, look, mode, prevailing taste, rage, style, trend, usage, vogue @@@@ [2]attitude, demeanour, manner, method, mode, style, way @@@@ [3]appearance, configuration, cut, figure, form, guise @@@@ [4]line, make, model, mould, pattern, shape, stamp @@@@ [5]description, kind, sort, stamp, type @@@@ [6]beau monde, fashionable society, high society, jet set @@@@ [7]in a manner of speaking, in a way, moderately, somehow, somehow or other, to a degree, to some extent @@@@ [8]construct, contrive, create, design, forge, form, make, manufacture, mould, shape, work @@@@ [9]accommodate, adapt, adjust, fit, suit, tailor"} {"x":"fashionable","y":"[1]all the rage, chic, cool @@@@ [2]current, customary, genteel, happening @@@@ [3]hip @@@@ [4]in @@@@ [5]in vogue, latest, modern, modish, popular, prevailing, smart, stylish, trendsetting, trendy @@@@ [6]up-to-date, up-to-the-minute, usual, voguish @@@@ [7]with it"} {"x":"fast","y":"[1]accelerated, brisk, fleet, flying, hasty, hurried, mercurial, nippy @@@@ [2]quick, quickie @@@@ [3]rapid, speedy, swift, winged @@@@ [4]apace, at a rate of knots, hastily, hell for leather @@@@ [5]hotfoot, hurriedly, in haste, like a bat out of hell @@@@ [6]pdq @@@@ [7]posthaste, presto, quickly, rapidly, speedily, swiftly, with all haste @@@@ [8]close, constant, fastened, firm, fixed, fortified, immovable, impregnable, lasting, loyal, permanent, secure, sound, stalwart, staunch, steadfast, tight, unwavering @@@@ [9]deeply, firmly, fixedly, securely, soundly, tightly @@@@ [10]dissipated, dissolute, extravagant, gadabout @@@@ [11]giddy, immoral, intemperate, licentious, loose, profligate, promiscuous, rakish, reckless, self-indulgent, wanton, wild @@@@ [12]extravagantly, intemperately, loosely, promiscuously, rakishly, recklessly, wildly @@@@ [13]bamboozle @@@@ [14]cheat, con @@@@ [15]deceive, defraud, hoodwink, put one over on @@@@ [16]trick"} {"x":"fasten","y":"[1]affix, anchor, attach, bind, bolt, chain, connect, fix, grip, join, lace, link, lock, make fast, make firm, seal, secure, tie, unite @@@@ [2]aim, bend, concentrate, direct, fix, focus, rivet"} {"x":"fastening","y":"[1]affixation, attachment, binding, bond, concatenation, connection, coupling, fusion, joint, junction, ligature, link, linking, tie, union"} {"x":"fastidious","y":"[1]choosy, critical, dainty, difficult, discriminating, finicky, fussy, hard to please, hypercritical, meticulous, nice, overdelicate, overnice, particular, pernickety, picky @@@@ [2]punctilious, squeamish"} {"x":"fat","y":"[1]beefy @@@@ [2]corpulent, elephantine, fleshy, gross, heavy, obese, overweight, plump, podgy, portly, roly-poly, rotund, solid, stout, tubby @@@@ [3]adipose, fatty, greasy, lipid, oily, oleaginous, suety @@@@ [4]affluent, cushy @@@@ [5]fertile, flourishing, fruitful, jammy @@@@ [6]lucrative, lush, productive, profitable, prosperous, remunerative, rich, thriving @@@@ [7]adipose tissue, beef @@@@ [8]blubber, bulk, cellulite, corpulence, fatness, flab, flesh, obesity, overweight, paunch, weight problem"} {"x":"fatal","y":"[1]deadly, destructive, final, incurable, killing, lethal, malignant, mortal, pernicious, terminal @@@@ [2]baleful, baneful, calamitous, catastrophic, disastrous, lethal, ruinous @@@@ [3]critical, crucial, decisive, destined, determining, doomed, fateful, final, foreordained, inevitable, predestined"} {"x":"fatality","y":"[1]casualty, deadliness, death, disaster, fatal accident, lethalness, loss, mortality"} {"x":"fate","y":"[1]chance, destiny, divine will, fortune, kismet, nemesis, predestination, providence, weird @@@@ [2]cup, fortune, horoscope, lot, portion, stars @@@@ [3]end, future, issue, outcome, upshot @@@@ [4]death, destruction, doom, downfall, end, ruin"} {"x":"fated","y":"[1]destined, doomed, foreordained, ineluctable, inescapable, inevitable, marked down, predestined, pre-elected, preordained, sure, written @@@@ [2]blighted, doomed, hapless, ill-omened, ill-starred, luckless, star-crossed, unfortunate, unhappy, unlucky"} {"x":"fateful","y":"[1]critical, crucial, decisive, important, portentous, significant @@@@ [2]deadly, destructive, disastrous, fatal, lethal, ominous, ruinous"} {"x":"father","y":"[1]begetter, dad @@@@ [2]daddy @@@@ [3]governor @@@@ [4]old boy @@@@ [5]old man @@@@ [6]pa @@@@ [7]papa @@@@ [8]pater, paterfamilias, patriarch, pop @@@@ [9]sire @@@@ [10]ancestor, forebear, forefather, predecessor, progenitor @@@@ [11]architect, author, creator, founder, inventor, maker, originator, prime mover @@@@ [12]city father, elder, leader, patriarch, patron, senator @@@@ [13]abbe, confessor, cure, padre @@@@ [14]pastor, priest @@@@ [15]beget, get, procreate, sire @@@@ [16]create, engender, establish, found, institute, invent, originate"} {"x":"fathom","y":"[1]divine, estimate, gauge, measure, penetrate, plumb, probe, sound @@@@ [2]comprehend, get to the bottom of, grasp, interpret, understand"} {"x":"fatigue","y":"[1]drain, drain of energy, exhaust, fag (out) @@@@ [2]jade, knacker @@@@ [3]overtire, poop @@@@ [4]tire, weaken, wear out, weary, whack @@@@ [5]debility, ennui, heaviness, languor, lethargy, listlessness, overtiredness, tiredness"} {"x":"fatten","y":"[1]broaden, coarsen, expand, gain weight, grow fat, put on weight, spread, swell, thicken, thrive @@@@ [2]bloat, build up, cram, distend, feed, feed up, nourish, overfeed, stuff"} {"x":"fatty","y":"[1]adipose, fat, greasy, oily, oleaginous, rich"} {"x":"fatuity","y":"[1]absurdity, betise @@@@ [2]brainlessness, daftness @@@@ [3]denseness, fatuousness, folly, foolishness, idiocy, imbecility, insanity, ludicrousness, lunacy, mindlessness, stupidity"} {"x":"fatuous","y":"[1]absurd, asinine, brainless, dense, dull, foolish, idiotic, inane, ludicrous, lunatic, mindless, moronic, puerile, silly, stupid, vacuous, weak-minded, witless"} {"x":"fault","y":"[1]blemish, defect, deficiency, demerit, drawback, failing, flaw, imperfection, infirmity, lack, shortcoming, snag, weakness, weak point @@@@ [2]blunder, boob @@@@ [3]error, error of judgment, inaccuracy, indiscretion, lapse, mistake, negligence, offence, omission, oversight, slip, slip-up @@@@ [4]accountability, culpability, liability, responsibility @@@@ [5]delinquency, frailty, lapse, misconduct, misdeed, misdemeanour, offence, peccadillo, sin, transgression, trespass, wrong @@@@ [6]answerable, blamable, culpable, guilty, in the wrong, responsible, to blame @@@@ [7]carp at, complain, criticize, pick holes in, pull to pieces, quibble, take to task @@@@ [8]excessively, immoderately, in the extreme, needlessly, out of all proportion, overly @@@@ [9]overmuch, preposterously, ridiculously, unduly @@@@ [10]blame, call to account, censure, criticize, find fault with, find lacking, hold (someone) accountable, hold (someone) responsible, hold (someone) to blame, impugn @@@@ [11]blame, call to account, censure, criticize, find fault with, find lacking, hold (someone) accountable, hold (someone) responsible, hold (someone) to blame, impugn"} {"x":"favour","y":"[1]approbation, approval, backing, bias, championship, espousal, esteem, favouritism, friendliness, good opinion, goodwill, grace, kindness, kind regard, partiality, patronage, promotion, support @@@@ [2]benefit, boon, courtesy, good turn, indulgence, kindness, obligement @@@@ [3]service @@@@ [4]all for @@@@ [5]backing, for, on the side of, pro, supporting, to the benefit of @@@@ [6]gift, keepsake, love-token, memento, present, souvenir, token @@@@ [7]badge, decoration, knot, ribbons, rosette @@@@ [8]be partial to, esteem, have in one's good books, indulge, pamper, pull strings for @@@@ [9]reward, side with, smile upon, spoil, treat with partiality, value @@@@ [10]advocate, approve, back, be in favour of, champion, choose, commend, countenance, encourage, espouse, fancy, incline towards, like, opt for, patronize, prefer, single out, support @@@@ [11]abet, accommodate, advance, aid, assist, befriend, do a kindness to, facilitate, help, oblige, promote, succour @@@@ [12]be the image or picture of, look like, resemble, take after @@@@ [13]ease, extenuate, spare"} {"x":"favourite","y":"[1]best-loved, choice, dearest, esteemed, favoured, preferred @@@@ [2]beloved, blue-eyed boy @@@@ [3]choice, darling, dear, idol, pet, pick, preference, teacher's pet, the apple of one's eye"} {"x":"fawn","y":"[1]beige, buff, greyish-brown, neutral @@@@ [2]be obsequious, be servile, bow and scrape, brown-nose @@@@ [3]court, crawl, creep, cringe, curry favour, dance attendance, flatter, grovel, ingratiate oneself, kiss ass @@@@ [4]kneel, kowtow, lick (someone's) arse @@@@ [5]lick (someone's) boots, pander to, pay court, toady, truckle"} {"x":"fealty","y":"[1]allegiance, devotion, faith, faithfulness, fidelity, homage, loyalty, obeisance, submission, troth"} {"x":"fear","y":"[1]alarm, apprehensiveness, awe, blue funk @@@@ [2]consternation, cravenness, dismay, dread, fright, horror, panic, qualms, terror, timidity, tremors, trepidation @@@@ [3]bete noire, bogey, bugbear, horror, nightmare, phobia, spectre @@@@ [4]agitation, anxiety, apprehension, concern, disquietude, distress, doubt, foreboding(s), misgiving(s), solicitude, suspicion, unease, uneasiness, worry @@@@ [5]awe, reverence, veneration, wonder @@@@ [6]apprehend, be afraid, be apprehensive, be frightened, be in a blue funk @@@@ [7]be scared, dare not, dread, have a horror of, have a phobia about, have butterflies in one's stomach @@@@ [8]have qualms, live in dread of, shake in one's shoes, shudder at, take fright, tremble at @@@@ [9]anticipate, apprehend, be afraid, expect, foresee, suspect @@@@ [10]be anxious about, be concerned, be disquieted over, be distressed, feel concern for, tremble for, worry about @@@@ [11]respect, revere, reverence, stand in awe of, venerate"} {"x":"feasibility","y":"[1]expediency, practicability, usefulness, viability, workability @@@@ [2]If something is feasible, it can be done, made, or achieved."} {"x":"feasible","y":"[1]achievable, attainable, likely, possible, practicable, realizable, reasonable, viable, workable"} {"x":"feast","y":"[1]banquet, barbecue, beanfeast @@@@ [2]beano @@@@ [3]blowout @@@@ [4]carousal, carouse, dinner, entertainment, festive board, jollification, junket, repast, revels, slap-up meal @@@@ [5]spread @@@@ [6]treat @@@@ [7]celebration, -fest, festival, fete, gala day, holiday, holy day, red-letter day, saint's day @@@@ [8]delight, enjoyment, gratification, pleasure, treat @@@@ [9]eat one's fill, eat to one's heart's content, fare sumptuously, gorge, gormandize, indulge, overindulge, pig out @@@@ [10]entertain, hold a reception for, kill the fatted calf for, regale, treat, wine and dine @@@@ [11]delight, gladden, gratify, rejoice, thrill"} {"x":"feat","y":"[1]accomplishment, achievement, act, attainment, deed, exploit, feather in one's cap, performance"} {"x":"feature","y":"[1]aspect, attribute, characteristic, facet, factor, hallmark, mark, peculiarity, point, property, quality, trait @@@@ [2]attraction, crowd puller @@@@ [3]draw, highlight, innovation, main item, special, special attraction, speciality, specialty @@@@ [4]article, column, comment, item, piece, report, story @@@@ [5]accentuate, call attention to, emphasize, foreground, give prominence to, give the full works @@@@ [6]headline, play up, present, promote, set off, spotlight, star"} {"x":"featured","y":"[1]given prominence, headlined, highlighted, in the public eye, presented, promoted, recommended, specially presented, starred"} {"x":"features","y":"[1]countenance, face, lineaments, physiognomy @@@@ [2]aspect, attribute, characteristic, facet, factor, hallmark, mark, peculiarity, point, property, quality, trait @@@@ [3]attraction, crowd puller @@@@ [4]draw, highlight, innovation, main item, special, special attraction, speciality, specialty @@@@ [5]article, column, comment, item, piece, report, story @@@@ [6]accentuate, call attention to, emphasize, foreground, give prominence to, give the full works @@@@ [7]headline, play up, present, promote, set off, spotlight, star"} {"x":"featuring","y":"[1]calling attention to, displaying, drawing attention to, giving a star role, giving prominence to, giving the full works @@@@ [2]highlighting, making the main attraction, presenting, promoting, pushing, recommending, showing, showing off, starring, turning the spotlight on"} {"x":"febrile","y":"[1]delirious, fevered, feverish, fiery, flushed, hot, inflamed, pyretic"} {"x":"feckless","y":"[1]aimless, feeble, futile, good-for-nothing, hopeless, incompetent, ineffectual, irresponsible, shiftless, useless, weak, worthless"} {"x":"fecund","y":"[1]fertile, fructiferous, fruitful, productive, prolific, teeming"} {"x":"fecundity","y":"[1]fertility, fructiferousness, fruitfulness, productiveness"} {"x":"federate","y":"[1]amalgamate, associate, combine, confederate, integrate, syndicate, unify, unite"} {"x":"federation","y":"[1]alliance, amalgamation, association, Bund, coalition, combination, confederacy, copartnership, entente, federacy, league, syndicate, union"} {"x":"fee","y":"[1]account, bill, charge, compensation, emolument, hire, honorarium, meed @@@@ [2]pay, payment, recompense, remuneration, reward, toll"} {"x":"feeble","y":"[1]debilitated, delicate, doddering, effete, enervated, enfeebled, etiolated, exhausted, failing, faint, frail, infirm, languid, powerless, puny, shilpit @@@@ [2]sickly, weak, weakened, weedy @@@@ [3]flat, flimsy, inadequate, incompetent, indecisive, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficient, insignificant, insufficient, lame, paltry, pathetic, poor, slight, tame, thin, unconvincing, weak @@@@ [4]flat, flimsy, inadequate, incompetent, indecisive, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficient, insignificant, insufficient, lame, paltry, pathetic, poor, slight, tame, thin, unconvincing, weak"} {"x":"feed","y":"[1]cater for, nourish, provide for, provision, supply, sustain, victual, wine and dine @@@@ [2]devour, eat, exist on, fare, graze, live on, nurture, partake of, pasture, subsist, take nourishment @@@@ [3]augment, bolster, encourage, foster, fuel, minister to, strengthen, supply @@@@ [4]fodder, food, forage, pasturage, provender, silage @@@@ [5]feast, meal, nosh @@@@ [6]nosh-up @@@@ [7]repast, spread @@@@ [8]tuck-in @@@@ [9]baby, cosset, featherbed, mollycoddle, overindulge, overprotect, spoil, wrap up in cotton wool"} {"x":"feel","y":"[1]caress, finger, fondle, handle, manipulate, maul, paw, run one's hands over, stroke, touch @@@@ [2]be aware of, be sensible of, endure, enjoy, experience, go through, have, have a sensation of, know, notice, observe, perceive, suffer, take to heart, undergo @@@@ [3]explore, fumble, grope, sound, test, try @@@@ [4]be convinced, feel in one's bones, have a hunch, have the impression, intuit, sense @@@@ [5]believe, be of the opinion that, consider, deem, hold, judge, think @@@@ [6]appear, resemble, seem, strike one as @@@@ [7]be moved by, be sorry for, bleed for, commiserate, compassionate, condole with, empathize, feel compassion for, pity, sympathize with @@@@ [8]could do with, desire, fancy, feel inclined, feel the need for, feel up to, have the inclination, want @@@@ [9]finish, surface, texture, touch @@@@ [10]air, ambience, atmosphere, feeling, impression, quality, sense, vibes"} {"x":"feeling","y":"[1]feel, perception, sensation, sense, sense of touch, touch @@@@ [2]apprehension, consciousness, hunch, idea, impression, inkling, notion, presentiment, sense, suspicion @@@@ [3]affection, ardour, emotion, fervour, fondness, heat, intensity, passion, sentiment, sentimentality, warmth @@@@ [4]appreciation, compassion, concern, empathy, pity, sensibility, sensitivity, sympathy, understanding @@@@ [5]inclination, instinct, opinion, point of view, view @@@@ [6]air, ambience, atmosphere, aura, feel, mood, quality, vibes @@@@ [7]anger, dislike, distrust, enmity, hostility, upset @@@@ [8]compassion, empathy, pity, sympathy, understanding @@@@ [9]animosity, animus, antagonism, bad blood, bitterness, chip on one's shoulder, disgruntlement, dissatisfaction, dudgeon @@@@ [10]enmity, frustration, hard feelings, hostility, ill will, indignation, offence, rancour, resentment"} {"x":"feelings","y":"[1]ego, emotions, self-esteem, sensitivities, susceptibilities @@@@ [2]feel, perception, sensation, sense, sense of touch, touch @@@@ [3]apprehension, consciousness, hunch, idea, impression, inkling, notion, presentiment, sense, suspicion @@@@ [4]affection, ardour, emotion, fervour, fondness, heat, intensity, passion, sentiment, sentimentality, warmth @@@@ [5]appreciation, compassion, concern, empathy, pity, sensibility, sensitivity, sympathy, understanding @@@@ [6]inclination, instinct, opinion, point of view, view @@@@ [7]air, ambience, atmosphere, aura, feel, mood, quality, vibes @@@@ [8]anger, dislike, distrust, enmity, hostility, upset @@@@ [9]compassion, empathy, pity, sympathy, understanding @@@@ [10]animosity, animus, antagonism, bad blood, bitterness, chip on one's shoulder, disgruntlement, dissatisfaction, dudgeon @@@@ [11]enmity, frustration, hard feelings, hostility, ill will, indignation, offence, rancour, resentment"} {"x":"feign","y":"[1]act, affect, assume, counterfeit, devise, dissemble, fabricate, fake, forge, give the appearance of, imitate, make a show of, pretend, put on, sham, simulate"} {"x":"feint","y":"[1]artifice, blind, bluff, distraction, dodge, expedient, gambit, manoeuvre, mock attack, play, pretence, ruse, stratagem, subterfuge, wile"} {"x":"felicitate","y":"[1]compliment, congratulate, wish joy to"} {"x":"felicitous","y":"[1]apposite, appropriate, apropos, apt, fitting, happy, inspired, neat, opportune, pat, propitious, suitable, timely, well-chosen, well-timed"} {"x":"feline","y":"[1]catlike, leonine @@@@ [2]graceful, sinuous, sleek, slinky, smooth, stealthy"} {"x":"fell","y":"[1]cut, cut down, deck @@@@ [2]demolish, flatten, floor, hew, knock down, level, prostrate, raze, strike down @@@@ [3]barbarous, bloody, cruel, ferocious, fierce, grim, implacable, inhuman, malicious, malignant, merciless, murderous, pitiless, relentless, ruthless, sanguinary, savage, vicious @@@@ [4]baneful, deadly, destructive, fatal, malign, mortal, noxious, pernicious, pestilential, ruinous"} {"x":"fellow","y":"[1]bloke @@@@ [2]boy, chap @@@@ [3]character, customer @@@@ [4]guy @@@@ [5]individual, man, person, punter @@@@ [6]associate, colleague, companion, compeer, comrade, co-worker, equal, friend, member, partner, peer @@@@ [7]brother, counterpart, double, duplicate, match, mate, twin @@@@ [8]affiliated, akin, allied, associate, associated, co-, like, related, similar @@@@ [9]compassion, empathy, pity, sympathy, understanding @@@@ [10]back-slapping, familiar, free-and-easy, genial, hearty, overfriendly, unceremonious"} {"x":"fellowship","y":"[1]amity, brotherhood, camaraderie, communion, companionability, companionship, familiarity, fraternization, intercourse, intimacy, kindliness, sociability @@@@ [2]association, brotherhood, club, fraternity, guild, league, order, sisterhood, society, sodality"} {"x":"feminine","y":"[1]delicate, gentle, girlish, graceful, ladylike, modest, soft, tender, womanly @@@@ [2]camp @@@@ [3]effeminate, effete, unmanly, unmasculine, weak, womanish"} {"x":"femininity","y":"[1]delicacy, feminineness, gentleness, girlishness, muliebrity, softness, womanhood, womanliness"} {"x":"fen","y":"[1]bog, holm @@@@ [2]marsh, morass, moss @@@@ [3]quagmire, slough, swamp"} {"x":"fence","y":"[1]barbed wire, barricade, barrier, defence, guard, hedge, paling, palisade, railings, rampart, shield, stockade, wall @@@@ [2]between two stools, irresolute, uncertain, uncommitted, undecided, vacillating @@@@ [3]bound, circumscribe, confine, coop, defend, encircle, enclose, fortify, guard, hedge, impound, pen, pound, protect, restrict, secure, separate, surround @@@@ [4]beat about the bush, cavil, dodge, equivocate, evade, flannel @@@@ [5]hedge, parry, prevaricate, quibble, shift, stonewall, tergiversate"} {"x":"ferment","y":"[1]boil, brew, bubble, concoct, effervesce, foam, froth, heat, leaven, rise, seethe, work @@@@ [2]bacteria, barm, fermentation agent, leaven, leavening, mother, mother-of-vinegar, yeast @@@@ [3]agitate, boil, excite, fester, foment, heat, incite, inflame, provoke, rouse, seethe, smoulder, stir up @@@@ [4]agitation, brouhaha, commotion, disruption, excitement, fever, frenzy, furore, glow, heat, hubbub, imbroglio, state of unrest, stew, stir, tumult, turbulence, turmoil, unrest, uproar"} {"x":"ferocious","y":"[1]feral, fierce, predatory, rapacious, ravening, savage, violent, wild @@@@ [2]barbaric, barbarous, bloodthirsty, brutal, brutish, cruel, merciless, pitiless, relentless, ruthless, tigerish, vicious"} {"x":"ferry","y":"[1]ferry boat, packet, packet boat @@@@ [2]carry, chauffeur, convey, run, ship, shuttle, transport"} {"x":"fertile","y":"[1]abundant, fat, fecund, flowering, flowing with milk and honey, fruit-bearing, fruitful, generative, luxuriant, plenteous, plentiful, productive, prolific, rich, teeming, yielding"} {"x":"fertility","y":"[1]abundance, fecundity, fruitfulness, luxuriance, productiveness, richness"} {"x":"fertilization","y":"[1]implantation, impregnation, insemination, pollination, procreation, propagation @@@@ [2]dressing, manuring, mulching, top dressing"} {"x":"fertilizer","y":"[1]compost, dressing, dung, guano, manure, marl"} {"x":"fester","y":"[1]become inflamed, decay, gather, maturate, putrefy, suppurate, ulcerate @@@@ [2]aggravate, chafe, gall, intensify, irk, rankle, smoulder"} {"x":"festival","y":"[1]anniversary, commemoration, feast, fete, fiesta, holiday, holy day, red-letter day, saint's day @@@@ [2]carnival, celebration, entertainment, -fest, festivities, fete, field day, gala, jubilee, treat"} {"x":"festivity","y":"[1]amusement, conviviality, fun, gaiety, jollification, joviality, joyfulness, merriment, merrymaking, mirth, pleasure, revelry, sport @@@@ [2]beano @@@@ [3]carousal, celebration, entertainment, festival, festive event, festive proceedings, fun and games, hooley or hoolie @@@@ [4]jollification, party, rave @@@@ [5]rave-up"} {"x":"festoon","y":"[1]chaplet, garland, lei, swag, swathe, wreath @@@@ [2]array, bedeck, beribbon, deck, decorate, drape, engarland, garland, hang, swathe, wreathe"} {"x":"fetch","y":"[1]bring, carry, conduct, convey, deliver, escort, get, go for, lead, obtain, retrieve, transport @@@@ [2]draw forth, elicit, give rise to, produce @@@@ [3]bring in, earn, go for, make, realize, sell for, yield @@@@ [4]arrive, come, end up, finish up, halt, land, reach, stop, turn up"} {"x":"fetid","y":"[1]corrupt, foul, malodorous, mephitic, noisome, noxious, offensive, olid, rancid, rank, reeking, stinking"} {"x":"fetish","y":"[1]amulet, cult object, talisman @@@@ [2]fixation, idee fixe, mania, obsession, thing"} {"x":"fetter","y":"[1]bind, chain, clip someone's wings, confine, curb, encumber, gyve @@@@ [2]hamper, hamstring, hobble, hold captive, manacle, put a straitjacket on, restrain, restrict, shackle, straiten, tie, tie up, trammel"} {"x":"feud","y":"[1]argument, bad blood, bickering, broil, conflict, contention, disagreement, discord, dissension, enmity, estrangement, faction, falling out, grudge, hostility, quarrel, rivalry, row, strife, vendetta @@@@ [2]be at daggers drawn, be at odds, bicker, brawl, clash, contend, dispute, duel, fall out, quarrel, row, squabble, war"} {"x":"fever","y":"[1]agitation, delirium, ecstasy, excitement, ferment, fervour, flush, frenzy, heat, intensity, passion, restlessness, turmoil, unrest @@@@ [2]ague, pyrexia"} {"x":"few","y":"[1]hardly any, inconsiderable, infrequent, insufficient, meagre, negligible, not many, rare, scant, scanty, scarce, scarcely any, scattered, sparse, sporadic, thin @@@@ [2]at great intervals, hard to come by, infrequent, in short supply, irregular, rare, scarce, scattered, seldom met with, thin on the ground, uncommon, unusual, widely spaced @@@@ [3]handful, scarcely any, scattering, small number, some"} {"x":"fiasco","y":"[1]balls-up @@@@ [2]catastrophe, cock-up @@@@ [3]debacle, disaster, failure, flap @@@@ [4]fuck-up @@@@ [5]mess, rout, ruin, washout"} {"x":"fiat","y":"[1]authorization, permission, sanction, warrant @@@@ [2]canon, command, decree, demand, dictate, dictum, edict, mandate, order, ordinance, precept, proclamation, ukase"} {"x":"fib","y":"[1]fiction, lie, pork pie @@@@ [2]porky @@@@ [3]prevarication, story, untruth, white lie, whopper"} {"x":"fibre","y":"[1]fibril, filament, pile, staple, strand, texture, thread, wisp @@@@ [2]essence, nature, quality, spirit, substance @@@@ [3]resolution, stamina, strength, strength of character, toughness"} {"x":"fickle","y":"[1]blowing hot and cold, capricious, changeable, faithless, fitful, flighty, inconstant, irresolute, mercurial, mutable, quicksilver, temperamental, unfaithful, unpredictable, unstable, unsteady, vacillating, variable, volatile"} {"x":"fiction","y":"[1]fable, fantasy, legend, myth, novel, romance, story, storytelling, tale, urban legend, work of imagination, yarn @@@@ [2]concoction, fabrication, falsehood, fancy, fantasy, figment of the imagination, imagination, improvisation, invention, lie, pork pie @@@@ [3]porky @@@@ [4]tall story, untruth"} {"x":"fictitious","y":"[1]apocryphal, artificial, assumed, bogus, counterfeit, fabricated, false, fanciful, feigned, imaginary, imagined, improvised, invented, made-up, make-believe, mythical, spurious, unreal, untrue"} {"x":"fiddle","y":"[1]fidget, finger, interfere with, mess about or around, play, tamper with, tinker, toy, trifle @@@@ [2]diddle @@@@ [3]finagle @@@@ [4]fix, gerrymander, graft @@@@ [5]manoeuvre, racketeer, sting @@@@ [6]swindle, wangle @@@@ [7]violin @@@@ [8]blooming, hale and hearty, healthy, in fine fettle, in good form, in good shape, in rude health, in the pink, sound, strong @@@@ [9]fix, fraud, graft @@@@ [10]piece of sharp practice, racket, scam @@@@ [11]sting @@@@ [12]swindle, wangle"} {"x":"fidelity","y":"[1]allegiance, constancy, dependability, devotedness, devotion, faith, faithfulness, fealty, integrity, lealty @@@@ [2]loyalty, staunchness, troth @@@@ [3]true-heartedness, trustworthiness @@@@ [4]accuracy, adherence, closeness, correspondence, exactitude, exactness, faithfulness, preciseness, precision, scrupulousness"} {"x":"fidget","y":"[1]bustle, chafe, fiddle @@@@ [2]fret, jiggle, jitter @@@@ [3]move restlessly, squirm, twitch, worry @@@@ [4]fidgetiness, jitters @@@@ [5]nervousness, restlessness, unease, uneasiness"} {"x":"field","y":"[1]grassland, green, greensward @@@@ [2]lea @@@@ [3]mead @@@@ [4]meadow, pasture @@@@ [5]applicants, candidates, competition, competitors, contestants, entrants, possibilities, runners @@@@ [6]area, bailiwick, bounds, confines, department, discipline, domain, environment, limits, line, metier, pale, province, purview, range, scope, speciality, specialty, sphere of activity, sphere of influence, sphere of interest, sphere of study, territory @@@@ [7]catch, pick up, retrieve, return, stop @@@@ [8]deal with, deflect, handle, turn aside"} {"x":"fiend","y":"[1]demon, devil, evil spirit, hellhound @@@@ [2]barbarian, beast, brute, degenerate, ghoul, monster, ogre, savage @@@@ [3]addict, energumen, enthusiast, fanatic, freak @@@@ [4]maniac"} {"x":"fierce","y":"[1]baleful, barbarous, brutal, cruel, dangerous, fell @@@@ [2]feral, ferocious, fiery, menacing, murderous, passionate, savage, threatening, tigerish, truculent, uncontrollable, untamed, vicious, wild @@@@ [3]blustery, boisterous, furious, howling, inclement, powerful, raging, stormy, strong, tempestuous, tumultuous, uncontrollable, violent @@@@ [4]cut-throat, intense, keen, relentless, strong"} {"x":"fiery","y":"[1]ablaze, afire, aflame, blazing, burning, flaming, glowing, in flames, on fire, red-hot @@@@ [2]choleric, excitable, fierce, hot-headed, impetuous, irascible, irritable, passionate, peppery, violent @@@@ [3]burning, febrile, fevered, feverish, flushed, heated, hot, inflamed"} {"x":"fiesta","y":"[1]bacchanal or bacchanalia, carnival, carousal, celebration, fair, feast, festival, festivity, fete, gala, holiday, jamboree, jubilee, Mardi Gras, merrymaking, party, revel, revelry, saint's day, Saturnalia"} {"x":"fight","y":"[1]assault, battle, bear arms against, box, brawl, carry on war, clash, close, combat, come to blows, conflict, contend, cross swords, do battle, engage, engage in hostilities, exchange blows, feud, fight like Kilkenny cats, go to war, grapple, joust, lock horns, row, scrap @@@@ [2]spar, struggle, take the field, take up arms against, tilt, tussle, wage war, war, wrestle @@@@ [3]contest, defy, dispute, make a stand against, oppose, resist, stand up to, strive, struggle, withstand @@@@ [4]argue, bicker, dispute, fall out @@@@ [5]squabble, wrangle @@@@ [6]carry on, conduct, engage in, prosecute, wage @@@@ [7]keep aloof from, keep at arm's length, shun, steer clear of @@@@ [8]action, affray @@@@ [9]altercation, bagarre, battle, bout, brawl, brush, clash, combat, conflict, contest, dispute, dissension, dogfight, duel, encounter, engagement, exchange of blows, fracas, fray, free-for-all @@@@ [10]head-to-head, hostilities, joust, melee or melee, passage of arms, riot, row, rumble @@@@ [11]scrap @@@@ [12]scrimmage, scuffle, set-to @@@@ [13]shindig @@@@ [14]shindy @@@@ [15]skirmish, sparring match, struggle, tussle, war @@@@ [16]belligerence, gameness, mettle, militancy, pluck, resistance, spirit, will to resist @@@@ [17]defend oneself, give tit for tat, hit back, put up a fight, reply, resist, retaliate @@@@ [18]bottle up, contain, control, curb, hold back, hold in check, restrain @@@@ [19]bottle up, control, curb, hold back, repress, restrain, suppress @@@@ [20]beat off, keep or hold at bay, repel, repress, repulse, resist, stave off, ward off"} {"x":"fighter","y":"[1]fighting man, man-at-arms, soldier, warrior @@@@ [2]boxer, bruiser @@@@ [3]prize fighter, pugilist @@@@ [4]antagonist, battler, belligerent, combatant, contender, contestant, disputant, militant"} {"x":"fighting","y":"[1]aggressive, argumentative, bellicose, belligerent, combative, contentious, disputatious, hawkish, martial, militant, pugnacious, sabre-rattling, truculent, warlike @@@@ [2]battle, bloodshed, blows struck, combat, conflict, hostilities, warfare"} {"x":"figment","y":"[1]creation, fable, fabrication, falsehood, fancy, fiction, improvisation, invention, production"} {"x":"figurative","y":"[1]allegorical, emblematical, metaphorical, representative, symbolical, typical @@@@ [2]descriptive, fanciful, florid, flowery, ornate, pictorial, poetical, tropical"} {"x":"figure","y":"[1]character, cipher, digit, number, numeral, symbol @@@@ [2]amount, cost, price, sum, total, value @@@@ [3]form, outline, shadow, shape, silhouette @@@@ [4]body, build, chassis @@@@ [5]frame, physique, proportions, shape, torso @@@@ [6]depiction, design, device, diagram, drawing, emblem, illustration, motif, pattern, representation, sketch @@@@ [7]big name, celebrity, character, dignitary, face @@@@ [8]force, leader, notability, notable, personage, personality, presence, somebody, worthy @@@@ [9]add, calculate, compute, count, reckon, sum, tally, tot up, work out @@@@ [10]act, appear, be conspicuous, be featured, be included, be mentioned, contribute to, feature, have a place in, play a part @@@@ [11]conceit, image, trope, turn of phrase @@@@ [12]calculate, compute, reckon, work out @@@@ [13]comprehend, decipher, fathom, make head or tail of @@@@ [14]make out, resolve, see, suss (out) @@@@ [15]understand"} {"x":"figured","y":"[1]adorned, decorated, embellished, marked, ornamented, patterned, variegated"} {"x":"figurehead","y":"[1]cipher, dummy, front man @@@@ [2]leader in name only, man of straw, mouthpiece, name, nonentity, puppet, straw man"} {"x":"filament","y":"[1]cilium @@@@ [2]fibre, fibril, pile, staple, strand, string, thread, wire, wisp"} {"x":"filch","y":"[1]abstract, cabbage @@@@ [2]crib @@@@ [3]embezzle, half-inch @@@@ [4]lift @@@@ [5]misappropriate, nick @@@@ [6]pilfer, pinch @@@@ [7]purloin, rip off @@@@ [8]snaffle @@@@ [9]steal, swipe @@@@ [10]take, thieve, walk off with"} {"x":"file","y":"[1]abrade, burnish, furbish, polish, rasp, refine, rub, rub down, scrape, shape, smooth @@@@ [2]case, data, documents, dossier, folder, information, portfolio @@@@ [3]document, enter, pigeonhole, put in place, record, register, slot in @@@@ [4]column, line, list, queue, row, string @@@@ [5]march, parade, troop"} {"x":"filibuster","y":"[1]delay, hindrance, obstruction, postponement, procrastination @@@@ [2]delay, hinder, obstruct, play for time, prevent, procrastinate, put off @@@@ [3]adventurer, buccaneer, corsair, freebooter, pirate, sea robber, sea rover, soldier of fortune"} {"x":"filigree","y":"[1]lace, lacework, lattice, tracery, wirework"} {"x":"fill","y":"[1]brim over, cram, crowd, furnish, glut, gorge, inflate, pack, pervade, replenish, sate, satiate, satisfy, stock, store, stuff, supply, swell @@@@ [2]charge, imbue, impregnate, overspread, pervade, saturate, suffuse @@@@ [3]block, bung, close, cork, plug, seal, stop @@@@ [4]assign, carry out, discharge, engage, execute, fulfil, hold, occupy, officiate, perform, take up @@@@ [5]all one wants, ample, a sufficiency, enough, plenty, sufficient"} {"x":"filling","y":"[1]contents, filler, innards @@@@ [2]inside, insides, padding, stuffing, wadding @@@@ [3]ample, heavy, satisfying, square, substantial"} {"x":"fillip","y":"[1]goad, incentive, prod, push, spice, spur, stimulus, zest"} {"x":"film","y":"[1]coat, coating, covering, dusting, gauze, integument, layer, membrane, pellicle, scum, skin, tissue @@@@ [2]blur, cloud, haze, haziness, mist, mistiness, opacity, veil @@@@ [3]flick @@@@ [4]motion picture, movie @@@@ [5]photograph, shoot, take, video, videotape @@@@ [6]blear, blur, cloud, dull, haze, mist, veil"} {"x":"filter","y":"[1]clarify, filtrate, purify, refine, screen, sieve, sift, strain, winnow @@@@ [2]dribble, escape, exude, leach, leak, ooze, penetrate, percolate, seep, trickle, well @@@@ [3]gauze, membrane, mesh, riddle, sieve, strainer"} {"x":"filth","y":"[1]carrion, contamination, crap @@@@ [2]crud @@@@ [3]defilement, dirt, dung, excrement, excreta, faeces, filthiness, foul matter, foulness, garbage, grime, grot @@@@ [4]kak @@@@ [5]muck, nastiness, ordure, pollution, putrefaction, putrescence, refuse, sewage, shit @@@@ [6]slime, sludge, squalor, uncleanness @@@@ [7]corruption, dirty-mindedness, impurity, indecency, obscenity, pornography, smut, vileness, vulgarity"} {"x":"filthy","y":"[1]dirty, faecal, feculent, foul, nasty, polluted, putrid, scummy, scuzzy @@@@ [2]slimy, squalid, unclean, vile @@@@ [3]begrimed, black, blackened, grimy, grubby, miry, mucky, muddy, mud-encrusted, scuzzy @@@@ [4]smoky, sooty, unwashed @@@@ [5]bawdy, coarse, corrupt, depraved, dirty-minded, foul, foul-mouthed, impure, indecent, lewd, licentious, obscene, pornographic, smutty, suggestive, X-rated @@@@ [6]base, contemptible, despicable, low, mean, offensive, scurvy, vicious, vile"} {"x":"final","y":"[1]closing, concluding, end, eventual, last, last-minute, latest, terminal, terminating, ultimate @@@@ [2]absolute, conclusive, decided, decisive, definite, definitive, determinate, finished, incontrovertible, irrevocable, settled"} {"x":"finale","y":"[1]climax, close, conclusion, crowning glory, culmination, denouement, ending, epilogue, finis, last act"} {"x":"finality","y":"[1]certitude, conclusiveness, decidedness, decisiveness, definiteness, inevitableness, irrevocability, resolution, unavoidability"} {"x":"finally","y":"[1]at last, at length, at long last, at the end of the day, at the last, at the last moment, eventually, in the end, in the fullness of time, in the long run, lastly, ultimately, when all is said and done @@@@ [2]in conclusion, in summary, to conclude @@@@ [3]beyond the shadow of a doubt, completely, conclusively, convincingly, decisively, for all time, for ever, for good, inescapably, inexorably, irrevocably, once and for all, permanently"} {"x":"finance","y":"[1]accounts, banking, business, commerce, economics, financial affairs, investment, money, money management @@@@ [2]back, bankroll @@@@ [3]float, fund, guarantee, pay for, provide security for, set up in business, subsidize, support, underwrite"} {"x":"financial","y":"[1]budgeting, economic, fiscal, monetary, money, pecuniary"} {"x":"financing","y":"[1]costs, expenditure, expense(s), funding, operating expenses, outlay"} {"x":"find","y":"[1]catch sight of, chance upon, come across, come up with, descry, discover, encounter, espy, expose, ferret out, hit upon, lay one's hand on, light upon, locate, meet, recognize, run to earth, run to ground, spot, stumble upon, track down, turn up, uncover, unearth @@@@ [2]achieve, acquire, attain, earn, gain, get, obtain, procure, win @@@@ [3]get back, recover, regain, repossess, retrieve @@@@ [4]arrive at, ascertain, become aware, detect, discover, experience, learn, note, notice, observe, perceive, realise, remark @@@@ [5]be responsible for, bring, contribute, cough up @@@@ [6]furnish, provide, purvey, supply @@@@ [7]acquisition, asset, bargain, catch, discovery, good buy"} {"x":"finding","y":"[1]award, conclusion, decision, decree, judgment, pronouncement, recommendation, verdict @@@@ [2]carping, hairsplitting, nagging, niggling, nit-picking @@@@ [3]captious, carping, censorious, critical, hypercritical, on (someone's) back @@@@ [4]pettifogging"} {"x":"fine","y":"[1]accomplished, admirable, beautiful, choice, divine, excellent, exceptional, exquisite, first-class, first-rate, great, magnificent, masterly, ornate, outstanding, rare, select, showy, skilful, splendid, sterling, superior, supreme, world-class @@@@ [2]balmy, bright, clear, clement, cloudless, dry, fair, pleasant, sunny @@@@ [3]dainty, delicate, elegant, expensive, exquisite, fragile, quality @@@@ [4]abstruse, acute, critical, discriminating, fastidious, hairsplitting, intelligent, keen, minute, nice, precise, quick, refined, sensitive, sharp, subtle, tasteful, tenuous @@@@ [5]delicate, diaphanous, fine-grained, flimsy, gauzy, gossamer, light, lightweight, powdered, powdery, pulverized, sheer, slender, small, thin @@@@ [6]clear, pure, refined, solid, sterling, unadulterated, unalloyed, unpolluted @@@@ [7]attractive, bonny, good-looking, handsome, lovely, smart, striking, stylish, well-favoured @@@@ [8]acceptable, agreeable, all right, convenient, good, hunky-dory @@@@ [9]satisfactory, suitable @@@@ [10]brilliant, cutting, honed, keen, polished, razor-sharp, sharp"} {"x":"finery","y":"[1]decorations, frippery, gear @@@@ [2]gewgaws, glad rags @@@@ [3]ornaments, showiness, splendour, Sunday best, trappings, trinkets"} {"x":"finesse","y":"[1]adeptness, adroitness, artfulness, cleverness, craft, delicacy, diplomacy, discretion, know-how @@@@ [2]polish, quickness, savoir-faire, skill, sophistication, subtlety, tact @@@@ [3]artifice, bluff, feint, manoeuvre, ruse, stratagem, trick, wile @@@@ [4]bluff, manipulate, manoeuvre"} {"x":"finger","y":"[1]feel, fiddle with @@@@ [2]handle, manipulate, maul, meddle with, paw @@@@ [3]play about with, touch, toy with @@@@ [4]bring to mind, discover, find out, hit the nail on the head, hit upon, identify, indicate, locate, pin down, place, recall, remember"} {"x":"finicky","y":"[1]choosy @@@@ [2]critical, dainty, difficult, fastidious, finicking, fussy, hard to please, nit-picking @@@@ [3]overnice, overparticular, particular, picky @@@@ [4]scrupulous, squeamish"} {"x":"finish","y":"[1]accomplish, achieve, bring to a close or conclusion, carry through, cease, close, complete, conclude, culminate, deal with, discharge, do, end, execute, finalize, fulfil, get done, get out of the way, make short work of, put the finishing touch(es) to, put the tin lid on, round off, settle, stop, terminate, wind up, wrap up @@@@ [2]consume, deplete, devour, dispatch, dispose of, drain, drink, eat, empty, exhaust, expend, spend, use, use up @@@@ [3]administer or give the coup de grace, annihilate, best, bring down, defeat, destroy, dispose of, drive to the wall, exterminate, get rid of, kill, move in for the kill, overcome, overpower, put an end to, put paid to, rout, ruin, worst @@@@ [4]cessation, close, closing, completion, conclusion, culmination, denouement, end, ending, finale, last stage(s), run-in, termination, winding up @@@@ [5]wind-up @@@@ [6]annihilation, bankruptcy, curtains @@@@ [7]death, defeat, end, end of the road, liquidation, ruin @@@@ [8]elaborate, perfect, polish, refine @@@@ [9]cultivation, culture, elaboration, perfection, polish, refinement, sophistication @@@@ [10]coat, face, gild, lacquer, polish, smooth off, stain, texture, veneer, wax @@@@ [11]appearance, grain, lustre, patina, polish, shine, smoothness, surface, texture"} {"x":"finished","y":"[1]accomplished, classic, consummate, cultivated, elegant, expert, flawless, impeccable, masterly, perfected, polished, professional, proficient, refined, skilled, smooth, urbane @@@@ [2]accomplished, achieved, closed, complete, completed, concluded, done, ended, entire, final, finalized, full, in the past, over, over and done with, sewed up @@@@ [3]shut, terminated, through, tied up, wrapped up @@@@ [4]done, drained, empty, exhausted, gone, played out @@@@ [5]spent, used up @@@@ [6]bankrupt, defeated, devastated, done for @@@@ [7]doomed, gone, liquidated, lost, ruined, through, undone, washed up @@@@ [8]wiped out, wound up, wrecked"} {"x":"finite","y":"[1]bounded, circumscribed, conditioned, delimited, demarcated, limited, restricted, subject to limitations, terminable"} {"x":"fire","y":"[1]blaze, combustion, conflagration, flames, inferno @@@@ [2]barrage, bombardment, cannonade, flak, fusillade, hail, salvo, shelling, sniping, volley @@@@ [3]animation, ardour, brio, burning passion, dash, eagerness, elan, enthusiasm, excitement, fervency, fervour, force, heat, impetuosity, intensity, life, light, lustre, passion, pizzazz or pizazz @@@@ [4]radiance, scintillation, sparkle, spirit, splendour, verve, vigour, virtuosity, vivacity @@@@ [5]delayed, in abeyance, in cold storage, on ice, pending, postponed, put back, put off, shelved, suspended, undecided @@@@ [6]ablaze, aflame, alight, blazing, burning, fiery, flaming, in flames @@@@ [7]ardent, eager, enthusiastic, excited, inspired, passionate @@@@ [8]enkindle, ignite, kindle, light, put a match to, set ablaze, set aflame, set alight, set fire to, set on fire, torch @@@@ [9]detonate, discharge, eject, explode, hurl, launch, let loose @@@@ [10]let off, loose, pull the trigger, set off, shell, shoot, touch off @@@@ [11]animate, arouse, electrify, enliven, excite, galvanize, impassion, incite, inflame, inspire, inspirit, irritate, quicken, rouse, stir @@@@ [12]cashier, discharge, dismiss, give marching orders, give the boot @@@@ [13]make redundant, sack"} {"x":"firebrand","y":"[1]agitator, demagogue, fomenter, incendiary, instigator, rabble-rouser, soapbox orator, tub-thumper"} {"x":"fireworks","y":"[1]illuminations, pyrotechnics @@@@ [2]fit of rage, hysterics, paroxysms, rage, rows, storm, temper, trouble, uproar, wax"} {"x":"firm","y":"[1]close-grained, compact, compressed, concentrated, congealed, dense, hard, inelastic, inflexible, jelled, jellified, rigid, set, solid, solidified, stiff, unyielding @@@@ [2]anchored, braced, cemented, embedded, fast, fastened, fixed, immovable, motionless, riveted, robust, rooted, secure, secured, stable, stationary, steady, strong, sturdy, taut, tight, unfluctuating, unmoving, unshakable @@@@ [3]adamant, constant, definite, fixed, immovable, inflexible, obdurate, resolute, resolved, set on, settled, stalwart, staunch, steadfast, strict, true, unalterable, unbending, unfaltering, unflinching, unshakable, unshaken, unswerving, unwavering, unyielding"} {"x":"firmament","y":"[1]empyrean @@@@ [2]heaven, heavens, sky, the blue, the skies, vault, vault of heaven, welkin"} {"x":"firmly","y":"[1]enduringly, immovably, like a rock, motionlessly, securely, steadily, tightly, unflinchingly, unshakably @@@@ [2]determinedly, resolutely, staunchly, steadfastly, strictly, through thick and thin, unchangeably, unwaveringly, with a rod of iron, with decision"} {"x":"first","y":"[1]chief, foremost, head, highest, leading, pre-eminent, prime, principal, ruling @@@@ [2]earliest, initial, introductory, maiden, opening, original, premier, primeval, primitive, primordial, pristine @@@@ [3]basic, cardinal, elementary, fundamental, key, primary, rudimentary @@@@ [4]at the beginning, at the outset, before all else, beforehand, firstly, initially, in the first place, to begin with, to start with @@@@ [5]beginning, commencement, inception, introduction, outset, start, starting point, word \"go\" @@@@ [6]ace @@@@ [7]bad @@@@ [8]bitchin' @@@@ [9]blue-chip, boffo @@@@ [10]brill @@@@ [11]brilliant, capital, champion, chillin' @@@@ [12]choice, crack @@@@ [13]cracking @@@@ [14]crucial @@@@ [15]def @@@@ [16]dope @@@@ [17]elite, excellent, exceptional, exemplary, first-rate, five-star, great, jim-dandy @@@@ [18]marvellous, matchless, mean @@@@ [19]mega @@@@ [20]outstanding, premium, prime, second to none, sovereign, superb, superlative, the dog's bollocks @@@@ [21]tiptop, top, top-class, top-drawer, top-flight, top-notch @@@@ [22]topping @@@@ [23]tops @@@@ [24]twenty-four carat, very good, world-class"} {"x":"fiscal","y":"[1]budgetary, economic, financial, monetary, money, pecuniary"} {"x":"fish","y":"[1]angle for, elicit, hint at, hope for, hunt for, invite, look for, search for, seek, solicit @@@@ [2]extract, extricate, find, haul out, produce, pull out"} {"x":"fission","y":"[1]breaking, cleavage, division, parting, rending, rupture, schism, scission, splitting"} {"x":"fissure","y":"[1]breach, break, chink, cleavage, cleft, crack, cranny, crevice, fault, fracture, gap, hole, interstice, opening, rent, rift, rupture, slit, split"} {"x":"fit","y":"[1]able, adapted, adequate, apposite, appropriate, apt, becoming, capable, competent, convenient, correct, deserving, equipped, expedient, fitted, fitting, good enough, meet @@@@ [2]prepared, proper, qualified, ready, right, seemly, suitable, trained, well-suited, worthy @@@@ [3]able-bodied, as right as rain, hale, healthy, in good condition, in good shape, in good trim, robust, strapping, toned up, trim, well @@@@ [4]accord, agree, be consonant, belong, concur, conform, correspond, dovetail, go, interlock, join, match, meet, suit, tally @@@@ [5]accommodate, accoutre, arm, equip, fit out, kit out, outfit, prepare, provide, rig out @@@@ [6]adapt, adjust, alter, arrange, customize, dispose, fashion, modify, place, position, shape, tweak"} {"x":"fitness","y":"[1]adaptation, applicability, appropriateness, aptness, competence, eligibility, pertinence, preparedness, propriety, qualifications, readiness, seemliness, suitability @@@@ [2]good condition, good health, health, robustness, strength, vigour"} {"x":"fitted","y":"[1]adapted, cut out for, equipped, fit, qualified, right, suitable, tailor-made @@@@ [2]accoutred, appointed, armed, equipped, furnished, outfitted, provided, rigged out, set up, supplied @@@@ [3]built-in, permanent"} {"x":"fix","y":"[1]anchor, embed, establish, implant, install, locate, place, plant, position, root, set, settle @@@@ [2]attach, bind, cement, connect, couple, fasten, glue, link, make fast, pin, secure, stick, tie @@@@ [3]agree on, appoint, arrange, arrive at, conclude, decide, define, determine, establish, limit, name, resolve, set, settle, specify @@@@ [4]adjust, correct, mend, patch up, put to rights, regulate, repair, see to, sort @@@@ [5]congeal, consolidate, harden, rigidify, set, solidify, stiffen, thicken @@@@ [6]direct, focus, level at, rivet @@@@ [7]bribe, fiddle @@@@ [8]influence, manipulate, manoeuvre, pull strings @@@@ [9]rig @@@@ [10]difficult situation, difficulty, dilemma, embarrassment, hole @@@@ [11]hot water @@@@ [12]jam @@@@ [13]mess, pickle @@@@ [14]plight, predicament, quandary, spot @@@@ [15]agree on, arrange, fix, organize, plan, settle, sort out @@@@ [16]accommodate, arrange for, bring about, furnish, lay on, provide"} {"x":"fixation","y":"[1]addiction, complex, hang-up @@@@ [2]idee fixe, infatuation, mania, obsession, preoccupation, thing"} {"x":"fixed","y":"[1]anchored, attached, established, immovable, made fast, permanent, rigid, rooted, secure, set @@@@ [2]intent, level, resolute, steady, unbending, unblinking, undeviating, unflinching, unwavering @@@@ [3]agreed, arranged, decided, definite, established, planned, resolved, settled @@@@ [4]going, in working order, mended, put right, repaired, sorted @@@@ [5]framed, manipulated, packed, put-up, rigged"} {"x":"fixity","y":"[1]doggedness, intentness, perseverance, persistence, stability, steadiness"} {"x":"fizz","y":"[1]bubble, effervesce, fizzle, froth, hiss, sparkle, sputter"} {"x":"flabby","y":"[1]baggy, drooping, flaccid, floppy, hanging, lax, limp, loose, pendulous, sagging, slack, sloppy, toneless, unfit, yielding @@@@ [2]boneless, effete, enervated, feeble, impotent, ineffective, ineffectual, nerveless, spineless, weak, wimpish or wimpy"} {"x":"flaccid","y":"[1]drooping, flabby, lax, limp, loose, nerveless, slack, soft, weak"} {"x":"flag","y":"[1]abate, decline, die, droop, ebb, fade, fail, faint, fall, fall off, feel the pace, languish, peter out, pine, sag, sink, slump, succumb, taper off, wane, weaken, weary, wilt @@@@ [2]banderole, banner, colours, ensign, gonfalon, jack, pennant, pennon, standard, streamer @@@@ [3]hail, salute, signal, warn, wave @@@@ [4]docket, indicate, label, mark, note, tab"} {"x":"flagellate","y":"[1]beat, castigate, chastise, flay, flog, lambast(e), lash, scourge, thrash, whip"} {"x":"flagrant","y":"[1]arrant, atrocious, awful, barefaced, blatant, bold, brazen, crying, dreadful, egregious, enormous, flagitious, flaunting, glaring, heinous, immodest, infamous, notorious, open, ostentatious, out-and-out, outrageous, scandalous, shameless, undisguised"} {"x":"flail","y":"[1]beat, thrash, thresh, windmill"} {"x":"flair","y":"[1]ability, accomplishment, aptitude, faculty, feel, genius, gift, knack, mastery, talent @@@@ [2]chic, dash, discernment, elegance, panache, style, stylishness, taste"} {"x":"flak","y":"[1]abuse, bad press, brickbats @@@@ [2]censure, complaints, condemnation, criticism, denigration, disapprobation, disapproval, disparagement, fault-finding, hostility, opposition, stick"} {"x":"flake","y":"[1]disk, lamina, layer, peeling, scale, shaving, sliver, squama @@@@ [2]wafer @@@@ [3]blister, chip, desquamate, peel (off), scale (off) @@@@ [4]collapse, faint, keel over, lose consciousness, pass out, swoon"} {"x":"flamboyant","y":"[1]actorly, baroque, camp @@@@ [2]elaborate, extravagant, florid, ornate, ostentatious, over the top @@@@ [3]rich, rococo, showy, theatrical @@@@ [4]brilliant, colourful, dashing, dazzling, exciting, glamorous, glitzy @@@@ [5]swashbuckling"} {"x":"flame","y":"[1]blaze, burn, flare, flash, glare, glow, shine @@@@ [2]blaze, brightness, fire, light @@@@ [3]affection, ardour, enthusiasm, fervency, fervour, fire, intensity, keenness, passion, warmth @@@@ [4]beau, beloved, boyfriend, girlfriend, heart-throb @@@@ [5]ladylove, lover, sweetheart"} {"x":"flammable","y":"[1]combustible, ignitable, incendiary, inflammable"} {"x":"flank","y":"[1]ham, haunch, hip, loin, quarter, side, thigh @@@@ [2]side, wing @@@@ [3]book-end, border, bound, edge, fringe, line, screen, skirt, wall"} {"x":"flannel","y":"[1]baloney @@@@ [2]blarney, equivocation, flattery, hedging, prevarication, soft soap @@@@ [3]sweet talk @@@@ [4]waffle @@@@ [5]weasel words @@@@ [6]blarney, butter up, equivocate, flatter, hedge, prevaricate, pull the wool over (someone's) eyes, soft-soap @@@@ [7]sweet-talk @@@@ [8]waffle"} {"x":"flap","y":"[1]agitate, beat, flail, flutter, shake, swing, swish, thrash, thresh, vibrate, wag, wave @@@@ [2]bang, banging, beating, flutter, shaking, swinging, swish, waving @@@@ [3]dither @@@@ [4]fuss, panic @@@@ [5]agitation, commotion, fluster, mind-fuck @@@@ [6]panic, state @@@@ [7]stew @@@@ [8]sweat @@@@ [9]tizzy @@@@ [10]twitter @@@@ [11]apron, cover, fly, fold, lapel, lappet, overlap, skirt, tab, tail"} {"x":"flare","y":"[1]blaze, burn up, dazzle, flicker, flutter, glare, waver @@@@ [2]broaden, spread out, widen @@@@ [3]blaze, burst, dazzle, flame, flash, flicker, glare @@@@ [4]boil over, break out, explode, fire up, fly off the handle"} {"x":"flash","y":"[1]blaze, coruscate, flare, flicker, glare, gleam, glint, glisten, glitter, light, scintillate, shimmer, sparkle, twinkle @@@@ [2]blaze, burst, coruscation, dazzle, flare, flicker, gleam, ray, scintillation, shaft, shimmer, spark, sparkle, streak, twinkle @@@@ [3]barrel (along) @@@@ [4]bolt, burn rubber @@@@ [5]dart, dash, fly, race, shoot, speed, sprint, streak, sweep, whistle, zoom @@@@ [6]instant, jiffy @@@@ [7]moment, second, shake, split second, trice, twinkling, twinkling of an eye, two shakes of a lamb's tail @@@@ [8]display, exhibit, expose, flaunt, flourish, show @@@@ [9]burst, demonstration, display, manifestation, outburst, show, sign, touch @@@@ [10]cheap, glamorous, naff @@@@ [11]ostentatious, tacky @@@@ [12]tasteless, vulgar"} {"x":"flat","y":"[1]even, horizontal, level, levelled, low, planar, plane, smooth, unbroken @@@@ [2]laid low, lying full length, outstretched, prone, prostrate, reclining, recumbent, supine @@@@ [3]boring, dead, dull, flavourless, ho-hum @@@@ [4]insipid, jejune, lacklustre, lifeless, monotonous, pointless, prosaic, spiritless, stale, tedious, tiresome, uninteresting, vapid, watery, weak @@@@ [5]absolute, categorical, direct, downright, explicit, final, fixed, out-and-out, peremptory, plain, positive, straight, unconditional, unequivocal, unmistakable, unqualified @@@@ [6]blown out, burst, collapsed, deflated, empty, punctured @@@@ [7]lowland, marsh, mud flat, plain, shallow, shoal, strand, swamp @@@@ [8]absolutely, categorically, completely, exactly, point blank, precisely, utterly @@@@ [9]all out, at full gallop, at full speed, at full tilt, for all one is worth, hell for leather"} {"x":"flatten","y":"[1]compress, even out, iron out, level, plaster, raze, roll, smooth off, squash, trample @@@@ [2]bowl over, crush, deck @@@@ [3]fell, floor, knock down, knock off one's feet, prostrate, subdue"} {"x":"flatulent","y":"[1]bombastic, inflated, long-winded, pompous, pretentious, prolix, swollen, tedious, tiresome, turgid, wordy"} {"x":"flaunt","y":"[1]boast, brandish, display, disport, exhibit, flash about, flourish, make an exhibition of, make a (great) show of, parade, show off, sport @@@@ [2]vaunt"} {"x":"flaw","y":"[1]blemish, chink in one's armour, defect, disfigurement, failing, fault, imperfection, scar, speck, spot, weakness, weak spot @@@@ [2]breach, break, cleft, crack, crevice, fissure, fracture, rent, rift, scission, split, tear"} {"x":"flay","y":"[1]excoriate, skin @@@@ [2]castigate, excoriate, execrate, give a tongue-lashing, pull to pieces @@@@ [3]revile, slam @@@@ [4]upbraid"} {"x":"fleck","y":"[1]bespeckle, besprinkle, dapple, dot, dust, mark, mottle, speckle, spot, stipple, streak, variegate @@@@ [2]dot, mark, pinpoint, speck, speckle, spot, streak"} {"x":"fledgling","y":"[1]chick, nestling @@@@ [2]apprentice, beginner, learner, neophyte, newcomer, novice, rookie @@@@ [3]trainee, tyro"} {"x":"flee","y":"[1]abscond, avoid, beat a hasty retreat, bolt, cut and run @@@@ [2]decamp, depart, do a runner @@@@ [3]escape, fly, fly the coop @@@@ [4]leave, make a quick exit, make off, make oneself scarce @@@@ [5]make one's escape, make one's getaway, run away, scarper @@@@ [6]shun, skedaddle @@@@ [7]slope off, split @@@@ [8]take off @@@@ [9]take to one's heels, turn tail, vanish"} {"x":"fleece","y":"[1]bleed @@@@ [2]cheat, con @@@@ [3]cozen, defraud, despoil, diddle @@@@ [4]mulct, overcharge, plunder, rifle, rip off @@@@ [5]rob, rook @@@@ [6]soak @@@@ [7]steal, stiff @@@@ [8]clip, shear @@@@ [9]wool"} {"x":"fleet","y":"[1]argosy, armada, flotilla, naval force, navy, sea power, squadron, task force, vessels, warships @@@@ [2]fast, flying, mercurial, meteoric, nimble, nimble-footed, quick, rapid, speedy, swift, winged"} {"x":"flesh","y":"[1]beef @@@@ [2]body, brawn, fat, fatness, food, meat, tissue, weight @@@@ [3]animality, body, carnality, flesh and blood, human nature, physicality, physical nature, sensuality @@@@ [4]homo sapiens, humankind, human race, living creatures, man, mankind, mortality, people, race, stock, world @@@@ [5]blood, family, kin, kindred, kinsfolk, kith and kin, relations, relatives"} {"x":"flex","y":"[1]angle, bend, contract, crook, curve, tighten"} {"x":"flexibility","y":"[1]adaptability, adjustability, complaisance, elasticity, give @@@@ [2]pliability, pliancy, resilience, springiness, tensility"} {"x":"flexible","y":"[1]bendable, ductile, elastic, limber, lissom(e), lithe, mouldable, plastic, pliable, pliant, springy, stretchy, supple, tensile, whippy, willowy, yielding @@@@ [2]adaptable, adjustable, discretionary, open, variable @@@@ [3]amenable, biddable, complaisant, compliant, docile, gentle, manageable, responsive, tractable"} {"x":"flick","y":"[1]dab, fillip, flip, hit, jab, peck, rap, strike, tap, touch @@@@ [2]browse, flip, glance, skim, skip, thumb @@@@ [3]fillip, flip, jab, peck, rap, tap, touch"} {"x":"flicker","y":"[1]flare, flash, glimmer, gutter, shimmer, sparkle, twinkle @@@@ [2]flutter, quiver, vibrate, waver @@@@ [3]flare, flash, gleam, glimmer, spark @@@@ [4]atom, breath, drop, glimmer, iota, spark, trace, vestige"} {"x":"flight","y":"[1]flying, mounting, soaring, winging @@@@ [2]journey, trip, voyage @@@@ [3]aerial navigation, aeronautics, air transport, aviation, flying @@@@ [4]cloud, flock, formation, squadron, swarm, unit, wing @@@@ [5]departure, escape, exit, exodus, fleeing, getaway, retreat, running away @@@@ [6]chase off, disperse, drive off, rout, scare off, scatter, send packing, stampede @@@@ [7]abscond, beat a retreat, bolt, decamp, do a bunk @@@@ [8]light out"} {"x":"flimsy","y":"[1]delicate, fragile, frail, gimcrack, insubstantial, makeshift, rickety, shaky, shallow, slight, superficial, unsubstantial @@@@ [2]chiffon, gauzy, gossamer, light, sheer, thin, transparent @@@@ [3]feeble, frivolous, implausible, inadequate, pathetic, poor, tenuous, thin, transparent, trivial, unconvincing, unsatisfactory, weak"} {"x":"flinch","y":"[1]back off, baulk, blench, cower, cringe, draw back, duck, flee, quail, recoil, retreat, shirk, shrink, shy away, start, swerve, wince, withdraw"} {"x":"fling","y":"[1]cast, catapult, chuck @@@@ [2]heave, hurl, jerk, let fly, lob @@@@ [3]pitch, precipitate, propel, send, shy, sling, throw, toss @@@@ [4]cast, lob, pitch, shot, throw, toss @@@@ [5]bash, beano @@@@ [6]binge @@@@ [7]indulgence, party, rave @@@@ [8]rave-up @@@@ [9]spree @@@@ [10]attempt, bash @@@@ [11]crack @@@@ [12]gamble, go @@@@ [13]shot @@@@ [14]stab @@@@ [15]trial, try, venture, whirl"} {"x":"flip","y":"[1]cast, flick, jerk, pitch, snap, spin, throw, toss, twist"} {"x":"flippant","y":"[1]cheeky, disrespectful, flip @@@@ [2]frivolous, glib, impertinent, impudent, irreverent, offhand, pert, rude, saucy, superficial"} {"x":"flirt","y":"[1]chat up @@@@ [2]coquet, dally, lead on, make advances, make eyes at, make sheep's eyes at, philander @@@@ [3]consider, dabble in, entertain, expose oneself to, give a thought to, play with, toy with, trifle with @@@@ [4]coquette, heart-breaker, philanderer, tease, trifler, wanton"} {"x":"flirtation","y":"[1]coquetry, dalliance, intrigue, philandering, teasing, toying, trifling"} {"x":"flit","y":"[1]dart, flash, fleet, flutter, fly, pass, skim, speed, whisk, wing"} {"x":"float","y":"[1]be buoyant, be or lie on the surface, displace water, hang, hover, poise, rest on water, stay afloat @@@@ [2]bob, drift, glide, move gently, sail, slide, slip along @@@@ [3]get going, launch, promote, push off, set up"} {"x":"floating","y":"[1]afloat, buoyant, buoyed up, nonsubmersible, ocean-going, sailing, swimming, unsinkable @@@@ [2]fluctuating, free, migratory, movable, unattached, uncommitted, unfixed, variable, wandering"} {"x":"flock","y":"[1]collect, congregate, converge, crowd, gather, group, herd, huddle, mass, throng, troop @@@@ [2]colony, drove, flight, gaggle, herd, skein @@@@ [3]assembly, bevy, collection, company, congregation, convoy, crowd, gathering, group, herd, host, mass, multitude, throng"} {"x":"flog","y":"[1]beat, castigate, chastise, flagellate, flay, lambast(e), lash, scourge, thrash, trounce, whack, whip @@@@ [2]drive, oppress, overexert, overtax, overwork, punish, push, strain, tax"} {"x":"flood","y":"[1]brim over, deluge, drown, immerse, inundate, overflow, pour over, submerge, swamp, teem @@@@ [2]engulf, flow, gush, overwhelm, rush, surge, swarm, sweep @@@@ [3]choke, fill, glut, oversupply, saturate @@@@ [4]deluge, downpour, flash flood, freshet, inundation, overflow, spate, tide, torrent @@@@ [5]abundance, flow, glut, multitude, outpouring, profusion, rush, stream, torrent"} {"x":"floor","y":"[1]level, stage, storey, tier @@@@ [2]baffle, beat, bewilder, bowl over @@@@ [3]bring up short, confound, conquer, deck @@@@ [4]defeat, discomfit, disconcert, dumbfound, faze, knock down, nonplus, overthrow, perplex, prostrate, puzzle, stump, throw"} {"x":"flop","y":"[1]collapse, dangle, droop, drop, fall, hang limply, sag, slump, topple, tumble @@@@ [2]bomb @@@@ [3]close, come to nothing, come unstuck, fail, fall flat, fall short, fold @@@@ [4]founder, go belly-up @@@@ [5]misfire @@@@ [6]cockup @@@@ [7]debacle, disaster, failure, fiasco, loser, nonstarter, washout"} {"x":"florescence","y":"[1]blooming, blossoming, development, flourishing, flowering, fruition, maturity"} {"x":"florid","y":"[1]blowsy, flushed, high-coloured, high-complexioned, rubicund, ruddy @@@@ [2]baroque, busy, embellished, euphuistic, figurative, flamboyant, flowery, fussy, grandiloquent, high-flown, ornate, overelaborate"} {"x":"flotsam","y":"[1]debris, detritus, jetsam, junk, odds and ends, sweepings, wreckage"} {"x":"flounce","y":"[1]bounce, fling, jerk, spring, stamp, storm, throw, toss"} {"x":"flounder","y":"[1]be in the dark, blunder, fumble, grope, muddle, plunge, struggle, stumble, thrash, toss, tumble, wallow"} {"x":"flourish","y":"[1]bear fruit, be in one's prime, be successful, be vigorous, bloom, blossom, boom, burgeon, develop, do well, flower, get ahead, get on, go great guns @@@@ [2]go up in the world, grow, grow fat, increase, prosper, succeed, thrive @@@@ [3]brandish, display, flaunt, flutter, shake, sweep, swing, swish, twirl, vaunt, wag, wave, wield @@@@ [4]brandishing, dash, display, fanfare, parade, shaking, show, showy gesture, twirling, wave @@@@ [5]curlicue, decoration, embellishment, ornamentation, plume, sweep"} {"x":"flout","y":"[1]defy, deride, gibe at, insult, jeer at, laugh in the face of, mock, outrage, ridicule, scoff at, scorn, scout @@@@ [2]show contempt for, sneer at, spurn, take the piss out of"} {"x":"flow","y":"[1]circulate, course, glide, gush, move, pour, purl, ripple, roll, run, rush, slide, surge, sweep, swirl, whirl @@@@ [2]cascade, deluge, flood, inundate, issue, overflow, pour, run, run out, spew, spill, spurt, squirt, stream, teem, well forth @@@@ [3]arise, emanate, emerge, issue, pour, proceed, result, spring @@@@ [4]course, current, drift, flood, flux, gush, issue, outflow, outpouring, spate, stream, tide, tideway, undertow @@@@ [5]abundance, deluge, effusion, emanation, outflow, outpouring, plenty, plethora, succession, train"} {"x":"flower","y":"[1]bloom, blossom, efflorescence @@@@ [2]best, choicest part, cream, creme de la creme, elite, freshness, greatest or finest point, height, pick, vigour @@@@ [3]bloom, blossom, blow, burgeon, effloresce, flourish, mature, open, unfold"} {"x":"flowing","y":"[1]falling, gushing, rolling, rushing, smooth, streaming, sweeping @@@@ [2]continuous, cursive, easy, fluent, smooth, unbroken, uninterrupted @@@@ [3]abounding, brimming over, flooded, full, overrun, prolific, rich, teeming"} {"x":"fluctuate","y":"[1]alter, alternate, change, ebb and flow, go up and down, hesitate, oscillate, rise and fall, seesaw, shift, swing, undulate, vacillate, vary, veer, waver"} {"x":"fluctuation","y":"[1]alternation, change, fickleness, inconstancy, instability, oscillation, shift, swing, unsteadiness, vacillation, variation, wavering"} {"x":"fluent","y":"[1]articulate, easy, effortless, facile, flowing, glib, natural, ready, smooth, smooth-spoken, voluble, well-versed"} {"x":"fluff","y":"[1]down, dust, dustball, fuzz, lint, nap, oose @@@@ [2]pile @@@@ [3]bungle, cock up @@@@ [4]foul up @@@@ [5]fuck up @@@@ [6]muddle, screw up @@@@ [7]spoil"} {"x":"fluid","y":"[1]aqueous, flowing, in solution, liquefied, liquid, melted, molten, running, runny, watery @@@@ [2]adaptable, adjustable, changeable, flexible, floating, fluctuating, indefinite, mercurial, mobile, mutable, protean, shifting @@@@ [3]easy, elegant, feline, flowing, graceful, sinuous, smooth @@@@ [4]liquid, liquor, solution"} {"x":"fluke","y":"[1]accident, blessing, break, chance, chance occurrence, coincidence, fortuity, freak, lucky break, quirk, quirk of fate, serendipity, stroke, stroke of luck, windfall"} {"x":"flunk","y":"[1]be found lacking, be unsuccessful, bust @@@@ [2]fail, fall short, flop @@@@ [3]plough @@@@ [4]screw up @@@@ [5]underachieve, underperform, wash out @@@@ [6]be dismissed, be expelled, drop out @@@@ [7]go down @@@@ [8]fail, failure, nonsuccess"} {"x":"flurry","y":"[1]ado, agitation, bustle, commotion, disturbance, excitement, ferment, flap, fluster, flutter, furore, fuss, hurry, stir, to-do, tumult, whirl @@@@ [2]flaw, gust, squall @@@@ [3]burst, outbreak, spell, spurt @@@@ [4]agitate, bewilder, bother, bustle, confuse, disconcert, disturb, faze, fluster, flutter, fuss, hassle @@@@ [5]hurry, hustle, rattle @@@@ [6]ruffle, unnerve, unsettle, upset"} {"x":"flush","y":"[1]blush, burn, colour, colour up, crimson, flame, glow, go as red as a beetroot, go red, redden, suffuse @@@@ [2]bloom, blush, colour, freshness, glow, redness, rosiness @@@@ [3]cleanse, douche, drench, eject, expel, flood, hose down, rinse out, swab, syringe, wash out @@@@ [4]even, flat, level, plane, square, true @@@@ [5]abundant, affluent, full, generous, lavish, liberal, overflowing, prodigal @@@@ [6]moneyed, rich, rolling @@@@ [7]wealthy, well-heeled @@@@ [8]well-off, well-supplied @@@@ [9]even with, hard against, in contact with, level with, squarely, touching @@@@ [10]discover, disturb, drive out, put to flight, rouse, start, uncover"} {"x":"fluster","y":"[1]agitate, bother, bustle, confound, confuse, disturb, excite, flurry, hassle @@@@ [2]heat, hurry, make nervous, perturb, rattle @@@@ [3]ruffle, throw off balance, unnerve, upset @@@@ [4]agitation, bustle, commotion, disturbance, dither @@@@ [5]flap @@@@ [6]flurry, flutter, furore, perturbation, ruffle, state @@@@ [7]turmoil"} {"x":"flutter","y":"[1]agitate, bat, beat, flap, flicker, flit, flitter, fluctuate, hover, palpitate, quiver, ripple, ruffle, shiver, tremble, vibrate, waver @@@@ [2]palpitation, quiver, quivering, shiver, shudder, tremble, tremor, twitching, vibration @@@@ [3]agitation, commotion, confusion, dither @@@@ [4]excitement, flurry, fluster, perturbation, state @@@@ [5]state of nervous excitement, tremble, tumult"} {"x":"flux","y":"[1]alteration, change, flow, fluctuation, fluidity, instability, modification, motion, mutability, mutation, transition, unrest"} {"x":"fly","y":"[1]flit, flutter, hover, mount, sail, soar, take to the air, take wing, wing @@@@ [2]aviate, be at the controls, control, manoeuvre, operate, pilot @@@@ [3]display, flap, float, flutter, show, wave @@@@ [4]elapse, flit, glide, pass, pass swiftly, roll on, run its course, slip away @@@@ [5]barrel (along) @@@@ [6]bolt, burn rubber @@@@ [7]career, dart, dash, hare @@@@ [8]hasten, hurry, race, rush, scamper, scoot, shoot, speed, sprint, tear, whizz @@@@ [9]zoom @@@@ [10]abscond, avoid, beat a retreat, clear out @@@@ [11]decamp, disappear, do a runner @@@@ [12]escape, flee, fly the coop @@@@ [13]get away, hasten away, hightail @@@@ [14]light out @@@@ [15]make a getaway, make a quick exit, make one's escape, run, run for it, run from, show a clean pair of heels, shun, skedaddle @@@@ [16]blow one's top, explode, flip one's lid @@@@ [17]let fly @@@@ [18]burst forth, give free reign, keep nothing back, lash out, let (someone) have it, lose one's temper, tear into @@@@ [19]vent @@@@ [20]cast, chuck @@@@ [21]fire, fling, heave, hurl, hurtle, launch, let off, lob @@@@ [22]shoot, sling, throw @@@@ [23]difficulty, drawback, flaw, hitch, problem, rub, small problem, snag @@@@ [24]astute, canny, careful, knowing, nobody's fool, not born yesterday, on the ball @@@@ [25]sharp, shrewd, smart, wide-awake @@@@ [26]a problem, a trouble, a hiccup"} {"x":"flying","y":"[1]brief, fleeting, fugacious, hasty, hurried, rushed, short-lived, transitory @@@@ [2]express, fast, fleet, mercurial, mobile, rapid, speedy, winged @@@@ [3]airborne, flapping, floating, fluttering, gliding, hovering, in the air, soaring, streaming, volitant, waving, wind-borne, winging"} {"x":"foam","y":"[1]bubbles, froth, head, lather, spray, spume, suds @@@@ [2]boil, bubble, effervesce, fizz, froth, lather"} {"x":"focus","y":"[1]bull's eye, centre, centre of activity, centre of attraction, core, cynosure, focal point, headquarters, heart, hub, meeting place, target @@@@ [2]clear, distinct, sharp-edged, sharply defined @@@@ [3]blurred, fuzzy, ill-defined, indistinct, muzzy, unclear @@@@ [4]aim, bring to bear, centre, concentrate, converge, direct, fix, join, meet, pinpoint, rivet, spotlight, zero in @@@@ [5]zoom in"} {"x":"fodder","y":"[1]feed, food, foodstuff, forage, provender, rations, tack @@@@ [2]victuals, vittles"} {"x":"foe","y":"[1]adversary, antagonist, enemy, foeman @@@@ [2]opponent, rival"} {"x":"fog","y":"[1]gloom, miasma, mist, murk, murkiness, peasouper @@@@ [2]smog @@@@ [3]blindness, confusion, daze, haze, mist, obscurity, perplexity, stupor, trance @@@@ [4]becloud, bedim, befuddle, bewilder, blear, blind, cloud, confuse, darken, daze, dim, muddle, muddy the waters, obfuscate, obscure, perplex, stupefy @@@@ [5]cloud, mist over or up, steam up"} {"x":"fogey","y":"[1]anachronism, antique @@@@ [2]back number @@@@ [3]dinosaur, dodo @@@@ [4]fossil @@@@ [5]fuddy-duddy @@@@ [6]relic, square @@@@ [7]stick-in-the-mud"} {"x":"foible","y":"[1]defect, failing, fault, idiosyncrasy, imperfection, infirmity, peculiarity, quirk, weakness, weak point"} {"x":"foist","y":"[1]fob off, get rid of, impose, insert, insinuate, interpolate, introduce, palm off, pass off, put over, sneak in, unload"} {"x":"fold","y":"[1]bend, crease, crumple, dog-ear, double, double over, gather, intertwine, overlap, pleat, tuck, turn under @@@@ [2]bend, crease, double thickness, folded portion, furrow, knife-edge, layer, overlap, pleat, turn, wrinkle @@@@ [3]do up, enclose, enfold, entwine, envelop, wrap, wrap up @@@@ [4]be ruined, close, collapse, crash, fail, go bankrupt, go belly-up @@@@ [5]go bust"} {"x":"folk","y":"[1]clan, ethnic group, family, kin, kindred, people, race, tribe"} {"x":"follow","y":"[1]come after, come next, step into the shoes of, succeed, supersede, supplant, take the place of @@@@ [2]chase, dog, hound, hunt, pursue, run after, shadow, stalk, tail @@@@ [3]track, trail @@@@ [4]accompany, attend, bring up the rear, come after, come or go with, escort, tag along, tread on the heels of @@@@ [5]act in accordance with, be guided by, comply, conform, give allegiance to, heed, mind, note, obey, observe, regard, toe the line, watch @@@@ [6]appreciate, catch, catch on @@@@ [7]comprehend, fathom, get, get the hang of @@@@ [8]get the picture, grasp, keep up with, realize, see, take in, understand @@@@ [9]arise, be consequent, develop, emanate, ensue, flow, issue, proceed, result, spring, supervene @@@@ [10]adopt, copy, emulate, imitate, live up to, pattern oneself upon, take a leaf out of someone's book, take as example @@@@ [11]be a devotee or supporter of, be devoted to, be interested in, cultivate, keep abreast of, support"} {"x":"follower","y":"[1]adherent, admirer, apostle, backer, believer, cohort @@@@ [2]convert, devotee, disciple, fan, fancier, habitue, henchman, partisan, protagonist, pupil, representative, supporter, votary, worshipper @@@@ [3]attendant, companion, hanger-on, helper, henchman, lackey, minion, retainer @@@@ [4]sidekick"} {"x":"following","y":"[1]coming, consequent, consequential, ensuing, later, next, specified, subsequent, succeeding, successive @@@@ [2]audience, circle, clientele, coterie, entourage, fans, patronage, public, retinue, suite, support, supporters, train"} {"x":"folly","y":"[1]absurdity, betise @@@@ [2]daftness @@@@ [3]desipience, fatuity, foolishness, idiocy, imbecility, imprudence, indiscretion, irrationality, lunacy, madness, nonsense, preposterousness, rashness, recklessness, silliness, stupidity"} {"x":"foment","y":"[1]abet, agitate, arouse, brew, encourage, excite, fan the flames, foster, goad, incite, instigate, promote, provoke, quicken, raise, rouse, sow the seeds of, spur, stimulate, stir up, whip up"} {"x":"fond","y":"[1]addicted to, attached to, enamoured of, have a fancy for, have a liking for, have a taste for, have a soft spot for, hooked on, into @@@@ [2]keen on, partial to, predisposed towards @@@@ [3]adoring, affectionate, amorous, caring, devoted, doting, indulgent, loving, tender, warm @@@@ [4]absurd, credulous, deluded, delusive, delusory, empty, foolish, indiscreet, naive, overoptimistic, vain"} {"x":"fondle","y":"[1]caress, cuddle, dandle, pat, pet, stroke"} {"x":"food","y":"[1]aliment, board, bread, chow @@@@ [2]comestibles, commons, cooking, cuisine, diet, eatables @@@@ [3]eats @@@@ [4]edibles, fare, feed, foodstuffs, grub @@@@ [5]larder, meat, menu, nosebag @@@@ [6]nosh @@@@ [7]nourishment, nutriment, nutrition, pabulum @@@@ [8]provender, provisions, rations, refreshment, scoff @@@@ [9]stores, subsistence, survival rations, sustenance, table, tack @@@@ [10]tuck @@@@ [11]tucker @@@@ [12]viands, victuals, vittles @@@@ [13]feed, fodder, forage, provender"} {"x":"fool","y":"[1]ass, berk @@@@ [2]bird-brain @@@@ [3]blockhead, bonehead @@@@ [4]charlie @@@@ [5]chump @@@@ [6]clodpate @@@@ [7]clot @@@@ [8]coot, dickhead @@@@ [9]dickwit @@@@ [10]dimwit @@@@ [11]dipstick @@@@ [12]divvy @@@@ [13]dolt, dope @@@@ [14]dork @@@@ [15]dunce, dunderhead, dweeb @@@@ [16]fathead @@@@ [17]fuckwit @@@@ [18]geek @@@@ [19]gobshite @@@@ [20]gonzo @@@@ [21]goose @@@@ [22]halfwit, idiot, ignoramus, illiterate, imbecile @@@@ [23]jackass, jerk @@@@ [24]lamebrain @@@@ [25]loon, mooncalf, moron, nerd or nurd @@@@ [26]nincompoop, ninny, nit @@@@ [27]nitwit @@@@ [28]oaf, pillock @@@@ [29]plank @@@@ [30]plonker @@@@ [31]prat @@@@ [32]prick @@@@ [33]sap @@@@ [34]schmuck @@@@ [35]silly, simpleton, twerp or twirp @@@@ [36]twit @@@@ [37]wally @@@@ [38]weenie @@@@ [39]butt, chump @@@@ [40]dupe, easy mark @@@@ [41]fall guy @@@@ [42]greenhorn @@@@ [43]gull @@@@ [44]laughing stock, mug @@@@ [45]stooge @@@@ [46]sucker @@@@ [47]buffoon, clown, comic, harlequin, jester, joculator or (fem.) joculatrix, merry-andrew, motley, pierrot, punchinello @@@@ [48]act the goat, act up, be silly, cavort, clown, cut capers, frolic, lark about @@@@ [49]piss around @@@@ [50]bamboozle, beguile, bluff, cheat, con @@@@ [51]deceive, delude, dupe, gull @@@@ [52]have (someone) on, hoax, hoodwink, kid @@@@ [53]stiff @@@@ [54]take in, trick @@@@ [55]act the fool, cut capers, feign, jest, joke, kid @@@@ [56]piss around @@@@ [57]pretend, tease @@@@ [58]fiddle @@@@ [59]meddle, mess, monkey, piss about @@@@ [60]piss around @@@@ [61]play, tamper, toy, trifle"} {"x":"foolery","y":"[1]antics, capers, carry-on @@@@ [2]childishness, clowning, desipience, folly, fooling, horseplay, larks, mischief, monkey tricks @@@@ [3]nonsense, practical jokes, pranks, shenanigans @@@@ [4]silliness, tomfoolery"} {"x":"fooling","y":"[1]bluffing, buffoonery, clownishness, farce, joking, kidding @@@@ [2]mockery, nonsense, pretence, shamming, skylarking @@@@ [3]teasing, tricks, trifling"} {"x":"foolish","y":"[1]absurd, asinine, ill-advised, ill-considered, ill-judged, imprudent, inane, incautious, indiscreet, injudicious, nonsensical, senseless, short-sighted, silly, unintelligent, unreasonable, unwise @@@@ [2]braindead @@@@ [3]brainless, crackpot @@@@ [4]crazy, daft @@@@ [5]doltish, fatuous, goofy @@@@ [6]half-baked @@@@ [7]half-witted, harebrained, idiotic, imbecilic, inane, loopy @@@@ [8]ludicrous, mad, moronic, off one's head @@@@ [9]potty @@@@ [10]ridiculous, senseless, silly, simple, stupid, weak, witless"} {"x":"foolproof","y":"[1]certain, guaranteed, infallible, never-failing, safe, sure-fire @@@@ [2]unassailable, unbreakable"} {"x":"footing","y":"[1]basis, establishment, foot-hold, foundation, ground, groundwork, installation, settlement @@@@ [2]condition, grade, position, rank, relations, relationship, standing, state, status, terms"} {"x":"fop","y":"[1]beau, Beau Brummel, clotheshorse, coxcomb @@@@ [2]dandy, exquisite @@@@ [3]fashion plate, macaroni @@@@ [4]peacock, popinjay, smoothie or smoothy @@@@ [5]swell"} {"x":"forage","y":"[1]feed, fodder, food, foodstuffs, provender @@@@ [2]cast about, explore, hunt, look round, plunder, raid, ransack, rummage, scavenge, scour, scrounge @@@@ [3]search, seek"} {"x":"foray","y":"[1]depredation, descent, incursion, inroad, invasion, irruption, raid, reconnaissance, sally, sortie, swoop"} {"x":"forbear","y":"[1]abstain, avoid, cease, decline, desist, eschew, hold back, keep from, omit, pause, refrain, resist the temptation to, restrain oneself, stop, withhold"} {"x":"forbid","y":"[1]ban, debar, disallow, exclude, hinder, inhibit, interdict, outlaw, preclude, prohibit, proscribe, rule out, veto"} {"x":"forbidden","y":"[1]banned, outlawed, out of bounds, prohibited, proscribed, taboo, verboten, vetoed"} {"x":"force","y":"[1]dynamism, energy, impact, impulse, life, might, momentum, muscle, potency, power, pressure, stimulus, strength, stress, vigour @@@@ [2]arm-twisting @@@@ [3]coercion, compulsion, constraint, duress, enforcement, pressure, violence @@@@ [4]bite, cogency, effect, effectiveness, efficacy, influence, persuasiveness, power, punch @@@@ [5]strength, validity, weight @@@@ [6]drive, emphasis, fierceness, intensity, persistence, vehemence, vigour @@@@ [7]army, battalion, body, corps, detachment, division, host, legion, patrol, regiment, squad, squadron, troop, unit @@@@ [8]binding, current, effective, in operation, on the statute book, operative, valid, working @@@@ [9]bring pressure to bear upon, coerce, compel, constrain, dragoon, drive, impel, impose, make, necessitate, obligate, oblige, overcome, press, press-gang, pressure, pressurize, put the screws on @@@@ [10]railroad @@@@ [11]strong-arm @@@@ [12]blast, break open, prise, propel, push, thrust, use violence on, wrench, wrest @@@@ [13]drag, exact, extort, wring"} {"x":"forced","y":"[1]compulsory, conscripted, enforced, involuntary, mandatory, obligatory, slave, unwilling @@@@ [2]affected, artificial, contrived, false, insincere, laboured, stiff, strained, unnatural, wooden"} {"x":"forcible","y":"[1]active, cogent, compelling, effective, efficient, energetic, forceful, impressive, mighty, potent, powerful, strong, telling, valid, weighty @@@@ [2]aggressive, armed, coercive, compulsory, drastic, violent"} {"x":"forebear","y":"[1]ancestor, father, forefather, forerunner, predecessor, progenitor"} {"x":"forecast","y":"[1]anticipate, augur, calculate, divine, estimate, foresee, foretell, plan, predict, prognosticate, prophesy, vaticinate @@@@ [2]anticipation, conjecture, foresight, forethought, guess, outlook, planning, prediction, prognosis, projection, prophecy"} {"x":"forefather","y":"[1]ancestor, father, forebear, forerunner, predecessor, primogenitor, procreator, progenitor"} {"x":"forefront","y":"[1]centre, fore, foreground, front, lead, prominence, spearhead, van, vanguard"} {"x":"forego","y":"[1]abandon, abjure, cede, do without, give up, kick @@@@ [2]leave alone or out, relinquish, renounce, resign, sacrifice, say goodbye to, surrender, waive, yield"} {"x":"foreground","y":"[1]centre, forefront, front, limelight, prominence"} {"x":"foreign","y":"[1]alien, beyond one's ken, borrowed, distant, exotic, external, imported, outlandish, outside, overseas, remote, strange, unfamiliar, unknown @@@@ [2]extraneous, extrinsic, incongruous, irrelevant, unassimilable, uncharacteristic, unrelated"} {"x":"foremost","y":"[1]chief, first, front, headmost, highest, inaugural, initial, leading, paramount, pre-eminent, primary, prime, principal, supreme"} {"x":"foreordain","y":"[1]doom, fate, foredoom, prearrange, predestine, predetermine, preordain, reserve"} {"x":"forerunner","y":"[1]ancestor, announcer, envoy, forebear, foregoer, harbinger, herald, precursor, predecessor, progenitor, prototype @@@@ [2]augury, foretoken, indication, omen, portent, premonition, prognostic, sign, token"} {"x":"foresee","y":"[1]anticipate, divine, envisage, forebode, forecast, foretell, predict, prophesy, vaticinate"} {"x":"foreshadow","y":"[1]adumbrate, augur, betoken, bode, forebode, imply, indicate, portend, predict, prefigure, presage, promise, prophesy, signal"} {"x":"foresight","y":"[1]anticipation, care, caution, circumspection, far-sightedness, forethought, precaution, premeditation, preparedness, prescience, prevision @@@@ [2]provision, prudence"} {"x":"forestall","y":"[1]anticipate, balk, circumvent, frustrate, head off, hinder, intercept, nip in the bud, obviate, parry, preclude, prevent, provide against, thwart"} {"x":"forestry","y":"[1]arboriculture, dendrology @@@@ [2]silviculture, woodcraft, woodmanship"} {"x":"foretaste","y":"[1]example, foretoken, indication, prelude, preview, sample, trailer, warning, whiff"} {"x":"foretell","y":"[1]adumbrate, augur, bode, forebode, forecast, foreshadow, foreshow, forewarn, portend, predict, presage, prognosticate, prophesy, signify, soothsay, vaticinate"} {"x":"forethought","y":"[1]anticipation, far-sightedness, foresight, precaution, providence, provision, prudence"} {"x":"foretoken","y":"[1]augur, forebode, foreshadow, foreshow, give notice of, give warning of, portend, presage, signify, warn of"} {"x":"forever","y":"[1]always, evermore, for all time, for good and all @@@@ [2]for keeps, in perpetuity, till Doomsday, till the cows come home @@@@ [3]all the time, constantly, continually, endlessly, eternally, everlastingly, incessantly, interminably, perpetually, unremittingly"} {"x":"forewarn","y":"[1]admonish, advise, alert, apprise, caution, dissuade, give fair warning, put on guard, put on the qui vive, tip off"} {"x":"foreword","y":"[1]introduction, preamble, preface, preliminary, prolegomenon, prologue"} {"x":"forfeit","y":"[1]amercement @@@@ [2]damages, fine, forfeiture, loss, mulct, penalty @@@@ [3]be deprived of, be stripped of, give up, lose, relinquish, renounce, say goodbye to, surrender"} {"x":"forfeiture","y":"[1]confiscation, giving up, loss, relinquishment, sequestration @@@@ [2]surrender"} {"x":"forge","y":"[1]construct, contrive, create, devise, fabricate, fashion, form, frame, hammer out, invent, make, mould, shape, work @@@@ [2]coin, copy, counterfeit, fake, falsify, feign, imitate"} {"x":"forget","y":"[1]leave behind, lose sight of, omit, overlook"} {"x":"forgive","y":"[1]absolve, accept (someone's) apology, acquit, bear no malice, condone, excuse, exonerate, let bygones be bygones, let off @@@@ [2]pardon, remit"} {"x":"forgiveness","y":"[1]absolution, acquittal, amnesty, condonation, exoneration, mercy, overlooking, pardon, remission"} {"x":"forgotten","y":"[1]blotted out, buried, bygone, consigned to oblivion, gone (clean) out of one's mind, left behind or out, lost, obliterated, omitted, past, past recall, unremembered"} {"x":"fork","y":"[1]bifurcate, branch, branch off, diverge, divide, go separate ways, part, split @@@@ [2]If a road, path, or river forks, it forms a fork."} {"x":"forked","y":"[1]angled, bifurcate(d), branched, branching, divided, pronged, split, tined, zigzag"} {"x":"forlorn","y":"[1]abandoned, bereft, cheerless, comfortless, deserted, desolate, destitute, disconsolate, down in the dumps @@@@ [2]forgotten, forsaken, friendless, helpless, homeless, hopeless, lonely, lost, miserable, pathetic, pitiable, pitiful, unhappy, woebegone, wretched"} {"x":"form","y":"[1]assemble, bring about, build, concoct, construct, contrive, create, devise, establish, fabricate, fashion, forge, found, invent, make, manufacture, model, mould, produce, put together, set up, shape, stamp @@@@ [2]arrange, combine, design, dispose, draw up, frame, organize, pattern, plan, think up @@@@ [3]accumulate, appear, become visible, come into being, crystallize, grow, materialize, rise, settle, show up @@@@ [4]take shape @@@@ [5]acquire, contract, cultivate, develop, get into @@@@ [6]pick up @@@@ [7]compose, comprise, constitute, make, make up, serve as @@@@ [8]bring up, discipline, educate, instruct, rear, school, teach, train @@@@ [9]appearance, cast, configuration, construction, cut, fashion, formation, model, mould, pattern, shape, stamp, structure @@@@ [10]anatomy, being, body, build, figure, frame, outline, person, physique, shape, silhouette @@@@ [11]arrangement, character, description, design, guise, kind, manifestation, manner, method, mode, order, practice, semblance, sort, species, stamp, style, system, type, variety, way @@@@ [12]format, framework, harmony, order, orderliness, organization, plan, proportion, structure, symmetry @@@@ [13]condition, fettle, fitness, good condition, good spirits, health, shape, trim @@@@ [14]unfit @@@@ [15]behaviour, ceremony, conduct, convention, custom, done thing, etiquette, formality, manners, procedure, protocol, ritual, rule @@@@ [16]application, document, paper, sheet @@@@ [17]class, grade, rank @@@@ [18]If you form an organization, group, or company, you start it."} {"x":"formal","y":"[1]approved, ceremonial, explicit, express, fixed, lawful, legal, methodical, official, prescribed, pro forma, regular, rigid, ritualistic, set, solemn, strict @@@@ [2]affected, aloof, ceremonious, conventional, correct, exact, precise, prim, punctilious, reserved, starched, stiff, unbending"} {"x":"formality","y":"[1]ceremony, convention, conventionality, custom, form, gesture, matter of form, procedure, red tape, rite, ritual @@@@ [2]ceremoniousness, correctness, decorum, etiquette, politesse, protocol, p's and q's, punctilio"} {"x":"formalize","y":"[1]If you formalize a plan, idea, arrangement, or system, you make it formal and official."} {"x":"format","y":"[1]appearance, arrangement, construction, form, layout, look, make-up, plan, style, type"} {"x":"formation","y":"[1]accumulation, compilation, composition, constitution, crystallization, development, establishment, evolution, forming, generation, genesis, manufacture, organization, production @@@@ [2]arrangement, configuration, design, disposition, figure, grouping, pattern, rank, structure"} {"x":"formative","y":"[1]impressionable, malleable, mouldable, pliant, sensitive, susceptible @@@@ [2]determinative, developmental, influential, moulding, shaping"} {"x":"former","y":"[1]antecedent, anterior, ci-devant, earlier, erstwhile, ex-, late, one-time, previous, prior, quondam, whilom @@@@ [2]ancient, bygone, departed, long ago, long gone, of yore, old, old-time, past @@@@ [3]above, aforementioned, aforesaid, first mentioned, foregoing, preceding"} {"x":"formerly","y":"[1]aforetime @@@@ [2]already, at one time, before, heretofore, lately, once, previously"} {"x":"formidable","y":"[1]appalling, baleful, dangerous, daunting, dismaying, dreadful, fearful, frightful, horrible, intimidating, menacing, shocking, terrifying, threatening @@@@ [2]arduous, challenging, colossal, difficult, mammoth, onerous, overwhelming, staggering, toilsome @@@@ [3]awesome, great, impressive, indomitable, mighty, powerful, puissant, redoubtable, terrific, tremendous"} {"x":"formless","y":"[1]amorphous, disorganized, inchoate, incoherent, indefinite, nebulous, shapeless, unformed, vague"} {"x":"formula","y":"[1]form of words, formulary, rite, ritual, rubric @@@@ [2]blueprint, method, modus operandi, precept, prescription, principle, procedure, recipe, rule, way"} {"x":"fornication","y":"[1]adultery, extra-curricular sex @@@@ [2]debauchery, dissipation, dissoluteness, easy virtue, free love, immodesty, immorality, impurity, incontinence, indecency, indelicacy, lasciviousness, lechery, libertinism, loose morals, looseness, promiscuity, salaciousness, shamelessness, sin, sleeping around, unchastity, uncleanness"} {"x":"forsake","y":"[1]abandon, cast off, desert, disown, jettison, jilt, leave, leave in the lurch, quit, repudiate, strand, throw over @@@@ [2]abdicate, forgo, forswear, give up, have done with, kick @@@@ [3]relinquish, renounce, set aside, surrender, turn one's back on, yield"} {"x":"forsaken","y":"[1]abandoned, cast off, deserted, destitute, disowned, ditched, forlorn, friendless, ignored, isolated, jilted, left behind, left in the lurch, lonely, marooned, outcast, solitary, stranded"} {"x":"fort","y":"[1]blockhouse, camp, castle, citadel, fastness, fortification, fortress, garrison, redoubt, station, stronghold"} {"x":"forte","y":"[1]gift, long suit @@@@ [2]metier, speciality, strength, strong point, talent"} {"x":"forth","y":"[1]ahead, away, forward, into the open, onward, out, out of concealment, outward @@@@ [2]declaim, descant, discourse, go on, harangue, lecture, orate, preach, speak, speechify, spiel @@@@ [3]spout"} {"x":"forthcoming","y":"[1]approaching, coming, expected, future, imminent, impending, prospective, upcoming @@@@ [2]accessible, at hand, available, in evidence, obtainable, on tap @@@@ [3]ready @@@@ [4]chatty, communicative, expansive, free, informative, open, sociable, talkative, unreserved"} {"x":"forthright","y":"[1]above-board, blunt, candid, direct, downright, frank, open, outspoken, plain-spoken, straightforward, straight from the shoulder @@@@ [2]upfront"} {"x":"forthwith","y":"[1]at once, directly, immediately, instantly, quickly, right away, straightaway, tout de suite, without delay"} {"x":"fortification","y":"[1]bastion, bulwark, castle, citadel, defence, fastness, fort, fortress, keep, protection, stronghold @@@@ [2]embattlement, reinforcement, strengthening"} {"x":"fortify","y":"[1]augment, brace, buttress, embattle, garrison, protect, reinforce, secure, shore up, strengthen, support @@@@ [2]brace, cheer, confirm, embolden, encourage, hearten, invigorate, reassure, stiffen, strengthen, sustain"} {"x":"fortitude","y":"[1]backbone, braveness, courage, dauntlessness, determination, endurance, fearlessness, firmness, grit, guts @@@@ [2]hardihood, intrepidity, patience, perseverance, pluck, resolution, staying power, stoutheartedness, strength, strength of mind, valour"} {"x":"fortress","y":"[1]castle, citadel, fastness, fort, redoubt, stronghold"} {"x":"fortuitous","y":"[1]accidental, arbitrary, casual, chance, contingent, incidental, random, unforeseen, unplanned @@@@ [2]fluky @@@@ [3]fortunate, happy, lucky, providential, serendipitous"} {"x":"fortunate","y":"[1]born with a silver spoon in one's mouth, bright, favoured, golden, happy, having a charmed life, in luck, jammy @@@@ [2]lucky, on a roll, prosperous, rosy, sitting pretty @@@@ [3]successful, well-off @@@@ [4]advantageous, auspicious, convenient, encouraging, expedient, favourable, felicitous, fortuitous, helpful, opportune, profitable, promising, propitious, providential, timely"} {"x":"fortune","y":"[1]big bucks @@@@ [2]big money, gold mine, megabucks @@@@ [3]opulence, possessions, pretty penny @@@@ [4]property, prosperity, riches, tidy sum @@@@ [5]treasure, wad @@@@ [6]wealth @@@@ [7]accident, chance, contingency, destiny, fate, fortuity, hap @@@@ [8]hazard, kismet, luck, providence @@@@ [9]adventures, circumstances, destiny, doom, expectation, experience(s), history, life, lot, portion, star, success @@@@ [10]bomb @@@@ [11]bundle @@@@ [12]king's ransom, mint, packet @@@@ [13]pile @@@@ [14]wealth"} {"x":"forum","y":"[1]agora @@@@ [2]assemblage, assembly, body, caucus @@@@ [3]colloquium, conclave, conference, congregation, congress, consistory @@@@ [4]convention, convergence, convocation, council, court, diet, ecclesia @@@@ [5]folkmoot @@@@ [6]gathering, get-together @@@@ [7]meeting, moot, parliament, rally, seminar, senate, symposium, synod, tribunal @@@@ [8]agora @@@@ [9]amphitheatre, arena, chamber, court, meeting place, platform, pulpit, rostrum, stage"} {"x":"forward","y":"[1]advanced, advancing, early, forward-looking, onward, precocious, premature, progressive, well-developed @@@@ [2]advance, first, fore, foremost, front, head, leading @@@@ [3]assuming, bare-faced, bold, brash, brass-necked @@@@ [4]brazen, brazen-faced, cheeky, confident, familiar, fresh @@@@ [5]impertinent, impudent, overassertive, overweening, pert, presuming, presumptuous, pushy @@@@ [6]sassy @@@@ [7]ahead, forth, on, onward @@@@ [8]into consideration, into prominence, into the open, into view, out, to light, to the fore, to the surface @@@@ [9]advance, aid, assist, back, encourage, expedite, favour, foster, further, hasten, help, hurry, promote, speed, support @@@@ [10]dispatch, freight, post, route, send, send on, ship, transmit"} {"x":"foster","y":"[1]cultivate, encourage, feed, foment, nurture, promote, stimulate, support, uphold @@@@ [2]bring up, mother, nurse, raise, rear, take care of @@@@ [3]accommodate, cherish, entertain, harbour, nourish, sustain"} {"x":"foul","y":"[1]contaminated, dirty, disgusting, fetid, filthy, grotty @@@@ [2]grungy @@@@ [3]impure, loathsome, malodorous, mephitic, nasty, nauseating, noisome, offensive, olid, polluted, putrid, rank, repulsive, revolting, rotten, scuzzy @@@@ [4]squalid, stinking, sullied, tainted, unclean, yucky or yukky @@@@ [5]abusive, blasphemous, blue, coarse, dirty, filthy, foul-mouthed, gross, indecent, lewd, low, obscene, profane, scatological, scurrilous, smutty, vulgar @@@@ [6]abhorrent, abominable, base, despicable, detestable, disgraceful, dishonourable, egregious, hateful, heinous, infamous, iniquitous, nefarious, notorious, offensive, scandalous, shameful, shitty @@@@ [7]vicious, vile, wicked @@@@ [8]crooked, dirty, dishonest, fraudulent, inequitable, shady @@@@ [9]underhand, unfair, unjust, unscrupulous, unsportsmanlike @@@@ [10]bad, blustery, disagreeable, foggy, murky, rainy, rough, stormy, wet, wild @@@@ [11]begrime, besmear, besmirch, contaminate, defile, dirty, pollute, smear, smirch, soil, stain, sully, taint @@@@ [12]block, catch, choke, clog, ensnare, entangle, jam, snarl, twist"} {"x":"found","y":"[1]bring into being, constitute, construct, create, endow, erect, establish, fix, inaugurate, institute, organize, originate, plant, raise, settle, set up, start @@@@ [2]base, bottom, build, ground, rest, root, sustain"} {"x":"foundation","y":"[1]base, basis, bedrock, bottom, footing, groundwork, substructure, underpinning @@@@ [2]endowment, establishment, inauguration, institution, organization, setting up, settlement @@@@ [3]A foundation"} {"x":"founder","y":"[1]architect, author, beginner, benefactor, builder, constructor, designer, establisher, father, framer, generator, initiator, institutor, inventor, maker, organizer, originator, patriarch @@@@ [2]be lost, go down, go to the bottom, sink, submerge @@@@ [3]abort, bite the dust, break down, collapse, come to grief, come to nothing, come unstuck, fail, fall by the wayside, fall through, go belly-up @@@@ [4]miscarry, misfire @@@@ [5]collapse, fall, go lame, lurch, sprawl, stagger, stumble, trip"} {"x":"foundling","y":"[1]orphan, outcast, stray, waif"} {"x":"fountain","y":"[1]font, fount, jet, reservoir, spout, spray, spring, well @@@@ [2]beginning, cause, commencement, derivation, fount, fountainhead, genesis, origin, rise, source, wellhead, wellspring"} {"x":"foxy","y":"[1]artful, astute, canny, crafty, cunning, devious, guileful, knowing, sharp, shrewd, sly, tricky, wily"} {"x":"foyer","y":"[1]antechamber, anteroom, entrance hall, lobby, reception area, vestibule"} {"x":"fracas","y":"[1]affray @@@@ [2]aggro @@@@ [3]bagarre, brawl, disturbance, donnybrook, fight, free-for-all @@@@ [4]melee or melee, quarrel, riot, row, rumpus, scrimmage, scuffle, shindig @@@@ [5]shindy @@@@ [6]skirmish, trouble, uproar"} {"x":"fraction","y":"[1]cut, division, moiety, part, percentage, piece, portion, proportion, quota, ratio, section, sector, segment, share, slice, subdivision @@@@ [2]atom, bit, bite, chip, crumb, drop, flake, fragment, grain, granule, iota, jot, morsel, mote, particle, scrap, shard, shred, sliver, smithereen @@@@ [3]splinter, whit @@@@ [4]breaching, breaking, break-up, cleaving, cracking, dissection, division, fission, fracturing, fragmentation, rupture, segregation, separation, splintering, splitting"} {"x":"fracture","y":"[1]breach, break, cleft, crack, fissure, gap, opening, rent, rift, rupture, schism, split @@@@ [2]break, crack, rupture, splinter, split"} {"x":"fragile","y":"[1]breakable, brittle, dainty, delicate, feeble, fine, flimsy, frail, frangible, infirm, slight, weak"} {"x":"fragility","y":"[1]brittleness, delicacy, feebleness, frailty, frangibility, infirmity, weakness"} {"x":"fragment","y":"[1]bit, chip, fraction, morsel, oddment, part, particle, piece, portion, remnant, scrap, shiver, shred, sliver @@@@ [2]break, break up, come apart, come to pieces, crumble, disintegrate, disunite, divide, shatter, shiver, splinter, split, split up"} {"x":"fragrant","y":"[1]ambrosial, aromatic, balmy, odoriferous, odorous, perfumed, redolent, sweet-scented, sweet-smelling"} {"x":"frail","y":"[1]breakable, brittle, decrepit, delicate, feeble, flimsy, fragile, frangible, infirm, insubstantial, puny, slight, tender, unsound, vulnerable, weak, wispy"} {"x":"frailty","y":"[1]fallibility, feebleness, frailness, infirmity, peccability, puniness, susceptibility, weakness @@@@ [2]blemish, chink in one's armour, defect, deficiency, failing, fault, flaw, foible, imperfection, peccadillo, shortcoming, vice, weak point"} {"x":"frame","y":"[1]assemble, build, constitute, construct, fabricate, fashion, forge, form, institute, invent, make, manufacture, model, mould, put together, set up @@@@ [2]block out, compose, conceive, concoct, contrive, cook up, devise, draft, draw up, form, formulate, hatch, map out, plan, shape, sketch @@@@ [3]case, enclose, mount, surround @@@@ [4]casing, construction, fabric, form, framework, scheme, shell, structure, system @@@@ [5]anatomy, body, build, carcass, morphology, physique, skeleton @@@@ [6]mount, mounting, setting @@@@ [7]attitude, disposition, fettle, humour, mood, outlook, spirit, state, temper @@@@ [8]fabrication, fit-up"} {"x":"framework","y":"[1]core, fabric, foundation, frame, frame of reference, groundwork, plan, schema, shell, skeleton, structure, the bare bones"} {"x":"franchise","y":"[1]authorization, charter, exemption, freedom, immunity, prerogative, privilege, right, suffrage, vote"} {"x":"frank","y":"[1]artless, blunt, candid, direct, downright, forthright, free, honest, ingenuous, open, outright, outspoken, plain, plain-spoken, round, sincere, straightforward, straight from the shoulder @@@@ [2]transparent, truthful, unconcealed, undisguised, unreserved, unrestricted, upfront"} {"x":"frantic","y":"[1]at one's wits' end, at the end of one's tether, berserk, beside oneself, desperate, distracted, distraught, fraught @@@@ [2]frenetic, frenzied, furious, hectic, mad, overwrought, raging, raving, uptight @@@@ [3]wild"} {"x":"fraternize","y":"[1]associate, concur, consort, cooperate, go around with, hang out @@@@ [2]hang with @@@@ [3]hobnob, keep company, mingle, mix, socialize, sympathize, unite"} {"x":"fraud","y":"[1]artifice, canard, cheat, chicane, chicanery, craft, deceit, deception, double-dealing, duplicity, guile, hoax, humbug, imposture, scam @@@@ [2]sharp practice, spuriousness, sting @@@@ [3]stratagems, swindling, treachery, trickery @@@@ [4]bluffer, charlatan, cheat, counterfeit, double-dealer, fake, forgery, fraudster, grifter @@@@ [5]hoax, hoaxer, impostor, mountebank, phoney or phony @@@@ [6]pretender, quack, sham, swindler"} {"x":"fraudulent","y":"[1]counterfeit, crafty, criminal, crooked @@@@ [2]deceitful, deceptive, dishonest, double-dealing, duplicitous, false, knavish, phoney or phony @@@@ [3]sham, spurious, swindling, treacherous"} {"x":"fraught","y":"[1]abounding, accompanied, attended, bristling, charged, filled, full, heavy, laden, replete, stuffed @@@@ [2]agitated, anxious, difficult, distracted, distressed, distressing, emotionally charged, emotive, hag-ridden, on tenterhooks, strung-up, tense, tricky, trying, uptight @@@@ [3]wired"} {"x":"fray","y":"[1]affray @@@@ [2]bagarre, battle, battle royal, brawl, broil, clash, combat, conflict, disturbance, donnybrook, fight, melee or melee, quarrel, riot, row, ruckus @@@@ [3]rumble @@@@ [4]rumpus, scrimmage, scuffle, set-to @@@@ [5]shindig @@@@ [6]shindy @@@@ [7]skirmish @@@@ [8]become threadbare, chafe, fret, rub, wear, wear away, wear thin"} {"x":"freak","y":"[1]aberration, abnormality, abortion, anomaly, grotesque, malformation, monster, monstrosity, mutant, oddity, queer fish @@@@ [2]rara avis, sport @@@@ [3]caprice, crotchet, fad, fancy, folly, humour, irregularity, quirk, turn, twist, vagary, whim, whimsy @@@@ [4]addict, aficionado, buff @@@@ [5]devotee, enthusiast, fan, fanatic, fiend @@@@ [6]nut @@@@ [7]aberrant, abnormal, atypical, bizarre, erratic, exceptional, fluky @@@@ [8]fortuitous, odd, queer, unaccountable, unexpected, unforeseen, unparalleled, unpredictable, unusual @@@@ [9]If someone freaks out, or if something freaks them out, they suddenly feel extremely surprised, upset, angry, or confused. @@@@ [10]If someone freaks out, or something freaks them out mm they suddenly feel surprised,upset,angry,or confused"} {"x":"freaky","y":"[1]abnormal, bizarre, crazy, far-out @@@@ [2]freakish, odd, queer, rum @@@@ [3]strange, unconventional, weird, wild @@@@ [4]freaky means odd, strange, unusual"} {"x":"free","y":"[1]buckshee @@@@ [2]complimentary, for free @@@@ [3]for nothing, free of charge, gratis, gratuitous, on the house, unpaid, without charge @@@@ [4]at large, at liberty, footloose, independent, liberated, loose, off the hook @@@@ [5]on the loose, uncommitted, unconstrained, unengaged, unfettered, unrestrained @@@@ [6]able, allowed, clear, disengaged, loose, open, permitted, unattached, unengaged, unhampered, unimpeded, unobstructed, unregulated, unrestricted, untrammelled @@@@ [7]above, beyond, deficient in, devoid of, exempt from, immune to, lacking (in), not liable to, safe from, sans @@@@ [8]unaffected by, unencumbered by, untouched by, without @@@@ [9]autarchic, autonomous, democratic, emancipated, independent, self-governing, self-ruling, sovereign @@@@ [10]at leisure, available, empty, extra, idle, not tied down, spare, unemployed, uninhabited, unoccupied, unused, vacant @@@@ [11]casual, easy, familiar, forward, frank, free and easy, informal, laid-back @@@@ [12]lax, liberal, loose, natural, open, relaxed, spontaneous, unbidden, unceremonious, unconstrained, unforced, uninhibited @@@@ [13]big @@@@ [14]bounteous, bountiful, charitable, eager, generous, hospitable, lavish, liberal, munificent, open-handed, prodigal, unsparing, unstinting, willing @@@@ [15]casual, easy-going, informal, laid-back @@@@ [16]lax, lenient, liberal, relaxed, tolerant, unceremonious @@@@ [17]at no cost, for love, gratis, without charge @@@@ [18]abundantly, copiously, freely, idly, loosely @@@@ [19]deliver, discharge, disenthrall, emancipate, let go, let out, liberate, loose, manumit, release, set at liberty, set free, turn loose, unbridle, uncage, unchain, unfetter, unleash, untie @@@@ [20]clear, cut loose, deliver, disengage, disentangle, exempt, extricate, ransom, redeem, relieve, rescue, rid, unburden, undo, unshackle"} {"x":"freedom","y":"[1]autonomy, deliverance, emancipation, home rule, independence, liberty, manumission, release, self-government @@@@ [2]exemption, immunity, impunity, privilege @@@@ [3]ability, a free hand, blank cheque, carte blanche, discretion, elbowroom, facility, flexibility, free rein, latitude, leeway, licence, opportunity, play, power, range, scope @@@@ [4]abandon, candour, directness, ease, familiarity, frankness, informality, ingenuousness, lack of restraint or reserve, openness, unconstraint @@@@ [5]boldness, brazenness, disrespect, forwardness, impertinence, laxity, licence, overfamiliarity, presumption"} {"x":"freely","y":"[1]of one's own accord, of one's own free will, spontaneously, voluntarily, willingly, without prompting @@@@ [2]candidly, frankly, openly, plainly, unreservedly, without reserve @@@@ [3]as you please, unchallenged, without let or hindrance, without restraint @@@@ [4]abundantly, amply, bountifully, copiously, extravagantly, lavishly, liberally, like water, open-handedly, unstintingly, with a free hand @@@@ [5]cleanly, easily, loosely, readily, smoothly"} {"x":"freeze","y":"[1]benumb, chill, congeal, glaciate, harden, ice over or up, stiffen @@@@ [2]fix, hold up, inhibit, peg, stop, suspend"} {"x":"freezing","y":"[1]arctic, biting, bitter, chill, chilled, cold as ice, cutting, frost-bound, frosty, glacial, icy, numbing, parky @@@@ [2]penetrating, polar, raw, Siberian, wintry"} {"x":"freight","y":"[1]carriage, conveyance, shipment, transportation @@@@ [2]bales, bulk, burden, cargo, consignment, contents, goods, haul, lading, load, merchandise, payload, tonnage"} {"x":"frenetic","y":"[1]demented, distraught, excited, fanatical, frantic, frenzied, hyped up @@@@ [2]insane, mad, maniacal, obsessive, overwrought, unbalanced, wild"} {"x":"frenzy","y":"[1]aberration, agitation, delirium, derangement, distraction, fury, hysteria, insanity, lunacy, madness, mania, paroxysm, passion, rage, seizure, transport, turmoil @@@@ [2]bout, burst, convulsion, fit, outburst, paroxysm, spasm"} {"x":"frequency","y":"[1]constancy, frequentness, periodicity, prevalence, recurrence, repetition"} {"x":"frequent","y":"[1]common, constant, continual, customary, everyday, familiar, habitual, incessant, numerous, persistent, recurrent, recurring, reiterated, repeated, usual @@@@ [2]common, constant, continual, customary, everyday, familiar, habitual, incessant, numerous, persistent, recurrent, recurring, reiterated, repeated, usual"} {"x":"frequently","y":"[1]commonly, customarily, habitually, many a time, many times, much, not infrequently, oft @@@@ [2]often, oftentimes @@@@ [3]over and over again, repeatedly, thick and fast, very often"} {"x":"fresh","y":"[1]different, ground-breaking, latest, left-field @@@@ [2]modern, modernistic, new, new-fangled, novel, original, recent, this season's, unconventional, unusual, up-to-date @@@@ [3]added, additional, auxiliary, extra, further, more, other, renewed, supplementary @@@@ [4]bracing, bright, brisk, clean, clear, cool, crisp, invigorating, pure, refreshing, spanking, sparkling, stiff, sweet, unpolluted @@@@ [5]alert, bouncing, bright, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed @@@@ [6]chipper @@@@ [7]invigorated, keen, like a new man, lively, refreshed, rested, restored, revived, sprightly, spry, vigorous, vital @@@@ [8]blooming, clear, fair, florid, glowing, good, hardy, healthy, rosy, ruddy, wholesome @@@@ [9]dewy, undimmed, unfaded, unwearied, unwithered, verdant, vivid, young @@@@ [10]artless, callow, green, inexperienced, natural, new, raw, uncultivated, untrained, untried, youthful @@@@ [11]crude, green, natural, raw, uncured, undried, unprocessed, unsalted @@@@ [12]bold, brazen, cheeky, disrespectful, familiar, flip @@@@ [13]forward, impudent, insolent, pert, presumptuous, sassy @@@@ [14]saucy, smart-alecky"} {"x":"fret","y":"[1]affront, agonize, anguish, annoy, brood, chagrin, goad, grieve, harass, irritate, lose sleep over, provoke, ruffle, torment, upset or distress oneself, worry @@@@ [2]agitate, bother, distress, disturb, gall, irk, nag, nettle, peeve @@@@ [3]pique, rankle with, rile, trouble, vex @@@@ [4]abrade, chafe, erode, fray, gall, rub, wear, wear away"} {"x":"friable","y":"[1]brittle, crisp, crumbly, powdery, pulverizable"} {"x":"friction","y":"[1]abrasion, attrition, chafing, erosion, fretting, grating, irritation, rasping, resistance, rubbing, scraping, wearing away @@@@ [2]animosity, antagonism, bad blood, bad feeling, bickering, conflict, disagreement, discontent, discord, disharmony, dispute, dissension, hostility, incompatibility, opposition, resentment, rivalry, wrangling"} {"x":"friend","y":"[1]Achates, alter ego, boon companion, bosom friend, buddy @@@@ [2]china @@@@ [3]chum @@@@ [4]cock @@@@ [5]companion, comrade, confidant, crony, familiar, homeboy @@@@ [6]intimate, mate @@@@ [7]pal, partner, playmate, soul mate @@@@ [8]adherent, advocate, ally, associate, backer, benefactor, partisan, patron, protagonist, supporter, well-wisher"} {"x":"friendly","y":"[1]affable, affectionate, amiable, amicable, attached, attentive, auspicious, beneficial, benevolent, benign, buddy-buddy @@@@ [2]chummy @@@@ [3]close, clubby, companionable, comradely, conciliatory, confiding, convivial, cordial, familiar, favourable, fond, fraternal, genial, good, helpful, intimate, kind, kindly, matey or maty @@@@ [4]neighbourly, on good terms, on visiting terms, outgoing, pally @@@@ [5]palsy-walsy @@@@ [6]peaceable, propitious, receptive, sociable, sympathetic, thick @@@@ [7]welcoming, well-disposed"} {"x":"friendship","y":"[1]affection, affinity, alliance, amity, attachment, benevolence, closeness, concord, familiarity, fondness, friendliness, good-fellowship, goodwill, harmony, intimacy, love, rapport, regard"} {"x":"fright","y":"[1]alarm, apprehension, (blue) funk @@@@ [2]cold sweat, consternation, dismay, dread, fear, fear and trembling, horror, panic, quaking, scare, shock, terror, the shivers, trepidation @@@@ [3]eyesore, frump, mess @@@@ [4]scarecrow, sight"} {"x":"frightened","y":"[1]abashed, affrighted @@@@ [2]afraid, alarmed, cowed, dismayed, frozen, get the wind up, in a cold sweat, in a panic, in fear and trepidation, numb with fear, panicky, petrified, scared, scared shitless @@@@ [3]scared stiff, shit-scared @@@@ [4]startled, terrified, terrorized, terror-stricken, unnerved"} {"x":"frigid","y":"[1]arctic, chill, cold, cool, frost-bound, frosty, frozen, gelid, glacial, hyperboreal, icy, Siberian, wintry @@@@ [2]aloof, austere, cold as ice, cold-hearted, forbidding, formal, icy, lifeless, passionless, passive, repellent, rigid, stiff, unapproachable, unbending, unfeeling, unloving, unresponsive"} {"x":"frigidity","y":"[1]aloofness, austerity, chill, cold-heartedness, coldness, frostiness, iciness, impassivity, lack of response, lifelessness, passivity, touch-me-not attitude, unapproachability, unresponsiveness, wintriness"} {"x":"frill","y":"[1]flounce, furbelow, gathering, purfle, ruche, ruching, ruff, ruffle, tuck"} {"x":"fringe","y":"[1]binding, border, edging, hem, tassel, trimming @@@@ [2]borderline, edge, limits, march, marches, margin, outskirts, perimeter, periphery @@@@ [3]unconventional, unofficial, unorthodox @@@@ [4]border, edge, enclose, skirt, surround, trim"} {"x":"frippery","y":"[1]fanciness, finery, flashiness, foppery, frilliness, frills, fussiness, gaudiness, glad rags @@@@ [2]meretriciousness, nonsense, ostentation, pretentiousness, showiness, tawdriness @@@@ [3]adornment, bauble, decoration, fandangle, gewgaw, icing on the cake, knick-knack, ornament, toy, trinket"} {"x":"frisk","y":"[1]bounce, caper, cavort, curvet, dance, frolic, gambol, hop, jump, play, prance, rollick, romp, skip, sport, trip @@@@ [2]check, inspect, run over, search, shake down"} {"x":"frivolity","y":"[1]childishness, desipience, flightiness, flippancy, flummery, folly, frivolousness, fun, gaiety, giddiness, jest, levity, light-heartedness, lightness, nonsense, puerility, shallowness, silliness, superficiality, trifling, triviality"} {"x":"frivolous","y":"[1]childish, ditsy @@@@ [2]dizzy, empty-headed, flighty, flip @@@@ [3]flippant, foolish, giddy, idle, ill-considered, juvenile, light-minded, nonserious, puerile, silly, superficial @@@@ [4]extravagant, footling @@@@ [5]impractical, light, minor, nickel-and-dime @@@@ [6]niggling, paltry, peripheral, petty, pointless, shallow, trifling, trivial, unimportant"} {"x":"frizzle","y":"[1]crisp, fry, hiss, roast, scorch, sizzle, sputter"} {"x":"frolic","y":"[1]caper, cavort, cut capers, frisk, gambol, lark, make merry, play, rollick, romp, sport @@@@ [2]antic, blast @@@@ [3]escapade, gambado, gambol, game, lark, prank, revel, romp, spree @@@@ [4]amusement, drollery, fun, fun and games, gaiety, high jinks, merriment, skylarking @@@@ [5]sport"} {"x":"front","y":"[1]anterior, exterior, facade, face, facing, foreground, forepart, frontage, obverse @@@@ [2]beginning, fore, forefront, front line, head, lead, top, van, vanguard @@@@ [3]air, appearance, aspect, bearing, countenance, demeanour, expression, exterior, face, manner, mien, show @@@@ [4]blind, cover, cover-up, disguise, facade, mask, pretext, show @@@@ [5]ahead, before, first, in advance, in the lead, in the van, leading, preceding, to the fore @@@@ [6]first, foremost, head, headmost, lead, leading, topmost @@@@ [7]face (onto), look over or onto, overlook"} {"x":"frontier","y":"[1]borderland, borderline, bound, boundary, confines, edge, limit, marches, perimeter, verge"} {"x":"frost","y":"[1]freeze, freeze-up, hoarfrost, Jack Frost, rime"} {"x":"froth","y":"[1]bubbles, effervescence, foam, head, lather, scum, spume, suds @@@@ [2]bubble over, come to a head, effervesce, fizz, foam, lather"} {"x":"frown","y":"[1]give a dirty look, glare, glower, knit one's brows, look daggers, lour or lower, scowl @@@@ [2]disapprove of, discountenance, discourage, dislike, look askance at, not take kindly to, show disapproval or displeasure, take a dim view of, view with disfavour"} {"x":"frozen","y":"[1]arctic, chilled, chilled to the marrow, frigid, frosted, icebound, ice-cold, ice-covered, icy, numb @@@@ [2]fixed, pegged @@@@ [3]petrified, rooted, stock-still, stopped, suspended, turned to stone"} {"x":"frugal","y":"[1]abstemious, careful, cheeseparing, economical, meagre, niggardly, parsimonious, penny-wise, provident, prudent, saving, sparing, thrifty"} {"x":"frugality","y":"[1]carefulness, conservation, economizing, economy, good management, husbandry, moderation, providence, thrift, thriftiness"} {"x":"fruit","y":"[1]crop, harvest, produce, product, yield @@@@ [2]advantage, benefit, consequence, effect, end result, outcome, profit, result, return, reward"} {"x":"fruition","y":"[1]actualization, attainment, completion, consummation, enjoyment, fulfilment, materialization, maturation, maturity, perfection, realization, ripeness"} {"x":"frustrate","y":"[1]baffle, balk, block, check, circumvent, confront, counter, defeat, disappoint, foil, forestall, hobble, inhibit, neutralize, nullify, render null and void, stymie, thwart @@@@ [2]depress, discourage, dishearten"} {"x":"frustrated","y":"[1]choked, disappointed, discontented, discouraged, disheartened, embittered, foiled, irked, resentful, sick as a parrot"} {"x":"frustration","y":"[1]blocking, circumvention, contravention, curbing, failure, foiling, nonfulfilment, nonsuccess, obstruction, thwarting @@@@ [2]annoyance, disappointment, dissatisfaction, grievance, irritation, resentment, vexation"} {"x":"fudge","y":"[1]avoid, cook @@@@ [2]dodge, equivocate, evade, fake, falsify, flannel @@@@ [3]hedge, misrepresent, patch up, shuffle, slant, stall"} {"x":"fuel","y":"[1]ammunition, encouragement, fodder, food, incitement, material, means, nourishment, provocation @@@@ [2]charge, fan, feed, fire, incite, inflame, nourish, stoke up, sustain"} {"x":"fugitive","y":"[1]deserter, escapee, refugee, runagate @@@@ [2]runaway @@@@ [3]brief, ephemeral, evanescent, fleeing, fleeting, flitting, flying, fugacious, momentary, passing, short, short-lived, temporary, transient, transitory, unstable"} {"x":"fulfil","y":"[1]accomplish, achieve, answer, bring to completion, carry out, complete, comply with, conclude, conform to, discharge, effect, execute, fill, finish, keep, meet, obey, observe, perfect, perform, realise, satisfy"} {"x":"full","y":"[1]brimful, brimming, bursting at the seams, complete, entire, filled, gorged, intact, loaded, replete, sated, satiated, satisfied, saturated, stocked, sufficient @@@@ [2]abundant, adequate, all-inclusive, ample, broad, comprehensive, copious, detailed, exhaustive, extensive, generous, maximum, plenary, plenteous, plentiful, thorough, unabridged @@@@ [3]chock-a-block, chock-full, crammed, crowded, in use, jammed, occupied, packed, taken @@@@ [4]clear, deep, distinct, loud, resonant, rich, rounded @@@@ [5]baggy, balloon-like, buxom, capacious, curvaceous, large, loose, plump, puffy, rounded, voluminous, voluptuous @@@@ [6]completely, in its entirety, in total, in toto, without exception @@@@ [7]completely, entirely, fully, thoroughly, to the utmost, without reservation @@@@ [8]completely, entirely, fully, thoroughly, to the utmost, without reservation @@@@ [9]completely, entirely, fully, thoroughly, to the utmost, without reservation"} {"x":"fully","y":"[1]absolutely, altogether, completely, entirely, every inch, from first to last, heart and soul, in all respects, intimately, lock, stock and barrel, one hundred per cent, perfectly, positively, thoroughly, totally, to the hilt, utterly, wholly @@@@ [2]abundantly, adequately, amply, comprehensively, enough, plentifully, satisfactorily, sufficiently @@@@ [3]experienced, mature, professional, proficient, qualified, senior, time-served, trained"} {"x":"fulminate","y":"[1]animadvert upon, berate, blast, castigate, censure, criticize, curse, denounce, denunciate, excoriate, execrate, fume, inveigh against, lambast(e), protest against, put down, rage, rail against, reprobate, tear into @@@@ [2]thunder, upbraid, vilify, vituperate"} {"x":"fulmination","y":"[1]condemnation, denunciation, diatribe, excoriation, invective, obloquy, philippic, reprobation, tirade"} {"x":"fulsome","y":"[1]adulatory, cloying, excessive, extravagant, fawning, gross, icky @@@@ [2]immoderate, ingratiating, inordinate, insincere, nauseating, overdone, over the top, saccharine, sickening, smarmy @@@@ [3]sycophantic, unctuous"} {"x":"fumble","y":"[1]bumble, feel around, flounder, grope, paw @@@@ [2]scrabble @@@@ [3]bodge @@@@ [4]botch, bungle, cock up @@@@ [5]fuck up @@@@ [6]make a nonsense of, mess up, misfield, mishandle, mismanage, muff, spoil"} {"x":"fume","y":"[1]boil, chafe, champ at the bit @@@@ [2]crack up @@@@ [3]go ballistic @@@@ [4]rage, rant, rave, see red @@@@ [5]seethe, smoulder, storm, wig out @@@@ [6]agitation, dither @@@@ [7]fit, fret, fury, passion, rage, stew @@@@ [8]storm"} {"x":"fumigate","y":"[1]clean out or up, cleanse, disinfect, purify, sanitize, sterilize"} {"x":"fun","y":"[1]cheer, distraction, diversion, enjoyment, entertainment, frolic, gaiety, good time, high jinks, jollification, jollity, joy, junketing, living it up, merriment, merrymaking, mirth, pleasure, recreation, romp, sport, treat, whoopee @@@@ [2]buffoonery, clowning, foolery, game, horseplay, jesting, jocularity, joking, nonsense, play, playfulness, skylarking @@@@ [3]sport, teasing, tomfoolery @@@@ [4]facetiously, for a joke, for a laugh, in jest, jokingly, light-heartedly, mischievously, playfully, roguishly, teasingly, tongue in cheek, with a gleam or twinkle in one's eye, with a straight face @@@@ [5]deride, hold up to ridicule, lampoon, laugh at, make a fool of, make a monkey of, make game of, make sport of, make the butt of, mock, parody, poke fun at, rag, rib @@@@ [6]ridicule, satirize, scoff at, send up @@@@ [7]taunt @@@@ [8]amusing, convivial, diverting, enjoyable, entertaining, lively, witty"} {"x":"function","y":"[1]activity, business, capacity, charge, concern, duty, employment, exercise, job, mission, occupation, office, operation, part, post, province, purpose, raison d'etre, responsibility, role, situation, task @@@@ [2]act, act the part of, behave, be in business, be in commission, be in operation or action, be in running order, do duty, go, officiate, operate, perform, run, serve, serve one's turn, work @@@@ [3]affair, do @@@@ [4]gathering, lig @@@@ [5]reception, social occasion"} {"x":"functional","y":"[1]hard-wearing, operative, practical, serviceable, useful, utilitarian, utility, working"} {"x":"functionary","y":"[1]dignitary, employee, office bearer, office holder, officer, official"} {"x":"fund","y":"[1]capital, endowment, fall-back, foundation, kitty, pool, reserve, stock, store, supply, tontine @@@@ [2]hoard, mine, repository, reserve, reservoir, source, storehouse, treasury, vein @@@@ [3]capitalize, endow, finance, float, pay for, promote, stake, subsidize, support"} {"x":"fundamental","y":"[1]basic, cardinal, central, constitutional, crucial, elementary, essential, first, important, indispensable, integral, intrinsic, key, necessary, organic, primary, prime, principal, radical, rudimentary, underlying, vital @@@@ [2]axiom, basic, cornerstone, essential, first principle, law, principle, rudiment, rule, sine qua non"} {"x":"funds","y":"[1]ackers @@@@ [2]brass @@@@ [3]bread @@@@ [4]capital, cash, dibs @@@@ [5]dosh @@@@ [6]dough @@@@ [7]finance, hard cash, money, necessary @@@@ [8]needful @@@@ [9]ready money, resources, rhino @@@@ [10]savings, shekels @@@@ [11]silver, spondulicks @@@@ [12]the ready @@@@ [13]the wherewithal, tin @@@@ [14]flush @@@@ [15]in the black, solvent, well-off, well-supplied @@@@ [16]capital, endowment, fall-back, foundation, kitty, pool, reserve, stock, store, supply, tontine @@@@ [17]hoard, mine, repository, reserve, reservoir, source, storehouse, treasury, vein @@@@ [18]capitalize, endow, finance, float, pay for, promote, stake, subsidize, support"} {"x":"funeral","y":"[1]burial, cremation, inhumation, interment, obsequies"} {"x":"funereal","y":"[1]dark, deathlike, depressing, dirge-like, dismal, dreary, gloomy, grave, lamenting, lugubrious, mournful, sad, sepulchral, solemn, sombre, woeful"} {"x":"funk","y":"[1]flinch from, recoil from, take fright, turn tail @@@@ [2]be in a cold sweat, be in a panic, be scared stiff, be sick with fear, cower, dread, fear, quail, quake, quiver, shake at the knees, shrink, tremble, tremble in one's boots"} {"x":"funnel","y":"[1]channel, conduct, convey, direct, filter, move, pass, pour"} {"x":"funny","y":"[1]absurd, amusing, a card @@@@ [2]a caution @@@@ [3]a scream, comic, comical, diverting, droll, entertaining, facetious, farcical, hilarious, humorous, jocose, jocular, jolly, killing @@@@ [4]laughable, ludicrous, rich, ridiculous, riotous, risible, side-splitting, silly, slapstick, waggish, witty @@@@ [5]curious, dubious, mysterious, odd, peculiar, perplexing, puzzling, queer, remarkable, rum @@@@ [6]strange, suspicious, unusual, weird @@@@ [7]crack @@@@ [8]jest, joke, play on words, pun, quip, wisecrack, witticism"} {"x":"furbish","y":"[1]brighten, burnish, gussy up @@@@ [2]polish, renovate, restore, rub, shine, smarten up, spruce up"} {"x":"furious","y":"[1]angry, beside oneself, boiling, choked, cross, enraged, fit to be tied @@@@ [2]foaming at the mouth, frantic, frenzied, fuming, incensed, infuriated, in high dudgeon, livid @@@@ [3]mad, maddened, on the warpath @@@@ [4]raging, up in arms, wrathful, wroth @@@@ [5]agitated, boisterous, fierce, impetuous, intense, savage, stormy, tempestuous, tumultuous, turbulent, ungovernable, unrestrained, vehement, violent, wild"} {"x":"furnish","y":"[1]appoint, decorate, equip, fit, fit out, fit up, outfit, provide, provision, purvey, rig, stock, store, supply @@@@ [2]afford, bestow, endow, give, grant, hand out, offer, present, provide, reveal, supply"} {"x":"furniture","y":"[1]appliances, appointments, chattels, effects, equipment, fittings, furnishings, goods, household goods, movable property, movables, possessions, things"} {"x":"furrow","y":"[1]channel, corrugation, crease, crow's-foot, fluting, groove, hollow, line, rut, seam, trench, wrinkle @@@@ [2]corrugate, crease, draw together, flute, knit, seam, wrinkle"} {"x":"further","y":"[1]additional, extra, fresh, more, new, other, supplementary @@@@ [2]additionally, also, as well as, besides, furthermore, in addition, into the bargain, moreover, on top of, over and above, to boot, what's more, yet @@@@ [3]advance, aid, assist, champion, contribute to, encourage, expedite, facilitate, forward, foster, hasten, help, lend support to, patronize, pave the way for, plug @@@@ [4]promote, push, speed, succour, work for"} {"x":"furthermore","y":"[1]additionally, as well, besides, further, in addition, into the bargain, moreover, not to mention, to boot, too, what's more"} {"x":"furthest","y":"[1]extreme, farthest, furthermost, most distant, outermost, outmost, remotest, ultimate, uttermost"} {"x":"furtive","y":"[1]behind someone's back, clandestine, cloaked, conspiratorial, covert, hidden, secret, secretive, skulking, slinking, sly, sneaking, sneaky, stealthy, surreptitious, underhand, under-the-table"} {"x":"fury","y":"[1]anger, frenzy, impetuosity, ire, madness, passion, rage, red mist @@@@ [2]wrath @@@@ [3]ferocity, fierceness, force, intensity, power, savagery, severity, tempestuousness, turbulence, vehemence, violence @@@@ [4]bacchante, hag, hellcat, shrew, spitfire, termagant, virago, vixen"} {"x":"fuse","y":"[1]agglutinate, amalgamate, blend, coalesce, combine, commingle, dissolve, federate, integrate, intermingle, intermix, join, meld, melt, merge, run together, smelt, solder, unite, weld"} {"x":"fusillade","y":"[1]barrage, broadside, burst, fire, hail, outburst, salvo, volley"} {"x":"fusion","y":"[1]alloy, amalgam, amalgamation, blend, blending, coalescence, commingling, commixture, federation, integration, liquefaction, meld, merger, merging, mixture, smelting, synthesis, union, uniting, welding"} {"x":"fuss","y":"[1]ado, agitation, bother, bustle, commotion, confusion, excitement, fidget, flap @@@@ [2]flurry, fluster, flutter, hue and cry, hurry, palaver, pother, stir, storm in a teacup @@@@ [3]to-do, upset, worry @@@@ [4]altercation, argument, bother, complaint, difficulty, display, furore, hassle @@@@ [5]objection, row, squabble, trouble, unrest, upset @@@@ [6]bustle, chafe, fidget, flap @@@@ [7]fret, fume, get in a stew @@@@ [8]niggle, take pains, worry"} {"x":"fusty","y":"[1]airless, damp, frowsty, ill-smelling, malodorous, mildewed, mildewy, mouldering, mouldy, musty, rank, stale, stuffy @@@@ [2]antediluvian, antiquated, archaic, old-fashioned, old-fogeyish, outdated, out-of-date, out of the ark @@@@ [3]passe"} {"x":"futile","y":"[1]abortive, barren, bootless, empty, forlorn, fruitless, hollow, ineffectual, in vain, nugatory, otiose, profitless, sterile, to no avail, unavailing, unproductive, unprofitable, unsuccessful, useless, vain, valueless, without rhyme or reason, worthless @@@@ [2]idle, pointless, trifling, trivial, unimportant, wanky"} {"x":"futility","y":"[1]bootlessness, emptiness, fruitlessness, hollowness, ineffectiveness, spitting in the wind, uselessness @@@@ [2]pointlessness, triviality, unimportance, vanity"} {"x":"future","y":"[1]expectation, hereafter, outlook, prospect, time to come @@@@ [2]approaching, coming, destined, eventual, expected, fated, forthcoming, impending, in the offing, later, prospective, subsequent, to be, to come, ultimate, unborn"} {"x":"fuzz","y":"[1]down, fibre, floss, fluff, hair, lint, nap, pile"} {"x":"gab","y":"[1]babble, blabber, blather, buzz, chatter, chew the fat or rag @@@@ [2]gossip, jabber, jaw @@@@ [3]prattle, rabbit @@@@ [4]spout, talk, waffle @@@@ [5]yak @@@@ [6]blab, blarney, blather, chat, chatter, chitchat, conversation, gossip, loquacity, palaver, small talk, talk, tete-a-tete, tittle-tattle, tongue-wagging, waffle @@@@ [7]yackety-yak @@@@ [8]yak"} {"x":"gabble","y":"[1]babble, blab, blabber, cackle, chatter, gaggle, gibber, gush, jabber, prattle, rabbit @@@@ [2]splutter, spout, sputter, waffle @@@@ [3]babble, blabber, cackling, chatter, drivel, gibberish, jargon, pap, prattle, twaddle, waffle"} {"x":"gabby","y":"[1]chatty, effusive, garrulous, glib, gossiping, gushing, long-winded, loquacious, mouthy, prattling, prolix, talkative, verbose, voluble, windy, wordy"} {"x":"gadabout","y":"[1]gallivanter, pleasure-seeker, rambler, rover, wanderer"} {"x":"gadget","y":"[1]appliance, contraption @@@@ [2]contrivance, device, gimmick, gizmo @@@@ [3]instrument, invention, novelty, thing, tool, waldo"} {"x":"gaffe","y":"[1]bloomer @@@@ [2]blunder, boob @@@@ [3]boo-boo @@@@ [4]clanger @@@@ [5]faux pas, gaucherie, howler, indiscretion, lapse, mistake, slip, solecism"} {"x":"gaffer","y":"[1]granddad, greybeard, old boy @@@@ [2]old fellow, old man, old-timer @@@@ [3]boss @@@@ [4]foreman, ganger, manager, overseer, superintendent, supervisor"} {"x":"gag","y":"[1]curb, muffle, muzzle, quiet, silence, stifle, still, stop up, suppress, throttle @@@@ [2]barf @@@@ [3]disgorge, heave, puke @@@@ [4]retch, spew, throw up @@@@ [5]vomit @@@@ [6]choke, gasp, pant, struggle for breath @@@@ [7]crack @@@@ [8]funny @@@@ [9]hoax, jest, joke, wisecrack @@@@ [10]witticism"} {"x":"gage","y":"[1]bond, deposit, earnest, guarantee, pawn, pledge, security, surety, token @@@@ [2]challenge, dare, defiance, gauntlet, glove"} {"x":"gaiety","y":"[1]animation, blitheness, blithesomeness @@@@ [2]cheerfulness, effervescence, elation, exhilaration, glee, good humour, high spirits, hilarity, joie de vivre, jollity, joviality, joyousness, light-heartedness, liveliness, merriment, mirth, sprightliness, vivacity @@@@ [3]celebration, conviviality, festivity, fun, jollification, merrymaking, revelry, revels @@@@ [4]brightness, brilliance, colour, colourfulness, gaudiness, glitter, show, showiness, sparkle"} {"x":"gaily","y":"[1]blithely, cheerfully, gleefully, happily, joyfully, light-heartedly, merrily @@@@ [2]brightly, brilliantly, colourfully, flamboyantly, flashily, gaudily, showily"} {"x":"gain","y":"[1]achieve, acquire, advance, attain, bag, build up, capture, collect, enlist, gather, get, glean, harvest, improve, increase, land, net, obtain, pick up, procure, profit, realize, reap, score @@@@ [2]secure, win, win over @@@@ [3]acquire, bring in, clear, earn, get, make, net, obtain, produce, realize, win, yield @@@@ [4]approach, catch up with, close with, get nearer, narrow the gap, overtake @@@@ [5]draw or pull away from, get farther away, leave behind, outdistance, recede, widen the gap @@@@ [6]arrive at, attain, come to, get to, reach @@@@ [7]delay, procrastinate, stall, temporize, use delaying tactics @@@@ [8]accretion, achievement, acquisition, advance, advancement, advantage, attainment, benefit, dividend, earnings, emolument, growth, headway, improvement, income, increase, increment, lucre, proceeds, produce, profit, progress, return, rise, winnings, yield"} {"x":"gains","y":"[1]booty, earnings, gainings, pickings, prize, proceeds, profits, revenue, takings, winnings @@@@ [2]achieve, acquire, advance, attain, bag, build up, capture, collect, enlist, gather, get, glean, harvest, improve, increase, land, net, obtain, pick up, procure, profit, realize, reap, score @@@@ [3]secure, win, win over @@@@ [4]acquire, bring in, clear, earn, get, make, net, obtain, produce, realize, win, yield @@@@ [5]approach, catch up with, close with, get nearer, narrow the gap, overtake @@@@ [6]draw or pull away from, get farther away, leave behind, outdistance, recede, widen the gap @@@@ [7]arrive at, attain, come to, get to, reach @@@@ [8]delay, procrastinate, stall, temporize, use delaying tactics @@@@ [9]accretion, achievement, acquisition, advance, advancement, advantage, attainment, benefit, dividend, earnings, emolument, growth, headway, improvement, income, increase, increment, lucre, proceeds, produce, profit, progress, return, rise, winnings, yield"} {"x":"gainsay","y":"[1]contradict, contravene, controvert, deny, disaffirm, disagree with, dispute, rebut, retract"} {"x":"gait","y":"[1]bearing, carriage, pace, step, stride, tread, walk"} {"x":"gala","y":"[1]beano @@@@ [2]carnival, celebration, festival, festivity, fete, hooley or hoolie @@@@ [3]jamboree, pageant, party, rave @@@@ [4]rave-up @@@@ [5]celebratory, convivial, festal, festive, gay, jovial, joyful, merry @@@@ [6]A gala is a special public celebration, entertainment, performance, or festival."} {"x":"gale","y":"[1]blast, cyclone, hurricane, squall, storm, tempest, tornado, typhoon @@@@ [2]burst, eruption, explosion, fit, howl, outbreak, outburst, peal, shout, shriek"} {"x":"gall","y":"[1]brass @@@@ [2]brass neck @@@@ [3]brazenness, cheek @@@@ [4]chutzpah @@@@ [5]effrontery, face @@@@ [6]impertinence, impudence, insolence, neck @@@@ [7]nerve @@@@ [8]sassiness @@@@ [9]sauciness @@@@ [10]acrimony, animosity, animus, antipathy, bad blood, bile, bitterness, enmity, hostility, malevolence, malice, malignity, rancour, sourness, spite, spleen, venom @@@@ [11]abrasion, chafe, excoriation, raw spot, scrape, sore, sore spot, wound @@@@ [12]aggravation @@@@ [13]annoyance, bother, botheration @@@@ [14]exasperation, harassment, irritant, irritation, nuisance, pest, provocation, vexation @@@@ [15]abrade, bark, chafe, excoriate, fret, graze, irritate, rub raw, scrape, skin @@@@ [16]aggravate @@@@ [17]bother, exasperate, fret, get in one's hair @@@@ [18]harass, hassle @@@@ [19]irk, irritate, nag, nark @@@@ [20]nettle, peeve @@@@ [21]plague, provoke, rankle, rile @@@@ [22]rub up the wrong way, ruffle, vex"} {"x":"gallant","y":"[1]bold, brave, courageous, daring, dashing, dauntless, doughty, fearless, game @@@@ [2]heroic, high-spirited, honourable, intrepid, lion-hearted, manful, manly, mettlesome, noble, plucky, valiant, valorous @@@@ [3]attentive, chivalrous, courteous, courtly, gentlemanly, gracious, magnanimous, noble, polite @@@@ [4]august, dignified, elegant, glorious, grand, imposing, lofty, magnificent, noble, splendid, stately @@@@ [5]admirer, beau, boyfriend, escort, leman @@@@ [6]lover, paramour, suitor, wooer @@@@ [7]beau, blade @@@@ [8]buck @@@@ [9]dandy, fop, ladies' man, lady-killer @@@@ [10]adventurer, cavalier, champion, daredevil, hero, knight, man of mettle, preux chevalier"} {"x":"gallantry","y":"[1]audacity, boldness, bravery, courage, courageousness, daring, dauntlessness, derring-do @@@@ [2]fearlessness, heroism, intrepidity, manliness, mettle, nerve, pluck, prowess, spirit, valiance, valour @@@@ [3]attentiveness, chivalry, courteousness, courtesy, courtliness, elegance, gentlemanliness, graciousness, nobility, politeness"} {"x":"gallivant","y":"[1]gad about, ramble, range, roam, rove, run around, stravaig @@@@ [2]stray, traipse @@@@ [3]wander"} {"x":"gallop","y":"[1]barrel (along) @@@@ [2]bolt, career, dart, dash, fly, hasten, hie @@@@ [3]hurry, race, run, rush, scud, shoot, speed, sprint, tear along, zoom"} {"x":"galore","y":"[1]a gogo @@@@ [2]all over the place, aplenty, everywhere, in abundance, in great quantity, in numbers, in profusion, to spare"} {"x":"galvanize","y":"[1]arouse, awaken, electrify, excite, fire, inspire, invigorate, jolt, kick-start, move, prod, provoke, put a bomb under @@@@ [2]quicken, shock, spur, startle, stimulate, stir, thrill, vitalize, wake"} {"x":"gamble","y":"[1]back, bet, game, have a flutter @@@@ [2]lay or make a bet, play, punt, put one's shirt on, stake, try one's luck, wager @@@@ [3]back, chance, hazard, put one's faith or trust in, risk, skate on thin ice, speculate, stake, stick one's neck out @@@@ [4]take a chance, take the plunge, venture @@@@ [5]chance, leap in the dark, lottery, risk, speculation, uncertainty, venture @@@@ [6]bet, flutter @@@@ [7]punt, wager"} {"x":"gambol","y":"[1]caper, cavort, curvet, cut a caper, frisk, frolic, hop, jump, prance, rollick, skip @@@@ [2]antic, caper, frolic, gambado, hop, jump, prance, skip, spring"} {"x":"game","y":"[1]amusement, distraction, diversion, entertainment, frolic, fun, jest, joke, lark, merriment, pastime, play, recreation, romp, sport @@@@ [2]competition, contest, event, head-to-head, match, meeting, round, tournament @@@@ [3]adventure, business, enterprise, line, occupation, plan, proceeding, scheme, undertaking @@@@ [4]chase, prey, quarry, wild animals @@@@ [5]design, device, plan, plot, ploy, scheme, stratagem, strategy, tactic, trick @@@@ [6]deride, make a fool of, make a laughing stock, make a monkey of, make fun of, make sport of, mock, poke fun at, ridicule, send up @@@@ [7]deride, make a fool of, make a laughing stock, make a monkey of, make fun of, make sport of, mock, poke fun at, ridicule, send up"} {"x":"gamesome","y":"[1]coltish, frisky, frolicsome, gay, lively, ludic @@@@ [2]merry, playful, rollicking, sportive, vivacious"} {"x":"gamin","y":"[1]guttersnipe, mudlark @@@@ [2]ragamuffin, street Arab @@@@ [3](street) urchin, waif"} {"x":"gammon","y":"[1]beguile, cheat, con, cozen, deceive, dupe, gull @@@@ [2]hoax, hoodwink, humbug, kid @@@@ [3]trick @@@@ [4]deceit, deception, humbug, imposition, nonsense, trick"} {"x":"gamut","y":"[1]area, catalogue, compass, field, range, scale, scope, series, sweep"} {"x":"gang","y":"[1]band, bevy, camp, circle, clique, club, company, coterie, crew @@@@ [2]crowd, group, herd, horde, lot, mob, pack, party, posse @@@@ [3]ring, set, shift, squad, team, troupe"} {"x":"gangling","y":"[1]angular, awkward, lanky, loose-jointed, rangy, rawboned, skinny, spindly, tall"} {"x":"gangster","y":"[1]bandit, brigand, crook @@@@ [2]desperado, gang member, heavy @@@@ [3]hood @@@@ [4]hoodlum @@@@ [5]mobster @@@@ [6]racketeer, robber, ruffian, thug, tough, tsotsi"} {"x":"gaol","y":"[1]borstal, brig @@@@ [2]calaboose @@@@ [3]can @@@@ [4]clink @@@@ [5]cooler @@@@ [6]inside @@@@ [7]jailhouse @@@@ [8]jug @@@@ [9]lockup, nick @@@@ [10]penitentiary @@@@ [11]prison, quod @@@@ [12]reformatory, slammer @@@@ [13]stir @@@@ [14]confine, detain, immure, impound, imprison, incarcerate, lock up, send down"} {"x":"gap","y":"[1]blank, breach, break, breathing space, chink, cleft, crack, cranny, crevice, discontinuity, divide, entr'acte, hiatus, hole, interlude, intermission, interruption, interstice, interval, lacuna, lull, opening, pause, recess, rent, respite, rift, space, vacuity, void @@@@ [2]difference, disagreement, disparity, divergence, inconsistency"} {"x":"gape","y":"[1]gawk, gawp @@@@ [2]goggle, stare, wonder @@@@ [3]crack, open, split, yawn"} {"x":"garb","y":"[1]apparel, array, attire, clothes, clothing, costume, dress, garment, gear @@@@ [2]habiliment, habit, outfit, raiment @@@@ [3]robes, schmutter @@@@ [4]threads @@@@ [5]uniform, vestments, wear @@@@ [6]cut, fashion, look, mode, style @@@@ [7]appearance, aspect, attire, covering, guise, outward form @@@@ [8]apparel, attire, clothe, cover, dress, rig out, robe"} {"x":"garbage","y":"[1]bits and pieces, debris, detritus, junk, litter, odds and ends, rubbish, scraps @@@@ [2]dreck @@@@ [3]dross, filth, muck, offal, refuse, rubbish, scourings, slops, sweepings, swill, trash @@@@ [4]wack @@@@ [5]waste @@@@ [6]balderdash, balls @@@@ [7]bilge @@@@ [8]bosh @@@@ [9]bull @@@@ [10]bullshit @@@@ [11]claptrap @@@@ [12]cobblers @@@@ [13]codswallop @@@@ [14]crap @@@@ [15]drivel, eyewash @@@@ [16]flapdoodle @@@@ [17]gibberish, guff @@@@ [18]havers @@@@ [19]hogwash, hokum @@@@ [20]horsefeathers @@@@ [21]hot air @@@@ [22]kak @@@@ [23]moonshine, nonsense, pap, piffle @@@@ [24]poppycock @@@@ [25]rot, shit @@@@ [26]stuff and nonsense, tommyrot, tosh @@@@ [27]trash, tripe @@@@ [28]twaddle"} {"x":"garble","y":"[1]confuse, jumble, mix up @@@@ [2]corrupt, distort, doctor, falsify, misinterpret, misquote, misreport, misrepresent, misstate, mistranslate, mutilate, pervert, slant, tamper with, twist"} {"x":"garish","y":"[1]brash, brassy, brummagem, cheap, flash @@@@ [2]flashy, flaunting, gaudy, glaring, glittering, loud, meretricious, naff @@@@ [3]raffish, showy, tacky @@@@ [4]tasteless, tawdry, vulgar"} {"x":"garland","y":"[1]bays, chaplet, coronal, crown, festoon, honours, laurels, wreath @@@@ [2]adorn, crown, deck, festoon, wreathe"} {"x":"garner","y":"[1]accumulate, amass, assemble, collect, deposit, gather, hoard, husband, lay in or up, put by, reserve, save, stockpile, store, stow away, treasure @@@@ [2]depository, granary, store, storehouse, vault"} {"x":"garnish","y":"[1]adorn, beautify, bedeck, deck, decorate, embellish, enhance, festoon, grace, ornament, set off, trim @@@@ [2]adornment, decoration, embellishment, enhancement, festoon, garniture, ornament, ornamentation, trim, trimming"} {"x":"garrison","y":"[1]armed force, command, detachment, troops, unit @@@@ [2]base, camp, encampment, fort, fortification, fortress, post, station, stronghold @@@@ [3]assign, mount, position, post, put on duty, station @@@@ [4]defend, guard, man, occupy, protect, supply with troops"} {"x":"garrulity","y":"[1]babble, babbling, chatter, chattering, chattiness, effusiveness, gabbiness @@@@ [2]glibness, loquacity, mouthiness, prating, prattle, talkativeness, verbosity, volubility @@@@ [3]diffuseness, long-windedness, prolixity, prosiness, verbosity, windiness, wordiness"} {"x":"garrulous","y":"[1]babbling, chattering, chatty, effusive, gabby @@@@ [2]glib, gossiping, gushing, loquacious, mouthy, prating, prattling, talkative, verbose, voluble @@@@ [3]diffuse, gassy @@@@ [4]long-winded, prolix, prosy, verbose, windy, wordy"} {"x":"gash","y":"[1]cleave, cut, gouge, incise, lacerate, rend, slash, slit, split, tear, wound @@@@ [2]cleft, cut, gouge, incision, laceration, rent, slash, slit, split, tear, wound"} {"x":"gasp","y":"[1]blow, catch one's breath, choke, fight for breath, gulp, pant, puff @@@@ [2]blow, ejaculation, exclamation, gulp, intake of breath, pant, puff, sharp intake of breath"} {"x":"gate","y":"[1]access, barrier, door, doorway, egress, entrance, exit, gateway, opening, passage, port @@@@ [2]portal"} {"x":"gather","y":"[1]accumulate, amass, assemble, bring or get together, collect, congregate, convene, flock, foregather, garner, group, heap, hoard, marshal, mass, muster, pile up, round up, stack up, stockpile @@@@ [2]assume, be led to believe, conclude, deduce, draw, hear, infer, learn, make, surmise, understand @@@@ [3]clasp, draw, embrace, enfold, hold, hug @@@@ [4]crop, cull, garner, glean, harvest, pick, pluck, reap, select @@@@ [5]build, deepen, enlarge, expand, grow, heighten, increase, intensify, rise, swell, thicken, wax @@@@ [6]fold, pleat, pucker, ruffle, shirr, tuck"} {"x":"gathering","y":"[1]assemblage, assembly, company, conclave, concourse, congregation, congress, convention, convocation, crowd, flock, get-together @@@@ [2]group, knot, meeting, muster, party, rally, throng, turnout @@@@ [3]accumulation, acquisition, aggregate, collecting, collection, concentration, gain, heap, hoard, mass, pile, procuring, roundup, stock, stockpile @@@@ [4]abscess, boil, carbuncle, pimple, pustule, sore, spot, tumour, ulcer"} {"x":"gauche","y":"[1]awkward, clumsy, graceless, ignorant, ill-bred, ill-mannered, inelegant, inept, insensitive, lacking in social graces, maladroit, tactless, uncultured, unpolished, unsophisticated"} {"x":"gaucherie","y":"[1]awkwardness, bad taste, clumsiness, gaucheness, gracelessness, ignorance, ill-breeding, inelegance, ineptness, insensitivity, lack of polish, maladroitness, tactlessness, unsophisticatedness @@@@ [2]bloomer @@@@ [3]blunder, boob @@@@ [4]faux pas, gaffe, indiscretion, lapse, mistake, slip, solecism"} {"x":"gauge","y":"[1]ascertain, calculate, check, compute, count, determine, measure, weigh @@@@ [2]adjudge, appraise, assess, estimate, evaluate, guess, judge, rate, reckon, value @@@@ [3]basis, criterion, example, exemplar, guide, guideline, indicator, measure, meter, model, par, pattern, rule, sample, standard, test, touchstone, yardstick @@@@ [4]bore, capacity, degree, depth, extent, height, magnitude, measure, scope, size, span, thickness, width"} {"x":"gaunt","y":"[1]angular, attenuated, bony, cadaverous, emaciated, haggard, lank, lean, macilent @@@@ [2]meagre, pinched, rawboned, scraggy, scrawny, skeletal, skin and bone, skinny, spare, thin, wasted @@@@ [3]bare, bleak, desolate, dismal, dreary, forbidding, forlorn, grim, harsh, stark"} {"x":"gauntlet","y":"[1]Gauntlets are long, thick, protective gloves."} {"x":"gawk","y":"[1]boor, churl, clod, clodhopper @@@@ [2]dolt, dunderhead, galoot @@@@ [3]ignoramus, lout, lubber, lummox @@@@ [4]oaf @@@@ [5]gape, gawp @@@@ [6]gaze open-mouthed, goggle, stare"} {"x":"gawky","y":"[1]awkward, clownish, clumsy, gauche, loutish, lumbering, lumpish, maladroit, oafish, uncouth, ungainly"} {"x":"gay","y":"[1]bent @@@@ [2]homosexual, lesbian, moffie @@@@ [3]pink @@@@ [4]poofy @@@@ [5]queer @@@@ [6]animated, blithe, carefree, cheerful, debonair, full of beans @@@@ [7]glad, gleeful, happy, hilarious, insouciant, jolly, jovial, joyful, joyous, light-hearted, lively, merry, sparkling, sunny, vivacious @@@@ [8]bright, brilliant, colourful, flamboyant, flashy, fresh, garish, gaudy, rich, showy, vivid @@@@ [9]convivial, festive, frivolous, frolicsome, fun-loving, gamesome, ludic @@@@ [10]merry, playful, pleasure-seeking, rakish, rollicking, sportive, waggish @@@@ [11]bull dyke @@@@ [12]dyke @@@@ [13]faggot @@@@ [14]fairy @@@@ [15]homosexual, invert, lesbian, poof @@@@ [16]queer"} {"x":"gaze","y":"[1]contemplate, eyeball @@@@ [2]gape, look, look fixedly, regard, stare, view, watch, wonder @@@@ [3]fixed look, look, stare"} {"x":"gazette","y":"[1]journal, newspaper, news-sheet, organ, paper, periodical"} {"x":"gear","y":"[1]cog, cogwheel, gearwheel, toothed wheel @@@@ [2]cogs, gearing, machinery, mechanism, works @@@@ [3]accessories, accoutrements, apparatus, equipment, harness, instruments, outfit, paraphernalia, rigging, supplies, tackle, tools, trappings @@@@ [4]baggage, belongings, effects, kit, luggage, stuff, things @@@@ [5]apparel, array, attire, clothes, clothing, costume, dress, garb, garments, habit, outfit, rigout @@@@ [6]schmutter @@@@ [7]threads @@@@ [8]togs, wear @@@@ [9]adapt, adjust, equip, fit, rig, suit, tailor"} {"x":"gelatinous","y":"[1]gluey, glutinous, gummy, jelly-like, mucilaginous, sticky, viscid, viscous"} {"x":"gelid","y":"[1]arctic, chilly, cold, freezing, frigid, frosty, frozen, glacial, ice-cold, icy, polar"} {"x":"gem","y":"[1]jewel, precious stone, semiprecious stone, stone @@@@ [2]flower, jewel, masterpiece, pearl, pick, prize, treasure"} {"x":"genealogy","y":"[1]ancestry, blood line, derivation, descent, extraction, family tree, line, lineage, pedigree, progeniture, stemma, stirps, stock, strain"} {"x":"general","y":"[1]accepted, broad, common, extensive, popular, prevailing, prevalent, public, universal, widespread @@@@ [2]accustomed, conventional, customary, everyday, habitual, normal, ordinary, regular, typical, usual @@@@ [3]approximate, ill-defined, imprecise, inaccurate, indefinite, inexact, loose, undetailed, unspecific, vague @@@@ [4]across-the-board, all-inclusive, blanket, broad, catholic, collective, comprehensive, encyclopedic, generic, indiscriminate, miscellaneous, panoramic, sweeping, total, universal"} {"x":"generality","y":"[1]abstract principle, generalization, loose statement, sweeping statement, vague notion @@@@ [2]acceptedness, commonness, extensiveness, popularity, prevalence, ubiquity, universality @@@@ [3]approximateness, impreciseness, indefiniteness, inexactness, lack of detail, looseness, vagueness @@@@ [4]breadth, catholicity, completeness, comprehensiveness, miscellaneity, sweepingness, universality"} {"x":"generally","y":"[1]almost always, as a rule, by and large, conventionally, customarily, for the most part, habitually, in most cases, largely, mainly, normally, on average, on the whole, ordinarily, regularly, typically, usually @@@@ [2]commonly, extensively, popularly, publicly, universally, widely @@@@ [3]approximately, broadly, chiefly, for the most part, in the main, largely, mainly, mostly, on the whole, predominantly, principally"} {"x":"generate","y":"[1]beget, breed, bring about, cause, create, engender, form, give rise to, initiate, make, originate, procreate, produce, propagate, spawn, whip up"} {"x":"generation","y":"[1]begetting, breeding, creation, engenderment, formation, genesis, origination, procreation, production, propagation, reproduction @@@@ [2]age group, breed, crop @@@@ [3]age, day, days, epoch, era, period, time, times"} {"x":"generic","y":"[1]all-encompassing, blanket, collective, common, comprehensive, general, inclusive, sweeping, universal, wide"} {"x":"generosity","y":"[1]beneficence, benevolence, bounteousness, bounty, charity, kindness, largesse or largess, liberality, munificence, open-handedness @@@@ [2]disinterestedness, goodness, high-mindedness, magnanimity, nobleness, unselfishness"} {"x":"generous","y":"[1]beneficent, benevolent, bounteous, bountiful, charitable, free, hospitable, kind, lavish, liberal, munificent, open-handed, princely, prodigal, ungrudging, unstinting @@@@ [2]big-hearted, disinterested, good, high-minded, lofty, magnanimous, noble, unselfish @@@@ [3]abundant, ample, copious, full, fulsome, lavish, liberal, overflowing, plentiful, rich, unstinting"} {"x":"genesis","y":"[1]beginning, birth, commencement, creation, dawn, engendering, formation, generation, inception, origin, outset, propagation, root, source, start"} {"x":"genial","y":"[1]affable, agreeable, amiable, cheerful, cheery, congenial, convivial, cordial, easy-going, enlivening, friendly, glad, good-natured, happy, hearty, jolly, jovial, joyous, kind, kindly, merry, pleasant, sunny, warm, warm-hearted"} {"x":"geniality","y":"[1]affability, agreeableness, amiability, cheerfulness, cheeriness, congenialness, conviviality, cordiality, friendliness, gladness, good cheer, good nature, happiness, heartiness, jollity, joviality, joy, joyousness, kindliness, kindness, mirth, pleasantness, sunniness, warm-heartedness, warmth"} {"x":"genius","y":"[1]adept, brain @@@@ [2]brainbox, buff @@@@ [3]expert, hotshot @@@@ [4]intellect @@@@ [5]maestro, master, master-hand, mastermind, maven @@@@ [6]virtuoso, whiz @@@@ [7]ability, aptitude, bent, brilliance, capacity, creative power, endowment, faculty, flair, gift, inclination, knack, propensity, talent, turn"} {"x":"genteel","y":"[1]aristocratic, civil, courteous, courtly, cultivated, cultured, elegant, fashionable, formal, gentlemanly, ladylike, mannerly, polished, polite, refined, respectable, sophisticated, stylish, urbane, well-bred, well-mannered"} {"x":"gentility","y":"[1]breeding, civility, courtesy, courtliness, cultivation, culture, decorum, elegance, etiquette, formality, good breeding, good manners, mannerliness, polish, politeness, propriety, refinement, respectability, sophistication, urbanity @@@@ [2]blue blood, gentle birth, good family, high birth, nobility, rank @@@@ [3]aristocracy, elite, gentlefolk, gentry, nobility, nobles, ruling class, upper class"} {"x":"gentle","y":"[1]amiable, benign, bland, compassionate, dove-like, humane, kind, kindly, lenient, meek, merciful, mild, pacific, peaceful, placid, quiet, soft, sweet-tempered, tender @@@@ [2]balmy, calm, clement, easy, light, low, mild, moderate, muted, placid, quiet, serene, slight, smooth, soft, soothing, temperate, tranquil, untroubled @@@@ [3]easy, gradual, imperceptible, light, mild, moderate, slight, slow @@@@ [4]biddable, broken, docile, manageable, placid, tame, tractable @@@@ [5]aristocratic, civil, courteous, cultured, elegant, genteel, gentlemanlike, gentlemanly, high-born, ladylike, noble, polished, polite, refined, upper-class, well-born, well-bred"} {"x":"gentry","y":"[1]aristocracy, elite, gentility, gentlefolk, nobility, nobles, ruling class, upper class, upper crust"} {"x":"genuine","y":"[1]actual, authentic, bona fide, honest, legitimate, natural, on the level, original, pure, real, sound, sterling, the real McCoy, true, unadulterated, unalloyed, veritable @@@@ [2]artless, candid, earnest, frank, heartfelt, honest, sincere, unaffected, unfeigned"} {"x":"genus","y":"[1]breed, category, class, genre, group, kind, order, race, set, sort, type"} {"x":"germ","y":"[1]bacterium, bug @@@@ [2]microbe, microorganism, virus @@@@ [3]beginning, bud, cause, embryo, origin, root, rudiment, seed, source, spark @@@@ [4]bud, egg, embryo, nucleus, ovule, ovum, seed, spore, sprout"} {"x":"germane","y":"[1]akin, allied, apposite, appropriate, apropos, apt, cognate, connected, fitting, kindred, material, pertinent, proper, related, relevant, suitable, to the point or purpose"} {"x":"germinate","y":"[1]bud, develop, generate, grow, originate, pullulate, shoot, sprout, swell, vegetate"} {"x":"gestation","y":"[1]development, evolution, incubation, maturation, pregnancy, ripening"} {"x":"gesticulate","y":"[1]gesture, indicate, make a sign, motion, sign, signal, wave"} {"x":"gesture","y":"[1]action, gesticulation, indication, motion, sign, signal @@@@ [2]gesticulate, indicate, motion, sign, signal, wave"} {"x":"get","y":"[1]achieve, acquire, attain, bag, bring, come by, come into possession of, earn, fall heir to, fetch, gain, glean, inherit, land, make, net, obtain, pick up, procure, realize, reap, receive, score @@@@ [2]secure, succeed to, win @@@@ [3]be afflicted with, become infected with, be smitten by, catch, come down with, contract, fall victim to, take @@@@ [4]arrest, capture, collar @@@@ [5]grab, lay hold of, nab @@@@ [6]nail @@@@ [7]seize, take, trap @@@@ [8]become, come to be, grow, turn, wax @@@@ [9]catch, comprehend, fathom, follow, get the picture, hear, notice, perceive, see, suss (out) @@@@ [10]take in, understand, work out @@@@ [11]arrive, come, make it @@@@ [12]reach @@@@ [13]arrange, contrive, fix, manage, succeed, wangle @@@@ [14]coax, convince, induce, influence, persuade, prevail upon, sway, talk into, wheedle, win over @@@@ [15]communicate with, contact, get in touch with, reach @@@@ [16]affect, arouse, excite, have an effect on, impact on, impress, move, stimulate, stir, touch, tug at (someone's) heartstrings @@@@ [17]annoy, bother, bug @@@@ [18]irk, irritate, nark @@@@ [19]pique, rub (someone) up the wrong way, upset, vex @@@@ [20]baffle, confound, mystify, nonplus, perplex, puzzle, stump @@@@ [21]cross, ford, negotiate, pass over, traverse @@@@ [22]bring home to, communicate, convey, get (something) through to, impart, make clear or understood, put over, transmit @@@@ [23]advance, be successful, cut it @@@@ [24]do well, flourish, get on, make good, make one's mark, progress, prosper, succeed, thrive @@@@ [25]excel, leave behind, outdo, outmanoeuvre, overtake, surpass @@@@ [26]agree, be compatible, be friendly, get on, harmonize, hit it off @@@@ [27]cope, develop, fare, get by @@@@ [28]make out @@@@ [29]manage, progress, shift @@@@ [30]be off, depart, get on one's bike @@@@ [31]go, go away, go to hell @@@@ [32]leave, make tracks, move off, sling one's hook @@@@ [33]slope off @@@@ [34]acquire, attain, come to grips with, gain access to, get, get hold of, reach @@@@ [35]hint, imply, intend, lead up to, mean, suggest @@@@ [36]annoy, attack, be on one's back @@@@ [37]blame, carp, criticize, find fault with, hassle @@@@ [38]irritate, nag, nark @@@@ [39]taunt @@@@ [40]bribe, buy off, corrupt, influence, suborn, tamper with @@@@ [41]abscond, break free, break out, decamp, depart, disappear, escape, flee, leave, make good one's escape, slope off @@@@ [42]recoup, recover, regain, repossess, retrieve @@@@ [43]arrive home, come back or home, return, revert, revisit @@@@ [44]be avenged, get even with, get one's own back, give tit for tat, hit back, retaliate, settle the score with, take vengeance on @@@@ [45]circumvent, get ahead of, go around, go past, overtake, pass, round @@@@ [46]contrive, cope, exist, fare, get along, keep one's head above water, make both ends meet, manage, subsist, survive @@@@ [47]alight, bring down, climb down, descend, disembark, dismount, get off, lower, step down @@@@ [48]bring down, depress, dishearten, dispirit @@@@ [49]alight, appear, arrive, collect, come, embark, enter, include, infiltrate, insert, interpose, land, make inroads (into), mount, penetrate @@@@ [50]alight, depart, descend, disembark, dismount, escape, exit, leave @@@@ [51]detach, remove, shed, take off @@@@ [52]ascend, board, climb, embark, mount @@@@ [53]advance, cope, cut it @@@@ [54]fare, get along, make out @@@@ [55]manage, progress, prosper, succeed @@@@ [56]agree, be compatible, be friendly, concur, get along, harmonize, hit it off @@@@ [57]alight, break out, clear out @@@@ [58]decamp, escape, evacuate, extricate oneself, free oneself, leave, vacate, withdraw @@@@ [59]avoid, body-swerve @@@@ [60]dodge, escape, evade, shirk @@@@ [61]cross, ford, get across, pass, pass over, surmount, traverse @@@@ [62]come round, get better, mend, pull through, rally, recover from, revive, survive @@@@ [63]defeat, get the better of, master, overcome, shake off @@@@ [64]communicate, convey, get or put across, impart, make clear or understood @@@@ [65]bypass, circumvent, edge, evade, outmanoeuvre, skirt @@@@ [66]cajole, coax, convert, persuade, prevail upon, talk round, wheedle, win over @@@@ [67]accumulate, assemble, collect, congregate, convene, converge, gather, join, meet, muster, rally, unite @@@@ [68]celebration, conference, do @@@@ [69]function, gabfest @@@@ [70]gathering, jolly @@@@ [71]knees-up @@@@ [72]meeting, party, reception, social @@@@ [73]arise, ascend, climb, increase, mount, rise, scale, stand @@@@ [74]When you get a train, bus, plane, or boat, you leave a place on a particular train, bus, plane, or boat. @@@@ [75]When a train, bus, or plane gets in, it arrives."} {"x":"getaway","y":"[1]break, break-out, decampment, escape, flight"} {"x":"gewgaw","y":"[1]bagatelle, bauble, bijou, gaud, gimcrack, kickshaw, knick-knack, novelty, plaything, toy, trifle, trinket"} {"x":"ghastly","y":"[1]ashen, cadaverous, deathlike, deathly pale, dreadful, frightful, from hell @@@@ [2]godawful @@@@ [3]grim, grisly, gruesome, hideous, horrendous, horrible, horrid, like death warmed up @@@@ [4]livid, loathsome, pale, pallid, repellent, shocking, spectral, terrible, terrifying, wan"} {"x":"ghost","y":"[1]apparition, eidolon, manes, phantasm, phantom, revenant, shade @@@@ [2]soul, spectre, spirit, spook @@@@ [3]wraith @@@@ [4]glimmer, hint, possibility, semblance, shadow, suggestion, trace"} {"x":"giant","y":"[1]behemoth, colossus, Hercules, leviathan, monster, ogre, titan @@@@ [2]Brobdingnagian, colossal, elephantine, enormous, gargantuan, gigantic, ginormous @@@@ [3]immense, jumbo @@@@ [4]large, mammoth, monstrous, prodigious, stellar @@@@ [5]titanic, vast"} {"x":"gibber","y":"[1]babble, blab, blabber, blather, cackle, chatter, gabble, jabber, prattle, rabbit @@@@ [2]waffle"} {"x":"gibe","y":"[1]deride, flout, jeer, make fun of, mock, poke fun at, ridicule, scoff, scorn, sneer, take the piss out of @@@@ [2]taunt, twit @@@@ [3]barb, crack @@@@ [4]cutting remark, derision, dig, jeer, mockery, ridicule, sarcasm, scoffing, sneer, taunt"} {"x":"giddy","y":"[1]dizzy, dizzying, faint, light-headed, reeling, unsteady, vertiginous @@@@ [2]capricious, careless, changeable, changeful, ditsy @@@@ [3]dizzy, erratic, fickle, flighty, frivolous, heedless, impulsive, inconstant, irresolute, irresponsible, reckless, scatterbrained, silly, thoughtless, unbalanced, unstable, unsteady, vacillating, volatile, wild"} {"x":"gift","y":"[1]benefaction, bequest, bonus, boon, bounty, contribution, donation, grant, gratuity, hand-out, largesse or largess, legacy, offering, present @@@@ [2]ability, aptitude, attribute, bent, capability, capacity, endowment, faculty, flair, genius, knack, power, talent, turn"} {"x":"gigantic","y":"[1]Brobdingnagian, colossal, Cyclopean, elephantine, enormous, gargantuan, giant, herculean, huge, humongous or humungous @@@@ [2]immense, mammoth, monstrous, prodigious, stellar @@@@ [3]stupendous, titanic, tremendous, vast"} {"x":"giggle","y":"[1]cackle, chortle, chuckle, laugh, snigger, tee-hee, titter, twitter"} {"x":"gild","y":"[1]adorn, beautify, bedeck, brighten, coat, deck, dress up, embellish, embroider, enhance, enrich, garnish, grace, ornament"} {"x":"gimcrack","y":"[1]cheap, rubbishy, shoddy, tawdry, trashy @@@@ [2]bauble, gewgaw, kickshaw, plaything, toy, trinket"} {"x":"gimmick","y":"[1]contrivance, device, dodge, gadget, gambit, gizmo @@@@ [2]ploy, scheme, stratagem, stunt, trick"} {"x":"gird","y":"[1]belt, bind, girdle @@@@ [2]blockade, encircle, enclose, encompass, enfold, engird, environ, hem in, pen, ring, surround @@@@ [3]brace, fortify, make ready, prepare, ready, steel @@@@ [4]deride, gibe, jeer, make fun of, mock, poke fun at, ridicule, scoff, scorn, sneer, taunt"} {"x":"girdle","y":"[1]band, belt, cincture, cummerbund, fillet, sash, waistband @@@@ [2]bind, bound, encircle, enclose, encompass, engird, environ, enwreath, gird, hem, ring, surround"} {"x":"girl","y":"[1]bird @@@@ [2]chick @@@@ [3]colleen @@@@ [4]damsel @@@@ [5]daughter, female child, lass, lassie @@@@ [6]maid @@@@ [7]maiden @@@@ [8]miss, wench"} {"x":"girth","y":"[1]bulk, circumference, measure, size"} {"x":"gist","y":"[1]core, drift, essence, force, idea, import, marrow, meaning, nub, pith, point, quintessence, sense, significance, substance"} {"x":"give","y":"[1]accord, administer, allow, award, bestow, commit, confer, consign, contribute, deliver, donate, entrust, furnish, grant, hand over or out, make over, permit, present, provide, purvey, supply, vouchsafe @@@@ [2]announce, be a source of, communicate, emit, impart, issue, notify, pronounce, publish, render, transmit, utter @@@@ [3]demonstrate, display, evidence, indicate, manifest, offer, proffer, provide, set forth, show @@@@ [4]allow, cede, concede, devote, grant, hand over, lend, relinquish, surrender, yield @@@@ [5]cause, do, engender, lead, make, occasion, perform, produce @@@@ [6]bend, break, collapse, fall, recede, retire, sink"} {"x":"given","y":"[1]addicted, apt, disposed, inclined, liable, likely, prone"} {"x":"glacial","y":"[1]arctic, biting, bitter, chill, chilly, cold, freezing, frigid, frosty, frozen, gelid, icy, piercing, polar, raw, wintry @@@@ [2]antagonistic, cold, frigid, hostile, icy, inimical, unfriendly"} {"x":"glad","y":"[1]blithesome @@@@ [2]cheerful, chuffed @@@@ [3]contented, delighted, gay, gleeful, gratified, happy, jocund, jovial, joyful, overjoyed, pleased, willing @@@@ [4]animated, cheerful, cheering, cheery, delightful, felicitous, gratifying, joyous, merry, pleasant, pleasing"} {"x":"gladden","y":"[1]cheer, delight, elate, enliven, exhilarate, gratify, hearten, please, rejoice"} {"x":"gladly","y":"[1]cheerfully, freely, gaily, gleefully, happily, jovially, joyfully, joyously, lief @@@@ [2]merrily, readily, willingly, with (a) good grace, with pleasure"} {"x":"glance","y":"[1]check, check out @@@@ [2]clock @@@@ [3]gaze, glimpse, look, peek, peep, scan, take a dekko at @@@@ [4]view @@@@ [5]flash, gleam, glimmer, glint, glisten, glitter, reflect, shimmer, shine, twinkle @@@@ [6]bounce, brush, graze, rebound, ricochet, skim @@@@ [7]browse, dip into, flip through, leaf through, riffle through, run over or through, scan, skim through, thumb through @@@@ [8]brief look, butcher's @@@@ [9]dekko @@@@ [10]gander @@@@ [11]glimpse, look, peek, peep, quick look, shufti @@@@ [12]squint, view @@@@ [13]flash, gleam, glimmer, glint, reflection, sparkle, twinkle @@@@ [14]allusion, passing mention, reference"} {"x":"glare","y":"[1]frown, give a dirty look, glower, look daggers, lour or lower, scowl, stare angrily @@@@ [2]blaze, dazzle, flame, flare @@@@ [3]angry stare, black look, dirty look, frown, glower, lour or lower, scowl @@@@ [4]blaze, brilliance, dazzle, flame, flare, glow @@@@ [5]flashiness, floridness, gaudiness, loudness, meretriciousness, showiness, tawdriness"} {"x":"glaring","y":"[1]audacious, blatant, conspicuous, egregious, flagrant, gross, manifest, obvious, open, outrageous, outstanding, overt, patent, rank, unconcealed, visible @@@@ [2]blazing, bright, dazzling, flashy, florid, garish, glowing, loud"} {"x":"glaze","y":"[1]burnish, coat, enamel, furbish, gloss, lacquer, polish, varnish @@@@ [2]coat, enamel, finish, gloss, lacquer, lustre, patina, polish, shine, varnish"} {"x":"gleam","y":"[1]beam, flash, glimmer, glow, ray, sparkle @@@@ [2]brightness, brilliance, coruscation, flash, gloss, lustre, sheen, splendour @@@@ [3]flicker, glimmer, hint, inkling, ray, suggestion, trace @@@@ [4]coruscate, flare, flash, glance, glimmer, glint, glisten, glitter, glow, scintillate, shimmer, shine, sparkle"} {"x":"glean","y":"[1]accumulate, amass, collect, cull, garner, gather, harvest, learn, pick, pick up, reap, select"} {"x":"glee","y":"[1]cheerfulness, delight, elation, exhilaration, exuberance, exultation, fun, gaiety, gladness, hilarity, jocularity, jollity, joviality, joy, joyfulness, joyousness, liveliness, merriment, mirth, sprightliness, triumph, verve"} {"x":"glib","y":"[1]artful, easy, fast-talking, fluent, garrulous, insincere, plausible, quick, ready, slick, slippery, smooth, smooth-tongued, suave, talkative, voluble"} {"x":"glide","y":"[1]coast, drift, float, flow, fly, roll, run, sail, skate, skim, slide, slip, soar"} {"x":"glimmer","y":"[1]blink, flicker, gleam, glisten, glitter, glow, shimmer, shine, sparkle, twinkle @@@@ [2]blink, flicker, gleam, glow, ray, shimmer, sparkle, twinkle @@@@ [3]flicker, gleam, grain, hint, inkling, ray, suggestion, trace"} {"x":"glimpse","y":"[1]brief view, butcher's @@@@ [2]gander @@@@ [3]glance, look, peek, peep, quick look, shufti @@@@ [4]sight, sighting, squint @@@@ [5]descry, espy, sight, spot, spy, view"} {"x":"glint","y":"[1]flash, gleam, glimmer, glitter, shine, sparkle, twinkle @@@@ [2]flash, gleam, glimmer, glitter, shine, sparkle, twinkle, twinkling"} {"x":"glisten","y":"[1]coruscate, flash, glance, glare, gleam, glimmer, glint, glitter, scintillate, shimmer, shine, sparkle, twinkle"} {"x":"glitter","y":"[1]coruscate, flare, flash, glare, gleam, glimmer, glint, glisten, scintillate, shimmer, shine, sparkle, twinkle @@@@ [2]beam, brightness, brilliance, flash, glare, gleam, lustre, radiance, scintillation, sheen, shimmer, shine, sparkle @@@@ [3]display, gaudiness, gilt, glamour, pageantry, show, showiness, splendour, tinsel"} {"x":"gloaming","y":"[1]dusk, eventide @@@@ [2]half-light, nightfall, twilight"} {"x":"gloat","y":"[1]crow, drool, exult, glory, relish, revel in, rub it in @@@@ [2]rub one's hands, rub someone's nose in it, triumph, vaunt"} {"x":"global","y":"[1]international, pandemic, planetary, universal, world, worldwide @@@@ [2]all-encompassing, all-inclusive, all-out, comprehensive, encyclopedic, exhaustive, general, thorough, total, unbounded, unlimited"} {"x":"globe","y":"[1]ball, earth, orb, planet, round, sphere, world"} {"x":"globule","y":"[1]bead, bubble, drop, droplet, particle, pearl, pellet"} {"x":"gloom","y":"[1]blackness, cloud, cloudiness, dark, darkness, dimness, dullness, dusk, duskiness, gloominess, murk, murkiness, obscurity, shade, shadow, twilight @@@@ [2]blues, dejection, depression, desolation, despair, despondency, downheartedness, low spirits, melancholy, misery, sadness, sorrow, the hump @@@@ [3]unhappiness, woe"} {"x":"glorify","y":"[1]add lustre to, adorn, aggrandize, augment, dignify, elevate, enhance, ennoble, illuminate, immortalize, lift up, magnify, raise @@@@ [2]adore, apotheosize, beatify, bless, canonize, deify, enshrine, exalt, honour, idolize, pay homage to, revere, sanctify, venerate, worship @@@@ [3]celebrate, crack up @@@@ [4]cry up @@@@ [5]eulogize, extol, hymn, laud, lionize, magnify, panegyrize, praise, sing or sound the praises of"} {"x":"glorious","y":"[1]celebrated, distinguished, elevated, eminent, excellent, famed, famous, grand, honoured, illustrious, magnificent, majestic, noble, noted, renowned, sublime, triumphant @@@@ [2]beautiful, bright, brilliant, dazzling, divine, effulgent, gorgeous, radiant, resplendent, shining, splendid, splendiferous @@@@ [3]superb @@@@ [4]delightful, enjoyable, excellent, fine, gorgeous, great, heavenly @@@@ [5]marvellous, pleasurable, splendid, splendiferous @@@@ [6]wonderful"} {"x":"glory","y":"[1]celebrity, dignity, distinction, eminence, exaltation, fame, honour, illustriousness, immortality, kudos, praise, prestige, renown @@@@ [2]adoration, benediction, blessing, gratitude, homage, laudation, praise, thanksgiving, veneration, worship @@@@ [3]eclat, grandeur, greatness, magnificence, majesty, nobility, pageantry, pomp, splendour, sublimity, triumph @@@@ [4]beauty, brilliance, effulgence, gorgeousness, lustre, radiance, resplendence @@@@ [5]boast, crow, drool, exult, gloat, pride oneself, relish, revel, take delight, triumph"} {"x":"gloss","y":"[1]brightness, brilliance, burnish, gleam, lustre, patina, polish, sheen, shine, varnish, veneer @@@@ [2]appearance, facade, front, mask, semblance, show, surface @@@@ [3]burnish, finish, furbish, glaze, lacquer, polish, shine, varnish, veneer @@@@ [4]camouflage, conceal, cover up, disguise, hide, mask, smooth over, sweep under the carpet @@@@ [5]veil, whitewash @@@@ [6]annotation, comment, commentary, elucidation, explanation, footnote, interpretation, note, scholium, translation @@@@ [7]annotate, comment, construe, elucidate, explain, interpret, translate"} {"x":"glow","y":"[1]burning, gleam, glimmer, incandescence, lambency, light, luminosity, phosphorescence @@@@ [2]brightness, brilliance, effulgence, radiance, splendour, vividness @@@@ [3]ardour, earnestness, enthusiasm, excitement, fervour, gusto, impetuosity, intensity, passion, vehemence, warmth @@@@ [4]bloom, blush, flush, reddening, rosiness @@@@ [5]brighten, burn, gleam, glimmer, redden, shine, smoulder @@@@ [6]be suffused, blush, colour, fill, flush, radiate, thrill, tingle"} {"x":"glower","y":"[1]frown, give a dirty look, glare, look daggers, lour or lower, scowl @@@@ [2]angry stare, black look, dirty look, frown, glare, lour or lower, scowl"} {"x":"glowing","y":"[1]aglow, beaming, bright, flaming, florid, flushed, lambent, luminous, radiant, red, rich, ruddy, suffused, vibrant, vivid, warm @@@@ [2]adulatory, complimentary, ecstatic, enthusiastic, eulogistic, laudatory, panegyrical, rave @@@@ [3]rhapsodic"} {"x":"glue","y":"[1]adhesive, cement, gum, mucilage, paste @@@@ [2]affix, agglutinate, cement, fix, gum, paste, seal, stick @@@@ [3]colle chirurgicale"} {"x":"glum","y":"[1]chapfallen, churlish, crabbed, crestfallen, crusty, dejected, doleful, down, gloomy, gruff, grumpy, huffy, ill-humoured, low, moody, morose, pessimistic, saturnine, sour, sulky, sullen, surly"} {"x":"glut","y":"[1]excess, overabundance, oversupply, plethora, saturation, superabundance, superfluity, surfeit, surplus @@@@ [2]cram, fill, gorge, overfeed, satiate, stuff @@@@ [3]choke, clog, deluge, flood, inundate, overload, oversupply, saturate"} {"x":"glutinous","y":"[1]adhesive, cohesive, gluey, gooey, gummy, mucilaginous, sticky, viscid, viscous"} {"x":"glutton","y":"[1]gannet @@@@ [2]gobbler, gorger, gormandizer, gourmand, pig"} {"x":"gnaw","y":"[1]bite, chew, munch, nibble, worry @@@@ [2]consume, devour, eat away or into, erode, fret, wear away or down @@@@ [3]distress, fret, harry, haunt, nag, plague, prey on one's mind, trouble, worry"} {"x":"go","y":"[1]advance, decamp, depart, fare @@@@ [2]journey, leave, make for, make tracks, move, move out, pass, proceed, repair, set off, slope off, travel, withdraw @@@@ [3]function, move, operate, perform, run, work @@@@ [4]connect, extend, fit, give access, lead, reach, run, span, spread, stretch @@@@ [5]avail, concur, conduce, contribute, incline, lead to, serve, tend, work towards @@@@ [6]develop, eventuate, fall out, fare, happen, pan out @@@@ [7]proceed, result, turn out, work out @@@@ [8]accord, agree, blend, chime, complement, correspond, fit, harmonize, match, suit @@@@ [9]buy it @@@@ [10]check out @@@@ [11]croak @@@@ [12]die, expire, give up the ghost, go belly-up @@@@ [13]kick it @@@@ [14]peg out @@@@ [15]snuff it @@@@ [16]elapse, expire, flow, lapse, pass, slip away @@@@ [17]attempt, bid, crack @@@@ [18]effort, essay, shot @@@@ [19]stab @@@@ [20]try, turn, whack @@@@ [21]whirl @@@@ [22]activity, animation, brio, drive, energy, force, get-up-and-go @@@@ [23]life, oomph @@@@ [24]pep, spirit, verve, vigour, vitality, vivacity @@@@ [25]activity, animation, brio, drive, energy, force, get-up-and-go @@@@ [26]life, oomph @@@@ [27]pep, spirit, verve, vigour, vitality, vivacity"} {"x":"goad","y":"[1]impetus, incentive, incitement, irritation, motivation, pressure, spur, stimulation, stimulus, urge @@@@ [2]annoy, arouse, be on one's back @@@@ [3]drive, egg on, exhort, harass, hassle @@@@ [4]hound, impel, incite, instigate, irritate, lash, nark @@@@ [5]prick, prod, prompt, propel, spur, stimulate, sting, urge, worry"} {"x":"goal","y":"[1]aim, ambition, design, destination, end, Holy Grail @@@@ [2]intention, limit, mark, object, objective, purpose, target"} {"x":"gob","y":"[1]blob, chunk, clod, gobbet, hunk, lump, nugget, piece, wad, wodge"} {"x":"gobble","y":"[1]bolt, cram, devour, gorge, gulp, guzzle, pig out on @@@@ [2]stuff, swallow, wolf"} {"x":"gobbledegook","y":"[1]babble, cant, double talk, gabble, gibberish, Greek @@@@ [2]hocus-pocus, jabber, jargon, mumbo jumbo, nonsense, officialese, rigmarole, twaddle"} {"x":"goggle","y":"[1]gape, gawk, gawp @@@@ [2]peer, rubberneck @@@@ [3]stare"} {"x":"golden","y":"[1]blond or blonde, bright, brilliant, flaxen, resplendent, shining, yellow @@@@ [2]best, blissful, delightful, flourishing, glorious, halcyon, happy, joyful, joyous, precious, prosperous, rich, successful @@@@ [3]advantageous, auspicious, excellent, favourable, opportune, promising, propitious, rosy, valuable"} {"x":"gone","y":"[1]elapsed, ended, finished, over, past @@@@ [2]absent, astray, away, lacking, lost, missing, vanished @@@@ [3]dead, deceased, defunct, departed, extinct, no more @@@@ [4]consumed, done, finished, spent, used up"} {"x":"good","y":"[1]acceptable, admirable, agreeable, awesome @@@@ [2]bad @@@@ [3]bitchin' @@@@ [4]capital, choice, commendable, crucial @@@@ [5]divine, dope @@@@ [6]excellent, fine, first-class, first-rate, great, hunky-dory @@@@ [7]pleasant, pleasing, positive, precious, satisfactory, splendid, super @@@@ [8]superior, tiptop, valuable, wicked @@@@ [9]world-class, worthy @@@@ [10]admirable, estimable, ethical, exemplary, honest, honourable, moral, praiseworthy, right, righteous, trustworthy, upright, virtuous, worthy @@@@ [11]able, accomplished, adept, adroit, capable, clever, competent, dexterous, efficient, expert, first-rate, proficient, reliable, satisfactory, serviceable, skilled, sound, suitable, talented, thorough, useful @@@@ [12]adequate, advantageous, auspicious, beneficial, convenient, favourable, fit, fitting, healthy, helpful, opportune, profitable, propitious, salubrious, salutary, suitable, useful, wholesome @@@@ [13]eatable, fit to eat, sound, uncorrupted, untainted, whole @@@@ [14]altruistic, approving, beneficent, benevolent, charitable, friendly, gracious, humane, kind, kind-hearted, kindly, merciful, obliging, well-disposed @@@@ [15]authentic, bona fide, dependable, genuine, honest, legitimate, proper, real, reliable, sound, true, trustworthy, valid @@@@ [16]decorous, dutiful, mannerly, obedient, orderly, polite, proper, seemly, well-behaved, well-mannered @@@@ [17]agreeable, cheerful, congenial, convivial, enjoyable, gratifying, happy, pleasant, pleasing, pleasurable, satisfying @@@@ [18]adequate, ample, complete, considerable, entire, extensive, full, large, long, sizable or sizeable, solid, substantial, sufficient, whole @@@@ [19]best, fancy, finest, newest, nicest, precious, smartest, special, valuable @@@@ [20]balmy, bright, calm, clear, clement, cloudless, fair, halcyon, mild, sunny, sunshiny, tranquil @@@@ [21]advantage, avail, behalf, benefit, gain, interest, mileage @@@@ [22]profit, service, use, usefulness, welfare, wellbeing, worth @@@@ [23]excellence, goodness, merit, morality, probity, rectitude, right, righteousness, uprightness, virtue, worth @@@@ [24]finally, for ever, irrevocably, never to return, once and for all, permanently, sine die"} {"x":"goodbye","y":"[1]adieu, farewell, leave-taking, parting"} {"x":"goodly","y":"[1]ample, considerable, large, significant, sizable or sizeable, substantial, tidy @@@@ [2]agreeable, attractive, comely, desirable, elegant, fine, good-looking, graceful, handsome, personable, pleasant, pleasing, well-favoured"} {"x":"goodness","y":"[1]excellence, merit, quality, superiority, value, worth @@@@ [2]beneficence, benevolence, friendliness, generosity, goodwill, graciousness, humaneness, kind-heartedness, kindliness, kindness, mercy, obligingness @@@@ [3]honesty, honour, integrity, merit, morality, probity, rectitude, righteousness, uprightness, virtue @@@@ [4]advantage, benefit, nourishment, nutrition, salubriousness, wholesomeness"} {"x":"goods","y":"[1]appurtenances, belongings, chattels, effects, furnishings, furniture, gear, movables, paraphernalia, possessions, property, things, trappings @@@@ [2]commodities, merchandise, stock, stuff, wares @@@@ [3]acceptable, admirable, agreeable, awesome @@@@ [4]bad @@@@ [5]bitchin' @@@@ [6]capital, choice, commendable, crucial @@@@ [7]divine, dope @@@@ [8]excellent, fine, first-class, first-rate, great, hunky-dory @@@@ [9]pleasant, pleasing, positive, precious, satisfactory, splendid, super @@@@ [10]superior, tiptop, valuable, wicked @@@@ [11]world-class, worthy @@@@ [12]admirable, estimable, ethical, exemplary, honest, honourable, moral, praiseworthy, right, righteous, trustworthy, upright, virtuous, worthy @@@@ [13]able, accomplished, adept, adroit, capable, clever, competent, dexterous, efficient, expert, first-rate, proficient, reliable, satisfactory, serviceable, skilled, sound, suitable, talented, thorough, useful @@@@ [14]adequate, advantageous, auspicious, beneficial, convenient, favourable, fit, fitting, healthy, helpful, opportune, profitable, propitious, salubrious, salutary, suitable, useful, wholesome @@@@ [15]eatable, fit to eat, sound, uncorrupted, untainted, whole @@@@ [16]altruistic, approving, beneficent, benevolent, charitable, friendly, gracious, humane, kind, kind-hearted, kindly, merciful, obliging, well-disposed @@@@ [17]authentic, bona fide, dependable, genuine, honest, legitimate, proper, real, reliable, sound, true, trustworthy, valid @@@@ [18]decorous, dutiful, mannerly, obedient, orderly, polite, proper, seemly, well-behaved, well-mannered @@@@ [19]agreeable, cheerful, congenial, convivial, enjoyable, gratifying, happy, pleasant, pleasing, pleasurable, satisfying @@@@ [20]adequate, ample, complete, considerable, entire, extensive, full, large, long, sizable or sizeable, solid, substantial, sufficient, whole @@@@ [21]best, fancy, finest, newest, nicest, precious, smartest, special, valuable @@@@ [22]balmy, bright, calm, clear, clement, cloudless, fair, halcyon, mild, sunny, sunshiny, tranquil @@@@ [23]advantage, avail, behalf, benefit, gain, interest, mileage @@@@ [24]profit, service, use, usefulness, welfare, wellbeing, worth @@@@ [25]excellence, goodness, merit, morality, probity, rectitude, right, righteousness, uprightness, virtue, worth @@@@ [26]finally, for ever, irrevocably, never to return, once and for all, permanently, sine die"} {"x":"gore","y":"[1]blood, bloodshed, butchery, carnage, slaughter @@@@ [2]impale, pierce, spit, stab, transfix, wound"} {"x":"gorge","y":"[1]canyon, chasm, cleft, clough @@@@ [2]defile, fissure, pass, ravine @@@@ [3]bolt, cram, devour, feed, fill, glut, gobble, gormandize, gulp, guzzle, overeat, pig out @@@@ [4]raven, sate, satiate, stuff, surfeit, swallow, wolf"} {"x":"gorgeous","y":"[1]beautiful, brilliant, dazzling, drop-dead @@@@ [2]elegant, glittering, grand, luxuriant, magnificent, opulent, ravishing, resplendent, showy, splendid, splendiferous @@@@ [3]stunning @@@@ [4]sumptuous, superb @@@@ [5]attractive, bright, delightful, enjoyable, exquisite, fine, glorious, good, good-looking, lovely, pleasing"} {"x":"gory","y":"[1]blood-soaked, bloodstained, bloodthirsty, bloody, ensanguined @@@@ [2]murderous, sanguinary"} {"x":"gospel","y":"[1]certainty, fact, the last word, truth, verity @@@@ [2]credo, creed, doctrine, message, news, revelation, tidings"} {"x":"gossamer","y":"[1]airy, delicate, diaphanous, fine, flimsy, gauzy, light, sheer, silky, thin, transparent"} {"x":"gossip","y":"[1]blether, bush telegraph, buzz, chinwag @@@@ [2]chitchat, clishmaclaver @@@@ [3]dirt @@@@ [4]gen @@@@ [5]hearsay, idle talk, jaw @@@@ [6]latest @@@@ [7]newsmongering @@@@ [8]prattle, scandal, scuttlebutt @@@@ [9]small talk, tittle-tattle @@@@ [10]babbler, blatherskite, blether, busybody, chatterbox @@@@ [11]chatterer, flibbertigibbet, gossipmonger, newsmonger @@@@ [12]prattler, quidnunc, scandalmonger, tattler, telltale @@@@ [13]blather, blether, chat, chew the fat or rag @@@@ [14]gabble, jaw @@@@ [15]prate, prattle, schmooze @@@@ [16]tattle"} {"x":"gouge","y":"[1]chisel, claw, cut, dig (out), gash, hollow (out), incise, scoop, score, scratch @@@@ [2]cut, furrow, gash, groove, hollow, incision, notch, scoop, score, scratch, trench"} {"x":"gourmet","y":"[1]bon vivant, connoisseur, epicure, foodie @@@@ [2]gastronome"} {"x":"govern","y":"[1]administer, be in power, call the shots, call the tune, command, conduct, control, direct, guide, handle, hold sway, lead, manage, order, oversee, pilot, reign, rule, steer, superintend, supervise @@@@ [2]bridle, check, contain, control, curb, direct, discipline, get the better of, hold in check, inhibit, keep a tight rein on, master, regulate, restrain, subdue, tame @@@@ [3]decide, determine, guide, influence, rule, sway, underlie"} {"x":"government","y":"[1]administration, authority, dominion, execution, governance, law, polity, rule, sovereignty, state, statecraft @@@@ [2]administration, executive, ministry, powers-that-be, regime @@@@ [3]authority, command, control, direction, domination, guidance, management, regulation, restraint, superintendence, supervision, sway @@@@ [4]autonomy, democracy, devolution, home rule, independence, self-determination, self-rule, sovereignty"} {"x":"governmental","y":"[1]administrative, bureaucratic, executive, ministerial, official, political, sovereign, state"} {"x":"governor","y":"[1]administrator, boss @@@@ [2]chief, commander, comptroller, controller, director, executive, head, leader, manager, overseer, ruler, superintendent, supervisor"} {"x":"gown","y":"[1]costume, dress, frock, garb, garment, habit, robe"} {"x":"grab","y":"[1]bag, capture, catch or take hold of, catch (up), clutch, grasp, grip, latch on to, nab @@@@ [2]nail @@@@ [3]pluck, seize, snap up, snatch"} {"x":"grace","y":"[1]attractiveness, beauty, charm, comeliness, ease, elegance, finesse, gracefulness, loveliness, pleasantness, poise, polish, refinement, shapeliness, tastefulness @@@@ [2]benefaction, beneficence, benevolence, favour, generosity, goodness, goodwill, kindliness, kindness @@@@ [3]breeding, consideration, cultivation, decency, decorum, etiquette, mannerliness, manners, propriety, tact @@@@ [4]charity, clemency, compassion, forgiveness, indulgence, leniency, lenity, mercy, pardon, quarter, reprieve @@@@ [5]benediction, blessing, prayer, thanks, thanksgiving @@@@ [6]adorn, beautify, bedeck, deck, decorate, dignify, distinguish, elevate, embellish, enhance, enrich, favour, garnish, glorify, honour, ornament, set off"} {"x":"gracious","y":"[1]accommodating, affable, amiable, beneficent, benevolent, benign, benignant, charitable, chivalrous, civil, compassionate, considerate, cordial, courteous, courtly, friendly, hospitable, indulgent, kind, kindly, lenient, loving, merciful, mild, obliging, pleasing, polite, well-mannered"} {"x":"gradation","y":"[1]array, progression, sequence, series, succession @@@@ [2]degree, grade, level, mark, measurement, notch, place, point, position, rank, stage, step @@@@ [3]arrangement, classification, grouping, ordering, sorting"} {"x":"grade","y":"[1]brand, category, class, condition, degree, echelon, group, level, mark, notch, order, place, position, quality, rank, rung, size, stage, station, step @@@@ [2]measure up, measure up to expectations, pass muster, prove acceptable, succeed, win through @@@@ [3]acclivity, bank, declivity, gradient, hill, incline, rise, slope @@@@ [4]arrange, brand, class, classify, evaluate, group, order, range, rank, rate, sequence, sort, value @@@@ [5]bad, bush-league @@@@ [6]chickenshit @@@@ [7]dime-a-dozen @@@@ [8]duff @@@@ [9]inferior, low-rent @@@@ [10]poor, poxy @@@@ [11]second-rate, substandard, tinhorn @@@@ [12]two-bit"} {"x":"gradient","y":"[1]acclivity, bank, declivity, grade, hill, incline, rise, slope"} {"x":"gradual","y":"[1]continuous, even, gentle, graduated, moderate, piecemeal, progressive, regular, slow, steady, successive, unhurried"} {"x":"gradually","y":"[1]bit by bit, by degrees, drop by drop, evenly, gently, little by little, moderately, piece by piece, piecemeal, progressively, slowly, steadily, step by step, unhurriedly"} {"x":"graduate","y":"[1]calibrate, grade, mark off, measure out, proportion, regulate @@@@ [2]arrange, classify, grade, group, order, range, rank, sequence, sort"} {"x":"graft","y":"[1]bud, implant, scion, shoot, splice, sprout @@@@ [2]affix, implant, ingraft, insert, join, splice, transplant"} {"x":"grain","y":"[1]cereals, corn @@@@ [2]grist, kernel, seed @@@@ [3]atom, bit, crumb, fragment, granule, iota, jot, mite, modicum, molecule, morsel, mote, ounce, particle, piece, scintilla @@@@ [4]scrap, scruple, spark, speck, suspicion, trace, whit @@@@ [5]fibre, nap, pattern, surface, texture, weave @@@@ [6]character, disposition, humour, inclination, make-up, temper"} {"x":"grand","y":"[1]ambitious, august, dignified, elevated, eminent, exalted, fine, glorious, gorgeous, grandiose, great, haughty, illustrious, imposing, impressive, large, lofty, lordly, luxurious, magnificent, majestic, monumental, noble, opulent, ostentatious, palatial, pompous, pretentious, princely, regal, splendid, splendiferous @@@@ [2]stately, striking, sublime, sumptuous, superb @@@@ [3]admirable, awesome @@@@ [4]divine, excellent, fine, first-class, first-rate, great @@@@ [5]hunky-dory @@@@ [6]marvellous @@@@ [7]outstanding, smashing @@@@ [8]splendid, splendiferous @@@@ [9]super @@@@ [10]superb, terrific @@@@ [11]very good, wonderful, world-class @@@@ [12]big-time @@@@ [13]chief, head, highest, lead, leading, main, major league @@@@ [14]pre-eminent, principal, supreme"} {"x":"grandeur","y":"[1]augustness, dignity, greatness, importance, loftiness, magnificence, majesty, nobility, pomp, splendour, state, stateliness, sublimity"} {"x":"grandiose","y":"[1]affected, ambitious, bombastic, extravagant, flamboyant, high-flown, ostentatious, pompous, pretentious, showy @@@@ [2]ambitious, grand, imposing, impressive, lofty, magnificent, majestic, monumental, stately"} {"x":"grant","y":"[1]accede to, accord, acknowledge, admit, agree to, allocate, allot, allow, assign, award, bestow, cede, concede, confer, consent to, donate, give, hand out, impart, permit, present, vouchsafe, yield @@@@ [2]assign, convey, transfer, transmit @@@@ [3]admission, allocation, allotment, allowance, award, benefaction, bequest, boon, bounty, concession, donation, endowment, gift, hand-out, present, stipend, subsidy"} {"x":"granular","y":"[1]crumbly, grainy, granulated, gravelly, gritty, rough, sandy"} {"x":"granule","y":"[1]atom, crumb, fragment, grain, iota, jot, molecule, particle, scrap, speck"} {"x":"grapefruit","y":"[1]A grapefruit is a large, round, yellow fruit, similar to an orange, that has a sharp, slightly bitter taste."} {"x":"graphic","y":"[1]clear, descriptive, detailed, explicit, expressive, forcible, illustrative, lively, lucid, picturesque, striking, telling, vivid, well-drawn @@@@ [2]delineated, diagrammatic, drawn, illustrative, pictorial, representational, seen, visible, visual"} {"x":"grapple","y":"[1]catch, clasp, clutch, come to grips, fasten, grab, grasp, grip, hold, hug, lay or take hold, make fast, seize, wrestle @@@@ [2]address oneself to, attack, battle, clash, combat, confront, contend, cope, deal with, do battle, encounter, engage, face, fight, get to grips with, struggle, tackle, take on, tussle, wrestle"} {"x":"grasp","y":"[1]catch (up), clasp, clinch, clutch, grab, grapple, grip, hold, lay or take hold of, seize, snatch @@@@ [2]catch on, catch or get the drift of, comprehend, follow, get, get the hang of @@@@ [3]get the message, get the picture, realize, see, take in, understand @@@@ [4]clasp, clutches, embrace, grip, hold, possession, tenure @@@@ [5]capacity, compass, control, extent, mastery, power, range, reach, scope, sway, sweep @@@@ [6]awareness, comprehension, grip, ken, knowledge, mastery, perception, realization, understanding"} {"x":"grate","y":"[1]mince, pulverize, shred, triturate @@@@ [2]creak, grind, rasp, rub, scrape, scratch @@@@ [3]aggravate @@@@ [4]annoy, chafe, exasperate, fret, gall, get one down, get on one's nerves @@@@ [5]irk, irritate, jar, nark @@@@ [6]nettle, peeve, rankle, rub one up the wrong way, set one's teeth on edge, vex"} {"x":"grateful","y":"[1]appreciative, beholden, indebted, obliged, thankful @@@@ [2]acceptable, agreeable, favourable, gratifying, nice, pleasing, refreshing, restful, satisfactory, satisfying, welcome"} {"x":"gratification","y":"[1]delight, enjoyment, fruition, fulfilment, glee, indulgence, joy, kick or kicks @@@@ [2]pleasure, recompense, relish, reward, satisfaction, thrill"} {"x":"gratify","y":"[1]cater to, delight, favour, fawn on, feed, fulfil, give pleasure, gladden, humour, indulge, pander to, please, recompense, requite, satisfy, thrill"} {"x":"grating","y":"[1]annoying, disagreeable, discordant, displeasing, grinding, harsh, irksome, irritating, jarring, offensive, rasping, raucous, scraping, squeaky, strident, unpleasant, vexatious"} {"x":"gratis","y":"[1]buckshee @@@@ [2]for nothing, free, freely, free of charge, gratuitously, on the house, unpaid"} {"x":"gratitude","y":"[1]appreciation, gratefulness, indebtedness, obligation, recognition, sense of obligation, thankfulness, thanks"} {"x":"gratuitous","y":"[1]buckshee @@@@ [2]complimentary, free, gratis, spontaneous, unasked-for, unpaid, unrewarded, voluntary @@@@ [3]assumed, baseless, causeless, groundless, irrelevant, needless, superfluous, uncalled-for, unfounded, unjustified, unmerited, unnecessary, unprovoked, unwarranted, wanton"} {"x":"grave","y":"[1]burying place, crypt, last resting place, mausoleum, pit, sepulchre, tomb, vault @@@@ [2]dignified, dour, dull, earnest, gloomy, grim-faced, heavy, leaden, long-faced, muted, quiet, sage @@@@ [3]sedate, serious, sober, solemn, sombre, staid, subdued, thoughtful, unsmiling @@@@ [4]acute, critical, crucial, dangerous, exigent, hazardous, important, life-and-death, momentous, of great consequence, perilous, pressing, serious, severe, significant, threatening, urgent, vital, weighty"} {"x":"graveyard","y":"[1]boneyard @@@@ [2]burial ground, cemetery, charnel house, churchyard, God's acre @@@@ [3]necropolis"} {"x":"gravitate","y":"[1]be attracted, be drawn, be influenced, be pulled, incline, lean, move, tend @@@@ [2]be precipitated, descend, drop, fall, precipitate, settle, sink"} {"x":"gravity","y":"[1]acuteness, consequence, exigency, hazardousness, importance, moment, momentousness, perilousness, pressingness, seriousness, severity, significance, urgency, weightiness @@@@ [2]demureness, dignity, earnestness, gloom, gravitas, grimness, reserve, sedateness, seriousness, sobriety, solemnity, thoughtfulness"} {"x":"graze","y":"[1]browse, crop, feed, pasture @@@@ [2]brush, glance off, kiss, rub, scrape, shave, skim, touch @@@@ [3]abrade, bark, chafe, scrape, scratch, skin @@@@ [4]abrasion, scrape, scratch"} {"x":"greasy","y":"[1]fatty, oily, oleaginous, slick, slimy, slippery @@@@ [2]fawning, glib, grovelling, ingratiating, oily, slick, smarmy @@@@ [3]smooth, sycophantic, toadying, unctuous"} {"x":"great","y":"[1]big, bulky, colossal, elephantine, enormous, extensive, gigantic, ginormous @@@@ [2]immense, large, mammoth, prodigious, stellar @@@@ [3]stupendous, tremendous, vast, voluminous @@@@ [4]extended, lengthy, long, prolonged, protracted @@@@ [5]big-time @@@@ [6]capital, chief, grand, head, lead, leading, main, major, major league @@@@ [7]paramount, primary, principal, prominent, superior @@@@ [8]considerable, decided, excessive, extravagant, extreme, grievous, high, inordinate, prodigious, pronounced, serious @@@@ [9]strong @@@@ [10]consequential, critical, crucial, grave, heavy, important, momentous, serious, significant, weighty @@@@ [11]celebrated, distinguished, eminent, exalted, excellent, famed, famous, glorious, illustrious, notable, noteworthy, outstanding, prominent, remarkable, renowned, superb, superlative, talented, world-class @@@@ [12]august, chivalrous, dignified, distinguished, exalted, fine, glorious, grand, heroic, high-minded, idealistic, impressive, lofty, magnanimous, noble, princely, sublime @@@@ [13]active, devoted, enthusiastic, keen, zealous @@@@ [14]able, adept, adroit, crack @@@@ [15]expert, good, masterly, proficient, skilful, skilled @@@@ [16]admirable, awesome @@@@ [17]bitchin', boffo @@@@ [18]brill @@@@ [19]chillin' @@@@ [20]cracking @@@@ [21]crucial @@@@ [22]def @@@@ [23]dope @@@@ [24]excellent, fantastic @@@@ [25]fine, first-rate, good, hunky-dory @@@@ [26]jim-dandy @@@@ [27]marvellous @@@@ [28]mean @@@@ [29]mega @@@@ [30]sovereign, superb, terrific @@@@ [31]topping @@@@ [32]tremendous @@@@ [33]wonderful @@@@ [34]absolute, arrant, complete, consummate, downright, egregious, flagrant, out-and-out, perfect, positive, thoroughgoing, thundering @@@@ [35]total, unmitigated, unqualified, utter"} {"x":"greatly","y":"[1]abundantly, by leaps and bounds, by much, considerably, enormously, exceedingly, extremely, highly, hugely, immensely, markedly, mightily, much, notably, powerfully, remarkably, seriously @@@@ [2]to the nth degree, tremendously, vastly, very much"} {"x":"greed","y":"[1]edacity, esurience, gluttony, gormandizing, hunger, insatiableness, ravenousness, voracity @@@@ [2]acquisitiveness, avarice, avidity, covetousness, craving, cupidity, desire, eagerness, graspingness, longing, rapacity, selfishness"} {"x":"greedy","y":"[1]edacious, esurient, gluttonous, gormandizing, hoggish, hungry, insatiable, piggish, ravenous, voracious @@@@ [2]acquisitive, avaricious, avid, covetous, craving, desirous, eager, grasping, hungry, impatient, rapacious, selfish"} {"x":"green","y":"[1]blooming, budding, flourishing, fresh, grassy, leafy, new, undecayed, verdant, verdurous @@@@ [2]fresh, immature, new, raw, recent, unripe @@@@ [3]conservationist, ecological, ecologically sound, environment-friendly, non-polluting, ozone-friendly @@@@ [4]callow, credulous, gullible, ignorant, immature, inexperienced, inexpert, ingenuous, innocent, naive, new, raw, unpolished, unpractised, unskilful, unsophisticated, untrained, unversed, wet behind the ears @@@@ [5]covetous, envious, grudging, jealous, resentful @@@@ [6]ill, nauseous, pale, sick, under the weather, unhealthy, wan @@@@ [7]immature, pliable, supple, tender, undried, unseasoned, young @@@@ [8]common, grassplot, lawn, sward, turf @@@@ [9]approval, authorization, blessing, clearance, confirmation, go-ahead @@@@ [10]permission, sanction"} {"x":"greet","y":"[1]accost, address, compliment, hail, meet, nod to, receive, salute, tip one's hat to, welcome"} {"x":"gregarious","y":"[1]affable, companionable, convivial, cordial, friendly, outgoing, sociable, social"} {"x":"grey","y":"[1]ashen, bloodless, colourless, like death warmed up @@@@ [2]livid, pale, pallid, wan @@@@ [3]cheerless, cloudy, dark, depressing, dim, dismal, drab, dreary, dull, foggy, gloomy, misty, murky, overcast, sunless @@@@ [4]anonymous, characterless, colourless, dull, indistinct, neutral, unclear, unidentifiable @@@@ [5]aged, ancient, elderly, experienced, hoary, mature, old, venerable"} {"x":"grief","y":"[1]affliction, agony, anguish, bereavement, dejection, distress, grievance, hardship, heartache, heartbreak, misery, mournfulness, mourning, pain, regret, remorse, sadness, sorrow, suffering, trial, tribulation, trouble, woe @@@@ [2]come unstuck, fail, fall flat on one's face, meet with disaster, miscarry"} {"x":"grievance","y":"[1]affliction, axe to grind, beef @@@@ [2]complaint, damage, distress, grief, gripe @@@@ [3]hardship, injury, injustice, protest, resentment, sorrow, trial, tribulation, trouble, unhappiness, wrong"} {"x":"grieve","y":"[1]ache, bemoan, bewail, complain, deplore, lament, mourn, regret, rue, sorrow, suffer, wail, weep @@@@ [2]afflict, agonize, break the heart of, crush, distress, hurt, injure, make one's heart bleed, pain, sadden, wound"} {"x":"grievous","y":"[1]afflicting, calamitous, damaging, distressing, dreadful, grave, harmful, heavy, hurtful, injurious, lamentable, oppressive, painful, severe, wounding @@@@ [2]appalling, atrocious, deplorable, dreadful, egregious, flagrant, glaring, heinous, intolerable, lamentable, monstrous, offensive, outrageous, shameful, shocking, unbearable @@@@ [3]agonized, grief-stricken, heart-rending, mournful, pitiful, sorrowful, tragic"} {"x":"grim","y":"[1]cruel, ferocious, fierce, forbidding, formidable, frightful, ghastly, godawful @@@@ [2]grisly, gruesome, hard, harsh, hideous, horrible, horrid, implacable, merciless, morose, relentless, resolute, ruthless, severe, shocking, sinister, stern, sullen, surly, terrible, unrelenting, unyielding"} {"x":"grimace","y":"[1]face, frown, mouth, scowl, sneer, wry face @@@@ [2]frown, lour or lower, make a face or faces, mouth, scowl, sneer"} {"x":"grime","y":"[1]dirt, filth, grot @@@@ [2]smut, soot"} {"x":"grind","y":"[1]abrade, comminute, crush, granulate, grate, kibble, mill, pound, powder, pulverize, triturate @@@@ [2]file, polish, sand, sharpen, smooth, whet @@@@ [3]gnash, grate, grit, scrape @@@@ [4]afflict, harass, hold down, hound, oppress, persecute, plague, trouble, tyrannize (over) @@@@ [5]chore, drudgery, hard work, labour, sweat @@@@ [6]task, toil"} {"x":"grip","y":"[1]clasp, handclasp @@@@ [2]purchase @@@@ [3]clutches, comprehension, control, domination, grasp, hold, influence, keeping, mastery, perception, possession, power, tenure, understanding @@@@ [4]close with, confront, contend with, cope with, deal with, encounter, face up to, grapple with, grasp, handle, meet, tackle, take on, take the bit between one's teeth, undertake @@@@ [5]clasp, clutch, grasp, hold, latch on to, seize, take hold of @@@@ [6]absorb, catch up, compel, engross, enthral, entrance, fascinate, hold, involve, mesmerize, rivet, spellbind"} {"x":"gripe","y":"[1]beef @@@@ [2]bellyache @@@@ [3]bitch @@@@ [4]bleat, carp, complain, groan, grouch @@@@ [5]grouse, grumble, kvetch @@@@ [6]moan, nag, whine @@@@ [7]ache, compress, cramp, hurt, pain, pinch, press, squeeze @@@@ [8]ache, aching, affliction, colic, cramps, distress, griping, pain, pang, pinching, stomachache, twinge @@@@ [9]beef @@@@ [10]complaint, grievance, groan, grouch @@@@ [11]grouse, grumble, moan, objection, protest"} {"x":"grisly","y":"[1]abominable, appalling, awful, dreadful, frightful, ghastly, grim, gruesome, hellacious @@@@ [2]hideous, horrible, horrid, macabre, shocking, sickening, terrible, terrifying"} {"x":"grit","y":"[1]dust, gravel, pebbles, sand @@@@ [2]backbone, balls @@@@ [3]courage, determination, doggedness, fortitude, gameness, guts @@@@ [4]hardihood, mettle, nerve, perseverance, pluck, resolution, spirit, tenacity, toughness @@@@ [5]clench, gnash, grate, grind"} {"x":"grizzled","y":"[1]canescent, grey, grey-haired, grey-headed, greying, griseous, grizzly, hoary"} {"x":"groan","y":"[1]cry, moan, sigh, whine @@@@ [2]beef @@@@ [3]complaint, gripe @@@@ [4]grouse, grumble, objection, protest @@@@ [5]cry, moan, sigh, whine @@@@ [6]beef @@@@ [7]bemoan, bitch @@@@ [8]complain, gripe @@@@ [9]grouse, grumble, lament, object"} {"x":"groggy","y":"[1]befuddled, confused, dazed, dizzy, faint, muzzy, punch-drunk, reeling, shaky, staggering, stunned, stupefied, unsteady, weak, wobbly, woozy"} {"x":"groom","y":"[1]currier @@@@ [2]stableboy, stableman @@@@ [3]clean, dress, get up @@@@ [4]gussy up @@@@ [5]preen, primp, smarten up, spruce up, tidy, turn out @@@@ [6]brush, clean, curry, rub down, tend @@@@ [7]coach, drill, educate, make ready, nurture, prepare, prime, ready, train"} {"x":"groove","y":"[1]channel, cut, cutting, flute, furrow, gutter, hollow, indentation, rebate, rut, score, trench, trough"} {"x":"grope","y":"[1]cast about, feel, finger, fish, flounder, forage, fumble, grabble, scrabble, search"} {"x":"gross","y":"[1]big, bulky, corpulent, dense, fat, great, heavy, hulking, large, lumpish, massive, obese, overweight, thick @@@@ [2]aggregate, before deductions, before tax, entire, total, whole @@@@ [3]coarse, crude, improper, impure, indecent, indelicate, lewd, low, obscene, offensive, ribald, rude, sensual, smutty, unseemly, vulgar, X-rated @@@@ [4]apparent, arrant, blatant, downright, egregious, flagrant, glaring, grievous, heinous, manifest, obvious, outrageous, plain, rank, serious, shameful, sheer, shocking, unmitigated, unqualified, utter @@@@ [5]boorish, callous, coarse, crass, dull, ignorant, imperceptive, insensitive, tasteless, uncultured, undiscriminating, unfeeling, unrefined, unsophisticated @@@@ [6]bring in, earn, make, rake in @@@@ [7]take"} {"x":"grotesque","y":"[1]absurd, bizarre, deformed, distorted, extravagant, fanciful, fantastic, freakish, incongruous, ludicrous, malformed, misshapen, odd, outlandish, preposterous, ridiculous, strange, unnatural, weird, whimsical"} {"x":"grouch","y":"[1]beef @@@@ [2]bellyache @@@@ [3]bitch @@@@ [4]bleat, carp, complain, find fault, gripe @@@@ [5]grouse, grumble, kvetch @@@@ [6]moan, whine, whinge @@@@ [7]beef @@@@ [8]complaint, grievance, gripe @@@@ [9]grouse, grumble, moan, objection, protest @@@@ [10]complainer, crab @@@@ [11]crosspatch @@@@ [12]curmudgeon, faultfinder, grouser, grumbler, malcontent, moaner, whiner"} {"x":"ground","y":"[1]clod, dirt, dry land, dust, earth, field, land, loam, mould, sod, soil, terra firma, terrain, turf @@@@ [2]area, country, district, domain, estate, fields, gardens, habitat, holding, land, property, realm, terrain, territory, tract @@@@ [3]account, argument, base, basis, call, cause, excuse, factor, foundation, inducement, justification, motive, occasion, premise, pretext, rationale, reason @@@@ [4]deposit, dregs, grouts, lees, sediment, settlings @@@@ [5]arena, field, park @@@@ [6]pitch, stadium @@@@ [7]base, establish, fix, found, set, settle @@@@ [8]acquaint with, coach, familiarize with, inform, initiate, instruct, prepare, teach, train, tutor @@@@ [9]cemetery, churchyard, God's acre, golgotha @@@@ [10]graveyard, necropolis @@@@ [11]calcium carbonate"} {"x":"group","y":"[1]aggregation, assemblage, association, band, batch, bevy, bunch, camp, category, circle, class, clique, clump, cluster, collection, company, congregation, coterie, crowd, faction, formation, gang, gathering, organization, pack, party, posse @@@@ [2]set, troop @@@@ [3]arrange, assemble, associate, assort, bracket, class, classify, dispose, gather, marshal, order, organize, put together, range, sort @@@@ [4]associate, band together, cluster, congregate, consort, fraternize, gather, get together"} {"x":"grouse","y":"[1]beef @@@@ [2]bellyache @@@@ [3]bitch @@@@ [4]bleat, carp, complain, find fault, gripe @@@@ [5]grouch @@@@ [6]grumble, kvetch @@@@ [7]moan, whine, whinge @@@@ [8]beef @@@@ [9]complaint, grievance, gripe @@@@ [10]grouch @@@@ [11]grumble, moan, objection, protest"} {"x":"grove","y":"[1]brake, coppice, copse, covert, hurst @@@@ [2]plantation, spinney, thicket, wood, woodland"} {"x":"grovel","y":"[1]abase oneself, bootlick @@@@ [2]cower, crawl, creep, cringe, crouch, demean oneself, fawn, flatter, humble oneself, kiss ass @@@@ [3]lick someone's boots, pander to, sneak, toady"} {"x":"grow","y":"[1]develop, enlarge, expand, extend, fill out, get bigger, get taller, heighten, increase, multiply, spread, stretch, swell, thicken, widen @@@@ [2]develop, flourish, germinate, shoot, spring up, sprout, vegetate @@@@ [3]arise, issue, originate, spring, stem @@@@ [4]advance, expand, flourish, improve, progress, prosper, succeed, thrive @@@@ [5]become, come to be, develop (into), get, turn, wax @@@@ [6]breed, cultivate, farm, nurture, produce, propagate, raise"} {"x":"growth","y":"[1]aggrandizement, augmentation, development, enlargement, evolution, expansion, extension, growing, heightening, increase, multiplication, proliferation, stretching, thickening, widening @@@@ [2]crop, cultivation, development, germination, produce, production, shooting, sprouting, vegetation @@@@ [3]advance, advancement, expansion, improvement, progress, prosperity, rise, success @@@@ [4]excrescence, lump, tumour"} {"x":"grub","y":"[1]burrow, dig up, probe, pull up, root @@@@ [2]rootle @@@@ [3]search for, uproot @@@@ [4]ferret, forage, hunt, rummage, scour, search, uncover, unearth @@@@ [5]drudge, grind @@@@ [6]labour, plod, slave, slog, sweat, toil @@@@ [7]caterpillar, larva, maggot @@@@ [8]eats @@@@ [9]feed, food, nosebag @@@@ [10]nosh @@@@ [11]rations, sustenance, tack @@@@ [12]victuals, vittles"} {"x":"grubby","y":"[1]besmeared, dirty, filthy, frowzy, grimy, grungy @@@@ [2]manky @@@@ [3]mean, messy, mucky, scruffy, scuzzy @@@@ [4]seedy, shabby, slovenly, smutty, soiled, sordid, squalid, unkempt, untidy, unwashed"} {"x":"grudge","y":"[1]animosity, animus, antipathy, aversion, bitterness, chip on one's shoulder @@@@ [2]dislike, enmity, grievance, hard feelings, hate, ill will, malevolence, malice, pique, rancour, resentment, spite, venom @@@@ [3]begrudge, be reluctant, complain, covet, envy, hold back, mind, resent, stint"} {"x":"gruesome","y":"[1]abominable, awful, fearful, from hell @@@@ [2]ghastly, grim, grisly, hellacious @@@@ [3]hideous, horrendous, horrible, horrid, horrific, horrifying, loathsome, macabre, obscene, repugnant, repulsive, shocking, spine-chilling, terrible"} {"x":"gruff","y":"[1]bad-tempered, bearish, blunt, brusque, churlish, crabbed, crusty, curt, discourteous, grouchy @@@@ [2]grumpy, ill-humoured, ill-natured, impolite, rough, rude, sour, sullen, surly, uncivil, ungracious, unmannerly @@@@ [3]croaking, guttural, harsh, hoarse, husky, low, rasping, rough, throaty"} {"x":"grumble","y":"[1]beef @@@@ [2]bellyache @@@@ [3]bitch @@@@ [4]bleat, carp, complain, find fault, gripe @@@@ [5]grouch @@@@ [6]grouse, kvetch @@@@ [7]moan, repine, whine, whinge @@@@ [8]growl, gurgle, murmur, mutter, roar, rumble @@@@ [9]beef @@@@ [10]complaint, grievance, gripe @@@@ [11]grouch @@@@ [12]grouse, moan, objection, protest @@@@ [13]growl, gurgle, murmur, muttering, roar, rumble"} {"x":"grumpy","y":"[1]cantankerous, crabbed, cross, crotchety @@@@ [2]edgy, grouchy @@@@ [3]grumbling, huffy, ill-tempered, irritable, liverish, peevish, petulant, querulous, ratty @@@@ [4]sulky, sullen, surly, testy, tetchy"} {"x":"guarantee","y":"[1]assurance, bond, certainty, collateral, covenant, earnest, guaranty, pledge, promise, security, surety, undertaking, warranty, word, word of honour @@@@ [2]answer for, assure, certify, ensure, insure, maintain, make certain, pledge, promise, protect, secure, stand behind, swear, vouch for, warrant"} {"x":"guarantor","y":"[1]backer, bailsman @@@@ [2]bondsman @@@@ [3]guarantee, sponsor, supporter, surety, underwriter, voucher, warrantor"} {"x":"guaranty","y":"[1]agreement, assurance, bond, contract, covenant, guarantee, insurance, oath, pledge, promise, undertaking, warrant, warranty, word @@@@ [2]bail, bond, collateral, deposit, earnest, gage, pawn, pledge, security, token"} {"x":"guard","y":"[1]cover, defend, escort, keep, mind, oversee, patrol, police, preserve, protect, safeguard, save, screen, secure, shelter, shield, supervise, tend, watch, watch over @@@@ [2]custodian, defender, lookout, picket, protector, sentinel, sentry, warder, watch, watchman @@@@ [3]convoy, escort, patrol @@@@ [4]buffer, bulwark, bumper, defence, pad, protection, rampart, safeguard, screen, security, shield @@@@ [5]attention, care, caution, heed, vigilance, wariness, watchfulness @@@@ [6]napping, unprepared, unready, unwary, with one's defences down @@@@ [7]alert, cautious, circumspect, on the alert, on the lookout, on the qui vive, prepared, ready, vigilant, wary, watchful"} {"x":"guardian","y":"[1]attendant, champion, curator, custodian, defender, escort, guard, keeper, preserver, protector, trustee, warden, warder"} {"x":"guess","y":"[1]conjecture, estimate, fathom, hypothesize, penetrate, predict, solve, speculate, work out @@@@ [2]believe, conjecture, dare say, deem, divine, fancy, hazard, imagine, judge, reckon, suppose, surmise, suspect, think @@@@ [3]ballpark figure @@@@ [4]conjecture, feeling, hypothesis, judgment, notion, prediction, reckoning, shot in the dark, speculation, supposition, surmise, suspicion, theory"} {"x":"guest","y":"[1]boarder, caller, company, lodger, visitant, visitor"} {"x":"guidance","y":"[1]advice, auspices, conduct, control, counsel, counselling, direction, government, help, instruction, intelligence, leadership, management, teaching"} {"x":"guide","y":"[1]accompany, attend, conduct, convoy, direct, escort, lead, pilot, shepherd, show the way, steer, usher @@@@ [2]command, control, direct, handle, manage, manoeuvre, steer @@@@ [3]advise, counsel, educate, govern, influence, instruct, oversee, regulate, rule, superintend, supervise, sway, teach, train @@@@ [4]adviser, attendant, chaperon, cicerone, conductor, controller, counsellor, director, dragoman, escort, leader, mentor, monitor, pilot, steersman, teacher, torchbearer, usher @@@@ [5]criterion, example, exemplar, ideal, imago @@@@ [6]inspiration, lodestar, master, model, par, paradigm, standard @@@@ [7]beacon, clue, guiding light, key, landmark, lodestar, mark, marker, pointer, sign, signal, signpost @@@@ [8]Baedeker, catalogue, directory, guidebook, handbook, instructions, key, manual, vade mecum"} {"x":"guild","y":"[1]association, brotherhood, club, company, corporation, fellowship, fraternity, league, lodge, order, organization, society, union"} {"x":"guile","y":"[1]art, artfulness, artifice, cleverness, craft, craftiness, cunning, deceit, deception, duplicity, gamesmanship @@@@ [2]knavery, ruse, sharp practice, slyness, treachery, trickery, trickiness, wiliness"} {"x":"guileless","y":"[1]above-board, artless, candid, frank, genuine, honest, ingenuous, innocent, naive, natural, open, simple, simple-minded, sincere, straightforward, truthful, undesigning, unsophisticated, upfront"} {"x":"guilt","y":"[1]blame, blameworthiness, criminality, culpability, delinquency, guiltiness, iniquity, misconduct, responsibility, sinfulness, wickedness, wrong, wrongdoing @@@@ [2]bad conscience, contrition, disgrace, dishonour, guiltiness, guilty conscience, infamy, regret, remorse, self-condemnation, self-reproach, shame, stigma"} {"x":"guilty","y":"[1]at fault, blameworthy, convicted, criminal, culpable, delinquent, erring, evil, felonious, iniquitous, offending, reprehensible, responsible, sinful, to blame, wicked, wrong @@@@ [2]ashamed, conscience-stricken, contrite, hangdog, regretful, remorseful, rueful, shamefaced, sheepish, sorry"} {"x":"guise","y":"[1]air, appearance, aspect, behaviour, demeanour, disguise, dress, facade, face, fashion, form, front, mask, mode, pretence, semblance, shape, show"} {"x":"gulf","y":"[1]bay, bight, sea inlet @@@@ [2]abyss, breach, chasm, cleft, gap, opening, rent, rift, separation, split, void, whirlpool"} {"x":"gull","y":"[1]chump @@@@ [2]dupe, easy mark @@@@ [3]fool, gudgeon @@@@ [4]mug @@@@ [5]sap @@@@ [6]simpleton, sucker @@@@ [7]beguile, cheat, con @@@@ [8]cozen, deceive, defraud, dupe, hoax, pull a fast one on @@@@ [9]rook @@@@ [10]stiff @@@@ [11]take in @@@@ [12]trick"} {"x":"gullet","y":"[1]craw, crop, maw, oesophagus, throat"} {"x":"gully","y":"[1]channel, ditch, gutter, watercourse"} {"x":"gulp","y":"[1]bolt, devour, gobble, guzzle, knock back @@@@ [2]quaff, swallow, swig @@@@ [3]swill, toss off, wolf @@@@ [4]choke, gasp, stifle, swallow @@@@ [5]draught, mouthful, swallow, swig"} {"x":"gum","y":"[1]adhesive, cement, exudate, glue, mucilage, paste, resin @@@@ [2]affix, cement, clog, glue, paste, stick, stiffen"} {"x":"gumption","y":"[1]ability, acumen, astuteness, cleverness, common sense, discernment, enterprise, get-up-and-go @@@@ [2]horse sense, initiative, mother wit, nous @@@@ [3]resourcefulness, sagacity, savvy @@@@ [4]shrewdness, spirit, wit(s)"} {"x":"gun","y":"[1]firearm, handgun, heater @@@@ [2]piece @@@@ [3]rod @@@@ [4]shooter"} {"x":"gurgle","y":"[1]babble, bubble, burble, crow, lap, murmur, plash, purl, ripple, splash @@@@ [2]babble, murmur, purl, ripple"} {"x":"gush","y":"[1]burst, cascade, flood, flow, issue, jet, pour, run, rush, spout, spurt, stream @@@@ [2]babble, blather, chatter, effervesce, effuse, enthuse, jabber, overstate, spout @@@@ [3]burst, cascade, flood, flow, issue, jet, outburst, outflow, rush, spout, spurt, stream, torrent @@@@ [4]babble, blather, chatter, effusion, exuberance"} {"x":"gust","y":"[1]blast, blow, breeze, flurry, gale, puff, rush, squall @@@@ [2]burst, eruption, explosion, fit, gale, outburst, paroxysm, passion, storm, surge @@@@ [3]blast, blow, puff, squall @@@@ [4]When the wind gusts, it blows with short, strong, sudden rushes."} {"x":"gusto","y":"[1]appetite, appreciation, brio, delight, enjoyment, enthusiasm, exhilaration, fervour, liking, pleasure, relish, savour, verve, zeal, zest, zing"} {"x":"gut","y":"[1]belly, bowels, entrails, innards @@@@ [2]insides @@@@ [3]intestines, inwards, paunch, stomach, viscera @@@@ [4]audacity, backbone, boldness, bottle @@@@ [5]courage, daring, forcefulness, grit, hardihood, mettle, nerve, pluck, spirit, spunk @@@@ [6]willpower @@@@ [7]clean, disembowel, draw, dress, eviscerate @@@@ [8]clean out, despoil, empty, pillage, plunder, ransack, ravage, rifle, sack, strip @@@@ [9]basic, deep-seated, emotional, heartfelt, innate, instinctive, intuitive, involuntary, natural, spontaneous, unthinking, visceral"} {"x":"gutter","y":"[1]channel, conduit, ditch, drain, duct, pipe, sluice, trench, trough, tube"} {"x":"guttural","y":"[1]deep, gravelly, gruff, hoarse, husky, low, rasping, rough, thick, throaty"} {"x":"guy","y":"[1]bloke @@@@ [2]cat @@@@ [3]chap, fellow, lad, man, person, youth @@@@ [4]caricature, make (a) game of, make fun of, mock, poke fun at, rib @@@@ [5]ridicule, send up @@@@ [6]take off"} {"x":"guzzle","y":"[1]bolt, carouse, cram, devour, drink, gobble, gorge, gormandize, knock back @@@@ [2]pig out @@@@ [3]quaff, stuff (oneself), swill, tope, wolf"} {"x":"gyrate","y":"[1]circle, pirouette, revolve, rotate, spin, spiral, twirl, whirl"} {"x":"gyration","y":"[1]convolution, pirouette, revolution, rotation, spin, spinning, spiral, whirl, whirling"} {"x":"habiliment","y":"[1]apparel, array, attire, clothes, clothing, costume, dress, garb, garment, habit, raiment @@@@ [2]robes, uniform, vestments"} {"x":"habit","y":"[1]bent, custom, disposition, manner, mannerism, practice, proclivity, propensity, quirk, tendency, way @@@@ [2]convention, custom, mode, practice, routine, rule, second nature, tradition, usage, wont @@@@ [3]constitution, disposition, frame of mind, make-up, nature @@@@ [4]addiction, dependence, fixation, obsession, weakness @@@@ [5]apparel, dress, garb, garment, habiliment, riding dress @@@@ [6]array, attire, clothe, dress, equip @@@@ [7]addictive, compulsive, moreish"} {"x":"habitat","y":"[1]abode, element, environment, home, home ground, locality, natural home, surroundings, terrain, territory"} {"x":"habitation","y":"[1]abode, domicile, dwelling, dwelling house, home, house, living quarters, lodging, pad @@@@ [2]quarters, residence @@@@ [3]inhabitance, inhabitancy, occupancy, occupation, tenancy"} {"x":"habitual","y":"[1]accustomed, common, customary, familiar, fixed, natural, normal, ordinary, regular, routine, standard, traditional, usual, wonted @@@@ [2]chronic, confirmed, constant, established, frequent, hardened, ingrained, inveterate, persistent, recurrent"} {"x":"habituate","y":"[1]acclimatize, accustom, acquaint, break in, condition, discipline, familiarize, harden, inure, make used to, school, season, train"} {"x":"hack","y":"[1]chop, cut, gash, hew, kick, lacerate, mangle, mutilate, notch, slash @@@@ [2]chop, cut, gash, notch, slash @@@@ [3]bark, cough, rasp @@@@ [4]banal, mediocre, pedestrian, poor, stereotyped, tired, undistinguished, uninspired, unoriginal @@@@ [5]Grub Street writer, literary hack, penny-a-liner, scribbler @@@@ [6]drudge, plodder, slave @@@@ [7]crock, hired horse, horse, jade, nag, poor old tired horse"} {"x":"haft","y":"[1]handle, helve, shaft"} {"x":"hag","y":"[1]ballbreaker @@@@ [2]beldam @@@@ [3]crone, fury, harridan, Jezebel, shrew, termagant, virago, vixen, witch @@@@ [4]angst-ridden, anxiety-ridden, careworn, ground down, harassed, tormented, with all the troubles of the world on one's shoulders, worn down, worried"} {"x":"haggard","y":"[1]careworn, drawn, emaciated, gaunt, ghastly, hollow-eyed, pinched, shrunken, thin, wan, wasted, wrinkled"} {"x":"haggle","y":"[1]bargain, barter, beat down, chaffer, dicker @@@@ [2]drive a hard bargain, higgle, palter @@@@ [3]bicker, dispute, quarrel, squabble, wrangle"} {"x":"hail","y":"[1]barrage, bombardment, downpour, pelting, rain, shower, storm, volley @@@@ [2]barrage, batter, beat down upon, bombard, pelt, rain, rain down on, shower, storm, volley @@@@ [3]acclaim, acknowledge, applaud, cheer, exalt, glorify, greet, honour, salute, welcome @@@@ [4]accost, address, call, flag down, halloo, shout to, signal to, sing out, speak to, wave down @@@@ [5]be a native of, be born in, come from, originate in"} {"x":"hair","y":"[1]head of hair, locks, mane, mop, shock, tresses @@@@ [2]aggravate @@@@ [3]harass, hassle @@@@ [4]irritate, nark @@@@ [5]plague @@@@ [6]chill out @@@@ [7]relax, veg out @@@@ [8]cavil, find fault, overrefine, pettifog, quibble @@@@ [9]alarming, bloodcurdling, breathtaking, creepy, exciting, frightening, horrifying, petrifying, scary, shocking, spine-chilling, startling, terrifying, thrilling @@@@ [10]fraction, hair, jot, narrow margin, whisker @@@@ [11]close, hazardous, narrow @@@@ [12]calm down!"} {"x":"hairy","y":"[1]bearded, bewhiskered, bushy, fleecy, furry, hirsute, pileous @@@@ [2]pilose @@@@ [3]shaggy, stubbly, unshaven, woolly @@@@ [4]dangerous, difficult, hazardous, perilous, risky, scaring"} {"x":"halcyon","y":"[1]calm, gentle, mild, pacific, peaceful, placid, quiet, serene, still, tranquil, undisturbed, unruffled @@@@ [2]carefree, flourishing, golden, happy, palmy, prosperous"} {"x":"hale","y":"[1]able-bodied, blooming, fit, flourishing, healthy, hearty, in fine fettle, in the pink, right as rain @@@@ [2]robust, sound, strong, vigorous, well"} {"x":"half","y":"[1]bisection, division, equal part, fifty per cent, fraction, hemisphere, portion, section @@@@ [2]divided, fractional, halved, incomplete, limited, moderate, partial @@@@ [3]after a fashion, all but, barely, inadequately, incompletely, in part, partially, partly, pretty nearly, slightly @@@@ [4]considerably, excessively, very much @@@@ [5]brainless, crackpot @@@@ [6]crazy, foolish, harebrained, inane, loopy @@@@ [7]senseless, silly, stupid @@@@ [8]ill-conceived, ill-judged, impractical, poorly planned, short-sighted, unformed, unthought out or through @@@@ [9]apathetic, cool, half-arsed @@@@ [10]half-assed @@@@ [11]indifferent, lacklustre, listless, lukewarm, neutral, passive, perfunctory, spiritless, tame, unenthusiastic, uninterested"} {"x":"halfway","y":"[1]incompletely, moderately, nearly, partially, partly, rather @@@@ [2]accommodate, come to terms, compromise, concede, give and take, strike a balance, trade off @@@@ [3]central, equidistant, intermediate, mid, middle, midway @@@@ [4]imperfect, incomplete, moderate, partial, part-way"} {"x":"hall","y":"[1]corridor, entrance hall, entry, foyer, hallway, lobby, passage, passageway, vestibule @@@@ [2]assembly room, auditorium, chamber, concert hall, meeting place"} {"x":"hallmark","y":"[1]authentication, device, endorsement, mark, seal, sign, signet, stamp, symbol @@@@ [2]badge, emblem, indication, sure sign, telltale sign"} {"x":"hallow","y":"[1]bless, consecrate, dedicate, devote, enshrine, glorify, magnify @@@@ [2]respect, revere, reverence, sanctify, venerate"} {"x":"hallucination","y":"[1]aberration, apparition, delusion, dream, fantasy, figment of the imagination, illusion, mirage, phantasmagoria, vision"} {"x":"halo","y":"[1]aura, aureole or aureola, corona, halation @@@@ [2]nimbus, radiance, ring of light"} {"x":"halt","y":"[1]belay @@@@ [2]break off, call it a day, cease, close down, come to an end, desist, draw up, pull up, rest, stand still, stop, wait @@@@ [3]arrest, block, bring to an end, check, curb, cut short, end, hold back, impede, nip in the bud, obstruct, staunch, stem, stem the flow, terminate @@@@ [4]arrest, break, close, end, impasse, interruption, pause, stand, standstill, stop, stoppage, termination"} {"x":"halve","y":"[1]bisect, cut in half, divide equally, reduce by fifty per cent, share equally, split in two @@@@ [2]imperfectly, incompletely, scrappily, skimpily"} {"x":"hammer","y":"[1]bang, beat, drive, hit, knock, lambast(e), strike, tap @@@@ [2]beat out, fashion, forge, form, make, shape @@@@ [3]din into, drive home, drub into, drum into, grind into, impress upon, instruct, repeat @@@@ [4]beaver away @@@@ [5]drudge, grind, keep on, peg away @@@@ [6]persevere, persist, plug away @@@@ [7]pound away, stick at, work @@@@ [8]clobber @@@@ [9]defeat, drub, lick @@@@ [10]slate @@@@ [11]stuff @@@@ [12]tank @@@@ [13]thrash, trounce, undo, wipe the floor with @@@@ [14]worst @@@@ [15]accomplish, bring about, come to a conclusion, complete, excogitate, finish, form a resolution, make a decision, negotiate, produce, settle, sort out, thrash out, work out"} {"x":"hamper","y":"[1]bind, cramp, curb, embarrass, encumber, entangle, fetter, frustrate, hamstring, handicap, hinder, hobble, hold up, impede, interfere with, obstruct, prevent, restrain, restrict, slow down, thwart, trammel"} {"x":"hamstring","y":"[1]cripple, disable, hock, injure, lame @@@@ [2]balk, foil, frustrate, prevent, ruin, stop, thwart"} {"x":"hand","y":"[1]fist, hook, meathook @@@@ [2]mitt @@@@ [3]palm, paw @@@@ [4]agency, direction, influence, part, participation, share @@@@ [5]aid, assistance, help, support @@@@ [6]artificer, artisan, craftsman, employee, hired man, labourer, operative, worker, workman @@@@ [7]calligraphy, chirography, handwriting, longhand, penmanship, script @@@@ [8]clap, ovation, round of applause @@@@ [9]ability, art, artistry, skill @@@@ [10]approaching, at one's fingertips, available, close, handy, imminent, just round the corner, near, nearby, on tap @@@@ [11]ready, within reach @@@@ [12]by necessity, improvidently, in poverty, insecurely, on the breadline @@@@ [13]precariously, uncertainly @@@@ [14]allied, in cahoots @@@@ [15]by leaps and bounds, easily, steadily, swiftly @@@@ [16]in order, receiving attention, under control @@@@ [17]available for use, in reserve, put by, ready @@@@ [18]deliver, hand over, pass @@@@ [19]aid, assist, conduct, convey, give, guide, help, lead, present, transmit @@@@ [20]ace @@@@ [21]adept, buff @@@@ [22]dabster @@@@ [23]expert, hotshot @@@@ [24]maven @@@@ [25]past master, whizz @@@@ [26]wizard @@@@ [27]authority, blank cheque, carte blanche, discretion, freedom, latitude, liberty, scope @@@@ [28]bequeath, give, grant, pass on or down, transfer, will @@@@ [29]cast-off, handed down, inherited, passed on, reach-me-down @@@@ [30]second-hand, used, worn @@@@ [31]alms, charity, dole @@@@ [32]bulletin, circular, free sample, leaflet, literature @@@@ [33]mailshot, press release @@@@ [34]deal out, disburse, dish out @@@@ [35]dispense, disseminate, distribute, give out, mete @@@@ [36]deliver, donate, fork out or up @@@@ [37]present, release, surrender, transfer, turn over, yield @@@@ [38]choice, chosen, elect, elite, recherche, select, selected"} {"x":"handful","y":"[1]few, small number, small quantity, smattering, sprinkling"} {"x":"handicap","y":"[1]albatross, barrier, block, disadvantage, drawback, encumbrance, hazard, hindrance, impediment, limitation, millstone, obstacle, restriction, shortcoming, stumbling block @@@@ [2]advantage, edge, head start, odds, penalty, upper hand @@@@ [3]defect, disability, impairment @@@@ [4]burden, encumber, hamper, hamstring, hinder, hobble, hold back, impede, limit, place at a disadvantage, restrict, retard"} {"x":"handkerchief","y":"[1]hanky @@@@ [2]mouchoir, nose rag @@@@ [3]snot rag @@@@ [4]tissue"} {"x":"handle","y":"[1]grip, haft, handgrip, helve, hilt, knob, stock @@@@ [2]feel, finger, fondle, grasp, hold, maul, paw @@@@ [3]pick up, poke, touch @@@@ [4]control, direct, guide, manage, manipulate, manoeuvre, operate, steer, use, wield @@@@ [5]administer, conduct, cope with, deal with, manage, supervise, take care of, treat @@@@ [6]discourse, discuss, treat @@@@ [7]carry, deal in, market, sell, stock, trade, traffic in"} {"x":"handling","y":"[1]administration, approach, conduct, direction, management, manipulation, running, treatment"} {"x":"hands","y":"[1]authority, care, charge, command, control, custody, disposal, guardianship, keeping, possession, power, supervision @@@@ [2]easily, effortlessly, with no contest, with no trouble @@@@ [3]fist, hook, meathook @@@@ [4]mitt @@@@ [5]palm, paw @@@@ [6]agency, direction, influence, part, participation, share @@@@ [7]aid, assistance, help, support @@@@ [8]artificer, artisan, craftsman, employee, hired man, labourer, operative, worker, workman @@@@ [9]calligraphy, chirography, handwriting, longhand, penmanship, script @@@@ [10]clap, ovation, round of applause @@@@ [11]ability, art, artistry, skill @@@@ [12]approaching, at one's fingertips, available, close, handy, imminent, just round the corner, near, nearby, on tap @@@@ [13]ready, within reach @@@@ [14]by necessity, improvidently, in poverty, insecurely, on the breadline @@@@ [15]precariously, uncertainly @@@@ [16]allied, in cahoots @@@@ [17]by leaps and bounds, easily, steadily, swiftly @@@@ [18]in order, receiving attention, under control @@@@ [19]available for use, in reserve, put by, ready @@@@ [20]deliver, hand over, pass @@@@ [21]aid, assist, conduct, convey, give, guide, help, lead, present, transmit @@@@ [22]ace @@@@ [23]adept, buff @@@@ [24]dabster @@@@ [25]expert, hotshot @@@@ [26]maven @@@@ [27]past master, whizz @@@@ [28]wizard @@@@ [29]authority, blank cheque, carte blanche, discretion, freedom, latitude, liberty, scope @@@@ [30]bequeath, give, grant, pass on or down, transfer, will @@@@ [31]cast-off, handed down, inherited, passed on, reach-me-down @@@@ [32]second-hand, used, worn @@@@ [33]alms, charity, dole @@@@ [34]bulletin, circular, free sample, leaflet, literature @@@@ [35]mailshot, press release @@@@ [36]deal out, disburse, dish out @@@@ [37]dispense, disseminate, distribute, give out, mete @@@@ [38]deliver, donate, fork out or up @@@@ [39]present, release, surrender, transfer, turn over, yield @@@@ [40]choice, chosen, elect, elite, recherche, select, selected"} {"x":"handsome","y":"[1]admirable, attractive, becoming, comely, dishy @@@@ [2]elegant, fine, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, majestic, personable, stately, well-proportioned @@@@ [3]abundant, ample, bountiful, considerable, generous, gracious, large, liberal, magnanimous, plentiful, sizable or sizeable"} {"x":"handy","y":"[1]accessible, at or on hand, at one's fingertips, available, close, convenient, just round the corner, near, nearby, within reach @@@@ [2]convenient, easy to use, helpful, manageable, neat, practical, serviceable, useful, user-friendly @@@@ [3]adept, adroit, clever, deft, dexterous, expert, nimble, proficient, ready, skilful, skilled"} {"x":"hang","y":"[1]be pendent, dangle, depend, droop, incline, suspend @@@@ [2]execute, gibbet, lynch, send to the gallows, string up @@@@ [3]adhere, cling, hold, rest, stick @@@@ [4]attach, cover, deck, decorate, drape, fasten, fix, furnish @@@@ [5]be poised, drift, float, hover, remain, swing @@@@ [6]bend downward, bend forward, bow, dangle, drop, incline, lean over, let droop, loll, lower, sag, trail @@@@ [7]be slow, be suspended, delay, hang back, procrastinate, stall, stick, vacillate @@@@ [8]comprehend, get the knack or technique, grasp, understand @@@@ [9]dally, linger, loiter, roam, tarry, waste time @@@@ [10]associate with, frequent, hang out @@@@ [11]hang with @@@@ [12]haunt, resort @@@@ [13]be backward, be reluctant, demur, hesitate, hold back, recoil @@@@ [14]carry on, continue, endure, go on, hold on, hold out, persevere, persist, remain, stay the course @@@@ [15]cling, clutch, grasp, grip, hold fast @@@@ [16]be conditional upon, be contingent on, be dependent on, be determined by, depend on, hinge, rest, turn on @@@@ [17]be rapt, give ear, listen attentively @@@@ [18]hold on, hold the line, remain, stop, wait @@@@ [19]den, dive @@@@ [20]haunt, home, joint @@@@ [21]resort @@@@ [22]be imminent, impend, loom, menace, threaten @@@@ [23]block, difficulty, inhibition, obsession, preoccupation, problem, thing"} {"x":"hangdog","y":"[1]abject, browbeaten, cowed, cringing, defeated, downcast, furtive, guilty, shamefaced, sneaking, wretched"} {"x":"hanging","y":"[1]dangling, drooping, flapping, flopping, floppy, loose, pendent, suspended, swinging, unattached, unsupported @@@@ [2]undecided, unresolved, unsettled, up in the air @@@@ [3]beetle, beetling, jutting, overhanging, projecting, prominent"} {"x":"hangover","y":"[1]aftereffects, crapulence, head @@@@ [2]morning after"} {"x":"hank","y":"[1]coil, length, loop, piece, roll, skein"} {"x":"hanker","y":"[1]ache, covet, crave, desire, eat one's heart out over, hope, hunger, itch, long, lust, pine, set one's heart on, thirst, want, wish, yearn, yen"} {"x":"haphazard","y":"[1]accidental, arbitrary, chance, fluky @@@@ [2]random @@@@ [3]aimless, careless, casual, disorderly, disorganized, hit or miss @@@@ [4]indiscriminate, slapdash, slipshod, unmethodical, unsystematic"} {"x":"hapless","y":"[1]cursed, ill-fated, ill-starred, jinxed, luckless, miserable, unfortunate, unhappy, unlucky, wretched"} {"x":"happen","y":"[1]appear, arise, come about, come off @@@@ [2]develop, ensue, eventuate, follow, materialize, occur, present itself, result, see the light of day, take place, transpire @@@@ [3]become of, befall, betide @@@@ [4]chance, fall out, have the fortune to be, pan out @@@@ [5]supervene, turn out @@@@ [6]chance upon, come upon, discover unexpectedly, find, hit upon, light upon, stumble on, turn up"} {"x":"happening","y":"[1]accident, adventure, affair, case, chance, episode, escapade, event, experience, incident, occasion, occurrence, phenomenon, proceeding, scene"} {"x":"happily","y":"[1]agreeably, contentedly, delightedly, enthusiastically, freely, gladly, heartily, lief @@@@ [2]willingly, with pleasure @@@@ [3]blithely, cheerfully, gaily, gleefully, joyfully, joyously, merrily @@@@ [4]auspiciously, favourably, fortunately, luckily, opportunely, propitiously, providentially, seasonably @@@@ [5]appropriately, aptly, felicitously, gracefully, successfully"} {"x":"happiness","y":"[1]beatitude, blessedness, bliss, cheer, cheerfulness, cheeriness, contentment, delight, ecstasy, elation, enjoyment, exuberance, felicity, gaiety, gladness, high spirits, joy, jubilation, light-heartedness, merriment, pleasure, prosperity, satisfaction, wellbeing"} {"x":"happy","y":"[1]blessed, blest, blissful, blithe, cheerful, cock-a-hoop, content, contented, delighted, ecstatic, elated, floating on air, glad, gratified, jolly, joyful, joyous, jubilant, merry, on cloud nine @@@@ [2]pleased, rapt, sunny, thrilled, walking on air @@@@ [3]advantageous, appropriate, apt, auspicious, befitting, convenient, enviable, favourable, felicitous, fortunate, lucky, opportune, promising, propitious, satisfactory, seasonable, successful, timely, well-timed @@@@ [4]advantageous, appropriate, apt, auspicious, befitting, convenient, enviable, favourable, felicitous, fortunate, lucky, opportune, promising, propitious, satisfactory, seasonable, successful, timely, well-timed"} {"x":"harangue","y":"[1]address, declamation, diatribe, exhortation, lecture, oration, philippic, screed, speech, spiel @@@@ [2]tirade @@@@ [3]address, declaim, exhort, hold forth, lecture, rant, spout"} {"x":"harass","y":"[1]annoy, badger, bait, beleaguer, be on one's back @@@@ [2]bother, breathe down someone's neck, chivvy @@@@ [3]devil @@@@ [4]disturb, exasperate, exhaust, fatigue, harry, hassle @@@@ [5]hound, perplex, persecute, pester, plague, tease, tire, torment, trouble, vex, weary, worry"} {"x":"harbinger","y":"[1]forerunner, foretoken, herald, indication, messenger, omen, portent, precursor, sign"} {"x":"hard","y":"[1]compact, dense, firm, impenetrable, inflexible, rigid, rock-like, solid, stiff, stony, strong, tough, unyielding @@@@ [2]arduous, backbreaking, burdensome, exacting, exhausting, fatiguing, formidable, Herculean, laborious, rigorous, strenuous, toilsome, tough, uphill, wearying @@@@ [3]baffling, complex, complicated, difficult, intricate, involved, knotty, perplexing, puzzling, tangled, thorny, unfathomable @@@@ [4]affectless, callous, cold, cruel, exacting, grim, hardhearted, harsh, implacable, obdurate, pitiless, ruthless, severe, stern, strict, stubborn, unfeeling, unjust, unkind, unrelenting, unsparing, unsympathetic @@@@ [5]calamitous, dark, disagreeable, disastrous, distressing, grievous, grim, intolerable, painful, unpleasant @@@@ [6]driving, fierce, forceful, heavy, powerful, strong, violent @@@@ [7]acrimonious, angry, antagonistic, bitter, hostile, rancorous, resentful @@@@ [8]actual, bare, cold, definite, indisputable, plain, undeniable, unvarnished, verified @@@@ [9]energetically, fiercely, forcefully, forcibly, heavily, intensely, powerfully, severely, sharply, strongly, vigorously, violently, with all one's might, with might and main @@@@ [10]assiduously, determinedly, diligently, doggedly, earnestly, industriously, intently, persistently, steadily, strenuously, untiringly @@@@ [11]agonizingly, badly, distressingly, harshly, laboriously, painfully, roughly, severely, with difficulty @@@@ [12]bitterly, hardly, keenly, rancorously, reluctantly, resentfully, slowly, sorely @@@@ [13]bitterly, hardly, keenly, rancorously, reluctantly, resentfully, slowly, sorely @@@@ [14]bitterly, hardly, keenly, rancorously, reluctantly, resentfully, slowly, sorely @@@@ [15]bitterly, hardly, keenly, rancorously, reluctantly, resentfully, slowly, sorely @@@@ [16]bitterly, hardly, keenly, rancorously, reluctantly, resentfully, slowly, sorely"} {"x":"hardihood","y":"[1]backbone, boldness, bottle @@@@ [2]bravery, courage, daring, determination, firmness, grit, guts @@@@ [3]intrepidity, mettle, nerve, pluck, resolution, spirit, spunk @@@@ [4]strength @@@@ [5]assurance, audacity, effrontery, foolhardiness, impertinence, impetuousness, rashness, recklessness, temerity"} {"x":"hardly","y":"[1]almost not, at a push, barely, by no means, faintly, infrequently, just, not at all, not quite, no way, only, only just, scarcely, with difficulty"} {"x":"hardy","y":"[1]firm, fit, hale, healthy, hearty, in fine fettle, lusty, robust, rugged, sound, stalwart, stout, strong, sturdy, tough, vigorous @@@@ [2]bold, brave, courageous, daring, feisty @@@@ [3]gritty, heroic, intrepid, manly, plucky, resolute, stouthearted, valiant, valorous @@@@ [4]audacious, brazen, foolhardy, headstrong, impudent, rash, reckless"} {"x":"harebrained","y":"[1]asinine, careless, empty-headed, flighty, foolish, giddy, half-baked @@@@ [2]harum-scarum, heedless, inane, mindless, rash, reckless, scatterbrained, unstable, unsteady, wild"} {"x":"harem","y":"[1]gynaeceum @@@@ [2]seraglio, women's quarters, zenana"} {"x":"hark","y":"[1]attend, give ear, give heed, hear, hearken @@@@ [2]listen, mark, notice, pay attention @@@@ [3]look back, recall, recollect, regress, remember, revert, think back"} {"x":"harlot","y":"[1]call girl, fallen woman, hussy, loose woman, pro @@@@ [2]prostitute, scrubber @@@@ [3]slag @@@@ [4]slapper @@@@ [5]streetwalker, strumpet, tart @@@@ [6]tramp @@@@ [7]whore, working girl"} {"x":"harm","y":"[1]abuse, damage, detriment, disservice, hurt, ill, impairment, injury, loss, mischief, misfortune @@@@ [2]evil, immorality, iniquity, sin, sinfulness, vice, wickedness, wrong @@@@ [3]abuse, blemish, damage, hurt, ill-treat, ill-use, impair, injure, lay a finger on, maltreat, mar, molest, ruin, spoil, wound"} {"x":"harmonious","y":"[1]agreeable, compatible, concordant, congruous, consonant, coordinated, correspondent, dulcet, euphonic, euphonious, harmonic, harmonizing, matching, mellifluous, melodious, musical, sweet-sounding, symphonious @@@@ [2]tuneful @@@@ [3]agreeable, amicable, compatible, concordant, congenial, cordial, en rapport, fraternal, friendly, in accord, in harmony, in unison, of one mind, sympathetic"} {"x":"harmonize","y":"[1]accord, adapt, agree, arrange, attune, be in unison, be of one mind, blend, chime with, cohere, compose, coordinate, correspond, match, reconcile, suit, tally, tone in with"} {"x":"harmony","y":"[1]accord, agreement, amicability, amity, assent, compatibility, concord, conformity, consensus, cooperation, friendship, goodwill, like-mindedness, order, peace, rapport, sympathy, unanimity, understanding, unity @@@@ [2]balance, compatibility, concord, congruity, consistency, consonance, coordination, correspondence, fitness, parallelism, suitability, symmetry @@@@ [3]euphony, melodiousness, melody, tune, tunefulness, unison"} {"x":"harness","y":"[1]equipment, gear, tack, tackle, trappings @@@@ [2]active, at work, busy, in action, working @@@@ [3]couple, hitch up, put in harness, saddle, yoke @@@@ [4]apply, channel, control, employ, exploit, make productive, mobilize, render useful, turn to account, utilize"} {"x":"harp","y":"[1]dwell on, go on, labour, press, reiterate, renew, repeat, rub it in"} {"x":"harridan","y":"[1]ballbreaker @@@@ [2]battle-axe @@@@ [3]nag, scold, shrew, tartar, termagant, virago, witch, Xanthippe"} {"x":"harrow","y":"[1]agonize, distress, harass, lacerate, perturb, rack, rend, tear, torment, torture, vex, wound, wring"} {"x":"harry","y":"[1]annoy, badger, bedevil, be on one's back @@@@ [2]bother, breathe down someone's neck, chivvy, disturb, fret, get in one's hair @@@@ [3]harass, hassle @@@@ [4]molest, persecute, pester, plague, tease, torment, trouble, vex, worry @@@@ [5]depredate @@@@ [6]despoil, devastate, pillage, plunder, raid, ravage, rob, sack"} {"x":"harsh","y":"[1]coarse, croaking, crude, discordant, dissonant, glaring, grating, guttural, jarring, rasping, raucous, rough, strident, unmelodious @@@@ [2]abusive, austere, bitter, bleak, brutal, comfortless, cruel, dour, Draconian, drastic, grim, hard, pitiless, punitive, relentless, ruthless, severe, sharp, Spartan, stern, stringent, unfeeling, unkind, unpleasant, unrelenting"} {"x":"harvest","y":"[1]harvesting, harvest-time, ingathering, reaping @@@@ [2]crop, produce, yield @@@@ [3]consequence, effect, fruition, product, result, return @@@@ [4]gather, mow, pick, pluck, reap @@@@ [5]accumulate, acquire, amass, collect, garner"} {"x":"hash","y":"[1]balls-up @@@@ [2]cock-up @@@@ [3]confusion, fuck-up @@@@ [4]hodgepodge @@@@ [5]hotchpotch, jumble, mess, mishmash, mix-up, muddle, pig's breakfast @@@@ [6]pig's ear @@@@ [7]shambles, state @@@@ [8]bodge @@@@ [9]botch, bungle, cock up @@@@ [10]flub @@@@ [11]fuck up @@@@ [12]mess up, mishandle, mismanage, mix, muddle"} {"x":"hassle","y":"[1]altercation, argument, bickering, disagreement, dispute, fight, quarrel, row, squabble, tussle, wrangle @@@@ [2]bother, difficulty, grief @@@@ [3]inconvenience, problem, struggle, trial, trouble, upset @@@@ [4]annoy, badger, be on one's back @@@@ [5]bother, breath down someone's neck, bug @@@@ [6]harass, harry, hound, pester"} {"x":"haste","y":"[1]alacrity, briskness, celerity, dispatch, expedition, fleetness, nimbleness, promptitude, quickness, rapidity, rapidness, speed, swiftness, urgency, velocity @@@@ [2]bustle, hastiness, helter-skelter, hurry, hustle, impetuosity, precipitateness, rashness, recklessness, rush"} {"x":"hasten","y":"[1]barrel (along) @@@@ [2]beetle, bolt, burn rubber @@@@ [3]dash, fly, get one's skates on @@@@ [4]haste, hurry (up), make haste, race, run, rush, scurry, scuttle, speed, sprint, step on it @@@@ [5]tear (along) @@@@ [6]accelerate, advance, dispatch, expedite, goad, hurry (up), precipitate, press, push forward, quicken, speed (up), step up @@@@ [7]urge"} {"x":"hatch","y":"[1]breed, bring forth, brood, incubate @@@@ [2]conceive, concoct, contrive, cook up @@@@ [3]design, devise, dream up @@@@ [4]manufacture, plan, plot, project, scheme, think up, trump up"} {"x":"hatchet","y":"[1]axe, cleaver, machete, tomahawk @@@@ [2]assassin, bravo, calumniator, cut-throat, debunker, defamer, destroyer, detractor, gunman, heavy @@@@ [3]killer, murderer, smear campaigner, thug, traducer"} {"x":"hate","y":"[1]abhor, abominate, be hostile to, be repelled by, be sick of, despise, detest, dislike, execrate, have an aversion to, loathe, recoil from @@@@ [2]be loath, be reluctant, be sorry, be unwilling, dislike, feel disinclined, have no stomach for, shrink from @@@@ [3]abhorrence, abomination, animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, aversion, detestation, dislike, enmity, execration, hatred, hostility, loathing, odium"} {"x":"hatred","y":"[1]abomination, animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, aversion, detestation, dislike, enmity, execration, hate, ill will, odium, repugnance, revulsion"} {"x":"haughty","y":"[1]arrogant, assuming, conceited, contemptuous, disdainful, high, high and mighty @@@@ [2]hoity-toity @@@@ [3]imperious, lofty, on one's high horse @@@@ [4]overweening, proud, scornful, snobbish, snooty @@@@ [5]stuck-up @@@@ [6]supercilious, uppish"} {"x":"haul","y":"[1]drag, draw, hale, heave, lug, pull, tow, trail, tug @@@@ [2]carry, cart, convey, hump @@@@ [3]move, transport @@@@ [4]drag, heave, pull, tug @@@@ [5]booty, catch, find, gain, harvest, loot, spoils, takings, yield"} {"x":"haunt","y":"[1]visit, walk @@@@ [2]beset, come back, obsess, plague, possess, prey on, recur, stay with, torment, trouble, weigh on @@@@ [3]frequent, hang around or about, repair, resort, visit @@@@ [4]den, gathering place, hangout @@@@ [5]meeting place, rendezvous, resort, stamping ground"} {"x":"haunted","y":"[1]cursed, eerie, ghostly, jinxed, possessed, spooky @@@@ [2]obsessed, plagued, preoccupied, tormented, troubled, worried"} {"x":"haunting","y":"[1]disturbing, eerie, evocative, indelible, nostalgic, persistent, poignant, recurrent, recurring, unforgettable"} {"x":"hauteur","y":"[1]affectedness, airs, arrogance, contempt, dignity, disdain, haughtiness, loftiness, pride, snobbishness, stateliness, superciliousness"} {"x":"have","y":"[1]hold, keep, obtain, occupy, own, possess, retain @@@@ [2]accept, acquire, gain, get, obtain, procure, receive, secure, take @@@@ [3]comprehend, comprise, contain, embody, include, take in @@@@ [4]endure, enjoy, experience, feel, meet with, suffer, sustain, undergo @@@@ [5]cheat, deceive, dupe, fool, outwit, stiff @@@@ [6]swindle, take in @@@@ [7]trick @@@@ [8]be bound, be compelled, be forced, be obliged, have got to, must, ought, should @@@@ [9]allow, consider, entertain, permit, put up with @@@@ [10]think about, tolerate @@@@ [11]bear, beget, bring forth, bring into the world, deliver, give birth to @@@@ [12]be defeated, be exhausted, be finished, be out, be past it @@@@ [13]be pooped @@@@ [14]be stonkered @@@@ [15]be clothed in, be dressed in, wear @@@@ [16]deceive, kid @@@@ [17]play a joke on, pull someone's leg, take the mickey, tease, trick, wind up"} {"x":"haven","y":"[1]anchorage, harbour, port, roads @@@@ [2]asylum, refuge, retreat, sanctuary, sanctum, shelter"} {"x":"haven't","y":"[1]hold, keep, obtain, occupy, own, possess, retain @@@@ [2]accept, acquire, gain, get, obtain, procure, receive, secure, take @@@@ [3]comprehend, comprise, contain, embody, include, take in @@@@ [4]endure, enjoy, experience, feel, meet with, suffer, sustain, undergo @@@@ [5]cheat, deceive, dupe, fool, outwit, stiff @@@@ [6]swindle, take in @@@@ [7]trick @@@@ [8]be bound, be compelled, be forced, be obliged, have got to, must, ought, should @@@@ [9]allow, consider, entertain, permit, put up with @@@@ [10]think about, tolerate @@@@ [11]bear, beget, bring forth, bring into the world, deliver, give birth to @@@@ [12]be defeated, be exhausted, be finished, be out, be past it @@@@ [13]be pooped @@@@ [14]be stonkered @@@@ [15]be clothed in, be dressed in, wear @@@@ [16]deceive, kid @@@@ [17]play a joke on, pull someone's leg, take the mickey, tease, trick, wind up"} {"x":"havoc","y":"[1]carnage, damage, desolation, despoliation, destruction, devastation, rack and ruin, ravages, ruin, slaughter, waste, wreck @@@@ [2]chaos, confusion, disorder, disruption, mayhem, shambles @@@@ [3]bring into chaos, confuse, convulse, demolish, destroy, devastate, disorganize, disrupt, wreck"} {"x":"hawk","y":"[1]bark @@@@ [2]cry, market, peddle, sell, tout @@@@ [3]vend @@@@ [4]bandy about @@@@ [5]bruit about, buzz, noise abroad, put about, retail, rumour @@@@ [6]keen sighted, lynx-eyed, observant, perceptive, sharp-eyed, vigilant"} {"x":"hawker","y":"[1]barrow boy @@@@ [2]cheap-jack @@@@ [3]colporteur, crier, huckster, pedlar, vendor"} {"x":"hazard","y":"[1]danger, endangerment, imperilment, jeopardy, peril, pitfall, risk, threat @@@@ [2]accident, chance, coincidence, fluke, luck, misfortune, mishap, stroke of luck @@@@ [3]chance, dare, gamble, risk, skate on thin ice, stake @@@@ [4]advance, conjecture, offer, presume, proffer, speculate, submit, suppose, throw out, venture, volunteer @@@@ [5]endanger, expose, imperil, jeopardize, risk, threaten"} {"x":"haze","y":"[1]cloud, dimness, film, fog, mist, obscurity, smog, smokiness, steam, vapour"} {"x":"hazy","y":"[1]blurry, cloudy, dim, dull, faint, foggy, misty, nebulous, obscure, overcast, smoky, veiled @@@@ [2]fuzzy, ill-defined, indefinite, indistinct, loose, muddled, muzzy, nebulous, uncertain, unclear, vague"} {"x":"head","y":"[1]bean @@@@ [2]conk @@@@ [3]cranium, crown, loaf @@@@ [4]noddle @@@@ [5]noggin, nut @@@@ [6]pate, skull @@@@ [7]boss @@@@ [8]captain, chief, chieftain, commander, director, headmaster, headmistress, head teacher, leader, manager, master, principal, superintendent, supervisor @@@@ [9]apex, crest, crown, height, peak, pinnacle, pitch, summit, tip, top, vertex @@@@ [10]cutting edge, first place, fore, forefront, front, van, vanguard @@@@ [11]beginning, commencement, origin, rise, source, start @@@@ [12]ability, aptitude, brain, brains @@@@ [13]capacity, faculty, flair, intellect, intelligence, mentality, mind, talent, thought, understanding @@@@ [14]branch, category, class, department, division, heading, section, subject, topic @@@@ [15]climax, conclusion, crisis, culmination, end, turning point @@@@ [16]cape, foreland, headland, point, promontory @@@@ [17]dizzy, excite, intoxicate, make conceited, puff up @@@@ [18]completely, intensely, thoroughly, uncontrollably, utterly, wholeheartedly @@@@ [19]confab @@@@ [20]confabulate, confer, consult, deliberate, discuss, palaver, powwow, talk over @@@@ [21]arch, chief, first, foremost, front, highest, leading, main, pre-eminent, premier, prime, principal, supreme, topmost @@@@ [22]be or go first, cap, crown, lead, lead the way, precede, top @@@@ [23]be in charge of, command, control, direct, govern, guide, lead, manage, rule, run, supervise @@@@ [24]aim, go to, make a beeline for, make for, point, set off for, set out, start towards, steer, turn @@@@ [25]block off, cut off, deflect, divert, intercept, interpose, intervene @@@@ [26]avert, fend off, forestall, parry, prevent, stop, ward off"} {"x":"headache","y":"[1]cephalalgia @@@@ [2]head @@@@ [3]migraine, neuralgia @@@@ [4]bane, bother, inconvenience, nuisance, problem, trouble, vexation, worry"} {"x":"heading","y":"[1]caption, headline, name, rubric, title @@@@ [2]category, class, division, section"} {"x":"heady","y":"[1]inebriating, intoxicating, potent, spirituous, strong @@@@ [2]exciting, exhilarating, intoxicating, overwhelming, stimulating, thrilling @@@@ [3]hasty, impetuous, impulsive, inconsiderate, precipitate, rash, reckless, thoughtless"} {"x":"heal","y":"[1]cure, make well, mend, regenerate, remedy, restore, treat @@@@ [2]alleviate, ameliorate, compose, conciliate, harmonize, patch up, reconcile, settle, soothe"} {"x":"healing","y":"[1]analeptic, curative, medicinal, remedial, restorative, restoring, sanative, therapeutic @@@@ [2]assuaging, comforting, emollient, gentle, lenitive, mild, mitigative, palliative, soothing"} {"x":"health","y":"[1]fitness, good condition, haleness, healthiness, robustness, salubrity, soundness, strength, vigour, wellbeing @@@@ [2]condition, constitution, fettle, form, shape, state, tone"} {"x":"healthy","y":"[1]active, alive and kicking, blooming, fighting fit, fit, fit as a fiddle @@@@ [2]flourishing, hale, hale and hearty, hardy, hearty, in fine feather, in fine fettle, in fine form, in good condition, in good shape @@@@ [3]robust, sound, strong, sturdy, vigorous, well @@@@ [4]beneficial, bracing, good for one, healthful, health-giving, hygienic, invigorating, nourishing, nutritious, salubrious, salutary, wholesome"} {"x":"heap","y":"[1]accumulation, aggregation, collection, hoard, lot, mass, mound, mountain, pile, rick, stack, stockpile, store @@@@ [2]abundance, a lot, great deal, lashings @@@@ [3]load(s) @@@@ [4]lots @@@@ [5]mass, mint, ocean(s), oodles @@@@ [6]plenty, pot(s) @@@@ [7]quantities, stack(s), tons @@@@ [8]accumulate, amass, augment, bank, collect, gather, hoard, increase, mound, pile, stack, stockpile, store @@@@ [9]assign, bestow, burden, confer, load, shower upon"} {"x":"hear","y":"[1]catch, eavesdrop, give attention, hark, hearken @@@@ [2]heed, listen in, listen to, overhear @@@@ [3]ascertain, be informed, be told of, discover, find out, gather, get wind of @@@@ [4]hear tell @@@@ [5]learn, pick up, understand @@@@ [6]examine, investigate, judge, try"} {"x":"hearing","y":"[1]audition, auditory, ear, perception @@@@ [2]audience, audition, chance to speak, interview @@@@ [3]auditory range, earshot, hearing distance, range, reach, sound @@@@ [4]industrial tribunal, inquiry, investigation, review, trial"} {"x":"hearsay","y":"[1]buzz, dirt @@@@ [2]gossip, grapevine @@@@ [3]idle talk, mere talk, on dit, report, rumour, scuttlebutt @@@@ [4]talk, talk of the town, tittle-tattle, word of mouth"} {"x":"heart","y":"[1]character, disposition, emotion, feeling, inclination, nature, sentiment, soul, sympathy, temperament @@@@ [2]affection, benevolence, compassion, concern, humanity, love, pity, tenderness, understanding @@@@ [3]balls @@@@ [4]boldness, bravery, courage, fortitude, guts @@@@ [5]mettle, mind, nerve, pluck, purpose, resolution, spirit, spunk @@@@ [6]will @@@@ [7]central part, centre, core, crux, essence, hub, kernel, marrow, middle, nucleus, pith, quintessence, root @@@@ [8]au fond, basically, essentially, fundamentally, in essence, in reality, really, truly @@@@ [9]by memory, by rote, off pat, parrot-fashion @@@@ [10]agonize, brood, grieve, mope, mourn, pine, regret, repine, sorrow @@@@ [11]deeply, devoutly, fervently, heart and soul, heartily, sincerely, with all one's heart @@@@ [12]absolutely, completely, devotedly, entirely, gladly, to the hilt, wholeheartedly @@@@ [13]be comforted, be encouraged, be heartened, brighten up, buck up @@@@ [14]cheer up, perk up, revive @@@@ [15]affecting, distressing, harrowing, heartbreaking, moving, pathetic, piteous, pitiful, poignant, sad, tragic @@@@ [16]candid, intimate, open, personal, sincere, unreserved @@@@ [17]cosy chat, tete-a-tete @@@@ [18]gratifying, pleasing, rewarding, satisfying @@@@ [19]affecting, cheering, encouraging, heartening, moving, touching, warming"} {"x":"heartache","y":"[1]affliction, agony, anguish, bitterness, despair, distress, grief, heartbreak, heartsickness, pain, remorse, sorrow, suffering, torment, torture"} {"x":"heartbreak","y":"[1]anguish, desolation, despair, grief, misery, pain, sorrow, suffering"} {"x":"hearten","y":"[1]animate, assure, buck up @@@@ [2]buoy up, cheer, comfort, console, embolden, encourage, incite, inspire, inspirit, raise someone's spirits, reassure, revivify, rouse, stimulate"} {"x":"heartfelt","y":"[1]ardent, cordial, deep, devout, earnest, fervent, genuine, hearty, honest, profound, sincere, unfeigned, warm, wholehearted"} {"x":"heartless","y":"[1]affectless, brutal, callous, cold, cold-blooded, cold-hearted, cruel, hard, hardhearted, harsh, inhuman, merciless, pitiless, uncaring, unfeeling, unkind"} {"x":"hearty","y":"[1]affable, ardent, back-slapping, cordial, eager, ebullient, effusive, enthusiastic, friendly, generous, genial, jovial, unreserved, warm @@@@ [2]earnest, genuine, heartfelt, honest, real, sincere, true, unfeigned, wholehearted @@@@ [3]active, alive and kicking, energetic, hale, hardy, healthy, right as rain @@@@ [4]robust, sound, strong, vigorous, well @@@@ [5]ample, filling, nourishing, sizable or sizeable, solid, square, substantial"} {"x":"heat","y":"[1]calefaction, fever, fieriness, high temperature, hotness, hot spell, sultriness, swelter, torridity, warmness, warmth @@@@ [2]agitation, ardour, earnestness, excitement, fervour, fever, fury, impetuosity, intensity, passion, vehemence, violence, warmth, zeal @@@@ [3]become warm, chafe, flush, glow, grow hot, make hot, reheat, warm up @@@@ [4]animate, excite, impassion, inflame, inspirit, rouse, stimulate, stir, warm"} {"x":"heathen","y":"[1]idolater, idolatress, infidel, pagan, unbeliever @@@@ [2]barbarian, philistine, savage @@@@ [3]godless, heathenish, idolatrous, infidel, irreligious, pagan @@@@ [4]barbaric, philistine, savage, uncivilized, unenlightened"} {"x":"heave","y":"[1]drag (up), elevate, haul (up), heft @@@@ [2]hoist, lever, lift, pull (up), raise, tug @@@@ [3]cast, fling, hurl, pitch, send, sling, throw, toss @@@@ [4]breathe heavily, groan, puff, sigh, sob, suspire @@@@ [5]utter wearily @@@@ [6]billow, breathe, dilate, exhale, expand, palpitate, pant, rise, surge, swell, throb @@@@ [7]barf @@@@ [8]chunder @@@@ [9]gag, retch, spew, throw up @@@@ [10]upchuck @@@@ [11]vomit"} {"x":"heaven","y":"[1]Happy Valley, hereafter, life everlasting, life to come, next world, nirvana @@@@ [2]paradise, Valhalla @@@@ [3]Zion @@@@ [4]empyrean @@@@ [5]ether, firmament, sky, welkin @@@@ [6]bliss, dreamland, ecstasy, enchantment, felicity, happiness, paradise, rapture, seventh heaven, sheer bliss, transport, utopia @@@@ [7]blessed, felicitous, fortunate, opportune, providential, serendipitous, welcome"} {"x":"heavenly","y":"[1]alluring, beautiful, blissful, delightful, divine @@@@ [2]entrancing, exquisite, glorious, lovely, rapturous, ravishing, sublime, wonderful @@@@ [3]angelic, beatific, blessed, blest, celestial, cherubic, divine, empyrean @@@@ [4]extraterrestrial, godlike, holy, immortal, paradisaical, seraphic, superhuman, supernal @@@@ [5]supernatural"} {"x":"heavily","y":"[1]awkwardly, clumsily, ponderously, weightily @@@@ [2]laboriously, painfully, with difficulty @@@@ [3]completely, decisively, roundly, thoroughly, utterly @@@@ [4]dejectedly, dully, gloomily, sluggishly, woodenly @@@@ [5]closely, compactly, densely, fast, hard, thick, thickly @@@@ [6]deep, deeply, profoundly, sound, soundly @@@@ [7]a great deal, considerably, copiously, excessively, frequently, to excess, very much"} {"x":"heavy","y":"[1]bulky, hefty, massive, ponderous, portly, weighty @@@@ [2]burdensome, difficult, grievous, hard, harsh, intolerable, laborious, onerous, oppressive, severe, tedious, vexatious, wearisome @@@@ [3]apathetic, drowsy, dull, inactive, indolent, inert, listless, slow, sluggish, stupid, torpid, wooden @@@@ [4]crestfallen, dejected, depressed, despondent, disconsolate, downcast, gloomy, grieving, melancholy, sad, sorrowful @@@@ [5]complex, deep, difficult, grave, profound, serious, solemn, weighty @@@@ [6]abundant, considerable, copious, excessive, large, profuse @@@@ [7]burdened, encumbered, laden, loaded, oppressed, weighted @@@@ [8]boisterous, rough, stormy, tempestuous, turbulent, violent, wild @@@@ [9]dull, gloomy, leaden, louring or lowering, overcast @@@@ [10]dull, gloomy, leaden, louring or lowering, overcast"} {"x":"heckle","y":"[1]bait, barrack @@@@ [2]boo, disrupt, interrupt, jeer, pester, shout down, taunt"} {"x":"hectic","y":"[1]animated, boisterous, chaotic, excited, fevered, feverish, flurrying, flustering, frantic, frenetic, frenzied, furious, heated, riotous, rumbustious, tumultuous, turbulent, wild"} {"x":"hector","y":"[1]bluster, boast, browbeat, bully, bullyrag, harass, huff and puff, intimidate, menace, provoke, ride roughshod over, roister, threaten, worry"} {"x":"hedge","y":"[1]hedgerow, quickset @@@@ [2]barrier, boundary, screen, windbreak @@@@ [3]compensation, counterbalance, guard, insurance cover, protection @@@@ [4]border, edge, enclose, fence, surround @@@@ [5]block, confine, hem about, hem around, hem in, hinder, obstruct, restrict @@@@ [6]beg the question, be noncommittal, dodge, duck, equivocate, evade, flannel @@@@ [7]prevaricate, pussyfoot @@@@ [8]quibble, sidestep, temporize, waffle @@@@ [9]cover, fortify, guard, insure, protect, safeguard, shield"} {"x":"hedonism","y":"[1]epicureanism, epicurism, sybaritism @@@@ [2]dolce vita, gratification, luxuriousness, pleasure-seeking, pursuit of pleasure, self-indulgence, sensualism, sensuality"} {"x":"hedonistic","y":"[1]bacchanalian, epicurean, sybaritic @@@@ [2]luxurious, pleasure-seeking, self-indulgent, voluptuous"} {"x":"heed","y":"[1]attention, care, caution, consideration, ear, heedfulness, mind, note, notice, regard, respect, thought, watchfulness @@@@ [2]attend, bear in mind, be guided by, consider, follow, give ear to, listen to, mark, mind, note, obey, observe, pay attention to, regard, take notice of, take to heart"} {"x":"heel","y":"[1]crust, end, remainder, rump, stub, stump @@@@ [2]blackguard, bounder @@@@ [3]cad @@@@ [4]cocksucker @@@@ [5]rotter @@@@ [6]scally @@@@ [7]scoundrel, scumbag @@@@ [8]swine @@@@ [9]dowdy, impoverished, out at elbows, run-down, seedy, shabby, slipshod, slovenly, worn @@@@ [10]escape, flee, hook it @@@@ [11]take flight, turn tail, vamoose @@@@ [12]affluent, flush @@@@ [13]moneyed, prosperous, rich, wealthy, well-off, well-to-do @@@@ [14]cant, careen, incline, keel over, lean over, list, tilt"} {"x":"hefty","y":"[1]beefy @@@@ [2]big, brawny, burly, hulking, husky @@@@ [3]massive, muscular, robust, strapping, strong @@@@ [4]forceful, heavy, powerful, thumping @@@@ [5]vigorous @@@@ [6]ample, awkward, bulky, colossal, cumbersome, heavy, large, massive, ponderous, substantial, tremendous, unwieldy, weighty"} {"x":"hegemony","y":"[1]ascendancy, dominance, domination, leadership, mastery, predominance, pre-eminence, supremacy, sway, upper hand"} {"x":"height","y":"[1]altitude, elevation, highness, loftiness, stature, tallness @@@@ [2]apex, apogee, crest, crown, elevation, hill, mountain, peak, pinnacle, summit, top, vertex, zenith @@@@ [3]acme, dignity, eminence, exaltation, grandeur, loftiness, prominence @@@@ [4]climax, culmination, extremity, limit, maximum, ne plus ultra, ultimate, utmost degree, uttermost"} {"x":"heighten","y":"[1]add to, aggravate, amplify, augment, enhance, improve, increase, intensify, magnify, sharpen, strengthen @@@@ [2]elevate, enhance, ennoble, exalt, magnify, raise, uplift"} {"x":"heinous","y":"[1]abhorrent, abominable, atrocious, awful, evil, execrable, flagrant, grave, hateful, hideous, infamous, iniquitous, monstrous, nefarious, odious, outrageous, revolting, shocking, unspeakable, vicious, villainous"} {"x":"heir","y":"[1]beneficiary, heiress @@@@ [2]next in line, scion, successor"} {"x":"hell","y":"[1]Abaddon, abode of the damned, abyss, Acheron @@@@ [2]bottomless pit, fire and brimstone, Gehenna @@@@ [3]Hades @@@@ [4]hellfire, infernal regions, inferno, lower world, nether world, Tartarus @@@@ [5]underworld @@@@ [6]affliction, agony, anguish, martyrdom, misery, nightmare, ordeal, suffering, torment, trial, wretchedness @@@@ [7]at a rate of knots, at the double, full-tilt, headlong, hotfoot, hurriedly, like a bat out of hell @@@@ [8]pell-mell, posthaste, quickly, speedily, swiftly"} {"x":"helm","y":"[1]rudder, steering gear, tiller, wheel @@@@ [2]command, control, direction, leadership, rule @@@@ [3]at the wheel, directing, in charge, in command, in control, in the driving seat, in the saddle"} {"x":"help","y":"[1]abet, aid, assist, back, befriend, cooperate, encourage, give a leg up @@@@ [2]lend a hand, lend a helping hand, promote, relieve, save, second, serve, stand by, succour, support @@@@ [3]alleviate, ameliorate, cure, ease, facilitate, heal, improve, mitigate, relieve, remedy, restore @@@@ [4]abstain, avoid, control, eschew, forbear, hinder, keep from, prevent, refrain from, resist, shun, withstand @@@@ [5]advice, aid, assistance, avail, benefit, cooperation, guidance, helping hand, promotion, service, support, use, utility @@@@ [6]assistant, employee, hand, helper, worker @@@@ [7]balm, corrective, cure, relief, remedy, restorative, salve, succour"} {"x":"helpful","y":"[1]advantageous, beneficial, constructive, favourable, fortunate, practical, productive, profitable, serviceable, timely, useful @@@@ [2]accommodating, beneficent, benevolent, caring, considerate, cooperative, friendly, kind, neighbourly, supportive, sympathetic"} {"x":"helping","y":"[1]dollop @@@@ [2]piece, plateful, portion, ration, serving"} {"x":"helpless","y":"[1]abandoned, defenceless, dependent, destitute, exposed, forlorn, stranded, unprotected, vulnerable, wide open @@@@ [2]debilitated, disabled, feeble, impotent, incapable, incompetent, infirm, paralysed, powerless, unfit, weak"} {"x":"helpmate","y":"[1]assistant, associate, companion, consort, helper, helpmeet, husband, partner, significant other @@@@ [2]spouse, support, wife"} {"x":"hem","y":"[1]border, edge, fringe, margin, trimming @@@@ [2]beset, border, circumscribe, confine, edge, enclose, environ, hedge in, restrict, shut in, skirt, surround @@@@ [3]falter, fumble, hesitate, hum and haw, pause, stammer, stutter"} {"x":"hence","y":"[1]ergo, for this reason, on that account, therefore, thus"} {"x":"henceforth","y":"[1]from now on, from this day forward, hence, hereafter, hereinafter, in the future"} {"x":"henchman","y":"[1]aide, associate, attendant, bodyguard, cohort @@@@ [2]crony, follower, heavy @@@@ [3]minder @@@@ [4]minion, myrmidon, right-hand man, satellite, sidekick @@@@ [5]subordinate, supporter"} {"x":"henpeck","y":"[1]browbeat, bully, carp, cavil, chide, criticize, domineer, find fault, harass, hector, intimidate, nag, niggle, pester, pick at, scold, torment"} {"x":"herald","y":"[1]bearer of tidings, crier, messenger @@@@ [2]forerunner, harbinger, indication, omen, precursor, sign, signal, token @@@@ [3]advertise, announce, broadcast, proclaim, publicize, publish, trumpet @@@@ [4]foretoken, harbinger, indicate, pave the way, portend, precede, presage, promise, show, usher in"} {"x":"herculean","y":"[1]arduous, demanding, difficult, exhausting, formidable, gruelling, hard, heavy, laborious, onerous, prodigious, strenuous, toilsome, tough @@@@ [2]athletic, brawny, husky @@@@ [3]mighty, muscular, powerful, rugged, sinewy, stalwart, strapping, strong, sturdy @@@@ [4]colossal, elephantine, enormous, gigantic, great, huge, humongous or humungous @@@@ [5]large, mammoth, massive, titanic"} {"x":"herd","y":"[1]assemblage, collection, crowd, crush, drove, flock, horde, mass, mob, multitude, press, swarm, throng @@@@ [2]mob, populace, rabble, riffraff, the hoi polloi, the masses, the plebs @@@@ [3]assemble, associate, collect, congregate, flock, gather, huddle, muster, rally @@@@ [4]drive, force, goad, guide, lead, shepherd, spur"} {"x":"herdsman","y":"[1]cowherd, cowman, drover, grazier, stockman"} {"x":"hereafter","y":"[1]after this, from now on, hence, henceforth, henceforward, in future @@@@ [2]afterlife, future life, life after death, next world, the beyond"} {"x":"hereditary","y":"[1]family, genetic, inborn, inbred, inheritable, transmissible @@@@ [2]ancestral, bequeathed, handed down, inherited, patrimonial, traditional, transmitted, willed"} {"x":"heresy","y":"[1]apostasy, dissidence, error, heterodoxy, iconoclasm, impiety, revisionism, schism, unorthodoxy"} {"x":"heretical","y":"[1]freethinking, heterodox, iconoclastic, idolatrous, impious, revisionist, schismatic, unorthodox"} {"x":"heritage","y":"[1]bequest, birthright, endowment, estate, inheritance, legacy, lot, patrimony, portion, share, tradition @@@@ [2]Erbe, Genotyps, genetische, Vererbung"} {"x":"hermetic","y":"[1]airtight, sealed, shut"} {"x":"hermit","y":"[1]anchoret, anchorite, eremite, loner @@@@ [2]monk, recluse, solitary, stylite"} {"x":"hero","y":"[1]celeb @@@@ [2]celebrity, champion, conqueror, exemplar, great man, heart-throb @@@@ [3]idol, man of the hour, megastar @@@@ [4]popular figure, star, superstar, victor @@@@ [5]lead actor, leading man, male lead, principal male character, protagonist @@@@ [6]admiration, adoration, adulation, idealization, idolization, putting on a pedestal, veneration"} {"x":"heroic","y":"[1]bold, brave, courageous, daring, dauntless, doughty, fearless, gallant, intrepid, lion-hearted, stouthearted, undaunted, valiant, valorous @@@@ [2]classical, Homeric, legendary, mythological @@@@ [3]classic, elevated, epic, exaggerated, extravagant, grand, grandiose, high-flown, inflated"} {"x":"heroism","y":"[1]boldness, bravery, courage, courageousness, daring, fearlessness, fortitude, gallantry, intrepidity, prowess, spirit, valour"} {"x":"hesitant","y":"[1]diffident, doubtful, half-arsed, half-assed @@@@ [2]half-hearted, halting, hanging back, hesitating, irresolute, lacking confidence, reluctant, sceptical, shy, timid, uncertain, unsure, vacillating, wavering"} {"x":"hesitate","y":"[1]be uncertain, delay, dither @@@@ [2]doubt, haver @@@@ [3]hum and haw, pause, shillyshally @@@@ [4]swither @@@@ [5]vacillate, wait, waver @@@@ [6]balk, be reluctant, be unwilling, boggle, demur, hang back, scruple, shrink from, think twice @@@@ [7]falter, fumble, hem and haw, stammer, stumble, stutter"} {"x":"hesitation","y":"[1]delay, doubt, dubiety, hesitancy, indecision, irresolution, uncertainty, vacillation @@@@ [2]demurral, misgiving(s), qualm(s), reluctance, scruple(s), unwillingness @@@@ [3]faltering, fumbling, hemming and hawing, stammering, stumbling, stuttering"} {"x":"heterodox","y":"[1]dissident, heretical, iconoclastic, revisionist, schismatic, unorthodox, unsound"} {"x":"heterogeneous","y":"[1]assorted, contrary, contrasted, different, discrepant, disparate, dissimilar, divergent, diverse, diversified, incongruous, manifold, miscellaneous, mixed, motley, opposed, unlike, unrelated, varied"} {"x":"hew","y":"[1]axe, chop, cut, hack, lop, split @@@@ [2]carve, fashion, form, make, model, sculpt, sculpture, shape, smooth"} {"x":"heyday","y":"[1]bloom, flowering, pink, prime, prime of life, salad days"} {"x":"hiatus","y":"[1]aperture, blank, breach, break, chasm, discontinuity, entr'acte, gap, interruption, interval, lacuna, lapse, opening, respite, rift, space"} {"x":"hibernate","y":"[1]hole up, lie dormant, overwinter, remain torpid, sleep snug, vegetate, winter"} {"x":"hidden","y":"[1]abstruse, clandestine, close, concealed, covered, covert, cryptic, dark, hermetic, hermetical, latent, masked, mysterious, mystic, mystical, obscure, occult, recondite, secret, shrouded, ulterior, under wraps, unrevealed, unseen, veiled"} {"x":"hide","y":"[1]cache, conceal, go into hiding, go to ground, go underground, hole up, lie low, secrete, stash @@@@ [2]take cover @@@@ [3]blot out, bury, camouflage, cloak, conceal, cover, disguise, eclipse, mask, obscure, screen, shelter, shroud, veil @@@@ [4]draw a veil over, hush up, keep dark, keep secret, keep under one's hat, suppress, withhold"} {"x":"hideaway","y":"[1]haven, hide-out, hiding place, nest, refuge, retreat, sanctuary, sequestered nook"} {"x":"hideous","y":"[1]ghastly, grim, grisly, grotesque, gruesome, monstrous, repulsive, revolting, ugly, unsightly @@@@ [2]abominable, appalling, awful, detestable, disgusting, dreadful, godawful @@@@ [3]horrendous, horrible, horrid, loathsome, macabre, obscene, odious, shocking, sickening, terrible, terrifying"} {"x":"hiding","y":"[1]beating, caning, drubbing, flogging, larruping @@@@ [2]lathering @@@@ [3]licking @@@@ [4]spanking, tanning @@@@ [5]thrashing, walloping @@@@ [6]whaling, whipping"} {"x":"hierarchy","y":"[1]grading, pecking order, ranking"} {"x":"hieroglyphic","y":"[1]enigmatical, figurative, indecipherable, obscure, runic, symbolical"} {"x":"high","y":"[1]elevated, lofty, soaring, steep, tall, towering @@@@ [2]excessive, extraordinary, extreme, great, intensified, sharp, strong @@@@ [3]arch, big-time @@@@ [4]chief, consequential, distinguished, eminent, exalted, important, influential, leading, major league @@@@ [5]notable, powerful, prominent, ruling, significant, superior @@@@ [6]arrogant, boastful, bragging, despotic, domineering, haughty, lofty, lordly, ostentatious, overbearing, proud, tyrannical, vainglorious @@@@ [7]capital, extreme, grave, important, serious @@@@ [8]boisterous, bouncy @@@@ [9]cheerful, elated, excited, exhilarated, exuberant, joyful, light-hearted, merry, strong, tumultuous, turbulent @@@@ [10]delirious, euphoric, freaked out @@@@ [11]hyped up @@@@ [12]inebriated, intoxicated, on a trip @@@@ [13]spaced out @@@@ [14]stoned @@@@ [15]tripping @@@@ [16]turned on @@@@ [17]zonked @@@@ [18]costly, dear, exorbitant, expensive, high-priced, steep @@@@ [19]stiff @@@@ [20]acute, high-pitched, penetrating, piercing, piping, sharp, shrill, soprano, strident, treble @@@@ [21]extravagant, grand, lavish, luxurious, rich @@@@ [22]gamey, niffy @@@@ [23]pongy @@@@ [24]strong-flavoured, tainted, whiffy @@@@ [25]abandoned, bereft, destitute, helpless, stranded @@@@ [26]all over, everywhere, exhaustively, far and wide, in every nook and cranny @@@@ [27]arrogant, cavalier, conceited, disdainful, haughty, imperious, overbearing, self-important, snobbish, stuck-up @@@@ [28]superior @@@@ [29]aloft, at great height, far up, way up @@@@ [30]apex, crest, height, peak, record level, summit, top @@@@ [31]delirium, ecstasy, euphoria, intoxication, trip @@@@ [32]delirium, ecstasy, euphoria, intoxication, trip @@@@ [33]delirium, ecstasy, euphoria, intoxication, trip @@@@ [34]delirium, ecstasy, euphoria, intoxication, trip"} {"x":"highfalutin","y":"[1]big, bombastic, florid, grandiose, high-flown, high-sounding, lofty, magniloquent, pompous, pretentious, supercilious, swanky"} {"x":"highlight","y":"[1]best part, climax, feature, focal point, focus, high point, high spot, main feature, memorable part, peak @@@@ [2]accent, accentuate, bring to the fore, emphasize, feature, focus attention on, foreground, give prominence to, play up, set off, show up, spotlight, stress, underline"} {"x":"highly","y":"[1]decidedly, eminently, exceptionally, extraordinarily, extremely, greatly, immensely, seriously @@@@ [2]supremely, tremendously, vastly, very, very much @@@@ [3]appreciatively, approvingly, enthusiastically, favourably, warmly, well @@@@ [4]easily upset, edgy, excitable, irascible, irritable, nervous, nervy @@@@ [5]neurotic, on pins and needles, on tenterhooks, restless, sensitive, stressed, taut, temperamental, tense, tetchy, twitchy @@@@ [6]wired"} {"x":"hike","y":"[1]back-pack, hoof it @@@@ [2]leg it @@@@ [3]ramble, tramp, walk @@@@ [4]hitch up, jack up, lift, pull up, raise @@@@ [5]journey on foot, march, ramble, tramp, trek, walk"} {"x":"hilarious","y":"[1]amusing, comical, convivial, entertaining, exhilarated, funny, gay, happy, humorous, jolly, jovial, joyful, joyous, merry, mirthful, noisy, rollicking, side-splitting, uproarious"} {"x":"hill","y":"[1]brae @@@@ [2]down @@@@ [3]elevation, eminence, fell, height, hillock, hilltop, knoll, mound, mount, prominence, tor @@@@ [4]drift, heap, hummock, mound, pile, rick, stack @@@@ [5]acclivity, brae @@@@ [6]climb, gradient, incline, rise, slope"} {"x":"hillock","y":"[1]barrow, hummock, knap @@@@ [2]knoll, monticule, mound, tump"} {"x":"hilt","y":"[1]grip, haft, handgrip, handle, helve @@@@ [2]completely, entirely, fully, totally, wholly"} {"x":"hind","y":"[1]after, back, caudal @@@@ [2]hinder, posterior, rear"} {"x":"hinder","y":"[1]arrest, block, check, debar, delay, deter, encumber, frustrate, hamper, hamstring, handicap, hobble, hold up or back, impede, interrupt, obstruct, oppose, prevent, retard, slow down, stop, stymie, throw a spanner in the works, thwart, trammel"} {"x":"hindmost","y":"[1]concluding, final, furthest, furthest behind, last, most remote, rearmost, terminal, trailing, ultimate"} {"x":"hindrance","y":"[1]bar, barrier, block, check, deterrent, difficulty, drag, drawback, encumbrance, handicap, hazard, hitch, impediment, interruption, limitation, obstacle, obstruction, restraint, restriction, snag, stoppage, stumbling block, trammel"} {"x":"hinge","y":"[1]be contingent, be subject to, depend, hang, pivot, rest, revolve around, turn"} {"x":"hint","y":"[1]allusion, clue, implication, indication, inkling, innuendo, insinuation, intimation, mention, reminder, suggestion, tip-off, word to the wise @@@@ [2]advice, help, pointer, suggestion, tip, wrinkle @@@@ [3]breath, dash, soupcon, speck, suggestion, suspicion, taste, tinge, touch, trace, undertone, whiff, whisper @@@@ [4]allude, cue, imply, indicate, insinuate, intimate, let it be known, mention, prompt, suggest, tip off, tip the wink"} {"x":"hip","y":"[1]aware, clued-up @@@@ [2]fashionable, in, informed, in on, knowledgeable, onto, trendy @@@@ [3]wise @@@@ [4]with it"} {"x":"hire","y":"[1]appoint, commission, employ, engage, sign up, take on @@@@ [2]charter, engage, lease, let, rent @@@@ [3]charge, cost, fee, price, rent, rental"} {"x":"hirsute","y":"[1]bearded, bewhiskered, bristly, hairy, hispid @@@@ [2]shaggy, unshaven"} {"x":"hiss","y":"[1]buzz, hissing, sibilance, sibilation @@@@ [2]boo, catcall, contempt, derision, jeer, raspberry @@@@ [3]rasp, shrill, sibilate, wheeze, whirr, whistle, whiz @@@@ [4]blow a raspberry, boo, catcall, condemn, damn, decry, deride, hoot, jeer, mock, revile, ridicule"} {"x":"historian","y":"[1]annalist, biographer, chronicler, historiographer, recorder"} {"x":"historic","y":"[1]celebrated, consequential, epoch-making, extraordinary, famous, ground-breaking, momentous, notable, outstanding, red-letter, remarkable, significant"} {"x":"historical","y":"[1]actual, archival, attested, authentic, chronicled, documented, factual, real, verifiable"} {"x":"history","y":"[1]account, annals, autobiography, biography, chronicle, memoirs, narration, narrative, recapitulation, recital, record, relation, saga, story @@@@ [2]ancient history, antiquity, bygone times, days of old, days of yore, olden days, the good old days, the old days, the past, yesterday, yesteryear"} {"x":"histrionic","y":"[1]actorly, actressy, affected, artificial, bogus, camp @@@@ [2]dramatic, forced, insincere, melodramatic, sensational, theatrical, unnatural"} {"x":"hit","y":"[1]bang, bash @@@@ [2]batter, beat, belt @@@@ [3]chin @@@@ [4]clip @@@@ [5]clobber @@@@ [6]clout @@@@ [7]cuff, deck @@@@ [8]flog, knock, lambast(e), lay one on @@@@ [9]lob, punch, slap, smack, smite @@@@ [10]sock @@@@ [11]strike, swat, thump, tonk @@@@ [12]wallop @@@@ [13]whack @@@@ [14]bang into, bump, clash with, collide with, crash against, meet head-on, run into, smash into @@@@ [15]accomplish, achieve, arrive at, attain, gain, reach, secure, strike, touch @@@@ [16]affect, damage, devastate, impact on, impinge on, influence, leave a mark on, make an impact or impression on, move, overwhelm, touch @@@@ [17]belt @@@@ [18]blow, bump, clash, clout @@@@ [19]collision, cuff, impact, knock, rap, shot, slap, smack, stroke, swipe @@@@ [20]wallop @@@@ [21]sellout, sensation, smash @@@@ [22]smasheroo @@@@ [23]success, triumph, winner @@@@ [24]capture, catch, impersonate, mimic, represent, take off @@@@ [25]arrive at, chance upon, come upon, discover, guess, invent, light upon, realize, strike upon, stumble on, think up @@@@ [26]aimless, casual, cursory, disorganized, haphazard, indiscriminate, perfunctory, random, undirected, uneven"} {"x":"hitch","y":"[1]attach, connect, couple, fasten, harness, join, make fast, tether, tie, unite, yoke @@@@ [2]hoick, jerk, pull, tug, yank @@@@ [3]catch, check, delay, difficulty, drawback, hassle @@@@ [4]hazard, hindrance, hold-up, impediment, mishap, obstacle, problem, snag, stoppage, trouble"} {"x":"hither","y":"[1]close, closer, here, near, nearer, nigh"} {"x":"hitherto","y":"[1]heretofore, previously, so far, thus far, till now, until now, up to now"} {"x":"hive","y":"[1]cluster, colony, swarm @@@@ [2]centre, heart, hub, powerhouse"} {"x":"hoard","y":"[1]accumulation, cache, fall-back, fund, heap, mass, pile, reserve, stockpile, store, supply, treasure-trove @@@@ [2]accumulate, amass, buy up, cache, collect, deposit, garner, gather, hive, lay up, put away, put by, save, stash away @@@@ [3]stockpile, store, treasure"} {"x":"hoarse","y":"[1]croaky, discordant, grating, gravelly, growling, gruff, guttural, harsh, husky, rasping, raucous, rough, throaty"} {"x":"hoary","y":"[1]frosty, grey, grey-haired, grizzled, hoar, silvery, white, white-haired @@@@ [2]aged, ancient, antiquated, antique, old, venerable"} {"x":"hoax","y":"[1]canard, cheat, con @@@@ [2]deception, fast one @@@@ [3]fraud, imposture, joke, practical joke, prank, ruse, spoof @@@@ [4]swindle, trick @@@@ [5]bamboozle @@@@ [6]befool, bluff, con @@@@ [7]deceive, delude, dupe, fool, gammon @@@@ [8]gull @@@@ [9]hoodwink, hornswoggle @@@@ [10]kid @@@@ [11]swindle, take in @@@@ [12]trick, wind up"} {"x":"hobble","y":"[1]dodder, falter, halt, limp, shamble, shuffle, stagger, stumble, totter @@@@ [2]clog, fasten, fetter, hamstring, restrict, shackle, tie"} {"x":"hobby","y":"[1]diversion, favourite occupation, (leisure) activity, leisure pursuit, pastime, relaxation, sideline"} {"x":"hobgoblin","y":"[1]apparition, bogey, goblin, hob, imp, spectre, spirit, sprite"} {"x":"hoe","y":"[1]hooker"} {"x":"hog","y":"[1]be a dog in the manger, corner, corner the market in, dominate, monopolize, tie up @@@@ [2]comfortably; extravagantly"} {"x":"hoist","y":"[1]elevate, erect, heave, lift, raise, rear, upraise @@@@ [2]crane, elevator, lift, tackle, winch"} {"x":"hold","y":"[1]have, keep, maintain, occupy, own, possess, retain @@@@ [2]adhere, clasp, cleave, clinch, cling, clutch, cradle, embrace, enfold, grasp, grip, stick @@@@ [3]arrest, bind, check, confine, curb, detain, impound, imprison, pound, restrain, stay, stop, suspend @@@@ [4]assume, believe, consider, deem, entertain, esteem, judge, maintain, presume, reckon, regard, think, view @@@@ [5]continue, endure, last, persevere, persist, remain, resist, stay, wear @@@@ [6]assemble, call, carry on, celebrate, conduct, convene, have, officiate at, preside over, run, solemnize @@@@ [7]bear, brace, carry, prop, shoulder, support, sustain, take @@@@ [8]accommodate, comprise, contain, have a capacity for, seat, take @@@@ [9]apply, be in force, be the case, exist, hold good, operate, remain true, remain valid, stand up @@@@ [10]do well, hold fast, hold out, keep one's head above water, keep pace, keep up, maintain one's position, stand firm, stand one's ground, stay put, stick to one's guns @@@@ [11]clasp, clutch, grasp, grip @@@@ [12]anchorage, foothold, footing, leverage, prop, purchase, stay, support, vantage @@@@ [13]ascendancy, authority, clout @@@@ [14]control, dominance, dominion, influence, mastery, pull @@@@ [15]sway @@@@ [16]ascendancy, authority, clout @@@@ [17]control, dominance, dominion, influence, mastery, pull @@@@ [18]sway"} {"x":"holdings","y":"[1]assets, estate, investments, land interests, possessions, property, resources, securities, stocks and shares"} {"x":"hole","y":"[1]aperture, breach, break, crack, fissure, gap, opening, orifice, outlet, perforation, puncture, rent, split, tear, vent @@@@ [2]cave, cavern, cavity, chamber, depression, excavation, hollow, pit, pocket, scoop, shaft @@@@ [3]burrow, covert, den, earth, lair, nest, retreat, shelter @@@@ [4]dive @@@@ [5]dump @@@@ [6]hovel, joint @@@@ [7]slum @@@@ [8]calaboose @@@@ [9]cell, dungeon, oubliette, prison @@@@ [10]defect, discrepancy, error, fallacy, fault, flaw, inconsistency, loophole @@@@ [11]dilemma, fix @@@@ [12]hot water @@@@ [13]imbroglio, jam @@@@ [14]mess, predicament, quandary, scrape @@@@ [15]spot @@@@ [16]tangle, tight spot @@@@ [17]asperse, bad-mouth @@@@ [18]cavil, crab @@@@ [19]criticize, denigrate, disparage, disprove, find fault, knock @@@@ [20]niggle, pull to pieces, put down, rubbish @@@@ [21]slate @@@@ [22]backstairs, clandestine, furtive, secret, secretive, sneaky @@@@ [23]stealthy, surreptitious, underhand, under the counter"} {"x":"holiday","y":"[1]break, leave, recess, time off, vacation @@@@ [2]anniversary, bank holiday, celebration, feast, festival, festivity, fete, gala, name day, public holiday, red-letter day, saint's day"} {"x":"holiness","y":"[1]blessedness, devoutness, divinity, godliness, piety, purity, religiousness, righteousness, sacredness, saintliness, sanctity, spirituality, virtuousness"} {"x":"holler","y":"[1]bawl, bellow, call, cheer, clamour, cry, hail, halloo, hollo, hurrah, huzzah @@@@ [2]roar, shout, whoop, yell"} {"x":"hollow","y":"[1]empty, not solid, unfilled, vacant, void @@@@ [2]cavernous, concave, deep-set, depressed, indented, sunken @@@@ [3]deep, dull, expressionless, flat, low, muffled, muted, reverberant, rumbling, sepulchral, toneless @@@@ [4]empty, fruitless, futile, meaningless, pointless, Pyrrhic, specious, unavailing, useless, vain, wanky @@@@ [5]worthless @@@@ [6]empty, esurient, famished, hungry, ravenous, starved @@@@ [7]artificial, cynical, deceitful, faithless, false, flimsy, hollow-hearted, hypocritical, insincere, treacherous, unsound, weak @@@@ [8]defeat, hammer @@@@ [9]outdo, overcome, rout, thrash, trounce, worst @@@@ [10]basin, bowl, cave, cavern, cavity, concavity, crater, cup, den, dent, depression, dimple, excavation, hole, indentation, pit, trough @@@@ [11]bottom, dale, dell, dingle, glen, valley @@@@ [12]channel, dig, dish, excavate, furrow, gouge, groove, pit, scoop"} {"x":"holocaust","y":"[1]annihilation, carnage, conflagration, destruction, devastation, fire, genocide, inferno, massacre, mass murder, pogrom"} {"x":"holy","y":"[1]devout, divine, faithful, god-fearing, godly, hallowed, pious, pure, religious, righteous, saintly, sublime, virtuous @@@@ [2]blessed, consecrated, dedicated, hallowed, sacred, sacrosanct, sanctified, venerable, venerated"} {"x":"homage","y":"[1]admiration, adoration, adulation, awe, deference, devotion, duty, esteem, honour, respect, reverence, worship @@@@ [2]allegiance, devotion, faithfulness, fealty, fidelity, loyalty, obeisance, service, tribute, troth"} {"x":"home","y":"[1]abode, domicile, dwelling, dwelling place, habitation, house, pad @@@@ [2]residence @@@@ [3]birthplace, family, fireside, hearth, homestead, home town, household @@@@ [4]abode, element, environment, habitat, habitation, haunt, home ground, range, stamping ground, territory @@@@ [5]available, in, present @@@@ [6]at ease, comfortable, familiar, relaxed @@@@ [7]entertaining, giving a party, having guests, receiving @@@@ [8]party, reception, soiree @@@@ [9]conversant with, familiar with, knowledgeable, proficient, skilled, well-versed @@@@ [10]drive home, emphasize, impress upon, make clear, press home @@@@ [11]central, domestic, familiar, family, household, inland, internal, local, national, native"} {"x":"homeboy","y":"[1]close friend"} {"x":"homeland","y":"[1]country of origin, fatherland, mother country, motherland, native land"} {"x":"homeless","y":"[1]abandoned, destitute, displaced, dispossessed, down-and-out, exiled, forlorn, forsaken, outcast, unsettled @@@@ [2]dossers @@@@ [3]squatters, vagrants"} {"x":"homely","y":"[1]comfortable, comfy @@@@ [2]cosy, domestic, downhome @@@@ [3]down-to-earth, everyday, familiar, friendly, homelike, homespun, homy, informal, modest, natural, ordinary, plain, simple, unaffected, unassuming, unfussy, unpretentious, welcoming"} {"x":"homespun","y":"[1]artless, coarse, homely, home-made, inelegant, plain, rough, rude, rustic, unpolished, unsophisticated"} {"x":"homicidal","y":"[1]deadly, death-dealing, lethal, maniacal, mortal, murderous"} {"x":"homicide","y":"[1]bloodshed, killing, manslaughter, murder, slaying @@@@ [2]killer, murderer, slayer"} {"x":"homily","y":"[1]address, discourse, lecture, preaching, preachment, sermon"} {"x":"homogeneous","y":"[1]akin, alike, analogous, cognate, comparable, consistent, identical, kindred, similar, uniform, unvarying"} {"x":"homologous","y":"[1]analogous, comparable, correspondent, corresponding, like, parallel, related, similar"} {"x":"homosexual","y":"[1]bent @@@@ [2]camp @@@@ [3]gay, homoerotic, lesbian, moffie @@@@ [4]pink @@@@ [5]queer @@@@ [6]sapphic"} {"x":"hone","y":"[1]edge, file, grind, point, polish, sharpen, strop, whet"} {"x":"honest","y":"[1]conscientious, decent, ethical, high-minded, honourable, law-abiding, reliable, reputable, scrupulous, trustworthy, trusty, truthful, upright, veracious, virtuous @@@@ [2]above board, authentic, bona fide, genuine, honest to goodness, on the level @@@@ [3]on the up and up, proper, real, straight, true @@@@ [4]equitable, fair, fair and square, impartial, just @@@@ [5]candid, direct, forthright, frank, ingenuous, open, outright, plain, round, sincere, straightforward, undisguised, unfeigned, upfront"} {"x":"honestly","y":"[1]by fair means, cleanly, ethically, honourably, in good faith, lawfully, legally, legitimately, on the level @@@@ [2]candidly, frankly, in all sincerity, in plain English, plainly, straight (out), to one's face, truthfully"} {"x":"honesty","y":"[1]faithfulness, fidelity, honour, incorruptibility, integrity, morality, probity, rectitude, reputability, scrupulousness, straightness, trustworthiness, truthfulness, uprightness, veracity, virtue @@@@ [2]bluntness, candour, equity, even-handedness, fairness, frankness, genuineness, openness, outspokenness, plainness, sincerity, straightforwardness"} {"x":"honorary","y":"[1]complimentary, ex officio, formal, honoris causa, in name or title only, nominal, titular, unofficial, unpaid"} {"x":"honour","y":"[1]credit, dignity, distinction, elevation, eminence, esteem, fame, glory, high standing, prestige, rank, renown, reputation, repute @@@@ [2]acclaim, accolade, adoration, Brownie points, commendation, deference, homage, kudos, praise, recognition, regard, respect, reverence, tribute, veneration @@@@ [3]decency, fairness, goodness, honesty, integrity, morality, principles, probity, rectitude, righteousness, trustworthiness, uprightness @@@@ [4]compliment, credit, favour, pleasure, privilege, source of pride or satisfaction @@@@ [5]chastity, innocence, modesty, purity, virginity, virtue @@@@ [6]admire, adore, appreciate, esteem, exalt, glorify, hallow, prize, respect, revere, reverence, value, venerate, worship @@@@ [7]be faithful to, be true to, carry out, discharge, fulfil, keep, live up to, observe @@@@ [8]acclaim, celebrate, commemorate, commend, compliment, crack up @@@@ [9]decorate, dignify, exalt, glorify, laud, lionize, praise @@@@ [10]accept, acknowledge, cash, clear, credit, pass, pay, take"} {"x":"hoodoo","y":"[1]bad luck, curse, evil eye, evil star, hex @@@@ [2]jinx, nemesis, voodoo"} {"x":"hoodwink","y":"[1]bamboozle @@@@ [2]befool, cheat, con @@@@ [3]cozen, deceive, delude, dupe, fool, gull @@@@ [4]hoax, impose, kid @@@@ [5]rook @@@@ [6]trick"} {"x":"hook","y":"[1]catch, clasp, fastener, hasp, holder, link, lock, peg @@@@ [2]noose, snare, springe, trap @@@@ [3]by any means, by fair means or foul, somehow, somehow or other, someway @@@@ [4]completely, entirely, lock, stock and barrel, thoroughly, through and through, totally, utterly, wholly @@@@ [5]acquitted, cleared, exonerated, in the clear, let off, under no obligation, vindicated @@@@ [6]catch, clasp, fasten, fix, hasp, secure @@@@ [7]catch, enmesh, ensnare, entrap, snare, trap"} {"x":"hookah","y":"[1]hubble-bubble, kalian, narghile, water pipe"} {"x":"hooked","y":"[1]aquiline, beaked, beaky, bent, curved, falcate @@@@ [2]hamate @@@@ [3]hooklike, hook-shaped, unciform @@@@ [4]uncinate @@@@ [5]addicted to, devoted to, enamoured of, obsessed with, taken with, turned on"} {"x":"hooligan","y":"[1]casual, delinquent, hoodlum @@@@ [2]lager lout, ned @@@@ [3]rowdy, ruffian, tough, vandal, yob or yobbo"} {"x":"hoop","y":"[1]band, circlet, girdle, loop, ring, wheel"} {"x":"hoot","y":"[1]call, cry, toot @@@@ [2]boo, catcall, hiss, jeer, yell @@@@ [3]card @@@@ [4]caution @@@@ [5]laugh @@@@ [6]scream @@@@ [7]boo, catcall, condemn, decry, denounce, execrate, hiss, howl down, jeer, yell at @@@@ [8]cry, scream, shout, shriek, toot, whoop, yell"} {"x":"hop","y":"[1]bound, caper, dance, jump, leap, skip, spring, trip, vault @@@@ [2]bounce, bound, jump, leap, skip, spring, step, vault"} {"x":"hope","y":"[1]ambition, anticipation, assumption, belief, confidence, desire, dream, expectancy, expectation, faith, light at the end of the tunnel, longing @@@@ [2]anticipate, aspire, await, believe, contemplate, count on, cross one's fingers, desire, expect, foresee, keep one's fingers crossed, long, look forward to, rely, set one's heart on, trust"} {"x":"hopefully","y":"[1]confidently, expectantly, optimistically, sanguinely @@@@ [2]all being well, conceivably, expectedly, feasibly, probably"} {"x":"hopeless","y":"[1]abject, defeatist, dejected, demoralized, despairing, desperate, despondent, disconsolate, downhearted, forlorn, in despair, pessimistic, woebegone @@@@ [2]basket case, helpless, incurable, irremediable, irreparable, irreversible, lost, past remedy, remediless @@@@ [3]forlorn, futile, impossible, impracticable, not having a prayer, no-win, pointless, unachievable, unattainable, useless, vain @@@@ [4]inadequate, incompetent, ineffectual, inferior, no good, pathetic, poor, useless"} {"x":"horde","y":"[1]band, crew, crowd, drove, gang, host, mob, multitude, pack, press, swarm, throng, troop"} {"x":"horizon","y":"[1]field of vision, skyline, vista @@@@ [2]ambit, compass, ken, perspective, prospect, purview, range, realm, scope, sphere, stretch"} {"x":"horizontal","y":"[1]flat, level, parallel, plane, supine"} {"x":"horny","y":"[1]amorous, aroused, excited, lustful, randy @@@@ [2]raunchy @@@@ [3]turned on"} {"x":"horrible","y":"[1]abhorrent, abominable, appalling, awful, dreadful, fearful, frightful, from hell @@@@ [2]ghastly, grim, grisly, gruesome, heinous, hellacious @@@@ [3]hideous, horrid, loathsome, obscene, repulsive, revolting, shameful, shocking, terrible, terrifying @@@@ [4]awful, beastly @@@@ [5]cruel, disagreeable, dreadful, ghastly @@@@ [6]horrid, mean, nasty, terrible, unkind, unpleasant"} {"x":"horrid","y":"[1]awful, disagreeable, disgusting, dreadful, horrible, nasty, obscene, offensive, terrible, unpleasant, yucky or yukky @@@@ [2]abominable, alarming, appalling, formidable, frightening, from hell @@@@ [3]hair-raising, harrowing, hideous, horrific, odious, repulsive, revolting, shocking, terrifying, terrorizing @@@@ [4]beastly @@@@ [5]cruel, mean, nasty, unkind"} {"x":"horrify","y":"[1]affright, alarm, frighten, intimidate, petrify, put the wind up @@@@ [2]scare, terrify, terrorize @@@@ [3]appal, disgust, dismay, gross out @@@@ [4]make one's hair stand on end, outrage, shock, sicken"} {"x":"horror","y":"[1]alarm, apprehension, awe, consternation, dismay, dread, fear, fright, panic, terror @@@@ [2]abhorrence, abomination, antipathy, aversion, detestation, disgust, hatred, loathing, odium, repugnance, revulsion"} {"x":"horse","y":"[1]dobbin, filly, gee-gee @@@@ [2]gelding, hobby @@@@ [3]jade, mare, moke @@@@ [4]mount, nag, stallion, steed @@@@ [5]yearling @@@@ [6]clown, fool about or around, misbehave, play the fool, play the goat, roughhouse @@@@ [7]common sense, gumption @@@@ [8]judgment, mother wit, nous @@@@ [9]practicality @@@@ [10]backwoods, inferior, minor, obscure, petty, quiet, sleepy, slow, small, small-time @@@@ [11]tinpot @@@@ [12]unimportant"} {"x":"horseman","y":"[1]cavalier, cavalryman, dragoon, equestrian, horse-soldier, rider"} {"x":"horseplay","y":"[1]buffoonery, clowning, fooling around, high jinks, pranks, romping, rough-and-tumble, roughhousing @@@@ [2]skylarking"} {"x":"hospitable","y":"[1]amicable, bountiful, cordial, friendly, generous, genial, gracious, kind, liberal, sociable, welcoming @@@@ [2]accessible, amenable, open-minded, receptive, responsive, tolerant"} {"x":"hospitality","y":"[1]cheer, conviviality, cordiality, friendliness, heartiness, hospitableness, neighbourliness, sociability, warmth, welcome"} {"x":"host","y":"[1]entertainer, innkeeper, landlord, master of ceremonies, proprietor @@@@ [2]anchor man, compere @@@@ [3]presenter @@@@ [4]compere @@@@ [5]front @@@@ [6]introduce, present @@@@ [7]army, array, drove, horde, legion, multitude, myriad, swarm, throng"} {"x":"hostage","y":"[1]captive, gage, pawn, pledge, prisoner, security, surety"} {"x":"hostile","y":"[1]antagonistic, anti @@@@ [2]bellicose, belligerent, contrary, ill-disposed, inimical, malevolent, opposed, opposite, rancorous, unkind, warlike @@@@ [3]adverse, alien, inhospitable, unfriendly, unpropitious, unsympathetic, unwelcoming"} {"x":"hostility","y":"[1]abhorrence, animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, aversion, bad blood, detestation, enmity, hatred, ill will, malevolence, malice, opposition, resentment, unfriendliness @@@@ [2]abhorrence, animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, aversion, bad blood, detestation, enmity, hatred, ill will, malevolence, malice, opposition, resentment, unfriendliness"} {"x":"hot","y":"[1]aboil, blistering, boiling, burning, fiery, flaming, heated, piping hot, roasting, scalding, scorching, searing, steaming, sultry, sweltering, torrid, warm @@@@ [2]acrid, biting, peppery, piquant, pungent, sharp, spicy @@@@ [3]ablaze, animated, ardent, excited, fervent, fervid, fierce, fiery, flaming, impetuous, inflamed, intense, irascible, lustful, passionate, raging, stormy, touchy, vehement, violent @@@@ [4]fresh, just out, latest, new, recent, up to the minute @@@@ [5]approved, favoured, in demand, in vogue, popular, sought-after @@@@ [6]close, following closely, in hot pursuit, near @@@@ [7]close, following closely, in hot pursuit, near"} {"x":"hotfoot","y":"[1]hastily, helter-skelter, hurriedly, pell-mell, posthaste, quickly, speedily"} {"x":"hound","y":"[1]chase, drive, give chase, hunt, hunt down, pursue @@@@ [2]badger, goad, harass, harry, impel, persecute, pester, prod, provoke"} {"x":"house","y":"[1]abode, building, domicile, dwelling, edifice, habitation, home, homestead, pad @@@@ [2]residence @@@@ [3]family, household, menage @@@@ [4]ancestry, clan, dynasty, family tree, kindred, line, lineage, race, tribe @@@@ [5]business, company, concern, establishment, firm, organization, outfit @@@@ [6]partnership @@@@ [7]assembly, Commons, legislative body, parliament @@@@ [8]hotel, inn, public house, tavern @@@@ [9]for nothing, free, gratis, without expense @@@@ [10]accommodate, billet, board, domicile, harbour, lodge, put up, quarter, take in @@@@ [11]contain, cover, keep, protect, sheathe, shelter, store"} {"x":"household","y":"[1]family, home, house, menage @@@@ [2]domestic, domiciliary, family, ordinary, plain"} {"x":"housing","y":"[1]accommodation, dwellings, homes, houses @@@@ [2]case, casing, container, cover, covering, enclosure, sheath"} {"x":"hovel","y":"[1]cabin, den, hole, hut, shack, shanty, shed"} {"x":"hover","y":"[1]be suspended, drift, float, flutter, fly, hang, poise @@@@ [2]hang about, linger, wait nearby @@@@ [3]alternate, dither @@@@ [4]falter, fluctuate, haver @@@@ [5]oscillate, pause, seesaw, swither @@@@ [6]vacillate, waver"} {"x":"however","y":"[1]after all, anyhow, be that as it may, but, even though, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, on the other hand, still, though, yet"} {"x":"howl","y":"[1]bawl, bay, bell, bellow, clamour, cry, groan, hoot, outcry, roar, scream, shriek, ululation, wail, yelp, yowl @@@@ [2]bawl, bell, bellow, cry, cry out, lament, quest @@@@ [3]roar, scream, shout, shriek, ululate, wail, weep, yell, yelp @@@@ [4]If a person howls, they make a long, loud cry expressing pain, anger, or unhappiness."} {"x":"hoyden","y":"[1]romp @@@@ [2]tomboy"} {"x":"hub","y":"[1]centre, core, focal point, focus, heart, middle, nerve centre, pivot"} {"x":"hubbub","y":"[1]babel, bedlam, brouhaha, clamour, confusion, din, disorder, disturbance, hue and cry, hullabaloo, hurly-burly, noise, pandemonium, racket, riot, ruckus @@@@ [2]ruction @@@@ [3]rumpus, tumult, uproar"} {"x":"hubris","y":"[1]arrogance, nemesis, pride"} {"x":"huckster","y":"[1]barker @@@@ [2]hawker, pedlar, pitchman @@@@ [3]salesman, vendor"} {"x":"huddle","y":"[1]confusion, crowd, disorder, heap, jumble, mass, mess, muddle @@@@ [2]confab @@@@ [3]conference, discussion, meeting, powwow @@@@ [4]cluster, converge, crowd, flock, gather, press, throng @@@@ [5]crouch, cuddle, curl up, hunch up, make oneself small, nestle, snuggle"} {"x":"hue","y":"[1]colour, dye, shade, tincture, tinge, tint, tone @@@@ [2]aspect, cast, complexion, light @@@@ [3]brouhaha, clamour, furore, hullabaloo, much ado, outcry, ruction @@@@ [4]rumpus, uproar"} {"x":"huff","y":"[1]anger, bad mood, bate @@@@ [2]miff @@@@ [3]passion, pet, pique, rage, temper, wax @@@@ [4]angered, annoyed, exasperated, hacked (off) @@@@ [5]hurt, in high dudgeon, irked, miffed @@@@ [6]nettled, peeved, piqued, pissed off @@@@ [7]provoked, put out @@@@ [8]riled @@@@ [9]vexed @@@@ [10]blow, exhale, puff"} {"x":"hug","y":"[1]clasp, cuddle, embrace, enfold, hold close, squeeze, take in one's arms @@@@ [2]cling to, follow closely, keep close, stay near @@@@ [3]cherish, cling, hold onto, nurse, retain @@@@ [4]bear hug, clasp, clinch @@@@ [5]embrace, squeeze"} {"x":"huge","y":"[1]Brobdingnagian, bulky, colossal, elephantine, enormous, extensive, gargantuan, giant, gigantic, ginormous @@@@ [2]immense, jumbo @@@@ [3]large, mammoth, massive, mega @@@@ [4]monumental, mountainous, prodigious, stellar @@@@ [5]stupendous, titanic, tremendous, vast"} {"x":"hulk","y":"[1]derelict, frame, hull, shell, shipwreck, wreck @@@@ [2]lout, lubber, lump @@@@ [3]oaf"} {"x":"hulking","y":"[1]awkward, bulky, clumsy, clunky @@@@ [2]cumbersome, gross, lubberly, lumbering, lumpish, massive, oafish, overgrown, ponderous, ungainly, unwieldy"} {"x":"hull","y":"[1]body, casing, covering, frame, framework, skeleton @@@@ [2]husk, peel, pod, rind, shell, shuck, skin @@@@ [3]husk, peel, shell, shuck, skin, trim"} {"x":"hullabaloo","y":"[1]babel, bedlam, brouhaha, clamour, commotion, confusion, din, disturbance, furore, hubbub, hue and cry, hurly-burly, noise, outcry, pandemonium, racket, ruckus @@@@ [2]ruction @@@@ [3]rumpus, to-do, tumult, turmoil, upheaval, uproar"} {"x":"hum","y":"[1]buzz, croon, drone, mumble, murmur, purr, sing, throb, thrum, vibrate, whir @@@@ [2]be active, be busy, bustle, buzz, move, pulsate, pulse, stir, vibrate"} {"x":"human","y":"[1]anthropoid, fleshly, manlike, mortal @@@@ [2]approachable, compassionate, considerate, fallible, forgivable, humane, kind, kindly, natural, understandable, understanding, vulnerable @@@@ [3]body, child, creature, human being, individual, man, mortal, person, soul, wight @@@@ [4]woman"} {"x":"humane","y":"[1]benevolent, benign, charitable, clement, compassionate, forbearing, forgiving, gentle, good, good-natured, kind, kind-hearted, kindly, lenient, merciful, mild, sympathetic, tender, understanding"} {"x":"humanitarian","y":"[1]altruistic, beneficent, benevolent, charitable, compassionate, humane, philanthropic, public-spirited @@@@ [2]altruist, benefactor, Good Samaritan, philanthropist"} {"x":"humanity","y":"[1]flesh, Homo sapiens, humankind, human race, man, mankind, men, mortality, people @@@@ [2]human nature, humanness, mortality @@@@ [3]benevolence, benignity, brotherly love, charity, compassion, fellow feeling, kind-heartedness, kindness, mercy, philanthropy, sympathy, tenderness, tolerance, understanding @@@@ [4]classical studies, classics, liberal arts, literae humaniores"} {"x":"humanize","y":"[1]civilize, cultivate, educate, enlighten, improve, mellow, polish, reclaim, refine, soften, tame"} {"x":"humble","y":"[1]meek, modest, self-effacing, submissive, unassuming, unostentatious, unpretentious @@@@ [2]common, commonplace, insignificant, low, low-born, lowly, mean, modest, obscure, ordinary, plebeian, poor, simple, undistinguished, unimportant, unpretentious @@@@ [3]courteous, deferential, obliging, obsequious, polite, respectful, servile, subservient @@@@ [4]abase, abash, break, bring down, chagrin, chasten, crush, debase, degrade, demean, disgrace, humiliate, lower, mortify, put down @@@@ [5]put (someone) in their place, reduce, shame, sink, subdue, take down a peg @@@@ [6]eat humble pie, go on bended knee, grovel, swallow one's pride"} {"x":"humbug","y":"[1]bluff, canard, cheat, deceit, deception, dodge, feint, fraud, hoax, imposition, imposture, ruse, sham, swindle, trick, trickery, wile @@@@ [2]charlatan, cheat, con man @@@@ [3]faker, fraud, fraudster, grifter @@@@ [4]quack, swindler, trickster @@@@ [5]baloney @@@@ [6]cant, charlatanry, claptrap @@@@ [7]eyewash @@@@ [8]gammon @@@@ [9]hypocrisy, nonsense, quackery, rubbish, trash @@@@ [10]bamboozle @@@@ [11]befool, beguile, cheat, con @@@@ [12]cozen, deceive, delude, dupe, fool, gull @@@@ [13]hoax, hoodwink, impose, mislead, swindle, take in @@@@ [14]trick"} {"x":"humid","y":"[1]clammy, damp, dank, moist, muggy, steamy, sticky, sultry, watery, wet"} {"x":"humidity","y":"[1]clamminess, damp, dampness, dankness, dew, humidness, moistness, moisture, mugginess, sogginess, wetness"} {"x":"humiliate","y":"[1]abase, abash, bring low, chagrin, chasten, crush, debase, degrade, discomfit, disgrace, embarrass, humble, make (someone) eat humble pie, mortify, put down, put (someone) in their place, shame, subdue, take down a peg"} {"x":"hummock","y":"[1]hillock, hump, knoll, mound"} {"x":"humorist","y":"[1]card @@@@ [2]comedian, comic, eccentric, funny man, jester, joculator or (fem.) joculatrix, joker, wag, wit"} {"x":"humorous","y":"[1]amusing, comic, comical, droll, entertaining, facetious, farcical, funny, hilarious, jocose, jocular, laughable, ludicrous, merry, playful, pleasant, side-splitting, waggish, whimsical, witty"} {"x":"hump","y":"[1]bulge, bump, hunch, knob, lump, mound, projection, protrusion, protuberance, swelling @@@@ [2]megrims @@@@ [3]the blues, the doldrums, the dumps @@@@ [4]the grumps @@@@ [5]arch, curve, form a hump, hunch, lift, tense @@@@ [6]carry, heave, hoist, lug, shoulder"} {"x":"hunch","y":"[1]feeling, idea, impression, inkling, intuition, premonition, presentiment, suspicion @@@@ [2]arch, bend, crouch, curve, draw in, huddle, hump, squat, stoop, tense @@@@ [3]If you hunch forward, you raise your shoulders, put your head down, and lean forwards, often because you are cold, ill, or unhappy."} {"x":"hunger","y":"[1]appetite, emptiness, esurience, famine, hungriness, ravenousness, starvation, voracity @@@@ [2]ache, appetence, appetite, craving, desire, greediness, itch, lust, thirst, yearning, yen @@@@ [3]ache, crave, desire, hanker, hope, itch, long, pine, starve, thirst, want, wish, yearn"} {"x":"hungry","y":"[1]empty, esurient, famished, famishing, hollow, peckish @@@@ [2]ravenous, sharp-set, starved, starving, voracious @@@@ [3]athirst, avid, covetous, craving, desirous, eager, greedy, keen, yearning"} {"x":"hunk","y":"[1]block, chunk, gobbet, lump, mass, nugget, piece, slab, wedge, wodge"} {"x":"hunt","y":"[1]chase, gun for, hound, pursue, stalk, track, trail @@@@ [2]ferret about, forage, go in quest of, look, look high and low, rummage through, scour, search, seek, try to find @@@@ [3]chase, hunting, investigation, pursuit, quest, search"} {"x":"hunter","y":"[1]Artemis, Diana, huntsman or (fem.) huntress, jaeger @@@@ [2]Nimrod, Orion, pink, sportsman"} {"x":"hurdle","y":"[1]barricade, barrier, block, fence, hedge, wall @@@@ [2]barrier, block, complication, difficulty, handicap, hazard, hindrance, impediment, obstacle, obstruction, snag, stumbling block"} {"x":"hurl","y":"[1]cast, chuck @@@@ [2]fire, fling, heave, launch, let fly, pitch, project, propel, send, shy, sling, throw, toss"} {"x":"hurricane","y":"[1]cyclone, gale, storm, tempest, tornado, twister @@@@ [2]typhoon, willy-willy @@@@ [3]windstorm"} {"x":"hurry","y":"[1]barrel (along) @@@@ [2]burn rubber @@@@ [3]dash, fly, get a move on @@@@ [4]lose no time, make haste, rush, scoot, scurry, step on it @@@@ [5]accelerate, expedite, goad, hasten, hustle, push on, quicken, speed (up), urge @@@@ [6]bustle, celerity, commotion, dispatch, expedition, flurry, haste, precipitation, promptitude, quickness, rush, speed, urgency"} {"x":"hurt","y":"[1]bruise, damage, disable, harm, impair, injure, lay a finger on, mar, spoil, wound @@@@ [2]ache, be sore, be tender, burn, pain, smart, sting, throb @@@@ [3]afflict, aggrieve, annoy, cut to the quick, distress, grieve, pain, sadden, sting, upset, wound @@@@ [4]discomfort, distress, pain, pang, soreness, suffering @@@@ [5]bruise, sore, wound @@@@ [6]damage, detriment, disadvantage, harm, injury, loss, mischief, wrong @@@@ [7]bruised, cut, damaged, grazed, harmed, injured, scarred, scraped, scratched, wounded @@@@ [8]aggrieved, crushed, injured, miffed @@@@ [9]offended, pained, piqued, rueful, sad, wounded"} {"x":"hurtle","y":"[1]barrel (along) @@@@ [2]burn rubber @@@@ [3]charge, crash, fly, go hell for leather @@@@ [4]plunge, race, rush, rush headlong, scoot, scramble, shoot, speed, spurt, stampede, tear"} {"x":"husband","y":"[1]budget, conserve, economize, hoard, manage thriftily, save, store, use sparingly"} {"x":"hush","y":"[1]mute, muzzle, quieten, shush, silence, still, suppress @@@@ [2]allay, appease, calm, compose, mollify, soothe @@@@ [3]calm, peace, peacefulness, quiet, silence, still @@@@ [4]stillness, tranquillity @@@@ [5]classified, confidential, restricted, secret, top-secret, under wraps @@@@ [6]conceal, cover up, draw a veil over, keep dark, keep secret, sit on @@@@ [7]smother, squash, suppress, sweep under the carpet"} {"x":"husk","y":"[1]bark, chaff, covering, glume, hull, rind, shuck"} {"x":"husky","y":"[1]croaking, croaky, gruff, guttural, harsh, hoarse, rasping, raucous, rough, throaty @@@@ [2]beefy @@@@ [3]brawny, burly, hefty, muscular, powerful, rugged, stocky, strapping, thickset"} {"x":"hussy","y":"[1]baggage @@@@ [2]floozy @@@@ [3]jade, minx, quean @@@@ [4]scrubber @@@@ [5]slapper @@@@ [6]slut, strumpet, tart @@@@ [7]tramp @@@@ [8]trollop, wanton, wench"} {"x":"hustle","y":"[1]bustle, crowd, elbow, force, haste, hasten, hurry, impel, jog, jostle, push, rush, shove, thrust"} {"x":"hut","y":"[1]cabin, den, hovel, lean-to, refuge, shanty, shed, shelter"} {"x":"hybrid","y":"[1]amalgam, composite, compound, cross, crossbreed, half-blood, half-breed, mixture, mongrel, mule"} {"x":"hygiene","y":"[1]cleanliness, hygienics, sanitary measures, sanitation"} {"x":"hygienic","y":"[1]aseptic, clean, disinfected, germ-free, healthy, pure, salutary, sanitary, sterile"} {"x":"hymn","y":"[1]anthem, canticle, carol, chant, doxology, paean, psalm, song of praise"} {"x":"hype","y":"[1]ballyhoo @@@@ [2]brouhaha, build-up, plugging @@@@ [3]promotion, publicity, puffing, racket, razzmatazz"} {"x":"hyperbole","y":"[1]amplification, enlargement, exaggeration, magnification, overstatement"} {"x":"hypercritical","y":"[1]captious, carping, cavilling, censorious, fault-finding, finicky, fussy, hairsplitting, niggling, overcritical, overexacting, overscrupulous, pernickety @@@@ [2]strict"} {"x":"hypnotic","y":"[1]mesmeric, mesmerizing, narcotic, opiate, sleep-inducing, somniferous, soothing, soporific, spellbinding"} {"x":"hypnotize","y":"[1]absorb, entrance, fascinate, magnetize, spellbind"} {"x":"hypochondria","y":"[1]hypochondriasis, valetudinarianism"} {"x":"hypocrisy","y":"[1]cant, deceit, deceitfulness, deception, dissembling, duplicity, falsity, imposture, insincerity, pharisaism, phariseeism, phoneyness or phoniness @@@@ [2]pretence, sanctimoniousness, speciousness, two-facedness"} {"x":"hypocrite","y":"[1]charlatan, deceiver, dissembler, fraud, Holy Willie, impostor, Pecksniff, pharisee, phoney or phony @@@@ [2]pretender, Tartuffe, whited sepulchre"} {"x":"hypocritical","y":"[1]canting, deceitful, deceptive, dissembling, duplicitous, false, fraudulent, hollow, insincere, Janus-faced, pharisaical, phoney or phony @@@@ [2]sanctimonious, specious, spurious, two-faced"} {"x":"hypodermic","y":"[1]needle, syringe"} {"x":"hypothesis","y":"[1]assumption, postulate, premise, premiss, proposition, supposition, theory, thesis"} {"x":"hypothetical","y":"[1]academic, assumed, conjectural, imaginary, putative, speculative, supposed, theoretical"} {"x":"hysteria","y":"[1]agitation, delirium, frenzy, hysterics, madness, panic, unreason"} {"x":"ice","y":"[1]begin, initiate the proceedings, kick off @@@@ [2]at risk, in jeopardy, open to attack, out on a limb, sticking one's neck out @@@@ [3]unsafe, vulnerable @@@@ [4]arctic, biting, bitter, chilled to the bone or marrow, freezing, frozen, glacial, icy, raw, refrigerated, shivering"} {"x":"iconoclast","y":"[1]critic, dissident, heretic, radical, rebel"} {"x":"icy","y":"[1]arctic, biting, bitter, chill, chilling, chilly, cold, freezing, frost-bound, frosty, frozen over, ice-cold, parky @@@@ [2]raw @@@@ [3]glacial, glassy, like a sheet of glass, rimy, slippery, slippy @@@@ [4]aloof, cold, distant, forbidding, frigid, frosty, glacial, hostile, indifferent, steely, stony, unfriendly, unwelcoming"} {"x":"idea","y":"[1]abstraction, concept, conception, conclusion, fancy, impression, judgment, perception, thought, understanding @@@@ [2]belief, conviction, doctrine, interpretation, notion, opinion, teaching, view, viewpoint @@@@ [3]approximation, ballpark figure, clue, estimate, guess, hint, impression, inkling, intimation, notion, suspicion @@@@ [4]aim, end, import, intention, meaning, object, objective, plan, purpose, raison d'etre, reason, sense, significance @@@@ [5]design, hypothesis, plan, recommendation, scheme, solution, suggestion, theory @@@@ [6]archetype, essence, form, pattern"} {"x":"ideal","y":"[1]archetype, criterion, epitome, example, exemplar, last word, model, nonpareil, paradigm, paragon, pattern, perfection, prototype, standard, standard of perfection @@@@ [2]moral value, principle, standard @@@@ [3]archetypal, classic, complete, consummate, model, optimal, perfect, quintessential, supreme @@@@ [4]abstract, conceptual, hypothetical, intellectual, mental, notional, theoretical, transcendental @@@@ [5]fanciful, imagal @@@@ [6]imaginary, impractical, ivory-tower, unattainable, unreal, Utopian, visionary"} {"x":"idealistic","y":"[1]impracticable, optimistic, perfectionist, quixotic, romantic, starry-eyed, Utopian, visionary"} {"x":"idealization","y":"[1]ennoblement, exaltation, glorification, magnification, worship"} {"x":"idealize","y":"[1]apotheosize, deify, ennoble, exalt, glorify, magnify, put on a pedestal, romanticize, worship"} {"x":"identical","y":"[1]alike, corresponding, duplicate, equal, equivalent, indistinguishable, interchangeable, like, like two peas in a pod, matching, selfsame, the dead spit @@@@ [2]the same, twin"} {"x":"identification","y":"[1]cataloguing, classifying, establishment of identity, labelling, naming, pinpointing, recognition @@@@ [2]association, connection, empathy, fellow feeling, involvement, rapport, relationship, sympathy @@@@ [3]credentials, ID, identity card, letters of introduction, papers"} {"x":"identify","y":"[1]catalogue, classify, diagnose, flag, label, make out, name, pick out, pinpoint, place, put one's finger on @@@@ [2]recognize, single out, spot, tag @@@@ [3]ally, associate, empathize, feel for, put in the same category, put oneself in the place or shoes of, relate to, respond to, see through another's eyes, think of in connection (with)"} {"x":"identity","y":"[1]distinctiveness, existence, individuality, oneness, particularity, personality, self, selfhood, singularity, uniqueness @@@@ [2]accord, correspondence, empathy, rapport, sameness, unanimity, unity"} {"x":"ideology","y":"[1]articles of faith, belief(s), creed, dogma, ideas, philosophy, principles, tenets, Weltanschauung, world view"} {"x":"idiocy","y":"[1]abject stupidity, asininity, cretinism, fatuity, fatuousness, foolishness, imbecility, inanity, insanity, lunacy, senselessness, tomfoolery"} {"x":"idiom","y":"[1]expression, locution, phrase, set phrase, turn of phrase @@@@ [2]jargon, language, mode of expression, parlance, style, talk, usage, vernacular"} {"x":"idiomatic","y":"[1]dialectal, native, vernacular"} {"x":"idiosyncrasy","y":"[1]affectation, characteristic, eccentricity, habit, mannerism, oddity, peculiarity, personal trait, quirk, singularity, trick"} {"x":"idiot","y":"[1]airhead @@@@ [2]ass, berk @@@@ [3]blockhead, booby, charlie @@@@ [4]chump, coot, cretin, dickhead @@@@ [5]dickwit @@@@ [6]dimwit @@@@ [7]dipstick @@@@ [8]divvy @@@@ [9]dork @@@@ [10]dunderhead, dweeb @@@@ [11]fool, fuckwit @@@@ [12]geek @@@@ [13]gobshite @@@@ [14]gonzo @@@@ [15]halfwit, imbecile, jerk @@@@ [16]lamebrain @@@@ [17]mooncalf, moron, nerd or nurd @@@@ [18]nincompoop, nitwit @@@@ [19]oaf, pillock @@@@ [20]plank @@@@ [21]plonker @@@@ [22]prat @@@@ [23]prick @@@@ [24]schmuck @@@@ [25]simpleton, twit @@@@ [26]wally"} {"x":"idiotic","y":"[1]asinine, braindead @@@@ [2]crackpot @@@@ [3]crazy, daft @@@@ [4]dumb @@@@ [5]fatuous, foolhardy, foolish, halfwitted, harebrained, imbecile, imbecilic, inane, insane, loopy @@@@ [6]lunatic, moronic, senseless, stupid, unintelligent"} {"x":"idle","y":"[1]dead, empty, gathering dust, inactive, jobless, mothballed, out of action or operation, out of work, redundant, stationary, ticking over, unemployed, unoccupied, unused, vacant @@@@ [2]good-for-nothing, indolent, lackadaisical, lazy, shiftless, slothful, sluggish @@@@ [3]frivolous, insignificant, irrelevant, nugatory, superficial, trivial, unhelpful, unnecessary @@@@ [4]abortive, bootless, fruitless, futile, groundless, ineffective, of no avail, otiose, pointless, unavailing, unproductive, unsuccessful, useless, vain, worthless @@@@ [5]dally, dawdle, fool, fritter, hang out @@@@ [6]kill time, laze, loaf, loiter, lounge, potter, waste, while @@@@ [7]bob off @@@@ [8]coast, drift, mark time, shirk, sit back and do nothing, skive @@@@ [9]slack, slow down, take it easy, vegetate, veg out"} {"x":"idly","y":"[1]apathetically, casually, inactively, indolently, inertly, lackadaisically, languidly, languorously, lazily, lethargically, passively, shiftlessly, slothfully, sluggishly, unthinkingly"} {"x":"idol","y":"[1]deity, god, graven image, image, pagan symbol @@@@ [2]beloved, darling, favourite, hero, pet, pin-up @@@@ [3]superstar"} {"x":"idolater","y":"[1]heathen, idol-worshipper, pagan @@@@ [2]admirer, adorer, devotee, idolizer, votary, worshipper"} {"x":"idolize","y":"[1]admire, adore, apotheosize, bow down before, deify, dote upon, exalt, glorify, hero-worship, look up to, love, revere, reverence, venerate, worship, worship to excess"} {"x":"idyllic","y":"[1]arcadian, charming, halcyon, heavenly, ideal, idealized, out of this world, pastoral, peaceful, picturesque, rustic, unspoiled"} {"x":"if","y":"[1]admitting, allowing, assuming, granting, in case, on condition that, on the assumption that, provided, providing, supposing, though, whenever, wherever, whether @@@@ [2]condition, doubt, hesitation, stipulation, uncertainty @@@@ [3]act as if or though, affect, feign, feint, give the impression that, make a show of, pretend"} {"x":"iffy","y":"[1]chancy @@@@ [2]conditional, doubtful, in the lap of the gods, problematical, uncertain, undecided, unpredictable, up in the air"} {"x":"ignite","y":"[1]burn, burst into flames, catch fire, fire, flare up, inflame, kindle, light, put a match to @@@@ [2]set alight, set fire to, take fire, torch, touch off"} {"x":"ignoble","y":"[1]abject, base, contemptible, craven, dastardly, degenerate, degraded, despicable, disgraceful, dishonourable, heinous, infamous, low, mean, petty, shabby, shameless, unworthy, vile, wretched @@@@ [2]baseborn @@@@ [3]common, humble, lowborn @@@@ [4]lowly, mean, of humble birth, peasant, plebeian, vulgar"} {"x":"ignominious","y":"[1]abject, despicable, discreditable, disgraceful, dishonourable, disreputable, humiliating, indecorous, inglorious, mortifying, scandalous, shameful, sorry, undignified"} {"x":"ignominy","y":"[1]bad odour, contempt, discredit, disgrace, dishonour, disrepute, humiliation, infamy, mortification, obloquy, odium, opprobrium, reproach, shame, stigma"} {"x":"ignoramus","y":"[1]ass, blockhead, bonehead @@@@ [2]dolt, donkey, duffer @@@@ [3]dullard, dunce, fathead @@@@ [4]fool, illiterate, lowbrow, numbskull or numskull, numpty @@@@ [5]simpleton"} {"x":"ignorance","y":"[1]greenness, inexperience, innocence, nescience @@@@ [2]oblivion, unawareness, unconsciousness, unfamiliarity @@@@ [3]benightedness, blindness, illiteracy, lack of education, mental darkness, unenlightenment, unintelligence"} {"x":"ignorant","y":"[1]benighted, blind to, inexperienced, innocent, in the dark about, oblivious, unaware, unconscious, unenlightened, uninformed, uninitiated, unknowing, unschooled, unwitting @@@@ [2]as green as grass, green, illiterate, naive, unaware, uncultivated, uneducated, unknowledgeable, unlearned, unlettered, unread, untaught, untrained, untutored, wet behind the ears @@@@ [3]crass, crude, gross, half-baked @@@@ [4]insensitive, rude, shallow, superficial, uncomprehending, unscholarly"} {"x":"ignore","y":"[1]discount, disregard, give the cold shoulder to, neglect, overlook, pass over, pay no attention to, reject, send (someone) to Coventry, shut one's eyes to, take no notice of, turn a blind eye to, turn a deaf ear to, turn one's back on"} {"x":"ilk","y":"[1]brand, breed, character, class, description, disposition, kidney, kind, sort, stamp, style, type, variety"} {"x":"ill","y":"[1]ailing, at death's door, dicky @@@@ [2]diseased, funny @@@@ [3]green about the gills, indisposed, infirm, laid up @@@@ [4]poorly @@@@ [5]queasy, queer, seedy @@@@ [6]unhealthy, unwell, valetudinarian @@@@ [7]bad, damaging, deleterious, detrimental, evil, foul, harmful, iniquitous, injurious, ruinous, unfortunate, unlucky, vile, wicked, wrong @@@@ [8]acrimonious, adverse, antagonistic, cantankerous, cross, harsh, hateful, hostile, hurtful, inimical, malevolent, malicious, sullen, surly, unfriendly, unkind @@@@ [9]bodeful, disturbing, foreboding, inauspicious, ominous, sinister, threatening, unfavourable, unhealthy, unlucky, unpromising, unpropitious, unwholesome @@@@ [10]affliction, hardship, harm, hurt, injury, misery, misfortune, pain, trial, tribulation, trouble, unpleasantness, woe @@@@ [11]ailment, complaint, disease, disorder, illness, indisposition, infirmity, malady, malaise, sickness @@@@ [12]abuse, badness, cruelty, damage, depravity, destruction, evil, ill usage, malice, mischief, suffering, wickedness @@@@ [13]badly, hard, inauspiciously, poorly, unfavourably, unfortunately, unluckily @@@@ [14]barely, by no means, hardly, insufficiently, scantily @@@@ [15]criminally, dishonestly, foully, fraudulently, illegally, illegitimately, illicitly, unlawfully, unscrupulously @@@@ [16]criminally, dishonestly, foully, fraudulently, illegally, illegitimately, illicitly, unlawfully, unscrupulously @@@@ [17]criminally, dishonestly, foully, fraudulently, illegally, illegitimately, illicitly, unlawfully, unscrupulously @@@@ [18]criminally, dishonestly, foully, fraudulently, illegally, illegitimately, illicitly, unlawfully, unscrupulously @@@@ [19]criminally, dishonestly, foully, fraudulently, illegally, illegitimately, illicitly, unlawfully, unscrupulously @@@@ [20]criminally, dishonestly, foully, fraudulently, illegally, illegitimately, illicitly, unlawfully, unscrupulously @@@@ [21]criminally, dishonestly, foully, fraudulently, illegally, illegitimately, illicitly, unlawfully, unscrupulously @@@@ [22]criminally, dishonestly, foully, fraudulently, illegally, illegitimately, illicitly, unlawfully, unscrupulously @@@@ [23]criminally, dishonestly, foully, fraudulently, illegally, illegitimately, illicitly, unlawfully, unscrupulously @@@@ [24]criminally, dishonestly, foully, fraudulently, illegally, illegitimately, illicitly, unlawfully, unscrupulously @@@@ [25]criminally, dishonestly, foully, fraudulently, illegally, illegitimately, illicitly, unlawfully, unscrupulously @@@@ [26]criminally, dishonestly, foully, fraudulently, illegally, illegitimately, illicitly, unlawfully, unscrupulously @@@@ [27]criminally, dishonestly, foully, fraudulently, illegally, illegitimately, illicitly, unlawfully, unscrupulously"} {"x":"illegal","y":"[1]actionable @@@@ [2]banned, black-market, bootleg, criminal, felonious, forbidden, illicit, lawless, off limits, outlawed, prohibited, proscribed, unauthorized, unconstitutional, under-the-counter, under-the-table, unlawful, unlicensed, unofficial, wrongful"} {"x":"illegality","y":"[1]crime, criminality, felony, illegitimacy, illicitness, lawlessness, unlawfulness, wrong, wrongness"} {"x":"illegible","y":"[1]crabbed, faint, hard to make out, hieroglyphic, indecipherable, obscure, scrawled, undecipherable, unreadable"} {"x":"illegitimate","y":"[1]illegal, illicit, improper, unauthorized, unconstitutional, under-the-table, unlawful, unsanctioned @@@@ [2]baseborn @@@@ [3]bastard, born on the wrong side of the blanket, born out of wedlock, fatherless, misbegotten @@@@ [4]natural, spurious @@@@ [5]illogical, incorrect, invalid, spurious, unsound"} {"x":"illiberal","y":"[1]bigoted, hidebound, intolerant, narrow-minded, prejudiced, reactionary, small-minded, uncharitable, ungenerous @@@@ [2]close-fisted, mean, miserly, niggardly, parsimonious, selfish, sordid, stingy, tight, tight-arsed @@@@ [3]tight-assed @@@@ [4]tightfisted, ungenerous"} {"x":"illicit","y":"[1]black-market, bootleg, contraband, criminal, felonious, illegal, illegitimate, off limits, prohibited, unauthorized, unlawful, unlicensed @@@@ [2]clandestine, forbidden, furtive, guilty, immoral, improper, wrong"} {"x":"illimitable","y":"[1]boundless, eternal, immeasurable, immense, infinite, limitless, unbounded, unending, unlimited, vast, without end"} {"x":"illiterate","y":"[1]benighted, ignorant, uncultured, uneducated, unlettered, untaught, untutored"} {"x":"illness","y":"[1]affliction, ailment, attack, complaint, disability, disease, disorder, ill health, indisposition, infirmity, lurgi @@@@ [2]malady, malaise, poor health, sickness"} {"x":"illogical","y":"[1]absurd, fallacious, faulty, inconclusive, inconsistent, incorrect, invalid, irrational, meaningless, senseless, sophistical, specious, spurious, unreasonable, unscientific, unsound"} {"x":"illuminate","y":"[1]brighten, illumine @@@@ [2]irradiate, light, light up @@@@ [3]clarify, clear up, elucidate, enlighten, explain, explicate, give insight into, instruct, interpret, make clear, shed light on @@@@ [4]adorn, decorate, illustrate, ornament"} {"x":"illusion","y":"[1]chimera, daydream, fantasy, figment of the imagination, hallucination, ignis fatuus, mirage, mockery, phantasm, semblance, will-o'-the-wisp @@@@ [2]deception, delusion, error, fallacy, false impression, fancy, misapprehension, misconception"} {"x":"illusory","y":"[1]apparent, Barmecide, beguiling, chimerical, deceitful, deceptive, delusive, fallacious, false, hallucinatory, misleading, mistaken, seeming, sham, unreal, untrue"} {"x":"illustrate","y":"[1]bring home, clarify, demonstrate, elucidate, emphasize, exemplify, exhibit, explain, explicate, instance, interpret, make clear, make plain, point up, show @@@@ [2]adorn, decorate, depict, draw, ornament, picture, sketch"} {"x":"illustrated","y":"[1]decorated, embellished, graphic, illuminated, pictorial, picture, pictured, with illustrations"} {"x":"illustration","y":"[1]analogy, case, case in point, clarification, demonstration, elucidation, example, exemplification, explanation, instance, interpretation, specimen @@@@ [2]adornment, decoration, figure, picture, plate, sketch"} {"x":"illustrative","y":"[1]delineative, descriptive, diagrammatic, explanatory, explicatory, expository, graphic, illustrational, interpretive, pictorial, representative, sample, typical"} {"x":"illustrious","y":"[1]brilliant, celebrated, distinguished, eminent, exalted, famed, famous, glorious, great, noble, notable, noted, prominent, remarkable, renowned, resplendent, signal, splendid"} {"x":"image","y":"[1]appearance, effigy, figure, icon, idol, likeness, picture, portrait, reflection, representation, statue @@@@ [2]counterpart, (dead) ringer @@@@ [3]Doppelganger, double, facsimile, replica, similitude, spit @@@@ [4]conceit, concept, conception, figure, idea, impression, mental picture, perception, trope @@@@ [5]clone, (dead) ringer @@@@ [6]double, likeness, living image, lookalike, picture, replica, spit"} {"x":"imaginable","y":"[1]believable, comprehensible, conceivable, credible, likely, plausible, possible, supposable, thinkable, under the sun, within the bounds of possibility"} {"x":"imaginary","y":"[1]assumed, chimerical, dreamlike, fancied, fanciful, fictional, fictitious, hallucinatory, hypothetical, ideal, illusive, illusory, imagal @@@@ [2]imagined, invented, legendary, made-up, mythological, nonexistent, phantasmal, shadowy, supposed, suppositious, supposititious, unreal, unsubstantial, visionary"} {"x":"imagination","y":"[1]creativity, enterprise, fancy, ingenuity, insight, inspiration, invention, inventiveness, originality, resourcefulness, vision, wit, wittiness @@@@ [2]chimera, conception, idea, ideality, illusion, image, invention, notion, supposition, unreality"} {"x":"imaginative","y":"[1]clever, creative, dreamy, enterprising, fanciful, fantastic, ingenious, inspired, inventive, original, poetical, visionary, vivid, whimsical"} {"x":"imagine","y":"[1]conceive, conceptualize, conjure up, create, devise, dream up @@@@ [2]envisage, fantasize, form a mental picture of, frame, invent, picture, plan, project, scheme, see in the mind's eye, think of, think up, visualize @@@@ [3]apprehend, assume, believe, conjecture, deduce, deem, fancy, gather, guess @@@@ [4]infer, realize, suppose, surmise, suspect, take for granted, take it, think"} {"x":"imbalance","y":"[1]bias, disproportion, inequality, lack of proportion, lopsidedness, partiality, top-heaviness, unevenness, unfairness"} {"x":"imbecile","y":"[1]berk @@@@ [2]bungler, charlie @@@@ [3]chump, coot, cretin, dickhead @@@@ [4]dickwit @@@@ [5]dipstick @@@@ [6]divvy @@@@ [7]dolt, dork @@@@ [8]dotard, dweeb @@@@ [9]fool, fuckwit @@@@ [10]geek @@@@ [11]gobshite @@@@ [12]gonzo @@@@ [13]halfwit, idiot, jerk @@@@ [14]numpty @@@@ [15]plank @@@@ [16]plonker @@@@ [17]prat @@@@ [18]prick @@@@ [19]schmuck @@@@ [20]thickhead, tosser @@@@ [21]twit @@@@ [22]wally @@@@ [23]asinine, braindead @@@@ [24]dead from the neck up, fatuous, feeble-minded, foolish, idiotic, imbecilic, inane, ludicrous, moronic, simple, stupid, thick, witless"} {"x":"imbecility","y":"[1]asininity, childishness, cretinism, fatuity, foolishness, idiocy, inanity, incompetency, stupidity"} {"x":"imbibe","y":"[1]consume, drink, knock back @@@@ [2]quaff, sink @@@@ [3]suck, swallow, swig @@@@ [4]absorb, acquire, assimilate, gain, gather, ingest, receive, take in"} {"x":"imbroglio","y":"[1]complexity, complication, embarrassment, entanglement, involvement, misunderstanding, quandary"} {"x":"imbue","y":"[1]bathe, impregnate, inculcate, infuse, instil, permeate, pervade, saturate, steep @@@@ [2]colour, dye, ingrain, stain, suffuse, tinge, tint"} {"x":"imitate","y":"[1]affect, ape, burlesque, caricature, copy, counterfeit, do @@@@ [2]do an impression of, duplicate, echo, emulate, follow, follow in the footsteps of, follow suit, impersonate, mimic, mirror, mock, parody, personate, repeat, send up @@@@ [3]simulate, spoof @@@@ [4]travesty"} {"x":"imitation","y":"[1]aping, copy, counterfeit, counterfeiting, duplication, echoing, likeness, mimicry, resemblance, simulation @@@@ [2]carbon copy @@@@ [3]fake, forgery, impersonation, impression, mockery, parody, reflection, replica, reproduction, sham, substitution, takeoff @@@@ [4]travesty @@@@ [5]artificial, dummy, ersatz, man-made, mock, phoney or phony @@@@ [6]pseudo @@@@ [7]repro, reproduction, sham, simulated, synthetic"} {"x":"imitative","y":"[1]copied, copycat @@@@ [2]copying, derivative, echoic, mimetic, mimicking, mock, onomatopoeic, parrot-like, plagiarized, pseudo @@@@ [3]put-on, second-hand, simulated, unoriginal"} {"x":"immaculate","y":"[1]clean, impeccable, neat, neat as a new pin, spick-and-span, spruce, squeaky-clean, trim, unexceptionable @@@@ [2]above reproach, faultless, flawless, guiltless, impeccable, incorrupt, innocent, perfect, pure, sinless, spotless, squeaky-clean, stainless, unblemished, uncontaminated, undefiled, unpolluted, unsullied, untarnished, virtuous"} {"x":"immanent","y":"[1]congenital, inborn, indigenous, indwelling, inherent, innate, internal, intrinsic, mental, natural, subjective"} {"x":"immaterial","y":"[1]a matter of indifference, extraneous, impertinent, inapposite, inconsequential, inconsiderable, inessential, insignificant, irrelevant, of little account, of no consequence, of no importance, trifling, trivial, unimportant, unnecessary @@@@ [2]airy, disembodied, ethereal, ghostly, incorporeal, metaphysical, spiritual, unembodied, unsubstantial"} {"x":"immature","y":"[1]adolescent, crude, green, imperfect, premature, raw, undeveloped, unfinished, unfledged, unformed, unripe, unseasonable, untimely, young @@@@ [2]babyish, callow, childish, inexperienced, infantile, jejune, juvenile, puerile, wet behind the ears"} {"x":"immeasurable","y":"[1]bottomless, boundless, endless, illimitable, immense, incalculable, inestimable, inexhaustible, infinite, limitless, measureless, unbounded, unfathomable, unlimited, vast"} {"x":"immediate","y":"[1]instant, instantaneous @@@@ [2]adjacent, close, contiguous, direct, near, nearest, next, primary, proximate, recent @@@@ [3]actual, current, existing, extant, on hand, present, pressing, up to date, urgent"} {"x":"immediately","y":"[1]directly, forthwith, instantly, now, on the nail, posthaste, promptly, pronto @@@@ [2]right away, right now, straight away, this instant, this very minute, tout de suite, unhesitatingly, without delay, without hesitation @@@@ [3]at first hand, closely, directly, nearly"} {"x":"immemorial","y":"[1]age-old, ancient, archaic, fixed, long-standing, of yore, olden @@@@ [2]rooted, time-honoured, traditional"} {"x":"immense","y":"[1]Brobdingnagian, colossal, elephantine, enormous, extensive, giant, gigantic, ginormous @@@@ [2]great, huge, humongous or humungous @@@@ [3]illimitable, immeasurable, infinite, interminable, jumbo @@@@ [4]large, mammoth, massive, mega @@@@ [5]monstrous, monumental, prodigious, stellar @@@@ [6]stupendous, titanic, tremendous, vast"} {"x":"immerse","y":"[1]bathe, dip, douse, duck, dunk, plunge, sink, submerge, submerse @@@@ [2]absorb, busy, engage, engross, involve, occupy, take up"} {"x":"immersion","y":"[1]baptism, bathe, dip, dipping, dousing, ducking, dunking, plunging, submerging @@@@ [2]absorption, concentration, involvement, preoccupation"} {"x":"immigrant","y":"[1]incomer, newcomer, settler"} {"x":"imminent","y":"[1]at hand, brewing, close, coming, fast-approaching, forthcoming, gathering, impending, in the air, in the offing, in the pipeline, just round the corner, looming, menacing, near, nigh @@@@ [2]on the cards, on the horizon, on the way, threatening, upcoming"} {"x":"immobile","y":"[1]at a standstill, at rest, fixed, frozen, immobilized, immotile, immovable, like a statue, motionless, rigid, riveted, rooted, stable, static, stationary, stiff, still, stock-still, stolid, unmoving"} {"x":"immobility","y":"[1]absence of movement, firmness, fixity, immovability, inertness, motionlessness, stability, steadiness, stillness"} {"x":"immobilize","y":"[1]bring to a standstill, cripple, disable, freeze, halt, lay up @@@@ [2]paralyse, put out of action, render inoperative, stop, transfix"} {"x":"immoderate","y":"[1]egregious, enormous, exaggerated, excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, inordinate, intemperate, O.T.T. @@@@ [2]profligate, steep @@@@ [3]uncalled-for, unconscionable, uncontrolled, undue, unjustified, unreasonable, unrestrained, unwarranted, wanton"} {"x":"immodest","y":"[1]bawdy, coarse, depraved, flirtatious, gross, immoral, improper, impure, indecent, indecorous, indelicate, lewd, obscene, revealing, titillating, unchaste @@@@ [2]bold, bold as brass, brass-necked @@@@ [3]brazen, forward, fresh @@@@ [4]impudent, pushy @@@@ [5]shameless, unblushing"} {"x":"immolate","y":"[1]kill, sacrifice"} {"x":"immolation","y":"[1]offering up, sacrifice, slaughter"} {"x":"immoral","y":"[1]abandoned, bad, corrupt, debauched, degenerate, depraved, dishonest, dissolute, evil, impure, indecent, iniquitous, lewd, licentious, nefarious, obscene, of easy virtue, pornographic, profligate, reprobate, sinful, sink, unchaste, unethical, unprincipled, vicious, vile, wicked, wrong"} {"x":"immorality","y":"[1]badness, corruption, debauchery, depravity, dissoluteness, evil, iniquity, licentiousness, profligacy, sin, turpitude, vice, wickedness, wrong"} {"x":"immortal","y":"[1]abiding, constant, death-defying, deathless, endless, enduring, eternal, everlasting, imperishable, incorruptible, indestructible, lasting, perennial, perpetual, sempiternal @@@@ [2]timeless, undying, unfading @@@@ [3]god, goddess, Olympian @@@@ [4]genius, great @@@@ [5]hero, paragon"} {"x":"immortality","y":"[1]deathlessness, endlessness, eternity, everlasting life, incorruptibility, indestructibility, perpetuity, timelessness @@@@ [2]celebrity, fame, glorification, gloriousness, glory, greatness, renown"} {"x":"immortalize","y":"[1]apotheosize, celebrate, commemorate, enshrine, eternalize, eternize, exalt, glorify, memorialize, perpetuate, solemnize"} {"x":"immovable","y":"[1]fast, firm, fixed, immutable, jammed, rooted, secure, set, stable, stationary, stuck, unbudgeable @@@@ [2]adamant, constant, impassive, inflexible, obdurate, resolute, steadfast, stony-hearted, unchangeable, unimpressionable, unshakable, unshaken, unwavering, unyielding"} {"x":"immune","y":"[1]clear, exempt, free, insusceptible, invulnerable, let off @@@@ [2]not affected, not liable, not subject, proof (against), protected, resistant, safe, unaffected"} {"x":"immunity","y":"[1]amnesty, charter, exemption, exoneration, franchise, freedom, indemnity, invulnerability, liberty, licence, prerogative, privilege, release, right @@@@ [2]immunization, protection, resistance"} {"x":"immunize","y":"[1]inoculate, protect, safeguard, vaccinate"} {"x":"immure","y":"[1]cage, cloister, confine, enclose, imprison, incarcerate, jail, shut in or up, wall up or in"} {"x":"immutability","y":"[1]agelessness, changelessness, constancy, durability, invariability, permanence, stability, unalterableness, unchangeableness"} {"x":"immutable","y":"[1]abiding, ageless, changeless, constant, enduring, fixed, fixed as the laws of the Medes and Persians, immovable, inflexible, invariable, permanent, perpetual, sacrosanct, stable, steadfast, unalterable, unchangeable"} {"x":"imp","y":"[1]brat, demon, devil, gamin, minx, pickle @@@@ [2]rascal, rogue, scamp, sprite, urchin"} {"x":"impact","y":"[1]bang, blow, bump, collision, concussion, contact, crash, force, jolt, knock, shock, smash, stroke, thump @@@@ [2]brunt, burden, consequences, effect, full force, impression, influence, meaning, power, repercussions, significance, thrust, weight @@@@ [3]clash, collide, crash, crush, hit, strike"} {"x":"impair","y":"[1]blunt, damage, debilitate, decrease, deteriorate, diminish, enervate, enfeeble, harm, hinder, injure, lessen, mar, reduce, spoil, undermine, vitiate, weaken, worsen"} {"x":"impale","y":"[1]lance, pierce, run through, skewer, spear, spike, spit, stick, transfix"} {"x":"impalpable","y":"[1]airy, delicate, disembodied, fine, imperceptible, incorporeal, indistinct, insubstantial, intangible, shadowy, tenuous, thin, unsubstantial"} {"x":"impart","y":"[1]communicate, convey, disclose, discover, divulge, make known, pass on, relate, reveal, tell @@@@ [2]accord, afford, bestow, confer, contribute, give, grant, lend, offer, yield"} {"x":"impartial","y":"[1]detached, disinterested, equal, equitable, even-handed, fair, just, neutral, nondiscriminating, nonpartisan, objective, open-minded, unbiased, unprejudiced, without fear or favour"} {"x":"impartiality","y":"[1]detachment, disinterest, disinterestedness, dispassion, equality, equity, even-handedness, fairness, lack of bias, neutrality, nonpartisanship, objectivity, open-mindedness"} {"x":"impassable","y":"[1]blocked, closed, impenetrable, obstructed, pathless, trackless, unnavigable"} {"x":"impasse","y":"[1]blind alley @@@@ [2]dead end, deadlock, stalemate, standoff, standstill"} {"x":"impassioned","y":"[1]ablaze, animated, ardent, blazing, excited, fervent, fervid, fiery, flaming, furious, glowing, heated, inflamed, inspired, intense, passionate, rousing, stirring, vehement, violent, vivid, warm, worked up"} {"x":"impassive","y":"[1]aloof, apathetic, callous, calm, composed, cool, dispassionate, emotionless, impassible @@@@ [2]imperturbable, indifferent, inscrutable, insensible, insusceptible, phlegmatic, poker-faced @@@@ [3]reserved, self-contained, serene, stoical, stolid, unconcerned, unemotional, unexcitable, unfazed @@@@ [4]unfeeling, unimpressible, unmoved, unruffled"} {"x":"impassivity","y":"[1]aloofness, calmness, composure, dispassion, impassiveness, imperturbability, indifference, inscrutability, insensibility, nonchalance, phlegm, stoicism, stolidity"} {"x":"impatience","y":"[1]haste, hastiness, heat, impetuosity, intolerance, irritability, irritableness, quick temper, rashness, shortness, snappiness, vehemence, violence @@@@ [2]agitation, anxiety, avidity, disquietude, eagerness, edginess, fretfulness, nervousness, restiveness, restlessness, uneasiness"} {"x":"impatient","y":"[1]abrupt, brusque, curt, demanding, edgy, hasty, hot-tempered, indignant, intolerant, irritable, quick-tempered, snappy, sudden, testy, vehement, violent @@@@ [2]agog, athirst, chafing, eager, fretful, headlong, impetuous, like a cat on hot bricks"} {"x":"impeach","y":"[1]accuse, arraign, blame, censure, charge, criminate @@@@ [2]denounce, indict, tax @@@@ [3]call into question, cast aspersions on, cast doubt on, challenge, disparage, impugn, question"} {"x":"impeccable","y":"[1]above suspicion, blameless, exact, exquisite, faultless, flawless, immaculate, incorrupt, innocent, irreproachable, perfect, precise, pure, sinless, stainless, unblemished, unerring, unimpeachable"} {"x":"impecunious","y":"[1]broke @@@@ [2]cleaned out @@@@ [3]destitute, dirt-poor @@@@ [4]indigent, in queer street, insolvent, penniless, poverty-stricken, short, skint @@@@ [5]stony @@@@ [6]strapped"} {"x":"impede","y":"[1]bar, block, brake, check, clog, cumber, curb, delay, disrupt, encumber, hamper, hinder, hold up, obstruct, restrain, retard, slow (down), stop, throw a spanner in the works @@@@ [2]thwart"} {"x":"impediment","y":"[1]bar, barrier, block, check, clog, curb, defect, difficulty, encumbrance, fly in the ointment, hazard, hindrance, millstone around one's neck, obstacle, obstruction, snag, stumbling block"} {"x":"impedimenta","y":"[1]accoutrements, baggage, belongings, effects, equipment, gear, junk @@@@ [2]luggage, movables, odds and ends, paraphernalia, possessions, stuff, things, trappings, traps"} {"x":"impel","y":"[1]actuate, chivy, compel, constrain, drive, force, goad, incite, induce, influence, inspire, instigate, motivate, move, oblige, power, prod, prompt, propel, push, require, spur, stimulate, urge"} {"x":"impenetrable","y":"[1]dense, hermetic, impassable, impermeable, impervious, inviolable, solid, thick, unpierceable @@@@ [2]arcane, baffling, cabbalistic, dark, enigmatic, enigmatical, hidden, incomprehensible, indiscernible, inexplicable, inscrutable, mysterious, obscure, unfathomable, unintelligible"} {"x":"impenitent","y":"[1]defiant, hardened, hardhearted, incorrigible, obdurate, recidivistic, relentless, remorseless, unabashed, unashamed, uncontrite, unreformed, unrepentant"} {"x":"imperative","y":"[1]compulsory, crucial, essential, exigent, indispensable, insistent, obligatory, pressing, urgent, vital @@@@ [2]authoritative, autocratic, commanding, dictatorial, domineering, high-handed, imperious, lordly, magisterial, peremptory"} {"x":"imperceptible","y":"[1]faint, fine, gradual, impalpable, inappreciable, inaudible, indiscernible, indistinguishable, infinitesimal, insensible, invisible, microscopic, minute, shadowy, slight, small, subtle, teensy-weensy, teeny-weeny, tiny, undetectable, unnoticeable"} {"x":"imperfect","y":"[1]broken, damaged, defective, deficient, faulty, flawed, immature, impaired, incomplete, inexact, limited, partial, patchy, rudimentary, sketchy, undeveloped, unfinished"} {"x":"imperfection","y":"[1]blemish, defect, deficiency, failing, fallibility, fault, flaw, foible, frailty, inadequacy, incompleteness, infirmity, insufficiency, peccadillo, scar, shortcoming, stain, taint, weakness, weak point"} {"x":"imperial","y":"[1]kingly, majestic, princely, queenly, regal, royal, sovereign @@@@ [2]august, exalted, grand, great, high, imperious, lofty, magnificent, noble, superior, supreme"} {"x":"imperil","y":"[1]endanger, expose, hazard, jeopardize, risk"} {"x":"imperious","y":"[1]arrogant, authoritative, autocratic, bossy @@@@ [2]commanding, despotic, dictatorial, domineering, exacting, haughty, high-handed, imperative, lordly, magisterial, overbearing, overweening, tyrannical, tyrannous"} {"x":"imperishable","y":"[1]abiding, enduring, eternal, everlasting, immortal, indestructible, perennial, permanent, perpetual, undying, unfading, unforgettable"} {"x":"impermanent","y":"[1]brief, elusive, ephemeral, evanescent, fleeting, fly-by-night @@@@ [2]flying, fugacious, fugitive, here today, gone tomorrow @@@@ [3]inconstant, momentary, mortal, passing, perishable, short-lived, temporary, transient, transitory"} {"x":"impermeable","y":"[1]hermetic, impassable, impenetrable, impervious, nonporous, proof, resistant"} {"x":"impersonal","y":"[1]aloof, bureaucratic, businesslike, cold, detached, dispassionate, formal, inhuman, neutral, remote"} {"x":"impersonate","y":"[1]act, ape, caricature, do @@@@ [2]do an impression of, enact, imitate, masquerade as, mimic, parody, pass oneself off as, personate, pose as @@@@ [3]take off"} {"x":"impersonation","y":"[1]caricature, imitation, impression, mimicry, parody, takeoff"} {"x":"impertinent","y":"[1]bold, brazen, cheeky @@@@ [2]discourteous, disrespectful, flip @@@@ [3]forward, fresh @@@@ [4]impolite, impudent, insolent, interfering, lippy @@@@ [5]pert, presumptuous, rude, sassy @@@@ [6]saucy @@@@ [7]uncivil, unmannerly @@@@ [8]inapplicable, inappropriate, incongruous, irrelevant"} {"x":"imperturbable","y":"[1]calm, collected, complacent, composed, cool, equanimous, nerveless, sedate, self-possessed, serene, stoic, stoical, tranquil, undisturbed, unexcitable, unfazed @@@@ [2]unflappable @@@@ [3]unmoved, unruffled"} {"x":"impervious","y":"[1]hermetic, impassable, impenetrable, impermeable, imperviable, invulnerable, resistant, sealed @@@@ [2]closed to, immune, invulnerable, proof against, unaffected by, unmoved by, unreceptive, unswayable, untouched by"} {"x":"impetuosity","y":"[1]haste, hastiness, impulsiveness, precipitancy, precipitateness, rashness, vehemence, violence"} {"x":"impetuous","y":"[1]ardent, eager, fierce, furious, hasty, headlong, impassioned, impulsive, passionate, precipitate, rash, spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment, unbridled, unplanned, unpremeditated, unreflecting, unrestrained, unthinking, vehement, violent"} {"x":"impetus","y":"[1]catalyst, goad, impulse, impulsion, incentive, motivation, push, spur, stimulus @@@@ [2]energy, force, momentum, power"} {"x":"impiety","y":"[1]godlessness, iniquity, irreligion, irreverence, profaneness, profanity, sacrilege, sinfulness, ungodliness, unholiness, unrighteousness, wickedness"} {"x":"impinge","y":"[1]encroach, invade, make inroads, obtrude, trespass, violate @@@@ [2]affect, bear upon, have a bearing on, impact, influence, infringe, relate to, touch, touch upon @@@@ [3]clash, collide, dash, strike"} {"x":"impious","y":"[1]blasphemous, godless, iniquitous, irreligious, irreverent, profane, sacrilegious, sinful, ungodly, unholy, unrighteous, wicked"} {"x":"impish","y":"[1]devilish, elfin, mischievous, prankish, puckish, rascally, roguish, sportive, waggish"} {"x":"implacable","y":"[1]cruel, inexorable, inflexible, intractable, merciless, pitiless, rancorous, relentless, remorseless, ruthless, unappeasable, unbending, uncompromising, unforgiving, unrelenting, unyielding"} {"x":"implant","y":"[1]inculcate, infix, infuse, inseminate, instil, sow @@@@ [2]embed, fix, graft, ingraft, insert, place, plant, root, sow"} {"x":"implausible","y":"[1]cock-and-bull @@@@ [2]dubious, far-fetched, flimsy, improbable, incredible, suspect, unbelievable, unconvincing, unlikely, unreasonable, weak"} {"x":"implement","y":"[1]agent, apparatus, appliance, device, gadget, instrument, tool, utensil @@@@ [2]bring about, carry out, complete, effect, enforce, execute, fulfil, perform, put into action or effect, realize"} {"x":"implementation","y":"[1]accomplishment, carrying out, discharge, effecting, enforcement, execution, fulfilment, performance, performing, realization"} {"x":"implicate","y":"[1]associate, compromise, concern, embroil, entangle, imply, include, incriminate, inculpate, involve, mire, stitch up"} {"x":"implication","y":"[1]association, connection, entanglement, incrimination, involvement @@@@ [2]conclusion, inference, innuendo, meaning, overtone, presumption, ramification, significance, signification, suggestion"} {"x":"implicit","y":"[1]contained, implied, inferred, inherent, latent, tacit, taken for granted, undeclared, understood, unspoken @@@@ [2]absolute, constant, entire, firm, fixed, full, steadfast, total, unhesitating, unqualified, unreserved, unshakable, unshaken, wholehearted"} {"x":"implied","y":"[1]hinted at, implicit, indirect, inherent, insinuated, suggested, tacit, undeclared, unexpressed, unspoken, unstated"} {"x":"implore","y":"[1]beg, beseech, conjure, crave, entreat, go on bended knee to, importune, plead with, pray, solicit, supplicate"} {"x":"imply","y":"[1]connote, give (someone) to understand, hint, insinuate, intimate, signify, suggest @@@@ [2]betoken, denote, entail, evidence, import, include, indicate, involve, mean, point to, presuppose"} {"x":"impolite","y":"[1]bad-mannered, boorish, churlish, discourteous, disrespectful, ill-bred, ill-mannered, indecorous, indelicate, insolent, loutish, rough, rude, uncivil, uncouth, ungallant, ungentlemanly, ungracious, unladylike, unmannerly, unrefined"} {"x":"impolitic","y":"[1]ill-advised, ill-judged, imprudent, indiscreet, inexpedient, injudicious, maladroit, misguided, undiplomatic, untimely, unwise"} {"x":"import","y":"[1]bearing, drift, gist, implication, intention, meaning, message, purport, sense, significance, thrust @@@@ [2]bottom, consequence, importance, magnitude, moment, significance, substance, weight @@@@ [3]bring in, introduce, land"} {"x":"importance","y":"[1]concern, consequence, import, interest, moment, momentousness, significance, substance, value, weight @@@@ [2]bottom, distinction, eminence, esteem, influence, mark, pre-eminence, prestige, prominence, standing, status, usefulness, worth @@@@ [3]Importance means having influence, power, or status."} {"x":"important","y":"[1]far-reaching, grave, large, material, meaningful, momentous, of substance, primary, salient, serious, signal, significant, substantial, urgent, weighty @@@@ [2]big-time @@@@ [3]eminent, foremost, high-level, high-ranking, influential, leading, major league @@@@ [4]notable, noteworthy, of note, outstanding, powerful, pre-eminent, prominent, seminal @@@@ [5]basic, essential, of concern or interest, relevant, valuable, valued"} {"x":"importunate","y":"[1]burning, clamant, clamorous, demanding, dogged, earnest, exigent, insistent, persistent, pertinacious, pressing, solicitous, troublesome, urgent"} {"x":"importune","y":"[1]badger, beset, besiege, dun, entreat, harass, hound, lay siege to, pester, plague, press, solicit"} {"x":"importunity","y":"[1]cajolery, dunning, entreaties, insistence, persistence, pressing, solicitations, urging"} {"x":"impose","y":"[1]decree, establish, exact, fix, institute, introduce, lay, levy, ordain, place, promulgate, put, set @@@@ [2]appoint, charge with, dictate, enforce, enjoin, inflict, prescribe, saddle (someone) with @@@@ [3]butt in, encroach, foist, force oneself, gate-crash @@@@ [4]horn in @@@@ [5]inflict, intrude, obtrude, presume, take liberties, trespass @@@@ [6]abuse, exploit, play on, take advantage of, use @@@@ [7]con @@@@ [8]deceive, dupe, hoodwink, pull the wool over (somebody's) eyes, trick"} {"x":"imposition","y":"[1]application, decree, introduction, laying on, levying, promulgation @@@@ [2]cheek @@@@ [3]encroachment, intrusion, liberty, presumption @@@@ [4]artifice, cheating, con @@@@ [5]deception, dissimulation, fraud, hoax, imposture, stratagem, trickery @@@@ [6]burden, charge, constraint, duty, levy, tax"} {"x":"impossibility","y":"[1]hopelessness, impracticability, inability, inconceivability"} {"x":"impossible","y":"[1]beyond one, beyond the bounds of possibility, hopeless, impracticable, inconceivable, not to be thought of, out of the question, unachievable, unattainable, unobtainable, unthinkable @@@@ [2]absurd, inadmissible, insoluble, intolerable, ludicrous, outrageous, preposterous, unacceptable, unanswerable, ungovernable, unreasonable, unsuitable, unworkable"} {"x":"imposture","y":"[1]artifice, canard, cheat, con trick @@@@ [2]counterfeit, deception, fraud, hoax, impersonation, imposition, quackery, swindle, trick"} {"x":"impotent","y":"[1]disabled, emasculate, enervated, feeble, frail, helpless, incapable, incapacitated, incompetent, ineffective, infirm, nerveless, paralysed, powerless, unable, unmanned, weak"} {"x":"impoverish","y":"[1]bankrupt, beggar, break, ruin @@@@ [2]deplete, diminish, drain, exhaust, pauperize, reduce, sap, use up, wear out"} {"x":"impracticable","y":"[1]impossible, out of the question, unachievable, unattainable, unfeasible, unworkable @@@@ [2]awkward, impractical, inapplicable, inconvenient, unserviceable, unsuitable, useless"} {"x":"impractical","y":"[1]impossible, impracticable, inoperable, nonviable, unrealistic, unserviceable, unworkable, visionary, wild @@@@ [2]idealistic, romantic, starry-eyed, unbusinesslike, unrealistic, visionary"} {"x":"imprecation","y":"[1]anathema, blasphemy, curse, denunciation, execration, malediction, profanity, vilification"} {"x":"impregnable","y":"[1]immovable, impenetrable, indestructible, invincible, invulnerable, secure, strong, unassailable, unbeatable, unconquerable, unshakable"} {"x":"impregnate","y":"[1]fill, imbrue @@@@ [2]imbue, infuse, percolate, permeate, pervade, saturate, seep, soak, steep, suffuse @@@@ [3]fecundate, fertilize, fructify, get with child, inseminate, make pregnant"} {"x":"impress","y":"[1]affect, excite, grab @@@@ [2]influence, inspire, make an impression, move, stir, strike, sway, touch @@@@ [3]bring home to, emphasize, fix, inculcate, instil into, stress @@@@ [4]emboss, engrave, imprint, indent, mark, print, stamp"} {"x":"impression","y":"[1]effect, feeling, impact, influence, reaction, sway @@@@ [2]arouse comment, be conspicuous, cause a stir, excite notice, find favour, make a hit @@@@ [3]belief, concept, conviction, fancy, feeling, funny feeling @@@@ [4]hunch, idea, memory, notion, opinion, recollection, sense, suspicion @@@@ [5]brand, dent, hollow, impress, imprint, indentation, mark, outline, stamp, stamping @@@@ [6]edition, imprinting, issue, printing @@@@ [7]imitation, impersonation, parody, send-up @@@@ [8]takeoff"} {"x":"impressive","y":"[1]affecting, awesome, dramatic, exciting, forcible, grand, moving, powerful, stirring, striking, touching"} {"x":"imprint","y":"[1]impression, indentation, mark, print, sign, stamp @@@@ [2]engrave, establish, etch, fix, impress, print, stamp"} {"x":"imprison","y":"[1]confine, constrain, detain, immure, incarcerate, intern, jail, lock up, put away, put under lock and key, send down"} {"x":"improbability","y":"[1]doubt, doubtfulness, dubiety, uncertainty, unlikelihood"} {"x":"improbable","y":"[1]cock-and-bull @@@@ [2]doubtful, dubious, fanciful, far-fetched, implausible, questionable, unbelievable, uncertain, unconvincing, unlikely, weak"} {"x":"impromptu","y":"[1]ad-lib, extemporaneous, extempore, extemporized, improvised, offhand, off the cuff @@@@ [2]spontaneous, unpremeditated, unprepared, unrehearsed, unscripted, unstudied"} {"x":"improper","y":"[1]impolite, indecent, indecorous, indelicate, off-colour, risque, smutty, suggestive, unbecoming, unfitting, unseemly, untoward, vulgar @@@@ [2]ill-timed, inapplicable, inapposite, inappropriate, inapt, incongruous, infelicitous, inopportune, malapropos, out of place, uncalled-for, unfit, unseasonable, unsuitable, unsuited, unwarranted @@@@ [3]abnormal, erroneous, false, inaccurate, incorrect, irregular, wrong"} {"x":"impropriety","y":"[1]bad taste, immodesty, incongruity, indecency, indecorum, unsuitability, vulgarity @@@@ [2]bloomer @@@@ [3]blunder, faux pas, gaffe, gaucherie, lapse, mistake, slip, solecism"} {"x":"improve","y":"[1]advance, ameliorate, amend, augment, better, correct, face-lift, help, mend, polish, rectify, touch up, upgrade @@@@ [2]develop, enhance, gain strength, increase, look up @@@@ [3]make strides, perk up, pick up, progress, rally, reform, rise, take a turn for the better @@@@ [4]be on the mend, convalesce, gain ground, gain strength, grow better, make progress, mend, recover, recuperate, turn the corner @@@@ [5]reform, shape up"} {"x":"improvement","y":"[1]advancement, amelioration, amendment, augmentation, betterment, correction, face-lift, gain, rectification @@@@ [2]advance, development, enhancement, furtherance, increase, progress, rally, recovery, reformation, rise, upswing"} {"x":"improvident","y":"[1]careless, heedless, imprudent, inconsiderate, negligent, prodigal, profligate, reckless, shiftless, short-sighted, spendthrift, thoughtless, thriftless, uneconomical, unthrifty, wasteful"} {"x":"improvisation","y":"[1]ad-lib, ad-libbing, expedient, extemporizing, impromptu, invention, makeshift, spontaneity"} {"x":"improvise","y":"[1]ad-lib, busk, coin, extemporize, invent, play it by ear @@@@ [2]vamp, wing it @@@@ [3]concoct, contrive, devise, make do, throw together"} {"x":"imprudent","y":"[1]careless, foolhardy, foolish, heedless, ill-advised, ill-considered, ill-judged, impolitic, improvident, incautious, inconsiderate, indiscreet, injudicious, irresponsible, overhasty, rash, reckless, temerarious, unthinking, unwise"} {"x":"impudent","y":"[1]audacious, bold, bold-faced, brazen, bumptious, cheeky @@@@ [2]cocky @@@@ [3]forward, fresh @@@@ [4]immodest, impertinent, insolent, lippy @@@@ [5]pert, presumptuous, rude, sassy @@@@ [6]saucy @@@@ [7]shameless"} {"x":"impugn","y":"[1]assail, attack, call into question, cast aspersions upon, cast doubt upon, challenge, criticize, dispute, gainsay @@@@ [2]oppose, question, resist, traduce"} {"x":"impulse","y":"[1]catalyst, force, impetus, momentum, movement, pressure, push, stimulus, surge, thrust @@@@ [2]caprice, drive, feeling, incitement, inclination, influence, instinct, motive, notion, passion, resolve, urge, whim, wish"} {"x":"impulsive","y":"[1]devil-may-care, emotional, hasty, headlong, impetuous, instinctive, intuitive, passionate, precipitate, quick, rash, spontaneous, unconsidered, unpredictable, unpremeditated"} {"x":"impunity","y":"[1]dispensation, exemption, freedom, immunity, liberty, licence, nonliability, permission, security"} {"x":"impure","y":"[1]admixed, adulterated, alloyed, debased, mixed, unrefined @@@@ [2]contaminated, defiled, dirty, filthy, foul, infected, polluted, sullied, tainted, unclean, unwholesome, vitiated @@@@ [3]carnal, coarse, corrupt, gross, immodest, immoral, indecent, indelicate, lascivious, lewd, licentious, lustful, obscene, prurient, ribald, salacious, smutty, unchaste, unclean, X-rated"} {"x":"imputation","y":"[1]accusation, ascription, aspersion, attribution, blame, censure, charge, insinuation, reproach, slander, slur"} {"x":"impute","y":"[1]accredit, ascribe, assign, attribute, credit, lay at the door of, refer, set down to"} {"x":"inability","y":"[1]disability, disqualification, impotence, inadequacy, incapability, incapacity, incompetence, ineptitude, powerlessness"} {"x":"inaccessible","y":"[1]impassable, out of reach, out of the way, remote, unapproachable, unattainable, un-get-at-able @@@@ [2]unreachable"} {"x":"inadequate","y":"[1]defective, deficient, faulty, imperfect, incommensurate, incomplete, insubstantial, insufficient, meagre, niggardly, pathetic, scant, scanty, short, sketchy, skimpy, sparse @@@@ [2]found wanting, inapt, incapable, incompetent, not up to scratch @@@@ [3]unequal, unfitted, unqualified"} {"x":"inadvertent","y":"[1]accidental, careless, chance, heedless, negligent, thoughtless, unheeding, unintended, unintentional, unplanned, unpremeditated, unthinking, unwitting"} {"x":"inalienable","y":"[1]absolute, entailed @@@@ [2]inherent, inviolable, non-negotiable, nontransferable, sacrosanct, unassailable, untransferable"} {"x":"inane","y":"[1]asinine, daft @@@@ [2]devoid of intelligence, empty, fatuous, frivolous, futile, goofy @@@@ [3]idiotic, imbecilic, mindless, puerile, senseless, silly, stupid, trifling, unintelligent, vacuous, vain, vapid, worthless"} {"x":"inanimate","y":"[1]cold, dead, defunct, extinct, inactive, inert, insensate, insentient, lifeless, quiescent, soulless, spiritless"} {"x":"inanity","y":"[1]asininity, betise @@@@ [2]daftness @@@@ [3]emptiness, fatuity, folly, frivolity, imbecility, puerility, senselessness, silliness, vacuity, vapidity, worthlessness"} {"x":"inappreciable","y":"[1]imperceptible, infinitesimal, insignificant, minuscule, negligible"} {"x":"inaptitude","y":"[1]awkwardness, clumsiness, incompetence, maladroitness, unfitness, unreadiness, unsuitableness"} {"x":"inarticulate","y":"[1]blurred, incoherent, incomprehensible, indistinct, muffled, mumbled, unclear, unintelligible @@@@ [2]dumb, mute, silent, speechless, tongue-tied, unspoken, unuttered, unvoiced, voiceless, wordless @@@@ [3]faltering, halting, hesitant, poorly spoken"} {"x":"inattention","y":"[1]absent-mindedness, carelessness, daydreaming, disregard, forgetfulness, heedlessness, inadvertence, inattentiveness, indifference, neglect, preoccupation, thoughtlessness, woolgathering"} {"x":"inaudible","y":"[1]indistinct, low, mumbling, out of earshot, stifled, unheard"} {"x":"inaugural","y":"[1]dedicatory, first, initial, introductory, maiden, opening"} {"x":"inaugurate","y":"[1]begin, commence, get under way, initiate, institute, introduce, kick off @@@@ [2]launch, originate, set in motion, set up, usher in @@@@ [3]induct, install, instate, invest @@@@ [4]commission, dedicate, open, ordain"} {"x":"inborn","y":"[1]congenital, connate, hereditary, immanent, inbred, ingrained, inherent, inherited, innate, in one's blood, instinctive, intuitive, native, natural"} {"x":"inbred","y":"[1]constitutional, deep-seated, immanent, ingrained, inherent, innate, native, natural"} {"x":"incalculable","y":"[1]boundless, countless, enormous, immense, incomputable, inestimable, infinite, innumerable, limitless, measureless, numberless, uncountable, untold, vast, without number"} {"x":"incandescent","y":"[1]brilliant, Day-Glo, glowing, luminous, phosphorescent, radiant, red-hot, shining, white-hot"} {"x":"incantation","y":"[1]abracadabra, chant, charm, conjuration, formula, hex @@@@ [2]invocation, spell"} {"x":"incapable","y":"[1]feeble, inadequate, incompetent, ineffective, inept, inexpert, insufficient, not equal to, not up to, unfit, unfitted, unqualified, weak @@@@ [2]helpless, impotent, powerless, unable, unfit @@@@ [3]impervious, not admitting of, not susceptible to, resistant"} {"x":"incapacitate","y":"[1]cripple, disable, disqualify, immobilize, lay up @@@@ [2]paralyse, prostrate, put out of action @@@@ [3]scupper @@@@ [4]unfit"} {"x":"incapacity","y":"[1]disqualification, feebleness, impotence, inability, inadequacy, incapability, incompetency, ineffectiveness, powerlessness, unfitness, weakness"} {"x":"incarcerate","y":"[1]commit, confine, coop up, detain, gaol, immure, impound, imprison, intern, jail, lock up, put under lock and key, restrain, restrict, send down"} {"x":"incarceration","y":"[1]bondage, captivity, confinement, detention, imprisonment, internment, porridge @@@@ [2]restraint"} {"x":"incarnate","y":"[1]in bodily form, in human form, in the flesh, made flesh @@@@ [2]embodied, personified, typified"} {"x":"incarnation","y":"[1]avatar, bodily form, embodiment, epitome, exemplification, impersonation, manifestation, personification, type"} {"x":"incendiary","y":"[1]dissentious, inflammatory, provocative, rabble-rousing, seditious, subversive @@@@ [2]arsonist, firebug @@@@ [3]fire raiser, pyromaniac @@@@ [4]agitator, demagogue, firebrand, insurgent, rabble-rouser, revolutionary"} {"x":"incense","y":"[1]anger, enrage, exasperate, excite, gall, get one's hackles up, inflame, infuriate, irritate, madden, make one's blood boil @@@@ [2]provoke, raise one's hackles, rile @@@@ [3]aroma, balm, bouquet, fragrance, perfume, redolence, scent"} {"x":"incentive","y":"[1]bait, carrot @@@@ [2]carrot and stick, encouragement, enticement, goad, impetus, impulse, inducement, lure, motivation, motive, spur, stimulant, stimulus"} {"x":"inception","y":"[1]beginning, birth, commencement, dawn, inauguration, initiation, kickoff @@@@ [2]origin, outset, rise, start"} {"x":"incessant","y":"[1]ceaseless, constant, continual, continuous, endless, eternal, everlasting, interminable, never-ending, nonstop, perpetual, persistent, relentless, unbroken, unceasing, unending, unrelenting, unremitting"} {"x":"inchoate","y":"[1]beginning, inceptive, incipient, nascent @@@@ [2]elementary, embryonic, formless, immature, imperfect, rudimentary, undeveloped, unformed"} {"x":"incidence","y":"[1]amount, degree, extent, frequency, occurrence, prevalence, rate"} {"x":"incident","y":"[1]adventure, circumstance, episode, event, fact, happening, matter, occasion, occurrence @@@@ [2]brush, clash, commotion, confrontation, contretemps, disturbance, mishap, scene, skirmish"} {"x":"incidental","y":"[1]accidental, casual, chance, fortuitous, odd, random @@@@ [2]accompanying, attendant, by-the-way, concomitant, contingent, contributory, related @@@@ [3]ancillary, minor, nonessential, occasional, secondary, subordinate, subsidiary"} {"x":"incinerate","y":"[1]burn up, carbonize, char, consume by fire, cremate, reduce to ashes"} {"x":"incipient","y":"[1]beginning, commencing, developing, embryonic, inceptive, inchoate, nascent, originating, starting"} {"x":"incise","y":"[1]carve, chisel, cut (into), engrave, etch, inscribe"} {"x":"incision","y":"[1]cut, gash, notch, opening, slash, slit"} {"x":"incisive","y":"[1]acute, keen, penetrating, perspicacious, piercing, trenchant @@@@ [2]acid, biting, caustic, cutting, mordacious, mordant, sarcastic, sardonic, satirical, severe, sharp, vitriolic"} {"x":"incite","y":"[1]agitate for or against, animate, drive, egg on, encourage, excite, foment, goad, impel, inflame, instigate, prod, prompt, provoke, put up to, rouse, set on, spur, stimulate, stir up, urge, whip up"} {"x":"incivility","y":"[1]bad manners, boorishness, discourteousness, discourtesy, disrespect, ill-breeding, impoliteness, rudeness, unmannerliness"} {"x":"inclement","y":"[1]bitter, boisterous, foul, harsh, intemperate, rigorous, rough, severe, stormy, tempestuous @@@@ [2]callous, cruel, draconian, harsh, intemperate, merciless, pitiless, rigorous, severe, tyrannical, unfeeling, unmerciful"} {"x":"inclination","y":"[1]affection, aptitude, bent, bias, desire, disposition, fancy, fondness, leaning, liking, partiality, penchant, predilection, predisposition, prejudice, proclivity, proneness, propensity, stomach, taste, tendency, thirst, turn, turn of mind, wish @@@@ [2]bending, bow, bowing, nod @@@@ [3]angle, bend, bending, deviation, gradient, incline, leaning, pitch, slant, slope, tilt"} {"x":"incline","y":"[1]be disposed or predisposed, bias, influence, persuade, predispose, prejudice, sway, tend, turn @@@@ [2]bend, bow, lower, nod, nutate @@@@ [3]stoop @@@@ [4]bend, bevel, cant, deviate, diverge, heel, lean, slant, slope, tend, tilt, tip, veer @@@@ [5]acclivity, ascent, declivity, descent, dip, grade, gradient, ramp, rise, slope"} {"x":"inclined","y":"[1]apt, disposed, given, liable, likely, minded, of a mind @@@@ [2]predisposed, prone, willing"} {"x":"include","y":"[1]comprehend, comprise, contain, cover, embody, embrace, encompass, incorporate, involve, subsume, take in, take into account @@@@ [2]add, allow for, build in, count, enter, insert, introduce, number among"} {"x":"including","y":"[1]as well as, containing, counting, inclusive of, plus, together with, with"} {"x":"inclusion","y":"[1]addition, incorporation, insertion"} {"x":"incognito","y":"[1]disguised, in disguise, under an assumed name, unknown, unrecognized"} {"x":"incoherent","y":"[1]confused, disconnected, disjointed, disordered, inarticulate, inconsistent, jumbled, loose, muddled, rambling, stammering, stuttering, unconnected, uncoordinated, unintelligible, wandering, wild"} {"x":"income","y":"[1]earnings, gains, interest, means, pay, proceeds, profits, receipts, revenue, salary, takings, wages"} {"x":"incoming","y":"[1]approaching, arriving, entering, homeward, landing, new, returning, succeeding"} {"x":"incommensurate","y":"[1]disproportionate, inadequate, inequitable, insufficient, unequal"} {"x":"incommode","y":"[1]annoy, be a trouble to, bother, disturb, embarrass, get in one's hair @@@@ [2]hinder, impede, inconvenience, irk, put out, put (someone) to trouble, trouble, upset, vex"} {"x":"incommunicable","y":"[1]indescribable, ineffable, inexpressible, unspeakable, unutterable"} {"x":"incomparable","y":"[1]beyond compare, inimitable, matchless, paramount, peerless, superlative, supreme, transcendent, unequalled, unmatched, unparalleled, unrivalled"} {"x":"incompatibility","y":"[1]antagonism, conflict, discrepancy, disparateness, incongruity, inconsistency, irreconcilability, uncongeniality"} {"x":"incompatible","y":"[1]antagonistic, antipathetic, conflicting, contradictory, discordant, discrepant, disparate, ill-assorted, incongruous, inconsistent, inconsonant, irreconcilable, mismatched, uncongenial, unsuitable, unsuited"} {"x":"incompetent","y":"[1]bungling, cowboy @@@@ [2]floundering, incapable, incapacitated, ineffectual, inept, inexpert, insufficient, skill-less, unable, unfit, unfitted, unskilful, useless"} {"x":"incomplete","y":"[1]broken, defective, deficient, fragmentary, imperfect, insufficient, lacking, partial, short, unaccomplished, undeveloped, undone, unexecuted, unfinished, wanting"} {"x":"incomprehensible","y":"[1]baffling, beyond comprehension, beyond one's grasp, enigmatic, impenetrable, inconceivable, inscrutable, mysterious, obscure, opaque, perplexing, puzzling, unfathomable, unimaginable, unintelligible, unthinkable"} {"x":"incongruity","y":"[1]conflict, discrepancy, disparity, inappropriateness, inaptness, incompatibility, inconsistency, inharmoniousness, unsuitability"} {"x":"incongruous","y":"[1]absurd, conflicting, contradictory, contrary, disconsonant, discordant, extraneous, improper, inappropriate, inapt, incoherent, incompatible, inconsistent, out of keeping, out of place, unbecoming, unsuitable, unsuited"} {"x":"inconsequential","y":"[1]immaterial, inconsiderable, insignificant, measly, minor, negligible, nickel-and-dime @@@@ [2]of no significance, paltry, petty, trifling, trivial, unimportant, wanky"} {"x":"inconsiderable","y":"[1]exiguous, inconsequential, insignificant, light, minor, negligible, petty, slight, small, small-time @@@@ [2]trifling, trivial, unimportant"} {"x":"inconsiderate","y":"[1]careless, indelicate, insensitive, intolerant, rude, self-centred, selfish, tactless, thoughtless, uncharitable, ungracious, unkind, unthinking"} {"x":"inconsolable","y":"[1]brokenhearted, desolate, despairing, heartbroken, heartsick, prostrate with grief, sick at heart"} {"x":"inconspicuous","y":"[1]camouflaged, hidden, insignificant, modest, muted, ordinary, plain, quiet, retiring, unassuming, unnoticeable, unobtrusive, unostentatious"} {"x":"inconstant","y":"[1]capricious, changeable, changeful, erratic, fickle, fluctuating, inconsistent, irresolute, mercurial, mutable, temperamental, uncertain, undependable, uneven, unreliable, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, vacillating, vagarious @@@@ [2]variable, volatile, wavering, wayward"} {"x":"incontestable","y":"[1]beyond doubt, beyond question, certain, incontrovertible, indisputable, indubitable, irrefutable, self-evident, sure, undeniable, unquestionable"} {"x":"incontinent","y":"[1]unbridled, unchecked, uncontrollable, uncontrolled, ungovernable, ungoverned, unrestrained @@@@ [2]debauched, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, loose, lustful, profligate, promiscuous, unchaste, wanton"} {"x":"incontrovertible","y":"[1]beyond dispute, certain, established, incontestable, indisputable, indubitable, irrefutable, positive, sure, undeniable, unquestionable, unshakable"} {"x":"inconvenience","y":"[1]annoyance, awkwardness, bother, difficulty, disadvantage, disruption, disturbance, downside, drawback, fuss, hassle @@@@ [2]hindrance, nuisance, trouble, uneasiness, upset, vexation @@@@ [3]awkwardness, cumbersomeness, unfitness, unhandiness, unsuitableness, untimeliness, unwieldiness @@@@ [4]bother, discommode, disrupt, disturb, give (someone) bother or trouble, hassle @@@@ [5]irk, make (someone) go out of his way, put out, put to trouble, trouble, upset"} {"x":"incorporate","y":"[1]absorb, amalgamate, assimilate, blend, coalesce, combine, consolidate, embody, fuse, include, integrate, meld, merge, mix, subsume, unite"} {"x":"incorporation","y":"[1]absorption, amalgamation, assimilation, blend, coalescence, federation, fusion, inclusion, integration, merger, unifying"} {"x":"incorrect","y":"[1]erroneous, false, faulty, flawed, improper, inaccurate, inappropriate, inexact, mistaken, off base @@@@ [2]off beam @@@@ [3]out, specious, unfitting, unsuitable, untrue, way off beam @@@@ [4]wrong"} {"x":"incorrigible","y":"[1]hardened, hopeless, incurable, intractable, inveterate, irredeemable, unreformed"} {"x":"incorruptibility","y":"[1]honesty, honour, integrity, justness, uprightness"} {"x":"incorruptible","y":"[1]above suspicion, honest, honourable, just, straight, trustworthy, unbribable, upright @@@@ [2]everlasting, imperishable, undecaying"} {"x":"increase","y":"[1]add to, advance, aggrandize, amplify, augment, boost, build up, develop, dilate, enhance, enlarge, escalate, expand, extend, grow, heighten, inflate, intensify, magnify, mount, multiply, proliferate, prolong, raise, snowball, spread, step up @@@@ [2]strengthen, swell, wax @@@@ [3]addition, augmentation, boost, development, enlargement, escalation, expansion, extension, gain, growth, increment, intensification, rise, upsurge, upturn @@@@ [4]developing, escalating, expanding, growing, increasing, multiplying, on the rise, proliferating, spreading"} {"x":"incredible","y":"[1]absurd, beyond belief, cock-and-bull @@@@ [2]far-fetched, implausible, impossible, improbable, inconceivable, not hold water, preposterous, unbelievable, unimaginable, unthinkable @@@@ [3]ace @@@@ [4]amazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, brilliant, def @@@@ [5]extraordinary, far-out @@@@ [6]great, marvellous, mega @@@@ [7]prodigious, rad @@@@ [8]sensational @@@@ [9]superhuman, wonderful"} {"x":"incredulity","y":"[1]disbelief, distrust, doubt, scepticism, unbelief"} {"x":"incredulous","y":"[1]disbelieving, distrustful, doubtful, doubting, dubious, mistrustful, sceptical, suspicious, unbelieving, unconvinced, wet behind the ears"} {"x":"increment","y":"[1]accretion, accrual, accruement, addition, advancement, augmentation, enlargement, gain, increase, step (up), supplement"} {"x":"incriminate","y":"[1]accuse, arraign, blacken the name of, blame, charge, impeach, implicate, inculpate, indict, involve, point the finger at @@@@ [2]stigmatize"} {"x":"inculcate","y":"[1]drill, drum into, hammer into @@@@ [2]implant, impress, indoctrinate, infuse, instil"} {"x":"inculpate","y":"[1]accuse, blame, censure, charge, drag into @@@@ [2]impeach, implicate, incriminate, involve"} {"x":"incumbent","y":"[1]binding, compulsory, mandatory, necessary, obligatory"} {"x":"incur","y":"[1]arouse, bring (upon oneself), contract, draw, earn, expose oneself to, gain, induce, lay oneself open to, meet with, provoke"} {"x":"incurable","y":"[1]dyed-in-the-wool, hopeless, incorrigible, inveterate @@@@ [2]fatal, inoperable, irrecoverable, irremediable, remediless, terminal"} {"x":"incurious","y":"[1]apathetic, indifferent, pococurante, unconcerned, uninquiring, uninterested"} {"x":"incursion","y":"[1]foray, infiltration, inroad, invasion, irruption, penetration, raid"} {"x":"indebted","y":"[1]beholden, grateful, in debt, obligated, obliged, under an obligation"} {"x":"indecent","y":"[1]blue, coarse, crude, dirty, filthy, foul, gross, immodest, improper, impure, indelicate, lewd, licentious, pornographic, salacious, scatological, smutty, vile @@@@ [2]ill-bred, improper, in bad taste, indecorous, offensive, outrageous, tasteless, unbecoming, unseemly, vulgar"} {"x":"indecipherable","y":"[1]crabbed, illegible, indistinguishable, unintelligible, unreadable"} {"x":"indecision","y":"[1]ambivalence, dithering @@@@ [2]doubt, hesitancy, hesitation, indecisiveness, irresolution, shilly-shallying @@@@ [3]uncertainty, vacillation, wavering"} {"x":"indecisive","y":"[1]dithering @@@@ [2]doubtful, faltering, hesitating, in two minds @@@@ [3]irresolute, pussyfooting @@@@ [4]tentative, uncertain, undecided, undetermined, vacillating, wavering @@@@ [5]inconclusive, indefinite, indeterminate, unclear, undecided"} {"x":"indecorous","y":"[1]boorish, churlish, coarse, ill-bred, immodest, impolite, improper, indecent, rude, tasteless, uncivil, uncouth, undignified, unmannerly, unseemly, untoward"} {"x":"indeed","y":"[1]actually, certainly, doubtlessly, in point of fact, in truth, positively, really, strictly, to be sure, truly, undeniably, undoubtedly, verily @@@@ [2]veritably"} {"x":"indefatigable","y":"[1]assiduous, diligent, dogged, inexhaustible, patient, persevering, pertinacious, relentless, sedulous, tireless, unflagging, unremitting, untiring, unwearied, unwearying"} {"x":"indefinable","y":"[1]dim, hazy, impalpable, indescribable, indistinct, inexpressible, nameless, obscure, unrealized, vague"} {"x":"indefinite","y":"[1]ambiguous, confused, doubtful, equivocal, evasive, general, ill-defined, imprecise, indeterminate, indistinct, inexact, loose, obscure, oracular, uncertain, unclear, undefined, undetermined, unfixed, unknown, unlimited, unsettled, vague"} {"x":"indelible","y":"[1]enduring, indestructible, ineffaceable, ineradicable, inexpungible, inextirpable, ingrained, lasting, permanent"} {"x":"indelicate","y":"[1]blue, coarse, crude, embarrassing, gross, immodest, improper, indecent, indecorous, low, near the knuckle @@@@ [2]obscene, off-colour, offensive, risque, rude, suggestive, tasteless, unbecoming, unseemly, untoward, vulgar, X-rated"} {"x":"indemnify","y":"[1]endorse, guarantee, insure, protect, secure, underwrite @@@@ [2]compensate, pay, reimburse, remunerate, repair, repay, requite, satisfy"} {"x":"indemnity","y":"[1]guarantee, insurance, protection, security @@@@ [2]compensation, redress, reimbursement, remuneration, reparation, requital, restitution, satisfaction @@@@ [3]exemption, immunity, impunity, privilege"} {"x":"indent","y":"[1]ask for, order, request, requisition @@@@ [2]cut, dint, mark, nick, notch, pink, scallop, score, serrate"} {"x":"indentation","y":"[1]bash @@@@ [2]cut, dent, depression, dimple, dip, hollow, jag, nick, notch, pit"} {"x":"independence","y":"[1]autarchy, autonomy, freedom, home rule, liberty, self-determination, self-government, self-reliance, self-rule, self-sufficiency, separation, sovereignty"} {"x":"independent","y":"[1]absolute, free, liberated, separate, unconnected, unconstrained, uncontrolled, unrelated @@@@ [2]autarchic, autarchical, autonomous, decontrolled, nonaligned, self-determining, self-governing, separated, sovereign @@@@ [3]bold, individualistic, liberated, self-contained, self-reliant, self-sufficient, self-supporting, unaided, unconventional"} {"x":"indescribable","y":"[1]beggaring description, beyond description, beyond words, incommunicable, indefinable, ineffable, inexpressible, unutterable"} {"x":"indestructible","y":"[1]abiding, durable, enduring, everlasting, immortal, imperishable, incorruptible, indelible, indissoluble, lasting, nonperishable, permanent, unbreakable, unfading"} {"x":"indeterminate","y":"[1]imprecise, inconclusive, indefinite, inexact, uncertain, undefined, undetermined, unfixed, unspecified, unstipulated, vague"} {"x":"index","y":"[1]clue, guide, indication, mark, sign, symptom, token @@@@ [2]director, forefinger, hand, indicator, needle, pointer"} {"x":"indicate","y":"[1]bespeak, be symptomatic of, betoken, denote, evince, imply, manifest, point to, reveal, show, signal, signify, suggest @@@@ [2]designate, point out, point to, specify @@@@ [3]display, express, mark, read, record, register, show"} {"x":"indicated","y":"[1]advisable, called-for, desirable, necessary, needed, recommended, suggested"} {"x":"indication","y":"[1]clue, evidence, explanation, forewarning, hint, index, inkling, intimation, manifestation, mark, note, omen, portent, sign, signal, suggestion, symptom, warning"} {"x":"indicative","y":"[1]exhibitive, indicatory, indicial, pointing to, significant, suggestive, symptomatic"} {"x":"indicator","y":"[1]display, gauge, guide, index, mark, marker, meter, pointer, sign, signal, signpost, symbol"} {"x":"indict","y":"[1]accuse, arraign, charge, impeach, prosecute, serve with a summons, summon, summons, tax"} {"x":"indictment","y":"[1]accusation, allegation, charge, impeachment, prosecution, summons"} {"x":"indifferent","y":"[1]aloof, apathetic, callous, careless, cold, cool, detached, distant, heedless, impervious, inattentive, not give a monkey's @@@@ [2]regardless, uncaring, unconcerned, unimpressed, uninterested, unmoved, unresponsive, unsympathetic @@@@ [3]immaterial, insignificant, of no consequence, unimportant @@@@ [4]average, fair, mediocre, middling, moderate, no great shakes @@@@ [5]ordinary, passable, perfunctory, so-so @@@@ [6]undistinguished, uninspired @@@@ [7]disinterested, dispassionate, equitable, impartial, neutral, nonaligned, nonpartisan, objective, unbiased, uninvolved, unprejudiced"} {"x":"indigenous","y":"[1]aboriginal, autochthonous, home-grown, native, original @@@@ [2]congenital, connate, immanent, inborn, inbred, inherent, innate"} {"x":"indigent","y":"[1]destitute, dirt-poor, down and out, down at heel @@@@ [2]flat broke @@@@ [3]impecunious, impoverished, in want, necessitous, needy, on one's uppers @@@@ [4]on the breadline, penniless, penurious, poor, poverty-stricken, short, straitened, without two pennies to rub together"} {"x":"indignant","y":"[1]angry, annoyed, choked, disgruntled, exasperated, fuming @@@@ [2]furious, hacked (off) @@@@ [3]huffy @@@@ [4]in a huff, incensed, in high dudgeon, irate, livid @@@@ [5]mad @@@@ [6]miffed @@@@ [7]narked @@@@ [8]peeved @@@@ [9]pissed off @@@@ [10]provoked, resentful, riled, scornful, seeing red @@@@ [11]sore @@@@ [12]wrathful"} {"x":"indignation","y":"[1]anger, exasperation, fury, ire @@@@ [2]pique, rage, resentment, righteous anger, scorn, umbrage, wrath"} {"x":"indignity","y":"[1]abuse, affront, contumely, dishonour, disrespect, humiliation, injury, insult, obloquy, opprobrium, outrage, reproach, slap in the face @@@@ [2]slight, snub"} {"x":"indirect","y":"[1]backhanded, circuitous, circumlocutory, crooked, devious, long-drawn-out, meandering, oblique, periphrastic, rambling, roundabout, tortuous, wandering, winding, zigzag @@@@ [2]ancillary, collateral, contingent, incidental, secondary, subsidiary, unintended"} {"x":"indiscreet","y":"[1]foolish, hasty, heedless, ill-advised, ill-considered, ill-judged, impolitic, imprudent, incautious, injudicious, naive, rash, reckless, tactless, undiplomatic, unthinking, unwise"} {"x":"indiscriminate","y":"[1]aimless, careless, desultory, general, hit or miss @@@@ [2]random, sweeping, uncritical, undiscriminating, unmethodical, unselective, unsystematic, wholesale @@@@ [3]chaotic, confused, haphazard, higgledy-piggledy @@@@ [4]jumbled, mingled, miscellaneous, mixed, mongrel, motley, promiscuous, undistinguishable"} {"x":"indispensable","y":"[1]crucial, essential, imperative, key, necessary, needed, needful, requisite, vital"} {"x":"indisposed","y":"[1]ailing, confined to bed, ill, laid up @@@@ [2]poorly @@@@ [3]sick, under the weather, unwell @@@@ [4]averse, disinclined, loath, reluctant, unwilling"} {"x":"indisposition","y":"[1]ailment, ill health, illness, sickness @@@@ [2]aversion, disinclination, dislike, distaste, hesitancy, reluctance, unwillingness"} {"x":"indisputable","y":"[1]absolute, beyond doubt, certain, evident, incontestable, incontrovertible, indubitable, irrefutable, positive, sure, unassailable, undeniable, unquestionable"} {"x":"indissoluble","y":"[1]abiding, binding, enduring, eternal, fixed, imperishable, incorruptible, indestructible, inseparable, lasting, permanent, solid, unbreakable"} {"x":"indistinct","y":"[1]ambiguous, bleary, blurred, confused, dim, doubtful, faint, fuzzy, hazy, ill-defined, indefinite, indeterminate, indiscernible, indistinguishable, misty, muffled, obscure, out of focus, shadowy, unclear, undefined, unintelligible, vague, weak"} {"x":"individual","y":"[1]characteristic, discrete, distinct, distinctive, exclusive, identical, idiosyncratic, own, particular, peculiar, personal, personalized, proper, respective, separate, several, single, singular, special, specific, unique @@@@ [2]being, body @@@@ [3]character, creature, mortal, party, person, personage, soul, type, unit"} {"x":"individuality","y":"[1]character, discreteness, distinction, distinctiveness, originality, peculiarity, personality, separateness, singularity, uniqueness"} {"x":"indoctrinate","y":"[1]brainwash, drill, ground, imbue, initiate, instruct, school, teach, train"} {"x":"indoctrination","y":"[1]brainwashing, drilling, grounding, inculcation, instruction, schooling, training"} {"x":"indolent","y":"[1]faineant, good-for-nothing, idle, inactive, inert, lackadaisical, languid, lazy, lethargic, listless, lumpish, slack, slothful, slow, sluggish, torpid, workshy"} {"x":"indomitable","y":"[1]bold, invincible, resolute, set, staunch, steadfast, unbeatable, unconquerable, unflinching, untameable, unyielding"} {"x":"indubitable","y":"[1]certain, evident, incontestable, incontrovertible, indisputable, irrefutable, obvious, open-and-shut, sure, unarguable, undeniable, undoubted, unquestionable, veritable"} {"x":"induce","y":"[1]actuate, convince, draw, encourage, get, impel, incite, influence, instigate, move, persuade, press, prevail upon, prompt, talk into @@@@ [2]bring about, cause, effect, engender, generate, give rise to, lead to, occasion, produce, set in motion, set off"} {"x":"induct","y":"[1]inaugurate, initiate, install, introduce, invest, swear in"} {"x":"induction","y":"[1]inauguration, initiation, installation, institution, introduction, investiture @@@@ [2]conclusion, generalization, inference"} {"x":"indulge","y":"[1]cater to, feed, give way to, gratify, pander to, regale, satiate, satisfy, treat oneself to, yield to @@@@ [2]bask in, give free rein to, give oneself up to, luxuriate in, revel in, wallow in @@@@ [3]baby, coddle, cosset, favour, fawn on, foster, give in to, go along with, humour, mollycoddle, pamper, pet, spoil"} {"x":"indulgence","y":"[1]excess, fondness, immoderation, intemperance, intemperateness, kindness, leniency, pampering, partiality, permissiveness, profligacy, profligateness, spoiling @@@@ [2]appeasement, fulfilment, gratification, satiation, satisfaction @@@@ [3]extravagance, favour, luxury, privilege, treat @@@@ [4]courtesy, forbearance, goodwill, patience, tolerance, understanding"} {"x":"industrious","y":"[1]active, assiduous, busy, conscientious, diligent, energetic, hard-working, laborious, persevering, persistent, productive, purposeful, sedulous, steady, tireless, zealous"} {"x":"industry","y":"[1]business, commerce, commercial enterprise, manufacturing, production, trade @@@@ [2]activity, application, assiduity, determination, diligence, effort, labour, perseverance, persistence, tirelessness, toil, vigour, zeal"} {"x":"inebriate","y":"[1]intoxicate, make drunk, stupefy @@@@ [2]animate, arouse, carry away, excite, exhilarate, fire, stimulate @@@@ [3]alcoholic, boozer @@@@ [4]dipsomaniac, drunk, drunkard, heavy drinker, lush @@@@ [5]soak @@@@ [6]sot, toper"} {"x":"ineffable","y":"[1]beyond words, incommunicable, indefinable, indescribable, inexpressible, unspeakable, unutterable"} {"x":"ineffective","y":"[1]barren, basket case, bootless, feeble, fruitless, futile, idle, impotent, inadequate, ineffectual, inefficacious, inefficient, pathetic, unavailing, unproductive, useless, vain, weak, worthless"} {"x":"ineffectual","y":"[1]abortive, basket case, bootless, emasculate, feeble, fruitless, futile, idle, impotent, inadequate, incompetent, ineffective, inefficacious, inefficient, inept, lame, pathetic, powerless, unavailing, useless, vain, weak"} {"x":"inefficient","y":"[1]cowboy @@@@ [2]disorganized, feeble, incapable, incompetent, ineffectual, inefficacious, inept, inexpert, slipshod, sloppy, wasteful, weak"} {"x":"inelegant","y":"[1]awkward, clumsy, coarse, crass, crude, gauche, graceless, indelicate, laboured, rough, uncouth, uncultivated, ungainly, ungraceful, unpolished, unrefined"} {"x":"ineligible","y":"[1]disqualified, incompetent @@@@ [2]objectionable, ruled out, unacceptable, undesirable, unequipped, unfit, unfitted, unqualified, unsuitable"} {"x":"inept","y":"[1]awkward, bumbling, bungling, cack-handed @@@@ [2]clumsy, cowboy @@@@ [3]gauche, incompetent, inexpert, maladroit, unhandy, unskilful, unworkmanlike @@@@ [4]absurd, improper, inappropriate, inapt, infelicitous, malapropos, meaningless, out of place, pointless, ridiculous, unfit, unsuitable"} {"x":"ineptitude","y":"[1]clumsiness, gaucheness, incapacity, incompetence, inexpertness, unfitness, unhandiness @@@@ [2]absurdity, inappropriateness, pointlessness, uselessness"} {"x":"inequality","y":"[1]bias, difference, disparity, disproportion, diversity, imparity, irregularity, lack of balance, preferentiality, prejudice, unevenness"} {"x":"inert","y":"[1]dead, dormant, dull, idle, immobile, inactive, inanimate, indolent, lazy, leaden, lifeless, motionless, passive, quiescent, slack, slothful, sluggish, slumberous @@@@ [2]static, still, torpid, unmoving, unreactive, unresponsive"} {"x":"inertia","y":"[1]apathy, deadness, disinclination to move, drowsiness, dullness, idleness, immobility, inactivity, indolence, languor, lassitude, laziness, lethargy, listlessness, passivity, sloth, sluggishness, stillness, stupor, torpor, unresponsiveness"} {"x":"inescapable","y":"[1]certain, destined, fated, ineluctable, ineludible @@@@ [2]inevitable, inexorable, sure, unavoidable"} {"x":"inestimable","y":"[1]beyond price, immeasurable, incalculable, invaluable, precious, priceless, prodigious"} {"x":"inevitable","y":"[1]assured, certain, decreed, destined, fixed, ineluctable, inescapable, inexorable, necessary, ordained, settled, sure, unavoidable, unpreventable"} {"x":"inevitably","y":"[1]as a necessary consequence, as a result, automatically, certainly, necessarily, of necessity, perforce, surely, unavoidably, willy-nilly"} {"x":"inexact","y":"[1]imprecise, inaccurate, incorrect, indefinite, indeterminate, off"} {"x":"inexcusable","y":"[1]indefensible, inexpiable, outrageous, unforgivable, unjustifiable, unpardonable, unwarrantable"} {"x":"inexhaustible","y":"[1]bottomless, boundless, endless, illimitable, infinite, limitless, measureless, never-ending, unbounded @@@@ [2]indefatigable, tireless, undaunted, unfailing, unflagging, untiring, unwearied, unwearying"} {"x":"inexorable","y":"[1]adamant, cruel, hard, harsh, immovable, implacable, ineluctable, inescapable, inflexible, merciless, obdurate, pitiless, relentless, remorseless, severe, unappeasable, unbending, unrelenting, unyielding"} {"x":"inexperience","y":"[1]callowness, greenness, ignorance, newness, rawness, unexpertness, unfamiliarity"} {"x":"inexpert","y":"[1]amateurish, awkward, bungling, cack-handed @@@@ [2]clumsy, inept, maladroit, skill-less, unhandy, unpractised, unprofessional, unskilful, unskilled, unworkmanlike"} {"x":"inexplicable","y":"[1]baffling, beyond comprehension, enigmatic, incomprehensible, inscrutable, insoluble, mysterious, mystifying, strange, unaccountable, unfathomable, unintelligible"} {"x":"inexpressible","y":"[1]incommunicable, indefinable, indescribable, ineffable, unspeakable, unutterable"} {"x":"infallibility","y":"[1]faultlessness, impeccability, irrefutability, omniscience, perfection, supremacy, unerringness @@@@ [2]dependability, reliability, safety, sureness, trustworthiness"} {"x":"infallible","y":"[1]faultless, impeccable, omniscient, perfect, unerring, unimpeachable @@@@ [2]certain, dependable, foolproof, reliable, sure, sure-fire @@@@ [3]trustworthy, unbeatable, unfailing"} {"x":"infamous","y":"[1]abominable, atrocious, base, detestable, disgraceful, dishonourable, disreputable, egregious, flagitious, hateful, heinous, ignominious, ill-famed, iniquitous, loathsome, monstrous, nefarious, notorious, odious, opprobrious, outrageous, scandalous, scurvy, shameful, shocking, vile, villainous, wicked"} {"x":"infamy","y":"[1]abomination, atrocity, discredit, disgrace, dishonour, disrepute, ignominy, notoriety, obloquy, odium, opprobrium, outrageousness, scandal, shame, stigma, villainy"} {"x":"infancy","y":"[1]babyhood, early childhood @@@@ [2]beginnings, cradle, dawn, early stages, emergence, inception, origins, outset, start"} {"x":"infant","y":"[1]ankle-biter @@@@ [2]babe, babe in arms, baby, bairn @@@@ [3]child, little one, neonate, newborn child, rug rat @@@@ [4]sprog @@@@ [5]suckling, toddler, tot, wean @@@@ [6]baby, dawning, developing, early, emergent, growing, immature, initial, nascent, newborn, unfledged, young"} {"x":"infantile","y":"[1]babyish, childish, immature, puerile, tender, weak, young"} {"x":"infatuate","y":"[1]befool, beguile, besot, bewitch, captivate, delude, enchant, enrapture, enravish, fascinate, make a fool of, mislead, obsess, stupefy, sweep one off one's feet, turn (someone's) head"} {"x":"infect","y":"[1]affect, blight, contaminate, corrupt, defile, influence, poison, pollute, spread to or among, taint, touch, vitiate"} {"x":"infection","y":"[1]contagion, contamination, corruption, defilement, poison, pollution, septicity, virus"} {"x":"infer","y":"[1]conclude, conjecture, deduce, derive, gather, presume, put two and two together, read between the lines, surmise, understand"} {"x":"inference","y":"[1]assumption, conclusion, conjecture, consequence, corollary, deduction, illation @@@@ [2]presumption, reading, surmise"} {"x":"inferior","y":"[1]junior, lesser, lower, menial, minor, secondary, subordinate, subsidiary, under, underneath @@@@ [2]bad, bush-league @@@@ [3]chickenshit @@@@ [4]crappy @@@@ [5]dime-a-dozen @@@@ [6]duff @@@@ [7]end-of-the-pier @@@@ [8]imperfect, indifferent, low-grade, low-rent @@@@ [9]mean, mediocre, no great shakes @@@@ [10]poor, poorer, poxy @@@@ [11]second-class, second-rate, shoddy, strictly for the birds @@@@ [12]substandard, tinhorn @@@@ [13]two-bit @@@@ [14]worse @@@@ [15]junior, menial, subordinate, underling"} {"x":"inferiority","y":"[1]badness, deficiency, imperfection, inadequacy, insignificance, meanness, mediocrity, shoddiness, unimportance, worthlessness @@@@ [2]abasement, inferior status or standing, lowliness, subordination, subservience"} {"x":"infernal","y":"[1]chthonian, Hadean, hellish, lower, nether, Plutonian, Stygian, Tartarean @@@@ [2]underworld @@@@ [3]accursed, damnable, damned, demonic, devilish, diabolical, fiendish, hellish, malevolent, malicious, satanic"} {"x":"infertile","y":"[1]barren, infecund, nonproductive, sterile, unfruitful, unproductive"} {"x":"infest","y":"[1]beset, flood, invade, overrun, penetrate, permeate, ravage, swarm, throng"} {"x":"infidel","y":"[1]atheist, freethinker, Gentile, giaour @@@@ [2]heathen, heretic, pagan, sceptic, unbeliever"} {"x":"infidelity","y":"[1]adultery, bad faith, betrayal, cheating @@@@ [2]disloyalty, duplicity, faithlessness, false-heartedness, falseness, perfidy, unfaithfulness @@@@ [3]apostasy, disbelief, irreligion, scepticism, treachery, unbelief"} {"x":"infiltrate","y":"[1]creep in, filter through, insinuate oneself, make inroads (into), penetrate, percolate, permeate, pervade, sneak in"} {"x":"infinite","y":"[1]absolute, all-embracing, bottomless, boundless, enormous, eternal, everlasting, illimitable, immeasurable, immense, inestimable, inexhaustible, interminable, limitless, measureless, never-ending, numberless, perpetual, stupendous, total, unbounded, uncounted, untold, vast, wide, without end, without number"} {"x":"infinitesimal","y":"[1]atomic, inappreciable, insignificant, microscopic, minuscule, minute, negligible, teensy-weensy, teeny, teeny-weeny, tiny, unnoticeable, wee"} {"x":"infinity","y":"[1]boundlessness, endlessness, eternity, immensity, infinitude, perpetuity, vastness"} {"x":"infirm","y":"[1]ailing, debilitated, decrepit, doddering, doddery, enfeebled, failing, feeble, frail, lame, weak @@@@ [2]faltering, indecisive, insecure, irresolute, shaky, unsound, unstable, vacillating, wavering, weak, wobbly"} {"x":"infirmity","y":"[1]debility, decrepitude, deficiency, feebleness, frailty, ill health, imperfection, sickliness, vulnerability @@@@ [2]ailment, defect, disorder, failing, fault, malady, sickness, weakness"} {"x":"inflame","y":"[1]agitate, anger, arouse, embitter, enrage, exasperate, excite, fire, foment, heat, ignite, impassion, incense, infuriate, intoxicate, kindle, madden, make one's blood boil, provoke, rile, rouse, stimulate @@@@ [2]aggravate, exacerbate, exasperate, fan, increase, intensify, worsen"} {"x":"inflammable","y":"[1]combustible, flammable, incendiary"} {"x":"inflammation","y":"[1]burning, heat, painfulness, rash, redness, sore, soreness, tenderness"} {"x":"inflammatory","y":"[1]anarchic, demagogic, explosive, fiery, incendiary, inflaming, instigative, insurgent, intemperate, provocative, rabble-rousing, rabid, red rag to a bull, riotous, seditious"} {"x":"inflate","y":"[1]aerate, aggrandize, amplify, balloon, bloat, blow up, boost, dilate, distend, enlarge, escalate, exaggerate, expand, increase, puff up or out, pump up, swell"} {"x":"inflation","y":"[1]aggrandizement, blowing up, distension, enhancement, enlargement, escalation, expansion, extension, increase, intensification, puffiness, rise, spread, swelling, tumefaction"} {"x":"inflect","y":"[1]intonate, modulate @@@@ [2]conjugate, decline @@@@ [3]arch, bend, bow, crook, curve, flex, round"} {"x":"inflection","y":"[1]accentuation, bend, bow, crook, curvature, intonation, modulation @@@@ [2]conjugation, declension @@@@ [3]angle, arc, arch"} {"x":"inflexibility","y":"[1]hardness, immovability, inelasticity, rigidity, stiffness, stringency @@@@ [2]fixity, intransigence, obduracy, obstinacy, steeliness"} {"x":"inflexible","y":"[1]adamant, brassbound, dyed-in-the-wool, firm, fixed, hard and fast, immovable, immutable, implacable, inexorable, intractable, iron, obdurate, obstinate, relentless, resolute, rigorous, set, set in one's ways, steadfast, steely, stiff-necked, strict, stringent, stubborn, unadaptable, unbending, unchangeable, uncompromising, unyielding @@@@ [2]hard, hardened, inelastic, nonflexible, rigid, stiff, taut"} {"x":"inflict","y":"[1]administer, apply, deliver, exact, impose, levy, mete or deal out, visit, wreak"} {"x":"influence","y":"[1]agency, ascendancy, authority, control, credit, direction, domination, effect, guidance, magnetism, mastery, power, pressure, rule, spell, sway, weight @@@@ [2]bottom, clout @@@@ [3]connections, good offices, hold, importance, leverage, power, prestige, pull @@@@ [4]weight @@@@ [5]act or work upon, affect, arouse, bias, control, count, direct, dispose, guide, impact, impel, impress, incite, incline, induce, instigate, lead to believe, manipulate, modify, move, persuade, predispose, prompt, rouse, sway"} {"x":"influential","y":"[1]authoritative, controlling, effective, efficacious, forcible, guiding, important, instrumental, leading, meaningful, momentous, moving, persuasive, potent, powerful, significant, telling, weighty"} {"x":"influx","y":"[1]arrival, convergence, flow, incursion, inflow, inrush, inundation, invasion, rush"} {"x":"infold","y":"[1]clasp, embrace, enclose, encompass, envelop, enwrap, fold, hold, hug, shroud, swathe, wrap, wrap up"} {"x":"inform","y":"[1]acquaint, advise, apprise, clue in @@@@ [2]communicate, enlighten, give (someone) to understand, instruct, keep (someone) posted, leak to, let know, make conversant (with), notify, put (someone) in the picture @@@@ [3]send word to, teach, tell, tip off @@@@ [4]betray, blab, blow the gaff @@@@ [5]clype @@@@ [6]denounce, grass @@@@ [7]incriminate, inculpate, let the cat out of the bag, nark @@@@ [8]peach @@@@ [9]rat @@@@ [10]shop @@@@ [11]sing @@@@ [12]snitch @@@@ [13]squeal @@@@ [14]animate, characterize, illuminate, imbue, inspire, permeate, suffuse, typify"} {"x":"informal","y":"[1]casual, colloquial, cosy, easy, familiar, natural, relaxed, simple, unceremonious, unconstrained, unofficial"} {"x":"informality","y":"[1]casualness, ease, familiarity, lack of ceremony, naturalness, relaxation, simplicity"} {"x":"information","y":"[1]advice, blurb, counsel, data, dope @@@@ [2]facts, gen @@@@ [3]info @@@@ [4]inside story, instruction, intelligence, knowledge, latest @@@@ [5]lowdown @@@@ [6]material, message, news, notice, report, tidings, word"} {"x":"informative","y":"[1]chatty, communicative, edifying, educational, enlightening, forthcoming, gossipy, illuminating, instructive, newsy, revealing"} {"x":"informed","y":"[1]abreast, acquainted, au courant, au fait, briefed, conversant, enlightened, erudite, expert, familiar, genned up @@@@ [2]in the picture, keeping one's finger on the pulse, knowledgeable, learned, posted, primed, reliable, up, up to date, versed, well-read @@@@ [3]acquainted, au courant, au fait, aware, clued-up @@@@ [4]cognizant or cognisant, conversant, educated, informed, in the know @@@@ [5]knowledgeable or knowledgable, understanding, well-educated, well-grounded, well-read, well-versed"} {"x":"infraction","y":"[1]breach, breaking, contravention, infringement, nonfulfilment, transgression, trespass, violation"} {"x":"infrequent","y":"[1]few and far between, occasional, once in a blue moon, rare, sporadic, uncommon, unusual"} {"x":"infringe","y":"[1]break, contravene, disobey, transgress, violate @@@@ [2]encroach, intrude, trespass"} {"x":"infuriate","y":"[1]anger, be like a red rag to a bull, enrage, exasperate, gall, get one's back up, get one's goat @@@@ [2]incense, irritate, madden, make one's blood boil, make one see red @@@@ [3]provoke, put one's back up, raise one's hackles, rile"} {"x":"infuse","y":"[1]breathe into, engraft, impart to, implant, inculcate, inspire, instil, introduce @@@@ [2]brew, macerate, soak, steep"} {"x":"ingenious","y":"[1]adroit, bright, brilliant, clever, crafty, creative, dexterous, fertile, inventive, masterly, original, ready, resourceful, shrewd, skilful, subtle"} {"x":"ingenuity","y":"[1]adroitness, cleverness, faculty, flair, genius, gift, ingeniousness, inventiveness, knack, originality, resourcefulness, sharpness, shrewdness, skill, turn"} {"x":"ingenuous","y":"[1]artless, candid, childlike, frank, guileless, honest, innocent, naive, open, plain, simple, sincere, trustful, trusting, unreserved, unsophisticated, unstudied"} {"x":"inglorious","y":"[1]discreditable, disgraceful, dishonourable, disreputable, failed, humiliating, ignoble, ignominious, infamous, obscure, shameful, unheroic, unknown, unsuccessful, unsung"} {"x":"ingrain","y":"[1]embed, entrench, fix, imbue, implant, impress, imprint, instil, root, sow the seeds"} {"x":"ingratiate","y":"[1]be a yes man, blandish, brown-nose @@@@ [2]crawl, curry favour, fawn, flatter, get in with, get on the right side of, grovel, insinuate oneself, keep (someone) sweet, kiss (someone's) ass"} {"x":"ingratitude","y":"[1]thanklessness, unappreciativeness, ungratefulness"} {"x":"ingredient","y":"[1]component, constituent, element, part"} {"x":"ingress","y":"[1]access, admission, admittance, door, entrance, entree, entry, right of entry, way in"} {"x":"inhabit","y":"[1]abide, dwell, live, lodge, make one's home, occupy, people, populate, possess, reside, take up residence in, tenant"} {"x":"inhabitant","y":"[1]aborigine, citizen, denizen, dweller, indigene, indweller, inmate, native, occupant, occupier, resident, tenant"} {"x":"inhalation","y":"[1]breath, breathing, inhaling, inspiration"} {"x":"inhale","y":"[1]breathe in, draw in, gasp, respire, suck in"} {"x":"inherent","y":"[1]basic, congenital, connate, essential, hereditary, immanent, inborn, inbred, inbuilt, ingrained, inherited, innate, in one's blood, instinctive, intrinsic, native, natural"} {"x":"inherit","y":"[1]accede to, be bequeathed, be left, come into, fall heir to, succeed to"} {"x":"inhibit","y":"[1]arrest, bar, bridle, check, constrain, cramp (someone's) style @@@@ [2]curb, debar, discourage, forbid, frustrate, hinder, hold back or in, impede, obstruct, prevent, prohibit, restrain, stem the flow, stop, throw a spanner in the works"} {"x":"inhibition","y":"[1]bar, block, check, embargo, hang-up @@@@ [2]hindrance, interdict, mental blockage, obstacle, prohibition, reserve, restraint, restriction, reticence, self-consciousness, shyness"} {"x":"inhuman","y":"[1]animal, barbaric, barbarous, bestial, brutal, cold-blooded, cruel, diabolical, fiendish, heartless, merciless, pitiless, remorseless, ruthless, savage, unfeeling, vicious"} {"x":"inhumane","y":"[1]brutal, cruel, heartless, pitiless, uncompassionate, unfeeling, unkind, unsympathetic"} {"x":"inhumanity","y":"[1]atrocity, barbarism, brutality, brutishness, cold-bloodedness, cold-heartedness, cruelty, hardheartedness, heartlessness, pitilessness, ruthlessness, unkindness, viciousness"} {"x":"inhumation","y":"[1]burial, entombment, interment, sepulture"} {"x":"inhume","y":"[1]bury, entomb, inter, lay to rest, sepulchre"} {"x":"inimical","y":"[1]adverse, antagonistic, antipathetic, contrary, destructive, disaffected, harmful, hostile, hurtful, ill-disposed, injurious, noxious, opposed, oppugnant @@@@ [2]pernicious, repugnant, unfavourable, unfriendly, unwelcoming"} {"x":"inimitable","y":"[1]consummate, incomparable, matchless, nonpareil, peerless, supreme, unequalled, unexampled, unique, unmatched, unparalleled, unrivalled, unsurpassable"} {"x":"iniquity","y":"[1]abomination, baseness, crime, evil, evildoing, heinousness, infamy, injustice, misdeed, offence, sin, sinfulness, unrighteousness, wickedness, wrong, wrongdoing"} {"x":"initial","y":"[1]beginning, commencing, early, first, inaugural, inceptive, inchoate, incipient, introductory, opening, primary"} {"x":"initially","y":"[1]at first, at or in the beginning, at the outset, at the start, first, firstly, in the early stages, originally, primarily, to begin with"} {"x":"initiate","y":"[1]begin, break the ice, commence, get under way, inaugurate, institute, kick off @@@@ [2]kick-start, launch, lay the foundations of, open, originate, pioneer, set going, set in motion, set the ball rolling, start @@@@ [3]acquaint with, coach, familiarize with, indoctrinate, induct, instate, instruct, introduce, invest, teach, train @@@@ [4]beginner, convert, entrant, learner, member, novice, probationer, proselyte, tyro"} {"x":"initiative","y":"[1]advantage, beginning, commencement, first move, first step, lead @@@@ [2]ambition, drive, dynamism, enterprise, get-up-and-go @@@@ [3]inventiveness, leadership, originality, push @@@@ [4]resource, resourcefulness"} {"x":"inject","y":"[1]inoculate, jab @@@@ [2]shoot @@@@ [3]vaccinate @@@@ [4]bring in, infuse, insert, instil, interject, introduce"} {"x":"injection","y":"[1]inoculation, jab @@@@ [2]shot @@@@ [3]vaccination, vaccine @@@@ [4]dose, infusion, insertion, interjection, introduction"} {"x":"injunction","y":"[1]admonition, command, dictate, exhortation, instruction, mandate, order, precept, ruling"} {"x":"injure","y":"[1]abuse, blemish, blight, break, damage, deface, disable, harm, hurt, impair, maltreat, mar, ruin, spoil, tarnish, undermine, vitiate, weaken, wound, wrong"} {"x":"injured","y":"[1]broken, damaged, disabled, hurt, lamed, undermined, weakened, wounded @@@@ [2]cut to the quick, disgruntled, displeased, hurt, long-suffering, put out, reproachful, stung, unhappy, upset, wounded @@@@ [3]abused, blackened, blemished, defamed, ill-treated, maligned, maltreated, offended, tarnished, vilified, wronged"} {"x":"injurious","y":"[1]adverse, bad, baneful @@@@ [2]corrupting, damaging, deleterious, destructive, detrimental, disadvantageous, harmful, hurtful, iniquitous, maleficent, mischievous, noxious, pernicious, ruinous, slanderous, unconducive, unhealthy, unjust, wrongful"} {"x":"injury","y":"[1]abuse, damage, detriment, disservice, evil, grievance, harm, hurt, ill, injustice, mischief, ruin, trauma @@@@ [2]wound, wrong"} {"x":"injustice","y":"[1]bias, discrimination, favouritism, inequality, inequity, iniquity, one-sidedness, oppression, partiality, partisanship, prejudice, unfairness, unjustness, unlawfulness, wrong"} {"x":"inkling","y":"[1]clue, conception, faintest or foggiest idea, glimmering, hint, idea, indication, intimation, notion, suggestion, suspicion, whisper"} {"x":"inland","y":"[1]domestic, interior, internal, upcountry"} {"x":"inlet","y":"[1]arm (of the sea), bay, bight, cove, creek, entrance, firth or frith @@@@ [2]fjord, ingress, passage, sea loch"} {"x":"inmost","y":"[1]basic, buried, central, deep, deepest, essential, intimate, personal, private, secret"} {"x":"innards","y":"[1]entrails, guts, insides @@@@ [2]intestines, inwards, viscera, vitals @@@@ [3]guts @@@@ [4]mechanism, works"} {"x":"innate","y":"[1]congenital, connate, constitutional, essential, immanent, inborn, inbred, indigenous, ingrained, inherent, inherited, in one's blood, instinctive, intrinsic, intuitive, native, natural"} {"x":"inner","y":"[1]central, essential, inside, interior, internal, intestinal, inward, middle @@@@ [2]esoteric, hidden, intimate, personal, private, repressed, secret, unrevealed @@@@ [3]emotional, mental, psychological, spiritual"} {"x":"innkeeper","y":"[1]host, hostess, hotelier, landlady, landlord, mine host, publican"} {"x":"innocence","y":"[1]blamelessness, chastity, clean hands, guiltlessness, incorruptibility, probity, purity, righteousness, sinlessness, stainlessness, uprightness, virginity, virtue @@@@ [2]harmlessness, innocuousness, innoxiousness, inoffensiveness @@@@ [3]artlessness, credulousness, freshness, guilelessness, gullibility, inexperience, ingenuousness, nafvete, simplicity, unsophistication, unworldliness @@@@ [4]ignorance, lack of knowledge, nescience @@@@ [5]unawareness, unfamiliarity"} {"x":"innocent","y":"[1]blameless, clear, faultless, guiltless, honest, in the clear, not guilty, uninvolved, unoffending @@@@ [2]chaste, immaculate, impeccable, incorrupt, pristine, pure, righteous, sinless, spotless, stainless, unblemished, unsullied, upright, virgin, virginal @@@@ [3]clear of, empty of, free from, ignorant, lacking, nescient, unacquainted with, unaware, unfamiliar with, untouched by @@@@ [4]harmless, innocuous, inoffensive, unmalicious, unobjectionable, well-intentioned, well-meant @@@@ [5]artless, childlike, credulous, frank, guileless, gullible, ingenuous, naive, open, simple, unsuspicious, unworldly, wet behind the ears @@@@ [6]child, greenhorn"} {"x":"innocuous","y":"[1]harmless, innocent, innoxious, inoffensive, safe, unobjectionable"} {"x":"innovation","y":"[1]alteration, change, departure, introduction, modernism, modernization, newness, novelty, variation"} {"x":"innuendo","y":"[1]aspersion, hint, implication, imputation, insinuation, intimation, overtone, suggestion, whisper"} {"x":"innumerable","y":"[1]beyond number, countless, incalculable, infinite, many, multitudinous, myriad, numberless, numerous, unnumbered, untold"} {"x":"inoperable","y":"[1]impracticable, impractical, nonviable, unrealistic, unworkable"} {"x":"inopportune","y":"[1]ill-chosen, ill-timed, inappropriate, inauspicious, inconvenient, malapropos, mistimed, unfavourable, unfortunate, unpropitious, unseasonable, unsuitable, untimely"} {"x":"inordinate","y":"[1]disproportionate, excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, immoderate, intemperate, preposterous, unconscionable, undue, unreasonable, unrestrained, unwarranted"} {"x":"inorganic","y":"[1]artificial, chemical, man-made, mineral"} {"x":"inquest","y":"[1]inquiry, inquisition, investigation, probe"} {"x":"inquietude","y":"[1]anxiety, apprehension, disquiet, disquietude, jumpiness, nervousness, restlessness, the jitters @@@@ [2]trepidation, unease, uneasiness, worry"} {"x":"inquisition","y":"[1]cross-examination, examination, grilling @@@@ [2]inquest, inquiry, investigation, question, quizzing, third degree"} {"x":"inquisitive","y":"[1]curious, inquiring, intrusive, nosy @@@@ [2]nosy-parkering @@@@ [3]peering, probing, prying, questioning, scrutinizing, snooping @@@@ [4]snoopy"} {"x":"inroad","y":"[1]advance, encroachment, foray, incursion, intrusion, invasion, irruption, onslaught, raid @@@@ [2]consume, eat away, eat up or into, encroach upon, use up"} {"x":"insalubrious","y":"[1]injurious, insanitary, noxious, unhealthful, unhealthy, unwholesome"} {"x":"insane","y":"[1]barking @@@@ [2]barking mad @@@@ [3]crackpot @@@@ [4]crazed, crazy, demented, deranged, doolally @@@@ [5]gaga @@@@ [6]gonzo @@@@ [7]loopy @@@@ [8]mad, mentally disordered, mentally ill, non compos mentis, not the full shilling @@@@ [9]barking @@@@ [10]barking mad @@@@ [11]barmy @@@@ [12]batty @@@@ [13]bonkers @@@@ [14]cracked @@@@ [15]crackers @@@@ [16]cuckoo @@@@ [17]loony @@@@ [18]loopy @@@@ [19]mental @@@@ [20]nutty @@@@ [21]screwy @@@@ [22]bizarre, daft @@@@ [23]fatuous, foolish, idiotic, impractical, inane, irrational, irresponsible, lunatic, preposterous, senseless, stupid"} {"x":"insanity","y":"[1]aberration, craziness, delirium, dementia, frenzy, madness, mental derangement, mental disorder, mental illness @@@@ [2]folly, irresponsibility, lunacy, preposterousness, senselessness, stupidity"} {"x":"insatiable","y":"[1]edacious, gluttonous, greedy, insatiate, intemperate, quenchless, rapacious, ravenous, unappeasable, unquenchable, voracious"} {"x":"inscribe","y":"[1]carve, cut, engrave, etch, impress, imprint @@@@ [2]engross, enlist, enrol, enter, record, register, write @@@@ [3]address, dedicate"} {"x":"inscrutable","y":"[1]blank, deadpan, enigmatic, impenetrable, poker-faced @@@@ [2]sphinxlike, unreadable @@@@ [3]hidden, incomprehensible, inexplicable, mysterious, undiscoverable, unexplainable, unfathomable, unintelligible"} {"x":"insecure","y":"[1]afraid, anxious, uncertain, unconfident, unsure @@@@ [2]dangerous, defenceless, exposed, hazardous, ill-protected, open to attack, perilous, unguarded, unprotected, unsafe, unshielded, vulnerable, wide-open @@@@ [3]built upon sand, flimsy, frail, insubstantial, loose, on thin ice, precarious, rickety, rocky, shaky, unreliable, unsound, unstable, unsteady, weak, wobbly"} {"x":"insensate","y":"[1]anaesthetized, dead, inanimate, inert, insensible, insentient, lifeless, numbed, out @@@@ [2]unconscious @@@@ [3]hardened, imperceptive, impercipient, indifferent, insensitive, inured, obtuse, stolid, thick-skinned, thoughtless, unfeeling, unperceiving @@@@ [4]brainless, fatuous, foolish, mindless, senseless, stupid, thoughtless, unreasonable, witless"} {"x":"insensibility","y":"[1]apathy, callousness, dullness, indifference, inertia, insensitivity, lethargy, thoughtlessness, torpor @@@@ [2]inertness, numbness, unconsciousness"} {"x":"insensible","y":"[1]anaesthetized, benumbed, dull, inert, insensate, numbed, senseless, stupid, torpid @@@@ [2]apathetic, callous, cold, deaf, hard-hearted, impassive, impervious, indifferent, oblivious, unaffected, unaware, unconscious, unfeeling, unmindful, unmoved, unresponsive, unsusceptible, untouched @@@@ [3]imperceivable, imperceptible, minuscule, negligible, unnoticeable"} {"x":"insensibly","y":"[1]by degrees, gradually, imperceptibly, invisibly, little by little, slightly, unnoticeably"} {"x":"inseparable","y":"[1]conjoined, inalienable, indissoluble, indivisible, inseverable @@@@ [2]bosom, close, devoted, intimate"} {"x":"insert","y":"[1]embed, enter, implant, infix, interject, interpolate, interpose, introduce, place, pop in @@@@ [2]put, set, stick in, tuck in, work in"} {"x":"insertion","y":"[1]addition, implant, inclusion, insert, inset, interpolation, introduction, supplement"} {"x":"inside","y":"[1]contents, inner part, interior @@@@ [2]belly, bowels, entrails, gut, guts, innards @@@@ [3]internal organs, stomach, viscera, vitals @@@@ [4]indoors, under cover, within @@@@ [5]inner, innermost, interior, internal, intramural, inward @@@@ [6]classified, confidential, esoteric, exclusive, internal, limited, private, restricted, secret"} {"x":"insidious","y":"[1]artful, crafty, crooked, cunning, deceitful, deceptive, designing, disingenuous, duplicitous, guileful, intriguing, Machiavellian, slick, sly, smooth, sneaking, stealthy, subtle, surreptitious, treacherous, tricky, wily"} {"x":"insight","y":"[1]acumen, awareness, comprehension, discernment, intuition, intuitiveness, judgment, observation, penetration, perception, perspicacity, understanding, vision"} {"x":"insignia","y":"[1]badge, crest, decoration, distinguishing mark, earmark, emblem, ensign, symbol"} {"x":"insincere","y":"[1]deceitful, deceptive, devious, dishonest, disingenuous, dissembling, dissimulating, double-dealing, duplicitous, evasive, faithless, false, hollow, hypocritical, Janus-faced, lying, mendacious, perfidious, pretended, two-faced, unfaithful, untrue, untruthful, with tongue in cheek"} {"x":"insinuate","y":"[1]allude, hint, imply, indicate, intimate, suggest @@@@ [2]infiltrate, infuse, inject, instil, introduce"} {"x":"insinuation","y":"[1]allusion, aspersion, hint, implication, innuendo, slur, suggestion @@@@ [2]infiltration, infusion, ingratiating, injection, instillation, introduction"} {"x":"insipid","y":"[1]anaemic, banal, bland, characterless, colourless, drab, dry, dull, flat, ho-hum @@@@ [2]jejune, lifeless, limp, pointless, prosaic, prosy, spiritless, stale, stupid, tame, tedious, tiresome, trite, unimaginative, uninteresting, vapid, weak, wearisome, wishy-washy @@@@ [3]bland, flavourless, savourless, tasteless, unappetizing, watered down, watery, wishy-washy"} {"x":"insipidity","y":"[1]banality, colourlessness, dullness, flatness, lack of imagination, pointlessness, staleness, tameness, tediousness, triteness, uninterestingness, vapidity @@@@ [2]blandness, flavourlessness, lack of flavour, tastelessness"} {"x":"insist","y":"[1]be firm, brook no refusal, demand, lay down the law, not take no for an answer, persist, press (someone), put one's foot down @@@@ [2]require, stand firm, stand one's ground, take or make a stand, urge @@@@ [3]assert, asseverate, aver, claim, contend, hold, maintain, reiterate, repeat, swear, urge, vow"} {"x":"insolent","y":"[1]abusive, bold, brazen-faced, contemptuous, fresh @@@@ [2]impertinent, impudent, insubordinate, insulting, pert, rude, saucy, uncivil"} {"x":"insoluble","y":"[1]baffling, impenetrable, indecipherable, inexplicable, mysterious, mystifying, obscure, unaccountable, unfathomable, unsolvable"} {"x":"insolvent","y":"[1]bankrupt, broke @@@@ [2]failed, gone bust @@@@ [3]ruined"} {"x":"insomnia","y":"[1]sleeplessness, wakefulness"} {"x":"insouciance","y":"[1]airiness, breeziness, carefreeness, jauntiness, light-heartedness, nonchalance"} {"x":"inspect","y":"[1]audit, check, check out @@@@ [2]examine, eye, eyeball @@@@ [3]go over or through, investigate, look over, oversee, recce @@@@ [4]research, scan, scrutinize, search, superintend, supervise, survey, take a dekko at @@@@ [5]vet, work over"} {"x":"inspection","y":"[1]check, checkup, examination, investigation, look-over, once-over @@@@ [2]recce @@@@ [3]review, scan, scrutiny, search, superintendence, supervision, surveillance, survey"} {"x":"inspector","y":"[1]censor, checker, critic, examiner, investigator, overseer, scrutineer, scrutinizer, superintendent, supervisor"} {"x":"inspiration","y":"[1]arousal, awakening, encouragement, influence, muse, spur, stimulus @@@@ [2]afflatus, creativity, elevation, enthusiasm, exaltation, genius, illumination, insight, revelation, stimulation"} {"x":"inspire","y":"[1]animate, be responsible for, encourage, enliven, fire or touch the imagination of, galvanize, hearten, imbue, influence, infuse, inspirit, instil, rouse, spark off, spur, stimulate @@@@ [2]arouse, enkindle, excite, give rise to, produce, quicken, rouse, stir"} {"x":"inspired","y":"[1]brilliant, dazzling, enthralling, exciting, impressive, memorable, of genius, outstanding, superlative, thrilling, wonderful @@@@ [2]instinctive, instinctual, intuitive @@@@ [3]aroused, elated, enthused, exalted, exhilarated, galvanized, possessed, stimulated, stirred up, uplifted"} {"x":"inspiring","y":"[1]affecting, encouraging, exciting, exhilarating, heartening, moving, rousing, stimulating, stirring, uplifting @@@@ [2]affecting, encouraging, exciting, exhilarating, heartening, moving, rousing, stimulating, stirring, uplifting"} {"x":"inspirit","y":"[1]animate, cheer, embolden, encourage, enliven, exhilarate, fire, galvanize, give hope to, hearten, incite, inspire, invigorate, move, nerve, put (new) heart into, rouse, stimulate"} {"x":"instability","y":"[1]capriciousness, changeableness, disequilibrium, fickleness, fitfulness, fluctuation, fluidity, frailty, imbalance, impermanence, inconstancy, insecurity, irresolution, mutability, oscillation, precariousness, restlessness, shakiness, transience, unpredictability, unsteadiness, vacillation, variability, volatility, wavering, weakness"} {"x":"install","y":"[1]fix, lay, lodge, place, position, put in, set up, station @@@@ [2]establish, inaugurate, induct, instate, institute, introduce, invest, set up @@@@ [3]ensconce, position, settle"} {"x":"installation","y":"[1]establishment, fitting, instalment, placing, positioning, setting up @@@@ [2]inauguration, induction, instatement, investiture @@@@ [3]equipment, machinery, plant, system @@@@ [4]base, establishment, post, station"} {"x":"instalment","y":"[1]chapter, division, episode, part, portion, repayment, section"} {"x":"instance","y":"[1]case, case in point, example, illustration, occasion, occurrence, precedent, situation, time @@@@ [2]application, behest, demand, entreaty, importunity, impulse, incitement, insistence, instigation, pressure, prompting, request, solicitation, urging @@@@ [3]adduce, cite, mention, name, quote, specify"} {"x":"instant","y":"[1]flash, jiffy @@@@ [2]moment, second, shake @@@@ [3]split second, tick @@@@ [4]trice, twinkling, twinkling of an eye @@@@ [5]forthwith, immediately, instantly, now, right away, without delay @@@@ [6]juncture, moment, occasion, point, time @@@@ [7]direct, immediate, instantaneous, on-the-spot, prompt, quick, quickie @@@@ [8]split-second, urgent @@@@ [9]convenience, fast, precooked, ready-mixed @@@@ [10]burning, exigent, imperative, importunate, pressing, urgent"} {"x":"instantaneous","y":"[1]direct, immediate, instant, on-the-spot, prompt"} {"x":"instantly","y":"[1]at once, directly, forthwith, immediately, instantaneously, instanter @@@@ [2]now, on the spot, posthaste, pronto @@@@ [3]right away, right now, straight away, there and then, this minute, tout de suite, without delay"} {"x":"instate","y":"[1]establish, inaugurate, induct, install, invest, put in office"} {"x":"instead","y":"[1]alternatively, in lieu, in preference, on second thoughts, preferably, rather"} {"x":"instigate","y":"[1]actuate, bring about, encourage, foment, get going, impel, incite, influence, initiate, kick-start, kindle, move, persuade, prod, prompt, provoke, rouse, set off, set on, spur, start, stimulate, stir up, trigger, urge, whip up"} {"x":"instigation","y":"[1]behest, bidding, encouragement, incentive, incitement, prompting, urging"} {"x":"instigator","y":"[1]agitator, firebrand, fomenter, goad, incendiary, inciter, leader, mischief-maker, motivator, prime mover, ringleader, spur, stirrer @@@@ [2]troublemaker"} {"x":"instil","y":"[1]engender, engraft, imbue, implant, impress, inculcate, infix, infuse, insinuate, introduce, sow the seeds"} {"x":"instinct","y":"[1]aptitude, faculty, feeling, gift, gut feeling @@@@ [2]gut reaction @@@@ [3]impulse, intuition, knack, natural inclination, predisposition, proclivity, sixth sense, talent, tendency, urge"} {"x":"instinctive","y":"[1]automatic, inborn, inherent, innate, instinctual, intuitional, intuitive, involuntary, mechanical, native, natural, reflex, spontaneous, unlearned, unpremeditated, unthinking, visceral"} {"x":"institute","y":"[1]appoint, begin, bring into being, commence, constitute, enact, establish, fix, found, induct, initiate, install, introduce, invest, launch, ordain, organize, originate, pioneer, put into operation, set in motion, settle, set up, start"} {"x":"institution","y":"[1]constitution, creation, enactment, establishment, formation, foundation, initiation, introduction, investiture, investment, organization @@@@ [2]academy, college, establishment, foundation, hospital, institute, school, seminary, society, university @@@@ [3]convention, custom, fixture, law, practice, ritual, rule, tradition"} {"x":"institutional","y":"[1]accepted, bureaucratic, conventional, established, establishment @@@@ [2]formal, organized, orthodox, societal @@@@ [3]cheerless, clinical, cold, drab, dreary, dull, forbidding, formal, impersonal, monotonous, regimented, routine, uniform, unwelcoming"} {"x":"instruct","y":"[1]bid, canon, charge, command, direct, enjoin, order, tell @@@@ [2]coach, discipline, drill, educate, enlighten, ground, guide, inform, school, teach, train, tutor @@@@ [3]acquaint, advise, apprise, brief, counsel, inform, notify, tell"} {"x":"instruction","y":"[1]apprenticeship, coaching, discipline, drilling, education, enlightenment, grounding, guidance, information, lesson(s), preparation, schooling, teaching, training, tuition, tutelage @@@@ [2]briefing, command, demand, direction, directive, injunction, mandate, order, ruling"} {"x":"instructions","y":"[1]advice, directions, guidance, information, key, orders, recommendations, rules @@@@ [2]apprenticeship, coaching, discipline, drilling, education, enlightenment, grounding, guidance, information, lesson(s), preparation, schooling, teaching, training, tuition, tutelage @@@@ [3]briefing, command, demand, direction, directive, injunction, mandate, order, ruling"} {"x":"instructive","y":"[1]cautionary, didactic, edifying, educational, enlightening, helpful, illuminating, informative, instructional, revealing, useful"} {"x":"instrument","y":"[1]apparatus, appliance, contraption @@@@ [2]contrivance, device, gadget, implement, mechanism, tool, utensil, waldo @@@@ [3]agency, agent, channel, factor, force, means, mechanism, medium, organ, vehicle @@@@ [4]cat's-paw, dupe, pawn, puppet, tool"} {"x":"instrumental","y":"[1]active, assisting, auxiliary, conducive, contributory, helpful, helping, influential, involved, of help or service, subsidiary, useful"} {"x":"instrumentality","y":"[1]agency, assistance, good offices, intercession, intervention, mediation, medium, vehicle"} {"x":"insubordinate","y":"[1]contumacious, defiant, disobedient, disorderly, fractious, insurgent, mutinous, rebellious, recalcitrant, refractory, riotous, seditious, turbulent, undisciplined, ungovernable, unruly"} {"x":"insubstantial","y":"[1]feeble, flimsy, frail, poor, slight, tenuous, thin, weak @@@@ [2]chimerical, ephemeral, false, fanciful, idle, illusory, imaginary, immaterial, incorporeal, unreal"} {"x":"insufferable","y":"[1]detestable, dreadful, enough to test the patience of a saint, enough to try the patience of Job, impossible, insupportable, intolerable, more than flesh and blood can stand, outrageous, past bearing, too much, unbearable, unendurable, unspeakable"} {"x":"insufficient","y":"[1]deficient, inadequate, incapable, incommensurate, incompetent, lacking, scant, short, unfitted, unqualified"} {"x":"insular","y":"[1]blinkered, circumscribed, closed, contracted, cut off, illiberal, inward-looking, isolated, limited, narrow, narrow-minded, parish-pump, parochial, petty, prejudiced, provincial"} {"x":"insulate","y":"[1]close off, cocoon, cushion, cut off, isolate, protect, sequester, shield, wrap up in cotton wool"} {"x":"insult","y":"[1]abuse, affront, aspersion, contumely, indignity, insolence, offence, outrage, put-down, rudeness, slap in the face @@@@ [2]slight, snub @@@@ [3]abuse, affront, call names, give offence to, injure, miscall @@@@ [4]offend, outrage, put down, revile, slag (off) @@@@ [5]slander, slight, snub"} {"x":"insuperable","y":"[1]impassable, insurmountable, invincible, unconquerable"} {"x":"insupportable","y":"[1]insufferable, intolerable, past bearing, unbearable, unendurable @@@@ [2]indefensible, unjustifiable, untenable"} {"x":"insurance","y":"[1]assurance, cover, coverage, guarantee, indemnification, indemnity, protection, provision, safeguard, security, something to fall back on @@@@ [2]warranty"} {"x":"insure","y":"[1]assure, cover, guarantee, indemnify, underwrite, warrant @@@@ [2]certify, confirm, effect, guarantee, make certain, make sure, secure, warrant @@@@ [3]guard, make safe, protect, safeguard, secure @@@@ [4]assure, cover, guarantee, indemnify, underwrite, warrant"} {"x":"insurgent","y":"[1]insurrectionist, mutineer, rebel, resister, revolter, revolutionary, revolutionist, rioter @@@@ [2]disobedient, insubordinate, insurrectionary, mutinous, rebellious, revolting, revolutionary, riotous, seditious"} {"x":"insurmountable","y":"[1]hopeless, impassable, impossible, insuperable, invincible, overwhelming, unconquerable"} {"x":"insurrection","y":"[1]coup, insurgency, mutiny, putsch, rebellion, revolt, revolution, riot, rising, sedition, uprising"} {"x":"intact","y":"[1]all in one piece, complete, entire, perfect, scatheless, sound, together, unbroken, undamaged, undefiled, unharmed, unhurt, unimpaired, uninjured, unscathed, untouched, unviolated, virgin, whole"} {"x":"intangible","y":"[1]airy, dim, elusive, ethereal, evanescent, impalpable, imperceptible, incorporeal, indefinite, invisible, shadowy, unreal, unsubstantial, vague"} {"x":"integral","y":"[1]basic, component, constituent, elemental, essential, fundamental, indispensable, intrinsic, necessary, requisite @@@@ [2]complete, entire, full, intact, undivided, whole"} {"x":"integrate","y":"[1]accommodate, amalgamate, assimilate, blend, coalesce, combine, fuse, harmonize, incorporate, intermix, join, knit, meld, merge, mesh, unite"} {"x":"integration","y":"[1]amalgamation, assimilation, blending, combining, commingling, fusing, harmony, incorporation, mixing, unification"} {"x":"integrity","y":"[1]candour, goodness, honesty, honour, incorruptibility, principle, probity, purity, rectitude, righteousness, uprightness, virtue @@@@ [2]coherence, cohesion, completeness, soundness, unity, wholeness"} {"x":"intellect","y":"[1]brains @@@@ [2]intelligence, judgment, mind, reason, sense, understanding @@@@ [3]brain @@@@ [4]egghead @@@@ [5]genius, intellectual, intelligence, mind, thinker"} {"x":"intellectual","y":"[1]bookish, cerebral, highbrow, intelligent, mental, rational, scholarly, studious, thoughtful @@@@ [2]academic, bluestocking @@@@ [3]egghead @@@@ [4]highbrow, thinker"} {"x":"intelligence","y":"[1]acumen, alertness, aptitude, brain power, brains @@@@ [2]brightness, capacity, cleverness, comprehension, discernment, grey matter @@@@ [3]intellect, mind, nous @@@@ [4]penetration, perception, quickness, reason, sense, smarts @@@@ [5]understanding @@@@ [6]advice, data, disclosure, facts, findings, gen @@@@ [7]information, knowledge, low-down @@@@ [8]news, notice, notification, report, rumour, tidings, tip-off, word"} {"x":"intelligent","y":"[1]acute, alert, apt, brainy @@@@ [2]bright, clever, discerning, enlightened, instructed, knowing, penetrating, perspicacious, quick, quick-witted, rational, sharp, smart, thinking, well-informed"} {"x":"intelligentsia","y":"[1]eggheads @@@@ [2]highbrows, illuminati, intellectuals, literati, masterminds, the learned"} {"x":"intelligible","y":"[1]clear, comprehensible, distinct, lucid, open, plain, understandable"} {"x":"intemperance","y":"[1]crapulence, excess, extravagance, immoderation, inebriation, insobriety, intoxication, overindulgence, unrestraint"} {"x":"intend","y":"[1]aim, be resolved or determined, contemplate, determine, have in mind or view, mean, meditate, plan, propose, purpose, scheme @@@@ [2]aim, consign, design, destine, earmark, mark out, mean, set apart"} {"x":"intended","y":"[1]betrothed, destined, future, planned, proposed @@@@ [2]betrothed, fiance, fiancee, future wife or husband, husband- or wife-to-be"} {"x":"intense","y":"[1]acute, agonizing, close, concentrated, deep, drastic, excessive, exquisite, extreme, fierce, forceful, great, harsh, intensive, powerful, profound, protracted, serious @@@@ [2]severe, strained, unqualified @@@@ [3]ardent, burning, consuming, eager, earnest, energetic, fanatical, fervent, fervid, fierce, flaming, forcible, heightened, impassioned, keen, passionate, speaking, vehement"} {"x":"intensify","y":"[1]add to, aggravate, augment, boost, concentrate, deepen, emphasize, enhance, escalate, exacerbate, fan the flames of, heighten, increase, magnify, quicken, redouble, reinforce, set off, sharpen, step up @@@@ [2]strengthen, whet"} {"x":"intensity","y":"[1]ardour, concentration, depth, earnestness, emotion, energy, excess, extremity, fanaticism, fervency, fervour, fierceness, fire, force, intenseness, keenness, passion, potency, power, severity, strain, strength, tension, vehemence, vigour"} {"x":"intensive","y":"[1]all-out, comprehensive, concentrated, demanding, exhaustive, in-depth, thorough, thoroughgoing"} {"x":"intent","y":"[1]absorbed, alert, attentive, committed, concentrated, determined, eager, earnest, engrossed, fixed, industrious, intense, occupied, piercing, preoccupied, rapt, resolute, resolved, steadfast, steady, watchful, wrapped up @@@@ [2]bent, hellbent @@@@ [3]set @@@@ [4]aim, design, end, goal, intention, meaning, object, objective, plan, purpose @@@@ [5]as good as, practically, virtually"} {"x":"intention","y":"[1]aim, design, end, end in view, goal, idea, intent, meaning, object, objective, point, purpose, scope, target, view"} {"x":"intentional","y":"[1]calculated, deliberate, designed, done on purpose, intended, meant, planned, prearranged, preconcerted, premeditated, purposed, studied, wilful"} {"x":"inter","y":"[1]bury, entomb, inhume, inurn, lay to rest, sepulchre"} {"x":"intercede","y":"[1]advocate, arbitrate, interpose, intervene, mediate, plead, speak"} {"x":"intercept","y":"[1]arrest, block, catch, check, cut off, deflect, head off, interrupt, obstruct, seize, stop, take"} {"x":"intercession","y":"[1]advocacy, entreaty, good offices, intervention, mediation, plea, pleading, prayer, solicitation, supplication"} {"x":"interchange","y":"[1]alternate, bandy, barter, exchange, reciprocate, swap @@@@ [2]switch, trade @@@@ [3]alternation, crossfire, exchange, give and take, intersection, junction, reciprocation"} {"x":"intercourse","y":"[1]association, commerce, communication, communion, connection, contact, converse, correspondence, dealings, intercommunication, trade, traffic, truck @@@@ [2]carnal knowledge, coition, coitus, congress, copulation, intimacy, legover @@@@ [3]nookie @@@@ [4]rumpy-pumpy @@@@ [5]sex @@@@ [6]sexual act, sexual intercourse, sexual relations, the other @@@@ [7]bonking @@@@ [8]carnal knowledge, coition, coitus, commerce @@@@ [9]congress, consummation, copulation, coupling, fucking @@@@ [10]intimacy, legover @@@@ [11]mating, nookie @@@@ [12]penetration, rumpy-pumpy @@@@ [13]screwing @@@@ [14]shagging @@@@ [15]the other @@@@ [16]union"} {"x":"interdict","y":"[1]ban, bar, debar, disallow, forbid, outlaw, prevent, prohibit, proscribe, veto @@@@ [2]ban, disallowance, disqualification, interdiction, prohibition, taboo, veto"} {"x":"interest","y":"[1]affection, attention, attentiveness, attraction, concern, curiosity, notice, regard, suspicion, sympathy @@@@ [2]concern, consequence, importance, moment, note, relevance, significance, weight @@@@ [3]activity, diversion, hobby, leisure activity, pastime, preoccupation, pursuit, relaxation @@@@ [4]advantage, benefit, boot @@@@ [5]gain, good, profit @@@@ [6]authority, claim, commitment, influence, investment, involvement, participation, portion, right, share, stake @@@@ [7]affair, business, care, concern, matter @@@@ [8]amuse, arouse one's curiosity, attract, catch one's eye, divert, engross, fascinate, hold the attention of, intrigue, move, touch @@@@ [9]affect, concern, engage, involve"} {"x":"interested","y":"[1]affected, attentive, attracted, curious, drawn, excited, fascinated, intent, into @@@@ [2]keen, moved, responsive, stimulated @@@@ [3]biased, concerned, implicated, involved, partial, partisan, predisposed, prejudiced"} {"x":"interesting","y":"[1]absorbing, amusing, appealing, attractive, compelling, curious, engaging, engrossing, entertaining, gripping, intriguing, pleasing, provocative, stimulating, stirring, suspicious, thought-provoking, unusual"} {"x":"interfere","y":"[1]butt in, get involved, intermeddle, intervene, intrude, meddle, poke one's nose in @@@@ [2]tamper @@@@ [3]block, clash, collide, conflict, cramp, frustrate, get in the way of, hamper, handicap, hinder, impede, inhibit, obstruct, trammel"} {"x":"interference","y":"[1]intermeddling, intervention, intrusion, meddlesomeness, meddling, prying @@@@ [2]clashing, collision, conflict, impedance, obstruction, opposition"} {"x":"interim","y":"[1]acting, caretaker, improvised, intervening, makeshift, pro tem, provisional, stopgap, temporary @@@@ [2]entr'acte, interregnum, interval, meantime, meanwhile, respite"} {"x":"interior","y":"[1]inner, inside, internal, inward @@@@ [2]central, inland, remote, upcountry @@@@ [3]domestic, home @@@@ [4]hidden, inner, intimate, mental, personal, private, secret, spiritual @@@@ [5]bosom, centre, contents, core, heart, innards @@@@ [6]inside @@@@ [7]centre, heartland, upcountry"} {"x":"interject","y":"[1]interpolate, interpose, interrupt with, introduce, put in, throw in"} {"x":"interjection","y":"[1]cry, ejaculation, exclamation, interpolation, interposition"} {"x":"interlace","y":"[1]braid, cross, entwine, interlock, intersperse, intertwine, interweave, interwreathe, knit, plait, reticulate, twine"} {"x":"interlink","y":"[1]interconnect, interlock, intertwine, interweave, knit, link, mesh"} {"x":"interloper","y":"[1]gate-crasher @@@@ [2]intermeddler, intruder, meddler, trespasser, uninvited guest, unwanted visitor"} {"x":"interlude","y":"[1]break, breathing space, delay, entr'acte, episode, halt, hiatus, intermission, interval, pause, respite, rest, spell, stop, stoppage, wait"} {"x":"intermediary","y":"[1]agent, broker, entrepreneur, go-between, mediator, middleman"} {"x":"intermediate","y":"[1]halfway, in-between @@@@ [2]intermediary, interposed, intervening, mean, mid, middle, midway, transitional"} {"x":"interment","y":"[1]burial, burying, funeral, inhumation, sepulture"} {"x":"interminable","y":"[1]boundless, ceaseless, dragging, endless, everlasting, immeasurable, infinite, limitless, long, long-drawn-out, long-winded, never-ending, perpetual, protracted, unbounded, unlimited, wearisome"} {"x":"intermingle","y":"[1]amalgamate, blend, combine, commingle, commix, fuse, interlace, intermix, interweave, meld, merge, mix"} {"x":"intermission","y":"[1]break, breathing space, cessation, entr'acte, interlude, interruption, interval, let-up @@@@ [2]lull, pause, recess, respite, rest, stop, stoppage, suspense, suspension"} {"x":"intermittent","y":"[1]broken, discontinuous, fitful, irregular, occasional, periodic, punctuated, recurrent, recurring, spasmodic, sporadic, stop-go"} {"x":"intern","y":"[1]confine, detain, hold, hold in custody"} {"x":"internal","y":"[1]inner, inside, interior, intimate, private, subjective @@@@ [2]civic, domestic, home, in-house, intramural"} {"x":"international","y":"[1]cosmopolitan, ecumenical @@@@ [2]global, intercontinental, universal, worldwide"} {"x":"internecine","y":"[1]bloody, deadly, destructive, exterminating, exterminatory, fatal, mortal, ruinous"} {"x":"interplay","y":"[1]give-and-take, interaction, meshing, reciprocation, reciprocity"} {"x":"interpolate","y":"[1]add, insert, intercalate, introduce"} {"x":"interpose","y":"[1]come or place between, intercede, interfere, intermediate, intervene, intrude, mediate, step in @@@@ [2]insert, interject, interrupt (with), introduce, put forth, put one's oar in"} {"x":"interpret","y":"[1]adapt, clarify, construe, decipher, decode, define, elucidate, explain, explicate, expound, make sense of, paraphrase, read, render, solve, spell out, take, throw light on, translate, understand"} {"x":"interpretation","y":"[1]analysis, clarification, construction, diagnosis, elucidation, exegesis, explanation, explication, exposition, meaning, performance, portrayal, reading, rendering, rendition, sense, signification, translation, understanding, version"} {"x":"interrogate","y":"[1]ask, catechize, cross-examine, cross-question, enquire, examine, give (someone) the third degree @@@@ [2]grill @@@@ [3]inquire, investigate, pump, put the screws on @@@@ [4]question, quiz"} {"x":"interrogative","y":"[1]curious, inquiring, inquisitive, inquisitorial, questioning, quizzical"} {"x":"interrupt","y":"[1]barge in @@@@ [2]break, break in, break off, break (someone's) train of thought, butt in, check, cut, cut off, cut short, delay, disconnect, discontinue, disjoin, disturb, disunite, divide, heckle, hinder, hold up, interfere (with), intrude, lay aside, obstruct, punctuate, separate, sever, stay, stop, suspend"} {"x":"intersect","y":"[1]bisect, crisscross, cross, cut, cut across, divide, meet"} {"x":"intersperse","y":"[1]bestrew, interlard, intermix, pepper, scatter, sprinkle"} {"x":"interstice","y":"[1]aperture, chink, cleft, crack, cranny, crevice, fissure, gap, interval, opening, rift, slit, space, vent"} {"x":"intertwine","y":"[1]braid, convolute, cross, entwine, interlace, interweave, interwreathe, inweave, link, reticulate, twist"} {"x":"interval","y":"[1]break, delay, distance, entr'acte, gap, hiatus, interim, interlude, intermission, meantime, meanwhile, opening, pause, period, playtime, respite, rest, season, space, spell, term, time, wait"} {"x":"intervene","y":"[1]arbitrate, intercede, interfere, interpose oneself, intrude, involve oneself, mediate, put one's oar in, put one's two cents in @@@@ [2]step in @@@@ [3]befall, come to pass, ensue, happen, occur, succeed, supervene, take place"} {"x":"intervention","y":"[1]agency, intercession, interference, interposition, intrusion, mediation"} {"x":"interview","y":"[1]audience, conference, consultation, dialogue, evaluation, meeting, oral (examination), press conference, talk @@@@ [2]examine, interrogate, question, sound out, talk to"} {"x":"interweave","y":"[1]blend, braid, crisscross, cross, interlace, intertwine, interwreathe, inweave, reticulate, splice"} {"x":"intimacy","y":"[1]closeness, confidence, confidentiality, familiarity, fraternization, understanding"} {"x":"intimate","y":"[1]bosom, cherished, close, confidential, dear, friendly, near, nearest and dearest, thick @@@@ [2]warm @@@@ [3]confidential, personal, private, privy, secret @@@@ [4]deep, detailed, exhaustive, experienced, first-hand, immediate, in-depth, penetrating, personal, profound, thorough @@@@ [5]comfy @@@@ [6]cosy, friendly, informal, snug, tete-a-tete, warm @@@@ [7]bosom friend, buddy @@@@ [8]china @@@@ [9]chum @@@@ [10]close friend, cock @@@@ [11]comrade, confidant, confidante, (constant) companion, crony, familiar, friend, gossip @@@@ [12]homeboy @@@@ [13]mate @@@@ [14]mucker @@@@ [15]pal"} {"x":"intimation","y":"[1]allusion, hint, indication, inkling, insinuation, reminder, suggestion, warning @@@@ [2]announcement, communication, declaration, notice"} {"x":"intimidate","y":"[1]affright @@@@ [2]alarm, appal, browbeat, bully, coerce, cow, daunt, dishearten, dismay, dispirit, frighten, lean on @@@@ [3]overawe, scare, scare off @@@@ [4]subdue, terrify, terrorize, threaten, twist someone's arm"} {"x":"intolerable","y":"[1]beyond bearing, excruciating, impossible, insufferable, insupportable, more than flesh and blood can stand, not to be borne, painful, unbearable, unendurable"} {"x":"intolerant","y":"[1]bigoted, chauvinistic, dictatorial, dogmatic, fanatical, illiberal, impatient, narrow, narrow-minded, one-sided, prejudiced, racialist, racist, small-minded, uncharitable, xenophobic"} {"x":"intonation","y":"[1]accentuation, cadence, inflection, modulation, tone @@@@ [2]chant, incantation"} {"x":"intone","y":"[1]chant, croon, intonate, recite, sing"} {"x":"intoxicate","y":"[1]addle, befuddle, fuddle, go to one's head, inebriate, put (someone) under the table @@@@ [2]stupefy @@@@ [3]elate, excite, exhilarate, go to one's head, inflame, make one's head spin, stimulate"} {"x":"intractable","y":"[1]awkward, bull-headed, cantankerous, contrary, difficult, fractious, headstrong, incurable, insoluble, intransigent, obdurate, obstinate, perverse, pig-headed, refractory, self-willed, stiff-necked, stubborn, unbending, uncooperative, undisciplined, ungovernable, unmanageable, unruly, unyielding, wayward, wild, wilful"} {"x":"intrepid","y":"[1]audacious, bold, brave, courageous, daring, dauntless, doughty, fearless, gallant, game @@@@ [2]have-a-go @@@@ [3]heroic, lion-hearted, nerveless, plucky, resolute, stalwart, stouthearted, unafraid, undaunted, unflinching, valiant, valorous"} {"x":"intrepidity","y":"[1]audacity, boldness, bravery, courage, daring, dauntlessness, doughtiness, fearlessness, fortitude, gallantry, grit, guts @@@@ [2]heroism, lion-heartedness, nerve, pluck, prowess, spirit, stoutheartedness, valour"} {"x":"intricate","y":"[1]baroque, Byzantine, complex, complicated, convoluted, daedal @@@@ [2]difficult, elaborate, fancy, involved, knotty, labyrinthine, obscure, perplexing, rococo, sophisticated, tangled, tortuous"} {"x":"intrigue","y":"[1]arouse the curiosity of, attract, charm, fascinate, interest, pique, rivet, tickle one's fancy, titillate @@@@ [2]connive, conspire, machinate, manoeuvre, plot, scheme @@@@ [3]cabal, chicanery, collusion, conspiracy, double-dealing, knavery, machination, manipulation, manoeuvre, plot, ruse, scheme, sharp practice, stratagem, trickery, wile @@@@ [4]affair, amour, intimacy, liaison, romance"} {"x":"intrinsic","y":"[1]basic, built-in, central, congenital, constitutional, elemental, essential, fundamental, genuine, inborn, inbred, inherent, native, natural, radical, real, true, underlying"} {"x":"introduce","y":"[1]acquaint, do the honours, familiarize, make known, make the introduction, present @@@@ [2]begin, bring in, commence, establish, found, inaugurate, initiate, institute, launch, organize, pioneer, set up, start, usher in @@@@ [3]advance, air, bring up, broach, moot, offer, propose, put forward, recommend, set forth, submit, suggest, ventilate @@@@ [4]announce, lead into, lead off, open, preface @@@@ [5]add, inject, insert, interpolate, interpose, put in, throw in"} {"x":"introduction","y":"[1]baptism, debut, establishment, first acquaintance, inauguration, induction, initiation, institution, launch, pioneering, presentation @@@@ [2]commencement, exordium, foreword, intro @@@@ [3]lead-in, opening, opening passage, opening remarks, overture, preamble, preface, preliminaries, prelude, proem, prolegomena, prolegomenon, prologue @@@@ [4]addition, insertion, interpolation"} {"x":"introductory","y":"[1]early, elementary, first, inaugural, initial, initiatory, opening, precursory, prefatory, preliminary, preparatory, starting"} {"x":"introspection","y":"[1]brooding, heart-searching, introversion, navel-gazing @@@@ [2]self-analysis, self-examination"} {"x":"introverted","y":"[1]indrawn, inner-directed, introspective, inward-looking, self-centred, self-contained, withdrawn"} {"x":"intrude","y":"[1]butt in, encroach, infringe, interfere, interrupt, meddle, obtrude, push in, put one's two cents in @@@@ [2]thrust oneself in or forward, trespass, violate"} {"x":"intuition","y":"[1]discernment, hunch, insight, instinct, perception, presentiment, sixth sense"} {"x":"intuitive","y":"[1]innate, instinctive, instinctual, involuntary, spontaneous, unreflecting, untaught"} {"x":"inundate","y":"[1]deluge, drown, engulf, flood, glut, immerse, overflow, overrun, overwhelm, submerge, swamp"} {"x":"inundation","y":"[1]deluge, flood, overflow, tidal wave, torrent"} {"x":"inure","y":"[1]accustom, anneal, case-harden, desensitize, familiarize, habituate, harden, strengthen, temper, toughen, train"} {"x":"invade","y":"[1]assail, assault, attack, burst in, descend upon, encroach, infringe, make inroads, occupy, raid, violate @@@@ [2]infect, infest, overrun, overspread, penetrate, permeate, pervade, swarm over"} {"x":"invalid","y":"[1]ailing, bedridden, disabled, feeble, frail, ill, infirm, poorly @@@@ [2]sick, sickly, valetudinarian, weak @@@@ [3]convalescent, patient, valetudinarian @@@@ [4]baseless, fallacious, false, ill-founded, illogical, inoperative, irrational, not binding, nugatory, null, null and void, unfounded, unscientific, unsound, untrue, void, worthless"} {"x":"invalidate","y":"[1]abrogate, annul, cancel, nullify, overrule, overthrow, quash, render null and void, rescind, undermine, undo, weaken"} {"x":"invaluable","y":"[1]beyond price, costly, inestimable, precious, priceless, valuable, worth one's or its weight in gold"} {"x":"invariable","y":"[1]changeless, consistent, constant, fixed, immutable, inflexible, regular, rigid, set, unalterable, unchangeable, unchanging, unfailing, uniform, unvarying, unwavering"} {"x":"invasion","y":"[1]aggression, assault, attack, campaign, foray, incursion, inroad, irruption, offensive, onslaught, raid @@@@ [2]breach, encroachment, infiltration, infraction, infringement, intrusion, overstepping, usurpation, violation"} {"x":"invective","y":"[1]abuse, berating, billingsgate, castigation, censure, contumely, denunciation, diatribe, obloquy, philippic(s), reproach, revilement, sarcasm, tirade, tongue-lashing, vilification, vituperation"} {"x":"inveigh","y":"[1]berate, blame, castigate, censure, condemn, denounce, excoriate, expostulate, lambast(e), rail, recriminate, reproach, sound off, tongue-lash, upbraid, vituperate"} {"x":"inveigle","y":"[1]allure, bamboozle @@@@ [2]beguile, cajole, coax, con @@@@ [3]decoy, ensnare, entice, entrap, lead on, lure, manipulate, manoeuvre, persuade, seduce, sweet-talk @@@@ [4]wheedle"} {"x":"invent","y":"[1]conceive, contrive, create, design, devise, discover, dream up @@@@ [2]formulate, imagine, improvise, originate, think up @@@@ [3]concoct, cook up @@@@ [4]fabricate, feign, forge, make up, manufacture, trump up"} {"x":"invention","y":"[1]brainchild @@@@ [2]contraption, contrivance, creation, design, development, device, discovery, gadget, instrument, waldo @@@@ [3]coinage, creativeness, creativity, genius, imagination, ingenuity, inspiration, inventiveness, originality, resourcefulness @@@@ [4]deceit, fabrication, fake, falsehood, fantasy, fib @@@@ [5]fiction, figment or product of (someone's) imagination, forgery, lie, prevarication, sham, story, tall story @@@@ [6]untruth, yarn"} {"x":"inventive","y":"[1]creative, fertile, gifted, ground-breaking, imaginative, ingenious, innovative, inspired, original, resourceful"} {"x":"inventory","y":"[1]account, catalogue, file, list, record, register, roll, roster, schedule, stock book"} {"x":"inverse","y":"[1]contrary, converse, inverted, opposite, reverse, reversed, transposed"} {"x":"inversion","y":"[1]antipode, antithesis, contraposition, contrariety, contrary, opposite, reversal, transposal, transposition"} {"x":"invert","y":"[1]capsize, introvert, intussuscept @@@@ [2]invaginate @@@@ [3]overset, overturn, reverse, transpose, turn inside out, turn turtle, turn upside down, upset, upturn"} {"x":"invest","y":"[1]advance, devote, lay out, put in, sink, spend @@@@ [2]endow, endue, provide, supply @@@@ [3]authorize, charge, empower, license, sanction, vest @@@@ [4]adopt, consecrate, enthrone, establish, inaugurate, induct, install, ordain @@@@ [5]beleaguer, beset, besiege, enclose, lay siege to, surround @@@@ [6]array, bedeck, bedizen @@@@ [7]clothe, deck, drape, dress, robe"} {"x":"investigate","y":"[1]consider, enquire into, examine, explore, go into, inquire into, inspect, look into, make enquiries, probe, put to the test, recce @@@@ [2]research, scrutinize, search, sift, study, work over"} {"x":"investigation","y":"[1]analysis, enquiry, examination, exploration, fact finding, hearing, inquest, inquiry, inspection, probe, recce @@@@ [2]research, review, scrutiny, search, study, survey"} {"x":"investiture","y":"[1]admission, enthronement, inauguration, induction, installation, instatement, investing, investment, ordination"} {"x":"investment","y":"[1]asset, investing, speculation, transaction, venture @@@@ [2]ante @@@@ [3]contribution, stake @@@@ [4]beleaguering, besieging, blockading, siege, surrounding"} {"x":"inveterate","y":"[1]chronic, confirmed, deep-dyed @@@@ [2]deep-rooted, deep-seated, dyed-in-the-wool, entrenched, established, habitual, hard-core, hardened, incorrigible, incurable, ineradicable, ingrained, long-standing, obstinate"} {"x":"invidious","y":"[1]discriminatory, envious @@@@ [2]hateful, obnoxious, odious, offensive, repugnant, slighting, undesirable"} {"x":"invigorate","y":"[1]animate, brace, buck up @@@@ [2]energize, enliven, exhilarate, fortify, freshen (up), galvanize, harden, liven up, nerve, pep up, perk up, put new heart into, quicken, refresh, rejuvenate, revitalize, stimulate, strengthen"} {"x":"invincible","y":"[1]impregnable, indestructible, indomitable, inseparable, insuperable, invulnerable, unassailable, unbeatable, unconquerable, unsurmountable, unyielding"} {"x":"inviolability","y":"[1]holiness, inalienability, inviolacy, invulnerability, sacredness, sanctity"} {"x":"inviolable","y":"[1]hallowed, holy, inalienable, sacred, sacrosanct, unalterable"} {"x":"inviolate","y":"[1]entire, intact, pure, sacred, stainless, unbroken, undefiled, undisturbed, unhurt, unpolluted, unstained, unsullied, untouched, virgin, whole"} {"x":"invisible","y":"[1]imperceptible, indiscernible, out of sight, unperceivable, unseen @@@@ [2]concealed, disguised, hidden, inappreciable, inconspicuous, infinitesimal, microscopic"} {"x":"invitation","y":"[1]asking, begging, bidding, call, invite @@@@ [2]request, solicitation, summons, supplication @@@@ [3]allurement, challenge, come-on @@@@ [4]coquetry, enticement, glad eye @@@@ [5]incitement, inducement, open door, overture, provocation, temptation"} {"x":"invite","y":"[1]ask, beg, bid, call, request, request the pleasure of (someone's) company, solicit, summon @@@@ [2]allure, ask for @@@@ [3]attract, bring on, court, draw, encourage, entice, lead, leave the door open to, provoke, solicit, tempt, welcome"} {"x":"inviting","y":"[1]alluring, appealing, attractive, beguiling, captivating, delightful, engaging, enticing, fascinating, intriguing, magnetic, mouthwatering, pleasing, seductive, tempting, warm, welcoming, winning"} {"x":"invocation","y":"[1]appeal, beseeching, entreaty, petition, prayer, supplication"} {"x":"invoke","y":"[1]adjure, appeal to, beg, beseech, call upon, conjure, entreat, implore, petition, pray, solicit, supplicate @@@@ [2]apply, call in, have recourse to, implement, initiate, put into effect, resort to, use"} {"x":"involuntary","y":"[1]compulsory, forced, obligatory, reluctant, unwilling @@@@ [2]automatic, blind, conditioned, instinctive, instinctual, reflex, spontaneous, unconscious, uncontrolled, unintentional, unthinking"} {"x":"involve","y":"[1]entail, imply, mean, necessitate, presuppose, require @@@@ [2]affect, associate, compromise, concern, connect, draw in, implicate, incriminate, inculpate, mix up @@@@ [3]stitch up @@@@ [4]touch @@@@ [5]comprehend, comprise, contain, cover, embrace, include, incorporate, number among, take in @@@@ [6]absorb, bind, commit, engage, engross, grip, hold, preoccupy, rivet, wrap up @@@@ [7]complicate, embroil, enmesh, entangle, link, mire, mix up, snarl up, tangle"} {"x":"involved","y":"[1]Byzantine, complex, complicated, confusing, convoluted, difficult, elaborate, intricate, knotty, labyrinthine, sophisticated, tangled, tortuous @@@@ [2]caught (up), concerned, implicated, in on @@@@ [3]mixed up in or with, occupied, participating, taking part, up to one's ears in"} {"x":"involvement","y":"[1]association, commitment, concern, connection, dedication, interest, participation, responsibility @@@@ [2]complexity, complication, difficulty, embarrassment, entanglement, imbroglio, intricacy, problem, ramification"} {"x":"invulnerability","y":"[1]impenetrability, inviolability, safety, security, strength, unassailability, untouchability"} {"x":"invulnerable","y":"[1]impenetrable, indestructible, insusceptible, invincible, proof against, safe, secure, unassailable"} {"x":"inward","y":"[1]entering, inbound, incoming, inflowing, ingoing, inpouring, penetrating @@@@ [2]confidential, hidden, inmost, inner, innermost, inside, interior, internal, personal, private, privy, secret"} {"x":"inwardly","y":"[1]at heart, deep down, in one's head, in one's inmost heart, inside, privately, secretly, to oneself, within"} {"x":"iota","y":"[1]atom, bit, grain, hint, jot, mite, particle, scintilla @@@@ [2]scrap, speck, tittle, trace, whit"} {"x":"irascibility","y":"[1]asperity, bad temper, cantankerousness, choler, crossness, edginess, fieriness, ill temper, impatience, irritability, irritation, petulance, shortness, snappishness, testiness, touchiness, uncertain temper"} {"x":"irascible","y":"[1]cantankerous, choleric, crabbed, cross, hasty, hot-tempered, irritable, narky @@@@ [2]peppery, petulant, quick-tempered, ratty @@@@ [3]short-tempered, testy, tetchy, touchy"} {"x":"irate","y":"[1]angered, angry, annoyed, as black as thunder, choked, cross, enraged, exasperated, fit to be tied @@@@ [2]fuming @@@@ [3]furious, hacked (off) @@@@ [4]incensed, indignant, infuriated, irritated, livid, mad @@@@ [5]piqued, pissed off @@@@ [6]provoked, riled, up in arms, worked up, wrathful, wroth"} {"x":"ire","y":"[1]anger, annoyance, choler, displeasure, exasperation, fury, indignation, passion, rage, wrath"} {"x":"irk","y":"[1]aggravate @@@@ [2]bug @@@@ [3]irritate, miff @@@@ [4]nark @@@@ [5]nettle, peeve @@@@ [6]put out @@@@ [7]ruffle, vex"} {"x":"iron","y":"[1]chalybeate, ferric, ferrous, irony @@@@ [2]adamant, cruel, hard, heavy, immovable, implacable, indomitable, inflexible, obdurate, rigid, robust, steel, steely, strong, tough, unbending, unyielding"} {"x":"ironic","y":"[1]double-edged, mocking, mordacious, sarcastic, sardonic, satirical, scoffing, sneering, with tongue in cheek, wry @@@@ [2]incongruous, paradoxical"} {"x":"irony","y":"[1]mockery, sarcasm, satire @@@@ [2]contrariness, incongruity, paradox"} {"x":"irradiate","y":"[1]brighten, cast light upon, enlighten, illume @@@@ [2]illuminate, illumine, lighten, light up, shine upon"} {"x":"irrational","y":"[1]absurd, crackpot @@@@ [2]crazy, foolish, illogical, injudicious, loopy @@@@ [3]nonsensical, preposterous, silly, unreasonable, unreasoning, unsound, unthinking, unwise @@@@ [4]aberrant, brainless, crazy, demented, insane, mindless, muddle-headed, raving, senseless, unstable, wild"} {"x":"irreconcilable","y":"[1]hardline, implacable, inexorable, inflexible, intransigent, unappeasable, uncompromising @@@@ [2]clashing, conflicting, diametrically opposed, incompatible, incongruous, inconsistent, opposed"} {"x":"irrecoverable","y":"[1]gone for ever, irreclaimable, irredeemable, irremediable, irreparable, irretrievable, lost, unregainable, unsalvageable, unsavable"} {"x":"irrefutable","y":"[1]apodeictic, apodictic, beyond question, certain, incontestable, incontrovertible, indisputable, indubitable, invincible, irrefragable, irresistible, sure, unanswerable, unassailable, undeniable, unquestionable"} {"x":"irregular","y":"[1]desultory, disconnected, eccentric, erratic, fitful, fluctuating, fragmentary, haphazard, inconstant, intermittent, nonuniform, occasional, out of order, patchy, random, shifting, spasmodic, sporadic, uncertain, uneven, unmethodical, unpunctual, unsteady, unsystematic, variable, wavering @@@@ [2]abnormal, anomalous, capricious, disorderly, eccentric, exceptional, extraordinary, immoderate, improper, inappropriate, inordinate, odd, peculiar, queer, quirky, rum @@@@ [3]unconventional, unofficial, unorthodox, unsuitable, unusual @@@@ [4]asymmetrical, broken, bumpy, craggy, crooked, elliptic, elliptical, holey, jagged, lopsided, lumpy, pitted, ragged, rough, serrated, unequal, uneven, unsymmetrical @@@@ [5]guerrilla, partisan, volunteer"} {"x":"irregularity","y":"[1]asymmetry, bumpiness, crookedness, jaggedness, lack of symmetry, lopsidedness, lumpiness, patchiness, raggedness, roughness, spottiness, unevenness @@@@ [2]aberration, abnormality, anomaly, breach, deviation, eccentricity, freak, malfunction, malpractice, oddity, peculiarity, singularity, unconventionality, unorthodoxy @@@@ [3]confusion, desultoriness, disorderliness, disorganization, haphazardness, lack of method, randomness, uncertainty, unpunctuality, unsteadiness"} {"x":"irregularly","y":"[1]anyhow, by fits and starts, disconnectedly, eccentrically, erratically, fitfully, haphazardly, in snatches, intermittently, jerkily, now and again, occasionally, off and on, out of sequence, spasmodically, unevenly, unmethodically, unpunctually"} {"x":"irrelevant","y":"[1]beside the point, extraneous, immaterial, impertinent, inapplicable, inapposite, inappropriate, inapt, inconsequent, neither here nor there, unconnected, unrelated"} {"x":"irreligious","y":"[1]agnostic, atheistic, freethinking, godless, pagan, sceptical, unbelieving @@@@ [2]blasphemous, iconoclastic, impious, irreverent, profane, sacrilegious, sinful, undevout, ungodly, unholy, unrighteous, wicked"} {"x":"irremediable","y":"[1]beyond redress, deadly, fatal, final, hopeless, incurable, irrecoverable, irredeemable, irreparable, irreversible, mortal, remediless, terminal"} {"x":"irreparable","y":"[1]beyond repair, incurable, irrecoverable, irremediable, irreplaceable, irretrievable, irreversible"} {"x":"irreplaceable","y":"[1]indispensable, invaluable, priceless, unique, vital"} {"x":"irrepressible","y":"[1]boisterous, bubbling over, buoyant, ebullient, effervescent, insuppressible, uncontainable, uncontrollable, unmanageable, unquenchable, unrestrainable, unstoppable"} {"x":"irreproachable","y":"[1]beyond reproach, blameless, faultless, guiltless, impeccable, inculpable, innocent, irreprehensible, irreprovable, perfect, pure, unblemished, unimpeachable"} {"x":"irresistible","y":"[1]compelling, compulsive, imperative, overmastering, overpowering, overwhelming, potent, urgent @@@@ [2]ineluctable, inescapable, inevitable, inexorable, unavoidable @@@@ [3]alluring, beckoning, enchanting, fascinating, ravishing, seductive, tempting"} {"x":"irresolute","y":"[1]doubtful, fickle, half-arsed @@@@ [2]half-assed @@@@ [3]half-hearted, hesitant, hesitating, indecisive, infirm, in two minds, tentative, undecided, undetermined, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, vacillating, wavering, weak"} {"x":"irresolution","y":"[1]dithering @@@@ [2]faint-heartedness, half-heartedness, hesitancy, hesitation, indecisiveness, infirmity (of purpose), shillyshallying @@@@ [3]uncertainty, vacillation, wavering"} {"x":"irresponsible","y":"[1]careless, featherbrained, flighty, giddy, good-for-nothing, harebrained, harum-scarum, ill-considered, immature, reckless, scatter-brained, shiftless, thoughtless, undependable, unreliable, untrustworthy, wild"} {"x":"irreverence","y":"[1]cheek @@@@ [2]cheekiness @@@@ [3]chutzpah @@@@ [4]derision, disrespect, flippancy, impertinence, impudence, lack of respect, mockery, sauce"} {"x":"irreversible","y":"[1]final, incurable, irreparable, irrevocable, unalterable"} {"x":"irrevocable","y":"[1]changeless, fated, fixed, immutable, invariable, irremediable, irretrievable, irreversible, predestined, predetermined, settled, unalterable, unchangeable, unreversible"} {"x":"irrigate","y":"[1]flood, inundate, moisten, water, wet"} {"x":"irritability","y":"[1]bad temper, ill humour, impatience, irascibility, peevishness, petulance, prickliness, testiness, tetchiness, touchiness"} {"x":"irritable","y":"[1]bad-tempered, cantankerous, choleric, crabbed, crabby, cross, crotchety @@@@ [2]dyspeptic, edgy, exasperated, fiery, fretful, hasty, hot, ill-humoured, ill-tempered, irascible, narky @@@@ [3]out of humour, oversensitive, peevish, petulant, prickly, ratty @@@@ [4]snappish, snappy, snarling, tense, testy, tetchy, touchy"} {"x":"irritate","y":"[1]aggravate @@@@ [2]anger, annoy, bother, drive one up the wall @@@@ [3]enrage, exasperate, fret, gall, get in one's hair @@@@ [4]harass, incense, inflame, infuriate, nark @@@@ [5]needle @@@@ [6]nettle, offend, pester, piss one off @@@@ [7]provoke, put one's back up, raise one's hackles, rankle with, rub up the wrong way @@@@ [8]ruffle, try one's patience, vex @@@@ [9]aggravate, chafe, fret, inflame, intensify, pain, rub"} {"x":"irritation","y":"[1]anger, annoyance, crossness, displeasure, exasperation, ill humour, ill temper, impatience, indignation, irritability, resentment, shortness, snappiness, testiness, vexation, wrath @@@@ [2]aggravation @@@@ [3]annoyance, drag @@@@ [4]gall, goad, irritant, nuisance, pain @@@@ [5]pest, provocation, tease, thorn in one's flesh"} {"x":"irrupt","y":"[1]break in, burst in, crash in @@@@ [2]invade, rush in, storm in"} {"x":"island","y":"[1]atoll, cay or kay, holm @@@@ [2]inch @@@@ [3]isle, islet"} {"x":"isolate","y":"[1]cut off, detach, disconnect, divorce, insulate, quarantine, segregate, separate, sequester, set apart"} {"x":"isolated","y":"[1]backwoods, hidden, incommunicado, in the middle of nowhere, lonely, off the beaten track, outlying, out-of-the-way, remote, retired, secluded, unfrequented @@@@ [2]abnormal, anomalous, exceptional, freak, out on a limb, random, single, solitary, special, unique, unrelated, untypical, unusual @@@@ [3]An isolated"} {"x":"isolation","y":"[1]aloofness, detachment, disconnection, exile, insularity, insulation, ivory tower, loneliness, quarantine, remoteness, retirement, seclusion, segregation, self-sufficiency, separation, solitude, withdrawal"} {"x":"issue","y":"[1]affair, argument, bone of contention, can of worms @@@@ [2]concern, controversy, matter, matter of contention, point, point in question, problem, question, subject, topic @@@@ [3]at variance, controversial, in disagreement, in dispute, to be decided, under discussion, unsettled @@@@ [4]challenge, disagree, dispute, object, oppose, raise an objection, take exception @@@@ [5]conclusion, consequence, culmination, effect, end, end result, finale, outcome, pay-off @@@@ [6]result, termination, upshot @@@@ [7]copy, edition, impression, instalment, number, printing @@@@ [8]circulation, delivery, dispersal, dissemination, distribution, granting, issuance, issuing, publication, sending out, supply, supplying @@@@ [9]children, descendants, heirs, offspring, progeny, scions, seed @@@@ [10]announce, broadcast, circulate, deliver, distribute, emit, give out, promulgate, publish, put in circulation, put out, release @@@@ [11]arise, be a consequence of, come forth, emanate, emerge, flow, originate, proceed, rise, spring, stem"} {"x":"it'd","y":"[1]fashionable, happening @@@@ [2]in @@@@ [3]latest @@@@ [4]modern, modish, progressive, stylish, swinging @@@@ [5]trendy @@@@ [6]up-to-date, up-to-the-minute, vogue"} {"x":"itch","y":"[1]crawl, irritate, prickle, tickle, tingle @@@@ [2]ache, burn, crave, hanker, hunger, long, lust, pant, pine, yearn @@@@ [3]irritation, itchiness, prickling, tingling @@@@ [4]craving, desire, hankering, hunger, longing, lust, passion, restlessness, yearning, yen"} {"x":"item","y":"[1]article, aspect, component, consideration, detail, entry, matter, particular, point, thing @@@@ [2]account, article, bulletin, dispatch, feature, note, notice, paragraph, piece, report"} {"x":"itemize","y":"[1]count, detail, document, enumerate, instance, inventory, list, number, particularize, record, set out, specify"} {"x":"iterate","y":"[1]go over, recap @@@@ [2]recapitulate, reiterate, repeat, restate"} {"x":"itinerant","y":"[1]ambulatory, Gypsy, journeying, migratory, nomadic, peripatetic, roaming, roving, travelling, unsettled, vagabond, vagrant, wandering, wayfaring"} {"x":"itinerary","y":"[1]circuit, journey, line, programme, route, schedule, timetable, tour @@@@ [2]Baedeker, guide, guidebook"} {"x":"jab","y":"[1]dig, lunge, nudge, poke, prod, punch, stab, tap, thrust"} {"x":"jabber","y":"[1]babble, blather, blether, chatter, drivel, gabble, mumble, prate, rabbit (on) @@@@ [2]tattle, waffle @@@@ [3]yap"} {"x":"jacket","y":"[1]case, casing, coat, covering, envelope, folder, sheath, skin, wrapper, wrapping"} {"x":"jade","y":"[1]harridan, hussy, nag, shrew, slattern, slut, trollop, vixen, wench"} {"x":"jaded","y":"[1]clapped out @@@@ [2]exhausted, fagged (out) @@@@ [3]fatigued, spent, tired, tired-out, weary, zonked @@@@ [4]bored, cloyed, dulled, glutted, gorged, sated, satiated, surfeited, tired"} {"x":"jag","y":"[1]notch, point, projection, protuberance, snag, spur, tooth @@@@ [2]binge @@@@ [3]bout, carousal, carouse, fit, orgy, period, spell, spree"} {"x":"jagged","y":"[1]barbed, broken, cleft, craggy, denticulate, indented, notched, pointed, ragged, ridged, rough, serrated, snaggy, spiked, toothed, uneven"} {"x":"jail","y":"[1]borstal, brig @@@@ [2]calaboose @@@@ [3]can @@@@ [4]clink @@@@ [5]cooler @@@@ [6]inside @@@@ [7]jailhouse @@@@ [8]jug @@@@ [9]lockup, nick @@@@ [10]penitentiary @@@@ [11]prison, quod @@@@ [12]reformatory, slammer @@@@ [13]stir @@@@ [14]confine, detain, immure, impound, imprison, incarcerate, lock up, send down"} {"x":"jam","y":"[1]cram, crowd, crush, force, pack, press, ram, squeeze, stuff, throng, wedge @@@@ [2]block, cease, clog, congest, halt, obstruct, stall, stick @@@@ [3]crowd, crush, horde, mass, mob, multitude, pack, press, swarm, throng @@@@ [4]bind, deep water, dilemma, fix @@@@ [5]hole @@@@ [6]hot water, pickle @@@@ [7]plight, predicament, quandary, scrape @@@@ [8]spot @@@@ [9]strait, tight spot, trouble"} {"x":"jamboree","y":"[1]beano @@@@ [2]blast @@@@ [3]carnival, carousal, carouse, celebration, festival, festivity, fete, frolic, hooley or hoolie @@@@ [4]jubilee, merriment, party, rave @@@@ [5]rave-up @@@@ [6]revelry, spree"} {"x":"jangle","y":"[1]chime, clank, clash, clatter, jingle, rattle, vibrate @@@@ [2]cacophony, clang, clangour, clash, din, dissonance, jar, racket, rattle, reverberation"} {"x":"janitor","y":"[1]caretaker, concierge, custodian, doorkeeper, porter"} {"x":"jar","y":"[1]amphora, carafe, container, crock, flagon, jug, pitcher, pot, receptacle, urn, vase, vessel @@@@ [2]bicker, clash, contend, disagree, interfere, oppose, quarrel, wrangle @@@@ [3]agitate, convulse, disturb, grate, irritate, jolt, offend, rasp, rattle @@@@ [4]rock, shake, vibrate @@@@ [5]annoy, clash, discompose, gall, get on one's nerves @@@@ [6]grate, grind, irk, irritate, nark @@@@ [7]agitation, altercation, bickering, disagreement, discord, grating, irritation, jolt, quarrel, rasping, wrangling @@@@ [8]If something jarson you, you find it unpleasant, disturbing, or shocking."} {"x":"jargon","y":"[1]argot, cant, dialect, idiom, lingo @@@@ [2]parlance, patois, patter, slang, tongue, usage @@@@ [3]drivel, gabble, gibberish, gobbledegook, Greek @@@@ [4]mumbo jumbo, nonsense, palaver, rigmarole, twaddle"} {"x":"jaunt","y":"[1]airing, excursion, expedition, outing, promenade, ramble, stroll, tour, trip"} {"x":"jaunty","y":"[1]airy, breezy, buoyant, carefree, dapper, gay, high-spirited, lively, perky, self-confident, showy, smart, sparky, sprightly, spruce, trim"} {"x":"jaw","y":"[1]babble, chat, chatter, chew the fat or rag @@@@ [2]gossip, lecture, run off at the mouth @@@@ [3]spout, talk @@@@ [4]abuse, censure, criticize, revile, scold @@@@ [5]chat, chinwag @@@@ [6]conversation, gabfest @@@@ [7]gossip, natter, talk"} {"x":"jealous","y":"[1]covetous, desirous, emulous, envious, green, green-eyed, grudging, intolerant, invidious, resentful, rival @@@@ [2]anxious, apprehensive, attentive, guarded, mistrustful, protective, solicitous, suspicious, vigilant, wary, watchful, zealous"} {"x":"jealousy","y":"[1]covetousness, distrust, envy, heart-burning, ill-will, mistrust, possessiveness, resentment, spite, suspicion"} {"x":"jeer","y":"[1]banter, barrack, cock a snook at @@@@ [2]contemn @@@@ [3]deride, flout, gibe, heckle, hector, knock @@@@ [4]mock, ridicule, scoff, sneer, taunt @@@@ [5]abuse, aspersion, boo, catcall, derision, gibe, hiss, hoot, obloquy, ridicule, scoff, sneer, taunt"} {"x":"jejune","y":"[1]childish, immature, juvenile, naive, pointless, puerile, senseless, silly, simple, unsophisticated @@@@ [2]banal, colourless, dry, dull, inane, insipid, prosaic, uninteresting, vapid, wishy-washy"} {"x":"jell","y":"[1]congeal, harden, set, solidify, thicken @@@@ [2]come together, crystallize, finalize, form, materialize, take shape"} {"x":"jeopardy","y":"[1]danger, endangerment, exposure, hazard, insecurity, liability, peril, pitfall, precariousness, risk, venture, vulnerability"} {"x":"jeremiad","y":"[1]complaint, groan, keen, lament, lamentation, moan, plaint, wail"} {"x":"jerk","y":"[1]jolt, lurch, pull, throw, thrust, tug, tweak, twitch, wrench, yank"} {"x":"jest","y":"[1]banter, bon mot, crack @@@@ [2]fun, gag @@@@ [3]hoax, jape, joke, josh @@@@ [4]play, pleasantry, prank, quip, sally, sport, wisecrack @@@@ [5]witticism @@@@ [6]banter, chaff, deride, gibe, jeer, joke, josh @@@@ [7]kid @@@@ [8]mock, quip, scoff, sneer, tease"} {"x":"jet","y":"[1]black, coal-black, ebony, inky, pitch-black, raven, sable @@@@ [2]flow, fountain, gush, spout, spray, spring, stream @@@@ [3]atomizer, nose, nozzle, rose, spout, sprayer, sprinkler @@@@ [4]flow, gush, issue, rush, shoot, spew, spout, squirt, stream, surge @@@@ [5]fly, soar, zoom"} {"x":"jettison","y":"[1]abandon, discard, dump, eject, expel, heave, scrap, throw overboard, unload"} {"x":"jetty","y":"[1]breakwater, dock, groyne, mole, pier, quay, wharf"} {"x":"jewel","y":"[1]brilliant, gemstone, ornament, precious stone, rock @@@@ [2]sparkler @@@@ [3]trinket @@@@ [4]charm, collector's item, find, gem, humdinger @@@@ [5]masterpiece, paragon, pearl, prize, rarity, treasure, wonder"} {"x":"jib","y":"[1]balk, recoil, refuse, retreat, shrink, stop short"} {"x":"jibe","y":"[1]deride, flout, jeer, make fun of, mock, poke fun at, ridicule, scoff, scorn, sneer, take the piss out of @@@@ [2]taunt, twit @@@@ [3]barb, crack @@@@ [4]cutting remark, derision, dig, jeer, mockery, ridicule, sarcasm, scoffing, sneer, taunt"} {"x":"jiffy","y":"[1]flash, instant, moment, second, split second, trice, twinkling"} {"x":"jig","y":"[1]bob, bounce, caper, jiggle, jounce, prance, shake, skip, twitch, wiggle, wobble"} {"x":"jiggle","y":"[1]agitate, bounce, fidget, jerk, jig, jog, joggle, shake, shimmy, twitch, wiggle"} {"x":"jilt","y":"[1]abandon, betray, break with, coquette, deceive, desert, disappoint, discard, ditch @@@@ [2]drop, forsake, leave (someone) in the lurch, reject, throw over"} {"x":"jingle","y":"[1]chime, clatter, clink, jangle, rattle, ring, tinkle, tintinnabulate @@@@ [2]clang, clangour, clink, rattle, reverberation, ringing, tinkle @@@@ [3]chorus, ditty, doggerel, limerick, melody, song, tune"} {"x":"jingoism","y":"[1]belligerence, bigotry, chauvinism, flag-waving @@@@ [2]hawkishness, insularity, xenophobia"} {"x":"jinx","y":"[1]black magic, curse, evil eye, hex @@@@ [2]hoodoo @@@@ [3]nemesis, plague, voodoo @@@@ [4]bewitch, curse, hex"} {"x":"jitters","y":"[1]cold feet @@@@ [2]fidgets, heebie-jeebies @@@@ [3]nerves, nervousness, tenseness, the shakes @@@@ [4]the willies"} {"x":"job","y":"[1]affair, assignment, charge, chore, concern, contribution, duty, enterprise, errand, function, pursuit, responsibility, role, stint, task, undertaking, venture, work @@@@ [2]business, calling, capacity, career, craft, employment, function, livelihood, metier, occupation, office, position, post, profession, situation, trade, vocation @@@@ [3]allotment, assignment, batch, commission, consignment, contract, lot, output, piece, portion, product, share"} {"x":"jobless","y":"[1]idle, inactive, out of work, unemployed, unoccupied"} {"x":"jockey","y":"[1]bamboozle, cheat, con @@@@ [2]deceive, dupe, fool, hoax, hoodwink, trick @@@@ [3]cajole, engineer, finagle @@@@ [4]ingratiate, insinuate, manage, manipulate, manoeuvre, negotiate, trim, wheedle"} {"x":"jocose","y":"[1]blithe, comical, droll, facetious, funny, humorous, jesting, jocular, jovial, joyous, merry, mischievous, playful, pleasant, sportive, teasing, waggish, witty"} {"x":"jocular","y":"[1]amusing, comical, droll, facetious, frolicsome, funny, humorous, jesting, jocose, jocund, joking, jolly, jovial, ludic @@@@ [2]playful, roguish, sportive, teasing, waggish, whimsical, witty"} {"x":"jog","y":"[1]activate, arouse, nudge, prod, prompt, push, remind, shake, stimulate, stir, suggest @@@@ [2]bounce, jar, jerk, jiggle, joggle, jolt, jostle, jounce, rock, shake @@@@ [3]canter, dogtrot, lope, run, trot @@@@ [4]lumber, plod, traipse @@@@ [5]tramp, trudge"} {"x":"join","y":"[1]accompany, add, adhere, annex, append, attach, cement, combine, connect, couple, fasten, knit, link, marry, splice, tie, unite, yoke @@@@ [2]affiliate with, associate with, enlist, enrol, enter, sign up @@@@ [3]adjoin, border, border on, butt, conjoin, extend, meet, reach, touch, verge on"} {"x":"joint","y":"[1]articulation, connection, hinge, intersection, junction, juncture, knot, nexus, node, seam, union @@@@ [2]collective, combined, communal, concerted, consolidated, cooperative, joined, mutual, shared, united @@@@ [3]connect, couple, fasten, fit, join, unite @@@@ [4]carve, cut up, dismember, dissect, divide, segment, sever, sunder"} {"x":"joke","y":"[1]frolic, fun, gag @@@@ [2]jape, jest, josh @@@@ [3]lark, play, prank, pun, quip, quirk, sally, sport, whimsy, wisecrack @@@@ [4]witticism, yarn @@@@ [5]buffoon, butt, clown, laughing stock, simpleton, target @@@@ [6]banter, chaff, deride, frolic, gambol, jest, josh @@@@ [7]kid @@@@ [8]mock, play the fool, quip, ridicule, taunt, tease, wind up"} {"x":"jollification","y":"[1]beano @@@@ [2]carousal, celebration, festivity, jolly @@@@ [3]knees-up @@@@ [4]merrymaking, party, rave @@@@ [5]rave-up @@@@ [6]reception, shindig"} {"x":"jollity","y":"[1]conviviality, fun, gaiety, liveliness, merriment, merrymaking, mirth, revelry"} {"x":"jolly","y":"[1]blithesome, carefree, cheerful, chirpy @@@@ [2]convivial, festive, frolicsome, funny, gay, genial, gladsome @@@@ [3]hilarious, jocund, jovial, joyful, joyous, jubilant, ludic @@@@ [4]merry, mirthful, playful, sportive, sprightly, upbeat"} {"x":"jolt","y":"[1]jar, jerk, jog, jostle, knock, push, shake, shove @@@@ [2]astonish, discompose, disturb, perturb, stagger, startle, stun, surprise, upset @@@@ [3]bump, jar, jerk, jog, jump, lurch, quiver, shake, start @@@@ [4]blow, bolt from the blue, bombshell, reversal, setback, shock, surprise, thunderbolt, whammy"} {"x":"jostle","y":"[1]bump, butt, crowd, elbow, hustle, jog, joggle, jolt, press, push, scramble, shake, shove, squeeze, throng, thrust"} {"x":"jot","y":"[1]ace, atom, bit, detail, fraction, grain, iota, mite, morsel, particle, scintilla, scrap, smidgen or smidgin @@@@ [2]speck, tittle, trifle, whit @@@@ [3]list, note, note down, record, register, scribble, tad @@@@ [4]tally"} {"x":"journal","y":"[1]chronicle, daily, gazette, magazine, monthly, newspaper, paper, periodical, record, register, review, tabloid, weekly @@@@ [2]chronicle, commonplace book, daybook, diary, log, record"} {"x":"journalist","y":"[1]broadcaster, columnist, commentator, contributor, correspondent, hack, journo @@@@ [2]newsman, newspaperman, pressman, reporter, scribe @@@@ [3]stringer"} {"x":"journey","y":"[1]excursion, expedition, jaunt, odyssey, outing, passage, peregrination, pilgrimage, progress, ramble, tour, travel, trek, trip, voyage @@@@ [2]fare, fly, go, peregrinate, proceed, ramble, range, roam, rove, tour, travel, traverse, trek, voyage, wander, wend"} {"x":"joust","y":"[1]combat, duel, encounter, engagement, lists, match, passage of arms, set-to, tilt, tournament, tourney @@@@ [2]break a lance, cross swords, engage, enter the lists, fight, tilt, trade blows"} {"x":"jovial","y":"[1]airy, animated, blithe, buoyant, cheery, convivial, cordial, gay, glad, happy, hilarious, jocose, jocund, jolly, jubilant, merry, mirthful"} {"x":"joviality","y":"[1]fun, gaiety, glee, hilarity, jollity, merriment, mirth"} {"x":"joy","y":"[1]bliss, delight, ecstasy, elation, exaltation, exultation, felicity, festivity, gaiety, gladness, glee, hilarity, pleasure, rapture, ravishment, satisfaction, transport @@@@ [2]charm, delight, gem, jewel, pride, prize, treasure, treat, wonder"} {"x":"joyous","y":"[1]blithe, cheerful, festive, heartening, joyful, merry, rapturous"} {"x":"jubilant","y":"[1]cock-a-hoop, elated, enraptured, euphoric, excited, exuberant, exultant, glad, joyous, overjoyed, over the moon @@@@ [2]rejoicing, rhapsodic, thrilled, triumphal, triumphant"} {"x":"jubilation","y":"[1]celebration, ecstasy, elation, excitement, exultation, festivity, jamboree, joy, jubilee, triumph"} {"x":"jubilee","y":"[1]carnival, celebration, festival, festivity, fete, gala, holiday"} {"x":"judge","y":"[1]adjudicator, arbiter, arbitrator, moderator, referee, umpire @@@@ [2]appraiser, arbiter, assessor, authority, connoisseur, critic, evaluator, expert @@@@ [3]beak @@@@ [4]justice, magistrate @@@@ [5]adjudge, adjudicate, arbitrate, ascertain, conclude, decide, determine, discern, distinguish, mediate, referee, umpire @@@@ [6]appraise, appreciate, assess, consider, criticize, esteem, estimate, evaluate, examine, rate, review, value @@@@ [7]adjudge, condemn, decree, doom, find, pass sentence, pronounce sentence, rule, sentence, sit, try"} {"x":"judgment","y":"[1]acumen, common sense, discernment, discrimination, intelligence, penetration, percipience, perspicacity, prudence, sagacity, sense, shrewdness, smarts @@@@ [2]taste, understanding, wisdom @@@@ [3]arbitration, award, conclusion, decision, decree, determination, finding, order, result, ruling, sentence, verdict @@@@ [4]appraisal, assessment, belief, conviction, deduction, diagnosis, estimate, finding, opinion, valuation, view @@@@ [5]damnation, doom, fate, misfortune, punishment, retribution"} {"x":"judicial","y":"[1]judiciary, juridical, legal, official @@@@ [2]discriminating, distinguished, impartial, judgelike, magisterial, magistral"} {"x":"judicious","y":"[1]acute, astute, careful, cautious, circumspect, considered, diplomatic, discerning, discreet, discriminating, enlightened, expedient, informed, politic, prudent, rational, reasonable, sagacious, sage, sane, sapient, sensible, shrewd, skilful, sober, sound, thoughtful, well-advised, well-judged, wise"} {"x":"jug","y":"[1]carafe, container, crock, ewer, jar, pitcher, urn, vessel"} {"x":"juggle","y":"[1]alter, change, disguise, doctor @@@@ [2]falsify, fix @@@@ [3]manipulate, manoeuvre, misrepresent, modify, tamper with"} {"x":"juice","y":"[1]extract, fluid, liquid, liquor, nectar, sap, secretion, serum"} {"x":"juicy","y":"[1]lush, moist, sappy, succulent, watery @@@@ [2]colourful, interesting, provocative, racy, risque, sensational, spicy @@@@ [3]suggestive, vivid"} {"x":"jumble","y":"[1]confound, confuse, disarrange, dishevel, disorder, disorganize, entangle, mistake, mix, muddle, ravel, shuffle, tangle @@@@ [2]chaos, clutter, confusion, disarrangement, disarray, disorder, farrago, gallimaufry, hodgepodge, hotchpotch @@@@ [3]litter, medley, melange, mess, miscellany, mishmash, mixture, muddle, pig's breakfast"} {"x":"jumbo","y":"[1]elephantine, giant, gigantic, ginormous @@@@ [2]immense, large, mega @@@@ [3]oversized"} {"x":"jump","y":"[1]bounce, bound, caper, clear, gambol, hop, hurdle, leap, skip, spring, vault @@@@ [2]flinch, jerk, recoil, start, wince @@@@ [3]avoid, digress, evade, miss, omit, overshoot, skip, switch @@@@ [4]advance, ascend, boost, escalate, gain, hike, increase, mount, rise, surge @@@@ [5]bound, buck, caper, hop, leap, skip, spring, vault @@@@ [6]barricade, barrier, fence, hurdle, impediment, obstacle, rail @@@@ [7]breach, break, gap, hiatus, interruption, lacuna, space @@@@ [8]advance, augmentation, boost, increase, increment, rise, upsurge, upturn @@@@ [9]jar, jerk, jolt, lurch, shock, start, swerve, twitch, wrench"} {"x":"junction","y":"[1]alliance, combination, connection, coupling, joint, juncture, linking, seam, union"} {"x":"juncture","y":"[1]conjuncture, contingency, crisis, crux, emergency, exigency, moment, occasion, point, predicament, strait, time @@@@ [2]bond, connection, convergence, edge, intersection, junction, link, seam, weld"} {"x":"junior","y":"[1]inferior, lesser, lower, minor, secondary, subordinate, younger"} {"x":"junk","y":"[1]clutter, debris, dreck @@@@ [2]leavings, litter, oddments, odds and ends, refuse, rubbish, rummage, scrap, trash, waste"} {"x":"junta","y":"[1]assembly, cabal, camp, clique, combination, confederacy, convocation, coterie, council, crew, faction, gang, league, party, ring, schism, set"} {"x":"jurisdiction","y":"[1]authority, command, control, dominion, influence, power, prerogative, rule, say, sway @@@@ [2]area, bounds, circuit, compass, district, dominion, field, orbit, province, range, scope, sphere, zone"} {"x":"just","y":"[1]blameless, conscientious, decent, equitable, fair, fair-minded, good, honest, honourable, impartial, lawful, pure, right, righteous, unbiased, upright, virtuous @@@@ [2]accurate, correct, exact, faithful, normal, precise, proper, regular, sound, true @@@@ [3]appropriate, apt, condign, deserved, due, fitting, justified, legitimate, merited, proper, reasonable, rightful, sensible, suitable, well-deserved @@@@ [4]absolutely, completely, entirely, exactly, perfectly, precisely @@@@ [5]hardly, lately, only now, recently, scarcely @@@@ [6]at a push, at most, but, by the skin of one's teeth, merely, no more than, nothing but, only, simply, solely"} {"x":"justice","y":"[1]equity, fairness, honesty, impartiality, integrity, justness, law, legality, legitimacy, reasonableness, rectitude, right @@@@ [2]amends, compensation, correction, penalty, recompense, redress, reparation @@@@ [3]judge, magistrate"} {"x":"justification","y":"[1]absolution, apology, approval, defence, exculpation, excuse, exoneration, explanation, extenuation, plea, rationalization, vindication @@@@ [2]basis, defence, grounds, plea, reason, warrant"} {"x":"justify","y":"[1]absolve, acquit, approve, confirm, defend, establish, exculpate, excuse, exonerate, explain, legalize, legitimize, maintain, substantiate, support, sustain, uphold, validate, vindicate, warrant"} {"x":"jut","y":"[1]bulge, extend, impend, overhang, poke, project, protrude, stick out"} {"x":"juvenile","y":"[1]adolescent, boy, child, girl, infant, minor, youth @@@@ [2]babyish, boyish, callow, childish, girlish, immature, inexperienced, infantile, jejune, puerile, undeveloped, unsophisticated, young, youthful"} {"x":"juxtaposition","y":"[1]adjacency, closeness, contact, contiguity, nearness, propinquity, proximity, vicinity"} {"x":"kaleidoscopic","y":"[1]changeable, fluctuating, fluid, many-coloured, mobile, motley, mutable, unstable, variegated @@@@ [2]complex, complicated, confused, convoluted, disordered, intricate, jumbled, varied"} {"x":"kamikaze","y":"[1]foolhardy, self-destructive, suicidal"} {"x":"kaput","y":"[1]broken, dead, defunct, destroyed, extinct, finished, ruined, undone, wrecked"} {"x":"keen","y":"[1]ardent, avid, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed @@@@ [2]devoted to, eager, earnest, ebullient, enthusiastic, fervid, fierce, fond of, impassioned, intense, into @@@@ [3]zealous @@@@ [4]acid, acute, biting, caustic, cutting, edged, finely honed, incisive, penetrating, piercing, pointed, razorlike, sardonic, satirical, sharp, tart, trenchant, vitriolic @@@@ [5]astute, brilliant, canny, clever, discerning, discriminating, perceptive, perspicacious, quick, sagacious, sapient, sensitive, shrewd, wise"} {"x":"keep","y":"[1]conserve, control, hold, maintain, possess, preserve, retain @@@@ [2]accumulate, amass, carry, deal in, deposit, furnish, garner, heap, hold, pile, place, stack, stock, store, trade in @@@@ [3]care for, defend, guard, look after, maintain, manage, mind, operate, protect, safeguard, shelter, shield, tend, watch over @@@@ [4]board, feed, foster, maintain, nourish, nurture, provide for, provision, subsidize, support, sustain, victual @@@@ [5]accompany, associate with, consort with, fraternize with @@@@ [6]arrest, block, check, constrain, control, curb, delay, detain, deter, hamper, hamstring, hinder, hold, hold back, impede, inhibit, keep back, limit, obstruct, prevent, restrain, retard, shackle, stall, withhold @@@@ [7]adhere to, celebrate, commemorate, comply with, fulfil, hold, honour, obey, observe, perform, respect, ritualize, solemnize @@@@ [8]board, food, livelihood, living, maintenance, means, nourishment, subsistence, support @@@@ [9]castle, citadel, donjon, dungeon, fastness, stronghold, tower"} {"x":"keeping","y":"[1]aegis, auspices, care, charge, custody, guardianship, keep, maintenance, patronage, possession, protection, safekeeping, trust @@@@ [2]accord, agreement, balance, compliance, conformity, congruity, consistency, correspondence, harmony, observance, proportion"} {"x":"keg","y":"[1]barrel, cask, drum, firkin, hogshead, tun, vat"} {"x":"ken","y":"[1]compass, field, range, scope, sight, view, vision @@@@ [2]acquaintance, awareness, cognizance, comprehension, knowledge, notice, understanding"} {"x":"kerchief","y":"[1]babushka, headscarf, headsquare, scarf, square"} {"x":"kernel","y":"[1]core, essence, germ, gist, grain, marrow, nub, pith, seed, substance"} {"x":"key","y":"[1]latchkey, opener @@@@ [2]answer, clue, cue, explanation, guide, indicator, interpretation, lead, means, pointer, sign, solution, translation @@@@ [3]basic, chief, crucial, decisive, essential, fundamental, important, leading, main, major, pivotal, principal"} {"x":"kick","y":"[1]boot, punt, put the boot in(to) @@@@ [2]complain, gripe @@@@ [3]grumble, object, oppose, protest, rebel, resist, spurn @@@@ [4]abandon, desist from, give up, leave off, quit, stop @@@@ [5]force, intensity, pep, power, punch, pungency, snap @@@@ [6]sparkle, strength, tang, verve, vitality, zest @@@@ [7]buzz @@@@ [8]enjoyment, excitement, fun, gratification, jollies @@@@ [9]pleasure, stimulation, thrill @@@@ [10]begin, commence, get the show on the road, get under way, initiate, kick-start, open, start @@@@ [11]discharge, dismiss, eject, evict, expel, get rid of, give (someone) their marching orders, give the boot @@@@ [12]oust, reject, remove, sack @@@@ [13]toss out @@@@ [14]If an event, game, series, or discussion kicks off, or is kicked off, it begins."} {"x":"kickback","y":"[1]bribe, cut @@@@ [2]gift, graft @@@@ [3]payment, payoff, recompense, reward, share, sop, sweetener"} {"x":"kid","y":"[1]ankle-biter @@@@ [2]baby, bairn, boy, child, girl, infant, lad, lass, little one, rug rat @@@@ [3]sprog @@@@ [4]stripling, teenager, tot, youngster, youth @@@@ [5]bamboozle, beguile, cozen, delude, fool, gull @@@@ [6]hoax, hoodwink, jest, joke, mock, plague, pretend, rag @@@@ [7]ridicule, tease, trick, wind up @@@@ [8]child genius, genius, mastermind, phenom @@@@ [9]prodigy, talent, whizz @@@@ [10]wonder kid, wunderkind"} {"x":"kill","y":"[1]annihilate, assassinate, blow away @@@@ [2]bump off @@@@ [3]butcher, destroy, dispatch, do away with, do in @@@@ [4]eradicate, execute, exterminate, extirpate, knock off @@@@ [5]liquidate, massacre, murder, neutralize, obliterate, slaughter, slay, take out @@@@ [6]cancel, cease, deaden, defeat, extinguish, halt, quash, quell, ruin, scotch, smother, stifle, still, stop, suppress, veto"} {"x":"killer","y":"[1]assassin, butcher, cut-throat, destroyer, executioner, exterminator, gunman, hit man @@@@ [2]liquidator, murderer, slaughterer, slayer @@@@ [3]Casanova, Don Juan, heartbreaker, ladies' man, libertine, Lothario, philanderer, rake, roue, wolf @@@@ [4]womanizer"} {"x":"killing","y":"[1]bloodshed, carnage, execution, extermination, fatality, homicide, manslaughter, massacre, murder, necktie party @@@@ [2]slaughter, slaying @@@@ [3]bomb @@@@ [4]bonanza, cleanup @@@@ [5]coup, gain, profit, success, windfall @@@@ [6]deadly, death-dealing, deathly, fatal, lethal, mortal, murderous @@@@ [7]debilitating, enervating, exhausting, fatiguing, punishing, tiring @@@@ [8]absurd, amusing, comical, hilarious, ludicrous, uproarious"} {"x":"kin","y":"[1]affinity, blood, connection, consanguinity, extraction, kinship, lineage, relationship, stock @@@@ [2]connections, family, kindred, kinsfolk, kinsmen, kith, people, relations, relatives @@@@ [3]akin, allied, close, cognate, consanguine, consanguineous, kindred, near, related"} {"x":"kind","y":"[1]brand, breed, class, family, genus, ilk, race, set, sort, species, stamp, variety @@@@ [2]character, description, essence, habit, manner, mould, nature, persuasion, sort, style, temperament, type @@@@ [3]affectionate, amiable, amicable, beneficent, benevolent, benign, bounteous, charitable, clement, compassionate, congenial, considerate, cordial, courteous, friendly, generous, gentle, good, gracious, humane, indulgent, kind-hearted, kindly, lenient, loving, mild, neighbourly, obliging, philanthropic, propitious, sympathetic, tender-hearted, thoughtful, understanding"} {"x":"kindle","y":"[1]fire, ignite, inflame, light, set fire to @@@@ [2]agitate, animate, arouse, awaken, bestir, enkindle, exasperate, excite, foment, incite, induce, inflame, inspire, provoke, rouse, sharpen, stimulate, stir, thrill"} {"x":"kindly","y":"[1]affable, beneficial, benevolent, benign, compassionate, cordial, favourable, genial, gentle, good-natured, hearty, helpful, kind, mild, pleasant, polite, sympathetic, warm @@@@ [2]agreeably, cordially, graciously, politely, tenderly, thoughtfully"} {"x":"kindness","y":"[1]affection, amiability, beneficence, benevolence, charity, clemency, compassion, decency, fellow-feeling, generosity, gentleness, goodness, goodwill, grace, hospitality, humanity, indulgence, kindliness, magnanimity, patience, philanthropy, tenderness, tolerance, understanding @@@@ [2]aid, assistance, benefaction, bounty, favour, generosity, good deed, help, service"} {"x":"kindred","y":"[1]affinity, consanguinity, relationship @@@@ [2]connections, family, flesh, kin, kinsfolk, kinsmen, lineage, relations, relatives @@@@ [3]affiliated, akin, allied, cognate, congenial, corresponding, kin, like, matching, related, similar"} {"x":"king","y":"[1]crowned head, emperor, majesty, monarch, overlord, prince, ruler, sovereign"} {"x":"kingdom","y":"[1]dominion, dynasty, empire, monarchy, realm, reign, sovereignty @@@@ [2]commonwealth, county, division, nation, province, state, territory, tract @@@@ [3]area, domain, field, province, sphere, territory"} {"x":"kink","y":"[1]bend, coil, corkscrew, crimp, entanglement, frizz, knot, tangle, twist, wrinkle @@@@ [2]cramp, crick, pang, pinch, spasm, stab, tweak, twinge @@@@ [3]complication, defect, difficulty, flaw, hitch, imperfection, knot, tangle @@@@ [4]crotchet, eccentricity, fetish, foible, idiosyncrasy, quirk, singularity, vagary, whim"} {"x":"kinsfolk","y":"[1]connections, family, kin, kindred, kinsmen, relations, relatives"} {"x":"kinship","y":"[1]blood relationship, consanguinity, kin, relation, ties of blood @@@@ [2]affinity, alliance, association, bearing, connection, correspondence, relationship, similarity"} {"x":"kinsman","y":"[1]blood relative, fellow clansman, fellow tribesman, relation, relative"} {"x":"kiosk","y":"[1]bookstall, booth, counter, newsstand, stall, stand"} {"x":"kismet","y":"[1]destiny, fate, fortune, karma, lot, portion, preordination, Providence"} {"x":"kiss","y":"[1]buss @@@@ [2]canoodle @@@@ [3]greet, neck @@@@ [4]osculate, peck @@@@ [5]salute, smooch @@@@ [6]brush, caress, glance, graze, scrape, touch @@@@ [7]buss @@@@ [8]osculation, peck @@@@ [9]smacker"} {"x":"kit","y":"[1]accoutrements, apparatus, effects, equipment, gear, impedimenta, implements, instruments, outfit, paraphernalia, provisions, rig, supplies, tackle, tools, trappings, utensils @@@@ [2]accoutre, arm, deck out, equip, fit out, fix up, furnish, outfit, provide with, supply"} {"x":"kitchen","y":"[1]cookhouse, galley, kitchenette"} {"x":"knack","y":"[1]ability, adroitness, aptitude, bent, capacity, dexterity, expertise, expertness, facility, flair, forte, genius, gift, handiness, ingenuity, propensity, quickness, skilfulness, skill, talent, trick"} {"x":"knave","y":"[1]blackguard, bounder @@@@ [2]cheat, cocksucker @@@@ [3]rapscallion, rascal, reprobate, rogue, rotter @@@@ [4]scally @@@@ [5]scallywag @@@@ [6]scamp, scapegrace, scoundrel, scumbag @@@@ [7]swindler, varlet @@@@ [8]villain"} {"x":"knavery","y":"[1]chicanery, corruption, deceit, deception, dishonesty, double-dealing, duplicity, fraud, imposture, rascality, roguery, trickery, villainy"} {"x":"knavish","y":"[1]deceitful, deceptive, dishonest, dishonourable, fraudulent, lying, rascally, roguish, scoundrelly, tricky, unprincipled, unscrupulous, villainous"} {"x":"knead","y":"[1]blend, form, manipulate, massage, mould, press, rub, shape, squeeze, stroke, work"} {"x":"kneel","y":"[1]bow, bow down, curtsey, curtsy, genuflect, get down on one's knees, kowtow, make obeisance, stoop"} {"x":"knell","y":"[1]announce, chime, herald, peal, resound, ring, sound, toll @@@@ [2]chime, peal, ringing, sound, toll"} {"x":"knickers","y":"[1]bloomers, briefs, drawers, panties, smalls, underwear"} {"x":"knife","y":"[1]blade, cutter, cutting tool @@@@ [2]cut, impale, lacerate, pierce, slash, stab, wound"} {"x":"knit","y":"[1]affix, ally, bind, connect, contract, fasten, heal, interlace, intertwine, join, link, loop, mend, secure, tie, unite, weave @@@@ [2]crease, furrow, knot, pucker, wrinkle"} {"x":"knob","y":"[1]boss, bulk, bump, bunch, hump, knot, knurl, lump, nub, projection, protrusion, protuberance, snag, stud, swell, swelling, tumour"} {"x":"knock","y":"[1]belt @@@@ [2]buffet, chin @@@@ [3]clap, cuff, deck @@@@ [4]punch, rap, slap, smack, smite @@@@ [5]strike, thump, thwack @@@@ [6]belt @@@@ [7]blow, box, clip, clout @@@@ [8]cuff, hammering, rap, slap, smack, thump @@@@ [9]abuse, asperse, belittle, carp, cavil, censure, condemn, criticize, denigrate, deprecate, disparage, find fault, have a go (at) @@@@ [10]lambast(e), run down, slag (off) @@@@ [11]slam @@@@ [12]blame, censure, condemnation, criticism, defeat, failure, heat @@@@ [13]rebuff, rejection, reversal, setback, slagging (off) @@@@ [14]stick @@@@ [15]stricture @@@@ [16]ramble, range, roam, rove, traipse, travel, wander @@@@ [17]abuse, batter, beat up @@@@ [18]bruise, buffet, clobber @@@@ [19]damage, hit, hurt, lambast(e), maltreat, manhandle, maul, mistreat, strike, work over @@@@ [20]wound @@@@ [21]batter, clout @@@@ [22]deck @@@@ [23]demolish, destroy, fell, floor, level, pound, raze, smash, wallop @@@@ [24]wreck @@@@ [25]clock off, clock out, complete, conclude, finish, stop work, terminate @@@@ [26]blag @@@@ [27]cabbage @@@@ [28]filch, nick @@@@ [29]pilfer, pinch, purloin, rob, steal, thieve @@@@ [30]assassinate, blow away @@@@ [31]bump off @@@@ [32]kill, liquidate, murder, slay, take out @@@@ [33]waste"} {"x":"knockout","y":"[1]hit, sensation, smash, smasheroo @@@@ [2]smash-hit, stunner @@@@ [3]success, triumph, winner"} {"x":"knoll","y":"[1]barrow, hill, hillock, hummock, mound, swell"} {"x":"knot","y":"[1]bind, complicate, entangle, knit, loop, secure, tether, tie, weave @@@@ [2]bond, bow, braid, connection, joint, ligature, loop, rosette, tie @@@@ [3]aggregation, bunch, clump, cluster, collection, heap, mass, pile, tuft @@@@ [4]assemblage, band, circle, clique, company, crew @@@@ [5]crowd, gang, group, mob, pack, set, squad"} {"x":"know","y":"[1]apprehend, comprehend, experience, fathom, feel certain, ken @@@@ [2]learn, notice, perceive, realize, recognize, see, undergo, understand @@@@ [3]associate with, be acquainted with, be familiar with, fraternize with, have dealings with, have knowledge of, recognize @@@@ [4]differentiate, discern, distinguish, identify, make out, perceive, recognize, see, tell"} {"x":"knowing","y":"[1]astute, clever, clued-up @@@@ [2]competent, discerning, experienced, expert, intelligent, qualified, skilful, well-informed @@@@ [3]acute, cunning, eloquent, expressive, meaningful, perceptive, sagacious, shrewd, significant @@@@ [4]aware, conscious, deliberate, intended, intentional"} {"x":"knowledge","y":"[1]education, enlightenment, erudition, instruction, intelligence, learning, scholarship, schooling, science, tuition, wisdom @@@@ [2]ability, apprehension, cognition, comprehension, consciousness, discernment, grasp, judgment, recognition, understanding @@@@ [3]acquaintance, cognizance, familiarity, information, intimacy, notice"} {"x":"known","y":"[1]acknowledged, admitted, avowed, celebrated, common, confessed, familiar, famous, manifest, noted, obvious, patent, plain, popular, published, recognized, well-known"} {"x":"kowtow","y":"[1]bow, genuflect, kneel @@@@ [2]brown-nose @@@@ [3]court, cringe, fawn, flatter, grovel, kiss (someone's) ass @@@@ [4]toady, truckle"} {"x":"kudos","y":"[1]acclaim, applause, distinction, esteem, fame, glory, honour, laudation, notability, plaudits, praise, prestige, regard, renown, repute"} {"x":"label","y":"[1]docket @@@@ [2]flag, marker, sticker, tag, tally, ticket @@@@ [3]characterization, classification, description, epithet @@@@ [4]brand, company, mark, trademark @@@@ [5]docket @@@@ [6]flag, mark, stamp, sticker, tag, tally @@@@ [7]brand, call, characterize, class, classify, define, describe, designate, identify, name"} {"x":"laborious","y":"[1]arduous, backbreaking, burdensome, difficult, exhausting, fatiguing, hard, herculean, onerous, strenuous, tiresome, tiring, toilsome, tough, uphill, wearing, wearisome @@@@ [2]assiduous, diligent, hard-working, indefatigable, industrious, painstaking, persevering, sedulous, tireless, unflagging @@@@ [3]forced, laboured, not fluent, ponderous, strained"} {"x":"labour","y":"[1]industry, toil, work @@@@ [2]employees, hands, labourers, workers, workforce, workmen @@@@ [3]donkey-work, drudgery, effort, exertion, grind @@@@ [4]industry, pains, painstaking, sweat @@@@ [5]toil, travail @@@@ [6]chore, job, task, undertaking @@@@ [7]childbirth, contractions, delivery, labour pains, pains, parturition, throes, travail @@@@ [8]drudge, endeavour, grind @@@@ [9]slave, strive, struggle, sweat @@@@ [10]toil, travail, work @@@@ [11]be a victim of, be burdened by, be disadvantaged, suffer @@@@ [12]overdo, overemphasize, strain @@@@ [13]heave, pitch, roll, toss"} {"x":"labyrinth","y":"[1]coil, complexity, complication, convolution, entanglement, intricacy, jungle, knotty problem, maze, perplexity, puzzle, riddle, snarl, tangle, windings"} {"x":"labyrinthine","y":"[1]Byzantine, complex, confused, convoluted, Daedalian, Gordian, intricate, involved, knotty, mazelike, mazy, perplexing, puzzling, tangled, tortuous, winding"} {"x":"lace","y":"[1]filigree, netting, openwork, tatting @@@@ [2]bootlace, cord, shoelace, string, thong, tie @@@@ [3]attach, bind, close, do up, fasten, intertwine, interweave, thread, tie, twine @@@@ [4]add to, fortify, mix in, spike @@@@ [5]assail, attack, belabour, berate, castigate, flay, lay into @@@@ [6]light into @@@@ [7]set about, vituperate"} {"x":"lacerate","y":"[1]claw, cut, gash, jag, maim, mangle, rend, rip, slash, tear, wound @@@@ [2]afflict, distress, harrow, rend, torment, torture, wound"} {"x":"laceration","y":"[1]cut, gash, injury, mutilation, rent, rip, slash, tear, trauma @@@@ [2]wound"} {"x":"lachrymose","y":"[1]crying, dolorous, lugubrious, mournful, sad, tearful, weeping, weepy @@@@ [2]woeful"} {"x":"lack","y":"[1]absence, dearth, deficiency, deprivation, destitution, insufficiency, need, privation, scantiness, scarcity, shortage, shortcoming, shortness, want @@@@ [2]be deficient in, be short of, be without, miss, need, require, want"} {"x":"lackadaisical","y":"[1]apathetic, dull, enervated, half-arsed @@@@ [2]half-assed @@@@ [3]half-hearted, indifferent, languid, languorous, lethargic, limp, listless, spiritless @@@@ [4]abstracted, dreamy, idle, indolent, inert, lazy"} {"x":"lackey","y":"[1]ass-kisser @@@@ [2]brown-noser @@@@ [3]creature, fawner, flatterer, flunky, hanger-on, instrument, menial, minion, parasite, pawn, sycophant, toady, tool, yes man @@@@ [4]attendant, cohort @@@@ [5]flunky, footman, manservant, valet, varlet"} {"x":"lacking","y":"[1]defective, deficient, flawed, impaired, inadequate, minus @@@@ [2]missing, needing, sans @@@@ [3]wanting, without"} {"x":"laconic","y":"[1]brief, clipped, compact, concise, crisp, curt, monosyllabic, pithy, sententious, short, succinct, terse, to the point"} {"x":"lacuna","y":"[1]blank, break, gap, hiatus, omission, space, void"} {"x":"lacy","y":"[1]delicate, filigree, fine, frilly, gauzy, gossamer, lace-like, meshy, net-like, open, sheer"} {"x":"lad","y":"[1]boy, chap @@@@ [2]fellow, guy @@@@ [3]juvenile, kid @@@@ [4]laddie @@@@ [5]schoolboy, shaver @@@@ [6]stripling, youngster, youth"} {"x":"laden","y":"[1]burdened, charged, encumbered, fraught, full, hampered, loaded, oppressed, taxed, weighed down, weighted"} {"x":"ladle","y":"[1]A ladle is a large, round, deep spoon with a long handle, used for serving soup, stew, or sauce."} {"x":"lady","y":"[1]dame, gentlewoman @@@@ [2]female, woman @@@@ [3]Casanova, Don Juan, heartbreaker, ladies' man, libertine, Lothario, philanderer, rake, roue, wolf @@@@ [4]womanizer @@@@ [5]Some Christians, especially Catholics, refer to Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, as Our Lady."} {"x":"ladylike","y":"[1]courtly, cultured, decorous, elegant, genteel, modest, polite, proper, refined, respectable, sophisticated, well-bred"} {"x":"lag","y":"[1]be behind, dawdle, delay, drag (behind), drag one's feet @@@@ [2]hang back, idle, linger, loiter, saunter, straggle, tarry, trail @@@@ [3]decrease, diminish, ebb, fail, fall off, flag, lose strength, slacken, wane"} {"x":"laggard","y":"[1]dawdler, idler, lingerer, loafer, loiterer, lounger, saunterer, skiver @@@@ [2]slowcoach @@@@ [3]slowpoke @@@@ [4]sluggard, snail, straggler"} {"x":"lair","y":"[1]burrow, den, earth, form, hole, nest, resting place @@@@ [2]den, hide-out, refuge, retreat, sanctuary"} {"x":"lake","y":"[1]lagoon, loch @@@@ [2]lough @@@@ [3]mere, reservoir, tarn"} {"x":"lambent","y":"[1]dancing, flickering, fluttering, licking, touching, twinkling @@@@ [2]gleaming, glistening, glowing, luminous, lustrous, radiant, refulgent, shimmering @@@@ [3]brilliant, light, sparkling"} {"x":"lame","y":"[1]crippled, defective, disabled, game, halt @@@@ [2]handicapped, hobbling, limping @@@@ [3]feeble, flimsy, inadequate, insufficient, pathetic, poor, thin, unconvincing, unsatisfactory, weak"} {"x":"lament","y":"[1]bemoan, bewail, complain, deplore, grieve, mourn, regret, sorrow, wail, weep @@@@ [2]complaint, keening, lamentation, moan, moaning, plaint, ululation, wail, wailing @@@@ [3]coronach @@@@ [4]dirge, elegy, monody, requiem, threnody"} {"x":"lamentable","y":"[1]deplorable, distressing, grievous, harrowing, mournful, regrettable, sorrowful, tragic, unfortunate, woeful @@@@ [2]low, meagre, mean, miserable, not much cop @@@@ [3]pitiful, poor, unsatisfactory, wretched"} {"x":"lamentation","y":"[1]dirge, grief, grieving, keening, lament, moan, mourning, plaint, sobbing, sorrow, ululation, wailing, weeping"} {"x":"lampoon","y":"[1]burlesque, caricature, parody, pasquinade, satire, send-up @@@@ [2]skit, squib, takeoff @@@@ [3]burlesque, caricature, make fun of, mock, parody, pasquinade, ridicule, satirize, send up @@@@ [4]squib, take off"} {"x":"land","y":"[1]dry land, earth, ground, terra firma @@@@ [2]dirt, ground, loam, soil @@@@ [3]countryside, farming, farmland, rural districts @@@@ [4]acres, estate, grounds, property, real property, realty @@@@ [5]country, district, fatherland, motherland, nation, province, region, territory, tract @@@@ [6]alight, arrive, berth, come to rest, debark, disembark, dock, touch down @@@@ [7]arrive, bring, carry, cause, end up, lead, turn up, wind up @@@@ [8]acquire, gain, get, obtain, score @@@@ [9]secure, win"} {"x":"landing","y":"[1]arrival, coming in, disembarkation, disembarkment, touchdown @@@@ [2]jetty, landing stage, platform, quayside"} {"x":"landmark","y":"[1]feature, monument @@@@ [2]crisis, milestone, turning point, watershed @@@@ [3]benchmark, boundary, cairn, milepost, signpost"} {"x":"landscape","y":"[1]countryside, outlook, panorama, prospect, scene, scenery, view, vista"} {"x":"lane","y":"[1]aisle, alley, corridor, footpath, passageway, path, pathway, road, street, strip, way"} {"x":"language","y":"[1]communication, conversation, discourse, expression, interchange, parlance, speech, talk, utterance, verbalization, vocalization @@@@ [2]argot, cant, dialect, idiom, jargon, lingo @@@@ [3]lingua franca, patois, patter, speech, terminology, tongue, vernacular, vocabulary @@@@ [4]diction, expression, phraseology, phrasing, style, wording @@@@ [5]gender"} {"x":"languid","y":"[1]drooping, faint, feeble, languorous, limp, pining, sickly, weak, weary @@@@ [2]indifferent, lackadaisical, languorous, lazy, listless, spiritless, unenthusiastic, uninterested @@@@ [3]dull, heavy, inactive, inert, lethargic, sluggish, torpid"} {"x":"languish","y":"[1]decline, droop, fade, fail, faint, flag, sicken, waste, weaken, wilt, wither @@@@ [2]desire, eat one's heart out over, hanker, hunger, long, pine, sigh, suspire, want, yearn @@@@ [3]be abandoned, be disregarded, be neglected, rot, suffer, waste away @@@@ [4]brood, despond, grieve, repine, sorrow"} {"x":"languor","y":"[1]apathy, debility, enervation, ennui, faintness, fatigue, feebleness, frailty, heaviness, inertia, lassitude, lethargy, listlessness, torpor, weakness, weariness @@@@ [2]dreaminess, drowsiness, indolence, laziness, lotus-eating, relaxation, sleepiness, sloth @@@@ [3]calm, hush, lull, oppressiveness, silence, stillness"} {"x":"lank","y":"[1]dull, lifeless, limp, long, lustreless, straggling @@@@ [2]attenuated, emaciated, gaunt, lanky, lean, rawboned, scraggy, scrawny, skinny, slender, slim, spare, thin"} {"x":"lanky","y":"[1]angular, bony, gangling, gaunt, loose-jointed, rangy, rawboned, scraggy, scrawny, spare, tall, thin, weedy"} {"x":"lap","y":"[1]circle, circuit, course, distance, loop, orbit, round, tour @@@@ [2]cover, enfold, envelop, fold, swaddle, swathe, turn, twist, wrap @@@@ [3]gurgle, plash, purl, ripple, slap, splash, swish, wash @@@@ [4]drink, lick, sip, sup"} {"x":"lapse","y":"[1]error, failing, fault, indiscretion, mistake, negligence, omission, oversight, slip @@@@ [2]break, breathing space, gap, intermission, interruption, interval, lull, passage, pause @@@@ [3]backsliding, decline, descent, deterioration, drop, fall, relapse @@@@ [4]decline, degenerate, deteriorate, drop, fail, fall, sink, slide, slip @@@@ [5]become obsolete, become void, end, expire, run out, stop, terminate"} {"x":"larceny","y":"[1]burglary, misappropriation, pilfering, purloining, robbery, stealing, theft"} {"x":"large","y":"[1]big, bulky, colossal, considerable, elephantine, enormous, giant, gigantic, ginormous @@@@ [2]goodly, great, huge, humongous or humungous @@@@ [3]immense, jumbo @@@@ [4]king-size, man-size, massive, mega @@@@ [5]monumental, sizable or sizeable, stellar @@@@ [6]substantial, tidy @@@@ [7]vast @@@@ [8]abundant, ample, broad, capacious, comprehensive, copious, extensive, full, generous, grand, grandiose, liberal, plentiful, roomy, spacious, sweeping, wide @@@@ [9]at liberty, free, on the loose, on the run, roaming, unconfined @@@@ [10]as a whole, chiefly, generally, in general, in the main, mainly @@@@ [11]at length, considerably, exhaustively, greatly, in full detail"} {"x":"largely","y":"[1]as a rule, by and large, chiefly, considerably, extensively, generally, mainly, mostly, predominantly, primarily, principally, to a great extent, widely"} {"x":"largesse","y":"[1]alms-giving, benefaction, bounty, charity, generosity, liberality, munificence, open-handedness, philanthropy @@@@ [2]bequest, bounty, donation, endowment, gift, grant, present"} {"x":"lark","y":"[1]antic, caper, escapade, fling, frolic, fun, gambol, game, jape, mischief, prank, revel, rollick, romp, skylark, spree @@@@ [2]caper, cavort, cut capers, frolic, gambol, have fun, make mischief, play, rollick, romp, sport"} {"x":"lascivious","y":"[1]horny @@@@ [2]lecherous, lewd, libidinous, licentious, lustful, prurient, randy @@@@ [3]salacious, sensual, unchaste, voluptuous, wanton @@@@ [4]bawdy, blue, coarse, crude, dirty, indecent, obscene, offensive, pornographic, ribald, scurrilous, smutty, suggestive, vulgar, X-rated"} {"x":"lash","y":"[1]blow, hit, stripe, stroke, swipe @@@@ [2]beat, birch, chastise, flagellate, flog, horsewhip, lam @@@@ [3]lambast(e), scourge, thrash, whip @@@@ [4]beat, buffet, dash, drum, hammer, hit, knock, lambast(e), larrup @@@@ [5]pound, punch, smack, strike @@@@ [6]attack, belabour, berate, blast, castigate, censure, criticize, flay, lambast(e), lampoon, put down, ridicule, satirize, scold, slate @@@@ [7]tear into @@@@ [8]upbraid @@@@ [9]bind, fasten, join, make fast, rope, secure, strap, tie"} {"x":"lass","y":"[1]bird @@@@ [2]chick @@@@ [3]colleen @@@@ [4]damsel, girl, lassie @@@@ [5]maid, maiden, miss, schoolgirl, wench @@@@ [6]young woman"} {"x":"lassitude","y":"[1]apathy, drowsiness, dullness, enervation, ennui, exhaustion, fatigue, heaviness, inertia, languor, lethargy, listlessness, prostration, sluggardliness, sluggishness, tiredness, torpor, weariness"} {"x":"last","y":"[1]aftermost, at the end, hindmost, rearmost @@@@ [2]latest, most recent @@@@ [3]closing, concluding, extreme, final, furthest, remotest, terminal, ultimate, utmost @@@@ [4]after, behind, bringing up the rear, in or at the end, in the rear @@@@ [5]close, completion, conclusion, end, ending, finale, finish, termination @@@@ [6]at length, at the end of the day, eventually, finally, in conclusion, in the end, in the fullness of time, ultimately @@@@ [7]at length, at the end of the day, eventually, finally, in conclusion, in the end, in the fullness of time, ultimately"} {"x":"latch","y":"[1]bar, bolt, catch, clamp, fastening, hasp, hook, lock, sneck @@@@ [2]bar, bolt, fasten, lock, make fast, secure, sneck"} {"x":"late","y":"[1]behind, behindhand, belated, delayed, last-minute, overdue, slow, tardy, unpunctual @@@@ [2]advanced, fresh, modern, new, recent @@@@ [3]dead, deceased, defunct, departed, ex-, former, old, past, preceding, previous @@@@ [4]at the last minute, behindhand, behind time, belatedly, dilatorily, slowly, tardily, unpunctually"} {"x":"lately","y":"[1]in recent times, just now, latterly, not long ago, of late, recently"} {"x":"latent","y":"[1]concealed, dormant, hidden, immanent, inherent, invisible, lurking, potential, quiescent, secret, undeveloped, unexpressed, unrealized, unseen, veiled"} {"x":"later","y":"[1]after, afterwards, by and by, in a while, in time, later on, next, subsequently, thereafter"} {"x":"lateral","y":"[1]edgeways, flanking, side, sideward, sideways"} {"x":"latest","y":"[1]current, fashionable, happening @@@@ [2]in, modern, most recent, newest, now, up-to-date, up-to-the-minute, with it"} {"x":"lather","y":"[1]bubbles, foam, froth, soap, soapsuds, suds @@@@ [2]dither @@@@ [3]fever, flap @@@@ [4]fluster, fuss, pother, state @@@@ [5]stew @@@@ [6]sweat, tizzy @@@@ [7]twitter @@@@ [8]foam, froth, soap @@@@ [9]beat, cane, drub, flog, lambast(e), strike, thrash, whip"} {"x":"latitude","y":"[1]breadth, compass, extent, range, reach, room, scope, space, span, spread, sweep, width @@@@ [2]a free hand, elbowroom, freedom, indulgence, laxity, leeway, liberty, licence, play, unrestrictedness"} {"x":"latter","y":"[1]closing, concluding, last, last-mentioned, later, latest, modern, recent, second"} {"x":"lattice","y":"[1]fretwork, grating, grid, grille, latticework, mesh, network, openwork, reticulation, tracery, trellis, web"} {"x":"laud","y":"[1]acclaim, approve, celebrate, crack up @@@@ [2]extol, glorify, honour, magnify"} {"x":"laudatory","y":"[1]acclamatory, adulatory, approbatory, approving, commendatory, complimentary, eulogistic, panegyrical"} {"x":"laugh","y":"[1]be convulsed @@@@ [2]chortle, chuckle, crack up @@@@ [3]crease up @@@@ [4]giggle, guffaw, roar with laughter, snigger, split one's sides, titter @@@@ [5]belittle, deride, jeer, lampoon, make a mock of, make fun of, mock, ridicule, scoff at, take the mickey (out of) @@@@ [6]taunt @@@@ [7]belly laugh @@@@ [8]chortle, chuckle, giggle, guffaw, roar or shriek of laughter, snigger, titter @@@@ [9]card @@@@ [10]caution @@@@ [11]clown, comedian, comic, entertainer, hoot @@@@ [12]humorist, joke, lark, scream @@@@ [13]wag, wit @@@@ [14]brush aside, dismiss, disregard, ignore, minimize, pooh-pooh, shrug off"} {"x":"laughter","y":"[1]cachinnation, chortling, chuckling, giggling, guffawing, laughing, tittering @@@@ [2]amusement, glee, hilarity, merriment, mirth"} {"x":"launch","y":"[1]cast, discharge, dispatch, fire, project, propel, send off, set afloat, set in motion, throw @@@@ [2]begin, commence, embark upon, inaugurate, initiate, instigate, introduce, open, start"} {"x":"launder","y":"[1]clean, tub, wash @@@@ [2]cook @@@@ [3]doctor, manipulate, process"} {"x":"lavatory","y":"[1]bathroom, bog @@@@ [2]can @@@@ [3]cloakroom @@@@ [4]crapper @@@@ [5]Gents, head(s) @@@@ [6]john @@@@ [7]khazi @@@@ [8]Ladies, latrine, little boy's room @@@@ [9]loo @@@@ [10]pissoir, powder room, (public) convenience, toilet, washroom, water closet, W.C."} {"x":"lavish","y":"[1]abundant, copious, exuberant, lush, luxuriant, opulent, plentiful, profuse, prolific, sumptuous @@@@ [2]bountiful, effusive, free, generous, liberal, munificent, open-handed, unstinting @@@@ [3]exaggerated, excessive, extravagant, immoderate, improvident, intemperate, prodigal, thriftless, unreasonable, unrestrained, wasteful, wild @@@@ [4]deluge, dissipate, expend, heap, pour, shower, spend, squander, waste"} {"x":"law","y":"[1]charter, code, constitution, jurisprudence @@@@ [2]act, canon, code, command, commandment, covenant, decree, demand, edict, enactment, order, ordinance, rule, statute @@@@ [3]axiom, canon, criterion, formula, precept, principle, regulation, standard @@@@ [4]dictate, dogmatize, emphasize, pontificate @@@@ [5]compliant, dutiful, good, honest, honourable, lawful, obedient, orderly, peaceable, peaceful @@@@ [6]belle-soeur"} {"x":"lawsuit","y":"[1]action, argument, case, cause, contest, dispute, industrial tribunal, litigation, proceedings, prosecution, suit, trial"} {"x":"lawyer","y":"[1]advocate, attorney, barrister, counsel, counsellor, legal adviser, solicitor"} {"x":"lax","y":"[1]careless, casual, easy-going, easy-oasy @@@@ [2]lenient, neglectful, negligent, overindulgent, remiss, slack, slapdash, slipshod @@@@ [3]broad, general, imprecise, inaccurate, indefinite, inexact, nonspecific, shapeless, vague @@@@ [4]flabby, flaccid, loose, slack, soft, yielding"} {"x":"laxative","y":"[1]aperient, cathartic, physic @@@@ [2]purgative, purge, salts"} {"x":"lay","y":"[1]deposit, establish, leave, place, plant, posit, put, set, set down, settle, spread @@@@ [2]arrange, dispose, locate, organize, position, set out @@@@ [3]bear, deposit, produce @@@@ [4]advance, bring forward, lodge, offer, present, put forward, submit @@@@ [5]allocate, allot, ascribe, assign, attribute, charge, impute @@@@ [6]concoct, contrive, design, devise, hatch, plan, plot, prepare, work out @@@@ [7]apply, assess, burden, charge, encumber, impose, saddle, tax @@@@ [8]bet, gamble, give odds, hazard, risk, stake, wager @@@@ [9]allay, alleviate, appease, assuage, calm, quiet, relieve, soothe, still, suppress @@@@ [10]disclose, divulge, explain, expose, reveal, show, unveil @@@@ [11]acquire, get, get hold of, grab, grasp, seize @@@@ [12]assault, attack, beat up, lay into @@@@ [13]discover, find, unearth @@@@ [14]bless, confirm, consecrate, ordain @@@@ [15]get, get hold of, grab, grasp, grip, seize, snatch @@@@ [16]laic, laical, nonclerical, secular @@@@ [17]amateur, inexpert, nonprofessional, nonspecialist @@@@ [18]ballad, lyric, ode, poem, song"} {"x":"layer","y":"[1]bed, ply, row, seam, stratum, thickness, tier @@@@ [2]blanket, coat, coating, cover, covering, film, mantle, sheet"} {"x":"layman","y":"[1]amateur, lay person, nonprofessional, outsider"} {"x":"layout","y":"[1]arrangement, design, draft, formation, geography, outline, plan"} {"x":"laze","y":"[1]hang around, idle, loaf, loll, lounge, stand around @@@@ [2]fool away, fritter away, kill time, pass time, veg out"} {"x":"lazy","y":"[1]good-for-nothing, idle, inactive, indolent, inert, remiss, shiftless, slack, slothful, slow, workshy @@@@ [2]drowsy, languid, languorous, lethargic, sleepy, slow-moving, sluggish, somnolent, torpid"} {"x":"lazybones","y":"[1]couch potato @@@@ [2]loafer, lounger, shirker, skiver @@@@ [3]sleepyhead, slugabed, sluggard"} {"x":"leach","y":"[1]drain, extract, filter, filtrate, lixiviate @@@@ [2]percolate, seep, strain"} {"x":"lead","y":"[1]conduct, escort, guide, pilot, precede, show the way, steer, usher @@@@ [2]cause, dispose, draw, incline, induce, influence, persuade, prevail, prompt @@@@ [3]command, direct, govern, head, manage, preside over, supervise @@@@ [4]be ahead (of), blaze a trail, come first, exceed, excel, outdo, outstrip, surpass, transcend @@@@ [5]experience, have, live, pass, spend, undergo @@@@ [6]bring on, cause, conduce, contribute, produce, result in, serve, tend @@@@ [7]advance, advantage, cutting edge, edge, first place, margin, precedence, primacy, priority, start, supremacy, van, vanguard @@@@ [8]direction, example, guidance, leadership, model @@@@ [9]clue, guide, hint, indication, suggestion, tip, trace @@@@ [10]leading role, principal, protagonist, star part, title role @@@@ [11]chief, first, foremost, head, leading, main, most important, premier, primary, prime, principal @@@@ [12]begin, commence, get going, get under way, inaugurate, initiate, kick off @@@@ [13]open, set out, start, start the ball rolling @@@@ [14]beguile, deceive, draw on, entice, inveigle, lure, seduce, string along @@@@ [15]tempt @@@@ [16]approach, intimate, introduce, make advances, make overtures, pave the way, prepare for, prepare the way, work round to @@@@ [17]Lead is a soft, grey, heavy metal."} {"x":"leaden","y":"[1]burdensome, crushing, cumbersome, heavy, inert, lead, onerous, oppressive @@@@ [2]humdrum, laboured, plodding, sluggish, stiff, stilted, wooden @@@@ [3]dismal, dreary, dull, gloomy, languid, lifeless, listless, spiritless @@@@ [4]dingy, grey, greyish, lacklustre, louring or lowering, lustreless, overcast, sombre"} {"x":"leader","y":"[1]bellwether, boss @@@@ [2]captain, chief, chieftain, commander, conductor, counsellor, director, guide, head, number one, principal, ringleader, ruler, superior, torchbearer"} {"x":"leadership","y":"[1]administration, direction, directorship, domination, guidance, management, running, superintendency @@@@ [2]authority, command, control, influence, initiative, pre-eminence, supremacy, sway"} {"x":"leading","y":"[1]chief, dominant, first, foremost, governing, greatest, highest, main, number one, outstanding, pre-eminent, primary, principal, ruling, superior"} {"x":"leaf","y":"[1]blade, bract, flag, foliole, frond, needle, pad @@@@ [2]folio, page, sheet @@@@ [3]amend, begin anew, change, change one's ways, improve, reform @@@@ [4]bud, green, put out leaves, turn green @@@@ [5]browse, flip, glance, riffle, skim, thumb (through)"} {"x":"leaflet","y":"[1]advert @@@@ [2]bill, booklet, brochure, circular, handbill, mailshot, pamphlet @@@@ [3]booklet, brochure, catalogue, details of bill"} {"x":"league","y":"[1]alliance, association, band, coalition, combination, combine, compact, confederacy, confederation, consortium, federation, fellowship, fraternity, group, guild, order, partnership, union @@@@ [2]ability group, category, class, level @@@@ [3]allied, collaborating, hand in glove, in cahoots @@@@ [4]leagued @@@@ [5]ally, amalgamate, associate, band, collaborate, combine, confederate, join forces, unite"} {"x":"leak","y":"[1]aperture, chink, crack, crevice, fissure, hole, opening, puncture @@@@ [2]drip, leakage, leaking, oozing, percolation, seepage @@@@ [3]disclosure, divulgence @@@@ [4]discharge, drip, escape, exude, ooze, pass, percolate, seep, spill, trickle @@@@ [5]disclose, divulge, give away, let slip, let the cat out of the bag, make known, make public, pass on, reveal, spill the beans @@@@ [6]tell"} {"x":"lean","y":"[1]be supported, prop, recline, repose, rest @@@@ [2]bend, heel, incline, slant, slope, tilt, tip @@@@ [3]be disposed to, be prone to, favour, gravitate towards, have a propensity, prefer, tend @@@@ [4]confide, count on, depend, have faith in, rely, trust @@@@ [5]angular, bony, emaciated, gaunt, lank, macilent @@@@ [6]rangy, scraggy, scrawny, skinny, slender, slim, spare, thin, unfatty, wiry @@@@ [7]bare, barren, inadequate, infertile, meagre, pathetic, pitiful, poor, scanty, sparse, unfruitful, unproductive"} {"x":"leap","y":"[1]bounce, bound, caper, cavort, frisk, gambol, hop, jump, skip, spring @@@@ [2]arrive at, come to, form hastily, hasten, hurry, jump, reach, rush @@@@ [3]clear, jump (over), vault @@@@ [4]advance, become prominent, escalate, gain attention, increase, rocket, soar, surge @@@@ [5]bound, caper, frisk, hop, jump, skip, spring, vault @@@@ [6]escalation, increase, rise, surge, upsurge, upswing"} {"x":"learn","y":"[1]acquire, attain, become able, grasp, imbibe, master, pick up @@@@ [2]get off pat, get (something) word-perfect, learn by heart, memorize @@@@ [3]ascertain, detect, determine, discern, discover, find out, gain, gather, hear, suss (out) @@@@ [4]understand"} {"x":"learned","y":"[1]academic, cultured, erudite, experienced, expert, highbrow, intellectual, lettered, literate, scholarly, skilled, versed, well-informed, well-read"} {"x":"learning","y":"[1]acquirements, attainments, culture, education, erudition, information, knowledge, letters, literature, lore, research, scholarship, schooling, study, tuition, wisdom"} {"x":"lease","y":"[1]charter, hire, let, loan, rent"} {"x":"leash","y":"[1]lead, rein, tether @@@@ [2]check, control, curb, hold, restraint @@@@ [3]fasten, secure, tether, tie up @@@@ [4]check, control, curb, hold back, restrain, suppress"} {"x":"least","y":"[1]feeblest, fewest, last, lowest, meanest, minimum, minutest, poorest, slightest, smallest, tiniest"} {"x":"leave","y":"[1]abandon, abscond, decamp, depart, desert, disappear, do a bunk @@@@ [2]exit, flit @@@@ [3]forsake, go, go away, hook it @@@@ [4]make tracks, move, pack one's bags @@@@ [5]pull out, quit, relinquish, retire, set out, sling one's hook @@@@ [6]withdraw @@@@ [7]forget, lay down, leave behind, mislay @@@@ [8]cause, deposit, generate, produce, result in @@@@ [9]abandon, cease, desert, desist, drop, evacuate, forbear, give up, refrain, relinquish, renounce, stop, surrender @@@@ [10]allot, assign, cede, commit, consign, entrust, give over, refer @@@@ [11]bequeath, demise, devise @@@@ [12]hand down, transmit, will @@@@ [13]bequeath, demise, devise @@@@ [14]hand down, transmit, will"} {"x":"leaven","y":"[1]barm, ferment, leavening, yeast @@@@ [2]catalyst, influence, inspiration @@@@ [3]ferment, lighten, raise, work @@@@ [4]elevate, imbue, inspire, permeate, pervade, quicken, stimulate, suffuse"} {"x":"leaves","y":"[1]abandon, abscond, decamp, depart, desert, disappear, do a bunk @@@@ [2]exit, flit @@@@ [3]forsake, go, go away, hook it @@@@ [4]make tracks, move, pack one's bags @@@@ [5]pull out, quit, relinquish, retire, set out, sling one's hook @@@@ [6]withdraw @@@@ [7]forget, lay down, leave behind, mislay @@@@ [8]cause, deposit, generate, produce, result in @@@@ [9]abandon, cease, desert, desist, drop, evacuate, forbear, give up, refrain, relinquish, renounce, stop, surrender @@@@ [10]allot, assign, cede, commit, consign, entrust, give over, refer @@@@ [11]bequeath, demise, devise @@@@ [12]hand down, transmit, will"} {"x":"leavings","y":"[1]bits, dregs, fragments, leftovers, orts @@@@ [2]pieces, refuse, remains, remnants, residue, scraps, spoil, sweepings, waste"} {"x":"lechery","y":"[1]carnality, concupiscence, debauchery, lasciviousness, lecherousness, leching @@@@ [2]lewdness, libertinism, libidinousness, licentiousness, lubricity, lust, lustfulness, profligacy, prurience, rakishness, randiness @@@@ [3]salaciousness, sensuality, wantonness, womanizing"} {"x":"lecture","y":"[1]address, discourse, disquisition, harangue, instruction, lesson, speech, talk @@@@ [2]address, discourse, expound, give a talk, harangue, hold forth, speak, spout, talk, teach @@@@ [3]castigation, censure, chiding, dressing-down @@@@ [4]going-over @@@@ [5]heat @@@@ [6]rebuke, reprimand, reproof, scolding, talking-to @@@@ [7]telling off @@@@ [8]wigging @@@@ [9]admonish, bawl out @@@@ [10]berate, carpet @@@@ [11]castigate, censure, chew out @@@@ [12]rate, read the riot act, reprimand, reprove, scold, tear into @@@@ [13]tell off"} {"x":"ledge","y":"[1]mantle, projection, ridge, shelf, sill, step"} {"x":"lee","y":"[1]cover, protection, refuge, screen, shade, shadow, shelter, shield"} {"x":"leech","y":"[1]bloodsucker @@@@ [2]freeloader @@@@ [3]hanger-on, ligger @@@@ [4]parasite, sponger @@@@ [5]sycophant"} {"x":"leer","y":"[1]drool, eye, gloat, goggle, grin, ogle, smirk, squint, stare, wink"} {"x":"leery","y":"[1]careful, cautious, chary, distrustful, doubting, dubious, on one's guard, sceptical, shy, suspicious, uncertain, unsure, wary"} {"x":"lees","y":"[1]deposit, dregs, grounds, precipitate, refuse, sediment, settlings"} {"x":"leeway","y":"[1]elbowroom, latitude, margin, play, room, scope, space"} {"x":"left","y":"[1]larboard @@@@ [2]left-hand, port, sinistral @@@@ [3]leftist, left-wing, liberal, progressive, radical, socialist @@@@ [4]awkward, cack-handed @@@@ [5]careless, clumsy, fumbling, gauche, maladroit @@@@ [6]ambiguous, backhanded, double-edged, enigmatic, equivocal, indirect, ironic, sardonic"} {"x":"leftover","y":"[1]legacy, remainder, residue, surplus, survivor @@@@ [2]leavings, oddments, odds and ends, remains, remnants, scraps @@@@ [3]excess, extra, remaining, surplus, uneaten, unused, unwanted"} {"x":"leg","y":"[1]limb, lower limb, member, pin @@@@ [2]stump @@@@ [3]brace, prop, support, upright @@@@ [4]lap, part, portion, section, segment, stage, stretch @@@@ [5]assistance, boost, help, helping hand, push, support @@@@ [6]be defenceless, be full of holes, be illogical, be invalid, be undermined, be vulnerable, lack support @@@@ [7]about to break down, about to collapse, at death's door, dying, exhausted, failing, giving up the ghost, worn out @@@@ [8]chaff, deceive, fool, kid @@@@ [9]make fun of, tease, trick, wind up @@@@ [10]get cracking @@@@ [11]hasten, hurry, look lively @@@@ [12]boogie @@@@ [13]dance, get down @@@@ [14]hoof it @@@@ [15]exercise, go for a walk, move about, promenade, stroll, take a walk, take the air @@@@ [16]go on foot, hotfoot, hurry, run, skedaddle @@@@ [17]walk"} {"x":"legacy","y":"[1]bequest, devise @@@@ [2]estate, gift, heirloom, inheritance @@@@ [3]birthright, endowment, heritage, inheritance, patrimony, throwback, tradition"} {"x":"legal","y":"[1]allowable, allowed, authorized, constitutional, lawful, legalized, legitimate, licit, permissible, proper, rightful, sanctioned, valid @@@@ [2]forensic, judicial, juridical"} {"x":"legalistic","y":"[1]contentious, disputatious, hairsplitting, literal, litigious, narrow, narrow-minded, polemical, strict"} {"x":"legality","y":"[1]accordance with the law, admissibleness, lawfulness, legitimacy, permissibility, rightfulness, validity"} {"x":"legalize","y":"[1]allow, approve, authorize, decriminalize, legitimate, legitimize, license, permit, sanction, validate"} {"x":"legate","y":"[1]ambassador, delegate, depute @@@@ [2]deputy, emissary, envoy, messenger, nuncio"} {"x":"legatee","y":"[1]beneficiary, heir, inheritor, recipient"} {"x":"legation","y":"[1]consulate, delegation, diplomatic mission, embassy, envoys, ministry, representation"} {"x":"legend","y":"[1]fable, fiction, folk tale, myth, narrative, saga, story, tale, urban legend @@@@ [2]big name, celeb @@@@ [3]celebrity, luminary, marvel, megastar @@@@ [4]phenomenon, prodigy, spectacle, wonder @@@@ [5]caption, device, inscription, motto @@@@ [6]cipher, code, key, table of symbols"} {"x":"legendary","y":"[1]apocryphal, fabled, fabulous, fanciful, fictitious, mythical, romantic, storied, traditional @@@@ [2]celebrated, famed, famous, illustrious, immortal, renowned, well-known"} {"x":"legerdemain","y":"[1]artfulness, artifice, chicanery, contrivance, craftiness, cunning, deception, feint, hocus-pocus, manipulation, manoeuvring, subterfuge, trickery"} {"x":"legibility","y":"[1]clarity, decipherability, ease of reading, legibleness, neatness, plainness, readability, readableness"} {"x":"legible","y":"[1]bold, clear, decipherable, distinct, easily read, easy to read, neat, plain, readable"} {"x":"legion","y":"[1]army, brigade, company, division, force, troop @@@@ [2]drove, horde, host, mass, multitude, myriad, number, throng @@@@ [3]countless, multitudinous, myriad, numberless, numerous, very many"} {"x":"legislate","y":"[1]codify, constitute, enact, establish, make laws, ordain, pass laws, prescribe, put in force"} {"x":"legislation","y":"[1]codification, enactment, lawmaking, prescription, regulation @@@@ [2]act, bill, charter, law, measure, regulation, ruling, statute"} {"x":"legislative","y":"[1]congressional, judicial, juridical, jurisdictive, law-giving, law-making, ordaining, parliamentary"} {"x":"legislature","y":"[1]assembly, chamber, congress, diet, house, law-making body, parliament, senate"} {"x":"legitimate","y":"[1]acknowledged, authentic, authorized, genuine, kosher @@@@ [2]lawful, legal, legit @@@@ [3]licit, proper, real, rightful, sanctioned, statutory, true @@@@ [4]admissible, correct, just, justifiable, logical, reasonable, sensible, valid, warranted, well-founded @@@@ [5]authorize, give the green light for, legalize, legitimatize, legitimize, permit, pronounce lawful, sanction"} {"x":"leisure","y":"[1]breathing space, ease, freedom, free time, holiday, liberty, opportunity, pause, quiet, recreation, relaxation, respite, rest, retirement, spare moments, spare time, time off, vacation @@@@ [2]available, free, not booked up, on holiday, unengaged, unoccupied @@@@ [3]without hurry"} {"x":"leitmotif","y":"[1]air, convention, device, idea, melody, motif, phrase, strain, theme"} {"x":"lend","y":"[1]accommodate one with, advance, loan @@@@ [2]add, afford, bestow, confer, contribute, furnish, give, grant, hand out, impart, present, provide, supply @@@@ [3]give ear, hearken @@@@ [4]heed, listen, take notice @@@@ [5]aid, assist, give a (helping) hand, help, help out @@@@ [6]be adaptable, be appropriate, be serviceable, fit, present opportunities of, suit @@@@ [7]agree, consent, cooperate, countenance, espouse, support"} {"x":"length","y":"[1]distance, extent, longitude, measure, reach, span @@@@ [2]duration, period, space, span, stretch, term @@@@ [3]measure, piece, portion, section, segment @@@@ [4]elongation, extensiveness, lengthiness, protractedness @@@@ [5]completely, fully, in depth, in detail, thoroughly, to the full @@@@ [6]for ages, for a long time, for hours, interminably @@@@ [7]at last, at long last, eventually, finally, in the end"} {"x":"lengthen","y":"[1]continue, draw out, elongate, expand, extend, increase, make longer, prolong, protract, spin out, stretch"} {"x":"lengthwise","y":"[1]Lengthwise"} {"x":"lenient","y":"[1]clement, compassionate, forbearing, forgiving, gentle, indulgent, kind, merciful, mild, sparing, tender, tolerant"} {"x":"lenitive","y":"[1]alleviative, assuaging, calming, easing, mitigative, mollifying, palliative, relieving, soothing"} {"x":"leper","y":"[1]lazar @@@@ [2]outcast, pariah, untouchable"} {"x":"lesbian","y":"[1]butch @@@@ [2]dyke @@@@ [3]sapphist, tribade @@@@ [4]butch @@@@ [5]gay, homosexual, sapphic, tribadic"} {"x":"lesion","y":"[1]abrasion, bruise, contusion, hurt, impairment, injury, sore, trauma @@@@ [2]wound"} {"x":"less","y":"[1]shorter, slighter, smaller @@@@ [2]inferior, minor, secondary, subordinate @@@@ [3]barely, little, meagrely, to a smaller extent @@@@ [4]excepting, lacking, minus, subtracting, without"} {"x":"lessen","y":"[1]abate, abridge, contract, curtail, decrease, de-escalate, degrade, die down, diminish, downsize, dwindle, ease, erode, grow less, impair, lighten, lower, minimize, moderate, narrow, reduce, relax, shrink, slacken, slow down, weaken, wind down"} {"x":"lesser","y":"[1]inferior, less important, lower, minor, secondary, slighter, subordinate, under-"} {"x":"lesson","y":"[1]class, coaching, instruction, period, schooling, teaching, tutoring @@@@ [2]assignment, drill, exercise, homework, lecture, practice, reading, recitation, task @@@@ [3]deterrent, example, exemplar, message, model, moral, precept @@@@ [4]admonition, censure, chiding, punishment, rebuke, reprimand, reproof, scolding, warning"} {"x":"let","y":"[1]allow, authorize, entitle, give leave, give permission, give the go-ahead, give the green light, give the O.K. or okay @@@@ [2]grant, permit, sanction, suffer @@@@ [3]tolerate, warrant @@@@ [4]hire, lease, rent @@@@ [5]allow, cause, enable, grant, make, permit @@@@ [6]constraint, hindrance, impediment, interference, obstacle, obstruction, prohibition, restriction"} {"x":"let's","y":"[1]allow, authorize, entitle, give leave, give permission, give the go-ahead, give the green light, give the O.K. or okay @@@@ [2]grant, permit, sanction, suffer @@@@ [3]tolerate, warrant @@@@ [4]hire, lease, rent @@@@ [5]allow, cause, enable, grant, make, permit"} {"x":"letdown","y":"[1]anticlimax, bitter pill, blow, comedown @@@@ [2]disappointment, disgruntlement, disillusionment, frustration, setback, washout @@@@ [3]whammy"} {"x":"lethal","y":"[1]baneful, dangerous, deadly, deathly, destructive, devastating, fatal, mortal, murderous, noxious, pernicious, poisonous, virulent"} {"x":"lethargic","y":"[1]apathetic, comatose, debilitated, drowsy, dull, enervated, heavy, inactive, indifferent, inert, languid, lazy, listless, sleepy, slothful, slow, sluggish, somnolent, stupefied, torpid"} {"x":"lethargy","y":"[1]apathy, drowsiness, dullness, hebetude @@@@ [2]inaction, indifference, inertia, languor, lassitude, listlessness, sleepiness, sloth, slowness, sluggishness, stupor, torpidity, torpor"} {"x":"letter","y":"[1]character, sign, symbol @@@@ [2]acknowledgment, answer, billet @@@@ [3]communication, dispatch, epistle, line, message, missive, note, reply @@@@ [4]accurately, exactly, literally, precisely, strictly, word for word"} {"x":"letters","y":"[1]belles-lettres, culture, erudition, humanities, learning, literature, scholarship @@@@ [2]character, sign, symbol @@@@ [3]acknowledgment, answer, billet @@@@ [4]communication, dispatch, epistle, line, message, missive, note, reply @@@@ [5]accurately, exactly, literally, precisely, strictly, word for word"} {"x":"levee","y":"[1]ceremony, entertainment, gathering, party, reception"} {"x":"level","y":"[1]as flat as a pancake, consistent, even, flat, horizontal, plain, plane, smooth, uniform @@@@ [2]aligned, balanced, commensurate, comparable, equal, equivalent, even, flush, in line, neck and neck, on a line, on a par, proportionate @@@@ [3]calm, equable, even, even-tempered, stable, steady @@@@ [4]even off or out, flatten, make flat, plane, smooth @@@@ [5]bulldoze, demolish, destroy, devastate, equalize, flatten, knock down, lay low, pull down, raze, smooth, tear down, wreck @@@@ [6]aim, beam, direct, focus, point, train @@@@ [7]be above board, be frank, be honest, be open, be straightforward, be up front @@@@ [8]come clean @@@@ [9]altitude, elevation, height, vertical position @@@@ [10]achievement, degree, grade, position, rank, stage, standard, standing, status @@@@ [11]bed, floor, layer, storey, stratum, zone @@@@ [12]flat surface, horizontal, plain, plane @@@@ [13]above board, fair, genuine, honest, open, sincere, square, straight, straightforward, up front"} {"x":"lever","y":"[1]bar, crowbar, handle, handspike, jemmy @@@@ [2]force, jemmy, move, prise, pry @@@@ [3]purchase, raise"} {"x":"leviathan","y":"[1]behemoth, colossus, hulk, mammoth, monster, Titan, whale"} {"x":"levity","y":"[1]buoyancy, facetiousness, fickleness, flightiness, flippancy, frivolity, giddiness, light-heartedness, light-mindedness, silliness, skittishness, triviality"} {"x":"levy","y":"[1]charge, collect, demand, exact, gather, impose, tax @@@@ [2]call, call up, conscript, mobilize, muster, press, raise, summon @@@@ [3]assessment, collection, exaction, gathering, imposition @@@@ [4]assessment, duty, excise, fee, imposition, impost, tariff, tax, toll"} {"x":"lewd","y":"[1]bawdy, blue, dirty, impure, indecent, lascivious, libidinous, licentious, loose, lustful, obscene, pornographic, profligate, salacious, smutty, unchaste, vile, vulgar, wanton, wicked, X-rated"} {"x":"lexicon","y":"[1]dictionary, glossary, vocabulary, wordbook, word list"} {"x":"liability","y":"[1]accountability, answerability, culpability, duty, obligation, onus, responsibility @@@@ [2]arrear, debit, debt, indebtedness, obligation @@@@ [3]albatross, burden, disadvantage, drag, drawback, encumbrance, handicap, hindrance, impediment, inconvenience, millstone, minus @@@@ [4]nuisance @@@@ [5]likelihood, probability, proneness, susceptibility, tendency @@@@ [6]accounts payable, debts, expenditure, obligations"} {"x":"liable","y":"[1]accountable, amenable, answerable, bound, chargeable, obligated, responsible @@@@ [2]exposed, open, subject, susceptible, vulnerable @@@@ [3]apt, disposed, inclined, likely, prone, tending"} {"x":"liaison","y":"[1]communication, connection, contact, go-between, hook-up, interchange, intermediary @@@@ [2]affair, amour, entanglement, illicit romance, intrigue, love affair, romance"} {"x":"liar","y":"[1]fabricator, falsifier, fibber, perjurer, prevaricator, storyteller"} {"x":"libel","y":"[1]aspersion, calumny, defamation, denigration, obloquy, slander, smear, vituperation @@@@ [2]blacken, calumniate, defame, derogate, drag (someone's) name through the mud, malign, revile, slander, slur, smear, traduce, vilify"} {"x":"liberal","y":"[1]advanced, humanistic, latitudinarian, libertarian, politically correct or PC, progressive, radical, reformist, right-on @@@@ [2]altruistic, beneficent, bounteous, bountiful, charitable, free-handed, generous, kind, open-handed, open-hearted, prodigal, unstinting @@@@ [3]advanced, broad-minded, catholic, enlightened, high-minded, humanitarian, indulgent, magnanimous, permissive, politically correct or PC, right-on @@@@ [4]tolerant, unbiased, unbigoted, unprejudiced @@@@ [5]abundant, ample, bountiful, copious, handsome, lavish, munificent, plentiful, profuse, rich @@@@ [6]broad, flexible, free, general, inexact, lenient, loose, not close, not literal, not strict"} {"x":"liberalism","y":"[1]freethinking, humanitarianism, latitudinarianism, libertarianism, progressivism, radicalism"} {"x":"liberality","y":"[1]altruism, beneficence, benevolence, bounty, charity, free-handedness, generosity, kindness, largesse or largess, munificence, open-handedness, philanthropy @@@@ [2]breadth, broad-mindedness, candour, catholicity, impartiality, latitude, liberalism, libertarianism, magnanimity, permissiveness, progressivism, toleration"} {"x":"liberalize","y":"[1]ameliorate, broaden, ease, expand, extend, loosen, mitigate, moderate, modify, relax, slacken, soften, stretch"} {"x":"liberate","y":"[1]deliver, discharge, disenthral, emancipate, free, let loose, let out, manumit, redeem, release, rescue, set free"} {"x":"liberation","y":"[1]deliverance, emancipation, enfranchisement, freedom, freeing, liberating, liberty, manumission, redemption, release, unfettering, unshackling"} {"x":"liberator","y":"[1]deliverer, emancipator, freer, manumitter, redeemer, rescuer, saviour"} {"x":"libertine","y":"[1]lecher, loose liver, profligate, rake, reprobate, roue, seducer, sensualist, voluptuary, womanizer @@@@ [2]abandoned, corrupt, debauched, decadent, degenerate, depraved, dissolute, immoral, licentious, profligate, rakish, reprobate, voluptuous, wanton"} {"x":"liberty","y":"[1]autonomy, emancipation, freedom, immunity, independence, liberation, release, self-determination, sovereignty @@@@ [2]authorization, blank cheque, carte blanche, dispensation, exemption, franchise, freedom, leave, licence, permission, prerogative, privilege, right, sanction @@@@ [3]disrespect, familiarity, forwardness, impertinence, impropriety, impudence, insolence, overfamiliarity, presumption, presumptuousness @@@@ [4]free, not confined, on the loose, unlimited, unoccupied, unrestricted"} {"x":"libidinous","y":"[1]carnal, concupiscent, debauched, impure, incontinent, lascivious, lecherous, lickerish @@@@ [2]loose, lustful, prurient, randy @@@@ [3]ruttish, salacious, sensual, unchaste, wanton, wicked"} {"x":"libretto","y":"[1]book, lines, lyrics, script, words"} {"x":"licence","y":"[1]authority, authorization, blank cheque, carte blanche, certificate, charter, dispensation, entitlement, exemption, immunity, leave, liberty, permission, permit, privilege, right, warrant @@@@ [2]a free hand, freedom, independence, latitude, leeway, liberty, self-determination @@@@ [3]abandon, anarchy, disorder, excess, immoderation, impropriety, indulgence, irresponsibility, lawlessness, laxity, profligacy, unruliness"} {"x":"license","y":"[1]accredit, allow, authorize, certify, commission, empower, enable, entitle, give a blank cheque to, permit, sanction, warrant"} {"x":"licentious","y":"[1]abandoned, debauched, disorderly, dissolute, immoral, impure, lascivious, lax, lewd, libertine, libidinous, lubricious, lubricous, lustful, profligate, promiscuous, sensual, uncontrollable, uncontrolled, uncurbed, unruly, wanton"} {"x":"lick","y":"[1]brush, lap, taste, tongue, touch, wash @@@@ [2]dart, flick, flicker, ignite, kindle, play over, ripple, touch @@@@ [3]clobber @@@@ [4]defeat, master, overcome, rout, run rings around @@@@ [5]stuff @@@@ [6]tank @@@@ [7]trounce, undo, vanquish, wipe the floor with @@@@ [8]beat, clobber @@@@ [9]flog, lambast(e), slap, spank, strike, thrash, wallop @@@@ [10]beat, best, blow out of the water @@@@ [11]clobber @@@@ [12]excel, outdo, outstrip, run rings around @@@@ [13]surpass, tank @@@@ [14]bit, brush, dab, little, sample, speck, stroke, taste, touch @@@@ [15]clip @@@@ [16]pace, rate, speed"} {"x":"lie","y":"[1]dissimulate, equivocate, fabricate, falsify, fib, forswear oneself, invent, misrepresent, perjure, prevaricate, tell a lie, tell untruths @@@@ [2]deceit, fabrication, falsehood, falsification, falsity, fib, fiction, invention, mendacity, pork pie @@@@ [3]porky @@@@ [4]prevarication, untruth, white lie @@@@ [5]be prone, be prostrate, be recumbent, be supine, couch, loll, lounge, recline, repose, rest, sprawl, stretch out @@@@ [6]be, be buried, be found, be interred, be located, belong, be placed, be situated, exist, extend, remain @@@@ [7]burden, oppress, press, rest, weigh @@@@ [8]be present, consist, dwell, exist, inhere, pertain @@@@ [9]conceal oneself, go to earth, go underground, hide, hide away, hide out, hole up, keep a low profile, keep out of sight, lurk, skulk, take cover"} {"x":"liege","y":"[1]chieftain, feudal lord, master, overlord, seigneur, sovereign, superior, suzerain"} {"x":"lieu","y":"[1]place, room, stead"} {"x":"life","y":"[1]animation, being, breath, entity, growth, sentience, viability, vitality @@@@ [2]being, career, continuance, course, duration, existence, lifetime, span, time @@@@ [3]human, human being, individual, mortal, person, soul @@@@ [4]autobiography, biography, career, confessions, history, life story, memoirs, story @@@@ [5]behaviour, conduct, life style, way of life @@@@ [6]the human condition, the school of hard knocks, the times, the world, this mortal coil, trials and tribulations, vicissitudes @@@@ [7]activity, animation, brio, energy, get-up-and-go @@@@ [8]go @@@@ [9]high spirits, liveliness, oomph @@@@ [10]pep, sparkle, spirit, verve, vigour, vitality, vivacity, zest @@@@ [11]animating spirit, elan vital, essence, heart, lifeblood, soul, spirit, vital spark @@@@ [12]creatures, living beings, living things, organisms, wildlife @@@@ [13]awaken, become animate, revive, rouse, show signs of life @@@@ [14]desperately, for all one is worth, intensely, quickly, urgently, vigorously @@@@ [15]business, calling, career, interest, mission, occupation, profession, purpose, pursuit, vocation, work @@@@ [16]A person, place, book, or film that is full of life gives an impression of excitement, energy, or cheerfulness. @@@@ [17]die Lebensgefahr"} {"x":"lifeblood","y":"[1]animating force, driving force, essence, guts @@@@ [2]heart, inspiration, life, stimulus, vital spark"} {"x":"lifeless","y":"[1]cold, dead, deceased, defunct, extinct, inanimate, inert @@@@ [2]bare, barren, desert, empty, sterile, uninhabited, unproductive, waste @@@@ [3]cold, colourless, dull, flat, heavy, hollow, lacklustre, lethargic, listless, passive, pointless, slow, sluggish, spent, spiritless, static, stiff, torpid, wooden @@@@ [4]in a faint, inert, insensate, insensible, out cold, out for six, unconscious"} {"x":"lifelong","y":"[1]constant, deep-rooted, enduring, for all one's life, for life, lasting, lifetime, long-lasting, long-standing, perennial, permanent, persistent"} {"x":"lifetime","y":"[1]all one's born days, career, course, day(s), existence, life span, one's natural life, period, span, time"} {"x":"lift","y":"[1]bear aloft, buoy up, draw up, elevate, heft @@@@ [2]hoist, pick up, raise, raise high, rear, upheave, uplift, upraise @@@@ [3]advance, ameliorate, boost, dignify, elevate, enhance, exalt, improve, promote, raise, upgrade @@@@ [4]annul, cancel, countermand, end, relax, remove, rescind, revoke, stop, terminate @@@@ [5]ascend, be dispelled, climb, disappear, disperse, dissipate, mount, rise, vanish @@@@ [6]appropriate, blag @@@@ [7]cabbage @@@@ [8]copy, crib @@@@ [9]half-inch @@@@ [10]nick @@@@ [11]pilfer, pinch @@@@ [12]pirate, plagiarize, pocket, purloin, steal, take, thieve @@@@ [13]car ride, drive, ride, run, transport @@@@ [14]boost, encouragement, fillip, pick-me-up, reassurance, shot in the arm @@@@ [15]uplift @@@@ [16]elevator"} {"x":"ligature","y":"[1]band, bandage, binding, bond, connection, ligament, link, tie"} {"x":"light","y":"[1]blaze, brightness, brilliance, effulgence, flash, glare, gleam, glint, glow, illumination, incandescence, lambency, luminescence, luminosity, lustre, phosphorescence, radiance, ray, refulgence, scintillation, shine, sparkle @@@@ [2]beacon, bulb, candle, flare, lamp, lantern, lighthouse, star, taper, torch, windowpane @@@@ [3]broad day, cockcrow, dawn, daybreak, daylight, daytime, morn @@@@ [4]morning, sun, sunbeam, sunrise, sunshine @@@@ [5]angle, approach, aspect, attitude, context, interpretation, point of view, slant, vantage point, viewpoint @@@@ [6]awareness, comprehension, elucidation, explanation, illustration, information, insight, knowledge, understanding @@@@ [7]example, exemplar, guiding light, model, paragon, shining example @@@@ [8]flame, lighter, match @@@@ [9]disclose, discover, expose, reveal, show, uncover, unearth, unveil @@@@ [10]appear, be disclosed, be discovered, be revealed, come out, transpire, turn up @@@@ [11]bearing in mind, because of, considering, in view of, taking into account, with knowledge of @@@@ [12]clarify, clear up, elucidate, explain, simplify @@@@ [13]aglow, bright, brilliant, glowing, illuminated, luminous, lustrous, shining, sunny, well-lighted, well-lit @@@@ [14]bleached, blond, faded, fair, light-hued, light-toned, pale, pastel @@@@ [15]fire, ignite, inflame, kindle, set a match to, torch @@@@ [16]brighten, clarify, floodlight, flood with light, illuminate, illumine, irradiate, lighten, light up, put on, switch on, turn on @@@@ [17]animate, brighten, cheer, irradiate, lighten @@@@ [18]animate, brighten, cheer, irradiate, lighten"} {"x":"lighten","y":"[1]become light, brighten, flash, gleam, illuminate, irradiate, light up, make bright, shine @@@@ [2]disburden, ease, make lighter, reduce in weight, unload @@@@ [3]allay, alleviate, ameliorate, assuage, ease, facilitate, lessen, mitigate, reduce, relieve @@@@ [4]brighten, buoy up, cheer, elate, encourage, gladden, hearten, inspire, lift, perk up, revive"} {"x":"like","y":"[1]akin, alike, allied, analogous, approximating, cognate, corresponding, equivalent, identical, parallel, relating, resembling, same, similar @@@@ [2]counterpart, equal, fellow, match, parallel, twin @@@@ [3]counterpart, equal, fellow, match, parallel, twin"} {"x":"likelihood","y":"[1]chance, good chance, liability, likeliness, possibility, probability, prospect, reasonableness, strong possibility"} {"x":"likely","y":"[1]anticipated, apt, disposed, expected, in a fair way, inclined, liable, on the cards, possible, probable, prone, tending, to be expected @@@@ [2]be in the running for, bid fair, incline towards, promise, stand a good chance, suggest, tend @@@@ [3]believable, credible, feasible, plausible, reasonable, verisimilar @@@@ [4]acceptable, agreeable, appropriate, befitting, fit, pleasing, proper, qualified, suitable @@@@ [5]fair, favourite, hopeful, odds-on, promising, up-and-coming @@@@ [6]doubtlessly, in all probability, like as not @@@@ [7]like enough @@@@ [8]no doubt, presumably, probably"} {"x":"liken","y":"[1]compare, equate, juxtapose, match, mention in the same breath, parallel, relate, set beside"} {"x":"likeness","y":"[1]affinity, correspondence, resemblance, similarity, similitude @@@@ [2]copy, counterpart, delineation, depiction, effigy, facsimile, image, model, photograph, picture, portrait, replica, representation, reproduction, study @@@@ [3]appearance, form, guise, semblance"} {"x":"likewise","y":"[1]also, besides, further, furthermore, in addition, moreover, too"} {"x":"liking","y":"[1]affection, affinity, appreciation, attraction, bent, bias, desire, fondness, inclination, love, partiality, penchant, predilection, preference, proneness, propensity, soft spot, stomach, taste, tendency, thirst, weakness"} {"x":"lilt","y":"[1]beat, cadence, rhythm, sway, swing"} {"x":"limb","y":"[1]appendage, arm, extension, extremity, leg, member, part, wing @@@@ [2]bough, branch, offshoot, projection, spur"} {"x":"limber","y":"[1]elastic, flexible, plastic, pliable, pliant, supple @@@@ [2]agile, graceful, lissom(e), lithe, loose-jointed, loose-limbed, supple @@@@ [3]exercise, get ready, loosen up, prepare, warm up"} {"x":"limelight","y":"[1]attention, celebrity, fame, glare of publicity, prominence, public eye, publicity, public notice, recognition, stardom, the spotlight"} {"x":"limit","y":"[1]bound, breaking point, cutoff point, deadline, end, end point, furthest bound, greatest extent, termination, the bitter end, ultimate, utmost @@@@ [2]border, boundary, confines, edge, end, extent, frontier, pale, perimeter, periphery, precinct @@@@ [3]ceiling, check, curb, limitation, maximum, obstruction, restraint, restriction @@@@ [4]enough, it @@@@ [5]bound, check, circumscribe, confine, curb, delimit, demarcate, fix, hem in, hinder, ration, restrain, restrict, specify, straiten"} {"x":"limitation","y":"[1]block, check, condition, constraint, control, curb, disadvantage, drawback, impediment, obstruction, qualification, reservation, restraint, restriction, snag"} {"x":"limited","y":"[1]bounded, checked, circumscribed, confined, constrained, controlled, curbed, defined, finite, fixed, hampered, hemmed in, restricted @@@@ [2]cramped, diminished, inadequate, insufficient, minimal, narrow, reduced, restricted, scant, short, unsatisfactory"} {"x":"limp","y":"[1]falter, halt @@@@ [2]hobble, hop, shamble, shuffle @@@@ [3]hobble, lameness @@@@ [4]drooping, flabby, flaccid, flexible, floppy, lax, limber, loose, pliable, relaxed, slack, soft @@@@ [5]debilitated, enervated, exhausted, lethargic, spent, tired, weak, worn out"} {"x":"line","y":"[1]band, bar, channel, dash, groove, mark, rule, score, scratch, streak, stripe, stroke, underline @@@@ [2]crease, crow's foot, furrow, mark, wrinkle @@@@ [3]border, borderline, boundary, demarcation, edge, frontier, limit, mark @@@@ [4]configuration, contour, features, figure, outline, profile, silhouette @@@@ [5]cable, cord, filament, rope, strand, string, thread, wire, wisp @@@@ [6]axis, course, direction, path, route, track, trajectory @@@@ [7]approach, avenue, belief, course, course of action, ideology, method, policy, position, practice, procedure, scheme, system @@@@ [8]activity, area, bag @@@@ [9]business, calling, department, employment, field, forte, interest, job, occupation, profession, province, pursuit, specialization, trade, vocation @@@@ [10]column, crocodile @@@@ [11]file, procession, queue, rank, row, sequence, series @@@@ [12]ancestry, breed, family, lineage, race, stock, strain, succession @@@@ [13]card, letter, message, note, postcard, report, word @@@@ [14]clue, hint, indication, information, lead @@@@ [15]disposition, firing line, formation, front, front line, position, trenches @@@@ [16]lay down the law, object, prohibit, put one's foot down, restrict, set a limit @@@@ [17]in alignment, in a row, plumb, straight, true @@@@ [18]in accord, in agreement, in conformity, in harmony, in step @@@@ [19]crease, cut, draw, furrow, inscribe, mark, rule, score, trace, underline @@@@ [20]border, bound, edge, fringe, rank, rim, skirt, verge @@@@ [21]ceil, cover, face, fill, interline"} {"x":"lineage","y":"[1]ancestry, birth, breed, descendants, descent, extraction, family, forebears, forefathers, genealogy, heredity, house, line, offspring, pedigree, progeny, stirps, stock, succession"} {"x":"lines","y":"[1]appearance, configuration, contour, cut, outline, shape, style @@@@ [2]convention, example, model, pattern, plan, principle, procedure @@@@ [3]part, script, words @@@@ [4]band, bar, channel, dash, groove, mark, rule, score, scratch, streak, stripe, stroke, underline @@@@ [5]crease, crow's foot, furrow, mark, wrinkle @@@@ [6]border, borderline, boundary, demarcation, edge, frontier, limit, mark @@@@ [7]configuration, contour, features, figure, outline, profile, silhouette @@@@ [8]cable, cord, filament, rope, strand, string, thread, wire, wisp @@@@ [9]axis, course, direction, path, route, track, trajectory @@@@ [10]approach, avenue, belief, course, course of action, ideology, method, policy, position, practice, procedure, scheme, system @@@@ [11]activity, area, bag @@@@ [12]business, calling, department, employment, field, forte, interest, job, occupation, profession, province, pursuit, specialization, trade, vocation @@@@ [13]column, crocodile @@@@ [14]file, procession, queue, rank, row, sequence, series @@@@ [15]ancestry, breed, family, lineage, race, stock, strain, succession @@@@ [16]card, letter, message, note, postcard, report, word @@@@ [17]clue, hint, indication, information, lead @@@@ [18]disposition, firing line, formation, front, front line, position, trenches @@@@ [19]lay down the law, object, prohibit, put one's foot down, restrict, set a limit @@@@ [20]in alignment, in a row, plumb, straight, true @@@@ [21]in accord, in agreement, in conformity, in harmony, in step @@@@ [22]crease, cut, draw, furrow, inscribe, mark, rule, score, trace, underline @@@@ [23]border, bound, edge, fringe, rank, rim, skirt, verge"} {"x":"linger","y":"[1]hang around, hang in the air, loiter, remain, stay, stop, tarry, wait @@@@ [2]dally, dawdle, delay, drag one's feet or heels, idle, lag, procrastinate, take one's time @@@@ [3]cling to life, die slowly, hang on, last, survive @@@@ [4]abide, continue, endure, persist, remain, stay"} {"x":"lingo","y":"[1]argot, cant, dialect, idiom, jargon, language, patois, patter, speech, talk, tongue, vernacular"} {"x":"liniment","y":"[1]balm, balsam, cream, embrocation, emollient, lotion, ointment, salve, unguent"} {"x":"link","y":"[1]component, constituent, division, element, member, part, piece @@@@ [2]affiliation, affinity, association, attachment, bond, connection, joint, knot, liaison, relationship, tie, tie-up, vinculum @@@@ [3]attach, bind, connect, couple, fasten, join, tie, unite, yoke @@@@ [4]associate, bracket, connect, identify, relate"} {"x":"lion","y":"[1]brave man, champion, conqueror, fighter, hero, warrior @@@@ [2]big name, celeb @@@@ [3]celebrity, idol, luminary, megastar @@@@ [4]notable, prodigy, star, superstar, V.I.P., wonder @@@@ [5]brave, confront, court destruction, defy danger, face, stand up to, tempt providence @@@@ [6]bold, brave, courageous, daring, dauntless, heroic, intrepid, resolute, stalwart, valiant, valorous"} {"x":"lionize","y":"[1]acclaim, adulate, aggrandize, celebrate, crack up @@@@ [2]eulogize, exalt, fete, glorify, hero-worship, honour, idolize, make much of, mob, sing or sound the praises of"} {"x":"lip","y":"[1]brim, brink, edge, flange, margin, rim @@@@ [2]backchat @@@@ [3]cheek @@@@ [4]effrontery, impertinence, insolence, rudeness, sauce @@@@ [5]control, embouchure @@@@ [6]anticipate, delight in, drool over, enjoy, gloat over, relish, savour, slaver over"} {"x":"liquefaction","y":"[1]deliquescence, dissolution, dissolving, fusion, melting, thawing"} {"x":"liquefy","y":"[1]deliquesce, dissolve, flux, fuse, liquesce, liquidize, melt, run, thaw"} {"x":"liquid","y":"[1]fluid, juice, liquor, solution @@@@ [2]aqueous, flowing, fluid, liquefied, melted, molten, running, runny, thawed, wet @@@@ [3]bright, brilliant, clear, limpid, shining, translucent, transparent @@@@ [4]dulcet, fluent, mellifluent, mellifluous, melting, smooth, soft, sweet @@@@ [5]convertible, negotiable"} {"x":"liquidate","y":"[1]clear, discharge, honour, pay, pay off, settle, square @@@@ [2]abolish, annul, cancel, dissolve, terminate @@@@ [3]cash, convert to cash, realize, sell off, sell up @@@@ [4]annihilate, blow away @@@@ [5]bump off @@@@ [6]destroy, dispatch, do away with, do in @@@@ [7]eliminate, exterminate, finish off, get rid of, kill, murder, remove, rub out @@@@ [8]silence, take out @@@@ [9]wipe out"} {"x":"liquor","y":"[1]alcohol, booze @@@@ [2]drink, Dutch courage @@@@ [3]grog, hard stuff @@@@ [4]intoxicant, juice @@@@ [5]spirits, strong drink @@@@ [6]broth, extract, gravy, infusion, juice, liquid, stock"} {"x":"list","y":"[1]catalogue, directory, file, index, inventory, invoice, leet @@@@ [2]listing, record, register, roll, schedule, series, syllabus, tabulation, tally @@@@ [3]bill, book, catalogue, enrol, enter, enumerate, file, index, itemize, note, record, register, schedule, set down, tabulate, write down @@@@ [4]cant, careen, heel, heel over, incline, lean, tilt, tip @@@@ [5]cant, leaning, slant, tilt"} {"x":"listen","y":"[1]attend, be all ears, be attentive, give ear, hang on (someone's) words, hark, hear, hearken @@@@ [2]concentrate, do as one is told, give heed to, heed, mind, obey, observe, pay attention, take notice"} {"x":"listless","y":"[1]apathetic, enervated, heavy, impassive, inattentive, indifferent, indolent, inert, languid, languishing, lethargic, lifeless, limp, lymphatic, mopish, sluggish, spiritless, supine, torpid, vacant"} {"x":"litany","y":"[1]invocation, petition, prayer, supplication @@@@ [2]account, catalogue, enumeration, list, recital, recitation, refrain, repetition, tale"} {"x":"literal","y":"[1]accurate, close, exact, faithful, strict, verbatim, word for word @@@@ [2]boring, colourless, down-to-earth, dull, factual, matter-of-fact, prosaic, prosy, unimaginative, uninspired @@@@ [3]actual, bona fide, genuine, gospel, plain, real, simple, true, unexaggerated, unvarnished"} {"x":"literally","y":"[1]actually, exactly, faithfully, plainly, precisely, really, simply, strictly, to the letter, truly, verbatim, word for word"} {"x":"literary","y":"[1]bookish, erudite, formal, learned, lettered, literate, scholarly, well-read"} {"x":"literate","y":"[1]cultivated, cultured, educated, erudite, informed, knowledgeable, learned, lettered, scholarly, well-informed, well-read"} {"x":"literature","y":"[1]belles-lettres, letters, lore, writings, written works @@@@ [2]brochure, information, leaflet, mailshot, pamphlet"} {"x":"lithe","y":"[1]flexible, limber, lissom(e), loose-jointed, loose-limbed, pliable, pliant, supple"} {"x":"litigant","y":"[1]claimant, contestant, disputant, litigator, party, plaintiff"} {"x":"litigate","y":"[1]contest at law, file a suit, go to court, go to law, institute legal proceedings, press charges, prosecute, sue"} {"x":"litigation","y":"[1]action, case, contending, disputing, lawsuit, process, prosecution"} {"x":"litigious","y":"[1]argumentative, belligerent, contentious, disputatious, quarrelsome"} {"x":"litter","y":"[1]debris, detritus, fragments, garbage @@@@ [2]grot @@@@ [3]muck, refuse, rubbish, shreds, trash @@@@ [4]clutter, confusion, disarray, disorder, jumble, mess, scatter, untidiness @@@@ [5]brood, family, offspring, progeny, young @@@@ [6]bedding, couch, floor cover, mulch, straw-bed @@@@ [7]palanquin, stretcher @@@@ [8]clutter, derange, disarrange, disorder, mess up, scatter, strew"} {"x":"little","y":"[1]diminutive, dwarf, elfin, infinitesimal, Lilliputian, mini, miniature, minute, munchkin @@@@ [2]petite, pygmy or pigmy, short, slender, small, teensy-weensy, teeny-weeny, tiny, wee @@@@ [3]babyish, immature, infant, junior, undeveloped, young @@@@ [4]hardly any, insufficient, meagre, measly, scant, skimpy, small, sparse @@@@ [5]brief, fleeting, hasty, passing, short, short-lived @@@@ [6]inconsiderable, insignificant, minor, negligible, paltry, trifling, trivial, unimportant @@@@ [7]base, cheap, illiberal, mean, narrow-minded, petty, small-minded @@@@ [8]barely, hardly, not much, not quite, only just @@@@ [9]hardly ever, not often, rarely, scarcely, seldom @@@@ [10]bit by bit, by degrees, gradually, imperceptibly, piecemeal, progressively, slowly, step by step @@@@ [11]bit, dab, dash, fragment, hint, modicum, particle, pinch, small amount, snippet, speck, spot, tad @@@@ [12]taste, touch, trace, trifle"} {"x":"liturgical","y":"[1]ceremonial, eucharistic, formal, ritual, sacramental, solemn"} {"x":"liturgy","y":"[1]celebration, ceremony, form of worship, formula, rite, ritual, sacrament, service, services, worship"} {"x":"live","y":"[1]be, be alive, breathe, draw breath, exist, have life @@@@ [2]be permanent, be remembered, last, persist, prevail, remain alive @@@@ [3]abide, dwell, hang out @@@@ [4]inhabit, lodge, occupy, reside, settle, stay @@@@ [5]abide, continue, earn a living, endure, fare, feed, get along, lead, make ends meet, pass, remain, subsist, support oneself, survive @@@@ [6]be happy, enjoy life, flourish, luxuriate, make the most of life, prosper, thrive @@@@ [7]celebrate, enjoy oneself, have a ball @@@@ [8]revel @@@@ [9]alive, animate, breathing, existent, living, quick @@@@ [10]vital @@@@ [11]active, burning, controversial, current, hot, pertinent, pressing, prevalent, topical, unsettled, vital @@@@ [12]active, alert, brisk, dynamic, earnest, energetic, lively, sparky, vigorous, vivid, wide-awake @@@@ [13]active, alight, blazing, burning, connected, glowing, hot, ignited, smouldering, switched on"} {"x":"livelihood","y":"[1]employment, job, living, maintenance, means, (means of) support, occupation, (source of) income, subsistence, sustenance, work"} {"x":"livelong","y":"[1]complete, dragged out, entire, everlasting, full, long-drawn-out, unbroken, whole"} {"x":"lively","y":"[1]active, agile, alert, alive and kicking, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, brisk, chipper @@@@ [2]chirpy @@@@ [3]keen, nimble, perky, quick, sprightly, spry, vigorous @@@@ [4]animated, blithe, blithesome, cheerful, chirpy @@@@ [5]frisky, frolicsome, gay, merry, sparkling, sparky, spirited, upbeat @@@@ [6]vivacious @@@@ [7]astir, bustling, busy, buzzing, crowded, eventful, moving, stirring @@@@ [8]bright, colourful, exciting, forceful, invigorating, racy, refreshing, stimulating, vivid"} {"x":"liverish","y":"[1]bilious, queasy, sick @@@@ [2]crotchety @@@@ [3]crusty, disagreeable, fratchy @@@@ [4]grumpy, ill-humoured, irascible, irritable, like a bear with a sore head, peevish, ratty @@@@ [5]snappy, splenetic, tetchy"} {"x":"livery","y":"[1]attire, clothing, costume, dress, garb, raiment @@@@ [2]regalia, suit, uniform, vestments"} {"x":"lives","y":"[1]be, be alive, breathe, draw breath, exist, have life @@@@ [2]be permanent, be remembered, last, persist, prevail, remain alive @@@@ [3]abide, dwell, hang out @@@@ [4]inhabit, lodge, occupy, reside, settle, stay @@@@ [5]abide, continue, earn a living, endure, fare, feed, get along, lead, make ends meet, pass, remain, subsist, support oneself, survive @@@@ [6]be happy, enjoy life, flourish, luxuriate, make the most of life, prosper, thrive @@@@ [7]celebrate, enjoy oneself, have a ball @@@@ [8]revel"} {"x":"livid","y":"[1]angry, black-and-blue, bruised, contused, discoloured, purple @@@@ [2]ashen, blanched, bloodless, doughy, greyish, leaden, pale, pallid, pasty, wan, waxen @@@@ [3]angry, as black as thunder, beside oneself, boiling, choked, cross, enraged, exasperated, fit to be tied @@@@ [4]fuming, furious, hot under the collar @@@@ [5]incensed, indignant, infuriated, mad @@@@ [6]outraged"} {"x":"living","y":"[1]active, alive, alive and kicking, animated, breathing, existing, in the land of the living @@@@ [2]lively, quick @@@@ [3]strong, vigorous, vital @@@@ [4]active, contemporary, continuing, current, developing, extant, in use, ongoing, operative, persisting @@@@ [5]animation, being, existence, existing, life, subsistence @@@@ [6]job, livelihood, maintenance, (means of) support, occupation, (source of) income, subsistence, sustenance, work @@@@ [7]benefice, incumbency, stipend"} {"x":"load","y":"[1]bale, cargo, consignment, freight, lading, shipment @@@@ [2]affliction, albatross, burden, encumbrance, incubus, millstone, onus, oppression, pressure, trouble, weight, worry @@@@ [3]cram, fill, freight, heap, lade, pack, pile, stack, stuff @@@@ [4]burden, encumber, hamper, oppress, saddle with, trouble, weigh down, worry @@@@ [5]charge, make ready, prepare to fire, prime @@@@ [6]fix, rig, set up @@@@ [7]disburden, discharge, dump, get rid of, jettison, lighten, shift, take off, transfer, unburden, unload, unship"} {"x":"loaded","y":"[1]burdened, charged, freighted, full, laden, weighted @@@@ [2]biased, distorted, weighted @@@@ [3]artful, insidious, manipulative, prejudicial, tricky @@@@ [4]at the ready, charged, primed, ready to shoot or fire @@@@ [5]affluent, flush @@@@ [6]moneyed, rich, rolling @@@@ [7]wealthy, well-heeled @@@@ [8]well off, well-to-do"} {"x":"loaf","y":"[1]block, cake, cube, lump, slab @@@@ [2]block @@@@ [3]chump @@@@ [4]gumption @@@@ [5]head, noddle @@@@ [6]nous @@@@ [7]sense @@@@ [8]be indolent, idle, laze, lie around, loiter, loll, lounge around, take it easy @@@@ [9]fritter away, kill time, pass time, veg out"} {"x":"loan","y":"[1]accommodation, advance, allowance, credit, mortgage, touch @@@@ [2]accommodate, advance, allow, credit, lend, let out"} {"x":"loath","y":"[1]against, averse, backward, counter, disinclined, indisposed, opposed, reluctant, resisting, unwilling"} {"x":"loathe","y":"[1]abhor, abominate, despise, detest, dislike, execrate, feel repugnance towards, find disgusting, hate, have a strong aversion to, not be able to bear or abide"} {"x":"loathing","y":"[1]abhorrence, abomination, antipathy, aversion, detestation, disgust, execration, hatred, horror, odium, repugnance, repulsion, revulsion"} {"x":"loathsome","y":"[1]abhorrent, abominable, amiable, detestable, disgusting, execrable, hateful, horrible, nasty, nauseating, obnoxious, obscene, odious, offensive, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, vile, yucky or yukky"} {"x":"lob","y":"[1]fling, launch, lift, loft, pitch, shy @@@@ [2]throw, toss"} {"x":"lobby","y":"[1]corridor, entrance hall, foyer, hall, hallway, passage, passageway, porch, vestibule @@@@ [2]pressure group @@@@ [3]bring pressure to bear, campaign for, exert influence, influence, persuade, press for, pressure, promote, pull strings @@@@ [4]push for, solicit votes, urge"} {"x":"local","y":"[1]community, district, neighbourhood, parish, provincial, regional @@@@ [2]confined, limited, narrow, parish pump, parochial, provincial, restricted, small-town @@@@ [3]character @@@@ [4]inhabitant, local yokel @@@@ [5]native, resident"} {"x":"locale","y":"[1]locality, location, locus, place, position, scene, setting, site, spot, venue"} {"x":"locality","y":"[1]area, district, neck of the woods @@@@ [2]neighbourhood, region, vicinity @@@@ [3]locale, location, place, position, scene, setting, site, spot"} {"x":"localize","y":"[1]circumscribe, concentrate, confine, contain, delimit, delimitate, limit, restrain, restrict @@@@ [2]ascribe, assign, narrow down, pinpoint, specify"} {"x":"locate","y":"[1]come across, detect, discover, find, lay one's hands on, pin down, pinpoint, run to earth or ground, track down, unearth @@@@ [2]establish, fix, place, put, seat, set, settle, situate"} {"x":"location","y":"[1]bearings, locale, locus, place, point, position, site, situation, spot, venue, whereabouts"} {"x":"lock","y":"[1]bolt, clasp, fastening, padlock @@@@ [2]bolt, close, fasten, latch, seal, secure, shut, sneck @@@@ [3]clench, engage, entangle, entwine, join, link, mesh, unite @@@@ [4]clasp, clutch, embrace, encircle, enclose, grapple, grasp, hug, press @@@@ [5]curl, ringlet, strand, tress, tuft"} {"x":"locomotion","y":"[1]action, headway, motion, movement, moving, progress, progression, travel, travelling"} {"x":"locution","y":"[1]collocation, expression, idiom, phrase, term, turn of speech, wording @@@@ [2]accent, articulation, diction, inflection, intonation, manner of speech, phrasing, style"} {"x":"lodge","y":"[1]cabin, chalet, cottage, gatehouse, house, hunting lodge, hut, shelter @@@@ [2]assemblage, association, branch, chapter, club, group, society @@@@ [3]den, haunt, lair, retreat @@@@ [4]accommodate, billet, board, entertain, harbour, put up, quarter, room, shelter, sojourn, stay, stop @@@@ [5]become fixed, catch, come to rest, imbed, implant, stick @@@@ [6]deposit, file, lay, place, put, put on record, register, set, submit @@@@ [7]If you lodge a complaint, protest, accusation, or claim, you officially make it."} {"x":"lodger","y":"[1]boarder, guest, paying guest, P.G., resident, roomer, tenant"} {"x":"lofty","y":"[1]elevated, high, raised, sky-high, soaring, tall, towering @@@@ [2]dignified, distinguished, elevated, exalted, grand, illustrious, imposing, majestic, noble, renowned, stately, sublime, superior @@@@ [3]arrogant, condescending, disdainful, haughty, high and mighty @@@@ [4]lordly, patronizing, proud, snooty @@@@ [5]supercilious, toffee-nosed"} {"x":"log","y":"[1]block, bole, chunk, piece of timber, stump, trunk @@@@ [2]chop, cut, fell, hew @@@@ [3]account, chart, daybook, journal, listing, logbook, record, tally @@@@ [4]book, chart, make a note of, note, record, register, report, set down, tally"} {"x":"loggerhead","y":"[1]at daggers drawn, at each other's throats, at enmity, at odds, estranged, feuding, in dispute, opposed, quarrelling"} {"x":"logic","y":"[1]argumentation, deduction, dialectics, ratiocination, science of reasoning, syllogistic reasoning @@@@ [2]good reason, good sense, reason, sense, sound judgment @@@@ [3]chain of thought, coherence, connection, link, rationale, relationship"} {"x":"logical","y":"[1]clear, cogent, coherent, consistent, deducible, pertinent, rational, reasonable, relevant, sound, valid, well-organized @@@@ [2]judicious, most likely, necessary, obvious, plausible, reasonable, sensible, wise"} {"x":"logistics","y":"[1]coordination, engineering, management, masterminding, orchestration, organization, plans, strategy"} {"x":"loiter","y":"[1]dally, dawdle, delay, dilly-dally @@@@ [2]hang about or around, idle, lag, linger, loaf, loll, saunter, skulk, stroll"} {"x":"loll","y":"[1]flop, lean, loaf, lounge, recline, relax, slouch, slump, sprawl @@@@ [2]dangle, droop, drop, flap, flop, hang, hang loosely, sag"} {"x":"lone","y":"[1]by oneself, deserted, isolated, lonesome, one, only, separate, separated, single, sole, solitary, unaccompanied"} {"x":"loneliness","y":"[1]aloneness, desertedness, desolation, dreariness, forlornness, isolation, lonesomeness, seclusion, solitariness, solitude"} {"x":"lonely","y":"[1]abandoned, destitute, estranged, forlorn, forsaken, friendless, lonesome, outcast @@@@ [2]alone, apart, by oneself, companionless, isolated, lone, single, solitary, withdrawn @@@@ [3]deserted, desolate, godforsaken, isolated, off the beaten track @@@@ [4]out-of-the-way, remote, secluded, sequestered, solitary, unfrequented, uninhabited"} {"x":"lonesome","y":"[1]cheerless, companionless, deserted, desolate, dreary, forlorn, friendless, gloomy, isolated, lone, lonely"} {"x":"long","y":"[1]ache, covet, crave, desire, dream of, eat one's heart out over, hanker, hunger, itch, lust, pine, set one's heart on, want, wish, would give one's eyeteeth for, yearn @@@@ [2]elongated, expanded, extended, extensive, far-reaching, lengthy, spread out, stretched @@@@ [3]dragging, interminable, late, lengthy, lingering, long-drawn-out, prolonged, protracted, slow, sustained, tardy"} {"x":"longing","y":"[1]ache, ambition, aspiration, coveting, craving, desire, hankering, hope, hungering, itch, thirst, urge, wish, yearning, yen @@@@ [2]anxious, ardent, avid, craving, desirous, eager, hungry, languishing, pining, wishful, wistful, yearning"} {"x":"look","y":"[1]behold @@@@ [2]check, check out @@@@ [3]clock @@@@ [4]consider, contemplate, examine, eye, eyeball @@@@ [5]glance, inspect, observe, peep, recce @@@@ [6]regard, scan, scrutinize, see, study, survey, take a dekko at @@@@ [7]view, watch @@@@ [8]appear, display, evidence, exhibit, look like, make clear, manifest, present, seem, seem to be, show, strike one as @@@@ [9]face, front, front on, give onto, overlook @@@@ [10]anticipate, await, expect, hope, reckon on @@@@ [11]forage, hunt, search, seek @@@@ [12]gape, gawk, gawp @@@@ [13]glower, goggle, ogle, rubberneck @@@@ [14]stare @@@@ [15]be the image of, favour, make one think of, put one in mind of, remind one of, resemble, take after @@@@ [16]butcher's @@@@ [17]examination, eyeful @@@@ [18]gander @@@@ [19]gaze, glance, glimpse, inspection, look-see @@@@ [20]observation, once-over @@@@ [21]peek, recce @@@@ [22]review, shufti @@@@ [23]sight, squint @@@@ [24]survey, view @@@@ [25]air, appearance, aspect, bearing, cast, complexion, countenance, demeanour, effect, expression, face, fashion, guise, manner, mien @@@@ [26]semblance @@@@ [27]attend to, care for, guard, keep an eye on, mind, nurse, protect, sit with, supervise, take care of, take charge of, tend, watch @@@@ [28]contemn, despise, disdain, hold in contempt, look down one's nose at @@@@ [29]misprize, scorn, sneer, spurn, treat with contempt, turn one's nose up (at) @@@@ [30]anticipate, await, count on, count the days until, expect, hope for, long for, look for, set one's heart on, wait for @@@@ [31]check out, delve into, examine, explore, follow up, go into, inquire about, inspect, investigate, look over, make enquiries, make inquiries, probe, research, scrutinize, study @@@@ [32]be alert, be careful, be on guard, be on the qui vive, be vigilant, beware, keep an eye out, keep one's eyes open, keep one's eyes peeled, keep one's eyes skinned, pay attention, watch out @@@@ [33]cast an eye over, check, check out @@@@ [34]examine, eyeball @@@@ [35]flick through, inspect, look through, monitor, peruse, scan, take a dekko at @@@@ [36]view, work over @@@@ [37]find, hunt for, research, search for, seek out, track down @@@@ [38]ameliorate, come along, get better, improve, perk up, pick up, progress, shape up @@@@ [39]show improvement @@@@ [40]admire, defer to, esteem, have a high opinion of, honour, regard highly, respect, revere @@@@ [41]go to see, look in on, pay a visit to, visit"} {"x":"lookout","y":"[1]guard, qui vive, readiness, vigil, watch @@@@ [2]guard, sentinel, sentry, vedette @@@@ [3]watchman @@@@ [4]beacon, citadel, observation post, observatory, post, tower, watchtower @@@@ [5]business, concern, funeral @@@@ [6]pigeon @@@@ [7]worry @@@@ [8]chances, future, likelihood, outlook, prospect, view"} {"x":"loom","y":"[1]appear, become visible, be imminent, bulk, emerge, hover, impend, menace, take shape, threaten @@@@ [2]dominate, hang over, mount, overhang, overshadow, overtop, rise, soar, tower"} {"x":"loop","y":"[1]bend, circle, coil, convolution, curl, curve, eyelet, hoop, kink, loophole, noose, ring, spiral, twirl, twist, whorl @@@@ [2]bend, braid, circle, coil, connect, curl, curve round, encircle, fold, join, knot, roll, spiral, turn, twist, wind round"} {"x":"loose","y":"[1]floating, free, insecure, movable, released, unattached, unbound, unconfined, unfastened, unfettered, unrestricted, unsecured, untied, wobbly @@@@ [2]baggy, easy, hanging, loosened, not fitting, not tight, relaxed, slack, slackened, sloppy @@@@ [3]diffuse, disconnected, disordered, ill-defined, imprecise, inaccurate, indefinite, indistinct, inexact, rambling, random, vague @@@@ [4]abandoned, debauched, disreputable, dissipated, dissolute, fast, immoral, lewd, libertine, licentious, profligate, promiscuous, unchaste, wanton @@@@ [5]careless, heedless, imprudent, lax, negligent, rash, thoughtless, unmindful @@@@ [6]detach, disconnect, disengage, ease, free, let go, liberate, loosen, release, set free, slacken, unbind, unbridle, undo, unfasten, unleash, unloose, untie"} {"x":"loosen","y":"[1]detach, let out, separate, slacken, unbind, undo, unloose, unstick, untie, work free, work loose @@@@ [2]deliver, free, let go, liberate, release, set free @@@@ [3]lessen, let up, lighten up @@@@ [4]mitigate, moderate, relax, soften, weaken"} {"x":"loot","y":"[1]booty, goods, haul, plunder, prize, spoils, swag @@@@ [2]despoil, pillage, plunder, raid, ransack, ravage, rifle, rob, sack"} {"x":"lop","y":"[1]chop, clip, crop, curtail, cut, detach, dock, hack, prune, sever, shorten, trim, truncate"} {"x":"lopsided","y":"[1]askew, asymmetrical, awry, cockeyed, crooked, disproportionate, off balance, one-sided, out of shape, out of true, skewwhiff @@@@ [2]squint, tilting, unbalanced, unequal, uneven, warped"} {"x":"loquacious","y":"[1]babbling, blathering, chattering, chatty, gabby @@@@ [2]garrulous, gassy @@@@ [3]gossipy, talkative, voluble, wordy"} {"x":"lord","y":"[1]commander, governor, king, leader, liege, master, monarch, overlord, potentate, prince, ruler, seigneur, sovereign, superior @@@@ [2]childe @@@@ [3]earl, noble, nobleman, peer, viscount @@@@ [4]act big @@@@ [5]domineer, order around, play the lord, pull rank, put on airs, swagger @@@@ [6]the Almighty, Christ, the Galilean, God, the Good Shepherd, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, the Nazarene"} {"x":"lore","y":"[1]beliefs, doctrine, experience, folk-wisdom, mythos, saws, sayings, teaching, traditional wisdom, traditions, wisdom @@@@ [2]erudition, know-how @@@@ [3]knowledge, learning, letters, scholarship"} {"x":"lose","y":"[1]be deprived of, displace, drop, fail to keep, forget, mislay, misplace, miss, suffer loss @@@@ [2]capitulate, default, fail, fall short, forfeit, lose out on @@@@ [3]miss, pass up @@@@ [4]yield @@@@ [5]be defeated, be the loser, be worsted, come a cropper @@@@ [6]come to grief, get the worst of, lose out, suffer defeat, take a licking @@@@ [7]consume, deplete, dissipate, drain, exhaust, expend, lavish, misspend, squander, use up, waste @@@@ [8]confuse, miss, stray from, wander from @@@@ [9]lap, leave behind, outdistance, outrun, outstrip, overtake, pass @@@@ [10]dodge, duck, elude, escape, evade, give someone the slip, shake off, slip away, throw off @@@@ [11]If someone loses a quality, characteristic, attitude, or belief, they no longer have it."} {"x":"loser","y":"[1]also-ran, clinker @@@@ [2]dud @@@@ [3]failure, flop @@@@ [4]lemon @@@@ [5]no-hoper @@@@ [6]underdog, washout"} {"x":"loss","y":"[1]bereavement, deprivation, disappearance, drain, failure, forfeiture, losing, misfortune, mislaying, privation, squandering, waste @@@@ [2]cost, damage, defeat, destruction, detriment, disadvantage, harm, hurt, impairment, injury, ruin @@@@ [3]casualties, dead, death toll, fatalities, number captured, number injured, number killed, number missing, number wounded @@@@ [4]debit, debt, deficiency, deficit, depletion, losings, shrinkage @@@@ [5]at one's wits' end, baffled, bewildered, confused, helpless, nonplussed, perplexed, puzzled, stuck @@@@ [6]stumped"} {"x":"lost","y":"[1]disappeared, forfeited, mislaid, misplaced, missed, missing, strayed, vanished, wayward @@@@ [2]adrift, astray, at sea, disoriented, off-course, off-track @@@@ [3]baffled, bewildered, clueless @@@@ [4]confused, helpless, ignorant, mystified, perplexed, puzzled @@@@ [5]abolished, annihilated, demolished, destroyed, devastated, eradicated, exterminated, obliterated, perished, ruined, wasted, wiped out, wrecked @@@@ [6]absent, absorbed, abstracted, distracted, dreamy, engrossed, entranced, preoccupied, rapt, spellbound, taken up @@@@ [7]consumed, dissipated, frittered away, misapplied, misdirected, misspent, misused, squandered, wasted @@@@ [8]bygone, dead, extinct, forgotten, gone, lapsed, obsolete, out-of-date, past, unremembered @@@@ [9]abandoned, corrupt, damned, depraved, dissolute, fallen, irreclaimable, licentious, profligate, unchaste, wanton"} {"x":"lot","y":"[1]assortment, batch, bunch @@@@ [2]collection, consignment, crowd, group, quantity, set @@@@ [3]accident, chance, destiny, doom, fate, fortune, hazard, plight, portion @@@@ [4]allowance, cut @@@@ [5]parcel, part, percentage, piece, portion, quota, ration, share @@@@ [6]heap(s), large amount, load(s) @@@@ [7]masses @@@@ [8]numbers, ocean(s), oodles @@@@ [9]piles @@@@ [10]plenty, quantities, reams @@@@ [11]scores, stack(s) @@@@ [12]choose, cut for aces, cut straws @@@@ [13]decide, pick, select, spin a coin, toss up @@@@ [14]ally or align oneself with, join, join forces with, join fortunes with, make common cause with, support"} {"x":"loth","y":"[1]against, averse, backward, counter, disinclined, indisposed, opposed, reluctant, resisting, unwilling"} {"x":"lotion","y":"[1]balm, cream, embrocation, liniment, salve, solution"} {"x":"lottery","y":"[1]draw, raffle, sweepstake @@@@ [2]chance, gamble, hazard, risk, toss-up @@@@ [3]venture"} {"x":"loud","y":"[1]blaring, blatant, boisterous, booming, clamorous, deafening, ear-piercing, ear-splitting, forte @@@@ [2]high-sounding, noisy, obstreperous, piercing, resounding, rowdy, sonorous, stentorian, strident, strong, thundering, tumultuous, turbulent, vehement, vociferous @@@@ [3]brash, brassy, flamboyant, flashy, garish, gaudy, glaring, lurid, naff @@@@ [4]ostentatious, showy, tacky @@@@ [5]tasteless, tawdry, vulgar @@@@ [6]brash, brazen, coarse, crass, crude, loud-mouthed @@@@ [7]offensive, raucous, vulgar"} {"x":"lounge","y":"[1]laze, lie about, loaf, loiter, loll, make oneself at home, recline, relax, saunter, sprawl, take it easy @@@@ [2]dawdle, fritter time away, hang out @@@@ [3]idle, kill time, pass time idly, potter, veg out @@@@ [4]waste time"} {"x":"lousy","y":"[1]base, contemptible, despicable, dirty, hateful, low, mean, rotten @@@@ [2]shitty @@@@ [3]vicious, vile @@@@ [4]awful, bad, bush-league @@@@ [5]chickenshit @@@@ [6]dime-a-dozen @@@@ [7]inferior, low-rent @@@@ [8]miserable, no good, not much cop @@@@ [9]poor, poxy @@@@ [10]rotten @@@@ [11]second-rate, shitty @@@@ [12]shoddy, slovenly, strictly for the birds @@@@ [13]terrible, tinhorn @@@@ [14]two-bit @@@@ [15]lice-infected, lice-infested, lice-ridden, pedicular, pediculous @@@@ [16]well-supplied with @@@@ [17]alive with, overrun by, swarming with, teeming with"} {"x":"lout","y":"[1]bear, boor, bumpkin, churl, clod, clumsy idiot, dolt, gawk, lubber, lummox @@@@ [2]ned @@@@ [3]oaf, yahoo, yob or yobbo"} {"x":"lovable","y":"[1]adorable, amiable, attractive, captivating, charming, cuddly, cute, delightful, enchanting, endearing, engaging, fetching @@@@ [2]likable or likeable, lovely, pleasing, sweet, winning, winsome"} {"x":"love","y":"[1]adore, adulate, be attached to, be in love with, cherish, dote on, have affection for, hold dear, idolize, prize, think the world of, treasure, worship @@@@ [2]appreciate, delight in, desire, enjoy, fancy, have a weakness for, like, relish, savour, take pleasure in @@@@ [3]canoodle @@@@ [4]caress, cuddle, embrace, fondle, kiss, neck @@@@ [5]pet @@@@ [6]adoration, adulation, affection, amity, ardour, attachment, devotion, fondness, friendship, infatuation, liking, passion, rapture, regard, tenderness, warmth @@@@ [7]delight, devotion, enjoyment, fondness, inclination, liking, partiality, relish, soft spot, taste, weakness @@@@ [8]angel, beloved, darling, dear, dearest, dear one, inamorata, inamorato, leman @@@@ [9]loved one, lover, sweet, sweetheart, truelove @@@@ [10]for nothing, freely, free of charge, gratis, pleasurably, without payment @@@@ [11]by any means, ever, under any conditions @@@@ [12]besotted, charmed, enamoured, enraptured, infatuated, smitten"} {"x":"lovelorn","y":"[1]crossed in love, jilted, languishing, lovesick, mooning, moping, pining, slighted, spurned, unrequited, yearning"} {"x":"lovely","y":"[1]admirable, adorable, amiable, attractive, beautiful, charming, comely, exquisite, graceful, handsome, pretty, sweet, winning @@@@ [2]agreeable, captivating, delightful, enchanting, engaging, enjoyable, gratifying, nice, pleasant, pleasing"} {"x":"lover","y":"[1]admirer, beau, beloved, boyfriend, fancy bit @@@@ [2]fancy man @@@@ [3]fancy woman @@@@ [4]fiance, fiancee, flame @@@@ [5]girlfriend, inamorata, inamorato, leman @@@@ [6]mistress, paramour, suitor, swain @@@@ [7]sweetheart, toy boy"} {"x":"lovesick","y":"[1]desiring, languishing, longing, lovelorn, pining, yearning"} {"x":"loving","y":"[1]affectionate, amorous, ardent, cordial, dear, demonstrative, devoted, doting, fond, friendly, kind, solicitous, tender, warm, warm-hearted"} {"x":"low","y":"[1]bellow, moo @@@@ [2]bellow, bellowing, lowing, moo, mooing @@@@ [3]fubsy @@@@ [4]little, short, small, squat, stunted @@@@ [5]deep, depressed, ground-level, low-lying, shallow, subsided, sunken @@@@ [6]depleted, insignificant, little, meagre, measly, paltry, reduced, scant, small, sparse, trifling @@@@ [7]deficient, inadequate, inferior, low-grade, low-rent @@@@ [8]mediocre, pathetic, poor, puny, second-rate, shoddy, substandard, worthless @@@@ [9]coarse, common, crude, disgraceful, dishonourable, disreputable, gross, ill-bred, obscene, rough, rude, unbecoming, undignified, unrefined, vulgar @@@@ [10]humble, lowborn, lowly, meek, obscure, plain, plebeian, poor, simple, unpretentious @@@@ [11]blue, brassed off @@@@ [12]dejected, depressed, despondent, disheartened, dismal, down, downcast, down in the dumps @@@@ [13]fed up, forlorn, gloomy, glum, miserable, morose, sad, sick as a parrot @@@@ [14]unhappy @@@@ [15]debilitated, dying, exhausted, feeble, frail, ill, prostrate, reduced, sinking, stricken, weak @@@@ [16]gentle, hushed, muffled, muted, quiet, soft, subdued, whispered @@@@ [17]cheap, economical, inexpensive, moderate, modest, reasonable @@@@ [18]abject, base, contemptible, cowardly, dastardly, degraded, depraved, despicable, ignoble, mean, menial, nasty, scurvy, servile, sordid, unworthy, vile, vulgar"} {"x":"lower","y":"[1]inferior, junior, lesser, low-level, minor, secondary, second-class, smaller, subordinate, under @@@@ [2]curtailed, decreased, diminished, lessened, pared down, reduced @@@@ [3]depress, drop, fall, let down, make lower, sink, submerge, take down @@@@ [4]abase, belittle, condescend, debase, degrade, deign, demean, devalue, disgrace, downgrade, humble, humiliate, stoop @@@@ [5]abate, curtail, cut, decrease, diminish, lessen, minimize, moderate, prune, reduce, slash @@@@ [6]soften, tone down @@@@ [7]soften, tone down"} {"x":"loyal","y":"[1]attached, constant, dependable, devoted, dutiful, faithful, immovable, patriotic, staunch, steadfast, tried and true, true, true-blue, true-hearted, trustworthy, trusty, unswerving, unwavering"} {"x":"loyalty","y":"[1]allegiance, constancy, dependability, devotion, faithfulness, fealty, fidelity, patriotism, reliability, staunchness, steadfastness, troth @@@@ [2]true-heartedness, trueness, trustiness, trustworthiness"} {"x":"lozenge","y":"[1]cough drop, jujube, pastille, tablet, troche"} {"x":"lucid","y":"[1]clear, clear-cut, comprehensible, crystal clear, distinct, evident, explicit, intelligible, limpid, obvious, pellucid, plain, transparent @@@@ [2]beaming, bright, brilliant, effulgent, gleaming, luminous, radiant, resplendent, shining @@@@ [3]clear, crystalline, diaphanous, glassy, limpid, pellucid, pure, translucent, transparent @@@@ [4]all there, clear-headed, compos mentis, in one's right mind, rational, reasonable, sane, sensible, sober, sound"} {"x":"luck","y":"[1]accident, chance, destiny, fate, fortuity, fortune, hap @@@@ [2]hazard @@@@ [3]advantage, blessing, break @@@@ [4]fluke, godsend, good fortune, good luck, prosperity, serendipity, stroke, success, windfall"} {"x":"luckily","y":"[1]favourably, fortunately, happily, opportunely, propitiously, providentially @@@@ [2]as it chanced, as luck would have it, by chance, fortuitously"} {"x":"lucky","y":"[1]advantageous, blessed, charmed, favoured, fortunate, jammy @@@@ [2]prosperous, serendipitous, successful @@@@ [3]adventitious, auspicious, fortuitous, opportune, propitious, providential, timely @@@@ [4]adventitious, auspicious, fortuitous, opportune, propitious, providential, timely"} {"x":"lucrative","y":"[1]advantageous, fat, fruitful, gainful, high-income, money-making, paying, productive, profitable, remunerative, well-paid"} {"x":"lucre","y":"[1]gain, mammon, money, pelf, profit, riches, spoils, wealth"} {"x":"lucubration","y":"[1]brainwork, grind @@@@ [2]meditation, study @@@@ [3]dissertation, opus, production, treatise"} {"x":"ludicrous","y":"[1]absurd, burlesque, comic, comical, crazy, droll, farcical, funny, incongruous, laughable, nonsensical, odd, outlandish, preposterous, ridiculous, silly, zany"} {"x":"lug","y":"[1]carry, drag, haul, heave, hump @@@@ [2]pull, tow, yank"} {"x":"luggage","y":"[1]baggage, bags, cases, gear, impedimenta, paraphernalia, suitcases, things, trunks"} {"x":"lugubrious","y":"[1]dirgelike, dismal, doleful, dreary, funereal, gloomy, melancholy, morose, mournful, sad, serious, sombre, sorrowful, woebegone, woeful"} {"x":"lukewarm","y":"[1]blood-warm, tepid, warm @@@@ [2]apathetic, cold, cool, half-arsed @@@@ [3]half-assed @@@@ [4]half-hearted, indifferent, laodicean, phlegmatic, unconcerned, unenthusiastic, uninterested, unresponsive"} {"x":"lull","y":"[1]allay, calm, compose, hush, lullaby, pacify, quell, quiet, rock to sleep, soothe, still, subdue, tranquillize @@@@ [2]abate, cease, decrease, diminish, dwindle, ease off, let up, moderate, quieten down, slacken, subside, wane @@@@ [3]calm, calmness, hush, let-up @@@@ [4]pause, quiet, respite, silence, stillness, tranquillity"} {"x":"lullaby","y":"[1]berceuse, cradlesong"} {"x":"lumber","y":"[1]castoffs, clutter, discards, jumble, junk, refuse, rubbish, trash, trumpery, white elephants @@@@ [2]burden, encumber, impose upon, land, load, saddle @@@@ [3]clump, lump along, plod, shamble, shuffle, stump, trudge, trundle, waddle"} {"x":"luminary","y":"[1]big name, celeb @@@@ [2]celebrity, dignitary, leading light, lion, megastar @@@@ [3]notable, personage, somebody, star, V.I.P., worthy"} {"x":"luminous","y":"[1]bright, brilliant, glowing, illuminated, lighted, lit, luminescent, lustrous, radiant, resplendent, shining, vivid @@@@ [2]clear, evident, intelligible, lucid, obvious, perspicuous, plain, transparent"} {"x":"lump","y":"[1]ball, bunch, cake, chunk, clod, cluster, dab, gob, gobbet, group, hunk, mass, nugget, piece, spot, wedge @@@@ [2]bulge, bump, growth, hump, protrusion, protuberance, swelling, tumescence, tumour @@@@ [3]agglutinate, aggregate, batch, bunch, coalesce, collect, combine, conglomerate, consolidate, group, mass, pool, unite @@@@ [4]bear, brook, endure, hack @@@@ [5]put up with, stand, suffer, take, thole @@@@ [6]tolerate"} {"x":"lunacy","y":"[1]dementia, derangement, idiocy, insanity, madness, mania, psychosis @@@@ [2]aberration, absurdity, craziness, folly, foolhardiness, foolishness, idiocy, imbecility, madness, senselessness, stupidity, tomfoolery"} {"x":"lunatic","y":"[1]barking @@@@ [2]barking mad @@@@ [3]barmy @@@@ [4]bonkers @@@@ [5]crackbrained, crackpot @@@@ [6]crazy, daft, demented, deranged, gonzo @@@@ [7]insane, irrational, loopy @@@@ [8]mad, maniacal, not the full shilling @@@@ [9]nuts @@@@ [10]psychotic, unhinged, up the pole @@@@ [11]headbanger @@@@ [12]headcase @@@@ [13]loony @@@@ [14]madman, maniac, nut @@@@ [15]nutcase @@@@ [16]nutter @@@@ [17]psychopath"} {"x":"lunge","y":"[1]charge, cut, jab, pass, pounce, spring, stab, swing, swipe @@@@ [2]thrust @@@@ [3]bound, charge, cut, dash, dive, fall upon, hit at, jab, leap, pitch into @@@@ [4]plunge, poke, pounce, set upon, stab, strike at, thrust"} {"x":"lurch","y":"[1]heave, heel, lean, list, pitch, rock, roll, tilt, wallow @@@@ [2]reel, stagger, stumble, sway, totter, weave"} {"x":"lure","y":"[1]allure, attract, beckon, decoy, draw, ensnare, entice, inveigle, invite, lead on, seduce, tempt @@@@ [2]allurement, attraction, bait, carrot @@@@ [3]come-on @@@@ [4]decoy, enticement, incentive, inducement, magnet, siren song, temptation"} {"x":"lurid","y":"[1]exaggerated, graphic, melodramatic, sensational, shock-horror @@@@ [2]shocking, startling, unrestrained, vivid, yellow @@@@ [3]disgusting, ghastly, gory, grim, grisly, gruesome, macabre, revolting, savage, violent @@@@ [4]ashen, ghastly, pale, pallid, sallow, wan @@@@ [5]bloody, fiery, flaming, glaring, glowering, intense, livid, overbright, sanguine"} {"x":"lurk","y":"[1]conceal oneself, crouch, go furtively, hide, lie in wait, move with stealth, prowl, skulk, slink, sneak, snoop"} {"x":"luscious","y":"[1]appetizing, delectable, delicious, honeyed, juicy, mouth-watering, palatable, rich, savoury, scrumptious @@@@ [2]succulent, sweet, toothsome, yummy"} {"x":"lush","y":"[1]abundant, dense, flourishing, green, lavish, overgrown, prolific, rank, teeming, verdant @@@@ [2]fresh, juicy, ripe, succulent, tender @@@@ [3]elaborate, extravagant, grand, lavish, luxurious, opulent, ornate, palatial, plush @@@@ [4]ritzy @@@@ [5]sumptuous"} {"x":"lust","y":"[1]carnality, concupiscence, lasciviousness, lechery, lewdness, libido, licentiousness, pruriency, randiness @@@@ [2]salaciousness, sensuality, the hots @@@@ [3]wantonness @@@@ [4]appetence, appetite, avidity, covetousness, craving, cupidity, desire, greed, longing, passion, thirst @@@@ [5]be consumed with desire for, covet, crave, desire, hunger for or after, lech after @@@@ [6]need, slaver over, want, yearn"} {"x":"lustre","y":"[1]burnish, gleam, glint, glitter, gloss, glow, sheen, shimmer, shine, sparkle @@@@ [2]brightness, brilliance, dazzle, lambency, luminousness, radiance, resplendence @@@@ [3]distinction, fame, glory, honour, illustriousness, prestige, renown"} {"x":"lusty","y":"[1]brawny, energetic, hale, healthy, hearty, in fine fettle, powerful, red-blooded @@@@ [2]robust, rugged, stalwart, stout, strapping, strong, sturdy, vigorous, virile"} {"x":"luxuriant","y":"[1]abundant, ample, copious, excessive, lavish, plenteous, plentiful, prodigal, profuse, superabundant @@@@ [2]baroque, corinthian, decorated, elaborate, extravagant, fancy, festooned, flamboyant, florid, flowery, ornate, rococo, sumptuous @@@@ [3]dense, exuberant, fecund, fertile, flourishing, fruitful, lush, overflowing, productive, prolific, rank, rich, riotous, teeming, thriving"} {"x":"luxurious","y":"[1]comfortable, costly, de luxe, expensive, lavish, magnificent, opulent, plush @@@@ [2]rich, ritzy @@@@ [3]splendid, sumptuous, well-appointed @@@@ [4]epicurean, pampered, pleasure-loving, self-indulgent, sensual, sybaritic, voluptuous"} {"x":"luxury","y":"[1]affluence, hedonism, opulence, richness, splendour, sumptuousness, voluptuousness @@@@ [2]bliss, comfort, delight, enjoyment, gratification, indulgence, pleasure, satisfaction, wellbeing @@@@ [3]extra, extravagance, frill, indulgence, nonessential, treat"} {"x":"lying","y":"[1]deceit, dishonesty, dissimulation, double-dealing, duplicity, fabrication, falsity, fibbing, guile, mendacity, perjury, prevarication, untruthfulness @@@@ [2]deceitful, dishonest, dissembling, double-dealing, false, guileful, mendacious, perfidious, treacherous, two-faced, untruthful"} {"x":"lyric","y":"[1]expressive, lyrical, melodic, musical, songlike @@@@ [2]clear, dulcet, flowing, graceful, light, silvery @@@@ [3]book, libretto, text, the words, words of a song"} {"x":"lyrical","y":"[1]carried away, ecstatic, effusive, emotional, enthusiastic, expressive, impassioned, inspired, poetic, rapturous, rhapsodic"} {"x":"macerate","y":"[1]mash, pulp, soak, soften, steep"} {"x":"machinate","y":"[1]conspire, contrive, design, devise, engineer, hatch, intrigue, invent, manoeuvre, plan, plot, scheme"} {"x":"machination","y":"[1]artifice, cabal, conspiracy, design, device, dodge, intrigue, manoeuvre, plot, ploy, ruse, scheme, stratagem, trick"} {"x":"machine","y":"[1]apparatus, appliance, contraption, contrivance, device, engine, instrument, mechanism, tool @@@@ [2]agency, machinery, organization, party, setup @@@@ [3]structure, system @@@@ [4]agent, automaton, mechanical man, puppet, robot, zombie"} {"x":"machinery","y":"[1]apparatus, equipment, gear, instruments, mechanism, tackle, tools, works @@@@ [2]agency, channels, machine, organization, procedure, structure, system"} {"x":"mad","y":"[1]bananas @@@@ [2]barking @@@@ [3]barking mad @@@@ [4]barmy @@@@ [5]batty @@@@ [6]bonkers @@@@ [7]crackers @@@@ [8]crackpot @@@@ [9]crazed, crazy @@@@ [10]cuckoo @@@@ [11]delirious, demented, deranged, distracted, doolally @@@@ [12]flaky @@@@ [13]frantic, frenzied, gonzo @@@@ [14]insane, loony @@@@ [15]loopy @@@@ [16]lunatic, mental @@@@ [17]nuts @@@@ [18]nutty @@@@ [19]psychotic, rabid, raving, round the bend @@@@ [20]screwy @@@@ [21]unbalanced, unhinged, unstable, up the pole @@@@ [22]asinine, daft @@@@ [23]foolhardy, foolish, imprudent, inane, irrational, ludicrous, nonsensical, preposterous, senseless, unreasonable, unsafe, unsound, wild @@@@ [24]angry, ape @@@@ [25]apeshit @@@@ [26]berserk, choked, cross, enraged, exasperated, fit to be tied @@@@ [27]fuming, furious, in a wax @@@@ [28]incensed, infuriated, irate, irritated, livid @@@@ [29]raging, resentful, seeing red @@@@ [30]wild, wrathful @@@@ [31]ardent, avid, crazy, daft @@@@ [32]devoted, dotty @@@@ [33]enamoured, enthusiastic, fanatical, fond, hooked, impassioned, infatuated, in love with, keen, nuts @@@@ [34]wild, zealous @@@@ [35]abandoned, agitated, boisterous, ebullient, energetic, excited, frenetic, frenzied, full-on @@@@ [36]gay, riotous, uncontrolled, unrestrained, wild @@@@ [37]energetically, enthusiastically, excitedly, furiously, hell for leather, like greased lightning @@@@ [38]madly, quickly, rapidly, speedily, unrestrainedly, violently, wildly, with might and main"} {"x":"madcap","y":"[1]crackpot @@@@ [2]crazy, foolhardy, hare-brained, heedless, hot-headed, ill-advised, imprudent, impulsive, lively, rash, reckless, thoughtless, wild @@@@ [3]daredevil, hothead, tearaway, wild man"} {"x":"madden","y":"[1]aggravate @@@@ [2]annoy, craze, dement, derange, drive one crazy, drive one off one's head @@@@ [3]enrage, exasperate, gall, get one's back up, get one's dander up @@@@ [4]get one's hackles up, incense, inflame, infuriate, irritate, make one's blood boil, make one see red @@@@ [5]provoke, put one's back up, raise one's hackles, unhinge, upset, vex"} {"x":"madhouse","y":"[1]funny farm @@@@ [2]loony bin @@@@ [3]lunatic asylum, mental hospital, mental institution, nuthouse @@@@ [4]Babel, bedlam, chaos, pandemonium, turmoil, uproar"} {"x":"madness","y":"[1]aberration, craziness, delusion, dementia, derangement, distraction, insanity, lunacy, mania, mental illness, psychopathy, psychosis @@@@ [2]absurdity, daftness @@@@ [3]folly, foolhardiness, foolishness, idiocy, nonsense, preposterousness, wildness @@@@ [4]anger, exasperation, frenzy, fury, ire, rage, raving, wildness, wrath @@@@ [5]ardour, craze, enthusiasm, fanaticism, fondness, infatuation, keenness, passion, rage, zeal @@@@ [6]abandon, agitation, excitement, frenzy, furore, intoxication, riot, unrestraint, uproar"} {"x":"maelstrom","y":"[1]vortex, whirlpool @@@@ [2]bedlam, chaos, confusion, disorder, pandemonium, tumult, turmoil, upheaval, uproar"} {"x":"maestro","y":"[1]expert, genius, master, virtuoso"} {"x":"magazine","y":"[1]journal, pamphlet, paper, periodical @@@@ [2]ammunition dump, arsenal, depot, powder room @@@@ [3]store, storehouse, warehouse"} {"x":"magic","y":"[1]black art, enchantment, necromancy, occultism, sorcery, sortilege, spell, theurgy, witchcraft, wizardry @@@@ [2]conjuring, hocus-pocus, illusion, jiggery-pokery @@@@ [3]jugglery, legerdemain, prestidigitation, sleight of hand, trickery @@@@ [4]allurement, charm, enchantment, fascination, glamour, magnetism, power @@@@ [5]bewitching, charismatic, charming, enchanting, entrancing, fascinating, magnetic, marvellous, miraculous, sorcerous, spellbinding @@@@ [6]black art, diabolism, necromancy, sorcery, voodoo, witchcraft, wizardry"} {"x":"magician","y":"[1]archimage @@@@ [2]conjuror or conjuror, enchanter, enchantress, illusionist, necromancer, sorcerer, thaumaturge @@@@ [3]theurgist, warlock, witch, wizard @@@@ [4]genius, marvel, miracle-worker, spellbinder, virtuoso, wizard, wonder-worker"} {"x":"magisterial","y":"[1]arrogant, assertive, authoritative, bossy @@@@ [2]commanding, dictatorial, domineering, high-handed, imperious, lordly, masterful, overbearing, peremptory"} {"x":"magistrate","y":"[1]bailie @@@@ [2]J.P., judge, justice, justice of the peace, provost"} {"x":"magnanimity","y":"[1]beneficence, benevolence, big-heartedness, bountifulness, charitableness, generosity, high-mindedness, largesse or largess, munificence, nobility, open-handedness, selflessness, unselfishness"} {"x":"magnanimous","y":"[1]beneficent, big, big-hearted, bountiful, charitable, free, generous, great-hearted, handsome, high-minded, kind, kindly, munificent, noble, open-handed, selfless, ungrudging, unselfish, unstinting"} {"x":"magnate","y":"[1]baron, big cheese @@@@ [2]big noise @@@@ [3]big shot @@@@ [4]big wheel @@@@ [5]bigwig @@@@ [6]captain of industry, chief, fat cat @@@@ [7]leader, Mister Big @@@@ [8]mogul, nabob @@@@ [9]notable, plutocrat, tycoon, V.I.P. @@@@ [10]aristo @@@@ [11]aristocrat, baron, bashaw, grandee, magnifico, merchant, nob @@@@ [12]noble, notable, personage, prince"} {"x":"magnetic","y":"[1]alluring, attractive, captivating, charismatic, charming, enchanting, entrancing, fascinating, hypnotic, irresistible, mesmerizing, seductive"} {"x":"magnetism","y":"[1]allure, appeal, attraction, attractiveness, captivatingness, charisma, charm, draw, drawing power, enchantment, fascination, hypnotism, magic, mesmerism, power, pull, seductiveness, spell"} {"x":"magnification","y":"[1]aggrandizement, amplification, augmentation, blow-up @@@@ [2]boost, build-up, deepening, dilation, enhancement, enlargement, exaggeration, expansion, heightening, increase, inflation, intensification"} {"x":"magnificent","y":"[1]august, brilliant, divine @@@@ [2]elegant, elevated, exalted, excellent, fine, glorious, gorgeous, grand, grandiose, imposing, impressive, lavish, luxurious, majestic, noble, opulent, outstanding, princely, regal, resplendent, rich, splendid, splendiferous @@@@ [3]stately, striking, sublime, sumptuous, superb, superior, transcendent"} {"x":"magnifico","y":"[1]aristo @@@@ [2]aristocrat, grandee, lord, magnate, nob @@@@ [3]noble, patrician, seigneur @@@@ [4]bashaw, big cheese @@@@ [5]big noise @@@@ [6]big shot @@@@ [7]big wheel @@@@ [8]bigwig @@@@ [9]mogul, nabob @@@@ [10]notable, personage, V.I.P."} {"x":"magnify","y":"[1]aggrandize, amplify, augment, blow up @@@@ [2]boost, build up, deepen, dilate, enlarge, expand, heighten, increase, intensify @@@@ [3]aggravate, blow up, blow up out of all proportion, dramatize, enhance, exaggerate, inflate, make a federal case of @@@@ [4]overdo, overemphasize, overestimate, overplay, overrate, overstate"} {"x":"magniloquent","y":"[1]bombastic, declamatory, elevated, exalted, grandiloquent, high-flown, high-sounding, lofty, orotund, overblown, pompous, pretentious, rhetorical, sonorous, stilted, turgid"} {"x":"magnitude","y":"[1]consequence, eminence, grandeur, greatness, importance, mark, moment, note, significance, weight @@@@ [2]amount, amplitude, bigness, bulk, capacity, dimensions, enormity, expanse, extent, hugeness, immensity, intensity, largeness, mass, measure, proportions, quantity, size, space, strength, vastness, volume"} {"x":"maid","y":"[1]damsel, girl, lass, lassie @@@@ [2]maiden, miss, nymph @@@@ [3]wench @@@@ [4]abigail @@@@ [5]handmaiden @@@@ [6]housemaid, maidservant, servant, serving-maid"} {"x":"mail","y":"[1]correspondence, letters, packages, parcels, post @@@@ [2]post, postal service, postal system @@@@ [3]dispatch, forward, post, send, send by mail or post"} {"x":"maim","y":"[1]cripple, disable, hamstring, hurt, impair, incapacitate, injure, lame, mangle, mar, mutilate, put out of action, wound"} {"x":"main","y":"[1]capital, cardinal, central, chief, critical, crucial, essential, foremost, head, leading, necessary, outstanding, paramount, particular, predominant, pre-eminent, premier, primary, prime, principal, special, supreme, vital @@@@ [2]absolute, brute, direct, downright, entire, mere, pure, sheer, undisguised, utmost, utter @@@@ [3]cable, channel, conduit, duct, line, pipe @@@@ [4]effort, force, might, potency, power, puissance, strength @@@@ [5]for the most part, generally, in general, mainly, mostly, on the whole"} {"x":"mainly","y":"[1]above all, chiefly, first and foremost, for the most part, generally, in general, in the main, largely, mostly, most of all, on the whole, overall, predominantly, primarily, principally, substantially, to the greatest extent, usually"} {"x":"maintain","y":"[1]care for, carry on, conserve, continue, finance, keep, keep up, look after, nurture, perpetuate, preserve, prolong, provide, retain, supply, support, sustain, take care of, uphold @@@@ [2]affirm, allege, assert, asseverate, aver, avow, claim, contend, declare, hold, insist, profess, state @@@@ [3]advocate, argue for, back, champion, defend, fight for, justify, plead for, stand by, take up the cudgels for, uphold, vindicate"} {"x":"maintenance","y":"[1]care, carrying-on, conservation, continuance, continuation, keeping, nurture, perpetuation, preservation, prolongation, provision, repairs, retainment, supply, support, sustainment, sustention, upkeep @@@@ [2]aliment, alimony, allowance, food, keep, livelihood, living, subsistence, support, sustenance, upkeep"} {"x":"majestic","y":"[1]august, awesome, dignified, elevated, exalted, grand, grandiose, imperial, imposing, impressive, kingly, lofty, magnificent, monumental, noble, pompous, princely, regal, royal, splendid, splendiferous @@@@ [2]stately, sublime, superb"} {"x":"majesty","y":"[1]augustness, awesomeness, dignity, exaltedness, glory, grandeur, imposingness, impressiveness, kingliness, loftiness, magnificence, nobility, pomp, queenliness, royalty, splendour, state, stateliness, sublimity"} {"x":"major","y":"[1]better, bigger, chief, elder, greater, head, higher, larger, lead, leading, main, most, senior, superior, supreme, uppermost @@@@ [2]critical, crucial, grave, great, important, mega @@@@ [3]notable, outstanding, pre-eminent, radical, serious, significant, vital, weighty"} {"x":"majority","y":"[1]best part, bulk, greater number, mass, more, most, plurality, preponderance, superiority @@@@ [2]adulthood, manhood, maturity, seniority, womanhood"} {"x":"make","y":"[1]assemble, build, compose, constitute, construct, create, fabricate, fashion, forge, form, frame, manufacture, mould, originate, produce, put together, shape, synthesize @@@@ [2]accomplish, beget, bring about, cause, create, effect, engender, generate, give rise to, lead to, occasion, produce @@@@ [3]cause, coerce, compel, constrain, dragoon, drive, force, impel, induce, oblige, press, pressurize, prevail upon, railroad @@@@ [4]require @@@@ [5]appoint, assign, create, designate, elect, install, invest, nominate, ordain @@@@ [6]draw up, enact, establish, fix, form, frame, pass @@@@ [7]add up to, amount to, compose, constitute, embody, form, represent @@@@ [8]act, carry out, do, effect, engage in, execute, perform, practise, prosecute @@@@ [9]calculate, estimate, gauge, judge, reckon, suppose, think @@@@ [10]acquire, clear, earn, gain, get, net, obtain, realize, secure, take in, win @@@@ [11]arrive at, arrive in time for, attain, catch, get to, meet, reach @@@@ [12]arrive @@@@ [13]be successful, come through, crack it @@@@ [14]cut it @@@@ [15]get on, get somewhere, prosper, pull through, succeed, survive @@@@ [16]brand, build, character, composition, constitution, construction, cut, designation, form, kind, make-up, mark, model, shape, sort, structure, style, type, variety @@@@ [17]cast of mind, character, disposition, frame of mind, humour, kidney, make-up, nature, stamp, temper, temperament @@@@ [18]act as if or though, affect, feign, feint, give the impression that, make a show of, pretend @@@@ [19]abscond, beat a hasty retreat, clear out @@@@ [20]decamp, depart, do a runner @@@@ [21]flee, fly, fly the coop @@@@ [22]hook it @@@@ [23]scoot, skedaddle @@@@ [24]abduct, cabbage @@@@ [25]filch, kidnap, knock off @@@@ [26]nick @@@@ [27]pilfer, pinch @@@@ [28]purloin, steal, swipe @@@@ [29]blow away @@@@ [30]bump off @@@@ [31]destroy, dispose of, do away with, do in @@@@ [32]eliminate, get rid of, kill, murder, rub out @@@@ [33]charade, dream, fantasy, imagination, play-acting, pretence, unreality @@@@ [34]dream, fantasized, fantasy, imaginary, imagined, made-up, mock, pretend, pretended, sham, unreal"} {"x":"maker","y":"[1]author, builder, constructor, director, fabricator, framer, manufacturer, producer @@@@ [2]Creator, God @@@@ [3]Creator, God @@@@ [4]author, builder, constructor, director, fabricator, framer, manufacturer, producer"} {"x":"making","y":"[1]assembly, building, composition, construction, creation, fabrication, forging, manufacture, production @@@@ [2]budding, coming, emergent, growing, nascent, potential"} {"x":"maladjusted","y":"[1]alienated, disturbed, estranged, hung-up @@@@ [2]neurotic, unstable"} {"x":"maladroit","y":"[1]awkward, bungling, cack-handed @@@@ [2]inept, inexpert, unhandy, unskilful @@@@ [3]gauche, inconsiderate, inelegant, insensitive, tactless, thoughtless, undiplomatic, untoward"} {"x":"malady","y":"[1]affliction, ailment, complaint, disease, disorder, ill, illness, indisposition, infirmity, lurgi @@@@ [2]sickness"} {"x":"malaise","y":"[1]angst, anxiety, depression, discomfort, disquiet, doldrums, enervation, illness, lassitude, melancholy, sickness, unease, weakness"} {"x":"malapropos","y":"[1]ill-timed, impertinent, inapposite, inappropriate, inapt, inopportune, misapplied, out of place, unseemly, unsuitable @@@@ [2]impertinently, inappositely, inappropriately, inaptly, inopportunely, out of turn, unseasonably, unsuitably, untimely @@@@ [3]blunder, faux pas, gaffe, malapropism, solecism"} {"x":"malcontent","y":"[1]disaffected, discontented, disgruntled, disgusted, dissatisfied, dissentious, factious, ill-disposed, rebellious, resentful, restive, unhappy, unsatisfied @@@@ [2]agitator, complainer, fault-finder, grouch @@@@ [3]grouser, grumbler, mischief-maker, rebel, stirrer @@@@ [4]troublemaker"} {"x":"male","y":"[1]manful, manlike, manly, masculine, virile"} {"x":"malediction","y":"[1]anathema, curse, damnation, damning, denunciation, execration, imprecation, malison"} {"x":"malefactor","y":"[1]convict, criminal, crook @@@@ [2]culprit, delinquent, evildoer, felon, lawbreaker, miscreant, offender, outlaw, transgressor, villain, wrongdoer"} {"x":"maleficent","y":"[1]baleful, deleterious, destructive, detrimental, evil, harmful, hurtful, injurious, malign, malignant, noxious, pernicious"} {"x":"malevolent","y":"[1]baleful, evil-minded, hateful @@@@ [2]hostile, ill-natured, maleficent, malicious, malign, malignant, pernicious, rancorous, spiteful, vengeful, vicious, vindictive"} {"x":"malformation","y":"[1]crookedness, deformity, distortion, misshape, misshapenness"} {"x":"malformed","y":"[1]abnormal, contorted, crooked, deformed, distorted, irregular, misshapen, twisted"} {"x":"malfunction","y":"[1]break down, develop a fault, fail, go wrong @@@@ [2]breakdown, defect, failure, fault, flaw, glitch, impairment"} {"x":"malice","y":"[1]animosity, animus, bad blood, bitterness, enmity, evil intent, hate, hatred, ill will, malevolence, maliciousness, malignity, rancour, spite, spitefulness, spleen, vengefulness, venom, vindictiveness"} {"x":"malicious","y":"[1]baleful, bitchy @@@@ [2]bitter, catty @@@@ [3]evil-minded, hateful, ill-disposed, ill-natured, injurious, malevolent, malignant, mischievous, pernicious, rancorous, resentful, shrewish, spiteful, vengeful, vicious"} {"x":"malign","y":"[1]bad, baleful, baneful, deleterious, destructive, evil, harmful, hostile, hurtful, injurious, maleficent, malevolent, malignant, pernicious, vicious, wicked @@@@ [2]abuse, asperse, bad-mouth @@@@ [3]blacken (someone's name), calumniate, defame, denigrate, derogate, disparage, do a hatchet job on @@@@ [4]harm, injure, knock @@@@ [5]libel, revile, rubbish @@@@ [6]slander, smear, speak ill of, traduce, vilify"} {"x":"malignant","y":"[1]baleful, bitter, destructive, harmful, hostile, hurtful, inimical, injurious, maleficent, malevolent, malicious, malign, of evil intent, pernicious, spiteful, vicious @@@@ [2]cancerous, dangerous, deadly, evil, fatal, irremediable, metastatic, uncontrollable, virulent"} {"x":"malleable","y":"[1]ductile, plastic, soft, tensile, workable @@@@ [2]adaptable, biddable, compliant, governable, impressionable, like putty in one's hands, manageable, pliable, tractable"} {"x":"malodorous","y":"[1]evil-smelling, fetid, foul-smelling, mephitic, nauseating, niffy @@@@ [2]noisome, offensive, olid, putrid, rank, reeking, smelly, stinking"} {"x":"maltreat","y":"[1]abuse, bully, damage, handle roughly, harm, hurt, ill-treat, injure, mistreat"} {"x":"mama","y":"[1]Mama"} {"x":"mammoth","y":"[1]Brobdingnagian, colossal, elephantine, enormous, gargantuan, giant, gigantic, ginormous @@@@ [2]immense, jumbo @@@@ [3]massive, mega @@@@ [4]mighty, monumental, mountainous, prodigious, stellar @@@@ [5]stupendous, titanic, vast"} {"x":"man","y":"[1]bloke @@@@ [2]chap @@@@ [3]gentleman, guy @@@@ [4]male @@@@ [5]adult, being, body, human, human being, individual, one, person, personage, somebody, soul @@@@ [6]Homo sapiens, humanity, humankind, human race, mankind, mortals, people @@@@ [7]attendant, employee, follower, hand, hireling, liegeman, manservant, retainer, servant, soldier, subject, subordinate, valet, vassal, worker, workman @@@@ [8]beau, boyfriend, husband, lover, partner, significant other @@@@ [9]spouse @@@@ [10]bar none, every one, one and all, unanimously, without exception @@@@ [11]crew, fill, furnish with men, garrison, occupy, people, staff @@@@ [12]assassin, bravo, calumniator, cut-throat, debunker, defamer, destroyer, detractor, gunman, heavy @@@@ [13]killer, murderer, smear campaigner, thug, traducer @@@@ [14]Atlas, bit of beefcake, Hercules, hunk @@@@ [15]muscle man, Tarzan @@@@ [16]artificial, ersatz, manufactured, mock, plastic @@@@ [17]synthetic @@@@ [18]exception, freak, maverick, misfit, nonconformist, outsider, square peg in a round hole @@@@ [19]coffin-dodger @@@@ [20]elder, elder statesman, father, gaffer, grandfather, greybeard, O.A.P. @@@@ [21]old codger @@@@ [22]old stager, oldster @@@@ [23]old-timer @@@@ [24]papa @@@@ [25]patriarch, senior citizen, slang @@@@ [26]ass-kisser @@@@ [27]bootlicker @@@@ [28]bosses' lackey, company man, crawler @@@@ [29]creature, minion, sycophant, timeserver, toady"} {"x":"manacle","y":"[1]bond, chain, fetter, gyve @@@@ [2]handcuff, iron, shackle, tie @@@@ [3]bind, chain, check, clap or put in irons, confine, constrain, curb, fetter, hamper, handcuff, inhibit, put in chains, restrain, shackle, tie one's hands"} {"x":"manage","y":"[1]administer, be in charge (of), call the shots, call the tune, command, concert, conduct, direct, govern, handle, manipulate, oversee, preside over, rule, run, superintend, supervise @@@@ [2]accomplish, arrange, bring about or off, contrive, cope with, crack it @@@@ [3]cut it @@@@ [4]deal with, effect, engineer, succeed @@@@ [5]control, dominate, govern, guide, handle, influence, manipulate, operate, pilot, ply, steer, train, use, wield @@@@ [6]carry on, cope, fare, get along, get by @@@@ [7]get on, make do, make out, muddle through, shift, survive"} {"x":"manageable","y":"[1]amenable, compliant, controllable, convenient, docile, easy, governable, handy, submissive, tamable, tractable, user-friendly, wieldy"} {"x":"management","y":"[1]administration, board, bosses @@@@ [2]directorate, directors, employers, executive(s) @@@@ [3]administration, care, charge, command, conduct, control, direction, governance, government, guidance, handling, manipulation, operation, rule, running, superintendence, supervision"} {"x":"manager","y":"[1]administrator, boss @@@@ [2]comptroller, conductor, controller, director, executive, gaffer @@@@ [3]governor, head, organizer, overseer, proprietor, superintendent, supervisor"} {"x":"mandate","y":"[1]authority, authorization, bidding, canon, charge, command, commission, decree, directive, edict, fiat, injunction, instruction, order, precept, sanction, warrant"} {"x":"mandatory","y":"[1]binding, compulsory, obligatory, required, requisite"} {"x":"manful","y":"[1]bold, brave, courageous, daring, determined, gallant, hardy, heroic, indomitable, intrepid, manly, noble, powerful, resolute, stalwart, stout, stout-hearted, strong, valiant, vigorous"} {"x":"mangle","y":"[1]butcher, cripple, crush, cut, deform, destroy, disfigure, distort, hack, lacerate, maim, mar, maul, mutilate, rend, ruin, spoil, tear, total @@@@ [2]trash @@@@ [3]wreck"} {"x":"mangy","y":"[1]dirty, grungy @@@@ [2]mean, moth-eaten, scabby @@@@ [3]scruffy, scuzzy @@@@ [4]seedy, shabby, shoddy, squalid"} {"x":"manhandle","y":"[1]handle roughly, knock about or around, maul, paw @@@@ [2]pull, push, rough up @@@@ [3]carry, haul, heave, hump @@@@ [4]lift, manoeuvre, pull, push, shove, tug"} {"x":"manhood","y":"[1]bravery, courage, determination, firmness, fortitude, hardihood, manfulness, manliness, masculinity, maturity, mettle, resolution, spirit, strength, valour, virility"} {"x":"mania","y":"[1]aberration, craziness, delirium, dementia, derangement, disorder, frenzy, insanity, lunacy, madness @@@@ [2]cacoethes, craving, craze, desire, enthusiasm, fad @@@@ [3]fetish, fixation, obsession, partiality, passion, preoccupation, rage, thing"} {"x":"maniac","y":"[1]headbanger @@@@ [2]headcase @@@@ [3]loony @@@@ [4]lunatic, madman, madwoman, nutcase @@@@ [5]nutter @@@@ [6]psycho @@@@ [7]psychopath @@@@ [8]energumen, enthusiast, fan, fanatic, fiend @@@@ [9]freak"} {"x":"maniacal","y":"[1]berserk, crazed, crazy, demented, deranged, frenzied, gonzo @@@@ [2]insane, lunatic, mad, neurotic, nutty @@@@ [3]psychotic, raving, unbalanced, wild"} {"x":"manifest","y":"[1]apparent, blatant, bold, clear, conspicuous, distinct, evident, glaring, noticeable, obvious, open, palpable, patent, plain, salient, unmistakable, visible @@@@ [2]declare, demonstrate, display, establish, evince, exhibit, expose, express, make plain, prove, reveal, set forth, show"} {"x":"manifestation","y":"[1]appearance, demonstration, disclosure, display, exhibition, exposure, expression, indication, instance, mark, materialization, revelation, show, sign, symptom, token"} {"x":"manifold","y":"[1]abundant, assorted, copious, diverse, diversified, many, multifarious, multifold, multiple, multiplied, multitudinous, numerous, varied, various"} {"x":"manipulate","y":"[1]employ, handle, operate, ply, use, wield, work @@@@ [2]conduct, control, direct, do a number on @@@@ [3]engineer, guide, influence, manoeuvre, negotiate, steer, twist around one's little finger"} {"x":"mankind","y":"[1]Homo sapiens, humanity, humankind, human race, man, people"} {"x":"manly","y":"[1]bold, brave, butch @@@@ [2]courageous, daring, dauntless, fearless, gallant, hardy, heroic, macho, male, manful, masculine, muscular, noble, powerful, red-blooded @@@@ [3]resolute, robust, stout-hearted, strapping, strong, valiant, valorous, vigorous, virile, well-built"} {"x":"manner","y":"[1]air, appearance, aspect, bearing, behaviour, comportment, conduct, demeanour, deportment, look, mien @@@@ [2]presence, tone @@@@ [3]approach, custom, fashion, form, genre, habit, line, means, method, mode, practice, procedure, process, routine, style, tack, tenor, usage, way, wont @@@@ [4]brand, breed, category, form, kind, nature, sort, type, variety"} {"x":"manners","y":"[1]bearing, behaviour, breeding, carriage, comportment, conduct, demeanour, deportment @@@@ [2]ceremony, courtesy, decorum, etiquette, formalities, good form, polish, politeness, politesse, proprieties, protocol, p's and q's, refinement, social graces, the done thing @@@@ [3]boorishness, churlishness, coarseness, discourtesy, disrespect, impoliteness, incivility, inconsideration, indelicacy, rudeness, unmannerliness"} {"x":"mansion","y":"[1]abode, dwelling, habitation, hall, manor, residence, seat, villa"} {"x":"mantle","y":"[1]cape, cloak, hood, shawl, wrap @@@@ [2]blanket, canopy, cloud, cover, covering, curtain, envelope, pall, screen, shroud, veil @@@@ [3]blanket, cloak, cloud, cover, disguise, envelop, hide, mask, overspread, screen, shroud, veil, wrap"} {"x":"manual","y":"[1]done by hand, hand-operated, human, physical @@@@ [2]bible, enchiridion @@@@ [3]guide, guidebook, handbook, instructions, workbook"} {"x":"manufacture","y":"[1]assemble, build, compose, construct, create, fabricate, forge, form, make, mass-produce, mould, process, produce, put together, shape, turn out @@@@ [2]concoct, cook up @@@@ [3]devise, fabricate, hatch, invent, make up, think up, trump up @@@@ [4]assembly, construction, creation, fabrication, making, mass-production, produce, production"} {"x":"manufacturer","y":"[1]builder, constructor, creator, fabricator, factory-owner, industrialist, maker, producer"} {"x":"manumit","y":"[1]deliver, emancipate, enfranchise, free, liberate, release, set free, unchain"} {"x":"manure","y":"[1]compost, droppings, dung, excrement, fertilizer, muck, ordure"} {"x":"many","y":"[1]abundant, copious, countless, divers @@@@ [2]frequent, innumerable, manifold, multifarious, multifold, multitudinous, myriad, numerous, profuse, sundry, umpteen @@@@ [3]varied, various @@@@ [4]a horde, a lot, a mass, a multitude, a thousand and one, heaps @@@@ [5]large numbers, lots @@@@ [6]piles @@@@ [7]plenty, scores, tons @@@@ [8]umpteen @@@@ [9]crowd, hoi polloi, majority, masses, multitude, people, rank and file"} {"x":"mar","y":"[1]blemish, blight, blot, damage, deface, detract from, disfigure, harm, hurt, impair, injure, maim, mangle, mutilate, put a damper on, ruin, scar, spoil, stain, sully, taint, tarnish, vitiate"} {"x":"maraud","y":"[1]despoil, forage, foray, harry, loot, pillage, plunder, raid, ransack, ravage, reive @@@@ [2]sack"} {"x":"march","y":"[1]file, footslog, pace, parade, stalk, stride, strut, tramp, tread, walk @@@@ [2]hike, routemarch, tramp, trek, walk @@@@ [3]demo @@@@ [4]demonstration, parade, procession @@@@ [5]gait, pace, step, stride @@@@ [6]advance, development, evolution, progress, progression @@@@ [7]advancing, afoot, astir, en route, marching, on one's way, on the way, proceeding, progressing, under way"} {"x":"margin","y":"[1]border, bound, boundary, brim, brink, confine, edge, limit, perimeter, periphery, rim, side, verge @@@@ [2]allowance, compass, elbowroom, extra, latitude, leeway, play, room, scope, space, surplus"} {"x":"marginal","y":"[1]bordering, borderline, on the edge, peripheral @@@@ [2]insignificant, low, minimal, minor, negligible, slight, small"} {"x":"marijuana","y":"[1]bhang, blow @@@@ [2]cannabis, charas, chronic @@@@ [3]dope @@@@ [4]gage @@@@ [5]ganja, grass @@@@ [6]hash @@@@ [7]hashish, hemp, kif, leaf @@@@ [8]mary jane @@@@ [9]pot @@@@ [10]sinsemilla, smoke @@@@ [11]stuff @@@@ [12]tea @@@@ [13]wacky baccy @@@@ [14]weed"} {"x":"marine","y":"[1]maritime, nautical, naval, ocean-going, oceanic, pelagic, saltwater, sea, seafaring, seagoing, thalassic"} {"x":"mariner","y":"[1]bluejacket, gob @@@@ [2]hand, Jack Tar, matelot @@@@ [3]navigator, sailor, salt, sea dog, seafarer, seafaring man, seaman, tar"} {"x":"marital","y":"[1]conjugal, connubial, married, matrimonial, nuptial, spousal, wedded"} {"x":"maritime","y":"[1]marine, nautical, naval, oceanic, sea, seafaring @@@@ [2]coastal, littoral, seaside"} {"x":"mark","y":"[1]blemish, blot, blotch, bruise, dent, impression, line, nick, pock, scar, scratch, smirch, smudge, splotch, spot, stain, streak @@@@ [2]badge, blaze, brand, characteristic, device, earmark, emblem, evidence, feature, flag, hallmark, impression, incision, index, indication, label, note, print, proof, seal, sign, signet, stamp, symbol, symptom, token @@@@ [3]criterion, level, measure, norm, par, standard, yardstick @@@@ [4]aim, end, goal, object, objective, purpose, target @@@@ [5]consequence, dignity, distinction, eminence, fame, importance, influence, notability, note, notice, prestige, quality, regard, standing @@@@ [6]footmark, footprint, sign, trace, track, trail, vestige @@@@ [7]make something of oneself, prosper, succeed @@@@ [8]blemish, blot, blotch, brand, bruise, dent, impress, imprint, nick, scar, scratch, smirch, smudge, splotch, stain, streak @@@@ [9]brand, characterize, flag, identify, label, stamp @@@@ [10]betoken, denote, distinguish, evince, exemplify, illustrate, show @@@@ [11]attend, hearken @@@@ [12]mind, note, notice, observe, pay attention, pay heed, regard, remark, watch @@@@ [13]appraise, assess, correct, evaluate, grade"} {"x":"marked","y":"[1]apparent, blatant, clear, considerable, conspicuous, decided, distinct, dramatic, evident, manifest, notable, noted, noticeable, obvious, outstanding, patent, prominent, pronounced, remarkable, salient, signal, striking"} {"x":"markedly","y":"[1]clearly, considerably, conspicuously, decidedly, distinctly, evidently, greatly, manifestly, notably, noticeably, obviously, outstandingly, patently, remarkably, seriously @@@@ [2]signally, strikingly, to a great extent"} {"x":"market","y":"[1]bazaar, fair, mart @@@@ [2]offer for sale, retail, sell, vend @@@@ [3]bush-league @@@@ [4]inferior, lowbrow, low-grade, low-quality, second-rate, shoddy, tacky @@@@ [5]tawdry, two-bit"} {"x":"marksman","y":"[1]crack shot @@@@ [2]deadeye @@@@ [3]dead shot @@@@ [4]good shot, sharpshooter"} {"x":"maroon","y":"[1]abandon, cast ashore, cast away, desert, leave, leave high and dry @@@@ [2]strand"} {"x":"marriage","y":"[1]espousal, match, matrimony, nuptial rites, nuptials, wedding, wedding ceremony, wedlock @@@@ [2]alliance, amalgamation, association, confederation, coupling, link, merger, union"} {"x":"married","y":"[1]hitched @@@@ [2]joined, one, spliced @@@@ [3]united, wed, wedded @@@@ [4]conjugal, connubial, husbandly, marital, matrimonial, nuptial, spousal, wifely"} {"x":"marrow","y":"[1]core, cream, essence, gist, heart, kernel, pith, quick, quintessence, soul, spirit, substance"} {"x":"marry","y":"[1]become man and wife, espouse, get hitched @@@@ [2]get spliced @@@@ [3]wed, wive @@@@ [4]ally, bond, join, knit, link, match, merge, splice, tie, unify, unite, yoke"} {"x":"marsh","y":"[1]bog, fen, morass, moss @@@@ [2]quagmire, slough, swamp"} {"x":"marshal","y":"[1]align, arrange, array, assemble, collect, deploy, dispose, draw up, gather, group, line up, muster, order, organize, rank, sequence @@@@ [2]conduct, escort, guide, lead, shepherd, usher"} {"x":"martial","y":"[1]bellicose, belligerent, brave, heroic, military, soldierly, warlike"} {"x":"martinet","y":"[1]disciplinarian, drillmaster, stickler"} {"x":"marvel","y":"[1]be amazed, be awed, be filled with surprise, gape, gaze, goggle, wonder @@@@ [2]genius, miracle, phenomenon, portent, prodigy, whizz @@@@ [3]wonder"} {"x":"marvellous","y":"[1]amazing, astonishing, astounding, breathtaking, brilliant, extraordinary, miraculous, phenomenal, prodigious, remarkable, sensational @@@@ [2]singular, spectacular, stupendous, wondrous @@@@ [3]difficult or hard to believe, fabulous, fantastic, implausible, improbable, incredible, surprising, unbelievable, unlikely @@@@ [4]awesome @@@@ [5]bad @@@@ [6]bodacious @@@@ [7]boffo @@@@ [8]brill @@@@ [9]chillin' @@@@ [10]colossal, cracking @@@@ [11]crucial @@@@ [12]def @@@@ [13]divine @@@@ [14]excellent, fabulous @@@@ [15]fantastic @@@@ [16]glorious, great @@@@ [17]jim-dandy @@@@ [18]magnificent, mean @@@@ [19]mega @@@@ [20]sensational @@@@ [21]smashing @@@@ [22]sovereign, splendid, stupendous, super @@@@ [23]superb, terrific @@@@ [24]topping @@@@ [25]wicked @@@@ [26]wonderful"} {"x":"masculine","y":"[1]male, manful, manlike, manly, mannish, virile @@@@ [2]bold, brave, butch @@@@ [3]gallant, hardy, macho, muscular, powerful, red-blooded @@@@ [4]resolute, robust, stout-hearted, strapping, strong, vigorous, well-built"} {"x":"mask","y":"[1]domino, false face, visor, vizard @@@@ [2]blind, camouflage, cloak, concealment, cover, cover-up, disguise, facade, front, guise, screen, semblance, show, veil, veneer @@@@ [3]camouflage, cloak, conceal, cover, disguise, hide, obscure, screen, veil"} {"x":"masquerade","y":"[1]costume ball, fancy dress party, mask, masked ball, masked party, mummery, revel @@@@ [2]costume, disguise, domino @@@@ [3]cloak, cover, cover-up, deception, disguise, dissimulation, front @@@@ [4]guise, imposture, mask, pose, pretence, put-on @@@@ [5]screen, subterfuge @@@@ [6]disguise, dissemble, dissimulate, impersonate, mask, pass oneself off, pose, pretend (to be)"} {"x":"mass","y":"[1]block, chunk, concretion, hunk, lump, piece @@@@ [2]aggregate, body, collection, entirety, sum, sum total, totality, whole @@@@ [3]accumulation, aggregation, assemblage, batch, bunch, collection, combination, conglomeration, heap, load, lot, pile, quantity, rick, stack @@@@ [4]assemblage, band, body, bunch @@@@ [5]crowd, group, horde, host, lot, mob, number, throng, troop @@@@ [6]body, bulk, greater part, lion's share, majority, preponderance @@@@ [7]bulk, dimension, greatness, magnitude, size @@@@ [8]commonalty, common people, crowd, hoi polloi, multitude @@@@ [9]extensive, general, indiscriminate, large-scale, pandemic, popular, wholesale, widespread @@@@ [10]accumulate, amass, assemble, collect, congregate, foregather, gather, mob, muster, rally, swarm, throng"} {"x":"massacre","y":"[1]annihilation, blood bath, butchery, carnage, extermination, holocaust, killing, mass slaughter, murder, slaughter @@@@ [2]annihilate, blow away @@@@ [3]butcher, cut to pieces, exterminate, kill, mow down, murder, slaughter, slay, take out @@@@ [4]wipe out"} {"x":"massage","y":"[1]acupressure, kneading, manipulation, reflexology, rubbing, rub-down, shiatsu @@@@ [2]knead, manipulate, rub, rub down"} {"x":"massive","y":"[1]big, bulky, colossal, elephantine, enormous, extensive, gargantuan, gigantic, ginormous @@@@ [2]great, heavy, hefty, huge, hulking, humongous or humungous @@@@ [3]immense, imposing, impressive, mammoth, mega @@@@ [4]monster, monumental, ponderous, solid, stellar @@@@ [5]substantial, titanic, vast, weighty, whacking @@@@ [6]whopping"} {"x":"master","y":"[1]boss @@@@ [2]captain, chief, commander, controller, director, employer, governor, head, lord, manager, overlord, overseer, owner, principal, ruler, skipper @@@@ [3]superintendent @@@@ [4]ace @@@@ [5]adept, dab hand @@@@ [6]doyen, expert, genius, grandmaster, maestro, maven @@@@ [7]past master, pro @@@@ [8]virtuoso, wizard @@@@ [9]guide, guru, instructor, pedagogue, preceptor, schoolmaster, spiritual leader, swami, teacher, torchbearer, tutor @@@@ [10]adept, crack @@@@ [11]expert, masterly, proficient, skilful, skilled @@@@ [12]chief, controlling, foremost, grand, great, leading, main, predominant, prime, principal @@@@ [13]grasp, learn @@@@ [14]bridle, check, conquer, curb, defeat, lick @@@@ [15]overcome, overpower, quash, quell, subdue, subjugate, suppress, tame, triumph over, vanquish @@@@ [16]command, control, direct, dominate, govern, manage, regulate, rule"} {"x":"masterful","y":"[1]adept, adroit, clever, consummate, crack @@@@ [2]deft, dexterous, excellent, expert, exquisite, fine, finished, first-rate, masterly, skilful, skilled, superior, superlative, supreme, world-class @@@@ [3]arrogant, authoritative, bossy @@@@ [4]despotic, dictatorial, domineering, high-handed, imperious, magisterial, overbearing, overweening, peremptory, self-willed, tyrannical"} {"x":"masterpiece","y":"[1]chef d'oeuvre, classic, jewel, magnum opus, master work, piece de resistance, tour de force"} {"x":"mastery","y":"[1]command, comprehension, familiarity, grasp, grip, knowledge, understanding @@@@ [2]ability, acquirement, attainment, cleverness, deftness, dexterity, expertise, finesse, know-how @@@@ [3]proficiency, prowess, skill, virtuosity @@@@ [4]ascendancy, authority, command, conquest, control, domination, dominion, pre-eminence, rule, superiority, supremacy, sway, triumph, upper hand, victory, whip hand"} {"x":"masticate","y":"[1]champ, chew, crunch, eat, munch"} {"x":"masturbation","y":"[1]autoeroticism, onanism, playing with oneself @@@@ [2]self-abuse"} {"x":"match","y":"[1]bout, competition, contest, game, head-to-head, test, trial @@@@ [2]competitor, counterpart, equal, equivalent, peer, rival @@@@ [3]companion, complement, counterpart, equal, equivalent, fellow, mate, tally @@@@ [4]copy, dead ringer @@@@ [5]double, duplicate, equal, lookalike, replica, ringer @@@@ [6]spit @@@@ [7]spitting image @@@@ [8]twin @@@@ [9]affiliation, alliance, combination, couple, duet, item @@@@ [10]marriage, pair, pairing, partnership, union @@@@ [11]ally, combine, couple, join, link, marry, mate, pair, unite, yoke @@@@ [12]accompany, accord, adapt, agree, blend, coordinate, correspond, fit, go with, harmonize, suit, tally, tone with @@@@ [13]compare, compete, contend, emulate, equal, measure up to, oppose, pit against, rival, vie @@@@ [14]altercation, argument, argy-bargy @@@@ [15]barney @@@@ [16]battle of words, ding-dong, quarrel, row, set-to @@@@ [17]spat"} {"x":"mate","y":"[1]better half @@@@ [2]husband, partner, significant other @@@@ [3]spouse, wife @@@@ [4]buddy @@@@ [5]china @@@@ [6]chum @@@@ [7]cock @@@@ [8]comrade, crony, friend, homeboy @@@@ [9]pal @@@@ [10]associate, colleague, companion, compeer, co-worker, fellow-worker @@@@ [11]assistant, helper, subordinate @@@@ [12]companion, double, fellow, match, twin @@@@ [13]breed, copulate, couple, pair @@@@ [14]marry, match, wed @@@@ [15]couple, join, match, pair, yoke"} {"x":"material","y":"[1]body, constituents, element, matter, stuff, substance @@@@ [2]data, evidence, facts, information, notes, work @@@@ [3]cloth, fabric, stuff @@@@ [4]bodily, concrete, corporeal, fleshly, nonspiritual, palpable, physical, substantial, tangible, worldly @@@@ [5]consequential, essential, grave, important, indispensable, key, meaningful, momentous, serious, significant, vital, weighty @@@@ [6]applicable, apposite, apropos, germane, pertinent, relevant"} {"x":"materialize","y":"[1]appear, come about, come into being, come to pass, happen, occur, take place, take shape, turn up"} {"x":"materiel","y":"[1]accoutrements, apparatus, equipment, gear, hardware, machinery, materials, stores, supplies, tackle, tools"} {"x":"maternal","y":"[1]motherly"} {"x":"maternity","y":"[1]motherhood, motherliness"} {"x":"matrimonial","y":"[1]conjugal, connubial, hymeneal, marital, married, nuptial, spousal, wedded, wedding"} {"x":"matrimony","y":"[1]marital rites, marriage, nuptials, wedding ceremony, wedlock"} {"x":"matrix","y":"[1]forge, mould, origin, source, womb"} {"x":"matter","y":"[1]body, material, stuff, substance @@@@ [2]affair, business, concern, episode, event, incident, issue, occurrence, proceeding, question, situation, subject, thing, topic, transaction @@@@ [3]amount, quantity, sum @@@@ [4]argument, context, purport, sense, subject, substance, text, thesis @@@@ [5]consequence, import, importance, moment, note, significance, weight @@@@ [6]complication, difficulty, distress, problem, trouble, upset, worry @@@@ [7]discharge, purulence, pus, secretion @@@@ [8]be important, be of consequence, carry weight, count, have influence, make a difference, mean something, signify @@@@ [9]deadpan, down-to-earth, dry, dull, emotionless, flat, lifeless, mundane, plain, prosaic, sober, unembellished, unimaginative, unsentimental, unvarnished"} {"x":"mature","y":"[1]adult, complete, fit, full-blown, full-grown, fully fledged, grown, grown-up, matured, mellow, of age, perfect, prepared, ready, ripe, ripened, seasoned @@@@ [2]age, become adult, bloom, blossom, come of age, develop, grow up, maturate, mellow, perfect, reach adulthood, ripen, season"} {"x":"maudlin","y":"[1]lachrymose, mawkish, mushy @@@@ [2]overemotional, sentimental, slushy @@@@ [3]soppy @@@@ [4]tearful, weepy"} {"x":"maul","y":"[1]abuse, handle roughly, ill-treat, manhandle, molest, paw @@@@ [2]batter, beat, beat up @@@@ [3]claw, knock about or around, lacerate, lambast(e), mangle, pummel, rough up, thrash, work over"} {"x":"maunder","y":"[1]dawdle, dilly-dally @@@@ [2]drift, idle, loaf, meander, mooch @@@@ [3]potter, ramble, straggle, stray, traipse @@@@ [4]babble, blather, blether, chatter, gabble, prattle, rabbit (on) @@@@ [5]ramble, rattle on, waffle @@@@ [6]witter"} {"x":"maverick","y":"[1]dissenter, dissentient, eccentric, heretic, iconoclast, individualist, nonconformist, protester, radical, rebel @@@@ [2]dissenting, eccentric, heretical, iconoclastic, individualistic, nonconformist, radical, rebel"} {"x":"maw","y":"[1]craw, crop, gullet, jaws, mouth, stomach, throat"} {"x":"mawkish","y":"[1]emotional, feeble, gushy @@@@ [2]maudlin, mushy @@@@ [3]schmaltzy @@@@ [4]sentimental, slushy @@@@ [5]soppy @@@@ [6]three-hankie @@@@ [7]disgusting, flat, foul, insipid, jejune, loathsome, nauseous, offensive, stale, vapid"} {"x":"maxim","y":"[1]adage, aphorism, apophthegm, axiom, byword, dictum, gnome, motto, proverb, rule, saw, saying"} {"x":"maximum","y":"[1]apogee, ceiling, crest, extremity, height, most, peak, pinnacle, summit, top, upper limit, utmost, uttermost, zenith @@@@ [2]greatest, highest, maximal, most, paramount, supreme, topmost, utmost"} {"x":"maybe","y":"[1]peradventure @@@@ [2]perchance @@@@ [3]perhaps, possibly"} {"x":"mayhem","y":"[1]chaos, commotion, confusion, destruction, disorder, fracas, havoc, trouble, violence"} {"x":"maze","y":"[1]convolutions, intricacy, labyrinth, meander @@@@ [2]bewilderment, confusion, imbroglio, mesh, perplexity, puzzle, snarl, tangle, uncertainty, web"} {"x":"mazy","y":"[1]baffling, bewildering, confused, confusing, intricate, labyrinthine, perplexing, puzzling, serpentine, twisting, twisting and turning, winding"} {"x":"meadow","y":"[1]field, grassland, lea @@@@ [2]ley, pasture"} {"x":"meagre","y":"[1]deficient, exiguous, inadequate, insubstantial, little, measly, paltry, pathetic, poor, puny, scant, scanty, scrimpy, short, skimpy, slender, slight, small, spare, sparse @@@@ [2]bony, emaciated, gaunt, hungry, lank, lean, scraggy, scrawny, skinny, starved, thin, underfed @@@@ [3]barren, infertile, poor, unfruitful, unproductive, weak"} {"x":"meal","y":"[1]board, repast, spread"} {"x":"mean","y":"[1]betoken, connote, convey, denote, drive at, express, hint at, imply, indicate, purport, represent, say, signify, spell, stand for, suggest, symbolize @@@@ [2]aim, aspire, contemplate, design, desire, have in mind, intend, plan, propose, purpose, set out, want, wish @@@@ [3]design, destine, fate, fit, make, match, predestine, preordain, suit @@@@ [4]bring about, cause, engender, entail, give rise to, involve, lead to, necessitate, produce, result in @@@@ [5]adumbrate, augur, betoken, foreshadow, foretell, herald, portend, presage, promise @@@@ [6]beggarly, close @@@@ [7]mercenary, mingy @@@@ [8]miserly, near @@@@ [9]niggardly, parsimonious, penny-pinching, penurious, selfish, skimpy, snoep @@@@ [10]stingy, tight, tight-arsed @@@@ [11]tight-assed @@@@ [12]tight-fisted, ungenerous @@@@ [13]bad-tempered, cantankerous, churlish, disagreeable, hostile, ill-tempered, malicious, nasty, rude, sour, unfriendly, unpleasant @@@@ [14]abject, base, callous, contemptible, degenerate, degraded, despicable, disgraceful, dishonourable, hard-hearted, ignoble, low-minded, narrow-minded, petty, scurvy, shabby, shameful, sordid, vile, wretched @@@@ [15]beggarly, contemptible, down-at-heel, grungy @@@@ [16]insignificant, low-rent @@@@ [17]miserable, paltry, poor, run-down, scruffy, scuzzy @@@@ [18]seedy, shabby, sordid, squalid, tawdry, wretched @@@@ [19]base, baseborn @@@@ [20]common, humble, ignoble, inferior, low, lowborn, lowly, menial, modest, obscure, ordinary, plebeian, proletarian, servile, undistinguished, vulgar"} {"x":"meander","y":"[1]ramble, snake, stravaig @@@@ [2]stray, stroll, turn, wander, wind, zigzag @@@@ [3]bend, coil, curve, loop, turn, twist, zigzag"} {"x":"meaning","y":"[1]connotation, denotation, drift, explanation, gist, implication, import, interpretation, message, purport, sense, significance, signification, substance, upshot, value @@@@ [2]aim, design, end, goal, idea, intention, object, plan, point, purpose, trend @@@@ [3]effect, efficacy, force, point, thrust, use, usefulness, validity, value, worth @@@@ [4]eloquent, expressive, meaningful, pointed, pregnant, speaking, suggestive"} {"x":"means","y":"[1]agency, avenue, channel, course, expedient, instrument, measure, medium, method, mode, process, way @@@@ [2]affluence, capital, estate, fortune, funds, income, money, property, resources, riches, substance, wealth, wherewithal @@@@ [3]absolutely, certainly, definitely, doubtlessly, of course, positively, surely @@@@ [4]by dint of, by way of, through, using, utilizing, via, with the aid of @@@@ [5]absolutely not, definitely not, in no way, not at all, not in the least, not in the slightest, not the least bit, no way, on no account @@@@ [6]ability, capability, capacity, course, funds, methods, procedure, reserves, resources, tools, way, wherewithal"} {"x":"meantime","y":"[1]at the same time, concurrently, for now, for the duration, for the moment, for then, in the interim, in the interval, in the intervening time, in the meantime, in the meanwhile, simultaneously"} {"x":"measly","y":"[1]beggarly, contemptible, meagre, mean, mingy @@@@ [2]miserable, miserly, niggardly, paltry, pathetic, petty, pitiful, poor, puny, scanty, skimpy, snoep @@@@ [3]stingy, ungenerous"} {"x":"measurable","y":"[1]assessable, computable, determinable, gaugeable, material, mensurable, perceptible, quantifiable, quantitative, significant"} {"x":"measure","y":"[1]allotment, allowance, amount, amplitude, capacity, degree, extent, magnitude, portion, proportion, quantity, quota, range, ration, reach, scope, share, size @@@@ [2]gauge, metre, rule, scale, yardstick @@@@ [3]method, standard, system @@@@ [4]criterion, example, model, norm, par, standard, test, touchstone, yardstick @@@@ [5]bounds, control, limit, limitation, moderation, restraint @@@@ [6]act, action, course, deed, expedient, manoeuvre, means, procedure, proceeding, step @@@@ [7]act, bill, enactment, law, resolution, statute @@@@ [8]beat, cadence, foot, metre, rhythm, verse @@@@ [9]as a bonus, besides, in addition, into the bargain, to boot @@@@ [10]appraise, assess, calculate, calibrate, compute, determine, estimate, evaluate, gauge, judge, mark out, quantify, rate, size, sound, survey, value, weigh @@@@ [11]adapt, adjust, calculate, choose, fit, judge, tailor @@@@ [12]circumscribe, delimit, demarcate, determine, fix, lay down, limit, mark out, pace out @@@@ [13]allot, apportion, assign, deal out, dispense, distribute, divide, divvy up @@@@ [14]dole out, issue, mete out, parcel out, pour out, share out @@@@ [15]be adequate, be capable, be equal to, be fit, be suitable, be suited, come up to scratch @@@@ [16]match, meet, rival"} {"x":"measured","y":"[1]exact, gauged, modulated, precise, predetermined, quantified, regulated, standard, verified @@@@ [2]dignified, even, leisurely, regular, sedate, slow, solemn, stately, steady, unhurried @@@@ [3]calculated, considered, deliberate, grave, planned, premeditated, reasoned, sober, studied, well-thought-out"} {"x":"measurement","y":"[1]appraisal, assessment, calculation, calibration, computation, estimation, evaluation, judgment, mensuration, metage, survey, valuation @@@@ [2]amount, amplitude, area, capacity, depth, dimension, extent, height, length, magnitude, size, volume, weight, width"} {"x":"meat","y":"[1]aliment, cheer, chow @@@@ [2]comestibles, eats @@@@ [3]fare, flesh, food, grub @@@@ [4]nosh @@@@ [5]nourishment, nutriment, provender, provisions, rations, subsistence, sustenance, viands, victuals @@@@ [6]core, essence, gist, heart, kernel, marrow, nub, nucleus, pith, point, substance"} {"x":"mechanical","y":"[1]automated, automatic, machine-driven @@@@ [2]automatic, cold, cursory, dead, emotionless, habitual, impersonal, instinctive, involuntary, lacklustre, lifeless, machine-like, matter-of-fact, perfunctory, routine, spiritless, unconscious, unfeeling, unthinking"} {"x":"mechanism","y":"[1]apparatus, appliance, contrivance, device, instrument, machine, structure, system, tool @@@@ [2]action, components, gears, innards @@@@ [3]machinery, motor, workings, works @@@@ [4]agency, execution, functioning, means, medium, method, operation, performance, procedure, process, system, technique, workings"} {"x":"meddle","y":"[1]butt in, interfere, intermeddle, interpose, intervene, intrude, pry, put one's oar in, put one's two cents in @@@@ [2]tamper"} {"x":"meddlesome","y":"[1]interfering, intermeddling, intruding, intrusive, meddling, mischievous, officious, prying"} {"x":"mediate","y":"[1]act as middleman, arbitrate, bring to an agreement, bring to terms, conciliate, intercede, interpose, intervene, make peace between, moderate, reconcile, referee, resolve, restore harmony, settle, step in @@@@ [2]umpire"} {"x":"mediation","y":"[1]arbitration, conciliation, good offices, intercession, interposition, intervention, reconciliation"} {"x":"mediator","y":"[1]advocate, arbiter, arbitrator, go-between, honest broker, interceder, intermediary, judge, middleman, moderator, negotiator, peacemaker, referee, umpire"} {"x":"medicable","y":"[1]curable, healable, remediable, treatable"} {"x":"medicinal","y":"[1]analeptic, curative, healing, medical, remedial, restorative, roborant, sanatory, therapeutic"} {"x":"medicine","y":"[1]cure, drug, medicament, medication, nostrum, physic, remedy"} {"x":"medieval","y":"[1]Gothic @@@@ [2]antediluvian, antiquated, antique, archaic, old-fashioned, primitive, unenlightened"} {"x":"mediocre","y":"[1]average, banal, bog-standard @@@@ [2]indifferent, inferior, insignificant, mean, medium, middling, no great shakes @@@@ [3]ordinary, passable, pedestrian, run-of-the-mill, second-rate, so-so @@@@ [4]tolerable, undistinguished, uninspired, vanilla"} {"x":"meditate","y":"[1]be in a brown study, cogitate, consider, contemplate, deliberate, muse, ponder, reflect, ruminate, study, think @@@@ [2]consider, contemplate, design, devise, have in mind, intend, mull over, plan, purpose, scheme, think over"} {"x":"meditation","y":"[1]brown study, cerebration, cogitation, concentration, contemplation, musing, pondering, reflection, reverie, ruminating, rumination, study, thought"} {"x":"meditative","y":"[1]cogitative, contemplative, deliberative, pensive, reflective, ruminative, studious, thoughtful"} {"x":"medium","y":"[1]average, fair, intermediate, mean, medial, median, mediocre, middle, middling, midway @@@@ [2]average, centre, compromise, mean, middle, middle course, middle ground, middle path, middle way, midpoint @@@@ [3]agency, avenue, channel, form, instrument, instrumentality, means, mode, organ, vehicle, way @@@@ [4]atmosphere, conditions, element, environment, habitat, influences, milieu, setting, surroundings @@@@ [5]channeller, spiritist, spiritualist"} {"x":"medley","y":"[1]assortment, confusion, farrago, gallimaufry, hodgepodge, hotchpotch, jumble, melange, miscellany, mishmash, mixed bag @@@@ [2]mixture, olio, omnium-gatherum, pastiche, patchwork, potpourri, salmagundi"} {"x":"meek","y":"[1]deferential, docile, forbearing, gentle, humble, long-suffering, mild, modest, patient, peaceful, soft, submissive, unassuming, unpretentious, yielding @@@@ [2]acquiescent, boneless, compliant, resigned, spineless, spiritless, tame, timid, unresisting, weak, weak-kneed"} {"x":"meet","y":"[1]bump into, chance on, come across, confront, contact, encounter, find, happen on, run across, run into @@@@ [2]abut, adjoin, come together, connect, converge, cross, intersect, join, link up, touch, unite @@@@ [3]answer, carry out, come up to, comply, cope with, discharge, equal, fulfil, gratify, handle, match, measure up, perform, satisfy @@@@ [4]assemble, collect, come together, congregate, convene, foregather, gather, muster, rally @@@@ [5]bear, encounter, endure, experience, face, go through, suffer, undergo"} {"x":"meeting","y":"[1]assignation, confrontation, encounter, engagement, introduction, rendezvous, tryst @@@@ [2]assembly, audience, company, conclave, conference, congregation, congress, convention, convocation, gathering, get-together @@@@ [3]meet, powwow, rally, reunion, session @@@@ [4]concourse, confluence, conjunction, convergence, crossing, intersection, junction, union"} {"x":"melancholy","y":"[1]blues, dejection, depression, despondency, gloom, gloominess, low spirits, misery, pensiveness, sadness, sorrow, the hump @@@@ [2]unhappiness, woe @@@@ [3]blue, dejected, depressed, despondent, disconsolate, dismal, dispirited, doleful, down, downcast, downhearted, down in the dumps @@@@ [4]down in the mouth, gloomy, glum, heavy-hearted, joyless, low, low-spirited, lugubrious, melancholic, miserable, moody, mournful, pensive, sad, sombre, sorrowful, unhappy, woebegone, woeful"} {"x":"melee","y":"[1]affray @@@@ [2]bagarre, battle royal, brawl, broil, donnybrook, fight, fracas, fray, free-for-all @@@@ [3]ruckus @@@@ [4]ruction @@@@ [5]rumpus, scrimmage, scuffle, set-to @@@@ [6]shindig @@@@ [7]shindy @@@@ [8]skirmish, stramash @@@@ [9]tussle"} {"x":"mellifluous","y":"[1]dulcet, euphonious, honeyed, mellow, silvery, smooth, soft, soothing, sweet, sweet-sounding"} {"x":"mellow","y":"[1]delicate, full-flavoured, juicy, mature, perfect, rich, ripe, soft, sweet, well-matured @@@@ [2]dulcet, euphonic, full, mellifluous, melodious, rich, rounded, smooth, sweet, tuneful, well-tuned @@@@ [3]cheerful, cordial, elevated, expansive, genial, half-tipsy, happy, jolly, jovial, merry @@@@ [4]relaxed @@@@ [5]develop, improve, mature, perfect, ripen, season, soften, sweeten"} {"x":"melodious","y":"[1]concordant, dulcet, euphonic, euphonious, harmonious, melodic, musical, silvery, sweet-sounding, sweet-toned, tuneful"} {"x":"melodramatic","y":"[1]actorly, actressy, blood-and-thunder, extravagant, hammy @@@@ [2]histrionic, overdramatic, overemotional, sensational, stagy, theatrical"} {"x":"melody","y":"[1]air, descant, music, refrain, song, strain, theme, tune @@@@ [2]euphony, harmony, melodiousness, music, musicality, tunefulness"} {"x":"melt","y":"[1]deliquesce, diffuse, dissolve, flux, fuse, liquefy, soften, thaw @@@@ [2]disappear, disperse, dissolve, evanesce, evaporate, fade, vanish @@@@ [3]disarm, mollify, relax, soften, touch"} {"x":"member","y":"[1]associate, fellow, representative @@@@ [2]appendage, arm, component, constituent, element, extremity, leg, limb, organ, part, portion"} {"x":"membership","y":"[1]associates, body, fellows, members @@@@ [2]belonging, enrolment, fellowship, participation"} {"x":"memento","y":"[1]keepsake, memorial, relic, remembrance, reminder, souvenir, token, trophy"} {"x":"memoir","y":"[1]account, biography, essay, journal, life, monograph, narrative, record, register"} {"x":"memorable","y":"[1]catchy, celebrated, distinguished, extraordinary, famous, historic, illustrious, important, impressive, momentous, notable, noteworthy, remarkable, signal, significant, striking, unforgettable"} {"x":"memorial","y":"[1]commemorative, monumental @@@@ [2]cairn, memento, monument, plaque, record, remembrance, souvenir @@@@ [3]address, memorandum, petition, statement"} {"x":"memorize","y":"[1]get by heart, learn, learn by heart, learn by rote, remember"} {"x":"memory","y":"[1]recall, recollection, remembrance, reminiscence, retention @@@@ [2]commemoration, honour, remembrance @@@@ [3]celebrity, fame, glory, name, renown, reputation, repute"} {"x":"menace","y":"[1]alarm, bode ill, browbeat, bully, frighten, impend, intimidate, loom, lour or lower, terrorize, threaten, utter threats to @@@@ [2]commination, intimidation, scare, threat, warning @@@@ [3]danger, hazard, jeopardy, peril @@@@ [4]annoyance, nuisance, pest, plague, troublemaker"} {"x":"mend","y":"[1]cure, darn, fix, heal, patch, rectify, refit, reform, remedy, renew, renovate, repair, restore, retouch @@@@ [2]ameliorate, amend, better, correct, emend, improve, rectify, reform, revise @@@@ [3]convalesce, get better, heal, recover, recuperate @@@@ [4]darn, patch, repair, stitch @@@@ [5]convalescent, convalescing, getting better, improving, recovering, recuperating"} {"x":"mendacious","y":"[1]deceitful, deceptive, dishonest, duplicitous, fallacious, false, fraudulent, insincere, lying, perfidious, perjured, untrue, untruthful"} {"x":"mendicant","y":"[1]begging @@@@ [2]beggar, pauper"} {"x":"menial","y":"[1]boring, dull, humdrum, low-status, routine, unskilled @@@@ [2]abject, base, degrading, demeaning, fawning, grovelling, humble, ignoble, ignominious, low, lowly, mean, obsequious, servile, slavish, sorry, subservient, sycophantic, vile @@@@ [3]attendant, dogsbody @@@@ [4]domestic, drudge, flunky, labourer, lackey, serf, servant, skivvy @@@@ [5]slave, underling, varlet @@@@ [6]vassal"} {"x":"menstruation","y":"[1]catamenia @@@@ [2]courses @@@@ [3]flow @@@@ [4]menses, menstrual cycle, monthly @@@@ [5]period, the curse"} {"x":"mensuration","y":"[1]assessment, calculation, calibration, computation, estimation, measurement, measuring, metage, survey, surveying"} {"x":"mental","y":"[1]cerebral, intellectual @@@@ [2]deranged, disturbed, insane, lunatic, mad, mentally ill, not right in the head, psychiatric, psychotic, round the bend @@@@ [3]unbalanced, unstable"} {"x":"mentality","y":"[1]brainpower, brains, comprehension, grey matter @@@@ [2]intellect, intelligence quotient, I.Q., mental age, mind, rationality, understanding, wit @@@@ [3]attitude, cast of mind, character, disposition, frame of mind, make-up, outlook, personality, psychology, turn of mind, way of thinking"} {"x":"mention","y":"[1]acknowledge, adduce, allude to, bring up, broach, call attention to, cite, communicate, declare, disclose, divulge, hint at, impart, intimate, make known, name, point out, recount, refer to, report, reveal, speak about or of, state, tell, touch upon @@@@ [2]as well as, besides, not counting, to say nothing of @@@@ [3]acknowledgment, citation, recognition, tribute @@@@ [4]allusion, announcement, indication, notification, observation, reference, remark"} {"x":"mentor","y":"[1]adviser, coach, counsellor, guide, guru, instructor, teacher, tutor"} {"x":"menu","y":"[1]bill of fare, carte du jour, tariff"} {"x":"mephitic","y":"[1]baleful, baneful, evil- or ill-smelling, fetid, foul, foul-smelling, malodorous, miasmal, miasmatic, miasmic, noisome, noxious, olid, pestilential, poisonous, putrid, stinking"} {"x":"mercantile","y":"[1]commercial, marketable, trade, trading"} {"x":"mercenary","y":"[1]acquisitive, avaricious, bribable, covetous, grasping, greedy, money-grubbing @@@@ [2]sordid, venal @@@@ [3]bought, hired, paid, venal @@@@ [4]condottiere @@@@ [5]free companion @@@@ [6]freelance"} {"x":"merchandise","y":"[1]commodities, goods, produce, products, staples, stock, stock in trade, truck, vendibles, wares @@@@ [2]buy and sell, deal in, distribute, do business in, market, retail, sell, trade, traffic in, vend"} {"x":"merchant","y":"[1]broker, dealer, purveyor, retailer, salesman, seller, shopkeeper, supplier, trader, tradesman, trafficker, vendor, wholesaler"} {"x":"mercurial","y":"[1]active, capricious, changeable, erratic, fickle, flighty, gay, impulsive, inconstant, irrepressible, light-hearted, lively, mobile, quicksilver, spirited, sprightly, temperamental, unpredictable, unstable, variable, volatile"} {"x":"mercy","y":"[1]benevolence, charity, clemency, compassion, favour, forbearance, forgiveness, grace, kindness, leniency, pity, quarter @@@@ [2]benison @@@@ [3]blessing, boon, godsend, piece of luck, relief @@@@ [4]defenceless against, exposed to, in the clutches of, in the power of, naked before, open to, prey to, subject to, threatened by, unprotected against, vulnerable to"} {"x":"mere","y":"[1]absolute, bare, common, complete, entire, nothing more than, plain, pure, pure and simple, sheer, simple, stark, unadulterated, unmitigated, unmixed, utter"} {"x":"meretricious","y":"[1]flashy, garish, gaudy, gimcrack, plastic @@@@ [2]showy, tawdry, tinsel, trashy @@@@ [3]bogus, counterfeit, deceitful, false, hollow, insincere, mock, phoney or phony @@@@ [4]pseudo @@@@ [5]put-on, sham, specious, spurious"} {"x":"merge","y":"[1]amalgamate, become lost in, be swallowed up by, blend, coalesce, combine, consolidate, converge, fuse, incorporate, intermix, join, meet, meld, melt into, mingle, mix, tone with, unite"} {"x":"merger","y":"[1]amalgamation, coalition, combination, consolidation, fusion, incorporation, union"} {"x":"meridian","y":"[1]acme, apex, apogee, climax, crest, culmination, high noon, high-water mark, peak, pinnacle, summit, zenith"} {"x":"merit","y":"[1]advantage, asset, excellence, good, goodness, integrity, quality, strong point, talent, value, virtue, worth, worthiness @@@@ [2]claim, credit, desert, due, right @@@@ [3]be entitled to, be worthy of, deserve, earn, have a claim to, have a right to, have coming to one, incur, rate, warrant"} {"x":"meritorious","y":"[1]admirable, commendable, creditable, deserving, excellent, exemplary, good, honourable, laudable, praiseworthy, right, righteous, virtuous, worthy"} {"x":"merriment","y":"[1]amusement, conviviality, festivity, frolic, fun, gaiety, glee, hilarity, jocularity, jollity, joviality, laughter, levity, liveliness, merrymaking, mirth, revelry, sport"} {"x":"merry","y":"[1]blithe, blithesome, carefree, cheerful, chirpy @@@@ [2]convivial, festive, frolicsome, fun-loving, gay, genial, glad, gleeful, happy, jocund, jolly, joyful, joyous, light-hearted, mirthful, rollicking, sportive, upbeat @@@@ [3]vivacious @@@@ [4]amusing, comic, comical, facetious, funny, hilarious, humorous, jocular, mirthful @@@@ [5]elevated @@@@ [6]happy, mellow, squiffy @@@@ [7]tiddly @@@@ [8]tipsy @@@@ [9]carouse, celebrate, enjoy oneself, feast, frolic, have a good time, have fun, make whoopee @@@@ [10]revel"} {"x":"mesh","y":"[1]net, netting, network, plexus, reticulation, tracery, web @@@@ [2]entanglement, snare, tangle, toils, trap, web @@@@ [3]catch, enmesh, ensnare, entangle, net, snare, tangle, trap @@@@ [4]combine, come together, connect, coordinate, dovetail, engage, fit together, harmonize, interlock, knit"} {"x":"mesmerize","y":"[1]absorb, captivate, enthral, entrance, fascinate, grip, hold spellbound, hypnotize, magnetize, spellbind"} {"x":"mess","y":"[1]balls-up @@@@ [2]bodge @@@@ [3]botch, chaos, clutter, cock-up @@@@ [4]confusion, dirtiness, disarray, disorder, disorganization, fuck-up @@@@ [5]grot @@@@ [6]hash, hodgepodge @@@@ [7]hotchpotch, jumble, litter, mishmash, pig's breakfast @@@@ [8]shambles, state, turmoil, untidiness @@@@ [9]deep water, difficulty, dilemma, fine kettle of fish @@@@ [10]fix @@@@ [11]hot water @@@@ [12]imbroglio, jam @@@@ [13]mix-up, muddle, perplexity, pickle @@@@ [14]plight, predicament, spot @@@@ [15]stew @@@@ [16]tight spot @@@@ [17]befoul, besmirch, botch, bungle, clutter, cock up @@@@ [18]dirty, disarrange, dishevel, foul, fuck up @@@@ [19]muck up @@@@ [20]muddle, pollute, scramble @@@@ [21]fiddle @@@@ [22]interfere, meddle, play, tamper, tinker @@@@ [23]amuse oneself, dabble, fool (about or around), footle @@@@ [24]muck about @@@@ [25]play about or around, potter, trifle @@@@ [26]fiddle @@@@ [27]fool (about or around), interfere, meddle, piss about or around @@@@ [28]play, tamper, tinker, toy"} {"x":"message","y":"[1]bulletin, communication, communique, dispatch, intimation, letter, memorandum, missive, note, notice, tidings, word @@@@ [2]idea, import, meaning, moral, point, purport, theme @@@@ [3]commission, errand, job, mission, task @@@@ [4]catch on @@@@ [5]comprehend, get it, get the point, see, take the hint, twig @@@@ [6]understand"} {"x":"messenger","y":"[1]agent, bearer, carrier, courier, delivery boy, emissary, envoy, errand-boy, go-between, harbinger, herald, runner"} {"x":"messy","y":"[1]chaotic, cluttered, confused, dirty, dishevelled, disordered, disorganized, grubby, littered, muddled, scuzzy @@@@ [2]shambolic @@@@ [3]sloppy @@@@ [4]slovenly, unkempt, untidy"} {"x":"metamorphosis","y":"[1]alteration, change, changeover, conversion, mutation, rebirth, transfiguration, transformation, translation, transmogrification @@@@ [2]transmutation, transubstantiation"} {"x":"metaphor","y":"[1]allegory, analogy, emblem, figure of speech, image, symbol, trope"} {"x":"metaphorical","y":"[1]allegorical, emblematic, emblematical, figurative, symbolic, tropical"} {"x":"mete","y":"[1]administer, allot, apportion, assign, deal, dispense, distribute, divide, dole, measure, parcel, portion, ration, share"} {"x":"meteoric","y":"[1]brief, brilliant, dazzling, ephemeral, fast, flashing, fleeting, momentary, overnight, rapid, spectacular, speedy, sudden, swift, transient"} {"x":"method","y":"[1]approach, arrangement, course, fashion, form, manner, mode, modus operandi, plan, practice, procedure, process, programme, routine, rule, scheme, style, system, technique, way @@@@ [2]design, form, order, orderliness, organization, pattern, planning, purpose, regularity, structure, system"} {"x":"methodical","y":"[1]businesslike, deliberate, disciplined, efficient, meticulous, neat, ordered, orderly, organized, painstaking, planned, precise, regular, structured, systematic, tidy, well-regulated"} {"x":"meticulous","y":"[1]detailed, exact, fastidious, fussy, microscopic, painstaking, particular, perfectionist, precise, punctilious, scrupulous, strict, thorough"} {"x":"metropolis","y":"[1]capital, city"} {"x":"mettle","y":"[1]ardour, balls @@@@ [2]boldness, bottle @@@@ [3]bravery, courage, daring, fire, fortitude, gallantry, gameness, grit, guts @@@@ [4]hardihood, heart, indomitability, life, nerve, pluck, resolution, resolve, spirit, spunk @@@@ [5]valour, vigour @@@@ [6]calibre, character, disposition, kidney, make-up, nature, quality, stamp, temper, temperament"} {"x":"miasma","y":"[1]effluvium, fetor, mephitis, niff @@@@ [2]odour, pollution, reek, smell, stench"} {"x":"microbe","y":"[1]bacillus, bacterium, bug @@@@ [2]germ, microorganism, virus"} {"x":"microscopic","y":"[1]imperceptible, infinitesimal, invisible, minuscule, minute, negligible, teensy-weensy, teeny-weeny, tiny"} {"x":"midday","y":"[1]noon, noonday, noontide, noontime, twelve noon, twelve o'clock"} {"x":"middle","y":"[1]central, halfway, inner, inside, intermediate, intervening, mean, medial, median, medium, mid @@@@ [2]centre, focus, halfway point, heart, inside, mean, midpoint, midsection, midst, thick @@@@ [3]midriff, midsection, waist"} {"x":"middleman","y":"[1]broker, distributor, entrepreneur, go-between, intermediary"} {"x":"middling","y":"[1]adequate, all right, average, bog-standard @@@@ [2]fair, indifferent, mediocre, medium, moderate, modest, O.K. or okay @@@@ [3]ordinary, passable, run-of-the-mill, so-so @@@@ [4]tolerable, unexceptional, unremarkable"} {"x":"midget","y":"[1]dwarf, gnome, homuncule, homunculus, manikin, munchkin @@@@ [2]Tom Thumb @@@@ [3]baby, dwarf, Lilliputian, little, miniature, pocket, pygmy or pigmy, small, teensy-weensy, teeny-weeny, tiny"} {"x":"midst","y":"[1]bosom, centre, core, depths, heart, hub, interior, middle, thick @@@@ [2]amidst, among, during, enveloped by, in the middle of, in the thick of, surrounded by"} {"x":"mien","y":"[1]air, appearance, aspect, aura, bearing, carriage, countenance, demeanour, deportment, look, manner, presence"} {"x":"might","y":"[1]ability, capability, capacity, clout @@@@ [2]efficacy, efficiency, energy, force, potency, power, prowess, puissance, strength, sway, valour, vigour @@@@ [3]as hard as one can, as hard as possible, forcefully, full blast, full force, lustily, manfully, mightily, vigorously, with all one's might or strength"} {"x":"mightn't","y":"[1]ability, capability, capacity, clout @@@@ [2]efficacy, efficiency, energy, force, potency, power, prowess, puissance, strength, sway, valour, vigour @@@@ [3]as hard as one can, as hard as possible, forcefully, full blast, full force, lustily, manfully, mightily, vigorously, with all one's might or strength"} {"x":"mighty","y":"[1]doughty, forceful, hardy, indomitable, lusty, manful, potent, powerful, puissant, robust, stalwart, stout, strapping, strong, sturdy, vigorous @@@@ [2]bulky, colossal, elephantine, enormous, gigantic, ginormous @@@@ [3]grand, great, huge, humongous or humungous @@@@ [4]immense, large, massive, mega @@@@ [5]monumental, prodigious, stellar @@@@ [6]stupendous, titanic, towering, tremendous, vast"} {"x":"migrant","y":"[1]drifter, emigrant, gypsy, immigrant, itinerant, nomad, rover, tinker, transient, traveller, vagrant, wanderer @@@@ [2]drifting, gypsy, immigrant, itinerant, migratory, nomadic, roving, shifting, transient, travelling, vagrant, wandering"} {"x":"migration","y":"[1]emigration, journey, movement, roving, shift, travel, trek, voyage, wandering"} {"x":"migratory","y":"[1]gypsy, itinerant, migrant, nomadic, peripatetic, roving, shifting, transient, travelling, unsettled, vagrant, wandering"} {"x":"mild","y":"[1]amiable, balmy, bland, calm, clement, compassionate, docile, easy, easy-going, easy-oasy @@@@ [2]equable, forbearing, forgiving, gentle, indulgent, kind, meek, mellow, merciful, moderate, pacific, peaceable, placid, pleasant, serene, smooth, soft, temperate, tender, tranquil, warm @@@@ [3]demulcent, emollient, lenitive, mollifying, soothing"} {"x":"milieu","y":"[1]background, element, environment, locale, location, mise en scene, scene, setting, sphere, surroundings"} {"x":"militant","y":"[1]active, aggressive, assertive, combative, vigorous @@@@ [2]belligerent, combating, contending, embattled, fighting, in arms, warring @@@@ [3]activist, partisan @@@@ [4]belligerent, combatant, fighter, gladiator, warrior"} {"x":"military","y":"[1]armed, martial, soldierlike, soldierly, warlike @@@@ [2]armed forces, army, forces, services"} {"x":"militate","y":"[1]be detrimental to, conflict with, contend, count, counter, counteract, oppose, resist, tell, weigh @@@@ [2]advance, aid, further, help, promote"} {"x":"militia","y":"[1]fencibles @@@@ [2]National Guard @@@@ [3]reserve(s), Territorial Army @@@@ [4]trainband @@@@ [5]yeomanry"} {"x":"milk","y":"[1]drain, draw off, express, extract, let out, press, siphon, tap @@@@ [2]bleed, drain, exploit, extract, impose on, pump, take advantage of, use, wring @@@@ [3]feeble, innocuous, insipid, jejune, nerdy or nurdy @@@@ [4]vapid, weak, weedy @@@@ [5]wishy-washy"} {"x":"milksop","y":"[1]chinless wonder @@@@ [2]coward, dastard @@@@ [3]jessie @@@@ [4]namby-pamby, sissy, weakling, wimp @@@@ [5]wuss"} {"x":"mill","y":"[1]factory, foundry, plant, shop, works @@@@ [2]crusher, grinder @@@@ [3]average, bog-standard @@@@ [4]commonplace, everyday, fair, middling, ordinary, routine, unexceptional, unremarkable @@@@ [5]comminute, crush, granulate, grate, grind, pound, powder, press, pulverize @@@@ [6]crowd, seethe, swarm, throng @@@@ [7]average, banal, bog-standard @@@@ [8]common, commonplace, dime-a-dozen @@@@ [9]fair, mediocre, middling, modest, no great shakes @@@@ [10]ordinary, passable, tolerable, undistinguished, unexceptional, unexciting, unimpressive, vanilla"} {"x":"mime","y":"[1]dumb show, gesture, mummery, pantomime @@@@ [2]act out, gesture, pantomime, represent, simulate"} {"x":"mimic","y":"[1]ape, caricature, do @@@@ [2]imitate, impersonate, parody, take off @@@@ [3]echo, look like, mirror, resemble, simulate, take on the appearance of @@@@ [4]caricaturist, copycat @@@@ [5]imitator, impersonator, impressionist, parodist, parrot @@@@ [6]echoic, imitation, imitative, make-believe, mimetic, mock, sham, simulated"} {"x":"minatory","y":"[1]baleful, dangerous, menacing, minacious, minatorial, threatening"} {"x":"mince","y":"[1]chop, crumble, cut, grind, hash @@@@ [2]diminish, euphemize, extenuate, hold back, moderate, palliate, soften, spare, tone down, weaken @@@@ [3]attitudinize, give oneself airs, ponce @@@@ [4]pose, posture"} {"x":"mind","y":"[1]brain(s) @@@@ [2]grey matter @@@@ [3]intellect, intelligence, mentality, ratiocination, reason, sense, spirit, understanding, wits @@@@ [4]memory, recollection, remembrance @@@@ [5]brain, head, imagination, psyche @@@@ [6]brain @@@@ [7]brainbox, genius, intellect, intellectual, thinker @@@@ [8]attitude, belief, feeling, judgment, opinion, outlook, point of view, sentiment, thoughts, view, way of thinking @@@@ [9]bent, desire, disposition, fancy, inclination, intention, leaning, notion, purpose, tendency, urge, will, wish @@@@ [10]attention, concentration, thinking, thoughts @@@@ [11]judgment, marbles @@@@ [12]mental balance, rationality, reason, sanity, senses, wits @@@@ [13]dithering @@@@ [14]hesitant, shillyshallying @@@@ [15]swithering @@@@ [16]uncertain, undecided, unsure, vacillating, wavering @@@@ [17]choose, come to a decision, decide, determine, reach a decision, resolve @@@@ [18]be cognizant of, be mindful of, remember, take note of @@@@ [19]be affronted, be bothered, care, disapprove, dislike, look askance at, object, resent, take offence @@@@ [20]adhere to, attend, comply with, follow, heed, listen to, mark, note, notice, obey, observe, pay attention, pay heed to, regard, respect, take heed, watch @@@@ [21]be sure, ensure, make certain @@@@ [22]attend to, guard, have charge of, keep an eye on, look after, take care of, tend, watch @@@@ [23]be careful, be cautious, be on (one's) guard, be wary, take care, watch @@@@ [24]be careful, be on one's guard, beware, keep one's eyes open, look out, pay attention, take care, watch @@@@ [25]head, imagination, memory, mind, recollection, remembrance @@@@ [26]alertness, aplomb, calmness, composure, cool @@@@ [27]coolness, imperturbability, level-headedness, phlegm, quickness, sang-froid, self-assurance, self-command, self-possession, wits"} {"x":"mine","y":"[1]coalfield, colliery, deposit, excavation, lode, pit, shaft, vein @@@@ [2]abundance, fund, hoard, reserve, source, stock, store, supply, treasury, wealth @@@@ [3]sap, trench, tunnel @@@@ [4]delve, dig for, dig up, excavate, extract, hew, quarry, unearth @@@@ [5]sap, subvert, tunnel, undermine, weaken"} {"x":"miner","y":"[1]coalminer, collier @@@@ [2]pitman"} {"x":"mingle","y":"[1]admix, alloy, blend, coalesce, combine, commingle, compound, intermingle, intermix, interweave, join, marry, meld, merge, mix, unite @@@@ [2]associate, circulate, consort, fraternize, hang about or around, hang out @@@@ [3]hobnob, rub shoulders @@@@ [4]socialize"} {"x":"miniature","y":"[1]baby, diminutive, dwarf, Lilliputian, little, midget, mini, minuscule, minute, pocket, pygmy or pigmy, reduced, scaled-down, small, teensy-weensy, teeny-weeny, tiny, toy, wee"} {"x":"minimal","y":"[1]least, least possible, littlest, minimum, nominal, slightest, smallest, token"} {"x":"minimize","y":"[1]abbreviate, attenuate, curtail, decrease, diminish, downsize, miniaturize, prune, reduce, shrink @@@@ [2]belittle, decry, deprecate, depreciate, discount, disparage, make light or little of, play down, underestimate, underrate"} {"x":"minimum","y":"[1]bottom, depth, least, lowest, nadir, slightest @@@@ [2]least, least possible, littlest, lowest, minimal, slightest, smallest"} {"x":"minion","y":"[1]bootlicker @@@@ [2]cohort @@@@ [3]creature, darling, dependant, favourite, flatterer, flunky, follower, hanger-on, henchman, hireling, lackey, lickspittle, myrmidon, parasite, pet, sycophant, toady, underling, yes man"} {"x":"minister","y":"[1]chaplain, churchman, clergyman, cleric, divine, ecclesiastic, padre @@@@ [2]parson, pastor, preacher, priest, rector, vicar @@@@ [3]administrator, ambassador, cabinet member, delegate, diplomat, envoy, executive, office-holder, official, plenipotentiary @@@@ [4]agent, aide, assistant, lieutenant, servant, subordinate, underling @@@@ [5]accommodate, administer, answer, attend, be solicitous of, cater to, pander to, serve, take care of, tend"} {"x":"ministration","y":"[1]aid, assistance, favour, help, patronage, relief, service, succour, support"} {"x":"ministry","y":"[1]administration, bureau, cabinet, council, department, government, office, quango @@@@ [2]holy orders, the church, the priesthood, the pulpit"} {"x":"minor","y":"[1]inconsequential, inconsiderable, inferior, insignificant, junior, lesser, light, negligible, nickel-and-dime @@@@ [2]paltry, petty, secondary, slight, small, smaller, subordinate, trifling, trivial, unimportant, younger"} {"x":"minstrel","y":"[1]bard, harper, jongleur, musician, singer, songstress, troubadour"} {"x":"mint","y":"[1]bomb @@@@ [2]bundle @@@@ [3]fortune, heap @@@@ [4]King's ransom, million, packet @@@@ [5]pile @@@@ [6]brand-new, excellent, first-class, fresh, perfect, unblemished, undamaged, untarnished @@@@ [7]cast, coin, make, produce, punch, stamp, strike @@@@ [8]coin, construct, devise, fabricate, fashion, forge, invent, make up, produce, think up"} {"x":"minuscule","y":"[1]diminutive, fine, infinitesimal, Lilliputian, little, microscopic, miniature, minute, teensy-weensy, teeny-weeny, tiny, very small"} {"x":"minute","y":"[1]diminutive, fine, infinitesimal, Lilliputian, little, microscopic, miniature, minuscule, slender, small, teensy-weensy, teeny-weeny, tiny @@@@ [2]inconsiderable, negligible, paltry, petty, picayune @@@@ [3]piddling @@@@ [4]puny, slight, trifling, trivial, unimportant @@@@ [5]close, critical, detailed, exact, exhaustive, meticulous, painstaking, precise, punctilious"} {"x":"minutes","y":"[1]memorandum, notes, proceedings, record(s), transactions, transcript @@@@ [2]flash, instant, jiffy @@@@ [3]moment, second, shake @@@@ [4]tick @@@@ [5]trice @@@@ [6]any moment, any second, any time, at any time, before long, very soon @@@@ [7]all the rage, in, latest, modish, (most) fashionable, newest, now @@@@ [8]smart, stylish, trendiest, trendy @@@@ [9]up to date, vogue, with it"} {"x":"minx","y":"[1]baggage @@@@ [2]coquette, flirt, hoyden, hussy, jade, tomboy, wanton"} {"x":"miracle","y":"[1]marvel, phenomenon, prodigy, thaumaturgy, wonder"} {"x":"miraculous","y":"[1]amazing, astonishing, astounding, extraordinary, incredible, inexplicable, magical, marvellous, phenomenal, preternatural, prodigious, superhuman, supernatural, thaumaturgic, unaccountable, unbelievable, wonderful, wondrous"} {"x":"mirage","y":"[1]hallucination, illusion, optical illusion, phantasm"} {"x":"mire","y":"[1]bog, marsh, morass, quagmire, swamp @@@@ [2]dirt, gloop @@@@ [3]grot @@@@ [4]muck, mud, ooze, slime, slob @@@@ [5]encumbered, entangled, in difficulties, in trouble @@@@ [6]bog down, flounder, sink, stick in the mud @@@@ [7]begrime, besmirch, bespatter, cake, dirty, muddy, soil @@@@ [8]catch up, enmesh, entangle, involve"} {"x":"mirror","y":"[1]glass, looking-glass, reflector, speculum @@@@ [2]copy, double, image, likeness, reflection, replica, representation, twin @@@@ [3]copy, depict, echo, emulate, follow, reflect, represent, show"} {"x":"mirth","y":"[1]amusement, cheerfulness, festivity, frolic, fun, gaiety, gladness, glee, hilarity, jocularity, jollity, joviality, joyousness, laughter, levity, merriment, merrymaking, pleasure, rejoicing, revelry, sport"} {"x":"misadventure","y":"[1]accident, bad break @@@@ [2]bad luck, bummer @@@@ [3]calamity, catastrophe, debacle, disaster, failure, ill fortune, ill luck, mischance, misfortune, mishap, reverse, setback"} {"x":"misanthrope","y":"[1]cynic, egoist, egotist, mankind-hater, misanthropist"} {"x":"misanthropic","y":"[1]antisocial, cynical, egoistic, inhumane, malevolent, unfriendly, unsociable"} {"x":"misanthropy","y":"[1]cynicism, egoism, hatred of mankind, inhumanity, malevolence"} {"x":"misapply","y":"[1]abuse, misappropriate, misemploy, misuse, pervert"} {"x":"misapprehend","y":"[1]get hold of the wrong end of the stick, get one's lines crossed, get the wrong idea or impression, misconceive, misconstrue, misinterpret, misread, mistake, misunderstand"} {"x":"misappropriate","y":"[1]cabbage @@@@ [2]defalcate @@@@ [3]embezzle, misapply, misspend, misuse, peculate, pocket, steal, swindle"} {"x":"misbegotten","y":"[1]dishonest, disreputable, ill-gotten, illicit, purloined, shady @@@@ [2]stolen, unlawful, unrespectable @@@@ [3]abortive, hare-brained, ill-advised, ill-conceived, poorly thought-out @@@@ [4]bastard, born out of wedlock, illegitimate, natural, spurious"} {"x":"misbehave","y":"[1]act up @@@@ [2]be bad, be insubordinate, be naughty, carry on @@@@ [3]muck about"} {"x":"miscalculate","y":"[1]blunder, calculate wrongly, err, get (it) wrong, go wrong, make a mistake, misjudge, overestimate, overrate, slip up, underestimate, underrate"} {"x":"miscarry","y":"[1]abort @@@@ [2]come to grief, come to nothing, fail, fall through, gang agley @@@@ [3]go amiss, go astray, go awry, go wrong, misfire"} {"x":"miscellaneous","y":"[1]assorted, confused, diverse, diversified, farraginous, heterogeneous, indiscriminate, jumbled, manifold, many, mingled, mixed, motley, multifarious, multiform, promiscuous, sundry, varied, various"} {"x":"miscellany","y":"[1]anthology, assortment, collection, diversity, farrago, gallimaufry, hotchpotch, jumble, medley, melange, mixed bag, mixture, omnium-gatherum, potpourri, salmagundi, variety"} {"x":"mischance","y":"[1]accident, bad break @@@@ [2]bad luck, bummer @@@@ [3]calamity, contretemps, disaster, ill chance, ill fortune, ill luck, infelicity, misadventure, misfortune, mishap"} {"x":"mischief","y":"[1]devilment, impishness, misbehaviour, monkey business @@@@ [2]naughtiness, pranks, roguery, roguishness, shenanigans @@@@ [3]trouble, waywardness @@@@ [4]damage, detriment, disadvantage, disruption, evil, harm, hurt, injury, misfortune, trouble @@@@ [5]devil, imp, monkey, nuisance, pest, rascal, rogue, scallywag @@@@ [6]scamp, tyke @@@@ [7]villain"} {"x":"mischievous","y":"[1]arch, bad, badly behaved, exasperating, frolicsome, impish, ludic @@@@ [2]naughty, playful, puckish, rascally, roguish, sportive, teasing, troublesome, vexatious, wayward @@@@ [3]bad, damaging, deleterious, destructive, detrimental, evil, harmful, hurtful, injurious, malicious, malignant, pernicious, sinful, spiteful, troublesome, vicious, wicked"} {"x":"misconceive","y":"[1]fail to understand, get one's lines crossed, get the wrong idea (about), misapprehend, misconstrue, misjudge, mistake, misunderstand"} {"x":"misconduct","y":"[1]delinquency, dereliction, immorality, impropriety, malfeasance @@@@ [2]malpractice, malversation @@@@ [3]misbehaviour, misdemeanour, mismanagement, naughtiness, rudeness, transgression, unethical behaviour, wrongdoing @@@@ [4]behave badly, botch (up), bungle, err, make a mess of, misdirect, mismanage, sin"} {"x":"misconstrue","y":"[1]get a false impression, get one's lines crossed, make a wrong interpretation, misapprehend, misconceive, misinterpret, misjudge, misread, mistake, mistranslate, misunderstand, take the wrong way"} {"x":"miscreant","y":"[1]blackguard, caitiff @@@@ [2]criminal, evildoer, knave @@@@ [3]malefactor, rascal, reprobate, rogue, scally @@@@ [4]scoundrel, sinner, skelm @@@@ [5]vagabond, villain, wrongdoer @@@@ [6]corrupt, criminal, depraved, evil, iniquitous, nefarious, rascally, reprehensible, reprobate, scoundrelly, unprincipled, vicious, villainous, wicked"} {"x":"miser","y":"[1]cheapskate @@@@ [2]churl @@@@ [3]curmudgeon, hunks @@@@ [4]niggard, penny-pincher @@@@ [5]screw @@@@ [6]Scrooge, skinflint, tight-arse @@@@ [7]tight-ass @@@@ [8]tightwad"} {"x":"miserable","y":"[1]afflicted, broken-hearted, crestfallen, dejected, depressed, desolate, despondent, disconsolate, dismal, distressed, doleful, down, downcast, down in the dumps @@@@ [2]forlorn, gloomy, heartbroken, low, melancholy, mournful, sorrowful, unhappy, woebegone, wretched @@@@ [3]destitute, dirt-poor @@@@ [4]impoverished, indigent, meagre, needy, penniless, poor, poverty-stricken, scanty, short, without two pennies to rub together @@@@ [5]abject, bad, contemptible, deplorable, despicable, detestable, disgraceful, lamentable, low, mean, pathetic, piteous, pitiable, scurvy, shabby, shameful, sordid, sorry, squalid, vile, worthless, wretched"} {"x":"misery","y":"[1]agony, anguish, depression, desolation, despair, discomfort, distress, gloom, grief, hardship, melancholy, sadness, sorrow, suffering, torment, torture, unhappiness, woe, wretchedness @@@@ [2]affliction, bitter pill @@@@ [3]burden, calamity, catastrophe, curse, disaster, hardship, load, misfortune, ordeal, sorrow, trial, tribulation, trouble, woe @@@@ [4]destitution, indigence, need, penury, poverty, privation, sordidness, squalor, want, wretchedness @@@@ [5]grouch @@@@ [6]killjoy, moaner, pessimist, prophet of doom, sourpuss @@@@ [7]spoilsport, wet blanket @@@@ [8]wowser"} {"x":"misfortune","y":"[1]bad luck, evil fortune, hard luck, ill luck, infelicity @@@@ [2]accident, adversity, affliction, blow, bummer @@@@ [3]calamity, disaster, evil chance, failure, hardship, harm, loss, misadventure, mischance, misery, mishap, reverse, setback, stroke of bad luck, tragedy, trial, tribulation, trouble, whammy"} {"x":"mishap","y":"[1]accident, adversity, bad luck, calamity, contretemps, disaster, evil chance, evil fortune, hard luck, ill fortune, ill luck, infelicity, misadventure, mischance, misfortune"} {"x":"mishmash","y":"[1]farrago, gallimaufry, hash, hotchpotch, jumble, medley, potpourri, salmagundi"} {"x":"misinform","y":"[1]misdirect, misguide, mislead"} {"x":"misinterpret","y":"[1]distort, falsify, get wrong, misapprehend, misconceive, misconstrue, misjudge, misread, misrepresent, mistake, misunderstand, pervert"} {"x":"misjudge","y":"[1]be wrong about, get the wrong idea about, miscalculate, overestimate, overrate, underestimate, underrate"} {"x":"mislay","y":"[1]be unable to find, be unable to put or lay one's hand on, forget the whereabouts of, lose, lose track of, misplace, miss"} {"x":"misprint","y":"[1]corrigendum, erratum, literal, mistake, printing error, typo @@@@ [2]typographical error"} {"x":"misquote","y":"[1]distort, falsify, garble, mangle, misreport, misrepresent, misstate, muddle, pervert, quote or take out of context, twist"} {"x":"misrepresent","y":"[1]belie, disguise, distort, falsify, garble, misinterpret, misstate, pervert, twist"} {"x":"misrule","y":"[1]bad government, maladministration, misgovernment, mismanagement @@@@ [2]anarchy, chaos, confusion, disorder, lawlessness, tumult, turmoil"} {"x":"miss","y":"[1]avoid, be late for, blunder, err, escape, evade, fail, fail to grasp, fail to notice, forego, lack, leave out, let go, let slip, lose, miscarry, mistake, omit, overlook, pass over, pass up, skip, slip, trip @@@@ [2]feel the loss of, hunger for, long for, need, pine for, want, wish, yearn for @@@@ [3]blunder, error, failure, fault, loss, mistake, omission, oversight, want @@@@ [4]damsel, girl, lass, lassie @@@@ [5]maid, maiden, schoolgirl, spinster, young lady"} {"x":"missile","y":"[1]projectile, rocket, weapon"} {"x":"missing","y":"[1]absent, astray, gone, lacking, left behind, left out, lost, mislaid, misplaced, not present, nowhere to be found, unaccounted-for, wanting"} {"x":"mission","y":"[1]aim, assignment, business, calling, charge, commission, duty, errand, goal, job, office, operation, purpose, pursuit, quest, task, trust, undertaking, vocation, work @@@@ [2]commission, delegation, deputation, embassy, legation, ministry, task force"} {"x":"missionary","y":"[1]apostle, converter, evangelist, preacher, propagandist, proselytizer"} {"x":"missive","y":"[1]communication, dispatch, epistle, letter, memorandum, message, note, report"} {"x":"mist","y":"[1]cloud, condensation, dew, drizzle, film, fog, haar @@@@ [2]haze, smog, smur or smir @@@@ [3]spray, steam, vapour @@@@ [4]becloud, befog, blear, blur, cloud, film, fog, obscure, steam (up)"} {"x":"mistake","y":"[1]bloomer @@@@ [2]blunder, boob @@@@ [3]boo-boo @@@@ [4]clanger @@@@ [5]erratum, error, error of judgment, false move, fault, faux pas, gaffe, goof @@@@ [6]howler @@@@ [7]inaccuracy, miscalculation, misconception, misstep, misunderstanding, oversight, slip, slip-up @@@@ [8]solecism @@@@ [9]get wrong, misapprehend, misconceive, misconstrue, misinterpret, misjudge, misread, misunderstand @@@@ [10]accept as, confound, confuse with, misinterpret as, mix up with, take for @@@@ [11]err, goof @@@@ [12]miscalculate, misjudge, put one's foot in it @@@@ [13]slip up"} {"x":"mistaken","y":"[1]erroneous, fallacious, false, faulty, getting the wrong end of the stick @@@@ [2]inaccurate, inappropriate, incorrect, in the wrong, labouring under a misapprehension, misguided, misinformed, misled, off base @@@@ [3]off beam @@@@ [4]off target, off the mark, unfounded, unsound, way off beam"} {"x":"mistreat","y":"[1]abuse, brutalize, handle roughly, harm, ill-treat, ill-use, injure, knock about or around, maltreat, manhandle, maul, misuse, molest, rough up, wrong"} {"x":"mistress","y":"[1]concubine, doxy @@@@ [2]fancy bit @@@@ [3]fancy woman @@@@ [4]floozy @@@@ [5]girlfriend, inamorata, kept woman, ladylove @@@@ [6]lover, paramour"} {"x":"misty","y":"[1]bleary, blurred, cloudy, dark, dim, foggy, fuzzy, hazy, indistinct, murky, nebulous, obscure, opaque, overcast, unclear, vague"} {"x":"misunderstand","y":"[1]be at cross-purposes, get (it) wrong, get one's lines crossed, get one's wires crossed, get the wrong end of the stick, get the wrong idea (about), misapprehend, misconceive, misconstrue, mishear, misinterpret, misjudge, misread, miss the point (of), mistake"} {"x":"misunderstood","y":"[1]misconstrued, misheard, misinterpreted, misjudged, misread, unappreciated, unrecognized"} {"x":"misuse","y":"[1]abuse, barbarism, catachresis, corruption, desecration, dissipation, malapropism, misapplication, misemployment, misusage, perversion, profanation, solecism, squandering, waste @@@@ [2]abuse, cruel treatment, exploitation, harm, ill-treatment, ill-usage, inhumane treatment, injury, maltreatment, manhandling, mistreatment, rough handling @@@@ [3]abuse, corrupt, desecrate, dissipate, misapply, misemploy, pervert, profane, prostitute, squander, waste @@@@ [4]abuse, brutalize, exploit, handle roughly, harm, ill-treat, ill-use, injure, maltreat, manhandle, maul, mistreat, molest, wrong"} {"x":"mitigate","y":"[1]abate, allay, appease, assuage, blunt, calm, check, diminish, dull, ease, extenuate, lessen, lighten, moderate, modify, mollify, pacify, palliate, placate, quiet, reduce the force of, remit, soften, soothe, subdue, take the edge off, temper, tone down, tranquillize, weaken"} {"x":"mitigation","y":"[1]abatement, allaying, alleviation, assuagement, diminution, easement, extenuation, moderation, mollification, palliation, relief, remission"} {"x":"mix","y":"[1]alloy, amalgamate, associate, blend, coalesce, combine, commingle, commix, compound, cross, fuse, incorporate, intermingle, interweave, join, jumble, meld, merge, mingle, put together, unite @@@@ [2]associate, come together, consort, fraternize, hang out @@@@ [3]hobnob, join, mingle, socialize @@@@ [4]alloy, amalgam, assortment, blend, combination, compound, fusion, medley, meld, mixed bag @@@@ [5]mixture @@@@ [6]confusion, disorder, fankle @@@@ [7]jumble, mess, mistake, misunderstanding, muddle, snarl-up @@@@ [8]tangle @@@@ [9]blend, combine, commix, mix @@@@ [10]confound, confuse, muddle @@@@ [11]bewilder, confuse, disturb, fluster, muddle, perplex, puzzle, throw into confusion, unnerve, upset @@@@ [12]embroil, entangle, implicate, involve, rope in"} {"x":"mixed","y":"[1]alloyed, amalgamated, blended, combined, composite, compound, fused, incorporated, joint, mingled, united @@@@ [2]assorted, cosmopolitan, diverse, diversified, heterogeneous, manifold, miscellaneous, motley, varied @@@@ [3]crossbred, hybrid, interbred, interdenominational, mongrel @@@@ [4]ambivalent, equivocal, indecisive, uncertain"} {"x":"mixture","y":"[1]admixture, alloy, amalgam, amalgamation, association, assortment, blend, brew, combine, composite, compound, concoction, conglomeration, cross, fusion, hotchpotch, jumble, medley, melange, meld, miscellany, mix, mixed bag @@@@ [2]potpourri, salmagundi, union, variety"} {"x":"moan","y":"[1]groan, lament, lamentation, sigh, sob, sough, wail, whine @@@@ [2]beef @@@@ [3]bitch @@@@ [4]complaint, gripe @@@@ [5]grouch @@@@ [6]grouse, grumble, kvetch @@@@ [7]protest, whine @@@@ [8]bemoan, bewail, deplore, grieve, groan, keen, lament, mourn, sigh, sob, sough, whine @@@@ [9]beef @@@@ [10]bitch @@@@ [11]bleat, carp, complain, gripe @@@@ [12]groan, grouch @@@@ [13]grouse, grumble, moan and groan, whine, whinge"} {"x":"mob","y":"[1]assemblage, body, collection, crowd, drove, flock, gang, gathering, herd, horde, host, mass, multitude, pack, press, swarm, throng @@@@ [2]class, company, crew @@@@ [3]gang, group, lot, set, troop @@@@ [4]canaille, commonalty, great unwashed @@@@ [5]hoi polloi, masses, rabble, riffraff, scum @@@@ [6]crowd around, jostle, overrun, set upon, surround, swarm around @@@@ [7]cram into, crowd, crowd into, fill, fill to overflowing, jam, pack"} {"x":"mobile","y":"[1]ambulatory, itinerant, locomotive, migrant, motile, movable, moving, peripatetic, portable, travelling, wandering @@@@ [2]animated, changeable, ever-changing, expressive"} {"x":"mobilize","y":"[1]activate, animate, call to arms, call up, get or make ready, marshal, muster, organize, prepare, put in motion, rally, ready"} {"x":"mock","y":"[1]chaff, deride, flout, insult, jeer, laugh at, laugh to scorn, make a monkey out of, make fun of, poke fun at, ridicule, scoff, scorn, show contempt for, sneer, take the mickey (out of) @@@@ [2]taunt, tease, wind up @@@@ [3]ape, burlesque, caricature, counterfeit, do @@@@ [4]imitate, lampoon, mimic, parody, satirize, send up @@@@ [5]take off @@@@ [6]travesty @@@@ [7]belie, cheat, deceive, delude, disappoint, dupe, elude, fool, let down, mislead @@@@ [8]defeat, defy, disappoint, foil, frustrate, thwart @@@@ [9]banter, derision, gibe, jeering, mockery, ridicule, scorn, sneer, sneering @@@@ [10]Aunt Sally @@@@ [11]butt, dupe, fool, jest, laughing stock, sport, travesty @@@@ [12]counterfeit, fake, forgery, fraud, imitation, phoney or phony @@@@ [13]sham @@@@ [14]artificial, bogus, counterfeit, dummy, ersatz, fake, faked, false, feigned, forged, fraudulent, imitation, phoney or phony @@@@ [15]pretended, pseudo @@@@ [16]sham, spurious"} {"x":"mode","y":"[1]approach, condition, course, custom, fashion, form, manner, method, plan, practice, procedure, process, quality, rule, state, style, system, technique, vein, way @@@@ [2]craze, fashion, look, rage, style, trend, vogue @@@@ [3]chic, fashionable, in @@@@ [4]in fashion, in vogue, latest, modish, popular, stylish, the latest rage @@@@ [5]with it"} {"x":"model","y":"[1]copy, dummy, facsimile, image, imitation, miniature, mock-up, replica, representation @@@@ [2]archetype, design, epitome, example, exemplar, gauge, ideal, lodestar, mould, norm, original, par, paradigm, paragon, pattern, prototype, standard, type @@@@ [3]poser, sitter, subject @@@@ [4]mannequin @@@@ [5]configuration, design, form, kind, mark, mode, stamp, style, type, variety, version @@@@ [6]base, carve, cast, design, fashion, form, mould, pattern, plan, sculpt, shape, stamp @@@@ [7]display, show off, sport @@@@ [8]wear @@@@ [9]copy, dummy, facsimile, imitation, miniature @@@@ [10]archetypal, exemplary, ideal, illustrative, paradigmatic, perfect, standard, typical"} {"x":"moderate","y":"[1]calm, controlled, cool, deliberate, equable, gentle, judicious, limited, middle-of-the-road, mild, modest, peaceable, reasonable, restrained, sober, steady, temperate @@@@ [2]average, fair, fairish, fair to middling @@@@ [3]indifferent, mediocre, medium, middling, ordinary, passable, so-so @@@@ [4]unexceptional @@@@ [5]abate, allay, appease, assuage, calm, clear the air, control, curb, decrease, diminish, ease, lessen, mitigate, modulate, pacify, play down, quiet, regulate, relax, repress, restrain, soften, soft-pedal @@@@ [6]subdue, tame, temper, tone down @@@@ [7]arbitrate, chair, judge, mediate, preside, referee, take the chair"} {"x":"moderation","y":"[1]calmness, composure, coolness, equanimity, fairness, judiciousness, justice, justness, mildness, moderateness, reasonableness, restraint, sedateness, temperance @@@@ [2]moderately, within limits, within reason"} {"x":"modern","y":"[1]contemporary, current, fresh, late, latest, neoteric @@@@ [2]new, newfangled, novel, present, present-day, recent, twentieth-century, up-to-date, up-to-the-minute, with it"} {"x":"modernity","y":"[1]contemporaneity, currency, freshness, innovation, newness, novelty, recentness"} {"x":"modest","y":"[1]bashful, blushing, coy, demure, diffident, discreet, humble, meek, quiet, reserved, reticent, retiring, self-conscious, self-effacing, shy, simple, unassuming, unpretentious @@@@ [2]fair, limited, middling, moderate, ordinary, small, unexceptional"} {"x":"modicum","y":"[1]atom, bit, crumb, dash, drop, fragment, grain, inch, iota, little, mite, ounce, particle, pinch, scrap, shred, small amount, speck, tad @@@@ [2]tinge, touch"} {"x":"modification","y":"[1]adjustment, alteration, change, modulation, mutation, qualification, refinement, reformation, restriction, revision, variation"} {"x":"modify","y":"[1]adapt, adjust, alter, change, convert, recast, redo, refashion, reform, remodel, reorganize, reshape, revise, rework, transform, tweak @@@@ [2]vary @@@@ [3]abate, ease, lessen, limit, lower, moderate, qualify, reduce, relax, restrain, restrict, soften, temper, tone down"} {"x":"modish","y":"[1]a la mode, all the rage, chic, contemporary, current, fashionable, hip @@@@ [2]in, now @@@@ [3]smart, stylish, trendy @@@@ [4]up-to-the-minute, vogue, voguish, with it"} {"x":"modulate","y":"[1]adjust, attune, balance, harmonize, inflect, regulate, tone, tune, vary"} {"x":"mogul","y":"[1]baron, bashaw, big cheese @@@@ [2]big gun @@@@ [3]big noise @@@@ [4]big shot @@@@ [5]big wheel @@@@ [6]lord, magnate, nabob @@@@ [7]nob @@@@ [8]notable, personage, potentate, tycoon, V.I.P. @@@@ [9]A mogul is an important, rich, and powerful businessman, especially one in the news, film, or television industry."} {"x":"moiety","y":"[1]fifty percent, half, part, piece, portion, share"} {"x":"moist","y":"[1]clammy, damp, dampish, dank, dewy, dripping, drizzly, humid, not dry, rainy, soggy, wet, wettish"} {"x":"moisten","y":"[1]bedew, damp, dampen, humidify, lick, moisturize, soak, water, wet"} {"x":"moisture","y":"[1]damp, dampness, dankness, dew, humidity, liquid, perspiration, sweat, water, wateriness, wetness"} {"x":"mole","y":"[1]breakwater, dike, dyke, embankment, groyne, jetty, pier, sea wall"} {"x":"molecule","y":"[1]atom, iota, jot, mite, mote, particle, speck"} {"x":"molest","y":"[1]abuse, afflict, annoy, badger, beset, bother, bug @@@@ [2]disturb, harass, harry, hector, irritate, persecute, pester, plague, tease, torment, upset, vex, worry @@@@ [3]abuse, accost, assail, attack, harm, hurt, ill-treat, injure, interfere with, maltreat, manhandle"} {"x":"mollify","y":"[1]appease, calm, compose, conciliate, pacify, placate, pour oil on troubled waters, propitiate, quell, quiet, soothe, sweeten @@@@ [2]abate, allay, assuage, blunt, curb, cushion, ease, lessen, lull, mitigate, moderate, modify, relieve, soften, temper, tone down, tranquillize"} {"x":"mollycoddle","y":"[1]baby, coddle, cosset, indulge, pamper, pet, ruin, spoil @@@@ [2]baby, chinless wonder @@@@ [3]crybaby, milksop, milquetoast @@@@ [4]namby-pamby, sissy, weakling"} {"x":"moment","y":"[1]flash, instant, jiffy @@@@ [2]minute, no time, second, shake @@@@ [3]split second, tick @@@@ [4]trice, twinkling, two shakes @@@@ [5]hour, instant, juncture, point, point in time, stage, time @@@@ [6]concern, consequence, gravity, import, importance, seriousness, significance, substance, value, weight, weightiness, worth"} {"x":"momentarily","y":"[1]briefly, for a little while, for a minute, for a moment, for an instant, for a second, for a short time, for a short while, for the nonce, temporarily"} {"x":"momentary","y":"[1]brief, ephemeral, evanescent, fleeting, flying, fugitive, hasty, passing, quick, short, short-lived, temporary, transitory"} {"x":"momentous","y":"[1]consequential, critical, crucial, decisive, earth-shaking @@@@ [2]fateful, grave, historic, important, of moment, pivotal, serious, significant, vital, weighty"} {"x":"momentum","y":"[1]drive, energy, force, impetus, power, propulsion, push, strength, thrust"} {"x":"monarch","y":"[1]crowned head, emperor, empress, king, potentate, prince, princess, queen, ruler, sovereign"} {"x":"monarchy","y":"[1]absolutism, autocracy, despotism, kingship, monocracy, royalism, sovereignty @@@@ [2]empire, kingdom, principality, realm"} {"x":"monastery","y":"[1]abbey, cloister, convent, friary, house, nunnery, priory, religious community"} {"x":"monastic","y":"[1]ascetic, austere, celibate, cenobitic, cloistered, cloistral, coenobitic, contemplative, conventual, eremitic, hermit-like, monachal, monkish, recluse, reclusive, secluded, sequestered, withdrawn"} {"x":"monetary","y":"[1]budgetary, capital, cash, financial, fiscal, pecuniary"} {"x":"money","y":"[1]ackers @@@@ [2]banknotes, brass @@@@ [3]bread @@@@ [4]capital, cash, coin, currency, dibs @@@@ [5]dosh @@@@ [6]dough @@@@ [7]filthy lucre @@@@ [8]funds, gelt @@@@ [9]green @@@@ [10]hard cash, legal tender, lolly @@@@ [11]loot @@@@ [12]mazuma @@@@ [13]megabucks @@@@ [14]moolah @@@@ [15]necessary @@@@ [16]needful @@@@ [17]pelf @@@@ [18]readies @@@@ [19]rhino @@@@ [20]riches, shekels @@@@ [21]silver, specie, spondulicks @@@@ [22]the ready @@@@ [23]the wherewithal, tin @@@@ [24]wealth @@@@ [25]affluent, flush @@@@ [26]in clover @@@@ [27]loaded @@@@ [28]prosperous, rich, rolling @@@@ [29]wealthy, well-heeled @@@@ [30]well-off, well-to-do"} {"x":"mongrel","y":"[1]bigener @@@@ [2]cross, crossbreed, half-breed, hybrid, mixed breed @@@@ [3]bastard, crossbred, half-breed, hybrid, of mixed breed"} {"x":"monitor","y":"[1]guide, invigilator, overseer, prefect @@@@ [2]supervisor, watchdog @@@@ [3]check, follow, keep an eye on, keep tabs on, keep track of, observe, oversee, record, scan, supervise, survey, watch"} {"x":"monitory","y":"[1]admonishing, admonitory, cautionary, cautioning, reproving, warning"} {"x":"monk","y":"[1]brother, friar @@@@ [2]monastic, religious"} {"x":"monkey","y":"[1]jackanapes @@@@ [2]primate, simian @@@@ [3]devil, imp, mischief maker, pickle @@@@ [4]rascal, rogue, scamp @@@@ [5]ass, butt, dupe, fool, laughing stock @@@@ [6]fiddle @@@@ [7]fool, interfere, meddle, mess, play, tamper, tinker, trifle @@@@ [8]carry-on @@@@ [9]clowning, horseplay, mischief, monkey tricks, pranks, shenanigans @@@@ [10]skylarking @@@@ [11]tomfoolery @@@@ [12]chicanery, dishonesty, funny business, hanky-panky @@@@ [13]skulduggery @@@@ [14]trickery"} {"x":"monolithic","y":"[1]colossal, giant, gigantic, huge, immovable, impenetrable, imposing, intractable, massive, monumental, solid, substantial, undifferentiated, undivided, unitary"} {"x":"monologue","y":"[1]harangue, lecture, sermon, soliloquy, speech"} {"x":"monomania","y":"[1]fanaticism, fixation, hobbyhorse, idee fixe, obsession, one-track mind"} {"x":"monopolize","y":"[1]control, corner, corner the market in, dominate, engross, exercise or have a monopoly of, hog @@@@ [2]keep to oneself, take over, take up"} {"x":"monotonous","y":"[1]all the same, boring, colourless, droning, dull, flat, ho-hum @@@@ [2]humdrum, mind-numbing, plodding, repetitious, repetitive, samey @@@@ [3]soporific, tedious, tiresome, toneless, unchanging, uniform, uninflected, unvaried, wearisome"} {"x":"monster","y":"[1]barbarian, beast, bogeyman, brute, demon, devil, fiend, ghoul, ogre, savage, villain @@@@ [2]abortion, freak, lusus naturae, miscreation, monstrosity, mutant, teratism @@@@ [3]behemoth, Brobdingnagian, colossus, giant, leviathan, mammoth, titan @@@@ [4]Brobdingnagian, colossal, elephantine, enormous, gargantuan, giant, gigantic, ginormous @@@@ [5]immense, jumbo @@@@ [6]mammoth, massive, mega @@@@ [7]monstrous, stellar @@@@ [8]stupendous, titanic, tremendous"} {"x":"monstrosity","y":"[1]abortion, eyesore, freak, horror, lusus naturae, miscreation, monster, mutant, ogre, teratism @@@@ [2]abnormality, atrocity, dreadfulness, evil, frightfulness, heinousness, hellishness, hideousness, horror, loathsomeness, obscenity"} {"x":"monstrous","y":"[1]abnormal, dreadful, enormous, fiendish, freakish, frightful, grotesque, gruesome, hellish, hideous, horrendous, horrible, miscreated, obscene, teratoid, terrible, unnatural @@@@ [2]atrocious, cruel, devilish, diabolical, disgraceful, egregious, evil, fiendish, foul, heinous, horrifying, infamous, inhuman, intolerable, loathsome, odious, outrageous, satanic, scandalous, shocking, vicious, villainous @@@@ [3]colossal, elephantine, enormous, gargantuan, giant, gigantic, ginormous @@@@ [4]great, huge, humongous or humungous @@@@ [5]immense, mammoth, massive, mega @@@@ [6]prodigious, stellar @@@@ [7]stupendous, titanic, towering, tremendous, vast"} {"x":"month","y":"[1]four weeks, moon, thirty days"} {"x":"monument","y":"[1]cairn, cenotaph, commemoration, gravestone, headstone, marker, mausoleum, memorial, obelisk, pillar, shrine, statue, tombstone @@@@ [2]memento, record, remembrance, reminder, testament, token, witness"} {"x":"monumental","y":"[1]awe-inspiring, awesome, classic, enduring, enormous, epoch-making, historic, immortal, important, lasting, majestic, memorable, outstanding, prodigious, significant, stupendous, unforgettable @@@@ [2]commemorative, cyclopean, funerary, memorial, monolithic, statuary @@@@ [3]catastrophic, colossal, egregious, gigantic, great, horrible, immense, indefensible, massive, staggering, terrible, tremendous, unforgivable, whopping"} {"x":"mood","y":"[1]disposition, frame of mind, humour, spirit, state of mind, temper, tenor, vein @@@@ [2]bad temper, bate @@@@ [3]blues, depression, doldrums, dumps @@@@ [4]low spirits, melancholy, sulk, the hump @@@@ [5]the sulks, wax @@@@ [6]disposed (towards), eager, favourable, inclined, interested, in the (right) frame of mind, keen, minded, willing"} {"x":"moody","y":"[1]angry, broody, cantankerous, crabbed, crabby, crestfallen, cross, crotchety @@@@ [2]crusty, curt, dismal, doleful, dour, downcast, down in the dumps @@@@ [3]frowning, gloomy, glum, huffish, huffy, ill-humoured, ill-tempered, in a huff, in the doldrums, introspective, irascible, irritable, lugubrious, melancholy, miserable, mopish, mopy, morose, offended, out of sorts @@@@ [4]pensive, petulant, piqued, sad, saturnine, short-tempered, splenetic, sulky, sullen, temperamental, testy, tetchy, touchy, waspish, wounded @@@@ [5]capricious, changeable, erratic, faddish, fickle, fitful, flighty, impulsive, inconstant, mercurial, temperamental, unpredictable, unstable, unsteady, volatile"} {"x":"moon","y":"[1]satellite @@@@ [2]almost never, hardly ever, rarely, very seldom @@@@ [3]daydream, idle, languish, mooch @@@@ [4]mope, waste time"} {"x":"moor","y":"[1]fell @@@@ [2]heath, moorland, muir @@@@ [3]anchor, berth, dock, fasten, fix, lash, make fast, secure, tie up"} {"x":"moot","y":"[1]arguable, at issue, contestable, controversial, debatable, disputable, doubtful, open, open to debate, undecided, unresolved, unsettled @@@@ [2]bring up, broach, introduce, propose, put forward, suggest, ventilate"} {"x":"mop","y":"[1]sponge, squeegee, swab @@@@ [2]mane, shock, tangle, thatch @@@@ [3]clean, soak up, sponge, swab, wash, wipe @@@@ [4]clean up, mop, soak up, sponge, swab, wash, wipe @@@@ [5]account for, clean out, clear, eliminate, finish off, neutralize, pacify, round up, secure"} {"x":"mope","y":"[1]be gloomy, brood, eat one's heart out, fret, go about like a half-shut knife @@@@ [2]hang around, have a long face, idle, languish, moon, pine, pout, sulk, waste time, wear a long face"} {"x":"moral","y":"[1]ethical @@@@ [2]blameless, chaste, decent, ethical, good, high-minded, honest, honourable, incorruptible, innocent, just, meritorious, noble, principled, proper, pure, right, righteous, upright, upstanding, virtuous @@@@ [3]lesson, meaning, message, point, significance @@@@ [4]adage, aphorism, apophthegm, epigram, gnome, maxim, motto, proverb, saw, saying"} {"x":"morale","y":"[1]confidence, esprit de corps, heart, mettle, self-esteem, spirit, temper"} {"x":"morality","y":"[1]chastity, decency, ethicality, ethicalness, goodness, honesty, integrity, justice, principle, rectitude, righteousness, rightness, uprightness, virtue @@@@ [2]conduct, ethics, habits, ideals, manners, moral code, morals, mores, philosophy, principles, standards"} {"x":"morass","y":"[1]bog, fen, marsh, marshland, moss @@@@ [2]quagmire, slough, swamp @@@@ [3]chaos, confusion, jam @@@@ [4]mess, mix-up, muddle, quagmire, tangle"} {"x":"moratorium","y":"[1]freeze, halt, postponement, respite, standstill, stay, suspension"} {"x":"morbid","y":"[1]brooding, funereal, ghoulish, gloomy, grim, melancholy, pessimistic, sick, sombre, unhealthy, unwholesome @@@@ [2]dreadful, ghastly, grisly, gruesome, hideous, horrid, macabre @@@@ [3]ailing, deadly, diseased, infected, malignant, pathological, sick, sickly, unhealthy, unsound"} {"x":"mordant","y":"[1]acerbic, acid, acrimonious, astringent, biting, caustic, cutting, edged, harsh, incisive, mordacious, pungent, sarcastic, scathing, sharp, stinging, trenchant, venomous, vitriolic, waspish @@@@ [2]acid, acidic, caustic, corrosive, pungent, vitriolic"} {"x":"more","y":"[1]added, additional, extra, fresh, further, new, other, spare, supplementary @@@@ [2]better, further, longer, to a greater extent"} {"x":"moreover","y":"[1]additionally, also, as well, besides, further, furthermore, in addition, into the bargain, likewise, to boot, too, what is more, withal"} {"x":"mores","y":"[1]added, additional, extra, fresh, further, new, other, spare, supplementary @@@@ [2]better, further, longer, to a greater extent"} {"x":"morgue","y":"[1]mortuary"} {"x":"moribund","y":"[1]at death's door, breathing one's last, doomed, dying, fading fast, failing, (having) one foot in the grave, in extremis, near death, near the end, on one's deathbed, on one's last legs @@@@ [2]at a standstill, declining, forceless, obsolescent, on its last legs, on the way out, stagnant, stagnating, standing still, waning, weak"} {"x":"morning","y":"[1]a.m., break of day, dawn, daybreak, forenoon, morn @@@@ [2]morrow @@@@ [3]sunrise"} {"x":"moron","y":"[1]airhead @@@@ [2]ass, berk @@@@ [3]blockhead, bonehead @@@@ [4]charlie @@@@ [5]chump, coot, cretin, dickhead @@@@ [6]dickwit @@@@ [7]dimwit @@@@ [8]dipstick @@@@ [9]divvy @@@@ [10]dolt, dope @@@@ [11]dork @@@@ [12]dummy @@@@ [13]dunce, dunderhead, dweeb @@@@ [14]fathead @@@@ [15]fool, fuckwit @@@@ [16]geek @@@@ [17]gobshite @@@@ [18]gonzo @@@@ [19]halfwit, idiot, imbecile, jerk @@@@ [20]lamebrain @@@@ [21]mental defective, muttonhead @@@@ [22]nitwit @@@@ [23]oaf, pillock @@@@ [24]plank @@@@ [25]plonker @@@@ [26]prat @@@@ [27]prick @@@@ [28]schmuck @@@@ [29]simpleton, thickhead, tosser @@@@ [30]twit @@@@ [31]wally @@@@ [32]weenie"} {"x":"moronic","y":"[1]asinine, Boeotian, braindead @@@@ [2]brainless, cretinous, daft @@@@ [3]dimwitted @@@@ [4]doltish, foolish, gormless @@@@ [5]halfwitted, idiotic, imbecilic, mentally defective, mindless, muttonheaded @@@@ [6]retarded, simple, stupid, thick, unintelligent"} {"x":"morose","y":"[1]blue, churlish, crabbed, crabby, cross, crusty, depressed, dour, down, down in the dumps @@@@ [2]gloomy, glum, grouchy @@@@ [3]gruff, ill-humoured, ill-natured, ill-tempered, in a bad mood, low, melancholy, miserable, moody, mournful, perverse, pessimistic, saturnine, sour, sulky, sullen, surly, taciturn"} {"x":"morsel","y":"[1]bit, bite, crumb, fraction, fragment, grain, mouthful, nibble, part, piece, scrap, segment, slice, snack, soupcon, tad @@@@ [2]taste, titbit"} {"x":"mortal","y":"[1]corporeal, earthly, ephemeral, human, impermanent, passing, sublunary, temporal, transient, worldly @@@@ [2]deadly, death-dealing, destructive, fatal, killing, lethal, murderous, terminal @@@@ [3]bitter, deadly, implacable, irreconcilable, out-and-out, remorseless, sworn, to the death, unrelenting @@@@ [4]agonizing, awful, dire, enormous, extreme, grave, great, intense, serious, severe, terrible @@@@ [5]being, body, earthling, human, human being, individual, man, person, woman"} {"x":"mortality","y":"[1]ephemerality, humanity, impermanence, temporality, transience @@@@ [2]bloodshed, carnage, death, destruction, fatality, killing, loss of life"} {"x":"mortification","y":"[1]abasement, annoyance, chagrin, discomfiture, dissatisfaction, embarrassment, humiliation, loss of face, shame, vexation @@@@ [2]abasement, chastening, control, denial, discipline, subjugation @@@@ [3]corruption, festering, gangrene, necrosis, putrescence"} {"x":"mortify","y":"[1]abase, abash, affront, annoy, chagrin, chasten, confound, crush, deflate, disappoint, discomfit, displease, embarrass, humble, humiliate, make (someone) eat humble pie @@@@ [2]put down, put to shame, shame, take (someone) down a peg @@@@ [3]vex @@@@ [4]abase, chasten, control, deny, discipline, subdue @@@@ [5]become gangrenous, corrupt, deaden, die, fester, gangrene, necrose, putrefy"} {"x":"mortuary","y":"[1]funeral home @@@@ [2]funeral parlour, morgue"} {"x":"mostly","y":"[1]above all, almost entirely, as a rule, chiefly, customarily, for the most part, generally, largely, mainly, most often, on the whole, particularly, predominantly, primarily, principally, usually"} {"x":"mote","y":"[1]atom, grain, mite, particle, speck, spot"} {"x":"mother","y":"[1]dam, ma @@@@ [2]mater, mom @@@@ [3]mum @@@@ [4]mummy @@@@ [5]old lady @@@@ [6]old woman @@@@ [7]connate, inborn, innate, native, natural @@@@ [8]bear, bring forth, drop, give birth to, produce @@@@ [9]care for, cherish, nurse, nurture, protect, raise, rear, tend @@@@ [10]baby, fuss over, indulge, pamper, spoil @@@@ [11]brains, common sense, gumption @@@@ [12]horse sense, judgment, native intelligence, nous @@@@ [13]savvy @@@@ [14]smarts"} {"x":"motif","y":"[1]concept, idea, leitmotif, subject, theme @@@@ [2]decoration, design, form, ornament, shape"} {"x":"motion","y":"[1]action, change, flow, kinesics, locomotion, mobility, motility, move, movement, passage, passing, progress, travel @@@@ [2]gesticulation, gesture, sign, signal, wave @@@@ [3]proposal, proposition, recommendation, submission, suggestion @@@@ [4]afoot, functioning, going, in progress, moving, on the go @@@@ [5]operational, travelling, under way, working @@@@ [6]beckon, direct, gesticulate, gesture, nod, signal, wave"} {"x":"motivate","y":"[1]actuate, arouse, bring, cause, draw, drive, get going, give incentive to, impel, induce, inspire, inspirit, instigate, lead, move, persuade, prod, prompt, provoke, set off, set on, stimulate, stir, trigger"} {"x":"motivation","y":"[1]ambition, desire, drive, hunger, inspiration, interest, wish @@@@ [2]carrot and stick, impulse, incentive, incitement, inducement, inspiration, instigation, motive, persuasion, reason, spur, stimulus"} {"x":"motive","y":"[1]cause, design, ground(s), incentive, incitement, inducement, influence, inspiration, intention, mainspring, motivation, object, occasion, purpose, rationale, reason, spur, stimulus, the why and wherefore, thinking @@@@ [2]activating, driving, impelling, motivating, moving, operative, prompting"} {"x":"motley","y":"[1]assorted, disparate, dissimilar, diversified, heterogeneous, mingled, miscellaneous, mixed, unlike, varied @@@@ [2]chequered, multicoloured, particoloured, polychromatic, polychrome, polychromous, rainbow, variegated"} {"x":"motto","y":"[1]adage, byword, cry, dictum, formula, gnome, maxim, precept, proverb, rule, saw, saying, slogan, watchword"} {"x":"mound","y":"[1]bing @@@@ [2]drift, heap, pile, rick, stack @@@@ [3]bank, dune, embankment, hill, hillock, knoll, rise @@@@ [4]barrow, tumulus @@@@ [5]bulwark, earthwork, motte @@@@ [6]rampart"} {"x":"mount","y":"[1]ascend, clamber up, climb, escalade, go up, make one's way up, scale @@@@ [2]bestride, climb onto, climb up on, get astride, get (up) on, jump on @@@@ [3]arise, ascend, rise, soar, tower @@@@ [4]accumulate, build, escalate, grow, increase, intensify, multiply, pile up, swell @@@@ [5]display, frame, set, set off @@@@ [6]exhibit, get up @@@@ [7]prepare, produce, put on, stage @@@@ [8]deliver, launch, prepare, ready, set in motion, stage @@@@ [9]emplace, fit, install, place, position, put in place, set up @@@@ [10]backing, base, fixture, foil, frame, mounting, setting, stand, support @@@@ [11]horse, steed"} {"x":"mountain","y":"[1]alp, ben @@@@ [2]berg @@@@ [3]elevation, eminence, fell @@@@ [4]height, mount, Munro, peak @@@@ [5]abundance, heap, mass, mound, pile, stack, ton"} {"x":"mountebank","y":"[1]charlatan, cheat, chiseller @@@@ [2]fake, fraud, fraudster, grifter @@@@ [3]hustler @@@@ [4]pretender, quack, rogue, swindler"} {"x":"mourn","y":"[1]bemoan, bewail, deplore, grieve, keen, lament, miss, rue, sorrow, wail, wear black, weep"} {"x":"mourning","y":"[1]bereavement, grief, grieving, keening, lamentation, weeping, woe @@@@ [2]black, sackcloth and ashes, weeds, widow's weeds"} {"x":"mouth","y":"[1]chops @@@@ [2]gob @@@@ [3]jaws, lips, maw, trap @@@@ [4]yap @@@@ [5]boasting, braggadocio, bragging, empty talk, gas @@@@ [6]hot air @@@@ [7]idle talk @@@@ [8]backchat @@@@ [9]cheek @@@@ [10]impudence, insolence, lip @@@@ [11]rudeness, sauce @@@@ [12]aperture, cavity, crevice, door, entrance, gateway, inlet, lips, opening, orifice, rim @@@@ [13]face, grimace, moue, pout, wry face @@@@ [14]blue, crestfallen, dejected, depressed, disheartened, dispirited, down, downcast, down in the dumps @@@@ [15]in low spirits, melancholy, miserable, sad, sick as a parrot @@@@ [16]unhappy"} {"x":"mouthpiece","y":"[1]agent, delegate, representative, spokesman, spokeswoman @@@@ [2]journal, organ, periodical, publication"} {"x":"move","y":"[1]advance, budge, change position, drift, go, march, proceed, progress, shift, stir, walk @@@@ [2]carry, change, shift, switch, transfer, transport, transpose @@@@ [3]change residence, flit @@@@ [4]go away, leave, migrate, move house, pack one's bags @@@@ [5]quit, relocate, remove @@@@ [6]activate, drive, impel, motivate, operate, prod, propel, push, set going, shift, shove, start, turn @@@@ [7]actuate, affect, agitate, cause, excite, give rise to, impel, impress, incite, induce, influence, inspire, instigate, lead, make an impression on, motivate, persuade, prompt, rouse, stimulate, touch, tug at (someone's) heartstrings @@@@ [8]urge @@@@ [9]advocate, propose, put forward, recommend, suggest, urge @@@@ [10]act, action, deed, manoeuvre, measure, motion, movement, ploy, shift, step, stratagem, stroke, turn @@@@ [11]flitting @@@@ [12]migration, relocation, removal, shift, transfer @@@@ [13]get cracking @@@@ [14]get going, hurry (up), make haste, shake a leg @@@@ [15]stir oneself @@@@ [16]in transit, journeying, moving, on the road @@@@ [17]on the run, on the wing, travelling, under way, voyaging @@@@ [18]active, advancing, astir, going forward, moving, progressing, stirring, succeeding"} {"x":"movement","y":"[1]act, action, activity, advance, agitation, change, development, displacement, exercise, flow, gesture, manoeuvre, motion, move, moving, operation, progress, progression, shift, steps, stir, stirring, transfer @@@@ [2]camp, campaign, crusade, drive, faction, front, group, grouping, organization, party @@@@ [3]current, drift, flow, swing, tendency, trend @@@@ [4]action, innards @@@@ [5]machinery, mechanism, workings, works @@@@ [6]division, part, passage, section @@@@ [7]beat, cadence, measure @@@@ [8]metre, pace, rhythm, swing, tempo"} {"x":"movie","y":"[1]feature, film, flick @@@@ [2]picture @@@@ [3]cinema, film, films, flicks @@@@ [4]pictures @@@@ [5]silver screen"} {"x":"moving","y":"[1]affecting, arousing, emotional, emotive, exciting, impelling, impressive, inspiring, pathetic, persuasive, poignant, stirring, touching @@@@ [2]mobile, motile, movable, portable, running, unfixed @@@@ [3]dynamic, impelling, inspirational, motivating, propelling, stimulating, stimulative"} {"x":"mow","y":"[1]crop, cut, scythe, shear, trim @@@@ [2]blow away @@@@ [3]butcher, cut down, cut to pieces, massacre, shoot down, slaughter"} {"x":"much","y":"[1]abundant, a lot of, ample, considerable, copious, great, plenteous, plenty of, sizeable, substantial @@@@ [2]a great deal, a lot, considerably, decidedly, exceedingly, frequently, greatly, indeed, often, regularly @@@@ [3]a good deal, a great deal, a lot, an appreciable amount, heaps @@@@ [4]loads @@@@ [5]lots @@@@ [6]plenty"} {"x":"muck","y":"[1]crap @@@@ [2]dung, manure, ordure, shit @@@@ [3]crap @@@@ [4]crud @@@@ [5]dirt, filth, grot @@@@ [6]gunge @@@@ [7]gunk @@@@ [8]kak @@@@ [9]mire, mud, ooze, scum, sewage, shit @@@@ [10]slime, slob @@@@ [11]sludge @@@@ [12]blow @@@@ [13]botch, bungle, cock up @@@@ [14]flub @@@@ [15]fuck up @@@@ [16]mar, mess up, muff, ruin, screw up @@@@ [17]spoil @@@@ [18]blow @@@@ [19]bodge @@@@ [20]botch, bungle, cock up @@@@ [21]flub @@@@ [22]fuck up @@@@ [23]mar, mess up, muff, ruin, screw up @@@@ [24]spoil"} {"x":"mud","y":"[1]clay, dirt, gloop @@@@ [2]mire, ooze, silt, slime, slob @@@@ [3]sludge @@@@ [4]Colonel Blimp, conservative, die-hard, dinosaur, fuddy-duddy @@@@ [5](old) fogey, reactionary, sobersides, stick"} {"x":"muddle","y":"[1]confuse, disarrange, disorder, disorganize, jumble, make a mess of, mess, muddle, ravel, scramble, spoil, tangle @@@@ [2]befuddle, bewilder, confound, confuse, daze, disorient, perplex, stupefy @@@@ [3]chaos, clutter, confusion, daze, disarray, disorder, disorganization, fankle @@@@ [4]hodgepodge @@@@ [5]hotchpotch, jumble, mess, mix-up, perplexity, pig's breakfast @@@@ [6]plight, predicament, ravel, tangle @@@@ [7]cope, get along, get by @@@@ [8]make it, manage, manage somehow, scrape by"} {"x":"muff","y":"[1]bodge @@@@ [2]botch, bungle, cock up @@@@ [3]flub @@@@ [4]fluff @@@@ [5]fuck up @@@@ [6]mess up, mismanage, screw up @@@@ [7]spoil"} {"x":"muffle","y":"[1]cloak, conceal, cover, disguise, envelop, hood, mask, shroud, swaddle, swathe, wrap up @@@@ [2]deaden, dull, gag, hush, muzzle, quieten, silence, soften, stifle, suppress"} {"x":"mug","y":"[1]beaker, cup, flagon, jug, pot, stein, tankard, toby jug @@@@ [2]clock @@@@ [3]countenance, dial @@@@ [4]face, features, kisser @@@@ [5]mush @@@@ [6]puss @@@@ [7]visage @@@@ [8]charlie @@@@ [9]chump @@@@ [10]fool, gull @@@@ [11]innocent, mark @@@@ [12]muggins @@@@ [13]simpleton, sucker @@@@ [14]weenie @@@@ [15]assail, assault, attack, beat up, do over @@@@ [16]duff up @@@@ [17]rob, set about or upon, steam @@@@ [18]work over"} {"x":"muggy","y":"[1]clammy, close, damp, humid, moist, oppressive, sticky, stuffy, sultry"} {"x":"mulish","y":"[1]bull-headed, cross-grained, difficult, headstrong, inflexible, intractable, intransigent, obstinate, perverse, pig-headed, recalcitrant, refractory, rigid, self-willed, stiff-necked, stubborn, unreasonable, wilful"} {"x":"mull","y":"[1]consider, contemplate, deliberate, examine, meditate, muse on, ponder, reflect on, review, ruminate, study, think about, think over, turn over in one's mind, weigh"} {"x":"multifarious","y":"[1]different, diverse, diversified, legion, manifold, many, miscellaneous, multiform, multiple, multitudinous, numerous, sundry, varied, variegated"} {"x":"multiple","y":"[1]collective, manifold, many, multitudinous, numerous, several, sundry, various"} {"x":"multiply","y":"[1]accumulate, augment, breed, build up, expand, extend, increase, proliferate, propagate, reproduce, spread"} {"x":"multitudinous","y":"[1]abounding, abundant, considerable, copious, countless, great, infinite, innumerable, legion, manifold, many, myriad, numerous, profuse, teeming, very numerous"} {"x":"mum","y":"[1]closemouthed, dumb, mute, quiet, secretive, silent, tight-lipped, uncommunicative, unforthcoming @@@@ [2]don't let on, don't tell a soul, keep quiet, keep silent, keep (something) secret, keep (something) to oneself, keep (something) under one's hat, play dumb, say nothing, tell no-one"} {"x":"munch","y":"[1]champ, chew, chomp, crunch, masticate, scrunch"} {"x":"mundane","y":"[1]banal, commonplace, day-to-day, everyday, humdrum, ordinary, prosaic, routine, vanilla @@@@ [2]workaday @@@@ [3]earthly, fleshly, human, material, mortal, secular, sublunary, temporal, terrestrial, worldly"} {"x":"municipal","y":"[1]borough, city, civic, community, public, town, urban"} {"x":"municipality","y":"[1]borough, burgh @@@@ [2]city, district, town, township, urban community"} {"x":"munificent","y":"[1]beneficent, benevolent, big-hearted, bounteous, bountiful, free-handed, generous, lavish, liberal, magnanimous, open-handed, philanthropical, princely, rich, unstinting"} {"x":"murder","y":"[1]assassination, bloodshed, butchery, carnage, homicide, killing, manslaughter, massacre, slaying @@@@ [2]agony, an ordeal, a trial, danger, difficulty, hell @@@@ [3]misery, trouble @@@@ [4]assassinate, blow away @@@@ [5]bump off @@@@ [6]butcher, destroy, dispatch, do in @@@@ [7]hit @@@@ [8]kill, massacre, rub out @@@@ [9]slaughter, slay, take out @@@@ [10]abuse, butcher, destroy, mangle, mar, misuse, ruin, spoil @@@@ [11]cream @@@@ [12]defeat utterly, drub, hammer @@@@ [13]lick @@@@ [14]slaughter, stuff @@@@ [15]tank"} {"x":"murmur","y":"[1]babble, buzzing, drone, humming, mumble, muttering, purr, rumble, susurrus @@@@ [2]undertone, whisper, whispering @@@@ [3]babble, buzz, drone, hum, mumble, mutter, purr, rumble, speak in an undertone, whisper @@@@ [4]beef @@@@ [5]complaint, gripe @@@@ [6]grouse, grumble, moan @@@@ [7]word @@@@ [8]beef @@@@ [9]carp, cavil, complain, gripe @@@@ [10]grouse, grumble, moan"} {"x":"muscle","y":"[1]muscle tissue, sinew, tendon, thew @@@@ [2]brawn, clout @@@@ [3]force, forcefulness, might, potency, power, stamina, strength, sturdiness, weight"} {"x":"muscular","y":"[1]athletic, beefy @@@@ [2]brawny, husky @@@@ [3]lusty, powerful, powerfully built, robust, sinewy, stalwart, strapping, strong, sturdy, thickset, vigorous, well-knit"} {"x":"muse","y":"[1]be in a brown study, be lost in thought, brood, cogitate, consider, contemplate, deliberate, dream, meditate, mull over, ponder, reflect, ruminate, speculate, think, think over, weigh"} {"x":"mush","y":"[1]dough, mash, pap, paste, pulp @@@@ [2]corn @@@@ [3]mawkishness, schmaltz @@@@ [4]sentimentality, slush"} {"x":"music","y":"[1]be tone-deaf"} {"x":"musical","y":"[1]dulcet, euphonic, euphonious, harmonious, lilting, lyrical, melodic, melodious, sweet-sounding, tuneful"} {"x":"must","y":"[1]duty, essential, fundamental, imperative, necessary thing, necessity, obligation, prerequisite, requirement, requisite, sine qua non @@@@ [2]decay, fetor, fustiness, mildew, mould, mouldiness, mustiness, rot"} {"x":"muster","y":"[1]assemble, call together, call up, collect, come together, congregate, convene, convoke, enrol, gather, group, marshal, meet, mobilize, rally, round up, summon @@@@ [2]assemblage, assembly, collection, concourse, congregation, convention, convocation, gathering, meeting, mobilization, rally, roundup @@@@ [3]make the grade, measure up, qualify"} {"x":"mustn't","y":"[1]duty, essential, fundamental, imperative, necessary thing, necessity, obligation, prerequisite, requirement, requisite, sine qua non"} {"x":"musty","y":"[1]airless, dank, decayed, frowsty, fusty, mildewed, mildewy, mouldy, old, smelly, stale, stuffy @@@@ [2]ancient, antediluvian, antiquated, banal, cliched, dull, hackneyed, hoary, moth-eaten, obsolete, old-fashioned, stale, threadbare, trite, worn-out"} {"x":"mutability","y":"[1]alteration, change, evolution, metamorphosis, transition, variation, vicissitude"} {"x":"mutable","y":"[1]adaptable, alterable, changeable, changing, fickle, flexible, immutable, inconsistent, inconstant, irresolute, uncertain, undependable, unreliable, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, vacillating, variable, volatile, wavering"} {"x":"mutation","y":"[1]alteration, change, deviation, evolution, metamorphosis, modification, transfiguration, transformation, variation @@@@ [2]anomaly, deviant, mutant"} {"x":"mute","y":"[1]aphasiac, aphasic, aphonic, dumb, mum, silent, speechless, unexpressed, unspeaking, unspoken, voiceless, wordless @@@@ [2]dampen, deaden, lower, moderate, muffle, soften, soft-pedal, subdue, tone down, turn down"} {"x":"mutilate","y":"[1]amputate, butcher, cripple, cut to pieces, cut up, damage, disable, disfigure, dismember, hack, injure, lacerate, lame, maim, mangle @@@@ [2]adulterate, bowdlerize, butcher, censor, cut, damage, distort, expurgate, hack, mar, spoil"} {"x":"mutinous","y":"[1]bolshie @@@@ [2]contumacious, disobedient, insubordinate, insurgent, rebellious, refractory, revolutionary, riotous, seditious, subversive, turbulent, ungovernable, unmanageable, unruly"} {"x":"mutiny","y":"[1]defiance, disobedience, insubordination, insurrection, rebellion, refusal to obey orders, resistance, revolt, revolution, riot, rising, strike, uprising @@@@ [2]be insubordinate, defy authority, disobey, rebel, refuse to obey orders, resist, revolt, rise up, strike"} {"x":"mutt","y":"[1]berk @@@@ [2]charlie @@@@ [3]coot, dickhead @@@@ [4]dickwit @@@@ [5]dipstick @@@@ [6]divvy @@@@ [7]dolt, dork @@@@ [8]dunderhead, dweeb @@@@ [9]fool, fuckwit @@@@ [10]geek @@@@ [11]gobshite @@@@ [12]gonzo @@@@ [13]idiot, ignoramus, imbecile @@@@ [14]jerk @@@@ [15]pillock @@@@ [16]plank @@@@ [17]plonker @@@@ [18]prat @@@@ [19]prick @@@@ [20]schmuck @@@@ [21]thickhead, twit @@@@ [22]wally @@@@ [23]weenie @@@@ [24]cur, dog, mongrel"} {"x":"mutter","y":"[1]complain, grouch @@@@ [2]grouse, grumble, mumble, murmur, rumble"} {"x":"mutual","y":"[1]common, communal, correlative, interactive, interchangeable, interchanged, joint, reciprocal, reciprocated, requited, returned, shared"} {"x":"muzzle","y":"[1]jaws, mouth, nose, snout @@@@ [2]gag, guard @@@@ [3]censor, choke, curb, gag, restrain, silence, stifle, suppress"} {"x":"myriad","y":"[1]a thousand and one, countless, immeasurable, incalculable, innumerable, multitudinous, untold @@@@ [2]a million, army, a thousand, flood, horde, host, millions, mountain, multitude, scores, sea, swarm, thousands"} {"x":"mysterious","y":"[1]abstruse, arcane, baffling, cloak-and-dagger, concealed, covert, cryptic, curious, dark, Delphic, enigmatic, furtive, hidden, impenetrable, incomprehensible, inexplicable, inscrutable, insoluble, mystical, mystifying, obscure, perplexing, puzzling, recondite, secret, secretive, sphinxlike, strange, uncanny, unfathomable, unknown, veiled, weird"} {"x":"mystery","y":"[1]cloak and dagger, closed book, conundrum, enigma, problem, puzzle, question, riddle, secrecy, secret, teaser"} {"x":"mystic","y":"[1]abstruse, arcane, cabalistic, cryptic, enigmatical, esoteric, hidden, inscrutable, metaphysical, mysterious, nonrational, occult, otherworldly, paranormal, preternatural, supernatural, transcendental"} {"x":"mystify","y":"[1]baffle, bamboozle @@@@ [2]beat @@@@ [3]befog, bewilder, confound, confuse, elude, escape, flummox, nonplus, perplex, puzzle, stump"} {"x":"mystique","y":"[1]awe, charisma, charm, fascination, glamour, magic, spell"} {"x":"myth","y":"[1]allegory, fable, fairy story, fiction, folk tale, legend, parable, saga, story, tradition, urban legend @@@@ [2]delusion, fancy, fantasy, figment, illusion, imagination, superstition, tall story"} {"x":"mythological","y":"[1]fabulous, folkloric, heroic, legendary, mythic, mythical, traditional"} {"x":"mythology","y":"[1]folklore, folk tales, legend, lore, mythos, myths, stories, tradition"} {"x":"nab","y":"[1]apprehend, arrest, capture, catch, catch in the act, collar @@@@ [2]grab, lift @@@@ [3]nail @@@@ [4]nick @@@@ [5]seize, snatch"} {"x":"nabob","y":"[1]billionaire, Croesus, fat cat @@@@ [2]millionaire, moneybags @@@@ [3]multimillionaire"} {"x":"nadir","y":"[1]bottom, depths, lowest point, minimum, rock bottom, zero"} {"x":"nag","y":"[1]annoy, badger, bend someone's ear @@@@ [2]berate, breathe down someone's neck, chivvy, goad, harass, harry, hassle @@@@ [3]henpeck, irritate, nark @@@@ [4]pester, plague, provoke, scold, torment, upbraid, vex, worry @@@@ [5]harpy, scold, shrew, tartar, termagant, virago @@@@ [6]hack, horse, jade, plug"} {"x":"naiad","y":"[1]nymph, Oceanid @@@@ [2]sprite, undine, water nymph"} {"x":"nail","y":"[1]attach, beat, fasten, fix, hammer, join, pin, secure, tack"} {"x":"naive","y":"[1]artless, candid, childlike, confiding, frank, guileless, ingenuous, innocent, jejune, natural, open, simple, trusting, unaffected, unpretentious, unsophisticated, unworldly @@@@ [2]as green as grass, callow, credulous, green, gullible, unsuspicious, wet behind the ears"} {"x":"naked","y":"[1]bare, buck naked @@@@ [2]denuded, disrobed, divested, exposed, in one's birthday suit @@@@ [3]nude, scuddy @@@@ [4]starkers @@@@ [5]stripped, unclothed, unconcealed, uncovered, undraped, undressed, without a stitch on @@@@ [6]blatant, evident, manifest, open, overt, patent, plain, simple, stark, unadorned, undisguised, unexaggerated, unmistakable, unqualified, unvarnished @@@@ [7]defenceless, helpless, insecure, unarmed, unguarded, unprotected, vulnerable, wide open"} {"x":"name","y":"[1]appellation, cognomen, denomination, designation, epithet, handle @@@@ [2]nickname, sobriquet, term, title @@@@ [3]distinction, eminence, esteem, fame, honour, note, praise, renown, repute @@@@ [4]character, credit, reputation @@@@ [5]baptize, call, christen, denominate, dub, entitle, label, style, term @@@@ [6]appoint, choose, cite, classify, commission, designate, flag, identify, mention, nominate, select, specify @@@@ [7]allonym, nom de plume, pseudonym"} {"x":"named","y":"[1]baptized, called, christened, denominated, dubbed, entitled, known as, labelled, styled, termed @@@@ [2]appointed, chosen, cited, classified, commissioned, designated, identified, mentioned, nominated, picked, selected, singled out, specified"} {"x":"nameless","y":"[1]anonymous, innominate, undesignated, unnamed, untitled @@@@ [2]incognito, obscure, undistinguished, unheard-of, unknown, unsung @@@@ [3]abominable, horrible, indescribable, ineffable, inexpressible, unmentionable, unspeakable, unutterable"} {"x":"namely","y":"[1]i.e., specifically, that is to say, to wit, viz."} {"x":"nap","y":"[1]catnap, doze, drop off @@@@ [2]drowse, kip @@@@ [3]nod, nod off @@@@ [4]rest, sleep, snooze @@@@ [5]zizz @@@@ [6]catnap, forty winks @@@@ [7]kip @@@@ [8]rest, shuteye @@@@ [9]siesta, sleep, zizz @@@@ [10]down, fibre, grain, pile, shag, weave"} {"x":"narcissism","y":"[1]egotism, self-admiration, self-love, vanity"} {"x":"narcotic","y":"[1]anaesthetic, analgesic, anodyne, drug, opiate, painkiller, sedative, tranquillizer @@@@ [2]analgesic, calming, dulling, hypnotic, Lethean, numbing, painkilling, sedative, somnolent, soporific, stupefacient, stupefactive, stupefying"} {"x":"narrate","y":"[1]chronicle, describe, detail, recite, recount, rehearse, relate, repeat, report, set forth, tell, unfold"} {"x":"narration","y":"[1]description, explanation, reading, recital, rehearsal, relation, storytelling, telling, voice-over"} {"x":"narrative","y":"[1]account, chronicle, detail, history, report, statement, story, tale"} {"x":"narrator","y":"[1]annalist, author, bard, chronicler, commentator, raconteur, reciter, relater, reporter, storyteller, writer"} {"x":"narrow","y":"[1]circumscribed, close, confined, constricted, contracted, cramped, incapacious, limited, meagre, near, pinched, restricted, scanty, straitened, tight @@@@ [2]biased, bigoted, dogmatic, illiberal, insular, intolerant, narrow-minded, partial, prejudiced, puritan, reactionary, small-minded @@@@ [3]attenuated, fine, slender, slim, spare, tapering, thin @@@@ [4]exclusive, select @@@@ [5]avaricious, close @@@@ [6]mean, mercenary, niggardly, ungenerous @@@@ [7]circumscribe, constrict, diminish, limit, reduce, simplify, straiten, tighten @@@@ [8]circumscribe, constrict, diminish, limit, reduce, simplify, straiten, tighten"} {"x":"nascent","y":"[1]beginning, budding, dawning, developing, evolving, incipient"} {"x":"nasty","y":"[1]dirty, disagreeable, disgusting, filthy, foul, grotty @@@@ [2]horrible, loathsome, malodorous, mephitic, nauseating, noisome, objectionable, obnoxious, odious, offensive, polluted, repellent, repugnant, sickening, unappetizing, unpleasant, vile, yucky or yukky @@@@ [3]blue, foul, gross, impure, indecent, lascivious, lewd, licentious, obscene, pornographic, ribald, smutty @@@@ [4]abusive, annoying, bad-tempered, despicable, disagreeable, distasteful, malicious, mean, spiteful, unpleasant, vicious, vile @@@@ [5]bad, critical, dangerous, painful, serious, severe"} {"x":"nation","y":"[1]commonwealth, community, country, people, population, race, realm, society, state, tribe"} {"x":"national","y":"[1]civil, countrywide, governmental, nationwide, public, state, widespread @@@@ [2]domestic, internal, social @@@@ [3]citizen, inhabitant, native, resident, subject"} {"x":"nationalism","y":"[1]allegiance, chauvinism, fealty, jingoism, loyalty, nationality, patriotism"} {"x":"nationalistic","y":"[1]chauvinistic, jingoistic, loyal, patriotic, xenophobic"} {"x":"nationality","y":"[1]birth, ethnic group, nation, race"} {"x":"nationwide","y":"[1]countrywide, general, national, overall, widespread"} {"x":"native","y":"[1]built-in, congenital, endemic, hereditary, immanent, inborn, inbred, indigenous, ingrained, inherent, inherited, innate, instinctive, intrinsic, inveterate, natal, natural @@@@ [2]genuine, original, real @@@@ [3]domestic, home, home-grown, home-made, indigenous, local, mother, vernacular @@@@ [4]aboriginal, autochthonous @@@@ [5]aborigine, autochthon, citizen, countryman, dweller, inhabitant, national, resident"} {"x":"nativity","y":"[1]birth, delivery, parturition @@@@ [2]creche, manger scene"} {"x":"natty","y":"[1]chic, crucial @@@@ [2]dapper, elegant, fashionable, neat, smart, snazzy @@@@ [3]spruce, stylish, trendy @@@@ [4]trim, well-dressed, well-turned-out"} {"x":"natural","y":"[1]common, everyday, legitimate, logical, normal, ordinary, regular, typical, usual @@@@ [2]characteristic, congenital, essential, immanent, inborn, indigenous, inherent, innate, in one's blood, instinctive, intuitive, natal, native @@@@ [3]artless, candid, frank, genuine, ingenuous, open, real, simple, spontaneous, unaffected, unpretentious, unsophisticated, unstudied @@@@ [4]organic, plain, pure, unbleached, unmixed, unpolished, unrefined, whole"} {"x":"naturalist","y":"[1]biologist, botanist, ecologist, zoologist @@@@ [2]factualist, realist"} {"x":"naturalistic","y":"[1]factualistic, kitchen sink, lifelike, photographic, realistic, real-life, representational, true-to-life, verite, warts and all"} {"x":"naturally","y":"[1]as anticipated, customarily, genuinely, informally, normally, simply, spontaneously, typically, unaffectedly, unpretentiously @@@@ [2]absolutely, as a matter of course, certainly, of course"} {"x":"nature","y":"[1]attributes, character, complexion, constitution, essence, features, make-up, quality, traits @@@@ [2]category, description, kind, sort, species, style, type, variety @@@@ [3]cosmos, creation, earth, environment, universe, world @@@@ [4]disposition, humour, mood, outlook, temper, temperament @@@@ [5]country, countryside, landscape, natural history, scenery"} {"x":"naught","y":"[1]nil, nothing, nothingness, nought, zero"} {"x":"naughty","y":"[1]annoying, bad, disobedient, exasperating, fractious, impish, misbehaved, mischievous, perverse, playful, refractory, roguish, sinful, teasing, wayward, wicked, worthless @@@@ [2]bawdy, blue, improper, lewd, obscene, off-colour, ribald, risque, smutty, vulgar, X-rated"} {"x":"nausea","y":"[1]biliousness, qualm(s), queasiness, retching, sickness, squeamishness, vomiting @@@@ [2]abhorrence, aversion, disgust, loathing, odium, repugnance, revulsion"} {"x":"nauseate","y":"[1]disgust, gross out @@@@ [2]horrify, offend, repel, repulse, revolt, sicken, turn one's stomach"} {"x":"nautical","y":"[1]marine, maritime, naval, oceanic, seafaring, seagoing, yachting"} {"x":"naval","y":"[1]marine, maritime, nautical, oceanic"} {"x":"navel","y":"[1]bellybutton @@@@ [2]omphalos @@@@ [3]umbilicus @@@@ [4]central point, centre, hub, middle"} {"x":"navigable","y":"[1]clear, negotiable, passable, traversable, unobstructed @@@@ [2]controllable, dirigible, sailable, steerable"} {"x":"navigate","y":"[1]con @@@@ [2]cross, cruise, direct, drive, guide, handle, journey, manoeuvre, pilot, plan, plot, sail, skipper, steer, voyage"} {"x":"navigation","y":"[1]cruising, helmsmanship, pilotage, sailing, seamanship, steering, voyaging"} {"x":"navigator","y":"[1]mariner, pilot, seaman"} {"x":"navy","y":"[1]argosy @@@@ [2]armada, fleet, flotilla, warships"} {"x":"near","y":"[1]adjacent, adjoining, a hop, skip and a jump away @@@@ [2]alongside, at close quarters, beside, bordering, close, close by, contiguous, just round the corner, nearby, neighbouring, nigh, proximate, touching, within sniffing distance @@@@ [3]approaching, forthcoming, imminent, impending, in the offing, looming, near-at-hand, next, on the cards @@@@ [4]upcoming @@@@ [5]akin, allied, attached, connected, dear, familiar, intimate, related @@@@ [6]close-fisted, mean, miserly, niggardly, parsimonious, stingy, tightfisted, ungenerous"} {"x":"nearby","y":"[1]adjacent, adjoining, convenient, handy, neighbouring @@@@ [2]at close quarters, close at hand, just round the corner, not far away, proximate, within reach, within sniffing distance"} {"x":"nearly","y":"[1]about, all but, almost, approaching, approximately, as good as, closely, just about, not quite, practically, roughly, virtually, well-nigh"} {"x":"neat","y":"[1]accurate, dainty, fastidious, methodical, nice, orderly, shipshape, smart, spick-and-span, spruce, straight, systematic, tidy, trim, uncluttered @@@@ [2]adept, adroit, agile, apt, clever, deft, dexterous, efficient, effortless, elegant, expert, graceful, handy, nimble, practised, precise, skilful, stylish, well-judged @@@@ [3]pure, straight, undiluted, unmixed"} {"x":"nebulous","y":"[1]ambiguous, amorphous, cloudy, confused, dim, hazy, imprecise, indefinite, indeterminate, indistinct, misty, murky, obscure, shadowy, shapeless, uncertain, unclear, unformed, vague"} {"x":"necessarily","y":"[1]accordingly, automatically, axiomatically, by definition, certainly, compulsorily, consequently, incontrovertibly, ineluctably, inevitably, inexorably, irresistibly, naturally, nolens volens, of course, of necessity, perforce, undoubtedly, willy-nilly"} {"x":"necessary","y":"[1]compulsory, de rigueur, essential, imperative, indispensable, mandatory, needed, needful, obligatory, required, requisite, vital @@@@ [2]certain, fated, inescapable, inevitable, inexorable, unavoidable"} {"x":"necessitate","y":"[1]call for, coerce, compel, constrain, demand, entail, force, impel, make necessary, oblige, require"} {"x":"necessitous","y":"[1]destitute, distressed, impecunious, impoverished, indigent, needy, penniless, penurious, poor, poverty-stricken"} {"x":"necessity","y":"[1]demand, exigency, indispensability, need, needfulness, requirement @@@@ [2]desideratum, essential, fundamental, necessary, need, prerequisite, requirement, requisite, sine qua non, want @@@@ [3]destitution, extremity, indigence, need, penury, poverty, privation @@@@ [4]compulsion, destiny, fate, inevitability, inexorableness, obligation @@@@ [5]essentials, exigencies, fundamentals, indispensables, needs, requirements"} {"x":"necromancy","y":"[1]black art, black magic, demonology, divination, enchantment, magic, sorcery, thaumaturgy @@@@ [2]voodoo, witchcraft, witchery, wizardry"} {"x":"necropolis","y":"[1]burial ground, cemetery, churchyard, God's acre, graveyard"} {"x":"need","y":"[1]call for, demand, entail, have occasion to or for, lack, miss, necessitate, require, want @@@@ [2]longing, requisite, want, wish @@@@ [3]deprivation, destitution, distress, extremity, impecuniousness, inadequacy, indigence, insufficiency, lack, neediness, paucity, penury, poverty, privation, shortage @@@@ [4]emergency, exigency, necessity, obligation, urgency, want @@@@ [5]demand, desideratum, essential, requirement, requisite"} {"x":"needed","y":"[1]called for, desired, lacked, necessary, required, wanted"} {"x":"needle","y":"[1]aggravate @@@@ [2]annoy, bait, be on one's back @@@@ [3]goad, harass, hassle @@@@ [4]irk, irritate, nag, nark @@@@ [5]nettle, pester, piss one off @@@@ [6]prick, prod, provoke, rile, ruffle, spur, sting, taunt"} {"x":"needless","y":"[1]causeless, dispensable, excessive, expendable, gratuitous, groundless, nonessential, pointless, redundant, superfluous, uncalled-for, undesired, unnecessary, unwanted, useless"} {"x":"needy","y":"[1]deprived, destitute, dirt-poor, disadvantaged, down at heel @@@@ [2]impecunious, impoverished, indigent, on the breadline @@@@ [3]penniless, poor, poverty-stricken, underprivileged"} {"x":"nefarious","y":"[1]abominable, atrocious, base, criminal, depraved, detestable, dreadful, evil, execrable, foul, heinous, horrible, infamous, infernal, iniquitous, monstrous, odious, opprobrious, shameful, sinful, vicious, vile, villainous, wicked"} {"x":"negate","y":"[1]abrogate, annul, cancel, countermand, invalidate, neutralize, nullify, obviate, repeal, rescind, retract, reverse, revoke, void, wipe out @@@@ [2]contradict, deny, disallow, disprove, gainsay @@@@ [3]oppose, rebut, refute"} {"x":"negation","y":"[1]antithesis, antonym, contradiction, contrary, converse, counterpart, denial, disavowal, disclaimer, inverse, opposite, rejection, renunciation, reverse @@@@ [2]opposition, proscription, refusal, repudiation, veto @@@@ [3]cancellation, neutralization, nullification @@@@ [4]blank, nonexistence, nothingness, nullity, vacuity, void @@@@ [5]Negation is disagreement, refusal, or denial."} {"x":"negative","y":"[1]contradictory, contrary, denying, dissenting, opposing, recusant, refusing, rejecting, resisting @@@@ [2]annulling, counteractive, invalidating, neutralizing, nullifying @@@@ [3]antagonistic, colourless, contrary, cynical, gloomy, jaundiced, neutral, pessimistic, uncooperative, unenthusiastic, uninterested, unwilling, weak @@@@ [4]contradiction, denial, refusal"} {"x":"neglect","y":"[1]contemn, discount, disdain, disregard, ignore, leave alone, overlook, pass by, rebuff, scorn, slight, spurn, turn one's back on @@@@ [2]be remiss, evade, forget, let slide, omit, pass over, procrastinate, shirk, skimp @@@@ [3]disdain, disregard, disrespect, heedlessness, inattention, indifference, slight, unconcern @@@@ [4]carelessness, default, dereliction, failure, forgetfulness, laxity, laxness, neglectfulness, negligence, oversight, remissness, slackness, slovenliness"} {"x":"neglected","y":"[1]abandoned, derelict, overgrown @@@@ [2]disregarded, unappreciated, underestimated, undervalued"} {"x":"negligent","y":"[1]careless, cursory, disregardful, forgetful, heedless, inadvertent, inattentive, indifferent, neglectful, nonchalant, offhand, regardless, remiss, slack, slapdash, slipshod, thoughtless, unmindful, unthinking"} {"x":"negligible","y":"[1]imperceptible, inconsequential, insignificant, minor, minute, nickel-and-dime @@@@ [2]petty, small, trifling, trivial, unimportant"} {"x":"negotiate","y":"[1]adjudicate, arbitrate, arrange, bargain, conciliate, confer, consult, contract, deal, debate, discuss, handle, manage, mediate, parley, settle, transact, work out @@@@ [2]clear, cross, get over, get past, get round, pass, pass through, surmount"} {"x":"negotiation","y":"[1]arbitration, bargaining, debate, diplomacy, discussion, mediation, transaction, wheeling and dealing"} {"x":"nemesis","y":"[1]destiny, destruction, fate, retribution, vengeance"} {"x":"neologism","y":"[1]buzz word @@@@ [2]coinage, new phrase, new word, nonce word, vogue word"} {"x":"neophyte","y":"[1]amateur, apprentice, beginner, catechumen, disciple, learner, novice, novitiate, probationer, proselyte, pupil, recruit, student, trainee, tyro"} {"x":"nerve","y":"[1]balls @@@@ [2]ballsiness @@@@ [3]bottle @@@@ [4]bravery, coolness, courage, daring, determination, endurance, energy, face @@@@ [5]fearlessness, firmness, force, fortitude, gameness, grit, guts @@@@ [6]hardihood, intrepidity, mettle, might, pluck, resolution, spirit, spunk @@@@ [7]steadfastness, vigour, will @@@@ [8]audacity, boldness, brass @@@@ [9]brass neck @@@@ [10]brazenness, cheek @@@@ [11]chutzpah @@@@ [12]effrontery, front, gall, impertinence, impudence, insolence, neck @@@@ [13]sassiness @@@@ [14]sauce @@@@ [15]temerity @@@@ [16]brace, embolden, encourage, fortify, hearten, invigorate, steel, strengthen @@@@ [17]annoying, difficult, distressing, frightening, harassing, harrowing, maddening, stressful, tense, trying, worrying"} {"x":"nerves","y":"[1]cold feet @@@@ [2]fretfulness, heebie-jeebies @@@@ [3]imbalance, nervousness, strain, stress, tension, worry @@@@ [4]balls @@@@ [5]ballsiness @@@@ [6]bottle @@@@ [7]bravery, coolness, courage, daring, determination, endurance, energy, face @@@@ [8]fearlessness, firmness, force, fortitude, gameness, grit, guts @@@@ [9]hardihood, intrepidity, mettle, might, pluck, resolution, spirit, spunk @@@@ [10]steadfastness, vigour, will @@@@ [11]audacity, boldness, brass @@@@ [12]brass neck @@@@ [13]brazenness, cheek @@@@ [14]chutzpah @@@@ [15]effrontery, front, gall, impertinence, impudence, insolence, neck @@@@ [16]sassiness @@@@ [17]sauce @@@@ [18]temerity @@@@ [19]brace, embolden, encourage, fortify, hearten, invigorate, steel, strengthen @@@@ [20]annoying, difficult, distressing, frightening, harassing, harrowing, maddening, stressful, tense, trying, worrying"} {"x":"nervous","y":"[1]agitated, anxious, apprehensive, edgy, excitable, fearful, fidgety, flustered, hesitant, highly strung, hyper @@@@ [2]hysterical, jittery @@@@ [3]jumpy, nervy @@@@ [4]neurotic, on edge, ruffled, shaky, tense, timid, timorous, twitchy @@@@ [5]uneasy, uptight @@@@ [6]weak, wired @@@@ [7]worried"} {"x":"nest","y":"[1]den, haunt, hideaway, refuge, resort, retreat, snuggery @@@@ [2]breeding-ground, den, hotbed @@@@ [3]cache, deposit, fall-back, fund(s), reserve, savings, store"} {"x":"nestle","y":"[1]cuddle, curl up, huddle, nuzzle, snuggle"} {"x":"nestling","y":"[1]chick, fledgling @@@@ [2]babe, babe in arms, baby, infant, suckling"} {"x":"net","y":"[1]lacework, lattice, mesh, netting, network, openwork, reticulum, tracery, web @@@@ [2]bag, capture, catch, enmesh, ensnare, entangle, nab @@@@ [3]trap @@@@ [4]after taxes, clear, final, take-home @@@@ [5]closing, conclusive, final @@@@ [6]accumulate, bring in, clear, earn, gain, make, realize, reap"} {"x":"nether","y":"[1]basal, below, beneath, bottom, inferior, lower, Stygian, under, underground @@@@ [2]Avernus, Hades, hell, infernal regions, nether regions, underworld"} {"x":"nettle","y":"[1]aggravate @@@@ [2]annoy, chafe, exasperate, fret, gall, get on one's nerves @@@@ [3]goad, harass, hassle @@@@ [4]incense, irritate, nark @@@@ [5]provoke, ruffle, sting, tease, vex"} {"x":"network","y":"[1]arrangement, channels, circuitry, complex, convolution, grid, grill, interconnections, labyrinth, lattice, maze, mesh, net, nexus, organization, plexus, structure, system, tracks, web"} {"x":"neurosis","y":"[1]abnormality, affliction, derangement, deviation, instability, maladjustment, mental disturbance, mental illness, obsession, phobia, psychological or emotional disorder"} {"x":"neurotic","y":"[1]abnormal, anxious, compulsive, deviant, disordered, distraught, disturbed, hyper @@@@ [2]maladjusted, manic, nervous, obsessive, overwrought, twitchy @@@@ [3]unhealthy, unstable"} {"x":"neuter","y":"[1]castrate, doctor @@@@ [2]dress, emasculate, fix @@@@ [3]geld, spay"} {"x":"neutral","y":"[1]disinterested, dispassionate, even-handed, impartial, indifferent, nonaligned, nonbelligerent, noncombatant, noncommittal, nonpartisan, sitting on the fence, unaligned, unbiased, uncommitted, undecided, uninvolved, unprejudiced @@@@ [2]achromatic, colourless, dull, expressionless, indeterminate, indistinct, indistinguishable, intermediate, toneless, undefined"} {"x":"neutrality","y":"[1]detachment, disinterestedness, impartiality, nonalignment, noninterference, noninterventionism, noninvolvement, nonpartisanship"} {"x":"neutralize","y":"[1]cancel, compensate for, counteract, counterbalance, frustrate, invalidate, negate, nullify, offset, undo"} {"x":"nevertheless","y":"[1]but, even so, (even) though, however, nonetheless, notwithstanding, regardless, still, yet"} {"x":"new","y":"[1]advanced, all-singing, all-dancing, contemporary, current, different, fresh, ground-breaking, happening @@@@ [2]latest, modern, modernistic, modish, newfangled, novel, original, recent, state-of-the-art, topical, ultramodern, unfamiliar, unknown, unused, unusual, up-to-date, virgin @@@@ [3]added, extra, more, supplementary @@@@ [4]altered, changed, improved, modernized, redesigned, renewed, restored"} {"x":"newfangled","y":"[1]all-singing, all-dancing, contemporary, fashionable, gimmicky, modern, new, new-fashioned, novel, recent, state-of-the-art"} {"x":"newly","y":"[1]anew, freshly, just, lately, latterly, recently"} {"x":"newness","y":"[1]freshness, innovation, novelty, oddity, originality, strangeness, unfamiliarity, uniqueness"} {"x":"news","y":"[1]account, advice, bulletin, buzz, communique, dirt @@@@ [2]disclosure, dispatch, expose, gen @@@@ [3]gossip, hearsay, information, intelligence, latest @@@@ [4]leak, news flash, release, report, revelation, rumour, scandal, scuttlebutt @@@@ [5]statement, story, tidings, word @@@@ [6]advanced, all-singing, all-dancing, contemporary, current, different, fresh, ground-breaking, happening @@@@ [7]latest, modern, modernistic, modish, newfangled, novel, original, recent, state-of-the-art, topical, ultramodern, unfamiliar, unknown, unused, unusual, up-to-date, virgin @@@@ [8]added, extra, more, supplementary @@@@ [9]altered, changed, improved, modernized, redesigned, renewed, restored"} {"x":"next","y":"[1]consequent, ensuing, following, later, subsequent, succeeding @@@@ [2]adjacent, adjoining, closest, nearest, neighbouring @@@@ [3]afterwards, closely, following, later, subsequently, thereafter @@@@ [4]afterlife, afterworld, heaven, hereafter, nirvana, paradise"} {"x":"nexus","y":"[1]bond, connection, joining, junction, link, tie"} {"x":"nibble","y":"[1]bite, crumb, morsel, peck, snack, soupcon, taste, titbit @@@@ [2]bite, eat, gnaw, munch, nip, peck, pick at"} {"x":"nice","y":"[1]agreeable, amiable, attractive, charming, commendable, courteous, delightful, friendly, good, kind, likable or likeable, pleasant, pleasurable, polite, prepossessing, refined, well-mannered @@@@ [2]dainty, fine, neat, tidy, trim @@@@ [3]accurate, careful, critical, delicate, discriminating, exact, exacting, fastidious, fine, meticulous, precise, rigorous, scrupulous, strict, subtle @@@@ [4]cultured, genteel, refined, respectable, virtuous, well-bred"} {"x":"nicety","y":"[1]accuracy, exactness, fastidiousness, finesse, meticulousness, minuteness, precision @@@@ [2]daintiness, delicacy, discrimination, distinction, nuance, refinement, subtlety"} {"x":"niche","y":"[1]alcove, corner, hollow, nook, opening, recess @@@@ [2]calling, pigeonhole @@@@ [3]place, position, slot @@@@ [4]vocation"} {"x":"nick","y":"[1]chip, cut, damage, dent, mark, notch, scar, score, scratch, snick @@@@ [2]finger @@@@ [3]knock off @@@@ [4]pilfer, pinch @@@@ [5]snitch @@@@ [6]steal, swipe"} {"x":"nickname","y":"[1]diminutive, epithet, familiar name, handle @@@@ [2]pet name, sobriquet"} {"x":"nifty","y":"[1]agile, apt, attractive, chic, clever, deft, enjoyable, excellent, neat, pleasing, quick, sharp, smart, spruce, stylish"} {"x":"niggard","y":"[1]cheapskate @@@@ [2]cheeseparer, churl @@@@ [3]miser, penny-pincher @@@@ [4]screw @@@@ [5]Scrooge, skinflint, tight-arse @@@@ [6]tight-ass"} {"x":"niggling","y":"[1]cavilling, finicky, fussy, insignificant, minor, nit-picking @@@@ [2]pettifogging, petty, picky @@@@ [3]piddling @@@@ [4]quibbling, trifling, unimportant @@@@ [5]gnawing, irritating, persistent, troubling, worrying"} {"x":"nigh","y":"[1]adjacent, adjoining, approximate, at hand, bordering, close, contiguous, imminent, impending, near, next, upcoming @@@@ [2]about, almost, approximately, close, near, practically @@@@ [3]all but, almost, just about, more or less, nearly, next to, practically, virtually @@@@ [4]Nigh on an amount, number, or age means almost that amount, number, or age."} {"x":"night","y":"[1]dark, darkness, dead of night, hours of darkness, night-time, night watches @@@@ [2]cowboy @@@@ [3]dubious, questionable, shady, undependable, unreliable, untrustworthy @@@@ [4]brief, here today, gone tomorrow, impermanent, short-lived @@@@ [5]all the time, ceaselessly, constantly, continually, continuously, day in, day out, endlessly, incessantly, interminably, unremittingly"} {"x":"nightly","y":"[1]each night, every night, night after night, nights @@@@ [2]after dark, at night, by night, in the night, nights @@@@ [3]nocturnally @@@@ [4]night-time, nocturnal"} {"x":"nightmare","y":"[1]bad dream, hallucination, incubus, night terror, succubus @@@@ [2]hell on earth, horror, ordeal, torment, trial, tribulation"} {"x":"nil","y":"[1]duck, love, naught, nihil, none, nothing, zero, zilch"} {"x":"nimble","y":"[1]active, agile, alert, bright @@@@ [2]brisk, deft, dexterous, lively, nippy @@@@ [3]pdq @@@@ [4]proficient, prompt, quick, quick-witted, ready, smart, sprightly, spry, swift"} {"x":"nimbus","y":"[1]ambience, atmosphere, aura, aureole, cloud, corona, glow, halo, irradiation"} {"x":"nincompoop","y":"[1]berk @@@@ [2]blockhead, charlie @@@@ [3]chump, coot, dickhead @@@@ [4]dickwit @@@@ [5]dimwit @@@@ [6]dipstick @@@@ [7]divvy @@@@ [8]dolt, dork @@@@ [9]dunce, dweeb @@@@ [10]fathead @@@@ [11]fool, fuckwit @@@@ [12]geek @@@@ [13]gobshite @@@@ [14]gonzo @@@@ [15]idiot, jerk @@@@ [16]lamebrain @@@@ [17]ninny, nitwit @@@@ [18]noodle, numbskull or numskull, numpty @@@@ [19]oaf, pillock @@@@ [20]plank @@@@ [21]plonker @@@@ [22]prat @@@@ [23]prick @@@@ [24]schmuck @@@@ [25]simpleton, twit @@@@ [26]wally"} {"x":"nip","y":"[1]bite, catch, clip, compress, grip, nibble, pinch, snag, snap, snip, squeeze, tweak, twitch @@@@ [2]check, frustrate, thwart @@@@ [3]dram, draught, drop, finger, mouthful, peg @@@@ [4]portion, shot @@@@ [5]sip, snifter @@@@ [6]soupcon, sup, swallow, taste"} {"x":"nipper","y":"[1]claw, pincer @@@@ [2]ankle-biter @@@@ [3]baby, boy, child, girl, infant, kid @@@@ [4]sprog @@@@ [5]tot"} {"x":"nipple","y":"[1]boob @@@@ [2]breast, dug, mamilla, pap, papilla, teat, tit, udder"} {"x":"nippy","y":"[1]biting, chilly, nipping, sharp, stinging @@@@ [2]active, agile, fast, nimble, pdq @@@@ [3]quick, spry"} {"x":"nirvana","y":"[1]bliss, joy, paradise, peace, serenity, tranquillity"} {"x":"nitwit","y":"[1]dickhead @@@@ [2]dickwit @@@@ [3]dimwit @@@@ [4]dipstick @@@@ [5]divvy @@@@ [6]dork @@@@ [7]dummy @@@@ [8]fool, fuckwit @@@@ [9]geek @@@@ [10]gobshite @@@@ [11]halfwit, lamebrain @@@@ [12]nincompoop, ninny, numpty @@@@ [13]oaf, plank @@@@ [14]simpleton"} {"x":"nobility","y":"[1]aristocracy, elite, high society, lords, nobles, patricians, peerage, ruling class, upper class @@@@ [2]dignity, eminence, excellence, grandeur, greatness, illustriousness, loftiness, magnificence, majesty, nobleness, stateliness, sublimity, superiority, worthiness @@@@ [3]honour, incorruptibility, integrity, uprightness, virtue"} {"x":"noble","y":"[1]aristo @@@@ [2]aristocrat, childe @@@@ [3]lord, nobleman, peer @@@@ [4]aristocratic, blue-blooded, gentle @@@@ [5]highborn, lordly, patrician, titled @@@@ [6]august, dignified, distinguished, elevated, eminent, excellent, grand, great, imposing, impressive, lofty, splendid, stately, superb @@@@ [7]generous, honourable, magnanimous, upright, virtuous, worthy"} {"x":"nobody","y":"[1]no-one @@@@ [2]cipher, lightweight @@@@ [3]menial, nonentity, nothing"} {"x":"nocturnal","y":"[1]night, nightly, night-time, of the night"} {"x":"nod","y":"[1]acknowledge, bob, bow, dip, duck, gesture, indicate, nutate @@@@ [2]salute, signal @@@@ [3]agree, assent, concur, show agreement @@@@ [4]be sleepy, doze, droop, drowse, kip @@@@ [5]nap, sleep, slump, zizz @@@@ [6]acknowledgment, beck, gesture, greeting, indication, salute, sign, signal"} {"x":"node","y":"[1]bud, bump, burl, growth, knob, knot, lump, nodule, protuberance, swelling"} {"x":"noggin","y":"[1]gill, quarter-pint @@@@ [2]cup, dram, mug, nip, tot @@@@ [3]bean @@@@ [4]block @@@@ [5]bonce @@@@ [6]conk @@@@ [7]dome @@@@ [8]head, napper @@@@ [9]noddle @@@@ [10]nut"} {"x":"noise","y":"[1]babble, blare, clamour, clatter, commotion, cry, din, fracas, hubbub, outcry, pandemonium, racket, row, rumpus, sound, talk, tumult, uproar @@@@ [2]advertise, bruit, circulate, gossip, publicize, repeat, report, rumour"} {"x":"noisome","y":"[1]bad, baneful @@@@ [2]deleterious, harmful, hurtful, injurious, mischievous, pernicious, pestiferous, pestilential, poisonous, unhealthy, unwholesome @@@@ [3]disgusting, fetid, foul, malodorous, mephitic, niffy @@@@ [4]noxious, offensive, olid, putrid, reeking, smelly, stinking"} {"x":"noisy","y":"[1]boisterous, cacophonous, chattering, clamorous, deafening, ear-splitting, loud, obstreperous, piercing, riotous, strident, tumultuous, turbulent, uproarious, vociferous"} {"x":"nomad","y":"[1]drifter, itinerant, migrant, rambler, rover, vagabond, wanderer"} {"x":"nomadic","y":"[1]itinerant, migrant, migratory, pastoral, peripatetic, roaming, roving, travelling, vagrant, wandering"} {"x":"nomenclature","y":"[1]classification, codification, locution, phraseology, taxonomy, terminology, vocabulary"} {"x":"nominal","y":"[1]formal, ostensible, pretended, professed, puppet, purported, self-styled, so-called, soi-disant, supposed, theoretical, titular @@@@ [2]inconsiderable, insignificant, minimal, small, symbolic, token, trifling, trivial"} {"x":"nominate","y":"[1]appoint, assign, choose, commission, designate, elect, elevate, empower, name, present, propose, recommend, select, submit, suggest, term"} {"x":"nomination","y":"[1]appointment, choice, designation, election, proposal, recommendation, selection, suggestion"} {"x":"nominee","y":"[1]aspirant, candidate, contestant, entrant, favourite, protege, runner"} {"x":"nonchalant","y":"[1]airy, apathetic, blase, calm, careless, casual, collected, cool, detached, dispassionate, indifferent, insouciant, laid-back @@@@ [2]offhand, unconcerned, unemotional, unfazed @@@@ [3]unperturbed"} {"x":"noncombatant","y":"[1]civilian, neutral, nonbelligerent"} {"x":"noncommittal","y":"[1]ambiguous, careful, cautious, circumspect, discreet, equivocal, evasive, guarded, indefinite, neutral, politic, reserved, tactful, temporizing, tentative, unrevealing, vague, wary"} {"x":"nonconformist","y":"[1]dissenter, dissentient, eccentric, heretic, iconoclast, individualist, maverick, protester, radical, rebel"} {"x":"nondescript","y":"[1]bog-standard @@@@ [2]commonplace, dull, featureless, indeterminate, mousy, nothing to write home about, ordinary, run-of-the-mill, unclassifiable, unclassified, undistinguished, unexceptional, uninspiring, uninteresting, unmemorable, unremarkable, vague, vanilla"} {"x":"none","y":"[1]bugger all @@@@ [2]diddly @@@@ [3]f.a. @@@@ [4]fuck all @@@@ [5]nil, nobody, no-one, no part, not a bit, not any, nothing, not one, sweet F.A. @@@@ [6]zero, zilch"} {"x":"nonentity","y":"[1]cipher, lightweight @@@@ [2]mediocrity, nobody, small fry, unimportant person"} {"x":"nonetheless","y":"[1]despite that, even so, however, in spite of that, nevertheless, yet"} {"x":"nonpareil","y":"[1]ideal, nonesuch @@@@ [2]paragon, perfection @@@@ [3]incomparable, matchless, peerless, supreme, unequalled, unique, unmatched, unparalleled, unrivalled, unsurpassed"} {"x":"nonpartisan","y":"[1]detached, impartial, independent, neutral, nonpolitical, objective, unaffiliated, unbiased, unprejudiced"} {"x":"nonplus","y":"[1]astonish, astound, baffle, be all Greek to @@@@ [2]bewilder, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, dismay, dumbfound, embarrass, faze, flummox, mystify, perplex, puzzle, stump, stun, take aback"} {"x":"nonsense","y":"[1]absurdity, balderdash, balls @@@@ [2]bilge @@@@ [3]blather, bollocks @@@@ [4]bombast, bosh @@@@ [5]bull @@@@ [6]bullshit @@@@ [7]bunk @@@@ [8]claptrap @@@@ [9]cobblers @@@@ [10]crap @@@@ [11]double Dutch @@@@ [12]drivel, eyewash @@@@ [13]fatuity, folly, foolishness, garbage @@@@ [14]gibberish, guff @@@@ [15]hogwash, hokum @@@@ [16]horsefeathers @@@@ [17]hot air @@@@ [18]idiocy, inanity, jest, ludicrousness, moonshine, pap, piffle @@@@ [19]poppycock @@@@ [20]rhubarb, ridiculousness, rot, rubbish, senselessness, shit @@@@ [21]silliness, stuff, stupidity, tommyrot, tosh @@@@ [22]trash, tripe @@@@ [23]twaddle, waffle"} {"x":"nonsensical","y":"[1]absurd, asinine, crazy, foolish, inane, incomprehensible, irrational, ludicrous, meaningless, ridiculous, senseless, silly"} {"x":"nonstop","y":"[1]ceaseless, constant, continuous, direct, endless, incessant, interminable, relentless, steady, unbroken, unending, unfaltering, uninterrupted, unremitting @@@@ [2]ceaselessly, constantly, continuously, directly, endlessly, incessantly, interminably, perpetually, relentlessly, steadily, unbrokenly, unendingly, unfalteringly, uninterruptedly, unremittingly, without stopping"} {"x":"nook","y":"[1]alcove, cavity, corner, cranny, crevice, cubbyhole, hide-out, inglenook @@@@ [2]niche, opening, recess, retreat"} {"x":"noon","y":"[1]high noon, midday, noonday, noontide, noontime, twelve noon"} {"x":"norm","y":"[1]average, benchmark, criterion, mean, measure, model, par, pattern, rule, standard, type, yardstick"} {"x":"normal","y":"[1]accustomed, acknowledged, average, bog-standard @@@@ [2]common, conventional, habitual, natural, ordinary, popular, regular, routine, run-of-the-mill, standard, typical, usual @@@@ [3]rational, reasonable, sane, well-adjusted"} {"x":"normality","y":"[1]accustomedness, averageness, commonness, commonplaceness, conventionality, habitualness, naturalness, ordinariness, popularity, regularity, routineness, typicality, usualness @@@@ [2]adjustment, balance, rationality, reason, sanity"} {"x":"normally","y":"[1]as a rule, commonly, generally, habitually, ordinarily, regularly, typically, usually"} {"x":"north","y":"[1]Arctic, boreal, northerly, northern, polar @@@@ [2]northerly, northward(s) @@@@ [3]lodestar, Polaris, Pole Star @@@@ [4]A north-easterly @@@@ [5]North-eastern @@@@ [6]A north-westerly @@@@ [7]North-western"} {"x":"nose","y":"[1]beak, bill, conk @@@@ [2]hooter @@@@ [3]neb @@@@ [4]proboscis, schnozzle @@@@ [5]snitch @@@@ [6]snout @@@@ [7]detect, scent, search (for), smell, sniff @@@@ [8]ease forward, nudge, nuzzle, push, shove @@@@ [9]meddle, pry, snoop @@@@ [10]dive, drop, plummet, plunge"} {"x":"nosegay","y":"[1]bouquet, posy"} {"x":"nostalgia","y":"[1]homesickness, longing, pining, regret, regretfulness, remembrance, reminiscence, wistfulness, yearning"} {"x":"nostrum","y":"[1]cure, cure-all, drug, elixir, medicine, panacea, patent medicine, potion, quack medicine, remedy, sovereign cure, specific, treatment"} {"x":"nosy","y":"[1]curious, eavesdropping, inquisitive, interfering, intrusive, meddlesome, prying, snooping"} {"x":"notability","y":"[1]celebrity, distinction, eminence, esteem, fame, renown @@@@ [2]big name, celeb @@@@ [3]celebrity, dignitary, megastar @@@@ [4]notable, personage, V.I.P., worthy"} {"x":"notable","y":"[1]celebrated, conspicuous, distinguished, eminent, evident, extraordinary, famous, manifest, marked, memorable, noteworthy, noticeable, notorious, outstanding, pre-eminent, pronounced, rare, remarkable, renowned, salient, striking, uncommon, unusual, well-known @@@@ [2]big name, celeb @@@@ [3]celebrity, dignitary, megastar @@@@ [4]notability, personage, V.I.P., worthy"} {"x":"notation","y":"[1]characters, code, script, signs, symbols, system @@@@ [2]jotting, notating, note, noting, record"} {"x":"notch","y":"[1]cleft, cut, incision, indentation, mark, nick, score @@@@ [2]cut @@@@ [3]degree, grade, level, step @@@@ [4]cut, indent, mark, nick, score, scratch @@@@ [5]achieve, gain, make, register, score"} {"x":"note","y":"[1]annotation, comment, communication, epistle, gloss, jotting, letter, memo, memorandum, message, minute, record, remark, reminder @@@@ [2]indication, mark, sign, symbol, token @@@@ [3]heed, notice, observation, regard @@@@ [4]celebrity, character, consequence, distinction, eminence, fame, prestige, renown, reputation @@@@ [5]denote, designate, indicate, mark, mention, notice, observe, perceive, record, register, remark, see"} {"x":"notebook","y":"[1]commonplace book, diary, exercise book, Filofax @@@@ [2]jotter, journal, memorandum book, notepad, record book"} {"x":"noted","y":"[1]acclaimed, celebrated, conspicuous, distinguished, eminent, famous, illustrious, notable, notorious, prominent, recognized, renowned, well-known"} {"x":"notes","y":"[1]impressions, jottings, outline, record, report, sketch @@@@ [2]annotation, comment, communication, epistle, gloss, jotting, letter, memo, memorandum, message, minute, record, remark, reminder @@@@ [3]indication, mark, sign, symbol, token @@@@ [4]heed, notice, observation, regard @@@@ [5]celebrity, character, consequence, distinction, eminence, fame, prestige, renown, reputation @@@@ [6]denote, designate, indicate, mark, mention, notice, observe, perceive, record, register, remark, see"} {"x":"noteworthy","y":"[1]exceptional, extraordinary, important, notable, outstanding, remarkable, significant, unusual"} {"x":"nothing","y":"[1]bagatelle, cipher, emptiness, naught, nil, nobody, nonentity, nonexistence, nothingness, nought, nullity, trifle, void, zero @@@@ [2]black sheep, idler, layabout, ne'er-do-well, numb-nut @@@@ [3]profligate, rapscallion, scapegrace, skiver @@@@ [4]slacker @@@@ [5]waster, wastrel @@@@ [6]feckless, idle, irresponsible, useless, worthless"} {"x":"notice","y":"[1]behold @@@@ [2]detect, discern, distinguish, heed, mark, mind, note, observe, perceive, remark, see, spot @@@@ [3]cognizance, consideration, heed, interest, note, observation, regard @@@@ [4]advice, announcement, communication, instruction, intelligence, intimation, news, notification, order, warning @@@@ [5]advertisement, comment, criticism, poster, review, sign @@@@ [6]attention, civility, respect"} {"x":"notification","y":"[1]advice, alert, announcement, declaration, information, intelligence, message, notice, notifying, publication, statement, telling, warning"} {"x":"notify","y":"[1]acquaint, advise, alert, announce, apprise, declare, inform, make known, publish, tell, warn"} {"x":"notion","y":"[1]apprehension, belief, concept, conception, idea, impression, inkling, judgment, knowledge, opinion, sentiment, understanding, view @@@@ [2]caprice, desire, fancy, impulse, inclination, whim, wish"} {"x":"notional","y":"[1]abstract, conceptual, fanciful, hypothetical, ideal, imagal @@@@ [2]imaginary, speculative, theoretical, unreal, visionary"} {"x":"notoriety","y":"[1]dishonour, disrepute, infamy, obloquy, opprobrium, scandal"} {"x":"notorious","y":"[1]dishonourable, disreputable, infamous, opprobrious, scandalous @@@@ [2]blatant, flagrant, glaring, obvious, open, overt, patent, undisputed"} {"x":"notoriously","y":"[1]dishonourably, disreputably, infamously, opprobriously, scandalously @@@@ [2]blatantly, flagrantly, glaringly, notably, obviously, openly, overtly, particularly, patently, spectacularly, undisputedly"} {"x":"notwithstanding","y":"[1]although, despite, (even) though, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, though, yet"} {"x":"nourish","y":"[1]attend, feed, furnish, nurse, nurture, supply, sustain, tend @@@@ [2]comfort, cultivate, encourage, foster, maintain, promote, support"} {"x":"novel","y":"[1]different, fresh, ground-breaking, innovative, left-field @@@@ [2]new, original, rare, singular, strange, uncommon, unfamiliar, unusual @@@@ [3]fiction, narrative, romance, story, tale"} {"x":"novelty","y":"[1]freshness, innovation, newness, oddity, originality, strangeness, surprise, unfamiliarity, uniqueness @@@@ [2]bagatelle, bauble, curiosity, gadget, gewgaw, gimcrack, gimmick, knick-knack, memento, souvenir, trifle, trinket"} {"x":"novice","y":"[1]amateur, apprentice, beginner, convert, learner, neophyte, newcomer, novitiate, probationer, proselyte, pupil, trainee, tyro"} {"x":"novitiate","y":"[1]apprenticeship, probation, training @@@@ [2]novice"} {"x":"now","y":"[1]at once, immediately, instanter @@@@ [2]instantly, presently @@@@ [3]promptly, straightaway @@@@ [4]any more, at the moment, nowadays, these days @@@@ [5]at times, from time to time, infrequently, intermittently, occasionally, on and off, once in a while, on occasion, sometimes, sporadically"} {"x":"nowadays","y":"[1]any more, at the moment, in this day and age, now, these days, today"} {"x":"noxious","y":"[1]baneful @@@@ [2]corrupting, deadly, deleterious, destructive, detrimental, foul, harmful, hurtful, injurious, insalubrious, noisome, pernicious, pestilential, poisonous, unhealthy, unwholesome"} {"x":"nuance","y":"[1]degree, distinction, gradation, graduation, hint, nicety, refinement, shade, shadow, subtlety, suggestion, suspicion, tinge, touch, trace"} {"x":"nub","y":"[1]core, crux, essence, gist, heart, kernel, nucleus, pith, point @@@@ [2]bulge, bump, knob, knot, lump, node, protuberance, swelling"} {"x":"nubile","y":"[1]marriageable, ripe"} {"x":"nucleus","y":"[1]basis, centre, core, focus, heart, kernel, nub, pivot"} {"x":"nude","y":"[1]au naturel, bare, buck naked @@@@ [2]disrobed, exposed, in one's birthday suit @@@@ [3]scuddy @@@@ [4]starkers @@@@ [5]stark-naked, stripped, unclad, unclothed, uncovered, undraped, undressed, without a stitch on"} {"x":"nudge","y":"[1]bump, dig, elbow, jog, poke, prod, push, shove, touch"} {"x":"nudity","y":"[1]bareness, deshabille, nakedness, nudism, undress"} {"x":"nugatory","y":"[1]insignificant, trifling, trivial, valueless, worthless @@@@ [2]bootless, futile, ineffectual, inoperative, invalid, null and void, unavailing, useless, vain"} {"x":"nugget","y":"[1]chunk, clump, hunk, lump, mass, piece"} {"x":"nuisance","y":"[1]annoyance, bore, bother, drag @@@@ [2]gall, hassle @@@@ [3]inconvenience, infliction, irritation, offence, pain in the arse @@@@ [4]pain in the neck, pest, plague, problem, trouble, vexation"} {"x":"null","y":"[1]characterless, ineffectual, inoperative, invalid, nonexistent, null and void, powerless, useless, vain, valueless, void, worthless"} {"x":"nullify","y":"[1]abolish, abrogate, annul, bring to naught, cancel, counteract, countervail, invalidate, negate, neutralize, obviate, quash, rebut, render null and void, repeal, rescind, revoke, veto, void"} {"x":"nullity","y":"[1]characterlessness, ineffectualness, invalidity, nonexistence, powerlessness, uselessness, valuelessness, voidness, worthlessness"} {"x":"numb","y":"[1]benumbed, dead, deadened, frozen, immobilized, insensible, insensitive, paralysed, stupefied, torpid, unfeeling @@@@ [2]benumb, deaden, dull, freeze, immobilize, paralyse, stun, stupefy"} {"x":"number","y":"[1]character, count, digit, figure, integer, numeral, sum, total, unit @@@@ [2]aggregate, amount, collection, company, crowd, horde, many, multitude, quantity, throng @@@@ [3]copy, edition, imprint, issue, printing @@@@ [4]account, add, calculate, compute, count, enumerate, include, reckon, tell, total"} {"x":"numeral","y":"[1]character, cipher, digit, figure, integer, number, symbol"} {"x":"numerous","y":"[1]abundant, copious, many, plentiful, profuse, several, thick on the ground"} {"x":"nuncio","y":"[1]ambassador, envoy, legate, messenger"} {"x":"nuptial","y":"[1]bridal, conjugal, connubial, epithalamial @@@@ [2]hymeneal @@@@ [3]marital, matrimonial, wedded, wedding"} {"x":"nurse","y":"[1]care for, look after, minister to, tend, treat @@@@ [2]breast-feed, feed, nourish, nurture, suckle, wet-nurse @@@@ [3]cherish, cultivate, encourage, foster, harbour, keep alive, preserve, promote, succour, support"} {"x":"nurture","y":"[1]diet, food, nourishment @@@@ [2]development, discipline, education, instruction, rearing, training, upbringing @@@@ [3]feed, nourish, nurse, support, sustain, tend @@@@ [4]bring up, cultivate, develop, discipline, educate, instruct, rear, school, train"} {"x":"nut","y":"[1]kernel, pip, seed, stone @@@@ [2]brain, head, mind, reason, senses @@@@ [3]crackpot @@@@ [4]crank @@@@ [5]eccentric, headbanger @@@@ [6]headcase @@@@ [7]loony @@@@ [8]lunatic, madman, maniac, nutcase @@@@ [9]nutter @@@@ [10]oddball @@@@ [11]psycho @@@@ [12]wacko"} {"x":"nutrition","y":"[1]food, nourishment, nutriment, sustenance"} {"x":"nuts","y":"[1]bananas @@@@ [2]barking @@@@ [3]barking mad @@@@ [4]batty @@@@ [5]crazy @@@@ [6]demented, deranged, doolally @@@@ [7]eccentric, gonzo @@@@ [8]insane, irrational, loony @@@@ [9]loopy @@@@ [10]nutty @@@@ [11]psycho @@@@ [12]basics, details, essentials, fundamentals, ins and outs, nitty-gritty @@@@ [13]practicalities"} {"x":"nuzzle","y":"[1]burrow, cuddle, fondle, nestle, nudge, pet, snuggle"} {"x":"nymph","y":"[1]damsel, dryad, girl, hamadryad, lass, maid, maiden, naiad, Oceanid @@@@ [2]oread, sylph"} {"x":"oaf","y":"[1]airhead @@@@ [2]berk @@@@ [3]blockhead, bonehead @@@@ [4]booby, brute, charlie @@@@ [5]clod, coot, dickhead @@@@ [6]dickwit @@@@ [7]dipstick @@@@ [8]divvy @@@@ [9]dolt, dork @@@@ [10]dullard, dummy @@@@ [11]dunce, dweeb @@@@ [12]fathead @@@@ [13]fool, fuckwit @@@@ [14]galoot @@@@ [15]gawk, geek @@@@ [16]gobshite @@@@ [17]gonzo @@@@ [18]goon, gorilla @@@@ [19]halfwit, idiot, imbecile, jerk @@@@ [20]lout, lummox @@@@ [21]nincompoop, nitwit @@@@ [22]pillock @@@@ [23]plank @@@@ [24]plonker @@@@ [25]prat @@@@ [26]sap @@@@ [27]schmuck @@@@ [28]simpleton, twit @@@@ [29]wally"} {"x":"oafish","y":"[1]blockish, Boeotian, boneheaded @@@@ [2]bovine, brutish, dense, dim, dim-witted @@@@ [3]doltish, dozy @@@@ [4]dull, dumb @@@@ [5]heavy, loutish, lubberly, lumbering, moronic, obtuse, slow on the uptake @@@@ [6]stupid, thick"} {"x":"oasis","y":"[1]haven, island, refuge, resting place, retreat, sanctuary, sanctum"} {"x":"oath","y":"[1]affirmation, avowal, bond, pledge, promise, sworn statement, vow, word @@@@ [2]blasphemy, curse, cuss @@@@ [3]expletive, imprecation, malediction, profanity, strong language, swearword"} {"x":"obdurate","y":"[1]adamant, callous, dogged, firm, fixed, hard, hard-hearted, harsh, immovable, implacable, indurate @@@@ [2]inexorable, inflexible, iron, mulish, obstinate, perverse, pig-headed, proof against persuasion, relentless, stiff-necked, stubborn, unbending, unfeeling, unimpressible, unrelenting, unshakable, unyielding"} {"x":"obedience","y":"[1]accordance, acquiescence, agreement, assent, compliance, conformability, deference, docility, dutifulness, duty, observance, respect, reverence, submission, submissiveness, subservience, tractability"} {"x":"obedient","y":"[1]acquiescent, amenable, biddable, compliant, deferential, docile, duteous, dutiful, law-abiding, observant, regardful, respectful, submissive, subservient, tractable, under control, well-trained, yielding"} {"x":"obeisance","y":"[1]bending of the knee, bow, curtsy or curtsey, deference, genuflection, homage, kowtow, respect, reverence, salaam, salutation"} {"x":"obelisk","y":"[1]column, monolith, monument, needle, pillar, shaft"} {"x":"obese","y":"[1]corpulent, Falstaffian, fat, fleshy, gross, heavy, outsize, overweight, paunchy, plump, podgy, portly, roly-poly, rotund, stout, tubby, well-upholstered"} {"x":"obey","y":"[1]abide by, act upon, adhere to, be ruled by, carry out, comply, conform, discharge, do what is expected, embrace, execute, follow, fulfil, heed, keep, mind, observe, perform, respond, serve @@@@ [2]bow to, come to heel, do what one is told, get into line, give in, give way, knuckle under @@@@ [3]submit, succumb, surrender (to), take orders from, toe the line, yield"} {"x":"obfuscate","y":"[1]befog, bewilder, cloud, confuse, darken, muddy the waters, obscure, perplex"} {"x":"object","y":"[1]article, body, entity, fact, item, phenomenon, reality, thing @@@@ [2]aim, butt, focus, recipient, target, victim @@@@ [3]design, end, end in view, end purpose, goal, idea, intent, intention, motive, objective, point, purpose, reason, the why and wherefore @@@@ [4]argue against, demur, draw the line (at something), expostulate, oppose, protest, raise objections, take exception"} {"x":"objection","y":"[1]cavil, censure, counter-argument, demur, doubt, exception, niggle @@@@ [2]opposition, protest, remonstrance, scruple"} {"x":"objective","y":"[1]detached, disinterested, dispassionate, equitable, even-handed, fair, impartial, impersonal, judicial, just, open-minded, unbiased, uncoloured, unemotional, uninvolved, unprejudiced @@@@ [2]aim, ambition, aspiration, design, end, end in view, goal, Holy Grail @@@@ [3]intention, mark, object, purpose, target"} {"x":"objectivity","y":"[1]detachment, disinterest, disinterestedness, dispassion, equitableness, impartiality, impersonality"} {"x":"obligation","y":"[1]accountability, accountableness, burden, charge, compulsion, culpability, duty, liability, must, onus, pigeon @@@@ [2]requirement, responsibility, trust @@@@ [3]agreement, bond, commitment, contract, debt, engagement, promise, understanding @@@@ [4]beholden, duty-bound, grateful, honour-bound, indebted, in (someone's) debt, obligated, obliged, owing a favour, thankful"} {"x":"obligatory","y":"[1]binding, coercive, compulsory, de rigueur, enforced, essential, imperative, mandatory, necessary, required, requisite, unavoidable"} {"x":"oblige","y":"[1]bind, coerce, compel, constrain, dragoon, force, impel, make, necessitate, obligate, railroad @@@@ [2]require @@@@ [3]accommodate, benefit, do (someone) a favour or a kindness, favour, gratify, indulge, please, put oneself out for, serve"} {"x":"obliged","y":"[1]appreciative, beholden, grateful, gratified, indebted, in (someone's) debt, thankful @@@@ [2]bound, compelled, forced, required, under an obligation, under compulsion, without any option"} {"x":"oblique","y":"[1]angled, aslant, at an angle, atilt, inclined, slanted, slanting, sloped, sloping, tilted @@@@ [2]backhanded, circuitous, circumlocutory, evasive, implied, indirect, roundabout, sidelong"} {"x":"obliterate","y":"[1]annihilate, blot out, blow sky-high, cancel, delete, destroy, destroy root and branch, efface, eradicate, erase, expunge, extirpate, root out, wipe from the face of the earth, wipe off the face of the earth, wipe out"} {"x":"oblivion","y":"[1]abeyance, disregard, forgetfulness, insensibility, neglect, obliviousness, unawareness, unconsciousness, (waters of) Lethe @@@@ [2]blackness, darkness, eclipse, extinction, limbo, nothingness, obscurity, void"} {"x":"obloquy","y":"[1]abuse, animadversion, aspersion, attack, bad press, blame, calumny, censure, character assassination, contumely, criticism, defamation, detraction, invective, opprobrium, reproach, slander, stick @@@@ [2]vilification @@@@ [3]discredit, disfavour, disgrace, dishonour, humiliation, ignominy, ill fame, ill repute, infamy, odium, shame, stigma"} {"x":"obnoxious","y":"[1]abhorrent, abominable, detestable, disagreeable, disgusting, dislikable or dislikeable, foul, hateable, hateful, horrid, insufferable, loathsome, nasty, nauseating, objectionable, obscene, odious, offensive, repellent, reprehensible, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, sickening, unpleasant"} {"x":"obscene","y":"[1]bawdy, blue, coarse, dirty, disgusting, Fescennine @@@@ [2]filthy, foul, gross, immodest, immoral, improper, impure, indecent, lewd, licentious, loose, offensive, pornographic, prurient, ribald, salacious, scabrous, shameless, smutty, suggestive, unchaste, unwholesome, X-rated @@@@ [3]atrocious, evil, heinous, loathsome, outrageous, shocking, sickening, vile, wicked"} {"x":"obscure","y":"[1]abstruse, ambiguous, arcane, clear as mud @@@@ [2]concealed, confusing, cryptic, deep, Delphic, doubtful, enigmatic, esoteric, hazy, hidden, incomprehensible, indefinite, intricate, involved, mysterious, occult, opaque, recondite, unclear, vague @@@@ [3]blurred, clouded, cloudy, dim, dusky, faint, gloomy, indistinct, murky, obfuscated, shadowy, shady, sombre, tenebrous, unlit, veiled @@@@ [4]humble, inconspicuous, inglorious, little-known, lowly, minor, nameless, out-of-the-way, remote, undistinguished, unheard-of, unhonoured, unimportant, unknown, unnoted, unseen, unsung @@@@ [5]conceal, cover, disguise, hide, muddy, obfuscate, screen, throw a veil over, veil @@@@ [6]adumbrate, bedim, befog, block, block out, blur, cloak, cloud, darken, dim, dull, eclipse, mask, overshadow, shade, shroud"} {"x":"obsequious","y":"[1]abject, cringing, deferential, fawning, flattering, grovelling, ingratiating, mealy-mouthed, menial, servile, slavish, smarmy @@@@ [2]submissive, sycophantic, toadying, unctuous"} {"x":"observable","y":"[1]apparent, appreciable, blatant, clear, detectable, discernible, evident, noticeable, obvious, open, patent, perceivable, perceptible, recognizable, visible"} {"x":"observation","y":"[1]attention, cognition, consideration, examination, experience, information, inspection, knowledge, monitoring, notice, review, scrutiny, study, surveillance, watching @@@@ [2]annotation, comment, finding, note, obiter dictum, opinion, pronouncement, reflection, remark, thought, utterance"} {"x":"observe","y":"[1]detect, discern, discover, espy, note, notice, perceive, see, spot, witness @@@@ [2]behold @@@@ [3]check, check out @@@@ [4]clock @@@@ [5]contemplate, eye, eyeball @@@@ [6]keep track of, keep under observation, look at, monitor, pay attention to, recce @@@@ [7]regard, scrutinize, study, survey, take a dekko at @@@@ [8]view, watch, watch like a hawk @@@@ [9]animadvert, comment, declare, mention, note, opine, remark, say, state @@@@ [10]abide by, adhere to, comply, conform to, follow, fulfil, heed, honour, keep, mind, obey, perform, respect @@@@ [11]celebrate, commemorate, keep, remember, solemnize"} {"x":"observer","y":"[1]beholder, bystander, commentator, eyewitness, fly on the wall, looker-on, onlooker, spectator, spotter, viewer, watcher, witness"} {"x":"obsess","y":"[1]bedevil, be on one's mind, be uppermost in one's thoughts, consume, dominate, engross, grip, haunt, monopolize, plague, possess, preoccupy, prey on one's mind, rule, torment"} {"x":"obsessed","y":"[1]beset, dominated, gripped, hag-ridden, haunted, having a one-track mind, hung up on @@@@ [2]immersed in, infatuated, in the grip of, preoccupied, troubled"} {"x":"obsession","y":"[1]complex, enthusiasm, fetish, fixation, hang-up @@@@ [2]idee fixe, infatuation, mania, phobia, preoccupation, ruling passion, thing"} {"x":"obsolescent","y":"[1]ageing, declining, dying out, not with it @@@@ [2]on the decline, on the wane, on the way out, past its prime, waning"} {"x":"obsolete","y":"[1]anachronistic, ancient, antediluvian, antiquated, antique, archaic, bygone, dated, demode, discarded, disused, extinct, musty, old, old-fashioned, old hat, out, outmoded, out of date, out of fashion, out of the ark @@@@ [2]outworn, passe, past it, superannuated, vieux jeu"} {"x":"obstacle","y":"[1]bar, barrier, block, check, difficulty, hindrance, hitch, hurdle, impediment, interference, interruption, obstruction, snag, stumbling block"} {"x":"obstinate","y":"[1]contumacious, cussed, determined, dogged, firm, headstrong, immovable, inflexible, intractable, intransigent, mulish, opinionated, persistent, pertinacious, perverse, pig-headed, recalcitrant, refractory, self-willed, steadfast, stiff-necked, strong-minded, stubborn, tenacious, unyielding, wilful"} {"x":"obstreperous","y":"[1]boisterous, clamorous, disorderly, loud, noisy, out of control, out of hand, rackety, rambunctious @@@@ [2]rampaging, raucous, restive, riotous, rip-roaring @@@@ [3]roistering, roisterous, rough, rowdy, stroppy @@@@ [4]tempestuous, tumultuous, turbulent, uncontrolled, undisciplined, unmanageable, unruly, uproarious, vociferous, wild"} {"x":"obstruct","y":"[1]arrest, bar, barricade, block, bring to a standstill, bung, check, choke, clog, cumber, curb, cut off, frustrate, get in the way of, hamper, hamstring, hide, hinder, hold up, impede, inhibit, interfere with, interrupt, mask, obscure, prevent, restrict, retard, shield, shut off, slow down, stop, thwart, trammel"} {"x":"obtain","y":"[1]achieve, acquire, attain, come by, earn, gain, get, get hold of, get one's hands on, land, procure, score @@@@ [2]secure @@@@ [3]be in force, be prevalent, be the case, exist, hold, prevail, stand"} {"x":"obtuse","y":"[1]boneheaded @@@@ [2]dense, dopey @@@@ [3]dull, dull-witted, dumb @@@@ [4]heavy, imperceptive, insensitive, muttonheaded @@@@ [5]retarded, slow, slow on the uptake @@@@ [6]stolid, stupid, thick, thick-skinned, uncomprehending, unintelligent @@@@ [7]blunt, rounded"} {"x":"obviate","y":"[1]anticipate, avert, counter, counteract, do away with, preclude, prevent, remove, render unnecessary"} {"x":"obvious","y":"[1]apparent, blatant, bold, clear, clear as a bell, conspicuous, cut-and-dried @@@@ [2]distinct, evident, indisputable, manifest, much in evidence, noticeable, open, open-and-shut, overt, palpable, patent, perceptible, plain, plain as the nose on your face @@@@ [3]pronounced, recognizable, right under one's nose @@@@ [4]salient, self-evident, self-explanatory, staring one in the face @@@@ [5]straightforward, transparent, unconcealed, undeniable, undisguised, unmistakable, unsubtle, visible"} {"x":"obviously","y":"[1]certainly, clearly, distinctly, manifestly, needless to say, of course, palpably, patently, plainly, undeniably, unmistakably, unquestionably, without doubt"} {"x":"occasion","y":"[1]chance, convenience, incident, moment, occurrence, opening, opportunity, time, window @@@@ [2]affair, celebration, event, experience, happening, occurrence @@@@ [3]call, cause, excuse, ground(s), inducement, influence, justification, motive, prompting, provocation, reason @@@@ [4]bring about, cause, create, effect, elicit, engender, evoke, generate, give rise to, induce, influence, inspire, lead to, move, originate, persuade, produce, prompt, provoke"} {"x":"occasional","y":"[1]casual, desultory, incidental, infrequent, intermittent, irregular, odd, rare, sporadic, uncommon"} {"x":"occasionally","y":"[1]at intervals, at times, (every) now and then, every so often, from time to time, irregularly, now and again, off and on, on and off, once in a while, on occasion, periodically, sometimes"} {"x":"occlude","y":"[1]block, bung, choke, clog, close, fill, hinder, obstruct, plug, seal, shut, stop up"} {"x":"occult","y":"[1]abstruse, arcane, cabbalistic, concealed, esoteric, hidden, invisible, magical, mysterious, mystic, mystical, obscure, preternatural, recondite, secret, supernatural, unknown, unrevealed, veiled"} {"x":"occupancy","y":"[1]habitation, holding, inhabitancy, occupation, possession, residence, tenancy, tenure, term, use"} {"x":"occupation","y":"[1]activity, business, calling, craft, employment, job, line (of work), post, profession, pursuit, trade, vocation, walk of life, work @@@@ [2]control, holding, occupancy, possession, residence, tenancy, tenure, use @@@@ [3]conquest, foreign rule, invasion, seizure, subjugation"} {"x":"occupied","y":"[1]busy, employed, engaged, hard at it @@@@ [2]tied up @@@@ [3]working @@@@ [4]engaged, full, in use, taken, unavailable @@@@ [5]full, inhabited, lived-in, peopled, settled, tenanted"} {"x":"occupy","y":"[1]absorb, amuse, busy, divert, employ, engage, engross, entertain, hold the attention of, immerse, interest, involve, keep busy or occupied, monopolize, preoccupy, take up, tie up @@@@ [2]be established in, be in residence in, dwell in, ensconce oneself in, establish oneself in, inhabit, live in, own, possess, reside in, stay in @@@@ [3]tenant @@@@ [4]cover, fill, hold, permeate, pervade, take up, use, utilize @@@@ [5]capture, garrison, hold, invade, keep, overrun, seize, take over, take possession of"} {"x":"occur","y":"[1]arise, befall, betide, chance, come about, come off @@@@ [2]crop up @@@@ [3]eventuate, happen, materialize, result, take place, turn up @@@@ [4]appear, be found, be met with, be present, develop, exist, manifest itself, obtain, show itself @@@@ [5]come to mind, come to one, cross one's mind, dawn on, enter one's head, offer itself, present itself, spring to mind, strike one, suggest itself"} {"x":"occurrence","y":"[1]adventure, affair, circumstance, episode, event, happening, incident, instance, proceeding, transaction @@@@ [2]appearance, development, existence, manifestation, materialization"} {"x":"odd","y":"[1]abnormal, atypical, bizarre, curious, deviant, different, eccentric, exceptional, extraordinary, fantastic, freak, freakish, freaky @@@@ [2]funny, irregular, kinky @@@@ [3]left-field @@@@ [4]oddball @@@@ [5]off-the-wall @@@@ [6]outlandish, out of the ordinary, outre, peculiar, quaint, queer, rare, remarkable, rum @@@@ [7]singular, strange, uncanny, uncommon, unconventional, unusual, wacko @@@@ [8]weird, whimsical @@@@ [9]casual, fragmentary, incidental, irregular, miscellaneous, occasional, periodic, random, seasonal, sundry, varied, various @@@@ [10]leftover, lone, remaining, single, solitary, spare, surplus, unconsumed, uneven, unmatched, unpaired"} {"x":"oddity","y":"[1]abnormality, anomaly, eccentricity, freak, idiosyncrasy, irregularity, kink, peculiarity, phenomenon, quirk, rarity @@@@ [2]card @@@@ [3]crank @@@@ [4]fish out of water, loose cannon, maverick, misfit, nut @@@@ [5]oddball @@@@ [6]odd bird @@@@ [7]odd fish @@@@ [8]rara avis, screwball @@@@ [9]wacko @@@@ [10]abnormality, bizarreness, eccentricity, extraordinariness, freakishness, incongruity, oddness, outlandishness, peculiarity, queerness, singularity, strangeness, unconventionality, unnaturalness"} {"x":"odds","y":"[1]advantage, allowance, edge, lead, superiority @@@@ [2]balance, chances, likelihood, probability @@@@ [3]difference, disparity, dissimilarity, distinction @@@@ [4]at daggers drawn, at loggerheads, at sixes and sevens, at variance, in conflict, in disagreement, in opposition to, not in keeping, on bad terms, out of line @@@@ [5]bits, bits and pieces, debris, leavings, litter, oddments, remnants, rubbish, scraps, sundry or miscellaneous items"} {"x":"odious","y":"[1]abhorrent, abominable, detestable, disgusting, execrable, foul, hateful, horrible, horrid, loathsome, obnoxious, obscene, offensive, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, unpleasant, vile, yucky or yukky"} {"x":"odorous","y":"[1]aromatic, balmy, fragrant, odoriferous, perfumed, redolent, scented, sweet-smelling"} {"x":"odyssey","y":"[1]crusade, journey, peregrination, pilgrimage, quest, trek, voyage"} {"x":"off","y":"[1]absent, cancelled, finished, gone, inoperative, postponed, unavailable @@@@ [2]bad, below par, disappointing, disheartening, displeasing, low-quality, mortifying, poor, quiet, slack, substandard, unrewarding, unsatisfactory @@@@ [3]bad, decomposed, high, mouldy, rancid, rotten, sour, turned @@@@ [4]apart, aside, away, elsewhere, out @@@@ [5]detach, divide, part, pull off, separate, sever, snap off, splinter @@@@ [6]belay @@@@ [7]cease, desist, discontinue, end, finish, halt, pause, pull the plug on, stop, suspend, terminate @@@@ [8]accomplish, achieve, bring home the bacon @@@@ [9]bring to pass, carry off, carry out, crack it @@@@ [10]cut it @@@@ [11]discharge, execute, perform, pull off, succeed @@@@ [12]cheesed off @@@@ [13]discontented, discouraged, disgruntled, disheartened, fed up, pissed off @@@@ [14]weary @@@@ [15]bum's rush @@@@ [16]cold shoulder, cut, dismissal, go-by @@@@ [17]kiss-off @@@@ [18]knock-back @@@@ [19]rebuff, refusal, rejection, repudiation, repulse, slight, snub, the (old) heave-ho @@@@ [20]blank @@@@ [21]cold-shoulder, cut, deny, disdain, dismiss, disown, disregard, ignore, kiss off @@@@ [22]put down, rebuff, refuse, reject, repudiate, scorn, send to Coventry, slight, snub, spurn @@@@ [23]assassinate, blow away @@@@ [24]dispatch, do away with, do in @@@@ [25]eliminate, finish off, kill, knock off @@@@ [26]liquidate, murder, remove, rub out @@@@ [27]take out @@@@ [28]wipe out @@@@ [29]go off, happen, occur, succeed, take place, transpire @@@@ [30]back out, beg off, cop out @@@@ [31]excuse oneself, quit, withdraw, withdraw from @@@@ [32]disconnect, intercept, interrupt, intersect @@@@ [33]bring to an end, discontinue, halt, obstruct, suspend @@@@ [34]isolate, separate, sever @@@@ [35]disinherit, disown, renounce @@@@ [36]decline, decrease, diminish, dwindle, fall off, lessen, slacken @@@@ [37]allow to alight, deliver, leave, let off, set down @@@@ [38]catnap, doze (off), drowse, fall asleep, have forty winks @@@@ [39]nod (off), snooze @@@@ [40]deceleration, decline, decrease, deterioration, downward trend, drop, slackening, slowing down, slump, waning, worsening @@@@ [41]plummet, take a fall or tumble, topple, tumble @@@@ [42]decline, decrease, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb away, fade, fall away, go down or downhill, lessen, peter out, reduce, shrink, slacken, slump, subside, tail off @@@@ [43]wane, weaken @@@@ [44]decline, decrease, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb away, fade, fall away, go down or downhill, lessen, peter out, reduce, shrink, slacken, slump, subside, tail off @@@@ [45]wane, weaken @@@@ [46]decline, decrease, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb away, fade, fall away, go down or downhill, lessen, peter out, reduce, shrink, slacken, slump, subside, tail off @@@@ [47]wane, weaken @@@@ [48]decline, decrease, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb away, fade, fall away, go down or downhill, lessen, peter out, reduce, shrink, slacken, slump, subside, tail off @@@@ [49]wane, weaken @@@@ [50]decline, decrease, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb away, fade, fall away, go down or downhill, lessen, peter out, reduce, shrink, slacken, slump, subside, tail off @@@@ [51]wane, weaken @@@@ [52]decline, decrease, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb away, fade, fall away, go down or downhill, lessen, peter out, reduce, shrink, slacken, slump, subside, tail off @@@@ [53]wane, weaken @@@@ [54]decline, decrease, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb away, fade, fall away, go down or downhill, lessen, peter out, reduce, shrink, slacken, slump, subside, tail off @@@@ [55]wane, weaken @@@@ [56]decline, decrease, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb away, fade, fall away, go down or downhill, lessen, peter out, reduce, shrink, slacken, slump, subside, tail off @@@@ [57]wane, weaken @@@@ [58]decline, decrease, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb away, fade, fall away, go down or downhill, lessen, peter out, reduce, shrink, slacken, slump, subside, tail off @@@@ [59]wane, weaken @@@@ [60]decline, decrease, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb away, fade, fall away, go down or downhill, lessen, peter out, reduce, shrink, slacken, slump, subside, tail off @@@@ [61]wane, weaken @@@@ [62]decline, decrease, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb away, fade, fall away, go down or downhill, lessen, peter out, reduce, shrink, slacken, slump, subside, tail off @@@@ [63]wane, weaken @@@@ [64]decline, decrease, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb away, fade, fall away, go down or downhill, lessen, peter out, reduce, shrink, slacken, slump, subside, tail off @@@@ [65]wane, weaken @@@@ [66]decline, decrease, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb away, fade, fall away, go down or downhill, lessen, peter out, reduce, shrink, slacken, slump, subside, tail off @@@@ [67]wane, weaken @@@@ [68]decline, decrease, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb away, fade, fall away, go down or downhill, lessen, peter out, reduce, shrink, slacken, slump, subside, tail off @@@@ [69]wane, weaken @@@@ [70]decline, decrease, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb away, fade, fall away, go down or downhill, lessen, peter out, reduce, shrink, slacken, slump, subside, tail off @@@@ [71]wane, weaken @@@@ [72]decline, decrease, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb away, fade, fall away, go down or downhill, lessen, peter out, reduce, shrink, slacken, slump, subside, tail off @@@@ [73]wane, weaken @@@@ [74]decline, decrease, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb away, fade, fall away, go down or downhill, lessen, peter out, reduce, shrink, slacken, slump, subside, tail off @@@@ [75]wane, weaken @@@@ [76]decline, decrease, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb away, fade, fall away, go down or downhill, lessen, peter out, reduce, shrink, slacken, slump, subside, tail off @@@@ [77]wane, weaken @@@@ [78]decline, decrease, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb away, fade, fall away, go down or downhill, lessen, peter out, reduce, shrink, slacken, slump, subside, tail off @@@@ [79]wane, weaken @@@@ [80]decline, decrease, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb away, fade, fall away, go down or downhill, lessen, peter out, reduce, shrink, slacken, slump, subside, tail off @@@@ [81]wane, weaken @@@@ [82]decline, decrease, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb away, fade, fall away, go down or downhill, lessen, peter out, reduce, shrink, slacken, slump, subside, tail off @@@@ [83]wane, weaken"} {"x":"offbeat","y":"[1]bizarre, Bohemian, eccentric, far-out @@@@ [2]freaky @@@@ [3]idiosyncratic, kinky @@@@ [4]left-field @@@@ [5]novel, oddball @@@@ [6]off-the-wall @@@@ [7]outre, rum @@@@ [8]strange, uncommon, unconventional, unorthodox, unusual, wacko @@@@ [9]way-out @@@@ [10]weird"} {"x":"offend","y":"[1]affront, aggravate @@@@ [2]annoy, cut to the quick, disgruntle, displease, fret, gall, get (someone's) goat @@@@ [3]give offence, hurt (someone's) feelings, insult, irritate, miff @@@@ [4]nark @@@@ [5]outrage, pain, pique, piss one off @@@@ [6]provoke, put down, put (someone's) back up, put (someone's) nose out of joint, rile, slight, snub, tread on (someone's) toes @@@@ [7]upset, vex, wound @@@@ [8]be disagreeable to, disgust, gross out @@@@ [9]make (someone) sick, nauseate, repel, repulse, sicken, turn (someone) off"} {"x":"offensive","y":"[1]abusive, annoying, detestable, discourteous, displeasing, disrespectful, embarrassing, impertinent, insolent, insulting, irritating, objectionable, rude, uncivil, unmannerly @@@@ [2]abominable, detestable, disagreeable, disgusting, grisly, loathsome, nasty, nauseating, noisome, obnoxious, odious, repellent, revolting, sickening, unpalatable, unpleasant, unsavoury, vile, yucky or yukky @@@@ [3]aggressive, attacking, invading @@@@ [4]attack, campaign, drive, onslaught, push @@@@ [5]advancing, aggressive, attacking, invading, invasive, on the warpath"} {"x":"offer","y":"[1]bid, extend, give, hold out, proffer, put on the market, put under the hammer, put up for sale, tender @@@@ [2]afford, furnish, make available, place at (someone's) disposal, present, provide, purvey, show @@@@ [3]advance, extend, move, propose, put forth, put forward, submit, suggest @@@@ [4]be at (someone's) service, come forward, offer one's services, volunteer @@@@ [5]attempt, bid, endeavour, essay, overture, proposal, proposition, submission, suggestion, tender"} {"x":"offering","y":"[1]contribution, donation, gift, hand-out, oblation @@@@ [2]present, sacrifice, subscription, widow's mite"} {"x":"offhand","y":"[1]abrupt, aloof, brusque, careless, casual, cavalier, couldn't-care-less, curt, glib, informal, offhanded, perfunctory, take-it-or-leave-it @@@@ [2]unceremonious, unconcerned, uninterested @@@@ [3]ad lib, extempore, impromptu, just like that @@@@ [4]without preparation"} {"x":"office","y":"[1]appointment, business, capacity, charge, commission, duty, employment, function, obligation, occupation, place, post, responsibility, role, service, situation, station, trust, work @@@@ [2]advocacy, aegis, aid, auspices, backing, favour, help, intercession, intervention, mediation, patronage, recommendation, referral, support, word"} {"x":"officer","y":"[1]agent, appointee, bureaucrat, dignitary, executive, functionary, office-holder, official, public servant, representative"} {"x":"official","y":"[1]accredited, authentic, authoritative, authorized, bona fide, certified, endorsed, ex cathedra, ex officio, formal, legitimate, licensed, proper, sanctioned, signed and sealed, straight from the horse's mouth @@@@ [2]agent, bureaucrat, executive, functionary, office bearer, officer, representative"} {"x":"officiate","y":"[1]chair, conduct, emcee @@@@ [2]manage, oversee, preside, serve, superintend"} {"x":"officious","y":"[1]bustling, dictatorial, forward, impertinent, inquisitive, interfering, intrusive, meddlesome, meddling, mischievous, obtrusive, opinionated, overbusy, overzealous, pragmatical @@@@ [2]pushy @@@@ [3]self-important"} {"x":"offing","y":"[1]close at hand, coming up, hovering, imminent, in prospect, in the immediate future, in the wings, on the horizon, on the way, upcoming"} {"x":"offset","y":"[1]balance out, cancel out, compensate for, counteract, counterbalance, counterpoise, countervail, make up for, neutralize @@@@ [2]balance, compensation, counterbalance, counterweight, equipoise"} {"x":"offshoot","y":"[1]adjunct, appendage, branch, by-product, development, limb, outgrowth, scion, spin-off, sprout"} {"x":"often","y":"[1]again and again, frequently, generally, many a time, much, oft @@@@ [2]oftentimes @@@@ [3]ofttimes @@@@ [4]over and over again, repeatedly, time after time, time and again"} {"x":"ogle","y":"[1]eye up @@@@ [2]gawp at"} {"x":"ogre","y":"[1]bogey, bogeyman, bugbear, demon, devil, giant, monster, spectre"} {"x":"oil","y":"[1]grease, lubricate"} {"x":"ointment","y":"[1]balm, cerate, cream, embrocation, emollient, liniment, lotion, salve, unguent @@@@ [2]a problem, a trouble, a hiccup"} {"x":"old","y":"[1]advanced in years, aged, ancient, decrepit, elderly, full of years, getting on, grey, grey-haired, grizzled, hoary, mature, over the hill @@@@ [2]past it, past one's prime, patriarchal, senescent, senile, venerable @@@@ [3]antediluvian, antiquated, antique, cast-off, cobwebby, crumbling, dated, decayed, done, hackneyed, obsolete, old-fashioned, outdated, outmoded, out of date, out of the ark @@@@ [4]passe, stale, superannuated, timeworn, unfashionable, unoriginal, worn-out @@@@ [5]aboriginal, antique, archaic, bygone, early, immemorial, of old, of yore, olden @@@@ [6]original, primeval, primitive, primordial, pristine, remote @@@@ [7]age-old, experienced, familiar, hardened, long-established, of long standing, practised, skilled, time-honoured, traditional, versed, veteran, vintage @@@@ [8]earlier, erstwhile, ex-, former, one-time, previous, quondam @@@@ [9]earlier, erstwhile, ex-, former, one-time, previous, quondam @@@@ [10]earlier, erstwhile, ex-, former, one-time, previous, quondam"} {"x":"oleaginous","y":"[1]adipose, fat, fatty, greasy, oily, sebaceous, unguinous"} {"x":"omen","y":"[1]augury, foreboding, foretoken, indication, portent, premonition, presage, prognostic, prognostication, sign, straw in the wind, warning, writing on the wall"} {"x":"ominous","y":"[1]baleful, bodeful, dark, fateful, forbidding, foreboding, inauspicious, menacing, minatory, portentous, premonitory, sinister, threatening, unpromising, unpropitious"} {"x":"omit","y":"[1]disregard, drop, eliminate, exclude, fail, forget, give (something) a miss @@@@ [2]leave out, leave (something) undone, let (something) slide, miss (out), neglect, overlook, pass over, skip"} {"x":"omnipotent","y":"[1]all-powerful, almighty, supreme"} {"x":"omniscient","y":"[1]all-knowing, all-seeing, all-wise"} {"x":"once","y":"[1]at one time, formerly, in the old days, in the past, in times gone by, in times past, long ago, once upon a time, previously @@@@ [2]directly, forthwith, immediately, instantly, now, right away, straight away, straightway @@@@ [3]this (very) minute, without delay, without hesitation @@@@ [4]at the same time, simultaneously, together @@@@ [5]conclusively, decisively, finally, for all time, for good, for the last time, permanently, positively, with finality @@@@ [6]at intervals, at times, every now and then, from time to time, now and again, occasionally, once in a blue moon @@@@ [7]on occasion, sometimes"} {"x":"oncoming","y":"[1]advancing, approaching, forthcoming, imminent, impending, looming, onrushing, upcoming"} {"x":"one-time","y":"[1]erstwhile, ex-, former, late, previous, quondam, sometime"} {"x":"onerous","y":"[1]backbreaking, burdensome, crushing, demanding, difficult, exacting, exhausting, exigent, formidable, grave, hard, heavy, laborious, oppressive, responsible, taxing, weighty"} {"x":"ongoing","y":"[1]advancing, continuous, current, developing, evolving, extant, growing, in progress, progressing, successful, unfinished, unfolding"} {"x":"onlooker","y":"[1]bystander, eyewitness, looker-on, observer, spectator, viewer, watcher, witness"} {"x":"only","y":"[1]at most, barely, exclusively, just, merely, purely, simply @@@@ [2]exclusive, individual, lone, one and only, single, sole, solitary, unique"} {"x":"onrush","y":"[1]charge, flood, flow, onset, onslaught, push, rush, stampede, stream, surge"} {"x":"onset","y":"[1]assault, attack, charge, onrush, onslaught @@@@ [2]beginning, inception, kick-off @@@@ [3]outbreak, start"} {"x":"onslaught","y":"[1]assault, attack, blitz, charge, offensive, onrush, onset"} {"x":"onus","y":"[1]burden, liability, load, obligation, responsibility, task"} {"x":"onward","y":"[1]ahead, beyond, forth, forward, in front, on"} {"x":"ooze","y":"[1]bleed, discharge, drain, dribble, drip, drop, emit, escape, exude, filter, leach, leak, overflow with, percolate, seep, strain, sweat, weep @@@@ [2]alluvium, gloop @@@@ [3]mire, muck, mud, silt, slime, slob @@@@ [4]sludge"} {"x":"oozy","y":"[1]dewy, dripping, miry, moist, mucky, slimy, sloppy, sludgy, sweaty, weeping"} {"x":"opalescent","y":"[1]iridescent, lustrous, nacreous, opaline, pearly, prismatic, rainbow-hued, shot"} {"x":"opaque","y":"[1]clouded, cloudy, dim, dull, filmy, hazy, impenetrable, lustreless, muddied, muddy, murky, obfuscated, turbid @@@@ [2]abstruse, baffling, cryptic, difficult, enigmatic, incomprehensible, obscure, unclear, unfathomable, unintelligible"} {"x":"open","y":"[1]agape, ajar, expanded, extended, gaping, revealed, spread out, unbarred, unclosed, uncovered, unfastened, unfolded, unfurled, unlocked, unobstructed, unsealed, yawning @@@@ [2]airy, bare, clear, exposed, extensive, free, navigable, not built-up, passable, rolling, spacious, sweeping, uncluttered, uncrowded, unenclosed, unfenced, unsheltered, wide, wide-open @@@@ [3]accessible, available, free, free to all, general, nondiscriminatory, public, unconditional, unengaged, unoccupied, unqualified, unrestricted, up for grabs @@@@ [4]vacant @@@@ [5]apparent, avowed, barefaced, blatant, bold, clear, conspicuous, downright, evident, flagrant, frank, manifest, noticeable, obvious, overt, plain, unconcealed, undisguised, visible @@@@ [6]arguable, debatable, moot, undecided, unresolved, unsettled, up in the air, yet to be decided @@@@ [7]disinterested, free, impartial, objective, receptive, unbiased, uncommitted, unprejudiced @@@@ [8]an easy target for, at the mercy of, defenceless against, disposed, exposed, liable, susceptible, vulnerable @@@@ [9]above board, artless, candid, fair, frank, guileless, honest, ingenuous, innocent, natural, sincere, transparent, unreserved @@@@ [10]filigree, fretted, holey, honeycombed, lacy, loose, openwork, porous, spongy @@@@ [11]bounteous, bountiful, generous, liberal, munificent, prodigal @@@@ [12]exposed, undefended, unfortified, unprotected @@@@ [13]begin, begin business, commence, get or start the ball rolling, inaugurate, initiate, kick off @@@@ [14]launch, put up one's plate, set in motion, set up shop, start @@@@ [15]clear, crack, throw wide, unbar, unblock, unclose, uncork, uncover, undo, unfasten, unlock, unseal, untie, unwrap @@@@ [16]expand, spread (out), unfold, unfurl, unroll @@@@ [17]come apart, crack, rupture, separate, split @@@@ [18]disclose, divulge, exhibit, explain, lay bare, pour out, show, uncover @@@@ [19]disclose, divulge, exhibit, explain, lay bare, pour out, show, uncover @@@@ [20]disclose, divulge, exhibit, explain, lay bare, pour out, show, uncover"} {"x":"opening","y":"[1]aperture, breach, break, chink, cleft, crack, fissure, gap, hole, interstice, orifice, perforation, rent, rupture, slot, space, split, vent @@@@ [2]break @@@@ [3]chance, look-in @@@@ [4]occasion, opportunity, place, vacancy, window @@@@ [5]beginning, birth, commencement, dawn, inauguration, inception, initiation, kickoff @@@@ [6]launch, launching, onset, opening move, outset, overture, start @@@@ [7]beginning, commencing, early, first, inaugural, initial, initiatory, introductory, maiden, primary"} {"x":"operate","y":"[1]act, be in action, be in business, function, go, perform, run, work @@@@ [2]be in charge of, handle, manage, manoeuvre, use, work @@@@ [3]perform surgery"} {"x":"operation","y":"[1]action, affair, course, exercise, motion, movement, performance, procedure, process, use, working @@@@ [2]effective, functioning, going, in action, in business, in force, operative @@@@ [3]activity, agency, effect, effort, force, influence, instrumentality, manipulation @@@@ [4]affair, business, deal, enterprise, proceeding, transaction, undertaking @@@@ [5]assault, campaign, exercise, manoeuvre @@@@ [6]surgery"} {"x":"operative","y":"[1]active, current, effective, efficient, functional, functioning, in business, in force, in operation, operational, serviceable, standing, workable @@@@ [2]crucial, important, indicative, influential, key, relevant, significant @@@@ [3]artisan, employee, hand, labourer, machinist, mechanic, worker"} {"x":"operator","y":"[1]conductor, driver, handler, mechanic, operative, practitioner, skilled employee, technician, worker @@@@ [2]administrator, contractor, dealer, director, manager, speculator, trader @@@@ [3]Machiavellian, machinator, manipulator, mover, shyster @@@@ [4]smart aleck @@@@ [5]wheeler-dealer @@@@ [6]wirepuller, worker"} {"x":"opiate","y":"[1]anodyne, bromide, downer @@@@ [2]drug, narcotic, nepenthe, pacifier, sedative, soporific, tranquillizer"} {"x":"opine","y":"[1]believe, conceive, conclude, conjecture, declare, give as one's opinion, judge, presume, say, suggest, suppose, surmise, think, venture, volunteer, ween"} {"x":"opinion","y":"[1]assessment, belief, conception, conjecture, estimation, feeling, idea, impression, judgment, mind, notion, persuasion, point of view, sentiment, theory, view @@@@ [2]be convinced, believe, be under the impression, conclude, consider, hold, judge, reckon, suppose, surmise, think @@@@ [3]debatable point, matter of judgment, moot point, open question, open to debate, up to the individual"} {"x":"opponent","y":"[1]adversary, antagonist, challenger, competitor, contestant, disputant, dissentient, enemy, foe, opposer, rival, the opposition"} {"x":"opportune","y":"[1]advantageous, appropriate, apt, auspicious, convenient, falling into one's lap, favourable, felicitous, fit, fitting, fortunate, happy, lucky, proper, propitious, seasonable, suitable, timely, well-timed"} {"x":"opportunity","y":"[1]break @@@@ [2]chance, convenience, hour, look-in @@@@ [3]moment, occasion, opening, scope, time, window"} {"x":"oppose","y":"[1]bar, block, check, combat, confront, contradict, counter, counterattack, defy, face, fight, fly in the face of, hinder, obstruct, prevent, resist, set one's face against, speak against, stand up to, take a stand against, take issue with, take on, thwart, withstand @@@@ [2]compare, contrast, counterbalance, match, pit or set against, play off"} {"x":"opposed","y":"[1]against, antagonistic, anti @@@@ [2]antipathetic, antithetical, at daggers drawn, averse, clashing, conflicting, contra @@@@ [3]contrary, dissentient, hostile, incompatible, inimical, in opposition, opposing, opposite"} {"x":"opposite","y":"[1]corresponding, facing, fronting @@@@ [2]adverse, antagonistic, antithetical, conflicting, contradictory, contrary, contrasted, diametrically opposed, different, differing, diverse, hostile, inconsistent, inimical, irreconcilable, opposed, poles apart, reverse, unlike @@@@ [3]antithesis, contradiction, contrary, converse, inverse, reverse, the other extreme, the other side of the coin"} {"x":"opposition","y":"[1]antagonism, competition, contrariety, counteraction, disapproval, hostility, obstruction, obstructiveness, prevention, resistance, unfriendliness @@@@ [2]antagonist, competition, foe, opponent, other side, rival"} {"x":"oppress","y":"[1]afflict, burden, depress, dispirit, harass, lie or weigh heavy upon, sadden, take the heart out of, torment, vex @@@@ [2]abuse, crush, harry, maltreat, overpower, overwhelm, persecute, rule with an iron hand, subdue, subjugate, suppress, trample underfoot, tyrannize over, wrong"} {"x":"oppression","y":"[1]abuse, brutality, calamity, cruelty, hardship, harshness, injury, injustice, iron hand, maltreatment, misery, persecution, severity, subjection, suffering, tyranny"} {"x":"opprobrious","y":"[1]abusive, calumniatory, contemptuous, contumelious, damaging, defamatory, hateful, insolent, insulting, invective, offensive, scandalous, scurrilous, vitriolic, vituperative @@@@ [2]abominable, contemptible, despicable, dishonourable, disreputable, hateful, ignominious, infamous, notorious, reprehensible, shameful"} {"x":"optical","y":"[1]Optical devices, processes, and effects involve or relate to vision, light, or images."} {"x":"optimistic","y":"[1]assured, bright, buoyant, buoyed up, can-do @@@@ [2]cheerful, confident, encouraged, expectant, hopeful, looking on the bright side, positive, sanguine"} {"x":"optimum","y":"[1]best, choicest, flawless, highest, ideal, most favourable or advantageous, optimal, peak, perfect, superlative"} {"x":"option","y":"[1]alternative, choice, election, preference, selection"} {"x":"opulent","y":"[1]affluent, lavish, luxurious, moneyed, prosperous, rich, sumptuous, wealthy, well-heeled @@@@ [2]well-off, well-to-do @@@@ [3]abundant, copious, lavish, luxuriant, plentiful, profuse, prolific"} {"x":"opus","y":"[1]brainchild, composition, creation, oeuvre, piece, production, work"} {"x":"oracle","y":"[1]augur, Cassandra, prophet, seer, sibyl, soothsayer @@@@ [2]answer, augury, divination, divine utterance, prediction, prognostication, prophecy, revelation, vision @@@@ [3]adviser, authority, guru, high priest, horse's mouth, mastermind, mentor, pundit, source, wizard"} {"x":"oracular","y":"[1]auspicious, bodeful, foreboding, haruspical, mantic, ominous, portentous, prescient, prophetic, pythonic, sibylline, vatic @@@@ [2]authoritative, dictatorial, dogmatic, grave, positive, sage, significant, venerable, wise @@@@ [3]ambiguous, arcane, cryptic, Delphic, equivocal, mysterious, obscure, two-edged"} {"x":"oral","y":"[1]spoken, verbal, viva voce, vocal"} {"x":"orate","y":"[1]declaim, discourse, hold forth, make a speech, pontificate, speak, speechify, talk"} {"x":"oration","y":"[1]address, declamation, discourse, harangue, homily, lecture, speech, spiel"} {"x":"orator","y":"[1]Cicero, declaimer, lecturer, public speaker, rhetorician, speaker, spellbinder, spieler"} {"x":"oratorical","y":"[1]bombastic, Ciceronian, declamatory, eloquent, grandiloquent, high-flown, magniloquent, rhetorical, silver-tongued, sonorous"} {"x":"oratory","y":"[1]declamation, elocution, eloquence, grandiloquence, public speaking, rhetoric, speechifying, speech-making, spieling"} {"x":"orb","y":"[1]ball, circle, globe, ring, round, sphere"} {"x":"orbit","y":"[1]circle, circumgyration, course, cycle, ellipse, path, revolution, rotation, track, trajectory @@@@ [2]ambit, compass, course, domain, influence, range, reach, scope, sphere, sphere of influence, sweep @@@@ [3]circle, circumnavigate, encircle, revolve around"} {"x":"orchestrate","y":"[1]arrange, score @@@@ [2]arrange, concert, coordinate, integrate, organize, present, put together, set up, stage-manage"} {"x":"ordain","y":"[1]anoint, appoint, call, consecrate, destine, elect, frock, invest, nominate @@@@ [2]fate, foreordain, intend, predestine, predetermine @@@@ [3]decree, demand, dictate, enact, enjoin, establish, fix, lay down, legislate, order, prescribe, pronounce, rule, set, will"} {"x":"ordeal","y":"[1]affliction, agony, anguish, baptism of fire, hardship, nightmare, suffering, test, torture, trial, tribulation(s), trouble(s)"} {"x":"order","y":"[1]arrangement, harmony, method, neatness, orderliness, organization, pattern, plan, propriety, regularity, symmetry, system, tidiness @@@@ [2]arrangement, array, categorization, classification, codification, disposal, disposition, grouping, layout, line, line-up, ordering, placement, progression, sequence, series, setup @@@@ [3]structure, succession @@@@ [4]arranged, in sequence, neat, orderly, shipshape, tidy @@@@ [5]acceptable, appropriate, called for, correct, fitting, O.K. or okay @@@@ [6]right, suitable @@@@ [7]broken, broken-down, buggered @@@@ [8]bust @@@@ [9]gone haywire @@@@ [10]gone phut @@@@ [11]in disrepair, inoperative, kaput @@@@ [12]nonfunctional, not working, on the blink @@@@ [13]wonky @@@@ [14]improper, indecorous, not cricket @@@@ [15]out of place, out of turn, uncalled-for, wrong @@@@ [16]calm, control, discipline, law, law and order, peace, quiet, tranquillity @@@@ [17]caste, class, degree, grade, hierarchy, pecking order @@@@ [18]position, rank, status @@@@ [19]breed, cast, class, family, genre, genus, ilk, kind, sort, species, subclass, taxonomic group, tribe, type @@@@ [20]behest, canon, command, decree, dictate, direction, directive, injunction, instruction, law, mandate, ordinance, precept, regulation, rule, say-so @@@@ [21]stipulation @@@@ [22]application, booking, commission, request, requisition, reservation @@@@ [23]association, brotherhood, community, company, fraternity, guild, league, lodge, organization, sect, sisterhood, society, sodality, union @@@@ [24]adjure, bid, charge, command, decree, demand, direct, enact, enjoin, instruct, ordain, prescribe, require @@@@ [25]apply for, authorize, book, call for, contract for, demand, engage, prescribe, request, reserve, send away for @@@@ [26]adjust, align, arrange, catalogue, class, classify, conduct, control, dispose, group, lay out, manage, marshal, neaten, organize, put to rights, regulate, sequence, set in order, sort out, systematize, tabulate, tidy"} {"x":"orderly","y":"[1]in order, methodical, neat, regular, scientific, shipshape, systematic, systematized, tidy, trim, well-organized, well-regulated @@@@ [2]controlled, decorous, disciplined, law-abiding, nonviolent, peaceable, quiet, restrained, well-behaved"} {"x":"ordinance","y":"[1]canon, command, decree, dictum, edict, enactment, fiat, law, order, precept, regulation, rule, ruling, statute @@@@ [2]ceremony, institution, observance, practice, rite, ritual, sacrament, usage"} {"x":"ordinarily","y":"[1]as a rule, commonly, customarily, generally, habitually, in general, in the general run (of things), in the usual way, normally, usually"} {"x":"ordinary","y":"[1]accustomed, banal, common, customary, established, everyday, habitual, humdrum, mundane, normal, prevailing, quotidian, regular, routine, settled, standard, stock, typical, usual, wonted @@@@ [2]conventional, down-to-earth, familiar, homespun, household, humble, modest, plain, prosaic, run-of-the-mill, simple, unmemorable, unpretentious, unremarkable, workaday @@@@ [3]average, commonplace, dime-a-dozen @@@@ [4]fair, indifferent, inferior, mean, mediocre, no great shakes @@@@ [5]pedestrian, second-rate, stereotyped, undistinguished, unexceptional, uninspired, unremarkable @@@@ [6]atypical, distinguished, exceptional, exciting, extraordinary, high-calibre, imaginative, important, impressive, inspired, noteworthy, outstanding, rare, remarkable, significant, special, striking, superior, uncommon, unusual"} {"x":"ordnance","y":"[1]arms, artillery, big guns, cannon, guns, materiel, munitions, weapons"} {"x":"organ","y":"[1]device, implement, instrument, tool @@@@ [2]element, member, part, process, structure, unit @@@@ [3]agency, channel, forum, journal, means, medium, mouthpiece, newspaper, paper, periodical, publication, vehicle, voice"} {"x":"organic","y":"[1]animate, biological, biotic, live, living, natural @@@@ [2]integrated, methodical, ordered, organized, structured, systematic @@@@ [3]anatomical, constitutional, fundamental, immanent, inherent, innate, integral, structural"} {"x":"organism","y":"[1]animal, being, body, creature, entity, living thing, structure"} {"x":"organization","y":"[1]assembling, assembly, construction, coordination, direction, disposal, formation, forming, formulation, making, management, methodology, organizing, planning, regulation, running, standardization, structuring @@@@ [2]arrangement, chemistry, composition, configuration, conformation, constitution, design, format, framework, grouping, make-up, method, organism, pattern, plan, structure, system, unity, whole @@@@ [3]association, body, combine, company, concern, confederation, consortium, corporation, federation, group, institution, league, outfit @@@@ [4]syndicate"} {"x":"organize","y":"[1]arrange, be responsible for, catalogue, classify, codify, constitute, construct, coordinate, dispose, establish, form, frame, get going, get together, group, lay the foundations of, lick into shape, look after, marshal, pigeonhole, put in order, put together, run, see to @@@@ [2]set up, shape, straighten out, systematize, tabulate, take care of"} {"x":"orgasm","y":"[1]climax, coming"} {"x":"orgiastic","y":"[1]abandoned, bacchanalian, bacchic, debauched, depraved, Dionysian, dissolute, frenetic, riotous, Saturnalian, wanton, wild"} {"x":"orgy","y":"[1]bacchanal, bacchanalia, carousal, carouse, debauch, revel, revelry, Saturnalia @@@@ [2]binge @@@@ [3]bout, excess, indulgence, overindulgence, splurge, spree, surfeit"} {"x":"orient","y":"[1]acclimatize, adapt, adjust, align, familiarize, find one's feet"} {"x":"orientation","y":"[1]bearings, coordination, direction, location, position, sense of direction @@@@ [2]acclimatization, adaptation, adjustment, assimilation, breaking in, familiarization, introduction, settling in"} {"x":"orifice","y":"[1]aperture, cleft, hole, mouth, opening, perforation, pore, rent, vent"} {"x":"origin","y":"[1]base, basis, cause, derivation, fons et origo, font @@@@ [2]fount, fountain, fountainhead, occasion, provenance, root, roots, source, spring, wellspring @@@@ [3]beginning, birth, commencement, creation, dawning, early stages, emergence, foundation, genesis, inauguration, inception, launch, origination, outset, start @@@@ [4]ancestry, beginnings, birth, descent, extraction, family, heritage, lineage, parentage, pedigree, stirps, stock"} {"x":"original","y":"[1]aboriginal, autochthonous, commencing, earliest, early, embryonic, first, infant, initial, introductory, opening, primary, primitive, primordial, pristine, rudimentary, starting @@@@ [2]creative, fertile, fresh, ground-breaking, imaginative, ingenious, innovative, innovatory, inventive, new, novel, resourceful, seminal, unconventional, unprecedented, untried, unusual @@@@ [3]archetypal, authentic, first, first-hand, genuine, master, primary, prototypical @@@@ [4]archetype, master, model, paradigm, pattern, precedent, prototype, standard, type @@@@ [5]anomaly, card @@@@ [6]case @@@@ [7]character, eccentric, nonconformist, nut @@@@ [8]oddball @@@@ [9]oddity, queer fish @@@@ [10]wacko"} {"x":"originally","y":"[1]at first, at the outset, at the start, by birth, by derivation, by origin, first, initially, in the beginning, in the first place, to begin with"} {"x":"originate","y":"[1]arise, be born, begin, come, derive, emanate, emerge, flow, issue, proceed, result, rise, spring, start, stem @@@@ [2]bring about, conceive, create, develop, discover, evolve, form, formulate, generate, give birth to, inaugurate, initiate, institute, introduce, invent, launch, pioneer, produce, set in motion, set up"} {"x":"ornament","y":"[1]accessory, adornment, bauble, decoration, embellishment, festoon, frill, furbelow, garnish, gewgaw, knick-knack, trimming, trinket @@@@ [2]flower, honour, jewel, leading light, pride, treasure @@@@ [3]adorn, beautify, bedizen @@@@ [4]brighten, deck, decorate, dress up, embellish, festoon, garnish, gild, grace, prettify, prink, trim"} {"x":"ornamental","y":"[1]attractive, beautifying, decorative, embellishing, for show, showy"} {"x":"ornamentation","y":"[1]adornment, decoration, elaboration, embellishment, embroidery, frills, ornateness"} {"x":"ornate","y":"[1]aureate, baroque, beautiful, bedecked, busy, convoluted, decorated, elaborate, elegant, fancy, florid, flowery, fussy, high-wrought, ornamented, overelaborate, rococo"} {"x":"orthodox","y":"[1]accepted, approved, conformist, conventional, correct, customary, doctrinal, established, kosher @@@@ [2]official, received, sound, traditional, true, well-established"} {"x":"oscillate","y":"[1]fluctuate, seesaw, sway, swing, vacillate, vary, vibrate, waver"} {"x":"oscillation","y":"[1]fluctuation, instability, seesawing, swing, vacillation, variation, wavering"} {"x":"ossify","y":"[1]fossilize, freeze, harden, indurate @@@@ [2]petrify, solidify, stiffen"} {"x":"ostensible","y":"[1]alleged, apparent, avowed, exhibited, manifest, outward, plausible, pretended, professed, purported, seeming, so-called, specious, superficial, supposed"} {"x":"ostentation","y":"[1]affectation, boasting, display, exhibitionism, flamboyance, flashiness, flaunting, flourish, pageantry, parade, pomp, pretension, pretentiousness, show, showiness, showing off @@@@ [2]swank @@@@ [3]vaunting, window-dressing"} {"x":"ostracize","y":"[1]avoid, banish, blackball, blacklist, boycott, cast out, cold-shoulder, exclude, excommunicate, exile, expatriate, expel, give (someone) the cold shoulder, reject, send to Coventry, shun, snub"} {"x":"other","y":"[1]added, additional, alternative, auxiliary, extra, further, more, spare, supplementary @@@@ [2]contrasting, different, dissimilar, distinct, diverse, remaining, separate, unrelated, variant"} {"x":"otherwise","y":"[1]if not, or else, or then @@@@ [2]any other way, contrarily, differently"} {"x":"ounce","y":"[1]atom, crumb, drop, grain, iota, particle, scrap, shred, speck, trace, whit"} {"x":"ours","y":"[1]Some Christians, especially Catholics, refer to Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, as Our Lady. @@@@ [2]the Almighty, Christ, the Galilean, God, the Good Shepherd, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, the Nazarene"} {"x":"oust","y":"[1]depose, disinherit, dislodge, displace, dispossess, eject, evict, expel, relegate, throw out, topple, turn out, unseat"} {"x":"out","y":"[1]impossible, not allowed, not on @@@@ [2]ruled out, unacceptable @@@@ [3]abroad, absent, away, elsewhere, gone, not at home, outside @@@@ [4]antiquated, behind the times, dated, dead, demode, old-fashioned, old hat, passe, square @@@@ [5]unfashionable @@@@ [6]at an end, cold, dead, doused, ended, exhausted, expired, extinguished, finished, used up @@@@ [7]at an end, cold, dead, doused, ended, exhausted, expired, extinguished, finished, used up @@@@ [8]at an end, cold, dead, doused, ended, exhausted, expired, extinguished, finished, used up @@@@ [9]at an end, cold, dead, doused, ended, exhausted, expired, extinguished, finished, used up @@@@ [10]at an end, cold, dead, doused, ended, exhausted, expired, extinguished, finished, used up @@@@ [11]at an end, cold, dead, doused, ended, exhausted, expired, extinguished, finished, used up @@@@ [12]at an end, cold, dead, doused, ended, exhausted, expired, extinguished, finished, used up @@@@ [13]at an end, cold, dead, doused, ended, exhausted, expired, extinguished, finished, used up @@@@ [14]at an end, cold, dead, doused, ended, exhausted, expired, extinguished, finished, used up @@@@ [15]at an end, cold, dead, doused, ended, exhausted, expired, extinguished, finished, used up @@@@ [16]at an end, cold, dead, doused, ended, exhausted, expired, extinguished, finished, used up"} {"x":"outbreak","y":"[1]burst, epidemic, eruption, explosion, flare-up, flash, outburst, rash, spasm, upsurge"} {"x":"outburst","y":"[1]access, attack, discharge, eruption, explosion, fit of temper, flare-up, gush, outbreak, outpouring, paroxysm, spasm, storm, surge"} {"x":"outcast","y":"[1]castaway, derelict, displaced person, exile, leper, pariah, persona non grata, refugee, reprobate, untouchable, vagabond, wretch"} {"x":"outclass","y":"[1]beat, eclipse, exceed, excel, leave or put in the shade, leave standing @@@@ [2]outdistance, outdo, outrank, outshine, outstrip, overshadow, run rings around @@@@ [3]surpass"} {"x":"outcome","y":"[1]aftereffect, aftermath, conclusion, consequence, end, end result, issue, payoff @@@@ [2]result, sequel, upshot"} {"x":"outcry","y":"[1]clamour, commotion, complaint, cry, exclamation, howl, hue and cry, hullaballoo, noise, outburst, protest, scream, screech, uproar, yell"} {"x":"outdated","y":"[1]antiquated, antique, archaic, behind the times, demode, obsolete, old-fashioned, outmoded, out of date, out of style, out of the ark @@@@ [2]passe, unfashionable"} {"x":"outdoor","y":"[1]alfresco, open-air, out-of-door(s), outside"} {"x":"outdoors","y":"[1]alfresco, open-air, out-of-door(s), outside"} {"x":"outer","y":"[1]exposed, exterior, external, outlying, outside, outward, peripheral, remote, superficial, surface"} {"x":"outface","y":"[1]beard, brave, confront, defy, look straight in the eye, outstare, square up to, stare down, stare out (of countenance)"} {"x":"outfit","y":"[1]accoutrements, clothes, costume, ensemble, garb, gear @@@@ [2]get-up @@@@ [3]kit, rigout @@@@ [4]schmutter @@@@ [5]suit, threads @@@@ [6]togs @@@@ [7]trappings @@@@ [8]clique, company, corps, coterie, crew, firm, galere, group, organization, set, setup @@@@ [9]squad, team, unit @@@@ [10]accoutre, appoint, equip, fit out, furnish, kit out, provision, stock, supply, turn out"} {"x":"outflow","y":"[1]discharge, drainage, ebb, effluence, efflux, effusion, emanation, emergence, gush, issue, jet, outfall, outpouring, rush, spout"} {"x":"outgoing","y":"[1]departing, ex-, former, last, leaving, past, retiring, withdrawing @@@@ [2]approachable, communicative, cordial, demonstrative, easy, expansive, extrovert, friendly, genial, gregarious, informal, open, sociable, sympathetic, unreserved, warm"} {"x":"outgrowth","y":"[1]bulge, excrescence, node, offshoot, outcrop, process, projection, protuberance, scion, shoot, sprout @@@@ [2]by-product, consequence, derivative, development, emergence, issue, product, result, spin-off, yield"} {"x":"outing","y":"[1]excursion, expedition, jaunt, pleasure trip, spin @@@@ [2]trip"} {"x":"outlandish","y":"[1]alien, barbarous, bizarre, eccentric, exotic, fantastic, far-out @@@@ [2]foreign, freakish, grotesque, left-field @@@@ [3]outre, preposterous, queer, strange, unheard-of, weird"} {"x":"outlaw","y":"[1]bandit, brigand, desperado, footpad @@@@ [2]fugitive, highwayman, marauder, outcast, pariah, robber @@@@ [3]ban, banish, bar, condemn, disallow, embargo, exclude, forbid, interdict, make illegal, prohibit, proscribe, put a price on (someone's) head"} {"x":"outlay","y":"[1]cost, disbursement, expenditure, expenses, investment, outgoings, spending"} {"x":"outline","y":"[1]draft, drawing, frame, framework, layout, lineament(s), plan, rough, skeleton, sketch, tracing @@@@ [2]bare facts, main features, recapitulation, resume, rough idea, rundown, summary, synopsis, thumbnail sketch @@@@ [3]configuration, contour, delineation, figure, form, profile, shape, silhouette @@@@ [4]adumbrate, delineate, draft, plan, rough out, sketch (in), summarize, trace"} {"x":"outlive","y":"[1]come through, endure beyond, live through, outlast, survive"} {"x":"outlook","y":"[1]angle, attitude, frame of mind, perspective, point of view, slant, standpoint, viewpoint, views @@@@ [2]expectations, forecast, future, prospect @@@@ [3]aspect, panorama, prospect, scene, view, vista"} {"x":"outmoded","y":"[1]anachronistic, antediluvian, antiquated, antique, archaic, behind the times, bygone, dated, demode, fossilized, obsolescent, obsolete, olden @@@@ [2]oldfangled, old-fashioned, old-time, out, out of date, out of style, out of the ark @@@@ [3]outworn, passe, square @@@@ [4]superannuated, superseded, unfashionable, unusable"} {"x":"output","y":"[1]achievement, manufacture, outturn @@@@ [2]product, production, productivity, yield"} {"x":"outrage","y":"[1]atrocity, barbarism, enormity, evil, inhumanity @@@@ [2]abuse, affront, desecration, indignity, injury, insult, offence, profanation, rape, ravishing, sacrilege, shock, violation, violence @@@@ [3]anger, fury, hurt, indignation, resentment, shock, wrath @@@@ [4]affront, incense, infuriate, madden, make one's blood boil, offend, scandalize, shock @@@@ [5]abuse, defile, desecrate, injure, insult, maltreat, rape, ravage, ravish, violate"} {"x":"outrageous","y":"[1]abominable, atrocious, barbaric, beastly, egregious, flagrant, heinous, horrible, infamous, inhuman, iniquitous, nefarious, scandalous, shocking, unspeakable, villainous, violent, wicked @@@@ [2]disgraceful, excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, immoderate, offensive, O.T.T. @@@@ [3]preposterous, scandalous, shocking, steep @@@@ [4]unreasonable"} {"x":"outrider","y":"[1]advance guard, advance man, attendant, bodyguard, escort, guard, harbinger, herald, precursor, scout, squire"} {"x":"outright","y":"[1]absolute, arrant, complete, consummate, deep-dyed @@@@ [2]downright, out-and-out, perfect, pure, thorough, thoroughgoing, total, unconditional, undeniable, unmitigated, unqualified, utter, wholesale @@@@ [3]definite, direct, flat, straightforward, unequivocal, unqualified @@@@ [4]absolutely, completely, explicitly, openly, overtly, straightforwardly, thoroughly, to the full, without hesitation, without restraint @@@@ [5]at once, cleanly, immediately, instantaneously, instantly, on the spot, straight away, there and then, without more ado"} {"x":"outrun","y":"[1]beat, escape, exceed, excel, get away from, leave behind, lose, outdistance, outdo, outpace, outstrip, shake off, surpass"} {"x":"outset","y":"[1]beginning, commencement, early days, inauguration, inception, kickoff @@@@ [2]onset, opening, start, starting point"} {"x":"outshine","y":"[1]be head and shoulders above, be superior to, eclipse, leave or put in the shade, outclass, outdo, outstrip, overshadow, surpass, top, transcend, upstage"} {"x":"outside","y":"[1]exterior, external, extramural, extraneous, extreme, out, outdoor, outer, outermost, outward, surface @@@@ [2]distant, faint, marginal, negligible, remote, slight, slim, small, unlikely @@@@ [3]exterior, facade, face, front, skin, surface, topside"} {"x":"outsider","y":"[1]alien, foreigner, incomer, interloper, intruder, newcomer, nonmember, odd man out, outlander, stranger"} {"x":"outsize","y":"[1]enormous, extra-large, gargantuan, giant, gigantic, huge, humongous or humungous @@@@ [2]immense, jumbo @@@@ [3]large, mammoth, monster, oversized"} {"x":"outsmart","y":"[1]deceive, dupe, get the better of, go one better than @@@@ [2]outfox, outjockey, outmanoeuvre, outperform, outthink, outwit, pull a fast one on @@@@ [3]trick"} {"x":"outspread","y":"[1]expanded, extended, fanlike, fanned out, flared, open, opened up, outstretched, unfolded, unfurled, wide-open @@@@ [2]expand, extend, fan out, open, open wide, outstretch, spread out, unfold, unfurl"} {"x":"outstanding","y":"[1]celebrated, distinguished, eminent, excellent, exceptional, great, important, impressive, meritorious, pre-eminent, special, stellar @@@@ [2]superior, superlative, well-known @@@@ [3]arresting, conspicuous, eye-catching, marked, memorable, notable, noteworthy, prominent, salient, signal, striking @@@@ [4]due, ongoing, open, owing, payable, pending, remaining, uncollected, unpaid, unresolved, unsettled"} {"x":"outward","y":"[1]apparent, evident, exterior, external, noticeable, observable, obvious, ostensible, outer, outside, perceptible, superficial, surface, visible"} {"x":"outworn","y":"[1]abandoned, antiquated, behind the times, defunct, discredited, disused, exhausted, hackneyed, obsolete, outdated, outmoded, out of date, overused, rejected, stale, superannuated, threadbare, tired, worn-out"} {"x":"oval","y":"[1]egg-shaped, ellipsoidal, elliptical, ovate, oviform, ovoid"} {"x":"ovation","y":"[1]acclaim, acclamation, applause, big hand, cheering, cheers, clapping, laudation, plaudits, tribute"} {"x":"over","y":"[1]accomplished, ancient history @@@@ [2]at an end, by, bygone, closed, completed, concluded, done (with), ended, finished, gone, past, settled, up @@@@ [3]beyond, extra, in addition, in excess, left over, remaining, superfluous, surplus, unused @@@@ [4]above, on, on top of, superior to, upon @@@@ [5]above, exceeding, in excess of, more than @@@@ [6]above, aloft, on high, overhead @@@@ [7]added to, as well as, besides, in addition to, let alone, not to mention, on top of, plus @@@@ [8]ad nauseam, again and again, frequently, often, repeatedly, time and again @@@@ [9]be forgotten, cease, die down, disappear, end, finish, pass, pass away, subside, vanish @@@@ [10]amaze, astonish, astound, dumbfound, stagger, startle, stun, surprise, sweep off one's feet @@@@ [11]bring down, deck @@@@ [12]fell, floor, knock down, overthrow, overturn @@@@ [13]cross, ford, get across, pass, pass over, surmount, traverse @@@@ [14]come round, get better, mend, pull through, rally, recover from, revive, survive @@@@ [15]defeat, get the better of, master, overcome, shake off @@@@ [16]communicate, convey, get or put across, impart, make clear or understood @@@@ [17]analysis, check, examination, inspection, investigation, perusal, recce @@@@ [18]review, scrutiny, study, survey @@@@ [19]beating, buffeting, doing @@@@ [20]drubbing, pasting @@@@ [21]thrashing, thumping, whipping @@@@ [22]castigation, chastisement, chiding, dressing-down @@@@ [23]lecture, rebuke, reprimand, row, scolding, talking-to @@@@ [24]tongue-lashing @@@@ [25]examine, inspect, rehearse, reiterate, review, revise, study, work over @@@@ [26]peruse, read, scan, skim @@@@ [27]deliver, donate, fork out or up @@@@ [28]present, release, surrender, transfer, turn over, yield @@@@ [29]be imminent, impend, loom, menace, threaten @@@@ [30]adjourn, defer, delay, postpone, put off, suspend, take a rain check on @@@@ [31]waive @@@@ [32]black out @@@@ [33]capsize, collapse, faint, founder, overturn, pass out, swoon @@@@ [34]topple over, upset @@@@ [35]cast an eye over, check, check out @@@@ [36]examine, eyeball @@@@ [37]flick through, inspect, look through, monitor, peruse, scan, take a dekko at @@@@ [38]view, work over @@@@ [39]discount, disregard, forget, ignore, not dwell on, omit, overlook, pass by, take no notice of @@@@ [40]hit, knock down, knock over, run down, strike @@@@ [41]brim over, overflow, spill, spill over @@@@ [42]check, examine, go over, go through, rehearse, reiterate, review, run through, survey @@@@ [43]inspect, look round, see round, tour @@@@ [44]assume control of, become leader of, come to power, gain control of, succeed to, take command of @@@@ [45]chew over @@@@ [46]consider, consider the pros and cons of, contemplate, give thought to, mull over, ponder, rack one's brains, reflect upon, turn over in one's mind, weigh up @@@@ [47]abandon, break with, chuck @@@@ [48]desert, discard, drop @@@@ [49]finish with, forsake, jilt, leave, quit, split up with, walk out on @@@@ [50]aid, assist, bridge the gap, help, keep one going, keep one's head above water, keep the wolf from the door, see one through @@@@ [51]capsize, flip over, keel over, overturn, reverse, tip over, upend, upset @@@@ [52]activate, crank, press the starter button, set going, set in motion, start up, switch on, switch on the ignition, warm up @@@@ [53]assign, commend, commit, deliver, give over, give up, hand over, pass on, render, surrender, transfer, yield @@@@ [54]consider, contemplate, deliberate, give thought to, mull over, ponder, reflect on, revolve, ruminate about, think about, think over, wonder about @@@@ [55]break up, dig, plough @@@@ [56]defend, guard, keep safe, look after, preserve, protect, shelter, shield, stand guard over @@@@ [57]communicate, convey, explain, get across, get through, make clear, make oneself understood, spell out @@@@ [58]be forgotten, cease, die down, disappear, end, finish, pass, pass away, subside, vanish @@@@ [59]amaze, astonish, astound, dumbfound, stagger, startle, stun, surprise, sweep off one's feet @@@@ [60]bring down, deck @@@@ [61]fell, floor, knock down, overthrow, overturn @@@@ [62]cross, ford, get across, pass, pass over, surmount, traverse @@@@ [63]come round, get better, mend, pull through, rally, recover from, revive, survive @@@@ [64]defeat, get the better of, master, overcome, shake off @@@@ [65]communicate, convey, get or put across, impart, make clear or understood @@@@ [66]analysis, check, examination, inspection, investigation, perusal, recce @@@@ [67]review, scrutiny, study, survey @@@@ [68]beating, buffeting, doing @@@@ [69]drubbing, pasting @@@@ [70]thrashing, thumping, whipping @@@@ [71]castigation, chastisement, chiding, dressing-down @@@@ [72]lecture, rebuke, reprimand, row, scolding, talking-to @@@@ [73]tongue-lashing @@@@ [74]examine, inspect, rehearse, reiterate, review, revise, study, work over @@@@ [75]peruse, read, scan, skim @@@@ [76]deliver, donate, fork out or up @@@@ [77]present, release, surrender, transfer, turn over, yield @@@@ [78]be imminent, impend, loom, menace, threaten @@@@ [79]adjourn, defer, delay, postpone, put off, suspend, take a rain check on @@@@ [80]waive @@@@ [81]black out @@@@ [82]capsize, collapse, faint, founder, overturn, pass out, swoon @@@@ [83]topple over, upset @@@@ [84]cast an eye over, check, check out @@@@ [85]examine, eyeball @@@@ [86]flick through, inspect, look through, monitor, peruse, scan, take a dekko at @@@@ [87]view, work over @@@@ [88]accomplished, ancient history @@@@ [89]at an end, by, bygone, closed, completed, concluded, done (with), ended, finished, gone, past, settled, up @@@@ [90]beyond, extra, in addition, in excess, left over, remaining, superfluous, surplus, unused @@@@ [91]above, on, on top of, superior to, upon @@@@ [92]above, exceeding, in excess of, more than @@@@ [93]above, aloft, on high, overhead @@@@ [94]added to, as well as, besides, in addition to, let alone, not to mention, on top of, plus @@@@ [95]ad nauseam, again and again, frequently, often, repeatedly, time and again @@@@ [96]discount, disregard, forget, ignore, not dwell on, omit, overlook, pass by, take no notice of @@@@ [97]hit, knock down, knock over, run down, strike @@@@ [98]brim over, overflow, spill, spill over @@@@ [99]check, examine, go over, go through, rehearse, reiterate, review, run through, survey @@@@ [100]inspect, look round, see round, tour @@@@ [101]assume control of, become leader of, come to power, gain control of, succeed to, take command of @@@@ [102]chew over @@@@ [103]consider, consider the pros and cons of, contemplate, give thought to, mull over, ponder, rack one's brains, reflect upon, turn over in one's mind, weigh up @@@@ [104]abandon, break with, chuck @@@@ [105]desert, discard, drop @@@@ [106]finish with, forsake, jilt, leave, quit, split up with, walk out on @@@@ [107]aid, assist, bridge the gap, help, keep one going, keep one's head above water, keep the wolf from the door, see one through @@@@ [108]capsize, flip over, keel over, overturn, reverse, tip over, upend, upset @@@@ [109]activate, crank, press the starter button, set going, set in motion, start up, switch on, switch on the ignition, warm up @@@@ [110]assign, commend, commit, deliver, give over, give up, hand over, pass on, render, surrender, transfer, yield @@@@ [111]consider, contemplate, deliberate, give thought to, mull over, ponder, reflect on, revolve, ruminate about, think about, think over, wonder about @@@@ [112]break up, dig, plough @@@@ [113]defend, guard, keep safe, look after, preserve, protect, shelter, shield, stand guard over @@@@ [114]If something is over a particular amount, measurement, or age, it is more than that amount, measurement, or age."} {"x":"overact","y":"[1]overdo, overplay"} {"x":"overall","y":"[1]all-embracing, blanket, complete, comprehensive, general, global, inclusive, long-range, long-term, total, umbrella @@@@ [2]generally speaking, in general, in (the) large, in the long term, on the whole"} {"x":"overawe","y":"[1]abash, alarm, browbeat, cow, daunt, frighten, intimidate, scare, terrify"} {"x":"overcast","y":"[1]clouded, clouded over, cloudy, darkened, dismal, dreary, dull, grey, hazy, leaden, louring or lowering, murky, sombre, sunless, threatening"} {"x":"overcharge","y":"[1]cheat, clip @@@@ [2]diddle @@@@ [3]do @@@@ [4]fleece, rip off @@@@ [5]rook @@@@ [6]short-change, skin @@@@ [7]sting @@@@ [8]surcharge @@@@ [9]burden, oppress, overburden, overload, overtask, overtax, strain, surfeit @@@@ [10]embellish, embroider, exaggerate, hyperbolize, lay it on thick @@@@ [11]overstate"} {"x":"overcome","y":"[1]beat, best, be victorious, blow out of the water @@@@ [2]clobber @@@@ [3]conquer, crush, defeat, get the better of, lick @@@@ [4]master, overpower, overthrow, overwhelm, prevail, render helpless, render incapable, render powerless, rise above, stuff @@@@ [5]subdue, subjugate, surmount, survive, tank @@@@ [6]triumph over, undo, vanquish, weather, wipe the floor with @@@@ [7]worst @@@@ [8]overwhelmed, speechless, swept off one's feet, unable to continue, visibly moved"} {"x":"overflow","y":"[1]brim over, bubble over, discharge, fall over, pour out, pour over, run over, run with, shower, slop over, spill, spray, surge, teem, well over @@@@ [2]cover, deluge, drown, flood, inundate, soak, submerge, swamp @@@@ [3]discharge, flash flood, flood, flooding, inundation, overabundance, spill, spilling over, surplus"} {"x":"overhang","y":"[1]beetle, bulge, cast a shadow, extend, impend, jut, loom, project, protrude, stick out, threaten"} {"x":"overhaul","y":"[1]check, do up @@@@ [2]examine, inspect, recondition, re-examine, repair, restore, service, survey @@@@ [3]check, checkup, examination, going-over @@@@ [4]inspection, reconditioning, service @@@@ [5]catch up with, draw level with, get ahead of, overtake, pass"} {"x":"overhead","y":"[1]above, aloft, atop, in the sky, on high, skyward, up above, upward @@@@ [2]aerial, overhanging, roof, upper"} {"x":"overlay","y":"[1]adorn, blanket, cover, inlay, laminate, ornament, overspread, superimpose, veneer @@@@ [2]adornment, applique, covering, decoration, ornamentation, veneer"} {"x":"overlook","y":"[1]disregard, fail to notice, forget, ignore, leave out of consideration, leave undone, miss, neglect, omit, pass, slight, slip up on @@@@ [2]blink at, condone, disregard, excuse, forgive, let bygones be bygones, let one off with, let pass, let ride, make allowances for, pardon, turn a blind eye to, wink at"} {"x":"overly","y":"[1]exceedingly, excessively, immoderately, inordinately, over, too, unduly, very much"} {"x":"overreach","y":"[1]cheat, circumvent, deceive, defraud, dupe, gull @@@@ [2]outsmart @@@@ [3]outwit, swindle, trick, victimize"} {"x":"overseer","y":"[1]boss @@@@ [2]chief, foreman, gaffer @@@@ [3]manager, master, super @@@@ [4]superintendent, superior, supervisor"} {"x":"overshadow","y":"[1]dominate, dwarf, eclipse, excel, leave or put in the shade, outshine, outweigh, render insignificant by comparison, rise above, steal the limelight from, surpass, take precedence over, throw into the shade, tower above @@@@ [2]adumbrate, becloud, bedim, cloud, darken, dim, obfuscate, obscure, veil @@@@ [3]blight, cast a gloom upon, mar, put a damper on, ruin, spoil, take the edge off, take the pleasure or enjoyment out of, temper"} {"x":"oversight","y":"[1]blunder, carelessness, delinquency, error, fault, inattention, lapse, laxity, mistake, neglect, omission, slip @@@@ [2]administration, care, charge, control, custody, direction, handling, inspection, keeping, management, superintendence, supervision, surveillance"} {"x":"overt","y":"[1]apparent, blatant, bold, manifest, observable, obvious, open, patent, plain, public, unconcealed, undisguised, visible"} {"x":"overtake","y":"[1]catch up with, do better than, draw level with, get past, leave behind, outdistance, outdo, outstrip, overhaul, pass @@@@ [2]befall, catch unprepared, come upon, engulf, happen, hit, overwhelm, strike, take by surprise"} {"x":"overthrow","y":"[1]abolish, beat, bring down, conquer, crush, defeat, depose, dethrone, do away with, master, oust, overcome, overpower, overwhelm, subdue, subjugate, topple, unseat, vanquish @@@@ [2]bring to ruin, demolish, destroy, knock down, level, overturn, put an end to, put paid to, raze, ruin, subvert, upend, upset @@@@ [3]defeat, deposition, destruction, dethronement, discomfiture, disestablishment, displacement, dispossession, downfall, end, fall, ousting, prostration, rout, ruin, subjugation, subversion, suppression, undoing, unseating"} {"x":"overtone","y":"[1]association, connotation, flavour, hint, implication, innuendo, intimation, nuance, sense, suggestion, undercurrent"} {"x":"overture","y":"[1]advance, approach, conciliatory move, invitation, offer, opening move, proposal, proposition, signal, tender @@@@ [2]introduction, opening, prelude"} {"x":"overturn","y":"[1]capsize, keel over, knock over or down, overbalance, reverse, spill, tip over, topple, tumble, upend, upset, upturn @@@@ [2]abolish, annul, bring down, countermand, depose, destroy, invalidate, obviate, overthrow, repeal, rescind, reverse, set aside, unseat"} {"x":"overwrought","y":"[1]agitated, beside oneself, distracted, excited, frantic, in a state, in a tizzy @@@@ [2]keyed up, on edge, overexcited, overworked, stirred, strung up @@@@ [3]tense, uptight @@@@ [4]wired @@@@ [5]worked up @@@@ [6]wound up @@@@ [7]baroque, busy, contrived, florid, flowery, fussy, overdone, overelaborate, overembellished, overornate, rococo"} {"x":"owing","y":"[1]due, outstanding, overdue, owed, payable, unpaid, unsettled"} {"x":"own","y":"[1]individual, particular, personal, private @@@@ [2]alone, by oneself, by one's own efforts, independently, isolated, left to one's own devices, off one's own bat, on one's tod @@@@ [3]singly, (standing) on one's own two feet, unaided, unassisted, under one's own steam @@@@ [4]compete, keep going, keep one's end up, keep one's head above water, maintain one's position @@@@ [5]be in possession of, be responsible for, enjoy, have, hold, keep, possess, retain @@@@ [6]confess, cough @@@@ [7]'fess up @@@@ [8]acknowledge, admit, allow, allow to be valid, avow, concede, confess, disclose, go along with, grant, recognize"} {"x":"owner","y":"[1]holder, landlord, lord, master, mistress, possessor, proprietor, proprietress, proprietrix"} {"x":"ownership","y":"[1]dominion, possession, proprietary rights, proprietorship, right of possession, title"} {"x":"pace","y":"[1]gait, measure, step, stride, tread, walk @@@@ [2]clip @@@@ [3]lick @@@@ [4]momentum, motion, movement, progress, rate, speed, tempo, time, velocity @@@@ [5]march, patrol, pound, stride, walk back and forth, walk up and down @@@@ [6]count, determine, mark out, measure, step"} {"x":"pacific","y":"[1]appeasing, conciliatory, diplomatic, irenic, pacificatory, peacemaking, placatory, propitiatory @@@@ [2]dovelike, dovish, friendly, gentle, mild, nonbelligerent, nonviolent, pacifist, peaceable, peace-loving @@@@ [3]at peace, calm, halcyon, peaceful, placid, quiet, serene, smooth, still, tranquil, unruffled"} {"x":"pacify","y":"[1]allay, ameliorate, appease, assuage, calm, clear the air, compose, conciliate, make peace, moderate, mollify, placate, pour oil on troubled waters, propitiate, quiet, restore harmony, smooth down or over, smooth one's ruffled feathers, soften, soothe, still, tranquillize @@@@ [2]chasten, crush, impose peace, put down, quell, repress, silence, subdue, tame"} {"x":"pack","y":"[1]back pack, bale, bundle, burden, fardel @@@@ [2]kit, kitbag, knapsack, load, package, packet, parcel, rucksack, truss @@@@ [3]assemblage, band, bunch, collection, company, crew, crowd, deck, drove, flock, gang, group, herd, lot, mob, set, troop @@@@ [4]batch, bundle, burden, load, package, packet, store, stow @@@@ [5]charge, compact, compress, cram, crowd, fill, jam, mob, press, ram, stuff, tamp, throng, wedge @@@@ [6]bundle out, dismiss, hustle out, send away, send packing @@@@ [7]attract, cram, draw, fill to capacity, squeeze in @@@@ [8]cease, chuck @@@@ [9]desist, give up or over, jack in, kick @@@@ [10]leave off, stop @@@@ [11]put away, store, tidy up @@@@ [12]finish, give up, pack in @@@@ [13]fail, give out, stall, stop"} {"x":"package","y":"[1]box, carton, container, packet, parcel @@@@ [2]amalgamation, combination, entity, unit, whole @@@@ [3]batch, box, pack, packet, parcel (up), wrap, wrap up"} {"x":"packed","y":"[1]brimful, bursting at the seams, chock-a-block, chock-full, congested, cram-full, crammed, crowded, filled, full, hoatching @@@@ [2]jammed, jam-packed, loaded or full to the gunwales, overflowing, overloaded, packed like sardines, seething, swarming"} {"x":"packet","y":"[1]bag, carton, container, package, parcel, poke @@@@ [2]wrapper, wrapping @@@@ [3]big bucks @@@@ [4]big money, bomb @@@@ [5]bundle @@@@ [6]fortune, king's ransom @@@@ [7]lot(s), megabucks @@@@ [8]mint, pile @@@@ [9]pot(s) @@@@ [10]pretty penny @@@@ [11]tidy sum @@@@ [12]wad"} {"x":"pact","y":"[1]agreement, alliance, arrangement, bargain, bond, compact, concord, concordat, contract, convention, covenant, deal, league, protocol, treaty, understanding"} {"x":"pad","y":"[1]buffer, cushion, protection, stiffening, stuffing, wad @@@@ [2]block, jotter, notepad, tablet, writing pad @@@@ [3]foot, paw, sole @@@@ [4]apartment, flat, hang-out @@@@ [5]home, place, quarters, room @@@@ [6]cushion, fill, line, pack, protect, shape, stuff @@@@ [7]amplify, augment, eke, elaborate, fill out, flesh out, inflate, lengthen, protract, spin out, stretch @@@@ [8]creep, go barefoot, pussyfoot @@@@ [9]sneak, steal @@@@ [10]hike, march, plod, traipse @@@@ [11]tramp, trek, trudge, walk"} {"x":"padding","y":"[1]filling, packing, stuffing, wadding @@@@ [2]hot air @@@@ [3]prolixity, verbiage, verbosity, waffle @@@@ [4]wordiness"} {"x":"paddle","y":"[1]oar, scull, sweep @@@@ [2]oar, propel, pull, row, scull @@@@ [3]dabble, plash, slop, splash (about), stir, wade"} {"x":"paddy","y":"[1]bate @@@@ [2]passion, rage, tantrum, temper, tiff, wax"} {"x":"paean","y":"[1]anthem, hymn, psalm, thanksgiving @@@@ [2]encomium, eulogy, hymn of praise, ovation, panegyric, rave review"} {"x":"pagan","y":"[1]Gentile, heathen, idolater, infidel, polytheist, unbeliever @@@@ [2]Gentile, heathen, heathenish, idolatrous, infidel, irreligious, polytheistic"} {"x":"page","y":"[1]folio, leaf, sheet, side @@@@ [2]chapter, episode, epoch, era, event, incident, period, phase, point, stage, time @@@@ [3]foliate, number, paginate @@@@ [4]attendant, bellboy @@@@ [5]footboy, pageboy, servant, squire @@@@ [6]announce, call, call out, preconize, seek, send for, summon"} {"x":"pageant","y":"[1]display, extravaganza, parade, procession, ritual, show, spectacle, tableau"} {"x":"pain","y":"[1]ache, cramp, discomfort, hurt, irritation, pang, smarting, soreness, spasm, suffering, tenderness, throb, throe @@@@ [2]trouble, twinge @@@@ [3]affliction, agony, anguish, bitterness, distress, grief, hardship, heartache, misery, suffering, torment, torture, tribulation, woe, wretchedness @@@@ [4]aggravation, annoyance, bore, bother, drag @@@@ [5]gall, headache @@@@ [6]irritation, nuisance, pain in the arse @@@@ [7]pest, vexation @@@@ [8]ail, chafe, discomfort, harm, hurt, inflame, injure, smart, sting, throb @@@@ [9]afflict, aggrieve, agonize, cut to the quick, disquiet, distress, grieve, hurt, sadden, torment, torture, vex, worry, wound @@@@ [10]annoy, exasperate, gall, harass, irritate, nark @@@@ [11]rile, vex"} {"x":"painful","y":"[1]afflictive, disagreeable, distasteful, distressing, grievous, saddening, unpleasant @@@@ [2]aching, agonizing, excruciating, harrowing, hurting, inflamed, raw, smarting, sore, tender, throbbing @@@@ [3]arduous, difficult, hard, laborious, severe, tedious, troublesome, trying, vexatious @@@@ [4]abysmal, awful, dire, dreadful, excruciating, extremely bad, godawful, terrible"} {"x":"painstaking","y":"[1]assiduous, careful, conscientious, diligent, earnest, exacting, hard-working, industrious, meticulous, persevering, punctilious, scrupulous, sedulous, strenuous, thorough, thoroughgoing"} {"x":"paint","y":"[1]colour, colouring, dye, emulsion, pigment, stain, tint @@@@ [2]cosmetics, face @@@@ [3]greasepaint, make-up, maquillage, war paint @@@@ [4]catch a likeness, delineate, depict, draw, figure, picture, portray, represent, sketch @@@@ [5]apply, coat, colour, cover, daub, decorate, slap on @@@@ [6]bring to life, capture, conjure up a vision, depict, describe, evoke, make one see, portray, put graphically, recount, tell vividly @@@@ [7]carouse, celebrate, go on a binge @@@@ [8]revel"} {"x":"painter","y":"[1]painters miami"} {"x":"pair","y":"[1]brace, combination, couple, doublet, duo, match, matched set, span, twins, two of a kind, twosome, yoke @@@@ [2]bracket, couple, join, marry, match, match up, mate, pair off, put together, team, twin, wed, yoke"} {"x":"pal","y":"[1]boon companion, buddy @@@@ [2]chum @@@@ [3]cock @@@@ [4]companion, comrade, crony, friend, homeboy @@@@ [5]mate"} {"x":"palatable","y":"[1]appetizing, delectable, delicious, luscious, mouthwatering, savoury, tasty, toothsome @@@@ [2]acceptable, agreeable, attractive, enjoyable, fair, pleasant, satisfactory"} {"x":"palate","y":"[1]appetite, heart, stomach, taste @@@@ [2]appreciation, enjoyment, gusto, liking, relish, zest"} {"x":"palatial","y":"[1]de luxe, gorgeous, grand, grandiose, illustrious, imposing, luxurious, magnificent, majestic, opulent, plush @@@@ [2]regal, spacious, splendid, splendiferous @@@@ [3]stately, sumptuous"} {"x":"palaver","y":"[1]business @@@@ [2]carry-on @@@@ [3]pantomime @@@@ [4]performance @@@@ [5]procedure, rigmarole, song and dance @@@@ [6]to-do @@@@ [7]babble, blather, blether, chatter, hubbub, natter @@@@ [8]prattle, tongue-wagging, yak @@@@ [9]colloquy, confab @@@@ [10]conference, discussion, get-together @@@@ [11]parley, powwow, session @@@@ [12]confab @@@@ [13]confer, discuss, go into a huddle @@@@ [14]parley, powwow, put heads together @@@@ [15]blather, blether, chatter, gabble, jabber, jaw @@@@ [16]natter @@@@ [17]prattle, yak"} {"x":"pale","y":"[1]anaemic, ashen, ashy, bleached, bloodless, colourless, faded, light, like death warmed up @@@@ [2]pallid, pasty, sallow, wan, washed-out, white, whitish @@@@ [3]dim, faint, feeble, inadequate, pathetic, poor, thin, weak @@@@ [4]become pale, blanch, go white, lose colour, whiten @@@@ [5]decrease, dim, diminish, dull, fade, grow dull, lessen, lose lustre"} {"x":"palisade","y":"[1]bulwark, defence, enclosure, fence, paling, stockade"} {"x":"pall","y":"[1]cloud, mantle, shadow, shroud, veil @@@@ [2]check, damp, damper, dismay, gloom, melancholy @@@@ [3]become dull or tedious, bore, cloy, glut, jade, satiate, sicken, surfeit, tire, weary"} {"x":"palliate","y":"[1]abate, allay, alleviate, assuage, diminish, ease, mitigate, moderate, mollify, relax, relieve, soften, soothe, temper @@@@ [2]cloak, conceal, cover, excuse, extenuate, gloss over, hide, lessen, minimize, paper over the cracks @@@@ [3]varnish, whitewash"} {"x":"palliative","y":"[1]alleviative, anodyne, assuasive, calmative, calming, demulcent, lenitive, mitigative, mitigatory, mollifying, soothing @@@@ [2]analgesic, anodyne, calmative, demulcent, drug, lenitive, painkiller, sedative, tranquillizer"} {"x":"pallid","y":"[1]anaemic, ashen, ashy, cadaverous, colourless, like death warmed up @@@@ [2]pale, pasty, sallow, wan, waxen, wheyfaced, whitish @@@@ [3]anaemic, bloodless, colourless, insipid, lifeless, spiritless, sterile, tame, tired, uninspired, vapid"} {"x":"pallor","y":"[1]ashen hue, bloodlessness, lack of colour, paleness, pallidness, wanness, whiteness"} {"x":"palm","y":"[1]hand, hook, meathook @@@@ [2]mitt @@@@ [3]paw @@@@ [4]bribe, buy, corrupt, fix @@@@ [5]induce, influence, pay off @@@@ [6]square, suborn @@@@ [7]bays, crown, fame, glory, honour, laurels, merit, prize, success, triumph, trophy, victory"} {"x":"palmy","y":"[1]flourishing, fortunate, glorious, golden, halcyon, happy, joyous, luxurious, prosperous, thriving, triumphant"} {"x":"palpable","y":"[1]apparent, blatant, clear, conspicuous, evident, manifest, obvious, open, patent, plain, salient, unmistakable, visible @@@@ [2]concrete, material, real, solid, substantial, tangible, touchable"} {"x":"palpitate","y":"[1]beat, flutter, pitapat, pitter-patter, pound, pulsate, pulse, quiver, shiver, throb, tremble, vibrate"} {"x":"palter","y":"[1]be evasive, deceive, double-talk, equivocate, flannel @@@@ [2]fudge, hedge, mislead, prevaricate, shuffle, tergiversate, trifle @@@@ [3]bargain, barter, chaffer, dicker @@@@ [4]haggle, higgle"} {"x":"pamper","y":"[1]baby, cater to one's every whim, coddle, cosset, fondle, gratify, humour, indulge, mollycoddle, pander to, pet, spoil, wait on (someone) hand and foot"} {"x":"pamphlet","y":"[1]booklet, brochure, circular, folder, leaflet, tract"} {"x":"pan","y":"[1]container, pot, saucepan, vessel @@@@ [2]look for, search for, separate, sift out, wash @@@@ [3]blast, censure, criticize, flay, hammer @@@@ [4]knock @@@@ [5]lambast(e), put down, roast @@@@ [6]rubbish @@@@ [7]slag (off) @@@@ [8]slam @@@@ [9]slate @@@@ [10]tear into @@@@ [11]follow, move, scan, sweep, swing, track, traverse @@@@ [12]brasiera"} {"x":"panacea","y":"[1]catholicon, cure-all, elixir, nostrum, sovereign remedy, universal cure"} {"x":"panache","y":"[1]a flourish, brio, dash, elan, flair, flamboyance, spirit, style, swagger, verve"} {"x":"pandemonium","y":"[1]babel, bedlam, chaos, clamour, commotion, confusion, din, hubbub, hue and cry, hullabaloo, racket, ruckus @@@@ [2]ruction @@@@ [3]rumpus, tumult, turmoil, uproar"} {"x":"pander","y":"[1]cater to, fawn on, gratify, indulge, play up to @@@@ [2]please, satisfy @@@@ [3]go-between, mack @@@@ [4]pimp, ponce @@@@ [5]procurer, white-slaver, whoremaster"} {"x":"panegyric","y":"[1]accolade, commendation, encomium, eulogy, homage, paean, praise, tribute"} {"x":"pang","y":"[1]ache, agony, anguish, discomfort, distress, gripe, pain, prick, spasm, stab, sting, stitch, throe @@@@ [2]twinge, wrench"} {"x":"panic","y":"[1]agitation, alarm, consternation, dismay, fear, fright, horror, hysteria, scare, terror @@@@ [2]become hysterical, be terror-stricken, go to pieces, have kittens @@@@ [3]scare, startle, terrify, unnerve @@@@ [4]aghast, agitated, alarmed, appalled, fearful, frenzied, frightened, frightened out of one's wits, frightened to death, horrified, horror-stricken, hysterical, in a cold sweat @@@@ [5]panicky, petrified, scared, scared shitless @@@@ [6]scared stiff, shit-scared @@@@ [7]startled, terrified, terror-stricken, unnerved"} {"x":"panoply","y":"[1]array, attire, dress, garb, get-up @@@@ [2]insignia, raiment @@@@ [3]regalia, show, trappings, turnout"} {"x":"panorama","y":"[1]bird's-eye view, prospect, scenery, scenic view, view, vista @@@@ [2]overall picture, overview, perspective, survey"} {"x":"pant","y":"[1]blow, breathe, gasp, heave, huff, palpitate, puff, throb, wheeze @@@@ [2]ache, covet, crave, desire, eat one's heart out over, hanker after, hunger, long, pine, set one's heart on, sigh, suspire @@@@ [3]thirst, want, yearn @@@@ [4]gasp, huff, puff, wheeze"} {"x":"pants","y":"[1]boxer shorts, briefs, broekies @@@@ [2]drawers, knickers, panties, underpants, Y-fronts @@@@ [3]slacks, trousers @@@@ [4]blow, breathe, gasp, heave, huff, palpitate, puff, throb, wheeze @@@@ [5]ache, covet, crave, desire, eat one's heart out over, hanker after, hunger, long, pine, set one's heart on, sigh, suspire @@@@ [6]thirst, want, yearn @@@@ [7]gasp, huff, puff, wheeze @@@@ [8]If someone bores, charms, or scares the pants off you, for example, they bore, charm, or scare you a lot."} {"x":"pap","y":"[1]baby food, mash, mush, pulp @@@@ [2]drivel, rubbish, trash, trivia"} {"x":"paper","y":"[1]certificate, deed, documents, instrument, record @@@@ [2]archive, diaries, documents, dossier, file, letters, records @@@@ [3]blat, daily, gazette, journal, news, newspaper, organ, rag @@@@ [4]analysis, article, assignment, composition, critique, dissertation, essay, examination, monograph, report, script, study, thesis, treatise @@@@ [5]ideally, in the abstract, in theory, theoretically @@@@ [6]cardboard, disposable, flimsy, insubstantial, paper-thin, papery, thin @@@@ [7]cover with paper, hang, line, paste up, wallpaper"} {"x":"papery","y":"[1]flimsy, fragile, frail, insubstantial, light, lightweight, paperlike, paper-thin, thin"} {"x":"par","y":"[1]average, level, mean, median, norm, standard, usual @@@@ [2]balance, equal footing, equality, equilibrium, equivalence, parity @@@@ [3]excellent, exceptional, first-rate @@@@ [4]outstanding, superior @@@@ [5]below average, bush-league @@@@ [6]dime-a-dozen @@@@ [7]inferior, lacking, not up to scratch @@@@ [8]poor, second-rate, substandard, tinhorn @@@@ [9]two-bit @@@@ [10]wanting @@@@ [11]off form, poorly @@@@ [12]unfit, unhealthy @@@@ [13]average, expected, ordinary, predictable, standard, typical, usual @@@@ [14]equal, much the same, the same, well-matched @@@@ [15]acceptable, adequate, good enough, passable, satisfactory, up to scratch"} {"x":"parable","y":"[1]allegory, exemplum, fable, lesson, moral tale, story"} {"x":"parabolic","y":"[1]allegorical, figurative, metaphoric, symbolic"} {"x":"parade","y":"[1]array, cavalcade, ceremony, column, march, pageant, procession, review, spectacle, train @@@@ [2]array, display, exhibition, flaunting, ostentation, pomp, show, spectacle, vaunting @@@@ [3]defile, march, process @@@@ [4]air, brandish, display, exhibit, flaunt, make a show of, show, show off @@@@ [5]strut, swagger, vaunt"} {"x":"paradigm","y":"[1]archetype, example, exemplar, ideal, model, norm, original, pattern, prototype"} {"x":"paradise","y":"[1]City of God, divine abode, Elysian fields, garden of delights, Happy Valley @@@@ [2]heaven, heavenly kingdom, Olympus @@@@ [3]Promised Land, Zion @@@@ [4]bliss, delight, felicity, heaven, seventh heaven, utopia"} {"x":"paradisiacal","y":"[1]blessed, blissful, celestial, divine, Elysian, glorious, golden, heavenly, out of this world @@@@ [2]utopian"} {"x":"paradox","y":"[1]absurdity, ambiguity, anomaly, contradiction, enigma, inconsistency, mystery, oddity, puzzle"} {"x":"paradoxical","y":"[1]absurd, ambiguous, baffling, confounding, contradictory, enigmatic, equivocal, illogical, impossible, improbable, inconsistent, oracular, puzzling, riddling"} {"x":"paragon","y":"[1]apotheosis, archetype, best thing since sliced bread @@@@ [2]criterion, cynosure, epitome, exemplar, greatest thing since sliced bread @@@@ [3]ideal, jewel, masterpiece, model, nonesuch @@@@ [4]nonpareil, norm, paradigm, pattern, prototype, quintessence, standard"} {"x":"paragraph","y":"[1]clause, item, notice, part, passage, portion, section, subdivision"} {"x":"parallel","y":"[1]aligned, alongside, coextensive, equidistant, side by side @@@@ [2]akin, analogous, complementary, correspondent, corresponding, like, matching, resembling, similar, uniform @@@@ [3]analogue, complement, corollary, counterpart, duplicate, equal, equivalent, likeness, match, twin @@@@ [4]analogy, comparison, correlation, correspondence, likeness, parallelism, resemblance, similarity @@@@ [5]agree, be alike, chime with, compare, complement, conform, correlate, correspond, equal, keep pace (with), match"} {"x":"paralysis","y":"[1]immobility, palsy, paresis @@@@ [2]arrest, breakdown, halt, shutdown, stagnation, standstill, stoppage"} {"x":"paralytic","y":"[1]crippled, disabled, immobile, immobilized, incapacitated, lame, numb, palsied, paralysed @@@@ [2]bevvied @@@@ [3]blitzed @@@@ [4]blotto @@@@ [5]bombed @@@@ [6]canned @@@@ [7]drunk, flying @@@@ [8]inebriated, intoxicated, legless @@@@ [9]lit up @@@@ [10]pie-eyed @@@@ [11]pissed @@@@ [12]plastered @@@@ [13]rat-arsed @@@@ [14]sloshed @@@@ [15]smashed @@@@ [16]steamboats @@@@ [17]steaming @@@@ [18]stewed @@@@ [19]stoned @@@@ [20]wasted @@@@ [21]wrecked @@@@ [22]zonked"} {"x":"parameter","y":"[1]constant, criterion, framework, guideline, limit, limitation, restriction, specification"} {"x":"paramount","y":"[1]capital, cardinal, chief, dominant, eminent, first, foremost, main, outstanding, predominant, pre-eminent, primary, prime, principal, superior, supreme"} {"x":"paramour","y":"[1]beau, concubine, courtesan, fancy bit @@@@ [2]fancy man @@@@ [3]fancy woman @@@@ [4]inamorata, inamorato, kept woman, lover, mistress"} {"x":"paraphernalia","y":"[1]accoutrements, apparatus, appurtenances, baggage, belongings, clobber @@@@ [2]effects, equipage, equipment, gear, impedimenta, material, stuff, tackle, things, trappings"} {"x":"paraphrase","y":"[1]interpretation, rehash, rendering, rendition, rephrasing, restatement, rewording, translation, version @@@@ [2]express in other words or one's own words, interpret, rehash, render, rephrase, restate, reword"} {"x":"parasite","y":"[1]bloodsucker @@@@ [2]cadger, drone @@@@ [3]hanger-on, leech, scrounger @@@@ [4]sponge @@@@ [5]sponger"} {"x":"parasitic","y":"[1]bloodsucking @@@@ [2]cadging, leechlike, scrounging @@@@ [3]sponging"} {"x":"parcel","y":"[1]bundle, carton, pack, package, packet @@@@ [2]band, batch, bunch, collection, company, crew, crowd, gang, group, lot, pack @@@@ [3]piece of land, plot, property, tract @@@@ [4]do up, pack, package, tie up, wrap @@@@ [5]allocate, allot, apportion, carve up, deal out, dispense, distribute, divide, dole out, mete out, portion, share out, split up"} {"x":"parch","y":"[1]blister, burn, dehydrate, desiccate, dry up, evaporate, make thirsty, scorch, sear, shrivel, wither"} {"x":"pardon","y":"[1]absolve, acquit, amnesty, condone, exculpate, excuse, exonerate, forgive, free, let off @@@@ [2]liberate, overlook, release, remit, reprieve @@@@ [3]absolution, acquittal, allowance, amnesty, condonation, discharge, excuse, exoneration, forgiveness, grace, indulgence, mercy, release, remission, reprieve"} {"x":"pardonable","y":"[1]allowable, condonable, excusable, forgivable, minor, not serious, permissible, understandable, venial"} {"x":"pare","y":"[1]clip, cut, peel, shave, skin, trim @@@@ [2]crop, cut, cut back, decrease, dock, lop, prune, reduce, retrench, shear"} {"x":"parent","y":"[1]begetter, father, guardian, mother, procreator, progenitor, sire @@@@ [2]architect, author, cause, creator, forerunner, origin, originator, prototype, root, source, wellspring"} {"x":"parenthetic","y":"[1]bracketed, by-the-way, explanatory, extraneous, extrinsic, incidental, in parenthesis, inserted, interposed, qualifying"} {"x":"parenthood","y":"[1]baby or child care, bringing up, child rearing, fatherhood or motherhood, fathering or mothering, nurturing, parenting, rearing, upbringing"} {"x":"pariah","y":"[1]exile, leper, outcast, outlaw, undesirable, unperson, untouchable"} {"x":"paring","y":"[1]clipping, flake, fragment, peel, peeling, rind, shaving, shred, skin, slice, sliver, snippet"} {"x":"parish","y":"[1]church, churchgoers, community, congregation, flock, fold, parishioners"} {"x":"parity","y":"[1]consistency, equality, equal terms, equivalence, par, parallelism, quits @@@@ [2]uniformity, unity @@@@ [3]affinity, agreement, analogy, conformity, congruity, correspondence, likeness, resemblance, sameness, similarity, similitude"} {"x":"park","y":"[1]estate, garden, grounds, parkland, pleasure garden, recreation ground, woodland @@@@ [2]leave, manoeuvre, position, station"} {"x":"parlance","y":"[1]idiom, jargon, language, lingo @@@@ [2]manner of speaking, phraseology, -speak, speech, talk, tongue"} {"x":"parley","y":"[1]colloquy, confab @@@@ [2]conference, congress, council, dialogue, discussion, meeting, palaver, powwow, seminar, talk(s) @@@@ [3]confabulate, confer, deliberate, discuss, negotiate, palaver, powwow, speak, talk"} {"x":"parliament","y":"[1]assembly, congress, convention, convocation, council, diet, legislature, senate, talking shop"} {"x":"parliamentary","y":"[1]congressional, deliberative, governmental, law-giving, law-making, legislative"} {"x":"parlous","y":"[1]chancy @@@@ [2]dangerous, desperate, difficult, dire, hairy @@@@ [3]hazardous, perilous, risky"} {"x":"parochial","y":"[1]insular, inward-looking, limited, narrow, narrow-minded, parish-pump, petty, provincial, restricted, small-minded"} {"x":"parody","y":"[1]burlesque, caricature, imitation, lampoon, satire, send-up @@@@ [2]skit, spoof @@@@ [3]takeoff @@@@ [4]apology, caricature, farce, mockery, travesty @@@@ [5]burlesque, caricature, do a takeoff of @@@@ [6]lampoon, mimic, poke fun at, satirize, send up @@@@ [7]spoof @@@@ [8]take off @@@@ [9]travesty"} {"x":"paroxysm","y":"[1]attack, convulsion, eruption, fit, flare-up @@@@ [2]outburst, seizure, spasm"} {"x":"parrot","y":"[1]copycat @@@@ [2]imitator, (little) echo, mimic @@@@ [3]by rote, mechanically, mindlessly @@@@ [4]copy, echo, imitate, mimic, reiterate, repeat"} {"x":"parry","y":"[1]block, deflect, fend off, hold at bay, rebuff, repel, repulse, stave off, ward off @@@@ [2]avoid, circumvent, dodge, duck @@@@ [3]evade, fence, fight shy of, shun, sidestep"} {"x":"parsimonious","y":"[1]cheeseparing, close, close-fisted, frugal, grasping, mean, mingy @@@@ [2]miserable, miserly, near @@@@ [3]niggardly, penny-pinching @@@@ [4]penurious, saving, scrimpy, skinflinty, snoep @@@@ [5]sparing, stingy, stinting, tight-arse @@@@ [6]tight-arsed @@@@ [7]tight-ass @@@@ [8]tight-assed @@@@ [9]tightfisted"} {"x":"parsimony","y":"[1]frugality, meanness, minginess @@@@ [2]miserliness, nearness @@@@ [3]niggardliness, penny-pinching @@@@ [4]stinginess, tightness"} {"x":"parson","y":"[1]churchman, clergyman, cleric, divine, ecclesiastic, incumbent, man of God, man of the cloth, minister, pastor, preacher, priest, rector, reverend @@@@ [2]vicar"} {"x":"part","y":"[1]bit, fraction, fragment, lot, particle, piece, portion, scrap, section, sector, segment, share, slice @@@@ [2]branch, component, constituent, department, division, element, ingredient, limb, member, module, organ, piece, unit @@@@ [3]behalf, cause, concern, faction, interest, party, side @@@@ [4]bit, business, capacity, charge, duty, function, involvement, office, place, responsibility, role, say, share, task, work @@@@ [5]character, lines, role @@@@ [6]airt @@@@ [7]area, district, neck of the woods @@@@ [8]neighbourhood, quarter, region, territory, vicinity @@@@ [9]chiefly, generally, in the main, largely, mainly, mostly, on the whole, principally @@@@ [10]cheerfully, cordially, good-naturedly, well, without offence @@@@ [11]a little, in some measure, partially, partly, slightly, somewhat, to a certain extent, to some degree @@@@ [12]associate oneself with, be instrumental in, be involved in, have a hand in, join in, partake in, participate in, play a part in, put one's twopence-worth in, take a hand in @@@@ [13]break, cleave, come apart, detach, disconnect, disjoin, dismantle, disunite, divide, rend, separate, sever, split, tear @@@@ [14]break up, depart, go, go away, go (their) separate ways, leave, part company, quit, say goodbye, separate, split up, take one's leave, withdraw @@@@ [15]abandon, discard, forgo, give up, let go of, relinquish, renounce, sacrifice, surrender, yield"} {"x":"partake","y":"[1]engage, enter into, participate, share, take part @@@@ [2]consume, eat, receive, share, take @@@@ [3]evince, evoke, have the quality of, show, suggest"} {"x":"partial","y":"[1]fragmentary, imperfect, incomplete, limited, uncompleted, unfinished @@@@ [2]biased, discriminatory, influenced, interested, one-sided, partisan, predisposed, prejudiced, tendentious, unfair, unjust"} {"x":"partiality","y":"[1]bias, favouritism, partisanship, predisposition, preference, prejudice @@@@ [2]affinity, bag @@@@ [3]fondness, inclination, liking, love, penchant, predilection, predisposition, preference, proclivity, taste, weakness"} {"x":"partially","y":"[1]fractionally, halfway, incompletely, in part, moderately, not wholly, partly, piecemeal, somewhat, to a certain extent or degree"} {"x":"participate","y":"[1]be a participant, be a party to, engage in, enter into, get in on the act, have a hand in, join in, partake, perform, share, take part"} {"x":"participation","y":"[1]assistance, contribution, involvement, joining in, partaking, partnership, sharing in, taking part"} {"x":"particle","y":"[1]atom, bit, crumb, grain, iota, jot, mite, molecule, mote, piece, scrap, shred, speck, tittle, whit"} {"x":"particular","y":"[1]distinct, exact, express, peculiar, precise, special, specific @@@@ [2]especial, exceptional, marked, notable, noteworthy, remarkable, singular, uncommon, unusual @@@@ [3]blow-by-blow, circumstantial, detailed, itemized, minute, painstaking, precise, selective, thorough @@@@ [4]choosy @@@@ [5]critical, dainty, demanding, discriminating, exacting, fastidious, finicky, fussy, meticulous, nice @@@@ [6]overnice, pernickety @@@@ [7]picky @@@@ [8]circumstance, detail, fact, feature, item, specification @@@@ [9]distinctly, especially, exactly, expressly, particularly, specifically"} {"x":"particularize","y":"[1]detail, enumerate, itemize, specify, spell out, stipulate"} {"x":"particularly","y":"[1]decidedly, especially, exceptionally, markedly, notably, outstandingly, peculiarly, singularly, surprisingly, uncommonly, unusually @@@@ [2]distinctly, especially, explicitly, expressly, in particular, specifically"} {"x":"parting","y":"[1]adieu, departure, farewell, going, goodbye, leave-taking, valediction @@@@ [2]breaking, detachment, divergence, division, partition, rift, rupture, separation, split @@@@ [3]departing, farewell, final, last, valedictory"} {"x":"partition","y":"[1]dividing, division, segregation, separation, severance, splitting @@@@ [2]barrier, divider, room divider, screen, wall @@@@ [3]allotment, apportionment, distribution, portion, rationing out, share @@@@ [4]apportion, cut up, divide, parcel out, portion, section, segment, separate, share, split up, subdivide @@@@ [5]divide, fence off, screen, separate, wall off"} {"x":"partly","y":"[1]halfway, incompletely, in part, in some measure, not fully, partially, relatively, slightly, somewhat, to a certain degree or extent, up to a certain point"} {"x":"partner","y":"[1]accomplice, ally, associate, bedfellow, collaborator, colleague, companion, comrade, confederate, copartner, helper, mate, participant, team-mate @@@@ [2]bedfellow, consort, helpmate, her indoors @@@@ [3]husband, mate, significant other @@@@ [4]spouse, wife"} {"x":"partnership","y":"[1]companionship, connection, cooperation, copartnership, fellowship, interest, participation, sharing @@@@ [2]alliance, association, combine, company, conglomerate, cooperative, corporation, firm, house, society, union"} {"x":"parts","y":"[1]ability, accomplishments, attributes, calibre, capabilities, endowments, faculties, genius, gifts, intellect, intelligence, talents @@@@ [2]bits and pieces, components, spare parts, spares @@@@ [3]bit, fraction, fragment, lot, particle, piece, portion, scrap, section, sector, segment, share, slice @@@@ [4]branch, component, constituent, department, division, element, ingredient, limb, member, module, organ, piece, unit @@@@ [5]behalf, cause, concern, faction, interest, party, side @@@@ [6]bit, business, capacity, charge, duty, function, involvement, office, place, responsibility, role, say, share, task, work @@@@ [7]character, lines, role @@@@ [8]airt @@@@ [9]area, district, neck of the woods @@@@ [10]neighbourhood, quarter, region, territory, vicinity @@@@ [11]chiefly, generally, in the main, largely, mainly, mostly, on the whole, principally @@@@ [12]cheerfully, cordially, good-naturedly, well, without offence @@@@ [13]a little, in some measure, partially, partly, slightly, somewhat, to a certain extent, to some degree @@@@ [14]associate oneself with, be instrumental in, be involved in, have a hand in, join in, partake in, participate in, play a part in, put one's twopence-worth in, take a hand in @@@@ [15]break, cleave, come apart, detach, disconnect, disjoin, dismantle, disunite, divide, rend, separate, sever, split, tear @@@@ [16]break up, depart, go, go away, go (their) separate ways, leave, part company, quit, say goodbye, separate, split up, take one's leave, withdraw @@@@ [17]abandon, discard, forgo, give up, let go of, relinquish, renounce, sacrifice, surrender, yield"} {"x":"party","y":"[1]at-home, bash @@@@ [2]beano @@@@ [3]celebration, do @@@@ [4]festivity, function, gathering, get-together @@@@ [5]knees-up @@@@ [6]rave @@@@ [7]rave-up @@@@ [8]reception, shindig @@@@ [9]social, social gathering, soiree @@@@ [10]band, body, bunch @@@@ [11]company, crew, detachment @@@@ [12]gang, gathering, group, squad, team, unit @@@@ [13]alliance, association, cabal, camp, clique, coalition, combination, confederacy, coterie, faction, grouping, league, schism, set, side @@@@ [14]individual, person, somebody, someone @@@@ [15]contractor @@@@ [16]defendant, litigant, participant, plaintiff"} {"x":"parvenu","y":"[1]arriviste, nouveau riche, social climber, upstart @@@@ [2]nouveau riche, upstart"} {"x":"pass","y":"[1]depart, elapse, flow, go, go by or past, lapse, leave, move, move onwards, proceed, roll, run @@@@ [2]beat, exceed, excel, go beyond, outdistance, outdo, outstrip, surmount, surpass, transcend @@@@ [3]do, get through, graduate, pass muster, qualify, succeed, suffice, suit @@@@ [4]beguile, devote, employ, experience, fill, occupy, spend, suffer, undergo, while away @@@@ [5]befall, come up, develop, fall out, happen, occur, take place @@@@ [6]convey, deliver, exchange, give, hand, kick, let have, reach, send, throw, transfer, transmit @@@@ [7]accept, adopt, approve, authorize, decree, enact, establish, legislate, ordain, ratify, sanction, validate @@@@ [8]declare, deliver, express, pronounce, utter @@@@ [9]disregard, ignore, miss, neglect, not heed, omit, overlook, skip @@@@ [10]crap @@@@ [11]defecate, discharge, eliminate, empty, evacuate, excrete, expel, shit @@@@ [12]void @@@@ [13]blow over, cease, die, disappear, dissolve, dwindle, ebb, end, evaporate, expire, fade, go, melt away, terminate, vanish, wane @@@@ [14]be accepted as, be mistaken for, be regarded as, be taken for, impersonate, serve as"} {"x":"passable","y":"[1]acceptable, adequate, admissible, allowable, all right, average, fair, fair enough, mediocre, middling, moderate, not too bad, ordinary, presentable, so-so @@@@ [2]tolerable, unexceptional @@@@ [3]clear, crossable, navigable, open, traversable, unobstructed"} {"x":"passage","y":"[1]alley, avenue, channel, course, lane, opening, path, road, route, thoroughfare, way @@@@ [2]aisle, corridor, doorway, entrance, entrance hall, exit, hall, hallway, lobby, passageway, vestibule @@@@ [3]clause, excerpt, extract, paragraph, piece, quotation, reading, section, sentence, text, verse @@@@ [4]crossing, journey, tour, trek, trip, voyage @@@@ [5]advance, change, conversion, flow, motion, movement, passing, progress, progression, transit, transition @@@@ [6]allowance, authorization, freedom, permission, right, safe-conduct, visa, warrant @@@@ [7]acceptance, enactment, establishment, legalization, legislation, passing, ratification"} {"x":"passenger","y":"[1]fare, hitchhiker, pillion rider, rider, traveller"} {"x":"passing","y":"[1]brief, ephemeral, fleeting, momentary, short, short-lived, temporary, transient, transitory @@@@ [2]casual, cursory, glancing, hasty, quick, shallow, short, slight, superficial @@@@ [3]death, decease, demise, end, finish, loss, termination @@@@ [4]accidentally, by the bye, by the way, en passant, incidentally, on the way"} {"x":"passion","y":"[1]animation, ardour, eagerness, emotion, excitement, feeling, fervour, fire, heat, intensity, joy, rapture, spirit, transport, warmth, zeal, zest @@@@ [2]adoration, affection, ardour, attachment, concupiscence, desire, fondness, infatuation, itch, keenness, love, lust, the hots @@@@ [3]bug @@@@ [4]craving, craze, enthusiasm, fancy, fascination, idol, infatuation, mania, obsession @@@@ [5]anger, fit, flare-up @@@@ [6]frenzy, fury, indignation, ire, outburst, paroxysm, rage, resentment, storm, vehemence, wrath"} {"x":"passionate","y":"[1]amorous, ardent, aroused, desirous, erotic, hot, loving, lustful, sensual, sexy @@@@ [2]steamy @@@@ [3]wanton @@@@ [4]ablaze, animated, ardent, eager, emotional, enthusiastic, excited, fervent, fervid, fierce, flaming, frenzied, heartfelt, impassioned, impetuous, impulsive, intense, strong, vehement, warm, wild, zealous @@@@ [5]choleric, excitable, fiery, hot-headed, hot-tempered, irascible, irritable, peppery, quick-tempered, stormy, tempestuous, violent"} {"x":"passive","y":"[1]acquiescent, compliant, docile, enduring, inactive, inert, lifeless, long-suffering, nonviolent, patient, quiescent, receptive, resigned, submissive, unassertive, uninvolved, unresisting"} {"x":"password","y":"[1]countersign, key word, open sesame, signal, watchword"} {"x":"past","y":"[1]accomplished, completed, done, elapsed, ended, extinct, finished, forgotten, gone, over, over and done with, spent @@@@ [2]ancient, bygone, early, erstwhile, foregoing, former, late, long-ago, olden, preceding, previous, prior, quondam, recent @@@@ [3]antiquity, days gone by, days of yore, former times, good old days, history, long ago, olden days, old times, times past, yesteryear @@@@ [4]background, experience, history, life, past life @@@@ [5]across, beyond, by, on, over @@@@ [6]after, beyond, farther than, later than, outside, over, subsequent to"} {"x":"paste","y":"[1]adhesive, cement, glue, gum, mucilage @@@@ [2]cement, fasten, fix, glue, gum, stick"} {"x":"pastel","y":"[1]delicate, light, muted, pale, soft, soft-hued"} {"x":"pastiche","y":"[1]blend, farrago, gallimaufry, hotchpotch, medley, melange, miscellany, mixture, motley"} {"x":"pastime","y":"[1]activity, amusement, distraction, diversion, entertainment, game, hobby, leisure, play, recreation, relaxation, sport"} {"x":"pastor","y":"[1]churchman, clergyman, divine, ecclesiastic, minister, parson, priest, rector, vicar"} {"x":"pastoral","y":"[1]agrestic, Arcadian, bucolic, country, georgic @@@@ [2]idyllic, rural, rustic, simple @@@@ [3]clerical, ecclesiastical, ministerial, priestly"} {"x":"pasture","y":"[1]grass, grassland, grazing, grazing land, lea @@@@ [2]meadow, pasturage, shieling"} {"x":"pasty","y":"[1]doughy, glutinous, mucilaginous, starchy, sticky @@@@ [2]pale, pallid, sallow, sickly, unhealthy, wan, wheyfaced"} {"x":"pat","y":"[1]caress, dab, fondle, pet, slap, stroke, tap, touch @@@@ [2]clap, dab, light blow, slap, stroke, tap @@@@ [3]cake, dab, lump, portion, small piece @@@@ [4]exactly, faultlessly, flawlessly, off pat, perfectly, precisely @@@@ [5]aptly, bang, dead on, fittingly, just right, opportunely, plumb @@@@ [6]relevantly, seasonably @@@@ [7]apposite, apropos, apt, felicitous, fitting, happy, neat, pertinent, relevant, spot-on @@@@ [8]automatic, easy, facile, glib, ready, simplistic, slick, smooth"} {"x":"patch","y":"[1]bit, scrap, shred, small piece, spot, stretch @@@@ [2]area, ground, land, plot, tract @@@@ [3]cover, fix, mend, reinforce, repair, sew up @@@@ [4]bury the hatchet, conciliate, make friends, placate, restore, settle, settle differences, smooth"} {"x":"patent","y":"[1]apparent, blatant, clear, conspicuous, downright, evident, flagrant, glaring, indisputable, manifest, obvious, open, palpable, transparent, unconcealed, unequivocal, unmistakable @@@@ [2]copyright, invention, licence"} {"x":"paternal","y":"[1]benevolent, concerned, fatherlike, fatherly, protective, solicitous, vigilant @@@@ [2]patrilineal, patrimonial"} {"x":"paternity","y":"[1]fatherhood, fathership @@@@ [2]descent, extraction, family, lineage, parentage @@@@ [3]authorship, derivation, origin, source"} {"x":"path","y":"[1]footpath, footway, pathway, towpath, track, trail, walkway @@@@ [2]avenue, course, direction, passage, procedure, road, route, track, walk, way"} {"x":"pathetic","y":"[1]affecting, distressing, harrowing, heartbreaking, heart-rending, melting, moving, pitiable, plaintive, poignant, sad, tender, touching @@@@ [2]deplorable, feeble, inadequate, lamentable, meagre, measly, miserable, not much cop @@@@ [3]paltry, petty, pitiful, poor, puny, sorry, wet @@@@ [4]woeful @@@@ [5]chickenshit @@@@ [6]crappy @@@@ [7]crummy @@@@ [8]poxy @@@@ [9]rubbishy, trashy, uninteresting, useless, wanky @@@@ [10]worthless"} {"x":"pathfinder","y":"[1]discoverer, explorer, guide, pioneer, scout, trailblazer"} {"x":"pathos","y":"[1]pitiableness, pitifulness, plaintiveness, poignancy, sadness"} {"x":"patience","y":"[1]calmness, composure, cool @@@@ [2]equanimity, even temper, forbearance, imperturbability, restraint, serenity, sufferance, tolerance, toleration @@@@ [3]constancy, diligence, endurance, fortitude, long-suffering, perseverance, persistence, resignation, stoicism, submission"} {"x":"patient","y":"[1]calm, composed, enduring, long-suffering, persevering, persistent, philosophical, quiet, resigned, self-possessed, serene, stoical, submissive, uncomplaining, untiring @@@@ [2]accommodating, even-tempered, forbearing, forgiving, indulgent, lenient, mild, tolerant, understanding @@@@ [3]case, invalid, sick person, sufferer"} {"x":"patois","y":"[1]dialect @@@@ [2]argot, cant, jargon, lingo @@@@ [3]patter, slang, vernacular"} {"x":"patriarch","y":"[1]father, paterfamilias, sire @@@@ [2]elder, grandfather, greybeard, old man"} {"x":"patrician","y":"[1]aristo @@@@ [2]aristocrat, childe @@@@ [3]noble, nobleman, peer @@@@ [4]aristocratic, blue-blooded, gentle @@@@ [5]highborn, high-class, lordly, noble"} {"x":"patrimony","y":"[1]bequest, birthright, heritage, inheritance, legacy, portion, share"} {"x":"patriot","y":"[1]chauvinist, flag-waver @@@@ [2]jingo, lover of one's country, loyalist, nationalist"} {"x":"patriotic","y":"[1]chauvinistic, flag-waving @@@@ [2]jingoistic, loyal, nationalistic"} {"x":"patriotism","y":"[1]flag-waving @@@@ [2]jingoism, love of one's country, loyalty, nationalism"} {"x":"patrol","y":"[1]guarding, policing, protecting, rounds, safeguarding, vigilance, watching @@@@ [2]garrison, guard, patrolman, sentinel, watch, watchman @@@@ [3]cruise, guard, inspect, keep guard, keep watch, make the rounds, police, pound, range, safeguard, walk the beat"} {"x":"patron","y":"[1]advocate, angel @@@@ [2]backer, benefactor, champion, defender, friend, guardian, helper, philanthropist, protagonist, protector, sponsor, supporter @@@@ [3]buyer, client, customer, frequenter, habitue, shopper"} {"x":"patronage","y":"[1]aid, assistance, backing, benefaction, championship, encouragement, espousal, help, promotion, sponsorship, support @@@@ [2]business, clientele, commerce, custom, trade, trading, traffic @@@@ [3]condescension, deigning, disdain, patronizing, stooping"} {"x":"patronize","y":"[1]be lofty with, look down on, talk down to, treat as inferior, treat condescendingly, treat like a child @@@@ [2]assist, back, befriend, foster, fund, help, maintain, promote, sponsor, subscribe to, support @@@@ [3]be a customer or client of, buy from, deal with, do business with, frequent, shop at, trade with"} {"x":"patter","y":"[1]scurry, scuttle, skip, tiptoe, trip, walk lightly @@@@ [2]beat, pat, pelt, pitapat, pitter-patter, rat-a-tat, spatter, tap @@@@ [3]pattering, pitapat, pitter-patter, tapping @@@@ [4]line, monologue, pitch, spiel @@@@ [5]chatter, gabble, jabber, nattering, prattle, yak @@@@ [6]argot, cant, jargon, lingo @@@@ [7]patois, slang, vernacular @@@@ [8]babble, blab, chatter, hold forth, jabber, prate, rattle off, rattle on, spiel @@@@ [9]spout @@@@ [10]tattle"} {"x":"pattern","y":"[1]arrangement, decoration, decorative design, design, device, figure, motif, ornament @@@@ [2]arrangement, method, order, orderliness, plan, sequence, system @@@@ [3]kind, shape, sort, style, type, variety @@@@ [4]design, diagram, guide, instructions, original, plan, stencil, template @@@@ [5]archetype, criterion, cynosure, example, exemplar, guide, model, norm, original, par, paradigm, paragon, prototype, sample, specimen, standard @@@@ [6]copy, emulate, follow, form, imitate, model, mould, order, shape, style @@@@ [7]decorate, design, trim"} {"x":"paucity","y":"[1]dearth, deficiency, fewness, insufficiency, lack, meagreness, paltriness, poverty, rarity, scantiness, scarcity, shortage, slenderness, slightness, smallness, sparseness, sparsity"} {"x":"paunch","y":"[1]abdomen, beer-belly @@@@ [2]belly, corporation @@@@ [3]middle-age spread @@@@ [4]pot, potbelly, spare tyre @@@@ [5]spread"} {"x":"pauper","y":"[1]bankrupt, beggar, down-and-out, have-not, indigent, insolvent, mendicant, poor person"} {"x":"pause","y":"[1]break, cease, delay, deliberate, desist, discontinue, halt, have a breather @@@@ [2]hesitate, interrupt, rest, stop briefly, take a break, wait, waver @@@@ [3]break, breather @@@@ [4]breathing space, caesura, cessation, delay, discontinuance, entr'acte, gap, halt, hesitation, interlude, intermission, interruption, interval, let-up @@@@ [5]lull, respite, rest, stay, stoppage, wait"} {"x":"pave","y":"[1]asphalt, concrete, cover, flag, floor, macadamize, surface, tar, tile"} {"x":"paw","y":"[1]grab, handle roughly, manhandle, maul, molest"} {"x":"pawn","y":"[1]deposit, gage @@@@ [2]hazard, hock @@@@ [3]mortgage, pledge, pop @@@@ [4]stake, wager @@@@ [5]assurance, bond, collateral, gage, guarantee, guaranty, pledge, security @@@@ [6]cat's-paw, creature, dupe, instrument, plaything, puppet, stooge @@@@ [7]tool, toy"} {"x":"pay","y":"[1]clear, compensate, cough up @@@@ [2]discharge, foot, give, honour, liquidate, meet, offer, recompense, reimburse, remit, remunerate, render, requite, reward, settle, square up @@@@ [3]be advantageous, benefit, be worthwhile, repay, serve @@@@ [4]bestow, extend, give, grant, hand out, present, proffer, render @@@@ [5]answer for, atone, be punished, compensate, get one's deserts, make amends, suffer, suffer the consequences @@@@ [6]bring in, produce, profit, return, yield @@@@ [7]be profitable, be remunerative, make a return, make money, provide a living @@@@ [8]get revenge on, pay back, punish, reciprocate, repay, requite, settle a score @@@@ [9]allowance, compensation, earnings, emoluments, fee, hand-out, hire, income, meed @@@@ [10]payment, recompense, reimbursement, remuneration, reward, salary, stipend, takings, wages @@@@ [11]get one's own back, hit back, reciprocate, recompense, retaliate, settle a score @@@@ [12]refund, reimburse, repay, return, settle up, square @@@@ [13]discharge, dismiss, fire, lay off, let go, sack @@@@ [14]clear, discharge, liquidate, pay in full, settle, square @@@@ [15]be effective, be profitable, be successful, succeed, work @@@@ [16]pay back, retaliate, settle a score @@@@ [17]bribe, buy off, corrupt, get at, grease the palm of @@@@ [18]oil @@@@ [19]suborn @@@@ [20]cough up @@@@ [21]lay out @@@@ [22]shell out @@@@ [23]spend @@@@ [24]pay back, retaliate, settle a score"} {"x":"payable","y":"[1]due, mature, obligatory, outstanding, owed, owing, receivable, to be paid"} {"x":"payment","y":"[1]defrayal, discharge, outlay, paying, remittance, settlement @@@@ [2]advance, deposit, instalment, portion, premium, remittance @@@@ [3]fee, hire, remuneration, reward, wage"} {"x":"peace","y":"[1]accord, agreement, amity, concord, harmony @@@@ [2]armistice, cessation of hostilities, conciliation, pacification, treaty, truce @@@@ [3]calm, composure, contentment, placidity, relaxation, repose, serenity @@@@ [4]calm, calmness, hush, peacefulness, quiet, quietude, repose, rest, silence, stillness, tranquillity"} {"x":"peaceful","y":"[1]amicable, at peace, free from strife, friendly, harmonious, nonviolent, on friendly or good terms, without hostility @@@@ [2]calm, gentle, placid, quiet, restful, serene, still, tranquil, undisturbed, unruffled, untroubled @@@@ [3]conciliatory, irenic, pacific, peaceable, peace-loving, placatory, unwarlike"} {"x":"peacemaker","y":"[1]appeaser, arbitrator, conciliator, mediator, pacifier, peacemonger"} {"x":"peak","y":"[1]aiguille, apex, brow, crest, pinnacle, point, summit, tip, top @@@@ [2]acme, apogee, climax, crown, culmination, high point, maximum point, ne plus ultra, zenith @@@@ [3]be at its height, climax, come to a head, culminate, reach its highest point, reach the zenith"} {"x":"peal","y":"[1]blast, carillon, chime, clamour, clang, clap, crash, resounding, reverberation, ring, ringing, roar, rumble, sound, tintinnabulation @@@@ [2]chime, crack, crash, resonate, resound, reverberate, ring, roar, roll, rumble, sound, tintinnabulate, toll"} {"x":"peasant","y":"[1]churl @@@@ [2]countryman, hind @@@@ [3]rustic, son of the soil, swain @@@@ [4]boor, churl, country bumpkin, hayseed @@@@ [5]hick @@@@ [6]lout, provincial, yokel"} {"x":"peccadillo","y":"[1]error, indiscretion, infraction, lapse, misdeed, misdemeanour, petty offence, slip, trifling fault"} {"x":"peck","y":"[1]bite, dig, hit, jab, kiss, nibble, pick, poke, prick, strike, tap"} {"x":"peculiar","y":"[1]abnormal, bizarre, curious, eccentric, exceptional, extraordinary, far-out @@@@ [2]freakish, funny, odd, offbeat, off-the-wall @@@@ [3]outlandish, out-of-the-way, outre, quaint, queer, singular, strange, uncommon, unconventional, unusual, wacko @@@@ [4]weird @@@@ [5]appropriate, characteristic, distinct, distinctive, distinguishing, endemic, idiosyncratic, individual, local, particular, personal, private, restricted, special, specific, unique"} {"x":"pecuniary","y":"[1]commercial, financial, fiscal, monetary"} {"x":"pedant","y":"[1]casuist, doctrinaire, dogmatist, hairsplitter, literalist, nit-picker @@@@ [2]pedagogue, pettifogger, precisian, quibbler, scholastic, sophist"} {"x":"pedantic","y":"[1]abstruse, academic, bookish, didactic, donnish, erudite, formal, fussy, hairsplitting, nit-picking @@@@ [2]overnice, particular, pedagogic, picky @@@@ [3]pompous, precise, priggish, punctilious, scholastic, schoolmasterly, sententious, stilted"} {"x":"pedantry","y":"[1]bookishness, finicality, hairsplitting, overnicety, pedagogism, pettifoggery, pomposity, punctiliousness, quibbling, sophistry, stuffiness"} {"x":"peddle","y":"[1]flog @@@@ [2]hawk, huckster, market, push @@@@ [3]sell, sell door to door, trade, vend"} {"x":"pedestal","y":"[1]base, dado @@@@ [2]foot, foundation, mounting, pier, plinth, socle, stand, support @@@@ [3]apotheosize, deify, dignify, ennoble, exalt, glorify, idealize, worship"} {"x":"pedestrian","y":"[1]footslogger, foot-traveller, walker @@@@ [2]banal, boring, commonplace, dull, flat, ho-hum @@@@ [3]humdrum, mediocre, mundane, no great shakes @@@@ [4]ordinary, plodding, prosaic, run-of-the-mill, unimaginative, uninspired, uninteresting"} {"x":"pedlar","y":"[1]cheap-jack @@@@ [2]colporteur, door-to-door salesman, duffer @@@@ [3]hawker, huckster, seller, vendor"} {"x":"peek","y":"[1]glance, keek @@@@ [2]look, peep, peer, snatch a glimpse, sneak a look, spy, squinny, take or have a gander @@@@ [3]blink, butcher's @@@@ [4]gander @@@@ [5]glance, glim @@@@ [6]glimpse, keek @@@@ [7]look, look-see @@@@ [8]peep, shufti"} {"x":"peel","y":"[1]decorticate, desquamate, flake off, pare, scale, skin, strip off @@@@ [2]epicarp, exocarp, peeling, rind, skin"} {"x":"peep","y":"[1]keek @@@@ [2]look from hiding, look surreptitiously, peek, peer, sneak a look, spy, steal a look @@@@ [3]appear briefly, emerge, peer out, show partially @@@@ [4]butcher's @@@@ [5]gander @@@@ [6]glim @@@@ [7]glimpse, keek @@@@ [8]look, look-see @@@@ [9]peek, shufti @@@@ [10]cheep, chirp, chirrup, pipe, squeak, tweet, twitter"} {"x":"peephole","y":"[1]aperture, chink, crack, crevice, fissure, hole, keyhole, opening, pinhole, slit, spyhole"} {"x":"peer","y":"[1]aristo @@@@ [2]aristocrat, baron, count, duke, earl, lord, marquess, marquis, noble, nobleman, viscount @@@@ [3]coequal, compeer, equal, fellow, like, match @@@@ [4]gaze, inspect, peep, scan, scrutinize, snoop, spy, squinny, squint @@@@ [5]appear, become visible, emerge, peep out"} {"x":"peeve","y":"[1]annoy, bother, bug @@@@ [2]exasperate, gall, get @@@@ [3]irk, irritate, nark @@@@ [4]nettle, pique, piss one off @@@@ [5]provoke, rile, rub (up) the wrong way, vex @@@@ [6]annoyance, bother, gripe @@@@ [7]nuisance, pest, sore point, vexation"} {"x":"peevish","y":"[1]acrimonious, cantankerous, captious, childish, churlish, crabbed, cross, crotchety @@@@ [2]crusty, fractious, fretful, grumpy, huffy, ill-natured, ill-tempered, irritable, liverish, pettish, petulant, querulous, ratty @@@@ [3]short-tempered, shrewish, snappy, splenetic, sulky, sullen, surly, testy, tetchy, touchy, waspish, whingeing"} {"x":"peg","y":"[1]attach, fasten, fix, join, make fast, secure @@@@ [2]keep at it, keep going, keep on, persist, plod along, plug away at @@@@ [3]stick to it, work at, work away @@@@ [4]control, fix, freeze, limit, set"} {"x":"pejorative","y":"[1]belittling, debasing, deprecatory, depreciatory, derogatory, detractive, detractory, disparaging, negative, slighting, uncomplimentary, unpleasant"} {"x":"pellucid","y":"[1]bright, clear, crystalline, glassy, limpid, translucent, transparent @@@@ [2]clear, comprehensible, limpid, lucid, perspicuous, plain, straightforward, unambiguous"} {"x":"pelt","y":"[1]assail, batter, beat, belabour, bombard, cast, hurl, pepper, pummel, shower, sling, strike, thrash, throw, wallop @@@@ [2]barrel (along) @@@@ [3]belt @@@@ [4]burn rubber @@@@ [5]career, charge, dash, hurry, run fast, rush, shoot, speed, stampede, tear, whizz @@@@ [6]bucket down @@@@ [7]rain hard, teem @@@@ [8]coat, fell, hide, skin"} {"x":"pen","y":"[1]commit to paper, compose, draft, draw up, jot down, write @@@@ [2]cage, coop, corral @@@@ [3]enclosure, fold, hutch, pound, sty @@@@ [4]cage, confine, coop up, enclose, fence in, hedge, hem in, hurdle, impound, mew (up), pound, shut up or in @@@@ [5]If someone pens a letter, article, or book, they write it."} {"x":"penal","y":"[1]corrective, disciplinary, penalizing, punitive, retributive"} {"x":"penalize","y":"[1]correct, discipline, handicap, impose a penalty on, inflict a handicap on, punish, put at a disadvantage"} {"x":"penalty","y":"[1]disadvantage, fine, forfeit, forfeiture, handicap, mulct, price, punishment, retribution"} {"x":"penance","y":"[1]atonement, mortification, penalty, punishment, reparation, sackcloth and ashes @@@@ [2]accept punishment, atone, make amends, make reparation, mortify oneself, show contrition, suffer"} {"x":"penchant","y":"[1]affinity, bent, bias, disposition, fondness, inclination, leaning, liking, partiality, predilection, predisposition, proclivity, proneness, propensity, taste, tendency, turn"} {"x":"pending","y":"[1]awaiting, forthcoming, hanging fire, imminent, impending, in the balance, in the offing, undecided, undetermined, unsettled, up in the air"} {"x":"pendulous","y":"[1]dangling, drooping, hanging, pendent, sagging, swaying, swinging"} {"x":"penetrate","y":"[1]bore, enter, go through, impale, perforate, pierce, prick, probe, stab @@@@ [2]diffuse, enter, get in, infiltrate, make inroads (into), permeate, pervade, seep, suffuse @@@@ [3]affect, become clear, be understood, come across, get through to, impress, touch @@@@ [4]comprehend, decipher, discern, fathom, figure out @@@@ [5]understand, unravel, work out"} {"x":"penetration","y":"[1]entrance, entry, incision, inroad, invasion, perforation, piercing, puncturing @@@@ [2]acuteness, astuteness, discernment, insight, keenness, perception, perspicacity, sharpness, shrewdness, wit"} {"x":"penis","y":"[1]chopper @@@@ [2]cock @@@@ [3]dick @@@@ [4]dong @@@@ [5]John Thomas @@@@ [6]joystick @@@@ [7]knob @@@@ [8]member, organ, pecker @@@@ [9]phallus, pizzle @@@@ [10]plonker @@@@ [11]prick @@@@ [12]schlong @@@@ [13]tadger @@@@ [14]tool @@@@ [15]wang @@@@ [16]weenie @@@@ [17]whang @@@@ [18]winkle"} {"x":"penitent","y":"[1]abject, apologetic, atoning, conscience-stricken, contrite, regretful, remorseful, repentant, rueful, sorrowful, sorry"} {"x":"penmanship","y":"[1]calligraphy, chirography, fist @@@@ [2]hand, handwriting, longhand, script, writing"} {"x":"pennant","y":"[1]banderole, banner, burgee @@@@ [2]ensign, flag, jack, pennon, streamer"} {"x":"pennies","y":"[1]meany @@@@ [2]miser, niggard, pinchpenny, screw @@@@ [3]Scrooge, skinflint, tight-arse @@@@ [4]tight-ass"} {"x":"penniless","y":"[1]bankrupt, broke @@@@ [2]cleaned out @@@@ [3]destitute, dirt-poor @@@@ [4]impecunious, impoverished, indigent, in queer street, moneyless, necessitous, needy, on one's uppers, on the breadline, penurious, poor, poverty-stricken, ruined, short, skint @@@@ [5]stony-broke @@@@ [6]strapped"} {"x":"pension","y":"[1]allowance, annuity, benefit, superannuation"} {"x":"pensive","y":"[1]blue @@@@ [2]cogitative, contemplative, dreamy, grave, in a brown study @@@@ [3]meditative, melancholy, mournful, musing, preoccupied, reflective, ruminative, sad, serious, sober, solemn, sorrowful, thoughtful, wistful"} {"x":"penurious","y":"[1]cheeseparing, close, close-fisted, frugal, grudging, mean, miserly, near @@@@ [2]niggardly, parsimonious, skimping, stingy, tight-arse @@@@ [3]tight-arsed @@@@ [4]tight-ass @@@@ [5]tight-assed @@@@ [6]tightfisted, ungenerous @@@@ [7]destitute, down and out, down at heel, impecunious, impoverished, indigent, needy, on the breadline, penniless, poor, poverty-stricken @@@@ [8]beggarly, deficient, inadequate, meagre, miserable, miserly, paltry, pathetic, poor, scanty"} {"x":"penury","y":"[1]beggary, destitution, indigence, need, pauperism, poverty, privation, straitened circumstances, want @@@@ [2]dearth, deficiency, lack, paucity, scantiness, scarcity, shortage, sparseness"} {"x":"people","y":"[1]human beings, humanity, humans, mankind, men and women, mortals, persons @@@@ [2]citizens, clan, community, family, folk, inhabitants, nation, population, public, race, tribe @@@@ [3]commonalty, crowd, general public, grass roots, hoi polloi, masses, mob, multitude, plebs, populace, proles @@@@ [4]proletariat, rabble, rank and file, the herd @@@@ [5]colonize, inhabit, occupy, populate, settle"} {"x":"pep","y":"[1]animation, brio, energy, get-up-and-go @@@@ [2]gusto, high spirits, life, liveliness, spirit, verve, vigour, vim @@@@ [3]vitality, vivacity, zip @@@@ [4]animate, enliven, exhilarate, inspire, invigorate, jazz up @@@@ [5]quicken, stimulate, vitalize, vivify"} {"x":"pepper","y":"[1]flavour, season, spice @@@@ [2]bespeckle, dot, fleck, spatter, speck, sprinkle, stipple, stud @@@@ [3]bombard, pelt, riddle, scatter, shower"} {"x":"peppery","y":"[1]fiery, highly seasoned, hot, piquant, pungent, spicy @@@@ [2]choleric, hot-tempered, irascible, irritable, quick-tempered, snappish, testy, touchy, vitriolic, waspish @@@@ [3]astringent, biting, caustic, incisive, sarcastic, sharp, stinging, trenchant, vitriolic"} {"x":"perceive","y":"[1]be aware of, behold, descry, discern, discover, distinguish, espy, make out, note, notice, observe, recognize, remark, see, spot @@@@ [2]appreciate, apprehend, comprehend, conclude, deduce, feel, gather, get @@@@ [3]get the message, get the picture, grasp, know, learn, realize, see, sense, suss (out) @@@@ [4]understand"} {"x":"perceptible","y":"[1]apparent, appreciable, blatant, clear, conspicuous, detectable, discernible, distinct, evident, noticeable, observable, obvious, palpable, perceivable, recognizable, tangible, visible"} {"x":"perception","y":"[1]apprehension, awareness, conception, consciousness, discernment, feeling, grasp, idea, impression, insight, notion, observation, recognition, sensation, sense, taste, understanding"} {"x":"perceptive","y":"[1]acute, alert, astute, aware, discerning, insightful, intuitive, observant, penetrating, percipient, perspicacious, quick, responsive, sensitive, sharp"} {"x":"perch","y":"[1]branch, pole, post, resting place, roost @@@@ [2]alight, balance, land, rest, roost, settle, sit on"} {"x":"perchance","y":"[1]by chance, for all one knows, haply @@@@ [2]maybe, mayhap @@@@ [3]peradventure @@@@ [4]perhaps, possibly, probably"} {"x":"percipient","y":"[1]alert, alive, astute, aware, bright @@@@ [2]discerning, discriminating, intelligent, penetrating, perceptive, perspicacious, quick-witted, sharp, wide-awake"} {"x":"percolate","y":"[1]drain, drip, exude, filter, filtrate, leach, ooze, penetrate, perk @@@@ [2]permeate, pervade, seep, strain, transfuse"} {"x":"percussion","y":"[1]blow, brunt, bump, clash, collision, concussion, crash, impact, jolt, knock, shock, smash, thump"} {"x":"perdition","y":"[1]condemnation, damnation, destruction, doom, downfall, everlasting punishment, hell, hellfire, ruin"} {"x":"peregrination","y":"[1]expedition, exploration, journey, odyssey, tour, trek, trip, voyage @@@@ [2]globetrotting, roaming, roving, travelling, trekking, wandering, wayfaring"} {"x":"peremptory","y":"[1]absolute, binding, categorical, commanding, compelling, decisive, final, imperative, incontrovertible, irrefutable, obligatory, undeniable @@@@ [2]arbitrary, assertive, authoritative, autocratic, bossy @@@@ [3]dictatorial, dogmatic, domineering, high-handed, imperious, intolerant, overbearing"} {"x":"perennial","y":"[1]abiding, chronic, constant, continual, continuing, enduring, incessant, inveterate, lasting, lifelong, persistent, recurrent, unchanging @@@@ [2]ceaseless, deathless, eternal, everlasting, immortal, imperishable, never-ending, permanent, perpetual, unceasing, undying, unfailing, uninterrupted"} {"x":"perfect","y":"[1]absolute, complete, completed, consummate, entire, finished, full, out-and-out, sheer, unadulterated, unalloyed, unmitigated, utter, whole @@@@ [2]blameless, clean, excellent, faultless, flawless, ideal, immaculate, impeccable, pure, splendid, spotless, sublime, superb, superlative, supreme, unblemished, unmarred, untarnished @@@@ [3]accurate, close, correct, exact, faithful, on the money @@@@ [4]precise, right, spot-on @@@@ [5]strict, true, unerring @@@@ [6]accomplished, adept, experienced, expert, finished, masterly, polished, practised, skilful, skilled @@@@ [7]accomplish, achieve, carry out, complete, consummate, effect, finish, fulfil, perform, realize @@@@ [8]ameliorate, cultivate, develop, elaborate, hone, improve, polish, refine"} {"x":"perfection","y":"[1]accomplishment, achievement, achieving, completion, consummation, evolution, fulfilment, realization @@@@ [2]completeness, exactness, excellence, exquisiteness, faultlessness, integrity, maturity, perfectness, precision, purity, sublimity, superiority, wholeness @@@@ [3]acme, crown, ideal, paragon"} {"x":"perfectly","y":"[1]absolutely, altogether, completely, consummately, entirely, every inch, fully, quite, thoroughly, totally, utterly, wholly @@@@ [2]admirably, exquisitely, faultlessly, flawlessly, ideally, impeccably, like a dream, superbly, superlatively, supremely, to perfection, wonderfully"} {"x":"perfidious","y":"[1]corrupt, deceitful, dishonest, disloyal, double-dealing, double-faced, faithless, false, recreant @@@@ [2]traitorous, treacherous, treasonous, two-faced, unfaithful, untrustworthy"} {"x":"perfidy","y":"[1]betrayal, deceit, disloyalty, double-dealing, duplicity, faithlessness, falsity, infidelity, perfidiousness, treachery, treason"} {"x":"perforate","y":"[1]bore, drill, hole, honeycomb, penetrate, pierce, punch, puncture"} {"x":"perforce","y":"[1]by force of circumstances, by necessity, inevitably, necessarily, needs must, of necessity, unavoidably, willy-nilly, without choice"} {"x":"perform","y":"[1]accomplish, achieve, act, bring about, carry out, complete, comply with, discharge, do, effect, execute, fulfil, function, observe, pull off, satisfy, transact, work @@@@ [2]act, appear as, depict, enact, play, present, produce, put on, render, represent, stage"} {"x":"performance","y":"[1]accomplishment, achievement, act, carrying out, completion, conduct, consummation, discharge, execution, exploit, feat, fulfilment, work @@@@ [2]acting, appearance, exhibition, gig @@@@ [3]interpretation, play, portrayal, presentation, production, representation, show @@@@ [4]action, conduct, efficiency, functioning, operation, practice, running, working @@@@ [5]act, behaviour, bother, business, carry-on @@@@ [6]fuss, pantomime @@@@ [7]pother, rigmarole, to-do"} {"x":"perfume","y":"[1]aroma, attar, balminess, bouquet, cologne, essence, fragrance, incense, niff @@@@ [2]odour, redolence, scent, smell, sweetness"} {"x":"perfunctory","y":"[1]automatic, careless, cursory, heedless, inattentive, indifferent, mechanical, negligent, offhand, routine, sketchy, slipshod, slovenly, stereotyped, superficial, unconcerned, unthinking, wooden"} {"x":"perhaps","y":"[1]as the case may be, conceivably, feasibly, for all one knows, it may be, maybe, perchance @@@@ [2]possibly"} {"x":"peril","y":"[1]danger, exposure, hazard, insecurity, jeopardy, menace, pitfall, risk, uncertainty, vulnerability"} {"x":"perimeter","y":"[1]ambit, border, borderline, boundary, bounds, circumference, confines, edge, limit, margin, periphery"} {"x":"period","y":"[1]interval, season, space, span, spell, stretch, term, time, while @@@@ [2]aeon, age, course, cycle, date, days, epoch, era, generation, season, stage, term, time, years"} {"x":"periodic","y":"[1]at fixed intervals, cyclic, cyclical, every once in a while, every so often, infrequent, intermittent, occasional, periodical, recurrent, regular, repeated, seasonal, spasmodic, sporadic"} {"x":"peripatetic","y":"[1]ambulant, itinerant, migrant, mobile, nomadic, roaming, roving, travelling, vagabond, vagrant, wandering"} {"x":"peripheral","y":"[1]beside the point, borderline, incidental, inessential, irrelevant, marginal, minor, secondary, superficial, tangential, unimportant @@@@ [2]exterior, external, outer, outermost, outside, perimetric, surface"} {"x":"periphery","y":"[1]ambit, border, boundary, brim, brink, circumference, edge, fringe, hem, outer edge, outskirts, perimeter, rim, skirt, verge"} {"x":"perish","y":"[1]be killed, be lost, decease, die, expire, lose one's life, pass away @@@@ [2]be destroyed, collapse, decline, disappear, fall, go under, vanish @@@@ [3]break down, decay, decompose, disintegrate, moulder, rot, waste, wither"} {"x":"perjury","y":"[1]bearing false witness, false oath, false statement, false swearing, forswearing, giving false testimony, lying under oath, oath breaking, violation of an oath, wilful falsehood"} {"x":"perk","y":"[1]benefit, bonus, dividend, extra, fringe benefit, icing on the cake, perquisite, plus @@@@ [2]brighten, buck up @@@@ [3]cheer up, liven up, look up, pep up, rally, recover, recuperate, revive, take heart"} {"x":"permanent","y":"[1]abiding, constant, durable, enduring, eternal, everlasting, fixed, immovable, immutable, imperishable, indestructible, invariable, lasting, long-lasting, perennial, perpetual, persistent, stable, steadfast, unchanging, unfading"} {"x":"permeable","y":"[1]absorbent, absorptive, penetrable, pervious, porous, spongy"} {"x":"permeate","y":"[1]charge, diffuse throughout, fill, filter through, imbue, impregnate, infiltrate, pass through, penetrate, percolate, pervade, saturate, seep through, soak through, spread throughout"} {"x":"permissible","y":"[1]acceptable, admissible, allowable, all right, authorized, kosher @@@@ [2]lawful, legal, legit @@@@ [3]legitimate, licit, O.K. or okay @@@@ [4]permitted, proper, sanctioned"} {"x":"permission","y":"[1]allowance, approval, assent, authorization, blank cheque, consent, dispensation, freedom, go-ahead @@@@ [2]green light, leave, liberty, licence, permit, sanction, sufferance, tolerance"} {"x":"permissive","y":"[1]acquiescent, easy-going, easy-oasy @@@@ [2]forbearing, free, indulgent, latitudinarian, lax, lenient, liberal, open-minded, tolerant"} {"x":"permit","y":"[1]admit, agree, allow, authorize, consent, empower, enable, endorse, endure, entitle, give leave or permission, give the green light to, grant, let, license, own, sanction, suffer, tolerate, warrant @@@@ [2]authorization, liberty, licence, pass, passport, permission, sanction, warrant"} {"x":"permutation","y":"[1]alteration, change, shift, transformation, transmutation, transposition"} {"x":"pernicious","y":"[1]bad, baleful, baneful @@@@ [2]damaging, dangerous, deadly, deleterious, destructive, detrimental, evil, fatal, harmful, hurtful, injurious, maleficent, malevolent, malicious, malign, malignant, noisome, noxious, offensive, pestilent, poisonous, ruinous, venomous, wicked"} {"x":"peroration","y":"[1]closing remarks, conclusion, recapitulation, recapping @@@@ [2]reiteration, summing-up"} {"x":"perpendicular","y":"[1]at right angles to, on end, plumb, straight, upright, vertical"} {"x":"perpetrate","y":"[1]be responsible for, bring about, carry out, commit, do, effect, enact, execute, inflict, perform, wreak"} {"x":"perpetual","y":"[1]abiding, endless, enduring, eternal, everlasting, immortal, infinite, lasting, never-ending, perennial, permanent, sempiternal @@@@ [2]unchanging, undying, unending @@@@ [3]ceaseless, constant, continual, continuous, endless, incessant, interminable, never-ending, perennial, persistent, recurrent, repeated, unceasing, unfailing, uninterrupted, unremitting"} {"x":"perpetuate","y":"[1]continue, eternalize, immortalize, keep alive, keep going, keep up, maintain, preserve, sustain"} {"x":"perplex","y":"[1]baffle, befuddle, bemuse, beset, bewilder, confound, confuse, dumbfound, faze, flummox, mix up, muddle, mystify, nonplus, puzzle, stump @@@@ [2]complicate, encumber, entangle, involve, jumble, mix up, snarl up, tangle, thicken"} {"x":"perquisite","y":"[1]benefit, bonus, dividend, extra, fringe benefit, icing on the cake, perk @@@@ [2]plus"} {"x":"persecute","y":"[1]distress, dragoon, harass, hassle @@@@ [2]hound, hunt, ill-treat, injure, maltreat, martyr, molest, oppress, pursue, torment, torture, victimize @@@@ [3]annoy, badger, bait, bother, pester, tease, vex, worry"} {"x":"persevere","y":"[1]be determined or resolved, carry on, continue, endure, go on, hang on, hold fast, hold on @@@@ [2]keep going, keep on or at, keep one's hand in, maintain, persist, plug away @@@@ [3]pursue, remain, stand firm, stay the course, stick at or to"} {"x":"persiflage","y":"[1]badinage, banter, chaff, frivolity, pleasantry, raillery, repartee, teasing, wit, wittiness, wordplay"} {"x":"persist","y":"[1]be resolute, continue, hold on @@@@ [2]insist, persevere, stand firm, stay the course @@@@ [3]abide, carry on, continue, endure, hang in the air, keep up, last, linger, remain"} {"x":"person","y":"[1]being, body, human, human being, individual, living soul, soul @@@@ [2]bodily, in the flesh, oneself, personally"} {"x":"personable","y":"[1]affable, agreeable, amiable, attractive, charming, good-looking, handsome, likable or likeable, nice, pleasant, pleasing, presentable, winning"} {"x":"personage","y":"[1]big shot @@@@ [2]celeb @@@@ [3]celebrity, dignitary, luminary, megastar @@@@ [4]notable, personality, public figure, somebody, V.I.P., well-known person, worthy"} {"x":"personal","y":"[1]exclusive, individual, intimate, own, particular, peculiar, private, privy, special @@@@ [2]bodily, corporal, corporeal, exterior, material, physical @@@@ [3]derogatory, disparaging, insulting, nasty, offensive, pejorative, slighting"} {"x":"personality","y":"[1]character, disposition, identity, individuality, make-up, nature, psyche, temper, temperament, traits @@@@ [2]attraction, attractiveness, character, charisma, charm, dynamism, likableness or likeableness, magnetism, pleasantness @@@@ [3]big name, celeb @@@@ [4]celebrity, famous name, household name, megastar @@@@ [5]notable, personage, star, well-known face, well-known person"} {"x":"personally","y":"[1]alone, by oneself, independently, in person, in the flesh, on one's own, solely @@@@ [2]individualistically, individually, privately, specially, subjectively"} {"x":"personate","y":"[1]act, depict, do @@@@ [2]enact, feign, imitate, impersonate, play-act, portray, represent"} {"x":"personify","y":"[1]body forth, embody, epitomize, exemplify, express, image @@@@ [2]incarnate, mirror, represent, symbolize, typify"} {"x":"personnel","y":"[1]employees, helpers, human resources, liveware, members, men and women, people, staff, workers, workforce"} {"x":"perspective","y":"[1]angle, attitude, broad view, context, frame of reference, objectivity, outlook, overview, proportion, relation, relative importance, relativity, way of looking @@@@ [2]outlook, panorama, prospect, scene, view, vista"} {"x":"perspicacity","y":"[1]acumen, acuteness, discernment, discrimination, insight, keenness, penetration, perceptiveness, percipience, perspicaciousness, perspicuity, sagaciousness, sagacity, sharpness, shrewdness, smarts @@@@ [2]suss @@@@ [3]wit"} {"x":"perspicuity","y":"[1]clarity, clearness, comprehensibility, distinctness, explicitness, intelligibility, limpidity, limpidness, lucidity, plainness, precision, straightforwardness, transparency"} {"x":"perspicuous","y":"[1]clear, comprehensible, crystal-clear, distinct, easily understood, explicit, intelligible, limpid, lucid, obvious, plain, self-evident, straightforward, transparent, unambiguous, understandable"} {"x":"perspiration","y":"[1]exudation, moisture, sweat, wetness"} {"x":"perspire","y":"[1]be damp, be wet, drip, exude, glow, pour with sweat, secrete, sweat, swelter"} {"x":"persuade","y":"[1]actuate, advise, allure, bring round @@@@ [2]coax, counsel, entice, impel, incite, induce, influence, inveigle, prevail upon, prompt, sway, talk into, twist (someone's) arm, urge, win over @@@@ [3]cause to believe, convert, convince, satisfy"} {"x":"persuasion","y":"[1]blandishment, cajolery, conversion, enticement, exhortation, inducement, influencing, inveiglement, wheedling @@@@ [2]cogency, force, persuasiveness, potency, power, pull @@@@ [3]belief, certitude, conviction, credo, creed, faith, firm belief, fixed opinion, opinion, tenet, views @@@@ [4]camp, cult, denomination, faction, party, school, school of thought, sect, side"} {"x":"pert","y":"[1]bold, brash, cheeky, flip @@@@ [2]flippant, forward, fresh @@@@ [3]impertinent, impudent, insolent, lippy @@@@ [4]presumptuous, pushy @@@@ [5]sassy @@@@ [6]saucy, smart @@@@ [7]brisk, dapper, daring, dashing, gay, jaunty, lively, nimble, perky, smart, spirited, sprightly"} {"x":"pertain","y":"[1]appertain, apply, be appropriate, bear on, befit, belong, be part of, be relevant, concern, refer, regard, relate"} {"x":"pertinacious","y":"[1]bull-headed, determined, dogged, headstrong, inflexible, intractable, mulish, obdurate, obstinate, persevering, persistent, perverse, pig-headed, relentless, resolute, self-willed, stiff-necked, strong-willed, stubborn, tenacious, unyielding, wilful"} {"x":"pertinent","y":"[1]admissible, ad rem, applicable, apposite, appropriate, apropos, apt, fit, fitting, germane, material, pat, proper, relevant, suitable, to the point, to the purpose"} {"x":"perturb","y":"[1]agitate, alarm, bother, discompose, disconcert, discountenance, disquiet, disturb, faze, fluster, ruffle, trouble, unnerve, unsettle, upset, vex, worry @@@@ [2]confuse, disarrange, disorder, muddle, unsettle"} {"x":"peruse","y":"[1]browse, check, examine, inspect, look through, read, run one's eye over, scan, scrutinize, study, work over"} {"x":"pervade","y":"[1]affect, charge, diffuse, extend, fill, imbue, infuse, overspread, penetrate, percolate, permeate, spread through, suffuse"} {"x":"perverse","y":"[1]abnormal, contradictory, contrary, delinquent, depraved, deviant, disobedient, improper, incorrect, miscreant, rebellious, refractory, troublesome, unhealthy, unmanageable, unreasonable @@@@ [2]contrary, contumacious, cross-grained, dogged, headstrong, intractable, intransigent, obdurate, wilful, wrong-headed @@@@ [3]contrary, cussed @@@@ [4]mulish, obstinate, pig-headed, stiff-necked, stubborn, unyielding, wayward @@@@ [5]cantankerous, churlish, crabbed, cross, fractious, ill-natured, ill-tempered, peevish, petulant, shrewish, spiteful, stroppy @@@@ [6]surly"} {"x":"perversion","y":"[1]aberration, abnormality, debauchery, depravity, deviation, immorality, kink @@@@ [2]kinkiness @@@@ [3]unnaturalness, vice, vitiation, wickedness @@@@ [4]corruption, distortion, falsification, misinterpretation, misrepresentation, misuse, twisting"} {"x":"pervert","y":"[1]abuse, distort, falsify, garble, misconstrue, misinterpret, misrepresent, misuse, twist, warp @@@@ [2]corrupt, debase, debauch, degrade, deprave, desecrate, initiate, lead astray, subvert @@@@ [3]debauchee, degenerate, deviant, sicko @@@@ [4]sleazeball"} {"x":"peso","y":"[1]The peso is the unit of money that is used in Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, the Philippines, and Uruguay."} {"x":"pessimism","y":"[1]cynicism, dejection, depression, despair, despondency, distrust, gloom, gloominess, gloomy outlook, glumness, hopelessness, melancholy, the hump"} {"x":"pest","y":"[1]annoyance, bane, bore, bother, drag @@@@ [2]gall, irritation, nuisance, pain @@@@ [3]thorn in one's flesh, trial, vexation @@@@ [4]bane, blight, bug, curse, epidemic, infection, pestilence, plague, scourge"} {"x":"pester","y":"[1]aggravate @@@@ [2]annoy, badger, bedevil, bend someone's ear @@@@ [3]bother, bug @@@@ [4]chivvy, disturb, drive one up the wall @@@@ [5]fret, get at, get in one's hair @@@@ [6]harass, harry, hassle @@@@ [7]irk, nag, pick on, plague, ride @@@@ [8]torment, worry"} {"x":"pestilence","y":"[1]Black Death, epidemic, pandemic, plague, visitation @@@@ [2]affliction, bane, blight, cancer, canker, curse, scourge"} {"x":"pestilent","y":"[1]annoying, bothersome, galling, irksome, irritating, plaguy @@@@ [2]tiresome, vexing @@@@ [3]corrupting, deleterious, destructive, detrimental, evil, harmful, injurious, pernicious, ruinous, vicious @@@@ [4]catching, contagious, contaminated, diseased, disease-ridden, infected, infectious, plague-ridden, tainted"} {"x":"pestilential","y":"[1]annoying, dangerous, deleterious, destructive, detrimental, evil, foul, harmful, hazardous, injurious, pernicious, ruinous, troublesome @@@@ [2]catching, contagious, contaminated, deadly, disease-ridden, infectious, malignant, noxious, pestiferous, poisonous, venomous"} {"x":"pet","y":"[1]darling, favourite, idol, jewel, treasure @@@@ [2]cherished, dearest, dear to one's heart, favoured, favourite, particular, preferred, special @@@@ [3]domesticated, house, house-broken, house-trained @@@@ [4]tame, trained @@@@ [5]baby, coddle, cosset, mollycoddle, pamper, spoil @@@@ [6]caress, fondle, pat, stroke @@@@ [7]canoodle @@@@ [8]cuddle, kiss, neck @@@@ [9]smooch @@@@ [10]snog @@@@ [11]bad mood, bate @@@@ [12]huff, ill temper, miff @@@@ [13]paddy @@@@ [14]paddywhack @@@@ [15]pique, pout, sulk, sulks, tantrum, temper"} {"x":"petite","y":"[1]dainty, delicate, dinky @@@@ [2]elfin, little, slight, small"} {"x":"petition","y":"[1]address, appeal, application, entreaty, invocation, memorial, plea, prayer, request, round robin, solicitation, suit, supplication @@@@ [2]adjure, appeal, ask, beg, beseech, call upon, crave, entreat, plead, pray, press, solicit, sue, supplicate, urge"} {"x":"petrify","y":"[1]calcify, fossilize, harden, set, solidify, turn to stone @@@@ [2]amaze, appal, astonish, astound, confound, dumbfound, horrify, immobilize, paralyse, stun, stupefy, terrify, transfix"} {"x":"pettish","y":"[1]cross, fractious, fretful, grumpy, huffy, ill-humoured, irritable, liverish, peevish, petulant, querulous, ratty @@@@ [2]sulky, tetchy, thin-skinned, touchy, waspish"} {"x":"petty","y":"[1]contemptible, inconsiderable, inessential, inferior, insignificant, little, measly @@@@ [2]negligible, nickel-and-dime @@@@ [3]paltry, piddling @@@@ [4]slight, small, trifling, trivial, unimportant @@@@ [5]cheap, grudging, mean, mean-minded, shabby, small-minded, spiteful, stingy, ungenerous @@@@ [6]inferior, junior, lesser, lower, minor, secondary, subordinate"} {"x":"petulant","y":"[1]bad-tempered, captious, cavilling, crabbed, cross, crusty, fault-finding, fretful, huffy, ill-humoured, impatient, irritable, moody, peevish, perverse, pouting, querulous, ratty @@@@ [2]snappish, sour, sulky, sullen, ungracious, waspish"} {"x":"phantasm","y":"[1]apparition, eidolon, ghost, phantom, revenant, shade @@@@ [2]spectre, spirit, spook @@@@ [3]wraith @@@@ [4]chimera, figment, figment of the imagination, hallucination, illusion, vision"} {"x":"phantom","y":"[1]apparition, eidolon, ghost, phantasm, revenant, shade @@@@ [2]spectre, spirit, spook @@@@ [3]wraith @@@@ [4]chimera, figment, figment of the imagination, hallucination, illusion, vision"} {"x":"pharisaic","y":"[1]canting, formal, goody-goody, holier-than-thou, hypocritical, insincere, Pecksniffian, pietistic, sanctimonious, self-righteous"} {"x":"pharisee","y":"[1]canter, dissembler, dissimulator, fraud, humbug, hypocrite, phoney or phony @@@@ [2]pietist, whited sepulchre"} {"x":"phase","y":"[1]aspect, chapter, condition, development, juncture, period, point, position, stage, state, step, time @@@@ [2]axe @@@@ [3]close, deactivate, dispose of gradually, ease off, eliminate, pull, pull out, remove, replace, run down, taper off, terminate, wind down, wind up, withdraw"} {"x":"phenomenon","y":"[1]circumstance, episode, event, fact, happening, incident, occurrence @@@@ [2]exception, marvel, miracle, nonpareil, prodigy, rarity, sensation, sight, spectacle, wonder"} {"x":"philander","y":"[1]coquet, court, dally, flirt, fool around @@@@ [2]toy, trifle, womanize"} {"x":"philanthropic","y":"[1]alms-giving, altruistic, beneficent, benevolent, benignant, charitable, eleemosynary, gracious, humane, humanitarian, kind, kind-hearted, munificent, public-spirited"} {"x":"philanthropist","y":"[1]alms-giver, altruist, benefactor, contributor, donor, giver, humanitarian, patron"} {"x":"philanthropy","y":"[1]alms-giving, altruism, beneficence, benevolence, benignity, bounty, brotherly love, charitableness, charity, generosity, generousness, humanitarianism, kind-heartedness, largesse or largess, liberality, munificence, open-handedness, patronage, public-spiritedness"} {"x":"philippic","y":"[1]condemnation, denunciation, diatribe, fulmination, harangue, invective, obloquy, stream of abuse, tirade, vituperation"} {"x":"philistine","y":"[1]barbarian, boor, bourgeois, Goth, ignoramus, lout, lowbrow, vulgarian, yahoo @@@@ [2]anti-intellectual, boorish, bourgeois, crass, ignorant, inartistic, lowbrow, tasteless, uncultivated, uncultured, uneducated, unrefined"} {"x":"philosopher","y":"[1]dialectician, logician, mahatma, metaphysician, sage, seeker after truth, theorist, thinker, wise man"} {"x":"philosophical","y":"[1]abstract, erudite, learned, logical, rational, sagacious, theoretical, thoughtful, wise @@@@ [2]calm, collected, composed, cool, impassive, imperturbable, patient, resigned, sedate, serene, stoical, tranquil, unruffled"} {"x":"philosophy","y":"[1]aesthetics, knowledge, logic, metaphysics, rationalism, reason, reasoning, thinking, thought, wisdom @@@@ [2]attitude to life, basic idea, beliefs, convictions, doctrine, ideology, principle, tenets, thinking, values, viewpoint, Weltanschauung, world-view @@@@ [3]composure, coolness, dispassion, equanimity, resignation, restraint, self-possession, serenity, stoicism"} {"x":"phlegmatic","y":"[1]apathetic, bovine, cold, dull, frigid, heavy, impassive, indifferent, lethargic, listless, lymphatic, matter-of-fact, placid, sluggish, stoical, stolid, undemonstrative, unemotional, unfeeling"} {"x":"phobia","y":"[1]aversion, detestation, dislike, distaste, dread, fear, hatred, horror, irrational fear, loathing, obsession, overwhelming anxiety, repulsion, revulsion, terror, thing"} {"x":"phone","y":"[1]blower @@@@ [2]telephone @@@@ [3]bell @@@@ [4]buzz @@@@ [5]call, ring @@@@ [6]tinkle @@@@ [7]buzz @@@@ [8]telephone"} {"x":"photograph","y":"[1]image, likeness, photo @@@@ [2]picture, print, shot, slide, snap @@@@ [3]snapshot, transparency @@@@ [4]capture on film, film, get a shot of, record, shoot, snap"} {"x":"photographic","y":"[1]accurate, cinematic, detailed, exact, faithful, filmic, graphic, lifelike, minute, natural, pictorial, precise, realistic, retentive, visual, vivid"} {"x":"phrase","y":"[1]expression, group of words, idiom, locution, motto, remark, saying, tag, utterance, way of speaking @@@@ [2]couch, express, formulate, frame, present, put, put into words, say, term, utter, voice, word"} {"x":"phraseology","y":"[1]choice of words, diction, expression, idiom, language, parlance, phrase, phrasing, speech, style, syntax, wording"} {"x":"physical","y":"[1]bodily, carnal, corporal, corporeal, earthly, fleshly, incarnate, mortal, somatic, unspiritual @@@@ [2]material, natural, palpable, real, sensible, solid, substantial, tangible, visible"} {"x":"physician","y":"[1]doc @@@@ [2]doctor, doctor of medicine, general practitioner, G.P., healer, M.D., medic @@@@ [3]medical practitioner, medico @@@@ [4]sawbones @@@@ [5]specialist"} {"x":"physics","y":"[1]Physics is the scientific study of forces such as heat, light, sound, pressure, gravity, and electricity, and the way that they affect objects."} {"x":"physiognomy","y":"[1]clock @@@@ [2]countenance, dial @@@@ [3]face, features, look, phiz @@@@ [4]phizog @@@@ [5]visage"} {"x":"physique","y":"[1]body, build, constitution, figure, form, frame, make-up, shape, structure"} {"x":"pick","y":"[1]cherry-pick, choose, decide upon, elect, fix upon, hand-pick, mark out, opt for, select, settle upon, sift out, single out, sort out @@@@ [2]collect, cull, cut, gather, harvest, pluck, pull @@@@ [3]foment, incite, instigate, provoke, start @@@@ [4]break into, break open, crack, force, jemmy, open, prise open @@@@ [5]be tentative, find or make one's way, move cautiously, tread carefully, work through @@@@ [6]choice, choosing, decision, option, preference, selection @@@@ [7]choicest, creme de la creme, elect, elite, flower, pride, prize, the best, the cream, the tops"} {"x":"picket","y":"[1]pale, paling, palisade, peg, post, stake, stanchion, upright @@@@ [2]demonstrator, flying picket, picketer, protester @@@@ [3]guard, lookout, patrol, scout, sentinel, sentry, spotter, vedette @@@@ [4]watch @@@@ [5]blockade, boycott, demonstrate @@@@ [6]corral @@@@ [7]enclose, fence, hedge in, palisade, pen in, rail in, shut in, wall in"} {"x":"pickings","y":"[1]booty, earnings, gravy @@@@ [2]ill-gotten gains, loot, plunder, proceeds, profits, returns, rewards, spoils, yield"} {"x":"pickle","y":"[1]bind @@@@ [2]difficulty, dilemma, fix @@@@ [3]hot water @@@@ [4]jam @@@@ [5]predicament, quandary, scrape @@@@ [6]spot @@@@ [7]tight spot @@@@ [8]little horror, mischief, mischief maker, monkey, naughty child, rascal @@@@ [9]cure, keep, marinade, preserve, steep"} {"x":"picky","y":"[1]captious, carping, cavilling, choosy, critical, dainty, fastidious, fault-finding, finicky, fussy, nice, particular, pernickety"} {"x":"picnic","y":"[1]excursion, fete champetre, outdoor meal, outing @@@@ [2]breeze @@@@ [3]cakewalk @@@@ [4]child's play @@@@ [5]cinch @@@@ [6]duck soup @@@@ [7]pushover @@@@ [8]snap @@@@ [9]walkover"} {"x":"pictorial","y":"[1]expressive, graphic, illustrated, picturesque, representational, scenic, striking, vivid"} {"x":"picture","y":"[1]delineation, drawing, effigy, engraving, illustration, image, likeness, painting, photograph, portrait, portrayal, print, representation, similitude, sketch @@@@ [2]account, depiction, description, image, impression, re-creation, report @@@@ [3]carbon copy, copy, dead ringer @@@@ [4]double, duplicate, image, likeness, living image, lookalike, replica, ringer @@@@ [5]spit @@@@ [6]spitting image @@@@ [7]twin @@@@ [8]archetype, embodiment, epitome, essence, living example, perfect example, personification @@@@ [9]film, flick @@@@ [10]motion picture, movie @@@@ [11]conceive of, envision, image, see, see in the mind's eye, visualize @@@@ [12]delineate, depict, describe, draw, illustrate, paint, photograph, portray, render, represent, show, sketch"} {"x":"picturesque","y":"[1]attractive, beautiful, charming, colourful, graphic, pretty, quaint, scenic, striking, vivid"} {"x":"piebald","y":"[1]black and white, brindled, dappled, flecked, mottled, pied, speckled, spotted"} {"x":"piece","y":"[1]allotment, bit, chunk, division, fraction, fragment, length, morsel, mouthful, part, portion, quantity, scrap, section, segment, share, shred, slice @@@@ [2]case, example, instance, occurrence, sample, specimen, stroke @@@@ [3]article, bit @@@@ [4]composition, creation, item, production, study, work, work of art @@@@ [5]crumple, disintegrate, fall apart, lose control, lose one's head @@@@ [6]broken, bust @@@@ [7]damaged, disintegrated, in bits, in smithereens, ruined, shattered, smashed @@@@ [8]alike, analogous, consistent, identical, of the same kind, similar, the same, uniform @@@@ [9]assemble, compose, fix, join, mend, patch, repair, restore, unite"} {"x":"piecemeal","y":"[1]at intervals, bit by bit, by degrees, by fits and starts, fitfully, intermittently, little by little, partially, slowly @@@@ [2]fragmentary, intermittent, interrupted, partial, patchy, spotty, unsystematic"} {"x":"pied","y":"[1]dappled, flecked, irregular, motley, mottled, multicoloured, parti-coloured, piebald, spotted, streaked, varicoloured, variegated"} {"x":"pier","y":"[1]jetty, landing place, promenade, quay, wharf @@@@ [2]buttress, column, pile, piling, pillar, post, support, upright"} {"x":"pierce","y":"[1]bore, drill, enter, impale, lance, penetrate, perforate, prick, probe, puncture, run through, spike, stab, stick into, transfix @@@@ [2]comprehend, discern, discover, fathom, grasp, realize, see, understand @@@@ [3]affect, cut, cut to the quick, excite, hurt, move, pain, rouse, sting, stir, strike, thrill, touch, wound"} {"x":"piety","y":"[1]devotion, devoutness, dutifulness, duty, faith, godliness, grace, holiness, piousness, religion, reverence, sanctity, veneration"} {"x":"piffle","y":"[1]balderdash, balls @@@@ [2]bilge @@@@ [3]bollocks @@@@ [4]bosh @@@@ [5]bull @@@@ [6]bullshit @@@@ [7]bunk @@@@ [8]cobblers @@@@ [9]codswallop @@@@ [10]crap @@@@ [11]drivel, eyewash @@@@ [12]garbage @@@@ [13]guff @@@@ [14]hogwash, hokum @@@@ [15]hooey @@@@ [16]horsefeathers @@@@ [17]hot air @@@@ [18]moonshine, nonsense, pap, poppycock @@@@ [19]rot, rubbish, shit @@@@ [20]tarradiddle, tommyrot, tosh @@@@ [21]trash, tripe @@@@ [22]twaddle"} {"x":"pig","y":"[1]boar, grunter, hog, piggy, piglet, porker, shoat, sow, swine @@@@ [2]animal, beast, boor, brute, glutton, greedy guts @@@@ [3]guzzler, hog @@@@ [4]slob @@@@ [5]sloven, swine @@@@ [6]bull-headed, contrary, cross-grained, dense, froward @@@@ [7]inflexible, mulish, obstinate, perverse, self-willed, stiff-necked, stubborn, stupid, unyielding, wilful, wrong-headed"} {"x":"pigeon","y":"[1]bird, culver @@@@ [2]cushat, dove, squab @@@@ [3]dupe, fall guy @@@@ [4]gull @@@@ [5]mug @@@@ [6]sitting duck, sitting target, sucker @@@@ [7]victim @@@@ [8]baby @@@@ [9]business, concern, lookout @@@@ [10]responsibility, worry"} {"x":"piggish","y":"[1]boorish, crude, gluttonous, greedy, hoggish, piggy, rude, swinish, voracious @@@@ [2]hoggish, mean, obstinate, pig-headed, possessive, selfish, stubborn"} {"x":"pigment","y":"[1]colorant, colour, colouring, colouring matter, dye, dyestuff, paint, stain, tincture, tint"} {"x":"pile","y":"[1]accumulation, assemblage, assortment, collection, heap, hoard, mass, mound, mountain, rick, stack, stockpile @@@@ [2]big bucks @@@@ [3]big money, bomb @@@@ [4]fortune, megabucks @@@@ [5]mint, money, packet @@@@ [6]pot, pretty penny @@@@ [7]tidy sum @@@@ [8]wad @@@@ [9]wealth @@@@ [10]a lot, great deal, ocean, oodles @@@@ [11]quantity, stacks @@@@ [12]building, edifice, erection, structure @@@@ [13]accumulate, amass, assemble, collect, gather, heap, hoard, load up, mass, stack, store @@@@ [14]charge, crowd, crush, flock, flood, jam, pack, rush, stream @@@@ [15]beam, column, foundation, pier, piling, pillar, post, support, upright @@@@ [16]down, fibre, filament, fur, hair, nap, plush, shag, surface"} {"x":"pilfer","y":"[1]appropriate, blag @@@@ [2]cabbage @@@@ [3]embezzle, filch, knock off @@@@ [4]lift @@@@ [5]nick @@@@ [6]pinch @@@@ [7]purloin, rifle, rob, snaffle @@@@ [8]snitch @@@@ [9]steal, swipe @@@@ [10]take, thieve, walk off with"} {"x":"pilgrim","y":"[1]crusader, hajji, palmer, traveller, wanderer, wayfarer"} {"x":"pill","y":"[1]bolus, capsule, pellet, pilule, tablet @@@@ [2]oral contraceptive @@@@ [3]bore, drag @@@@ [4]nuisance, pain @@@@ [5]pest, trial"} {"x":"pillage","y":"[1]depredate @@@@ [2]despoil, freeboot, loot, maraud, plunder, raid, ransack, ravage, reive @@@@ [3]rifle, rob, sack, spoil @@@@ [4]spoliate, strip @@@@ [5]depredation, devastation, marauding, plunder, rapine, robbery, sack, spoliation @@@@ [6]booty, loot, plunder, spoils"} {"x":"pillar","y":"[1]column, obelisk, pier, pilaster, piling, post, prop, shaft, stanchion, support, upright @@@@ [2]leader, leading light @@@@ [3]mainstay, rock, supporter, torchbearer, tower of strength, upholder, worthy"} {"x":"pillory","y":"[1]brand, cast a slur on, denounce, expose to ridicule, heap or pour scorn on, hold up to shame, lash, show up, stigmatize"} {"x":"pilot","y":"[1]airman, aviator, captain, conductor, coxswain, director, flyer, guide, helmsman, leader, navigator, steersman @@@@ [2]conduct, control, direct, drive, fly, guide, handle, lead, manage, navigate, operate, shepherd, steer @@@@ [3]experimental, model, test, trial"} {"x":"pimp","y":"[1]bawd @@@@ [2]go-between, pander, panderer, procurer, white-slaver, whoremaster @@@@ [3]live off immoral earnings, procure, sell, solicit, tout"} {"x":"pimple","y":"[1]boil, papule @@@@ [2]plook @@@@ [3]pustule, spot, swelling, zit"} {"x":"pin","y":"[1]affix, attach, fasten, fix, join, secure @@@@ [2]fix, hold down, hold fast, immobilize, pinion, press, restrain @@@@ [3]compel, constrain, force, make, press, pressurize @@@@ [4]designate, determine, home in on, identify, locate, name, pinpoint, specify @@@@ [5]bind, confine, constrain, fix, hold, hold down, immobilize, nail down, tie down"} {"x":"pinch","y":"[1]compress, grasp, nip, press, squeeze, tweak @@@@ [2]chafe, confine, cramp, crush, hurt, pain @@@@ [3]afflict, be stingy, distress, economize, oppress, pinch pennies, press, scrimp, skimp, spare, stint, tighten one's belt @@@@ [4]blag @@@@ [5]cabbage @@@@ [6]filch, knock off @@@@ [7]lift @@@@ [8]nick @@@@ [9]pilfer, purloin, rob, snaffle @@@@ [10]snatch, snitch @@@@ [11]steal, swipe @@@@ [12]apprehend, arrest, bust @@@@ [13]collar @@@@ [14]do @@@@ [15]lift @@@@ [16]nab @@@@ [17]nail @@@@ [18]nick @@@@ [19]pick up @@@@ [20]pull in @@@@ [21]run in @@@@ [22]nip, squeeze, tweak @@@@ [23]bit, dash, jot, mite, small quantity, soupcon, speck, taste @@@@ [24]crisis, difficulty, emergency, exigency, hardship, necessity, oppression, pass, plight, predicament, pressure, strait, stress"} {"x":"pine","y":"[1]ache, carry a torch for, covet, crave, desire, eat one's heart out over, hanker, hunger for, long, lust after, sigh, suspire @@@@ [2]thirst for, wish, yearn @@@@ [3]decay, decline, droop, dwindle, fade, flag, languish, peak, sicken, sink, waste, weaken, wilt, wither"} {"x":"pinion","y":"[1]bind, chain, confine, fasten, fetter, immobilize, manacle, pin down, shackle, tie"} {"x":"pink","y":"[1]acme, best, height, peak, perfection, summit @@@@ [2]flesh, flushed, reddish, rose, roseate, rosy, salmon @@@@ [3]incise, notch, perforate, prick, punch, scallop, score"} {"x":"pinnacle","y":"[1]acme, apex, apogee, crest, crown, eminence, height, meridian, peak, summit, top, vertex, zenith @@@@ [2]belfry, cone, needle, obelisk, pyramid, spire, steeple"} {"x":"pinpoint","y":"[1]define, distinguish, get a fix on, home in on, identify, locate, spot"} {"x":"pint","y":"[1]ale, beer, jar @@@@ [2]jug @@@@ [3]diminutive, little, midget, miniature, pocket, pygmy or pigmy, small, teensy-weensy, teeny-weeny, tiny, wee"} {"x":"pioneer","y":"[1]colonist, colonizer, explorer, frontiersman, settler @@@@ [2]developer, founder, founding father, innovator, leader, trailblazer @@@@ [3]create, develop, discover, establish, initiate, instigate, institute, invent, launch, lay the groundwork, map out, open up, originate, prepare, show the way, start, take the lead"} {"x":"pious","y":"[1]dedicated, devoted, devout, God-fearing, godly, holy, religious, reverent, righteous, saintly, spiritual @@@@ [2]goody-goody, holier-than-thou, hypocritical, pietistic, religiose, sanctimonious, self-righteous, unctuous"} {"x":"pipe","y":"[1]conduit, conveyor, duct, hose, line, main, passage, pipeline, tube @@@@ [2]briar, clay, meerschaum @@@@ [3]fife, horn, tooter, whistle, wind instrument @@@@ [4]cheep, peep, play, sing, sound, tootle, trill, tweet, twitter, warble, whistle @@@@ [5]bring in, channel, conduct, convey, siphon, supply, transmit @@@@ [6]belt up @@@@ [7]quieten down, shush, shut one's mouth, shut up @@@@ [8]silence @@@@ [9]castle in the air, chimera, daydream, delusion, dream, fantasy, notion, reverie, vagary @@@@ [10]have one's say, make oneself heard, put one's oar in, raise one's voice, speak, speak up, volunteer"} {"x":"pipeline","y":"[1]conduit, conveyor, duct, line, passage, pipe, tube @@@@ [2]brewing, coming, getting ready, in process, in production, on the way, under way"} {"x":"piquant","y":"[1]acerb, biting, highly-seasoned, peppery, pungent, savoury, sharp, spicy, stinging, tangy, tart, with a kick @@@@ [2]zesty @@@@ [3]interesting, lively, provocative, racy, salty, scintillating, sparkling, spirited, stimulating"} {"x":"pique","y":"[1]annoyance, displeasure, huff, hurt feelings, irritation, miff @@@@ [2]offence, resentment, umbrage, vexation, wounded pride @@@@ [3]affront, annoy, displease, gall, get @@@@ [4]incense, irk, irritate, miff @@@@ [5]mortify, nark @@@@ [6]nettle, offend, peeve @@@@ [7]rile, sting, vex, wound @@@@ [8]arouse, excite, galvanize, goad, kindle, provoke, rouse, spur, stimulate, stir, whet @@@@ [9]congratulate, flatter, plume, preen, pride"} {"x":"piracy","y":"[1]buccaneering, freebooting, hijacking, infringement, plagiarism, rapine, robbery at sea, stealing, theft"} {"x":"pirate","y":"[1]buccaneer, corsair, filibuster, freebooter, marauder, raider, rover, sea robber, sea rover, sea wolf @@@@ [2]cribber @@@@ [3]infringer, plagiarist, plagiarizer @@@@ [4]appropriate, borrow, copy, crib @@@@ [5]lift @@@@ [6]plagiarize, poach, reproduce, steal"} {"x":"piratical","y":"[1]buccaneering, criminal, dishonest, felonious, fraudulent, lawless, pillaging, plundering, rapacious, thieving, unprincipled, wolfish"} {"x":"pirouette","y":"[1]pivot, spin, turn, twirl, whirl"} {"x":"pit","y":"[1]abyss, cavity, chasm, coal mine, crater, dent, depression, dimple, excavation, gulf, hole, hollow, indentation, mine, pockmark, pothole, trench @@@@ [2]match, oppose, put in opposition, set against @@@@ [3]dent, dint, gouge, hole, indent, mark, nick, notch, pockmark, scar"} {"x":"pitch","y":"[1]bung @@@@ [2]cast, chuck @@@@ [3]fling, heave, hurl, launch, lob @@@@ [4]sling, throw, toss @@@@ [5]erect, fix, locate, place, plant, put up, raise, settle, set up, station @@@@ [6]flounder, lurch, make heavy weather, plunge, roll, toss, wallow, welter @@@@ [7]dive, drop, fall headlong, stagger, topple, tumble @@@@ [8]angle, cant, dip, gradient, incline, slope, steepness, tilt @@@@ [9]degree, height, highest point, level, point, summit @@@@ [10]harmonic, modulation, sound, timbre, tone @@@@ [11]line, patter, sales talk, spiel @@@@ [12]field of play, ground, park @@@@ [13]sports field @@@@ [14]dark, ebony, inky, jet, jet-black, pitch-dark, raven, sable, unlit @@@@ [15]black, dark, pitch-black, pitchy, Stygian, unilluminated, unlit @@@@ [16]chip in @@@@ [17]contribute, cooperate, do one's bit, help, join in, lend a hand, lend a helping hand, participate @@@@ [18]begin, fall to, get busy, get cracking @@@@ [19]plunge into, set about, set to, tackle @@@@ [20]assail, assault, attack, get stuck into @@@@ [21]sail into @@@@ [22]tear into @@@@ [23]choose, decide on, determine, elect, light on, opt for, pick, plump for, select, single out @@@@ [24]upset"} {"x":"piteous","y":"[1]affecting, deplorable, dismal, distressing, doleful, grievous, harrowing, heartbreaking, heart-rending, lamentable, miserable, mournful, moving, pathetic, pitiable, pitiful, plaintive, poignant, sad, sorrowful, woeful, wretched"} {"x":"pitfall","y":"[1]banana skin @@@@ [2]catch, danger, difficulty, drawback, hazard, peril, snag, trap @@@@ [3]deadfall, downfall, pit, snare, trap"} {"x":"pith","y":"[1]core, crux, essence, gist, heart, heart of the matter, kernel, marrow, meat, nub, point, quintessence, salient point, the long and the short of it @@@@ [2]consequence, depth, force, import, importance, matter, moment, power, significance, strength, substance, value, weight"} {"x":"pithy","y":"[1]brief, cogent, compact, concise, epigrammatic, expressive, finely honed, forceful, laconic, meaningful, pointed, short, succinct, terse, to the point, trenchant"} {"x":"pitiable","y":"[1]deplorable, dismal, distressing, doleful, grievous, harrowing, lamentable, miserable, mournful, pathetic, piteous, poor, sad, sorry, woeful, wretched"} {"x":"pitiful","y":"[1]deplorable, distressing, grievous, harrowing, heartbreaking, heart-rending, lamentable, miserable, pathetic, piteous, pitiable, sad, woeful, wretched @@@@ [2]abject, base, beggarly, contemptible, despicable, dismal, inadequate, insignificant, low, mean, measly, miserable, paltry, scurvy, shabby, sorry, vile, worthless"} {"x":"pitiless","y":"[1]brutal, callous, cold-blooded, cold-hearted, cruel, hardhearted, harsh, heartless, implacable, inexorable, inhuman, merciless, relentless, ruthless, uncaring, unfeeling, unmerciful, unsympathetic"} {"x":"pittance","y":"[1]allowance, chicken feed @@@@ [2]drop, mite, modicum, peanuts @@@@ [3]portion, ration, slave wages, trifle"} {"x":"pity","y":"[1]charity, clemency, commiseration, compassion, condolence, fellow feeling, forbearance, kindness, mercy, quarter, sympathy, tenderness, understanding @@@@ [2]bummer @@@@ [3]crime @@@@ [4]crying shame, misfortune, regret, sad thing, shame, sin @@@@ [5]feel compassion for, forgive, have mercy on, melt, pardon, put out of one's misery, relent, reprieve, show mercy, spare @@@@ [6]bleed for, commiserate with, condole with, feel for, feel sorry for, grieve for, have compassion for, sympathize with, weep for"} {"x":"pivot","y":"[1]axis, axle, fulcrum, spindle, swivel @@@@ [2]centre, focal point, heart, hinge, hub, kingpin @@@@ [3]revolve, rotate, spin, swivel, turn, twirl @@@@ [4]be contingent, depend, hang, hinge, rely, revolve round, turn"} {"x":"placard","y":"[1]advertisement, affiche, bill, poster, public notice, sticker"} {"x":"placate","y":"[1]appease, assuage, calm, conciliate, humour, mollify, pacify, propitiate, satisfy, soothe, win over"} {"x":"place","y":"[1]area, location, locus, point, position, site, situation, spot, station, venue, whereabouts @@@@ [2]city, district, hamlet, locale, locality, neighbourhood, quarter, region, town, vicinity, village @@@@ [3]grade, position, rank, station, status @@@@ [4]appointment, berth @@@@ [5]billet @@@@ [6]employment, job, position, post @@@@ [7]abode, apartment, domicile, dwelling, flat, home, house, manor, mansion, pad @@@@ [8]property, residence, seat @@@@ [9]accommodation, room, space, stead @@@@ [10]affair, charge, concern, duty, function, prerogative, responsibility, right, role @@@@ [11]bring down, cut down to size, humble, humiliate, make (someone) eat humble pie, make (someone) swallow his pride, mortify, take down a peg @@@@ [12]befall, betide, come about, come to pass @@@@ [13]go on, happen, occur, transpire @@@@ [14]bung @@@@ [15]deposit, dispose, establish, fix, install, lay, locate, plant, position, put, rest, set, settle, situate, stand, station, stick @@@@ [16]arrange, class, classify, grade, group, order, rank, sort @@@@ [17]associate, identify, know, put one's finger on, recognize, remember, set in context @@@@ [18]allocate, appoint, assign, charge, commission, entrust, give @@@@ [19]A place is any point, building, area, town, or country. @@@@ [20]Place can be used after `any', `no', `some', or `every' to mean `anywhere', `nowhere', `somewhere', or `everywhere'. @@@@ [21]A place is any point, building, area, town, or country. @@@@ [22]Place can be used after `any', `no', `some', or `every' to mean `anywhere', `nowhere', `somewhere', or `everywhere'."} {"x":"placement","y":"[1]arrangement, deployment, disposition, distribution, emplacement, installation, locating, location, ordering, positioning, stationing @@@@ [2]appointment, assignment, employment, engagement"} {"x":"placid","y":"[1]calm, collected, composed, cool, equable, even, even-tempered, gentle, halcyon, imperturbable, mild, peaceful, quiet, self-possessed, serene, still, tranquil, undisturbed, unexcitable, unfazed @@@@ [2]unmoved, unruffled, untroubled"} {"x":"plagiarize","y":"[1]appropriate, borrow, crib @@@@ [2]infringe, lift @@@@ [3]pirate, steal, thieve"} {"x":"plague","y":"[1]contagion, disease, epidemic, infection, lurgi @@@@ [2]pandemic, pestilence @@@@ [3]affliction, bane, blight, calamity, cancer, curse, evil, scourge, torment, trial @@@@ [4]aggravation @@@@ [5]annoyance, bother, hassle @@@@ [6]irritant, nuisance, pain @@@@ [7]pest, problem, thorn in one's flesh, vexation @@@@ [8]afflict, annoy, badger, bedevil, be on one's back @@@@ [9]bother, disturb, fret, get in one's hair @@@@ [10]harass, harry, hassle @@@@ [11]haunt, molest, pain, persecute, pester, tease, torment, torture, trouble, vex"} {"x":"plain","y":"[1]apparent, bold, clear, comprehensible, distinct, evident, legible, lucid, manifest, obvious, overt, patent, transparent, unambiguous, understandable, unmistakable, visible @@@@ [2]artless, blunt, candid, direct, downright, forthright, frank, guileless, honest, ingenuous, open, outspoken, round, sincere, straightforward, upfront @@@@ [3]common, commonplace, everyday, frugal, homely, lowly, modest, ordinary, simple, unaffected, unpretentious, workaday @@@@ [4]austere, bare, basic, discreet, modest, muted, pure, restrained, severe, simple, Spartan, stark, unadorned, unembellished, unfussy, unornamented, unpatterned, unvarnished @@@@ [5]not beautiful, not striking, ordinary, ugly, unalluring, unattractive, unlovely, unprepossessing @@@@ [6]even, flat, level, plane, smooth @@@@ [7]flatland, grassland, llano, lowland, mesa, open country, pampas, plateau, prairie, steppe, tableland, veld @@@@ [8]flatland, grassland, llano, lowland, mesa, open country, pampas, plateau, prairie, steppe, tableland, veld"} {"x":"plaintive","y":"[1]disconsolate, doleful, grief-stricken, grievous, heart-rending, melancholy, mournful, pathetic, piteous, pitiful, rueful, sad, sorrowful, wistful, woebegone, woeful"} {"x":"plan","y":"[1]contrivance, design, device, idea, method, plot, procedure, programme, project, proposal, proposition, scenario, scheme, strategy, suggestion, system @@@@ [2]blueprint, chart, delineation, diagram, drawing, illustration, layout, map, representation, scale drawing, sketch @@@@ [3]arrange, concoct, contrive, design, devise, draft, formulate, frame, invent, organize, outline, plot, prepare, represent, scheme, think out @@@@ [4]aim, contemplate, envisage, foresee, intend, mean, propose, purpose"} {"x":"plane","y":"[1]condition, degree, footing, level, position, stratum @@@@ [2]aeroplane, aircraft, jet @@@@ [3]even, flat, flush, horizontal, level, plain, regular, smooth, uniform @@@@ [4]glide, sail, skate, skim, volplane"} {"x":"plangent","y":"[1]clangorous, deep-toned, loud, mournful, plaintive, resonant, resounding, reverberating, ringing, sonorous"} {"x":"plant","y":"[1]bush, flower, herb, shrub, vegetable, weed @@@@ [2]factory, foundry, mill, shop, works, yard @@@@ [3]apparatus, equipment, gear, machinery @@@@ [4]implant, put in the ground, scatter, seed, set out, sow, transplant @@@@ [5]establish, fix, found, imbed, insert, institute, lodge, root, set, settle, sow the seeds"} {"x":"plaque","y":"[1]badge, brooch, cartouch(e), medal, medallion, panel, plate, slab, tablet"} {"x":"plaster","y":"[1]gesso, gypsum, mortar, plaster of Paris, stucco @@@@ [2]adhesive plaster, bandage, dressing, Elastoplast @@@@ [3]sticking plaster @@@@ [4]bedaub, besmear, coat, cover, daub, overlay, smear, spread"} {"x":"plastic","y":"[1]compliant, docile, easily influenced, impressionable, malleable, manageable, pliable, receptive, responsive, tractable @@@@ [2]ductile, fictile, flexible, mouldable, pliable, pliant, soft, supple, tensile @@@@ [3]artificial, false, meretricious, mock, phoney or phony @@@@ [4]pseudo @@@@ [5]sham, specious, spurious, superficial, synthetic"} {"x":"plasticity","y":"[1]flexibility, malleability, pliability, pliableness, suppleness, tractability"} {"x":"plate","y":"[1]dish, platter, trencher @@@@ [2]course, dish, helping, portion, serving @@@@ [3]layer, panel, sheet, slab @@@@ [4]illustration, lithograph, print @@@@ [5]anodize, coat, cover, electroplate, face, gild, laminate, nickel, overlay, platinize, silver"} {"x":"plateau","y":"[1]highland, mesa, table, tableland, upland @@@@ [2]level, levelling off, stability, stage"} {"x":"platform","y":"[1]dais, podium, rostrum, stage, stand @@@@ [2]manifesto, objective(s), party line, policy, principle, programme, tenet(s)"} {"x":"platitude","y":"[1]banality, bromide, cliche, commonplace, hackneyed saying, inanity, stereotype, trite remark, truism @@@@ [2]banality, dullness, inanity, insipidity, triteness, triviality, vapidity, verbiage"} {"x":"platoon","y":"[1]company, group, outfit @@@@ [2]patrol, squad, squadron, team"} {"x":"platter","y":"[1]charger, dish, plate, salver, tray, trencher"} {"x":"plaudit","y":"[1]acclaim, acclamation, applause, approbation, approval, clapping, commendation, congratulation, hand, kudos, ovation, praise, round of applause"} {"x":"plausible","y":"[1]believable, colourable, conceivable, credible, fair-spoken, glib, likely, persuasive, possible, probable, reasonable, smooth, smooth-talking, smooth-tongued, specious, tenable, verisimilar"} {"x":"play","y":"[1]amuse oneself, caper, engage in games, entertain oneself, fool, frisk, frolic, gambol, have fun, revel, romp, sport, trifle @@@@ [2]be in a team, challenge, compete, contend against, participate, rival, take on, take part, vie with @@@@ [3]act, act the part of, execute, impersonate, perform, personate, portray, represent, take the part of @@@@ [4]bet, chance, gamble, hazard, punt @@@@ [5]risk, speculate, take, wager @@@@ [6]collaborate, cooperate, go along, play along, reciprocate, respond, show willing @@@@ [7]ad lib, extemporize, improvise, rise to the occasion, take it as it comes @@@@ [8]filibuster, hang fire, procrastinate, stall, temporize @@@@ [9]clown, clown around, horse around @@@@ [10]lark (about) @@@@ [11]mess about, monkey around, skylark @@@@ [12]conform, follow the rules, go along with, keep in step, play by the rules, play fair, toe the line @@@@ [13]comedy, drama, dramatic piece, entertainment, farce, masque, pantomime, performance, piece, radio play, show, soap opera, stage show, television drama, tragedy @@@@ [14]amusement, caper, diversion, entertainment, frolic, fun, gambol, game, jest, pastime, prank, recreation, romp, sport @@@@ [15]gambling, gaming @@@@ [16]action, activity, elbowroom, exercise, give @@@@ [17]latitude, leeway, margin, motion, movement, operation, range, room, scope, space, sweep, swing @@@@ [18]action, activity, employment, function, operation, transaction, working @@@@ [19]foolery, fun, humour, jest, joking, lark @@@@ [20]prank, sport, teasing @@@@ [21]chicanery, corruption, crime, deception, dirty work, double-dealing, duplicity, fraud, perfidy, roguery, sharp practice, skulduggery, treachery, villainy @@@@ [22]dally, fool around, mess around, philander, take lightly, trifle, womanize @@@@ [23]gloss over, make light of, make little of, minimize, set no store by, soft-pedal @@@@ [24]underplay, underrate @@@@ [25]abuse, capitalize on, exploit, impose on, milk, profit by, take advantage of, trade on, turn to account, utilize @@@@ [26]accentuate, bring to the fore, call attention to, emphasize, highlight, magnify, point up, stress, turn the spotlight on, underline @@@@ [27]be painful, be sore, bother, give one gyp @@@@ [28]give one trouble, hurt, pain, trouble @@@@ [29]be cussed @@@@ [30]give trouble, misbehave @@@@ [31]be wonky @@@@ [32]bootlick @@@@ [33]brown-nose @@@@ [34]butter up, curry favour, fawn, flatter, get in with, ingratiate oneself, keep (someone) sweet, kiss (someone's) ass @@@@ [35]toady @@@@ [36]amuse oneself with, flirt with, string along, toy with, trifle with @@@@ [37]fiddle with @@@@ [38]fidget with, fool around, interfere with, jiggle, mess about, waggle, wiggle"} {"x":"player","y":"[1]competitor, contestant, participant, sportsman, sportswoman, team member @@@@ [2]actor, actress, entertainer, performer, Thespian, trouper @@@@ [3]artist, instrumentalist, musician, music maker, performer, virtuoso"} {"x":"playmate","y":"[1]chum @@@@ [2]companion, comrade, friend, neighbour, pal @@@@ [3]playfellow"} {"x":"plea","y":"[1]appeal, begging, entreaty, intercession, overture, petition, prayer, request, suit, supplication @@@@ [2]action, allegation, cause, suit @@@@ [3]apology, claim, defence, excuse, explanation, extenuation, justification, pretext, vindication"} {"x":"plead","y":"[1]appeal (to), ask, beg, beseech, crave, entreat, implore, importune, petition, request, solicit, supplicate @@@@ [2]adduce, allege, argue, assert, maintain, put forward, use as an excuse"} {"x":"pleasant","y":"[1]acceptable, agreeable, amusing, delectable, delightful, enjoyable, fine, gratifying, lovely, nice, pleasing, pleasurable, refreshing, satisfying, welcome @@@@ [2]affable, agreeable, amiable, charming, cheerful, cheery, congenial, engaging, friendly, genial, good-humoured, likable or likeable, nice"} {"x":"please","y":"[1]amuse, charm, cheer, content, delight, entertain, give pleasure to, gladden, gratify, humour, indulge, rejoice, satisfy, suit, tickle, tickle pink @@@@ [2]be inclined, choose, desire, like, opt, prefer, see fit, want, will, wish"} {"x":"pleased","y":"[1]chuffed @@@@ [2]contented, delighted, euphoric, glad, gratified, happy, in high spirits, over the moon @@@@ [3]rapt, satisfied, thrilled, tickled, tickled pink"} {"x":"pleasurable","y":"[1]agreeable, congenial, delightful, diverting, enjoyable, entertaining, fun, good, gratifying, lovely, nice, pleasant, welcome"} {"x":"pleasure","y":"[1]bliss, comfort, contentment, delectation, delight, diversion, ease, enjoyment, gladness, gratification, happiness, jollies @@@@ [2]joy, recreation, satisfaction, solace @@@@ [3]choice, command, desire, inclination, mind, option, preference, purpose, will, wish"} {"x":"plebeian","y":"[1]base, coarse, common, ignoble, low, lowborn, lower-class, mean, non-U @@@@ [2]proletarian, uncultivated, unrefined, vulgar, working-class @@@@ [3]commoner, common man, man in the street, peasant, pleb, prole @@@@ [4]proletarian"} {"x":"plebiscite","y":"[1]ballot, poll, referendum, vote"} {"x":"pledge","y":"[1]assurance, covenant, oath, promise, undertaking, vow, warrant, word, word of honour @@@@ [2]bail, bond, collateral, deposit, earnest, gage, guarantee, pawn, security, surety @@@@ [3]health, toast @@@@ [4]contract, engage, give one's oath, give one's word, give one's word of honour, promise, swear, undertake, vouch, vow @@@@ [5]bind, engage, gage @@@@ [6]guarantee, mortgage, plight @@@@ [7]drink the health of, drink to, toast"} {"x":"plenary","y":"[1]absolute, complete, full, sweeping, thorough, unconditional, unlimited, unqualified, unrestricted @@@@ [2]complete, entire, full, general, open, whole"} {"x":"plenipotentiary","y":"[1]ambassador, emissary, envoy, legate, minister"} {"x":"plenitude","y":"[1]abundance, bounty, copiousness, cornucopia, excess, plenteousness, plenty, plethora, profusion, wealth @@@@ [2]amplitude, completeness, fullness, repletion"} {"x":"plenteous","y":"[1]abundant, ample, bounteous @@@@ [2]bountiful, copious, generous, inexhaustible, infinite, lavish, liberal, overflowing, plentiful, profuse, thick on the ground @@@@ [3]bumper, fertile, fruitful, luxuriant, plentiful, productive, prolific"} {"x":"plentiful","y":"[1]abundant, ample, bounteous @@@@ [2]bountiful, complete, copious, generous, inexhaustible, infinite, lavish, liberal, overflowing, plenteous, profuse, thick on the ground @@@@ [3]bumper, fertile, fruitful, luxuriant, plenteous, productive, prolific"} {"x":"plenty","y":"[1]abundance, enough, fund, good deal, great deal, heap(s) @@@@ [2]lots @@@@ [3]mass, masses, mine, mountain(s), oodles @@@@ [4]pile(s) @@@@ [5]plethora, quantities, quantity, stack(s), store, sufficiency, volume @@@@ [6]abundance, affluence, copiousness, fertility, fruitfulness, luxury, opulence, plenitude, plenteousness, plentifulness, profusion, prosperity, wealth"} {"x":"plethora","y":"[1]excess, glut, overabundance, profusion, superabundance, superfluity, surfeit, surplus"} {"x":"pliable","y":"[1]bendable, bendy, ductile, flexible, limber, lithe, malleable, plastic, pliant, supple, tensile @@@@ [2]adaptable, compliant, docile, easily led, impressionable, influenceable, like putty in one's hands, manageable, persuadable, pliant, receptive, responsive, susceptible, tractable, yielding"} {"x":"pliant","y":"[1]bendable, bendy, ductile, flexible, lithe, plastic, pliable, supple, tensile @@@@ [2]adaptable, biddable, compliant, easily led, impressionable, influenceable, manageable, persuadable, pliable, susceptible, tractable, yielding"} {"x":"plight","y":"[1]case, circumstances, condition, difficulty, dilemma, extremity, hole @@@@ [2]hot water @@@@ [3]jam @@@@ [4]perplexity, pickle @@@@ [5]predicament, scrape @@@@ [6]situation, spot @@@@ [7]state, straits, tight spot, trouble @@@@ [8]contract, covenant, engage, guarantee, pledge, promise, propose, swear, vouch, vow"} {"x":"plod","y":"[1]clump, drag, lumber, slog, stomp @@@@ [2]tramp, tread, trudge @@@@ [3]drudge, grind @@@@ [4]grub, labour, peg away, persevere, plough through, plug away @@@@ [5]slog, soldier on, toil"} {"x":"plot","y":"[1]cabal, conspiracy, covin @@@@ [2]intrigue, machination, plan, scheme, stratagem @@@@ [3]action, narrative, outline, scenario, story, story line, subject, theme, thread @@@@ [4]cabal, collude, conspire, contrive, hatch, intrigue, machinate, manoeuvre, plan, scheme @@@@ [5]calculate, chart, compute, draft, draw, locate, map, mark, outline @@@@ [6]brew, conceive, concoct, contrive, cook up @@@@ [7]design, devise, frame, hatch, imagine, lay, project @@@@ [8]allotment, area, ground, lot, parcel, patch, tract"} {"x":"plough","y":"[1]break ground, cultivate, dig, furrow, ridge, till, turn over @@@@ [2]cut, drive, flounder, forge, plod, plunge, press, push, stagger, surge, wade @@@@ [3]bulldoze, career, crash, hurtle, plunge, shove, smash"} {"x":"ploy","y":"[1]contrivance, device, dodge, gambit, game, manoeuvre, move, ruse, scheme, stratagem, subterfuge, tactic, trick, wile"} {"x":"pluck","y":"[1]backbone, balls @@@@ [2]ballsiness @@@@ [3]boldness, bottle @@@@ [4]bravery, courage, determination, grit, guts @@@@ [5]hardihood, heart, intrepidity, mettle, nerve, resolution, spirit, spunk @@@@ [6]collect, draw, gather, harvest, pick, pull out or off @@@@ [7]catch, clutch, jerk, pull at, snatch, tug, tweak, yank @@@@ [8]finger, pick, plunk, strum, thrum, twang"} {"x":"plucky","y":"[1]ballsy @@@@ [2]bold, brave, courageous, daring, doughty, feisty @@@@ [3]game, gritty, gutsy @@@@ [4]hardy, have-a-go @@@@ [5]heroic, intrepid, mettlesome, spirited, spunky @@@@ [6]undaunted, unflinching, valiant"} {"x":"plug","y":"[1]bung, cork, spigot, stopper, stopple @@@@ [2]cake, chew, pigtail, quid, twist, wad @@@@ [3]advert @@@@ [4]advertisement, good word, hype, mention, publicity, puff, push @@@@ [5]block, bung, choke, close, cork, cover, fill, pack, seal, stop, stopper, stopple, stop up, stuff @@@@ [6]advertise, build up, hype, mention, promote, publicize, puff, push, write up @@@@ [7]blow away @@@@ [8]gun down, pick off, pop, pot, put a bullet in, shoot @@@@ [9]drudge, grind @@@@ [10]labour, peg away, plod, slog, toil"} {"x":"plum","y":"[1]bonus, cream, find, pick, prize, treasure @@@@ [2]best, choice, first-class, prize"} {"x":"plumb","y":"[1]lead, plumb bob, plummet, weight @@@@ [2]perpendicularly, up and down, vertically @@@@ [3]bang, exactly, precisely, slap, spot-on @@@@ [4]delve, explore, fathom, gauge, go into, measure, penetrate, probe, search, sound, unravel"} {"x":"plume","y":"[1]aigrette, crest, feather, pinion, quill @@@@ [2]congratulate oneself, pat oneself on the back, pique oneself, preen oneself, pride oneself @@@@ [3]alias, assumed name, nom de guerre, pen name, pseudonym"} {"x":"plummet","y":"[1]crash, descend, dive, drop down, fall, nose-dive, plunge, stoop, swoop, tumble"} {"x":"plump","y":"[1]beefy @@@@ [2]burly, buxom, chubby, corpulent, dumpy, fat, fleshy, full, obese, podgy, portly, roly-poly, rotund, round, stout, tubby, well-covered, well-upholstered"} {"x":"plunder","y":"[1]despoil, devastate, loot, pillage, raid, ransack, ravage, rifle, rob, sack, spoil, steal, strip @@@@ [2]booty, ill-gotten gains, loot, pillage, prey, prize, rapine, spoils, swag"} {"x":"plunge","y":"[1]cast, descend, dip, dive, douse, drop, fall, go down, immerse, jump, nose-dive, pitch, plummet, sink, submerge, swoop, throw, tumble @@@@ [2]career, charge, dash, hurtle, lurch, rush, tear @@@@ [3]descent, dive, drop, fall, immersion, jump, submersion, swoop"} {"x":"plurality","y":"[1]diversity, multiplicity, numerousness, profusion, variety @@@@ [2]bulk, majority, mass, most, nearly all, overwhelming number, preponderance"} {"x":"plus","y":"[1]added to, and, coupled with, with, with the addition of @@@@ [2]added, additional, add-on, extra, positive, supplementary @@@@ [3]advantage, asset, benefit, bonus, extra, gain, good point, icing on the cake, perk @@@@ [4]surplus"} {"x":"plush","y":"[1]costly, de luxe, lavish, luxurious, luxury, opulent, palatial, rich, ritzy @@@@ [2]sumptuous"} {"x":"plutocrat","y":"[1]capitalist, Croesus, Dives, fat cat @@@@ [2]magnate, millionaire, moneybags @@@@ [3]rich man, tycoon"} {"x":"ply","y":"[1]carry on, exercise, follow, practise, pursue, work at @@@@ [2]employ, handle, manipulate, swing, utilize, wield @@@@ [3]assail, beset, besiege, bombard, harass, importune, press, urge @@@@ [4]fold, layer, leaf, sheet, strand, thickness"} {"x":"poach","y":"[1]appropriate, encroach, hunt or fish illegally, infringe, intrude, plunder, rob, steal, steal game, trespass"} {"x":"pock","y":"[1]blemish, flaw, mark, pimple, pockmark, pustule, scar, spot"} {"x":"pocket","y":"[1]bag, compartment, hollow, pouch, receptacle, sack @@@@ [2]abridged, compact, concise, little, miniature, pint-size(d) @@@@ [3]portable, potted @@@@ [4]small @@@@ [5]appropriate, cabbage @@@@ [6]filch, help oneself to, lift @@@@ [7]pilfer, purloin, snaffle @@@@ [8]steal, take @@@@ [9]accept, bear, brook, endure, put up with @@@@ [10]stomach, swallow, take, tolerate"} {"x":"pockmark","y":"[1]blemish, pit, pock, scar"} {"x":"pod","y":"[1]hull, husk, shell, shuck"} {"x":"podium","y":"[1]dais, platform, rostrum, stage"} {"x":"poem","y":"[1]lyric, ode, rhyme, song, sonnet, verse"} {"x":"poet","y":"[1]bard, lyricist, maker @@@@ [2]rhymer, versifier"} {"x":"poetic","y":"[1]elegiac, lyric, lyrical, metrical, rhythmic, rhythmical, songlike"} {"x":"poetry","y":"[1]metrical composition, poems, poesy @@@@ [2]rhyme, rhyming, verse"} {"x":"poignant","y":"[1]affecting, agonizing, bitter, distressing, harrowing, heartbreaking, heart-rending, intense, moving, painful, pathetic, sad, touching, upsetting @@@@ [2]acute, biting, caustic, keen, penetrating, piercing, pointed, sarcastic, severe @@@@ [3]acrid, piquant, pungent, sharp, stinging, tangy"} {"x":"point","y":"[1]dot, full stop, mark, period, speck, stop @@@@ [2]location, place, position, site, spot, stage, station @@@@ [3]apex, end, nib, prong, sharp end, spike, spur, summit, tine, tip, top @@@@ [4]bill, cape, foreland, head, headland, ness @@@@ [5]promontory @@@@ [6]circumstance, condition, degree, extent, position, stage @@@@ [7]instant, juncture, moment, time, very minute @@@@ [8]aim, design, end, goal, intent, intention, motive, object, objective, purpose, reason, use, usefulness, utility @@@@ [9]burden, core, crux, drift, essence, gist, heart, import, main idea, marrow, matter, meaning, nub, pith, proposition, question, subject, text, theme, thrust @@@@ [10]aspect, detail, facet, feature, instance, item, nicety, particular @@@@ [11]aspect, attribute, characteristic, peculiarity, property, quality, respect, side, trait @@@@ [12]score, tally, unit @@@@ [13]immaterial, incidental, inconsequential, irrelevant, not to the purpose, off the subject, out of the way, pointless, unimportant, without connection @@@@ [14]applicable, apposite, appropriate, apropos, apt, brief, fitting, germane, pertinent, pithy, pointed, relevant, short, suitable, terse @@@@ [15]bespeak, call attention to, denote, designate, direct, indicate, show, signify @@@@ [16]aim, bring to bear, direct, level, train @@@@ [17]barb, edge, sharpen, taper, whet @@@@ [18]extraneous, immaterial, inapplicable, inapposite, inappropriate, inconsequent, irrelevant, neither here nor there, unconnected"} {"x":"pointed","y":"[1]acicular, acuminate, acute, barbed, cuspidate, edged, mucronate, sharp @@@@ [2]accurate, acute, biting, cutting, incisive, keen, penetrating, pertinent, sharp, telling, trenchant"} {"x":"pointer","y":"[1]guide, hand, indicator, needle @@@@ [2]advice, caution, hint, information, recommendation, suggestion, tip, warning"} {"x":"poise","y":"[1]aplomb, assurance, calmness, composure, cool @@@@ [2]coolness, dignity, elegance, equanimity, equilibrium, grace, presence, presence of mind, sang-froid, savoir-faire, self-possession, serenity @@@@ [3]balance, float, hang, hang in midair, hang suspended, hold, hover, position, support, suspend @@@@ [4]If someone has poise, they are calm, dignified, and self-controlled."} {"x":"poison","y":"[1]bane, toxin, venom @@@@ [2]bane, blight, cancer, canker, contagion, contamination, corruption, malignancy, miasma, virus @@@@ [3]adulterate, contaminate, envenom, give (someone) poison, infect, kill, murder, pollute @@@@ [4]corrupt, defile, deprave, pervert, subvert, taint, undermine, vitiate, warp @@@@ [5]deadly, lethal, poisonous, toxic, venomous"} {"x":"poke","y":"[1]butt, dig, elbow, hit, jab, nudge, prod, punch, push, shove, stab, stick, thrust @@@@ [2]butt in, interfere, intrude, meddle, nose, peek, poke one's nose into @@@@ [3]snoop @@@@ [4]tamper @@@@ [5]chaff, jeer, make a mock of, make fun of, mock, rib @@@@ [6]ridicule, send up @@@@ [7]tease @@@@ [8]butt, dig, hit, jab, nudge, prod, punch, thrust"} {"x":"polar","y":"[1]Antarctic, Arctic, cold, extreme, freezing, frozen, furthest, glacial, icy, terminal @@@@ [2]beacon-like, cardinal, guiding, leading, pivotal @@@@ [3]antagonistic, antipodal, antithetical, contradictory, contrary, diametric, opposed, opposite"} {"x":"polarity","y":"[1]ambivalence, contradiction, contrariety, dichotomy, duality, opposition, paradox"} {"x":"pole","y":"[1]bar, mast, post, rod, shaft, spar, staff, standard, stick @@@@ [2]antipode, extremity, limit, terminus @@@@ [3]at opposite ends of the earth, at opposite extremes, incompatible, irreconcilable, miles apart, widely separated, worlds apart"} {"x":"polemic","y":"[1]argument, controversy, debate, dispute @@@@ [2]argumentative, contentious, controversial, disputatious, polemical"} {"x":"police","y":"[1]constabulary, fuzz @@@@ [2]law enforcement agency, police force, the law @@@@ [3]control, guard, keep in order, keep the peace, patrol, protect, regulate, watch @@@@ [4]check, monitor, observe, oversee, supervise"} {"x":"policeman","y":"[1]bobby @@@@ [2]bogey @@@@ [3]constable, cop @@@@ [4]copper @@@@ [5]flatfoot @@@@ [6]fuzz @@@@ [7]gendarme @@@@ [8]officer, peeler @@@@ [9]pig @@@@ [10]rozzer @@@@ [11]woodentop"} {"x":"policy","y":"[1]action, approach, code, course, custom, guideline, line, plan, practice, procedure, programme, protocol, rule, scheme, stratagem, theory @@@@ [2]discretion, good sense, prudence, sagacity, shrewdness, wisdom"} {"x":"polish","y":"[1]brighten, buff, burnish, clean, furbish, rub, shine, smooth, wax @@@@ [2]brush up, correct, cultivate, emend, enhance, finish, improve, perfect, refine, touch up @@@@ [3]brightness, brilliance, finish, glaze, gloss, lustre, sheen, smoothness, sparkle, veneer @@@@ [4]varnish, wax @@@@ [5]breeding, class @@@@ [6]elegance, finesse, finish, grace, politesse, refinement, style, suavity, urbanity @@@@ [7]consume, down, eat up, finish, put away, shift @@@@ [8]swill, wolf @@@@ [9]blow away @@@@ [10]bump off @@@@ [11]dispose of, do away with, do in @@@@ [12]eliminate, get rid of, kill, liquidate, murder, take out"} {"x":"polite","y":"[1]affable, civil, complaisant, courteous, deferential, gracious, mannerly, obliging, respectful, well-behaved, well-mannered @@@@ [2]civilized, courtly, cultured, elegant, genteel, polished, refined, sophisticated, urbane, well-bred"} {"x":"politic","y":"[1]artful, astute, canny, crafty, cunning, designing, ingenious, intriguing, Machiavellian, scheming, shrewd, sly, subtle, unscrupulous @@@@ [2]advisable, diplomatic, discreet, expedient, in one's best interests, judicious, prudent, sagacious, sensible, tactful, wise"} {"x":"political","y":"[1]civic, governmental, parliamentary, policy-making @@@@ [2]factional, partisan, party"} {"x":"politician","y":"[1]legislator, Member of Parliament, M.P., office bearer, politico @@@@ [2]public servant, statesman"} {"x":"politics","y":"[1]affairs of state, civics, government, government policy, political science, polity, statecraft, statesmanship @@@@ [2]Machiavellianism, machination, power struggle, Realpolitik @@@@ [3]artful, astute, canny, crafty, cunning, designing, ingenious, intriguing, Machiavellian, scheming, shrewd, sly, subtle, unscrupulous @@@@ [4]advisable, diplomatic, discreet, expedient, in one's best interests, judicious, prudent, sagacious, sensible, tactful, wise"} {"x":"poll","y":"[1]figures, returns, tally, vote, voting @@@@ [2]ballot, canvass, census, count, Gallup Poll, (public) opinion poll, sampling, survey @@@@ [3]register, tally @@@@ [4]ballot, canvass, fly a kite, interview, question, sample, survey"} {"x":"pollute","y":"[1]adulterate, befoul, contaminate, dirty, foul, infect, make filthy, mar, poison, smirch, soil, spoil, stain, taint @@@@ [2]besmirch, corrupt, debase, debauch, defile, deprave, desecrate, dishonour, profane, sully, violate"} {"x":"pollution","y":"[1]adulteration, contamination, corruption, defilement, dirtying, foulness, impurity, taint, uncleanness, vitiation"} {"x":"poltroon","y":"[1]caitiff @@@@ [2]chicken @@@@ [3]coward, craven, cur, dastard @@@@ [4]recreant @@@@ [5]skunk @@@@ [6]yellow-belly"} {"x":"pomp","y":"[1]ceremony, eclat, flourish, grandeur, magnificence, pageant, pageantry, parade, solemnity, splendour, state @@@@ [2]display, grandiosity, ostentation, pomposity, show, vainglory"} {"x":"pomposity","y":"[1]affectation, airs, arrogance, flaunting, grandiosity, haughtiness, pompousness, portentousness, presumption, pretension, pretentiousness, self-importance, vainglory, vanity @@@@ [2]bombast, fustian, grandiloquence, hot air @@@@ [3]loftiness, magniloquence, rant, turgidity"} {"x":"pompous","y":"[1]affected, arrogant, bloated, grandiose, imperious, magisterial, ostentatious, overbearing, pontifical, portentous, pretentious, puffed up, self-important, showy, supercilious, vainglorious @@@@ [2]boastful, bombastic, flatulent, fustian, grandiloquent, high-flown, inflated, magniloquent, orotund, overblown, turgid, windy"} {"x":"pond","y":"[1]dew pond, duck pond, fish pond, lochan @@@@ [2]millpond, pool, small lake, tarn"} {"x":"ponder","y":"[1]brood, cerebrate, cogitate, consider, contemplate, deliberate, examine, excogitate, give thought to, meditate, mull over, muse, puzzle over, rack one's brains, reflect, ruminate, study, think, weigh"} {"x":"poniard","y":"[1]bodkin @@@@ [2]dagger, dirk, misericord @@@@ [3]stiletto"} {"x":"pontifical","y":"[1]apostolic, ecclesiastical, papal, prelatic @@@@ [2]bloated, condescending, dogmatic, imperious, magisterial, overbearing, pompous, portentous, pretentious, self-important"} {"x":"pontificate","y":"[1]declaim, dogmatize, expound, hold forth, lay down the law, pontify, preach, pronounce, sound off"} {"x":"pool","y":"[1]lake, mere, pond, puddle, splash, tarn @@@@ [2]collective, combine, consortium, group, syndicate, team, trust @@@@ [3]bank, funds, jackpot, kitty, pot, stakes @@@@ [4]amalgamate, combine, join forces, league, merge, put together, share"} {"x":"poor","y":"[1]badly off, broke @@@@ [2]destitute, dirt-poor @@@@ [3]hard up @@@@ [4]impecunious, impoverished, indigent, in need, in queer street, in want, necessitous, needy, not have two beans to rub together, on one's beam-ends, on one's uppers, on the breadline, on the rocks, penniless, penurious, poverty-stricken, short, skint @@@@ [5]stony-broke @@@@ [6]deficient, exiguous, inadequate, incomplete, insufficient, lacking, meagre, measly, miserable, niggardly, pathetic, pitiable, reduced, scant, scanty, skimpy, slight, sparse, straitened @@@@ [7]below par, chickenshit @@@@ [8]crappy @@@@ [9]faulty, feeble, for the birds @@@@ [10]inferior, low-grade, low-rent @@@@ [11]piss-poor @@@@ [12]poxy @@@@ [13]rotten @@@@ [14]rubbishy, second-rate, shabby, shoddy, sorry, strictly for the birds @@@@ [15]substandard, unsatisfactory, valueless, weak, worthless @@@@ [16]bad, bare, barren, depleted, exhausted, fruitless, impoverished, infertile, sterile, unfruitful, unproductive @@@@ [17]hapless, ill-fated, luckless, miserable, pathetic, pitiable, unfortunate, unhappy, unlucky, wretched @@@@ [18]humble, insignificant, lowly, mean, modest, paltry, plain, trivial"} {"x":"pop","y":"[1]bang, burst, crack, explode, go off, report, snap @@@@ [2]appear, call, come or go suddenly, drop in @@@@ [3]nip out @@@@ [4]visit @@@@ [5]bulge, protrude, stick out @@@@ [6]insert, push, put, shove, slip, stick, thrust, tuck @@@@ [7]bang, burst, crack, explosion, noise, report @@@@ [8]fizzy drink, ginger @@@@ [9]lemonade, soda water, soft drink"} {"x":"pope","y":"[1]Bishop of Rome, Holy Father, pontiff, Vicar of Christ"} {"x":"popinjay","y":"[1]buck @@@@ [2]coxcomb @@@@ [3]dandy, fop, jackanapes, peacock, swell"} {"x":"populace","y":"[1]commonalty, crowd, general public, hoi polloi, inhabitants, Joe (and Eileen) Public @@@@ [2]Joe Six-Pack @@@@ [3]masses, mob, multitude, people, rabble, throng"} {"x":"popular","y":"[1]accepted, approved, celebrated, famous, fashionable, favoured, favourite, in, in demand, in favour, liked, sought-after, well-liked @@@@ [2]common, conventional, current, general, prevailing, prevalent, public, standard, stock, ubiquitous, universal, widespread"} {"x":"popularity","y":"[1]acceptance, acclaim, adoration, approval, celebrity, currency, esteem, fame, favour, idolization, lionization, recognition, regard, renown, reputation, repute, vogue"} {"x":"popularize","y":"[1]disseminate, familiarize, give currency to, give mass appeal, make available to all, simplify, spread, universalize"} {"x":"populate","y":"[1]colonize, inhabit, live in, occupy, people, settle"} {"x":"population","y":"[1]citizenry, community, denizens, folk, inhabitants, natives, people, populace, residents, society"} {"x":"populous","y":"[1]crowded, heavily populated, overpopulated, packed, populated, swarming, teeming, thronged"} {"x":"pore","y":"[1]brood, contemplate, dwell on, examine, go over, peruse, ponder, read, scrutinize, study, work over @@@@ [2]hole, opening, orifice, outlet, stoma"} {"x":"pornographic","y":"[1]blue, dirty, filthy, indecent, lewd, obscene, offensive, prurient, salacious, smutty, X-rated"} {"x":"pornography","y":"[1]dirt, erotica, filth, indecency, obscenity, porn @@@@ [2]porno @@@@ [3]smut"} {"x":"porous","y":"[1]absorbent, absorptive, penetrable, permeable, pervious, spongy"} {"x":"port","y":"[1]anchorage, harbour, haven, roads, roadstead, seaport"} {"x":"portable","y":"[1]compact, convenient, easily carried, handy, light, lightweight, manageable, movable, portative"} {"x":"portal","y":"[1]door, doorway, entrance, entrance way, entry, gateway, way in"} {"x":"portend","y":"[1]adumbrate, augur, bespeak, betoken, bode, foreshadow, foretell, foretoken, forewarn, harbinger, herald, indicate, omen, point to, predict, presage, prognosticate, promise, threaten, vaticinate @@@@ [2]warn of"} {"x":"portent","y":"[1]augury, foreboding, foreshadowing, forewarning, harbinger, indication, omen, premonition, presage, presentiment, prognostic, prognostication, sign, threat, warning"} {"x":"portentous","y":"[1]alarming, bodeful, crucial, fateful, forbidding, important, menacing, minatory, momentous, ominous, significant, sinister, threatening @@@@ [2]amazing, astounding, awe-inspiring, extraordinary, miraculous, phenomenal, prodigious, remarkable, wondrous @@@@ [3]bloated, elephantine, heavy, pompous, ponderous, pontifical, self-important, solemn"} {"x":"porter","y":"[1]baggage attendant, bearer, carrier @@@@ [2]caretaker, concierge, doorman, gatekeeper, janitor"} {"x":"portion","y":"[1]bit, fraction, fragment, morsel, part, piece, scrap, section, segment @@@@ [2]allocation, allotment, allowance, division, lot, measure, parcel, quantity, quota, ration, share @@@@ [3]helping, piece, serving @@@@ [4]cup, destiny, fate, fortune, lot, luck @@@@ [5]allocate, allot, apportion, assign, deal, distribute, divide, divvy up @@@@ [6]dole out, parcel out, partition, share out"} {"x":"portly","y":"[1]ample, beefy @@@@ [2]bulky, burly, corpulent, fat, fleshy, heavy, large, obese, overweight, plump, rotund, stout, tubby"} {"x":"portrait","y":"[1]image, likeness, painting, photograph, picture, portraiture, representation, sketch @@@@ [2]account, characterization, depiction, description, portrayal, profile, thumbnail sketch, vignette"} {"x":"pose","y":"[1]arrange, model, position, sit, sit for @@@@ [2]feign, impersonate, masquerade as, pass oneself off as, pretend to be, profess to be, sham @@@@ [3]affect, attitudinize, posture, put on airs, show off @@@@ [4]advance, posit, present, propound, put, put forward, set, state, submit @@@@ [5]attitude, bearing, mien @@@@ [6]position, posture, stance @@@@ [7]act, affectation, air, attitudinizing, facade, front, mannerism, masquerade, posturing, pretence, role"} {"x":"poser","y":"[1]brain-teaser @@@@ [2]conundrum, enigma, knotty point, problem, puzzle, question, riddle, teaser, tough one, vexed question"} {"x":"poseur","y":"[1]attitudinizer, exhibitionist, hot dog @@@@ [2]impostor, mannerist, masquerader, poser, posturer, self-publicist, show-off"} {"x":"posh","y":"[1]classy @@@@ [2]elegant, exclusive, fashionable, grand, high-class, high-toned, la-di-da @@@@ [3]luxurious, luxury, ritzy @@@@ [4]smart, stylish, swanky @@@@ [5]swish @@@@ [6]top-drawer, up-market, upper-class"} {"x":"posit","y":"[1]advance, assert, assume, postulate, predicate, presume, propound, put forward, state, submit"} {"x":"position","y":"[1]area, bearings, locale, locality, location, place, point, post, reference, site, situation, spot, station, whereabouts @@@@ [2]arrangement, attitude, disposition, pose, posture, stance @@@@ [3]angle, attitude, belief, opinion, outlook, point of view, slant, stance, stand, standpoint, view, viewpoint @@@@ [4]circumstances, condition, lie of the land, pass, plight, predicament, situation, state, strait(s) @@@@ [5]caste, class, consequence, eminence, importance, place, prestige, rank, reputation, standing, station, stature, status @@@@ [6]berth @@@@ [7]billet @@@@ [8]capacity, duty, employment, function, job, occupation, office, place, post, role, situation @@@@ [9]arrange, array, dispose, fix, lay out, locate, place, put, sequence, set, settle, stand, stick"} {"x":"positive","y":"[1]absolute, actual, affirmative, categorical, certain, clear, clear-cut, conclusive, concrete, decisive, definite, direct, explicit, express, firm, incontrovertible, indisputable, real, unequivocal, unmistakable @@@@ [2]assured, certain, confident, convinced, sure @@@@ [3]assertive, cocksure, decided, dogmatic, emphatic, firm, forceful, opinionated, peremptory, resolute, stubborn @@@@ [4]beneficial, constructive, effective, efficacious, forward-looking, helpful, practical, productive, progressive, useful @@@@ [5]absolute, complete, consummate, out-and-out, perfect, rank, thorough, thoroughgoing, unmitigated, utter"} {"x":"possess","y":"[1]be blessed with, be born with, be endowed with, enjoy, have, have to one's name, hold, own @@@@ [2]acquire, control, dominate, hold, occupy, seize, take over, take possession of @@@@ [3]bewitch, consume, control, dominate, enchant, fixate, influence, mesmerize, obsess, put under a spell"} {"x":"possessed","y":"[1]bedevilled, berserk, bewitched, consumed, crazed, cursed, demented, enchanted, frenetic, frenzied, hag-ridden, haunted, maddened, obsessed, raving, under a spell @@@@ [2]collected, confident, cool, cool as a cucumber @@@@ [3]poised, self-assured, sure of oneself, together @@@@ [4]unruffled"} {"x":"possession","y":"[1]control, custody, hold, occupancy, occupation, ownership, proprietorship, tenure, title @@@@ [2]assets, belongings, chattels, effects, estate, goods and chattels, property, things, wealth @@@@ [3]colony, dominion, protectorate, province, territory @@@@ [4]aplomb, composure, confidence, cool @@@@ [5]poise, sang-froid, self-command, unflappability"} {"x":"possessive","y":"[1]acquisitive, controlling, covetous, dominating, domineering, grasping, jealous, overprotective, selfish"} {"x":"possibility","y":"[1]feasibility, likelihood, plausibility, potentiality, practicability, workableness @@@@ [2]chance, hazard, hope, liability, likelihood, odds, probability, prospect, risk @@@@ [3]capabilities, potential, potentiality, promise, prospects, talent"} {"x":"possible","y":"[1]conceivable, credible, hypothetical, imaginable, likely, potential @@@@ [2]attainable, doable, feasible, on @@@@ [3]practicable, realizable, viable, within reach, workable @@@@ [4]hopeful, likely, potential, probable, promising"} {"x":"possibly","y":"[1]God willing, haply @@@@ [2]maybe, mayhap @@@@ [3]peradventure @@@@ [4]perchance @@@@ [5]perhaps @@@@ [6]at all, by any chance, by any means, in any way"} {"x":"post","y":"[1]column, newel, pale, palisade, picket, pillar, pole, shaft, stake, standard, stock, support, upright @@@@ [2]advertise, affix, announce, display, make known, pin up, proclaim, promulgate, publicize, publish, put up, stick up @@@@ [3]appointment, assignment, berth @@@@ [4]billet @@@@ [5]employment, job, office, place, position, situation @@@@ [6]beat, place, position, station @@@@ [7]assign, establish, locate, place, position, put, situate, station @@@@ [8]collection, delivery, mail, postal service @@@@ [9]dispatch, mail, send, transmit @@@@ [10]advise, brief, fill in on @@@@ [11]inform, notify, report to"} {"x":"poster","y":"[1]advertisement, affiche, announcement, bill, notice, placard, public notice, sticker"} {"x":"posterior","y":"[1]after, back, behind, hind, hinder, rear @@@@ [2]ensuing, following, later, latter, subsequent"} {"x":"posterity","y":"[1]children, descendants, family, heirs, issue, offspring, progeny, scions, seed @@@@ [2]future, future generations, succeeding generations"} {"x":"posthaste","y":"[1]at once, before one can say Jack Robinson, directly, double-quick, full tilt, hastily, hotfoot, pdq @@@@ [2]promptly, pronto @@@@ [3]quickly, speedily, straightaway, swiftly"} {"x":"postmortem","y":"[1]analysis, autopsy, dissection, examination, necropsy"} {"x":"postpone","y":"[1]adjourn, defer, delay, hold over, put back, put off, put on ice @@@@ [2]shelve, suspend, table, take a rain check on"} {"x":"postscript","y":"[1]addition, afterthought, afterword, appendix, P.S., supplement"} {"x":"posture","y":"[1]attitude, bearing, carriage, disposition, mien @@@@ [2]pose, position, set, stance @@@@ [3]circumstance, condition, mode, phase, position, situation, state @@@@ [4]attitude, disposition, feeling, frame of mind, inclination, mood, outlook, point of view, stance, standpoint @@@@ [5]affect, attitudinize, do for effect, hot-dog @@@@ [6]make a show, pose, put on airs, show off"} {"x":"posy","y":"[1]bouquet, boutonniere, buttonhole, corsage, nosegay, spray"} {"x":"pot","y":"[1]bowl, container, crock, jug, pan, urn, utensil, vase, vessel @@@@ [2]cup, trophy @@@@ [3]bank, jackpot, kitty, pool, stakes @@@@ [4]bulge, corporation @@@@ [5]gut, paunch, potbelly, spare tyre @@@@ [6]spread @@@@ [7]decline, deteriorate, go downhill @@@@ [8]run to seed, slump, worsen @@@@ [9]hit, plug @@@@ [10]shoot, strike"} {"x":"potbelly","y":"[1]beer belly @@@@ [2]corporation @@@@ [3]gut, middle-age spread @@@@ [4]paunch, pot, spare tyre @@@@ [5]spread"} {"x":"potent","y":"[1]efficacious, forceful, mighty, powerful, puissant, strong, vigorous @@@@ [2]cogent, compelling, convincing, effective, forceful, impressive, persuasive, telling @@@@ [3]authoritative, commanding, dominant, dynamic, influential, powerful"} {"x":"potentate","y":"[1]emperor, king, mogul, monarch, overlord, prince, ruler, sovereign"} {"x":"potential","y":"[1]budding, dormant, embryonic, future, hidden, inherent, latent, likely, possible, promising, undeveloped, unrealized @@@@ [2]ability, aptitude, capability, capacity, possibility, potentiality, power, the makings, what it takes @@@@ [3]wherewithal"} {"x":"potentiality","y":"[1]ability, aptitude, capability, capacity, likelihood, potential, promise, prospect, the makings"} {"x":"pother","y":"[1]bother, carry-on @@@@ [2]commotion, disturbance, flap @@@@ [3]fuss, hoo-ha, lather @@@@ [4]ruction @@@@ [5]stew @@@@ [6]tizzy @@@@ [7]to-do"} {"x":"potion","y":"[1]brew, concoction, cup, dose, draught, elixir, mixture, philtre, tonic"} {"x":"potpourri","y":"[1]collection, combination, gallimaufry, hotchpotch, medley, melange, miscellany, mixed bag @@@@ [2]mixture, motley, pastiche, patchwork, salmagundi"} {"x":"potter","y":"[1]dabble, fiddle @@@@ [2]footle @@@@ [3]fribble, fritter, mess about, poke along, tinker"} {"x":"pottery","y":"[1]ceramics, earthenware, stoneware, terracotta"} {"x":"pouch","y":"[1]bag, container, pocket, poke @@@@ [2]purse, sack"} {"x":"pounce","y":"[1]ambush, attack, bound onto, dash at, drop, fall upon, jump, leap at, snatch, spring, strike, swoop, take by surprise, take unawares @@@@ [2]assault, attack, bound, jump, leap, spring, swoop"} {"x":"pound","y":"[1]batter, beat, beat the living daylights out of, belabour, clobber @@@@ [2]hammer, pelt, pummel, strike, thrash, thump @@@@ [3]bray @@@@ [4]bruise, comminute, crush, powder, pulverize, triturate @@@@ [5]din into, drub into, drum into, hammer into @@@@ [6]bang, beat, hammer, thump @@@@ [7]clomp, march, stomp @@@@ [8]thunder, tramp @@@@ [9]beat, palpitate, pitapat, pulsate, pulse, throb @@@@ [10]compound, corral @@@@ [11]enclosure, pen, yard"} {"x":"pour","y":"[1]decant, let flow, spill, splash @@@@ [2]course, emit, flow, gush, run, rush, spew, spout, stream @@@@ [3]bucket down @@@@ [4]come down in torrents, pelt (down), rain, rain cats and dogs @@@@ [5]rain hard or heavily, sheet, teem @@@@ [6]crowd, stream, swarm, teem, throng @@@@ [7]key"} {"x":"pout","y":"[1]glower, look petulant, look sullen, lour or lower, make a moue, mope, pull a long face, purse one's lips, sulk, turn down the corners of one's mouth @@@@ [2]glower, long face, moue, sullen look"} {"x":"poverty","y":"[1]beggary, destitution, distress, hand-to-mouth existence, hardship, indigence, insolvency, necessitousness, necessity, need, pauperism, pennilessness, penury, privation, want @@@@ [2]dearth, deficiency, insufficiency, lack, paucity, scarcity, shortage @@@@ [3]aridity, bareness, barrenness, deficiency, infertility, meagreness, poorness, sterility, unfruitfulness"} {"x":"powder","y":"[1]dust, fine grains, loose particles, pounce, talc @@@@ [2]crush, granulate, grind, pestle, pound, pulverize @@@@ [3]cover, dredge, dust, scatter, sprinkle, strew @@@@ [4]toilet"} {"x":"power","y":"[1]ability, capability, capacity, competence, competency, faculty, potential @@@@ [2]brawn, energy, force, forcefulness, intensity, might, muscle, potency, strength, vigour, weight @@@@ [3]ascendancy, authority, bottom, command, control, dominance, domination, dominion, influence, mastery, rule, sovereignty, supremacy, sway @@@@ [4]authority, authorization, licence, prerogative, privilege, right, warrant"} {"x":"powerful","y":"[1]energetic, mighty, potent, robust, stalwart, strapping, strong, sturdy, vigorous @@@@ [2]authoritative, commanding, controlling, dominant, influential, prevailing, puissant, sovereign, supreme @@@@ [3]cogent, compelling, convincing, effective, effectual, forceful, forcible, impressive, persuasive, striking, telling, weighty @@@@ [4]almighty, omnipotent, supreme"} {"x":"powwow","y":"[1]chinwag @@@@ [2]confab @@@@ [3]confabulation, conference, congress, consultation, council, discussion, get-together @@@@ [4]huddle @@@@ [5]meeting, palaver, parley, seminar, talk @@@@ [6]confab @@@@ [7]confer, discuss, get together, go into a huddle @@@@ [8]meet, palaver, parley, talk"} {"x":"ppl","y":"[1]people"} {"x":"practicability","y":"[1]advantage, feasibility, operability, possibility, practicality, use, usefulness, value, viability, workability"} {"x":"practicable","y":"[1]achievable, attainable, doable, feasible, performable, possible, viable, within the realm of possibility, workable"} {"x":"practical","y":"[1]applied, efficient, empirical, experimental, factual, functional, pragmatic, realistic, utilitarian @@@@ [2]businesslike, down-to-earth, everyday, hard-headed, matter-of-fact, mundane, ordinary, realistic, sensible, workaday @@@@ [3]doable, feasible, practicable, serviceable, sound, useful, workable @@@@ [4]accomplished, efficient, experienced, proficient, qualified, seasoned, skilled, trained, veteran, working"} {"x":"practically","y":"[1]all but, almost, basically, close to, essentially, fundamentally, in effect, just about, nearly, to all intents and purposes, very nearly, virtually, well-nigh @@@@ [2]clearly, matter-of-factly, rationally, realistically, reasonably, sensibly, unsentimentally, with common sense"} {"x":"practice","y":"[1]custom, habit, method, mode, praxis, routine, rule, system, tradition, usage, use, usual procedure, way, wont @@@@ [2]discipline, drill, exercise, preparation, rehearsal, repetition, study, training, work-out @@@@ [3]action, application, effect, exercise, experience, operation, use @@@@ [4]business, career, profession, vocation, work"} {"x":"pragmatic","y":"[1]businesslike, down-to-earth, efficient, hard-headed, matter-of-fact, practical, realistic, sensible, utilitarian"} {"x":"praise","y":"[1]acclaim, acclamation, accolade, applause, approbation, approval, cheering, commendation, compliment, congratulation, encomium, eulogy, good word, kudos, laudation, ovation, panegyric, plaudit, tribute @@@@ [2]adoration, devotion, glory, homage, thanks, worship @@@@ [3]acclaim, admire, applaud, approve, cheer, compliment, congratulate, crack up @@@@ [4]cry up, eulogize, extol, honour, laud, pat on the back, pay tribute to, sing the praises of, take one's hat off to @@@@ [5]adore, bless, exalt, give thanks to, glorify, magnify"} {"x":"prance","y":"[1]bound, caper, cavort, cut a rug @@@@ [2]dance, frisk, gambol, jump, leap, romp, skip, spring, trip @@@@ [3]parade, show off @@@@ [4]stalk, strut, swagger, swank"} {"x":"prank","y":"[1]antic, caper, escapade, frolic, jape, lark @@@@ [2]practical joke, skylarking @@@@ [3]trick"} {"x":"prate","y":"[1]babble, blather, boast, brag, chatter, drivel, gab @@@@ [2]gas @@@@ [3]rabbit (on) @@@@ [4]waffle @@@@ [5]witter on @@@@ [6]yak"} {"x":"prattle","y":"[1]babble, blather, blether, chatter, clack, drivel, gabble, jabber, patter, rabbit (on) @@@@ [2]run on, twitter, waffle @@@@ [3]witter"} {"x":"pray","y":"[1]adjure, ask, beg, beseech, call upon, crave, cry for, entreat, implore, importune, invoke, petition, plead, request, solicit, sue, supplicate, urge"} {"x":"prayer","y":"[1]communion, devotion, invocation, litany, orison, supplication @@@@ [2]appeal, entreaty, petition, plea, request, suit, supplication"} {"x":"preach","y":"[1]address, deliver a sermon, evangelize, exhort, orate @@@@ [2]admonish, advocate, exhort, harangue, lecture, moralize, sermonize, urge"} {"x":"preacher","y":"[1]clergyman, evangelist, minister, missionary, parson, revivalist"} {"x":"preamble","y":"[1]exordium, foreword, introduction, opening move, opening statement or remarks, overture, preface, prelude, proem, prolegomenon"} {"x":"precarious","y":"[1]dangerous, dicey @@@@ [2]dodgy @@@@ [3]doubtful, dubious, hairy @@@@ [4]hazardous, insecure, perilous, risky, shaky, slippery, touch and go, tricky, uncertain, unreliable, unsafe, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, unsure"} {"x":"precaution","y":"[1]insurance, preventative measure, protection, provision, safeguard, safety measure @@@@ [2]anticipation, care, caution, circumspection, foresight, forethought, providence, prudence, wariness"} {"x":"precede","y":"[1]antecede, antedate, come first, forerun, go ahead of, go before, head, herald, introduce, lead, pave the way, preface, take precedence, usher"} {"x":"precedence","y":"[1]antecedence, lead, pre-eminence, preference, primacy, priority, rank, seniority, superiority, supremacy"} {"x":"precedent","y":"[1]antecedent, authority, criterion, example, exemplar, instance, model, paradigm, pattern, previous example, prototype, standard"} {"x":"preceding","y":"[1]above, aforementioned, aforesaid, anterior, earlier, foregoing, former, past, previous, prior"} {"x":"precept","y":"[1]behest, canon, command, commandment, decree, dictum, direction, instruction, law, mandate, order, ordinance, principle, regulation, rule, statute @@@@ [2]axiom, byword, dictum, guideline, maxim, motto, principle, rule, saying"} {"x":"precinct","y":"[1]bound, boundary, confine, enclosure, limit @@@@ [2]area, district, quarter, section, sector, zone"} {"x":"precious","y":"[1]adored, beloved, cherished, darling, dear, dearest, favourite, idolized, loved, prized, treasured, valued, worth one's or its weight in gold @@@@ [2]choice, costly, dear, expensive, exquisite, fine, high-priced, inestimable, invaluable, priceless, prized, rare, recherche, valuable @@@@ [3]affected, alembicated, artificial, chichi, fastidious, overnice, overrefined, twee"} {"x":"precipice","y":"[1]bluff, brink, cliff, cliff face, crag, height, rock face, sheer drop, steep"} {"x":"precipitate","y":"[1]accelerate, advance, bring on, dispatch, expedite, further, hasten, hurry, press, push forward, quicken, speed up, trigger @@@@ [2]cast, discharge, fling, hurl, launch, let fly, send forth, throw @@@@ [3]breakneck, headlong, plunging, rapid, rushing, swift, violent @@@@ [4]frantic, harum-scarum, hasty, heedless, hurried, ill-advised, impetuous, impulsive, indiscreet, madcap, precipitous, rash, reckless @@@@ [5]abrupt, brief, quick, sudden, unexpected, without warning"} {"x":"precipitation","y":"[1]Precipitation is rain, snow, or hail."} {"x":"precipitous","y":"[1]abrupt, dizzy, falling sharply, high, perpendicular, sheer, steep @@@@ [2]abrupt, careless, harum-scarum, hasty, heedless, hurried, ill-advised, precipitate, rash, reckless, sudden"} {"x":"precise","y":"[1]absolute, accurate, actual, clear-cut, correct, definite, exact, explicit, express, fixed, literal, particular, specific, strict, unequivocal @@@@ [2]careful, ceremonious, exact, fastidious, finicky, formal, inflexible, meticulous, nice, particular, prim, punctilious, puritanical, rigid, scrupulous, stiff, strict"} {"x":"precisely","y":"[1]absolutely, accurately, bang, correctly, exactly, just, just so, literally, neither more nor less, on the button @@@@ [2]plumb @@@@ [3]slap @@@@ [4]smack @@@@ [5]square, squarely, strictly, to the letter"} {"x":"precision","y":"[1]accuracy, care, correctness, definiteness, dotting the i's and crossing the t's, exactitude, exactness, fidelity, meticulousness, nicety, particularity, preciseness, rigour"} {"x":"preclude","y":"[1]check, debar, exclude, forestall, hinder, inhibit, make impossible, make impracticable, obviate, prevent, prohibit, put a stop to, restrain, rule out, stop"} {"x":"precocious","y":"[1]advanced, ahead, bright, developed, forward, quick, smart"} {"x":"precursor","y":"[1]forerunner, harbinger, herald, messenger, usher, vanguard @@@@ [2]antecedent, forebear, forerunner, originator, pioneer, predecessor"} {"x":"predatory","y":"[1]carnivorous, hunting, predacious, rapacious, raptorial, ravening @@@@ [2]despoiling, greedy, marauding, pillaging, plundering, rapacious, ravaging, thieving, voracious, vulturine, vulturous"} {"x":"predecessor","y":"[1]antecedent, forerunner, former job holder, precursor, previous job holder, prior job holder @@@@ [2]ancestor, antecedent, forebear, forefather"} {"x":"predestination","y":"[1]destiny, doom, election @@@@ [2]fate, foreordainment, foreordination, lot, necessity, predetermination"} {"x":"predestine","y":"[1]doom, fate, foreordain, mean, predestinate, predetermine, pre-elect, preordain"} {"x":"predicament","y":"[1]corner, dilemma, emergency, fix @@@@ [2]hole @@@@ [3]hot water @@@@ [4]how-do-you-do @@@@ [5]jam @@@@ [6]mess, pickle @@@@ [7]pinch, plight, quandary, scrape @@@@ [8]situation, spot @@@@ [9]state, tight spot"} {"x":"predicate","y":"[1]affirm, assert, aver, avouch, avow, contend, declare, maintain, proclaim, state @@@@ [2]connote, imply, indicate, intimate, signify, suggest @@@@ [3]base, build, establish, found, ground, postulate, rest"} {"x":"predict","y":"[1]augur, divine, forebode, forecast, foresee, foretell, portend, presage, prognosticate, prophesy, soothsay, vaticinate"} {"x":"predilection","y":"[1]bag @@@@ [2]fancy, fondness, inclination, leaning, liking, love, partiality, penchant, predisposition, preference, proclivity, proneness, propensity, taste, tendency, weakness"} {"x":"predispose","y":"[1]affect, bias, dispose, incline, induce, influence, lead, make (one) of a mind to, prejudice, prepare, prime, prompt, sway"} {"x":"predisposition","y":"[1]bent, bias, disposition, inclination, likelihood, penchant, potentiality, predilection, proclivity, proneness, propensity, susceptibility, tendency, willingness"} {"x":"predominate","y":"[1]be most noticeable, carry weight, get the upper hand, hold sway, outweigh, overrule, overshadow, preponderate, prevail, reign, rule, tell"} {"x":"preen","y":"[1]clean, plume @@@@ [2]array, deck out, doll up @@@@ [3]dress up, prettify, primp, prink, spruce up, titivate, trig @@@@ [4]trim @@@@ [5]congratulate oneself, pique oneself, plume oneself, pride oneself"} {"x":"preface","y":"[1]exordium, foreword, introduction, preamble, preliminary, prelude, proem, prolegomenon, prologue @@@@ [2]begin, introduce, launch, lead up to, open, precede, prefix"} {"x":"prefatory","y":"[1]antecedent, introductory, opening, precursory, prefatorial, preliminary, prelusive, prelusory, preparatory, proemial, prolegomenal"} {"x":"prefer","y":"[1]adopt, be partial to, choose, desire, elect, fancy, favour, go for, incline towards, like better, opt for, pick, plump for, select, single out, wish, would rather, would sooner @@@@ [2]file, lodge, place, present, press, put forward @@@@ [3]advance, aggrandize, elevate, move up, promote, raise, upgrade"} {"x":"preferable","y":"[1]best, better, choice, chosen, favoured, more desirable, more eligible, superior, worthier"} {"x":"preferably","y":"[1]as a matter of choice, by choice, first, in or for preference, much rather, much sooner, rather, sooner, willingly"} {"x":"preference","y":"[1]bag @@@@ [2]desire, election, favourite, first choice, option, partiality, pick, predilection, selection, top of the list @@@@ [3]advantage, favoured treatment, favouritism, first place, precedence, pride of place, priority"} {"x":"preferential","y":"[1]advantageous, better, favoured, partial, partisan, privileged, special, superior"} {"x":"preferment","y":"[1]advancement, dignity, elevation, exaltation, promotion, rise, upgrading"} {"x":"prefigure","y":"[1]adumbrate, foreshadow, foretoken, indicate, intimate, portend, presage, shadow forth, suggest @@@@ [2]consider, fancy, imagine, picture, presuppose"} {"x":"pregnancy","y":"[1]gestation, gravidity"} {"x":"pregnant","y":"[1]big or heavy with child, enceinte, expectant, expecting @@@@ [2]preggers @@@@ [3]with child @@@@ [4]charged, eloquent, expressive, loaded, meaningful, pointed, significant, suggestive, telling, weighty @@@@ [5]creative, imaginative, inventive, original, seminal @@@@ [6]abounding in, abundant, fecund, fertile, fraught, fruitful, full, productive, prolific, replete, rich in, teeming"} {"x":"prehistoric","y":"[1]earliest, early, primeval, primitive, primordial @@@@ [2]ancient, antediluvian, antiquated, archaic, out of date, out of the ark"} {"x":"prejudge","y":"[1]anticipate, forejudge, jump to conclusions, make a hasty assessment, presume, presuppose"} {"x":"prejudice","y":"[1]bias, jaundiced eye, partiality, preconceived notion, preconception, prejudgment, warp @@@@ [2]bigotry, chauvinism, discrimination, injustice, intolerance, narrow-mindedness, racism, sexism, unfairness @@@@ [3]damage, detriment, disadvantage, harm, hurt, impairment, loss, mischief @@@@ [4]bias, colour, distort, influence, jaundice, poison, predispose, prepossess, slant, sway, warp @@@@ [5]damage, harm, hinder, hurt, impair, injure, mar, spoil, undermine"} {"x":"prejudicial","y":"[1]counterproductive, damaging, deleterious, detrimental, disadvantageous, harmful, hurtful, inimical, injurious, undermining, unfavourable"} {"x":"preliminary","y":"[1]exploratory, first, initial, initiatory, introductory, opening, pilot, precursory, prefatory, preparatory, prior, qualifying, test, trial @@@@ [2]beginning, first round, foundation, groundwork, initiation, introduction, opening, overture, preamble, preface, prelims, prelude, preparation, start"} {"x":"prelude","y":"[1]beginning, commencement, curtain-raiser, exordium, foreword, intro @@@@ [2]introduction, overture, preamble, preface, preliminary, preparation, proem, prolegomenon, prologue, start"} {"x":"premature","y":"[1]abortive, early, embryonic, forward, green, immature, incomplete, predeveloped, raw, undeveloped, unfledged, unripe, unseasonable, untimely @@@@ [2]hasty, ill-considered, ill-timed, impulsive, inopportune, jumping the gun, overhasty, precipitate, previous @@@@ [3]rash, too soon, untimely"} {"x":"premier","y":"[1]chancellor, chief minister, head of government, P.M., prime minister @@@@ [2]arch, chief, first, foremost, head, highest, leading, main, primary, prime, principal, top @@@@ [3]earliest, first, inaugural, initial, original"} {"x":"premiere","y":"[1]debut, first night, first performance, first showing, opening"} {"x":"premise","y":"[1]assume, hypothesize, posit, postulate, predicate, presuppose, state @@@@ [2]argument, assertion, assumption, ground, hypothesis, postulate, postulation, presupposition, proposition, supposition, thesis @@@@ [3]assume, hypothesize, posit, postulate, predicate, presuppose, state"} {"x":"premium","y":"[1]bonus, boon, bounty, fee, percentage @@@@ [2]perk @@@@ [3]perquisite, prize, recompense, remuneration, reward @@@@ [4]appreciation, regard, stock, store, value @@@@ [5]beyond one's means, costly, expensive, hard to come by, in great demand, in short supply, like gold dust, not to be had for love or money, rare, scarce, valuable"} {"x":"premonition","y":"[1]apprehension, feeling, feeling in one's bones, foreboding, forewarning, funny feeling @@@@ [2]hunch, idea, intuition, misgiving, omen, portent, presage, presentiment, sign, suspicion, warning"} {"x":"preoccupation","y":"[1]absence of mind, absent-mindedness, absorption, abstraction, brown study, daydreaming, engrossment, immersion, inattentiveness, musing, oblivion, pensiveness, prepossession, reverie, woolgathering @@@@ [2]bee in one's bonnet, concern, fixation, hang-up @@@@ [3]hobbyhorse, idee fixe, obsession, pet subject"} {"x":"preoccupied","y":"[1]absent-minded, absorbed, abstracted, caught up in, distracted, distrait, engrossed, faraway, heedless, immersed, in a brown study, intent, lost in, lost in thought, oblivious, rapt, taken up, unaware, wrapped up"} {"x":"preordain","y":"[1]destine, doom, fate, map out in advance, predestine, predetermine"} {"x":"preparation","y":"[1]development, getting ready, groundwork, preparing, putting in order @@@@ [2]alertness, anticipation, expectation, foresight, precaution, preparedness, provision, readiness, safeguard @@@@ [3]arrangement, measure, plan, provision @@@@ [4]composition, compound, concoction, medicine, mixture, tincture @@@@ [5]homework, prep @@@@ [6]revision, schoolwork, study, swotting"} {"x":"preparatory","y":"[1]basic, elementary, introductory, opening, prefatory, preliminary, preparative, primary @@@@ [2]before, in advance of, in anticipation of, in preparation for, prior to"} {"x":"prepare","y":"[1]adapt, adjust, anticipate, arrange, coach, dispose, form, groom, make provision, make ready, plan, practise, prime, put in order, train, warm up @@@@ [2]brace, fortify, gird, ready, steel, strengthen @@@@ [3]assemble, concoct, construct, contrive, draw up, fashion, fix up, get up @@@@ [4]make, produce, put together, turn out @@@@ [5]accoutre, equip, fit, fit out, furnish, outfit, provide, supply"} {"x":"prepared","y":"[1]arranged, fit, in order, in readiness, planned, primed, ready, set @@@@ [2]able, disposed, inclined, minded, of a mind, predisposed, willing"} {"x":"preparedness","y":"[1]alertness, fitness, order, preparation, readiness"} {"x":"preponderate","y":"[1]dominate, hold sway, outnumber, predominate, prevail, reign supreme, rule"} {"x":"preposterous","y":"[1]absurd, asinine, bizarre, crazy, excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, foolish, impossible, incredible, insane, irrational, laughable, ludicrous, monstrous, nonsensical, out of the question, outrageous, ridiculous, risible, senseless, shocking, unreasonable, unthinkable"} {"x":"prerequisite","y":"[1]called for, essential, imperative, indispensable, mandatory, necessary, needful, obligatory, of the essence, required, requisite, vital @@@@ [2]condition, essential, imperative, must, necessity, precondition, qualification, requirement, requisite, sine qua non"} {"x":"prerogative","y":"[1]advantage, authority, birthright, choice, claim, droit, due, exemption, immunity, liberty, perquisite, privilege, right, sanction, title"} {"x":"presage","y":"[1]augury, auspice, forecast, forewarning, harbinger, intimation, omen, portent, prediction, prognostic, prognostication, prophecy, sign, warning @@@@ [2]apprehension, boding, feeling, foreboding, intuition, misgiving, premonition, presentiment @@@@ [3]divine, feel, foresee, have a feeling, intuit, sense @@@@ [4]adumbrate, augur, betoken, bode, forebode, foreshadow, foretoken, omen, point to, portend, signify, warn @@@@ [5]forecast, foretell, forewarn, predict, prognosticate, prophesy, soothsay, vaticinate"} {"x":"prescience","y":"[1]clairvoyance, foreknowledge, foresight, precognition, prevision @@@@ [2]second sight"} {"x":"prescribe","y":"[1]appoint, assign, command, decree, define, dictate, direct, enjoin, establish, fix, impose, lay down, ordain, order, require, rule, set, specify, stipulate"} {"x":"presence","y":"[1]attendance, being, companionship, company, existence, habitation, inhabitance, occupancy, residence @@@@ [2]closeness, immediate circle, nearness, neighbourhood, propinquity, proximity, vicinity @@@@ [3]air, appearance, aspect, aura, bearing, carriage, comportment, demeanour, ease, mien @@@@ [4]personality, poise, self-assurance @@@@ [5]apparition, eidolon, ghost, manifestation, revenant, shade @@@@ [6]spectre, spirit, supernatural being, wraith @@@@ [7]alertness, aplomb, calmness, composure, cool @@@@ [8]coolness, imperturbability, level-headedness, phlegm, quickness, sang-froid, self-assurance, self-command, self-possession, wits"} {"x":"present","y":"[1]contemporary, current, existent, existing, extant, immediate, instant, present-day @@@@ [2]accounted for, at hand, available, here, in attendance, near, nearby, ready, there, to hand @@@@ [3]here and now, now, present moment, the time being, this day and age, today @@@@ [4]at the moment, just now, now, nowadays, right now @@@@ [5]for a while, for the moment, for the nonce, for the time being, in the meantime, not for long, provisionally, temporarily @@@@ [6]acquaint with, introduce, make known @@@@ [7]demonstrate, display, exhibit, give, mount, put before the public, put on, show, stage @@@@ [8]adduce, advance, declare, expound, extend, hold out, introduce, offer, pose, produce, proffer, put forward, raise, recount, relate, state, submit, suggest, tender @@@@ [9]award, bestow, confer, donate, entrust, furnish, give, grant, hand out, hand over, offer, proffer, put at (someone's) disposal @@@@ [10]benefaction, bonsela @@@@ [11]boon, bounty, donation, endowment, favour, gift, grant, gratuity, hand-out, largesse or largess, offering, prezzie"} {"x":"presentation","y":"[1]award, bestowal, conferral, donation, giving, investiture, offering @@@@ [2]appearance, arrangement, delivery, exposition, production, rendition, staging, submission @@@@ [3]demonstration, display, exhibition, performance, production, representation, show @@@@ [4]coming out, debut, introduction, launch, launching, reception"} {"x":"presentiment","y":"[1]anticipation, apprehension, expectation, fear, feeling, foreboding, forecast, forethought, hunch, intuition, misgiving, premonition, presage"} {"x":"presently","y":"[1]anon @@@@ [2]before long, by and by, erelong @@@@ [3]shortly, soon"} {"x":"preservation","y":"[1]conservation, defence, keeping, maintenance, perpetuation, protection, safeguarding, safekeeping, safety, salvation, security, storage, support, upholding"} {"x":"preserve","y":"[1]care for, conserve, defend, guard, keep, protect, safeguard, save, secure, shelter, shield @@@@ [2]continue, keep, keep up, maintain, perpetuate, retain, sustain, uphold @@@@ [3]conserve, keep, put up, save, store @@@@ [4]area, domain, field, realm, specialism, sphere @@@@ [5]confection, confiture, conserve, jam, jelly, marmalade, sweetmeat @@@@ [6]game reserve, reservation, reserve, sanctuary"} {"x":"preside","y":"[1]administer, be at the head of, be in authority, chair, conduct, control, direct, govern, head, lead, manage, officiate, run, supervise"} {"x":"press","y":"[1]bear down on, compress, condense, crush, depress, force down, jam, mash, push, reduce, squeeze, stuff @@@@ [2]calender, finish, flatten, iron, mangle, put the creases in, smooth, steam @@@@ [3]clasp, crush, embrace, encircle, enfold, fold in one's arms, hold close, hug, squeeze @@@@ [4]compel, constrain, demand, enforce, enjoin, force, insist on @@@@ [5]beg, entreat, exhort, implore, importune, petition, plead, pressurize, sue, supplicate, urge @@@@ [6]afflict, assail, beset, besiege, disquiet, harass, plague, torment, trouble, vex, worry @@@@ [7]be hard put, be hurried, be pushed, be rushed @@@@ [8]cluster, crowd, flock, gather, hasten, herd, hurry, mill, push, rush, seethe, surge, swarm, throng @@@@ [9]Fleet Street, fourth estate, journalism, news media, newspapers, the papers @@@@ [10]columnists, correspondents, gentlemen of the press, journalists, journos @@@@ [11]newsmen, photographers, pressmen, reporters @@@@ [12]bunch, crowd, crush, flock, herd, horde, host, mob, multitude, pack, push @@@@ [13]swarm, throng @@@@ [14]bustle, demand, hassle @@@@ [15]hurry, pressure, strain, stress, urgency"} {"x":"pressure","y":"[1]compressing, compression, crushing, force, heaviness, squeezing, weight @@@@ [2]coercion, compulsion, constraint, force, influence, obligation, power, sway @@@@ [3]adversity, affliction, burden, demands, difficulty, distress, exigency, hassle @@@@ [4]heat, hurry, load, press, strain, stress, urgency @@@@ [5]aggressive, bludgeoning, coercive, compelling, forceful, high-powered, importunate, insistent, intensive, in-your-face @@@@ [6]persistent, persuasive, pushy"} {"x":"pressurize","y":"[1]compress, condense, constrict, press, squash, squeeze @@@@ [2]breathe down someone's neck, browbeat, coerce, compel, dragoon, drive, force, intimidate, press-gang, put the screws on"} {"x":"prestige","y":"[1]authority, bottom, Brownie points, cachet, celebrity, credit, distinction, eminence, esteem, fame, honour, importance, influence, kudos, regard, renown, reputation, standing, stature, status, weight"} {"x":"presumably","y":"[1]apparently, doubtless, doubtlessly, in all likelihood, in all probability, it would seem, likely, most likely, on the face of it, probably, seemingly"} {"x":"presume","y":"[1]assume, believe, conjecture, guess @@@@ [2]infer, posit, postulate, presuppose, suppose, surmise, take for granted, take it, think @@@@ [3]dare, go so far, have the audacity, make bold, make so bold, take the liberty, undertake, venture @@@@ [4]bank on, count on, depend, rely, trust"} {"x":"presumption","y":"[1]assurance, audacity, boldness, brass @@@@ [2]brass neck @@@@ [3]cheek @@@@ [4]chutzpah @@@@ [5]effrontery, forwardness, front, gall @@@@ [6]impudence, insolence, neck @@@@ [7]nerve @@@@ [8]presumptuousness, sassiness @@@@ [9]temerity @@@@ [10]anticipation, assumption, belief, conjecture, guess, hypothesis, opinion, premiss, presupposition, supposition, surmise @@@@ [11]basis, chance, grounds, likelihood, plausibility, probability, reason"} {"x":"presumptuous","y":"[1]arrogant, audacious, bigheaded @@@@ [2]bold, conceited, foolhardy, forward, insolent, overconfident, overfamiliar, overweening, presuming, pushy @@@@ [3]rash, too big for one's boots, uppish"} {"x":"presuppose","y":"[1]accept, assume, consider, imply, posit, postulate, presume, suppose, take as read, take for granted, take it"} {"x":"presupposition","y":"[1]assumption, belief, hypothesis, preconceived idea, preconception, premiss, presumption, supposition, theory"} {"x":"pretence","y":"[1]acting, charade, deceit, deception, fabrication, fakery, faking, falsehood, feigning, invention, make-believe, sham, simulation, subterfuge, trickery @@@@ [2]affectation, appearance, artifice, display, facade, hokum @@@@ [3]posing, posturing, pretentiousness, show, veneer @@@@ [4]claim, cloak, colour, cover, excuse, facade, garb, guise, mask, masquerade, pretext, ruse, semblance, show, veil, wile"} {"x":"pretend","y":"[1]affect, allege, assume, counterfeit, dissemble, dissimulate, fake, falsify, feign, impersonate, make out, pass oneself off as, profess, put on, sham, simulate @@@@ [2]act, imagine, make believe, make up, play, play the part of, suppose @@@@ [3]allege, aspire, claim, lay claim, profess, purport"} {"x":"pretension","y":"[1]aspiration, assertion, assumption, claim, demand, pretence, profession @@@@ [2]affectation, airs, conceit, hypocrisy, ostentation, pomposity, pretentiousness, self-importance, show, showiness, snobbery, snobbishness, vainglory, vanity"} {"x":"pretentious","y":"[1]affected, assuming, bombastic, conceited, exaggerated, extravagant, flaunting, grandiloquent, grandiose, highfalutin @@@@ [2]high-flown, high-sounding, hollow, inflated, magniloquent, mannered, ostentatious, overambitious, pompous, puffed up, showy, snobbish, specious, vainglorious"} {"x":"preternatural","y":"[1]abnormal, anomalous, extraordinary, inexplicable, irregular, marvellous, miraculous, mysterious, odd, peculiar, strange, supernatural, unaccountable, unearthly, unnatural, unusual"} {"x":"pretext","y":"[1]affectation, alleged reason, appearance, cloak, cover, device, excuse, guise, mask, ploy, pretence, red herring, ruse, semblance, show, simulation, veil"} {"x":"pretty","y":"[1]appealing, attractive, beautiful, bonny, charming, comely, cute, fair, good-looking, graceful, lovely, personable @@@@ [2]bijou, dainty, delicate, elegant, fine, neat, nice, pleasing, tasteful, trim @@@@ [3]fairly, kind of @@@@ [4]moderately, quite, rather, reasonably, somewhat"} {"x":"prevail","y":"[1]be victorious, carry the day, gain mastery, overcome, overrule, prove superior, succeed, triumph, win @@@@ [2]abound, be current, be prevalent, be widespread, exist generally, obtain, predominate, preponderate @@@@ [3]bring round, convince, dispose, incline, induce, influence, persuade, prompt, sway, talk into, win over"} {"x":"prevalent","y":"[1]accepted, common, commonplace, current, customary, established, everyday, extensive, frequent, general, habitual, popular, rampant, rife, ubiquitous, universal, usual, widespread @@@@ [2]ascendant, compelling, dominant, governing, powerful, predominant, prevailing, successful, superior"} {"x":"prevaricate","y":"[1]beat about the bush, beg the question, cavil, deceive, dodge, equivocate, evade, flannel @@@@ [2]give a false colour to, hedge, lie, palter, quibble, shift, shuffle, stretch the truth, tergiversate"} {"x":"prevent","y":"[1]anticipate, avert, avoid, balk, bar, block, check, counteract, defend against, foil, forestall, frustrate, hamper, head off, hinder, impede, inhibit, intercept, nip in the bud, obstruct, obviate, preclude, restrain, stave off, stop, thwart, ward off"} {"x":"prevention","y":"[1]anticipation, avoidance, deterrence, elimination, forestalling, obviation, precaution, preclusion, prophylaxis, safeguard, thwarting @@@@ [2]bar, check, deterrence, frustration, hindrance, impediment, interruption, obstacle, obstruction, stoppage"} {"x":"preview","y":"[1]advance showing, foretaste, sample, sampler, sneak preview, taster, trailer @@@@ [2]foretaste, sample, taste"} {"x":"previous","y":"[1]antecedent, anterior, earlier, erstwhile, ex-, foregoing, former, one-time, past, preceding, prior, quondam, sometime @@@@ [2]ahead of oneself, precipitate, premature, too early, too soon, untimely"} {"x":"previously","y":"[1]at one time, a while ago, before, beforehand, earlier, formerly, heretofore, hitherto, in advance, in anticipation, in days or years gone by, in the past, once, then, until now"} {"x":"prey","y":"[1]game, kill, quarry @@@@ [2]dupe, fall guy @@@@ [3]mark, mug @@@@ [4]target, victim @@@@ [5]devour, eat, feed upon, hunt, live off, seize @@@@ [6]blackmail, bleed @@@@ [7]bully, exploit, intimidate, take advantage of, terrorize, victimize @@@@ [8]burden, distress, hang over, haunt, oppress, trouble, weigh down, weigh heavily, worry"} {"x":"price","y":"[1]amount, asking price, assessment, bill, charge, cost, damage @@@@ [2]estimate, expenditure, expense, face value, fee, figure, outlay, payment, rate, valuation, value, worth @@@@ [3]consequences, cost, penalty, sacrifice, toll @@@@ [4]bounty, compensation, premium, recompense, reward @@@@ [5]anyhow, cost what it may, expense no object, no matter what the cost, regardless, whatever the cost @@@@ [6]inestimable, invaluable, of incalculable value, precious, priceless, treasured, without price @@@@ [7]assess, cost, estimate, evaluate, put a price on, rate, value @@@@ [8]bargain, cheap, cheapo @@@@ [9]cut-rate @@@@ [10]reduced, sale"} {"x":"priceless","y":"[1]beyond price, cherished, costly, dear, expensive, incalculable, incomparable, inestimable, invaluable, irreplaceable, precious, prized, rare, rich, treasured, worth a king's ransom, worth one's or its weight in gold @@@@ [2]absurd, amusing, comic, droll, funny, hilarious, killing @@@@ [3]rib-tickling, ridiculous, riotous, side-splitting"} {"x":"prick","y":"[1]bore, impale, jab, lance, perforate, pierce, pink, punch, puncture, stab @@@@ [2]bite, itch, prickle, smart, sting, tingle @@@@ [3]cut, distress, grieve, move, pain, stab, touch, trouble, wound @@@@ [4]point, raise, rise, stand erect @@@@ [5]cut, gash, hole, perforation, pinhole, puncture, wound @@@@ [6]gnawing, pang, prickle, smart, spasm, sting, twinge"} {"x":"prickle","y":"[1]barb, needle, point, spike, spine, spur, thorn @@@@ [2]chill, formication, goose flesh, paraesthesia @@@@ [3]smart, tickle, tingle, tingling @@@@ [4]itch, smart, sting, tingle, twitch @@@@ [5]jab, nick, prick, stick"} {"x":"prickly","y":"[1]barbed, brambly, briery, bristly, spiny, thorny @@@@ [2]crawling, itchy, pricking, prickling, scratchy, sharp, smarting, stinging, tingling @@@@ [3]bad-tempered, cantankerous, edgy, fractious, grumpy, irritable, liverish, peevish, pettish, petulant, ratty @@@@ [4]shirty @@@@ [5]snappish, stroppy @@@@ [6]tetchy, touchy, waspish @@@@ [7]complicated, difficult, intricate, involved, knotty, thorny, ticklish, tricky, troublesome, trying"} {"x":"pride","y":"[1]amour-propre, dignity, honour, self-esteem, self-respect, self-worth @@@@ [2]arrogance, bigheadedness @@@@ [3]conceit, egotism, haughtiness, hauteur, hubris, loftiness, morgue, presumption, pretension, pretentiousness, self-importance, self-love, smugness, snobbery, superciliousness, vainglory, vanity @@@@ [4]boast, gem, jewel, pride and joy, prize, treasure @@@@ [5]delight, gratification, joy, pleasure, satisfaction @@@@ [6]best, choice, cream, elite, flower, glory, pick @@@@ [7]be proud of, boast, brag, congratulate oneself, crow, exult, flatter oneself, glory in, pique, plume, preen, revel in, take pride, vaunt"} {"x":"priest","y":"[1]churchman, clergyman, cleric, curate, divine, ecclesiastic, father, father confessor, holy man, man of God, man of the cloth, minister, padre @@@@ [2]pastor, vicar"} {"x":"prig","y":"[1]goody-goody @@@@ [2]Holy Joe @@@@ [3]Holy Willie @@@@ [4]pedant, prude, puritan, stuffed shirt"} {"x":"prim","y":"[1]demure, fastidious, formal, fussy, niminy-piminy, old-maidish @@@@ [2]particular, precise, priggish, prissy @@@@ [3]proper, prudish, puritanical, schoolmarmish @@@@ [4]starchy @@@@ [5]stiff, strait-laced"} {"x":"primacy","y":"[1]ascendancy, command, dominance, dominion, leadership, pre-eminence, superiority, supremacy"} {"x":"primal","y":"[1]earliest, first, initial, original, primary, prime, primitive, primordial, pristine @@@@ [2]central, chief, first, greatest, highest, main, major, most important, paramount, prime, principal @@@@ [3]primary, main, basic"} {"x":"primarily","y":"[1]above all, basically, chiefly, especially, essentially, for the most part, fundamentally, generally, largely, mainly, mostly, on the whole, principally @@@@ [2]at first, at or from the start, first and foremost, initially, in the beginning, in the first place, originally"} {"x":"primary","y":"[1]best, capital, cardinal, chief, dominant, first, greatest, highest, leading, main, paramount, prime, principal, top @@@@ [2]aboriginal, earliest, initial, original, primal, primeval, primitive, primordial, pristine @@@@ [3]basic, beginning, bog-standard @@@@ [4]elemental, essential, fundamental, radical, ultimate, underlying @@@@ [5]elementary, introductory, rudimentary, simple"} {"x":"prime","y":"[1]best, capital, choice, excellent, first-class, first-rate, grade A, highest, quality, select, selected, superior, top @@@@ [2]basic, bog-standard @@@@ [3]earliest, fundamental, original, primary, underlying @@@@ [4]chief, leading, main, predominant, pre-eminent, primary, principal, ruling, senior @@@@ [5]best days, bloom, flower, full flowering, height, heyday, maturity, peak, perfection, zenith @@@@ [6]beginning, morning, opening, spring, start @@@@ [7]break in, coach, fit, get ready, groom, make ready, prepare, train @@@@ [8]brief, clue in @@@@ [9]clue up @@@@ [10]fill in @@@@ [11]gen up @@@@ [12]inform, notify, tell"} {"x":"primeval","y":"[1]ancient, earliest, early, first, old, original, prehistoric, primal, primitive, primordial, pristine"} {"x":"primitive","y":"[1]earliest, early, elementary, first, original, primary, primeval, primordial, pristine @@@@ [2]barbarian, barbaric, crude, rough, rude, rudimentary, savage, simple, uncivilized, uncultivated, undeveloped, unrefined @@@@ [3]childlike, naive, simple, undeveloped, unsophisticated, untrained, untutored"} {"x":"primordial","y":"[1]earliest, first, prehistoric, primal, primeval, primitive, pristine @@@@ [2]basic, elemental, fundamental, original, radical"} {"x":"primp","y":"[1]gussy up @@@@ [2]prank, preen, prink, put on one's best bib and tucker"} {"x":"prince","y":"[1]lord, monarch, potentate, ruler, sovereign"} {"x":"principal","y":"[1]arch, capital, cardinal, chief, controlling, dominant, essential, first, foremost, highest, key, leading, main, most important, paramount, pre-eminent, primary, prime, strongest @@@@ [2]boss @@@@ [3]chief, director, head, leader, master, ruler, superintendent @@@@ [4]dean, director, head @@@@ [5]headmaster, headmistress, head teacher, master, rector @@@@ [6]assets, capital, capital funds, money @@@@ [7]first violin, lead, leader, star"} {"x":"principle","y":"[1]assumption, axiom, canon, criterion, dictum, doctrine, dogma, ethic, formula, fundamental, golden rule, law, maxim, moral law, precept, proposition, rule, standard, truth, verity @@@@ [2]attitude, belief, code, credo, ethic, morality, opinion, tenet @@@@ [3]conscience, integrity, morals, probity, rectitude, scruples, sense of duty, sense of honour, uprightness @@@@ [4]ideally, in essence, in theory, theoretically"} {"x":"prink","y":"[1]adorn, deck, doll up @@@@ [2]fig up @@@@ [3]groom, gussy up @@@@ [4]prank, preen, primp, titivate, trick out"} {"x":"print","y":"[1]engrave, go to press, impress, imprint, issue, mark, publish, put to bed @@@@ [2]run off, stamp @@@@ [3]book, magazine, newspaper, newsprint, periodical, printed matter, publication, typescript @@@@ [4]in black and white, on paper, on the streets, out, printed, published @@@@ [5]available, current, in the shops, obtainable, on the market, on the shelves @@@@ [6]no longer published, o.p., unavailable, unobtainable @@@@ [7]copy, engraving, photo @@@@ [8]photograph, picture, reproduction @@@@ [9]characters, face, font @@@@ [10]fount, lettering, letters, type, typeface"} {"x":"prior","y":"[1]aforementioned, antecedent, anterior, earlier, foregoing, former, preceding, pre-existent, pre-existing, previous @@@@ [2]before, earlier than, preceding, previous to"} {"x":"priority","y":"[1]first concern, greater importance, precedence, pre-eminence, preference, prerogative, rank, right of way, seniority, superiority, supremacy, the lead"} {"x":"priory","y":"[1]abbey, cloister, convent, monastery, nunnery, religious house"} {"x":"prison","y":"[1]calaboose @@@@ [2]can @@@@ [3]choky @@@@ [4]clink @@@@ [5]confinement, cooler @@@@ [6]dungeon, gaol, glasshouse @@@@ [7]jail, jug @@@@ [8]lockup, nick @@@@ [9]penal institution, penitentiary @@@@ [10]pound, quod @@@@ [11]slammer @@@@ [12]stir"} {"x":"prisoner","y":"[1]con @@@@ [2]convict, jailbird, lag @@@@ [3]captive, detainee, hostage, internee"} {"x":"prissy","y":"[1]fastidious, finicky, fussy, niminy-piminy, old-maidish @@@@ [2]overnice, precious, prim, prim and proper, prudish, schoolmarmish @@@@ [3]squeamish, strait-laced"} {"x":"pristine","y":"[1]earliest, first, former, initial, original, primal, primary, primeval, primitive, primordial @@@@ [2]immaculate, new, pure, uncorrupted, undefiled, unspoiled, unsullied, untouched, virgin, virginal"} {"x":"privacy","y":"[1]isolation, privateness, retirement, retreat, seclusion, separateness, sequestration, solitude @@@@ [2]clandestineness, concealment, confidentiality, secrecy"} {"x":"private","y":"[1]clandestine, closet, confidential, covert, hush-hush @@@@ [2]in camera, inside, off the record, privy @@@@ [3]secret, unofficial @@@@ [4]exclusive, individual, intimate, own, particular, personal, reserved, special @@@@ [5]independent, nonpublic @@@@ [6]concealed, isolated, not overlooked, retired, secluded, secret, separate, sequestered, solitary, withdrawn @@@@ [7]behind closed doors, confidentially, in camera, in secret, personally, privately @@@@ [8]enlisted man @@@@ [9]tommy @@@@ [10]Tommy Atkins"} {"x":"privation","y":"[1]destitution, distress, hardship, indigence, lack, loss, misery, necessity, need, neediness, penury, poverty, suffering, want"} {"x":"privilege","y":"[1]advantage, benefit, birthright, claim, concession, due, entitlement, franchise, freedom, immunity, liberty, prerogative, right, sanction"} {"x":"privy","y":"[1]apprised of, aware of, cognizant of, hip to @@@@ [2]informed, in on, in the know @@@@ [3]wise to @@@@ [4]confidential, hidden, hush-hush @@@@ [5]off the record, personal, private, secret @@@@ [6]bog @@@@ [7]closet, earth closet, latrine, lavatory, outside toilet, pissoir"} {"x":"prize","y":"[1]accolade, award, honour, premium, reward, trophy @@@@ [2]haul, jackpot, purse, stakes, windfall, winnings @@@@ [3]aim, ambition, conquest, desire, gain, goal, Holy Grail @@@@ [4]hope @@@@ [5]booty, capture, loot, pickings, pillage, plunder, spoil(s), trophy @@@@ [6]award-winning, best, champion, first-rate, outstanding, top, top-notch @@@@ [7]winning @@@@ [8]appreciate, cherish, esteem, hold dear, regard highly, set store by, treasure, value"} {"x":"probability","y":"[1]chance(s), expectation, liability, likelihood, likeliness, odds, presumption, prospect"} {"x":"probable","y":"[1]apparent, credible, feasible, likely, most likely, odds-on, on the cards, ostensible, plausible, possible, presumable, presumed, reasonable, seeming, verisimilar"} {"x":"probably","y":"[1]as likely as not, doubtless, in all likelihood, in all probability, likely, maybe, most likely, perchance @@@@ [2]perhaps, possibly, presumably"} {"x":"probation","y":"[1]apprenticeship, examination, initiation, novitiate, test, trial, trial period"} {"x":"probe","y":"[1]examine, explore, go into, investigate, look into, query, research, scrutinize, search, sift, sound, test, verify, work over @@@@ [2]explore, feel around, poke, prod @@@@ [3]detection, examination, exploration, inquest, inquiry, investigation, research, scrutiny, study"} {"x":"probity","y":"[1]equity, fairness, fidelity, goodness, honesty, honour, integrity, justice, morality, rectitude, righteousness, sincerity, trustworthiness, truthfulness, uprightness, virtue, worth"} {"x":"problem","y":"[1]complication, difficulty, dilemma, disagreement, dispute, disputed point, doubt, Gordian knot, hard nut to crack @@@@ [2]how-do-you-do @@@@ [3]point at issue, predicament, quandary, trouble @@@@ [4]brain-teaser @@@@ [5]conundrum, enigma, poser, puzzle, question, riddle, teaser @@@@ [6]delinquent, difficult, intractable, uncontrollable, unmanageable, unruly"} {"x":"problematic","y":"[1]chancy @@@@ [2]debatable, doubtful, dubious, enigmatic, moot, open to doubt, problematical, puzzling, questionable, tricky, uncertain, unsettled"} {"x":"procedure","y":"[1]action, conduct, course, custom, form, formula, method, modus operandi, operation, performance, plan of action, policy, practice, process, routine, scheme, step, strategy, system, transaction"} {"x":"proceed","y":"[1]advance, carry on, continue, get going, get on with, get under way with, go ahead, go on, make a start, move on, press on, progress, set in motion @@@@ [2]arise, come, derive, emanate, ensue, flow, follow, issue, originate, result, spring, stem"} {"x":"proceeding","y":"[1]act, action, course of action, deed, measure, move, occurrence, procedure, process, step, undertaking, venture @@@@ [2]account, affairs, annals, archives, business, dealings, doings, matters, minutes, records, report, transactions"} {"x":"proceeds","y":"[1]earnings, gain, income, produce, products, profit, receipts, returns, revenue, takings, yield @@@@ [2]advance, carry on, continue, get going, get on with, get under way with, go ahead, go on, make a start, move on, press on, progress, set in motion @@@@ [3]arise, come, derive, emanate, ensue, flow, follow, issue, originate, result, spring, stem"} {"x":"process","y":"[1]action, course, course of action, manner, means, measure, method, mode, operation, performance, practice, procedure, proceeding, system, transaction @@@@ [2]advance, course, development, evolution, formation, growth, movement, progress, progression, stage, step, unfolding @@@@ [3]action, case, suit, trial @@@@ [4]deal with, dispose of, fulfil, handle, take care of @@@@ [5]alter, convert, prepare, refine, transform, treat"} {"x":"procession","y":"[1]cavalcade, column, cortege, file, march, motorcade, parade, train @@@@ [2]course, cycle, run, sequence, series, string, succession, train"} {"x":"proclaim","y":"[1]advertise, affirm, announce, blaze (abroad), blazon (abroad), circulate, declare, enunciate, give out, herald, indicate, make known, profess, promulgate, publish, shout from the housetops @@@@ [2]show, trumpet"} {"x":"proclamation","y":"[1]announcement, declaration, decree, edict, manifesto, notice, notification, promulgation, pronouncement, pronunciamento, publication"} {"x":"proclivity","y":"[1]bent, bias, disposition, facility, inclination, leaning, liableness, penchant, predilection, predisposition, proneness, propensity, tendency, weakness"} {"x":"procrastinate","y":"[1]adjourn, be dilatory, dally, defer, delay, drag one's feet @@@@ [2]gain time, play a waiting game, play for time, postpone, prolong, protract, put off, retard, stall, temporize"} {"x":"procreate","y":"[1]beget, breed, bring into being, engender, father, generate, mother, produce, propagate, reproduce, sire"} {"x":"procure","y":"[1]acquire, appropriate, buy, come by, earn, effect, find, gain, get, get hold of, land, lay hands on, manage to get, obtain, pick up, purchase, score @@@@ [2]secure, win"} {"x":"prod","y":"[1]dig, drive, elbow, jab, nudge, poke, prick, propel, push, shove @@@@ [2]egg on, goad, impel, incite, motivate, move, prompt, put a bomb under @@@@ [3]rouse, spur, stimulate, stir up, urge @@@@ [4]boost, dig, elbow, jab, nudge, poke, push, shove @@@@ [5]goad, poker, spur, stick @@@@ [6]boost, cue, prompt, reminder, signal, stimulus"} {"x":"prodigal","y":"[1]excessive, extravagant, immoderate, improvident, intemperate, profligate, reckless, spendthrift, squandering, wanton, wasteful @@@@ [2]bounteous, bountiful, copious, exuberant, lavish, luxuriant, profuse, sumptuous, superabundant, teeming @@@@ [3]big spender, profligate, spendthrift, squanderer, wastrel"} {"x":"prodigality","y":"[1]abandon, dissipation, excess, extravagance, immoderation, intemperance, profligacy, recklessness, squandering, wantonness, waste, wastefulness @@@@ [2]abundance, amplitude, bounteousness, bounty, copiousness, cornucopia, exuberance, horn of plenty, lavishness, luxuriance, plenteousness, plenty, profusion, richness, sumptuousness"} {"x":"prodigious","y":"[1]colossal, enormous, giant, gigantic, huge, immeasurable, immense, inordinate, mammoth, massive, monstrous, monumental, stellar @@@@ [2]stupendous, tremendous, vast @@@@ [3]abnormal, amazing, astounding, dramatic, exceptional, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic @@@@ [4]flabbergasting @@@@ [5]impressive, marvellous, miraculous, phenomenal, remarkable, staggering, startling, striking, stupendous, unusual, wonderful"} {"x":"prodigy","y":"[1]brainbox, child genius, genius, mastermind, talent, whizz @@@@ [2]whizz kid @@@@ [3]wizard, wonder child, wunderkind @@@@ [4]marvel, miracle, one in a million, phenomenon, rare bird @@@@ [5]sensation, wonder @@@@ [6]abnormality, curiosity, freak, grotesque, monster, monstrosity, mutation, spectacle"} {"x":"produce","y":"[1]compose, construct, create, develop, fabricate, invent, make, manufacture, originate, put together, turn out @@@@ [2]afford, bear, beget, breed, bring forth, deliver, engender, furnish, give, render, supply, yield @@@@ [3]bring about, cause, effect, generate, give rise to, make for, occasion, provoke, set off @@@@ [4]advance, bring forward, bring to light, demonstrate, exhibit, offer, present, put forward, set forth, show @@@@ [5]direct, do, exhibit, mount, present, put before the public, put on, show, stage @@@@ [6]extend, lengthen, prolong, protract @@@@ [7]crop, fruit and vegetables, greengrocery, harvest, product, yield"} {"x":"producer","y":"[1]director, impresario, regisseur @@@@ [2]farmer, grower, maker, manufacturer"} {"x":"product","y":"[1]artefact, commodity, concoction, creation, goods, invention, merchandise, produce, production, work @@@@ [2]consequence, effect, end result, fruit, issue, legacy, offshoot, outcome, result, returns, spin-off, upshot, yield"} {"x":"production","y":"[1]assembly, construction, creation, fabrication, formation, making, manufacture, manufacturing, origination, preparation, producing @@@@ [2]direction, management, presentation, staging"} {"x":"productive","y":"[1]creative, dynamic, energetic, fecund, fertile, fruitful, generative, inventive, plentiful, producing, prolific, rich, teeming, vigorous @@@@ [2]advantageous, beneficial, constructive, effective, fruitful, gainful, gratifying, profitable, rewarding, useful, valuable, worthwhile"} {"x":"productivity","y":"[1]abundance, mass production, output, production, productive capacity, productiveness, work rate, yield"} {"x":"profane","y":"[1]disrespectful, godless, heathen, idolatrous, impious, impure, irreligious, irreverent, pagan, sacrilegious, sinful, ungodly, wicked @@@@ [2]lay, secular, temporal, unconsecrated, unhallowed, unholy, unsanctified, worldly @@@@ [3]abusive, blasphemous, coarse, crude, filthy, foul, obscene, vulgar @@@@ [4]abuse, commit sacrilege, contaminate, debase, defile, desecrate, misuse, pervert, pollute, prostitute, violate, vitiate"} {"x":"profanity","y":"[1]abuse, blasphemy, curse, cursing, execration, foul language, four-letter word, impiety, imprecation, irreverence, malediction, obscenity, profaneness, sacrilege, swearing, swearword"} {"x":"profess","y":"[1]acknowledge, admit, affirm, announce, assert, asseverate, aver, avow, certify, confess, confirm, declare, maintain, own, proclaim, state, vouch @@@@ [2]act as if, allege, call oneself, claim, dissemble, fake, feign, let on, make out, pretend, purport, sham @@@@ [3]If you profess a feeling, opinion, or belief, you express it."} {"x":"profession","y":"[1]business, calling, career, employment, line, line of work, metier, occupation, office, position, sphere, vocation, walk of life @@@@ [2]acknowledgment, affirmation, assertion, attestation, avowal, claim, confession, declaration, statement, testimony, vow"} {"x":"professional","y":"[1]ace @@@@ [2]adept, competent, crack @@@@ [3]efficient, experienced, expert, finished, masterly, polished, practised, proficient, qualified, skilled, slick, trained @@@@ [4]adept, authority, buff @@@@ [5]dab hand @@@@ [6]expert, hotshot @@@@ [7]maestro, master, maven @@@@ [8]past master, pro @@@@ [9]specialist, virtuoso, whizz @@@@ [10]wizard"} {"x":"professor","y":"[1]don @@@@ [2]fellow"} {"x":"proffer","y":"[1]extend, hand, hold out, offer, present, propose, propound, submit, suggest, tender, volunteer"} {"x":"proficient","y":"[1]able, accomplished, adept, apt, capable, clever, competent, conversant, efficient, experienced, expert, gifted, masterly, qualified, skilful, skilled, talented, trained, versed"} {"x":"profile","y":"[1]contour, drawing, figure, form, outline, portrait, shape, side view, silhouette, sketch @@@@ [2]biography, characterization, character sketch, sketch, thumbnail sketch, vignette @@@@ [3]analysis, chart, diagram, examination, graph, review, study, survey, table"} {"x":"profit","y":"[1]boot @@@@ [2]bottom line, earnings, emoluments, gain, percentage @@@@ [3]proceeds, receipts, return, revenue, surplus, takings, winnings, yield @@@@ [4]advancement, advantage, avail, benefit, gain, good, interest, mileage @@@@ [5]use, value @@@@ [6]aid, avail, benefit, be of advantage to, better, contribute, gain, help, improve, promote, serve, stand in good stead @@@@ [7]exploit, learn from, make capital of, make good use of, make the most of, put to good use, rake in @@@@ [8]reap the benefit of, take advantage of, turn to advantage or account, use, utilize @@@@ [9]clean up @@@@ [10]clear, earn, gain, make a good thing of @@@@ [11]make money"} {"x":"profiteer","y":"[1]exploiter, racketeer @@@@ [2]exploit, fleece, make a quick buck @@@@ [3]make someone pay through the nose, overcharge, racketeer, skin @@@@ [4]sting"} {"x":"profligate","y":"[1]abandoned, corrupt, debauched, degenerate, depraved, dissipated, dissolute, immoral, iniquitous, libertine, licentious, loose, promiscuous, shameless, sink, unprincipled, vicious, vitiated, wanton, wicked, wild @@@@ [2]extravagant, immoderate, improvident, prodigal, reckless, spendthrift, squandering, wasteful @@@@ [3]debauchee, degenerate, dissipater, libertine, rake, reprobate, roue @@@@ [4]prodigal, spendthrift, squanderer, waster, wastrel"} {"x":"profound","y":"[1]abstruse, deep, discerning, erudite, learned, penetrating, philosophical, recondite, sagacious, sage, serious, skilled, subtle, thoughtful, weighty, wise @@@@ [2]abysmal, bottomless, cavernous, deep, fathomless, yawning @@@@ [3]abject, acute, deeply felt, extreme, great, heartfelt, heartrending, hearty, intense, keen, sincere @@@@ [4]absolute, complete, consummate, exhaustive, extensive, extreme, far-reaching, intense, out-and-out, pronounced, serious @@@@ [5]thoroughgoing, total, unqualified, utter"} {"x":"profuse","y":"[1]abundant, ample, bountiful, copious, luxuriant, overflowing, plentiful, prolific, teeming @@@@ [2]excessive, extravagant, exuberant, fulsome, generous, immoderate, lavish, liberal, open-handed, prodigal, unstinting"} {"x":"progenitor","y":"[1]ancestor, begetter, forebear, forefather, parent, primogenitor, procreator @@@@ [2]antecedent, forerunner, instigator, originator, precursor, predecessor, source"} {"x":"progeny","y":"[1]breed, children, descendants, family, issue, lineage, offspring, posterity, race, scions, seed @@@@ [2]stock, young"} {"x":"prognosis","y":"[1]diagnosis, expectation, forecast, prediction, prognostication, projection, speculation, surmise"} {"x":"prognosticate","y":"[1]divine, forecast, foretell, predict, presage, prophesy, soothsay, vaticinate @@@@ [2]augur, betoken, forebode, foreshadow, harbinger, herald, point to, portend, presage"} {"x":"programme","y":"[1]agenda, curriculum, line-up, list, listing, list of players, order of events, order of the day, plan, schedule, syllabus, timetable @@@@ [2]broadcast, performance, presentation, production, show @@@@ [3]design, order of the day, plan, plan of action, procedure, project, scheme @@@@ [4]arrange, bill, book, design, engage, formulate, itemize, lay on, line up, list, map out, plan, prearrange, schedule, work out"} {"x":"progress","y":"[1]advance, course, movement, onward course, passage, progression, way @@@@ [2]advance, advancement, amelioration, betterment, breakthrough, development, gain, gaining ground, growth, headway, improvement, increase, progression, promotion, step forward @@@@ [3]being done, going on, happening, occurring, proceeding, taking place, under way @@@@ [4]advance, come on, continue, cover ground, forge ahead, gain ground, gather way, get on, go forward, make headway, make inroads (into), make one's way, make strides, move on, proceed, travel @@@@ [5]advance, ameliorate, better, blossom, develop, gain, grow, improve, increase, mature"} {"x":"progression","y":"[1]advance, advancement, furtherance, gain, headway, movement forward, progress @@@@ [2]chain, course, cycle, order, sequence, series, string, succession"} {"x":"progressive","y":"[1]accelerating, advancing, continuing, continuous, developing, escalating, growing, increasing, intensifying, ongoing @@@@ [2]advanced, avant-garde, dynamic, enlightened, enterprising, forward-looking, go-ahead, liberal, modern, radical, reformist, revolutionary, up-and-coming"} {"x":"prohibit","y":"[1]ban, debar, disallow, forbid, interdict, outlaw, proscribe, veto @@@@ [2]constrain, hamper, hinder, impede, make impossible, obstruct, preclude, prevent, restrict, rule out, stop"} {"x":"prohibition","y":"[1]constraint, disqualification, exclusion, forbiddance, interdiction, negation, obstruction, prevention, restriction @@@@ [2]ban, bar, boycott, disallowance, embargo, injunction, interdict, proscription, veto"} {"x":"prohibitive","y":"[1]forbidding, prohibiting, proscriptive, repressive, restraining, restrictive, suppressive @@@@ [2]beyond one's means, excessive, exorbitant, extortionate, high-priced, preposterous, sky-high, steep"} {"x":"project","y":"[1]activity, assignment, design, enterprise, job, occupation, plan, programme, proposal, scheme, task, undertaking, venture, work @@@@ [2]contemplate, contrive, design, devise, draft, frame, map out, outline, plan, propose, purpose, scheme @@@@ [3]cast, discharge, fling, hurl, launch, make carry, propel, shoot, throw, transmit @@@@ [4]beetle, bulge, extend, jut, overhang, protrude, stand out, stick out @@@@ [5]calculate, estimate, extrapolate, forecast, gauge, predetermine, predict, reckon"} {"x":"projectile","y":"[1]bullet, missile, rocket, shell"} {"x":"proletarian","y":"[1]cloth-cap @@@@ [2]common, plebeian, working-class @@@@ [3]commoner, Joe Bloggs @@@@ [4]man of the people, pleb, plebeian, prole @@@@ [5]worker"} {"x":"proliferate","y":"[1]breed, burgeon, escalate, expand, grow rapidly, increase, multiply, mushroom, run riot, snowball"} {"x":"prolific","y":"[1]abundant, bountiful, copious, fecund, fertile, fruitful, generative, luxuriant, productive, profuse, rank, rich, teeming"} {"x":"prolix","y":"[1]boring, diffuse, digressive, discursive, dragged out, full of verbiage, lengthy, long, long-drawn-out, long-winded, prolonged, protracted, rambling, spun out, tedious, tiresome, verbose, wordy"} {"x":"prolixity","y":"[1]boringness, circuity, diffuseness, discursiveness, long-windedness, maundering, pleonasm, rambling, redundancy, tautology, tediousness, verbiage, verboseness, verbosity, wandering, wordiness"} {"x":"prologue","y":"[1]exordium, foreword, introduction, preamble, preface, preliminary, prelude, proem"} {"x":"prolong","y":"[1]carry on, continue, delay, drag out, draw out, extend, lengthen, make longer, perpetuate, protract, spin out, stretch"} {"x":"promenade","y":"[1]boulevard, esplanade, parade, prom, public walk, walkway @@@@ [2]airing, constitutional, saunter, stroll, turn, walk @@@@ [3]perambulate, saunter, stretch one's legs, stroll, take a walk, walk @@@@ [4]flaunt, parade, strut, swagger"} {"x":"prominent","y":"[1]bulging, hanging over, jutting, projecting, protruding, protrusive, protuberant, standing out @@@@ [2]blatant, conspicuous, easily seen, eye-catching, in the foreground, noticeable, obtrusive, obvious, outstanding, pronounced, remarkable, salient, striking, to the fore, unmistakable @@@@ [3]big-time @@@@ [4]celebrated, chief, distinguished, eminent, famous, foremost, important, leading, main, major league @@@@ [5]notable, noted, outstanding, popular, pre-eminent, renowned, respected, top, well-known, well-thought-of"} {"x":"promiscuity","y":"[1]abandon, amorality, debauchery, depravity, dissipation, immorality, incontinence, laxity, laxness, lechery, libertinism, licentiousness, looseness, permissiveness, profligacy, promiscuousness, sleeping around @@@@ [2]wantonness"} {"x":"promiscuous","y":"[1]abandoned, debauched, dissipated, dissolute, fast, immoral, lax, libertine, licentious, loose, of easy virtue, profligate, unbridled, unchaste, wanton, wild @@@@ [2]chaotic, confused, disordered, diverse, heterogeneous, ill-assorted, indiscriminate, intermingled, intermixed, jumbled, mingled, miscellaneous, mixed, motley @@@@ [3]careless, casual, haphazard, heedless, indifferent, indiscriminate, irregular, irresponsible, random, slovenly, uncontrolled, uncritical, undiscriminating, unfastidious, unselective"} {"x":"promise","y":"[1]assure, contract, cross one's heart, engage, give an undertaking, give one's word, guarantee, pledge, plight, stipulate, swear, take an oath, undertake, vouch, vow, warrant @@@@ [2]augur, bespeak, betoken, bid fair, denote, give hope of, hint at, hold a probability, hold out hopes of, indicate, lead one to expect, look like, seem likely to, show signs of, suggest @@@@ [3]assurance, bond, commitment, compact, covenant, engagement, guarantee, oath, pledge, undertaking, vow, word, word of honour @@@@ [4]ability, aptitude, capability, capacity, flair, potential, talent"} {"x":"promising","y":"[1]auspicious, bright, encouraging, favourable, full of promise, hopeful, likely, propitious, reassuring, rosy @@@@ [2]able, gifted, likely, rising, talented, up-and-coming"} {"x":"promontory","y":"[1]cape, foreland, head, headland, ness @@@@ [2]point, spur"} {"x":"promote","y":"[1]advance, aid, assist, back, boost, contribute to, develop, encourage, forward, foster, further, help, nurture, stimulate, support @@@@ [2]aggrandize, dignify, elevate, exalt, honour, kick upstairs @@@@ [3]prefer, raise, upgrade @@@@ [4]advocate, call attention to, champion, endorse, espouse, popularize, prescribe, push for, recommend, speak for, sponsor, support, urge, work for @@@@ [5]hype, plug @@@@ [6]publicize, puff, push, sell"} {"x":"promoter","y":"[1]advocate, campaigner, champion, helper, mainstay, proponent, stalwart, supporter, upholder @@@@ [2]arranger, entrepreneur, impresario, matchmaker, organizer"} {"x":"promotion","y":"[1]advancement, aggrandizement, elevation, ennoblement, exaltation, honour, move up, preferment, rise, upgrading @@@@ [2]advancement, advocacy, backing, boosting, cultivation, development, encouragement, espousal, furtherance, progress, support @@@@ [3]advertising, advertising campaign, ballyhoo @@@@ [4]hard sell, hype, media hype, plugging @@@@ [5]propaganda, publicity, puffery @@@@ [6]pushing"} {"x":"prompt","y":"[1]early, immediate, instant, instantaneous, on time, pdq @@@@ [2]punctual, quick, rapid, speedy, swift, timely, unhesitating @@@@ [3]alert, brisk, eager, efficient, expeditious, quick, ready, responsive, smart, willing @@@@ [4]exactly, on the dot, promptly, punctually, sharp @@@@ [5]cause, impel, incite, induce, inspire, instigate, motivate, move, provoke, spur, stimulate, urge @@@@ [6]assist, cue, help out, jog the memory, prod, refresh the memory, remind @@@@ [7]call forth, cause, elicit, evoke, give rise to, occasion, provoke @@@@ [8]cue, help, hint, jog, jolt, prod, reminder, spur, stimulus"} {"x":"promulgate","y":"[1]advertise, announce, broadcast, circulate, communicate, declare, decree, disseminate, issue, make known, make public, notify, proclaim, promote, publish, spread"} {"x":"prone","y":"[1]face down, flat, horizontal, lying down, procumbent, prostrate, recumbent, supine @@@@ [2]apt, bent, disposed, given, inclined, liable, likely, predisposed, subject, susceptible, tending"} {"x":"prong","y":"[1]point, projection, spike, tine, tip"} {"x":"pronounce","y":"[1]accent, articulate, enunciate, say, sound, speak, stress, utter, vocalize, voice @@@@ [2]affirm, announce, assert, declare, decree, deliver, judge, proclaim"} {"x":"pronounced","y":"[1]broad, clear, conspicuous, decided, definite, distinct, evident, marked, noticeable, obvious, salient, striking, strong, unmistakable"} {"x":"pronouncement","y":"[1]announcement, declaration, decree, dictum, edict, judgment, manifesto, notification, proclamation, promulgation, pronunciamento, statement"} {"x":"proof","y":"[1]attestation, authentication, certification, confirmation, corroboration, demonstration, evidence, substantiation, testimony, verification @@@@ [2]assay, examination, experiment, ordeal, scrutiny, test, trial @@@@ [3]galley, galley proof, page proof, pull, slip, trial impression, trial print @@@@ [4]impenetrable, impervious, repellent, resistant, strong, tight, treated @@@@ [5]hold out against, resist, stand firm against, stand up to, withstand"} {"x":"prop","y":"[1]bolster, brace, buttress, hold up, maintain, shore, stay, support, sustain, truss, uphold @@@@ [2]lean, rest, set, stand @@@@ [3]brace, buttress, mainstay, stanchion, stay, support, truss"} {"x":"propaganda","y":"[1]advertising, agitprop, ballyhoo @@@@ [2]brainwashing, disinformation, hype, information, newspeak, promotion, publicity"} {"x":"propagate","y":"[1]beget, breed, engender, generate, increase, multiply, procreate, produce, proliferate, reproduce @@@@ [2]broadcast, circulate, diffuse, disseminate, make known, proclaim, promote, promulgate, publicize, publish, spread, transmit"} {"x":"propagation","y":"[1]breeding, generation, increase, multiplication, procreation, proliferation, reproduction @@@@ [2]circulation, communication, diffusion, dissemination, distribution, promotion, promulgation, spread, spreading, transmission"} {"x":"propel","y":"[1]drive, force, impel, launch, push, send, set in motion, shoot, shove, start, thrust"} {"x":"propensity","y":"[1]aptness, bent, bias, disposition, inclination, leaning, liability, penchant, predisposition, proclivity, proneness, susceptibility, tendency, weakness"} {"x":"proper","y":"[1]appropriate, apt, becoming, befitting, fit, fitting, legitimate, meet @@@@ [2]right, suitable, suited @@@@ [3]comme il faut, decent, decorous, de rigueur, genteel, gentlemanly, ladylike, mannerly, polite, punctilious, refined, respectable, seemly @@@@ [4]accepted, accurate, conventional, correct, established, exact, formal, kosher @@@@ [5]orthodox, precise, right @@@@ [6]characteristic, individual, own, particular, peculiar, personal, respective, special, specific"} {"x":"properly","y":"[1]appropriately, aptly, deservedly, fittingly, legitimately, rightly, suitably @@@@ [2]decently, decorously, ethically, politely, punctiliously, respectably, respectfully @@@@ [3]accurately, as intended, correctly, in the accepted or approved manner, in the true sense"} {"x":"property","y":"[1]assets, belongings, building(s), capital, chattels, effects, estate, goods, holdings, house(s), means, possessions, resources, riches, wealth @@@@ [2]acres, estate, freehold, holding, land, real estate, real property, realty, title @@@@ [3]ability, attribute, characteristic, feature, hallmark, idiosyncrasy, mark, peculiarity, quality, trait, virtue"} {"x":"prophecy","y":"[1]augury, divination, forecast, foretelling, prediction, prognosis, prognostication, revelation, second sight, soothsaying, sortilege, vaticination"} {"x":"prophet","y":"[1]augur, Cassandra, clairvoyant, diviner, forecaster, oracle, prognosticator, prophesier, seer, sibyl, soothsayer"} {"x":"prophetic","y":"[1]augural, divinatory, fatidic @@@@ [2]foreshadowing, mantic, oracular, predictive, presaging, prescient, prognostic, sibylline, vatic"} {"x":"propinquity","y":"[1]adjacency, closeness, contiguity, nearness, neighbourhood, proximity, vicinity @@@@ [2]affiliation, affinity, blood, connection, consanguinity, kindred, kinship, relation, relationship, tie, ties of blood"} {"x":"propitiate","y":"[1]appease, conciliate, make peace, mollify, pacify, placate, reconcile, satisfy"} {"x":"propitious","y":"[1]advantageous, auspicious, bright, encouraging, favourable, fortunate, full of promise, happy, lucky, opportune, promising, prosperous, rosy, timely @@@@ [2]benevolent, benign, favourably inclined, friendly, gracious, kind, well-disposed"} {"x":"proponent","y":"[1]advocate, apologist, backer, champion, defender, enthusiast, exponent, friend, partisan, patron, spokesman, spokeswoman, subscriber, supporter, upholder, vindicator"} {"x":"proportion","y":"[1]distribution, ratio, relationship, relative amount @@@@ [2]agreement, balance, congruity, correspondence, harmony, symmetry @@@@ [3]amount, cut @@@@ [4]division, fraction, measure, part, percentage, quota, segment, share @@@@ [5]amplitude, breadth, bulk, capacity, dimensions, expanse, extent, magnitude, measurements, range, scope, size, volume"} {"x":"proposal","y":"[1]bid, design, motion, offer, overture, plan, presentation, proffer, programme, project, proposition, recommendation, scheme, suggestion, tender, terms"} {"x":"propose","y":"[1]advance, come up with, present, proffer, propound, put forward, submit, suggest, tender @@@@ [2]introduce, invite, name, nominate, present, put up, recommend @@@@ [3]aim, design, have every intention, have in mind, intend, mean, plan, purpose, scheme"} {"x":"proposition","y":"[1]motion, plan, programme, project, proposal, recommendation, scheme, suggestion @@@@ [2]accost, make an improper suggestion, make an indecent proposal, make a pass at, solicit"} {"x":"propound","y":"[1]advance, advocate, contend, lay down, postulate, present, propose, put forward, set forth, submit, suggest"} {"x":"proprietor","y":"[1]deed holder, freeholder, landlady, landlord, landowner, owner, possessor, titleholder"} {"x":"propriety","y":"[1]appropriateness, aptness, becomingness, correctness, fitness, rightness, seemliness, suitableness @@@@ [2]breeding, courtesy, decency, decorum, delicacy, etiquette, good form, good manners, manners, modesty, politeness, protocol, punctilio, rectitude, refinement, respectability, seemliness @@@@ [3]accepted conduct, amenities, civilities, etiquette, niceties, rules of conduct, social code, social conventions, social graces, the done thing"} {"x":"propulsion","y":"[1]drive, impetus, impulse, impulsion, momentum, motive power, power, pressure, propelling force, push, thrust"} {"x":"prosaic","y":"[1]banal, boring, commonplace, dry, dull, everyday, flat, hackneyed, humdrum, matter-of-fact, mundane, ordinary, pedestrian, routine, stale, tame, trite, unimaginative, uninspiring, vapid, workaday"} {"x":"proscribe","y":"[1]ban, boycott, censure, condemn, damn, denounce, doom, embargo, forbid, interdict, prohibit, reject @@@@ [2]attaint @@@@ [3]banish, blackball, deport, exclude, excommunicate, exile, expatriate, expel, ostracize, outlaw"} {"x":"prosecute","y":"[1]arraign, bring action against, bring suit against, bring to trial, do @@@@ [2]indict, litigate, prefer charges, put in the dock, put on trial, seek redress, sue, summon, take to court, try @@@@ [3]carry on, conduct, direct, discharge, engage in, manage, perform, practise, work at @@@@ [4]carry through, continue, follow through, persevere, persist, pursue, see through"} {"x":"proselyte","y":"[1]catechumen, convert, initiate, neophyte, new believer, novice, tyro"} {"x":"prospect","y":"[1]anticipation, calculation, contemplation, expectation, future, hope, odds, opening, outlook, plan, presumption, probability, promise, proposal, thought @@@@ [2]landscape, outlook, panorama, perspective, scene, sight, spectacle, view, vision, vista @@@@ [3]in sight, in store, in the offing, in the wind, in view, on the cards, on the horizon, planned, projected @@@@ [4]chance, likelihood, possibility @@@@ [5]explore, go after, look for, search, seek, survey"} {"x":"prospective","y":"[1]about to be, anticipated, approaching, awaited, coming, destined, eventual, expected, forthcoming, future, hoped-for, imminent, intended, likely, looked-for, on the cards, possible, potential, soon-to-be, -to-be, to come, upcoming"} {"x":"prospectus","y":"[1]announcement, catalogue, conspectus, list, outline, plan, programme, scheme, syllabus, synopsis"} {"x":"prosper","y":"[1]advance, be fortunate, bloom, do well, fare well, flourish, flower, get on, grow rich, make good, make it @@@@ [2]progress, succeed, thrive"} {"x":"prosperity","y":"[1]affluence, boom, ease, fortune, good fortune, good times, life of luxury, life of Riley @@@@ [2]luxury, plenty, prosperousness, riches, success, the good life, wealth, well-being"} {"x":"prosperous","y":"[1]blooming, booming, doing well, flourishing, fortunate, lucky, on a roll, on the up and up @@@@ [2]palmy, prospering, successful, thriving @@@@ [3]affluent, in clover @@@@ [4]moneyed, opulent, rich, wealthy, well-heeled @@@@ [5]well-off, well-to-do @@@@ [6]advantageous, auspicious, bright, favourable, good, profitable, promising, propitious, timely"} {"x":"prostitute","y":"[1]bawd @@@@ [2]brass @@@@ [3]call girl, camp follower, cocotte, courtesan, fallen woman, fille de joie, harlot, hooker @@@@ [4]hustler @@@@ [5]loose woman, moll @@@@ [6]pro @@@@ [7]scrubber @@@@ [8]streetwalker, strumpet, tart @@@@ [9]trollop, white slave, whore, working girl @@@@ [10]cheapen, debase, degrade, demean, devalue, misapply, pervert, profane"} {"x":"prostitution","y":"[1]harlotry, harlot's trade, Mrs. Warren's profession, streetwalking, the game @@@@ [2]the oldest profession, vice, whoredom"} {"x":"prostrate","y":"[1]abject, bowed low, flat, horizontal, kowtowing, procumbent, prone @@@@ [2]at a low ebb, dejected, depressed, desolate, drained, exhausted, fagged out @@@@ [3]fallen, inconsolable, overcome, spent, worn out @@@@ [4]brought to one's knees, defenceless, disarmed, helpless, impotent, overwhelmed, paralysed, powerless, reduced @@@@ [5]abase, bend the knee to, bow before, bow down to, cast oneself before, cringe, fall at (someone's) feet, fall on one's knees before, grovel, kneel, kowtow, submit @@@@ [6]bring low, crush, depress, disarm, lay low, overcome, overthrow, overturn, overwhelm, paralyse, reduce, ruin @@@@ [7]drain, exhaust, fag out @@@@ [8]fatigue, sap, tire, wear out, weary"} {"x":"prostration","y":"[1]abasement, bow, genuflection, kneeling, kowtow, obeisance, submission @@@@ [2]collapse, dejection, depression, depth of misery, desolation, despair, despondency, exhaustion, grief, helplessness, paralysis, weakness, weariness"} {"x":"prosy","y":"[1]boring, commonplace, dull, flat, humdrum, long, long-drawn-out, long-winded, monotonous, overlong, pedestrian, prosaic, prosing, stale, tedious, tiresome, unimaginative, uninteresting, wordy"} {"x":"protagonist","y":"[1]central character, hero, heroine, lead, leading character, principal @@@@ [2]advocate, champion, exponent, leader, mainstay, moving spirit, prime mover, standard-bearer, supporter, torchbearer"} {"x":"protect","y":"[1]care for, chaperon, cover, cover up for, defend, foster, give sanctuary, guard, harbour, keep, keep safe, look after, mount or stand guard over, preserve, safeguard, save, screen, secure, shelter, shield, stick up for @@@@ [2]support, take under one's wing, watch over"} {"x":"protection","y":"[1]aegis, care, charge, custody, defence, guardianship, guarding, preservation, protecting, safeguard, safekeeping, safety, security @@@@ [2]armour, barrier, buffer, bulwark, cover, guard, refuge, safeguard, screen, shelter, shield"} {"x":"protector","y":"[1]advocate, benefactor, bodyguard, champion, counsel, defender, guard, guardian, guardian angel, knight in shining armour, patron, safeguard, tower of strength"} {"x":"protest","y":"[1]complaint, declaration, demur, demurral, disapproval, dissent, formal complaint, objection, outcry, protestation, remonstrance @@@@ [2]complain, cry out, demonstrate, demur, disagree, disapprove, expostulate, express disapproval, kick (against) @@@@ [3]object, oppose, remonstrate, say no to, take exception, take up the cudgels @@@@ [4]affirm, argue, assert, asseverate, attest, avow, contend, declare, insist, maintain, profess, testify, vow"} {"x":"protestation","y":"[1]complaint, disagreement, dissent, expostulation, objection, outcry, protest, remonstrance, remonstration @@@@ [2]affirmation, asseveration, avowal, declaration, oath, pledge, profession, vow"} {"x":"protocol","y":"[1]code of behaviour, conventions, courtesies, customs, decorum, etiquette, formalities, good form, manners, politesse, propriety, p's and q's, rules of conduct @@@@ [2]agreement, compact, concordat, contract, convention, covenant, pact, treaty"} {"x":"prototype","y":"[1]archetype, example, first, mock-up, model, norm, original, paradigm, pattern, precedent, standard, type"} {"x":"protract","y":"[1]continue, drag on or out, draw out, extend, keep going, lengthen, prolong, spin out, stretch out"} {"x":"protrude","y":"[1]bulge, come through, extend, jut, obtrude, point, pop @@@@ [2]project, shoot out, stand out, start (from), stick out, stick out like a sore thumb"} {"x":"protuberance","y":"[1]bulge, bump, excrescence, hump, knob, lump, outgrowth, process, projection, prominence, protrusion, swelling, tumour"} {"x":"proud","y":"[1]appreciative, content, contented, glad, gratified, honoured, pleased, satisfied, self-respecting, well-pleased @@@@ [2]arrogant, boastful, conceited, disdainful, egotistical, haughty, high and mighty @@@@ [3]imperious, lordly, narcissistic, orgulous @@@@ [4]overbearing, presumptuous, self-important, self-satisfied, snobbish, snooty @@@@ [5]stuck-up @@@@ [6]supercilious, toffee-nosed @@@@ [7]exalted, glorious, gratifying, illustrious, memorable, pleasing, red-letter, rewarding, satisfying @@@@ [8]august, distinguished, eminent, grand, great, illustrious, imposing, magnificent, majestic, noble, splendid, stately"} {"x":"provable","y":"[1]attestable, demonstrable, evincible, testable, verifiable"} {"x":"prove","y":"[1]ascertain, attest, authenticate, bear out, confirm, corroborate, demonstrate, determine, establish, evidence, evince, justify, show, show clearly, substantiate, verify @@@@ [2]analyse, assay, check, examine, experiment, put to the test, put to trial, test, try @@@@ [3]be found to be, come out, end up, result, turn out"} {"x":"proven","y":"[1]accepted, attested, authentic, certified, checked, confirmed, definite, dependable, established, proved, reliable, tested, tried, trustworthy, undoubted, valid, verified"} {"x":"provenance","y":"[1]birthplace, derivation, origin, source"} {"x":"provender","y":"[1]feed, fodder, forage @@@@ [2]comestibles, eatables, eats @@@@ [3]edibles, fare, feed, food, foodstuffs, groceries, grub @@@@ [4]nosebag @@@@ [5]nosh @@@@ [6]provisions, rations, supplies, sustenance, tack @@@@ [7]victuals, vittles"} {"x":"proverb","y":"[1]adage, aphorism, apophthegm, byword, dictum, gnome, maxim, saw, saying"} {"x":"proverbial","y":"[1]accepted, acknowledged, archetypal, axiomatic, conventional, current, customary, famed, famous, legendary, notorious, self-evident, time-honoured, traditional, typical, unquestioned, well-known"} {"x":"provide","y":"[1]accommodate, cater, contribute, equip, furnish, outfit, provision, purvey, stock up, supply @@@@ [2]add, afford, bring, give, impart, lend, present, produce, render, serve, yield @@@@ [3]anticipate, arrange for, forearm, get ready, make arrangements, make plans, plan ahead, plan for, prepare for, take measures, take precautions @@@@ [4]care for, keep, look after, maintain, support, sustain, take care of @@@@ [5]determine, lay down, require, specify, state, stipulate"} {"x":"providence","y":"[1]destiny, divine intervention, fate, fortune, God's will, predestination @@@@ [2]care, caution, discretion, far-sightedness, foresight, forethought, perspicacity, presence of mind, prudence"} {"x":"providential","y":"[1]fortuitous, fortunate, happy, heaven-sent, lucky, opportune, timely, welcome"} {"x":"providing","y":"[1]as long as, contingent upon, given, if and only if, in case, in the event, on condition, on the assumption, subject to, upon these terms, with the proviso, with the understanding"} {"x":"province","y":"[1]colony, county, department, dependency, district, division, domain, patch, region, section, territory, tract, turf @@@@ [2]zone @@@@ [3]area, business, capacity, charge, concern, duty, employment, field, function, line, orbit, part, pigeon @@@@ [4]post, responsibility, role, sphere, turf"} {"x":"provincial","y":"[1]country, hick @@@@ [2]home-grown, homespun, local, rural, rustic @@@@ [3]insular, inward-looking, limited, narrow, narrow-minded, parish-pump, parochial, small-minded, small-town @@@@ [4]uninformed, unsophisticated, upcountry @@@@ [5]country cousin, hayseed @@@@ [6]hick @@@@ [7]rustic, yokel"} {"x":"provision","y":"[1]accoutrement, catering, equipping, fitting out, furnishing, providing, supplying, victualling @@@@ [2]arrangement, plan, prearrangement, precaution, preparation @@@@ [3]agreement, clause, condition, demand, proviso, requirement, rider, specification, stipulation, term"} {"x":"provisions","y":"[1]comestibles, eatables, eats @@@@ [2]edibles, fare, feed, food, foodstuff, groceries, grub @@@@ [3]nosebag @@@@ [4]provender, rations, stores, supplies, sustenance, tack @@@@ [5]viands, victuals, vittles @@@@ [6]accoutrement, catering, equipping, fitting out, furnishing, providing, supplying, victualling @@@@ [7]arrangement, plan, prearrangement, precaution, preparation @@@@ [8]agreement, clause, condition, demand, proviso, requirement, rider, specification, stipulation, term"} {"x":"proviso","y":"[1]clause, condition, limitation, provision, qualification, requirement, reservation, restriction, rider, stipulation, strings"} {"x":"provocation","y":"[1]casus belli, cause, grounds, incitement, inducement, instigation, justification, motivation, reason, stimulus @@@@ [2]affront, annoyance, challenge, dare, grievance, indignity, injury, insult, offence, red rag, taunt, vexation"} {"x":"provocative","y":"[1]aggravating @@@@ [2]annoying, challenging, disturbing, galling, goading, incensing, insulting, offensive, outrageous, provoking, stimulating @@@@ [3]alluring, arousing, erotic, exciting, inviting, seductive, sexy @@@@ [4]stimulating, suggestive, tantalizing, tempting"} {"x":"provoke","y":"[1]affront, aggravate @@@@ [2]anger, annoy, chafe, enrage, exasperate, gall, get in one's hair @@@@ [3]hassle @@@@ [4]incense, infuriate, insult, irk, irritate, madden, make one's blood boil, nark @@@@ [5]offend, pique, piss one off @@@@ [6]bring about, bring on or down, call forth, cause, draw forth, elicit, evoke, excite, fire, foment, generate, give rise to, incite, induce, inflame, inspire, instigate, kindle, lead to, motivate, move, occasion, precipitate, produce, promote, prompt, rouse, stimulate, stir"} {"x":"prow","y":"[1]bow(s), fore, forepart, front, head, nose, sharp end @@@@ [2]stem"} {"x":"prowess","y":"[1]ability, accomplishment, adeptness, adroitness, aptitude, attainment, command, dexterity, excellence, expertise, expertness, facility, genius, mastery, skill, talent @@@@ [2]boldness, bravery, courage, daring, dauntlessness, doughtiness, fearlessness, gallantry, hardihood, heroism, intrepidity, mettle, valiance, valour"} {"x":"prowl","y":"[1]cruise, hunt, lurk, move stealthily, nose around, patrol, range, roam, rove, scavenge, skulk, slink, sneak, stalk, steal"} {"x":"proximity","y":"[1]adjacency, closeness, contiguity, juxtaposition, nearness, neighbourhood, propinquity, vicinity"} {"x":"proxy","y":"[1]agent, attorney, delegate, deputy, factor, representative, substitute, surrogate"} {"x":"prude","y":"[1]Grundy, old maid @@@@ [2]prig, puritan, schoolmarm"} {"x":"prudent","y":"[1]canny, careful, cautious, circumspect, discerning, discreet, judicious, politic, sagacious, sage, sensible, shrewd, vigilant, wary, wise @@@@ [2]canny, careful, economical, far-sighted, frugal, provident, sparing, thrifty"} {"x":"prudery","y":"[1]Grundyism, old-maidishness @@@@ [2]overmodesty, priggishness, primness, prudishness, puritanicalness, squeamishness, starchiness @@@@ [3]strictness, stuffiness"} {"x":"prudish","y":"[1]demure, formal, narrow-minded, niminy-piminy, old-maidish @@@@ [2]overmodest, overnice, priggish, prim, prissy @@@@ [3]proper, puritanical, schoolmarmish @@@@ [4]squeamish, starchy @@@@ [5]strait-laced, stuffy, Victorian"} {"x":"prune","y":"[1]clip, cut, cut back, dock, lop, pare down, reduce, shape, shorten, snip, trim"} {"x":"prurient","y":"[1]concupiscent, desirous, hankering, itching, lascivious, lecherous, libidinous, longing, lustful, salacious @@@@ [2]dirty, erotic, indecent, lewd, obscene, pornographic, salacious, smutty, steamy @@@@ [3]voyeuristic, X-rated"} {"x":"pry","y":"[1]be a busybody, be inquisitive, be nosy @@@@ [2]ferret about, interfere, intrude, meddle, nose into, peep, peer, poke, poke one's nose in or into @@@@ [3]snoop"} {"x":"psalm","y":"[1]carol, chant, hymn, paean, song of praise"} {"x":"pseudo","y":"[1]artificial, bogus, counterfeit, ersatz, fake, false, imitation, mock, not genuine, phoney or phony @@@@ [2]pretended, quasi-, sham, spurious"} {"x":"pseudonym","y":"[1]alias, assumed name, false name, incognito, nom de guerre, nom de plume, pen name, professional name, stage name"} {"x":"psyche","y":"[1]anima, essential nature, individuality, inner man, innermost self, mind, personality, pneuma @@@@ [2]self, soul, spirit, subconscious, true being"} {"x":"psychiatrist","y":"[1]analyst, headshrinker @@@@ [2]psychoanalyser, psychoanalyst, psychologist, psychotherapist, shrink @@@@ [3]therapist"} {"x":"psychic","y":"[1]clairvoyant, extrasensory, mystic, occult, preternatural, supernatural, telekinetic, telepathic @@@@ [2]mental, psychogenic, psychological, spiritual"} {"x":"psychological","y":"[1]cerebral, cognitive, intellectual, mental @@@@ [2]all in the mind, emotional, imaginary, irrational, psychosomatic, subconscious, subjective, unconscious, unreal"} {"x":"psychology","y":"[1]behaviourism, science of mind, study of personality @@@@ [2]attitude, mental make-up, mental processes, thought processes, way of thinking, what makes one tick"} {"x":"psychopath","y":"[1]headbanger @@@@ [2]headcase @@@@ [3]insane person, lunatic, madman, maniac, mental case @@@@ [4]nutcase @@@@ [5]nutter @@@@ [6]psychotic, sociopath"} {"x":"pub","y":"[1]alehouse @@@@ [2]bar, boozer @@@@ [3]hostelry @@@@ [4]inn, local @@@@ [5]roadhouse, taproom, tavern, watering hole"} {"x":"puberty","y":"[1]adolescence, awkward age, juvenescence, pubescence, teenage, teens, young adulthood"} {"x":"public","y":"[1]civic, civil, common, general, national, popular, social, state, universal, widespread @@@@ [2]accessible, communal, community, free to all, not private, open, open to the public, unrestricted @@@@ [3]acknowledged, exposed, in circulation, known, notorious, obvious, open, overt, patent, plain, published, recognized @@@@ [4]important, prominent, respected, well-known @@@@ [5]citizens, commonalty, community, country, electorate, everyone, hoi polloi, Joe (and Eileen) Public @@@@ [6]Joe Six-Pack @@@@ [7]masses, multitude, nation, people, populace, population, society, voters @@@@ [8]audience, buyers, clientele, followers, following, patrons, supporters, those interested, trade @@@@ [9]coram populo, for all to see, in full view, openly, overtly, publicly"} {"x":"publication","y":"[1]advertisement, airing, announcement, appearance, broadcasting, declaration, disclosure, dissemination, notification, proclamation, promulgation, publishing, reporting @@@@ [2]book, booklet, brochure, handbill, hardback, issue, leaflet, magazine, newspaper, pamphlet, paperback, periodical, title"} {"x":"publicity","y":"[1]advertising, attention, ballyhoo @@@@ [2]boost, build-up, hype, plug @@@@ [3]press, promotion, public notice, puff, puffery"} {"x":"publicize","y":"[1]bring to public notice, broadcast, give publicity to, hype, make known, play up, plug @@@@ [2]promote, puff, push, spotlight, spread about, write up"} {"x":"publish","y":"[1]bring out, issue, print, produce, put out @@@@ [2]advertise, announce, blow wide open @@@@ [3]broadcast, circulate, communicate, declare, disclose, distribute, divulge, impart, leak, proclaim, promulgate, publicize, reveal, shout from the rooftops @@@@ [4]spread"} {"x":"pucker","y":"[1]compress, contract, crease, crinkle, crumple, draw together, furrow, gather, knit, pout, purse, ruckle, ruck up, ruffle, screw up, tighten, wrinkle @@@@ [2]crease, crinkle, crumple, fold, ruck, ruckle, wrinkle"} {"x":"pudding","y":"[1]afters @@@@ [2]dessert, last course, pud @@@@ [3]second course, sweet"} {"x":"puerile","y":"[1]babyish, childish, foolish, immature, inane, infantile, irresponsible, jejune, juvenile, naive, petty, ridiculous, silly, trivial, weak"} {"x":"puff","y":"[1]blast, breath, draught, emanation, flurry, gust, whiff @@@@ [2]drag @@@@ [3]pull, smoke @@@@ [4]bulge, bunching, swelling @@@@ [5]advertisement, commendation, favourable mention, good word, plug @@@@ [6]sales talk @@@@ [7]blow, breathe, exhale, gasp, gulp, pant, wheeze @@@@ [8]drag @@@@ [9]draw, inhale, pull at or on, smoke, suck @@@@ [10]bloat, dilate, distend, expand, inflate, swell @@@@ [11]crack up @@@@ [12]hype, overpraise, plug @@@@ [13]praise, promote, publicize, push @@@@ [14]If someone puffsat a cigarette, cigar, or pipe, they smoke it."} {"x":"pugilism","y":"[1]boxing, fighting, prizefighting, the noble art or science, the prize ring, the ring"} {"x":"pugnacious","y":"[1]aggressive, antagonistic, argumentative, bellicose, belligerent, choleric, combative, contentious, disputatious, hot-tempered, irascible, irritable, petulant, quarrelsome"} {"x":"puke","y":"[1]barf @@@@ [2]be nauseated, be sick, chuck (up) @@@@ [3]chunder @@@@ [4]heave, regurgitate, retch, spew, throw up @@@@ [5]upchuck @@@@ [6]vomit"} {"x":"pukka","y":"[1]authentic, bona fide, genuine, official, on the level @@@@ [2]proper, real, the real McCoy"} {"x":"pull","y":"[1]drag, draw, haul, jerk, tow, trail, tug, yank @@@@ [2]cull, draw out, extract, gather, pick, pluck, remove, take out, uproot, weed @@@@ [3]dislocate, rend, rip, sprain, strain, stretch, tear, wrench @@@@ [4]attract, draw, entice, lure, magnetize @@@@ [5]attack, blast, criticize, find fault, flay, lambast(e), lay into @@@@ [6]pan @@@@ [7]pick holes in, put down, run down, slam @@@@ [8]slate @@@@ [9]tear into @@@@ [10]buck up @@@@ [11]influence, pull wires @@@@ [12]chaff, have (someone) on, joke, make fun of, poke fun at, rag, rib @@@@ [13]tease, twit, wind up @@@@ [14]jerk, tug, twitch, yank @@@@ [15]attraction, drawing power, effort, exertion, force, forcefulness, influence, lure, magnetism, power @@@@ [16]advantage, bottom, clout @@@@ [17]influence, leverage, muscle, weight @@@@ [18]drag @@@@ [19]inhalation, puff @@@@ [20]drag @@@@ [21]inhalation, puff"} {"x":"pulp","y":"[1]flesh, marrow, soft part @@@@ [2]mash, mush, pap, paste, pomace, semiliquid, semisolid, triturate @@@@ [3]crush, mash, pulverize, squash, triturate @@@@ [4]cheap, lurid, mushy @@@@ [5]rubbishy, sensational, trashy @@@@ [6]If paper, vegetables, or fruit are pulped, they are crushed into a smooth, wet paste."} {"x":"pulsate","y":"[1]beat, hammer, oscillate, palpitate, pound, pulse, quiver, throb, thud, thump, tick, vibrate @@@@ [2]If something pulsates, it beats, moves in and out, or shakes with strong, regular movements."} {"x":"pulse","y":"[1]beat, beating, oscillation, pulsation, rhythm, stroke, throb, throbbing, vibration @@@@ [2]beat, pulsate, throb, tick, vibrate"} {"x":"pulverize","y":"[1]bray, comminute, crush, granulate, grind, levigate @@@@ [2]mill, pestle, pound, triturate @@@@ [3]crush, defeat, demolish, destroy, flatten, lick @@@@ [4]smash, stuff @@@@ [5]tank @@@@ [6]wreck"} {"x":"pummel","y":"[1]bang, batter, beat, beat the living daylights out of, belt @@@@ [2]clobber @@@@ [3]hammer, knock, lambast(e), pound, punch, rain blows upon, strike, thump"} {"x":"pump","y":"[1]bail out, drain, draw off, drive out, empty, force out, siphon @@@@ [2]blow up, dilate, inflate @@@@ [3]drive, force, inject, pour, push, send, supply @@@@ [4]cross-examine, give (someone) the third degree, grill @@@@ [5]interrogate, probe, question closely, quiz, worm out of"} {"x":"pun","y":"[1]double entendre, equivoque, paronomasia @@@@ [2]play on words, quip, witticism"} {"x":"punch","y":"[1]bore, cut, drill, perforate, pierce, pink, prick, puncture, stamp @@@@ [2]bash @@@@ [3]belt @@@@ [4]biff @@@@ [5]bop @@@@ [6]box, clout @@@@ [7]hit, plug @@@@ [8]pummel, slam, slug, smash, sock @@@@ [9]strike, wallop @@@@ [10]bash @@@@ [11]biff @@@@ [12]blow, bop @@@@ [13]clout @@@@ [14]hit, jab, knock, plug @@@@ [15]sock @@@@ [16]thump, wallop @@@@ [17]bite, drive, effectiveness, force, forcefulness, impact, point, verve, vigour"} {"x":"punctilio","y":"[1]exactitude, finickiness, meticulousness, particularity, precision, punctiliousness, scrupulousness, strictness @@@@ [2]convention, delicacy, distinction, fine point, formality, nicety, particular, refinement"} {"x":"punctilious","y":"[1]careful, ceremonious, conscientious, exact, finicky, formal, fussy, meticulous, nice, particular, precise, proper, scrupulous, strict"} {"x":"punctual","y":"[1]early, exact, in good time, on the dot, on time, precise, prompt, punctilious, seasonable, strict, timely"} {"x":"punctuality","y":"[1]promptitude, promptness, readiness, regularity"} {"x":"punctuate","y":"[1]break, interject, interrupt, intersperse, pepper, sprinkle @@@@ [2]accentuate, emphasize, lay stress on, mark, point up, stress, underline"} {"x":"puncture","y":"[1]break, cut, damage, hole, leak, nick, opening, perforation, rupture, slit @@@@ [2]flat, flat tyre @@@@ [3]bore, cut, impale, nick, penetrate, perforate, pierce, prick, rupture @@@@ [4]deflate, go down, go flat @@@@ [5]deflate, discourage, disillusion, flatten, humble, take down a peg"} {"x":"pundit","y":"[1]buff"} {"x":"pungent","y":"[1]acerb, acid, acrid, aromatic, bitter, highly flavoured, hot, peppery, piquant, seasoned, sharp, sour, spicy, stinging, strong, tangy, tart @@@@ [2]acrimonious, acute, barbed, biting, caustic, cutting, incisive, keen, mordacious, mordant, penetrating, piercing, poignant, pointed, sarcastic, scathing, sharp, stinging, stringent, telling, trenchant, vitriolic"} {"x":"punish","y":"[1]beat, bring to book, cane, castigate, chasten, chastise, correct, discipline, flog, give a lesson to, give (someone) the works @@@@ [2]lash, penalize, rap someone's knuckles, scourge, sentence, slap someone's wrist, throw the book at, whip @@@@ [3]abuse, batter, give (someone) a going-over @@@@ [4]harm, hurt, injure, knock about, maltreat, manhandle, misuse, oppress, rough up"} {"x":"punishment","y":"[1]chastening, chastisement, comeuppance @@@@ [2]correction, discipline, just deserts, penalty, penance, punitive measures, retribution, sanction, what for @@@@ [3]abuse, beating, hard work, maltreatment, manhandling, pain, rough treatment, slave labour, torture, victimization"} {"x":"punitive","y":"[1]in reprisal, in retaliation, punitory, retaliative, retaliatory, revengeful, vindictive"} {"x":"punk","y":"[1]delinquent, juvenile delinquent, punk rocker, rebel"} {"x":"punt","y":"[1]back, bet, gamble, lay, stake, wager @@@@ [2]bet, gamble, stake, wager @@@@ [3]backer, better, gambler, punter"} {"x":"puny","y":"[1]diminutive, dwarfish, feeble, frail, little, pint-sized @@@@ [2]pygmy or pigmy, sickly, stunted, tiny, underfed, undersized, undeveloped, weak, weakly @@@@ [3]inconsequential, inferior, insignificant, minor, paltry, petty, piddling @@@@ [4]trifling, trivial, worthless"} {"x":"pup","y":"[1]braggart, cub, jackanapes, popinjay, whelp, whippersnapper, young dog"} {"x":"pupil","y":"[1]beginner, catechumen, disciple, learner, neophyte, novice, scholar, schoolboy, schoolgirl, student, trainee, tyro"} {"x":"puppet","y":"[1]doll, marionette @@@@ [2]cat's-paw, creature, dupe, figurehead, gull @@@@ [3]instrument, mouthpiece, pawn, stooge, tool"} {"x":"purchase","y":"[1]acquire, buy, come by, gain, get, get hold of, invest in, make a purchase, obtain, pay for, pick up, procure, score @@@@ [2]secure, shop for @@@@ [3]achieve, attain, earn, gain, realize, win @@@@ [4]acquisition, asset, buy, gain, investment, possession, property @@@@ [5]advantage, edge, foothold, footing, grasp, grip, hold, influence, lever, leverage, support, toehold"} {"x":"pure","y":"[1]authentic, clear, flawless, genuine, natural, neat, perfect, real, simple, straight, true, unalloyed, unmixed @@@@ [2]clean, disinfected, germ-free, immaculate, pasteurized, sanitary, spotless, squeaky-clean, sterile, sterilized, unadulterated, unblemished, uncontaminated, unpolluted, untainted, wholesome @@@@ [3]blameless, chaste, guileless, honest, immaculate, impeccable, innocent, maidenly, modest, true, uncorrupted, undefiled, unspotted, unstained, unsullied, upright, virgin, virginal, virtuous @@@@ [4]absolute, complete, mere, outright, sheer, thorough, unmitigated, unqualified, utter @@@@ [5]abstract, academic, philosophical, speculative, theoretical"} {"x":"purely","y":"[1]absolutely, completely, entirely, exclusively, just, merely, only, plainly, simply, solely, totally, wholly"} {"x":"purgative","y":"[1]aperient @@@@ [2]cathartic, depurative, emetic, enema, evacuant, laxative, physic @@@@ [3]purge @@@@ [4]aperient @@@@ [5]cleansing, depurative, evacuant, laxative, purging"} {"x":"purgatory","y":"[1]agony, hell @@@@ [2]hell on earth, misery, murder @@@@ [3]the rack, torment, torture"} {"x":"purge","y":"[1]axe @@@@ [2]clean out, dismiss, do away with, eject, eradicate, expel, exterminate, get rid of, kill, liquidate, oust, remove, rid of, rout out, sweep out, wipe from the face of the earth, wipe out @@@@ [3]absolve, cleanse, clear, exonerate, expiate, forgive, pardon, purify, wash @@@@ [4]cleanup, crushing, ejection, elimination, eradication, expulsion, liquidation, reign of terror, removal, suppression, witch hunt @@@@ [5]aperient @@@@ [6]cathartic, dose of salts, emetic, enema, laxative, physic @@@@ [7]purgative"} {"x":"purify","y":"[1]clarify, clean, cleanse, decontaminate, disinfect, filter, fumigate, refine, sanitize, wash @@@@ [2]absolve, cleanse, exculpate, exonerate, lustrate, redeem, sanctify, shrive"} {"x":"purist","y":"[1]classicist, formalist, pedant, precisian, stickler"} {"x":"puritan","y":"[1]fanatic, moralist, pietist, prude, rigorist, zealot @@@@ [2]ascetic, austere, hidebound, intolerant, moralistic, narrow, narrow-minded, prudish, puritanical, severe, strait-laced, strict"} {"x":"puritanical","y":"[1]ascetic, austere, bigoted, disapproving, fanatical, forbidding, narrow, narrow-minded, prim, proper, prudish, puritan, rigid, severe, stiff, strait-laced, strict, stuffy"} {"x":"purity","y":"[1]brilliance, clarity, cleanliness, cleanness, clearness, faultlessness, fineness, genuineness, immaculateness, pureness, untaintedness, wholesomeness @@@@ [2]blamelessness, chasteness, chastity, decency, guilelessness, honesty, innocence, integrity, piety, rectitude, sincerity, virginity, virtue, virtuousness"} {"x":"purloin","y":"[1]appropriate, blag @@@@ [2]cabbage @@@@ [3]filch, knock off @@@@ [4]lift @@@@ [5]nick @@@@ [6]nobble @@@@ [7]pilfer, pinch @@@@ [8]prig @@@@ [9]rob, snaffle @@@@ [10]snitch @@@@ [11]steal, swipe"} {"x":"purport","y":"[1]allege, assert, claim, declare, maintain, pose as, pretend, proclaim, profess @@@@ [2]betoken, convey, denote, express, imply, import, indicate, intend, mean, point to, signify, suggest @@@@ [3]bearing, drift, gist, idea, implication, import, meaning, sense, significance, spirit, tendency, tenor @@@@ [4]aim, design, intent, intention, object, objective, plan, purpose"} {"x":"purpose","y":"[1]aim, design, function, idea, intention, object, point, principle, reason, the why and wherefore @@@@ [2]aim, ambition, aspiration, design, desire, end, goal, Holy Grail @@@@ [3]hope, intention, object, objective, plan, project, scheme, target, view, wish @@@@ [4]constancy, determination, firmness, persistence, resolution, resolve, single-mindedness, steadfastness, tenacity, will @@@@ [5]advantage, avail, benefit, effect, gain, good, mileage @@@@ [6]outcome, profit, result, return, use, utility @@@@ [7]by design, deliberately, designedly, intentionally, knowingly, purposely, wilfully, wittingly @@@@ [8]aim, aspire, commit oneself, contemplate, decide, design, determine, have a mind to, intend, make up one's mind, mean, meditate, plan, propose, resolve, set one's sights on, think to, work towards"} {"x":"purse","y":"[1]money-bag, pouch, wallet @@@@ [2]coffers, exchequer, funds, means, money, resources, treasury, wealth, wherewithal @@@@ [3]award, gift, present, prize, reward @@@@ [4]close, contract, knit, pout, press together, pucker, tighten, wrinkle"} {"x":"pursuance","y":"[1]bringing about, carrying out, discharge, doing, effecting, execution, following, performance, prosecution, pursuing"} {"x":"pursue","y":"[1]accompany, attend, chase, dog, follow, give chase to, go after, harass, harry, haunt, hound, hunt, hunt down, plague, run after, shadow, stalk, tail @@@@ [2]track @@@@ [3]aim for, aspire to, desire, have as one's goal, purpose, seek, strive for, try for, work towards @@@@ [4]adhere to, carry on, continue, cultivate, hold to, keep on, maintain, persevere in, persist in, proceed, see through @@@@ [5]apply oneself, carry on, conduct, engage in, perform, ply, practise, prosecute, tackle, wage, work at @@@@ [6]chase after, court, make up to @@@@ [7]pay attention to, pay court to, set one's cap at, woo"} {"x":"pursuit","y":"[1]chase, hunt, hunting, inquiry, quest, search, seeking, tracking, trail, trailing @@@@ [2]activity, hobby, interest, line, occupation, pastime, pleasure, vocation"} {"x":"purvey","y":"[1]cater, deal in, furnish, provide, provision, retail, sell, supply, trade in, victual @@@@ [2]communicate, make available, pass on, publish, retail, spread, transmit"} {"x":"purview","y":"[1]ambit, compass, confine(s), extent, field, limit, orbit, province, range, reach, scope, sphere @@@@ [2]comprehension, ken, overview, perspective, range of view, understanding"} {"x":"push","y":"[1]depress, drive, poke, press, propel, ram, shove, thrust @@@@ [2]elbow, jostle, make or force one's way, move, shoulder, shove, squeeze, thrust @@@@ [3]egg on, encourage, expedite, hurry, impel, incite, persuade, press, prod, speed (up), spur, urge @@@@ [4]advertise, boost, cry up, hype, make known, plug @@@@ [5]promote, propagandize, publicize, puff @@@@ [6]browbeat, coerce, constrain, dragoon, encourage, exert influence on, influence, oblige @@@@ [7]butt, jolt, nudge, poke, prod, shove, thrust @@@@ [8]ambition, determination, drive, dynamism, energy, enterprise, get-up-and-go @@@@ [9]go @@@@ [10]gumption @@@@ [11]initiative, pep, vigour, vitality @@@@ [12]advance, assault, attack, campaign, charge, effort, offensive, onset, thrust @@@@ [13]discharge, dismissal, kiss-off @@@@ [14]marching orders @@@@ [15]one's books @@@@ [16]the sack"} {"x":"pushed","y":"[1]hurried, in difficulty, pressed, rushed, short of, tight, under pressure, up against it"} {"x":"pushing","y":"[1]ambitious, determined, driving, dynamic, enterprising, go-ahead, on the go, purposeful, resourceful @@@@ [2]assertive, bold, brash, bumptious, forward, impertinent, intrusive, presumptuous, pushy @@@@ [3]self-assertive"} {"x":"pusillanimous","y":"[1]abject, chicken-hearted, cowardly, craven, faint-hearted, fearful, feeble, gutless @@@@ [2]lily-livered, recreant @@@@ [3]spineless, timid, timorous, weak, yellow"} {"x":"pussyfoot","y":"[1]creep, prowl, slink, steal, tiptoe, tread warily @@@@ [2]beat about the bush, be noncommittal, equivocate, flannel @@@@ [3]hedge, hum and haw, prevaricate, sit on the fence, tergiversate"} {"x":"pustule","y":"[1]abscess, blister, boil, fester, gathering, pimple, ulcer, zit"} {"x":"put","y":"[1]bring, deposit, establish, fix, lay, place, position, rest, set, settle, situate @@@@ [2]commit, condemn, consign, doom, enjoin, impose, inflict, levy, subject @@@@ [3]assign, constrain, employ, force, induce, make, oblige, require, set, subject to @@@@ [4]express, phrase, pose, set, state, utter, word @@@@ [5]advance, bring forward, forward, offer, posit, present, propose, set before, submit, tender @@@@ [6]cast, fling, heave, hurl, lob, pitch, throw, toss @@@@ [7]communicate, convey, explain, get across, get through, make clear, make oneself understood, spell out @@@@ [8]cache, deposit, keep in reserve, lay by, salt away, save, squirrel away, stockpile, store, stow away @@@@ [9]bury, discount, disregard, forget, ignore @@@@ [10]put back, replace, return to (its) place, tidy away @@@@ [11]deposit, keep, lay in, put by, save, set aside, store away @@@@ [12]certify, commit, confine, institutionalize, lock up @@@@ [13]consume, devour, eat up, gobble, gulp down, wolf down @@@@ [14]destroy, do away with, put down, put out of its misery, put to sleep @@@@ [15]barb, dig, disparagement, gibe, humiliation, kick in the teeth @@@@ [16]knock @@@@ [17]rebuff, sarcasm, slight, sneer, snub @@@@ [18]enter, inscribe, log, record, set down, take down, transcribe, write down @@@@ [19]crush, quash, quell, repress, silence, stamp out, suppress @@@@ [20]ascribe, attribute, impute, set down @@@@ [21]destroy, do away with, put away, put out of its misery, put to sleep @@@@ [22]condemn, crush, deflate, dismiss, disparage, humiliate, mortify, reject, shame, slight, snub @@@@ [23]advance, introduce, move, nominate, prescribe, present, press, proffer, propose, recommend, submit, suggest, tender @@@@ [24]defer, delay, hold over, postpone, put back, put on ice, put on the back burner @@@@ [25]abash, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, dismay, distress, faze, nonplus, perturb, rattle @@@@ [26]unsettle @@@@ [27]discourage, dishearten, dissuade @@@@ [28]discourage, dishearten, dissuade @@@@ [29]discourage, dishearten, dissuade"} {"x":"putative","y":"[1]alleged, assumed, commonly believed, imputed, presumed, presumptive, reported, reputed, supposed"} {"x":"putrefy","y":"[1]break down, corrupt, decay, decompose, deteriorate, go bad, rot, spoil, stink, taint"} {"x":"putrid","y":"[1]bad, contaminated, corrupt, decayed, decomposed, fetid, foul, off, olid, putrefied, rancid, rank, reeking, rotten, rotting, spoiled, stinking, tainted"} {"x":"puzzle","y":"[1]baffle, beat @@@@ [2]bewilder, confound, confuse, flummox, mystify, nonplus, perplex, stump @@@@ [3]ask oneself, brood, cudgel or rack one's brains, mull over, muse, ponder, study, think about, think hard, wonder @@@@ [4]clear up, crack, crack the code, decipher, figure out, find the key, get it, get the answer, resolve, see, solve, sort out, suss (out) @@@@ [5]think through, unravel, work out @@@@ [6]brain-teaser @@@@ [7]conundrum, enigma, labyrinth, maze, mystery, paradox, poser, problem, question, question mark, riddle, teaser @@@@ [8]bafflement, bewilderment, confusion, difficulty, dilemma, perplexity, quandary, uncertainty"} {"x":"pygmy","y":"[1]dwarf, homunculus, Lilliputian, manikin, midget, munchkin @@@@ [2]shrimp @@@@ [3]Tom Thumb @@@@ [4]cipher, lightweight @@@@ [5]mediocrity, nobody, nonentity, pipsqueak @@@@ [6]small fry @@@@ [7]baby, diminutive, dwarf, dwarfish, elfin, Lilliputian, midget, miniature, minuscule, pocket, pygmean, small, stunted, teensy-weensy, teeny-weeny, tiny, undersized, wee"} {"x":"quack","y":"[1]charlatan, fake, fraud, humbug, impostor, mountebank, phoney or phony @@@@ [2]pretender, quacksalver @@@@ [3]counterfeit, fake, fraudulent, phoney or phony @@@@ [4]pretended, sham"} {"x":"quaff","y":"[1]bevvy @@@@ [2]carouse, down, drink, gulp, guzzle, imbibe, swallow, swig @@@@ [3]tope"} {"x":"quagmire","y":"[1]bog, fen, marsh, mire, morass, quicksand, slough, swamp @@@@ [2]difficulty, dilemma, entanglement, fix @@@@ [3]imbroglio, impasse, jam @@@@ [4]muddle, pass, pickle @@@@ [5]pinch, plight, predicament, quandary, scrape"} {"x":"quail","y":"[1]blanch, blench, cower, cringe, droop, faint, falter, flinch, have cold feet @@@@ [2]quake, recoil, shake, shrink, shudder, tremble"} {"x":"quaint","y":"[1]bizarre, curious, droll, eccentric, fanciful, fantastic, odd, old-fashioned, original, peculiar, queer, rum @@@@ [2]singular, strange, unusual, whimsical @@@@ [3]antiquated, antique, artful, charming, gothic, ingenious, old-fashioned, old-world, picturesque"} {"x":"quake","y":"[1]convulse, move, pulsate, quail, quiver, rock, shake, shiver, shudder, throb, totter, tremble, vibrate, waver, wobble"} {"x":"qualification","y":"[1]ability, accomplishment, aptitude, attribute, capability, capacity, eligibility, endowment(s), fitness, quality, skill, suitability, suitableness @@@@ [2]allowance, caveat, condition, criterion, exception, exemption, limitation, modification, objection, prerequisite, proviso, requirement, reservation, restriction, rider, stipulation"} {"x":"qualified","y":"[1]able, accomplished, adept, capable, certificated, competent, efficient, eligible, equipped, experienced, expert, fit, knowledgeable, licensed, practised, proficient, skilful, talented, trained @@@@ [2]bounded, circumscribed, conditional, confined, contingent, equivocal, guarded, limited, modified, provisional, reserved, restricted"} {"x":"qualify","y":"[1]capacitate, certify, commission, condition, empower, endow, equip, fit, ground, permit, prepare, ready, sanction, train @@@@ [2]abate, adapt, assuage, circumscribe, diminish, ease, lessen, limit, mitigate, moderate, modify, modulate, reduce, regulate, restrain, restrict, soften, temper, vary @@@@ [3]characterize, describe, designate, distinguish, modify, name"} {"x":"quality","y":"[1]aspect, attribute, characteristic, condition, feature, mark, peculiarity, property, trait @@@@ [2]character, constitution, description, essence, kind, make, nature, sort @@@@ [3]calibre, distinction, excellence, grade, merit, position, pre-eminence, rank, standing, status, superiority, value, worth @@@@ [4]aristocracy, gentry, nobility, ruling class, upper class"} {"x":"qualm","y":"[1]anxiety, apprehension, compunction, disquiet, doubt, hesitation, misgiving, regret, reluctance, remorse, scruple, twinge or pang of conscience, uncertainty, uneasiness @@@@ [2]agony, attack, nausea, pang, queasiness, sickness, spasm, throe @@@@ [3]twinge"} {"x":"quandary","y":"[1]bewilderment, cleft stick, delicate situation, difficulty, dilemma, doubt, embarrassment, impasse, perplexity, plight, predicament, puzzle, strait, uncertainty"} {"x":"quantity","y":"[1]aggregate, allotment, amount, lot, number, part, portion, quota, sum, total @@@@ [2]bulk, capacity, expanse, extent, greatness, length, magnitude, mass, measure, size, volume"} {"x":"quarrel","y":"[1]affray, altercation, argument, bagarre, brawl, breach, broil, commotion, contention, controversy, difference (of opinion), disagreement, discord, disputation, dispute, dissension, dissidence, disturbance, feud, fight, fracas, fray, misunderstanding, row, scrap @@@@ [2]shindig @@@@ [3]shindy @@@@ [4]skirmish, spat, squabble, strife, tiff, tumult, vendetta, wrangle @@@@ [5]altercate, argue, bicker, brawl, clash, differ, disagree, dispute, fall out @@@@ [6]fight, fight like cat and dog, go at it hammer and tongs, row, spar, squabble, wrangle @@@@ [7]carp, cavil, complain, decry, disapprove, find fault, object to, take exception to"} {"x":"quarry","y":"[1]aim, game, goal, objective, prey, prize, victim"} {"x":"quarter","y":"[1]area, direction, district, locality, location, neighbourhood, part, place, point, position, province, region, side, spot, station, territory, zone @@@@ [2]clemency, compassion, favour, forgiveness, leniency, mercy, pity @@@@ [3]accommodate, billet, board, house, install, lodge, place, post, put up, station"} {"x":"quarterback","y":"[1]lead; run"} {"x":"quarters","y":"[1]abode, accommodation, barracks, billet, cantonment @@@@ [2]chambers, digs @@@@ [3]domicile, dwelling, habitation, lodging, lodgings, post, residence, rooms, shelter, station @@@@ [4]area, direction, district, locality, location, neighbourhood, part, place, point, position, province, region, side, spot, station, territory, zone @@@@ [5]clemency, compassion, favour, forgiveness, leniency, mercy, pity @@@@ [6]accommodate, billet, board, house, install, lodge, place, post, put up, station"} {"x":"quash","y":"[1]beat, crush, destroy, extinguish, extirpate, overthrow, put down, quell, quench, repress, squash, subdue, suppress @@@@ [2]annul, cancel, declare null and void, invalidate, nullify, overrule, overthrow, rescind, reverse, revoke, set aside, void"} {"x":"quaver","y":"[1]flicker, flutter, oscillate, pulsate, quake, quiver, shake, shudder, thrill, tremble, trill, twitter, vibrate, waver @@@@ [2]break, quiver, shake, sob, throb, tremble, trembling, tremor, trill, vibration, warble"} {"x":"queasy","y":"[1]bilious, giddy, green around the gills @@@@ [2]groggy @@@@ [3]ill, indisposed, nauseated, off colour, queer, sick, sickish, squeamish, uncomfortable, unwell, upset @@@@ [4]anxious, concerned, fidgety, ill at ease, restless, troubled, uncertain, uneasy, worried"} {"x":"queen","y":"[1]consort, monarch, ruler, sovereign @@@@ [2]diva, doyenne, ideal, idol, mistress, model, perfection, prima donna, star"} {"x":"queer","y":"[1]abnormal, anomalous, atypical, curious, disquieting, droll, eerie, erratic, extraordinary, funny, left-field @@@@ [2]odd, outlandish, outre, peculiar, remarkable, rum @@@@ [3]singular, strange, uncanny, uncommon, unconventional, unnatural, unorthodox, unusual, weird @@@@ [4]doubtful, dubious, fishy @@@@ [5]irregular, mysterious, puzzling, questionable, shady @@@@ [6]suspicious @@@@ [7]dizzy, faint, giddy, light-headed, queasy, reeling, uneasy @@@@ [8]crazy, demented, eccentric, idiosyncratic, irrational, mad, odd, touched, unbalanced, unhinged @@@@ [9]bodge @@@@ [10]botch, endanger, harm, impair, imperil, injure, jeopardize, mar, ruin, spoil, thwart, wreck"} {"x":"quell","y":"[1]conquer, crush, defeat, extinguish, overcome, overpower, put down, quash, squelch, stamp out, stifle, subdue, suppress, vanquish @@@@ [2]allay, alleviate, appease, assuage, calm, compose, deaden, dull, mitigate, moderate, mollify, pacify, quiet, silence, soothe"} {"x":"quench","y":"[1]check, crush, destroy, douse, end, extinguish, put out, smother, snuff out, squelch, stifle, suppress @@@@ [2]allay, appease, cool, sate, satiate, satisfy, slake"} {"x":"querulous","y":"[1]cantankerous, captious, carping, censorious, complaining, critical, cross, discontented, dissatisfied, fault-finding, fretful, grouchy @@@@ [2]grumbling, hard to please, irascible, irritable, murmuring, peevish, petulant, plaintive, ratty @@@@ [3]sour, testy, tetchy, touchy, waspish, whining"} {"x":"query","y":"[1]ask, enquire, question @@@@ [2]challenge, disbelieve, dispute, distrust, doubt, mistrust, suspect @@@@ [3]demand, doubt, hesitation, inquiry, objection, problem, question, reservation, scepticism, suspicion"} {"x":"quest","y":"[1]adventure, crusade, enterprise, expedition, exploration, hunt, journey, mission, pilgrimage, pursuit, search, voyage"} {"x":"question","y":"[1]ask, catechize, cross-examine, enquire, examine, grill @@@@ [2]interrogate, interview, investigate, probe, pump @@@@ [3]quiz, sound out @@@@ [4]call into question, cast doubt upon, challenge, controvert, disbelieve, dispute, distrust, doubt, impugn, mistrust, oppose, query, suspect @@@@ [5]examination, inquiry, interrogation, investigation @@@@ [6]confusion, contention, controversy, debate, difficulty, dispute, doubt, dubiety, misgiving, problem, query, uncertainty @@@@ [7]bone of contention, issue, motion, point, point at issue, proposal, proposition, subject, theme, topic @@@@ [8]at issue, in doubt, open to debate, under discussion @@@@ [9]impossible, inconceivable, not to be thought of, unthinkable"} {"x":"queue","y":"[1]chain, concatenation, file, line, order, progression, sequence, series, string, succession, train"} {"x":"quibble","y":"[1]carp, cavil, equivocate, evade, pretend, prevaricate, shift, split hairs @@@@ [2]artifice, cavil, complaint, criticism, duplicity, equivocation, evasion, nicety, niggle, objection, pretence, prevarication, protest, quiddity, quirk, shift, sophism, subterfuge, subtlety"} {"x":"quick","y":"[1]active, brief, brisk, cursory, expeditious, express, fast, fleet, hasty, headlong, hurried, pdq @@@@ [2]perfunctory, prompt, quickie @@@@ [3]rapid, speedy, sudden, swift @@@@ [4]agile, alert, animated, energetic, flying, keen, lively, nimble, spirited, sprightly, spry, vivacious, winged @@@@ [5]able, acute, adept, adroit, all there @@@@ [6]apt, astute, bright @@@@ [7]clever, deft, dexterous, discerning, intelligent, nimble-witted, perceptive, quick on the uptake @@@@ [8]quick-witted, receptive, sharp, shrewd, skilful, smart @@@@ [9]abrupt, curt, excitable, hasty, impatient, irascible, irritable, passionate, petulant, testy, touchy @@@@ [10]alive, animate, existing, live, living, viable @@@@ [11]alive, animate, existing, live, living, viable @@@@ [12]alive, animate, existing, live, living, viable"} {"x":"quicken","y":"[1]accelerate, dispatch, expedite, hasten, hurry, impel, precipitate, speed @@@@ [2]activate, animate, arouse, energize, excite, galvanize, incite, inspire, invigorate, kindle, refresh, reinvigorate, resuscitate, revitalize, revive, rouse, stimulate, strengthen, vitalize, vivify"} {"x":"quickly","y":"[1]abruptly, apace, at a rate of knots @@@@ [2]at or on the double, at speed, briskly, expeditiously, fast, hastily, hell for leather @@@@ [3]hotfoot, hurriedly, immediately, instantly, like greased lightning @@@@ [4]pdq @@@@ [5]posthaste, promptly, pronto @@@@ [6]quick, rapidly, soon, speedily, swiftly, with all speed"} {"x":"quiescent","y":"[1]calm, dormant, in abeyance, inactive, latent, motionless, peaceful, placid, quiet, resting, serene, silent, smooth, still, tranquil, unagitated, undisturbed, unmoving, unruffled"} {"x":"quiet","y":"[1]dumb, hushed, inaudible, low, low-pitched, noiseless, peaceful, silent, soft, soundless @@@@ [2]calm, contented, gentle, mild, motionless, pacific, peaceful, placid, restful, serene, smooth, tranquil, untroubled @@@@ [3]isolated, private, retired, secluded, secret, sequestered, undisturbed, unfrequented @@@@ [4]conservative, modest, plain, restrained, simple, sober, subdued, unassuming, unobtrusive, unpretentious @@@@ [5]collected, docile, even-tempered, gentle, imperturbable, meek, mild, phlegmatic, reserved, retiring, sedate, shy, unexcitable @@@@ [6]calmness, ease, peace, quietness, repose, rest, serenity, silence, stillness, tranquillity"} {"x":"quietly","y":"[1]confidentially, dumbly, in a low voice or whisper, in an undertone, inaudibly, in hushed tones, in silence, mutely, noiselessly, privately, secretly, silently, softly, without talking @@@@ [2]calmly, contentedly, dispassionately, meekly, mildly, patiently, placidly, serenely, undemonstratively @@@@ [3]coyly, demurely, diffidently, humbly, modestly, unassumingly, unobtrusively, unostentatiously, unpretentiously @@@@ [4]If a place, situation, or time is quiet, there is no excitement, activity, or trouble."} {"x":"quietus","y":"[1]clincher @@@@ [2]coup de grace, death, deathblow, demise, end, final blow, finish"} {"x":"quilt","y":"[1]bedspread, comforter @@@@ [2]continental quilt, counterpane, coverlet, doona @@@@ [3]downie @@@@ [4]duvet, eiderdown"} {"x":"quintessence","y":"[1]core, distillation, essence, extract, gist, heart, kernel, lifeblood, marrow, pith, soul, spirit"} {"x":"quip","y":"[1]badinage, bon mot, counterattack, gibe, jest, joke, pleasantry, repartee, retort, riposte, sally, wisecrack @@@@ [2]witticism"} {"x":"quirk","y":"[1]aberration, bee in one's bonnet, caprice, characteristic, eccentricity, fancy, fetish, foible, habit, idee fixe, idiosyncrasy, kink, mannerism, oddity, peculiarity, singularity, trait, vagary, whim"} {"x":"quisling","y":"[1]betrayer, collaborator, fifth columnist, Judas, renegade, traitor, turncoat"} {"x":"quit","y":"[1]abandon, abdicate, decamp, depart, desert, exit, forsake, go, leave, pack one's bags @@@@ [2]pull out, relinquish, renounce, resign, retire, step down @@@@ [3]surrender, take off @@@@ [4]withdraw @@@@ [5]abandon, belay @@@@ [6]cease, conclude, discontinue, drop, end, give up, halt, stop, suspend, throw in the towel @@@@ [7]absolved, acquitted, clear, discharged, exculpated, exempt, exonerated, free, released, rid of"} {"x":"quite","y":"[1]absolutely, completely, considerably, entirely, fully, in all respects, largely, perfectly, precisely, totally, wholly, without reservation @@@@ [2]fairly, moderately, rather, reasonably, relatively, somewhat, to a certain extent, to some degree @@@@ [3]in fact, in reality, in truth, really, truly"} {"x":"quiver","y":"[1]agitate, convulse, oscillate, palpitate, pulsate, quake, quaver, shake, shiver, shudder, tremble, vibrate @@@@ [2]convulsion, oscillation, palpitation, pulsation, shake, shiver, shudder, spasm, throb, tic, tremble, tremor, vibration"} {"x":"quixotic","y":"[1]absurd, chimerical, chivalrous, dreamy, fanciful, fantastical, idealistic, imaginary, impracticable, impractical, impulsive, mad, romantic, unrealistic, unworldly, Utopian, visionary, wild"} {"x":"quiz","y":"[1]examination, investigation, questioning, test @@@@ [2]ask, catechize, examine, grill @@@@ [3]interrogate, investigate, pump @@@@ [4]question"} {"x":"quizzical","y":"[1]arch, bantering, curious, derisive, inquiring, mocking, questioning, sardonic, supercilious, teasing"} {"x":"quondam","y":"[1]bygone, earlier, ex-, foregoing, former, late, one-time, past, previous, retired, sometime"} {"x":"quota","y":"[1]allocation, allowance, assignment, cut @@@@ [2]part, portion, proportion, ration, share, slice, whack"} {"x":"quotation","y":"[1]citation, cutting, excerpt, extract, passage, quote @@@@ [2]reference, selection @@@@ [3]bid price, charge, cost, estimate, figure, price, quote @@@@ [4]rate, tender"} {"x":"quote","y":"[1]adduce, attest, cite, detail, extract, instance, name, paraphrase, proclaim, recall, recite, recollect, refer to, repeat, retell"} {"x":"quotidian","y":"[1]daily, diurnal @@@@ [2]common, commonplace, customary, everyday, habitual, ordinary, regular, routine"} {"x":"rabble","y":"[1]canaille, crowd, herd, horde, mob, swarm, throng @@@@ [2]canaille, commonalty, commoners, common people, crowd, dregs, hoi polloi, lower classes, lumpenproletariat, masses, peasantry, populace, proletariat, riffraff, scum, the great unwashed @@@@ [3]trash"} {"x":"rabid","y":"[1]hydrophobic, mad @@@@ [2]berserk, crazed, frantic, frenzied, furious, infuriated, mad, maniacal, raging, violent, wild @@@@ [3]bigoted, extreme, fanatical, fervent, intemperate, intolerant, irrational, narrow-minded, zealous"} {"x":"race","y":"[1]chase, competition, contention, contest, dash, pursuit, rivalry @@@@ [2]barrel (along) @@@@ [3]burn rubber @@@@ [4]career, compete, contest, dart, dash, fly, gallop, go like a bomb @@@@ [5]hare @@@@ [6]hasten, hurry, run, run like mad @@@@ [7]speed, tear, zoom @@@@ [8]blood, breed, clan, ethnic group, family, folk, house, issue, kin, kindred, line, lineage, nation, offspring, people, progeny, seed @@@@ [9]stock, tribe, type"} {"x":"racial","y":"[1]ethnic, ethnological, folk, genealogical, genetic, national, tribal"} {"x":"rack","y":"[1]frame, framework, stand, structure @@@@ [2]affliction, agony, anguish, misery, pain, pang, persecution, suffering, torment, torture @@@@ [3]afflict, agonize, crucify, distress, excruciate, harass, harrow, oppress, pain, torment, torture @@@@ [4]force, pull, shake, strain, stress, stretch, tear, wrench"} {"x":"racy","y":"[1]animated, buoyant, dramatic, energetic, entertaining, exciting, exhilarating, heady, lively, sexy @@@@ [2]sparkling, spirited, stimulating, vigorous, zestful @@@@ [3]distinctive, piquant, pungent, rich, sharp, spicy, strong, tangy, tart, tasty @@@@ [4]bawdy, blue, broad, immodest, indecent, indelicate, naughty, near the knuckle @@@@ [5]off colour, risque, smutty, spicy @@@@ [6]suggestive"} {"x":"radiant","y":"[1]beaming, bright, brilliant, effulgent, gleaming, glittering, glorious, glowing, incandescent, luminous, lustrous, resplendent, shining, sparkling, sunny @@@@ [2]beaming, beatific, blissed out, blissful, delighted, ecstatic, floating on air, gay, glowing, happy, joyful, joyous, on cloud nine @@@@ [3]rapt, rapturous, sent"} {"x":"radiate","y":"[1]diffuse, disseminate, emanate, emit, give off or out, gleam, glitter, pour, scatter, send out, shed, shine, spread @@@@ [2]branch out, diverge, issue, spread out"} {"x":"radiation","y":"[1]emanation, emission, rays"} {"x":"radical","y":"[1]basic, constitutional, deep-seated, essential, fundamental, innate, native, natural, organic, profound, thoroughgoing @@@@ [2]complete, drastic, entire, excessive, extreme, extremist, fanatical, revolutionary, severe, sweeping, thorough, violent @@@@ [3]extremist, fanatic, militant, revolutionary"} {"x":"raffle","y":"[1]draw, lottery, sweep, sweepstake"} {"x":"ragamuffin","y":"[1]gamin, guttersnipe, scarecrow @@@@ [2]street arab, tatterdemalion @@@@ [3]urchin"} {"x":"rage","y":"[1]agitation, anger, frenzy, fury, high dudgeon, ire, madness, mania, obsession, passion, rampage, raving, vehemence, violence, wrath @@@@ [2]craze, enthusiasm, fad @@@@ [3]fashion, latest thing, mode, style, vogue @@@@ [4]chafe, crack up @@@@ [5]foam at the mouth, fret, fume, go ballistic @@@@ [6]rant and rave, rave, see red @@@@ [7]seethe, storm, throw a fit @@@@ [8]wig out @@@@ [9]be at its height, be uncontrollable, rampage, storm, surge"} {"x":"ragged","y":"[1]contemptible, down at heel, frayed, in holes, in rags, in tatters, mean, poor, rent, scraggy, shabby, shaggy, tattered, tatty, threadbare, torn, unkempt, worn-out @@@@ [2]crude, jagged, notched, poor, rough, rugged, serrated, uneven, unfinished @@@@ [3]broken, desultory, disorganized, fragmented, irregular, uneven"} {"x":"raging","y":"[1]fizzing @@@@ [2]foaming at the mouth, frenzied, fuming, furious, incensed, infuriated, mad, raving, seething"} {"x":"rags","y":"[1]castoffs, old clothes, tattered clothing, tatters @@@@ [2]down at heel, out at elbow, ragged, seedy, shabby, tattered"} {"x":"raid","y":"[1]attack, break-in, descent, foray, hit-and-run attack, incursion, inroad, invasion, irruption, onset, sally, seizure, sortie, surprise attack @@@@ [2]assault, attack, break into, descend on, fall upon, forage @@@@ [3]foray, invade, pillage, plunder, reive @@@@ [4]rifle, sack, sally forth, swoop down upon"} {"x":"rail","y":"[1]abuse, attack, blast, castigate, censure, complain, criticize, fulminate, inveigh, lambast(e), put down, revile, scold, tear into @@@@ [2]upbraid, vituperate, vociferate"} {"x":"railing","y":"[1]balustrade, barrier, fence, paling, rails"} {"x":"raillery","y":"[1]badinage, banter, chaff, irony, jesting, joke, joking, josh @@@@ [2]kidding @@@@ [3]mockery, persiflage, pleasantry, repartee, ridicule, satire, sport, teasing"} {"x":"rain","y":"[1]cloudburst, deluge, downpour, drizzle, fall, precipitation, raindrops, rainfall, showers @@@@ [2]deluge, flood, hail, shower, spate, stream, torrent, volley @@@@ [3]bucket down @@@@ [4]drizzle, fall, pelt (down), pour, rain cats and dogs @@@@ [5]shower, teem @@@@ [6]deposit, drop, fall, shower, sprinkle @@@@ [7]bestow, lavish, pour, shower"} {"x":"rainy","y":"[1]damp, drizzly, showery, wet"} {"x":"raise","y":"[1]build, construct, elevate, erect, exalt, heave, hoist, lift, move up, promote, put up, rear, set upright, uplift @@@@ [2]advance, aggravate, amplify, augment, boost, enhance, enlarge, escalate, exaggerate, heighten, hike (up) @@@@ [3]increase, inflate, intensify, jack up, magnify, put up, reinforce, strengthen @@@@ [4]advance, aggrandize, elevate, exalt, prefer, promote, upgrade @@@@ [5]activate, arouse, awaken, cause, evoke, excite, foment, foster, incite, instigate, kindle, motivate, provoke, rouse, set on foot, stir up, summon up, whip up @@@@ [6]bring about, cause, create, engender, give rise to, occasion, originate, produce, provoke, start @@@@ [7]advance, bring up, broach, introduce, moot, put forward, suggest @@@@ [8]assemble, collect, form, gather, get, levy, mass, mobilize, muster, obtain, rally, recruit @@@@ [9]breed, bring up, cultivate, develop, grow, nurture, produce, propagate, rear @@@@ [10]abandon, end, give up, lift, relieve, relinquish, remove, terminate"} {"x":"rake","y":"[1]collect, gather, remove, scrape up @@@@ [2]break up, harrow, hoe, scour, scrape, scratch @@@@ [3]assemble, collect, dig up, dredge up, gather, scrape together @@@@ [4]comb, examine, forage, hunt, ransack, scan, scour, scrutinize, search @@@@ [5]graze, scrape, scratch @@@@ [6]enfilade, pepper, sweep @@@@ [7]debauchee, dissolute man, lech or letch @@@@ [8]lecher, libertine, playboy, profligate, rakehell @@@@ [9]roue, sensualist, voluptuary"} {"x":"rakish","y":"[1]abandoned, debauched, depraved, dissipated, dissolute, immoral, lecherous, licentious, loose, prodigal, profligate, sinful, wanton @@@@ [2]breezy, dapper, dashing, debonair, devil-may-care, flashy, jaunty, natty @@@@ [3]raffish, smart, snazzy @@@@ [4]sporty"} {"x":"rally","y":"[1]bring or come to order, reassemble, re-form, regroup, reorganize, unite @@@@ [2]regrouping, reorganization, reunion, stand @@@@ [3]assemble, bond together, bring or come together, collect, convene, gather, get together, marshal, mobilize, muster, organize, round up, summon, unite @@@@ [4]assembly, conference, congregation, congress, convention, convocation, gathering, mass meeting, meeting, muster @@@@ [5]be on the mend, come round, get better, get one's second wind, improve, perk up, pick up, pull through, recover, recuperate, regain one's strength, revive, take a turn for the better, turn the corner @@@@ [6]comeback @@@@ [7]improvement, recovery, recuperation, renewal, resurgence, revival, turn for the better"} {"x":"ram","y":"[1]butt, collide with, crash, dash, drive, force, hit, impact, run into, slam, smash, strike @@@@ [2]beat, cram, crowd, drum, force, hammer, jam, pack, pound, stuff, tamp, thrust"} {"x":"ramble","y":"[1]amble, drift, perambulate, peregrinate, range, roam, rove, saunter, straggle, stravaig @@@@ [2]stray, stroll, traipse @@@@ [3]walk, wander @@@@ [4]meander, snake, twist and turn, wind, zigzag @@@@ [5]babble, chatter, digress, expatiate, maunder, rabbit (on) @@@@ [6]waffle @@@@ [7]wander, witter on @@@@ [8]excursion, hike, perambulation, peregrination, roaming, roving, saunter, stroll, tour, traipse @@@@ [9]trip, walk"} {"x":"rambler","y":"[1]drifter, hiker, roamer, rover, stroller, walker, wanderer, wayfarer"} {"x":"ramification","y":"[1]branch, development, divarication, division, excrescence, extension, forking, offshoot, outgrowth, subdivision @@@@ [2]complication, consequence, development, result, sequel, upshot"} {"x":"ramify","y":"[1]branch, divaricate, divide, fork, separate, split up @@@@ [2]become complicated, multiply, thicken"} {"x":"ramp","y":"[1]grade, gradient, incline, inclined plane, rise, slope"} {"x":"rampage","y":"[1]go ape @@@@ [2]go apeshit @@@@ [3]go ballistic @@@@ [4]go berserk, rage, run amuck, run riot, run wild, storm, tear @@@@ [5]destruction, frenzy, fury, rage, storm, tempest, tumult, uproar, violence @@@@ [6]amuck, berserk, destructive, out of control, raging, rampant, riotous, violent, wild"} {"x":"rampant","y":"[1]aggressive, dominant, excessive, flagrant, on the rampage, out of control, out of hand, outrageous, raging, rampaging, riotous, unbridled, uncontrollable, ungovernable, unrestrained, vehement, violent, wanton, wild @@@@ [2]epidemic, exuberant, luxuriant, prevalent, profuse, rank, rife, spreading like wildfire, unchecked, uncontrolled, unrestrained, widespread @@@@ [3]erect, rearing, standing, upright"} {"x":"rampart","y":"[1]barricade, bastion, breastwork, bulwark, defence, earthwork, embankment, fence, fort, fortification, guard, parapet, security, stronghold, wall"} {"x":"rancid","y":"[1]bad, fetid, foul, frowsty, fusty, musty, off, putrid, rank, rotten, sour, stale, strong-smelling, tainted"} {"x":"random","y":"[1]accidental, adventitious, aimless, arbitrary, casual, chance, desultory, fortuitous, haphazard, hit or miss, incidental, indiscriminate, purposeless, spot, stray, unplanned, unpremeditated @@@@ [2]accidentally, adventitiously, aimlessly, arbitrarily, by chance, casually, haphazardly, indiscriminately, irregularly, purposelessly, randomly, unsystematically, willy-nilly"} {"x":"randy","y":"[1]amorous, aroused, concupiscent, horny @@@@ [2]hot, lascivious, lecherous, lustful, raunchy @@@@ [3]satyric, sexually excited, sexy @@@@ [4]turned-on"} {"x":"range","y":"[1]ambit, amplitude, area, bounds, compass, confines, distance, domain, extent, field, latitude, limits, orbit, pale, parameters @@@@ [2]province, purview, radius, reach, scope, span, sphere, sweep @@@@ [3]chain, file, line, rank, row, sequence, series, string, tier @@@@ [4]assortment, class, collection, gamut, kind, lot, order, selection, series, sort, variety @@@@ [5]align, arrange, array, dispose, draw up, line up, order, sequence @@@@ [6]arrange, bracket, catalogue, categorize, class, classify, file, grade, group, pigeonhole, rank @@@@ [7]aim, align, direct, level, point, train @@@@ [8]cruise, explore, ramble, roam, rove, straggle, stray, stroll, sweep, traverse, wander @@@@ [9]extend, fluctuate, go, reach, run, stretch, vary between"} {"x":"rank","y":"[1]caste, class, classification, degree, dignity, division, echelon, grade, level, nobility, order, position, quality, sort, standing, station, status, stratum, type @@@@ [2]column, file, formation, group, line, range, row, series, tier @@@@ [3]align, arrange, array, class, classify, dispose, grade, line up, locate, marshal, order, position, range, sequence, sort @@@@ [4]abundant, dense, exuberant, flourishing, lush, luxuriant, productive, profuse, strong-growing, vigorous @@@@ [5]bad, disagreeable, disgusting, fetid, foul, fusty, gamey, mephitic, musty, noisome, noxious, off, offensive, olid, pungent, putrid, rancid, revolting, stale, stinking, strong-smelling, yucky or yukky @@@@ [6]absolute, arrant, blatant, complete, downright, egregious, excessive, extravagant, flagrant, glaring, gross, rampant, sheer, thorough, total, undisguised, unmitigated, utter @@@@ [7]abusive, atrocious, coarse, crass, filthy, foul, gross, indecent, nasty, obscene, outrageous, scurrilous, shocking, vulgar"} {"x":"rankle","y":"[1]anger, annoy, chafe, embitter, fester, gall, get one's goat @@@@ [2]irk, irritate, piss one off @@@@ [3]rile"} {"x":"ransack","y":"[1]comb, explore, forage, go through, rake, rummage, scour, search, turn inside out @@@@ [2]despoil, gut, loot, pillage, plunder, raid, ravage, rifle, sack, strip"} {"x":"ransom","y":"[1]deliverance, liberation, redemption, release, rescue @@@@ [2]money, payment, payoff, price @@@@ [3]buy the freedom of, deliver, liberate, obtain or pay for the release of, redeem, release, rescue, set free"} {"x":"rant","y":"[1]bellow, bluster, cry, declaim, rave, roar, shout, spout @@@@ [2]vociferate, yell @@@@ [3]bluster, bombast, diatribe, fanfaronade @@@@ [4]harangue, philippic, rhetoric, tirade, vociferation"} {"x":"rap","y":"[1]crack, hit, knock, strike, tap @@@@ [2]bark, speak abruptly, spit @@@@ [3]chat, confabulate, converse, discourse, shoot the breeze @@@@ [4]talk @@@@ [5]blast, carpet @@@@ [6]castigate, censure, chew out @@@@ [7]knock @@@@ [8]lambast(e), pan @@@@ [9]read the riot act, reprimand, scold, tick off @@@@ [10]blow, clout @@@@ [11]crack, knock, tap @@@@ [12]chat, colloquy, confabulation, conversation, dialogue, discourse, discussion, talk @@@@ [13]blame, censure, chiding, punishment, rebuke, responsibility, sentence"} {"x":"rapacious","y":"[1]avaricious, extortionate, grasping, greedy, insatiable, marauding, plundering, predatory, preying, ravenous, usurious, voracious, wolfish"} {"x":"rape","y":"[1]outrage, ravishment, sexual assault, violation @@@@ [2]depredation, despoilment, despoliation, pillage, plundering, rapine, sack, spoliation @@@@ [3]abuse, defilement, desecration, maltreatment, perversion, violation @@@@ [4]abuse, force, outrage, ravish, sexually assault, violate @@@@ [5]despoil, loot, pillage, plunder, ransack, sack, spoliate"} {"x":"rapid","y":"[1]brisk, expeditious, express, fast, fleet, flying, hasty, hurried, pdq @@@@ [2]precipitate, prompt, quick, quickie @@@@ [3]speedy, swift"} {"x":"rapidity","y":"[1]alacrity, briskness, celerity, dispatch, expedition, fleetness, haste, hurry, precipitateness, promptitude, promptness, quickness, rush, speed, speediness, swiftness, velocity"} {"x":"rapidly","y":"[1]apace, at speed, briskly, expeditiously, fast, hastily, hell for leather, hotfoot, hurriedly, in a hurry, in a rush, in haste, like a shot, like greased lightning @@@@ [2]pdq @@@@ [3]posthaste, precipitately, promptly, pronto @@@@ [4]quickly, speedily, swiftly, with dispatch"} {"x":"rapine","y":"[1]depredation, despoilment, despoliation, looting, marauding, pillage, plunder, ransacking, rape, robbery, sack, seizure, spoliation, theft"} {"x":"rapport","y":"[1]affinity, bond, empathy, harmony, interrelationship, link, relationship, sympathy, tie, understanding"} {"x":"rapscallion","y":"[1]bad egg @@@@ [2]blackguard, black sheep, cad, disgrace, good-for-nothing, knave @@@@ [3]ne'er-do-well, rascal, rogue, scally @@@@ [4]scallywag @@@@ [5]scamp, scoundrel, scrote @@@@ [6]wastrel"} {"x":"rapt","y":"[1]absorbed, carried away, engrossed, enthralled, entranced, fascinated, gripped, held, intent, preoccupied, spellbound @@@@ [2]bewitched, blissed out, blissful, captivated, charmed, delighted, ecstatic, enchanted, enraptured, rapturous, ravished, sent, transported"} {"x":"rapture","y":"[1]beatitude, bliss, cloud nine @@@@ [2]delectation, delight, ecstasy, enthusiasm, euphoria, exaltation, felicity, happiness, joy, ravishment, rhapsody, seventh heaven, spell, transport"} {"x":"rare","y":"[1]exceptional, few, infrequent, out of the ordinary, recherche, scarce, singular, sparse, sporadic, strange, thin on the ground, uncommon, unusual @@@@ [2]admirable, choice, excellent, exquisite, extreme, fine, great, incomparable, peerless, superb, superlative @@@@ [3]invaluable, precious, priceless, rich"} {"x":"rarefy","y":"[1]attenuate, clarify, purify, refine, sublimate, subtilize, thin out"} {"x":"rarely","y":"[1]almost never, hardly, hardly ever, infrequently, little, once in a blue moon, once in a while, only now and then, on rare occasions, scarcely ever, seldom @@@@ [2]exceptionally, extraordinarily, finely, notably, remarkably, singularly, uncommonly, unusually"} {"x":"rarity","y":"[1]collector's item, curio, curiosity, find, gem, one-off, pearl, treasure @@@@ [2]infrequency, scarcity, shortage, singularity, sparseness, strangeness, uncommonness, unusualness @@@@ [3]choiceness, excellence, exquisiteness, fineness, incomparability, incomparableness, peerlessness, quality, superbness @@@@ [4]invaluableness, preciousness, pricelessness, richness, value, worth"} {"x":"rascal","y":"[1]bad egg @@@@ [2]blackguard, caitiff @@@@ [3]devil, disgrace, good-for-nothing, imp, knave @@@@ [4]miscreant, ne'er-do-well, pickle @@@@ [5]rake, rapscallion, reprobate, rogue, scally @@@@ [6]scallywag @@@@ [7]scamp, scoundrel, varmint @@@@ [8]villain, wastrel, wretch"} {"x":"rascally","y":"[1]bad, base, crooked, dishonest, disreputable, evil, good-for-nothing, low, mean, reprobate, scoundrelly, unscrupulous, vicious, villainous, wicked"} {"x":"rash","y":"[1]adventurous, audacious, brash, careless, foolhardy, harebrained, harum-scarum, hasty, headlong, headstrong, heedless, helter-skelter, hot-headed, ill-advised, ill-considered, impetuous, imprudent, impulsive, incautious, indiscreet, injudicious, madcap, precipitate, premature, reckless, thoughtless, unguarded, unthinking, unwary, venturesome"} {"x":"rasp","y":"[1]grating, grinding, scrape, scratch @@@@ [2]abrade, excoriate, file, grind, rub, sand, scour, scrape @@@@ [3]grate (upon), irk, irritate, jar (upon), rub (someone) up the wrong way, set one's teeth on edge, wear upon"} {"x":"rat","y":"[1]bad lot, bastard @@@@ [2]bounder @@@@ [3]cad @@@@ [4]heel @@@@ [5]ratfink @@@@ [6]rogue, rotter @@@@ [7]scoundrel, shit @@@@ [8]shyster @@@@ [9]betrayer, deceiver, defector, deserter, double-crosser, grass @@@@ [10]informer, nark @@@@ [11]quisling, snake in the grass, stool pigeon, traitor, two-timer @@@@ [12]abandon, betray, defect, desert, do the dirty on @@@@ [13]damn it!"} {"x":"rate","y":"[1]bawl out @@@@ [2]berate, blame, carpet @@@@ [3]castigate, censure, chew out @@@@ [4]chide, criticize severely, give a rocket @@@@ [5]read the riot act, rebuke, reprimand, reprove, roast @@@@ [6]scold, take to task, tear into @@@@ [7]tell off @@@@ [8]tongue-lash, upbraid @@@@ [9]degree, percentage, proportion, ratio, relation, scale, standard @@@@ [10]charge, cost, dues, duty, fee, figure, hire, price, tariff, tax, toll @@@@ [11]gait, measure, pace, speed, tempo, time, velocity @@@@ [12]class, classification, degree, grade, position, quality, rank, rating, status, value, worth @@@@ [13]anyhow, anyway, at all events, in any case, nevertheless @@@@ [14]adjudge, appraise, assess, class, classify, consider, count, esteem, estimate, evaluate, grade, measure, rank, reckon, regard, value, weigh @@@@ [15]be entitled to, be worthy of, deserve, merit @@@@ [16]admire, esteem, respect, think highly of, value"} {"x":"rather","y":"[1]a bit, a little, fairly, kind of @@@@ [2]moderately, pretty @@@@ [3]quite, relatively, slightly, somewhat, sort of @@@@ [4]a good bit, noticeably, significantly, very @@@@ [5]instead, more readily, more willingly, preferably, sooner"} {"x":"ratify","y":"[1]affirm, approve, authenticate, authorize, bear out, bind, certify, confirm, consent to, corroborate, endorse, establish, sanction, sign, uphold, validate"} {"x":"rating","y":"[1]class, classification, degree, designation, estimate, evaluation, grade, order, placing, position, rank, rate, standing, status @@@@ [2]chiding, dressing down @@@@ [3]lecture, piece of one's mind, rebuke, reprimand, reproof, roasting @@@@ [4]row @@@@ [5]scolding, telling-off @@@@ [6]ticking-off @@@@ [7]tongue-lashing, wigging"} {"x":"ratio","y":"[1]arrangement, correlation, correspondence, equation, fraction, percentage, proportion, rate, relation, relationship"} {"x":"ration","y":"[1]allotment, allowance, dole, helping, measure, part, portion, provision, quota, share @@@@ [2]commons @@@@ [3]food, provender, provisions, stores, supplies @@@@ [4]allocate, allot, apportion, deal, distribute, dole, give out, issue, measure out, mete, parcel out @@@@ [5]budget, conserve, control, limit, restrict, save"} {"x":"rational","y":"[1]enlightened, intelligent, judicious, logical, lucid, realistic, reasonable, sagacious, sane, sensible, sound, wise @@@@ [2]cerebral, cognitive, ratiocinative, reasoning, thinking @@@@ [3]all there @@@@ [4]balanced, compos mentis, in one's right mind, lucid, normal, of sound mind, sane"} {"x":"rationale","y":"[1]exposition, grounds, logic, motivation, philosophy, principle, raison d'etre, reasons, theory"} {"x":"rationalize","y":"[1]account for, excuse, explain away, extenuate, justify, make allowance for, make excuses for, vindicate @@@@ [2]apply logic to, elucidate, reason out, resolve, think through @@@@ [3]make cuts, make more efficient, streamline, trim"} {"x":"rattle","y":"[1]bang, clatter, jangle @@@@ [2]bounce, jar, jiggle, jolt, jounce, shake, vibrate @@@@ [3]blether, cackle, chatter, gabble, gibber, jabber, prate, prattle, rabbit (on) @@@@ [4]run on, witter @@@@ [5]yak (away) @@@@ [6]discomfit, discompose, disconcert, discountenance, disturb, faze, frighten, perturb, put (someone) off his stride, put (someone) out of countenance, scare, shake, upset @@@@ [7]list, recite, reel off, rehearse, run through, spiel off"} {"x":"raucous","y":"[1]grating, harsh, hoarse, husky, loud, noisy, rasping, rough, strident"} {"x":"ravage","y":"[1]demolish, desolate, despoil, destroy, devastate, gut, lay waste, leave in ruins, loot, pillage, plunder, ransack, raze, ruin, sack, shatter, spoil, wreak havoc on, wreck @@@@ [2]damage, demolition, depredation, desolation, destruction, devastation, havoc, pillage, plunder, rapine, ruin, ruination, spoliation, waste"} {"x":"rave","y":"[1]babble, be delirious, fume, go mad @@@@ [2]rage, rant, roar, run amuck, splutter, storm, talk wildly, thunder @@@@ [3]cry up, enthuse, gush, praise, rhapsodize @@@@ [4]acclaim, applause, encomium, praise @@@@ [5]affair, bash @@@@ [6]beano @@@@ [7]blow-out @@@@ [8]celebration, do @@@@ [9]party @@@@ [10]craze, fad, fashion, vogue @@@@ [11]ecstatic, enthusiastic, excellent, favourable, laudatory"} {"x":"ravenous","y":"[1]esurient, famished, starved, starving, very hungry @@@@ [2]avaricious, covetous, devouring, edacious, ferocious, gluttonous, grasping, greedy, insatiable, insatiate, predatory, rapacious, ravening, voracious, wolfish"} {"x":"ravine","y":"[1]canyon, clough @@@@ [2]defile, flume, gap @@@@ [3]gorge, gulch @@@@ [4]gully, linn @@@@ [5]pass"} {"x":"ravish","y":"[1]captivate, charm, delight, enchant, enrapture, entrance, fascinate, overjoy, spellbind, transport @@@@ [2]abuse, force, outrage, rape, sexually assault, violate"} {"x":"raw","y":"[1]bloody @@@@ [2]fresh, natural, uncooked, undressed, unprepared @@@@ [3]basic, coarse, crude, green, natural, organic, rough, unfinished, unprocessed, unrefined, unripe, untreated @@@@ [4]abraded, chafed, grazed, open, scratched, sensitive, skinned, sore, tender @@@@ [5]callow, green, ignorant, immature, inexperienced, new, undisciplined, unpractised, unseasoned, unskilled, untrained, untried @@@@ [6]bare, blunt, brutal, candid, frank, naked, plain, realistic, unembellished, unvarnished @@@@ [7]biting, bitter, bleak, chill, chilly, cold, damp, freezing, harsh, parky @@@@ [8]piercing, unpleasant, wet"} {"x":"ray","y":"[1]bar, beam, flash, gleam, shaft @@@@ [2]flicker, glimmer, hint, indication, scintilla, spark, trace"} {"x":"raze","y":"[1]bulldoze, demolish, destroy, flatten, knock down, level, pull down, remove, ruin, tear down, throw down @@@@ [2]delete, efface, erase, excise, expunge, extinguish, extirpate, obliterate, rub out, scratch out, strike out, wipe from the face of the earth, wipe out"} {"x":"re","y":"[1]about, anent @@@@ [2]apropos, concerning, in respect of, on the subject of, regarding, respecting, with reference to, with regard to"} {"x":"reach","y":"[1]arrive at, attain, get as far as, get to, land at, make @@@@ [2]contact, extend to, get (a) hold of, go as far as, grasp, stretch to, touch @@@@ [3]amount to, arrive at, attain, climb to, come to, drop, fall, move, rise, sink @@@@ [4]hand, hold out, pass, stretch @@@@ [5]communicate with, contact, establish contact with, find, get, get hold of, get in touch with, get through to, make contact with @@@@ [6]ambit, capacity, command, compass, distance, extension, extent, grasp, influence, jurisdiction, mastery, power, range, scope, spread, stretch, sweep @@@@ [7]If something reaches a place, point, or level, it extends as far as that place, point, or level."} {"x":"react","y":"[1]acknowledge, answer, reply, respond, rise to the bait, take the bait @@@@ [2]act, behave, conduct oneself, function, operate, proceed, work"} {"x":"reaction","y":"[1]acknowledgment, answer, feedback, reply, response @@@@ [2]compensation, counteraction, counterbalance, counterpoise, recoil @@@@ [3]conservatism, counter-revolution, obscurantism, the right"} {"x":"read","y":"[1]glance at, look at, peruse, pore over, refer to, run one's eye over, scan, study @@@@ [2]announce, declaim, deliver, recite, speak, utter @@@@ [3]comprehend, construe, decipher, discover, interpret, perceive the meaning of, see, understand @@@@ [4]display, indicate, record, register, show"} {"x":"readable","y":"[1]clear, comprehensible, decipherable, intelligible, legible, plain, understandable @@@@ [2]easy to read, enjoyable, entertaining, enthralling, gripping, interesting, pleasant, worth reading"} {"x":"readily","y":"[1]cheerfully, eagerly, freely, gladly, lief @@@@ [2]promptly, quickly, voluntarily, willingly, with good grace, with pleasure @@@@ [3]at once, easily, effortlessly, hotfoot, in no time, pdq @@@@ [4]quickly, right away, smoothly, speedily, straight away, unhesitatingly, without delay, without demur, without difficulty, without hesitation"} {"x":"reading","y":"[1]examination, inspection, perusal, review, scrutiny, study @@@@ [2]homily, lecture, lesson, performance, recital, rendering, rendition, sermon @@@@ [3]conception, construction, grasp, impression, interpretation, take @@@@ [4]treatment, understanding, version @@@@ [5]book-learning, edification, education, erudition, knowledge, learning, scholarship"} {"x":"ready","y":"[1]all set, arranged, completed, fit, in readiness, organized, prepared, primed, ripe, set @@@@ [2]agreeable, apt, disposed, eager, game @@@@ [3]glad, happy, have-a-go @@@@ [4]inclined, keen, minded, predisposed, prone, willing @@@@ [5]acute, adroit, alert, apt, astute, bright, clever, deft, dexterous, expert, handy, intelligent, keen, perceptive, prompt, quick, quick-witted, rapid, resourceful, sharp, skilful, smart @@@@ [6]about, close, in danger of, liable, likely, on the brink of, on the point of, on the verge of @@@@ [7]accessible, at or on hand, at one's fingertips, at the ready, available, close to hand, convenient, handy, near, on call, on tap @@@@ [8]present @@@@ [9]all systems go, in readiness, poised, prepared, ready for action, waiting @@@@ [10]arrange, equip, fit out, get ready, make ready, order, organize, prepare, set"} {"x":"real","y":"[1]absolute, actual, authentic, bona fide, certain, essential, existent, factual, genuine, heartfelt, honest, intrinsic, legitimate, positive, right, rightful, sincere, true, unaffected, unfeigned, valid, veritable"} {"x":"realistic","y":"[1]businesslike, common-sense, down-to-earth, hard-headed, level-headed, matter-of-fact, practical, pragmatic, rational, real, sensible, sober, unromantic, unsentimental @@@@ [2]authentic, faithful, genuine, graphic, lifelike, natural, naturalistic, representational, true, true to life, truthful, verite"} {"x":"reality","y":"[1]actuality, authenticity, certainty, corporeality, fact, genuineness, materiality, realism, truth, validity, verisimilitude, verity @@@@ [2]actually, as a matter of fact, in actuality, in fact, in point of fact, in truth, really @@@@ [3]albeit \nalthough, even if, even though, notwithstanding that, tho' (U.S. or poetic) though"} {"x":"realization","y":"[1]appreciation, apprehension, awareness, cognizance, comprehension, conception, consciousness, grasp, imagination, perception, recognition, the penny drops @@@@ [2]understanding @@@@ [3]accomplishment, achievement, carrying-out, completion, consummation, effectuation, fulfilment @@@@ [4]If your hopes, desires, or fears are realized, the things that you hope for, desire, or fear actually happen."} {"x":"realize","y":"[1]appreciate, apprehend, be cognizant of, become aware of, become conscious of, catch on @@@@ [2]comprehend, conceive, get the message, grasp, imagine, recognize, take in, twig @@@@ [3]understand @@@@ [4]accomplish, actualize, bring about, bring off, bring to fruition, carry out or through, complete, consummate, do, effect, effectuate, fulfil, incarnate, make concrete, make happen, perform, reify @@@@ [5]acquire, bring or take in, clear, earn, gain, get, go for, make, net, obtain, produce, sell for @@@@ [6]If your hopes, desires, or fears are realized, the things that you hope for, desire, or fear actually happen."} {"x":"really","y":"[1]absolutely, actually, assuredly, categorically, certainly, genuinely, in actuality, indeed, in fact, in reality, positively, surely, truly, undoubtedly, verily, without a doubt"} {"x":"realm","y":"[1]country, domain, dominion, empire, kingdom, land, monarchy, principality, province, state @@@@ [2]area, branch, department, field, orbit, patch, province, region, sphere, territory, turf @@@@ [3]world, zone"} {"x":"reap","y":"[1]acquire, bring in, collect, cut, derive, gain, garner, gather, get, harvest, obtain, win"} {"x":"rear","y":"[1]back, back end, end, rearguard, stern, tail, tail end @@@@ [2]aft, after @@@@ [3]back, following, hind, hindmost, last, trailing"} {"x":"reason","y":"[1]apprehension, brains, comprehension, intellect, judgment, logic, mentality, mind, ratiocination, rationality, reasoning, sanity, sense(s), sound mind, soundness, understanding @@@@ [2]aim, basis, cause, design, end, goal, grounds, impetus, incentive, inducement, intention, motive, object, occasion, purpose, target, warrant, why and wherefore @@@@ [3]apologia, apology, argument, case, defence, excuse, explanation, exposition, ground, justification, rationale, vindication @@@@ [4]bounds, limits, moderation, propriety, reasonableness, sense, sensibleness, wisdom @@@@ [5]in moderation, proper, reasonable, sensible, warrantable, within bounds, within limits @@@@ [6]conclude, deduce, draw conclusions, infer, make out, ratiocinate, resolve, solve, syllogize, think, work out @@@@ [7]argue, bring round @@@@ [8]debate, dispute, dissuade, expostulate, move, persuade, prevail upon, remonstrate, show (someone) the error of his ways, talk into or out of, urge, win over"} {"x":"reasonable","y":"[1]advisable, arguable, believable, credible, intelligent, judicious, justifiable, logical, plausible, practical, rational, reasoned, sane, sensible, sober, sound, tenable, well-advised, well-thought-out, wise @@@@ [2]acceptable, average, equitable, fair, fit, honest, inexpensive, just, moderate, modest, O.K. or okay @@@@ [3]proper, right, tolerable, within reason"} {"x":"reasoning","y":"[1]analysis, cogitation, deduction, logic, ratiocination, reason, thinking, thought @@@@ [2]argument, case, exposition, hypothesis, interpretation, proof, train of thought"} {"x":"reassure","y":"[1]bolster, buoy up, cheer up, comfort, encourage, hearten, inspirit, put or set one's mind at rest, relieve (someone) of anxiety, restore confidence to"} {"x":"rebate","y":"[1]allowance, bonus, deduction, discount, reduction, refund"} {"x":"rebel","y":"[1]man the barricades, mutiny, resist, revolt, rise up, take to the streets, take up arms @@@@ [2]disobey, dissent, refuse to obey @@@@ [3]flinch, recoil, show repugnance, shrink, shy away @@@@ [4]insurgent, insurrectionary, mutineer, resistance fighter, revolutionary, revolutionist, secessionist @@@@ [5]apostate, dissenter, heretic, nonconformist, schismatic @@@@ [6]insubordinate, insurgent, insurrectionary, mutinous, rebellious, revolutionary"} {"x":"rebellion","y":"[1]insurgence, insurgency, insurrection, mutiny, resistance, revolt, revolution, rising, uprising @@@@ [2]apostasy, defiance, disobedience, dissent, heresy, insubordination, nonconformity, schism"} {"x":"rebirth","y":"[1]new beginning, regeneration, reincarnation, renaissance, renascence, renewal, restoration, resurgence, resurrection, revitalization, revival"} {"x":"rebound","y":"[1]bounce, recoil, resound, return, ricochet, spring back @@@@ [2]backfire, boomerang, misfire, recoil @@@@ [3]bounce, comeback, kickback, repercussion, return, ricochet"} {"x":"rebuff","y":"[1]brush off @@@@ [2]check, cold-shoulder, cut, decline, deny, discourage, put off, refuse, reject, repulse, resist, slight, snub, spurn, turn down @@@@ [3]brush-off @@@@ [4]bum's rush @@@@ [5]check, cold shoulder, defeat, denial, discouragement, kick in the teeth @@@@ [6]knock-back @@@@ [7]opposition, refusal, rejection, repulse, slap in the face @@@@ [8]slight, snub, the (old) heave-ho @@@@ [9]thumbs down"} {"x":"rebuke","y":"[1]admonish, bawl out @@@@ [2]berate, blame, carpet @@@@ [3]castigate, censure, chew out @@@@ [4]chide, dress down @@@@ [5]lecture, read the riot act, reprehend, reprimand, reproach, reprove, scold, take to task, tear into @@@@ [6]tell off @@@@ [7]tick off @@@@ [8]upbraid @@@@ [9]admonition, blame, castigation, censure, dressing down @@@@ [10]lecture, reprimand, reproach, reproof, reproval, row, telling-off @@@@ [11]ticking-off @@@@ [12]tongue-lashing, wigging"} {"x":"rebut","y":"[1]confute, defeat, disprove, invalidate, negate, overturn, prove wrong, quash, refute"} {"x":"rebuttal","y":"[1]confutation, defeat, disproof, invalidation, negation, refutation"} {"x":"recalcitrant","y":"[1]contrary, contumacious, defiant, disobedient, insubordinate, intractable, obstinate, refractory, stubborn, uncontrollable, ungovernable, unmanageable, unruly, unwilling, wayward, wilful"} {"x":"recall","y":"[1]recollect, remember, reminisce about @@@@ [2]abjure, annul, call back, call in, cancel, countermand, nullify, repeal, rescind, retract, revoke, take back, withdraw @@@@ [3]annulment, cancellation, nullification, recision, repeal, rescindment, rescission, retraction, revocation, withdrawal @@@@ [4]memory, recollection, remembrance"} {"x":"recant","y":"[1]abjure, apostatize, deny, disavow, disclaim, disown, forswear, recall, renege, renounce, repudiate, retract, revoke, take back, unsay, withdraw"} {"x":"recapitulate","y":"[1]epitomize, go over again, outline, recap @@@@ [2]recount, reiterate, repeat, restate, review, run over, run through again, summarize, sum up"} {"x":"recede","y":"[1]abate, back off, draw back, ebb, fall back, go back, regress, retire, retreat, retrocede, retrogress, return, subside, withdraw @@@@ [2]decline, diminish, dwindle, fade, lessen, shrink, sink, wane @@@@ [3]When something such as a quality, problem, or illness recedes, it becomes weaker, smaller, or less intense."} {"x":"receipt","y":"[1]acknowledgment, counterfoil, proof of purchase, sales slip, stub, voucher @@@@ [2]acceptance, delivery, receiving, reception, recipience @@@@ [3]gains, gate, income, proceeds, profits, return, takings"} {"x":"receive","y":"[1]accept, accept delivery of, acquire, be given, be in receipt of, collect, derive, get, obtain, pick up, take @@@@ [2]apprehend, be informed of, be told, gather, hear, perceive @@@@ [3]bear, be subjected to, encounter, experience, go through, meet with, suffer, sustain, undergo @@@@ [4]accommodate, admit, be at home to, entertain, greet, meet, take in, welcome"} {"x":"recent","y":"[1]contemporary, current, fresh, happening @@@@ [2]late, latter, latter-day, modern, new, novel, present-day, up-to-date, young"} {"x":"recently","y":"[1]currently, freshly, lately, latterly, newly, not long ago, of late"} {"x":"receptacle","y":"[1]container, holder, repository"} {"x":"reception","y":"[1]acceptance, admission, receipt, receiving, recipience @@@@ [2]acknowledgment, greeting, reaction, recognition, response, treatment, welcome @@@@ [3]do @@@@ [4]entertainment, function, levee, party, soiree"} {"x":"receptive","y":"[1]alert, bright, perceptive, quick on the uptake @@@@ [2]responsive, sensitive @@@@ [3]accessible, amenable, approachable, favourable, friendly, hospitable, interested, open, open-minded, open to suggestions, susceptible, sympathetic, welcoming"} {"x":"recess","y":"[1]alcove, bay, cavity, corner, depression, hollow, indentation, niche, nook, oriel @@@@ [2]bowels, depths, heart, innards @@@@ [3]innermost parts, penetralia, reaches, retreats, secret places @@@@ [4]break, cessation of business, closure, holiday, intermission, interval, respite, rest, vacation"} {"x":"recession","y":"[1]decline, depression, downturn, drop, slump"} {"x":"recipe","y":"[1]directions, ingredients, instructions, receipt @@@@ [2]formula, method, modus operandi, prescription, procedure, process, programme, technique"} {"x":"reciprocal","y":"[1]alternate, complementary, correlative, corresponding, equivalent, exchanged, give-and-take, interchangeable, interdependent, mutual, reciprocative, reciprocatory"} {"x":"recital","y":"[1]account, description, detailing, enumeration, narration, narrative, performance, reading, recapitulation, recitation, rehearsal, relation, rendering, repetition, statement, story, tale, telling"} {"x":"recitation","y":"[1]lecture, narration, passage, performance, piece, reading, recital, rendering, telling"} {"x":"recite","y":"[1]declaim, deliver, describe, detail, do one's party piece @@@@ [2]enumerate, itemize, narrate, perform, recapitulate, recount, rehearse, relate, repeat, speak, tell"} {"x":"reckless","y":"[1]careless, daredevil, devil-may-care, foolhardy, harebrained, harum-scarum, hasty, headlong, heedless, ill-advised, imprudent, inattentive, incautious, indiscreet, irresponsible, madcap, mindless, negligent, overventuresome, precipitate, rash, regardless, thoughtless, wild"} {"x":"reckon","y":"[1]add up, calculate, compute, count, enumerate, figure, number, tally, total @@@@ [2]account, appraise, consider, count, deem, esteem, estimate, evaluate, gauge, hold, judge, look upon, rate, regard, think of @@@@ [3]assume, believe, be of the opinion, conjecture, expect, fancy, guess @@@@ [4]imagine, suppose, surmise, think @@@@ [5]cope, deal, face, handle, settle accounts, treat @@@@ [6]anticipate, bargain for, bear in mind, be prepared for, expect, foresee, plan for, take cognizance of, take into account @@@@ [7]bank, calculate, count, depend, hope for, rely, take for granted, trust in @@@@ [8]consequential, considerable, important, influential, powerful, significant, strong, weighty"} {"x":"reclaim","y":"[1]get or take back, recapture, recover, redeem, reform, regain, regenerate, reinstate, rescue, restore, retrieve, salvage"} {"x":"recline","y":"[1]be recumbent, lay (something) down, lean, lie (down), loll, lounge, repose, rest, sprawl, stretch out"} {"x":"recluse","y":"[1]anchoress, anchorite, ascetic, eremite, hermit, monk, solitary"} {"x":"recognition","y":"[1]detection, discovery, identification, recall, recollection, remembrance @@@@ [2]acceptance, acknowledgment, admission, allowance, appreciation, avowal, awareness, cognizance, concession, confession, notice, perception, realization, respect, understanding @@@@ [3]acknowledgment, appreciation, approval, gratitude, greeting, honour, salute"} {"x":"recognize","y":"[1]identify, know, know again, make out, notice, place, put one's finger on, recall, recollect, remember, spot @@@@ [2]accept, acknowledge, admit, allow, appreciate, avow, be aware of, concede, confess, grant, own, perceive, realize, respect, see, take on board, understand @@@@ [3]acknowledge, appreciate, approve, greet, honour, salute"} {"x":"recoil","y":"[1]jerk back, kick, react, rebound, resile, spring back @@@@ [2]balk at, draw back, falter, flinch, quail, shrink, shy away @@@@ [3]backfire, boomerang, go wrong, misfire, rebound @@@@ [4]backlash, kick, reaction, rebound, repercussion"} {"x":"recollect","y":"[1]place, recall, remember, reminisce, summon up"} {"x":"recommend","y":"[1]advance, advise, advocate, counsel, enjoin, exhort, prescribe, propose, put forward, suggest, urge @@@@ [2]approve, commend, endorse, praise, put in a good word for, speak well of, vouch for @@@@ [3]make acceptable, make appealing, make attractive, make interesting"} {"x":"recompense","y":"[1]pay, remunerate, reward @@@@ [2]compensate, indemnify, make amends for, make good, make restitution for, make up for, pay for, redress, reimburse, repay, requite, satisfy @@@@ [3]amends, compensation, damages, emolument, indemnification, indemnity, meed @@@@ [4]pay, payment, remuneration, reparation, repayment, requital, restitution, return, reward, satisfaction, wages"} {"x":"reconcile","y":"[1]accept, accommodate, get used, make the best of, put up with @@@@ [2]resign, submit, yield @@@@ [3]appease, bring to terms, conciliate, make peace between, pacify, placate, propitiate, re-establish friendly relations between, restore harmony between, reunite @@@@ [4]adjust, compose, harmonize, patch up, put to rights, rectify, resolve, settle, square"} {"x":"reconciliation","y":"[1]appeasement, conciliation, detente, pacification, propitiation, rapprochement, reconcilement, reunion, understanding @@@@ [2]accommodation, adjustment, compromise, harmony, rectification, settlement"} {"x":"recondite","y":"[1]abstruse, arcane, cabbalistic, concealed, dark, deep, difficult, esoteric, hidden, involved, mysterious, mystical, obscure, occult, profound, secret"} {"x":"reconnaissance","y":"[1]exploration, inspection, investigation, observation, patrol, recce @@@@ [2]reconnoitring, scan, scouting, scrutiny, survey"} {"x":"reconsider","y":"[1]change one's mind, have second thoughts, reassess, re-evaluate, re-examine, rethink, review, revise, take another look at, think again, think better of, think over, think twice"} {"x":"reconstruct","y":"[1]reassemble, rebuild, recreate, re-establish, reform, regenerate, remake, remodel, renovate, reorganize, restore @@@@ [2]build up, build up a picture of, deduce, piece together"} {"x":"record","y":"[1]account, annals, archives, chronicle, diary, document, entry, file, journal, log, memoir, memorandum, memorial, minute, register, report @@@@ [2]documentation, evidence, memorial, remembrance, testimony, trace, witness @@@@ [3]background, career, curriculum vitae, history, performance, track record @@@@ [4]album, black disc, disc, EP, forty-five, gramophone record, LP, platter @@@@ [5]recording, release, seventy-eight, single, vinyl, waxing @@@@ [6]confidential, confidentially, in confidence, in private, not for publication, private, sub rosa, under the rose, unofficial, unofficially @@@@ [7]chalk up @@@@ [8]chronicle, document, enrol, enter, inscribe, log, minute, note, preserve, put down, put on file, put on record, register, report, set down, take down, transcribe, write down @@@@ [9]contain, give evidence of, indicate, read, register, say, show @@@@ [10]cut, lay down @@@@ [11]tape, tape-record, video, video-tape, wax"} {"x":"recorder","y":"[1]annalist, archivist, chronicler, clerk, diarist, historian, registrar, scorekeeper, scorer, scribe"} {"x":"recording","y":"[1]cut @@@@ [2]disc, gramophone record, record, tape, video @@@@ [3]Recording is the process of making records, CDs, tapes, or videos."} {"x":"recount","y":"[1]delineate, depict, describe, detail, enumerate, give an account of, narrate, portray, recite, rehearse, relate, repeat, report, tell, tell the story of"} {"x":"recoup","y":"[1]make good, recover, redeem, regain, retrieve, win back @@@@ [2]compensate, make redress for, make up for, refund, reimburse, remunerate, repay, requite, satisfy"} {"x":"recourse","y":"[1]alternative, appeal, choice, expedient, option, refuge, remedy, resort, resource, way out"} {"x":"recover","y":"[1]find again, get back, make good, recapture, reclaim, recoup, redeem, regain, repair, repossess, restore, retake, retrieve, take back, win back @@@@ [2]be on the mend, bounce back, come round, convalesce, feel oneself again, get back on one's feet, get better, get well, heal, improve, mend, pick up, pull through, rally, recuperate, regain one's health or strength, revive, take a turn for the better, turn the corner"} {"x":"recovery","y":"[1]convalescence, healing, improvement, mending, rally, recuperation, return to health, revival, turn for the better @@@@ [2]amelioration, betterment, improvement, rally, rehabilitation, restoration, revival, upturn @@@@ [3]recapture, reclamation, redemption, repair, repossession, restoration, retrieval"} {"x":"recreation","y":"[1]distraction, diversion, enjoyment, entertainment, exercise, fun, hobby, leisure activity, pastime, play, pleasure, refreshment, relaxation, relief, sport"} {"x":"recruit","y":"[1]draft, enlist, enrol, impress, levy, mobilize, muster, raise, strengthen @@@@ [2]engage, enrol, gather, obtain, procure, proselytize, round up, take on, win (over) @@@@ [3]augment, build up, refresh, reinforce, renew, replenish, restore, strengthen, supply @@@@ [4]apprentice, beginner, convert, greenhorn @@@@ [5]helper, initiate, learner, neophyte, novice, proselyte, rookie @@@@ [6]trainee, tyro"} {"x":"rectify","y":"[1]adjust, amend, correct, emend, fix, improve, make good, mend, put right, redress, reform, remedy, repair, right, set the record straight, square @@@@ [2]distil, purify, refine, separate"} {"x":"rectitude","y":"[1]correctness, decency, equity, goodness, honesty, honour, incorruptibility, integrity, justice, morality, principle, probity, righteousness, scrupulousness, uprightness, virtue @@@@ [2]accuracy, correctness, exactness, justice, precision, rightness, soundness, verity"} {"x":"recumbent","y":"[1]flat, flat on one's back, horizontal, leaning, lying, lying down, prone, prostrate, reclining, resting, stretched out, supine"} {"x":"recuperate","y":"[1]be on the mend, convalesce, get back on one's feet, get better, improve, mend, pick up, recover, regain one's health, turn the corner"} {"x":"recur","y":"[1]come again, come and go, come back, happen again, persist, reappear, repeat, return, revert @@@@ [2]be remembered, come back, haunt one's thoughts, return to mind, run through one's mind"} {"x":"red","y":"[1]cardinal, carmine, cherry, claret, coral, crimson, gules @@@@ [2]maroon, pink, rose, ruby, scarlet, vermeil, vermilion, wine @@@@ [3]bay, carroty, chestnut, flame-coloured, flaming, foxy, reddish, sandy, titian @@@@ [4]blushing, embarrassed, florid, flushed, rubicund, shamefaced, suffused @@@@ [5]blooming, glowing, healthy, roseate, rosy, ruddy @@@@ [6]bloodshot, inflamed, red-rimmed @@@@ [7]bloodstained, bloody, ensanguined @@@@ [8]gory, sanguine @@@@ [9]colour, redness @@@@ [10]bankrupt, in arrears, in debit, in debt, in deficit, insolvent, on the rocks, overdrawn, owing money, showing a loss @@@@ [11]blow one's top, boil, crack up @@@@ [12]go ballistic @@@@ [13]go mad @@@@ [14]lose one's temper, seethe, wig out @@@@ [15]hearty, lusty, manly, robust, strong, vigorous, virile, vital"} {"x":"redden","y":"[1]blush, colour (up), crimson, flush, go red, suffuse"} {"x":"redeem","y":"[1]buy back, reclaim, recover, recover possession of, regain, repossess, repurchase, retrieve, win back @@@@ [2]cash (in), change, exchange, trade in @@@@ [3]abide by, acquit, adhere to, be faithful to, carry out, discharge, fulfil, hold to, keep, keep faith with, make good, meet, perform, satisfy @@@@ [4]absolve, rehabilitate, reinstate, restore to favour @@@@ [5]atone for, compensate for, defray, make amends for, make good, make up for, offset, outweigh, redress, save @@@@ [6]buy the freedom of, deliver, emancipate, extricate, free, liberate, pay the ransom of, ransom, rescue, save, set free"} {"x":"redemption","y":"[1]reclamation, recovery, repossession, repurchase, retrieval @@@@ [2]discharge, exchange, fulfilment, performance, quid pro quo, trade-in @@@@ [3]amends, atonement, compensation, expiation, reparation @@@@ [4]deliverance, emancipation, liberation, ransom, release, rescue, salvation"} {"x":"redolent","y":"[1]aromatic, fragrant, odorous, perfumed, scented, sweet-smelling @@@@ [2]evocative, remindful, reminiscent, suggestive"} {"x":"redoubtable","y":"[1]awful, doughty, dreadful, fearful, fearsome, formidable, mighty, powerful, resolute, strong, terrible, valiant"} {"x":"redound","y":"[1]conduce, contribute, effect, lead to, militate for, tend @@@@ [2]accrue, come back, ensue, rebound, recoil, reflect, result"} {"x":"redress","y":"[1]compensate for, make amends for, make reparation for, make restitution for, make up for, pay for, put right, recompense for @@@@ [2]adjust, amend, balance, correct, ease, even up, mend, put right, rectify, reform, regulate, relieve, remedy, repair, restore the balance, square @@@@ [3]aid, assistance, correction, cure, ease, help, justice, rectification, relief, remedy, satisfaction @@@@ [4]amends, atonement, compensation, payment, quittance, recompense, reparation, requital, restitution"} {"x":"reduce","y":"[1]abate, abridge, contract, curtail, cut down, debase, decrease, depress, dilute, diminish, downsize, impair, lessen, lower, moderate, shorten, slow down, tone down, truncate, turn down, weaken, wind down @@@@ [2]bankrupt, break, impoverish, pauperize, ruin @@@@ [3]bring, bring to the point of, conquer, drive, force, master, overpower, subdue, vanquish @@@@ [4]be or go on a diet, diet, lose weight, shed weight, slenderize @@@@ [5]slim, trim @@@@ [6]bring down the price of, cheapen, cut, discount, lower, mark down, slash @@@@ [7]break, bring low, degrade, demote, downgrade, humble, humiliate, lower in rank, lower the status of, take down a peg"} {"x":"reek","y":"[1]hum @@@@ [2]pong @@@@ [3]smell, smell to high heaven, stink @@@@ [4]fume, give off smoke or fumes, smoke, steam @@@@ [5]effluvium, fetor, malodour, mephitis, niff @@@@ [6]odour, pong @@@@ [7]smell, stench, stink @@@@ [8]exhalation, fumes, smoke, steam, vapour"} {"x":"reel","y":"[1]falter, lurch, pitch, rock, roll, stagger, stumble, sway, totter, waver, wobble @@@@ [2]go round and round, revolve, spin, swim, swirl, twirl, whirl"} {"x":"refer","y":"[1]advert, allude, bring up, cite, hint, invoke, make mention of, make reference, mention, speak of, touch on @@@@ [2]direct, guide, point, recommend, send @@@@ [3]apply, consult, go, have recourse to, look up, seek information from, turn to @@@@ [4]apply, be directed to, belong, be relevant to, concern, pertain, relate @@@@ [5]accredit, ascribe, assign, attribute, credit, impute, put down to @@@@ [6]commit, consign, deliver, hand over, pass on, submit, transfer, turn over"} {"x":"referee","y":"[1]adjudicator, arbiter, arbitrator, judge, ref @@@@ [2]umpire @@@@ [3]adjudicate, arbitrate, judge, mediate, umpire"} {"x":"reference","y":"[1]allusion, citation, mention, note, quotation, remark @@@@ [2]applicability, bearing, concern, connection, consideration, regard, relation, respect @@@@ [3]certification, character, credentials, endorsement, good word, recommendation, testimonial"} {"x":"referendum","y":"[1]plebiscite, popular vote, public vote"} {"x":"refine","y":"[1]clarify, cleanse, distil, filter, process, purify, rarefy @@@@ [2]civilize, cultivate, elevate, hone, improve, perfect, polish, temper"} {"x":"refinement","y":"[1]clarification, cleansing, distillation, filtering, processing, purification, rarefaction, rectification @@@@ [2]fine point, fine tuning, nicety, nuance, subtlety @@@@ [3]breeding, civility, civilization, courtesy, courtliness, cultivation, culture, delicacy, discrimination, elegance, fastidiousness, fineness, finesse, finish, gentility, good breeding, good manners, grace, graciousness, polish, politeness, politesse, precision, sophistication, style, taste, urbanity"} {"x":"reflect","y":"[1]echo, give back, imitate, mirror, reproduce, return, throw back @@@@ [2]bear out, bespeak, communicate, demonstrate, display, evince, exhibit, express, indicate, manifest, reveal, show @@@@ [3]cogitate, consider, contemplate, deliberate, meditate, mull over, muse, ponder, ruminate, think, wonder"} {"x":"reflection","y":"[1]counterpart, echo, image, mirror image @@@@ [2]cerebration, cogitation, consideration, contemplation, deliberation, idea, impression, meditation, musing, observation, opinion, perusal, pondering, rumination, study, thinking, thought, view @@@@ [3]aspersion, censure, criticism, derogation, imputation, reproach, slur"} {"x":"reform","y":"[1]ameliorate, amend, better, correct, emend, improve, mend, rebuild, reclaim, reconstitute, reconstruct, rectify, regenerate, rehabilitate, remodel, renovate, reorganize, repair, restore, revolutionize @@@@ [2]go straight @@@@ [3]shape up @@@@ [4]amelioration, amendment, betterment, correction, improvement, rectification, rehabilitation, renovation"} {"x":"refractory","y":"[1]cantankerous, contentious, contumacious, difficult, disobedient, disputatious, headstrong, intractable, mulish, obstinate, perverse, recalcitrant, stiff-necked, stubborn, uncontrollable, uncooperative, unmanageable, unruly, wilful"} {"x":"refrain","y":"[1]abstain, avoid, cease, desist, do without, eschew, forbear, give up, kick @@@@ [2]leave off, renounce, stop @@@@ [3]burden, chorus, melody, song, tune"} {"x":"refresh","y":"[1]brace, breathe new life into, cheer, cool, enliven, freshen, inspirit, kick-start @@@@ [2]reanimate, reinvigorate, rejuvenate, revitalize, revive, revivify, stimulate @@@@ [3]brush up @@@@ [4]jog, prod, prompt, renew, stimulate @@@@ [5]renew, renovate, repair, replenish, restore, top up"} {"x":"refrigerate","y":"[1]chill, cool, freeze, keep cold"} {"x":"refuge","y":"[1]asylum, bolt hole, harbour, haven, hide-out, protection, resort, retreat, sanctuary, security, shelter"} {"x":"refugee","y":"[1]displaced person, emigre, escapee, exile, fugitive, runaway"} {"x":"refund","y":"[1]give back, make good, pay back, reimburse, repay, restore, return @@@@ [2]reimbursement, repayment, return"} {"x":"refurbish","y":"[1]fix up @@@@ [2]mend, overhaul, re-equip, refit, remodel, renovate, repair, restore, revamp, set to rights, spruce up"} {"x":"refuse","y":"[1]abstain, decline, deny, reject, repel, repudiate, say no, spurn, turn down, withhold"} {"x":"refute","y":"[1]confute, counter, discredit, disprove, give the lie to, negate, overthrow, prove false, rebut, silence"} {"x":"regain","y":"[1]get back, recapture, recoup, recover, redeem, repossess, retake, retrieve, take back, win back @@@@ [2]get back to, reach again, reattain, return to"} {"x":"regal","y":"[1]fit for a king or queen, kingly, magnificent, majestic, noble, princely, proud, queenly, royal, sovereign"} {"x":"regale","y":"[1]amuse, delight, divert, entertain, feast, gratify, ply, refresh, serve"} {"x":"regalia","y":"[1]accoutrements, apparatus, decorations, emblems, finery, garb, gear, paraphernalia, rigout @@@@ [2]trappings"} {"x":"regard","y":"[1]behold, check, check out @@@@ [2]clock @@@@ [3]eye, eyeball @@@@ [4]look closely at, mark, notice, observe, remark, scrutinize, take a dekko at @@@@ [5]view, watch @@@@ [6]account, adjudge, believe, consider, deem, esteem, estimate, hold, imagine, judge, look upon, rate, see, suppose, think, treat, value, view @@@@ [7]apply to, be relevant to, concern, have a bearing on, have to do with, interest, pertain to, relate to @@@@ [8]attend, heed, listen to, mind, note, pay attention to, respect, take into consideration, take notice of @@@@ [9]attention, heed, interest, mind, notice @@@@ [10]account, affection, attachment, care, concern, consideration, deference, esteem, honour, love, note, reputation, repute, respect, store, sympathy, thought @@@@ [11]aspect, detail, feature, item, matter, particular, point, respect @@@@ [12]gaze, glance, look, scrutiny, stare @@@@ [13]bearing, concern, connection, reference, relation, relevance @@@@ [14]best wishes, compliments, devoirs, good wishes, greetings, respects, salutations"} {"x":"regarding","y":"[1]about, apropos, as regards, as to, concerning, in or with regard to, in re, in respect of, in the matter of, on the subject of, re, respecting, with reference to"} {"x":"regardless","y":"[1]disregarding, heedless, inattentive, inconsiderate, indifferent, neglectful, negligent, rash, reckless, remiss, unconcerned, unmindful @@@@ [2]anyway, come what may, despite everything, for all that, in any case, in spite of everything, nevertheless, no matter what, nonetheless, rain or shine"} {"x":"regenerate","y":"[1]breathe new life into, change, give a shot in the arm, inspirit, invigorate, kick-start @@@@ [2]reawaken, reconstruct, re-establish, reinvigorate, rejuvenate, renew, renovate, reproduce, restore, revive, revivify, uplift"} {"x":"regime","y":"[1]administration, establishment, government, leadership, management, reign, rule, system"} {"x":"regiment","y":"[1]bully, control, discipline, order, organize, regulate, systematize"} {"x":"region","y":"[1]area, country, district, division, expanse, land, locality, part, patch, place, province, quarter, section, sector, territory, tract, turf @@@@ [2]zone @@@@ [3]domain, field, province, realm, sphere, world @@@@ [4]area, locality, neighbourhood, range, scope, vicinity"} {"x":"regional","y":"[1]district, local, parochial, provincial, sectional, zonal"} {"x":"register","y":"[1]annals, archives, catalogue, chronicle, diary, file, ledger, list, log, memorandum, record, roll, roster, schedule @@@@ [2]catalogue, check in, chronicle, enlist, enrol, enter, inscribe, list, note, record, set down, sign on or up, take down @@@@ [3]be shown, bespeak, betray, display, exhibit, express, indicate, manifest, mark, read, record, reflect, reveal, say, show @@@@ [4]come home, dawn on, get through, have an effect, impress, make an impression, sink in, tell"} {"x":"regress","y":"[1]backslide, degenerate, deteriorate, ebb, fall away or off, fall back, go back, lapse, lose ground, recede, relapse, retreat, retrocede, retrogress, return, revert, turn the clock back, wane"} {"x":"regret","y":"[1]bemoan, be upset, bewail, cry over spilt milk, deplore, feel remorse for, feel sorry for, grieve, lament, miss, mourn, repent, rue, weep over @@@@ [2]bitterness, compunction, contrition, disappointment, grief, lamentation, pang of conscience, penitence, remorse, repentance, ruefulness, self-reproach, sorrow"} {"x":"regular","y":"[1]common, commonplace, customary, daily, everyday, habitual, normal, ordinary, routine, typical, unvarying, usual @@@@ [2]consistent, constant, established, even, fixed, ordered, periodic, rhythmic, set, stated, steady, systematic, uniform @@@@ [3]dependable, efficient, formal, methodical, orderly, standardized, steady, systematic @@@@ [4]balanced, even, flat, level, smooth, straight, symmetrical, uniform @@@@ [5]approved, bona fide, classic, correct, established, formal, official, orthodox, prevailing, proper, sanctioned, standard, time-honoured, traditional"} {"x":"regulate","y":"[1]adjust, administer, arrange, balance, conduct, control, direct, fit, govern, guide, handle, manage, moderate, modulate, monitor, order, organize, oversee, rule, run, settle, superintend, supervise, systematize, tune"} {"x":"regulation","y":"[1]adjustment, administration, arrangement, control, direction, governance, government, management, modulation, supervision, tuning @@@@ [2]canon, commandment, decree, dictate, direction, edict, law, order, ordinance, precept, procedure, requirement, rule, standing order, statute @@@@ [3]customary, mandatory, normal, official, prescribed, required, standard, usual"} {"x":"regurgitate","y":"[1]barf @@@@ [2]chuck (up) @@@@ [3]chunder @@@@ [4]disgorge, puke @@@@ [5]sick up @@@@ [6]vomit"} {"x":"rehabilitate","y":"[1]adjust, redeem, reform, reintegrate, save @@@@ [2]clear, convert, fix up @@@@ [3]make good, mend, rebuild, recondition, reconstitute, reconstruct, re-establish, reinstate, reinvigorate, renew, renovate, restore"} {"x":"rehash","y":"[1]alter, change, make over, rearrange, refashion, rejig @@@@ [2]reshuffle, reuse, rework, rewrite @@@@ [3]new version, rearrangement, reworking, rewrite"} {"x":"rehearsal","y":"[1]drill, going-over @@@@ [2]practice, practice session, preparation, reading, rehearsing, run-through @@@@ [3]account, catalogue, description, enumeration, list, narration, recital, recounting, relation, telling"} {"x":"rehearse","y":"[1]act, drill, go over, practise, prepare, ready, recite, repeat, run through, study, train, try out @@@@ [2]delineate, depict, describe, detail, enumerate, go over, list, narrate, recite, recount, relate, review, run through, spell out, tell, trot out"} {"x":"reign","y":"[1]ascendancy, command, control, dominion, empire, hegemony, influence, monarchy, power, rule, sovereignty, supremacy, sway @@@@ [2]administer, be in power, command, govern, hold sway, influence, occupy or sit on the throne, rule, wear the crown, wield the sceptre @@@@ [3]be rampant, be rife, be supreme, hold sway, obtain, predominate, prevail"} {"x":"reimburse","y":"[1]compensate, indemnify, pay back, recompense, refund, remunerate, repay, restore, return, square up"} {"x":"rein","y":"[1]brake, bridle, check, control, curb, harness, hold, restraint, restriction @@@@ [2]free, give a blank cheque (to), give a free hand, give carte blanche, give (someone) his or her head, give way to, indulge, let go, remove restraints @@@@ [3]bridle, check, control, curb, halt, hold, hold back, limit, restrain, restrict, slow down"} {"x":"reincarnation","y":"[1]metempsychosis, rebirth, transmigration of souls"} {"x":"reinforce","y":"[1]augment, bolster, buttress, emphasize, fortify, harden, increase, prop, shore up, stiffen, strengthen, stress, supplement, support, toughen, underline"} {"x":"reinstate","y":"[1]bring back, recall, re-establish, rehabilitate, replace, restore, return"} {"x":"reiterate","y":"[1]do again, iterate, recapitulate, repeat, restate, retell, say again"} {"x":"reject","y":"[1]bin, cast aside, decline, deny, despise, disallow, discard, eliminate, exclude, jettison, jilt, rebuff, refuse, renounce, repel, repudiate, repulse, say no to, scrap, spurn, throw away or out, turn down, veto @@@@ [2]castoff, discard, failure, flotsam, second"} {"x":"rejection","y":"[1]brushoff @@@@ [2]bum's rush @@@@ [3]denial, dismissal, elimination, exclusion, kick in the teeth @@@@ [4]knock-back @@@@ [5]rebuff, refusal, renunciation, repudiation, the (old) heave-ho @@@@ [6]thumbs down, veto"} {"x":"rejoice","y":"[1]be glad, be happy, be overjoyed, celebrate, delight, exult, glory, joy, jump for joy, make merry, revel, triumph"} {"x":"rejoinder","y":"[1]answer, comeback @@@@ [2]counter, counterattack, reply, response, retort, riposte"} {"x":"rejuvenate","y":"[1]breathe new life into, give new life to, make young again, reanimate, refresh, regenerate, reinvigorate, renew, restore, restore vitality to, revitalize, revivify"} {"x":"relapse","y":"[1]backslide, degenerate, fail, fall back, lapse, regress, retrogress, revert, slip back, weaken @@@@ [2]deteriorate, fade, fail, sicken, sink, weaken, worsen @@@@ [3]backsliding, fall from grace, lapse, recidivism, regression, retrogression, reversion @@@@ [4]deterioration, recurrence, setback, turn for the worse, weakening, worsening"} {"x":"relate","y":"[1]chronicle, describe, detail, give an account of, impart, narrate, present, recite, recount, rehearse, report, set forth, tell @@@@ [2]ally, associate, connect, coordinate, correlate, couple, join, link @@@@ [3]appertain, apply, bear upon, be relevant to, concern, have reference to, have to do with, pertain, refer"} {"x":"related","y":"[1]accompanying, affiliated, agnate, akin, allied, associated, cognate, concomitant, connected, correlated, interconnected, joint, linked @@@@ [2]agnate, akin, cognate, consanguineous, kin, kindred"} {"x":"relation","y":"[1]affiliation, affinity, consanguinity, kindred, kinship, propinquity, relationship @@@@ [2]kin, kinsman, kinswoman, relative @@@@ [3]application, bearing, bond, comparison, connection, correlation, interdependence, link, pertinence, reference, regard, similarity, tie-in @@@@ [4]account, description, narration, narrative, recital, recountal, report, story, tale"} {"x":"relations","y":"[1]affairs, associations, communications, connections, contact, dealings, interaction, intercourse, liaison, meetings, rapport, relationship, terms @@@@ [2]clan, family, kin, kindred, kinsfolk, kinsmen, relatives, tribe @@@@ [3]affiliation, affinity, consanguinity, kindred, kinship, propinquity, relationship @@@@ [4]kin, kinsman, kinswoman, relative @@@@ [5]application, bearing, bond, comparison, connection, correlation, interdependence, link, pertinence, reference, regard, similarity, tie-in @@@@ [6]account, description, narration, narrative, recital, recountal, report, story, tale"} {"x":"relationship","y":"[1]affair, affinity, association, bond, communications, conjunction, connection, correlation, exchange, kinship, liaison, link, parallel, proportion, rapport, ratio, similarity, tie-up"} {"x":"relative","y":"[1]allied, associated, comparative, connected, contingent, corresponding, dependent, proportionate, reciprocal, related, respective @@@@ [2]applicable, apposite, appropriate, appurtenant, apropos, germane, pertinent, relevant @@@@ [3]corresponding to, in proportion to, proportional to @@@@ [4]connection, kinsman, kinswoman, member of one's or the family, relation @@@@ [5]If one animal, plant, language, or invention is a relativeof another, they have both developed from the same type of animal, plant, language, or invention."} {"x":"relatively","y":"[1]comparatively, in or by comparison, rather, somewhat, to some extent"} {"x":"relax","y":"[1]abate, diminish, ease, ebb, lessen, let up, loosen, lower, mitigate, moderate, reduce, relieve, slacken, weaken @@@@ [2]hang loose @@@@ [3]lighten up @@@@ [4]put one's feet up, rest, soften, take it easy, take one's ease, tranquillize, unbend, unwind"} {"x":"relaxation","y":"[1]enjoyment, entertainment, fun, leisure, pleasure, recreation, refreshment, rest @@@@ [2]abatement, diminution, easing, lessening, let-up @@@@ [3]moderation, reduction, slackening, weakening"} {"x":"relaxed","y":"[1]casual, comfortable, downbeat @@@@ [2]easy, easy-going, free and easy, informal, insouciant, laid-back @@@@ [3]leisurely, mellow, mild, nonchalant, unhurried, untaxing"} {"x":"relay","y":"[1]relief, shift, turn @@@@ [2]communication, dispatch, message, transmission @@@@ [3]broadcast, carry, communicate, hand on, pass on, send, spread, transmit"} {"x":"release","y":"[1]deliver, discharge, disengage, drop, emancipate, extricate, free, let go, let out, liberate, loose, manumit, set free, turn loose, unbridle, unchain, undo, unfasten, unfetter, unloose, unshackle, untie @@@@ [2]absolve, acquit, dispense, excuse, exempt, exonerate, let go, let off @@@@ [3]break, circulate, disseminate, distribute, issue, launch, make known, make public, present, publish, put out, unveil @@@@ [4]acquittal, deliverance, delivery, discharge, emancipation, freedom, liberation, liberty, manumission, relief @@@@ [5]absolution, acquittance, dispensation, exemption, exoneration, let-off @@@@ [6]announcement, issue, offering, proclamation, publication"} {"x":"relegate","y":"[1]demote, downgrade @@@@ [2]assign, consign, delegate, entrust, pass on, refer, transfer @@@@ [3]banish, deport, eject, exile, expatriate, expel, oust, throw out"} {"x":"relent","y":"[1]acquiesce, be merciful, capitulate, change one's mind, come round, forbear, give in, give quarter, give way, have pity, melt, show mercy, soften, unbend, yield @@@@ [2]die down, drop, ease, fall, let up, relax, slacken, slow, weaken"} {"x":"relevant","y":"[1]admissible, ad rem, applicable, apposite, appropriate, appurtenant, apt, fitting, germane, material, pertinent, proper, related, relative, significant, suited, to the point, to the purpose"} {"x":"reliable","y":"[1]certain, dependable, faithful, honest, predictable, regular, reputable, responsible, safe, sound, stable, staunch, sure, tried and true, true, trustworthy, trusty, unfailing, upright"} {"x":"reliance","y":"[1]assurance, belief, confidence, credence, credit, dependence, faith, trust"} {"x":"relic","y":"[1]fragment, keepsake, memento, remembrance, remnant, scrap, souvenir, survival, token, trace, vestige"} {"x":"relief","y":"[1]abatement, alleviation, assuagement, balm, comfort, cure, deliverance, ease, easement, mitigation, palliation, release, remedy, solace @@@@ [2]aid, assistance, help, succour, support, sustenance @@@@ [3]break, breather @@@@ [4]diversion, let-up @@@@ [5]refreshment, relaxation, remission, respite, rest"} {"x":"relieve","y":"[1]abate, allay, alleviate, appease, assuage, calm, comfort, console, cure, diminish, dull, ease, mitigate, mollify, palliate, relax, salve, soften, solace, soothe @@@@ [2]aid, assist, bring aid to, help, succour, support, sustain @@@@ [3]deliver, discharge, disembarrass, disencumber, exempt, free, release, unburden @@@@ [4]break, brighten, interrupt, let up on @@@@ [5]lighten, slacken, vary"} {"x":"religious","y":"[1]churchgoing, devotional, devout, divine, doctrinal, faithful, god-fearing, godly, holy, pious, pure, reverent, righteous, sacred, scriptural, sectarian, spiritual, theological @@@@ [2]conscientious, exact, faithful, fastidious, meticulous, punctilious, rigid, rigorous, scrupulous, unerring, unswerving"} {"x":"relinquish","y":"[1]abandon, abdicate, cast off, cede, desert, drop, forgo, forsake, give up, hand over, kiss (something) goodbye, lay aside, leave, let go, quit, release, renounce, repudiate, resign, retire from, say goodbye to, surrender, vacate, waive, withdraw from, yield"} {"x":"relish","y":"[1]appreciate, delight in, enjoy, fancy, lick one's lips, like, look forward to, luxuriate in, prefer, revel in, savour, taste @@@@ [2]appetite, appreciation, enjoyment, fancy, fondness, gusto, liking, love, partiality, penchant, predilection, stomach, taste, zest, zing @@@@ [3]appetizer, condiment, sauce, seasoning @@@@ [4]flavour, piquancy, savour, smack, spice, tang, taste, trace"} {"x":"reluctance","y":"[1]aversion, backwardness, disinclination, dislike, disrelish, distaste, hesitancy, indisposition, loathing, repugnance, unwillingness"} {"x":"reluctant","y":"[1]averse, backward, disinclined, grudging, hesitant, indisposed, loath, recalcitrant, slow, unenthusiastic, unwilling"} {"x":"rely","y":"[1]bank, be confident of, be sure of, bet, count, depend, have confidence in, lean, reckon, repose trust in, swear by, trust"} {"x":"remain","y":"[1]abide, be left, bide, cling, continue, delay, dwell, endure, go on, hang in the air, last, linger, persist, prevail, rest, stand, stay, stay behind, stay put @@@@ [2]survive, tarry, wait"} {"x":"remainder","y":"[1]balance, butt, dregs, excess, leavings, oddment, relic, remains, remnant, residue, residuum, rest, stub, surplus, tail end, trace, vestige(s)"} {"x":"remaining","y":"[1]abiding, extant, lasting, left, lingering, outstanding, persisting, residual, surviving, unfinished"} {"x":"remains","y":"[1]balance, crumbs, debris, detritus, dregs, fragments, leavings, leftovers, oddments, odds and ends, pieces, relics, remainder, remnants, residue, rest, scraps, traces, vestiges @@@@ [2]body, cadaver, carcass, corpse @@@@ [3]abide, be left, bide, cling, continue, delay, dwell, endure, go on, hang in the air, last, linger, persist, prevail, rest, stand, stay, stay behind, stay put @@@@ [4]survive, tarry, wait"} {"x":"remark","y":"[1]animadvert, comment, declare, mention, observe, pass comment, reflect, say, state @@@@ [2]espy, heed, make out, mark, note, notice, observe, perceive, regard, see, take note or notice of @@@@ [3]assertion, comment, declaration, observation, opinion, reflection, statement, thought, utterance, word @@@@ [4]acknowledgment, attention, comment, consideration, heed, mention, notice, observation, recognition, regard, thought"} {"x":"remarkable","y":"[1]conspicuous, distinguished, extraordinary, famous, impressive, miraculous, notable, noteworthy, odd, outstanding, phenomenal, pre-eminent, prominent, rare, signal, singular, strange, striking, surprising, uncommon, unusual, wonderful"} {"x":"remediable","y":"[1]corrigible, curable, medicable, repairable, soluble, solvable, treatable"} {"x":"remedy","y":"[1]antidote, counteractive, cure, medicament, medicine, nostrum, panacea, physic @@@@ [2]relief, restorative, specific, therapy, treatment @@@@ [3]antidote, corrective, countermeasure, panacea, redress, relief, solution @@@@ [4]alleviate, assuage, control, cure, ease, heal, help, mitigate, palliate, relieve, restore, soothe, treat @@@@ [5]ameliorate, correct, fix, put right, rectify, redress, reform, relieve, repair, set to rights, solve"} {"x":"remember","y":"[1]bear in mind, call to mind, call up, commemorate, keep in mind, look back (on), put one's finger on, recall, recognize, recollect, reminisce, retain, summon up, think back"} {"x":"remind","y":"[1]awaken memories of, bring back to, bring to mind, call to mind, call up, jog one's memory, make (someone) remember, prompt, put in mind, refresh one's memory"} {"x":"reminisce","y":"[1]go over in the memory, hark back, live in the past, look back, recall, recollect, remember, review, think back"} {"x":"remiss","y":"[1]careless, culpable, delinquent, derelict, dilatory, forgetful, heedless, inattentive, indifferent, lackadaisical, lax, neglectful, negligent, regardless, slack, slapdash, slipshod, sloppy @@@@ [2]slothful, slow, tardy, thoughtless, unmindful"} {"x":"remission","y":"[1]absolution, acquittal, amnesty, discharge, excuse, exemption, exoneration, forgiveness, indulgence, pardon, release, reprieve @@@@ [2]abatement, abeyance, alleviation, amelioration, decrease, diminution, ebb, lessening, let-up @@@@ [3]lull, moderation, reduction, relaxation, respite, suspension"} {"x":"remit","y":"[1]dispatch, forward, mail, post, send, transmit @@@@ [2]cancel, desist, forbear, halt, repeal, rescind, stop @@@@ [3]abate, alleviate, decrease, diminish, dwindle, ease up, fall away, mitigate, moderate, reduce, relax, sink, slacken, soften, wane, weaken @@@@ [4]defer, delay, postpone, put off, put on the back burner @@@@ [5]shelve, suspend, take a rain check on @@@@ [6]authorization, brief, guidelines, instructions, orders, terms of reference"} {"x":"remittance","y":"[1]allowance, consideration, fee, payment"} {"x":"remnant","y":"[1]balance, bit, butt, end, fragment, hangover, leftovers, oddment, piece, remainder, remains, residue, residuum, rest, rump, scrap, shred, stub, survival, tail end, trace, vestige"} {"x":"remonstrance","y":"[1]complaint, expostulation, grievance, objection, petition, protest, protestation, reprimand, reproof"} {"x":"remonstrate","y":"[1]argue, challenge, complain, dispute, dissent, expostulate, object, protest, take exception, take issue"} {"x":"remorse","y":"[1]anguish, bad or guilty conscience, compassion, compunction, contrition, grief, guilt, pangs of conscience, penitence, pity, regret, repentance, ruefulness, self-reproach, shame, sorrow"} {"x":"remote","y":"[1]backwoods, distant, far, faraway, far-off, godforsaken, inaccessible, in the middle of nowhere, isolated, lonely, off the beaten track, outlying, out-of-the-way, secluded @@@@ [2]alien, extraneous, extrinsic, foreign, immaterial, irrelevant, outside, removed, unconnected, unrelated @@@@ [3]doubtful, dubious, faint, implausible, inconsiderable, meagre, negligible, outside, poor, slender, slight, slim, small, unlikely @@@@ [4]abstracted, aloof, cold, detached, distant, faraway, indifferent, introspective, introverted, removed, reserved, standoffish, unapproachable, uncommunicative, uninterested, uninvolved, withdrawn"} {"x":"removal","y":"[1]abstraction, dislodgment, dismissal, displacement, dispossession, ejection, elimination, eradication, erasure, expulsion, expunction, extraction, purging, stripping, subtraction, taking off, uprooting, withdrawal @@@@ [2]departure, flitting @@@@ [3]move, relocation, transfer"} {"x":"remove","y":"[1]abolish, abstract, amputate, carry off or away, cart off @@@@ [2]delete, depose, detach, dethrone, discharge, dislodge, dismiss, displace, do away with, doff, efface, eject, eliminate, erase, excise, expel, expunge, extract, get rid of, give the bum's rush @@@@ [3]move, oust, pull, purge, relegate, see the back of, shed, show one the door, strike out, take away, take off, take out, throw out, throw out on one's ear @@@@ [4]transfer, transport, unseat, wipe from the face of the earth, wipe out, withdraw @@@@ [5]depart, flit @@@@ [6]move, move away, quit, relocate, shift, transfer, transport, vacate @@@@ [7]assassinate, bump off @@@@ [8]dispose of, do away with, do in @@@@ [9]eliminate, execute, get rid of, kill, liquidate, murder, take out"} {"x":"remunerate","y":"[1]compensate, indemnify, pay, recompense, redress, reimburse, repay, requite, reward"} {"x":"renaissance","y":"[1]awakening, new birth, new dawn, reappearance, reawakening, rebirth, re-emergence, regeneration, renewal, restoration, resurgence, resurrection, revival @@@@ [2]The Renaissance was the period in Europe, especially Italy, in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries, when there was a new interest in art, literature, science, and learning."} {"x":"rend","y":"[1]break, burst, cleave, crack, dissever, disturb, divide, fracture, lacerate, pierce, pull, rip, rive, rupture, separate, sever, shatter, smash, splinter, split, sunder @@@@ [2]tear, tear to pieces, wrench @@@@ [3]afflict, anguish, break, distress, hurt, lacerate, pain, pierce, stab, torment, wound, wring"} {"x":"render","y":"[1]contribute, deliver, furnish, give, hand out, make available, pay, present, provide, show, submit, supply, tender, turn over, yield @@@@ [2]display, evince, exhibit, manifest, show @@@@ [3]exchange, give, return, swap, trade @@@@ [4]cause to become, leave, make @@@@ [5]act, depict, do, give, interpret, perform, play, portray, present, represent @@@@ [6]construe, explain, interpret, put, reproduce, restate, transcribe, translate @@@@ [7]cede, deliver, give, give up, hand over, relinquish, surrender, turn over, yield @@@@ [8]give back, make restitution, pay back, repay, restore, return"} {"x":"rendezvous","y":"[1]appointment, assignation, date, engagement, meeting, tryst @@@@ [2]gathering point, meeting place, place of assignation, trysting-place @@@@ [3]venue @@@@ [4]assemble, be reunited, collect, come together, converge, gather, get together, join up, meet, muster, rally"} {"x":"rendition","y":"[1]arrangement, delivery, depiction, execution, interpretation, performance, portrayal, presentation, reading, rendering, take @@@@ [2]version @@@@ [3]construction, explanation, interpretation, reading, transcription, translation, version"} {"x":"renegade","y":"[1]apostate, backslider, betrayer, defector, deserter, dissident, mutineer, outlaw, rebel, recreant @@@@ [2]runaway, traitor, turncoat @@@@ [3]apostate, backsliding, disloyal, dissident, mutinous, outlaw, rebel, rebellious, recreant @@@@ [4]runaway, traitorous, unfaithful"} {"x":"renege","y":"[1]back out, break a promise, break one's word, default, go back, repudiate, welsh"} {"x":"renew","y":"[1]begin again, breathe new life into, bring up to date, continue, extend, fix up @@@@ [2]mend, modernize, overhaul, prolong, reaffirm, recommence, recreate, re-establish, refit, refresh, refurbish, regenerate, rejuvenate, renovate, reopen, repair, repeat, replace, replenish, restate, restock, restore, resume, revitalize, transform"} {"x":"renounce","y":"[1]abandon, abdicate, abjure, abnegate, abstain from, cast off, decline, deny, discard, disclaim, disown, eschew, forgo, forsake, forswear, give up, leave off, quit, recant, reject, relinquish, renege, repudiate, resign, retract, spurn, swear off, throw off, waive, wash one's hands of"} {"x":"renovate","y":"[1]do up @@@@ [2]fix up @@@@ [3]modernize, overhaul, recondition, reconstitute, recreate, refit, reform, refurbish, rehabilitate, remodel, renew, repair, restore, revamp"} {"x":"renown","y":"[1]acclaim, celebrity, distinction, eminence, fame, glory, honour, illustriousness, lustre, mark, note, reputation, repute, stardom"} {"x":"rent","y":"[1]fee, hire, lease, payment, rental, tariff @@@@ [2]charter, hire, lease, let @@@@ [3]breach, break, chink, crack, flaw, gash, hole, opening, perforation, rip, slash, slit, split, tear @@@@ [4]breach, break, cleavage, discord, dissension, disunity, division, faction, rift, rupture, schism, split"} {"x":"renunciation","y":"[1]abandonment, abdication, abjuration, abnegation, abstention, denial, disavowal, disclaimer, eschewal, forswearing, giving up, rejection, relinquishment, repudiation, resignation, spurning, surrender, waiver"} {"x":"reorganize","y":"[1]make a clean sweep, rationalize, rearrange, reshuffle, restructure, shake up, spring-clean"} {"x":"repair","y":"[1]compensate for, fix, heal, make good, make up for, mend, patch, patch up, put back together, put right, recover, rectify, redress, renew, renovate, restore, restore to working order, retrieve, square @@@@ [2]adjustment, darn, mend, overhaul, patch, restoration @@@@ [3]condition, fettle, form, nick @@@@ [4]shape @@@@ [5]state"} {"x":"reparation","y":"[1]amends, atonement, compensation, damages, indemnity, propitiation, recompense, redress, renewal, repair, requital, restitution, satisfaction"} {"x":"repartee","y":"[1]badinage, banter, bon mot, persiflage, pleasantry, raillery, riposte, sally, wit, witticism, wittiness, wordplay"} {"x":"repast","y":"[1]collation, food, meal, nourishment, refection, spread @@@@ [2]victuals"} {"x":"repay","y":"[1]compensate, make restitution, pay back, recompense, refund, reimburse, remunerate, requite, restore, return, reward, settle up with, square @@@@ [2]hit back, make reprisal, pay (someone) back in his or her own coin, reciprocate, retaliate, return the compliment, revenge"} {"x":"repeal","y":"[1]abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, countermand, declare null and void, invalidate, nullify, obviate, recall, rescind, reverse, revoke, set aside, withdraw @@@@ [2]abolition, abrogation, annulment, cancellation, invalidation, nullification, rescinding, rescindment, rescission, revocation, withdrawal"} {"x":"repeat","y":"[1]duplicate, echo, iterate, quote, recapitulate, recite, redo, rehearse, reiterate, relate, renew, replay, reproduce, rerun, reshow, restate, retell @@@@ [2]duplicate, echo, recapitulation, reiteration, repetition, replay, reproduction, rerun, reshowing"} {"x":"repeatedly","y":"[1]many times, often, over and over, time after time, time and (time) again"} {"x":"repel","y":"[1]beat off, check, confront, decline, drive off, fight, hold off, keep at arm's length, oppose, parry, put to flight, rebuff, refuse, reject, repulse, resist, ward off @@@@ [2]gross out @@@@ [3]make one shudder, make one sick, nauseate, offend, put one off, revolt, sicken, turn one off"} {"x":"repent","y":"[1]atone, be ashamed, be contrite, be sorry, deplore, feel remorse, lament, regret, relent, reproach oneself, rue, see the error of one's ways, show penitence, sorrow"} {"x":"repentance","y":"[1]compunction, contrition, grief, guilt, penitence, regret, remorse, sackcloth and ashes, self-reproach, sorriness, sorrow"} {"x":"repercussion","y":"[1]backlash, consequence, echo, rebound, recoil, result, reverberation, sequel, side effect"} {"x":"repertory","y":"[1]collection, list, range, repertoire, repository, stock, store, supply"} {"x":"repetition","y":"[1]duplication, echo, iteration, reappearance, recapitulation, recital, recurrence, redundancy, rehearsal, reiteration, relation, renewal, repeat, repetitiousness, replication, restatement, return, tautology"} {"x":"repetitive","y":"[1]boring, dull, mechanical, monotonous, recurrent, samey @@@@ [2]tedious, unchanging, unvaried"} {"x":"repine","y":"[1]brood, complain, eat one's heart out, fret, grieve, grumble, lament, languish, moan, mope, murmur, sulk"} {"x":"replace","y":"[1]fill (someone's) shoes or boots, follow, oust, put back, re-establish, reinstate, restore, stand in lieu of, step into (someone's) shoes or boots, substitute, succeed, supersede, supplant, supply, take over from, take the place of"} {"x":"replacement","y":"[1]double, fill-in, proxy, stand-in, substitute, successor, surrogate, understudy"} {"x":"replenish","y":"[1]fill, furnish, make up, provide, refill, reload, renew, replace, restock, restore, stock, supply, top up"} {"x":"replete","y":"[1]abounding, brimful, brimming, charged, chock-full, crammed, filled, full, full to bursting, full up, glutted, gorged, jammed, jam-packed, sated, satiated, stuffed, teeming, well-provided, well-stocked"} {"x":"repletion","y":"[1]completeness, fullness, glut, overfullness, plethora, satiation, satiety, superfluity, surfeit"} {"x":"replica","y":"[1]carbon copy @@@@ [2]copy, duplicate, facsimile, imitation, model, reproduction"} {"x":"reply","y":"[1]acknowledge, answer, come back, counter, echo, make answer, react, reciprocate, rejoin, respond, retaliate, retort, return, riposte, write back @@@@ [2]acknowledgment, answer, comeback @@@@ [3]counter, counterattack, echo, reaction, reciprocation, rejoinder, response, retaliation, retort, return, riposte"} {"x":"report","y":"[1]account, announcement, article, communication, communique, declaration, description, detail, dispatch, information, message, narrative, news, note, paper, piece, recital, record, relation, statement, story, summary, tale, tidings, version, word, write-up @@@@ [2]buzz, gossip, hearsay, rumour, scuttlebutt @@@@ [3]talk @@@@ [4]character, eminence, esteem, fame, regard, reputation, repute @@@@ [5]bang, blast, boom, crack, crash, detonation, discharge, explosion, noise, reverberation, sound @@@@ [6]air, announce, bring word, broadcast, circulate, communicate, cover, declare, describe, detail, document, give an account of, inform of, mention, narrate, note, notify, pass on, proclaim, publish, recite, record, recount, relate, relay, state, tell, write up @@@@ [7]appear, arrive, be present, clock in or on, come, present oneself, show up @@@@ [8]turn up"} {"x":"reporter","y":"[1]announcer, correspondent, hack @@@@ [2]journalist, journo @@@@ [3]newscaster, newshound @@@@ [4]newspaperman, newspaperwoman, pressman, writer"} {"x":"repose","y":"[1]ease, inactivity, peace, quiet, quietness, quietude, relaxation, respite, rest, restfulness, sleep, slumber, stillness, tranquillity @@@@ [2]aplomb, calmness, composure, dignity, equanimity, peace of mind, poise, self-possession, serenity, tranquillity @@@@ [3]drowse, lay down, lie, lie down, lie upon, recline, relax, rest, rest upon, sleep, slumber, take it easy, take one's ease @@@@ [4]confide, deposit, entrust, invest, lodge, place, put, store"} {"x":"repository","y":"[1]archive, charnel house, depository, depot, emporium, magazine, receptacle, store, storehouse, treasury, vault, warehouse"} {"x":"represent","y":"[1]act for, be, betoken, correspond to, equal, equate with, express, mean, serve as, speak for, stand for, substitute for, symbolize @@@@ [2]embody, epitomize, exemplify, personify, symbolize, typify @@@@ [3]delineate, denote, depict, describe, designate, evoke, express, illustrate, outline, picture, portray, render, reproduce, show, sketch @@@@ [4]describe as, make out to be, pass off as, pose as, pretend to be @@@@ [5]act, appear as, assume the role of, enact, exhibit, perform, play the part of, produce, put on, show, stage"} {"x":"representation","y":"[1]account, delineation, depiction, description, illustration, image, likeness, model, narration, narrative, picture, portrait, portrayal, relation, resemblance, sketch @@@@ [2]body of representatives, committee, delegates, delegation, embassy @@@@ [3]exhibition, performance, play, production, show, sight, spectacle @@@@ [4]account, argument, explanation, exposition, expostulation, remonstrance, statement"} {"x":"representative","y":"[1]agent, commercial traveller, rep, salesman, traveller @@@@ [2]archetype, embodiment, epitome, exemplar, personification, type, typical example @@@@ [3]agent, commissioner, councillor, delegate, depute @@@@ [4]deputy, member, member of parliament, M.P., proxy, spokesman, spokeswoman @@@@ [5]archetypal, characteristic, emblematic, evocative, exemplary, illustrative, symbolic, typical @@@@ [6]chosen, delegated, elected, elective"} {"x":"repress","y":"[1]bottle up, chasten, check, control, crush, curb, hold back, hold in, inhibit, keep in check, master, muffle, overcome, overpower, quash, quell, restrain, silence, smother, stifle, subdue, subjugate, suppress, swallow"} {"x":"reprieve","y":"[1]abate, allay, alleviate, mitigate, palliate, relieve, respite @@@@ [2]abeyance, amnesty, deferment, pardon, postponement, remission, stay of execution, suspension @@@@ [3]abatement, alleviation, let-up @@@@ [4]mitigation, palliation, relief, respite"} {"x":"reprimand","y":"[1]admonition, blame, castigation, censure, dressing-down @@@@ [2]lecture, rebuke, reprehension, reproach, reproof, row, talking-to @@@@ [3]telling-off @@@@ [4]ticking-off @@@@ [5]tongue-lashing, wigging @@@@ [6]admonish, bawl out @@@@ [7]blame, carpet @@@@ [8]castigate, censure, check, chew out @@@@ [9]chide, dress down @@@@ [10]lecture, rap over the knuckles, read the riot act, rebuke, reprehend, reproach, reprove, scold, send one away with a flea in one's ear @@@@ [11]tell off @@@@ [12]tick off @@@@ [13]tongue-lash, upbraid"} {"x":"reprisal","y":"[1]an eye for an eye, counterstroke, requital, retaliation, retribution, revenge, vengeance"} {"x":"reproach","y":"[1]abuse, bawl out @@@@ [2]blame, blast, carpet @@@@ [3]censure, chew out @@@@ [4]chide, condemn, criticize, defame, discredit, disparage, find fault with, give a rocket @@@@ [5]lambast(e), read the riot act, rebuke, reprehend, reprimand, reprove, scold, take to task, tear into @@@@ [6]upbraid @@@@ [7]abuse, blame, blemish, censure, condemnation, contempt, disapproval, discredit, disgrace, dishonour, disrepute, ignominy, indignity, obloquy, odium, opprobrium, scorn, shame, slight, slur, stain, stigma"} {"x":"reprobate","y":"[1]abandoned, bad, base, corrupt, damned, degenerate, depraved, dissolute, hardened, immoral, incorrigible, profligate, shameless, sinful, sink, unprincipled, vile, wicked @@@@ [2]asshole @@@@ [3]asswipe @@@@ [4]bad egg @@@@ [5]bastard @@@@ [6]blackguard, bugger @@@@ [7]cocksucker @@@@ [8]degenerate, evildoer, miscreant, mother @@@@ [9]motherfucker @@@@ [10]ne'er-do-well, outcast, pariah, profligate, rake, rakehell @@@@ [11]rascal, roue, scoundrel, scumbag @@@@ [12]shit @@@@ [13]sinner, skelm @@@@ [14]son-of-a-bitch @@@@ [15]turd @@@@ [16]villain, wastrel, wretch, wrongdoer @@@@ [17]condemn, damn, denounce, disapprove of, frown upon, reprehend, vilify"} {"x":"reproduce","y":"[1]copy, duplicate, echo, emulate, imitate, match, mirror, parallel, print, recreate, repeat, replicate, represent, transcribe @@@@ [2]breed, generate, multiply, procreate, produce young, proliferate, propagate, spawn @@@@ [3]When people, animals, or plants reproduce, they produce young."} {"x":"reproof","y":"[1]admonition, blame, castigation, censure, chiding, condemnation, criticism, dressing-down @@@@ [2]rebuke, reprehension, reprimand, reproach, reproval, scolding, ticking-off @@@@ [3]tongue-lashing, upbraiding"} {"x":"reprove","y":"[1]abuse, admonish, bawl out @@@@ [2]berate, blame, carpet @@@@ [3]censure, check, chew out @@@@ [4]chide, condemn, give a rocket @@@@ [5]read the riot act, rebuke, reprehend, reprimand, scold, take to task, tear into @@@@ [6]tell off @@@@ [7]tick off @@@@ [8]upbraid"} {"x":"repudiate","y":"[1]abandon, abjure, cast off, cut off, deny, desert, disavow, discard, disclaim, disown, forsake, reject, renounce, rescind, retract, reverse, revoke, turn one's back on, wash one's hands of"} {"x":"repugnance","y":"[1]abhorrence, antipathy, aversion, disgust, dislike, disrelish, distaste, hatred, loathing, odium, reluctance, repulsion, revulsion"} {"x":"repulse","y":"[1]beat off, check, defeat, drive back, fight off, rebuff, repel, throw back, ward off @@@@ [2]disdain, disregard, give the cold shoulder to, rebuff, refuse, reject, snub, spurn, turn down @@@@ [3]check, defeat, disappointment, failure, reverse @@@@ [4]knock-back @@@@ [5]rebuff, refusal, rejection, snub, spurning, the (old) heave-ho"} {"x":"repulsion","y":"[1]abhorrence, aversion, detestation, disgust, disrelish, distaste, hatred, loathing, odium, repugnance, revulsion"} {"x":"repulsive","y":"[1]abhorrent, abominable, disagreeable, disgusting, distasteful, forbidding, foul, hateful, hideous, horrid, loathsome, nauseating, objectionable, obnoxious, obscene, odious, offensive, repellent, revolting, sickening, ugly, unpleasant, vile"} {"x":"reputable","y":"[1]creditable, estimable, excellent, good, honourable, honoured, legitimate, of good repute, reliable, respectable, trustworthy, upright, well-thought-of, worthy"} {"x":"reputation","y":"[1]character, credit, distinction, eminence, esteem, estimation, fame, honour, name, opinion, renown, repute, standing, stature"} {"x":"repute","y":"[1]celebrity, distinction, eminence, esteem, estimation, fame, name, renown, reputation, standing, stature"} {"x":"reputed","y":"[1]accounted, alleged, believed, considered, deemed, estimated, held, ostensible, putative, reckoned, regarded, rumoured, said, seeming, supposed, thought"} {"x":"request","y":"[1]appeal for, apply for, ask (for), beg, beseech, call for, demand, desire, entreat, invite, petition, pray, put in for, requisition, seek, solicit, sue for, supplicate @@@@ [2]appeal, application, asking, begging, call, demand, desire, entreaty, petition, prayer, requisition, solicitation, suit, supplication"} {"x":"require","y":"[1]crave, depend upon, desire, have need of, lack, miss, need, stand in need of, want, wish @@@@ [2]ask, beg, beseech, bid, call upon, command, compel, constrain, demand, direct, enjoin, exact, insist upon, instruct, oblige, order, request @@@@ [3]call for, demand, entail, involve, necessitate, take"} {"x":"required","y":"[1]called for, compulsory, demanded, essential, mandatory, necessary, needed, obligatory, prescribed, recommended, requisite, set, unavoidable, vital"} {"x":"requirement","y":"[1]demand, desideratum, essential, lack, must, necessity, need, precondition, prerequisite, qualification, requisite, sine qua non, specification, stipulation, want"} {"x":"requisite","y":"[1]called for, essential, indispensable, mandatory, necessary, needed, needful, obligatory, prerequisite, required, vital @@@@ [2]condition, desideratum, essential, must, necessity, need, precondition, prerequisite, requirement, sine qua non"} {"x":"requisition","y":"[1]application, call, demand, request, summons @@@@ [2]appropriation, commandeering, occupation, seizure, takeover @@@@ [3]apply for, call for, demand, put in for, request @@@@ [4]appropriate, commandeer, occupy, seize, take over, take possession of"} {"x":"requite","y":"[1]compensate, get even, give in return, give tit for tat, make amends, make good, make restitution, pay, pay (someone) back in his or her own coin, reciprocate, recompense, redress, reimburse, remunerate, repay, respond, retaliate, return, return like for like, reward, satisfy"} {"x":"rescind","y":"[1]abrogate, annul, cancel, countermand, declare null and void, invalidate, obviate, overturn, quash, recall, repeal, retract, reverse, revoke, set aside, void"} {"x":"rescue","y":"[1]deliver, extricate, free, get out, liberate, recover, redeem, release, salvage, save, save (someone's) bacon @@@@ [2]deliverance, extrication, liberation, recovery, redemption, release, relief, salvage, salvation, saving"} {"x":"research","y":"[1]analysis, delving, examination, experimentation, exploration, fact-finding, groundwork, inquiry, investigation, probe, scrutiny, study @@@@ [2]analyse, consult the archives, do tests, examine, experiment, explore, investigate, look into, make inquiries, probe, scrutinize, study, work over"} {"x":"resemblance","y":"[1]affinity, analogy, closeness, comparability, comparison, conformity, correspondence, counterpart, facsimile, image, kinship, likeness, parallel, parity, sameness, semblance, similarity, similitude"} {"x":"resent","y":"[1]be angry about, bear a grudge about, begrudge, be in a huff about, be offended by, dislike, feel bitter about, grudge, harbour a grudge against, have hard feelings about, object to, take amiss, take as an insult, take exception to, take offence at, take umbrage at"} {"x":"reservation","y":"[1]condition, demur, doubt, hesitancy, proviso, qualification, rider, scepticism, scruple, stipulation @@@@ [2]enclave, homeland, preserve, reserve, sanctuary, territory, tract"} {"x":"reserve","y":"[1]conserve, hang on to, hoard, hold, husband, keep, keep back, lay up, preserve, put by, retain, save, set aside, stockpile, store, withhold @@@@ [2]bespeak, book, engage, prearrange, pre-engage, retain, secure @@@@ [3]defer, delay, keep back, postpone, put off, withhold @@@@ [4]backlog, cache, capital, fall-back, fund, hoard, reservoir, savings, stock, stockpile, store, supply @@@@ [5]park, preserve, reservation, sanctuary, tract @@@@ [6]aloofness, constraint, coolness, formality, modesty, reluctance, reservation, restraint, reticence, secretiveness, shyness, silence, taciturnity @@@@ [7]alternate, auxiliary, extra, fall-back, secondary, spare, substitute"} {"x":"reserved","y":"[1]booked, engaged, held, kept, restricted, retained, set aside, spoken for, taken @@@@ [2]aloof, cautious, close-mouthed, cold, cool, demure, formal, modest, prim, restrained, reticent, retiring, secretive, shy, silent, standoffish, taciturn, unapproachable, uncommunicative, undemonstrative, unforthcoming, unresponsive, unsociable @@@@ [3]bound, destined, fated, intended, meant, predestined"} {"x":"reservoir","y":"[1]basin, lake, pond, tank @@@@ [2]container, holder, receptacle, repository, store, tank @@@@ [3]accumulation, fund, pool, reserves, source, stock, stockpile, store, supply"} {"x":"reside","y":"[1]abide, dwell, hang out @@@@ [2]have one's home, inhabit, live, lodge, remain, settle, sojourn, stay @@@@ [3]abide, be intrinsic to, be vested, consist, dwell, exist, inhere, lie, rest with"} {"x":"residence","y":"[1]abode, domicile, dwelling, flat, habitation, home, house, household, lodging, pad @@@@ [2]place, quarters @@@@ [3]hall, manor, mansion, palace, seat, villa @@@@ [4]occupancy, occupation, sojourn, stay, tenancy"} {"x":"resident","y":"[1]citizen, denizen, indweller, inhabitant, local, lodger, occupant, tenant @@@@ [2]dwelling, inhabiting, living, local, neighbourhood, settled"} {"x":"residual","y":"[1]leftover, net, nett, remaining, unconsumed, unused, vestigial"} {"x":"residue","y":"[1]balance, dregs, excess, extra, leftovers, remainder, remains, remnant, residuum, rest, surplus"} {"x":"resign","y":"[1]abandon, abdicate, call it a day or night, cede, forgo, forsake, give in one's notice, give up, hand over, leave, quit, relinquish, renounce, step down @@@@ [2]surrender, turn over, vacate, yield @@@@ [3]accept, acquiesce, bow, give in, give up, reconcile, submit, succumb, yield"} {"x":"resignation","y":"[1]abandonment, abdication, departure, leaving, notice, relinquishment, renunciation, retirement, surrender @@@@ [2]acceptance, acquiescence, compliance, endurance, forbearing, fortitude, nonresistance, passivity, patience, submission, sufferance"} {"x":"resigned","y":"[1]acquiescent, compliant, long-suffering, patient, stoical, subdued, submissive, unprotesting, unresisting"} {"x":"resilient","y":"[1]bouncy, elastic, flexible, plastic, pliable, rubbery, springy, supple, whippy @@@@ [2]bouncy, buoyant, feisty @@@@ [3]hardy, irrepressible, quick to recover, strong, tough"} {"x":"resist","y":"[1]battle, be proof against, check, combat, confront, contend with, counteract, countervail, curb, defy, dispute, fight back, hinder, hold out against, oppose, put up a fight (against), refuse, repel, stand up to, struggle against, thwart, weather, withstand @@@@ [2]abstain from, avoid, forbear, forgo, keep from, leave alone, prevent oneself from, refrain from, refuse, turn down"} {"x":"resistance","y":"[1]battle, combat, contention, counteraction, defiance, fight, fighting, hindrance, impediment, intransigence, obstruction, opposition, refusal, struggle @@@@ [2]freedom fighters, guerrillas, irregulars, maquis, partisans, underground @@@@ [3]freedom fighters, guerrillas, irregulars, maquis, partisans, underground @@@@ [4]battle, combat, contention, counteraction, defiance, fight, fighting, hindrance, impediment, intransigence, obstruction, opposition, refusal, struggle"} {"x":"resolute","y":"[1]bold, constant, determined, dogged, firm, fixed, immovable, inflexible, obstinate, persevering, purposeful, relentless, set, stalwart, staunch, steadfast, strong-willed, stubborn, tenacious, unbending, undaunted, unflinching, unshakable, unshaken, unwavering"} {"x":"resolution","y":"[1]boldness, constancy, courage, dedication, determination, doggedness, earnestness, energy, firmness, fortitude, obstinacy, perseverance, purpose, relentlessness, resoluteness, resolve, sincerity, staunchness, staying power, steadfastness, stubbornness, tenacity, willpower @@@@ [2]aim, decision, declaration, determination, intent, intention, judgment, motion, purpose, resolve, verdict @@@@ [3]answer, end, finding, outcome, settlement, solution, solving, sorting out, unravelling, upshot, working out"} {"x":"resolve","y":"[1]agree, conclude, decide, design, determine, fix, intend, make up one's mind, purpose, settle, undertake @@@@ [2]answer, clear up, crack, elucidate, fathom, find the solution to, suss (out) @@@@ [3]work out @@@@ [4]banish, clear up, dispel, explain, remove @@@@ [5]analyse, anatomize, break down, clear, disentangle, disintegrate, dissect, dissolve, liquefy, melt, reduce, separate, solve, split up, unravel @@@@ [6]alter, change, convert, metamorphose, transform, transmute @@@@ [7]conclusion, decision, design, intention, objective, project, purpose, resolution, undertaking @@@@ [8]boldness, courage, determination, earnestness, firmness, resoluteness, resolution, steadfastness, willpower"} {"x":"resonance","y":"[1]If a sound has resonance, it is deep, clear, and strong."} {"x":"resort","y":"[1]avail oneself of, bring into play, employ, exercise, fall back on, have recourse to, look to, make use of, turn to, use, utilize @@@@ [2]frequent, go, haunt, head for, repair, visit @@@@ [3]haunt, holiday centre, refuge, retreat, spot, tourist centre, watering place @@@@ [4]alternative, chance, course, expedient, hope, possibility, recourse, reference"} {"x":"resound","y":"[1]echo, fill the air, re-echo, resonate, reverberate, ring"} {"x":"resource","y":"[1]ability, capability, cleverness, ingenuity, initiative, inventiveness, quick-wittedness, resourcefulness, talent @@@@ [2]hoard, reserve, source, stockpile, supply @@@@ [3]appliance, contrivance, course, device, expedient, means, resort"} {"x":"resources","y":"[1]assets, capital, funds, holdings, materials, means, money, property, reserves, riches, supplies, wealth, wherewithal @@@@ [2]ability, capability, cleverness, ingenuity, initiative, inventiveness, quick-wittedness, resourcefulness, talent @@@@ [3]hoard, reserve, source, stockpile, supply @@@@ [4]appliance, contrivance, course, device, expedient, means, resort"} {"x":"respect","y":"[1]admiration, appreciation, approbation, consideration, deference, esteem, estimation, honour, recognition, regard, reverence, veneration @@@@ [2]aspect, characteristic, detail, facet, feature, matter, particular, point, sense, way @@@@ [3]bearing, connection, reference, regard, relation @@@@ [4]compliments, devoirs, good wishes, greetings, regards, salutations @@@@ [5]admire, adore, appreciate, defer to, esteem, have a good or high opinion of, honour, look up to, recognize, regard, revere, reverence, set store by, show consideration for, think highly of, value, venerate @@@@ [6]abide by, adhere to, attend, comply with, follow, heed, honour, notice, obey, observe, pay attention to, regard, show consideration for"} {"x":"respectable","y":"[1]admirable, decent, decorous, dignified, estimable, good, honest, honourable, proper, reputable, respected, upright, venerable, worthy @@@@ [2]ample, appreciable, considerable, decent, fair, fairly good, goodly, presentable, reasonable, sizable or sizeable, substantial, tidy @@@@ [3]tolerable"} {"x":"respective","y":"[1]corresponding, individual, own, particular, personal, relevant, separate, several, specific, various"} {"x":"respite","y":"[1]break, breather @@@@ [2]breathing space, cessation, halt, hiatus, intermission, interruption, interval, let-up @@@@ [3]lull, pause, recess, relaxation, relief, rest @@@@ [4]adjournment, delay, moratorium, postponement, reprieve, stay, suspension"} {"x":"resplendent","y":"[1]beaming, bright, brilliant, dazzling, effulgent, gleaming, glittering, glorious, irradiant, luminous, lustrous, radiant, refulgent @@@@ [2]shining, splendid"} {"x":"respond","y":"[1]acknowledge, act in response, answer, come back, counter, react, reciprocate, rejoin, reply, retort, return, rise to the bait, take the bait"} {"x":"response","y":"[1]acknowledgment, answer, comeback @@@@ [2]counterattack, counterblast, feedback, reaction, rejoinder, reply, retort, return, riposte"} {"x":"responsibility","y":"[1]accountability, amenability, answerability, care, charge, duty, liability, obligation, onus, pigeon @@@@ [2]trust @@@@ [3]authority, importance, power @@@@ [4]blame, burden, culpability, fault, guilt @@@@ [5]conscientiousness, dependability, level-headedness, maturity, rationality, reliability, sensibleness, soberness, stability, trustworthiness"} {"x":"responsible","y":"[1]in authority, in charge, in control @@@@ [2]accountable, amenable, answerable, bound, chargeable, duty-bound, liable, subject, under obligation @@@@ [3]authoritative, decision-making, executive, high, important @@@@ [4]at fault, culpable, guilty, to blame @@@@ [5]adult, conscientious, dependable, level-headed, mature, rational, reliable, sensible, sober, sound, stable, trustworthy"} {"x":"rest","y":"[1]calm, doze, forty winks @@@@ [2]idleness, inactivity, kip @@@@ [3]leisure, lie-down, motionlessness, nap, refreshment, relaxation, relief, repose, siesta, sleep, slumber, snooze @@@@ [4]somnolence, standstill, stillness, tranquillity, zizz @@@@ [5]asleep, at a standstill, at peace, calm, dead, motionless, peaceful, resting, sleeping, still, stopped, tranquil, unmoving @@@@ [6]break, breather @@@@ [7]breathing space, cessation, halt, holiday, interlude, intermission, interval, lull, pause, respite, stop, time off, vacation @@@@ [8]haven, lodging, refuge, retreat, shelter @@@@ [9]base, holder, prop, shelf, stand, support, trestle @@@@ [10]be at ease, be calm, doze, drowse, have a snooze @@@@ [11]idle, kip @@@@ [12]laze, lie down, lie still, mellow out @@@@ [13]nap, put one's feet up, refresh oneself, relax, sit down, sleep, slumber, snooze @@@@ [14]take a nap, take it easy, take one's ease, zizz @@@@ [15]be supported, lay, lean, lie, prop, recline, repose, sit, stand, stretch out @@@@ [16]break off, cease, come to a standstill, desist, discontinue, halt, have a break, knock off @@@@ [17]stay, stop, take a breather @@@@ [18]base, be based, be founded, depend, found, hang, hinge, lie, rely, reside, turn"} {"x":"restitution","y":"[1]amends, compensation, indemnification, indemnity, recompense, redress, refund, reimbursement, remuneration, reparation, repayment, requital, restoration, return, satisfaction"} {"x":"restive","y":"[1]agitated, edgy, fidgety, fractious, fretful, ill at ease, impatient, jittery @@@@ [2]jumpy, nervous, on edge, recalcitrant, refractory, restless, uneasy, unquiet, unruly"} {"x":"restless","y":"[1]active, bustling, changeable, footloose, hurried, inconstant, irresolute, moving, nomadic, roving, transient, turbulent, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, wandering @@@@ [2]agitated, anxious, disturbed, edgy, fidgeting, fidgety, fitful, fretful, having itchy feet, ill at ease, jumpy, nervous, on edge, restive, sleepless, tossing and turning, troubled, uneasy, unquiet, unruly, unsettled, worried"} {"x":"restoration","y":"[1]reconstruction, recovery, refreshment, refurbishing, rehabilitation, rejuvenation, renewal, renovation, repair, revitalization, revival @@@@ [2]recovery, re-establishment, reinstallation, reinstatement, replacement, restitution, return"} {"x":"restore","y":"[1]fix, mend, rebuild, recondition, reconstruct, recover, refurbish, rehabilitate, renew, renovate, repair, retouch, set to rights, touch up @@@@ [2]bring back to health, build up, reanimate, refresh, rejuvenate, revitalize, revive, revivify, strengthen @@@@ [3]bring back, give back, hand back, recover, re-establish, reinstate, replace, retrocede, return, send back @@@@ [4]reconstitute, re-enforce, reimpose, reinstate, reintroduce"} {"x":"restrain","y":"[1]bridle, check, confine, constrain, contain, control, curb, curtail, debar, govern, hamper, handicap, harness, have on a tight leash, hinder, hold, hold back, inhibit, keep, keep under control, limit, muzzle, prevent, rein, repress, restrict, straiten, subdue, suppress @@@@ [2]arrest, bind, chain, confine, detain, fetter, hold, imprison, jail, lock up, manacle, pinion, tie up"} {"x":"restraint","y":"[1]coercion, command, compulsion, confines, constraint, control, curtailment, grip, hindrance, hold, inhibition, limitation, moderation, prevention, pulling one's punches, restriction, self-control, self-discipline, self-possession, self-restraint, suppression @@@@ [2]arrest, bondage, bonds, captivity, chains, confinement, detention, fetters, imprisonment, manacles, pinions, straitjacket @@@@ [3]ban, boycott, bridle, check, curb, disqualification, embargo, interdict, limit, limitation, rein, taboo"} {"x":"restrict","y":"[1]bound, circumscribe, clip someone's wings, confine, contain, cramp, demarcate, hamper, handicap, hem in, impede, inhibit, keep within bounds or limits, limit, regulate, restrain, straiten"} {"x":"restriction","y":"[1]check, condition, confinement, constraint, containment, control, curb, demarcation, handicap, inhibition, limitation, regulation, restraint, rule, stipulation"} {"x":"result","y":"[1]conclusion, consequence, decision, development, effect, end, end result, event, fruit, issue, outcome, product, reaction, sequel, termination, upshot @@@@ [2]appear, arise, derive, develop, emanate, ensue, eventuate, flow, follow, happen, issue, spring, stem, turn out @@@@ [3]culminate, end, finish, pan out @@@@ [4]terminate, wind up"} {"x":"resume","y":"[1]begin again, carry on, continue, go on, proceed, recommence, reinstitute, reopen, restart, take up or pick up where one left off @@@@ [2]assume again, occupy again, reoccupy, take back, take up again"} {"x":"resurrect","y":"[1]breathe new life into, bring back, kick-start @@@@ [2]raise from the dead, reintroduce, renew, restore to life, revive"} {"x":"resuscitate","y":"[1]breathe new life into, bring round, bring to life, give artificial respiration to, give the kiss of life, quicken, reanimate, renew, rescue, restore, resurrect, revitalize, revive, revivify, save"} {"x":"retain","y":"[1]absorb, contain, detain, grasp, grip, hang or hold onto, hold, hold back, hold fast, keep, keep possession of, maintain, preserve, reserve, restrain, save @@@@ [2]bear in mind, impress on the memory, keep in mind, memorize, recall, recollect, remember @@@@ [3]commission, employ, engage, hire, pay, reserve"} {"x":"retaliate","y":"[1]even the score, exact retribution, get back at, get even with"} {"x":"retard","y":"[1]arrest, brake, check, clog, decelerate, defer, delay, detain, encumber, handicap, hinder, hold back or up, impede, obstruct, set back, slow down, stall"} {"x":"retch","y":"[1]barf @@@@ [2]chunder @@@@ [3]gag, heave, puke @@@@ [4]regurgitate, spew, throw up @@@@ [5]upchuck @@@@ [6]vomit"} {"x":"reticent","y":"[1]close-mouthed, mum, quiet, reserved, restrained, secretive, silent, taciturn, tight-lipped, uncommunicative, unforthcoming, unspeaking"} {"x":"retinue","y":"[1]aides, attendants, cortege, entourage, escort, followers, following, servants, suite, train"} {"x":"retire","y":"[1]absent oneself, betake oneself, depart, exit, go away, leave, remove, withdraw @@@@ [2]kip down @@@@ [3]turn in @@@@ [4]back off, decamp, ebb, fall back, give ground, give way, pull back, pull out, recede, retreat, withdraw"} {"x":"retirement","y":"[1]loneliness, obscurity, privacy, retreat, seclusion, solitude, withdrawal"} {"x":"retiring","y":"[1]bashful, coy, demure, diffident, humble, meek, modest, quiet, reclusive, reserved, reticent, self-effacing, shrinking, shy, timid, timorous, unassertive, unassuming"} {"x":"retort","y":"[1]answer, answer back, come back with, counter, rejoin, reply, respond, retaliate, return, riposte @@@@ [2]answer, comeback @@@@ [3]rejoinder, reply, response, riposte"} {"x":"retouch","y":"[1]brush up, correct, finish, improve, recondition, renovate, restore, touch up"} {"x":"retract","y":"[1]draw in, pull back, pull in, reel in, sheathe @@@@ [2]abjure, cancel, deny, disavow, disclaim, disown, eat one's words, recall, recant, renege, renounce, repeal, repudiate, rescind, reverse, revoke, take back, unsay, withdraw"} {"x":"retreat","y":"[1]back away, back off, depart, draw back, ebb, fall back, give ground, go back, leave, pull back, recede, recoil, retire, shrink, turn tail, withdraw @@@@ [2]departure, ebb, evacuation, flight, retirement, withdrawal @@@@ [3]asylum, den, haunt, haven, hideaway, privacy, refuge, resort, retirement, sanctuary, seclusion, shelter"} {"x":"retrench","y":"[1]curtail, cut, cut back, decrease, diminish, economize, husband, lessen, limit, make economies, pare, prune, reduce, save, tighten one's belt, trim"} {"x":"retribution","y":"[1]an eye for an eye, compensation, justice, Nemesis, punishment, reckoning, recompense, redress, repayment, reprisal, requital, retaliation, revenge, reward, satisfaction, vengeance"} {"x":"retrieve","y":"[1]fetch back, get back, recall, recapture, recoup, recover, redeem, regain, repair, repossess, rescue, restore, salvage, save, win back"} {"x":"retrograde","y":"[1]backward, declining, degenerative, deteriorating, downward, inverse, negative, regressive, relapsing, retreating, retrogressive, reverse, waning, worsening @@@@ [2]backslide, decline, degenerate, deteriorate, go downhill @@@@ [3]regress, relapse, retreat, retrogress, revert, wane, worsen"} {"x":"retrospect","y":"[1]afterthought, hindsight, recollection, re-examination, remembrance, reminiscence, review, survey"} {"x":"return","y":"[1]come back, come round again, go back, reappear, rebound, recoil, recur, repair, retreat, revert, turn back @@@@ [2]carry back, convey, give back, put back, re-establish, reinstate, remit, render, replace, restore, retrocede, send, send back, take back, transmit @@@@ [3]give back, pay back, reciprocate, recompense, refund, reimburse, repay, requite @@@@ [4]bring in, earn, make, net, repay, yield @@@@ [5]answer, come back (with), communicate, rejoin, reply, respond, retort @@@@ [6]choose, elect, pick, vote in @@@@ [7]announce, arrive at, bring in, come to, deliver, render, report, submit @@@@ [8]homecoming, reappearance, rebound, recoil, recrudescence, recurrence, retreat, reversion @@@@ [9]re-establishment, reinstatement, replacement, restoration @@@@ [10]advantage, benefit, boot @@@@ [11]gain, income, interest, proceeds, profit, revenue, takings, yield @@@@ [12]compensation, meed @@@@ [13]reciprocation, recompense, reimbursement, reparation, repayment, requital, retaliation, reward @@@@ [14]account, form, list, report, statement, summary @@@@ [15]answer, comeback @@@@ [16]rejoinder, reply, response, retort, riposte"} {"x":"revamp","y":"[1]do up @@@@ [2]fix up @@@@ [3]give a face-lift to, overhaul, patch up, recondition, refit, refurbish, rehabilitate, renovate, repair, restore"} {"x":"reveal","y":"[1]announce, betray, blow wide open @@@@ [2]broadcast, communicate, disclose, divulge, get off one's chest @@@@ [3]give away, give out, impart, leak, let on, let out, let slip, make known, make public, proclaim, publish, take the wraps off @@@@ [4]tell @@@@ [5]bare, bring to light, display, exhibit, expose to view, lay bare, manifest, open, show, uncover, unearth, unmask, unveil"} {"x":"revel","y":"[1]bask, crow, delight, drool, gloat, indulge, joy, lap up, luxuriate, rejoice, relish, rub one's hands, savour, take pleasure, thrive on, wallow @@@@ [2]carouse, celebrate, go on a spree, live it up @@@@ [3]rave @@@@ [4]bacchanal, beano @@@@ [5]carousal, carouse, celebration, debauch, festivity, gala, hooley or hoolie @@@@ [6]jollification, merrymaking, party, rave @@@@ [7]rave-up @@@@ [8]saturnalia, spree"} {"x":"revelation","y":"[1]announcement, betrayal, broadcasting, communication, disclosure, discovery, display, exhibition, expose, exposition, exposure, giveaway, leak, manifestation, news, proclamation, publication, telling, uncovering, unearthing, unveiling"} {"x":"revenge","y":"[1]an eye for an eye, reprisal, requital, retaliation, retribution, satisfaction, vengeance, vindictiveness @@@@ [2]hit back, make reprisal for, pay (someone) back in his or her own coin, repay, requite, retaliate, take an eye for an eye for, take revenge for, vindicate"} {"x":"revenue","y":"[1]gain, income, interest, proceeds, profits, receipts, returns, rewards, takings, yield"} {"x":"reverberate","y":"[1]echo, rebound, recoil, re-echo, resound, ring, vibrate"} {"x":"revere","y":"[1]adore, be in awe of, defer to, exalt, have a high opinion of, honour, look up to, put on a pedestal, respect, reverence, think highly of, venerate, worship"} {"x":"reverence","y":"[1]admiration, adoration, awe, deference, devotion, high esteem, homage, honour, respect, veneration, worship @@@@ [2]admire, adore, be in awe of, hold in awe, honour, pay homage to, respect, revere, venerate, worship"} {"x":"reverse","y":"[1]invert, transpose, turn back, turn over, turn round, turn upside down, upend @@@@ [2]alter, annul, cancel, change, countermand, declare null and void, invalidate, negate, obviate, overrule, overset, overthrow, overturn, quash, repeal, rescind, retract, revoke, set aside, undo, upset @@@@ [3]back, backtrack, back up, go backwards, move backwards, retreat @@@@ [4]antithesis, contradiction, contrary, converse, inverse, opposite @@@@ [5]back, flip side, other side, rear, underside, verso, wrong side @@@@ [6]adversity, affliction, blow, check, defeat, disappointment, failure, hardship, misadventure, misfortune, mishap, repulse, reversal, setback, trial, vicissitude @@@@ [7]back to front, backward, contrary, converse, inverse, inverted, opposite"} {"x":"revert","y":"[1]backslide, come back, go back, hark back, lapse, recur, regress, relapse, resume, return, take up where one left off"} {"x":"review","y":"[1]go over again, look at again, reassess, recapitulate, reconsider, re-evaluate, re-examine, rethink, revise, run over, take another look at, think over @@@@ [2]call to mind, look back on, recall, recollect, reflect on, remember, summon up @@@@ [3]assess, criticize, discuss, evaluate, examine, give one's opinion of, inspect, judge, read through, scrutinize, study, weigh, write a critique of @@@@ [4]analysis, examination, perusal, report, scrutiny, study, survey @@@@ [5]commentary, critical assessment, criticism, critique, evaluation, judgment, notice, study @@@@ [6]journal, magazine, periodical @@@@ [7]another look, fresh look, reassessment, recapitulation, reconsideration, re-evaluation, re-examination, rethink, retrospect, revision, second look @@@@ [8]display, inspection, march past, parade, procession @@@@ [9]salary increase"} {"x":"reviewer","y":"[1]arbiter, commentator, connoisseur, critic, essayist, judge @@@@ [2]A reviewer is a person who reviews new books, films, television programmes, CDs, plays, or concerts."} {"x":"revile","y":"[1]abuse, asperse, bad-mouth @@@@ [2]calumniate, defame, denigrate, knock @@@@ [3]libel, malign, reproach, rubbish @@@@ [4]run down, scorn, slag (off) @@@@ [5]slander, smear, traduce, vilify, vituperate"} {"x":"revise","y":"[1]alter, amend, change, correct, edit, emend, modify, reconsider, redo, re-examine, revamp, review, rework, rewrite, update @@@@ [2]go over, memorize, reread, run through, study, swot up @@@@ [3]If you revise a price, amount, or estimate, you change it to make it more fair, realistic, or accurate."} {"x":"revitalize","y":"[1]breathe new life into, bring back to life, reanimate, refresh, rejuvenate, renew, restore, resurrect, revivify"} {"x":"revival","y":"[1]awakening, quickening, reanimation, reawakening, rebirth, recrudescence, refreshment, renaissance, renascence, renewal, restoration, resurgence, resurrection, resuscitation, revitalization, revivification"} {"x":"revive","y":"[1]animate, awaken, breathe new life into, bring back to life, bring round, cheer, come round, comfort, invigorate, kick-start @@@@ [2]quicken, rally, reanimate, recover, refresh, rekindle, renew, renovate, restore, resuscitate, revitalize, rouse, spring up again"} {"x":"revivify","y":"[1]breathe new life into, give new life to, inspirit, invigorate, kick-start @@@@ [2]reanimate, refresh, renew, restore, resuscitate, revive"} {"x":"revoke","y":"[1]abolish, abrogate, annul, call back, cancel, countermand, declare null and void, disclaim, invalidate, negate, nullify, obviate, quash, recall, recant, renege, renounce, repeal, repudiate, rescind, retract, reverse, set aside, take back, withdraw"} {"x":"revolt","y":"[1]defection, insurgency, insurrection, mutiny, putsch, rebellion, revolution, rising, sedition, uprising @@@@ [2]defect, mutiny, rebel, resist, rise, take to the streets, take up arms (against) @@@@ [3]gross out @@@@ [4]make one's flesh creep, nauseate, offend, repel, repulse, shock, sicken, turn off"} {"x":"revolution","y":"[1]coup, coup d'etat, insurgency, mutiny, putsch, rebellion, revolt, rising, uprising @@@@ [2]drastic or radical change, innovation, metamorphosis, reformation, sea change, shift, transformation, upheaval @@@@ [3]circle, circuit, cycle, gyration, lap, orbit, rotation, round, spin, turn, wheel, whirl"} {"x":"revolutionary","y":"[1]insurgent, insurrectionary, insurrectionist, mutineer, rebel, revolutionist @@@@ [2]extremist, insurgent, insurrectionary, mutinous, radical, rebel, seditious, subversive @@@@ [3]avant-garde, different, drastic, experimental, fundamental, ground-breaking, innovative, new, novel, progressive, radical, thoroughgoing"} {"x":"revolve","y":"[1]circle, go round, gyrate, orbit, rotate, spin, turn, twist, wheel, whirl @@@@ [2]consider, deliberate, meditate, mull over, ponder, reflect, ruminate, study, think about, think over, turn over (in one's mind)"} {"x":"revulsion","y":"[1]abhorrence, abomination, aversion, detestation, disgust, distaste, loathing, odium, recoil, repugnance, repulsion"} {"x":"reward","y":"[1]benefit, bonus, bounty, compensation, gain, honour, meed @@@@ [2]merit, payment, premium, prize, profit, recompense, remuneration, repayment, requital, return, wages @@@@ [3]comeuppance @@@@ [4]desert, just deserts, punishment, requital, retribution @@@@ [5]compensate, honour, make it worth one's while, pay, recompense, remunerate, repay, requite"} {"x":"rhapsodize","y":"[1]drool, enthuse, go into ecstasies, gush, rave @@@@ [2]wax lyrical"} {"x":"rhetoric","y":"[1]eloquence, oratory @@@@ [2]bombast, fustian, grandiloquence, hot air @@@@ [3]hyperbole, magniloquence, pomposity, rant, verbosity, wordiness"} {"x":"rhetorical","y":"[1]bombastic, declamatory, flamboyant, flashy, florid, flowery, grandiloquent, high-flown, high-sounding, hyperbolic, magniloquent, oratorical, pompous, pretentious, showy, silver-tongued, verbose, windy @@@@ [2]linguistic, oratorical, stylistic, verbal"} {"x":"rhyme","y":"[1]ode, poem, poetry, song, verse @@@@ [2]logic, meaning, method, plan, sense @@@@ [3]chime, harmonize, sound like"} {"x":"rhythm","y":"[1]accent, beat, cadence, flow, lilt, measure @@@@ [2]metre, movement, pattern, periodicity, pulse, swing, tempo, time"} {"x":"rhythmic","y":"[1]cadenced, flowing, harmonious, lilting, melodious, metrical, musical, periodic, pulsating, throbbing"} {"x":"ribald","y":"[1]bawdy, blue, broad, coarse, earthy, filthy, gross, indecent, licentious, naughty, near the knuckle @@@@ [2]obscene, off colour, Rabelaisian, racy, raunchy @@@@ [3]risque, rude, scurrilous, smutty, vulgar, X-rated"} {"x":"riboflavin","y":"[1]Riboflavin is a vitamin that occurs in green vegetables, milk, fish, eggs, liver, and kidney."} {"x":"rich","y":"[1]affluent, filthy rich, flush @@@@ [2]loaded @@@@ [3]moneyed, opulent, propertied, prosperous, rolling @@@@ [4]stinking rich @@@@ [5]wealthy, well-heeled @@@@ [6]well-off, well-to-do @@@@ [7]abounding, full, productive, well-endowed, well-provided, well-stocked, well-supplied @@@@ [8]abounding, abundant, ample, copious, exuberant, fecund, fertile, fruitful, full, lush, luxurious, plenteous, plentiful, productive, prolific @@@@ [9]beyond price, costly, elaborate, elegant, expensive, exquisite, fine, gorgeous, lavish, palatial, precious, priceless, splendid, sumptuous, superb, valuable @@@@ [10]creamy, delicious, fatty, flavoursome, full-bodied, heavy, highly-flavoured, juicy, luscious, savoury, spicy, succulent, sweet, tasty @@@@ [11]bright, deep, gay, intense, strong, vibrant, vivid, warm @@@@ [12]deep, dulcet, full, mellifluous, mellow, resonant @@@@ [13]amusing, comical, funny, hilarious, humorous, laughable, ludicrous, ridiculous, risible, side-splitting"} {"x":"riches","y":"[1]abundance, affluence, assets, fortune, gold, money, opulence, plenty, property, resources, richness, substance, treasure, wealth"} {"x":"rid","y":"[1]clear, deliver, disabuse, disburden, disembarrass, disencumber, free, lighten, make free, purge, relieve, unburden @@@@ [2]dispense with, dispose of, do away with, dump, eject, eliminate, expel, give the bum's rush @@@@ [3]jettison, remove, see the back of, shake off, throw away or out, unload, weed out, wipe from the face of the earth"} {"x":"riddance","y":"[1]clearance, clearing out, deliverance, disposal, ejection, elimination, expulsion, freedom, release, relief, removal"} {"x":"riddle","y":"[1]brain-teaser @@@@ [2]Chinese puzzle, conundrum, enigma, mystery, poser, problem, puzzle, rebus, teaser @@@@ [3]honeycomb, pepper, perforate, pierce, puncture @@@@ [4]corrupt, damage, fill, impair, infest, mar, permeate, pervade, spoil @@@@ [5]bolt, filter, screen, sieve, sift, strain, winnow @@@@ [6]filter, screen, sieve, strainer"} {"x":"ride","y":"[1]control, handle, manage, sit on @@@@ [2]be borne, be carried, be supported, float, go, journey, move, progress, sit, travel @@@@ [3]dominate, enslave, grip, haunt, oppress, tyrannize over @@@@ [4]drive, jaunt, journey, lift, outing, spin @@@@ [5]trip, whirl"} {"x":"ridicule","y":"[1]banter, chaff, derision, gibe, guy, irony, jeer, laughter, make a monkey out of, mockery, raillery, rib, sarcasm, satire, scorn, sneer, taunting @@@@ [2]banter, caricature, chaff, deride, humiliate, jeer, lampoon, laugh at, laugh out of court, laugh to scorn, make a fool of, make fun of, make one a laughing stock, mock, parody, poke fun at, pooh-pooh, satirize, scoff, send up @@@@ [3]taunt"} {"x":"ridiculous","y":"[1]absurd, comical, contemptible, derisory, farcical, foolish, funny, hilarious, inane, incredible, laughable, ludicrous, nonsensical, outrageous, preposterous, risible, silly, stupid, unbelievable, zany"} {"x":"rife","y":"[1]abundant, common, current, epidemic, frequent, general, plentiful, prevailing, prevalent, raging, rampant, teeming, ubiquitous, universal, widespread"} {"x":"riffraff","y":"[1]canaille, dregs of society, hoi polloi, rabble, ragtag and bobtail, scum, undesirables"} {"x":"rifle","y":"[1]burgle, despoil, go through, gut, loot, pillage, plunder, ransack, rob, rummage, sack, strip"} {"x":"rift","y":"[1]breach, break, chink, cleavage, cleft, crack, cranny, crevice, fault, fissure, flaw, fracture, gap, opening, space, split @@@@ [2]alienation, breach, difference, disagreement, division, estrangement, falling out @@@@ [3]quarrel, schism, separation, split"} {"x":"rig","y":"[1]accoutre, equip, fit out, furnish, kit out, outfit, provision, supply, turn out @@@@ [2]arrange, doctor, engineer, fake, falsify, fiddle with @@@@ [3]fix @@@@ [4]gerrymander, juggle, manipulate, tamper with, trump up @@@@ [5]accoutrements, apparatus, equipage, equipment, fitments, fittings, fixtures, gear, machinery, outfit, tackle @@@@ [6]apparel, clobber @@@@ [7]clothing, costume, dress, garb, gear @@@@ [8]get-up @@@@ [9]habit, outfit, raiment @@@@ [10]togs @@@@ [11]accoutre, equip, fit, furnish, kit out, outfit, set up @@@@ [12]array, attire, clothe, costume, dress, kit out @@@@ [13]arrange, assemble, build, cobble together, construct, erect, fix up, improvise, put together, put up, set up, throw together"} {"x":"right","y":"[1]equitable, ethical, fair, good, honest, honourable, just, lawful, moral, proper, righteous, true, upright, virtuous @@@@ [2]accurate, admissible, authentic, correct, exact, factual, genuine, on the money @@@@ [3]precise, satisfactory, sound, spot-on @@@@ [4]true, unerring, valid, veracious @@@@ [5]advantageous, appropriate, becoming, comme il faut, convenient, deserved, desirable, done, due, favourable, fit, fitting, ideal, opportune, proper, propitious, rightful, seemly, suitable @@@@ [6]all there @@@@ [7]balanced, compos mentis, fine, fit, healthy, in good health, in the pink, lucid, normal, rational, reasonable, sane, sound, unimpaired, up to par, well @@@@ [8]conservative, reactionary, Tory @@@@ [9]absolute, complete, out-and-out, outright, pure, real, thorough, thoroughgoing, utter @@@@ [10]accurately, aright, correctly, exactly, factually, genuinely, precisely, truly @@@@ [11]appropriately, aptly, befittingly, fittingly, properly, satisfactorily, suitably @@@@ [12]directly, immediately, instantly, promptly, quickly, straight, straightaway, without delay @@@@ [13]bang, exactly, precisely, slap-bang @@@@ [14]squarely @@@@ [15]absolutely, all the way, altogether, completely, entirely, perfectly, quite, thoroughly, totally, utterly, wholly @@@@ [16]ethically, fairly, honestly, honourably, justly, morally, properly, righteously, virtuously @@@@ [17]advantageously, beneficially, favourably, for the better, fortunately, to advantage, well @@@@ [18]authority, business, claim, due, freedom, interest, liberty, licence, permission, power, prerogative, privilege, title @@@@ [19]equity, good, goodness, honour, integrity, justice, lawfulness, legality, morality, propriety, reason, rectitude, righteousness, truth, uprightness, virtue @@@@ [20]equitably, in fairness, justly, properly @@@@ [21]arranged, in order, straight, tidy @@@@ [22]compensate for, correct, fix, put right, rectify, redress, repair, settle, set upright, sort out, straighten, vindicate @@@@ [23]compensate for, correct, fix, put right, rectify, redress, repair, settle, set upright, sort out, straighten, vindicate"} {"x":"righteous","y":"[1]blameless, equitable, ethical, fair, good, honest, honourable, just, law-abiding, moral, pure, squeaky-clean, upright, virtuous"} {"x":"rightful","y":"[1]authorized, bona fide, de jure, due, just, lawful, legal, legitimate, proper, real, suitable, true, valid"} {"x":"rigid","y":"[1]adamant, austere, exact, fixed, harsh, inelastic, inflexible, intransigent, invariable, rigorous, set, severe, stern, stiff, strict, stringent, unalterable, unbending, uncompromising, undeviating, unrelenting, unyielding"} {"x":"rigmarole","y":"[1]balderdash, bother, carry-on @@@@ [2]gibberish, hassle @@@@ [3]jargon, nonsense, palaver, pantomime @@@@ [4]performance @@@@ [5]red tape, to-do, trash, twaddle"} {"x":"rile","y":"[1]aggravate @@@@ [2]anger, annoy, bug @@@@ [3]irk, irritate, nark @@@@ [4]nettle, peeve @@@@ [5]provoke, put one's back up, rub one up the wrong way, try one's patience, upset, vex"} {"x":"rim","y":"[1]border, brim, brink, circumference, edge, flange, lip, margin, verge"} {"x":"rind","y":"[1]crust, epicarp, husk, integument, outer layer, peel, skin @@@@ [2]crust, epicarp, husk, integument, outer layer, peel, skin"} {"x":"ring","y":"[1]band, circle, circuit, halo, hoop, loop, round @@@@ [2]arena, circus, enclosure, rink @@@@ [3]association, band, cabal, cartel, cell, circle, clique, combine, coterie, crew @@@@ [4]gang, group, junta, knot, mob, organization, syndicate @@@@ [5]circumscribe, encircle, enclose, encompass, gird, girdle, hem in, seal off, surround @@@@ [6]chime, clang, peal, resonate, resound, reverberate, sound, toll @@@@ [7]buzz @@@@ [8]call, phone, telephone @@@@ [9]chime, knell, peal @@@@ [10]buzz @@@@ [11]call, phone call"} {"x":"rinse","y":"[1]bathe, clean, cleanse, dip, splash, wash, wash out, wet @@@@ [2]bath, dip, splash, wash, wetting"} {"x":"riot","y":"[1]anarchy, commotion, confusion, disorder, disturbance, donnybrook, fray, lawlessness, mob violence, quarrel, row, street fighting, strife, tumult, turbulence, turmoil, upheaval, uproar @@@@ [2]blast @@@@ [3]boisterousness, carousal, excess, festivity, frolic, high jinks, jollification, merrymaking, revelry, romp @@@@ [4]display, extravaganza, flourish, show, splash @@@@ [5]be out of control, break or cut loose, go wild, let oneself go, raise hell, rampage, throw off all restraint @@@@ [6]grow like weeds, grow profusely, luxuriate, spread like wildfire @@@@ [7]fight in the streets, go on the rampage, raise an uproar, rampage, run riot, take to the streets @@@@ [8]carouse, cut loose, frolic, go on a binge @@@@ [9]revel, roister, romp"} {"x":"rip","y":"[1]be rent, burst, claw, cut, gash, hack, lacerate, rend, score, slash, slit, split, tear @@@@ [2]cleavage, cut, gash, hole, laceration, rent, slash, slit, split, tear @@@@ [3]cheat, con @@@@ [4]con trick @@@@ [5]daylight robbery @@@@ [6]exploitation, fraud, robbery, scam @@@@ [7]sting @@@@ [8]swindle, theft @@@@ [9]cabbage @@@@ [10]cheat, con @@@@ [11]cozen, defraud, diddle @@@@ [12]dupe, filch, fleece, gyp @@@@ [13]knock off @@@@ [14]lift @@@@ [15]pilfer, pinch @@@@ [16]rob, skin @@@@ [17]steal from, stiff @@@@ [18]swindle, swipe @@@@ [19]thieve, trick"} {"x":"ripe","y":"[1]fully developed, fully grown, mature, mellow, ready, ripened, seasoned @@@@ [2]accomplished, complete, finished, in readiness, perfect, prepared, ready @@@@ [3]auspicious, favourable, ideal, opportune, right, suitable, timely"} {"x":"ripen","y":"[1]burgeon, come of age, come to fruition, develop, get ready, grow ripe, make ripe, mature, prepare, season"} {"x":"riposte","y":"[1]answer, comeback @@@@ [2]counterattack, rejoinder, repartee, reply, response, retort, return, sally @@@@ [3]answer, come back, reciprocate, rejoin, reply, respond, retort, return"} {"x":"ripple","y":"[1]undulation, wavelet @@@@ [2]flutter, frisson, oscillation, repercussion, reverberation, thrill, tingle, tremor"} {"x":"rise","y":"[1]arise, get out of bed, get to one's feet, get up, rise and shine, stand up, surface @@@@ [2]arise, ascend, climb, enlarge, go up, grow, improve, increase, intensify, levitate, lift, mount, move up, soar, swell, wax @@@@ [3]advance, be promoted, climb the ladder, get on, get somewhere, go places @@@@ [4]progress, prosper, work one's way up @@@@ [5]appear, become apparent, crop up, emanate, emerge, eventuate, flow, happen, issue, occur, originate, spring, turn up @@@@ [6]mount the barricades, mutiny, rebel, resist, revolt, take up arms @@@@ [7]ascend, climb, get steeper, go uphill, mount, slope upwards @@@@ [8]advance, ascent, climb, improvement, increase, upsurge, upswing, upturn, upward turn @@@@ [9]advancement, aggrandizement, climb, progress, promotion @@@@ [10]acclivity, ascent, elevation, hillock, incline, rising ground, upward slope @@@@ [11]increment, pay increase, raise @@@@ [12]bring about, bring on, cause, effect, produce, provoke, result in"} {"x":"risible","y":"[1]absurd, amusing, comical, droll, farcical, funny, hilarious, humorous, laughable, ludicrous, rib-tickling @@@@ [2]ridiculous, side-splitting"} {"x":"risk","y":"[1]chance, danger, gamble, hazard, jeopardy, peril, pitfall, possibility, speculation, uncertainty, venture @@@@ [2]chance, dare, endanger, expose to danger, gamble, hazard, imperil, jeopardize, put in jeopardy, skate on thin ice, take a chance on, take the plunge, venture"} {"x":"rite","y":"[1]act, ceremonial, ceremony, communion, custom, form, formality, liturgy, mystery, observance, ordinance, practice, procedure, ritual, sacrament, service, solemnity, usage"} {"x":"ritual","y":"[1]ceremonial, ceremony, communion, liturgy, mystery, observance, rite, sacrament, service, solemnity @@@@ [2]convention, custom, form, formality, habit, ordinance, practice, prescription, procedure, protocol, red tape, routine, stereotype, tradition, usage @@@@ [3]ceremonial, ceremonious, conventional, customary, formal, habitual, prescribed, procedural, routine, stereotyped"} {"x":"rival","y":"[1]adversary, antagonist, challenger, competitor, contender, contestant, emulator, opponent @@@@ [2]compeer, equal, equivalent, fellow, match, peer @@@@ [3]competing, competitive, conflicting, emulating, opposed, opposing @@@@ [4]be a match for, bear comparison with, come up to, compare with, compete, contend, emulate, equal, match, measure up to, oppose, seek to displace, vie with"} {"x":"rivalry","y":"[1]antagonism, competition, competitiveness, conflict, contention, contest, duel, emulation, opposition, struggle, vying"} {"x":"river","y":"[1]beck, brook, burn @@@@ [2]creek, rivulet, stream, tributary, watercourse, waterway @@@@ [3]flood, flow, rush, spate, torrent"} {"x":"road","y":"[1]avenue, course, direction, highway, lane, motorway, path, pathway, roadway, route, street, thoroughfare, track, way @@@@ [2]anchorage, roadstead"} {"x":"roam","y":"[1]drift, meander, peregrinate, prowl, ramble, range, rove, stravaig @@@@ [2]stray, stroll, travel, walk, wander"} {"x":"roar","y":"[1]bawl, bay, bell, bellow, clamour, crash, cry, howl, rumble, shout, thunder, vociferate, yell @@@@ [2]crack up @@@@ [3]guffaw, hoot, laugh heartily, split one's sides @@@@ [4]bellow, clamour, crash, cry, howl, outcry, rumble, shout, thunder, yell @@@@ [5]belly laugh @@@@ [6]guffaw, hoot"} {"x":"rob","y":"[1]bereave, burgle, cheat, con @@@@ [2]defraud, deprive, despoil, dispossess, do out of @@@@ [3]gyp @@@@ [4]hold up, loot, mug @@@@ [5]pillage, plunder, raid, ransack, rifle, rip off @@@@ [6]sack, skin @@@@ [7]steam @@@@ [8]stiff @@@@ [9]strip, swindle"} {"x":"robbery","y":"[1]burglary, depredation, embezzlement, filching, fraud, hold-up, larceny, mugging @@@@ [2]pillage, plunder, raid, rapine, rip-off @@@@ [3]spoliation, stealing, steaming @@@@ [4]stick-up @@@@ [5]swindle, theft, thievery"} {"x":"robe","y":"[1]costume, gown, habit, vestment @@@@ [2]bathrobe, dressing gown, housecoat, negligee, peignoir, wrapper @@@@ [3]apparel @@@@ [4]attire, clothe, drape, dress, garb"} {"x":"robot","y":"[1]android, automaton, machine, mechanical man"} {"x":"robust","y":"[1]able-bodied, alive and kicking, athletic, brawny, fighting fit, fit, fit as a fiddle @@@@ [2]hale, hardy, healthy, hearty, husky @@@@ [3]in fine fettle, in good health, lusty, muscular, powerful, rude, rugged, sinewy, sound, staunch, stout, strapping, strong, sturdy, thickset, tough, vigorous, well @@@@ [4]boisterous, coarse, earthy, indecorous, raunchy @@@@ [5]raw, roisterous, rollicking, rough, rude, unsubtle @@@@ [6]common-sensical, down-to-earth, hard-headed, practical, pragmatic, realistic, sensible, straightforward"} {"x":"rock","y":"[1]boulder, stone @@@@ [2]anchor, bulwark, cornerstone, foundation, mainstay, protection, support, tower of strength @@@@ [3]lurch, pitch, reel, roll, sway, swing, toss, wobble @@@@ [4]astonish, astound, daze, dumbfound, jar, set one back on one's heels @@@@ [5]shake, shock, stagger, stun, surprise"} {"x":"rocky","y":"[1]boulder-strewn, craggy, pebbly, rough, rugged, stony @@@@ [2]adamant, firm, flinty, hard, rock-like, rugged, solid, steady, tough, unyielding @@@@ [3]doubtful, rickety, shaky, uncertain, undependable, unreliable, unstable, unsteady, weak, wobbly @@@@ [4]dizzy, ill, sick, sickly, staggering, tottering, unsteady, unwell, weak, wobbly"} {"x":"rod","y":"[1]bar, baton, birch, cane, crook, dowel, mace, pole, sceptre, shaft, staff, stick, switch, wand"} {"x":"rogue","y":"[1]blackguard, charlatan, cheat, con man @@@@ [2]crook @@@@ [3]deceiver, devil, fraud, fraudster, grifter @@@@ [4]knave @@@@ [5]mountebank, ne'er-do-well, rapscallion, rascal, reprobate, scally @@@@ [6]scamp, scoundrel, scumbag @@@@ [7]sharper, skelm @@@@ [8]swindler, villain"} {"x":"roguish","y":"[1]criminal, crooked, deceitful, deceiving, dishonest, fraudulent, knavish, raffish, rascally, shady @@@@ [2]swindling, unprincipled, unscrupulous, villainous @@@@ [3]arch, cheeky, coquettish, frolicsome, impish, ludic @@@@ [4]mischievous, playful, puckish, sportive, waggish"} {"x":"roister","y":"[1]carouse, celebrate, frolic, go on a spree, live it up @@@@ [2]rave @@@@ [3]revel, rollick, romp, whoop it up @@@@ [4]bluster, boast, brag, show off @@@@ [5]strut, swagger"} {"x":"role","y":"[1]character, impersonation, part, portrayal, representation @@@@ [2]capacity, duty, function, job, part, position, post, task"} {"x":"roll","y":"[1]elapse, flow, go past, go round, gyrate, pass, pivot, reel, revolve, rock, rotate, run, spin, swivel, trundle, turn, twirl, undulate, wheel, whirl @@@@ [2]bind, coil, curl, enfold, entwine, envelop, furl, swathe, twist, wind, wrap @@@@ [3]even, flatten, level, press, smooth, spread @@@@ [4]boom, drum, echo, grumble, resound, reverberate, roar, rumble, thunder @@@@ [5]billow, lurch, reel, rock, sway, swing, toss, tumble, wallow, welter @@@@ [6]lumber, lurch, reel, stagger, swagger, sway, waddle @@@@ [7]cycle, gyration, reel, revolution, rotation, run, spin, turn, twirl, undulation, wheel, whirl @@@@ [8]ball, bobbin, cylinder, reel, scroll, spool @@@@ [9]annals, catalogue, census, chronicle, directory, index, inventory, list, record, register, roster, schedule, scroll, table @@@@ [10]billowing, lurching, pitching, rocking, rolling, swell, tossing, undulation, wallowing, waves @@@@ [11]boom, drumming, growl, grumble, resonance, reverberation, roar, rumble, thunder"} {"x":"rollick","y":"[1]caper, cavort, frisk, galumph @@@@ [2]gambol, make merry, revel, romp"} {"x":"romance","y":"[1]affair, affaire (du coeur), affair of the heart, amour, attachment, intrigue, liaison, love affair, passion, relationship @@@@ [2]adventure, charm, colour, excitement, exoticness, fascination, glamour, mystery, nostalgia, sentiment @@@@ [3]fairy tale, fantasy, fiction, idyll, legend, love story, melodrama, novel, story, tale, tear-jerker @@@@ [4]absurdity, exaggeration, fabrication, fairy tale, falsehood, fiction, flight of fancy, invention, lie, tall story @@@@ [5]trumped-up story @@@@ [6]be economical with the truth, exaggerate, fantasize, let one's imagination run away with one, lie, make up stories, stretch the truth, tell stories"} {"x":"romantic","y":"[1]amorous, fond, lovey-dovey, loving, mushy @@@@ [2]passionate, sentimental, sloppy @@@@ [3]soppy @@@@ [4]tender @@@@ [5]charming, colourful, exciting, exotic, fascinating, glamorous, mysterious, nostalgic, picturesque @@@@ [6]dreamy, high-flown, idealistic, impractical, quixotic, starry-eyed, unrealistic, utopian, visionary, whimsical @@@@ [7]chimerical, exaggerated, extravagant, fabulous, fairy-tale, fanciful, fantastic, fictitious, idyllic, imaginary, imaginative, improbable, legendary, made-up, unrealistic, wild @@@@ [8]Don Quixote, dreamer, idealist, romancer, sentimentalist, utopian, visionary"} {"x":"romp","y":"[1]caper, cavort, cut capers, frisk, frolic, gambol, have fun, make merry, revel, roister, rollick, skip, sport @@@@ [2]caper, frolic, lark"} {"x":"rook","y":"[1]bilk, cheat, clip @@@@ [2]cozen, defraud, diddle @@@@ [3]do @@@@ [4]fleece, gyp @@@@ [5]mulct, overcharge, rip off @@@@ [6]skin @@@@ [7]stiff @@@@ [8]sting @@@@ [9]swindle"} {"x":"room","y":"[1]allowance, area, capacity, compass, elbowroom, expanse, extent, latitude, leeway, margin, play, range, scope, space, territory, volume @@@@ [2]apartment, chamber, office @@@@ [3]chance, occasion, opportunity, scope @@@@ [4]toilet"} {"x":"root","y":"[1]radicle, radix, rhizome, stem, tuber @@@@ [2]base, beginnings, bottom, cause, core, crux, derivation, essence, foundation, fountainhead, fundamental, germ, heart, mainspring, nub, nucleus, occasion, origin, seat, seed, source, starting point @@@@ [3]birthplace, cradle, family, heritage, home, origins, sense of belonging @@@@ [4]completely, entirely, finally, radically, thoroughly, totally, to the last man, utterly, wholly, without exception @@@@ [5]anchor, become established, become settled, embed, entrench, establish, fasten, fix, ground, implant, moor, set, stick, take root @@@@ [6]burrow, delve, dig, ferret, forage, hunt, nose, poke, pry, rootle, rummage"} {"x":"rope","y":"[1]cable, cord, hawser, line, strand @@@@ [2]capital punishment, halter, hanging, lynching, noose @@@@ [3]bind, fasten, hitch, lash, lasso, moor, pinion, tether, tie @@@@ [4]drag in, engage, enlist, inveigle, involve, persuade, talk into"} {"x":"roseate","y":"[1]blooming, blushing, pink, pinkish, red, rose-coloured, rosy, rubicund, ruddy @@@@ [2]idealistic, overoptimistic, rose-coloured, unrealistic, utopian"} {"x":"roster","y":"[1]agenda, catalogue, inventory, list, listing, register, roll, rota, schedule, scroll, table"} {"x":"rostrum","y":"[1]dais, platform, podium, stage, stand"} {"x":"rosy","y":"[1]pink, red, roseate, rose-coloured @@@@ [2]blooming, blushing, flushed, fresh, glowing, healthy-looking, radiant, reddish, roseate, rubicund, ruddy @@@@ [3]auspicious, bright, cheerful, encouraging, favourable, hopeful, optimistic, promising, reassuring, roseate, rose-coloured, sunny"} {"x":"rot","y":"[1]break down, corrode, corrupt, crumble, decay, decompose, degenerate, deteriorate, disintegrate, fester, go bad, moulder, perish, putrefy, spoil, taint @@@@ [2]decline, degenerate, deteriorate, languish, waste away, wither away @@@@ [3]blight, canker, corrosion, corruption, decay, decomposition, deterioration, disintegration, mould, putrefaction, putrescence @@@@ [4]balderdash, balls @@@@ [5]bilge @@@@ [6]bosh @@@@ [7]bull @@@@ [8]bullshit @@@@ [9]bunk @@@@ [10]claptrap @@@@ [11]cobblers @@@@ [12]codswallop @@@@ [13]crap @@@@ [14]drivel, eyewash @@@@ [15]flapdoodle @@@@ [16]garbage @@@@ [17]guff @@@@ [18]hogwash, hokum @@@@ [19]horsefeathers @@@@ [20]hot air @@@@ [21]moonshine, nonsense, pap, piffle @@@@ [22]poppycock @@@@ [23]rubbish, shit @@@@ [24]stuff and nonsense, tommyrot, tosh @@@@ [25]trash, tripe @@@@ [26]twaddle"} {"x":"rotary","y":"[1]gyratory, revolving, rotating, rotational, rotatory, spinning, turning"} {"x":"rotate","y":"[1]go round, gyrate, pirouette, pivot, reel, revolve, spin, swivel, turn, wheel @@@@ [2]alternate, follow in sequence, interchange, switch, take turns"} {"x":"rotation","y":"[1]gyration, orbit, pirouette, reel, revolution, spin, spinning, turn, turning, wheel @@@@ [2]alternation, cycle, interchanging, sequence, succession, switching"} {"x":"rotten","y":"[1]bad, corroded, corrupt, crumbling, decayed, decaying, decomposed, decomposing, disintegrating, festering, fetid, foul, mouldering, mouldy, perished, putrescent, putrid, rank, sour, stinking, tainted, unsound @@@@ [2]bent @@@@ [3]corrupt, crooked @@@@ [4]deceitful, degenerate, dishonest, dishonourable, disloyal, faithless, immoral, mercenary, perfidious, sink, treacherous, untrustworthy, venal, vicious @@@@ [5]base, contemptible, despicable, dirty, disagreeable, filthy, mean, nasty, scurrilous, shitty @@@@ [6]unpleasant, vile, wicked @@@@ [7]bad, deplorable, disappointing, regrettable, unfortunate, unlucky @@@@ [8]chickenshit @@@@ [9]crummy @@@@ [10]duff @@@@ [11]ill-considered, ill-thought-out, inadequate, inferior, lousy @@@@ [12]low-grade, of a sort or of sorts, poor, poxy @@@@ [13]sorry, substandard, unacceptable, unsatisfactory @@@@ [14]bad, below par, ill, off colour, poorly @@@@ [15]rough @@@@ [16]unwell"} {"x":"rotund","y":"[1]bulbous, globular, orbicular, round, rounded, spherical @@@@ [2]chubby, corpulent, fat, fleshy, heavy, obese, plump, podgy, portly, roly-poly, rounded, stout, tubby @@@@ [3]full, grandiloquent, magniloquent, orotund, resonant, rich, round, sonorous"} {"x":"rough","y":"[1]broken, bumpy, craggy, irregular, jagged, rocky, rugged, stony, uneven @@@@ [2]bristly, bushy, coarse, dishevelled, disordered, fuzzy, hairy, shaggy, tangled, tousled, uncut, unshaven, unshorn @@@@ [3]agitated, boisterous, choppy, inclement, squally, stormy, tempestuous, turbulent, wild @@@@ [4]bearish, bluff, blunt, brusque, churlish, coarse, curt, discourteous, ill-bred, ill-mannered, impolite, inconsiderate, indelicate, loutish, rude, unceremonious, uncivil, uncouth, uncultured, ungracious, unmannerly, unpolished, unrefined, untutored @@@@ [5]boisterous, cruel, curt, drastic, extreme, hard, harsh, nasty, rowdy, severe, sharp, tough, unfeeling, unjust, unpleasant, violent @@@@ [6]off colour, poorly @@@@ [7]rotten @@@@ [8]unwell, upset @@@@ [9]cacophonous, discordant, grating, gruff, harsh, husky, inharmonious, jarring, rasping, raucous, unmusical @@@@ [10]arduous, austere, hard, rugged, spartan, tough, uncomfortable, unpleasant, unrefined @@@@ [11]basic, crude, cursory, formless, hasty, imperfect, incomplete, quick, raw, rough-and-ready, rough-hewn, rudimentary, shapeless, sketchy, unfinished, unpolished, unrefined, untutored @@@@ [12]crude, raw, rough-hewn, uncut, undressed, unhewn, unpolished, unprocessed, unwrought @@@@ [13]amorphous, approximate, estimated, foggy, general, hazy, imprecise, inexact, sketchy, vague @@@@ [14]draft, mock-up, outline, preliminary sketch, suggestion @@@@ [15]bruiser, bully boy, casual, lager lout, ned @@@@ [16]roughneck @@@@ [17]rowdy, ruffian, thug, tough @@@@ [18]adumbrate, block out, delineate, draft, outline, plan, sketch, suggest @@@@ [19]bash up @@@@ [20]knock about or around, maltreat, manhandle, mistreat, thrash, work over"} {"x":"round","y":"[1]annular, ball-shaped, bowed, bulbous, circular, curved, curvilinear, cylindrical, discoid, disc-shaped, globular, orbicular, ring-shaped, rotund, rounded, spherical @@@@ [2]complete, entire, full, solid, unbroken, undivided, whole @@@@ [3]ample, bounteous, bountiful, considerable, generous, great, large, liberal, substantial @@@@ [4]ample, fleshy, full, full-fleshed, plump, roly-poly, rotund, rounded @@@@ [5]full, mellifluous, orotund, resonant, rich, rotund, sonorous @@@@ [6]blunt, candid, direct, downright, frank, outspoken, plain, straightforward, unmodified @@@@ [7]ball, band, circle, disc, globe, orb, ring, sphere @@@@ [8]bout, cycle, sequence, series, session, succession @@@@ [9]division, lap, level, period, session, stage, turn @@@@ [10]ambit, beat, circuit, compass, course, routine, schedule, series, tour, turn @@@@ [11]bullet, cartridge, discharge, shell, shot @@@@ [12]bypass, circle, circumnavigate, encircle, flank, go round, skirt, turn @@@@ [13]accede, acquiesce, allow, concede, grant, mellow, relent, yield @@@@ [14]come to, rally, recover, regain consciousness, revive @@@@ [15]call, drop in, pop in, stop by, visit @@@@ [16]bypass, circumvent, edge, evade, outmanoeuvre, skirt @@@@ [17]cajole, coax, convert, persuade, prevail upon, talk round, wheedle, win over @@@@ [18]bring to a close, cap, close, complete, conclude, crown, finish off, put the finishing touch to, settle"} {"x":"roundabout","y":"[1]circuitous, circumlocutory, devious, discursive, evasive, indirect, meandering, oblique, periphrastic, tortuous"} {"x":"roundup","y":"[1]assembly, collection, gathering, herding, marshalling, muster, rally @@@@ [2]collation, summary, survey"} {"x":"rouse","y":"[1]arouse, awaken, call, get up, rise, wake, wake up @@@@ [2]agitate, anger, animate, arouse, bestir, disturb, excite, exhilarate, galvanize, get going, incite, inflame, instigate, move, prod, provoke, startle, stimulate, stir, whip up"} {"x":"rout","y":"[1]beating, debacle, defeat, disorderly retreat, drubbing, headlong flight, hiding @@@@ [2]licking @@@@ [3]overthrow, overwhelming defeat, pasting @@@@ [4]ruin, shambles, thrashing @@@@ [5]beat, chase, clobber @@@@ [6]conquer, crush, cut to pieces, defeat, destroy, dispel, drive off, drub, lick @@@@ [7]overpower, overthrow, put to flight, put to rout, scatter, stuff @@@@ [8]tank @@@@ [9]worst"} {"x":"route","y":"[1]avenue, beat, circuit, course, direction, itinerary, journey, passage, path, road, round, run, way @@@@ [2]convey, direct, dispatch, forward, send, steer"} {"x":"routine","y":"[1]custom, formula, grind @@@@ [2]groove, method, order, pattern, practice, procedure, programme, usage, way, wont @@@@ [3]act, bit @@@@ [4]line, performance, piece, spiel @@@@ [5]conventional, customary, everyday, familiar, habitual, normal, ordinary, standard, typical, usual, wonted, workaday @@@@ [6]boring, cliched, dull, hackneyed, humdrum, mind-numbing, predictable, run-of-the-mill, shtick @@@@ [7]tedious, tiresome, unimaginative, uninspired, unoriginal"} {"x":"rove","y":"[1]cruise, drift, gad about, gallivant, meander, ramble, range, roam, stravaig @@@@ [2]stray, stroll, traipse @@@@ [3]wander"} {"x":"rover","y":"[1]bird of passage, drifter, gadabout @@@@ [2]gypsy, itinerant, nomad, rambler, ranger, rolling stone, stroller, transient, traveller, vagrant, wanderer"} {"x":"row","y":"[1]bank, column, file, line, queue, range, rank, sequence, series, string, tier @@@@ [2]altercation, bagarre, brawl, commotion, controversy, dispute, disturbance, falling-out @@@@ [3]fracas, fray, fuss, noise, quarrel, racket, ruckus @@@@ [4]ruction @@@@ [5]rumpus, scrap @@@@ [6]shindig @@@@ [7]shindy @@@@ [8]shouting match @@@@ [9]slanging match @@@@ [10]squabble, tiff, trouble, tumult, uproar @@@@ [11]castigation, dressing-down @@@@ [12]lecture, reprimand, reproof, rollicking @@@@ [13]talking-to @@@@ [14]telling-off @@@@ [15]ticking-off @@@@ [16]tongue-lashing @@@@ [17]argue, brawl, dispute, fight, go at it hammer and tongs, scrap @@@@ [18]spar, squabble, wrangle"} {"x":"rowdy","y":"[1]boisterous, disorderly, loud, loutish, noisy, obstreperous, rough, unruly, uproarious, wild @@@@ [2]brawler, casual, hooligan, lager lout, lout, ned @@@@ [3]rough @@@@ [4]ruffian, tearaway @@@@ [5]tough, troublemaker, yahoo, yob or yobbo"} {"x":"royal","y":"[1]imperial, kinglike, kingly, monarchical, princely, queenly, regal, sovereign @@@@ [2]august, grand, impressive, magnificent, majestic, splendid, stately, superb, superior"} {"x":"rub","y":"[1]abrade, caress, chafe, clean, fray, grate, knead, massage, polish, scour, scrape, shine, smooth, stroke, wipe @@@@ [2]apply, put, smear, spread @@@@ [3]aggravate @@@@ [4]anger, annoy, bug @@@@ [5]irk, irritate, nark @@@@ [6]peeve @@@@ [7]vex @@@@ [8]caress, kneading, massage, polish, shine, stroke, wipe @@@@ [9]catch, difficulty, drawback, hazard, hindrance, hitch, impediment, obstacle, problem, snag, trouble @@@@ [10]cancel, delete, efface, erase, excise, expunge, obliterate, remove, wipe out @@@@ [11]assassinate, blow away @@@@ [12]bump off @@@@ [13]butcher, dispatch, do in @@@@ [14]eliminate @@@@ [15]hit @@@@ [16]kill, knock off @@@@ [17]murder, slaughter, slay, take out @@@@ [18]waste"} {"x":"rubbish","y":"[1]crap @@@@ [2]debris, dreck @@@@ [3]dregs, dross, flotsam and jetsam, garbage @@@@ [4]grot @@@@ [5]junk @@@@ [6]litter, lumber, offal, offscourings, refuse, scrap, trash, waste @@@@ [7]balderdash, balls @@@@ [8]bilge @@@@ [9]bollocks @@@@ [10]bosh @@@@ [11]bull @@@@ [12]bullshit @@@@ [13]claptrap @@@@ [14]cobblers @@@@ [15]codswallop @@@@ [16]crap @@@@ [17]drivel, eyewash @@@@ [18]flapdoodle @@@@ [19]garbage @@@@ [20]gibberish, guff @@@@ [21]havers @@@@ [22]hogwash, hokum @@@@ [23]horsefeathers @@@@ [24]hot air @@@@ [25]moonshine, nonsense, pap, piffle @@@@ [26]poppycock @@@@ [27]rot, shit @@@@ [28]stuff and nonsense, tommyrot, tosh @@@@ [29]trash, tripe @@@@ [30]twaddle, wack"} {"x":"rubicund","y":"[1]blushing, florid, flushed, pink, reddish, roseate, rosy, ruddy"} {"x":"ruddy","y":"[1]blooming, blushing, florid, flushed, fresh, glowing, healthy, radiant, red, reddish, rosy, rosy-cheeked, rubicund, sanguine, sunburnt @@@@ [2]crimson, pink, red, reddish, roseate, ruby, scarlet"} {"x":"rude","y":"[1]abrupt, abusive, blunt, brusque, cheeky, churlish, curt, discourteous, disrespectful, ill-mannered, impertinent, impolite, impudent, inconsiderate, insolent, insulting, offhand, peremptory, short, uncivil, unmannerly @@@@ [2]barbarous, boorish, brutish, coarse, crude, graceless, gross, ignorant, illiterate, loutish, low, oafish, obscene, rough, savage, scurrilous, uncivilized, uncouth, uncultured, uneducated, ungracious, unpolished, unrefined, untutored, vulgar @@@@ [3]artless, crude, inartistic, inelegant, makeshift, primitive, raw, rough, rough-hewn, roughly-made, simple @@@@ [4]abrupt, harsh, sharp, startling, sudden, unpleasant, violent"} {"x":"rudimentary","y":"[1]basic, early, elementary, embryonic, fundamental, immature, initial, introductory, primary, primitive, undeveloped, vestigial"} {"x":"rue","y":"[1]bemoan, be sorry for, bewail, deplore, grieve, kick oneself for, lament, mourn, regret, repent, reproach oneself for, sorrow for, weep over"} {"x":"ruffian","y":"[1]bruiser @@@@ [2]brute, bully, bully boy, casual, heavy @@@@ [3]hoodlum, hooligan, lager lout, miscreant, ned @@@@ [4]rascal, rogue, rough @@@@ [5]roughneck @@@@ [6]rowdy, scoundrel, thug, tough, tsotsi @@@@ [7]villain, wretch, yardie"} {"x":"ruffle","y":"[1]derange, disarrange, discompose, dishevel, disorder, mess up, rumple, tousle, wrinkle @@@@ [2]agitate, annoy, confuse, disconcert, disquiet, disturb, faze, fluster, harass, hassle @@@@ [3]irritate, nettle, peeve @@@@ [4]perturb, put out, rattle @@@@ [5]shake up @@@@ [6]stir, torment, trouble, unnerve, unsettle, upset, vex, worry"} {"x":"rugged","y":"[1]broken, bumpy, craggy, difficult, irregular, jagged, ragged, rocky, rough, stark, uneven @@@@ [2]furrowed, leathery, lined, rough-hewn, strong-featured, weather-beaten, weathered, worn, wrinkled @@@@ [3]austere, crabbed, dour, gruff, hard, harsh, rough, rude, severe, sour, stern, surly @@@@ [4]barbarous, blunt, churlish, crude, graceless, rude, uncouth, uncultured, unpolished, unrefined @@@@ [5]arduous, demanding, difficult, exacting, hard, harsh, laborious, rigorous, stern, strenuous, taxing, tough, trying, uncompromising @@@@ [6]beefy @@@@ [7]brawny, burly, hale, hardy, husky @@@@ [8]muscular, robust, strong, sturdy, tough, vigorous, well-built"} {"x":"ruin","y":"[1]bankruptcy, breakdown, collapse, crackup @@@@ [2]crash, damage, decay, defeat, destitution, destruction, devastation, disintegration, disrepair, dissolution, downfall, failure, fall, havoc, insolvency, nemesis, overthrow, ruination, subversion, the end, undoing, Waterloo, wreck, wreckage @@@@ [3]bankrupt, break, bring down, bring to nothing, bring to ruin, crush, defeat, demolish, destroy, devastate, impoverish, lay in ruins, lay waste, overthrow, overturn, overwhelm, pauperize, raze, shatter, smash, total @@@@ [4]trash @@@@ [5]blow @@@@ [6]bodge @@@@ [7]botch, cock up @@@@ [8]damage, disfigure, fuck up @@@@ [9]injure, make a mess of, mangle, mar, mess up, screw up @@@@ [10]spoil, undo"} {"x":"ruinous","y":"[1]baleful, baneful @@@@ [2]calamitous, catastrophic, crippling, deadly, deleterious, destructive, devastating, dire, disastrous, extravagant, fatal, immoderate, injurious, murderous, noxious, pernicious, shattering, wasteful, withering @@@@ [3]broken-down, decrepit, derelict, dilapidated, in ruins, ramshackle, ruined"} {"x":"rule","y":"[1]axiom, canon, criterion, decree, dictum, direction, guide, guideline, law, maxim, order, ordinance, precept, principle, regulation, ruling, standard, tenet @@@@ [2]administration, ascendancy, authority, command, control, direction, domination, dominion, empire, government, influence, jurisdiction, leadership, mastery, power, regime, reign, supremacy, sway @@@@ [3]condition, convention, custom, form, habit, order or way of things, practice, procedure, routine, tradition, wont @@@@ [4]course, formula, method, policy, procedure, way @@@@ [5]customarily, for the most part, generally, mainly, normally, on the whole, ordinarily, usually @@@@ [6]administer, be in authority, be in power, be number one @@@@ [7]command, control, direct, dominate, govern, guide, hold sway, lead, manage, preside over, regulate, reign, wear the crown @@@@ [8]adjudge, adjudicate, decide, decree, determine, establish, find, judge, lay down, pronounce, resolve, settle @@@@ [9]be customary, be pre-eminent, be prevalent, be superior, hold sway, obtain, predominate, preponderate, prevail @@@@ [10]ban, debar, dismiss, disqualify, eliminate, exclude, forbid, leave out, obviate, preclude, prevent, prohibit, proscribe, reject"} {"x":"ruler","y":"[1]commander, controller, crowned head, emperor, empress, governor, head of state, king, leader, lord, monarch, potentate, prince, princess, queen, sovereign @@@@ [2]measure, rule, straight edge, yardstick"} {"x":"ruling","y":"[1]adjudication, decision, decree, finding, judgment, pronouncement, resolution, verdict @@@@ [2]commanding, controlling, dominant, governing, leading, regnant, reigning, upper @@@@ [3]chief, current, dominant, main, predominant, pre-eminent, preponderant, prevailing, prevalent, principal, regnant, supreme"} {"x":"rum","y":"[1]curious, dodgy @@@@ [2]funny, odd, peculiar, queer, singular, strange, suspect, suspicious, unusual, weird"} {"x":"ruminate","y":"[1]brood, chew over, cogitate, consider, contemplate, deliberate, meditate, mull over, muse, ponder, rack one's brains, reflect, revolve, think, turn over in one's mind, weigh"} {"x":"rummage","y":"[1]delve, examine, explore, forage, hunt, ransack, root, rootle, search"} {"x":"rump","y":"[1]arse @@@@ [2]ass @@@@ [3]backside @@@@ [4]bottom, bum @@@@ [5]buns @@@@ [6]butt @@@@ [7]buttocks, croup, derriere @@@@ [8]haunch, hindquarters, jacksy @@@@ [9]posterior, rear, rear end, seat, tail"} {"x":"rumple","y":"[1]crease, crinkle, crumple, crush, derange, dishevel, disorder, mess up, pucker, ruffle, screw up, scrunch, tousle, wrinkle"} {"x":"rumpus","y":"[1]brouhaha, commotion, confusion, disruption, disturbance, furore, fuss, hue and cry, kerfuffle @@@@ [2]noise, row, shindig @@@@ [3]shindy @@@@ [4]tumult, uproar"} {"x":"run","y":"[1]barrel (along) @@@@ [2]bolt, career, dart, dash, gallop, hare @@@@ [3]hasten, hie, hotfoot, hurry, jog, leg it @@@@ [4]lope, race, rush, scamper, scramble, scud, scurry, speed, sprint, stampede @@@@ [5]abscond, beat a retreat, beat it @@@@ [6]bolt, clear out, cut and run @@@@ [7]decamp, depart, do a runner @@@@ [8]escape, flee, fly the coop @@@@ [9]leg it @@@@ [10]take off @@@@ [11]course, glide, go, move, pass, roll, skim, slide @@@@ [12]bear, carry, convey, drive, give a lift to, manoeuvre, operate, propel, transport @@@@ [13]go, operate, ply @@@@ [14]function, go, operate, perform, tick, work @@@@ [15]administer, be in charge of, boss @@@@ [16]carry on, conduct, control, coordinate, direct, handle, head, lead, look after, manage, mastermind, operate, oversee, own, regulate, superintend, supervise, take care of @@@@ [17]continue, extend, go, last, lie, proceed, range, reach, stretch @@@@ [18]cascade, discharge, flow, go, gush, issue, leak, move, pour, proceed, spill, spout, stream @@@@ [19]dissolve, fuse, go soft, liquefy, melt, turn to liquid @@@@ [20]be diffused, bleed, lose colour, mix, spread @@@@ [21]come apart, come undone, ladder, tear, unravel @@@@ [22]be current, circulate, climb, creep, go round, spread, trail @@@@ [23]display, feature, print, publish @@@@ [24]be a candidate, challenge, compete, contend, put oneself up for, stand, take part @@@@ [25]bootleg, deal in, ship, smuggle, sneak, traffic in @@@@ [26]abscond, bolt, cut and run @@@@ [27]escape, flee, fly, fly the coop @@@@ [28]scram @@@@ [29]take off @@@@ [30]dash, gallop, jog, race, rush, sprint, spurt @@@@ [31]drive, excursion, jaunt, journey, joy ride @@@@ [32]lift, outing, ride, round, spin @@@@ [33]trip @@@@ [34]chain, course, cycle, passage, period, round, season, sequence, series, spell, streak, stretch, string @@@@ [35]category, class, kind, order, sort, type, variety @@@@ [36]application, demand, pressure, rush @@@@ [37]ladder, rip, snag, tear @@@@ [38]course, current, direction, drift, flow, motion, movement, passage, path, progress, stream, tendency, tenor, tide, trend, way @@@@ [39]coop, enclosure, pen @@@@ [40]at liberty, escaping, fugitive, in flight, on the lam @@@@ [41]defeated, falling back, fleeing, in flight, in retreat, retreating, running away @@@@ [42]at speed, hastily, hurriedly, hurrying, in a hurry, in a rush, in haste @@@@ [43]at speed, hastily, hurriedly, hurrying, in a hurry, in a rush, in haste @@@@ [44]at speed, hastily, hurriedly, hurrying, in a hurry, in a rush, in haste"} {"x":"runaway","y":"[1]absconder, deserter, escapee, escaper, fugitive, refugee, truant @@@@ [2]escaped, fleeing, fugitive, loose, out of control, uncontrolled, wild @@@@ [3]easily won, easy, effortless"} {"x":"rundown","y":"[1]briefing, outline, precis, recap @@@@ [2]resume, review, run-through, sketch, summary, synopsis"} {"x":"runner","y":"[1]athlete, harrier, jogger, miler, sprinter @@@@ [2]courier, dispatch bearer, errand boy, messenger @@@@ [3]offshoot, shoot, sprig, sprout, stem, stolon @@@@ [4]tendril"} {"x":"running","y":"[1]constant, continuous, incessant, in succession, on the trot @@@@ [2]perpetual, together, unbroken, unceasing, uninterrupted @@@@ [3]flowing, moving, streaming @@@@ [4]administration, charge, conduct, control, coordination, direction, leadership, management, organization, regulation, superintendency, supervision @@@@ [5]functioning, maintenance, operation, performance, working @@@@ [6]competition, contention, contest"} {"x":"runny","y":"[1]diluted, flowing, fluid, liquefied, liquid, melted, streaming, watery"} {"x":"rupture","y":"[1]breach, break, burst, cleavage, cleft, crack, fissure, fracture, rent, split, tear @@@@ [2]altercation, breach, break, bust-up @@@@ [3]contention, disagreement, disruption, dissolution, estrangement, falling-out @@@@ [4]feud, hostility, quarrel, rift, schism, split @@@@ [5]hernia @@@@ [6]break, burst, cleave, crack, fracture, puncture, rend, separate, sever, split, tear @@@@ [7]break off, cause a breach, come between, disrupt, dissever, divide, split"} {"x":"rural","y":"[1]agrarian, agrestic, agricultural, Arcadian, bucolic, countrified, country, hick @@@@ [2]pastoral, rustic, sylvan, upcountry"} {"x":"ruse","y":"[1]artifice, blind, deception, device, dodge, hoax, imposture, manoeuvre, ploy, sham, stratagem, subterfuge, trick, wile"} {"x":"rush","y":"[1]accelerate, barrel (along) @@@@ [2]bolt, burn rubber @@@@ [3]career, dart, dash, dispatch, expedite, fly, hasten, hotfoot, hurry, hustle, lose no time, make haste, make short work of, press, push, quicken, race, run, scramble, scurry, shoot, speed, speed up, sprint, stampede, tear @@@@ [4]charge, dash, dispatch, expedition, haste, hurry, race, scramble, speed, stampede, surge, swiftness, urgency @@@@ [5]attack, capture, charge, overcome, storm, take by storm @@@@ [6]assault, charge, onslaught, push, storm, surge @@@@ [7]brisk, cursory, emergency, expeditious, fast, hasty, hurried, prompt, quick, rapid, swift, urgent"} {"x":"rust","y":"[1]corrosion, oxidation @@@@ [2]corrode, oxidize @@@@ [3]blight, mildew, mould, must, rot @@@@ [4]atrophy, decay, decline, deteriorate, go stale, stagnate, tarnish"} {"x":"rustic","y":"[1]agrestic, Arcadian, bucolic, countrified, country, pastoral, rural, sylvan, upcountry @@@@ [2]artless, homely, homespun, plain, simple, unaffected, unpolished, unrefined, unsophisticated @@@@ [3]awkward, boorish, churlish, cloddish, clodhopping @@@@ [4]clownish, coarse, crude, graceless, hick @@@@ [5]loutish, lumpish, maladroit, rough, uncouth, uncultured, unmannerly @@@@ [6]boor, bumpkin, clod, clodhopper @@@@ [7]clown, country boy, country cousin, countryman, countrywoman, hayseed @@@@ [8]hick @@@@ [9]hillbilly, Hodge, peasant, son of the soil, swain @@@@ [10]yokel"} {"x":"rustle","y":"[1]crackle, crepitate, crinkle, susurrate @@@@ [2]swish, whish, whisper, whoosh @@@@ [3]crackle, crepitation, crinkling, rustling, susurration or susurrus @@@@ [4]whisper"} {"x":"rusty","y":"[1]corroded, oxidized, rust-covered, rusted @@@@ [2]chestnut, coppery, reddish, reddish-brown, russet, rust-coloured @@@@ [3]cracked, creaking, croaking, croaky, hoarse @@@@ [4]ancient, antiquated, antique, dated, old-fashioned, outmoded, out of date, passe @@@@ [5]deficient, impaired, not what it was, out of practice, sluggish, stale, unpractised, weak"} {"x":"rut","y":"[1]furrow, gouge, groove, indentation, pothole, score, track, trough, wheelmark @@@@ [2]dead end, groove, habit, humdrum existence, pattern, routine, system @@@@ [3]cut, furrow, gouge, groove, hole, indent, mark, score"} {"x":"ruthless","y":"[1]adamant, barbarous, brutal, callous, cruel, ferocious, fierce, hard, hard-hearted, harsh, heartless, inexorable, inhuman, merciless, pitiless, relentless, remorseless, savage, severe, stern, unfeeling, unmerciful, unpitying, unrelenting, without pity"} {"x":"sable","y":"[1]black, dark, dusty, ebon @@@@ [2]ebony, jet, jetty, raven, sombre"} {"x":"sabotage","y":"[1]cripple, damage, destroy, disable, disrupt, incapacitate, sap the foundations of, subvert, throw a spanner in the works @@@@ [2]undermine, vandalize, wreck @@@@ [3]damage, destruction, disruption, subversion, treachery, treason, wrecking"} {"x":"sac","y":"[1]bag, bladder, bursa, cyst, pocket, pod, pouch, vesicle"} {"x":"sack","y":"[1]axe @@@@ [2]discharge, dismiss, fire @@@@ [3]kick out @@@@ [4]kiss off @@@@ [5]discharge, dismissal, termination of employment, the axe @@@@ [6]the boot @@@@ [7]the chop @@@@ [8]the push @@@@ [9]demolish, depredate @@@@ [10]despoil, destroy, devastate, lay waste, loot, maraud, pillage, plunder, raid, ravage, rifle, rob, ruin, spoil, strip @@@@ [11]depredation, despoliation, destruction, devastation, looting, pillage, plunder, plundering, rape, rapine, ravage, ruin, waste @@@@ [12]retire, turn in"} {"x":"sacred","y":"[1]blessed, consecrated, divine, hallowed, holy, revered, sanctified, venerable @@@@ [2]inviolable, inviolate, invulnerable, protected, sacrosanct, secure @@@@ [3]ecclesiastical, holy, religious, solemn"} {"x":"sacrifice","y":"[1]forego, forfeit, give up, immolate, let go, lose, offer, offer up, say goodbye to, surrender @@@@ [2]burnt offering, destruction, hecatomb, holocaust @@@@ [3]immolation, loss, oblation, renunciation, surrender, votive offering @@@@ [4]altruism, generosity, self-abnegation, self-denial, selflessness"} {"x":"sacrificial","y":"[1]atoning, expiatory, oblatory, propitiatory, reparative"} {"x":"sacrilege","y":"[1]blasphemy, desecration, heresy, impiety, irreverence, mockery, profanation, profaneness, profanity, violation"} {"x":"sacrilegious","y":"[1]blasphemous, desecrating, godless, impious, irreligious, irreverent, profane, ungodly, unholy"} {"x":"sacrosanct","y":"[1]hallowed, inviolable, inviolate, sacred, sanctified, set apart, untouchable"} {"x":"sad","y":"[1]blue, cheerless, dejected, depressed, disconsolate, dismal, doleful, down, downcast, down in the dumps @@@@ [2]gloomy, glum, grief-stricken, grieved, heavy-hearted, low, low-spirited, lugubrious, melancholy, mournful, pensive, sick at heart, sombre, triste @@@@ [3]unhappy, wistful, woebegone @@@@ [4]calamitous, dark, depressing, disastrous, dismal, grievous, harrowing, heart-rending, lachrymose, moving, pathetic, pitiable, pitiful, poignant, sorry, tearful, tragic, upsetting @@@@ [5]bad, deplorable, dismal, distressing, grave, lamentable, miserable, regrettable, serious, shabby, sorry, to be deplored, unfortunate, unhappy, unsatisfactory, wretched"} {"x":"sadden","y":"[1]aggrieve, bring tears to one's eyes, cast a gloom upon, cast down, dash, deject, depress, desolate, dispirit, distress, grieve, make blue, make one's heart bleed, upset"} {"x":"saddle","y":"[1]burden, charge, encumber, load, lumber @@@@ [2]task, tax"} {"x":"sadistic","y":"[1]barbarous, beastly, brutal, cruel, fiendish, inhuman, perverse, perverted, ruthless, savage, vicious"} {"x":"sadness","y":"[1]bleakness, cheerlessness, dejection, depression, despondency, dolefulness, dolour @@@@ [2]gloominess, grief, heavy heart, melancholy, misery, mournfulness, poignancy, sorrow, sorrowfulness, the blues, the dumps @@@@ [3]the hump @@@@ [4]tragedy, unhappiness, wretchedness"} {"x":"safe","y":"[1]all right, free from harm, impregnable, in safe hands, in safety, intact, O.K. or okay @@@@ [2]out of danger, out of harm's way, out of the woods, protected, safe and sound, secure, undamaged, unharmed, unhurt, unscathed @@@@ [3]harmless, innocuous, nonpoisonous, nontoxic, pure, tame, unpolluted, wholesome @@@@ [4]cautious, circumspect, conservative, dependable, discreet, on the safe side, prudent, realistic, reliable, sure, tried and true, trustworthy, unadventurous @@@@ [5]certain, impregnable, risk-free, riskless, secure, sound @@@@ [6]coffer, deposit box, repository, safe-deposit box, strongbox, vault"} {"x":"safeguard","y":"[1]defend, guard, look after, preserve, protect, screen, shield, watch over @@@@ [2]aegis, armour, bulwark, convoy, defence, escort, guard, protection, security, shield, surety"} {"x":"safekeeping","y":"[1]care, charge, custody, guardianship, keeping, protection, supervision, surveillance, trust, tutelage, ward"} {"x":"safely","y":"[1]in one piece, in safety, safe and sound, securely, with impunity, without risk, with safety"} {"x":"safety","y":"[1]assurance, cover, immunity, impregnability, protection, refuge, sanctuary, security, shelter"} {"x":"sag","y":"[1]bag, bulge, cave in, dip, droop, drop, fall, fall unevenly, give way, hang loosely, seat @@@@ [2]settle, sink, slump, swag @@@@ [3]decline, droop, fall, flag, slide, slip, slump, wane, weaken, wilt @@@@ [4]decline, depression, dip, downturn, drop, fall, lapse, slip, slump"} {"x":"saga","y":"[1]adventure, chronicle, epic, narrative, roman-fleuve, soap opera, story, tale, yarn"} {"x":"sagacious","y":"[1]able, acute, apt, astute, canny, clear-sighted, discerning, downy @@@@ [2]far-sighted, fly @@@@ [3]insightful, intelligent, judicious, knowing, long-headed, perceptive, perspicacious, sage, sharp, sharp-witted, shrewd, smart, wise"} {"x":"sage","y":"[1]acute, canny, discerning, intelligent, judicious, learned, perspicacious, politic, prudent, sagacious, sapient, sensible, wise @@@@ [2]authority, elder, expert, guru, mahatma, man of learning, master, Nestor, philosopher, pundit, savant, Solomon, Solon, wise man"} {"x":"sail","y":"[1]cast or weigh anchor, embark, get under way, hoist the blue peter, put to sea, set sail @@@@ [2]captain, cruise, go by water, navigate, pilot, ride the waves, skipper, steer, voyage @@@@ [3]drift, float, fly, glide, scud, shoot, skim, skirr, soar, sweep, wing @@@@ [4]assault, attack, begin, belabour, fall upon, get going, get to work on, lambast(e), set about, tear into"} {"x":"sailor","y":"[1]hearty @@@@ [2]Jack Tar, lascar, leatherneck @@@@ [3]marine, mariner, matelot @@@@ [4]navigator, salt, sea dog, seafarer, seafaring man, seaman, tar"} {"x":"sake","y":"[1]account, advantage, behalf, benefit, consideration, gain, good, interest, profit, regard, respect, welfare, wellbeing @@@@ [2]aim, cause, end, motive, objective, principle, purpose, reason"} {"x":"salacious","y":"[1]bawdy, blue, carnal, concupiscent, erotic, indecent, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, libidinous, lickerish @@@@ [2]lustful, obscene, pornographic, prurient, ribald, ruttish, smutty, steamy @@@@ [3]wanton, X-rated"} {"x":"salary","y":"[1]earnings, emolument, income, pay, remuneration, stipend, wage, wages @@@@ [2]salary increase"} {"x":"sale","y":"[1]auction, deal, disposal, marketing, selling, transaction, vending @@@@ [2]buyers, consumers, customers, demand, market, outlet, purchasers @@@@ [3]available, in stock, obtainable, on offer, on sale, on the market"} {"x":"salient","y":"[1]arresting, conspicuous, important, jutting, marked, noticeable, outstanding, projecting, prominent, pronounced, protruding, remarkable, signal, striking"} {"x":"sallow","y":"[1]anaemic, bilious, jaundiced-looking, pale, pallid, pasty, peely-wally @@@@ [2]sickly, unhealthy, wan, yellowish"} {"x":"sally","y":"[1]erupt, go forth, issue, rush, set out, surge @@@@ [2]campaign, foray, incursion, offensive, raid, sortie, thrust @@@@ [3]bon mot, crack @@@@ [4]jest, joke, quip, retort, riposte, smart remark, wisecrack @@@@ [5]witticism @@@@ [6]escapade, excursion, frolic, jaunt, trip"} {"x":"salt","y":"[1]flavour, relish, savour, seasoning, taste @@@@ [2]cynically, disbelievingly, doubtfully, sceptically, suspiciously, with reservations @@@@ [3]Attic wit, bite, dry humour, liveliness, piquancy, punch, pungency, sarcasm, sharpness, wit, zest, zip @@@@ [4]mariner, sailor, sea dog, seaman, tar @@@@ [5]brackish, briny, saline, salted, salty @@@@ [6]accumulate, amass, bank, cache, hide, hoard up, lay by, lay in, lay up, put by, save, save for a rainy day, stash away @@@@ [7]stockpile"} {"x":"salubrious","y":"[1]beneficial, good for one, healthful, health-giving, healthy, invigorating, salutary, wholesome"} {"x":"salutary","y":"[1]advantageous, beneficial, good, good for one, helpful, practical, profitable, timely, useful, valuable @@@@ [2]healthful, healthy, salubrious"} {"x":"salutation","y":"[1]address, greeting, obeisance, salute, welcome"} {"x":"salute","y":"[1]accost, acknowledge, address, doff one's cap to, greet, hail, kiss, pay one's respects to, salaam, welcome @@@@ [2]acknowledge, honour, pay tribute or homage to, present arms, recognize, take one's hat off to @@@@ [3]address, greeting, kiss, obeisance, recognition, salaam, salutation, tribute"} {"x":"salvage","y":"[1]glean, recover, redeem, rescue, restore, retrieve, save"} {"x":"salvation","y":"[1]deliverance, escape, lifeline, preservation, redemption, rescue, restoration, saving"} {"x":"salve","y":"[1]balm, cream, dressing, emollient, liniment, lotion, lubricant, medication, ointment, unguent"} {"x":"same","y":"[1]aforementioned, aforesaid, selfsame, very @@@@ [2]alike, corresponding, duplicate, equal, equivalent, identical, indistinguishable, interchangeable, synonymous, twin @@@@ [3]changeless, consistent, constant, invariable, unaltered, unchanged, unfailing, uniform, unvarying @@@@ [4]after all, anyhow, be that as it may, in any event, just the same, nevertheless, nonetheless, still @@@@ [5]immaterial, not worth mentioning, of no consequence, unimportant"} {"x":"sample","y":"[1]cross section, example, exemplification, illustration, indication, instance, model, pattern, representative, sign, specimen @@@@ [2]experience, inspect, partake of, taste, test, try @@@@ [3]illustrative, pilot, representative, specimen, test, trial"} {"x":"sanctify","y":"[1]absolve, anoint, bless, cleanse, consecrate, hallow, purify, set apart"} {"x":"sanctimonious","y":"[1]canting, false, goody-goody @@@@ [2]holier-than-thou, hypocritical, pharisaical, pi @@@@ [3]pietistic, pious, priggish, self-righteous, self-satisfied, smug, Tartuffian or Tartufian, too good to be true, unctuous"} {"x":"sanction","y":"[1]allowance, approbation, approval, authority, authorization, backing, confirmation, countenance, endorsement, O.K. or okay @@@@ [2]ratification, stamp or seal of approval, support @@@@ [3]ban, boycott, coercive measures, embargo, penalty @@@@ [4]allow, approve, authorize, back, countenance, endorse, entitle, lend one's name to, permit, support, vouch for @@@@ [5]confirm, ratify, warrant"} {"x":"sanctity","y":"[1]devotion, godliness, goodness, grace, holiness, piety, purity, religiousness, righteousness, sanctitude, spirituality @@@@ [2]inviolability, sacredness, solemnity"} {"x":"sanctuary","y":"[1]altar, church, Holy of Holies, sanctum, shrine, temple @@@@ [2]asylum, haven, protection, refuge, retreat, shelter @@@@ [3]conservation area, national park, nature reserve, reserve"} {"x":"sanctum","y":"[1]Holy of Holies, sanctuary, shrine @@@@ [2]den, private room, refuge, retreat, study"} {"x":"sane","y":"[1]all there @@@@ [2]compos mentis, in one's right mind, in possession of all one's faculties, lucid, mentally sound, normal, of sound mind, rational @@@@ [3]balanced, judicious, level-headed, moderate, reasonable, sensible, sober, sound"} {"x":"sanguinary","y":"[1]bloodied, bloodthirsty, bloody, cruel, fell @@@@ [2]flowing with blood, gory, grim, merciless, murderous, pitiless, ruthless, savage"} {"x":"sanguine","y":"[1]animated, assured, buoyant, cheerful, confident, hopeful, in good heart, lively, optimistic, spirited @@@@ [2]florid, red, rubicund, ruddy"} {"x":"sanitary","y":"[1]clean, germ-free, healthy, hygienic, salubrious, unpolluted, wholesome"} {"x":"sanitize","y":"[1]cleanse, decontaminate, disinfect, fumigate, pasteurize, purge, purify, sterilize"} {"x":"sanity","y":"[1]mental health, normality, rationality, reason, right mind @@@@ [2]saneness, stability @@@@ [3]common sense, good sense, judiciousness, level-headedness, rationality, sense, soundness of judgment"} {"x":"sap","y":"[1]animating force, essence, lifeblood, vital fluid @@@@ [2]charlie @@@@ [3]chump @@@@ [4]drip @@@@ [5]dweeb @@@@ [6]fool, gobshite @@@@ [7]gull @@@@ [8]idiot, jerk @@@@ [9]muggins @@@@ [10]nincompoop, ninny, nitwit @@@@ [11]noddy, noodle, numpty @@@@ [12]numskull or numbskull, oaf, plonker @@@@ [13]prat @@@@ [14]Simple Simon, simpleton, twit @@@@ [15]wally @@@@ [16]weakling, weenie @@@@ [17]wet @@@@ [18]bleed, deplete, devitalize, drain, enervate, erode, exhaust, rob, undermine, weaken, wear down"} {"x":"sapient","y":"[1]acute, canny, discerning, discriminating, intelligent, judicious, knowing, long-headed, perspicacious, sagacious, sage, shrewd, wise, would-be-wise"} {"x":"sarcasm","y":"[1]bitterness, causticness, contempt, cynicism, derision, irony, mockery, mordancy, satire, scorn, sneering, venom, vitriol"} {"x":"sarcastic","y":"[1]acerb, acerbic, acid, acrimonious, backhanded, bitchy @@@@ [2]biting, caustic, contemptuous, cutting, cynical, derisive, disparaging, ironical, mocking, mordacious, mordant, sardonic, sarky @@@@ [3]satirical, sharp, sneering, taunting, vitriolic"} {"x":"sardonic","y":"[1]bitter, cynical, derisive, dry, ironical, jeering, malevolent, malicious, malignant, mocking, mordacious, mordant, sarcastic, sneering, wry"} {"x":"satanic","y":"[1]accursed, black, demoniac, demoniacal, demonic, devilish, diabolic, evil, fiendish, hellish, infernal, inhuman, iniquitous, malevolent, malignant, wicked"} {"x":"sate","y":"[1]indulge to the full, satiate, satisfy, slake @@@@ [2]cloy, glut, gorge, overfill, saturate, sicken, surfeit, weary"} {"x":"satellite","y":"[1]communications satellite, moon, sputnik @@@@ [2]attendant, cohort @@@@ [3]dependant, follower, hanger-on, lackey, minion, parasite, retainer, sidekick @@@@ [4]sycophant, vassal @@@@ [5]client, dependent, puppet, subordinate, tributary, vassal"} {"x":"satiate","y":"[1]cloy, glut, gorge, jade, nauseate, overfill, stuff @@@@ [2]sate, satisfy, slake, surfeit"} {"x":"satiety","y":"[1]overindulgence, saturation, surfeit @@@@ [2]fullness, gratification, repletion, satiation, satisfaction"} {"x":"satire","y":"[1]burlesque, caricature, irony, lampoon, parody, pasquinade, raillery, ridicule, sarcasm, send-up @@@@ [2]skit, spoof @@@@ [3]takeoff @@@@ [4]travesty, wit"} {"x":"satisfaction","y":"[1]comfort, complacency, content, contentedness, contentment, ease, enjoyment, gratification, happiness, peace of mind, pleasure, pride, repletion, satiety, well-being @@@@ [2]achievement, appeasing, assuaging, fulfilment, gratification, resolution, settlement @@@@ [3]amends, atonement, compensation, damages, indemnification, justice, recompense, redress, reimbursement, remuneration, reparation, requital, restitution, settlement, vindication"} {"x":"satisfactory","y":"[1]acceptable, adequate, all right, average, competent, fair, good enough, passable, sufficient, suitable, up to scratch, up to standard, up to the mark"} {"x":"satisfied","y":"[1]at ease, complacent, content, contented, convinced, easy in one's mind, happy, like the cat that swallowed the canary @@@@ [2]pacified, positive, smug, sure @@@@ [3]complacent, flushed with success, like a cat that has swallowed the cream or the canary, pleased with oneself, proud of oneself, puffed up, self-congratulatory, smug, too big for one's boots or breeches, well-pleased"} {"x":"satisfy","y":"[1]appease, assuage, content, feed, fill, gratify, indulge, mollify, pacify, pander to, please, quench, sate, satiate, slake, surfeit @@@@ [2]answer, be adequate, be enough, be sufficient, come up to expectations, cut the mustard, do, fill the bill @@@@ [3]fulfil, meet, qualify, serve, serve the purpose, suffice @@@@ [4]assure, convince, dispel (someone's) doubts, persuade, put (someone's) mind at rest, quiet, reassure @@@@ [5]answer, comply with, discharge, fulfil, meet, pay (off), settle, square up @@@@ [6]atone, compensate, indemnify, make good, make reparation for, recompense, remunerate, requite, reward"} {"x":"saturate","y":"[1]douse, drench, drouk @@@@ [2]imbue, impregnate, ret @@@@ [3]seep, soak, souse, steep, suffuse, waterlog, wet through"} {"x":"saturnine","y":"[1]dour, dull, gloomy, glum, grave, heavy, morose, phlegmatic, sedate, sluggish, sombre, taciturn, uncommunicative"} {"x":"sauce","y":"[1]audacity, backchat @@@@ [2]brass @@@@ [3]brass neck @@@@ [4]cheek @@@@ [5]cheekiness, disrespectfulness, face @@@@ [6]front, impertinence, impudence, insolence, lip @@@@ [7]neck @@@@ [8]nerve @@@@ [9]rudeness"} {"x":"saucy","y":"[1]cheeky @@@@ [2]disrespectful, flip @@@@ [3]flippant, forward, fresh @@@@ [4]impertinent, impudent, insolent, lippy @@@@ [5]pert, presumptuous, rude, sassy @@@@ [6]smart-alecky @@@@ [7]dashing, gay, jaunty, natty @@@@ [8]perky, rakish, sporty"} {"x":"saunter","y":"[1]amble, dally, linger, loiter, meander, mosey @@@@ [2]ramble, roam, rove, stravaig @@@@ [3]stroll, take a stroll, tarry, wander @@@@ [4]airing, amble, breather, constitutional, perambulation, promenade, ramble, stroll, turn, walk"} {"x":"savage","y":"[1]feral, rough, rugged, uncivilized, uncultivated, undomesticated, untamed, wild @@@@ [2]barbarous, beastly, bestial, bloodthirsty, bloody, brutal, brutish, cruel, devilish, diabolical, ferocious, fierce, harsh, inhuman, merciless, murderous, pitiless, ravening, ruthless, sadistic, vicious @@@@ [3]in a state of nature, nonliterate, primitive, rude, unspoilt @@@@ [4]autochthon, barbarian, heathen, indigene, native, primitive @@@@ [5]barbarian, bear, boor, lout, roughneck @@@@ [6]yahoo, yob @@@@ [7]yobbo @@@@ [8]beast, brute, fiend, monster @@@@ [9]attack, lacerate, mangle, maul, tear into"} {"x":"savant","y":"[1]authority, intellectual, mahatma, master, mastermind, philosopher, sage, scholar"} {"x":"save","y":"[1]bail (someone) out, come to (someone's) rescue, deliver, free, liberate, recover, redeem, rescue, salvage, save (someone's) bacon @@@@ [2]set free @@@@ [3]be frugal, be thrifty, collect, economize, gather, hide away, hoard, hold, husband, keep, keep up one's sleeve @@@@ [4]lay by, put aside for a rainy day, put by, reserve, retrench, salt away, set aside, store, tighten one's belt @@@@ [5]treasure up @@@@ [6]conserve, guard, keep safe, look after, preserve, protect, safeguard, screen, shield, take care of @@@@ [7]hinder, obviate, prevent, rule out, spare"} {"x":"saving","y":"[1]compensatory, extenuating, qualifying, redeeming @@@@ [2]bargain, discount, economy, reduction"} {"x":"savings","y":"[1]fall-back, fund, nest egg, provision for a rainy day, reserves, resources, store @@@@ [2]compensatory, extenuating, qualifying, redeeming @@@@ [3]bargain, discount, economy, reduction"} {"x":"saviour","y":"[1]defender, deliverer, friend in need, Good Samaritan, guardian, knight in shining armour, liberator, preserver, protector, redeemer, rescuer, salvation @@@@ [2]Christ, Jesus, Messiah, Redeemer"} {"x":"saw","y":"[1]adage, aphorism, apophthegm, axiom, byword, dictum, gnome, maxim, proverb, saying @@@@ [2]crenate @@@@ [3]dentate, denticulate @@@@ [4]notched, serrate, serrated"} {"x":"say","y":"[1]add, affirm, announce, assert, asseverate, come out with @@@@ [2]declare, give voice or utterance to, maintain, mention, pronounce, put into words, remark, speak, state, utter, voice @@@@ [3]answer, disclose, divulge, give as one's opinion, make known, reply, respond, reveal, tell @@@@ [4]allege, bruit, claim, noise abroad, put about, report, rumour, suggest @@@@ [5]deliver, do, orate, perform, read, recite, rehearse, render, repeat @@@@ [6]assume, conjecture, dare say, estimate, guess, hazard a guess, imagine, judge, presume, suppose, surmise @@@@ [7]communicate, convey, express, give the impression that, imply @@@@ [8]be accepted, be a matter of course, be obvious, be self-evident, be taken as read, be taken for granted, be understood @@@@ [9]opportunity to speak, turn to speak, voice, vote @@@@ [10]authority, clout @@@@ [11]influence, power, sway, weight @@@@ [12]assertion, asseveration, assurance, dictum, guarantee, word @@@@ [13]agreement, assent, authority, authorization, consent, O.K. or okay @@@@ [14]permission, sanction"} {"x":"saying","y":"[1]adage, aphorism, apophthegm, axiom, byword, dictum, gnome, maxim, proverb, saw, slogan"} {"x":"scale","y":"[1]calibration, degrees, gamut, gradation, graduated system, graduation, hierarchy, ladder, pecking order @@@@ [2]progression, ranking, register, seniority system, sequence, series, spectrum, spread, steps @@@@ [3]proportion, ratio @@@@ [4]degree, extent, range, reach, scope, way @@@@ [5]ascend, clamber, climb, escalade, mount, surmount @@@@ [6]adjust, proportion, prorate @@@@ [7]regulate @@@@ [8]flake, lamina, layer, plate, squama"} {"x":"scamp","y":"[1]devil, imp, knave @@@@ [2]mischief-maker, monkey, pickle @@@@ [3]prankster, rascal, rogue, scallywag @@@@ [4]scapegrace, toerag @@@@ [5]tyke @@@@ [6]whippersnapper, wretch"} {"x":"scamper","y":"[1]beetle, dart, dash, fly, hasten, hie @@@@ [2]hurry, romp, run, scoot, scurry, scuttle, sprint"} {"x":"scan","y":"[1]check, check out @@@@ [2]clock @@@@ [3]con @@@@ [4]examine, eye, eyeball @@@@ [5]glance over, investigate, look one up and down, look through, recce @@@@ [6]run one's eye over, run over, scour, scrutinize, search, size up @@@@ [7]skim, survey, sweep, take a dekko at"} {"x":"scandal","y":"[1]crime, crying shame @@@@ [2]disgrace, embarrassment, offence, sin, wrongdoing @@@@ [3]calumny, defamation, detraction, discredit, disgrace, dishonour, ignominy, infamy, obloquy, offence, opprobrium, reproach, shame, stigma @@@@ [4]abuse, aspersion, backbiting, dirt, dirty linen @@@@ [5]gossip, rumours, skeleton in the cupboard, slander, talk, tattle"} {"x":"scant","y":"[1]bare, barely sufficient, deficient, inadequate, insufficient, limited, little, minimal, sparse"} {"x":"scapegoat","y":"[1]fall guy @@@@ [2]whipping boy"} {"x":"scar","y":"[1]blemish, cicatrix, injury, mark, trauma @@@@ [2]wound @@@@ [3]brand, damage, disfigure, mark, traumatize"} {"x":"scarce","y":"[1]at a premium, deficient, few, few and far between, infrequent, in short supply, insufficient, rare, seldom met with, thin on the ground, uncommon, unusual, wanting"} {"x":"scarcely","y":"[1]barely, hardly, only just, scarce @@@@ [2]by no means, definitely not, hardly, not at all, on no account, under no circumstances"} {"x":"scarcity","y":"[1]dearth, deficiency, infrequency, insufficiency, lack, paucity, poverty, rareness, shortage, undersupply, want"} {"x":"scare","y":"[1]affright @@@@ [2]alarm, daunt, dismay, frighten, give (someone) a fright, give (someone) a turn @@@@ [3]intimidate, panic, put the wind up (someone) @@@@ [4]shock, startle, terrify, terrorize @@@@ [5]alarm, alert, fright, panic, shock, start, terror"} {"x":"scared","y":"[1]fearful, frightened, panicky, panic-stricken, petrified, scared shitless @@@@ [2]shaken, shit-scared @@@@ [3]startled, terrified"} {"x":"scary","y":"[1]alarming, bloodcurdling, chilling, creepy @@@@ [2]frightening, hair-raising, hairy @@@@ [3]horrendous, horrifying, intimidating, shocking, spine-chilling, spooky @@@@ [4]terrifying, unnerving"} {"x":"scatter","y":"[1]broadcast, diffuse, disseminate, fling, litter, shower, sow, spread, sprinkle, strew @@@@ [2]disband, dispel, disperse, dissipate, disunite, put to flight, separate"} {"x":"scenario","y":"[1]master plan, outline, resume, rundown, scheme, sequence of events, sketch, story line, summary, synopsis"} {"x":"scene","y":"[1]display, drama, exhibition, pageant, picture, representation, show, sight, spectacle, tableau @@@@ [2]area, locality, place, position, setting, site, situation, spot, whereabouts @@@@ [3]backdrop, background, location, mise en scene, set, setting @@@@ [4]act, division, episode, incident, part, stage @@@@ [5]carry-on @@@@ [6]commotion, confrontation, display of emotion, drama, exhibition, fuss, hue and cry, performance, row, tantrum, to-do, upset @@@@ [7]landscape, panorama, prospect, view, vista @@@@ [8]arena, business, environment, field of interest, milieu, world"} {"x":"scenery","y":"[1]landscape, surroundings, terrain, view, vista @@@@ [2]backdrop, decor, flats, mise en scene, set, setting, stage set"} {"x":"scenic","y":"[1]beautiful, breathtaking, grand, impressive, panoramic, picturesque, spectacular, striking"} {"x":"scent","y":"[1]aroma, bouquet, fragrance, niff @@@@ [2]odour, perfume, redolence, smell @@@@ [3]spoor, track, trail @@@@ [4]nose out, recognize, sense, smell, sniff, sniff out"} {"x":"sceptic","y":"[1]agnostic, cynic, disbeliever, doubter, doubting Thomas, Pyrrhonist, scoffer, unbeliever"} {"x":"schedule","y":"[1]agenda, calendar, catalogue, inventory, itinerary, list, list of appointments, plan, programme, timetable @@@@ [2]appoint, arrange, be due, book, organize, plan, programme, slot @@@@ [3]time"} {"x":"schematic","y":"[1]diagrammatic, diagrammatical, graphic, illustrative, representational"} {"x":"scheme","y":"[1]contrivance, course of action, design, device, plan, programme, project, proposal, strategy, system, tactics, theory @@@@ [2]arrangement, blueprint, chart, codification, diagram, disposition, draft, layout, outline, pattern, schedule, schema, system @@@@ [3]conspiracy, dodge, game @@@@ [4]intrigue, machinations, manoeuvre, plot, ploy, ruse, shift, stratagem, subterfuge @@@@ [5]contrive, design, devise, frame, imagine, lay plans, plan, project, work out @@@@ [6]collude, conspire, intrigue, machinate, manoeuvre, plot, wheel and deal"} {"x":"schism","y":"[1]breach, break, discord, disunion, division, rift, rupture, separation, splintering, split"} {"x":"schismatic","y":"[1]discordant, dissentient, dissenting, dissident, heretical, heterodox, seceding, separatist, splinter"} {"x":"scholar","y":"[1]academic, bluestocking @@@@ [2]bookworm, egghead @@@@ [3]intellectual, man of letters, savant @@@@ [4]disciple, learner, pupil, schoolboy, schoolgirl, student"} {"x":"scholarship","y":"[1]accomplishments, attainments, book-learning, education, erudition, knowledge, learning, lore @@@@ [2]bursary, exhibition, fellowship"} {"x":"scholastic","y":"[1]academic, bookish, learned, lettered, literary, scholarly @@@@ [2]pedagogic, pedantic, precise"} {"x":"school","y":"[1]academy, alma mater, college, department, discipline, faculty, institute, institution, seminary @@@@ [2]adherents, circle, class, clique, denomination, devotees, disciples, faction, followers, following, group, pupils, schism, sect, set @@@@ [3]creed, faith, outlook, persuasion, school of thought, stamp, way of life @@@@ [4]coach, discipline, drill, educate, indoctrinate, instruct, prepare, prime, train, tutor, verse @@@@ [5]echec scolaire"} {"x":"science","y":"[1]body of knowledge, branch of knowledge, discipline @@@@ [2]art, skill, technique"} {"x":"scientific","y":"[1]accurate, controlled, exact, mathematical, precise, systematic"} {"x":"scintillate","y":"[1]blaze, coruscate, flash, give off sparks, gleam, glint, glisten, glitter, sparkle, twinkle"} {"x":"scion","y":"[1]child, descendant, heir, offspring, successor @@@@ [2]branch, graft, offshoot, shoot, slip, sprout, twig"} {"x":"scoff","y":"[1]belittle, deride, despise, flout, gibe, jeer, knock @@@@ [2]laugh at, make light of, make sport of, mock, poke fun at, pooh-pooh, revile, ridicule, scorn, scout @@@@ [3]slag (off) @@@@ [4]taunt, twit @@@@ [5]bolt, cram, cram oneself on, devour, gobble (up), gollop, gorge oneself on, gulp down, guzzle, make a pig of oneself on @@@@ [6]put away, stuff oneself on, wolf @@@@ [7]chow @@@@ [8]eats @@@@ [9]fare, feed, food, grub @@@@ [10]meal, nosh @@@@ [11]nosh-up @@@@ [12]rations"} {"x":"scold","y":"[1]bawl out @@@@ [2]berate, blame, bring (someone) to book, carpet @@@@ [3]castigate, censure, chew out @@@@ [4]chide, find fault with, give a rocket @@@@ [5]lecture, nag, rate, read the riot act, rebuke, remonstrate with, reprimand, reproach, reprove, slate @@@@ [6]tell off @@@@ [7]tick off @@@@ [8]upbraid, vituperate @@@@ [9]nag, shrew, termagant @@@@ [10]Xanthippe"} {"x":"scoop","y":"[1]dipper, ladle, spoon @@@@ [2]coup, exclusive, expose, inside story, revelation, sensation @@@@ [3]clear away, gather up, lift, pick up, remove, sweep up or away, take up @@@@ [4]bail, dig, dip, empty, excavate, gouge, hollow, ladle, scrape, shovel"} {"x":"scope","y":"[1]ambit, area, capacity, compass, confines, elbowroom, extent, field of reference, freedom, latitude, liberty, opportunity, orbit, outlook, purview, range, reach, room, space, span, sphere @@@@ [2]look at, look over, examine, evaluate"} {"x":"scorch","y":"[1]blacken, blister, burn, char, parch, roast, sear, shrivel, singe, wither"} {"x":"score","y":"[1]grade, mark, outcome, points, record, result, total @@@@ [2]the facts, the lie of the land, the reality, the setup @@@@ [3]a flock, a great number, an army, a throng, crowds, droves, hosts, hundreds, legions, lots, masses, millions, multitudes, myriads, swarms, very many @@@@ [4]account, basis, cause, ground, grounds, reason @@@@ [5]a bone to pick, grievance, grudge, injury, injustice, wrong @@@@ [6]account, amount due, bill, charge, debt, obligation, reckoning, tab @@@@ [7]tally, total @@@@ [8]achieve, amass, chalk up @@@@ [9]gain, make, notch up @@@@ [10]win @@@@ [11]count, keep a tally of, keep count, record, register, tally @@@@ [12]crosshatch, cut, deface, gouge, graze, indent, mar, mark, nick, notch, scrape, scratch, slash @@@@ [13]cancel, cross out, delete, obliterate, put a line through, strike out @@@@ [14]adapt, arrange, orchestrate, set @@@@ [15]get the better of, have the laugh on, humiliate, make a fool of, make (someone) look silly, worst"} {"x":"scorn","y":"[1]contempt, contemptuousness, contumely, derision, despite, disdain, disparagement, mockery, sarcasm, scornfulness, slight, sneer @@@@ [2]be above, consider beneath one, contemn, curl one's lip at, deride, disdain, flout, hold in contempt, look down on, make fun of, reject, scoff at, scout @@@@ [3]slight, sneer at, spurn, turn up one's nose at"} {"x":"scoundrel","y":"[1]asshole @@@@ [2]asswipe @@@@ [3]bad egg @@@@ [4]bastard @@@@ [5]blackguard, bugger @@@@ [6]caitiff @@@@ [7]cheat, cocksucker @@@@ [8]dastard @@@@ [9]good-for-nothing, heel @@@@ [10]incorrigible, knave @@@@ [11]miscreant, mother, motherfucker @@@@ [12]ne'er-do-well, rascal, reprobate, rogue, rotter @@@@ [13]scally @@@@ [14]scamp, scapegrace, scumbag @@@@ [15]shit @@@@ [16]skelm @@@@ [17]son-of-a-bitch @@@@ [18]swine, turd @@@@ [19]vagabond, villain, wretch"} {"x":"scour","y":"[1]abrade, buff, burnish, clean, cleanse, flush, furbish, polish, purge, rub, scrub, wash, whiten @@@@ [2]beat, comb, forage, go over with a fine-tooth comb, hunt, look high and low, rake, ransack, search"} {"x":"scourge","y":"[1]affliction, bane, curse, infliction, misfortune, penalty, pest, plague, punishment, terror, torment, visitation @@@@ [2]cat, cat-o'-nine-tails, lash, strap, switch, thong, whip @@@@ [3]beat, belt @@@@ [4]cane, castigate, chastise, discipline, flog, horsewhip, lash, lather @@@@ [5]leather, punish, take a strap to, tan (someone's) hide @@@@ [6]thrash, trounce, wallop @@@@ [7]whale, whip @@@@ [8]afflict, curse, excoriate, harass, plague, terrorize, torment"} {"x":"scout","y":"[1]case @@@@ [2]check out, investigate, make a reconnaissance, nark @@@@ [3]observe, probe, recce @@@@ [4]reconnoitre, see how the land lies, spy, spy out, survey, watch @@@@ [5]cast around for, ferret out, hunt for, look for, rustle up, search for, search out, seek, track down @@@@ [6]advance guard, escort, lookout, outrider, precursor, reconnoitrer, vanguard @@@@ [7]recruiter, talent scout"} {"x":"scowl","y":"[1]frown, glower, grimace, look daggers at, lour or lower @@@@ [2]black look, dirty look, frown, glower, grimace"} {"x":"scrabble","y":"[1]clamber, claw, dig, grope, paw, scramble, scrape, scratch"} {"x":"scramble","y":"[1]clamber, climb, crawl, move with difficulty, push, scrabble, struggle, swarm @@@@ [2]contend, hasten, jockey for position, jostle, look lively or snappy @@@@ [3]make haste, push, run, rush, strive, vie @@@@ [4]climb, trek @@@@ [5]commotion, competition, confusion, free-for-all @@@@ [6]hassle @@@@ [7]hustle, melee or melee, muddle, race, rat race, rush, struggle, tussle"} {"x":"scrap","y":"[1]atom, bit, bite, crumb, fragment, grain, iota, mite, modicum, morsel, mouthful, part, particle, piece, portion, remnant, sliver, snatch, snippet, trace @@@@ [2]junk, off cuts, waste @@@@ [3]discarded, ditched @@@@ [4]redundant, written off @@@@ [5]bits, leavings, leftovers, remains, scrapings @@@@ [6]abandon, break up, chuck @@@@ [7]demolish, discard, dispense with, ditch @@@@ [8]drop, get rid of, jettison, junk @@@@ [9]shed, throw away or out, throw on the scrapheap, toss out, trash @@@@ [10]write off"} {"x":"scrape","y":"[1]abrade, bark, graze, rub, scratch, scuff, skin @@@@ [2]grate, grind, rasp, scratch, screech, set one's teeth on edge, squeak @@@@ [3]clean, erase, file, remove, rub, scour @@@@ [4]live from hand to mouth, pinch, save, scrimp, skimp, stint, tighten one's belt @@@@ [5]get by @@@@ [6]struggle @@@@ [7]awkward or embarrassing situation, difficulty, dilemma, distress, fix @@@@ [8]mess, plight, predicament, pretty pickle @@@@ [9]spot @@@@ [10]tight spot, trouble @@@@ [11]amass, dredge up, get hold of, glean, hoard, muster, rake up or together, save"} {"x":"scratch","y":"[1]claw, cut, damage, etch, grate, graze, incise, lacerate, make a mark on, mark, rub, score, scrape @@@@ [2]annul, cancel, delete, eliminate, erase, pull out, stand down, strike off, withdraw @@@@ [3]blemish, claw mark, gash, graze, laceration, mark, scrape @@@@ [4]acceptable, adequate, capable, competent, satisfactory, sufficient, up to snuff @@@@ [5]haphazard, hastily prepared, impromptu, improvised, rough, rough-and-ready"} {"x":"scrawl","y":"[1]doodle, scrabble, scratch, scribble, squiggle, writing"} {"x":"scrawny","y":"[1]angular, bony, gaunt, lanky, lean, macilent @@@@ [2]rawboned, scraggy, skeletal, skin-and-bones @@@@ [3]skinny, thin, undernourished"} {"x":"scream","y":"[1]bawl, cry, holler @@@@ [2]screech, shriek, shrill, sing out, squeal, yell @@@@ [3]be conspicuous, clash, jar, shriek @@@@ [4]howl, outcry, screech, shriek, wail, yell, yelp @@@@ [5]card @@@@ [6]caution @@@@ [7]character @@@@ [8]comedian, comic, entertainer, hoot @@@@ [9]joker, laugh, riot @@@@ [10]sensation, wag, wit"} {"x":"screech","y":"[1]cry, scream, shriek, squawk, squeal, yelp @@@@ [2]When a bird, animal, or thing screeches, it makes a loud, unpleasant, high-pitched noise."} {"x":"screen","y":"[1]cloak, conceal, cover, hide, mask, shade, shroud, shut out, veil @@@@ [2]defend, guard, protect, safeguard, shelter, shield @@@@ [3]cull, evaluate, examine, filter, gauge, grade, process, riddle, scan, sieve, sift, sort, vet @@@@ [4]broadcast, present, put on, show @@@@ [5]awning, canopy, cloak, concealment, cover, guard, hedge, mantle, shade, shelter, shield, shroud @@@@ [6]mesh, net, partition, room divider"} {"x":"screw","y":"[1]tighten, turn, twist, work in @@@@ [2]contort, contract, crumple, distort, pucker, wrinkle @@@@ [3]bring pressure to bear on, coerce, constrain, force, hold a knife to (someone's) throat, oppress, pressurize, put the screws on @@@@ [4]squeeze @@@@ [5]bleed, extort, extract, wrest, wring @@@@ [6]contort, contract, crumple, distort, knit, knot, pucker, wrinkle @@@@ [7]bitch (up) @@@@ [8]bodge @@@@ [9]botch, bungle, cock up @@@@ [10]flub @@@@ [11]fuck up @@@@ [12]louse up @@@@ [13]make a nonsense of, mess up, mishandle, mismanage, queer @@@@ [14]spoil"} {"x":"scribble","y":"[1]dash off, doodle, jot, pen, scratch, scrawl, write"} {"x":"scribe","y":"[1]amanuensis, clerk, copyist, notary @@@@ [2]penman @@@@ [3]scrivener @@@@ [4]secretary, writer"} {"x":"scrimmage","y":"[1]affray @@@@ [2]bagarre, bovver @@@@ [3]brawl, disturbance, dust-up @@@@ [4]fight, fray, free-for-all @@@@ [5]melee or melee, riot, row, scrap @@@@ [6]scuffle, set-to @@@@ [7]shindig @@@@ [8]shindy @@@@ [9]skirmish, squabble, struggle"} {"x":"scrimp","y":"[1]be frugal, curtail, economize, limit, pinch, pinch pennies, reduce, save, scrape, shorten, skimp, stint, straiten, tighten one's belt"} {"x":"script","y":"[1]calligraphy, hand, handwriting, letters, longhand, penmanship, writing @@@@ [2]book, copy, dialogue, libretto, lines, manuscript, text, words"} {"x":"scroll","y":"[1]inventory, list, parchment, roll"} {"x":"scrub","y":"[1]clean, cleanse, rub, scour @@@@ [2]abandon, abolish, call off, cancel, delete, discontinue, do away with, drop, forget about, give up"} {"x":"scruff","y":"[1]nape, scrag @@@@ [2]ragamuffin, ragbag @@@@ [3]scarecrow, sloven, tatterdemalion @@@@ [4]tramp"} {"x":"scruple","y":"[1]balk at, be loath, be reluctant, demur, doubt, falter, have misgivings about, have qualms about, hesitate, stick at, think twice about, vacillate, waver @@@@ [2]caution, compunction, difficulty, doubt, hesitation, misgiving, perplexity, qualm, reluctance, second thoughts, squeamishness, twinge of conscience, uneasiness"} {"x":"scrutinize","y":"[1]analyse, dissect, examine, explore, go over with a fine-tooth comb, inquire into, inspect, investigate, peruse, pore over, probe, research, scan, search, sift, study, work over"} {"x":"scrutiny","y":"[1]analysis, close study, examination, exploration, inquiry, inspection, investigation, once-over @@@@ [2]perusal, search, sifting, study"} {"x":"scud","y":"[1]blow, fly, haste, hasten, race, sail, shoot, skim, speed"} {"x":"scuffle","y":"[1]clash, come to blows, contend, exchange blows, fight, grapple, jostle, struggle, tussle @@@@ [2]affray @@@@ [3]bagarre, barney @@@@ [4]brawl, commotion, disturbance, fight, fray, ruck @@@@ [5]ruckus @@@@ [6]ruction @@@@ [7]rumpus, scrap @@@@ [8]scrimmage, set-to @@@@ [9]shindig @@@@ [10]shindy @@@@ [11]skirmish, tussle"} {"x":"sculpture","y":"[1]carve, chisel, cut, fashion, form, hew, model, mould, sculp, sculpt, shape"} {"x":"scum","y":"[1]algae, crust, dross, film, froth, impurities, offscourings, scruff @@@@ [2]canaille, dregs of society, dross, lowest of the low, rabble, ragtag and bobtail, riffraff, rubbish, trash"} {"x":"scupper","y":"[1]defeat, demolish, destroy, disable, discomfit, overthrow, overwhelm, put paid to, ruin, torpedo, undo, wreck"} {"x":"scurrilous","y":"[1]abusive, coarse, defamatory, foul, foul-mouthed, gross, indecent, infamous, insulting, low, obscene, offensive, Rabelaisian, ribald, salacious, scabrous, scandalous, slanderous, vituperative, vulgar"} {"x":"scurry","y":"[1]beetle, dart, dash, fly, hurry, race, scamper, scoot, scud, scuttle, skim, sprint, whisk @@@@ [2]bustle, flurry, scampering, whirl"} {"x":"scurvy","y":"[1]abject, bad, base, contemptible, despicable, dishonourable, ignoble, low, low-down @@@@ [2]mean, pitiful, rotten, scabby @@@@ [3]shabby, sorry, vile, worthless"} {"x":"scuttle","y":"[1]beetle, bustle, hare @@@@ [2]hasten, hurry, run, rush, scamper, scoot, scramble, scud, scurry, scutter"} {"x":"sea","y":"[1]main, ocean, the briny @@@@ [2]the waves @@@@ [3]abundance, expanse, mass, multitude, plethora, profusion, sheet, vast number @@@@ [4]adrift, astray, at a loss, at sixes and sevens, baffled, bewildered, confused, disoriented, lost, mystified, puzzled, upset @@@@ [5]aquatic, briny, marine, maritime, ocean, ocean-going, oceanic, pelagic, salt, saltwater, seagoing"} {"x":"seal","y":"[1]bung, close, cork, enclose, fasten, make airtight, plug, secure, shut, stop, stopper, stop up, waterproof @@@@ [2]assure, attest, authenticate, confirm, establish, ratify, stamp, validate @@@@ [3]clinch, conclude, consummate, finalize, settle, shake hands on @@@@ [4]board up, fence off, isolate, put out of bounds, quarantine, segregate @@@@ [5]assurance, attestation, authentication, confirmation, imprimatur, insignia, notification, ratification, stamp"} {"x":"seam","y":"[1]closure, joint, suture @@@@ [2]layer, lode, stratum, vein @@@@ [3]furrow, line, ridge, scar, wrinkle"} {"x":"seamy","y":"[1]corrupt, dark, degraded, disagreeable, disreputable, low, nasty, rough, sordid, squalid, unpleasant, unwholesome"} {"x":"sear","y":"[1]blight, brand, burn, cauterize, desiccate, dry up or out, scorch, seal, shrivel, sizzle, wilt, wither"} {"x":"search","y":"[1]cast around, check, comb, examine, explore, ferret, forage, frisk @@@@ [2]go over with a fine-tooth comb, inquire, inspect, investigate, leave no stone unturned, look, look high and low, probe, pry, ransack, rifle through, rummage through, scour, scrutinize, seek, sift, turn inside out, turn upside down @@@@ [3]examination, exploration, going-over @@@@ [4]hunt, inquiry, inspection, investigation, pursuit, quest, researches, rummage, scrutiny @@@@ [5]hunting for, in need of, in pursuit of, looking for, making enquiries concerning, on the lookout for, on the track of, seeking"} {"x":"searching","y":"[1]close, intent, keen, minute, penetrating, piercing, probing, quizzical, severe, sharp, thorough"} {"x":"season","y":"[1]division, interval, juncture, occasion, opportunity, period, spell, term, time, time of year @@@@ [2]colour, enliven, flavour, lace, leaven, pep up, salt, salt and pepper, spice @@@@ [3]acclimatize, accustom, anneal, discipline, habituate, harden, inure, mature, prepare, toughen, train @@@@ [4]mitigate, moderate, qualify, temper"} {"x":"seasonable","y":"[1]appropriate, convenient, fit, opportune, providential, suitable, timely, welcome, well-timed"} {"x":"seat","y":"[1]bench, chair, pew, settle, stall, stool, throne @@@@ [2]axis, capital, centre, cradle, headquarters, heart, hub, location, place, site, situation, source, station @@@@ [3]base, bed, bottom, cause, footing, foundation, ground, groundwork @@@@ [4]abode, ancestral hall, house, mansion, residence @@@@ [5]chair, constituency, incumbency, membership, place @@@@ [6]accommodate, cater for, contain, have room or capacity for, hold, sit, take @@@@ [7]deposit, fix, install, locate, place, set, settle, sit"} {"x":"secede","y":"[1]apostatize, break with, disaffiliate, leave, pull out, quit, resign, retire, separate, split from, withdraw"} {"x":"second","y":"[1]flash, instant, jiffy @@@@ [2]minute, moment, sec @@@@ [3]split second, tick @@@@ [4]following, next, subsequent, succeeding @@@@ [5]additional, alternative, extra, further, other, repeated @@@@ [6]inferior, lesser, lower, secondary, subordinate, supporting @@@@ [7]double, duplicate, reproduction, twin @@@@ [8]assistant, backer, helper, supporter @@@@ [9]advance, aid, approve, assist, back, commend, encourage, endorse, forward, further, give moral support to, go along with, help, promote, support"} {"x":"secondary","y":"[1]derivative, derived, indirect, resultant, resulting, second-hand @@@@ [2]consequential, contingent, inferior, lesser, lower, minor, second-rate, subordinate, unimportant @@@@ [3]alternate, auxiliary, backup, extra, fall-back, relief, reserve, second, subsidiary, supporting"} {"x":"secrecy","y":"[1]cloak and dagger, concealment, confidentiality, huggermugger @@@@ [2]mystery, privacy, retirement, seclusion, silence, solitude, surreptitiousness @@@@ [3]clandestineness, covertness, furtiveness, secretiveness, stealth"} {"x":"secret","y":"[1]backstairs, behind someone's back, camouflaged, cloak-and-dagger, close, closet @@@@ [2]concealed, conspiratorial, covered, covert, disguised, furtive, hidden, hole-and-corner @@@@ [3]hush-hush @@@@ [4]reticent, shrouded, undercover, underground, under wraps, undisclosed, unknown, unpublished, unrevealed, unseen @@@@ [5]abstruse, arcane, cabbalistic, clandestine, classified, cryptic, esoteric, mysterious, occult, recondite @@@@ [6]hidden, out-of-the-way, private, retired, secluded, unfrequented, unknown @@@@ [7]close, deep, discreet, reticent, secretive, sly, stealthy, underhand @@@@ [8]code, confidence, enigma, formula, key, mystery, recipe, skeleton in the cupboard @@@@ [9]behind closed doors, by stealth, huggermugger @@@@ [10]in camera, incognito, secretly, slyly, surreptitiously"} {"x":"secrete","y":"[1]bury, cache, conceal, cover, disguise, harbour, hide, screen, secure, shroud, stash @@@@ [2]stash away @@@@ [3]stow, veil"} {"x":"secretion","y":"[1]discharge, emission, excretion, extravasation @@@@ [2]exudation"} {"x":"secretive","y":"[1]cagey @@@@ [2]clamlike, close, cryptic, deep, enigmatic, playing one's cards close to one's chest, reserved, reticent, tight-lipped, uncommunicative, unforthcoming, withdrawn"} {"x":"sect","y":"[1]camp, denomination, division, faction, group, party, schism, school, school of thought, splinter group, wing"} {"x":"sectarian","y":"[1]bigoted, clannish, cliquish, doctrinaire, dogmatic, exclusive, factional, fanatic, fanatical, hidebound, insular, limited, narrow-minded, parochial, partisan, rigid @@@@ [2]adherent, bigot, disciple, dogmatist, extremist, fanatic, partisan, true believer, zealot"} {"x":"section","y":"[1]component, cross section, division, fraction, fragment, instalment, part, passage, piece, portion, sample, segment, slice, subdivision @@@@ [2]area, department, district, region, sector, zone"} {"x":"sector","y":"[1]area, category, district, division, part, quarter, region, stratum, subdivision, zone"} {"x":"secular","y":"[1]civil, earthly, laic, laical, lay, nonspiritual, profane, state, temporal, worldly"} {"x":"secure","y":"[1]immune, impregnable, in safe hands, out of harm's way, protected, safe, sheltered, shielded, unassailable, undamaged, unharmed @@@@ [2]dependable, fast, fastened, firm, fixed, fortified, immovable, stable, steady, tight @@@@ [3]assured, certain, confident, easy, reassured, sure @@@@ [4]absolute, conclusive, definite, in the bag @@@@ [5]reliable, solid, steadfast, tried and true, well-founded @@@@ [6]acquire, come by, gain, get, get hold of, land @@@@ [7]make sure of, obtain, pick up, procure, score @@@@ [8]attach, batten down, bolt, chain, fasten, fix, lash, lock, lock up, make fast, moor, padlock, rivet, tie up @@@@ [9]assure, ensure, guarantee, insure"} {"x":"security","y":"[1]asylum, care, cover, custody, immunity, preservation, protection, refuge, retreat, safekeeping, safety, sanctuary @@@@ [2]defence, guards, precautions, protection, safeguards, safety measures, surveillance @@@@ [3]assurance, certainty, confidence, conviction, ease of mind, freedom from doubt, positiveness, reliance, sureness @@@@ [4]collateral, gage, guarantee, hostage, insurance, pawn, pledge, surety"} {"x":"sedate","y":"[1]calm, collected, composed, cool, decorous, deliberate, demure, dignified, earnest, grave, imperturbable, middle-aged, placid, proper, quiet, seemly, serene, serious, slow-moving, sober, solemn, staid, tranquil, unflappable @@@@ [2]unruffled"} {"x":"sedative","y":"[1]allaying, anodyne, calmative, calming, lenitive, relaxing, sleep-inducing, soothing, soporific, tranquillizing @@@@ [2]anodyne, calmative, downer or down @@@@ [3]narcotic, opiate, sleeping pill, tranquillizer"} {"x":"sedentary","y":"[1]desk, desk-bound, inactive, motionless, seated, sitting, torpid"} {"x":"sediment","y":"[1]deposit, dregs, grounds, lees, precipitate, residuum, settlings"} {"x":"sedition","y":"[1]agitation, disloyalty, incitement to riot, rabble-rousing, subversion, treason"} {"x":"seduce","y":"[1]betray, corrupt, debauch, deflower, deprave, dishonour, ruin @@@@ [2]allure, attract, beguile, deceive, decoy, ensnare, entice, inveigle, lead astray, lure, mislead, tempt"} {"x":"sedulous","y":"[1]assiduous, busy, conscientious, constant, diligent, industrious, laborious, painstaking, persevering, persistent, tireless, unflagging, unremitting"} {"x":"see","y":"[1]behold, catch a glimpse of, catch sight of, check, check out @@@@ [2]clock @@@@ [3]descry, discern, distinguish, espy, eye, eyeball @@@@ [4]glimpse, heed, identify, lay or clap eyes on @@@@ [5]look, make out, mark, note, notice, observe, perceive, recognize, regard, sight, spot, take a dekko at @@@@ [6]view, witness @@@@ [7]appreciate, catch on @@@@ [8]comprehend, fathom, feel, follow, get, get the drift of, get the hang of @@@@ [9]grasp, know, make out, realize, take in, understand @@@@ [10]ascertain, determine, discover, find out, investigate, learn, make enquiries, refer to @@@@ [11]ensure, guarantee, make certain, make sure, mind, see to it, take care @@@@ [12]consider, decide, deliberate, give some thought to, judge, make up one's mind, mull over, reflect, think over @@@@ [13]confer with, consult, encounter, interview, meet, receive, run into, speak to, visit @@@@ [14]accompany, attend, escort, lead, show, usher, walk @@@@ [15]consort or associate with, court, date @@@@ [16]anticipate, divine, envisage, foresee, foretell, imagine, picture, visualize @@@@ [17]bishopric, diocese"} {"x":"seed","y":"[1]egg, egg cell, embryo, germ, grain, kernel, ovule, ovum, pip, spore @@@@ [2]beginning, germ, inkling, nucleus, source, start, suspicion @@@@ [3]children, descendants, heirs, issue, offspring, progeny, race, scions, spawn, successors @@@@ [4]decay, decline, degenerate, deteriorate, go downhill @@@@ [5]go to pieces, go to pot, go to rack and ruin, go to waste, let oneself go, retrogress"} {"x":"seeing","y":"[1]as, inasmuch as, in view of the fact that, since"} {"x":"seek","y":"[1]be after, follow, go gunning for, go in pursuit of, go in quest of, go in search of, hunt, inquire, look for, pursue, search for @@@@ [2]aim, aspire to, attempt, endeavour, essay, have a go @@@@ [3]strive, try @@@@ [4]ask, beg, entreat, inquire, invite, petition, request, solicit"} {"x":"seem","y":"[1]appear, assume, give the impression, have the or every appearance of, look, look as if, look like, look to be, pretend, sound like, strike one as being"} {"x":"seemly","y":"[1]appropriate, becoming, befitting, comme il faut, decent, decorous, fit, fitting, in good taste, meet @@@@ [2]nice, proper, suitable, suited, the done thing"} {"x":"seep","y":"[1]bleed, exude, leach, leak, ooze, percolate, permeate, soak, trickle, weep, well"} {"x":"seer","y":"[1]augur, predictor, prophet, sibyl, soothsayer"} {"x":"seesaw","y":"[1]alternate, fluctuate, go from one extreme to the other, oscillate, pitch, swing, teeter"} {"x":"seethe","y":"[1]boil, bubble, churn, ferment, fizz, foam, froth @@@@ [2]be furious, be incensed, be livid, breathe fire and slaughter, foam at the mouth, fume, get hot under the collar @@@@ [3]go ballistic @@@@ [4]rage, see red @@@@ [5]simmer, storm, wig out @@@@ [6]be alive with, swarm, teem"} {"x":"segment","y":"[1]bit, compartment, division, part, piece, portion, section, slice, wedge"} {"x":"segregate","y":"[1]discriminate against, dissociate, isolate, separate, set apart, single out"} {"x":"segregation","y":"[1]apartheid @@@@ [2]discrimination, isolation, separation"} {"x":"seize","y":"[1]catch up, clutch, collar @@@@ [2]fasten, grab, grasp, grip, lay hands on, snatch, take @@@@ [3]apprehend, catch, get, grasp, nab @@@@ [4]nail @@@@ [5]abduct, annex, appropriate, arrest, capture, commandeer, confiscate, hijack, impound, take by storm, take captive, take possession of"} {"x":"seizure","y":"[1]abduction, annexation, apprehension, arrest, capture, commandeering, confiscation, grabbing, taking @@@@ [2]attack, convulsion, fit, paroxysm, spasm"} {"x":"seldom","y":"[1]hardly ever, infrequently, not often, occasionally, once in a blue moon @@@@ [2]rarely, scarcely ever"} {"x":"select","y":"[1]cherry-pick, choose, opt for, pick, prefer, single out, sort out @@@@ [2]choice, excellent, first-class, first-rate, hand-picked, picked, posh @@@@ [3]preferable, prime, rare, recherche, selected, special, superior, top-notch @@@@ [4]cliquish, elite, exclusive, limited, privileged"} {"x":"selection","y":"[1]choice, choosing, option, pick, preference @@@@ [2]anthology, assortment, choice, collection, line-up, medley, miscellany, mixed bag @@@@ [3]pick 'n' mix, potpourri, range, variety"} {"x":"selfish","y":"[1]egoistic, egoistical, egotistic, egotistical, greedy, looking out for number one @@@@ [2]mean, mercenary, narrow, self-centred, self-interested, self-seeking, ungenerous"} {"x":"selfless","y":"[1]altruistic, generous, magnanimous, self-denying, self-sacrificing, ungrudging, unselfish"} {"x":"sell","y":"[1]barter, dispose of, exchange, put up for sale, trade @@@@ [2]be in the business of, deal in, handle, hawk, market, merchandise, peddle, retail, stock, trade in, traffic in, vend @@@@ [3]gain acceptance for, promote, put across @@@@ [4]convert to, convince of, get (someone) hooked on, persuade of, talk (someone) into, win (someone) over to @@@@ [5]betray, deliver up, give up, sell down the river @@@@ [6]sell out @@@@ [7]surrender"} {"x":"selling","y":"[1]business, commercial transactions, dealing, trading, traffic @@@@ [2]marketing, merchandising, promotion, salesmanship @@@@ [3]chart-topping @@@@ [4]highly successful, hit @@@@ [5]number one, smash @@@@ [6]smash-hit @@@@ [7]successful"} {"x":"semblance","y":"[1]air, appearance, aspect, bearing, facade, figure, form, front, guise, image, likeness, mask, mien, pretence, resemblance, show, similarity, veneer"} {"x":"semen","y":"[1]scum @@@@ [2]seed @@@@ [3]seminal fluid, sperm, spermatic fluid, spunk"} {"x":"seminary","y":"[1]academy, college, high school, institute, institution, school"} {"x":"send","y":"[1]communicate, consign, convey, direct, dispatch, forward, remit, transmit @@@@ [2]cast, deliver, fire, fling, hurl, let fly, propel, shoot @@@@ [3]broadcast, discharge, emit, exude, give off, radiate @@@@ [4]charm, delight, electrify, enrapture, enthrall, excite, intoxicate, move, please, ravish, stir, thrill, titillate, turn (someone) on @@@@ [5]discharge, dismiss, give (someone) the bird @@@@ [6]call for, demand, order, request, summon @@@@ [7]imitation, mickey-take @@@@ [8]mockery, parody, satire, skit, spoof @@@@ [9]take-off @@@@ [10]burlesque, imitate, lampoon, make fun of, mimic, mock, parody, satirize, spoof @@@@ [11]take off"} {"x":"senile","y":"[1]decrepit, doddering, doting, failing, gaga"} {"x":"senility","y":"[1]Alzheimer's disease, caducity, decrepitude, dotage, infirmity, loss of one's faculties, second childhood, senescence, senile dementia"} {"x":"senior","y":"[1]elder, higher ranking, major @@@@ [2]older, superior"} {"x":"seniority","y":"[1]eldership, longer service, precedence, priority, rank, superiority"} {"x":"sensation","y":"[1]awareness, consciousness, feeling, impression, perception, sense, tingle @@@@ [2]agitation, commotion, crowd puller @@@@ [3]excitement, furore, hit @@@@ [4]scandal, stir, surprise, thrill, vibes @@@@ [5]wow"} {"x":"sense","y":"[1]faculty, feeling, sensation, sensibility @@@@ [2]appreciation, atmosphere, aura, awareness, consciousness, feel, impression, intuition, perception, premonition, presentiment, sentiment @@@@ [3]definition, denotation, drift, gist, implication, import, interpretation, meaning, message, nuance, purport, significance, signification, substance @@@@ [4]brains @@@@ [5]clear-headedness, cleverness, common sense, discernment, discrimination, gumption @@@@ [6]intelligence, judgment, mother wit, nous @@@@ [7]quickness, reason, sagacity, sanity, sharpness, smarts @@@@ [8]tact, understanding, wisdom, wit(s) @@@@ [9]advantage, good, logic, point, purpose, reason, use, value, worth @@@@ [10]appreciate, apprehend, be aware of, discern, divine, feel, get the impression, grasp, have a feeling in one's bones @@@@ [11]have a hunch, just know, notice, observe, perceive, pick up, realize, suspect, understand @@@@ [12]appreciate, apprehend, be aware of, discern, divine, feel, get the impression, grasp, have a feeling in one's bones @@@@ [13]have a hunch, just know, notice, observe, perceive, pick up, realize, suspect, understand"} {"x":"sensibility","y":"[1]responsiveness, sensitiveness, sensitivity, susceptibility @@@@ [2]emotions, feelings, moral sense, sentiments, susceptibilities @@@@ [3]appreciation, awareness, delicacy, discernment, insight, intuition, perceptiveness, taste"} {"x":"sensible","y":"[1]canny, discreet, discriminating, down-to-earth, far-sighted, intelligent, judicious, matter-of-fact, practical, prudent, rational, realistic, reasonable, sagacious, sage, sane, shrewd, sober, sound, well-reasoned, well-thought-out, wise @@@@ [2]acquainted with, alive to, aware, conscious, convinced, mindful, observant, sensitive to, understanding @@@@ [3]appreciable, considerable, discernable, noticeable, palpable, perceptible, significant, tangible, visible"} {"x":"sensitive","y":"[1]delicate, easily affected, impressionable, reactive, responsive, sentient, susceptible, touchy-feely @@@@ [2]delicate, easily hurt, easily offended, easily upset, irritable, temperamental, tender, thin-skinned, touchy, umbrageous @@@@ [3]acute, fine, keen, perceptive, precise"} {"x":"sensitivity","y":"[1]delicacy, reactiveness, reactivity, receptiveness, responsiveness, sensitiveness, susceptibility"} {"x":"sensual","y":"[1]animal, bodily, carnal, epicurean, fleshly, luxurious, physical, unspiritual, voluptuous @@@@ [2]erotic, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, libidinous, licentious, lustful, randy @@@@ [3]raunchy @@@@ [4]sexual, sexy @@@@ [5]steamy @@@@ [6]unchaste"} {"x":"sensuality","y":"[1]animalism, carnality, eroticism, lasciviousness, lecherousness, lewdness, libidinousness, licentiousness, prurience, salaciousness, sexiness @@@@ [2]voluptuousness"} {"x":"sensuous","y":"[1]bacchanalian, epicurean, gratifying, hedonistic, lush, pleasurable, rich, sensory, sumptuous, sybaritic"} {"x":"sentence","y":"[1]condemnation, decision, decree, doom, judgment, order, pronouncement, ruling, verdict @@@@ [2]condemn, doom, mete out justice to, pass judgment on, penalize"} {"x":"sententious","y":"[1]aphoristic, axiomatic, brief, compact, concise, epigrammatic, gnomic, laconic, pithy, pointed, short, succinct, terse @@@@ [2]canting, judgmental, moralistic, pompous, ponderous, preachifying @@@@ [3]sanctimonious"} {"x":"sentient","y":"[1]conscious, feeling, live, living, reactive, sensitive"} {"x":"sentiment","y":"[1]emotion, sensibility, soft-heartedness, tender feeling, tenderness @@@@ [2]attitude, belief, feeling, idea, judgment, opinion, persuasion, saying, thought, view, way of thinking @@@@ [3]emotionalism, mawkishness, overemotionalism, romanticism, sentimentality, slush"} {"x":"sentimental","y":"[1]corny @@@@ [2]dewy-eyed, drippy @@@@ [3]emotional, gushy @@@@ [4]impressionable, maudlin, mawkish, mushy @@@@ [5]nostalgic, overemotional, pathetic, romantic, schmaltzy @@@@ [6]simpering, sloppy @@@@ [7]slushy @@@@ [8]soft-hearted, tearful, tear-jerking @@@@ [9]tender, three-hankie @@@@ [10]touching, weepy"} {"x":"sentinel","y":"[1]guard, lookout, picket, watch, watchman"} {"x":"separable","y":"[1]detachable, distinguishable, divisible, scissile, severable"} {"x":"separate","y":"[1]break off, cleave, come apart, come away, come between, detach, disconnect, disentangle, disjoin, divide, keep apart, remove, sever, split, sunder, uncouple @@@@ [2]discriminate between, isolate, put on one side, segregate, single out, sort out @@@@ [3]bifurcate, break up, disunite, diverge, divorce, estrange, go different ways, part, part company, set at variance or at odds, split up @@@@ [4]detached, disconnected, discrete, disjointed, divided, divorced, isolated, unattached, unconnected @@@@ [5]alone, apart, autonomous, distinct, independent, individual, particular, single, solitary"} {"x":"separated","y":"[1]apart, broken up, disassociated, disconnected, disunited, divided, living apart, parted, put asunder, separate, split up, sundered"} {"x":"separately","y":"[1]alone, apart, independently, individually, one at a time, one by one, personally, severally, singly"} {"x":"separation","y":"[1]break, detachment, disconnection, disengagement, disjunction, dissociation, disunion, division, gap, segregation, severance @@@@ [2]break-up, divorce, estrangement, farewell, leave-taking, parting, rift, split, split-up"} {"x":"septic","y":"[1]festering, infected, poisoned, pussy, putrefactive, putrefying, putrid, suppurating, toxic"} {"x":"sepulchral","y":"[1]cheerless, dismal, funereal, gloomy, grave, lugubrious, melancholy, morbid, mournful, sad, sombre, Stygian, woeful @@@@ [2]deep, hollow, lugubrious, reverberating, sonorous"} {"x":"sepulchre","y":"[1]burial place, grave, mausoleum, sarcophagus, tomb, vault"} {"x":"sequel","y":"[1]conclusion, consequence, continuation, development, end, follow-up, issue, outcome, payoff @@@@ [2]result, upshot"} {"x":"sequence","y":"[1]arrangement, chain, course, cycle, order, procession, progression, series, succession"} {"x":"seraphic","y":"[1]angelic, beatific, blissful, celestial, divine, heavenly, holy, pure, sublime"} {"x":"serene","y":"[1]calm, composed, imperturbable, peaceful, placid, sedate, tranquil, undisturbed, unruffled, untroubled @@@@ [2]bright, clear, cloudless, fair, halcyon, unclouded"} {"x":"serf","y":"[1]bondsman, helot, liegeman, servant, slave, thrall, varlet @@@@ [2]vassal, villein"} {"x":"series","y":"[1]arrangement, chain, course, line, order, progression, run, sequence, set, string, succession, train"} {"x":"serious","y":"[1]grave, humourless, long-faced, pensive, sedate, sober, solemn, stern, thoughtful, unsmiling @@@@ [2]deliberate, determined, earnest, genuine, honest, in earnest, resolute, resolved, sincere @@@@ [3]crucial, deep, difficult, far-reaching, fateful, grim, important, momentous, no laughing matter, of moment or consequence, pressing, significant, urgent, weighty, worrying @@@@ [4]acute, alarming, critical, dangerous, grave, severe"} {"x":"seriously","y":"[1]all joking aside, earnestly, gravely, in all conscience, in earnest, no joking @@@@ [2]sincerely, solemnly, thoughtfully, with a straight face @@@@ [3]acutely, badly, critically, dangerously, distressingly, gravely, grievously, severely, sorely"} {"x":"sermon","y":"[1]address, exhortation, homily @@@@ [2]dressing-down @@@@ [3]harangue, lecture, talking-to"} {"x":"serrated","y":"[1]notched, sawlike, sawtoothed, serrate, serriform @@@@ [2]serrulate, toothed"} {"x":"serried","y":"[1]assembled, close, compact, dense, massed, phalanxed"} {"x":"servant","y":"[1]attendant, domestic, drudge, help, helper, lackey, liegeman, maid, menial, retainer, servitor @@@@ [2]skivvy @@@@ [3]slave, varlet @@@@ [4]vassal"} {"x":"serve","y":"[1]aid, assist, attend to, be in the service of, be of assistance, be of use, help, minister to, oblige, succour, wait on, work for @@@@ [2]act, attend, complete, discharge, do, fulfil, go through, observe, officiate, pass, perform @@@@ [3]answer, answer the purpose, be acceptable, be adequate, be good enough, content, do, do duty as, do the work of, fill the bill @@@@ [4]function as, satisfy, suffice, suit @@@@ [5]arrange, deal, deliver, dish up, distribute, handle, present, provide, purvey, set out, supply"} {"x":"service","y":"[1]advantage, assistance, avail, benefit, help, ministrations, supply, use, usefulness, utility @@@@ [2]check, maintenance, overhaul, servicing @@@@ [3]business, duty, employ, employment, labour, office, work @@@@ [4]ceremony, function, observance, rite, worship @@@@ [5]check, fine tune, go over, maintain, overhaul, recondition, repair, tune (up)"} {"x":"servile","y":"[1]abject, base, bootlicking @@@@ [2]craven, cringing, fawning, grovelling, humble, low, mean, menial, obsequious, slavish, submissive, subservient, sycophantic, toadying, toadyish, unctuous"} {"x":"servility","y":"[1]abjection, baseness, bootlicking @@@@ [2]fawning, grovelling, meanness, obsequiousness, self-abasement, slavishness, submissiveness, subservience, sycophancy, toadyism, unctuousness"} {"x":"serving","y":"[1]helping, plateful, portion"} {"x":"servitude","y":"[1]bondage, bonds, chains, enslavement, obedience, serfdom, slavery, subjugation, thraldom, thrall, vassalage"} {"x":"session","y":"[1]assembly, conference, congress, discussion, get-together @@@@ [2]hearing, meeting, period, seminar, sitting, term"} {"x":"set","y":"[1]aim, apply, deposit, direct, embed, fasten, fix, install, lay, locate, lodge, mount, park @@@@ [2]place, plant, plonk, plump, position, put, rest, seat, situate, station, stick, turn @@@@ [3]agree upon, allocate, appoint, arrange, assign, conclude, decide (upon), designate, determine, establish, fix, fix up, name, ordain, regulate, resolve, schedule, settle, specify @@@@ [4]arrange, lay, make ready, prepare, spread @@@@ [5]adjust, coordinate, rectify, regulate, synchronize @@@@ [6]cake, condense, congeal, crystallize, gelatinize, harden, jell, solidify, stiffen, thicken @@@@ [7]allot, decree, impose, lay down, ordain, prescribe, specify @@@@ [8]decline, dip, disappear, go down, sink, subside, vanish @@@@ [9]attitude, bearing, carriage, fit, hang, position, posture, turn @@@@ [10]mise-en-scene, scene, scenery, setting, stage set, stage setting @@@@ [11]agreed, appointed, arranged, customary, decided, definite, established, firm, fixed, prearranged, predetermined, prescribed, regular, scheduled, settled, usual @@@@ [12]artificial, conventional, formal, hackneyed, rehearsed, routine, standard, stereotyped, stock, traditional, unspontaneous @@@@ [13]entrenched, firm, hard and fast, hardened, hidebound, immovable, inflexible, rigid, strict, stubborn @@@@ [14]bent, determined, intent, resolute"} {"x":"setback","y":"[1]bit of trouble, blow, bummer @@@@ [2]check, defeat, disappointment, hitch, hold-up, misfortune, rebuff, reverse, upset, whammy"} {"x":"setting","y":"[1]backdrop, background, back story, context, frame, locale, location, mise en scene, mounting, perspective, scene, scenery, set, site, surround, surroundings"} {"x":"settle","y":"[1]adjust, dispose, order, put into order, regulate, set to rights, straighten out, work out @@@@ [2]choose, clear up, complete, conclude, decide, dispose of, put an end to, reconcile, resolve @@@@ [3]agree, appoint, arrange, choose, come to an agreement, confirm, decide, determine, establish, fix @@@@ [4]allay, calm, compose, lull, pacify, quell, quiet, quieten, reassure, relax, relieve, sedate, soothe, tranquillize @@@@ [5]alight, bed down, come to rest, descend, land, light, make oneself comfortable @@@@ [6]dwell, inhabit, live, make one's home, move to, put down roots, reside, set up home, take up residence @@@@ [7]colonize, found, people, pioneer, plant, populate @@@@ [8]acquit oneself of, clear, discharge, liquidate, pay, quit, square (up) @@@@ [9]decline, fall, sink, subside"} {"x":"settlement","y":"[1]adjustment, agreement, arrangement, completion, conclusion, confirmation, disposition, establishment, resolution, termination, working out @@@@ [2]clearance, clearing, defrayal, discharge, liquidation, payment, satisfaction @@@@ [3]colonization, colony, community, encampment, hamlet, outpost, peopling"} {"x":"settler","y":"[1]colonist, colonizer, frontiersman, immigrant, pioneer, planter"} {"x":"setup","y":"[1]arrangement, circumstances, conditions, organization, regime, structure, system"} {"x":"sever","y":"[1]bisect, cleave, cut, cut in two, detach, disconnect, disjoin, disunite, divide, part, rend, separate, split, sunder @@@@ [2]abandon, break off, dissociate, dissolve, put an end to, terminate"} {"x":"several","y":"[1]assorted, different, disparate, distinct, divers @@@@ [2]diverse, indefinite, individual, manifold, many, particular, respective, single, some, sundry, various"} {"x":"severe","y":"[1]austere, cruel, Draconian, drastic, hard, harsh, inexorable, iron-handed, oppressive, pitiless, relentless, rigid, strict, unbending, unrelenting @@@@ [2]cold, disapproving, dour, flinty, forbidding, grave, grim, serious, sober, stern, strait-laced, tight-lipped, unsmiling @@@@ [3]acute, bitter, critical, dangerous, distressing, extreme, fierce, grinding, inclement, intense, violent @@@@ [4]ascetic, austere, chaste, classic, forbidding, functional, plain, restrained, severe, simple, Spartan, unadorned, unembellished, unfussy @@@@ [5]arduous, demanding, difficult, exacting, fierce, hard, punishing, rigorous, stringent, taxing, tough, unrelenting @@@@ [6]astringent, biting, caustic, cutting, harsh, mordacious, mordant, satirical, scathing, unsparing, vitriolic"} {"x":"sex","y":"[1]gender @@@@ [2]coition, coitus, copulation, fornication, going to bed (with someone), intimacy, legover @@@@ [3]lovemaking, nookie @@@@ [4]rumpy-pumpy @@@@ [5](sexual) intercourse, sexual relations, the other @@@@ [6]desire, facts of life, libido, reproduction, sexuality, the birds and the bees @@@@ [7]allure, desirability, glamour, it @@@@ [8]magnetism, oomph @@@@ [9]seductiveness, sensuality, sexiness @@@@ [10]voluptuousness"} {"x":"sexual","y":"[1]carnal, coital, erotic, intimate, of the flesh, sensual, sexy @@@@ [2]genital, procreative, reproductive, sex, venereal @@@@ [3]bonking @@@@ [4]carnal knowledge, coition, coitus, commerce @@@@ [5]congress, consummation, copulation, coupling, fucking @@@@ [6]intimacy, legover @@@@ [7]mating, nookie @@@@ [8]penetration, rumpy-pumpy @@@@ [9]screwing @@@@ [10]shagging @@@@ [11]the other @@@@ [12]union"} {"x":"sexuality","y":"[1]bodily appetites, carnality, desire, eroticism, lust, sensuality, sexiness @@@@ [2]virility, voluptuousness"} {"x":"sexy","y":"[1]arousing, beddable, bedroom, come-hither @@@@ [2]cuddly, erotic, flirtatious, inviting, kissable, naughty, provocative, provoking, seductive, sensual, sensuous, slinky, suggestive, titillating, voluptuous"} {"x":"shabby","y":"[1]dilapidated, down at heel, faded, frayed, having seen better days, mean, neglected, poor, ragged, run-down, scruffy, seedy, tattered, tatty, the worse for wear, threadbare, worn, worn-out @@@@ [2]cheap, contemptible, despicable, dirty, dishonourable, ignoble, low, low-down @@@@ [3]mean, rotten @@@@ [4]scurvy, shameful, shoddy, ungentlemanly, unworthy"} {"x":"shack","y":"[1]cabin, dump @@@@ [2]hovel, hut, lean-to, shanty, shiel @@@@ [3]shieling"} {"x":"shackle","y":"[1]bond, chain, fetter, gyve @@@@ [2]handcuff, hobble, iron, leg-iron, manacle, rope, tether @@@@ [3]bind, chain, fetter, handcuff, hobble, manacle, pinion, put in irons, secure, tether, tie, trammel @@@@ [4]constrain, embarrass, encumber, hamper, hamstring, impede, inhibit, limit, obstruct, restrain, restrict, tie (someone's) hands"} {"x":"shade","y":"[1]coolness, dimness, dusk, gloom, gloominess, obscurity, screen, semidarkness, shadiness, shadow, shadows @@@@ [2]eclipse, make pale by comparison, outclass, outshine, overshadow @@@@ [3]blind, canopy, cover, covering, curtain, screen, shield, veil @@@@ [4]colour, hue, stain, tinge, tint, tone @@@@ [5]amount, dash, degree, difference, gradation, graduation, hint, nuance, semblance, suggestion, suspicion, trace, variety @@@@ [6]apparition, eidolon, ghost, manes, phantom, shadow, spectre, spirit @@@@ [7]cast a shadow over, cloud, conceal, cover, darken, dim, hide, mute, obscure, protect, screen, shadow, shield, shut out the light, veil"} {"x":"shadow","y":"[1]cover, darkness, dimness, dusk, gathering darkness, gloaming @@@@ [2]gloom, obscurity, protection, shade, shelter @@@@ [3]hint, suggestion, suspicion, trace @@@@ [4]eidolon, ghost, image, phantom, remnant, representation, spectre, vestige @@@@ [5]blight, cloud, gloom, sadness @@@@ [6]cast a shadow over, darken, overhang, screen, shade, shield @@@@ [7]dog, follow, spy on, stalk, tail @@@@ [8]trail"} {"x":"shady","y":"[1]bosky @@@@ [2]bowery, cool, dim, leafy, shaded, shadowy, umbrageous @@@@ [3]crooked, disreputable, dodgy @@@@ [4]dubious, fishy @@@@ [5]questionable, shifty, slippery, suspect, suspicious, unethical, unscrupulous, untrustworthy"} {"x":"shaft","y":"[1]handle, pole, rod, shank, stem, upright @@@@ [2]beam, gleam, ray, streak @@@@ [3]barb, cut, dart, gibe, sting, thrust"} {"x":"shaggy","y":"[1]hairy, hirsute, long-haired, rough, tousled, unkempt, unshorn"} {"x":"shake","y":"[1]bump, fluctuate, jar, joggle, jolt, jounce, oscillate, quake, quiver, rock, shiver, shudder, sway, totter, tremble, vibrate, waver, wobble @@@@ [2]brandish, flourish, wave @@@@ [3]agitate, churn, convulse, rouse, stir @@@@ [4]discompose, distress, disturb, frighten, intimidate, move, rattle @@@@ [5]shock, unnerve, upset @@@@ [6]undermine, weaken @@@@ [7]agitation, convulsion, disturbance, jar, jerk, jolt, jounce, pulsation, quaking, shiver, shock, shudder, trembling, tremor, vibration @@@@ [8]instant, jiffy @@@@ [9]moment, second, tick @@@@ [10]trice @@@@ [11]dislodge, elude, get away from, get rid of, get shot of @@@@ [12]give the slip, leave behind, lose, rid oneself of, throw off @@@@ [13]agitate, churn (up), disturb, mix, overturn, reorganize, shock, stir (up), turn upside down, unsettle, upset"} {"x":"shaky","y":"[1]faltering, insecure, precarious, quivery, rickety, tottering, trembling, tremulous, unstable, unsteady, weak, wobbly @@@@ [2]dubious, iffy @@@@ [3]questionable, suspect, uncertain, undependable, unreliable, unsound, unsupported"} {"x":"shallow","y":"[1]empty, flimsy, foolish, frivolous, idle, ignorant, meaningless, puerile, simple, skin-deep, slight, superficial, surface, trivial, unintelligent @@@@ [2]bank, flat, sandbank, sand bar, shelf, shoal"} {"x":"sham","y":"[1]counterfeit, feint, forgery, fraud, hoax, humbug, imitation, impostor, imposture, phoney or phony @@@@ [2]pretence, pretender, pseud @@@@ [3]artificial, bogus, counterfeit, ersatz, false, feigned, imitation, mock, phoney or phony @@@@ [4]pretended, pseud @@@@ [5]pseudo @@@@ [6]simulated, spurious, synthetic @@@@ [7]affect, assume, counterfeit, fake, feign, imitate, play possum, pretend, put on, simulate"} {"x":"shame","y":"[1]blot, contempt, degradation, derision, discredit, disgrace, dishonour, disrepute, ill repute, infamy, obloquy, odium, opprobrium, reproach, scandal, skeleton in the cupboard, smear @@@@ [2]abashment, chagrin, compunction, embarrassment, humiliation, ignominy, loss of face, mortification, shamefacedness @@@@ [3]disgrace, eclipse, outclass, outdo, outstrip, show up, surpass @@@@ [4]abash, confound, disconcert, disgrace, embarrass, humble, humiliate, mortify, reproach, ridicule, take (someone) down a peg @@@@ [5]blot, debase, defile, degrade, discredit, dishonour, smear, stain"} {"x":"shamefaced","y":"[1]bashful, blushing, diffident, hesitant, modest, shrinking, shy, timid @@@@ [2]abashed, ashamed, chagrined, conscience-stricken, contrite, discomfited, embarrassed, humiliated, mortified, red-faced, remorseful, sheepish"} {"x":"shanty","y":"[1]bothy @@@@ [2]cabin, hovel, hut, lean-to, shack, shed, shiel @@@@ [3]shieling"} {"x":"shape","y":"[1]build, configuration, contours, cut, figure, form, lines, make, outline, profile, silhouette @@@@ [2]frame, model, mould, pattern @@@@ [3]appearance, aspect, form, guise, likeness, semblance @@@@ [4]condition, fettle, health, kilter, state, trim @@@@ [5]create, fashion, form, make, model, mould, produce @@@@ [6]accommodate, adapt, convert, define, develop, devise, frame, guide, modify, plan, prepare, regulate, remodel @@@@ [7]be promising, come on, develop, look good, proceed, progress, turn out"} {"x":"share","y":"[1]apportion, assign, distribute, divide, divvy up @@@@ [2]go Dutch @@@@ [3]go fifty-fifty @@@@ [4]go halves, parcel out, partake, participate, receive, split, use in common @@@@ [5]allotment, allowance, contribution, cut @@@@ [6]division, due, lot, part, portion, proportion, quota, ration, whack"} {"x":"sharp","y":"[1]acute, cutting, honed, jagged, keen, knife-edged, knifelike, pointed, razor-sharp, serrated, sharpened, spiky @@@@ [2]abrupt, distinct, extreme, marked, sudden @@@@ [3]alert, apt, astute, bright, clever, discerning, knowing, long-headed, observant, on the ball @@@@ [4]penetrating, perceptive, quick, quick-witted, ready, subtle @@@@ [5]artful, crafty, cunning, dishonest, fly @@@@ [6]shrewd, sly, smart, unscrupulous, wily @@@@ [7]acute, distressing, excruciating, fierce, intense, painful, piercing, severe, shooting, sore, stabbing, stinging, violent @@@@ [8]clear, clear-cut, crisp, distinct, well-defined @@@@ [9]chic, classy @@@@ [10]dressy, fashionable, natty @@@@ [11]smart, snappy, stylish, trendy @@@@ [12]acerb, acrimonious, barbed, biting, bitter, caustic, cutting, harsh, hurtful, mordacious, mordant, sarcastic, sardonic, scathing, severe, trenchant, vitriolic @@@@ [13]acerb, acerbic, acetic, acid, acrid, burning, hot, piquant, pungent, sour, tart, vinegary @@@@ [14]exactly, on the dot, on time, precisely, promptly, punctually @@@@ [15]abruptly, suddenly, unexpectedly, without warning"} {"x":"sharpen","y":"[1]edge, grind, hone, put an edge on, strop, whet"} {"x":"shatter","y":"[1]break, burst, crack, crush, crush to smithereens, demolish, explode, implode, pulverize, shiver, smash, split @@@@ [2]blast, blight, bring to nought, demolish, destroy, disable, exhaust, impair, overturn, ruin, torpedo, wreck @@@@ [3]break (someone's) heart, crush, devastate, dumbfound, knock the stuffing out of (someone) @@@@ [4]upset"} {"x":"shattered","y":"[1]all in @@@@ [2]clapped out @@@@ [3]crushed, dead beat @@@@ [4]dead tired @@@@ [5]devastated, dog-tired @@@@ [6]done in @@@@ [7]drained, exhausted, jiggered @@@@ [8]knackered @@@@ [9]spent, tired out, weary, wiped out @@@@ [10]worn out, zonked"} {"x":"shave","y":"[1]crop, pare, plane, shear, trim @@@@ [2]brush, graze, touch"} {"x":"shed","y":"[1]afford, cast, diffuse, drop, emit, give, give forth, pour forth, radiate, scatter, shower, spill, throw @@@@ [2]cast off, discard, exuviate, moult, slough @@@@ [3]bothy @@@@ [4]hut, lean-to, lockup, outhouse, shack"} {"x":"sheen","y":"[1]brightness, burnish, gleam, gloss, lustre, patina, polish, shine, shininess"} {"x":"sheep","y":"[1]bad egg @@@@ [2]disgrace, dropout, ne'er-do-well, outcast, prodigal, renegade, reprobate, wastrel"} {"x":"sheer","y":"[1]abrupt, headlong @@@@ [2]perpendicular, precipitous, steep @@@@ [3]absolute, arrant, complete, downright, out-and-out, pure, rank, thoroughgoing, total, unadulterated, unalloyed, unmitigated, unqualified, utter @@@@ [4]diaphanous, fine, gauzy, gossamer, see-through, thin, transparent"} {"x":"sheet","y":"[1]coat, film, folio, lamina, layer, leaf, membrane, overlay, pane, panel, piece, plate, slab, stratum, surface, veneer @@@@ [2]area, blanket, covering, expanse, stretch, sweep @@@@ [3]account, budget, credits and debits, ledger, report, statement @@@@ [4]A sheetof glass, metal, or wood is a large, flat, thin piece of it."} {"x":"shell","y":"[1]carapace, case, husk, pod @@@@ [2]husk, shuck @@@@ [3]attack, barrage, blitz, bomb, bombard, strafe, strike @@@@ [4]chassis, frame, framework, hull, skeleton, structure @@@@ [5]ante up @@@@ [6]disburse, expend, fork out @@@@ [7]give, hand over, lay out @@@@ [8]pay out @@@@ [9]If you shell nuts, peas, prawns, or other food, you remove their natural outer covering."} {"x":"shelter","y":"[1]cover, defend, guard, harbour, hide, protect, safeguard, seek refuge, shield, take in, take shelter @@@@ [2]asylum, awning, cover, covert, defence, guard, haven, protection, refuge, retreat, roof over one's head, safety, sanctuary, screen, security, shiel @@@@ [3]umbrella"} {"x":"shelve","y":"[1]defer, dismiss, freeze, hold in abeyance, hold over, lay aside, mothball, pigeonhole, postpone, put aside, put off, put on ice, put on the back burner @@@@ [2]suspend, table"} {"x":"shepherd","y":"[1]conduct, convoy, guide, herd, marshal, steer, usher"} {"x":"shield","y":"[1]buckler, escutcheon @@@@ [2]targe @@@@ [3]aegis, bulwark, cover, defence, guard, protection, rampart, safeguard, screen, shelter, ward @@@@ [4]cover, defend, guard, protect, safeguard, screen, shelter, ward off"} {"x":"shift","y":"[1]alter, budge, change, displace, fluctuate, move, move around, rearrange, relocate, remove, reposition, swerve, switch, transfer, transpose, vary, veer @@@@ [2]assume responsibility, contrive, devise, fend, get along, look after, make do, manage, plan, scheme, take care of @@@@ [3]about-turn, alteration, change, displacement, fluctuation, modification, move, permutation, rearrangement, removal, shifting, switch, transfer, veering @@@@ [4]artifice, contrivance, craft, device, dodge, equivocation, evasion, expedient, move, resource, ruse, stratagem, subterfuge, trick, wile"} {"x":"shimmer","y":"[1]dance, gleam, glisten, phosphoresce, scintillate, twinkle @@@@ [2]diffused light, gleam, glimmer, glow, incandescence, iridescence, lustre, phosphorescence, unsteady light"} {"x":"shin","y":"[1]ascend, clamber, climb, scale, scramble, swarm"} {"x":"shine","y":"[1]beam, emit light, flash, give off light, glare, gleam, glimmer, glisten, glitter, glow, radiate, scintillate, shimmer, sparkle, twinkle @@@@ [2]be conspicuous, be distinguished, be outstanding, be pre-eminent, excel, stand out, stand out in a crowd, star, steal the show @@@@ [3]brush, buff, burnish, polish, rub up @@@@ [4]brightness, glare, gleam, lambency, light, luminosity, radiance, shimmer, sparkle @@@@ [5]glaze, gloss, lustre, patina, polish, sheen"} {"x":"shining","y":"[1]aglow, beaming, bright, brilliant, effulgent, gleaming, glistening, glittering, luminous, radiant, resplendent, shimmering, sparkling @@@@ [2]brilliant, celebrated, conspicuous, distinguished, eminent, glorious, illustrious, leading, outstanding, splendid"} {"x":"shiny","y":"[1]agleam, bright, burnished, gleaming, glistening, glossy, lustrous, nitid @@@@ [2]polished, satiny, sheeny"} {"x":"ship","y":"[1]boat, craft, vessel"} {"x":"shipshape","y":"[1]Bristol fashion, businesslike, neat, orderly, spick-and-span, tidy, trig @@@@ [2]trim, uncluttered, well-ordered, well-organized, well-regulated"} {"x":"shirk","y":"[1]avoid, bob off @@@@ [2]body-swerve @@@@ [3]evade, get out of, scrimshank @@@@ [4]shun, sidestep, skive @@@@ [5]slack"} {"x":"shiver","y":"[1]palpitate, quake, quiver, shake, shudder, tremble @@@@ [2]flutter, frisson, quiver, shudder, thrill, tremble, trembling, tremor @@@@ [3]chattering teeth, chill, goose flesh, goose pimples, the shakes @@@@ [4]break, crack, fragment, shatter, smash, smash to smithereens, splinter"} {"x":"shoal","y":"[1]sandbank, sand bar, shallow, shelf"} {"x":"shock","y":"[1]agitate, appal, astound, disgust, disquiet, give (someone) a turn @@@@ [2]gross out @@@@ [3]horrify, jar, jolt, nauseate, numb, offend, outrage, paralyse, raise eyebrows, revolt, scandalize, shake, shake out of one's complacency, shake up @@@@ [4]sicken, stagger, stun, stupefy, traumatize, unsettle @@@@ [5]blow, bolt from the blue, bombshell, breakdown, collapse, consternation, distress, disturbance, prostration, rude awakening, state of shock, stupefaction, stupor, trauma, turn @@@@ [6]upset, whammy @@@@ [7]blow, clash, collision, encounter, impact, jarring, jolt"} {"x":"shoddy","y":"[1]cheap-jack @@@@ [2]cheapo @@@@ [3]inferior, junky @@@@ [4]low-rent @@@@ [5]poor, rubbishy, second-rate, slipshod, tacky @@@@ [6]tatty, tawdry, trashy"} {"x":"shoemaker","y":"[1]bootmaker, cobbler, souter"} {"x":"shoot","y":"[1]bag, blast @@@@ [2]blow away @@@@ [3]bring down, hit, kill, open fire, pick off, plug @@@@ [4]zap @@@@ [5]discharge, emit, fire, fling, hurl, launch, let fly, project, propel @@@@ [6]barrel (along) @@@@ [7]bolt, burn rubber @@@@ [8]charge, dart, dash, flash, fly, hurtle, race, rush, scoot, speed, spring, streak, tear, whisk, whizz @@@@ [9]branch, bud, offshoot, scion, slip, sprig, sprout, twig @@@@ [10]bud, burgeon, germinate, put forth new growth, sprout"} {"x":"shop","y":"[1]boutique, emporium, hypermarket, market, mart, store, supermarket"} {"x":"shore","y":"[1]beach, coast, foreshore, lakeside, sands, seaboard @@@@ [2]seashore, strand @@@@ [3]waterside @@@@ [4]augment, brace, buttress, hold, prop, reinforce, strengthen, support, underpin"} {"x":"short","y":"[1]abridged, brief, clipped, compendious, compressed, concise, curtailed, laconic, pithy, sententious, succinct, summary, terse @@@@ [2]diminutive, dumpy, fubsy @@@@ [3]knee high to a gnat, knee high to a grasshopper, little, low, petite, small, squat, wee @@@@ [4]brief, fleeting, momentary, short-lived, short-term @@@@ [5]deficient, inadequate, insufficient, lacking, limited, low (on), meagre, poor, scant, scanty, scarce, short-handed, slender, slim, sparse, strapped (for) @@@@ [6]tight, wanting @@@@ [7]abrupt, blunt, brusque, crusty, curt, discourteous, gruff, impolite, offhand, sharp, terse, testy, uncivil @@@@ [8]direct, straight @@@@ [9]brittle, crisp, crumbly, friable @@@@ [10]abruptly, by surprise, suddenly, unaware, without warning @@@@ [11]abbreviate, arrest, butt in, curtail, cut in on, dock, halt, interrupt, nip (something) in the bud, reduce, stop, terminate @@@@ [12]be inadequate, disappoint, fail, fall down on @@@@ [13]apart from, except, other than, unless @@@@ [14]deficient in, in need of, lacking, low (on), missing, wanting"} {"x":"shortcoming","y":"[1]defect, drawback, failing, fault, flaw, foible, frailty, imperfection, weakness, weak point"} {"x":"shorten","y":"[1]abbreviate, abridge, curtail, cut, cut back, cut down, decrease, diminish, dock, downsize, lessen, prune, reduce, trim, truncate, turn up"} {"x":"shortly","y":"[1]anon @@@@ [2]any minute now, before long, erelong @@@@ [3]in a little while, presently, soon @@@@ [4]abruptly, curtly, sharply, tartly, tersely @@@@ [5]briefly, concisely, in a few words, succinctly"} {"x":"shot","y":"[1]discharge, lob, pot shot, throw @@@@ [2]ball, bullet, lead, pellet, projectile, slug @@@@ [3]marksman, shooter @@@@ [4]attempt, chance, conjecture, crack @@@@ [5]effort, endeavour, essay, go @@@@ [6]guess, opportunity, stab @@@@ [7]surmise, try, turn @@@@ [8]by far, easily, far and away, indubitably, undoubtedly, without doubt @@@@ [9]tackle, try, try one's luck @@@@ [10]at once, eagerly, immediately, like a bat out of hell @@@@ [11]like a flash, quickly, unhesitatingly @@@@ [12]boost, encouragement, fillip, impetus, lift, stimulus @@@@ [13]iridescent, moire, opalescent, watered"} {"x":"shoulder","y":"[1]blank @@@@ [2]cut @@@@ [3]ostracize, put down, rebuff, send (someone) to Coventry, shun, snub @@@@ [4]exert oneself, get down to, make every effort, set to work, strive @@@@ [5]associate with, consort with, fraternize with, hobnob with, mix with, socialize with @@@@ [6]as one, in cooperation, in partnership, in unity, jointly, side by side, together, united @@@@ [7]candidly, directly, frankly, man to man, outright, plainly, pulling no punches @@@@ [8]straight, unequivocally, with no holds barred @@@@ [9]accept, assume, bear, be responsible for, carry, take on, take upon oneself @@@@ [10]elbow, jostle, press, push, shove, thrust @@@@ [11]scapula"} {"x":"shout","y":"[1]bellow, call, cry, roar, scream, yell @@@@ [2]bawl, bay, bellow, call (out), cry (out), holler @@@@ [3]hollo, raise one's voice, roar, scream, yell @@@@ [4]drown, drown out, overwhelm, silence"} {"x":"shove","y":"[1]crowd, drive, elbow, impel, jostle, press, propel, push, shoulder, thrust @@@@ [2]bugger off @@@@ [3]clear off @@@@ [4]depart, fuck off @@@@ [5]push off @@@@ [6]scram @@@@ [7]slope off, take oneself off, vamoose"} {"x":"shovel","y":"[1]convey, dredge, heap, ladle, load, move, scoop, shift, spoon, toss"} {"x":"show","y":"[1]appear, be visible, blow wide open @@@@ [2]disclose, display, divulge, evidence, evince, exhibit, indicate, make known, manifest, present, register, reveal, testify to @@@@ [3]assert, clarify, demonstrate, elucidate, evince, explain, instruct, point out, present, prove, teach @@@@ [4]accompany, attend, conduct, escort, guide, lead @@@@ [5]accord, act with, bestow, confer, grant @@@@ [6]array, demonstration, display, exhibition, expo @@@@ [7]exposition, fair, manifestation, pageant, pageantry, parade, representation, sight, spectacle, view @@@@ [8]affectation, air, appearance, display, illusion, likeness, ostentation, parade, pose, pretence, pretext, profession, semblance @@@@ [9]entertainment, presentation, production"} {"x":"shower","y":"[1]barrage, deluge, downpour, fusillade, plethora, rain, stream, torrent, volley @@@@ [2]bunch of layabouts, crew, rabble @@@@ [3]deluge, heap, inundate, lavish, load, pour, rain, spray, sprinkle"} {"x":"showing","y":"[1]demonstration, display, exhibition, presentation, staging @@@@ [2]account of oneself, appearance, demonstration, impression, performance, show, track record @@@@ [3]evidence, representation, statement"} {"x":"showman","y":"[1]entertainer, impresario, performer, publicist, stage manager"} {"x":"showy","y":"[1]brash, flamboyant, flash @@@@ [2]flashy, garish, gaudy, loud, ostentatious, over the top @@@@ [3]pompous, pretentious, splashy @@@@ [4]tawdry, tinselly"} {"x":"shred","y":"[1]bit, fragment, piece, rag, ribbon, scrap, sliver, snippet, tatter @@@@ [2]atom, grain, iota, jot, particle, scrap, trace, whit"} {"x":"shrew","y":"[1]ballbreaker @@@@ [2]dragon @@@@ [3]fury, harpy, harridan, nag, scold, spitfire, termagant @@@@ [4]virago, vixen, Xanthippe"} {"x":"shrewd","y":"[1]acute, artful, astute, calculated, calculating, canny, clever, crafty, cunning, discerning, discriminating, far-seeing, far-sighted, fly @@@@ [2]intelligent, keen, knowing, long-headed, perceptive, perspicacious, sagacious, sharp, sly, smart, wily"} {"x":"shriek","y":"[1]cry, holler, howl, scream, screech, squeal, wail, whoop, yell"} {"x":"shrill","y":"[1]acute, ear-piercing, ear-splitting, high, high-pitched, penetrating, piercing, piping, screeching, sharp"} {"x":"shrink","y":"[1]contract, decrease, deflate, diminish, downsize, drop off, dwindle, fall off, grow smaller, lessen, narrow, shorten, shrivel, wither, wrinkle @@@@ [2]cower, cringe, draw back, flinch, hang back, quail, recoil, retire, shy away, wince, withdraw"} {"x":"shrivel","y":"[1]burn, dry (up), parch, scorch, sear @@@@ [2]dehydrate, desiccate, dwindle, shrink, wilt, wither, wizen, wrinkle"} {"x":"shroud","y":"[1]blanket, cloak, conceal, cover, envelop, hide, screen, swathe, veil @@@@ [2]cerecloth, cerement, covering, grave clothes, winding sheet @@@@ [3]cloud, mantle, pall, screen, veil"} {"x":"shudder","y":"[1]convulse, quake, quiver, shake, shiver, tremble @@@@ [2]convulsion, quiver, spasm, trembling, tremor @@@@ [3]If you shudder, you shake with fear, horror, or disgust, or because you are cold."} {"x":"shuffle","y":"[1]drag, scrape, scuff, scuffle, shamble @@@@ [2]confuse, disarrange, disorder, intermix, jumble, mix, rearrange, shift @@@@ [3]beat about the bush, beg the question, cavil, dodge, equivocate, evade, flannel @@@@ [4]gloss over, hedge, prevaricate, pussyfoot @@@@ [5]quibble"} {"x":"shun","y":"[1]avoid, body-swerve @@@@ [2]cold-shoulder, elude, eschew, evade, fight shy of, give (someone or something) a wide berth, have no part in, keep away from, shy away from, steer clear of"} {"x":"shut","y":"[1]bar, close, draw to, fasten, push to, seal, secure, slam @@@@ [2]cage, confine, enclose, exclude, impound, imprison, pound, wall off or up"} {"x":"shuttle","y":"[1]alternate, commute, go back and forth, go to and fro, ply, seesaw, shunt"} {"x":"shy","y":"[1]backward, bashful, cautious, chary, coy, diffident, distrustful, hesitant, modest, mousy, nervous, reserved, reticent, retiring, self-conscious, self-effacing, shrinking, suspicious, timid, wary @@@@ [2]balk, buck, draw back, flinch, quail, rear, recoil, start, swerve, take fright, wince"} {"x":"sibyl","y":"[1]Cassandra, oracle, prophetess, Pythia, pythoness, seer"} {"x":"sick","y":"[1]ill, nauseated, nauseous, puking @@@@ [2]qualmish, queasy @@@@ [3]ailing, diseased, feeble, indisposed, laid up @@@@ [4]poorly @@@@ [5]under par @@@@ [6]under the weather, unwell, weak @@@@ [7]black, ghoulish, macabre, morbid, sadistic @@@@ [8]blase, bored, disgusted, displeased, fed up, jaded, revolted, satiated, tired, weary"} {"x":"sicken","y":"[1]disgust, gross out @@@@ [2]make one's gorge rise, nauseate, repel, revolt, turn one's stomach @@@@ [3]ail, be stricken by, contract, fall ill, go down with, show symptoms of, take sick"} {"x":"sickness","y":"[1]barfing @@@@ [2](the) collywobbles @@@@ [3]nausea, queasiness, puking @@@@ [4]vomiting @@@@ [5]affliction, ailment, bug @@@@ [6]complaint, disease, disorder, illness, indisposition, infirmity, lurgi @@@@ [7]malady"} {"x":"side","y":"[1]border, boundary, division, edge, limit, margin, part, perimeter, periphery, rim, sector, verge @@@@ [2]aspect, face, facet, flank, hand, part, surface, view @@@@ [3]angle, light, opinion, point of view, position, slant, stand, standpoint, viewpoint @@@@ [4]camp, cause, faction, party, sect, team @@@@ [5]airs, arrogance, insolence, pretentiousness @@@@ [6]flanking, lateral @@@@ [7]ancillary, incidental, indirect, lesser, marginal, minor, oblique, roundabout, secondary, subordinate, subsidiary @@@@ [8]ally with, associate oneself with, befriend, favour, go along with, join with, second, support, take the part of, team up with"} {"x":"sideline","y":"[1]border, boundary, edge, fringe, margin, periphery @@@@ [2]subsidiary, supplement"} {"x":"sidelong","y":"[1]covert, indirect, oblique, sideways"} {"x":"sidestep","y":"[1]avoid, body-swerve @@@@ [2]bypass, circumvent, dodge, duck @@@@ [3]elude, evade, find a way round, skip, skirt"} {"x":"sidetrack","y":"[1]deflect, distract, divert, lead off the subject"} {"x":"sideways","y":"[1]crabwise, edgeways, laterally, obliquely, sidelong, sidewards, to the side @@@@ [2]oblique, side, sidelong, slanted"} {"x":"sidle","y":"[1]creep, edge, inch, slink, sneak, steal"} {"x":"siesta","y":"[1]catnap, doze, forty winks @@@@ [2]kip @@@@ [3]nap, rest, sleep, snooze @@@@ [4]zizz"} {"x":"sieve","y":"[1]colander, riddle, screen, sifter, strainer, tammy cloth @@@@ [2]bolt, remove, riddle, separate, sift, strain"} {"x":"sift","y":"[1]bolt, filter, pan, part, riddle, separate, sieve @@@@ [2]analyse, examine, fathom, go through, investigate, pore over, probe, research, screen, scrutinize, work over"} {"x":"sigh","y":"[1]breathe, complain, grieve, lament, moan, sorrow, sough, suspire @@@@ [2]eat one's heart out over, languish, long, mourn, pine, yearn"} {"x":"sight","y":"[1]eye, eyes, eyesight, seeing, vision @@@@ [2]appearance, apprehension, eyeshot, field of vision, ken, perception, range of vision, view, viewing, visibility @@@@ [3]display, exhibition, pageant, scene, show, spectacle, vista @@@@ [4]eyesore, fright @@@@ [5]mess, monstrosity, spectacle @@@@ [6]descry, espy, glimpse, recognize, spot, view @@@@ [7]behold, discern, distinguish, make out, observe, perceive, see, spot"} {"x":"sign","y":"[1]clue, evidence, gesture, giveaway, hint, indication, manifestation, mark, note, proof, signal, spoor, suggestion, symptom, token, trace, vestige @@@@ [2]board, notice, placard, warning @@@@ [3]badge, character, cipher, device, emblem, ensign, figure, logo, mark, representation, symbol @@@@ [4]augury, auspice, foreboding, forewarning, omen, portent, presage, warning, writing on the wall @@@@ [5]autograph, endorse, initial, inscribe, set one's hand to, subscribe @@@@ [6]beckon, gesticulate, gesture, indicate, signal, use sign language, wave @@@@ [7]abandon, dispose of, forgo, give up all claim to, lose, relinquish, renounce, surrender, transfer, waive @@@@ [8]contract with, enlist, enrol, join, join up, register, volunteer @@@@ [9]employ, engage, hire, put on the payroll, recruit, take into service, take on, take on board"} {"x":"signal","y":"[1]beacon, cue, flare, gesture, go-ahead @@@@ [2]green light, indication, indicator, mark, sign, token @@@@ [3]conspicuous, distinguished, eminent, exceptional, extraordinary, famous, memorable, momentous, notable, noteworthy, outstanding, remarkable, serious @@@@ [4]significant, striking @@@@ [5]beckon, communicate, gesticulate, gesture, give a sign to, indicate, motion, nod, sign, wave"} {"x":"significance","y":"[1]force, implication(s), import, meaning, message, point, purport, sense, signification @@@@ [2]consequence, consideration, importance, impressiveness, matter, moment, relevance, weight"} {"x":"significant","y":"[1]denoting, eloquent, expressing, expressive, indicative, knowing, meaning, meaningful, pregnant, suggestive @@@@ [2]critical, important, material, momentous, noteworthy, serious, vital, weighty"} {"x":"signify","y":"[1]announce, be a sign of, betoken, communicate, connote, convey, denote, evidence, exhibit, express, imply, indicate, intimate, matter, mean, portend, proclaim, represent, show, stand for, suggest, symbolize @@@@ [2]be of importance or significance, carry weight, count, matter"} {"x":"silence","y":"[1]calm, hush, lull, noiselessness, peace, quiescence, quiet, stillness @@@@ [2]dumbness, muteness, reticence, speechlessness, taciturnity, uncommunicativeness @@@@ [3]cut off, cut short, deaden, extinguish, gag, muffle, quell, quiet, quieten, stifle, still, strike dumb, subdue, suppress"} {"x":"silent","y":"[1]hushed, muted, noiseless, quiet, soundless, still, stilly @@@@ [2]dumb, mum, mute, nonvocal, not talkative, speechless, struck dumb, taciturn, tongue-tied, uncommunicative, unspeaking, voiceless, wordless @@@@ [3]aphonic @@@@ [4]implicit, implied, tacit, understood, unexpressed, unpronounced, unspoken"} {"x":"silently","y":"[1]dumbly, inaudibly, in silence, mutely, noiselessly, quietly, soundlessly, speechlessly, without a sound, wordlessly"} {"x":"silhouette","y":"[1]delineation, form, outline, profile, shape @@@@ [2]delineate, etch, outline, stand out"} {"x":"silly","y":"[1]absurd, asinine, brainless, childish, dopy @@@@ [2]dozy @@@@ [3]fatuous, foolhardy, foolish, frivolous, giddy, goofy @@@@ [4]idiotic, immature, imprudent, inane, inappropriate, irresponsible, meaningless, pointless, preposterous, puerile, ridiculous, senseless, stupid, unwise, witless @@@@ [5]benumbed, dazed, groggy @@@@ [6]in a daze, muzzy, stunned, stupefied @@@@ [7]clot @@@@ [8]duffer @@@@ [9]dweeb @@@@ [10]goose @@@@ [11]ninny, nitwit @@@@ [12]plonker @@@@ [13]prat @@@@ [14]silly-billy @@@@ [15]simpleton, twit @@@@ [16]wally"} {"x":"silt","y":"[1]alluvium, deposit, ooze, residue, sediment, sludge @@@@ [2]choke, clog, congest, dam"} {"x":"silver","y":"[1]argent @@@@ [2]pearly, silvered, silvery @@@@ [3]silver plate, silverware"} {"x":"similar","y":"[1]alike, analogous, close, comparable, congruous, corresponding, cut from the same cloth, homogeneous, homogenous, in agreement, like, much the same, of a piece, resembling, uniform"} {"x":"similarity","y":"[1]affinity, agreement, analogy, closeness, comparability, concordance, congruence, correspondence, likeness, point of comparison, relation, resemblance, sameness, similitude"} {"x":"similarly","y":"[1]by the same token, correspondingly, in like manner, likewise"} {"x":"simmer","y":"[1]be agitated, be angry, be tense, be uptight @@@@ [2]boil, burn, fume, rage, see red @@@@ [3]seethe, smart, smoulder @@@@ [4]calm down, collect oneself, contain oneself, control oneself, cool off or down, get down off one's high horse @@@@ [5]grow quieter, unwind"} {"x":"simper","y":"[1]grimace, smile affectedly, smile coyly, smile self-consciously, smirk, titter"} {"x":"simple","y":"[1]clear, easy, easy-peasy @@@@ [2]elementary, intelligible, lucid, manageable, plain, straightforward, uncomplicated, understandable, uninvolved @@@@ [3]classic, clean, natural, plain, severe, Spartan, unadorned, uncluttered, unembellished, unfussy @@@@ [4]elementary, pure, single, unalloyed, unblended, uncombined, undivided, unmixed @@@@ [5]artless, childlike, frank, green, guileless, ingenuous, innocent, naive, natural, simplistic, sincere, unaffected, unpretentious, unsophisticated @@@@ [6]bald, basic, direct, frank, honest, naked, plain, sincere, stark, undeniable, unvarnished @@@@ [7]homely, humble, lowly, modest, rustic, unpretentious @@@@ [8]brainless, credulous, dense, dumb @@@@ [9]feeble, feeble-minded, foolish, half-witted, moronic, obtuse, shallow, silly, slow, stupid, thick"} {"x":"simpleton","y":"[1]berk @@@@ [2]blockhead, booby, charlie @@@@ [3]chump, coot, dickhead @@@@ [4]dickwit @@@@ [5]dipstick @@@@ [6]divvy @@@@ [7]dolt, dope @@@@ [8]dork @@@@ [9]dullard, dunce, dweeb @@@@ [10]fathead @@@@ [11]fool, fuckwit @@@@ [12]geek @@@@ [13]gobshite @@@@ [14]gonzo @@@@ [15]goose @@@@ [16]greenhorn @@@@ [17]idiot, imbecile @@@@ [18]jackass, jerk @@@@ [19]nincompoop, ninny, nitwit @@@@ [20]numpty @@@@ [21]numskull or numbskull, oaf, plank @@@@ [22]schmuck @@@@ [23]Simple Simon, stupid @@@@ [24]twit @@@@ [25]wally @@@@ [26]weenie"} {"x":"simplicity","y":"[1]absence of complications, clarity, clearness, ease, easiness, elementariness, obviousness, straightforwardness @@@@ [2]clean lines, lack of adornment, modesty, naturalness, plainness, purity, restraint @@@@ [3]artlessness, candour, directness, guilelessness, innocence, lack of sophistication, naivety, openness"} {"x":"simplify","y":"[1]abridge, decipher, disentangle, facilitate, make intelligible, reduce to essentials, streamline"} {"x":"simply","y":"[1]clearly, directly, easily, intelligibly, modestly, naturally, plainly, straightforwardly, unaffectedly, unpretentiously, without any elaboration @@@@ [2]just, merely, only, purely, solely @@@@ [3]absolutely, altogether, completely, really, totally, unreservedly, utterly, wholly"} {"x":"simulate","y":"[1]act, affect, assume, counterfeit, fabricate, feign, imitate, make believe, pretend, put on, reproduce, sham"} {"x":"simultaneous","y":"[1]at the same time, coincident, coinciding, concurrent, contemporaneous, synchronous"} {"x":"simultaneously","y":"[1]all together, at the same time, concurrently, in chorus, in concert, in the same breath, in unison, together"} {"x":"sin","y":"[1]crime, damnation, error, evil, guilt, iniquity, misdeed, offence, sinfulness, transgression, trespass, ungodliness, unrighteousness, wickedness, wrong, wrongdoing @@@@ [2]err, fall, fall from grace, go astray, lapse, offend, transgress, trespass"} {"x":"sincere","y":"[1]artless, bona fide, candid, earnest, frank, genuine, guileless, heartfelt, honest, natural, no-nonsense, open, real, serious, straightforward, true, unaffected, unfeigned, upfront @@@@ [2]wholehearted"} {"x":"sinecure","y":"[1]cushy number @@@@ [2]gravy train @@@@ [3]soft job @@@@ [4]soft option"} {"x":"sing","y":"[1]carol, chant, chirp, croon, make melody, pipe, trill, vocalize, warble, yodel @@@@ [2]fink (on) @@@@ [3]grass @@@@ [4]inform (on), peach @@@@ [5]rat (on) @@@@ [6]shop @@@@ [7]squeal @@@@ [8]buzz, hum, purr, whine, whistle @@@@ [9]call (out), cooee, cry (out), halloo, holler @@@@ [10]make oneself heard, shout, shout ahoy, yell"} {"x":"singe","y":"[1]burn, char, scorch, sear"} {"x":"singer","y":"[1]balladeer, cantor, chanteuse @@@@ [2]chorister, crooner, minstrel, soloist, songster, songstress, troubadour, vocalist"} {"x":"single","y":"[1]distinct, individual, lone, one, only, particular, separate, singular, sole, solitary, unique @@@@ [2]free, unattached, unmarried, unwed @@@@ [3]exclusive, individual, separate, simple, unblended, uncompounded, undivided, unmixed, unshared @@@@ [4]choose, cull, distinguish, fix on, pick, pick on or out, put on one side, select, separate, set apart, winnow @@@@ [5]alone, by oneself, independently, on one's own, solo, unaided, unassisted, under one's own steam, without help @@@@ [6]dedicated, determined, dogged, fixed, hellbent @@@@ [7]monomaniacal, steadfast, stubborn, tireless, undeviating, unswerving, unwavering"} {"x":"singular","y":"[1]conspicuous, eminent, exceptional, notable, noteworthy, outstanding, prodigious, rare, remarkable, uncommon, unique, unparalleled @@@@ [2]atypical, curious, eccentric, extraordinary, odd, oddball @@@@ [3]out-of-the-way, outre, peculiar, puzzling, queer, strange, unusual, wacko @@@@ [4]individual, separate, single, sole"} {"x":"singularity","y":"[1]abnormality, curiousness, extraordinariness, irregularity, oddness, peculiarity, queerness, strangeness @@@@ [2]eccentricity, idiosyncrasy, oddity, particularity, peculiarity, quirk, twist"} {"x":"singularly","y":"[1]conspicuously, especially, exceptionally, extraordinarily, notably, outstandingly, particularly, prodigiously, remarkably, seriously @@@@ [2]surprisingly, uncommonly, unusually"} {"x":"sinister","y":"[1]baleful, bodeful, dire, disquieting, evil, forbidding, injurious, malevolent, malign, malignant, menacing, ominous, threatening"} {"x":"sink","y":"[1]cave in, decline, descend, dip, disappear, droop, drop, drown, ebb, engulf, fall, founder, go down, go under, lower, merge, plummet, plunge, sag, slope, submerge, subside @@@@ [2]abate, collapse, drop, fall, lapse, relapse, retrogress, slip, slump, subside @@@@ [3]decay, decline, decrease, degenerate, depreciate, deteriorate, die, diminish, dwindle, fade, fail, flag, go downhill @@@@ [4]lessen, weaken, worsen @@@@ [5]bore, dig, drill, drive, excavate, lay, put down @@@@ [6]be the ruin of, defeat, destroy, finish, overwhelm, ruin, scupper @@@@ [7]be reduced to, debase oneself, lower oneself, stoop, succumb"} {"x":"sinner","y":"[1]evildoer, malefactor, miscreant, offender, reprobate, transgressor, trespasser @@@@ [2]wrongdoer"} {"x":"sinuous","y":"[1]coiling, crooked, curved, curvy, lithe, mazy, meandering, serpentine, supple, tortuous, twisty, undulating, winding"} {"x":"sip","y":"[1]sample, sup, taste @@@@ [2]drop, swallow, taste, thimbleful"} {"x":"siren","y":"[1]charmer, Circe, femme fatale, Lorelei, seductress, temptress, vamp @@@@ [2]witch"} {"x":"sister-in-law","y":"[1]belle-soeur"} {"x":"sit","y":"[1]be seated, perch, rest, settle, take a seat, take the weight off one's feet @@@@ [2]assemble, be in session, convene, deliberate, meet, officiate, preside @@@@ [3]accommodate, contain, have space for, hold, seat"} {"x":"site","y":"[1]ground, location, place, plot, position, setting, spot @@@@ [2]install, locate, place, position, set, situate"} {"x":"sitting","y":"[1]congress, consultation, get-together @@@@ [2]hearing, meeting, period, session"} {"x":"situation","y":"[1]locale, locality, location, place, position, seat, setting, site, spot @@@@ [2]ball game @@@@ [3]case, circumstances, condition, kettle of fish @@@@ [4]lie of the land, plight, scenario, state, state of affairs, status quo, the picture @@@@ [5]rank, sphere, station, status @@@@ [6]berth @@@@ [7]employment, job, office, place, position, post"} {"x":"size","y":"[1]amount, bigness, bulk, dimensions, extent, greatness, hugeness, immensity, largeness, magnitude, mass, measurement(s), proportions, range, vastness, volume @@@@ [2]diminutive, little, midget, miniature, pocket, pygmy or pigmy, small, teensy-weensy, teeny-weeny, tiny, wee @@@@ [3]appraise, assess, evaluate, eye up, get (something) taped"} {"x":"sizzle","y":"[1]crackle, frizzle, fry, hiss, spit, sputter"} {"x":"skeleton","y":"[1]bare bones, bones, draft, frame, framework, outline, sketch, structure"} {"x":"sketch","y":"[1]block out, delineate, depict, draft, draw, outline, paint, plot, portray, represent, rough out @@@@ [2]delineation, design, draft, drawing, outline, plan, skeleton"} {"x":"skill","y":"[1]ability, accomplishment, adroitness, aptitude, art, cleverness, competence, craft, dexterity, experience, expertise, expertness, facility, finesse, handiness, ingenuity, intelligence, knack, proficiency, quickness, readiness, skilfulness, talent, technique"} {"x":"skim","y":"[1]cream, separate @@@@ [2]brush, coast, dart, float, fly, glide, sail, soar @@@@ [3]glance, run one's eye over, scan, skip"} {"x":"skimp","y":"[1]be mean with, be niggardly, be sparing with, cut corners, pinch, scamp, scant, scrimp, stint, tighten one's belt, withhold"} {"x":"skin","y":"[1]fell, hide, integument, pelt, tegument @@@@ [2]casing, coating, crust, film, husk, membrane, outside, peel, rind @@@@ [3]narrowly, only just @@@@ [4]aggravate @@@@ [5]grate on, irk, irritate, needle @@@@ [6]abrade, bark, excoriate, flay, graze, peel, scrape @@@@ [7]artificial, external, meaningless, on the surface, shallow, superficial, surface"} {"x":"skinflint","y":"[1]miser, niggard, penny-pincher @@@@ [2]Scrooge, tight-arse @@@@ [3]tight-ass @@@@ [4]tightwad"} {"x":"skinny","y":"[1]emaciated, lean, macilent @@@@ [2]scraggy, scrawny, skeletal, skin-and-bone @@@@ [3]thin, twiggy, undernourished"} {"x":"skip","y":"[1]bob, bounce, caper, cavort, dance, flit, frisk, gambol, hop, prance, trip @@@@ [2]eschew, give (something) a miss, leave out, miss out, omit, pass over, skim over @@@@ [3]bunk off @@@@ [4]cut @@@@ [5]miss, play truant from, wag"} {"x":"skirmish","y":"[1]affair, affray @@@@ [2]battle, brush, clash, combat, conflict, contest, dust-up @@@@ [3]encounter, engagement, fracas, incident, scrap @@@@ [4]scrimmage, set-to @@@@ [5]spat, tussle @@@@ [6]clash, collide, come to blows, scrap @@@@ [7]tussle"} {"x":"skirt","y":"[1]border, edge, flank, lie alongside @@@@ [2]avoid, body-swerve @@@@ [3]bypass, circumvent, detour, evade, steer clear of @@@@ [4]border, edge, fringe, hem, margin, outskirts, periphery, purlieus, rim"} {"x":"skit","y":"[1]burlesque, parody, sketch, spoof @@@@ [2]takeoff @@@@ [3]travesty, turn"} {"x":"skittish","y":"[1]excitable, fickle, fidgety, frivolous, highly strung, jumpy, lively, nervous, playful, restive"} {"x":"skulk","y":"[1]creep, lie in wait, loiter, lurk, pad, prowl, slink, sneak"} {"x":"sky","y":"[1]azure @@@@ [2]empyrean @@@@ [3]firmament, heavens, upper atmosphere, vault of heaven, welkin @@@@ [4]excessively, extravagantly, fulsomely, highly, immoderately, inordinately, profusely"} {"x":"slab","y":"[1]chunk, hunk, lump, nugget, piece, portion, slice, wedge, wodge"} {"x":"slack","y":"[1]baggy, easy, flaccid, flexible, lax, limp, loose, not taut, relaxed @@@@ [2]easy-going, idle, inactive, inattentive, lax, lazy, neglectful, negligent, permissive, remiss, slapdash, slipshod, tardy @@@@ [3]dull, inactive, quiet, slow, slow-moving, sluggish @@@@ [4]excess, give @@@@ [5]leeway, looseness, play, room @@@@ [6]bob off @@@@ [7]dodge, flag, idle, neglect, relax, shirk, skive @@@@ [8]slacken"} {"x":"slake","y":"[1]assuage, gratify, quench, sate, satiate, satisfy"} {"x":"slam","y":"[1]bang, crash, dash, fling, hurl, smash, throw, thump @@@@ [2]attack, blast, castigate, criticize, damn, excoriate, lambast(e), pan @@@@ [3]pillory, shoot down @@@@ [4]slate @@@@ [5]tear into @@@@ [6]vilify"} {"x":"slander","y":"[1]aspersion, backbiting, calumny, defamation, detraction, libel, misrepresentation, muckraking, obloquy, scandal, smear @@@@ [2]backbite, blacken (someone's) name, calumniate, decry, defame, detract, disparage, libel, malign, muckrake, slur, smear, traduce, vilify"} {"x":"slang","y":"[1]abuse, berate, call names, hurl insults at, insult, inveigh against, malign, rail against, revile, vilify, vituperate"} {"x":"slant","y":"[1]angle off, bend, bevel, cant, heel, incline, lean, list, shelve, skew, slope, tilt @@@@ [2]camber, declination, diagonal, gradient, incline, pitch, rake, ramp, slope, tilt @@@@ [3]angle, bias, colour, distort, twist, weight @@@@ [4]angle, attitude, bias, emphasis, leaning, one-sidedness, point of view, prejudice, viewpoint"} {"x":"slap","y":"[1]bang, blow, chin @@@@ [2]clout @@@@ [3]cuff, deck @@@@ [4]smack, spank, wallop @@@@ [5]whack @@@@ [6]affront, blow, humiliation, insult, put-down, rebuff, rebuke, rejection, repulse, snub @@@@ [7]bang, clap, clout @@@@ [8]cuff, hit, spank, strike, whack @@@@ [9]daub, plaster, plonk, spread @@@@ [10]bang, directly, exactly, plumb @@@@ [11]precisely, slap-bang @@@@ [12]smack @@@@ [13]bring to heel, put (someone) in his place, rebuke, reprimand, restrain, squash @@@@ [14]elaborate, excellent, first-rate, fit for a king, lavish, luxurious, magnificent, no-expense-spared, princely, splendid, sumptuous, superb"} {"x":"slash","y":"[1]cut, gash, hack, lacerate, rend, rip, score, slit @@@@ [2]cut, gash, incision, laceration, rent, rip, slit @@@@ [3]cut, drop, lower, reduce"} {"x":"slate","y":"[1]berate, blame, blast, castigate, censure, criticize, excoriate, haul over the coals @@@@ [2]lambas(t)e, lay into @@@@ [3]pan @@@@ [4]pitch into @@@@ [5]rail against, rap (someone's) knuckles, rebuke, roast @@@@ [6]scold, slam @@@@ [7]slang, take to task, tear into"} {"x":"slattern","y":"[1]drab @@@@ [2]sloven, slut, trollop"} {"x":"slaughter","y":"[1]blood bath, bloodshed, butchery, carnage, extermination, holocaust, killing, liquidation, massacre, murder, slaying @@@@ [2]butcher, destroy, do to death, exterminate, kill, liquidate, massacre, murder, put to the sword, slay, take out @@@@ [3]crush, defeat, hammer @@@@ [4]lick @@@@ [5]overwhelm, rout, stuff @@@@ [6]tank @@@@ [7]thrash, trounce, undo, vanquish, wipe the floor with"} {"x":"slave","y":"[1]bondservant, bondsman, drudge, scullion @@@@ [2]serf, servant, skivvy @@@@ [3]slavey @@@@ [4]varlet @@@@ [5]vassal, villein @@@@ [6]drudge, grind @@@@ [7]skivvy @@@@ [8]slog, sweat, toil, work one's fingers to the bone"} {"x":"slaver","y":"[1]dribble, drool, salivate, slobber"} {"x":"slavery","y":"[1]bondage, captivity, enslavement, serfdom, servitude, subjugation, thraldom, thrall, vassalage"} {"x":"slavish","y":"[1]abject, base, cringing, despicable, fawning, grovelling, low, mean, menial, obsequious, servile, submissive, sycophantic @@@@ [2]conventional, imitative, second-hand, unimaginative, uninspired, unoriginal"} {"x":"slay","y":"[1]annihilate, assassinate, butcher, destroy, dispatch, do away with, do in @@@@ [2]eliminate, exterminate, kill, massacre, mow down, murder, rub out @@@@ [3]slaughter @@@@ [4]wow"} {"x":"sleazy","y":"[1]crummy, disreputable, low, run-down, seedy, sordid, squalid, tacky"} {"x":"sleek","y":"[1]glossy, lustrous, shiny, smooth, well-fed, well-groomed"} {"x":"sleep","y":"[1]be in the land of Nod, catnap, doze, drop off @@@@ [2]drowse, go out like a light, hibernate, kip @@@@ [3]nod off @@@@ [4]snore, take a nap, take forty winks @@@@ [5]zizz @@@@ [6]beauty sleep @@@@ [7]dormancy, doze, forty winks @@@@ [8]hibernation, kip @@@@ [9]nap, repose, rest, shuteye @@@@ [10]siesta, slumber(s), snooze @@@@ [11]zizz"} {"x":"sleepless","y":"[1]disturbed, insomniac, restless, unsleeping, wakeful @@@@ [2]alert, unsleeping, vigilant, watchful, wide awake"} {"x":"sleepy","y":"[1]drowsy, dull, heavy, inactive, lethargic, sluggish, slumbersome, somnolent, torpid @@@@ [2]dull, hypnotic, inactive, quiet, sleep-inducing, slow, slumberous, somnolent, soporific"} {"x":"slender","y":"[1]lean, narrow, slight, slim, svelte, sylphlike, willowy @@@@ [2]inadequate, inconsiderable, insufficient, little, meagre, scant, scanty, small, spare @@@@ [3]faint, feeble, flimsy, fragile, poor, remote, slight, slim, tenuous, thin, weak"} {"x":"sleuth","y":"[1]detective, dick @@@@ [2]gumshoe @@@@ [3]private eye @@@@ [4](private) investigator, sleuthhound @@@@ [5]tail"} {"x":"slice","y":"[1]cut, helping, piece, portion, segment, share, sliver, wedge @@@@ [2]carve, cut, divide, sever @@@@ [3]If you slice bread, meat, fruit, or other food, you cut it into thin pieces."} {"x":"slick","y":"[1]glib, meretricious, plausible, polished, smooth, sophistical, specious @@@@ [2]adroit, deft, dexterous, dextrous, polished, professional, sharp, skilful @@@@ [3]make glossy, plaster down, sleek, smarm down @@@@ [4]smooth"} {"x":"slide","y":"[1]coast, glide, glissade, skim, slip, slither, toboggan, veer @@@@ [2]forget, gloss over, ignore, let ride, neglect, pass over, push to the back of one's mind, turn a blind eye to"} {"x":"slight","y":"[1]feeble, inconsiderable, insignificant, insubstantial, meagre, measly, minor, modest, negligible, paltry, scanty, small, superficial, trifling, trivial, unimportant, weak @@@@ [2]delicate, feeble, fragile, lightly-built, slim, small, spare @@@@ [3]affront, cold-shoulder, despise, disdain, disparage, give offence or umbrage to, ignore, insult, neglect, put down, scorn, show disrespect for, snub, treat with contempt @@@@ [4]affront, contempt, discourtesy, disdain, disregard, disrespect, inattention, indifference, insult, neglect, rebuff, slap in the face"} {"x":"slightly","y":"[1]a little, marginally, on a small scale, somewhat, to some extent or degree"} {"x":"slim","y":"[1]lean, narrow, slender, slight, svelte, sylphlike, thin, trim @@@@ [2]faint, poor, remote, slender, slight @@@@ [3]diet, lose weight, reduce, slenderize"} {"x":"sling","y":"[1]cast, chuck @@@@ [2]fling, heave, hurl, lob @@@@ [3]shy, throw, toss @@@@ [4]dangle, hang, suspend, swing"} {"x":"slink","y":"[1]creep, prowl, pussyfoot @@@@ [2]skulk, slip, sneak, steal"} {"x":"slip","y":"[1]glide, skate, slide, slither @@@@ [2]fall, lose one's balance, miss or lose one's footing, skid, trip (over) @@@@ [3]conceal, creep, hide, insinuate oneself, sneak, steal @@@@ [4]blunder, boob @@@@ [5]err, go wrong, make a mistake, miscalculate, misjudge, mistake @@@@ [6]break away from, break free from, disappear, escape, get away, get clear of, take French leave @@@@ [7]disclose, divulge, give away, leak, let out @@@@ [8]bloomer @@@@ [9]blunder, boob @@@@ [10]error, failure, fault, faux pas, imprudence, indiscretion, lapse, mistake, omission, oversight, slip of the tongue, slip-up @@@@ [11]dodge, elude, escape from, evade, get away from, lose (someone), outwit, shake (someone) off @@@@ [12]piece, sliver, strip @@@@ [13]cutting, offshoot, runner, scion, shoot, sprig, sprout"} {"x":"slippery","y":"[1]glassy, greasy, icy, lubricious @@@@ [2]perilous, skiddy @@@@ [3]slippy @@@@ [4]smooth, unsafe, unstable, unsteady @@@@ [5]crafty, cunning, devious, dishonest, duplicitous, evasive, false, foxy, shifty, sneaky, treacherous, tricky, two-faced, unpredictable, unreliable, untrustworthy"} {"x":"slipshod","y":"[1]careless, casual, loose, slapdash, sloppy @@@@ [2]slovenly, unsystematic, untidy"} {"x":"slit","y":"[1]cut (open), gash, impale, knife, lance, pierce, rip, slash, split open @@@@ [2]cut, fissure, gash, incision, opening, rent, split, tear"} {"x":"slither","y":"[1]glide, skitter, slide, slink, slip, snake, undulate"} {"x":"sliver","y":"[1]flake, fragment, paring, shaving, shred, slip, splinter"} {"x":"slobber","y":"[1]dribble, drivel, drool, salivate, slabber"} {"x":"slogan","y":"[1]catch-phrase, catchword, jingle, motto, rallying cry"} {"x":"slop","y":"[1]overflow, slosh @@@@ [2]spatter, spill, splash, splatter @@@@ [3]flop, loaf, lollop, lounge, shamble, shuffle, slouch, slump, sprawl, veg out"} {"x":"slope","y":"[1]drop away, fall, incline, lean, pitch, rise, slant, tilt @@@@ [2]brae @@@@ [3]declination, declivity, descent, downgrade @@@@ [4]gradient, inclination, incline, ramp, rise, scarp, slant, tilt @@@@ [5]creep, make oneself scarce, skulk, slink, slip, steal"} {"x":"sloppy","y":"[1]sludgy, slushy, splashy, watery, wet @@@@ [2]amateurish, careless, clumsy, hit-or-miss @@@@ [3]inattentive, messy, slipshod, slovenly, unkempt, untidy, weak @@@@ [4]banal, gushing, mawkish, mushy @@@@ [5]overemotional, sentimental, slushy @@@@ [6]soppy @@@@ [7]three-hankie @@@@ [8]trite, wet"} {"x":"slot","y":"[1]aperture, channel, groove, hole, slit, vent @@@@ [2]niche, opening, place, position, space, time, vacancy @@@@ [3]adjust, assign, fit, fit in, insert, pigeonhole"} {"x":"sloth","y":"[1]faineance, idleness, inactivity, indolence, inertia, laziness, slackness, slothfulness, sluggishness, torpor"} {"x":"slouch","y":"[1]droop, loll, slump, stoop"} {"x":"slow","y":"[1]creeping, dawdling, deliberate, easy, lackadaisical, laggard, lagging, lazy, leaden, leisurely, loitering, measured, plodding, ponderous, slow-moving, sluggardly, sluggish, tortoise-like, unhurried @@@@ [2]backward, behind, behindhand, delayed, dilatory, late, long-delayed, tardy, unpunctual @@@@ [3]gradual, lingering, long-drawn-out, prolonged, protracted, time-consuming @@@@ [4]behind the times, boring, conservative, dead, dead-and-alive @@@@ [5]dull, inactive, one-horse @@@@ [6]quiet, slack, sleepy, sluggish, stagnant, tame, tedious, uneventful, uninteresting, unproductive, unprogressive, wearisome @@@@ [7]blockish, bovine, braindead @@@@ [8]dense, dim, dozy @@@@ [9]dull, dull-witted, dumb @@@@ [10]obtuse, retarded, slow on the uptake @@@@ [11]slow-witted, stupid, thick, unresponsive @@@@ [12]averse, disinclined, hesitant, indisposed, loath, reluctant, unwilling @@@@ [13]brake, check, curb, decelerate, delay, detain, handicap, hold up, lag, reduce speed, rein in, relax, restrict, retard, slacken (off), spin out"} {"x":"slowly","y":"[1]at a snail's pace, at one's leisure, by degrees, gradually, inchmeal, in one's own (good) time, leisurely, ploddingly, steadily, taking one's time, unhurriedly, with leaden steps"} {"x":"sludge","y":"[1]dregs, gloop @@@@ [2]mire, muck, mud, ooze, residue, sediment, silt, slime, slob @@@@ [3]slop, slush"} {"x":"sluice","y":"[1]cleanse, drain, drench, flush, irrigate, wash down, wash out"} {"x":"slum","y":"[1]ghetto, hovel, rookery @@@@ [2]warren"} {"x":"slumber","y":"[1]be inactive, doze, drowse, kip @@@@ [2]lie dormant, nap, repose, sleep, snooze @@@@ [3]zizz"} {"x":"slump","y":"[1]collapse, crash, decline, deteriorate, fall, fall off, go downhill @@@@ [2]plummet, plunge, reach a new low, sink, slip @@@@ [3]collapse, crash, decline, depreciation, depression, downturn, drop, failure, fall, falling-off, lapse, low, meltdown @@@@ [4]recession, reverse, stagnation, trough @@@@ [5]bend, droop, hunch, loll, sag, slouch"} {"x":"slur","y":"[1]affront, aspersion, blot, blot on one's escutcheon, brand, calumny, discredit, disgrace, innuendo, insinuation, insult, reproach, smear, stain, stigma"} {"x":"slut","y":"[1]drab @@@@ [2]scrubber @@@@ [3]slattern, sloven, tart, trollop"} {"x":"sly","y":"[1]artful, astute, clever, conniving, covert, crafty, cunning, devious, foxy, furtive, guileful, insidious, scheming, secret, shifty, stealthy, subtle, underhand, wily @@@@ [2]arch, impish, knowing, mischievous, roguish @@@@ [3]on the quiet, privately, secretly, surreptitiously, underhandedly, under the counter"} {"x":"smack","y":"[1]box, clap, cuff, hit, pat, slap, sock @@@@ [2]spank, strike, tap @@@@ [3]blow, crack, slap @@@@ [4]blow, rebuff, repulse, setback, slap in the face, snub @@@@ [5]directly, exactly, plumb, point-blank, precisely, right, slap @@@@ [6]squarely, straight @@@@ [7]bear the stamp of, be redolent of, be suggestive or indicative of, betoken, have all the hallmarks of, reek of, smell of, suggest, testify to @@@@ [8]heroine"} {"x":"small","y":"[1]diminutive, immature, Lilliputian, little, mini, miniature, minute, petite, pint-sized @@@@ [2]pocket-sized, puny, pygmy or pigmy, slight, teensy-weensy, teeny, teeny-weeny, tiny, undersized, wee, young @@@@ [3]insignificant, lesser, minor, negligible, paltry, petty, trifling, trivial, unimportant @@@@ [4]inadequate, inconsiderable, insufficient, limited, meagre, measly, scant, scanty @@@@ [5]humble, modest, small-scale, unpretentious @@@@ [6]base, grudging, illiberal, mean, narrow, petty, selfish @@@@ [7]chagrin, disconcert, humble, humiliate, make (someone) look foolish, mortify, put down @@@@ [8]show up @@@@ [9]chagrin, disconcert, humble, humiliate, make (someone) look foolish, mortify, put down @@@@ [10]show up"} {"x":"smart","y":"[1]acute, adept, agile, apt, astute, bright, brisk, canny, clever, ingenious, intelligent, keen, nimble, quick, quick-witted, ready, sharp, shrewd @@@@ [2]as fresh as a daisy, chic, elegant, fashionable, fine, modish, natty @@@@ [3]neat, smart, snappy, spruce, stylish, trendy @@@@ [4]trim, well turned-out @@@@ [5]effective, impertinent, nimble-witted, pointed, ready, saucy, smart-alecky @@@@ [6]witty @@@@ [7]brisk, cracking @@@@ [8]jaunty, lively, quick, spanking, spirited, vigorous"} {"x":"smash","y":"[1]break, collide, crash, crush, demolish, disintegrate, pulverize, shatter, shiver @@@@ [2]accident, collision, crash, pile-up @@@@ [3]smash-up @@@@ [4]defeat, destroy, lay waste, overthrow, ruin, total @@@@ [5]trash @@@@ [6]wreck @@@@ [7]collapse, defeat, destruction, disaster, downfall, failure, ruin, shattering"} {"x":"smattering","y":"[1]bit, dash, elements, modicum, nodding acquaintance, passing acquaintance, rudiments, smatter, sprinkling"} {"x":"smear","y":"[1]bedaub, bedim, besmirch, blur, coat, cover, daub, dirty, patch, plaster, rub on, smirch, smudge, soil, spread over, stain, sully @@@@ [2]blot, blotch, daub, smirch, smudge, splotch, streak @@@@ [3]asperse, besmirch, blacken, calumniate, drag (someone's) name through the mud, malign, sully, tarnish, traduce, vilify @@@@ [4]calumny, defamation, libel, mudslinging, slander, vilification, whispering campaign"} {"x":"smell","y":"[1]aroma, bouquet, fragrance, niff @@@@ [2]odour, perfume, redolence, scent, whiff @@@@ [3]get a whiff of, nose, scent, sniff @@@@ [4]fetor, malodour, niff @@@@ [5]pong @@@@ [6]stench, stink @@@@ [7]be malodorous, hum @@@@ [8]niff @@@@ [9]pong @@@@ [10]reek, stink, stink to high heaven @@@@ [11]whiff"} {"x":"smile","y":"[1]beam, grin"} {"x":"smirk","y":"[1]grin, leer, simper, smug look, sneer"} {"x":"smitten","y":"[1]afflicted, beset, laid low, plagued, struck @@@@ [2]beguiled, bewitched, bowled over @@@@ [3]captivated, charmed, enamoured, infatuated, swept off one's feet"} {"x":"smooth","y":"[1]even, flat, flush, horizontal, level, plain, plane, unwrinkled @@@@ [2]glossy, polished, shiny, silky, sleek, soft, velvety @@@@ [3]calm, equable, glassy, mirror-like, peaceful, serene, tranquil, undisturbed, unruffled @@@@ [4]agreeable, bland, mellow, mild, pleasant, soothing @@@@ [5]debonair, facile, glib, ingratiating, persuasive, silky, slick, smarmy @@@@ [6]suave, unctuous, urbane @@@@ [7]easy, effortless, flowing, fluent, frictionless, regular, rhythmic, steady, unbroken, uneventful, uniform, uninterrupted, untroubled, well-ordered @@@@ [8]flatten, iron, level, plane, polish, press @@@@ [9]allay, alleviate, appease, assuage, calm, ease, extenuate, facilitate, iron out the difficulties of, mitigate, mollify, palliate, pave the way, soften"} {"x":"smother","y":"[1]choke, extinguish, snuff, stifle, strangle, suffocate @@@@ [2]conceal, hide, keep back, muffle, repress, stifle, suppress @@@@ [3]be swimming in, cocoon, cover, envelop, heap, inundate, overwhelm, shower, shroud, surround @@@@ [4]fug @@@@ [5]smog"} {"x":"smoulder","y":"[1]be resentful, boil, burn, fester, fume, rage, seethe, simmer, smart under"} {"x":"smudge","y":"[1]blacken, blur, daub, dirty, mark, smear, smirch, soil @@@@ [2]blemish, blot, blur, smear, smut, smutch"} {"x":"smug","y":"[1]complacent, conceited, holier-than-thou, priggish, self-opinionated, self-righteous, self-satisfied, superior"} {"x":"snack","y":"[1]bite, bite to eat, break, elevenses @@@@ [2]light meal, nibble, refreshment(s), titbit"} {"x":"snag","y":"[1]catch, complication, difficulty, disadvantage, downside, drawback, hazard, hitch, inconvenience, obstacle, problem, stumbling block, the rub @@@@ [2]catch, hole, rip, tear"} {"x":"snap","y":"[1]break, come apart, crack, give way, separate @@@@ [2]bite, bite at, catch, grip, nip, seize, snatch @@@@ [3]bark, flare out, flash, fly off the handle at @@@@ [4]lash out at, retort, snarl, speak sharply @@@@ [5]click, crackle, pop @@@@ [6]defy, flout, pay no attention to, scorn, set at naught, wave two fingers at @@@@ [7]cheer up, get a grip on oneself, get over, liven up, perk up, pull oneself together @@@@ [8]recover @@@@ [9]crackle, fillip, flick, pop @@@@ [10]bite, grab, nip @@@@ [11]energy, get-up-and-go @@@@ [12]go @@@@ [13]liveliness, pep, pizzazz or pizazz @@@@ [14]vigour, zip @@@@ [15]abrupt, immediate, instant, on-the-spot, sudden, unpremeditated @@@@ [16]avail oneself of, grab, grasp, nab @@@@ [17]pounce upon, seize, swoop down on, take advantage of"} {"x":"snare","y":"[1]catch, entrap, net, seize, springe, trap, trepan @@@@ [2]wire @@@@ [3]catch, gin, net, noose, pitfall, springe, trap, wire"} {"x":"snarl","y":"[1]complain, growl, grumble, mumble, murmur, show its teeth @@@@ [2]complicate, confuse, embroil, enmesh, entangle, entwine, muddle, ravel, tangle"} {"x":"snatch","y":"[1]catch up, clutch, gain, grab, grasp, grip, make off with, pluck, pull, rescue, seize, take, win, wrench, wrest @@@@ [2]bit, fragment, part, piece, smattering, snippet, spell"} {"x":"sneak","y":"[1]cower, lurk, pad, sidle, skulk, slink, slip, smuggle, spirit, steal @@@@ [2]grass on @@@@ [3]inform on, peach @@@@ [4]shop @@@@ [5]sing @@@@ [6]tell on @@@@ [7]tell tales @@@@ [8]informer, snake in the grass, telltale @@@@ [9]clandestine, furtive, quick, secret, stealthy, surprise"} {"x":"sneer","y":"[1]curl one's lip, deride, disdain, gibe, hold in contempt, hold up to ridicule, jeer, laugh, look down on, mock, ridicule, scoff, scorn, sniff at, snigger, turn up one's nose @@@@ [2]derision, disdain, gibe, jeer, mockery, ridicule, scorn, snidery, snigger"} {"x":"snide","y":"[1]cynical, disparaging, hurtful, ill-natured, insinuating, malicious, mean, nasty, sarcastic, scornful, shrewish, sneering, spiteful, unkind"} {"x":"sniff","y":"[1]breathe, inhale, smell, snuff, snuffle"} {"x":"snigger","y":"[1]giggle, laugh, smirk, sneer, snicker, titter"} {"x":"snip","y":"[1]clip, crop, cut, dock, nick, nip off, notch, shave, trim @@@@ [2]bit, clipping, fragment, piece, scrap, shred, snippet @@@@ [3]bargain, giveaway, good buy, steal"} {"x":"snivel","y":"[1]blubber, cry, girn @@@@ [2]gripe @@@@ [3]grizzle @@@@ [4]mewl, moan, sniffle, snuffle, weep, whimper, whine, whinge"} {"x":"snoop","y":"[1]pry, spy"} {"x":"snooze","y":"[1]catnap, doze, drop off @@@@ [2]drowse, kip @@@@ [3]nap, nod off @@@@ [4]catnap, doze, forty winks @@@@ [5]kip @@@@ [6]nap, siesta"} {"x":"snub","y":"[1]cold-shoulder, cut @@@@ [2]cut dead @@@@ [3]give (someone) the cold shoulder, humble, humiliate, kick in the teeth @@@@ [4]mortify, put down, rebuff, shame, slight @@@@ [5]affront, brush-off @@@@ [6]bum's rush @@@@ [7]humiliation, insult, put-down, slap in the face"} {"x":"snug","y":"[1]comfortable, comfy @@@@ [2]cosy, homely, intimate, sheltered, warm @@@@ [3]close, compact, neat, trim"} {"x":"snuggle","y":"[1]cuddle, nestle, nuzzle"} {"x":"so-called","y":"[1]alleged, ostensible, pretended, professed, self-styled, soi-disant, supposed"} {"x":"soak","y":"[1]bathe, damp, drench, immerse, infuse, marinate @@@@ [2]moisten, penetrate, permeate, saturate, seep, steep, wet @@@@ [3]absorb, assimilate, drink in, take up or in"} {"x":"soar","y":"[1]ascend, fly, mount, rise, tower, wing @@@@ [2]climb, escalate, rise, rocket, shoot up"} {"x":"sob","y":"[1]bawl, blubber, boohoo, cry, greet @@@@ [2]howl, shed tears, snivel, weep"} {"x":"sober","y":"[1]abstemious, abstinent, moderate, on the wagon @@@@ [2]temperate @@@@ [3]calm, clear-headed, cold, composed, cool, dispassionate, grave, level-headed, lucid, peaceful, practical, rational, realistic, reasonable, sedate, serene, serious, solemn, sound, staid, steady, unexcited, unruffled @@@@ [4]dark, drab, plain, quiet, severe, sombre, subdued"} {"x":"sobriety","y":"[1]abstemiousness, abstinence, moderation, nonindulgence, self-restraint, soberness, temperance @@@@ [2]calmness, composure, coolness, gravity, level-headedness, reasonableness, restraint, sedateness, seriousness, solemnity, staidness, steadiness"} {"x":"sociability","y":"[1]affability, companionability, congeniality, conviviality, cordiality, friendliness, gregariousness, neighbourliness"} {"x":"sociable","y":"[1]accessible, affable, approachable, companionable, conversable, convivial, cordial, familiar, friendly, genial, gregarious, neighbourly, outgoing, social, warm"} {"x":"social","y":"[1]collective, common, communal, community, general, group, organized, public, societal @@@@ [2]companionable, friendly, gregarious, neighbourly, sociable @@@@ [3]do @@@@ [4]gathering, get-together @@@@ [5]party"} {"x":"socialize","y":"[1]be a good mixer, break the ice, entertain, fraternize, get about or around, get together, go out, mix"} {"x":"society","y":"[1]civilization, culture, humanity, mankind, people, population, social order, the community, the general public, the public, the world at large @@@@ [2]camaraderie, companionship, company, fellowship, friendship @@@@ [3]association, brotherhood, circle, club, corporation, fellowship, fraternity, group, guild, institute, league, order, organization, sisterhood, union @@@@ [4]beau monde, elite, gentry, haut monde, high society, polite society, the country set, the nobs @@@@ [5]the toffs @@@@ [6]the top drawer, upper classes, upper crust"} {"x":"sodden","y":"[1]boggy, drenched, droukit or drookit @@@@ [2]marshy, miry, saturated, soaked, soggy, sopping, waterlogged"} {"x":"soft","y":"[1]creamy, cushioned, cushiony, doughy, elastic, gelatinous, pulpy, quaggy, spongy, squashy, swampy, yielding @@@@ [2]bendable, ductile @@@@ [3]elastic, flexible, impressible, malleable, mouldable, plastic, pliable, supple, tensile @@@@ [4]downy, feathery, fleecy, flowing, fluid, furry, like a baby's bottom @@@@ [5]rounded, silky, smooth, velvety @@@@ [6]balmy, bland, caressing, delicate, diffuse, dim, dimmed, dulcet, faint, gentle, light, low, mellifluous, mellow, melodious, mild, murmured, muted, pale, pastel, pleasing, quiet, restful, shaded, soft-toned, soothing, subdued, sweet, temperate, twilight, understated, whispered @@@@ [7]compassionate, gentle, kind, pitying, sensitive, sentimental, sympathetic, tender, tenderhearted, touchy-feely @@@@ [8]boneless, easy-going, indulgent, lax, lenient, liberal, overindulgent, permissive, spineless, weak @@@@ [9]comfortable, cushy @@@@ [10]easy, easy-peasy @@@@ [11]undemanding @@@@ [12]effeminate, flabby, flaccid, limp, namby-pamby, out of condition, out of training, overindulged, pampered, podgy, weak @@@@ [13]daft @@@@ [14]feeble-minded, foolish, silly, simple, soft in the head @@@@ [15]soppy"} {"x":"soften","y":"[1]abate, allay, alleviate, appease, assuage, calm, cushion, diminish, ease, lessen, lighten, lower, melt, mitigate, moderate, modify, mollify, muffle, palliate, quell, relax, soothe, still, subdue, temper, tone down, turn down @@@@ [2]conciliate, disarm, melt, soft-soap @@@@ [3]weaken, win over, work on"} {"x":"soggy","y":"[1]dripping, heavy, moist, mushy, pulpy, saturated, soaked, sodden, sopping, spongy, waterlogged"} {"x":"soil","y":"[1]clay, dirt, dust, earth, ground, loam @@@@ [2]country, land, region, terra firma @@@@ [3]bedraggle, befoul, begrime, besmirch, defile, dirty, foul, maculate @@@@ [4]muddy, pollute, smear, smirch, spatter, spot, stain, sully, tarnish"} {"x":"sojourn","y":"[1]rest, stay, stop, stopover, visit @@@@ [2]abide, dwell, lodge, reside, rest, stay, stop, tarry"} {"x":"solace","y":"[1]alleviation, assuagement, comfort, consolation, relief @@@@ [2]allay, alleviate, comfort, console, mitigate, soften, soothe"} {"x":"soldier","y":"[1]enlisted man @@@@ [2]fighter, GI @@@@ [3]man-at-arms, military man, redcoat, serviceman, squaddie or squaddy @@@@ [4]Tommy @@@@ [5]trooper, warrior"} {"x":"sole","y":"[1]alone, exclusive, individual, one, one and only, only, single, singular, solitary"} {"x":"solecism","y":"[1]bloomer @@@@ [2]blunder, boo-boo @@@@ [3]breach of etiquette, cacology, faux pas, gaffe, gaucherie, impropriety, incongruity, indecorum, lapse, mistake"} {"x":"solely","y":"[1]alone, completely, entirely, exclusively, merely, only, single-handedly, singly"} {"x":"solemn","y":"[1]earnest, glum, grave, portentous, sedate, serious, sober, staid, thoughtful @@@@ [2]august, awe-inspiring, ceremonial, ceremonious, dignified, formal, grand, grave, imposing, impressive, majestic, momentous, stately @@@@ [3]devotional, hallowed, holy, religious, reverential, ritual, sacred, sanctified, venerable"} {"x":"solemnity","y":"[1]earnestness, grandeur, gravitas, gravity, impressiveness, momentousness, portentousness, sacredness, sanctity, seriousness @@@@ [2]celebration, ceremonial, ceremony, formalities, observance, proceedings, rite, ritual"} {"x":"solemnize","y":"[1]celebrate, commemorate, honour, keep, observe"} {"x":"solicit","y":"[1]ask, beg, beseech, canvass, crave, entreat, implore, importune, petition, plead for, pray, seek, supplicate"} {"x":"solid","y":"[1]compact, concrete, dense, firm, hard, massed, stable, strong, sturdy, substantial, unshakable @@@@ [2]genuine, good, pure, real, reliable, sound @@@@ [3]agreed, complete, continuous, unalloyed, unanimous, unbroken, undivided, uninterrupted, united, unmixed @@@@ [4]constant, decent, dependable, estimable, law-abiding, level-headed, reliable, sensible, serious, sober, trusty, upright, upstanding, worthy"} {"x":"solidarity","y":"[1]accord, camaraderie, cohesion, community of interest, concordance, esprit de corps, harmony, like-mindedness, singleness of purpose, soundness, stability, team spirit, unanimity, unification, unity"} {"x":"solidify","y":"[1]cake, coagulate, cohere, congeal, harden, jell, set"} {"x":"solitude","y":"[1]isolation, ivory tower, loneliness, privacy, reclusiveness, retirement, seclusion @@@@ [2]desert, emptiness, waste, wasteland, wilderness"} {"x":"solution","y":"[1]answer, clarification, elucidation, explanation, explication, key, resolution, result, solving, unfolding, unravelling @@@@ [2]blend, compound, emulsion, mix, mixture, solvent, suspension @@@@ [3]disconnection, dissolution, liquefaction, melting"} {"x":"solve","y":"[1]answer, clarify, clear up, crack, decipher, disentangle, elucidate, explain, expound, get to the bottom of, interpret, resolve, suss (out) @@@@ [2]unfold, unravel, work out"} {"x":"somebody","y":"[1]big shot @@@@ [2]big wheel @@@@ [3]bigwig @@@@ [4]celeb @@@@ [5]celebrity, dignitary, heavyweight @@@@ [6]household name, luminary, megastar @@@@ [7]name, notable, personage, person of note, public figure, star, superstar, V.I.P."} {"x":"someday","y":"[1]eventually, in the fullness of time, one day, one of these (fine) days, sooner or later, ultimately"} {"x":"sometimes","y":"[1]at times, every now and then, every so often, from time to time, now and again, now and then, occasionally, off and on, once in a while, on occasion"} {"x":"somnolent","y":"[1]comatose, dozy, drowsy, half-awake, heavy-eyed, nodding off @@@@ [2]sleepy, soporific, torpid"} {"x":"song","y":"[1]air, anthem, ballad, canticle, canzonet, carol, chant, chorus, ditty, hymn, lay, lyric, melody, number, pop song, psalm, shanty, strain, tune @@@@ [2]ado, commotion, flap @@@@ [3]fuss, hoo-ha, kerfuffle @@@@ [4]pantomime @@@@ [5]performance @@@@ [6]pother, shindig @@@@ [7]shindy @@@@ [8]stir, to-do"} {"x":"sonorous","y":"[1]full, grandiloquent, high-flown, high-sounding, loud, orotund, plangent, resonant, resounding, rich, ringing, rounded, sounding"} {"x":"soon","y":"[1]anon @@@@ [2]any minute now, before long, betimes @@@@ [3]erelong"} {"x":"soothe","y":"[1]allay, alleviate, appease, assuage, calm, calm down, compose, ease, hush, lull, mitigate, mollify, pacify, quiet, relieve, settle, smooth down, soften, still, tranquillize"} {"x":"soothsayer","y":"[1]augur, diviner, foreteller, prophet, seer, sibyl"} {"x":"sophisticated","y":"[1]blase, citified, cosmopolitan, cultivated, cultured, jet-set, refined, seasoned, urbane, worldly, worldly-wise, world-weary @@@@ [2]advanced, complex, complicated, delicate, elaborate, highly-developed, intricate, multifaceted, refined, subtle"} {"x":"sophistry","y":"[1]casuistry, fallacy, quibble, sophism"} {"x":"soporific","y":"[1]hypnotic, sedative, sleep-inducing, sleepy, somniferous @@@@ [2]somnolent, tranquillizing @@@@ [3]anaesthetic, hypnotic, narcotic, opiate, sedative, tranquillizer"} {"x":"sorcery","y":"[1]black art, black magic, charm, divination, enchantment, incantation, magic, necromancy, spell, witchcraft, witchery, wizardry"} {"x":"sordid","y":"[1]dirty, filthy, foul, mean, seamy, seedy, sleazy, slovenly, slummy, squalid, unclean, wretched @@@@ [2]base, debauched, degenerate, degraded, despicable, disreputable, low, shabby, shameful, vicious, vile @@@@ [3]avaricious, corrupt, covetous, grasping, mercenary, miserly, niggardly, selfish, self-seeking, ungenerous, venal"} {"x":"sore","y":"[1]angry, burning, chafed, choked, inflamed, irritated, painful, raw, reddened, sensitive, smarting, tender @@@@ [2]annoying, distressing, grievous, harrowing, severe, sharp, troublesome @@@@ [3]acute, critical, desperate, dire, extreme, pressing, urgent @@@@ [4]afflicted, aggrieved, angry, annoyed, cross, grieved, hurt, irked, irritated, pained, peeved @@@@ [5]resentful, stung, upset, vexed @@@@ [6]abscess, boil, chafe, gathering, inflammation, ulcer"} {"x":"sorrow","y":"[1]affliction, anguish, distress, grief, heartache, heartbreak, misery, mourning, regret, sadness, unhappiness, woe @@@@ [2]affliction, blow, bummer @@@@ [3]hardship, misfortune, trial, tribulation, trouble, woe, worry @@@@ [4]agonize, bemoan, be sad, bewail, eat one's heart out, grieve, lament, moan, mourn, weep"} {"x":"sorrows","y":"[1]affliction, anguish, distress, grief, heartache, heartbreak, misery, mourning, regret, sadness, unhappiness, woe @@@@ [2]affliction, blow, bummer @@@@ [3]hardship, misfortune, trial, tribulation, trouble, woe, worry @@@@ [4]agonize, bemoan, be sad, bewail, eat one's heart out, grieve, lament, moan, mourn, weep"} {"x":"sorry","y":"[1]apologetic, conscience-stricken, contrite, guilt-ridden, in sackcloth and ashes, penitent, regretful, remorseful, repentant, self-reproachful, shamefaced @@@@ [2]disconsolate, distressed, grieved, melancholy, mournful, sad, sorrowful, unhappy @@@@ [3]commiserative, compassionate, full of pity, moved, pitying, sympathetic @@@@ [4]abject, base, deplorable, dismal, distressing, mean, miserable, paltry, pathetic, piteous, pitiable, pitiful, poor, sad, shabby, vile, wretched"} {"x":"sort","y":"[1]brand, breed, category, character, class, denomination, description, family, genus, group, ilk, kind, make, nature, order, quality, race, species, stamp, style, type, variety @@@@ [2]grouchy @@@@ [3]off colour, poorly @@@@ [4]as it were, in part, moderately, rather, reasonably, slightly, somewhat, to some extent @@@@ [5]arrange, assort, catalogue, categorize, choose, class, classify, distribute, divide, file, grade, group, order, put in order, rank, select, separate, sequence, systematize, tabulate @@@@ [6]clarify, clear up, organize, put or get straight, resolve, tidy up @@@@ [7]pick out, put on one side, segregate, select, separate, sift"} {"x":"soul","y":"[1]animating principle, essence, intellect, life, mind, psyche, reason, spirit, vital force @@@@ [2]being, body, creature, individual, man, mortal, person, woman @@@@ [3]embodiment, epitome, essence, incarnation, personification, quintessence, type @@@@ [4]animation, ardour, courage, energy, feeling, fervour, force, inspiration, nobility, vitality, vivacity @@@@ [5]dreary, dull, humdrum, mind-numbing, monotonous, tedious, tiresome, treadmill, unvarying, wearisome"} {"x":"soulless","y":"[1]callous, cold, cruel, harsh, inhuman, unfeeling, unkind, unsympathetic @@@@ [2]dead, lifeless, mechanical, soul-destroying, spiritless, uninteresting"} {"x":"sound","y":"[1]din, noise, report, resonance, reverberation, tone, voice @@@@ [2]drift, idea, implication(s), impression, look, tenor @@@@ [3]earshot, hearing, range @@@@ [4]echo, resonate, resound, reverberate @@@@ [5]appear, give the impression of, look, seem, strike one as being @@@@ [6]announce, articulate, declare, enunciate, express, pronounce, signal, utter @@@@ [7]complete, entire, firm, fit, hale, hale and hearty, healthy, intact, perfect, robust, solid, sturdy, substantial, undamaged, unhurt, unimpaired, uninjured, vigorous, well-constructed, whole @@@@ [8]correct, fair, just, level-headed, logical, orthodox, proper, prudent, rational, reasonable, reliable, responsible, right, right-thinking, sensible, true, trustworthy, valid, well-founded, well-grounded, wise @@@@ [9]established, orthodox, proven, recognized, reliable, reputable, safe, secure, solid, solvent, stable, tried-and-true @@@@ [10]deep, peaceful, unbroken, undisturbed, untroubled"} {"x":"sour","y":"[1]acerb, acetic, acid, acidulated, bitter, pungent, sharp, tart, unpleasant @@@@ [2]bad, curdled, fermented, gone off, rancid, turned, unsavoury, unwholesome @@@@ [3]acrid, acrimonious, churlish, crabbed, cynical, disagreeable, discontented, embittered, grouchy @@@@ [4]grudging, ill-natured, ill-tempered, jaundiced, peevish, tart, ungenerous, waspish @@@@ [5]alienate, disenchant, embitter, envenom, exacerbate, exasperate, turn off"} {"x":"source","y":"[1]author, begetter, beginning, cause, commencement, derivation, fount, fountainhead, origin, originator, rise, spring, wellspring @@@@ [2]authority, informant"} {"x":"souse","y":"[1]drench, dunk, immerse, marinate @@@@ [2]pickle, soak, steep"} {"x":"south","y":"[1]A south-easterly @@@@ [2]South-eastern @@@@ [3]A south-westerly @@@@ [4]South-western"} {"x":"souvenir","y":"[1]keepsake, memento, relic, remembrancer @@@@ [2]reminder, token"} {"x":"sovereign","y":"[1]chief, emperor, empress, king, monarch, potentate, prince, queen, ruler, shah, supreme ruler, tsar @@@@ [2]absolute, chief, dominant, imperial, kingly, monarchal, paramount, predominant, principal, queenly, regal, royal, ruling, supreme, unlimited @@@@ [3]effectual, efficacious, efficient, excellent"} {"x":"sovereignty","y":"[1]ascendancy, domination, kingship, primacy, supremacy, supreme power, suzerainty, sway"} {"x":"sow","y":"[1]broadcast, disseminate, implant, inseminate, lodge, plant, scatter, seed"} {"x":"space","y":"[1]amplitude, capacity, elbowroom, expanse, extension, extent, leeway, margin, play, room, scope, spaciousness, volume @@@@ [2]blank, distance, gap, interval, lacuna, omission @@@@ [3]duration, interval, period, span, time, while @@@@ [4]accommodation, berth, place, seat"} {"x":"spaceman","y":"[1]astronaut, cosmonaut"} {"x":"spacious","y":"[1]ample, broad, capacious, comfortable, commodious, expansive, extensive, huge, large, roomy, sizable or sizeable, uncrowded, vast"} {"x":"span","y":"[1]amount, distance, extent, length, reach, spread, stretch @@@@ [2]duration, period, spell, term @@@@ [3]arch across, bridge, cover, cross, extend across, link, range over, traverse, vault @@@@ [4]clean, fresh as paint, immaculate, impeccable, in apple-pie order @@@@ [5]neat as a new pin, shipshape, spotless, spruce, tidy, trim @@@@ [6]periode"} {"x":"spank","y":"[1]belt @@@@ [2]put (someone) over one's knee, slap, slipper @@@@ [3]smack, tan @@@@ [4]wallop @@@@ [5]whack"} {"x":"spar","y":"[1]argue, bicker, dispute, exchange blows, fall out @@@@ [2]have a tiff, lead a cat-and-dog life, row, scrap @@@@ [3]skirmish, spat @@@@ [4]squabble, wrangle, wrestle"} {"x":"spare","y":"[1]additional, emergency, extra, free, going begging, in excess, in reserve, leftover, odd, over, superfluous, supernumerary, surplus, unoccupied, unused, unwanted @@@@ [2]gaunt, lank, lean, macilent @@@@ [3]meagre, slender, slight, slim, wiry @@@@ [4]economical, frugal, meagre, modest, scanty, sparing @@@@ [5]become angry, become distracted, become distraught, become enraged, become mad @@@@ [6]go mental @@@@ [7]afford, allow, bestow, dispense with, do without, give, grant, let (someone) have, manage without, part with, relinquish @@@@ [8]have mercy on, leave, let off @@@@ [9]pardon, refrain from, release, relieve from, save from"} {"x":"sparing","y":"[1]careful, chary, cost-conscious, economical, frugal, money-conscious, prudent, saving, thrifty"} {"x":"spark","y":"[1]flare, flash, flicker, gleam, glint, scintillation, spit @@@@ [2]atom, hint, jot, scintilla, scrap, trace, vestige @@@@ [3]animate, excite, inspire, kick-start, kindle, precipitate, prod, provoke, rouse, set in motion, set off, start, stimulate, stir, touch off, trigger (off)"} {"x":"sparkle","y":"[1]beam, coruscate, dance, flash, gleam, glint, glisten, glister @@@@ [2]glitter, glow, scintillate, shimmer, shine, spark, twinkle, wink @@@@ [3]bubble, effervesce, fizz, fizzle @@@@ [4]brilliance, coruscation, dazzle, flash, flicker, gleam, glint, radiance, spark, twinkle @@@@ [5]animation, brio, dash, elan, gaiety, life, panache, spirit, vim @@@@ [6]vitality, vivacity, zip"} {"x":"sparse","y":"[1]few and far between, meagre, scanty, scarce, scattered, sporadic"} {"x":"spasm","y":"[1]contraction, convulsion, paroxysm, throe @@@@ [2]twitch @@@@ [3]access, burst, eruption, fit, frenzy, outburst, seizure"} {"x":"spasmodic","y":"[1]convulsive, erratic, fitful, intermittent, irregular, jerky, sporadic"} {"x":"spat","y":"[1]altercation, bicker, contention, controversy, dispute, quarrel, squabble, tiff"} {"x":"spate","y":"[1]deluge, flood, flow, outpouring, rush, torrent"} {"x":"spatter","y":"[1]bespatter, bestrew, daub, dirty, scatter, soil, speckle, splash, splodge, spray, sprinkle"} {"x":"spawn","y":"[1]issue, offspring, product, progeny, seed @@@@ [2]yield"} {"x":"speak","y":"[1]articulate, communicate, converse, discourse, enunciate, express, make known, pronounce, say, state, talk, tell, utter, voice @@@@ [2]address, argue, declaim, deliver an address, descant, discourse, harangue, hold forth, lecture, plead, speechify, spiel @@@@ [3]spout @@@@ [4]advert to, allude to, comment on, deal with, discuss, make reference to, mention, refer to @@@@ [5]accost, address, apostrophize, direct one's words at, talk to @@@@ [6]admonish, bring to book, dress down @@@@ [7]lecture, rebuke, reprimand, scold, tell off @@@@ [8]tick off @@@@ [9]warn"} {"x":"speaker","y":"[1]lecturer, mouthpiece, orator, public speaker, spieler @@@@ [2]spokesman, spokesperson, spokeswoman, word-spinner"} {"x":"speaking","y":"[1]eloquent, expressive, moving, noticeable, striking"} {"x":"special","y":"[1]distinguished, especial, exceptional, extraordinary, festive, gala, important, memorable, momentous, one in a million, out of the ordinary, red-letter, significant, uncommon, unique, unusual @@@@ [2]appropriate, certain, characteristic, distinctive, especial, individual, particular, peculiar, precise, specialized, specific @@@@ [3]chief, main, major, particular, primary"} {"x":"specialist","y":"[1]authority, buff @@@@ [2]connoisseur, consultant, expert, hotshot @@@@ [3]master, maven @@@@ [4]professional, whizz"} {"x":"species","y":"[1]breed, category, class, collection, description, genus, group, kind, sort, type, variety"} {"x":"specific","y":"[1]clear-cut, definite, exact, explicit, express, limited, particular, precise, unambiguous, unequivocal @@@@ [2]characteristic, distinguishing, especial, peculiar, special"} {"x":"specification","y":"[1]condition, detail, item, particular, qualification, requirement, stipulation"} {"x":"specify","y":"[1]be specific about, cite, define, designate, detail, enumerate, indicate, individualize, itemize, mention, name, particularize, spell out, stipulate"} {"x":"specimen","y":"[1]copy, embodiment, example, exemplar, exemplification, exhibit, individual, instance, model, pattern, proof, representative, sample, type"} {"x":"specious","y":"[1]casuistic, deceptive, fallacious, misleading, plausible, sophistic, sophistical, unsound"} {"x":"speck","y":"[1]blemish, blot, defect, dot, fault, flaw, fleck, mark, mote, speckle, spot, stain @@@@ [2]atom, bit, dot, grain, iota, jot, mite, modicum, particle, shred, tittle, whit"} {"x":"spectacle","y":"[1]display, event, exhibition, extravaganza, pageant, parade, performance, show, sight @@@@ [2]curiosity, laughing stock, marvel, phenomenon, scene, sight, wonder"} {"x":"spectacular","y":"[1]breathtaking, daring, dazzling, dramatic, eye-catching, fantastic @@@@ [2]grand, impressive, magnificent, marked, remarkable, sensational, splendid, staggering, striking, stunning @@@@ [3]display, extravaganza, show, spectacle"} {"x":"spectator","y":"[1]beholder, bystander, eyewitness, looker-on, observer, onlooker, viewer, watcher, witness"} {"x":"spectre","y":"[1]apparition, eidolon, ghost, phantom, presence, shade @@@@ [2]shadow, spirit, vision, wraith"} {"x":"speculate","y":"[1]cogitate, conjecture, consider, contemplate, deliberate, hypothesize, meditate, muse, scheme, suppose, surmise, theorize, wonder @@@@ [2]hazard, play the market, risk, take a chance with, venture"} {"x":"speculation","y":"[1]conjecture, consideration, contemplation, deliberation, guess, guesswork, hypothesis, opinion, supposition, surmise, theory @@@@ [2]gamble, gambling, hazard, risk"} {"x":"speculative","y":"[1]abstract, academic, conjectural, hypothetical, notional, suppositional, tentative, theoretical @@@@ [2]chancy @@@@ [3]dicey @@@@ [4]hazardous, risky, uncertain, unpredictable"} {"x":"speech","y":"[1]communication, conversation, dialogue, discussion, intercourse, talk @@@@ [2]address, discourse, disquisition, harangue, homily, lecture, oration, spiel @@@@ [3]articulation, dialect, diction, enunciation, idiom, jargon, language, lingo @@@@ [4]parlance, tongue, utterance, voice @@@@ [5]conceit, image, trope, turn of phrase"} {"x":"speed","y":"[1]acceleration, celerity, expedition, fleetness, haste, hurry, momentum, pace, precipitation, quickness, rapidity, rush, swiftness, velocity @@@@ [2]barrel (along) @@@@ [3]belt (along) @@@@ [4]bomb (along), bowl along, burn rubber @@@@ [5]career, dispatch, exceed the speed limit, expedite, flash, gallop, get a move on @@@@ [6]go like the wind, hasten, hurry, lose no time, make haste, press on, put one's foot down @@@@ [7]quicken, race, rush, sprint, step on it @@@@ [8]tear, urge, zoom @@@@ [9]advance, aid, assist, boost, expedite, facilitate, further, help, impel, promote @@@@ [10]advance, aid, assist, boost, expedite, facilitate, further, help, impel, promote"} {"x":"spell","y":"[1]bout, course, interval, patch, period, season, stint, stretch, term, time, tour of duty, turn @@@@ [2]abracadabra, charm, conjuration, exorcism, incantation, sorcery, witchery @@@@ [3]allure, bewitchment, enchantment, fascination, glamour, magic, trance @@@@ [4]amount to, augur, herald, imply, indicate, mean, point to, portend, presage, promise, signify, suggest"} {"x":"spend","y":"[1]disburse, expend, fork out @@@@ [2]lay out, pay out, shell out @@@@ [3]splash out @@@@ [4]blow @@@@ [5]consume, deplete, dispense, dissipate, drain, empty, exhaust, fritter away, run through, squander, use up, waste @@@@ [6]apply, bestow, concentrate, devote, employ, exert, invest, lavish, put in, use @@@@ [7]fill, occupy, pass, while away"} {"x":"spendthrift","y":"[1]big spender, prodigal, profligate, spender, squanderer, waster, wastrel @@@@ [2]extravagant, improvident, prodigal, profligate, wasteful"} {"x":"spent","y":"[1]all in @@@@ [2]burnt out, bushed @@@@ [3]clapped out @@@@ [4]dead beat @@@@ [5]debilitated, dog-tired @@@@ [6]drained, effete, exhausted, fagged (out) @@@@ [7]knackered @@@@ [8]played out @@@@ [9]shagged out @@@@ [10]shattered @@@@ [11]tired out, weakened, wearied, weary, whacked @@@@ [12]wiped out @@@@ [13]worn out, zonked @@@@ [14]consumed, expended, finished, gone, used up"} {"x":"sperm","y":"[1]scum @@@@ [2]seed @@@@ [3]semen, spermatozoa @@@@ [4]male gamete, reproductive cell, spermatozoon"} {"x":"spew","y":"[1]barf @@@@ [2]chunder @@@@ [3]puke @@@@ [4]regurgitate, spit out, throw up @@@@ [5]upchuck @@@@ [6]vomit"} {"x":"sphere","y":"[1]ball, circle, globe, globule, orb @@@@ [2]capacity, compass, department, domain, employment, field, function, pale, patch, province, range, rank, realm, scope, station, stratum, territory, turf"} {"x":"spherical","y":"[1]globe-shaped, globular, orbicular, rotund, round"} {"x":"spice","y":"[1]relish, savour, seasoning @@@@ [2]colour, excitement, gusto, kick @@@@ [3]pep, piquancy, tang, zap @@@@ [4]zest, zing @@@@ [5]zip"} {"x":"spike","y":"[1]barb, point, prong, spine @@@@ [2]impale, spear, spit, stick @@@@ [3]block, foil, frustrate, render ineffective, thwart"} {"x":"spill","y":"[1]discharge, disgorge, overflow, overturn, scatter, shed, slop over, spill or run over, teem, throw off, upset @@@@ [2]betray a secret, blab, blow the gaff @@@@ [3]sing @@@@ [4]split @@@@ [5]squeal @@@@ [6]talk out of turn, tattle, tell all @@@@ [7]accident, cropper @@@@ [8]fall, tumble"} {"x":"spin","y":"[1]birl @@@@ [2]gyrate, pirouette, reel, revolve, rotate, turn, twirl, twist, wheel, whirl @@@@ [3]concoct, develop, invent, narrate, recount, relate, tell, unfold @@@@ [4]be giddy, be in a whirl, grow dizzy, reel, swim, whirl @@@@ [5]gyration, revolution, roll, twist, whirl @@@@ [6]agitation, commotion, flap @@@@ [7]mind-fuck @@@@ [8]panic, state @@@@ [9]tiz-woz @@@@ [10]tizzy @@@@ [11]drive, hurl @@@@ [12]joy ride @@@@ [13]ride, turn, whirl @@@@ [14]amplify, delay, drag out, draw out, extend, lengthen, pad out, prolong, prolongate, protract"} {"x":"spine","y":"[1]backbone, spinal column, vertebrae, vertebral column @@@@ [2]barb, needle, quill, rachis, ray, spike, spur @@@@ [3]bloodcurdling, eerie, frightening, hair-raising, horrifying, scary @@@@ [4]spooky @@@@ [5]terrifying"} {"x":"spiral","y":"[1]circular, cochlear, cochleate @@@@ [2]coiled, corkscrew, helical, scrolled, voluted, whorled, winding @@@@ [3]coil, corkscrew, curlicue, gyre @@@@ [4]helix, screw, volute, whorl"} {"x":"spirit","y":"[1]air, breath, life, life force, psyche, soul, vital spark @@@@ [2]attitude, character, complexion, disposition, essence, humour, outlook, quality, temper, temperament @@@@ [3]animation, ardour, backbone, balls @@@@ [4]ballsiness @@@@ [5]brio, courage, dauntlessness, earnestness, energy, enterprise, enthusiasm, fire, force, gameness, grit, guts @@@@ [6]life, liveliness, mettle, resolution, sparkle, spunk @@@@ [7]stoutheartedness, vigour, warmth, zest @@@@ [8]motivation, resolution, resolve, will, willpower @@@@ [9]atmosphere, feeling, gist, humour, tenor, tone @@@@ [10]essence, intent, intention, meaning, purport, purpose, sense, substance @@@@ [11]feelings, frame of mind, humour, mood, morale @@@@ [12]apparition, eidolon, ghost, phantom, shade @@@@ [13]shadow, spectre, spook @@@@ [14]sprite, vision @@@@ [15]abduct, abstract, carry, convey, make away with, purloin, remove, seize, snaffle @@@@ [16]steal, whisk"} {"x":"spirits","y":"[1]alcohol, firewater, liquor, strong liquor, the hard stuff @@@@ [2]abandon, boisterousness, exhilaration, exuberance, good cheer, hilarity, joie de vivre, rare good humour"} {"x":"spiritual","y":"[1]devotional, divine, ethereal, ghostly, holy, immaterial, incorporeal, nonmaterial, otherworldly, pure, religious, sacred"} {"x":"spit","y":"[1]discharge, eject, expectorate, hiss, spew, splutter, sputter, throw out @@@@ [2]dribble, drool, saliva, slaver, spittle, sputum"} {"x":"spite","y":"[1]animosity, bitchiness @@@@ [2]gall, grudge, hate, hatred, ill will, malevolence, malice, malignity, pique, rancour, spitefulness, spleen, venom @@@@ [3]despite, (even) though, in defiance of, notwithstanding, regardless of @@@@ [4]annoy, discomfit, gall, harm, hurt, injure, needle @@@@ [5]nettle, offend, pique, provoke, put out, put (someone's) nose out of joint @@@@ [6]vex"} {"x":"splash","y":"[1]bespatter, shower, slop, slosh @@@@ [2]spatter, splodge, spray, spread, sprinkle, squirt, strew, wet @@@@ [3]bathe, dabble, paddle, plunge, wade, wallow @@@@ [4]batter, break, buffet, dash, plash, plop, smack, strike, surge, wash @@@@ [5]blazon, broadcast, flaunt, headline, plaster, publicize, tout, trumpet @@@@ [6]burst, dash, patch, spattering, splodge, touch @@@@ [7]display, effect, impact, sensation, splurge, stir @@@@ [8]be ostentatious, cause a stir, cut a dash, go overboard @@@@ [9]spare no expense, spend, splurge"} {"x":"spleen","y":"[1]acrimony, anger, animosity, animus, bad temper, bile, bitterness, gall, hatred, hostility, ill humour, ill will, malevolence, malice, malignity, peevishness, pique, rancour, resentment, spite, spitefulness, venom, vindictiveness, wrath"} {"x":"splendid","y":"[1]admirable, brilliant, exceptional, glorious, grand, heroic, illustrious, magnificent, outstanding, rare, remarkable, renowned, sterling, sublime, superb, supreme @@@@ [2]costly, dazzling, gorgeous, imposing, impressive, lavish, luxurious, magnificent, ornate, resplendent, rich, splendiferous @@@@ [3]sumptuous, superb @@@@ [4]awesome @@@@ [5]bodacious @@@@ [6]boffo @@@@ [7]brill @@@@ [8]chillin' @@@@ [9]cracking @@@@ [10]crucial @@@@ [11]def @@@@ [12]excellent, fantastic @@@@ [13]fine, first-class, glorious, great @@@@ [14]marvellous, mean @@@@ [15]mega @@@@ [16]sovereign, topping @@@@ [17]wonderful @@@@ [18]beaming, bright, brilliant, glittering, glowing, lustrous, radiant, refulgent"} {"x":"splenetic","y":"[1]acid, bitchy @@@@ [2]choleric, churlish, crabbed, crabby, cross, envenomed, fretful, irascible, irritable, morose, peevish, petulant, rancorous, ratty @@@@ [3]sour, spiteful, sullen, testy, tetchy, touchy"} {"x":"splice","y":"[1]braid, entwine, graft, interlace, intertwine, intertwist, interweave, join, knit, marry, mesh, plait, unite, wed, yoke"} {"x":"splinter","y":"[1]chip, flake, fragment, needle, paring, shaving, sliver @@@@ [2]break into smithereens, disintegrate, fracture, shatter, shiver, split"} {"x":"split","y":"[1]bifurcate, branch, break, break up, burst, cleave, come apart, come undone, crack, disband, disunite, diverge, fork, gape, give way, go separate ways, open, part, pull apart, rend, rip, separate, slash, slit, snap, splinter @@@@ [2]allocate, allot, apportion, carve up, distribute, divide, divvy up @@@@ [3]dole out, halve, parcel out, partition, share out, slice up @@@@ [4]betray, give away, grass @@@@ [5]inform on, peach @@@@ [6]shop @@@@ [7]sing @@@@ [8]squeal @@@@ [9]breach, crack, damage, division, fissure, gap, rent, rip, separation, slash, slit, tear @@@@ [10]breach, break, break-up, difference, discord, disruption, dissension, disunion, divergence, division, estrangement, partition, rift, rupture, schism @@@@ [11]ambivalent, bisected, broken, cleft, cracked, divided, dual, fractured, ruptured, twofold @@@@ [12]break up, disband, divorce, go separate ways, part, part company, separate"} {"x":"spoil","y":"[1]blemish, blow @@@@ [2]damage, debase, deface, destroy, disfigure, harm, impair, injure, mar, mess up, put a damper on, ruin, scar, total @@@@ [3]trash @@@@ [4]undo, upset, wreck @@@@ [5]baby, cocker @@@@ [6]coddle, cosset, indulge, kill with kindness, mollycoddle, overindulge, pamper, spoon-feed @@@@ [7]addle, become tainted, curdle, decay, decompose, go bad, go off @@@@ [8]mildew, putrefy, rot, turn @@@@ [9]bent upon, desirous of, eager for, enthusiastic about, keen to, looking for, out to get @@@@ [10]raring to"} {"x":"spoken","y":"[1]by word of mouth, expressed, oral, phonetic, put into words, said, told, unwritten, uttered, verbal, viva voce, voiced @@@@ [2]blunt, candid, direct, downright, explicit, forthright, frank, open, outright, outspoken, straightforward, unequivocal, upfront"} {"x":"sponsor","y":"[1]angel @@@@ [2]backer, godparent, guarantor, patron, promoter @@@@ [3]back, finance, fund, guarantee, lend one's name to, patronize, promote, put up the money for, subsidize"} {"x":"spontaneous","y":"[1]extempore, free, impromptu, impulsive, instinctive, natural, unbidden, uncompelled, unconstrained, unforced, unpremeditated, unprompted, voluntary, willing"} {"x":"spontaneously","y":"[1]extempore, freely, impromptu, impulsively, instinctively, in the heat of the moment, off one's own bat, off the cuff @@@@ [2]of one's own accord, on impulse, quite unprompted, voluntarily"} {"x":"spoof","y":"[1]burlesque, caricature, lampoon, mockery, parody, satire, send-up @@@@ [2]take-off @@@@ [3]travesty @@@@ [4]bluff, canard, deception, game, hoax, joke, leg-pull @@@@ [5]prank, trick"} {"x":"sporadic","y":"[1]infrequent, intermittent, irregular, isolated, occasional, on and off, random, scattered, spasmodic"} {"x":"sport","y":"[1]amusement, diversion, entertainment, exercise, game, pastime, physical activity, play, recreation @@@@ [2]badinage, banter, frolic, fun, jest, joking, josh @@@@ [3]kidding @@@@ [4]merriment, mirth, raillery, teasing @@@@ [5]buffoon, butt, derision, fair game, game, laughing stock, mockery, plaything, ridicule @@@@ [6]amuse oneself, dally, flirt, fool, play, take advantage of, toy, treat lightly or cavalierly, trifle @@@@ [7]display, exhibit, show off, wear @@@@ [8]caper, disport, frolic, gambol, play, romp"} {"x":"spot","y":"[1]blemish, blot, blotch, daub, discoloration, flaw, mark, pimple, plook @@@@ [2]pustule, scar, smudge, speck, speckle, stain, taint, zit @@@@ [3]locality, location, place, point, position, scene, site, situation @@@@ [4]bit, little, morsel, splash @@@@ [5]difficulty, hot water @@@@ [6]mess, plight, predicament, quandary, tight spot, trouble @@@@ [7]behold @@@@ [8]catch sight of, descry, detect, discern, espy, identify, make out, observe, pick out, recognize, see, sight @@@@ [9]besmirch, blot, dirty, dot, fleck, mark, mottle, scar, smirch, soil, spatter, speckle, splodge, splotch, stain, sully, taint, tarnish @@@@ [10]fondness, liking, partiality, weakness @@@@ [11]accurate, correct, exact, hitting the nail on the head @@@@ [12]precise, punctual (to the minute), right, unerring"} {"x":"spotlight","y":"[1]accentuate, draw attention to, feature, focus attention on, give prominence to, highlight, illuminate, point up, throw into relief @@@@ [2]attention, fame, interest, limelight, notoriety, public attention, public eye"} {"x":"spout","y":"[1]discharge, emit, erupt, gush, jet, shoot, spray, spurt, squirt, stream, surge @@@@ [2]declaim, expatiate, go on @@@@ [3]hold forth, orate, pontificate, rabbit (on) @@@@ [4]ramble (on), rant, speechify, spiel @@@@ [5]talk"} {"x":"sprawl","y":"[1]flop, loll, lounge, ramble, slouch, slump, spread, straggle, trail"} {"x":"spray","y":"[1]atomize, diffuse, scatter, shower, sprinkle @@@@ [2]drizzle, droplets, fine mist, moisture, spindrift, spoondrift @@@@ [3]aerosol, atomizer, sprinkler @@@@ [4]bough, branch, corsage, floral arrangement, shoot, sprig"} {"x":"spread","y":"[1]be displayed, bloat, broaden, dilate, expand, extend, fan out, open, open out, sprawl, stretch, swell, unfold, unfurl, unroll, widen @@@@ [2]escalate, multiply, mushroom, proliferate @@@@ [3]advertise, blazon, broadcast, bruit, cast, circulate, cover, diffuse, disseminate, distribute, make known, make public, proclaim, promulgate, propagate, publicize, publish, radiate, scatter, shed, strew, transmit @@@@ [4]arrange, array, cover, furnish, lay, prepare, set @@@@ [5]advance, advancement, development, diffusion, dispersal, dissemination, escalation, expansion, increase, proliferation, spreading, suffusion, transmission @@@@ [6]compass, extent, period, reach, span, stretch, sweep, term @@@@ [7]array, banquet, blowout @@@@ [8]feast, repast"} {"x":"spree","y":"[1]bacchanalia, beano @@@@ [2]bender @@@@ [3]binge @@@@ [4]carousal, carouse, debauch, fling, jag @@@@ [5]junketing, orgy, revel, splurge"} {"x":"sprightly","y":"[1]active, agile, airy, alert, animated, blithe, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, brisk, cheerful, energetic, frolicsome, gay, jaunty, joyous, lively, ludic @@@@ [2]nimble, perky, playful, spirited, sportive, spry, vivacious"} {"x":"spring","y":"[1]bounce, bound, hop, jump, leap, rebound, recoil, vault @@@@ [2]arise, be derived, be descended, come, derive, descend, emanate, emerge, grow, issue, originate, proceed, start, stem @@@@ [3]appear, burgeon, come into existence or being, develop, mushroom, shoot up @@@@ [4]bound, buck, hop, jump, leap, saltation, vault @@@@ [5]bounce, bounciness, buoyancy, elasticity, flexibility, give @@@@ [6]recoil, resilience, springiness @@@@ [7]beginning, cause, fount, fountainhead, origin, root, source, well, wellspring @@@@ [8]springlike, vernal"} {"x":"sprinkle","y":"[1]dredge, dust, pepper, powder, scatter, shower, spray, strew"} {"x":"sprint","y":"[1]barrel (along) @@@@ [2]dart, dash, go at top speed, go like a bomb @@@@ [3]hare @@@@ [4]hotfoot, put on a burst of speed, race, scamper, shoot, tear, whizz"} {"x":"sprite","y":"[1]apparition, brownie, dryad, elf, fairy, goblin, imp, leprechaun, naiad, nymph, Oceanid @@@@ [2]peri, pixie, spirit, sylph"} {"x":"sprout","y":"[1]bud, develop, germinate, grow, push, shoot, spring, vegetate @@@@ [2]When leaves, shoots, or plants sprout somewhere, they grow there."} {"x":"spruce","y":"[1]as if one had just stepped out of a bandbox, dainty, dapper, elegant, natty @@@@ [2]neat, smart, soigne or soignee, trig @@@@ [3]trim, well-groomed, well turned out"} {"x":"spry","y":"[1]active, agile, alert, brisk, nimble, nippy @@@@ [2]quick, ready, sprightly, supple"} {"x":"spunk","y":"[1]backbone, balls @@@@ [2]ballsiness @@@@ [3]bottle @@@@ [4]courage, gameness, grit, gumption @@@@ [5]guts @@@@ [6]mettle, nerve, pluck, resolution, spirit, toughness"} {"x":"spur","y":"[1]animate, drive, goad, impel, incite, press, prick, prod, prompt, put a bomb under @@@@ [2]stimulate, urge @@@@ [3]goad, prick, rowel @@@@ [4]impetus, impulse, incentive, incitement, inducement, kick up the backside @@@@ [5]motive, stimulus @@@@ [6]impetuously, impromptu, impulsively, on impulse, on the spot, unpremeditatedly, unthinkingly, without planning, without thinking"} {"x":"spurious","y":"[1]artificial, bogus, contrived, counterfeit, deceitful, ersatz, fake, false, feigned, forged, imitation, mock, phoney or phony @@@@ [2]pretended, pseudo @@@@ [3]sham, simulated, specious, unauthentic"} {"x":"spurn","y":"[1]cold-shoulder, contemn, despise, disdain, disregard, kick in the teeth @@@@ [2]put down, rebuff, reject, repulse, scorn, slight, snub, turn one's nose up at"} {"x":"spurt","y":"[1]burst, erupt, gush, jet, shoot, spew, squirt, surge @@@@ [2]access, burst, fit, rush, spate, surge @@@@ [3]A spurtof activity, effort, or emotion is a sudden, brief period of intense activity, effort, or emotion."} {"x":"spy","y":"[1]double agent, fifth columnist, foreign agent, mole, nark @@@@ [2]secret agent, secret service agent, undercover agent @@@@ [3]follow, keep under surveillance, keep watch on, shadow, tail @@@@ [4]trail, watch @@@@ [5]behold @@@@ [6]catch sight of, descry, espy, glimpse, notice, observe, set eyes on, spot"} {"x":"squabble","y":"[1]argue, bicker, brawl, clash, dispute, fall out @@@@ [2]fight, fight like cat and dog, go at it hammer and tongs, have words, quarrel, row, scrap @@@@ [3]spar, wrangle @@@@ [4]argument, bagarre, barney @@@@ [5]difference of opinion, disagreement, dispute, fight, row, scrap @@@@ [6]set-to @@@@ [7]spat, tiff"} {"x":"squad","y":"[1]band, company, crew, force, gang, group, team, troop"} {"x":"squalid","y":"[1]broken-down, decayed, dirty, disgusting, fetid, filthy, foul, low, nasty, poverty-stricken, repulsive, run-down, seedy, sleazy, slovenly, slummy, sordid, unclean, yucky or yukky"} {"x":"squalor","y":"[1]decay, filth, foulness, meanness, sleaziness, slumminess, squalidness, wretchedness"} {"x":"squander","y":"[1]consume, dissipate, expend, fritter away, frivol away, lavish, misspend, misuse, run through, scatter, spend, spend like water, throw away, waste"} {"x":"square","y":"[1]accord, agree, conform, correspond, fit, harmonize, match, reconcile, tally @@@@ [2]balance, clear (up), discharge, liquidate, make even, pay off, quit, satisfy, settle @@@@ [3]accommodate, adapt, adjust, align, even up, level, regulate, suit, tailor, true (up) @@@@ [4]bribe, buy off, corrupt, fix @@@@ [5]rig, suborn @@@@ [6]aboveboard, decent, equitable, ethical, fair, fair and square, genuine, honest, just, kosher @@@@ [7]on the up and up, straight, straightforward, upfront @@@@ [8]upright @@@@ [9]behind the times, bourgeois, conservative, conventional, dated, old-fashioned, out of date, out of the ark @@@@ [10]Pooterish, straight @@@@ [11]strait-laced, stuffy @@@@ [12]antediluvian, back number @@@@ [13]conservative, die-hard, dinosaur, fuddy-duddy @@@@ [14]old buffer @@@@ [15](old) fogey, stick-in-the-mud @@@@ [16]traditionalist"} {"x":"squash","y":"[1]compress, crush, distort, flatten, mash, pound, press, pulp, smash, stamp on, trample down @@@@ [2]annihilate, crush, humiliate, put down @@@@ [3]put (someone) in his (or her) place, quash, quell, silence, sit on @@@@ [4]suppress"} {"x":"squawk","y":"[1]cackle, crow, cry, hoot, screech, yelp @@@@ [2]protest, raise Cain @@@@ [3]squeal"} {"x":"squeak","y":"[1]peep, pipe, shrill, squeal, whine, yelp"} {"x":"squeal","y":"[1]scream, screech, shriek, wail, yell, yelp, yowl @@@@ [2]scream, screech, shout, shriek, shrill, wail, yelp @@@@ [3]betray, blab, blow the gaff @@@@ [4]grass @@@@ [5]inform on, peach @@@@ [6]rat on @@@@ [7]shop @@@@ [8]sing @@@@ [9]snitch @@@@ [10]tell all @@@@ [11]moan, protest, squawk"} {"x":"squeamish","y":"[1]delicate, fastidious, finicky, nice @@@@ [2]particular, prissy @@@@ [3]prudish, punctilious, scrupulous, strait-laced @@@@ [4]nauseous, qualmish, queasy, queer, sick, sickish"} {"x":"squeeze","y":"[1]clutch, compress, crush, grip, nip, pinch, press, squash, wring @@@@ [2]cram, crowd, force, jam, jostle, pack, press, ram, stuff, thrust, wedge @@@@ [3]clasp, cuddle, embrace, enfold, hold tight, hug @@@@ [4]bleed @@@@ [5]milk, oppress, pressurize, put the screws on @@@@ [6]wrest @@@@ [7]clasp, embrace, handclasp, hold, hug @@@@ [8]congestion, crowd, crush, jam, press, squash"} {"x":"squint","y":"[1]askew, aslant, awry, cockeyed, crooked, oblique, off-centre, skew-whiff"} {"x":"squire","y":"[1]accompany, attend, companion, escort"} {"x":"squirm","y":"[1]agonize, fidget, flounder, shift, twist, wiggle, wriggle, writhe"} {"x":"stab","y":"[1]bayonet, cut, gore, impale, injure, jab, knife, pierce, puncture, run through, spear, spill blood, stick, thrust, transfix, wound @@@@ [2]betray, break faith with, deceive, do the dirty on @@@@ [3]double-cross @@@@ [4]give the Judas kiss to, inform on, let down, play false, sell, sell out @@@@ [5]slander @@@@ [6]gash, incision, jab, puncture, rent, thrust, wound @@@@ [7]ache, pang, prick, twinge @@@@ [8]attempt, endeavour, essay, give it one's best shot @@@@ [9]try, try one's hand at, venture"} {"x":"stability","y":"[1]constancy, durability, firmness, permanence, solidity, soundness, steadfastness, steadiness, strength"} {"x":"stable","y":"[1]abiding, constant, deep-rooted, durable, enduring, established, fast, firm, fixed, immovable, immutable, invariable, lasting, permanent, reliable, secure, sound, staunch, steadfast, steady, strong, sturdy, sure, unalterable, unchangeable, unwavering, well-founded"} {"x":"stack","y":"[1]clamp @@@@ [2]cock, heap, hoard, load, mass, mound, mountain, pile, rick @@@@ [3]accumulate, amass, assemble, bank up, heap up, load, pile, stockpile"} {"x":"staff","y":"[1]employees, lecturers, officers, organization, personnel, teachers, team, workers, workforce @@@@ [2]cane, crook, pole, prop, rod, sceptre, stave, wand"} {"x":"stage","y":"[1]division, juncture, lap, leg, length, level, period, phase, point, step @@@@ [2]arrange, do, engineer, give, lay on, mount, orchestrate, organize, perform, play, present, produce, put on"} {"x":"stagger","y":"[1]falter, hesitate, lurch, reel, sway, teeter, totter, vacillate, waver, wobble @@@@ [2]amaze, astonish, astound, bowl over @@@@ [3]confound, dumbfound, flabbergast, give (someone) a shock, nonplus, overwhelm, shake, shock, strike (someone) dumb, stun, stupefy, surprise, take (someone) aback, take (someone's) breath away, throw off balance @@@@ [4]alternate, overlap, step, zigzag"} {"x":"stagnant","y":"[1]brackish, motionless, quiet, sluggish, stale, standing, still"} {"x":"stagnate","y":"[1]decay, decline, deteriorate, fester, go to seed, idle, languish, lie fallow, rot, rust, stand still, vegetate"} {"x":"stagnation","y":"[1]no activitiy"} {"x":"staid","y":"[1]calm, composed, decorous, demure, grave, quiet, sedate, self-restrained, serious, set in one's ways, sober, solemn, steady"} {"x":"stain","y":"[1]blemish, blot, colour, dirty, discolour, dye, mark, smirch, soil, spot, tarnish, tinge @@@@ [2]besmirch, blacken, contaminate, corrupt, defile, deprave, disgrace, drag through the mud, sully, taint @@@@ [3]blemish, blot, discoloration, dye, smirch, spot, tint @@@@ [4]blemish, blot on the escutcheon, disgrace, dishonour, infamy, reproach, shame, slur, stigma"} {"x":"stake","y":"[1]pale, paling, palisade, picket, pole, post, spike, stave, stick @@@@ [2]brace, prop, secure, support, tether, tie up @@@@ [3]define, delimit, demarcate, lay claim to, mark out, outline, reserve @@@@ [4]ante, bet, chance, hazard, peril, pledge, risk, venture, wager @@@@ [5]claim, concern, interest, investment, involvement, share @@@@ [6]bet, chance, gamble, hazard, imperil, jeopardize, pledge, put on, risk, venture, wager"} {"x":"stale","y":"[1]decayed, dry, faded, fetid, flat, fusty, hard, insipid, musty, old, sour, stagnant, tasteless @@@@ [2]antiquated, banal, cliche-ridden, common, commonplace, drab, effete, flat, hackneyed, insipid, old hat, overused, platitudinous, repetitious, stereotyped, threadbare, trite, unoriginal, worn-out"} {"x":"stalk","y":"[1]creep up on, follow, haunt, hunt, pursue, shadow, tail @@@@ [2]track @@@@ [3]flounce, march, pace, stride, strut"} {"x":"stall","y":"[1]hedge, play for time, stonewall, temporize"} {"x":"stalwart","y":"[1]athletic, beefy @@@@ [2]brawny, daring, dependable, hefty @@@@ [3]husky @@@@ [4]indomitable, intrepid, lusty, manly, muscular, redoubtable, robust, rugged, sinewy, staunch, stout, strapping, strong, sturdy, valiant, vigorous"} {"x":"stamina","y":"[1]endurance, energy, force, grit, indefatigability, lustiness, power, power of endurance, resilience, resistance, staying power, strength, tenacity, vigour"} {"x":"stammer","y":"[1]falter, hem and haw, hesitate, pause, splutter, stumble, stutter"} {"x":"stamp","y":"[1]beat, crush, trample @@@@ [2]engrave, fix, impress, imprint, inscribe, mark, mould, print @@@@ [3]betray, brand, categorize, exhibit, identify, label, mark, pronounce, reveal, show to be, typecast @@@@ [4]brand, cast, earmark, hallmark, imprint, mark, mould, signature @@@@ [5]breed, cast, character, cut, description, fashion, form, kind, sort, type @@@@ [6]philately @@@@ [7]crush, destroy, eliminate, eradicate, extinguish, extirpate, put down, put out, quell, quench, scotch, suppress"} {"x":"stampede","y":"[1]charge, flight, rout, rush, scattering"} {"x":"stance","y":"[1]bearing, carriage, deportment, posture @@@@ [2]attitude, position, stand, standpoint, viewpoint"} {"x":"stanch","y":"[1]arrest, check, dam, halt, plug, stay, stem, stop"} {"x":"stand","y":"[1]be erect, be upright, be vertical, rise @@@@ [2]mount, place, position, put, rank, set @@@@ [3]be in force, belong, be situated or located, be valid, continue, exist, halt, hold, obtain, pause, prevail, remain, rest, stay, stop @@@@ [4]abide, allow, bear, brook, cope with, countenance, endure, experience, hack @@@@ [5]stomach, submit to, suffer, support, sustain, take, thole @@@@ [6]tolerate, undergo, wear @@@@ [7]weather, withstand @@@@ [8]halt, rest, standstill, stay, stop, stopover @@@@ [9]attitude, determination, firm stand, opinion, position, stance, standpoint @@@@ [10]base, booth, bracket, dais, frame, grandstand, place, platform, rack, rank, stage, staging, stall, stance @@@@ [11]support, table, tripod, trivet @@@@ [12]back, befriend, be loyal to, champion, defend, stick up for @@@@ [13]support, take (someone's) part, uphold @@@@ [14]be prepared, wait, wait in the wings @@@@ [15]betoken, denote, exemplify, indicate, mean, represent, signify, symbolize @@@@ [16]bear, brook, endure, lie down under @@@@ [17]put up with, suffer, tolerate, wear @@@@ [18]cover for, deputize for, do duty for, hold the fort for, replace, represent, substitute for, take the place of, understudy @@@@ [19]attract attention, be conspicuous, be distinct, be highlighted, be obvious, be prominent, be striking, be thrown into relief, bulk large, catch the eye, leap to the eye, project, stare one in the face @@@@ [20]champion, come to the defence of, defend, side with, stick up for @@@@ [21]support, uphold @@@@ [22]brave, confront, defy, endure, oppose, resist, tackle, withstand"} {"x":"standard","y":"[1]average, benchmark, canon, criterion, example, gauge, grade, guide, guideline, measure, model, norm, par, pattern, principle, requirement, rule, sample, specification, touchstone, type, yardstick @@@@ [2]code of honour, ethics, ideals, moral principles, morals, principles @@@@ [3]accepted, average, basic, customary, normal, orthodox, popular, prevailing, regular, set, staple, stock, typical, usual @@@@ [4]approved, authoritative, classic, definitive, established, official, recognized"} {"x":"standardize","y":"[1]assimilate, bring into line, institutionalize, mass-produce, regiment, stereotype"} {"x":"standing","y":"[1]condition, credit, eminence, estimation, footing, position, rank, reputation, repute, station, status @@@@ [2]continuance, duration, existence, experience @@@@ [3]fixed, lasting, permanent, perpetual, regular, repeated @@@@ [4]erect, perpendicular, rampant @@@@ [5]upended, upright, vertical @@@@ [6]abiding, enduring, established, fixed, hallowed by time, long-established, long-lasting, long-lived, time-honoured"} {"x":"staple","y":"[1]basic, chief, essential, fundamental, key, main, predominant, primary, principal"} {"x":"star","y":"[1]heavenly body @@@@ [2]big name, celeb @@@@ [3]celebrity, draw, idol, lead, leading man or lady, luminary, main attraction, megastar @@@@ [4]name @@@@ [5]brilliant, celebrated, illustrious, leading, major, paramount, principal, prominent, talented, well-known @@@@ [6]lodestar, Polaris, Pole Star"} {"x":"stare","y":"[1]gape, gawk, gawp @@@@ [2]gaze, goggle, look, ogle, rubberneck @@@@ [3]watch"} {"x":"stark","y":"[1]absolute, arrant, bald, bare, blunt, consummate, downright, entire, flagrant, out-and-out, palpable, patent, pure, sheer, simple, unalloyed, unmitigated, utter @@@@ [2]austere, bare, barren, bleak, cold, depressing, desolate, drear @@@@ [3]dreary, forsaken, godforsaken, grim, hard, harsh, plain, severe, solitary, unadorned @@@@ [4]absolutely, altogether, clean, completely, entirely, quite, utterly, wholly @@@@ [5]buck naked @@@@ [6]nude, scuddy @@@@ [7]stark, starkers @@@@ [8]stripped, unclad, undressed, without a stitch on"} {"x":"start","y":"[1]appear, arise, begin, come into being, come into existence, commence, depart, first see the light of day, get on the road, get under way, go ahead, hit the road @@@@ [2]issue, leave, originate, pitch in @@@@ [3]sally forth, set off, set out @@@@ [4]activate, embark upon, engender, enter upon, get going, get (something) off the ground @@@@ [5]get the ball rolling, initiate, instigate, kick off @@@@ [6]kick-start, make a beginning, open, originate, put one's hand to the plough @@@@ [7]trigger, turn on @@@@ [8]begin, create, establish, father, found, inaugurate, initiate, institute, introduce, launch, lay the foundations of, pioneer, set up @@@@ [9]blench, flinch, jerk, jump, recoil, shy, twitch @@@@ [10]beginning, birth, commencement, dawn, first step(s), foundation, inauguration, inception, initiation, kickoff @@@@ [11]onset, opening, opening move, outset @@@@ [12]advantage, edge, head start, lead @@@@ [13]backing, break @@@@ [14]chance, helping hand, introduction, opening, opportunity, sponsorship @@@@ [15]convulsion, jar, jump, spasm, twitch"} {"x":"startle","y":"[1]agitate, alarm, amaze, astonish, astound, frighten, give (someone) a turn @@@@ [2]make (someone) jump, scare, shock, surprise, take (someone) aback"} {"x":"starving","y":"[1]esurient, faint from lack of food, famished, hungering, hungry, ravenous, ready to eat a horse @@@@ [2]sharp-set, starved"} {"x":"stash","y":"[1]cache, hide, hoard, lay up, put aside for a rainy day, salt away, save up, secrete, stockpile, stow"} {"x":"state","y":"[1]affirm, articulate, assert, asseverate, aver, declare, enumerate, explain, expound, express, present, propound, put, report, say, specify, utter, voice @@@@ [2]case, category, circumstances, condition, mode, pass, plight, position, predicament, shape, situation, state of affairs @@@@ [3]attitude, frame of mind, humour, mood, spirits @@@@ [4]ceremony, dignity, display, glory, grandeur, majesty, pomp, splendour, style @@@@ [5]bother, flap @@@@ [6]mind-fuck @@@@ [7]panic, pother, tiz-woz @@@@ [8]tizzy @@@@ [9]anxious, distressed, disturbed, flustered, het up, panic-stricken, ruffled, upset, uptight @@@@ [10]body politic, commonwealth, country, federation, government, kingdom, land, nation, republic, territory"} {"x":"statement","y":"[1]account, announcement, communication, communique, declaration, explanation, proclamation, recital, relation, report, testimony, utterance"} {"x":"static","y":"[1]changeless, constant, fixed, immobile, inert, motionless, stagnant, stationary, still, stock-still, unmoving, unvarying"} {"x":"station","y":"[1]base, depot, headquarters, location, place, position, post, seat, situation @@@@ [2]appointment, business, calling, employment, grade, occupation, position, post, rank, situation, sphere, standing, status @@@@ [3]assign, establish, fix, garrison, install, locate, post, set"} {"x":"stationary","y":"[1]at a standstill, fixed, inert, moored, motionless, parked, standing, static, stock-still, unmoving"} {"x":"statuesque","y":"[1]dignified, imposing, Junoesque, majestic, regal, stately"} {"x":"stature","y":"[1]consequence, eminence, high station, importance, prestige, prominence, rank, size, standing"} {"x":"status","y":"[1]condition, consequence, degree, distinction, eminence, grade, position, prestige, rank, standing"} {"x":"statute","y":"[1]act, decree, edict, enactment, ordinance, regulation, rule"} {"x":"staunch","y":"[1]constant, dependable, faithful, firm, immovable, loyal, reliable, resolute, sound, stalwart, steadfast, stout, strong, sure, tried and true, true, true-blue, trustworthy, trusty @@@@ [2]arrest, check, dam, halt, plug, stay, stem, stop @@@@ [3]constant, dependable, faithful, firm, immovable, loyal, reliable, resolute, sound, stalwart, steadfast, stout, strong, sure, tried and true, true, true-blue, trustworthy, trusty"} {"x":"stay","y":"[1]abide, bide, continue, delay, establish oneself, halt, hang around @@@@ [2]hang in the air, hover, linger, loiter, pause, put down roots, remain, reside, settle, sojourn, stand, stay put, stop, tarry, wait @@@@ [3]be accommodated at, lodge, put up at, sojourn, visit @@@@ [4]adjourn, defer, discontinue, hold in abeyance, hold over, prorogue, put off, suspend @@@@ [5]arrest, check, curb, delay, detain, hinder, hold, impede, obstruct, prevent @@@@ [6]holiday, sojourn, stop, stopover, visit @@@@ [7]deferment, delay, halt, pause, postponement, remission, reprieve, stopping, suspension"} {"x":"steady","y":"[1]firm, fixed, immovable, on an even keel, safe, stable, substantial, unchangeable, uniform @@@@ [2]balanced, calm, dependable, equable, having both feet on the ground, imperturbable, level-headed, reliable, sedate, sensible, serene, serious-minded, settled, sober, staid, staunch, steadfast @@@@ [3]ceaseless, confirmed, consistent, constant, continuous, even, faithful, habitual, incessant, nonstop, persistent, regular, rhythmic, unbroken, unfaltering, unfluctuating, uninterrupted, unremitting, unvarying, unwavering @@@@ [4]balance, brace, secure, stabilize, support"} {"x":"steal","y":"[1]appropriate, be light-fingered, blag @@@@ [2]cabbage @@@@ [3]embezzle, filch, half-inch @@@@ [4]heist @@@@ [5]lift @@@@ [6]misappropriate, nick @@@@ [7]peculate, pilfer, pinch @@@@ [8]pirate, plagiarize, poach, prig @@@@ [9]purloin, shoplift, snitch @@@@ [10]swipe @@@@ [11]take, thieve, walk or make off with @@@@ [12]creep, flit, insinuate oneself, slink, slip, sneak, tiptoe"} {"x":"stealing","y":"[1]embezzlement, larceny, misappropriation, pilferage, pilfering, plagiarism, robbery, shoplifting, theft, thievery, thieving"} {"x":"stealth","y":"[1]furtiveness, secrecy, slyness, sneakiness, stealthiness, surreptitiousness, unobtrusiveness"} {"x":"steel","y":"[1]brace, fortify, grit one's teeth, harden, make up one's mind"} {"x":"steep","y":"[1]abrupt, headlong, precipitous, sheer @@@@ [2]excessive, exorbitant, extortionate, extreme, high, overpriced, stiff, uncalled-for, unreasonable"} {"x":"steer","y":"[1]administer, be in the driver's seat, conduct, control, direct, govern, guide, handle, pilot @@@@ [2]avoid, body-swerve @@@@ [3]circumvent, eschew, evade, give a wide berth to, sheer off, shun"} {"x":"steersman","y":"[1]cox, coxswain, helmsman, pilot, wheelman"} {"x":"stem","y":"[1]axis, branch, peduncle, shoot, stalk, stock, trunk @@@@ [2]arise, be bred by, be brought about by, be caused by, be generated by, derive, develop, emanate, flow, issue, originate @@@@ [3]bring to a standstill, check, contain, curb, dam, hold back, oppose, resist, restrain, stanch, staunch, stay @@@@ [4]stop, withstand @@@@ [5]If you stem something, you stop it spreading, increasing, or continuing."} {"x":"stench","y":"[1]foul odour, malodour, mephitis, niff @@@@ [2]noisomeness, pong @@@@ [3]reek, stink, whiff"} {"x":"stentorian","y":"[1]blaring, booming, carrying, full, loud, powerful, resonant, resounding, ringing, sonorous, strident, strong, thundering"} {"x":"step","y":"[1]footfall, footprint, footstep, gait, impression, pace, print, stride, trace, track, walk @@@@ [2]act, action, deed, expedient, manoeuvre, means, measure, move, procedure, proceeding @@@@ [3]act, intervene, move in, prepare, take action, take measures, take the initiative @@@@ [4]advance, advancement, move, phase, point, process, progression, stage @@@@ [5]degree, level, rank, remove @@@@ [6]doorstep, round, rung, stair, tread @@@@ [7]coinciding, conforming, in agreement, in conformity, in harmony, in line, in unison @@@@ [8]erratic, incongruous, in disagreement, out of harmony, out of line, out of phase, pulling different ways @@@@ [9]be canny, be careful, be cautious, be discreet, be on one's guard, have one's wits about one, look out, mind how one goes, mind one's p's and q's, take care, take heed, tread carefully @@@@ [10]move, pace, tread, walk @@@@ [11]abdicate, bow out, give up, hand over, leave, pull out, quit, resign, retire @@@@ [12]intercede, intervene, take action, take a hand @@@@ [13]accelerate, augment, boost, escalate, increase, intensify, raise, speed up, up"} {"x":"stereotype","y":"[1]formula, mould, pattern, received idea @@@@ [2]categorize, conventionalize, dub, ghettoize, pigeonhole, standardize, take to be, typecast"} {"x":"sterile","y":"[1]abortive, bare, barren, dry, empty, fruitless, infecund, unfruitful, unproductive, unprofitable, unprolific @@@@ [2]antiseptic, aseptic, disinfected, germ-free, sterilized"} {"x":"sterilize","y":"[1]autoclave, disinfect, fumigate, purify"} {"x":"sterling","y":"[1]authentic, excellent, fine, first-class, genuine, pure, real, sound, standard, substantial, superlative, true"} {"x":"stern","y":"[1]austere, authoritarian, bitter, cruel, drastic, flinty, forbidding, frowning, grim, hard, harsh, inflexible, relentless, rigid, rigorous, serious, severe, steely, strict, unrelenting, unsparing, unyielding"} {"x":"stew","y":"[1]goulash, hash, olio, olla, olla podrida, potpourri, ragout @@@@ [2]anxiety, concern, fret, lather @@@@ [3]panic, worry @@@@ [4]blend, hash, hodgepodge @@@@ [5]hotchpotch, medley, miscellany, mix, mixture, olio, olla, potpourri"} {"x":"stick","y":"[1]adhere, affix, attach, bind, bond, cement, cleave, cling, fasten, fix, fuse, glue, hold, hold on, join, paste, weld @@@@ [2]dig, gore, insert, jab, penetrate, pierce, pin, poke, prod, puncture, spear, stab, thrust, transfix @@@@ [3]bulge, extend, jut, obtrude, poke, project, protrude, show @@@@ [4]deposit, drop, fix, install, lay, place, plant, plonk, position, put, set, store, stuff @@@@ [5]be bogged down, become immobilized, be embedded, catch, clog, come to a standstill, jam, lodge, snag, stop @@@@ [6]linger, persist, remain, stay @@@@ [7]abide, bear up under, endure, get on with, hack @@@@ [8]stand, stomach, take, tolerate @@@@ [9]bear, endure, grin and bear it @@@@ [10]weather @@@@ [11]champion, defend, stand up for, support, take the part or side of, uphold @@@@ [12]baton, birch, cane, crook, pole, rod, sceptre, staff, stake, switch, twig, wand @@@@ [13]dinosaur, fuddy-duddy @@@@ [14](old) fogey, pain @@@@ [15]prig, stick-in-the-mud @@@@ [16]abuse, blame, criticism, flak @@@@ [17]hostility, punishment"} {"x":"stickler","y":"[1]fanatic, fusspot @@@@ [2]hard taskmaster, maniac @@@@ [3]martinet, nut @@@@ [4]pedant, perfectionist, purist"} {"x":"sticky","y":"[1]adhesive, claggy @@@@ [2]clinging, gluey, glutinous, gooey @@@@ [3]gummy, syrupy, tacky, tenacious, viscid, viscous @@@@ [4]awkward, delicate, difficult, discomforting, embarrassing, hairy @@@@ [5]nasty, painful, thorny, tricky, unpleasant @@@@ [6]clammy, close, humid, muggy, oppressive, sultry, sweltering"} {"x":"stiff","y":"[1]brittle, firm, hard, hardened, inelastic, inflexible, rigid, solid, solidified, taut, tense, tight, unbending, unyielding @@@@ [2]artificial, austere, ceremonious, chilly, cold, constrained, forced, formal, laboured, mannered, pompous, priggish, prim, punctilious, standoffish, starchy @@@@ [3]stilted, uneasy, unnatural, unrelaxed, wooden @@@@ [4]arthritic, awkward, clumsy, creaky @@@@ [5]crude, graceless, inelegant, jerky, rheumaticky @@@@ [6]ungainly, ungraceful, unsupple @@@@ [7]arduous, difficult, exacting, fatiguing, formidable, hard, laborious, tough, trying, uphill @@@@ [8]austere, cruel, drastic, extreme, great, hard, harsh, heavy, inexorable, oppressive, pitiless, rigorous, severe, sharp, strict, stringent @@@@ [9]brisk, fresh, powerful, strong, vigorous"} {"x":"stifle","y":"[1]asphyxiate, choke, smother, strangle, suffocate @@@@ [2]check, choke back, cover up, curb, extinguish, gag, hush, muffle, prevent, repress, restrain, silence, smother, stop, suppress"} {"x":"stigma","y":"[1]blot, brand, disgrace, dishonour, imputation, mark, reproach, shame, slur, smirch, spot, stain"} {"x":"stigmatize","y":"[1]brand, cast a slur upon, defame, denounce, discredit, label, mark, pillory"} {"x":"still","y":"[1]at rest, calm, hushed, inert, lifeless, motionless, noiseless, pacific, peaceful, placid, quiet, restful, serene, silent, smooth, stationary, stilly @@@@ [2]tranquil, undisturbed, unruffled, unstirring @@@@ [3]allay, alleviate, appease, calm, hush, lull, pacify, quiet, quieten, settle, silence, smooth, smooth over, soothe, subdue, tranquillize @@@@ [4]but, for all that, however, nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet @@@@ [5]hush, peace, quiet, silence, stillness, tranquillity"} {"x":"stilted","y":"[1]artificial, bombastic, constrained, forced, fustian, grandiloquent, high-flown, high-sounding, inflated, laboured, pedantic, pompous, pretentious, stiff, unnatural, wooden"} {"x":"stimulant","y":"[1]analeptic, bracer @@@@ [2]energizer, excitant, pep pill @@@@ [3]pick-me-up @@@@ [4]restorative, reviver, tonic, upper"} {"x":"stimulus","y":"[1]clarion call, encouragement, fillip, goad, impetus, incentive, incitement, inducement, provocation, shot in the arm @@@@ [2]spur"} {"x":"sting","y":"[1]burn, hurt, pain, smart, tingle, wound @@@@ [2]anger, gall, incense, inflame, infuriate, nettle, pique, provoke, rile @@@@ [3]cheat, defraud, do @@@@ [4]fleece, overcharge, rip off @@@@ [5]skin @@@@ [6]stiff"} {"x":"stingy","y":"[1]avaricious, cheeseparing, close-fisted, covetous, illiberal, mean, mingy @@@@ [2]miserly, near, niggardly, parsimonious, penny-pinching @@@@ [3]penurious, scrimping, snoep @@@@ [4]tight-arse @@@@ [5]tight-arsed @@@@ [6]tight-ass @@@@ [7]tight-assed @@@@ [8]tightfisted, ungenerous @@@@ [9]inadequate, insufficient, meagre, measly @@@@ [10]mouldy @@@@ [11]on the small side, pathetic, scant, scanty, skimpy, small"} {"x":"stink","y":"[1]whiff @@@@ [2]be abhorrent, be bad, be detestable, be held in disrepute, be no good, be offensive, be rotten, have a bad name @@@@ [3]fetor, foulness, foul odour, malodour, noisomeness, pong @@@@ [4]stench @@@@ [5]brouhaha, commotion, deal of trouble @@@@ [6]disturbance, fuss, hubbub, row, rumpus, scandal, stir, to-do, uproar, upset"} {"x":"stint","y":"[1]assignment, bit, period, quota, share, shift, spell, stretch, term, time, tour, turn @@@@ [2]be frugal, begrudge, be mean, be mingy @@@@ [3]be parsimonious, be sparing, economize, hold back, save, scrimp, skimp on, spoil the ship for a ha'porth of tar, withhold"} {"x":"stipulate","y":"[1]agree, contract, covenant, engage, guarantee, insist upon, lay down, lay down or impose conditions, make a point of, pledge, postulate, promise, require, settle, specify"} {"x":"stipulation","y":"[1]agreement, clause, condition, contract, engagement, precondition, prerequisite, provision, proviso, qualification, requirement, restriction, rider, settlement, sine qua non, specification, term"} {"x":"stir","y":"[1]agitate, beat, disturb, flutter, mix, move, quiver, rustle, shake, tremble @@@@ [2]animate, arouse, awaken, excite, incite, inflame, instigate, kindle, prod, prompt, provoke, quicken, raise, rouse, spur, stimulate, urge @@@@ [3]affect, electrify, excite, fire, inspire, move, thrill, touch @@@@ [4]budge, exert oneself, get a move on @@@@ [5]get moving, hasten, look lively @@@@ [6]make an effort, mill about, move, shake a leg @@@@ [7]activity, ado, agitation, bustle, commotion, disorder, disturbance, excitement, ferment, flurry, fuss, movement, to-do, tumult, uproar"} {"x":"stock","y":"[1]array, assets, assortment, cache, choice, commodities, fund, goods, hoard, inventory, merchandise, range, reserve, reservoir, selection, stockpile, store, supply, variety, wares @@@@ [2]beasts, cattle, domestic animals, flocks, herds, horses, livestock, sheep @@@@ [3]ancestry, background, breed, descent, extraction, family, forebears, house, line, lineage, line of descent, parentage, pedigree, race, strain, type, variety @@@@ [4]capital, funds, investment, property @@@@ [5]appraise, estimate, review the situation, see how the land lies, size up @@@@ [6]weigh up @@@@ [7]banal, basic, commonplace, conventional, customary, formal, hackneyed, ordinary, overused, regular, routine, run-of-the-mill, set, standard, staple, stereotyped, traditional, trite, usual, worn-out @@@@ [8]deal in, handle, keep, sell, supply, trade in @@@@ [9]accumulate, amass, buy up, gather, hoard, lay in, put away, replenish, save, store (up), supply @@@@ [10]equip, fill, fit out, furnish, kit out, provide with, provision, supply @@@@ [11]Aunt Sally @@@@ [12]butt, everybody's fool, fair game, figure of fun, target, victim"} {"x":"stocky","y":"[1]chunky, dumpy, mesomorphic, solid, stubby, stumpy, sturdy, thickset"} {"x":"stodgy","y":"[1]filling, heavy, leaden, starchy, substantial @@@@ [2]boring, dull, dull as ditchwater, formal, fuddy-duddy @@@@ [3]heavy going, ho-hum, laboured, staid, stuffy, tedious, tiresome, turgid, unexciting, unimaginative, uninspired"} {"x":"stoical","y":"[1]calm, cool, dispassionate, impassive, imperturbable, indifferent, long-suffering, philosophic, phlegmatic, resigned, stoic, stolid"} {"x":"stoicism","y":"[1]acceptance, calmness, dispassion, fatalism, forbearance, fortitude, impassivity, imperturbability, indifference, long-suffering, patience, resignation, stolidity"} {"x":"stolen","y":"[1]bent @@@@ [2]hooky @@@@ [3]hot"} {"x":"stolid","y":"[1]apathetic, bovine, doltish, dozy @@@@ [2]dull, heavy, lumpish, obtuse, slow, stupid, unemotional, wooden"} {"x":"stomach","y":"[1]abdomen, belly, breadbasket @@@@ [2]gut @@@@ [3]inside(s) @@@@ [4]paunch, pot, potbelly, spare tyre @@@@ [5]tummy @@@@ [6]appetite, desire, inclination, mind, relish, taste @@@@ [7]abide, bear, endure, hack @@@@ [8]reconcile or resign oneself to, submit to, suffer, swallow, take, tolerate"} {"x":"stooge","y":"[1]butt, dupe, fall guy @@@@ [2]foil, henchman, lackey, patsy @@@@ [3]pawn, puppet @@@@ [4]flit, fly, hang about @@@@ [5]meander, mooch @@@@ [6]mosey @@@@ [7]move, wander"} {"x":"stoop","y":"[1]be bowed or round-shouldered, bend, bow, crouch, descend, duck, hunch, incline, kneel, lean, squat @@@@ [2]condescend, deign, demean oneself, descend, lower oneself, resort, sink, vouchsafe @@@@ [3]bad posture, droop, round-shoulderedness, sag, slouch, slump"} {"x":"stop","y":"[1]axe @@@@ [2]belay @@@@ [3]cease, come to an end, conclude, cut out @@@@ [4]cut short, desist, discontinue, draw up, end, finish, halt, leave off, pack in @@@@ [5]pause, peter out, pull up, put an end to, quit, refrain, run down, run its course, shut down, stall, terminate @@@@ [6]arrest, bar, block, break, bung, check, close, forestall, frustrate, hinder, hold back, impede, intercept, interrupt, nip (something) in the bud, obstruct, plug, prevent, rein in, repress, restrain, seal, silence, staunch, stem, suspend @@@@ [7]break one's journey, lodge, put up, rest, sojourn, stay, tarry @@@@ [8]cessation, conclusion, discontinuation, end, finish, halt, standstill @@@@ [9]break, rest, sojourn, stay, stopover, visit @@@@ [10]bar, block, break, check, control, hindrance, impediment, plug, stoppage @@@@ [11]depot, destination, halt, stage, station, termination, terminus"} {"x":"store","y":"[1]accumulate, deposit, garner, hoard, husband, keep, keep in reserve, lay by or in, lock away, put aside, put aside for a rainy day, put by, put in storage, reserve, salt away, save, stash @@@@ [2]stock, stockpile @@@@ [3]abundance, accumulation, cache, fund, hoard, lot, mine, plenty, plethora, provision, quantity, reserve, reservoir, stock, stockpile, supply, wealth @@@@ [4]chain store, department store, emporium, hypermarket, market, mart, outlet, shop, supermarket @@@@ [5]depository, depot, repository, storehouse, storeroom, warehouse @@@@ [6]appreciate, esteem, hold in high regard, prize, think highly of, value"} {"x":"storm","y":"[1]blast, blizzard, cyclone, gale, gust, hurricane, squall, tempest, tornado, whirlwind @@@@ [2]agitation, anger, clamour, commotion, disturbance, furore, hubbub, outbreak, outburst, outcry, passion, roar, row, rumpus, stir, strife, tumult, turmoil, violence @@@@ [3]assail, assault, beset, charge, rush, take by storm @@@@ [4]assault, attack, blitz, blitzkrieg, offensive, onset, onslaught, rush @@@@ [5]bluster, complain, fly off the handle @@@@ [6]fume, go ballistic @@@@ [7]rage, rant, rave, scold, thunder, wig out @@@@ [8]flounce, fly, rush, stalk, stamp, stomp"} {"x":"stormy","y":"[1]blustering, blustery, boisterous, dirty, foul, gusty, inclement, raging, rough, squally, tempestuous, turbulent, wild, windy"} {"x":"story","y":"[1]account, anecdote, chronicle, fictional account, history, legend, narration, narrative, novel, recital, record, relation, romance, tale, urban legend, version, yarn @@@@ [2]falsehood, fib, fiction, lie, pork pie @@@@ [3]porky @@@@ [4]untruth, white lie @@@@ [5]article, feature, news, news item, report, scoop"} {"x":"stout","y":"[1]big, bulky, burly, corpulent, fat, fleshy, heavy, obese, on the large or heavy side, overweight, plump, portly, rotund, substantial, tubby @@@@ [2]able-bodied, athletic, beefy @@@@ [3]brawny, hardy, hulking, husky @@@@ [4]lusty, muscular, robust, stalwart, strapping, strong, sturdy, substantial, thickset, tough, vigorous @@@@ [5]bold, brave, courageous, dauntless, doughty, fearless, gallant, indomitable, intrepid, lion-hearted, manly, plucky, resolute, valiant, valorous"} {"x":"stow","y":"[1]bundle, cram, deposit, jam, load, pack, put away, secrete, stash @@@@ [2]store, stuff, tuck"} {"x":"straggle","y":"[1]drift, lag, loiter, ramble, range, roam, rove, spread, stray, string out, trail, wander"} {"x":"straight","y":"[1]direct, near, short, undeviating, unswerving @@@@ [2]aligned, erect, even, horizontal, in line, level, perpendicular, plumb, right, smooth, square, true, upright, vertical @@@@ [3]blunt, bold, candid, downright, forthright, frank, honest, outright, plain, point-blank, straightforward, unqualified, upfront @@@@ [4]above board, accurate, authentic, decent, equitable, fair, fair and square, honest, honourable, just, law-abiding, reliable, respectable, trustworthy, upright @@@@ [5]arranged, in order, neat, orderly, organized, put to rights, shipshape, sorted out, tidy @@@@ [6]consecutive, continuous, nonstop, running, solid, successive, sustained, through, uninterrupted, unrelieved @@@@ [7]bourgeois, conservative, conventional, orthodox, Pooterish, square @@@@ [8]traditional @@@@ [9]neat, pure, unadulterated, undiluted, unmixed @@@@ [10]as the crow flies, at once, directly, immediately, instantly @@@@ [11]candidly, frankly, honestly, in plain English, point-blank, pulling no punches"} {"x":"straighten","y":"[1]arrange, neaten, order, put in order, set or put to rights, smarten up, spruce up, tidy (up) @@@@ [2]become clear, clear up, correct, disentangle, put right, rectify, regularize, resolve, settle, sort out, unsnarl, work out"} {"x":"straightforward","y":"[1]above board, candid, direct, forthright, genuine, guileless, honest, open, sincere, truthful, upfront @@@@ [2]clear-cut, easy, easy-peasy @@@@ [3]elementary, routine, simple, uncomplicated, undemanding"} {"x":"strain","y":"[1]distend, draw tight, extend, stretch, tauten, tighten @@@@ [2]drive, exert, fatigue, injure, overexert, overtax, overwork, pull, push to the limit, sprain, tax, tear, test, tire, twist, weaken, wrench @@@@ [3]strive, struggle @@@@ [4]filter, percolate, purify, riddle, screen, seep, separate, sieve, sift @@@@ [5]effort, exertion, force, injury, pull, sprain, struggle, tautness, tension, tensity @@@@ [6]wrench @@@@ [7]anxiety, burden, pressure, stress, tension @@@@ [8]air, lay, measure @@@@ [9]melody, song, theme, tune"} {"x":"strand","y":"[1]fibre, filament, length, lock, rope, string, thread, tress, twist, wisp"} {"x":"stranded","y":"[1]aground, ashore, beached, cast away, grounded, marooned, shipwrecked @@@@ [2]abandoned, helpless, high and dry, homeless, left in the lurch, penniless"} {"x":"strange","y":"[1]abnormal, astonishing, bizarre, curious, curiouser and curiouser, eccentric, exceptional, extraordinary, fantastic, funny, irregular, left-field @@@@ [2]marvellous, mystifying, odd, oddball @@@@ [3]off-the-wall @@@@ [4]out-of-the-way, outre, peculiar, perplexing, queer, rare, remarkable, rum @@@@ [5]singular, unaccountable, uncanny, uncommon, unheard of, weird, wonderful @@@@ [6]alien, exotic, foreign, new, novel, outside one's experience, remote, unexplored, unfamiliar, unknown, untried @@@@ [7]a stranger to, ignorant of, inexperienced, new to, unaccustomed, unpractised, unseasoned, unused, unversed in @@@@ [8]awkward, bewildered, disoriented, ill at ease, like a fish out of water, lost, out of place, uncomfortable"} {"x":"stranger","y":"[1]alien, foreigner, guest, incomer, new arrival, newcomer, outlander, unknown, visitor"} {"x":"strangle","y":"[1]asphyxiate, choke, garrotte, smother, strangulate, suffocate, throttle @@@@ [2]gag, inhibit, repress, stifle, suppress"} {"x":"strap","y":"[1]belt, leash, thong, tie @@@@ [2]bind, buckle, fasten, lash, secure, tie, truss @@@@ [3]beat, belt @@@@ [4]flog, lash, scourge, whip"} {"x":"strapped","y":"[1]distressed, embarrassed, financially embarrassed, in need, pinched, reduced, short, squeezed, straitened, stuck"} {"x":"strapping","y":"[1]beefy @@@@ [2]big, brawny, burly, hefty @@@@ [3]hulking, husky @@@@ [4]powerful, robust, stalwart, sturdy, well-built, well set-up"} {"x":"stratagem","y":"[1]artifice, device, dodge, feint, intrigue, manoeuvre, plan, plot, ploy, ruse, scheme, subterfuge, trick, wile"} {"x":"strategic","y":"[1]cardinal, critical, crucial, decisive, important, key, vital @@@@ [2]calculated, deliberate, diplomatic, planned, politic, tactical"} {"x":"strategy","y":"[1]approach, grand design, manoeuvring, plan, planning, policy, procedure, programme, scheme"} {"x":"stratum","y":"[1]bed, layer, level, lode, seam, stratification, table, tier, vein @@@@ [2]bracket, caste, category, class, estate, grade, group, level, rank, station"} {"x":"stray","y":"[1]deviate, digress, diverge, get off the point, get sidetracked, go off at a tangent, ramble @@@@ [2]be abandoned or lost, drift, err, go astray, lose one's way, meander, range, roam, rove, straggle, wander @@@@ [3]abandoned, homeless, lost, roaming, vagrant @@@@ [4]accidental, chance, erratic, freak, odd, random, scattered"} {"x":"streak","y":"[1]band, layer, line, slash, smear, strip, stripe, stroke, vein @@@@ [2]dash, element, strain, touch, trace, vein @@@@ [3]band, daub, fleck, slash, smear, striate, stripe @@@@ [4]barrel (along) @@@@ [5]burn rubber @@@@ [6]dart, flash, fly, hurtle, move like greased lightning @@@@ [7]speed, sprint, sweep, tear, whistle, whizz @@@@ [8]zoom"} {"x":"stream","y":"[1]bayou, beck, brook, burn, course, creek @@@@ [2]current, drift, flow, freshet, outpouring, rill, river, rivulet, run, rush, surge, tide, tideway, torrent, tributary, undertow @@@@ [3]cascade, course, emit, flood, flow, glide, gush, issue, pour, run, shed, spill, spout"} {"x":"streamlined","y":"[1]efficient, modernized, organized, rationalized, sleek, slick, smooth, smooth-running, time-saving, well-run"} {"x":"street","y":"[1]avenue, boulevard, lane, road, roadway, row, terrace, thoroughfare @@@@ [2]acceptable, compatible, congenial, familiar, one's cup of tea @@@@ [3]pleasing, suitable, to one's liking, to one's taste"} {"x":"strength","y":"[1]backbone, brawn, brawniness, courage, firmness, fortitude, health, lustiness, might, muscle, robustness, sinew, stamina, stoutness, sturdiness, toughness @@@@ [2]cogency, concentration, effectiveness, efficacy, energy, force, intensity, potency, power, resolution, spirit, vehemence, vigour, virtue @@@@ [3]advantage, anchor, asset, mainstay, security, strong point, succour, tower of strength"} {"x":"strengthen","y":"[1]animate, brace up, consolidate, encourage, fortify, give new energy to, harden, hearten, invigorate, nerve, nourish, rejuvenate, restore, stiffen, toughen @@@@ [2]augment, bolster, brace, build up, buttress, confirm, corroborate, enhance, establish, give a boost to, harden, heighten, increase, intensify, justify, reinforce, steel, substantiate, support"} {"x":"strenuous","y":"[1]arduous, demanding, exhausting, hard, Herculean, laborious, taxing, toilsome, tough, tough going, unrelaxing, uphill @@@@ [2]active, bold, determined, eager, earnest, energetic, persistent, resolute, spirited, strong, tireless, vigorous, zealous"} {"x":"stress","y":"[1]emphasis, force, importance, significance, urgency, weight @@@@ [2]anxiety, burden, hassle @@@@ [3]nervous tension, oppression, pressure, strain, tautness, tension, trauma, worry @@@@ [4]accent, accentuation, beat, emphasis, ictus @@@@ [5]accentuate, belabour, dwell on, emphasize, harp on, lay emphasis upon, point up, repeat, rub in, underline, underscore"} {"x":"stretch","y":"[1]cover, extend, put forth, reach, spread, unfold, unroll @@@@ [2]distend, draw out, elongate, expand, inflate, lengthen, pull, pull out of shape, rack, strain, swell, tighten @@@@ [3]area, distance, expanse, extent, spread, sweep, tract @@@@ [4]bit, period, run, space, spell, stint, term, time @@@@ [5]in a line, continuously, in quick succession"} {"x":"strew","y":"[1]bestrew, disperse, litter, scatter, spread, sprinkle, toss"} {"x":"stricken","y":"[1]affected, afflicted, hit, injured, laid low, smitten, struck, struck down @@@@ [2]ashamed, compunctious, contrite, disturbed, guilty, penitent, remorseful, repentant, sorry, troubled @@@@ [3]afflicted, agonized, broken, brokenhearted, crushed, desolate, despairing, devastated, heartbroken, inconsolable, overwhelmed, sorrowful, sorrowing, woebegone, wretched @@@@ [4]aghast, agitated, alarmed, appalled, fearful, frenzied, frightened, frightened out of one's wits, frightened to death, horrified, horror-stricken, hysterical, in a cold sweat @@@@ [5]panicky, petrified, scared, scared shitless @@@@ [6]scared stiff, shit-scared @@@@ [7]startled, terrified, terror-stricken, unnerved @@@@ [8]bankrupt, beggared, broke @@@@ [9]destitute, dirt-poor @@@@ [10]distressed, down and out, down at heel, flat broke @@@@ [11]impecunious, impoverished, indigent, in queer street, needy, on one's beam-ends, on one's uppers, on the breadline, penniless, penurious, poor, short, skint @@@@ [12]stony-broke"} {"x":"strict","y":"[1]austere, authoritarian, firm, harsh, no-nonsense, rigid, rigorous, severe, stern, stringent @@@@ [2]accurate, close, exact, faithful, meticulous, particular, precise, religious, scrupulous, true @@@@ [3]absolute, complete, perfect, total, utter"} {"x":"stricture","y":"[1]animadversion, bad press, blame, censure, criticism, flak @@@@ [2]rebuke, stick"} {"x":"strident","y":"[1]clamorous, clashing, discordant, grating, harsh, jangling, jarring, rasping, raucous, screeching, shrill, stridulant, stridulous, unmusical, vociferous"} {"x":"strife","y":"[1]animosity, battle, bickering, clash, clashes, combat, conflict, contention, contest, controversy, discord, dissension, friction, quarrel, rivalry, row, squabbling, struggle, warfare, wrangling"} {"x":"strike","y":"[1]bang, beat, box, buffet, chastise, chin @@@@ [2]clobber @@@@ [3]clout @@@@ [4]clump @@@@ [5]cuff, deck @@@@ [6]hammer, hit, knock, lambast(e), lay a finger on @@@@ [7]pound, punch, punish, slap, smack, smite, sock @@@@ [8]thump, wallop @@@@ [9]be in collision with, bump into, clash, collide with, come into contact with, dash, hit, knock into, run into, smash into, touch @@@@ [10]drive, force, hit, impel, thrust @@@@ [11]affect, come to, come to the mind of, dawn on or upon, hit, impress, make an impact on, occur to, reach, register @@@@ [12]seem @@@@ [13]come upon or across, discover, encounter, find, happen or chance upon, hit upon, light upon, reach, stumble upon or across, turn up, uncover, unearth @@@@ [14]affect, assail, assault, attack, deal a blow to, devastate, fall upon, hit, invade, set upon, smite @@@@ [15]achieve, arrange, arrive at, attain, effect, reach @@@@ [16]down tools, mutiny, revolt, walk out @@@@ [17]afflict, bring low, deal a deathblow to, destroy, kill, ruin, slay, smite @@@@ [18]cancel, cross out, delete, efface, erase, excise, expunge, remove, score out @@@@ [19]begin, get under way, set out, start out"} {"x":"striking","y":"[1]astonishing, conspicuous, dazzling, dramatic, drop-dead @@@@ [2]extraordinary, forcible, impressive, memorable, noticeable, out of the ordinary, outstanding, stunning @@@@ [3]wonderful"} {"x":"string","y":"[1]cord, fibre, twine @@@@ [2]chain, file, line, procession, queue, row, sequence, series, strand, succession @@@@ [3]festoon, hang, link, loop, sling, stretch, suspend, thread @@@@ [4]disperse, extend, fan out, lengthen, protract, space out, spread out, straggle @@@@ [5]agree, assent, collaborate, go along with @@@@ [6]bluff, deceive, dupe, fool, hoax, kid"} {"x":"strings","y":"[1]catches @@@@ [2]complications, conditions, obligations, prerequisites, provisos, qualifications, requirements, riders, stipulations @@@@ [3]cord, fibre, twine @@@@ [4]chain, file, line, procession, queue, row, sequence, series, strand, succession @@@@ [5]festoon, hang, link, loop, sling, stretch, suspend, thread @@@@ [6]disperse, extend, fan out, lengthen, protract, space out, spread out, straggle @@@@ [7]agree, assent, collaborate, go along with @@@@ [8]bluff, deceive, dupe, fool, hoax, kid"} {"x":"stringy","y":"[1]chewy, fibrous, gristly, sinewy, tough, wiry"} {"x":"strip","y":"[1]bare, denude, deprive, despoil, dismantle, divest, empty, gut, lay bare, loot, peel, pillage, plunder, ransack, rob, sack, skin, spoil @@@@ [2]disrobe, unclothe, uncover, undress @@@@ [3]band, belt, bit, fillet, piece, ribbon, shred, slip, swathe, tongue"} {"x":"stripling","y":"[1]adolescent, boy, fledgling, hobbledehoy @@@@ [2]lad, shaver @@@@ [3]young fellow, youngster, youth"} {"x":"strive","y":"[1]compete, contend, do all one can, do one's best, do one's damnedest @@@@ [2]do one's utmost, endeavour, exert oneself, fight, give it one's all @@@@ [3]strain, struggle, toil, try, try hard"} {"x":"stroke","y":"[1]accomplishment, achievement, blow, feat, flourish, hit, knock, move, movement, pat, rap, thump @@@@ [2]apoplexy, attack, collapse, fit, seizure, shock @@@@ [3]caress, fondle, pat, pet, rub"} {"x":"stroll","y":"[1]amble, make one's way, mooch @@@@ [2]mosey @@@@ [3]promenade, ramble, saunter, stooge @@@@ [4]stretch one's legs, take a turn, toddle, wander @@@@ [5]airing, breath of air, constitutional, excursion, promenade, ramble, turn, walk"} {"x":"strong","y":"[1]athletic, beefy @@@@ [2]brawny, burly, capable, fighting fit, fit, fit as a fiddle, hale, hardy, healthy, Herculean, lusty, muscular, powerful, robust, sinewy, sound, stalwart, stout, strapping, sturdy, tough, virile @@@@ [3]aggressive, brave, courageous, determined, feisty @@@@ [4]firm in spirit, forceful, hard as nails, hard-nosed @@@@ [5]high-powered, plucky, resilient, resolute, resourceful, self-assertive, steadfast, stouthearted, tenacious, tough, unyielding @@@@ [6]acute, dedicated, deep, deep-rooted, eager, fervent, fervid, fierce, firm, intense, keen, severe, staunch, vehement, violent, zealous @@@@ [7]clear, clear-cut, cogent, compelling, convincing, distinct, effective, formidable, great, marked, overpowering, persuasive, potent, redoubtable, sound, telling, trenchant, unmistakable, urgent, weighty, well-established, well-founded @@@@ [8]Draconian, drastic, extreme, forceful, severe @@@@ [9]durable, hard-wearing, heavy-duty, on a firm foundation, reinforced, sturdy, substantial, well-armed, well-built, well-protected @@@@ [10]bold, bright, brilliant, dazzling, glaring, loud, stark @@@@ [11]biting, concentrated, heady, highly-flavoured, highly-seasoned, hot, intoxicating, piquant, pungent, pure, sharp, spicy, undiluted"} {"x":"stronghold","y":"[1]bastion, bulwark, castle, citadel, fastness, fort, fortress, keep, refuge"} {"x":"structure","y":"[1]arrangement, configuration, conformation, construction, design, fabric, form, formation, interrelation of parts, make, make-up, organization @@@@ [2]building, construction, edifice, erection, pile @@@@ [3]arrange, assemble, build up, design, organize, put together, shape"} {"x":"struggle","y":"[1]strain, strive, toil, work, work like a Trojan @@@@ [2]effort, exertion, grind @@@@ [3]labour, long haul, pains, scramble, toil, work @@@@ [4]battle, compete, contend, fight, grapple, lock horns, scuffle, wrestle @@@@ [5]battle, brush, clash, combat, conflict, contest, encounter, hostilities, skirmish, strife, tussle"} {"x":"strut","y":"[1]parade, peacock, prance, stalk, swagger"} {"x":"stub","y":"[1]butt, counterfoil, dog-end @@@@ [2]end, fag end @@@@ [3]remnant, stump, tail, tail end"} {"x":"stubborn","y":"[1]bull-headed, contumacious, cross-grained, dogged, dour, fixed, headstrong, inflexible, intractable, mulish, obdurate, obstinate, opinionated, persistent, pig-headed, recalcitrant, refractory, self-willed, stiff-necked, tenacious, unbending, unmanageable, unshakable, unyielding, wilful"} {"x":"stubby","y":"[1]chunky, dumpy, fubsy @@@@ [2]short, squat, stocky, stumpy, thickset @@@@ [3]bristling, bristly, prickly, rough, stubbly"} {"x":"stuck","y":"[1]cemented, fast, fastened, firm, fixed, glued, joined @@@@ [2]at a loss, at a standstill, at one's wits' end, baffled, beaten, bereft of ideas, nonplussed, stumped, up against a brick wall @@@@ [3]crazy about, for, or over @@@@ [4]infatuated, keen, mad, obsessed with, wild about @@@@ [5]arrogant, big-headed @@@@ [6]conceited, condescending, haughty, high and mighty @@@@ [7]hoity-toity @@@@ [8]patronizing, proud, snobbish, snooty @@@@ [9]swollen-headed, toffee-nosed @@@@ [10]uppish @@@@ [11]uppity"} {"x":"stud","y":"[1]bejewel, bespangle, dot, fleck, ornament, spangle, speckle, spot, sprinkle"} {"x":"student","y":"[1]apprentice, disciple, learner, observer, pupil, scholar, trainee, undergraduate"} {"x":"studied","y":"[1]calculated, conscious, deliberate, intentional, planned, premeditated, purposeful, well-considered, wilful"} {"x":"studio","y":"[1]atelier, workshop"} {"x":"studious","y":"[1]academic, assiduous, attentive, bookish, careful, diligent, eager, earnest, hard-working, intellectual, meditative, reflective, scholarly, sedulous, serious, thoughtful"} {"x":"study","y":"[1]burn the midnight oil, cogitate, con @@@@ [2]consider, contemplate, cram @@@@ [3]examine, go into, hammer away at, learn, lucubrate @@@@ [4]meditate, mug up @@@@ [5]ponder, pore over, read, read up, swot (up) @@@@ [6]analyse, deliberate, examine, investigate, look into, peruse, research, scrutinize, survey, work over @@@@ [7]academic work, application, book work, cramming @@@@ [8]learning, lessons, reading, research, school work, swotting @@@@ [9]thought @@@@ [10]analysis, attention, cogitation, consideration, contemplation, examination, inquiry, inspection, investigation, perusal, review, scrutiny, survey @@@@ [11]absorption, abstractedness, abstraction, contemplation, meditation, musing, preoccupation, reflection, reverie, rumination"} {"x":"stuff","y":"[1]compress, cram, crowd, fill, force, jam, load, pack, pad, push, ram, shove, squeeze, stow, wedge @@@@ [2]gobble, gorge, gormandize, guzzle, make a pig of oneself @@@@ [3]overindulge, pig out @@@@ [4]sate, satiate @@@@ [5]belongings, bits and pieces, clobber @@@@ [6]effects, equipment, gear, goods and chattels, impedimenta, junk, kit, luggage, materials, objects, paraphernalia, possessions, tackle, things, trappings @@@@ [7]cloth, fabric, material, raw material, textile @@@@ [8]essence, matter, pith, quintessence, staple, substance @@@@ [9]balderdash, baloney @@@@ [10]bosh @@@@ [11]bunk @@@@ [12]bunkum, claptrap @@@@ [13]foolishness, humbug, nonsense, poppycock @@@@ [14]rot, rubbish, stuff and nonsense, tommyrot, trash, tripe @@@@ [15]twaddle, verbiage"} {"x":"stuffy","y":"[1]airless, close, fetid, frowsty, fuggy, heavy, muggy, oppressive, stale, stifling, suffocating, sultry, unventilated @@@@ [2]as dry as dust, conventional, deadly, dreary, dull, fusty, humourless, musty, niminy-piminy, old-fashioned, old-fogeyish, pompous, priggish, prim, prim and proper, staid, stilted, stodgy, strait-laced, uninteresting"} {"x":"stumble","y":"[1]fall, falter, flounder, hesitate, lose one's balance, lurch, reel, slip, stagger, trip @@@@ [2]blunder upon, chance upon, come across, discover, encounter, find, happen upon, light upon, run across, turn up @@@@ [3]falter, fluff @@@@ [4]stammer, stutter"} {"x":"stump","y":"[1]baffle, bewilder, bring (someone) up short, confound, confuse, dumbfound, flummox, foil, mystify, nonplus, outwit, perplex, puzzle, snooker, stop, stymie @@@@ [2]clomp, clump, lumber, plod, stamp, stomp @@@@ [3]trudge @@@@ [4]chip in @@@@ [5]contribute, cough up @@@@ [6]donate, fork out @@@@ [7]hand over, pay, shell out"} {"x":"stun","y":"[1]amaze, astonish, astound, bewilder, confound, confuse, daze, dumbfound, flabbergast @@@@ [2]overcome, overpower, shock, stagger, strike (someone) dumb, stupefy, take (someone's) breath away"} {"x":"stung","y":"[1]angered, exasperated, goaded, hurt, incensed, nettled, piqued, resentful, roused, wounded"} {"x":"stunning","y":"[1]beautiful, brilliant, dazzling, devastating @@@@ [2]dramatic, drop-dead @@@@ [3]gorgeous, great @@@@ [4]heavenly, impressive, lovely, marvellous, out of this world @@@@ [5]ravishing, remarkable, sensational @@@@ [6]smashing @@@@ [7]spectacular, striking, wonderful"} {"x":"stunt","y":"[1]act, deed, exploit, feat, feature, gest"} {"x":"stupefaction","y":"[1]amazement, astonishment, awe, wonder, wonderment"} {"x":"stupefy","y":"[1]amaze, astound, bewilder, confound, daze, dumbfound, knock senseless, numb, shock, stagger, stun"} {"x":"stupendous","y":"[1]amazing, astounding, breathtaking, brilliant, colossal, enormous, fabulous @@@@ [2]fantastic @@@@ [3]gigantic, huge, marvellous, mega @@@@ [4]mind-blowing @@@@ [5]mind-boggling @@@@ [6]overwhelming, phenomenal, prodigious, sensational @@@@ [7]staggering, stunning @@@@ [8]superb, surpassing belief, surprising, tremendous @@@@ [9]vast, wonderful, wondrous"} {"x":"stupid","y":"[1]Boeotian, braindead @@@@ [2]brainless, crass, cretinous, dead from the neck up, deficient, dense, dim, doltish, dopey @@@@ [3]dozy @@@@ [4]dull, dumb @@@@ [5]foolish, gullible, half-witted, moronic, naive, obtuse, simple, simple-minded, slow, slow on the uptake @@@@ [6]slow-witted, sluggish, stolid, thick, thick as mince @@@@ [7]thickheaded, unintelligent, witless, woodenheaded @@@@ [8]asinine, crackbrained, crackpot @@@@ [9]daft @@@@ [10]futile, half-baked @@@@ [11]idiotic, ill-advised, imbecilic, inane, indiscreet, irrelevant, irresponsible, laughable, ludicrous, meaningless, mindless, nonsensical, pointless, puerile, rash, senseless, short-sighted, trivial, unintelligent, unthinking @@@@ [12]dazed, groggy, in a daze, insensate, punch-drunk, semiconscious, senseless, stunned, stupefied"} {"x":"stupidity","y":"[1]asininity, brainlessness, craziness, denseness, dimness, dopiness @@@@ [2]doziness @@@@ [3]dullness, dumbness @@@@ [4]feeble-mindedness, imbecility, lack of brain, lack of intelligence, naivety, obtuseness, puerility, simplicity, slowness, thickheadedness, thickness @@@@ [5]absurdity, betise @@@@ [6]fatuity, fatuousness, folly, foolhardiness, foolishness, futility, idiocy, impracticality, inanity, indiscretion, ineptitude, irresponsibility, ludicrousness, lunacy, madness, pointlessness, rashness, senselessness, silliness"} {"x":"stupor","y":"[1]coma, daze, inertia, insensibility, lethargy, numbness, stupefaction, torpor, trance, unconsciousness"} {"x":"sturdy","y":"[1]athletic, brawny, built to last, determined, durable, firm, flourishing, hardy, hearty, lusty, muscular, powerful, resolute, robust, secure, solid, stalwart, staunch, steadfast, stouthearted, substantial, thickset, vigorous, well-built, well-made"} {"x":"stutter","y":"[1]falter, hesitate, speak haltingly, splutter, stammer, stumble"} {"x":"sty","y":"[1]A sty"} {"x":"style","y":"[1]cut, design, form, hand, manner, technique @@@@ [2]fashion, mode, rage, trend, vogue @@@@ [3]approach, custom, manner, method, mode, way @@@@ [4]bon ton, chic, cosmopolitanism, dash, dressiness @@@@ [5]elan, elegance, fashionableness, flair, grace, panache, polish, refinement, savoir-faire, smartness, sophistication, stylishness, taste, urbanity @@@@ [6]affluence, comfort, ease, elegance, gracious living, grandeur, luxury @@@@ [7]appearance, category, characteristic, genre, kind, pattern, sort, spirit, strain, tenor, tone, type, variety @@@@ [8]diction, expression, mode of expression, phraseology, phrasing, treatment, turn of phrase, vein, wording @@@@ [9]adapt, arrange, cut, design, dress, fashion, shape, tailor @@@@ [10]address, call, christen, denominate, designate, dub, entitle, label, name, term @@@@ [11]to design"} {"x":"stylish","y":"[1]a la mode, chic, classy @@@@ [2]dapper, dressy @@@@ [3]fashionable, in fashion, in vogue, modish, natty @@@@ [4]polished, smart, snappy, snazzy @@@@ [5]trendy @@@@ [6]urbane, voguish, well turned-out"} {"x":"stymie","y":"[1]balk, confound, defeat, flummox, foil, frustrate, hinder, mystify, nonplus, puzzle, snooker, spike (someone's) guns, stump, throw a spanner in the works @@@@ [2]thwart"} {"x":"suave","y":"[1]affable, agreeable, bland, charming, civilized, cool @@@@ [2]courteous, debonair, diplomatic, gracious, obliging, pleasing, polite, smooth, smooth-tongued, sophisticated, svelte, urbane, worldly"} {"x":"subconscious","y":"[1]hidden, inner, innermost, intuitive, latent, repressed, subliminal, suppressed"} {"x":"subdue","y":"[1]beat down, break, conquer, control, crush, defeat, discipline, gain ascendancy over, get the better of, get the upper hand over, get under control, humble, master, overcome, overpower, overrun, put down, quell, tame, trample, triumph over, vanquish @@@@ [2]check, control, mellow, moderate, quieten down, repress, soften, suppress, tone down"} {"x":"subject","y":"[1]affair, business, field of enquiry or reference, issue, matter, object, point, question, subject matter, substance, theme, topic @@@@ [2]case, client, guinea pig @@@@ [3]participant, patient, victim @@@@ [4]citizen, dependant, liegeman, national, subordinate, vassal @@@@ [5]at the mercy of, disposed, exposed, in danger of, liable, open, prone, susceptible, vulnerable @@@@ [6]conditional, contingent, dependent @@@@ [7]answerable, bound by, captive, dependent, enslaved, inferior, obedient, satellite, subjugated, submissive, subordinate, subservient @@@@ [8]expose, lay open, make liable, put through, submit, treat"} {"x":"subjective","y":"[1]biased, emotional, idiosyncratic, instinctive, intuitive, nonobjective, personal, prejudiced"} {"x":"subjugate","y":"[1]bring (someone) to his knees, bring to heel, bring under the yoke, conquer, crush, defeat, enslave, hold sway over, lick @@@@ [2]master, overcome, overpower, overthrow, put down, quell, reduce, rule over, subdue, suppress, tame, vanquish"} {"x":"sublimate","y":"[1]channel, divert, redirect, transfer, turn @@@@ [2]elevate, exalt, heighten, refine"} {"x":"sublime","y":"[1]elevated, eminent, exalted, glorious, grand, great, high, imposing, lofty, magnificent, majestic, noble, transcendent"} {"x":"submerge","y":"[1]deluge, dip, drown, duck, dunk, engulf, flood, immerse, inundate, overflow, overwhelm, plunge, sink, swamp"} {"x":"submit","y":"[1]accede, acquiesce, agree, bend, bow, capitulate, comply, defer, endure, give in, hoist the white flag, knuckle under, lay down arms, put up with @@@@ [2]resign oneself, stoop, succumb, surrender, throw in the sponge, toe the line, tolerate, yield @@@@ [3]commit, hand in, present, proffer, put forward, refer, table, tender @@@@ [4]advance, argue, assert, claim, contend, move, propose, propound, put, state, suggest, volunteer"} {"x":"subnormal","y":"[1]cretinous, E.S.N., feeble-minded, imbecilic, mentally defective, moronic, retarded, simple, slow"} {"x":"subordinate","y":"[1]dependent, inferior, junior, lesser, lower, minor, secondary, subject, subservient @@@@ [2]ancillary, auxiliary, subsidiary, supplementary @@@@ [3]aide, assistant, attendant, dependant, inferior, junior, second, subaltern, underling"} {"x":"subscribe","y":"[1]chip in @@@@ [2]contribute, donate, give, offer, pledge, promise @@@@ [3]acquiesce, advocate, agree, consent, countenance, endorse, support"} {"x":"subsequent","y":"[1]after, consequent, consequential, ensuing, following, later, succeeding, successive"} {"x":"subsequently","y":"[1]afterwards, at a later date, consequently, in the aftermath (of), in the end, later"} {"x":"subside","y":"[1]abate, decrease, de-escalate, diminish, dwindle, ease, ebb, lessen, let up, level off, melt away, moderate, peter out, quieten, recede, slacken, wane @@@@ [2]cave in, collapse, decline, descend, drop, ebb, lower, settle, sink"} {"x":"subsidence","y":"[1]decline, descent, ebb, settlement, settling, sinking @@@@ [2]abatement, decrease, de-escalation, diminution, easing off, lessening, slackening"} {"x":"subsidiary","y":"[1]aiding, ancillary, assistant, auxiliary, contributory, cooperative, helpful, lesser, minor, secondary, serviceable, subordinate, subservient, supplemental, supplementary, useful"} {"x":"subsidize","y":"[1]finance, fund, promote, put up the money for, sponsor, support, underwrite"} {"x":"subsidy","y":"[1]aid, allowance, assistance, contribution, financial aid, grant, help, stipend, subvention, support"} {"x":"subsist","y":"[1]be, continue, eke out an existence, endure, exist, keep going, keep one's head above water, last, live, make ends meet, remain, stay alive, survive, sustain oneself"} {"x":"substance","y":"[1]body, element, fabric, material, stuff, texture @@@@ [2]burden, essence, gist, gravamen @@@@ [3]import, main point, matter, meaning, pith, significance, subject, sum and substance, theme @@@@ [4]actuality, concreteness, entity, force, reality @@@@ [5]affluence, assets, estate, means, property, resources, wealth"} {"x":"substandard","y":"[1]damaged, imperfect, inadequate, inferior, second-rate, shoddy, unacceptable"} {"x":"substantial","y":"[1]ample, big, considerable, generous, goodly, important, large, significant, sizable or sizeable, tidy @@@@ [2]worthwhile @@@@ [3]bulky, durable, firm, hefty, massive, solid, sound, stout, strong, sturdy, well-built @@@@ [4]actual, existent, material, positive, real, true, valid, weighty"} {"x":"substantially","y":"[1]essentially, in essence, in essentials, in substance, in the main, largely, materially, to a large extent"} {"x":"substantiate","y":"[1]affirm, attest to, authenticate, bear out, confirm, corroborate, establish, prove, support, validate, verify"} {"x":"substitute","y":"[1]change, commute, exchange, interchange, replace, swap @@@@ [2]switch @@@@ [3]act for, be in place of, cover for, deputize, double for, fill in for, hold the fort for, relieve, stand in for, take over @@@@ [4]agent, depute @@@@ [5]deputy, equivalent, expedient, locum, locum tenens, makeshift, proxy, relief, replacement, representative, reserve, stand-by, stopgap, sub, supply, surrogate, temp @@@@ [6]temporary @@@@ [7]acting, additional, alternative, fall-back, proxy, replacement, reserve, second, surrogate, temporary"} {"x":"substitution","y":"[1]change, exchange, interchange, replacement, swap @@@@ [2]switch"} {"x":"subterfuge","y":"[1]artifice, deception, deviousness, dodge, duplicity, evasion, excuse, machination, manoeuvre, ploy, pretence, pretext, quibble, ruse, shift, stall, stratagem, trick"} {"x":"subtle","y":"[1]deep, delicate, discriminating, ingenious, nice, penetrating, profound, refined, sophisticated @@@@ [2]delicate, faint, implied, indirect, insinuated, slight, understated @@@@ [3]artful, astute, crafty, cunning, designing, devious, intriguing, keen, Machiavellian, scheming, shrewd, sly, wily"} {"x":"subtract","y":"[1]deduct, detract, diminish, remove, take away, take from, take off, withdraw"} {"x":"subvert","y":"[1]demolish, destroy, invalidate, overturn, raze, ruin, sabotage, undermine, upset, wreck @@@@ [2]confound, contaminate, corrupt, debase, demoralize, deprave, pervert, poison, vitiate"} {"x":"succeed","y":"[1]arrive @@@@ [2]crack it @@@@ [3]cut it @@@@ [4]prosper, thrive, triumph, turn out well, work @@@@ [5]be subsequent, come next, ensue, follow, result, supervene @@@@ [6]accede, assume the office of, come into, come into possession of, enter upon, fill (someone's) boots, inherit, replace, step into (someone's) boots, take over"} {"x":"succeeding","y":"[1]ensuing, following, next, subsequent, successive"} {"x":"success","y":"[1]ascendancy, eminence, fame, favourable outcome, fortune, happiness, hit @@@@ [2]luck, prosperity, triumph @@@@ [3]best seller, big name, celebrity, hit @@@@ [4]market leader, megastar @@@@ [5]sensation, smash @@@@ [6]smash hit @@@@ [7]somebody, star, V.I.P., winner, wow"} {"x":"successful","y":"[1]acknowledged, at the top of the tree, best-selling, booming, efficacious, favourable, flourishing, fortunate, fruitful, going places, home and dry @@@@ [2]lucky, lucrative, moneymaking, on a roll, out in front @@@@ [3]paying, profitable, prosperous, rewarding, thriving, top, unbeaten, victorious, wealthy"} {"x":"successfully","y":"[1]famously @@@@ [2]favourably, in triumph, swimmingly, victoriously, well, with flying colours"} {"x":"succession","y":"[1]chain, continuation, course, cycle, flow, order, procession, progression, run, sequence, series, train @@@@ [2]running, successively @@@@ [3]accession, assumption, elevation, entering upon, inheritance, taking over @@@@ [4]descendants, descent, line, lineage, race"} {"x":"successive","y":"[1]consecutive, following, in a row, in succession, sequent, succeeding"} {"x":"succinct","y":"[1]brief, compact, compendious, concise, condensed, gnomic, in a few well-chosen words, laconic, pithy, summary, terse, to the point"} {"x":"succulent","y":"[1]juicy, luscious, lush, mellow, moist, mouthwatering, rich"} {"x":"succumb","y":"[1]capitulate, die, fall, fall victim to, give in, give way, go under, knuckle under, submit, surrender, yield"} {"x":"sucker","y":"[1]butt, cat's paw, dupe, easy game or mark @@@@ [2]fool, mug @@@@ [3]pushover @@@@ [4]sap @@@@ [5]sitting duck @@@@ [6]sitting target, victim"} {"x":"sudden","y":"[1]abrupt, hasty, hurried, impulsive, quick, rapid, rash, swift, unexpected, unforeseen, unusual"} {"x":"suddenly","y":"[1]unexpectedly, without warning"} {"x":"sue","y":"[1]indict, institute legal proceedings against (someone), prefer charges against (someone), prosecute, summon, take (someone) to court @@@@ [2]appeal for, beg, beseech, entreat, petition, plead, solicit, supplicate"} {"x":"suffer","y":"[1]ache, agonize, be affected, be in pain, be racked, feel wretched, go through a lot @@@@ [2]bear, endure, experience, feel, go through, put up with @@@@ [3]support, sustain, tolerate, undergo @@@@ [4]appear in a poor light, be handicapped, be impaired, deteriorate, fall off, show to disadvantage @@@@ [5]allow, let, permit"} {"x":"suffering","y":"[1]affliction, agony, anguish, discomfort, distress, hardship, martyrdom, misery, ordeal, pain, torment, torture @@@@ [2]easy-going, forbearing, forgiving, patient, resigned, stoical, tolerant, uncomplaining"} {"x":"suffice","y":"[1]answer, be adequate, be enough, be sufficient, content, do, fill the bill @@@@ [2]meet requirements, satisfy, serve"} {"x":"sufficient","y":"[1]adequate, competent, enough, enow @@@@ [2]satisfactory"} {"x":"suffocate","y":"[1]asphyxiate, choke, smother, stifle, strangle"} {"x":"suffrage","y":"[1]ballot, consent, franchise, right to vote, voice @@@@ [2]vote"} {"x":"suffuse","y":"[1]bathe, cover, flood, imbue, infuse, mantle, overspread, permeate, pervade, spread over, steep, transfuse"} {"x":"suggest","y":"[1]advise, advocate, move, offer a suggestion, prescribe, propose, put forward, recommend @@@@ [2]bring to mind, connote, evoke, put one in mind of @@@@ [3]hint, imply, indicate, insinuate, intimate, lead one to believe"} {"x":"suggestion","y":"[1]motion, plan, proposal, proposition, recommendation @@@@ [2]breath, hint, indication, insinuation, intimation, suspicion, trace, whisper"} {"x":"suit","y":"[1]agree, agree with, answer, be acceptable to, become, befit, be seemly, conform to, correspond, do, go with, gratify, harmonize, match, please, satisfy, tally @@@@ [2]accommodate, adapt, adjust, customize, fashion, fit, modify, proportion, tailor @@@@ [3]addresses, appeal, attentions, courtship, entreaty, invocation, petition, prayer, request @@@@ [4]action, case, cause, industrial tribunal, lawsuit, proceeding, prosecution, trial @@@@ [5]clothing, costume, dress, ensemble, habit, outfit @@@@ [6]accord with, copy, emulate, run with the herd, take one's cue from"} {"x":"suitability","y":"[1]appropriateness, aptness, fitness, opportuneness, rightness, timeliness"} {"x":"suitable","y":"[1]acceptable, applicable, apposite, appropriate, apt, becoming, befitting, convenient, cut out for, due, fit, fitting, in character, in keeping, opportune, pertinent, proper, relevant, right, satisfactory, seemly, suited"} {"x":"suite","y":"[1]apartment, collection, furniture, rooms, series, set @@@@ [2]attendants, entourage, escort, followers, retainers, retinue, train"} {"x":"suitor","y":"[1]admirer, beau, follower @@@@ [2]swain @@@@ [3]wooer, young man"} {"x":"sulk","y":"[1]be in a huff, be put out, brood, have the hump @@@@ [2]look sullen, pout"} {"x":"sullen","y":"[1]brooding, cheerless, cross, dismal, dour, dull, gloomy, glowering, heavy, moody, morose, obstinate, out of humour, perverse, silent, sombre, sour, stubborn, surly, unsociable"} {"x":"sully","y":"[1]befoul, besmirch, blemish, contaminate, darken, defile, dirty, disgrace, dishonour, pollute, smirch, spoil, spot, stain, taint, tarnish"} {"x":"sultry","y":"[1]close, hot, humid, muggy, oppressive, sticky, stifling, stuffy, sweltering @@@@ [2]amorous, come-hither @@@@ [3]erotic, passionate, provocative, seductive, sensual, sexy @@@@ [4]voluptuous"} {"x":"sum","y":"[1]aggregate, amount, entirety, quantity, reckoning, score, sum total, tally, total, totality, whole @@@@ [2]close, conclude, put in a nutshell, recapitulate, review, summarize @@@@ [3]estimate, form an opinion of, get the measure of, size up"} {"x":"summarily","y":"[1]arbitrarily, at short notice, expeditiously, forthwith, immediately, on the spot, peremptorily, promptly, speedily, swiftly, without delay, without wasting words"} {"x":"summarize","y":"[1]abridge, condense, encapsulate, epitomize, give a rundown of, give the main points of, outline, precis, put in a nutshell, recap, recapitulate, review, sum up"} {"x":"summary","y":"[1]abridgment, abstract, compendium, digest, epitome, essence, extract, outline, precis, recapitulation, resume, review, rundown, summing-up, synopsis @@@@ [2]arbitrary, brief, compact, compendious, concise, condensed, cursory, hasty, laconic, perfunctory, pithy, succinct"} {"x":"summit","y":"[1]acme, apex, crest, crown, crowning point, culmination, head, height, peak, pinnacle, top, zenith"} {"x":"summon","y":"[1]arouse, assemble, bid, call, call together, cite, convene, convoke, invite, rally, rouse, send for @@@@ [2]call into action, draw on, gather, invoke, mobilize, muster"} {"x":"summons","y":"[1]arouse, assemble, bid, call, call together, cite, convene, convoke, invite, rally, rouse, send for @@@@ [2]call into action, draw on, gather, invoke, mobilize, muster"} {"x":"sumptuous","y":"[1]costly, dear, de luxe, expensive, extravagant, gorgeous, grand, lavish, luxurious, magnificent, opulent, palatial, plush @@@@ [2]posh @@@@ [3]rich, ritzy @@@@ [4]splendid, splendiferous @@@@ [5]superb"} {"x":"sun","y":"[1]daystar @@@@ [2]Phoebus @@@@ [3]Phoebus Apollo @@@@ [4]Sol @@@@ [5]bake, bask, sunbathe, tan"} {"x":"sundries","y":"[1]assorted, different, divers @@@@ [2]miscellaneous, several, some, varied, various"} {"x":"sunk","y":"[1]done for @@@@ [2]finished, lost, on the rocks, ruined, up the creek without a paddle"} {"x":"sunken","y":"[1]concave, drawn, haggard, hollow, hollowed @@@@ [2]at a lower level, below ground, buried, depressed, immersed, lower, recessed, submerged"} {"x":"sunny","y":"[1]bright, brilliant, clear, fine, luminous, radiant, summery, sunlit, sunshiny, unclouded, without a cloud in the sky @@@@ [2]beaming, blithe, buoyant, cheerful, cheery, chirpy @@@@ [3]genial, happy, joyful, light-hearted, optimistic, pleasant, smiling"} {"x":"sunrise","y":"[1]aurora @@@@ [2]break of day, cockcrow, dawn, daybreak, daylight, dayspring @@@@ [3]sunup"} {"x":"sunset","y":"[1]close of (the) day, dusk, eventide, gloaming @@@@ [2]nightfall, sundown"} {"x":"super","y":"[1]awesome @@@@ [2]boffo @@@@ [3]brill @@@@ [4]chillin' @@@@ [5]cracking @@@@ [6]crucial @@@@ [7]def @@@@ [8]excellent, glorious, incomparable, jim-dandy @@@@ [9]magnificent, marvellous, matchless, mean @@@@ [10]mega @@@@ [11]outstanding, peerless, sensational @@@@ [12]smashing @@@@ [13]sovereign, superb, terrific @@@@ [14]top-notch @@@@ [15]topping @@@@ [16]wonderful"} {"x":"superb","y":"[1]admirable, awesome @@@@ [2]bodacious @@@@ [3]boffo @@@@ [4]breathtaking, brill @@@@ [5]chillin' @@@@ [6]choice, divine, excellent, exquisite, fine, first-rate, gorgeous, grand, magnificent, marvellous, mega @@@@ [7]of the first water, splendid, splendiferous @@@@ [8]superior, superlative, topping @@@@ [9]unrivalled, world-class"} {"x":"supercilious","y":"[1]arrogant, condescending, contemptuous, disdainful, haughty, high and mighty @@@@ [2]hoity-toity @@@@ [3]imperious, insolent, lofty, lordly, overbearing, patronizing, proud, scornful, snooty @@@@ [4]stuck-up @@@@ [5]toffee-nosed @@@@ [6]uppish @@@@ [7]vainglorious"} {"x":"superficial","y":"[1]exterior, external, on the surface, peripheral, shallow, skin-deep, slight, surface @@@@ [2]casual, cosmetic, cursory, desultory, facile, hasty, hurried, inattentive, nodding, passing, perfunctory, sketchy, slapdash @@@@ [3]empty, empty-headed, frivolous, lightweight, shallow, silly, trivial @@@@ [4]apparent, evident, ostensible, outward, seeming"} {"x":"superfluity","y":"[1]excess, exuberance, glut, plethora, redundancy, superabundance, surfeit, surplus"} {"x":"superfluous","y":"[1]excess, excessive, extra, in excess, left over, needless, on one's hands, pleonastic @@@@ [2]redundant, remaining, residuary, spare, superabundant, supererogatory, supernumerary, surplus, surplus to requirements, uncalled-for, unnecessary, unneeded, unrequired"} {"x":"superintend","y":"[1]administer, control, direct, handle, inspect, look after, manage, overlook, oversee, run, supervise"} {"x":"superintendent","y":"[1]administrator, chief, conductor, controller, director, governor, inspector, manager, overseer, supervisor"} {"x":"superior","y":"[1]better, grander, greater, higher, more advanced, more expert, more extensive, more skilful, paramount, predominant, preferred, prevailing, surpassing, unrivalled @@@@ [2]admirable, choice, de luxe, distinguished, excellent, exceptional, exclusive, fine, first-class, first-rate, good, good quality, high calibre, high-class, of the first order, running rings around @@@@ [3]streets ahead @@@@ [4]world-class @@@@ [5]airy, condescending, disdainful, haughty, lofty, lordly, on one's high horse @@@@ [6]patronizing, pretentious, snobbish, stuck-up @@@@ [7]supercilious @@@@ [8]boss @@@@ [9]chief, director, manager, principal, senior, supervisor"} {"x":"superlative","y":"[1]consummate, crack @@@@ [2]excellent, greatest, highest, magnificent, matchless, of the first water, of the highest order, outstanding, peerless, stellar @@@@ [3]supreme, surpassing, transcendent, unparalleled, unrivalled, unsurpassed"} {"x":"supernatural","y":"[1]abnormal, dark, ghostly, hidden, miraculous, mysterious, mystic, occult, paranormal, phantom, preternatural, psychic, spectral, supranatural, uncanny, unearthly, unnatural"} {"x":"supersede","y":"[1]annul, displace, fill (someone's) boots, oust, overrule, remove, replace, set aside, step into (someone's) boots, supplant, supplement, suspend, take over, take the place of, usurp"} {"x":"supervise","y":"[1]administer, be on duty at, be responsible for, conduct, control, direct, handle, have or be in charge of, inspect, keep an eye on, look after, manage, oversee, preside over, run, superintend"} {"x":"supervision","y":"[1]administration, auspices, care, charge, control, direction, guidance, instruction, management, oversight, stewardship, superintendence, surveillance"} {"x":"supervisor","y":"[1]administrator, boss @@@@ [2]chief, foreman, gaffer @@@@ [3]inspector, manager, overseer, steward, superintendent"} {"x":"supervisory","y":"[1]administrative, executive, managerial, overseeing, superintendent"} {"x":"supine","y":"[1]flat, flat on one's back, horizontal, recumbent @@@@ [2]apathetic, careless, heedless, idle, incurious, indifferent, indolent, inert, languid, lazy, lethargic, listless, lymphatic, negligent, passive, slothful, sluggish, spineless, spiritless, torpid, uninterested"} {"x":"supplant","y":"[1]displace, oust, overthrow, remove, replace, supersede, take over, take the place of, undermine, unseat"} {"x":"supple","y":"[1]bending, elastic, flexible, limber, lissom(e), lithe, loose-limbed, plastic, pliable, pliant"} {"x":"supplement","y":"[1]added feature, addendum, addition, add-on, appendix, codicil, complement, extra, insert, postscript, pull-out, sequel @@@@ [2]add, augment, complement, extend, fill out, reinforce, supply, top up"} {"x":"suppliant","y":"[1]begging, beseeching, craving, entreating, imploring, importunate, on bended knee @@@@ [2]applicant, petitioner, suitor, supplicant"} {"x":"supplication","y":"[1]appeal, entreaty, invocation, petition, plea, pleading, prayer, request, solicitation, suit"} {"x":"supply","y":"[1]afford, cater to or for, come up with, contribute, endow, equip, fill, furnish, give, grant, minister, outfit, produce, provide, purvey, replenish, satisfy, stock, store, victual, yield @@@@ [2]cache, fund, hoard, quantity, reserve, reservoir, source, stock, stockpile, store @@@@ [3]equipment, food, foodstuff, items, materials, necessities, provender, provisions, rations, stores"} {"x":"support","y":"[1]bear, bolster, brace, buttress, carry, hold, hold up, prop, reinforce, shore up, sustain, underpin, uphold @@@@ [2]be a source of strength to, buoy up, cherish, encourage, finance, foster, fund, hold (someone's) hand, keep, look after, maintain, nourish, provide for, strengthen, subsidize, succour, sustain, take care of, underwrite @@@@ [3]advocate, aid, assist, back, boost (someone's) morale, champion, defend, espouse, forward, go along with, help, promote, second, side with, stand behind, stand up for, stick up for @@@@ [4]attest to, authenticate, bear out, confirm, corroborate, document, endorse, lend credence to, substantiate, verify @@@@ [5]bear, brook, countenance, endure, put up with @@@@ [6]stand (for), stomach, submit, suffer, thole @@@@ [7]tolerate, undergo @@@@ [8]abutment, back, brace, foundation, lining, pillar, post, prop, shore, stanchion, stay, stiffener, underpinning @@@@ [9]aid, approval, assistance, backing, blessing, championship, comfort, encouragement, espousal, friendship, furtherance, help, loyalty, moral support, patronage, promotion, protection, relief, succour, sustenance @@@@ [10]keep, livelihood, maintenance, subsistence, sustenance, upkeep @@@@ [11]backbone, backer, comforter, mainstay, prop, second, stay, supporter, tower of strength"} {"x":"supporter","y":"[1]adherent, advocate, ally, apologist, champion, co-worker, defender, fan, follower, friend, helper, henchman, patron, protagonist, sponsor, upholder, well-wisher"} {"x":"suppose","y":"[1]assume, calculate @@@@ [2]conjecture, dare say, expect, guess @@@@ [3]imagine, infer, judge, opine, presume, presuppose, surmise, take as read, take for granted, think @@@@ [4]believe, conceive, conclude, conjecture, consider, fancy, hypothesize, imagine, postulate, pretend"} {"x":"supposed","y":"[1]accepted, alleged, assumed, hypothetical, presumed, presupposed, professed, putative, reputed, rumoured @@@@ [2]expected, meant, obliged, ought, required"} {"x":"supposition","y":"[1]conjecture, doubt, guess, guesswork, hypothesis, idea, notion, postulate, presumption, speculation, surmise, theory"} {"x":"suppress","y":"[1]beat down, check, clamp down on, conquer, crack down on, crush, drive underground, extinguish, overpower, overthrow, put an end to, quash, quell, quench, snuff out, stamp out, stop, subdue, trample on @@@@ [2]censor, conceal, contain, cover up, curb, hold in or back, hold in check, keep secret, muffle, muzzle, repress, restrain, silence, smother, stifle, sweep under the carpet @@@@ [3]withhold"} {"x":"suppurate","y":"[1]discharge, fester, gather, maturate, ooze, weep"} {"x":"supremacy","y":"[1]absolute rule, ascendancy, dominance, domination, dominion, lordship, mastery, paramountcy, predominance, pre-eminence, primacy, sovereignty, supreme authority, sway"} {"x":"supreme","y":"[1]cardinal, chief, crowning, culminating, extreme, final, first, foremost, greatest, head, highest, incomparable, leading, matchless, mother (of all), paramount, peerless, predominant, pre-eminent, prevailing, prime, principal, sovereign, superlative, surpassing, top, ultimate, unsurpassed, utmost"} {"x":"sure","y":"[1]assured, certain, clear, confident, convinced, decided, definite, free from doubt, persuaded, positive, satisfied @@@@ [2]accurate, dependable, effective, foolproof, honest, indisputable, infallible, never-failing, precise, reliable, sure-fire @@@@ [3]tried and true, trustworthy, trusty, undeniable, undoubted, unerring, unfailing, unmistakable, well-proven @@@@ [4]assured, bound, guaranteed, ineluctable, inescapable, inevitable, in the bag @@@@ [5]irrevocable @@@@ [6]fast, firm, fixed, safe, secure, solid, stable, staunch, steady"} {"x":"surely","y":"[1]assuredly, beyond the shadow of a doubt, certainly, come what may, definitely, doubtlessly, for certain, indubitably, inevitably, inexorably, undoubtedly, unquestionably, without doubt, without fail"} {"x":"surety","y":"[1]bail, bond, deposit, guarantee, indemnity, insurance, pledge, safety, security, warranty @@@@ [2]bondsman, guarantor, hostage, mortgagor, sponsor"} {"x":"surface","y":"[1]covering, exterior, facade, face, facet, outside, plane, side, skin, superficies @@@@ [2]top, veneer @@@@ [3]apparently, at first glance, ostensibly, outwardly, seemingly, superficially, to all appearances, to the casual eye @@@@ [4]apparent, exterior, external, outward, superficial @@@@ [5]appear, come to light, come up, crop up @@@@ [6]emerge, materialize, rise, transpire"} {"x":"surfeit","y":"[1]excess, glut, overindulgence, plethora, satiety, superabundance, superfluity @@@@ [2]cram, fill, glut, gorge, overfeed, overfill, satiate, stuff"} {"x":"surge","y":"[1]billow, eddy, gush, heave, rise, roll, rush, swell, swirl, tower, undulate, well forth @@@@ [2]billow, breaker, efflux, flood, flow, gush, intensification, outpouring, roller, rush, swell, uprush, upsurge, wave"} {"x":"surly","y":"[1]bearish, brusque, churlish, crabbed, cross, crusty, curmudgeonly, grouchy @@@@ [2]gruff, ill-natured, morose, perverse, shrewish, sulky, sullen, testy, uncivil, ungracious"} {"x":"surmise","y":"[1]come to the conclusion, conclude, conjecture, consider, deduce, fancy, guess, hazard a guess, imagine, infer, opine, presume, speculate, suppose, suspect @@@@ [2]assumption, conclusion, conjecture, deduction, guess, hypothesis, idea, inference, notion, possibility, presumption, speculation, supposition, suspicion, thought"} {"x":"surmount","y":"[1]conquer, exceed, master, overcome, overpower, overtop, pass, prevail over, surpass, triumph over, vanquish"} {"x":"surpass","y":"[1]beat, best, cap @@@@ [2]eclipse, exceed, excel, go one better than @@@@ [3]outdo, outshine, outstrip, override, overshadow, put in the shade, top, tower above, transcend"} {"x":"surplus","y":"[1]balance, excess, remainder, residue, superabundance, superfluity, surfeit @@@@ [2]excess, extra, in excess, left over, odd, remaining, spare, superfluous, unused"} {"x":"surprise","y":"[1]amaze, astonish, astound, bewilder, bowl over @@@@ [2]confuse, disconcert, flabbergast @@@@ [3]leave open-mouthed, nonplus, stagger, stun, take aback, take (someone's) breath away @@@@ [4]amazement, astonishment, bewilderment, incredulity, stupefaction, wonder @@@@ [5]bolt from the blue, bombshell, eye-opener @@@@ [6]jolt, revelation, shock, start"} {"x":"surprised","y":"[1]amazed, astonished, at a loss, caught on the hop @@@@ [2]disconcerted, incredulous, nonplussed, open-mouthed, speechless, startled, taken aback, taken by surprise, thunderstruck, unable to believe one's eyes"} {"x":"surprising","y":"[1]amazing, astonishing, astounding, bewildering, extraordinary, incredible, marvellous, remarkable, staggering, startling, unexpected, unlooked-for, unusual, wonderful"} {"x":"surrender","y":"[1]abandon, cede, concede, deliver up, forego, give up, part with, relinquish, renounce, resign, waive, yield @@@@ [2]capitulate, give in, give oneself up, give way, lay down arms, quit, show the white flag, submit, succumb, throw in the towel, yield @@@@ [3]capitulation, delivery, relinquishment, renunciation, resignation, submission, yielding"} {"x":"surreptitious","y":"[1]clandestine, covert, fraudulent, furtive, secret, sly, sneaking, stealthy, unauthorized, underhand, veiled"} {"x":"surrogate","y":"[1]deputy, proxy, representative, stand-in, substitute"} {"x":"surround","y":"[1]close in on, encircle, enclose, encompass, envelop, environ, enwreath, fence in, girdle, hem in, ring @@@@ [2]beset, besiege, invest"} {"x":"surrounding","y":"[1]nearby, neighbouring"} {"x":"surveillance","y":"[1]care, control, direction, inspection, observation, scrutiny, superintendence, supervision, vigilance, watch"} {"x":"survey","y":"[1]contemplate, examine, eye up, inspect, look over, observe, recce @@@@ [2]reconnoitre, research, review, scan, scrutinize, study, supervise, view @@@@ [3]appraise, assess, estimate, eye up, measure, plan, plot, prospect, size up, take stock of, triangulate @@@@ [4]examination, inquiry, inspection, once-over @@@@ [5]overview, perusal, random sample, review, scrutiny, study"} {"x":"survive","y":"[1]be extant, endure, exist, fight for one's life, hold out, keep body and soul together @@@@ [2]keep one's head above water, last, live, live on, outlast, outlive, pull through, remain alive, subsist"} {"x":"susceptible","y":"[1]disposed, given, inclined, liable, open, predisposed, prone, subject, vulnerable @@@@ [2]alive to, easily moved, impressionable, receptive, responsive, sensitive, suggestible, tender"} {"x":"suspect","y":"[1]distrust, doubt, harbour suspicions about, have one's doubts about, mistrust, smell a rat @@@@ [2]believe, conclude, conjecture, consider, fancy, feel, guess, have a sneaking suspicion, hazard a guess, speculate, suppose, surmise, think probable @@@@ [3]dodgy @@@@ [4]doubtful, dubious, fishy @@@@ [5]iffy"} {"x":"suspend","y":"[1]append, attach, dangle, hang, swing @@@@ [2]adjourn, arrest, cease, cut short, debar, defer, delay, discontinue, hold off, interrupt, lay aside, pigeonhole, postpone, put in cold storage, put off, shelve, stay, withhold"} {"x":"suspense","y":"[1]anticipation, anxiety, apprehension, doubt, expectancy, expectation, indecision, insecurity, irresolution, tension, uncertainty, wavering @@@@ [2]anxious, in an agony of doubt, keyed up, on edge, on tenterhooks, with bated breath"} {"x":"suspension","y":"[1]abeyance, adjournment, break, breaking off, deferment, delay, disbarment, discontinuation, interruption, moratorium, postponement, remission, respite, stay"} {"x":"suspicion","y":"[1]bad vibes @@@@ [2]chariness, distrust, doubt, dubiety, funny feeling @@@@ [3]jealousy, lack of confidence, misgiving, mistrust, qualm, scepticism, wariness @@@@ [4]above reproach, blameless, honourable, like Caesar's wife, pure, sinless, unimpeachable, virtuous @@@@ [5]conjecture, guess, gut feeling @@@@ [6]hunch, idea, impression, notion, supposition, surmise @@@@ [7]glimmer, hint, shade, shadow, soupcon, strain, streak, suggestion, tinge, touch, trace"} {"x":"suspicious","y":"[1]apprehensive, distrustful, doubtful, jealous, leery @@@@ [2]mistrustful, sceptical, suspecting, unbelieving, wary @@@@ [3]dodgy @@@@ [4]doubtful, dubious, fishy @@@@ [5]funny, irregular, of doubtful honesty, open to doubt or misconstruction, queer, questionable, shady @@@@ [6]suspect"} {"x":"sustain","y":"[1]bear, carry, keep from falling, keep up, support, uphold @@@@ [2]bear, bear up under, endure, experience, feel, suffer, undergo, withstand @@@@ [3]aid, assist, comfort, foster, help, keep alive, nourish, nurture, provide for, relieve @@@@ [4]approve, confirm, continue, keep alive, keep going, keep up, maintain, prolong, protract, ratify @@@@ [5]endorse, uphold, validate, verify"} {"x":"sustained","y":"[1]constant, continuous, nonstop, perpetual, prolonged, steady, unremitting"} {"x":"sustenance","y":"[1]aliment, comestibles, daily bread, eatables, edibles, food, nourishment, provender, provisions, rations, refection, refreshments, victuals @@@@ [2]livelihood, maintenance, subsistence, support"} {"x":"svelte","y":"[1]graceful, lissom(e), lithe, slender, slinky, sylphlike, willowy @@@@ [2]polished, smooth, sophisticated, urbane"} {"x":"swagger","y":"[1]bluster, boast, brag, bully, gasconade @@@@ [2]hector, hot-dog @@@@ [3]parade, prance, show off @@@@ [4]strut, swank @@@@ [5]arrogance, bluster, braggadocio, display, gasconade @@@@ [6]ostentation, pomposity, show, showing off @@@@ [7]swank @@@@ [8]swashbuckling"} {"x":"swallow","y":"[1]absorb, consume, devour, down @@@@ [2]drink, eat, gulp, ingest, swig @@@@ [3]swill, wash down @@@@ [4]absorb, assimilate, consume, engulf, envelop, overrun, overwhelm, use up, waste @@@@ [5]choke back, hold in, repress @@@@ [6]accept, believe, buy"} {"x":"swamp","y":"[1]bog, everglade(s) @@@@ [2]fen, marsh, mire, morass, moss @@@@ [3]quagmire, slough @@@@ [4]capsize, drench, engulf, flood, inundate, overwhelm, sink, submerge, swallow up, upset, wash over, waterlog @@@@ [5]beset, besiege, deluge, flood, inundate, overload, overwhelm, snow under"} {"x":"swank","y":"[1]show off @@@@ [2]swagger @@@@ [3]attitudinizer, braggadocio, hot dog @@@@ [4]poser, poseur, show-off @@@@ [5]swankpot @@@@ [6]swashbuckler @@@@ [7]boastfulness, display, ostentation, show, swagger, vainglory"} {"x":"swap","y":"[1]bandy, barter, exchange, interchange, switch, trade, traffic"} {"x":"swarm","y":"[1]army, bevy, concourse, crowd, drove, flock, herd, horde, host, mass, multitude, myriad, shoal, throng @@@@ [2]congregate, crowd, flock, mass, stream, throng @@@@ [3]abound, be alive, be infested, be overrun, bristle, crawl, teem"} {"x":"swarthy","y":"[1]black, brown, dark, dark-complexioned, dark-skinned, dusky, swart @@@@ [2]tawny"} {"x":"swastika","y":"[1]crooked cross, fylfot"} {"x":"swathe","y":"[1]bandage, bind, bundle up, cloak, drape, envelop, enwrap, fold, furl, lap, muffle up, sheathe, shroud, swaddle, wrap"} {"x":"sway","y":"[1]bend, fluctuate, incline, lean, lurch, oscillate, rock, roll, swing, wave @@@@ [2]affect, control, direct, dominate, govern, guide, induce, influence, persuade, prevail on, win over @@@@ [3]ascendency, authority, clout @@@@ [4]command, control, dominion, government, influence, jurisdiction, power, predominance, rule, sovereignty @@@@ [5]predominate, prevail, reign, rule, run"} {"x":"swear","y":"[1]affirm, assert, asseverate, attest, avow, declare, depose, give one's word, pledge oneself, promise, state under oath, swear blind, take an oath, testify, vow, warrant @@@@ [2]be foul-mouthed, blaspheme, curse, cuss @@@@ [3]utter profanities @@@@ [4]depend on, have confidence in, rely on, trust"} {"x":"sweat","y":"[1]diaphoresis @@@@ [2]exudation, perspiration, sudor @@@@ [3]agitation, anxiety, distress, flap @@@@ [4]panic, strain, worry @@@@ [5]backbreaking task, chore, drudgery, effort, labour, toil @@@@ [6]break out in a sweat, exude moisture, glow, perspire @@@@ [7]be on tenterhooks, chafe, fret, lose sleep over, suffer, torture oneself, worry @@@@ [8]endure, see (something) through, stay the course, stick it out"} {"x":"sweep","y":"[1]brush, clean, clear, remove @@@@ [2]career, flounce, fly, glance, glide, hurtle, pass, sail, scud, skim, tear, zoom @@@@ [3]arc, bend, curve, gesture, move, movement, stroke, swing @@@@ [4]compass, extent, range, scope, span, stretch, vista @@@@ [5]draw, lottery, raffle, sweepstake"} {"x":"sweet","y":"[1]cloying, honeyed, icky @@@@ [2]luscious, melting, saccharine, sugary, sweetened, syrupy, toothsome, treacly @@@@ [3]affectionate, agreeable, amiable, appealing, attractive, beautiful, charming, cute, delightful, engaging, fair, gentle, kind, likable or likeable, lovable, sweet-tempered, taking, tender, unselfish, winning, winsome @@@@ [4]beloved, cherished, darling, dear, dearest, pet, precious, treasured @@@@ [5]aromatic, balmy, clean, fragrant, fresh, new, perfumed, pure, redolent, sweet-smelling, wholesome @@@@ [6]dulcet, euphonic, euphonious, harmonious, mellow, melodious, musical, silver-toned, silvery, soft, sweet-sounding, tuneful @@@@ [7]head over heels in love with, infatuated by, in love with, keen on, obsessed or bewitched by, taken with, wild or mad about @@@@ [8]afters @@@@ [9]dessert, pudding, sweet course @@@@ [10]bonbon, candy @@@@ [11]confectionery, sweetie, sweetmeats @@@@ [12]bonbon, candy @@@@ [13]confectionery, sweetie, sweetmeats"} {"x":"sweeten","y":"[1]honey, sugar, sugar-coat @@@@ [2]alleviate, appease, mollify, pacify, soften up, soothe, sugar the pill"} {"x":"sweetheart","y":"[1]admirer, beau, beloved, boyfriend, darling, dear, flame @@@@ [2]follower @@@@ [3]girlfriend, inamorata, inamorato, leman @@@@ [4]love, lover, steady @@@@ [5]suitor, swain @@@@ [6]sweetie @@@@ [7]truelove, valentine"} {"x":"swell","y":"[1]balloon, become bloated or distended, become larger, be inflated, belly, billow, bloat, bulge, dilate, distend, enlarge, expand, extend, fatten, grow, increase, protrude, puff up, rise, round out, tumefy, well up @@@@ [2]add to, aggravate, augment, enhance, heighten, intensify, mount, surge @@@@ [3]billow, rise, surge, undulation, wave @@@@ [4]beau, blade @@@@ [5]cockscomb @@@@ [6]dandy, fashion plate, fop, nob @@@@ [7]toff @@@@ [8]de luxe, exclusive, fashionable, grand, plush or plushy @@@@ [9]posh @@@@ [10]ritzy @@@@ [11]smart, stylish"} {"x":"swerve","y":"[1]bend, deflect, depart from, deviate, diverge, incline, sheer off, shift, skew, stray, swing, turn, turn aside, veer, wander, wind"} {"x":"swift","y":"[1]abrupt, expeditious, express, fast, fleet, fleet-footed, flying, hurried, nimble, nippy @@@@ [2]pdq @@@@ [3]prompt, quick, quickie @@@@ [4]rapid, ready, short, short-lived, spanking, speedy, sudden, winged"} {"x":"swill","y":"[1]bevvy @@@@ [2]consume, drain, drink (down), gulp, guzzle, imbibe, pour down one's gullet, quaff, swallow, swig @@@@ [3]toss off @@@@ [4]drench, flush, rinse, sluice, wash down, wash out @@@@ [5]hogwash, mash, mush, pigswill, scourings, slops, waste"} {"x":"swindle","y":"[1]bamboozle @@@@ [2]bilk (of), cheat, con, cozen, deceive, defraud, diddle @@@@ [3]do @@@@ [4]dupe, fleece, hornswoggle @@@@ [5]rook @@@@ [6]skin @@@@ [7]stiff @@@@ [8]sting @@@@ [9]trick @@@@ [10]con trick @@@@ [11]deceit, deception, double-dealing, fiddle @@@@ [12]fraud, imposition, knavery, racket, rip-off @@@@ [13]roguery, scam @@@@ [14]sharp practice, sting @@@@ [15]swizz @@@@ [16]swizzle @@@@ [17]trickery"} {"x":"swing","y":"[1]be pendent, be suspended, dangle, hang, move back and forth, suspend @@@@ [2]fluctuate, oscillate, rock, sway, vary, veer, vibrate, wave @@@@ [3]curve, pivot, rotate, swivel, turn, turn on one's heel, wheel @@@@ [4]fluctuation, oscillation, stroke, sway, swaying, vibration @@@@ [5]animated, at its height, lively, on the go @@@@ [6]under way"} {"x":"swinging","y":"[1]dynamic, fashionable, full of go or pep @@@@ [2]groovy @@@@ [3]happening @@@@ [4]hip @@@@ [5]lively, trendy @@@@ [6]up-to-date, up to the minute, with it"} {"x":"swipe","y":"[1]chin @@@@ [2]clip @@@@ [3]deck @@@@ [4]fetch (someone) a blow, hit, lash out at, lay one on @@@@ [5]slap, slosh @@@@ [6]sock @@@@ [7]strike, wallop @@@@ [8]blow, clip @@@@ [9]clout @@@@ [10]clump @@@@ [11]cuff, slap, smack, wallop @@@@ [12]appropriate, cabbage @@@@ [13]filch, lift @@@@ [14]pilfer, pinch @@@@ [15]purloin, snaffle @@@@ [16]steal"} {"x":"swirl","y":"[1]agitate, boil, churn, eddy, spin, surge, twirl, twist, whirl"} {"x":"swish","y":"[1]de luxe, elegant, exclusive, fashionable, grand, plush or plushy @@@@ [2]posh @@@@ [3]ritzy @@@@ [4]smart, sumptuous, swell"} {"x":"switch","y":"[1]change, change course, deflect, deviate, divert, exchange, interchange, rearrange, replace by, shift, substitute, swap @@@@ [2]trade, turn aside @@@@ [3]about-turn, alteration, change, change of direction, exchange, reversal, shift, substitution, swap @@@@ [4]lash, swish, twitch, wave, whip"} {"x":"swivel","y":"[1]pirouette, pivot, revolve, rotate, spin, swing round, turn"} {"x":"swollen","y":"[1]bloated, distended, dropsical, edematous, enlarged, inflamed, oedematous, puffed up, puffy, tumescent, tumid @@@@ [2]bigheaded @@@@ [3]bumptious, cocky, full of oneself, proud, puffed up, self-important, too big for one's boots, too big for one's breeches, vain, vainglorious"} {"x":"swoop","y":"[1]descend, dive, pounce, rush, stoop, sweep @@@@ [2]descent, drop, lunge, plunge, pounce, rush, stoop, sweep"} {"x":"sword","y":"[1]blade, brand @@@@ [2]trusty steel @@@@ [3]argue, come to blows, dispute, fight, spar, wrangle @@@@ [4]aggression, arms, butchery, death, massacre, military might, murder, slaying, violence, war"} {"x":"sybarite","y":"[1]epicure, epicurean, hedonist, playboy, sensualist, voluptuary"} {"x":"sycophant","y":"[1]apple polisher @@@@ [2]ass-kisser @@@@ [3]bootlicker @@@@ [4]brown-noser @@@@ [5]cringer, fawner, flatterer, hanger-on, lickspittle, parasite, slave, sponger, toadeater @@@@ [6]toady, truckler, yes man"} {"x":"sycophantic","y":"[1]arse-licking @@@@ [2]bootlicking @@@@ [3]cringing, fawning, flattering, grovelling, ingratiating, obsequious, parasitical, servile, slavish, slimy, smarmy @@@@ [4]timeserving, toadying, unctuous"} {"x":"symbol","y":"[1]badge, emblem, figure, image, logo, mark, representation, sign, token, type"} {"x":"symbolic","y":"[1]allegorical, emblematic, figurative, representative, significant, token, typical"} {"x":"symbolize","y":"[1]betoken, body forth, connote, denote, exemplify, mean, personify, represent, signify, stand for, typify"} {"x":"symmetrical","y":"[1]balanced, in proportion, proportional, regular, well-proportioned"} {"x":"symmetry","y":"[1]agreement, balance, correspondence, evenness, form, harmony, order, proportion, regularity"} {"x":"sympathetic","y":"[1]affectionate, caring, commiserating, compassionate, concerned, condoling, feeling, interested, kind, kindly, pitying, responsive, supportive, tender, understanding, warm, warm-hearted @@@@ [2]agreeable, approving, encouraging, favourably disposed, friendly, in sympathy with, pro, well-disposed @@@@ [3]agreeable, appreciative, companionable, compatible, congenial, friendly, like-minded, responsive, well-intentioned"} {"x":"sympathize","y":"[1]bleed for, commiserate, condole, empathize, feel for, feel one's heart go out to, grieve with, have compassion, offer consolation, pity, share another's sorrow @@@@ [2]agree, be in accord, be in sympathy, go along with, identify with, side with, understand"} {"x":"sympathy","y":"[1]commiseration, compassion, condolence(s), empathy, pity, tenderness, thoughtfulness, understanding @@@@ [2]affinity, agreement, congeniality, correspondence, fellow feeling, harmony, rapport, union, warmth"} {"x":"symptom","y":"[1]expression, indication, mark, note, sign, syndrome, token, warning"} {"x":"symptomatic","y":"[1]characteristic, indicative, suggestive"} {"x":"synonymous","y":"[1]equal, equivalent, identical, identified, interchangeable, one and the same, similar, tantamount, the same"} {"x":"synopsis","y":"[1]abridgment, abstract, apercu, compendium, condensation, conspectus, digest, epitome, outline, outline sketch, precis, resume, review, rundown, summary"} {"x":"synthesis","y":"[1]amalgamation, coalescence, combination, integration, unification, welding @@@@ [2]amalgam, blend, combination, composite, compound, fusion, meld, union"} {"x":"synthetic","y":"[1]artificial, ersatz, fake, man-made, manufactured, mock, pseudo @@@@ [2]sham, simulated"} {"x":"system","y":"[1]arrangement, classification, combination, coordination, organization, scheme, setup @@@@ [2]structure @@@@ [3]fixed order, frame of reference, method, methodology, modus operandi, practice, procedure, routine, technique, theory, usage @@@@ [4]definite plan, logical process, method, methodicalness, orderliness, regularity, systematization"} {"x":"systematic","y":"[1]businesslike, efficient, methodical, orderly, organized, precise, standardized, systematized, well-ordered"} {"x":"systematize","y":"[1]arrange, classify, dispose, make uniform, methodize, organize, put in order, rationalize, regulate, schematize, sequence, standardize, tabulate"} {"x":"tab","y":"[1]flag, flap, label, marker, sticker, tag, ticket"} {"x":"tabby","y":"[1]banded, brindled, streaked, striped, stripy, wavy"} {"x":"table","y":"[1]bench, board, counter, slab, stand @@@@ [2]board, diet, fare, food, spread @@@@ [3]victuals @@@@ [4]flat, flatland, mesa, plain, plateau, tableland @@@@ [5]agenda, catalogue, chart, diagram, digest, graph, index, inventory, list, plan, record, register, roll, schedule, synopsis, tabulation @@@@ [6]enter, move, propose, put forward, submit, suggest @@@@ [7]it's ready!"} {"x":"tableau","y":"[1]picture, representation, scene, spectacle"} {"x":"tableland","y":"[1]flat, flatland, mesa, plain, plateau, table"} {"x":"tacit","y":"[1]implicit, implied, inferred, silent, taken for granted, undeclared, understood, unexpressed, unspoken, unstated, wordless"} {"x":"taciturn","y":"[1]aloof, antisocial, close-lipped, cold, distant, dumb, mute, quiet, reserved, reticent, silent, tight-lipped, uncommunicative, unforthcoming, withdrawn"} {"x":"tack","y":"[1]drawing pin, nail, pin, staple, thumbtack @@@@ [2]tintack @@@@ [3]approach, bearing, course, direction, heading, line, method, path, plan, procedure, tactic, tenor, way @@@@ [4]affix, attach, fasten, fix, nail, pin, staple @@@@ [5]baste, stitch @@@@ [6]add, annex, append, attach, tag"} {"x":"tackle","y":"[1]accoutrements, apparatus, equipment, gear, implements, outfit, paraphernalia, rig, rigging, tools, trappings @@@@ [2]block, challenge, stop @@@@ [3]apply oneself to, attempt, begin, come or get to grips with, deal with, embark upon, engage in, essay, get stuck into @@@@ [4]set about, sink one's teeth into, take on, take the bit between one's teeth, try, turn one's hand to, undertake, wade into @@@@ [5]block, bring down, challenge, clutch, confront, grab, grasp, halt, intercept, seize, stop, take hold of, throw"} {"x":"tacky","y":"[1]adhesive, gluey, gummy, sticky, wet @@@@ [2]cheap, messy, naff @@@@ [3]nasty, seedy, shabby, shoddy, sleazy, tasteless, tatty, vulgar"} {"x":"tact","y":"[1]address, adroitness, consideration, delicacy, diplomacy, discretion, finesse, judgment, perception, savoir-faire, sensitivity, skill, thoughtfulness, understanding"} {"x":"tactic","y":"[1]approach, course, device, line, manoeuvre, means, method, move, ploy, policy, scheme, stratagem, tack, trick, way @@@@ [2]campaign, generalship, manoeuvres, plans, strategy"} {"x":"tactician","y":"[1]brain @@@@ [2]campaigner, coordinator, director, general, mastermind, planner, strategist"} {"x":"tag","y":"[1]docket, flag, flap, identification, label, mark, marker, note, slip, sticker, tab, ticket @@@@ [2]earmark, flag, identify, label, mark, ticket @@@@ [3]add, adjoin, affix, annex, append, fasten, tack @@@@ [4]accompany, attend, dog, follow, shadow, tail @@@@ [5]trail @@@@ [6]call, christen, dub, label, name, nickname, style, term"} {"x":"tail","y":"[1]appendage, conclusion, empennage, end, extremity, rear end, tailpiece, train @@@@ [2]file, line, queue, tailback, train @@@@ [3]braid, pigtail, plait, ponytail, tress @@@@ [4]arse @@@@ [5]ass @@@@ [6]backside @@@@ [7]behind @@@@ [8]bottom, bum @@@@ [9]buns @@@@ [10]butt @@@@ [11]buttocks, croup, derriere @@@@ [12]jacksy @@@@ [13]posterior, rear @@@@ [14]rear end, rump @@@@ [15]cut and run, escape, flee, hook it @@@@ [16]make off, retreat, run away, run for it @@@@ [17]run off, scarper @@@@ [18]take off @@@@ [19]dog the footsteps of, follow, keep an eye on, shadow, stalk, track, trail @@@@ [20]decrease, die out, drop, dwindle, fade, fall away, peter out, wane"} {"x":"tailor","y":"[1]clothier, costumier, couturier, dressmaker, garment maker, outfitter, seamstress @@@@ [2]accommodate, adapt, adjust, alter, convert, customize, cut, fashion, fit, modify, mould, shape, style, suit @@@@ [3]cut to fit, fitted, made-to-measure, made to order @@@@ [4]custom-made, ideal, just right, perfect, right, right up one's street"} {"x":"taint","y":"[1]adulterate, blight, contaminate, corrupt, dirty, foul, infect, poison, pollute, soil, spoil @@@@ [2]besmirch, blacken, blemish, blot, brand, damage, defile, disgrace, dishonour, muddy, ruin, shame, smear, smirch, stain, stigmatize, sully, tarnish, vitiate @@@@ [3]black mark, blemish, blot, blot on one's escutcheon, defect, demerit, disgrace, dishonour, fault, flaw, shame, smear, smirch, spot, stain, stigma @@@@ [4]contagion, contamination, infection, pollution"} {"x":"take","y":"[1]abduct, acquire, arrest, capture, carry off, cart off @@@@ [2]catch, clutch, ensnare, entrap, gain possession of, get, get hold of, grasp, grip, have, help oneself to, lay hold of, obtain, receive, secure, seize, win @@@@ [3]abstract, appropriate, blag @@@@ [4]cabbage @@@@ [5]carry off, filch, misappropriate, nick @@@@ [6]pinch @@@@ [7]pocket, purloin, run off with, steal, swipe @@@@ [8]book, buy, engage, hire, lease, pay for, pick, purchase, rent, reserve, select @@@@ [9]abide, bear, brave, brook, endure, go through, hack @@@@ [10]stand, stomach, submit to, suffer, swallow, thole @@@@ [11]tolerate, undergo, weather, withstand @@@@ [12]consume, drink, eat, imbibe, ingest, inhale, swallow @@@@ [13]accept, adopt, assume, enter upon, undertake @@@@ [14]do, effect, execute, have, make, perform @@@@ [15]assume, believe, consider, deem, hold, interpret as, perceive, presume, receive, regard, see as, think of as, understand @@@@ [16]have effect, operate, succeed, work @@@@ [17]bear, bring, carry, cart, convey, ferry, fetch, haul, tote @@@@ [18]transport @@@@ [19]accompany, bring, conduct, convoy, escort, guide, hold (someone's) hand, lead, usher @@@@ [20]attract, become popular, captivate, charm, delight, enchant, fascinate, please, win favour @@@@ [21]call for, demand, necessitate, need, require @@@@ [22]deduct, eliminate, remove, subtract @@@@ [23]accept, accommodate, contain, have room for, hold @@@@ [24]bilk, cheat, con @@@@ [25]deceive, defraud, do @@@@ [26]dupe, fiddle @@@@ [27]gull @@@@ [28]stiff @@@@ [29]swindle @@@@ [30]catch, gate, haul, proceeds, profits, receipts, return, revenue, takings, yield"} {"x":"takeoff","y":"[1]departure, launch, liftoff @@@@ [2]caricature, imitation, lampoon, mocking, parody, satire, send-up @@@@ [3]spoof @@@@ [4]travesty"} {"x":"takeover","y":"[1]change of leadership, coup, incorporation, merger"} {"x":"taking","y":"[1]attractive, beguiling, captivating, charming, compelling, cute, delightful, enchanting, engaging, fascinating, fetching @@@@ [2]intriguing, likable or likeable, pleasing, prepossessing, winning @@@@ [3]catching, contagious, infectious @@@@ [4]earnings, gain, gate, income, pickings, proceeds, profits, receipts, returns, revenue, take, yield"} {"x":"tale","y":"[1]account, anecdote, conte, fable, fiction, legend, narration, narrative, novel, relation, report, romance, saga, short story, spiel @@@@ [2]story, urban legend, yarn @@@@ [3]cock-and-bull story @@@@ [4]fabrication, falsehood, fib, lie, rigmarole, rumour, spiel @@@@ [5]tall story @@@@ [6]untruth @@@@ [7]folk tale, romance @@@@ [8]cock-and-bull story @@@@ [9]fabrication, fantasy, fiction, invention, lie, pork pie @@@@ [10]porky @@@@ [11]tall story, untruth"} {"x":"talent","y":"[1]ability, aptitude, bent, capacity, endowment, faculty, flair, forte, genius, gift, knack, parts, power"} {"x":"talented","y":"[1]able, artistic, brilliant, gifted, well-endowed"} {"x":"talisman","y":"[1]amulet, charm, fetish, juju, lucky charm, mascot, periapt"} {"x":"talk","y":"[1]articulate, chat, chatter, communicate, converse, crack @@@@ [2]express oneself, gab @@@@ [3]give voice to, gossip, natter, prate, prattle, rap @@@@ [4]speak, spout, utter, verbalize, witter @@@@ [5]confabulate, confer, have a confab @@@@ [6]hold discussions, negotiate, palaver, parley @@@@ [7]blab, crack, give the game away, grass @@@@ [8]inform, let the cat out of the bag, reveal information, shop @@@@ [9]sing @@@@ [10]squeak @@@@ [11]squeal @@@@ [12]tell all @@@@ [13]address, discourse, disquisition, dissertation, harangue, lecture, oration, sermon, speech @@@@ [14]blather, blether, chat, chatter, chitchat, conversation, crack @@@@ [15]gab @@@@ [16]gossip, hearsay, jaw @@@@ [17]natter, rap @@@@ [18]rumour, tittle-tattle @@@@ [19]colloquy, conclave, confab @@@@ [20]confabulation, conference, congress, consultation, dialogue, discussion, meeting, negotiation, palaver, parley, seminar, symposium @@@@ [21]argot, dialect, jargon, language, lingo @@@@ [22]patois, slang, speech, words @@@@ [23]beguile, blandish, cajole, chat up, coax, dupe, entice, flatter, inveigle, manoeuvre, mislead, palaver, persuade, seduce, soft-soap @@@@ [24]tempt, wheedle @@@@ [25]blow one's own trumpet, bluster, boast, brag, crow, exaggerate, vaunt @@@@ [26]bring round @@@@ [27]convince, persuade, prevail on or upon, sway, win over"} {"x":"talkative","y":"[1]big-mouthed @@@@ [2]chatty, effusive, gabby @@@@ [3]garrulous, gossipy, long-winded, loquacious, mouthy, prolix, verbose, voluble, wordy"} {"x":"tall","y":"[1]big, elevated, giant, high, lanky, lofty, soaring, towering @@@@ [2]absurd, cock-and-bull @@@@ [3]embellished, exaggerated, far-fetched, implausible, incredible, overblown, preposterous, steep @@@@ [4]unbelievable @@@@ [5]demanding, difficult, exorbitant, hard, unreasonable, well-nigh impossible"} {"x":"tally","y":"[1]accord, agree, coincide, concur, conform, correspond, fit, harmonize, jibe @@@@ [2]match, parallel, square, suit @@@@ [3]compute, count up, keep score, mark, reckon, record, register, total @@@@ [4]count, mark, reckoning, record, running total, score, total @@@@ [5]counterfoil, counterpart, duplicate, match, mate, stub"} {"x":"tame","y":"[1]amenable, broken, cultivated, disciplined, docile, domesticated, gentle, obedient, tractable @@@@ [2]fearless, unafraid, used to human contact @@@@ [3]compliant, docile, manageable, meek, obedient, spiritless, subdued, submissive, unresisting @@@@ [4]bland, boring, dull, flat, humdrum, insipid, lifeless, prosaic, tedious, tiresome, unexciting, uninspiring, uninteresting, vapid, wearisome @@@@ [5]break in, domesticate, gentle, house-train, make tame, pacify, train @@@@ [6]break the spirit of, bridle, bring to heel, conquer, curb, discipline, enslave, humble, master, repress, subdue, subjugate, suppress @@@@ [7]mitigate, mute, soften, soft-pedal @@@@ [8]subdue, temper, tone down, water down"} {"x":"tamper","y":"[1]alter, damage, fiddle @@@@ [2]fool about @@@@ [3]interfere, intrude, meddle, mess about, monkey around, muck about @@@@ [4]tinker @@@@ [5]bribe, corrupt, fix @@@@ [6]get at, influence, manipulate, rig"} {"x":"tang","y":"[1]aroma, bite, flavour, odour, piquancy, reek, savour, scent, smack, smell, taste @@@@ [2]hint, suggestion, tinge, touch, trace, whiff"} {"x":"tangible","y":"[1]actual, concrete, corporeal, definite, discernible, evident, manifest, material, objective, palpable, perceptible, physical, positive, real, solid, substantial, tactile, touchable"} {"x":"tangle","y":"[1]coil, confusion, entanglement, jam, jungle, knot, mass, mat, mesh, ravel, snarl, twist, web @@@@ [2]complication, entanglement, fix @@@@ [3]imbroglio, labyrinth, maze, mess, mix-up @@@@ [4]coil, confuse, entangle, interlace, interlock, intertwist, interweave, jam, kink, knot, mat, mesh, ravel, snarl, twist @@@@ [5]come into conflict, come up against, contend, contest, cross swords, dispute, lock horns @@@@ [6]catch, drag into, embroil, enmesh, ensnare, entangle, entrap, implicate, involve"} {"x":"tangled","y":"[1]entangled, jumbled, knotted, knotty, matted, messy, scrambled, snarled, tousled, twisted @@@@ [2]complex, complicated, confused, convoluted, involved, knotty, messy, mixed-up"} {"x":"tantalize","y":"[1]baffle, balk, disappoint, entice, frustrate, keep (someone) hanging on, lead on, make (someone's) mouth water, provoke, taunt, tease, thwart, titillate, torment, torture"} {"x":"tantamount","y":"[1]as good as, commensurate, equal, equivalent, synonymous, the same as"} {"x":"tantrum","y":"[1]bate @@@@ [2]fit, flare-up, hysterics, ill humour, outburst, paddy @@@@ [3]paroxysm, storm, temper, wax"} {"x":"tap","y":"[1]beat, drum, knock, pat, rap, strike, touch @@@@ [2]beat, knock, light blow, pat, rap, touch @@@@ [3]faucet @@@@ [4]spigot, spout, stopcock, valve @@@@ [5]bung, plug, spile, stopper @@@@ [6]bug @@@@ [7]listening device @@@@ [8]at hand, available, in reserve, on hand, ready @@@@ [9]on draught @@@@ [10]bleed, broach, drain, draw off, open, pierce, siphon off, unplug @@@@ [11]draw on, exploit, make use of, milk, mine, put to use, turn to account, use, utilize @@@@ [12]bug"} {"x":"tape","y":"[1]band, ribbon, strip @@@@ [2]bind, seal, secure, stick, wrap @@@@ [3]record, tape-record, video"} {"x":"taper","y":"[1]come to a point, narrow, thin @@@@ [2]decrease, die away, die out, dwindle, fade, lessen, reduce, subside, thin out, wane, weaken, wind down"} {"x":"tardy","y":"[1]backward, behindhand, belated, dawdling, dilatory, late, loitering, overdue, procrastinating, retarded, slack, slow, sluggish, unpunctual"} {"x":"target","y":"[1]aim, ambition, bull's-eye, end, goal, Holy Grail @@@@ [2]intention, mark, object, objective @@@@ [3]butt, quarry, scapegoat, victim"} {"x":"tariff","y":"[1]assessment, duty, excise, impost, levy, rate, tax, toll @@@@ [2]bill of fare, charges, menu, price list, schedule"} {"x":"tarnish","y":"[1]befoul, blacken, blemish, blot, darken, dim, discolour, drag through the mud, dull, lose lustre or shine, rust, smirch, soil, spot, stain, sully, taint @@@@ [2]blackening, black mark, blemish, blot, discoloration, rust, smirch, spot, stain, taint"} {"x":"tarry","y":"[1]abide, bide, dally, dawdle, delay, drag one's feet or heels, dwell, hang around @@@@ [2]linger, lodge, loiter, lose time, pause, remain, rest, sojourn, stay, take one's time, wait"} {"x":"tart","y":"[1]pastry, pie, tartlet @@@@ [2]call girl, fallen woman, fille de joie, floozy @@@@ [3]harlot, hooker @@@@ [4]loose woman, prostitute, scrubber @@@@ [5]slag @@@@ [6]slut, streetwalker, strumpet, trollop, whore, woman of easy virtue, working girl @@@@ [7]acerb, acid, acidulous, astringent, bitter, piquant, pungent, sharp, sour, tangy, vinegary @@@@ [8]acrimonious, astringent, barbed, biting, caustic, crusty, cutting, harsh, mordacious, mordant, nasty, scathing, sharp, short, snappish, testy, trenchant, vitriolic, wounding"} {"x":"task","y":"[1]assignment, business, charge, chore, duty, employment, enterprise, exercise, job, labour, mission, occupation, toil, undertaking, work @@@@ [2]bawl out @@@@ [3]blame, blast, carpet @@@@ [4]censure, chew out @@@@ [5]lambast(e), lecture, read the riot act, reprimand, reproach, reprove, scold, tear into @@@@ [6]tell off @@@@ [7]upbraid @@@@ [8]assign to, charge, entrust @@@@ [9]burden, exhaust, load, lumber @@@@ [10]oppress, overload, push, saddle, strain, tax, test, weary"} {"x":"taste","y":"[1]flavour, relish, savour, smack, tang @@@@ [2]bit, bite, dash, drop, morsel, mouthful, nip, sample, sip, soupcon, spoonful, swallow, titbit, touch @@@@ [3]appetite, bent, desire, fancy, fondness, inclination, leaning, liking, palate, partiality, penchant, predilection, preference, relish @@@@ [4]appreciation, cultivation, culture, discernment, discrimination, elegance, grace, judgment, perception, polish, refinement, sophistication, style @@@@ [5]correctness, decorum, delicacy, discretion, nicety, politeness, propriety, restraint, tact, tactfulness @@@@ [6]differentiate, discern, distinguish, perceive @@@@ [7]assay, nibble, relish, sample, savour, sip, test, try @@@@ [8]have a flavour of, savour of, smack @@@@ [9]come up against, encounter, experience, feel, have knowledge of, know, meet with, partake of, undergo"} {"x":"tasty","y":"[1]appetizing, delectable, delicious, flavourful, flavoursome, full-flavoured, good-tasting, luscious, palatable, sapid, savoury, scrumptious @@@@ [2]toothsome, yummy"} {"x":"tatter","y":"[1]bit, piece, rag, scrap, shred @@@@ [2]down at heel, in rags, in shreds, ragged, ripped, tattered, threadbare, torn"} {"x":"tattle","y":"[1]babble, blab, blather, blether, chat, chatter, gossip, jabber, natter, prate, prattle, run off at the mouth @@@@ [2]spread rumours, talk idly, tell tales, tittle-tattle, yak @@@@ [3]babble, blather, blether, chat, chatter, chitchat, gossip, hearsay, idle talk, jabber, prattle, small talk, tittle-tattle, yak @@@@ [4]yap @@@@ [5]babble, blather, blether, cackle, chatter, chitchat, clishmaclaver @@@@ [6]dirt @@@@ [7]gossip, hearsay, idle chat, jaw @@@@ [8]natter, prattle, rumour, twaddle, yackety-yak @@@@ [9]yatter @@@@ [10]babble, blather, blether, cackle, chat, chatter, chitchat, gossip, jaw @@@@ [11]natter, prattle, run off at the mouth @@@@ [12]witter @@@@ [13]yak @@@@ [14]yatter"} {"x":"taunt","y":"[1]deride, flout, gibe, guy @@@@ [2]insult, jeer, mock, provoke, reproach, revile, ridicule, sneer, take the piss (out of) @@@@ [3]tease, torment, twit, upbraid @@@@ [4]barb, censure, cut, derision, dig, gibe, insult, jeer, provocation, reproach, ridicule, sarcasm, teasing"} {"x":"taut","y":"[1]flexed, rigid, strained, stressed, stretched, tense, tight @@@@ [2]in good order, neat, orderly, shipshape, spruce, tidy, tight, trim, well-ordered, well-regulated"} {"x":"tavern","y":"[1]alehouse @@@@ [2]bar, boozer @@@@ [3]hostelry, inn, pub @@@@ [4]public house, taproom, watering hole"} {"x":"tawdry","y":"[1]brummagem, cheap, cheap-jack @@@@ [2]flashy, gaudy, gimcrack, glittering, meretricious, naff @@@@ [3]plastic @@@@ [4]raffish, showy, tacky @@@@ [5]tasteless, tatty, tinsel, tinselly, vulgar"} {"x":"tax","y":"[1]assessment, charge, contribution, customs, duty, excise, imposition, impost, levy, rate, tariff, tithe, toll, tribute @@@@ [2]burden, demand, drain, load, pressure, strain, weight @@@@ [3]assess, charge, demand, exact, extract, impose, levy a tax on, rate, tithe @@@@ [4]burden, drain, enervate, exhaust, load, make heavy demands on, overburden, push, put pressure on, sap, strain, stretch, task, test, try, weaken, wear out, weary, weigh heavily on @@@@ [5]accuse, arraign, blame, charge, impeach, impugn, incriminate, lay at one's door"} {"x":"tea","y":"[1]A tea set is a set of cups, saucers, and plates, with a milk jug, sugar bowl, and teapot."} {"x":"teach","y":"[1]advise, coach, demonstrate, direct, discipline, drill, edify, educate, enlighten, give lessons in, guide, impart, implant, inculcate, inform, instil, instruct, school, show, train, tutor"} {"x":"teacher","y":"[1]coach, dominie @@@@ [2]don, educator, guide, guru, handler, instructor, lecturer, master, mentor, mistress, pedagogue, professor, schoolmaster, schoolmistress, schoolteacher, trainer, tutor"} {"x":"team","y":"[1]band, body, bunch, company, crew, gang, group, line-up, posse @@@@ [2]set, side, squad, troupe @@@@ [3]pair, span, yoke @@@@ [4]band together, cooperate, couple, get together, join, link, unite, work together, yoke"} {"x":"tear","y":"[1]claw, divide, lacerate, mangle, mutilate, pull apart, rend, rip, rive, run, rupture, scratch, sever, shred, split, sunder @@@@ [2]barrel (along) @@@@ [3]belt @@@@ [4]bolt, burn rubber @@@@ [5]career, charge, dart, dash, fly, gallop, hurry, race, run, rush, shoot, speed, sprint, zoom @@@@ [6]grab, pluck, pull, rip, seize, snatch, wrench, wrest, yank @@@@ [7]hole, laceration, mutilation, rent, rip, run, rupture, scratch, split"} {"x":"tears","y":"[1]blubbering, crying, distress, lamentation, mourning, pain, regret, sadness, sobbing, sorrow, wailing, weeping, whimpering, woe @@@@ [2]blubbering, crying, distressed, sobbing, visibly moved, weeping, whimpering @@@@ [3]claw, divide, lacerate, mangle, mutilate, pull apart, rend, rip, rive, run, rupture, scratch, sever, shred, split, sunder @@@@ [4]barrel (along) @@@@ [5]belt @@@@ [6]bolt, burn rubber @@@@ [7]career, charge, dart, dash, fly, gallop, hurry, race, run, rush, shoot, speed, sprint, zoom @@@@ [8]grab, pluck, pull, rip, seize, snatch, wrench, wrest, yank @@@@ [9]hole, laceration, mutilation, rent, rip, run, rupture, scratch, split"} {"x":"tease","y":"[1]aggravate @@@@ [2]annoy, badger, bait, bedevil, bother, chaff, gibe, goad, guy @@@@ [3]lead on, mock, needle @@@@ [4]pester, plague @@@@ [5]rag, rib @@@@ [6]tantalize, taunt, torment, twit, vex, wind up @@@@ [7]worry"} {"x":"technical","y":"[1]hi-tech or high-tech, scientific, skilled, specialist, specialized, technological"} {"x":"technique","y":"[1]approach, course, fashion, manner, means, method, mode, modus operandi, procedure, style, system, way @@@@ [2]address, adroitness, art, artistry, craft, craftsmanship, delivery, execution, facility, knack, know-how @@@@ [3]performance, proficiency, skill, touch"} {"x":"tedious","y":"[1]annoying, banal, boring, deadly dull, drab, dreary, dreich @@@@ [2]dull, fatiguing, ho-hum @@@@ [3]humdrum, irksome, laborious, lifeless, long-drawn-out, mind-numbing, monotonous, prosaic, prosy, soporific, tiresome, tiring, unexciting, uninteresting, vapid, wearisome"} {"x":"tedium","y":"[1]banality, boredom, deadness, drabness, dreariness, dullness, ennui, lifelessness, monotony, routine, sameness, tediousness, the doldrums"} {"x":"teem","y":"[1]abound, be abundant, bear, be crawling with, be full of, be prolific, brim, bristle, burst at the seams, overflow, produce, pullulate, swarm @@@@ [2]belt @@@@ [3]bucket down @@@@ [4]lash, pelt (down), pour, rain cats and dogs @@@@ [5]sheet, stream"} {"x":"teenage","y":"[1]adolescent, immature, juvenile, youthful"} {"x":"teeny","y":"[1]diminutive, microscopic, miniature, minuscule, minute, teensy-weensy, teeny-weeny, tiny, wee"} {"x":"teeter","y":"[1]balance, pivot, rock, seesaw, stagger, sway, totter, tremble, waver, wobble"} {"x":"telegram","y":"[1]cable, radiogram, telegraph, telex, wire"} {"x":"telepathy","y":"[1]mind-reading, sixth sense, thought transference"} {"x":"telephone","y":"[1]blower @@@@ [2]handset, line, phone @@@@ [3]buzz @@@@ [4]call, call up, dial, get on the blower @@@@ [5]phone, put a call through to, ring"} {"x":"telescope","y":"[1]glass, spyglass @@@@ [2]concertina, crush, squash @@@@ [3]abbreviate, abridge, capsulize, compress, condense, consolidate, contract, curtail, cut, shorten, shrink, tighten, trim, truncate"} {"x":"television","y":"[1]gogglebox @@@@ [2]idiot box @@@@ [3]receiver, small screen @@@@ [4]telly @@@@ [5]the box @@@@ [6]the tube @@@@ [7]TV, TV set"} {"x":"tell","y":"[1]acquaint, announce, apprise, communicate, confess, disclose, divulge, express, get off one's chest @@@@ [2]impart, inform, let know, make known, mention, notify, proclaim, reveal, say, speak, state, utter @@@@ [3]authorize, bid, call upon, command, direct, enjoin, instruct, order, require, summon @@@@ [4]chronicle, depict, describe, give an account of, narrate, portray, recount, rehearse, relate, report @@@@ [5]comprehend, discern, discover, make out, see, understand @@@@ [6]differentiate, discern, discriminate, distinguish, identify @@@@ [7]carry weight, count, have or take effect, have force, make its presence felt, register, take its toll, weigh @@@@ [8]calculate, compute, count, enumerate, number, reckon, tally @@@@ [9]bawl out @@@@ [10]berate, carpet @@@@ [11]censure, chew out @@@@ [12]lecture, read the riot act, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reprove, scold, take to task, tear into @@@@ [13]tick off @@@@ [14]upbraid"} {"x":"telling","y":"[1]considerable, decisive, effective, effectual, forceful, forcible, impressive, influential, marked, potent, powerful, significant, solid, striking, trenchant, weighty"} {"x":"temerity","y":"[1]assurance, audacity, boldness, brass neck @@@@ [2]chutzpah @@@@ [3]effrontery, foolhardiness, forwardness, front, gall @@@@ [4]heedlessness, impudence, impulsiveness, intrepidity, nerve @@@@ [5]pluck, rashness, recklessness, sassiness"} {"x":"temper","y":"[1]attitude, character, constitution, disposition, frame of mind, humour, mind, mood, nature, temperament, tenor, vein @@@@ [2]bad mood, bate @@@@ [3]fit of pique, fury, gall, paddy @@@@ [4]passion, rage, tantrum, wax @@@@ [5]anger, annoyance, heat, hot-headedness, ill humour, irascibility, irritability, irritation, passion, peevishness, petulance, resentment, surliness @@@@ [6]calm, calmness, composure, cool @@@@ [7]coolness, equanimity, good humour, moderation, self-control, tranquillity @@@@ [8]abate, admix, allay, assuage, calm, lessen, mitigate, moderate, mollify, palliate, restrain, soften, soft-pedal @@@@ [9]soothe, tone down @@@@ [10]anneal, harden, strengthen, toughen"} {"x":"temperament","y":"[1]bent, cast of mind, character, complexion, constitution, disposition, frame of mind, humour, make-up, mettle, nature, outlook, personality, quality, soul, spirit, stamp, temper, tendencies, tendency @@@@ [2]anger, excitability, explosiveness, hot-headedness, impatience, mercurialness, moodiness, moods, petulance, volatility"} {"x":"temperamental","y":"[1]capricious, easily upset, emotional, erratic, excitable, explosive, fiery, highly strung, hot-headed, hypersensitive, impatient, irritable, mercurial, moody, neurotic, passionate, petulant, sensitive, touchy, volatile @@@@ [2]congenital, constitutional, inborn, ingrained, inherent, innate, natural @@@@ [3]erratic, inconsistent, inconstant, undependable, unpredictable, unreliable"} {"x":"temperance","y":"[1]continence, discretion, forbearance, moderation, restraint, self-control, self-discipline, self-restraint @@@@ [2]abstemiousness, abstinence, prohibition, sobriety, teetotalism"} {"x":"temperate","y":"[1]agreeable, balmy, calm, clement, cool, fair, gentle, mild, moderate, pleasant, soft @@@@ [2]calm, composed, dispassionate, equable, even-tempered, mild, moderate, reasonable, self-controlled, self-restrained, sensible, stable @@@@ [3]abstemious, abstinent, continent, moderate, sober"} {"x":"tempest","y":"[1]cyclone, gale, hurricane, squall, storm, tornado, typhoon @@@@ [2]commotion, disturbance, ferment, furore, storm, tumult, upheaval, uproar"} {"x":"tempestuous","y":"[1]agitated, blustery, boisterous, breezy, gusty, inclement, raging, squally, stormy, turbulent, windy @@@@ [2]ablaze, agitated, boisterous, emotional, excited, feverish, flaming, furious, heated, hysterical, impassioned, intense, passionate, stormy, turbulent, uncontrolled, violent, wild"} {"x":"temple","y":"[1]church, holy place, place of worship, sanctuary, shrine"} {"x":"tempo","y":"[1]beat, cadence, measure @@@@ [2]metre, pace, pulse, rate, rhythm, speed, time"} {"x":"temporal","y":"[1]carnal, civil, earthly, fleshly, lay, material, mortal, mundane, profane, secular, sublunary, terrestrial, worldly @@@@ [2]evanescent, fleeting, fugacious, fugitive, impermanent, momentary, passing, short-lived, temporary, transient, transitory"} {"x":"temporarily","y":"[1]briefly, fleetingly, for a little while, for a moment, for a short time, for a short while, for the moment, for the nonce, for the time being, momentarily, pro tem"} {"x":"temporary","y":"[1]brief, ephemeral, evanescent, fleeting, fugacious, fugitive, here today and gone tomorrow, impermanent, interim, momentary, passing, pro tem, pro tempore, provisional, short-lived, transient, transitory"} {"x":"temporize","y":"[1]beat about the bush, be evasive, delay, equivocate, gain time, hum and haw, play a waiting game, play for time, procrastinate, stall, tergiversate"} {"x":"tempt","y":"[1]allure, appeal to, attract, coax, decoy, draw, entice, inveigle, invite, lead on, lure, make one's mouth water, seduce, tantalize, whet the appetite of, woo @@@@ [2]bait, dare, fly in the face of, provoke, risk, test, try"} {"x":"temptation","y":"[1]allurement, appeal, attraction, attractiveness, bait, blandishments, coaxing, come-on @@@@ [2]decoy, draw, enticement, inducement, invitation, lure, pull, seduction, snare, tantalization"} {"x":"tenable","y":"[1]arguable, believable, defendable, defensible, justifiable, maintainable, plausible, rational, reasonable, sound, viable"} {"x":"tenacious","y":"[1]clinging, fast, firm, forceful, immovable, iron, strong, tight, unshakable @@@@ [2]retentive, unforgetful @@@@ [3]adamant, determined, dogged, firm, immovable, inflexible, intransigent, obdurate, obstinate, persistent, pertinacious, resolute, staunch, steadfast, stiff-necked, strong-willed, stubborn, sure, unswerving, unyielding @@@@ [4]coherent, cohesive, solid, strong, tough @@@@ [5]adhesive, clinging, gluey, glutinous, mucilaginous, sticky"} {"x":"tenacity","y":"[1]fastness, firmness, force, forcefulness, power, strength @@@@ [2]firm grasp, retention, retentiveness @@@@ [3]application, determination, diligence, doggedness, firmness, inflexibility, intransigence, obduracy, obstinacy, perseverance, persistence, pertinacity, resoluteness, resolution, resolve, staunchness, steadfastness, strength of purpose, strength of will, stubbornness @@@@ [4]coherence, cohesiveness, solidity, solidness, strength, toughness @@@@ [5]adhesiveness, clingingness, stickiness"} {"x":"tenancy","y":"[1]holding, lease, occupancy, occupation, possession, renting, residence @@@@ [2]incumbency, period of office, tenure, time in office"} {"x":"tenant","y":"[1]holder, inhabitant, leaseholder, lessee, occupant, occupier, renter, resident"} {"x":"tend","y":"[1]be apt, be biased, be disposed, be inclined, be liable, be likely, gravitate, have a leaning, have an inclination, have a tendency, incline, lean, trend @@@@ [2]aim, bear, be conducive, conduce, contribute, go, head, influence, lead, make for, move, point @@@@ [3]attend, care for, cater to, control, cultivate, feed, guard, handle, keep, keep an eye on, look after, maintain, manage, minister to, nurse, nurture, protect, see to, serve, take care of, wait on, watch, watch over"} {"x":"tendency","y":"[1]bent, disposition, inclination, leaning, liability, partiality, penchant, predilection, predisposition, proclivity, proneness, propensity, readiness, susceptibility @@@@ [2]bearing, bias, course, direction, drift, drive, heading, movement, purport, tenor, trend, turning"} {"x":"tender","y":"[1]breakable, delicate, feeble, fragile, frail, soft, weak @@@@ [2]callow, green, immature, impressionable, inexperienced, new, raw, sensitive, unripe, vulnerable, wet behind the ears @@@@ [3]young, youthful @@@@ [4]affectionate, amorous, benevolent, caring, compassionate, considerate, fond, gentle, humane, kind, loving, merciful, pitiful, sentimental, softhearted, sympathetic, tenderhearted, touchy-feely @@@@ [5]warm, warm-hearted @@@@ [6]emotional, evocative, moving, poignant, romantic, touching @@@@ [7]complicated, dangerous, difficult, risky, sensitive, ticklish, touchy, tricky @@@@ [8]aching, acute, bruised, inflamed, irritated, painful, raw, sensitive, smarting, sore"} {"x":"tenderhearted","y":"[1]affectionate, benevolent, benign, caring, compassionate, considerate, fond, gentle, humane, kind, kind-hearted, kindly, loving, merciful, mild, responsive, sensitive, sentimental, softhearted, sympathetic, touchy-feely @@@@ [2]warm, warm-hearted"} {"x":"tenderness","y":"[1]delicateness, feebleness, fragility, frailness, sensitiveness, sensitivity, softness, vulnerability, weakness @@@@ [2]callowness, greenness, immaturity, impressionableness, inexperience, newness, rawness, sensitivity, vulnerability, youth, youthfulness @@@@ [3]affection, amorousness, attachment, benevolence, care, compassion, consideration, devotion, fondness, gentleness, humaneness, humanity, kindness, liking, love, mercy, pity, sentimentality, softheartedness, sympathy, tenderheartedness, warm-heartedness, warmth @@@@ [4]ache, aching, bruising, inflammation, irritation, pain, painfulness, rawness, sensitiveness, sensitivity, smart, soreness"} {"x":"tenet","y":"[1]article of faith, belief, canon, conviction, creed, doctrine, dogma, maxim, opinion, precept, principle, rule, teaching, thesis, view"} {"x":"tenor","y":"[1]aim, burden, course, direction, drift, evolution, intent, meaning, path, purport, purpose, sense, substance, tendency, theme, trend, way"} {"x":"tense","y":"[1]rigid, strained, stretched, taut, tight @@@@ [2]anxious, apprehensive, edgy, fidgety, jittery @@@@ [3]jumpy, keyed up, nervous, on edge, on tenterhooks, overwrought, restless, strained, strung up @@@@ [4]twitchy @@@@ [5]under pressure, uptight @@@@ [6]wired @@@@ [7]wound up @@@@ [8]wrought up @@@@ [9]exciting, moving, nerve-racking, stressful, worrying @@@@ [10]brace, flex, strain, stretch, tauten, tighten"} {"x":"tension","y":"[1]pressure, rigidity, stiffness, straining, stress, stretching, tautness, tightness @@@@ [2]anxiety, apprehension, edginess, hostility, ill feeling, nervousness, pressure, restlessness, strain, stress, suspense, the jitters @@@@ [3]unease"} {"x":"tentative","y":"[1]conjectural, experimental, indefinite, provisional, speculative, unconfirmed, unsettled @@@@ [2]backward, cautious, diffident, doubtful, faltering, hesitant, timid, uncertain, undecided, unsure"} {"x":"tenuous","y":"[1]doubtful, dubious, flimsy, insignificant, insubstantial, nebulous, questionable, shaky, sketchy, slight, weak @@@@ [2]attenuated, delicate, fine, gossamer, slim"} {"x":"tenure","y":"[1]holding, incumbency, occupancy, occupation, possession, proprietorship, residence, tenancy, term, time"} {"x":"tepid","y":"[1]lukewarm, slightly warm, warmish @@@@ [2]apathetic, cool, half-arsed @@@@ [3]half-assed @@@@ [4]half-hearted, indifferent, lukewarm, unenthusiastic"} {"x":"term","y":"[1]appellation, denomination, designation, expression, locution, name, phrase, title, word @@@@ [2]duration, interval, period, season, space, span, spell, time, while @@@@ [3]course, session @@@@ [4]bound, boundary, close, conclusion, confine, culmination, end, finish, fruition, limit, terminus @@@@ [5]call, denominate, designate, dub, entitle, label, name, style"} {"x":"terminal","y":"[1]bounding, concluding, extreme, final, last, limiting, ultimate, utmost @@@@ [2]deadly, fatal, incurable, killing, lethal, mortal @@@@ [3]boundary, end, extremity, limit, termination, terminus @@@@ [4]depot, end of the line, station, terminus"} {"x":"terminate","y":"[1]abort, axe @@@@ [2]belay @@@@ [3]bring or come to an end, cease, close, complete, conclude, cut off, discontinue, end, expire, finish, issue, lapse, pull the plug on @@@@ [4]put an end to, result, run out, stop, wind up"} {"x":"termination","y":"[1]abortion, cessation, close, completion, conclusion, consequence, cut-off point, discontinuation, effect, end, ending, expiry, finale, finis, finish, issue, result, wind-up"} {"x":"terminology","y":"[1]argot, cant, jargon, language, lingo @@@@ [2]nomenclature, patois, phraseology, terms, vocabulary"} {"x":"terminus","y":"[1]boundary, close, end, extremity, final point, goal, limit, target, termination @@@@ [2]depot, end of the line, garage, last stop, station"} {"x":"terms","y":"[1]language, manner of speaking, phraseology, terminology @@@@ [2]conditions, particulars, premises @@@@ [3]provisions, provisos, qualifications, specifications, stipulations @@@@ [4]charges, fee, payment, price, rates @@@@ [5]footing, position, relations, relationship, standing, status @@@@ [6]be reconciled, come to an agreement, come to an understanding, conclude agreement, learn to live with, reach acceptance, reach agreement @@@@ [7]appellation, denomination, designation, expression, locution, name, phrase, title, word @@@@ [8]duration, interval, period, season, space, span, spell, time, while @@@@ [9]course, session @@@@ [10]bound, boundary, close, conclusion, confine, culmination, end, finish, fruition, limit, terminus @@@@ [11]call, denominate, designate, dub, entitle, label, name, style"} {"x":"terrain","y":"[1]country, going, ground, land, landscape, topography"} {"x":"terrestrial","y":"[1]earthly, global, mundane, sublunary, tellurian, terrene, worldly @@@@ [2]earthling, earthman, earthwoman, human"} {"x":"terrible","y":"[1]bad, dangerous, desperate, extreme, serious, severe @@@@ [2]abhorrent, abysmal, awful, bad, beastly @@@@ [3]dire, dreadful, duff @@@@ [4]foul, frightful, from hell @@@@ [5]godawful @@@@ [6]hateful, hideous, loathsome, obnoxious, obscene, odious, offensive, poor, repulsive, revolting, rotten @@@@ [7]shitty @@@@ [8]unpleasant, vile @@@@ [9]appalling, awful, dread, dreaded, dreadful, fearful, frightful, gruesome, harrowing, hellacious @@@@ [10]horrendous, horrible, horrid, horrifying, monstrous, shocking, terrifying, unspeakable"} {"x":"terrific","y":"[1]awesome, awful, dreadful, enormous, excessive, extreme, fearful, fierce, gigantic, great, harsh, horrific, huge, intense, monstrous, severe, terrible, tremendous @@@@ [2]ace @@@@ [3]amazing, awesome @@@@ [4]bodacious @@@@ [5]boffo @@@@ [6]breathtaking, brill @@@@ [7]brilliant, chillin' @@@@ [8]cracking @@@@ [9]excellent, fabulous @@@@ [10]fantastic @@@@ [11]fine, great @@@@ [12]jim-dandy @@@@ [13]magnificent, marvellous, mean @@@@ [14]outstanding, sensational @@@@ [15]smashing @@@@ [16]sovereign, stupendous, super @@@@ [17]superb, topping @@@@ [18]very good, wonderful"} {"x":"terrify","y":"[1]alarm, appal, awe, dismay, fill with terror, frighten, frighten out of one's wits, horrify, intimidate, make one's blood run cold, make one's flesh creep, make one's hair stand on end, petrify, put the fear of God into, scare, scare to death, shock, terrorize"} {"x":"territory","y":"[1]area, bailiwick, country, district, domain, land, patch, province, region, sector, state, terrain, tract, turf @@@@ [2]zone"} {"x":"terror","y":"[1]alarm, anxiety, awe, consternation, dismay, dread, fear, fear and trembling, fright, horror, intimidation, panic, shock @@@@ [2]bogeyman, bugbear, devil, fiend, monster, scourge"} {"x":"terse","y":"[1]aphoristic, brief, clipped, compact, concise, condensed, crisp, elliptical, epigrammatic, gnomic, incisive, laconic, monosyllabic, neat, pithy, sententious, short, succinct, summary, to the point @@@@ [2]abrupt, brusque, curt, short, snappy"} {"x":"test","y":"[1]analyse, assay, assess, check, examine, experiment, investigate, prove, put through their paces, put to the proof, put to the test, research, try, try out, verify, work over @@@@ [2]acid test, analysis, assessment, attempt, catechism, check, evaluation, examination, investigation, ordeal, probation, proof, research, trial"} {"x":"testament","y":"[1]last wishes, will @@@@ [2]attestation, demonstration, earnest, evidence, exemplification, proof, testimony, tribute, witness"} {"x":"testify","y":"[1]affirm, assert, asseverate, attest, bear witness, certify, corroborate, declare, depone @@@@ [2]depose @@@@ [3]evince, give testimony, show, state, swear, vouch, witness"} {"x":"testimonial","y":"[1]certificate, character, commendation, credential, endorsement, recommendation, reference, tribute"} {"x":"testimony","y":"[1]affidavit, affirmation, attestation, avowal, confirmation, corroboration, declaration, deposition, evidence, information, profession, statement, submission, witness @@@@ [2]corroboration, demonstration, evidence, indication, manifestation, proof, support, verification"} {"x":"testing","y":"[1]arduous, challenging, demanding, difficult, exacting, formidable, rigorous, searching, strenuous, taxing, tough, trying"} {"x":"testy","y":"[1]bad-tempered, cantankerous, captious, crabbed, cross, fretful, grumpy, impatient, irascible, irritable, liverish, peevish, peppery, petulant, quarrelsome, quick-tempered, ratty @@@@ [2]short-tempered, snappish, snappy, splenetic, sullen, tetchy, touchy, waspish"} {"x":"tether","y":"[1]bond, chain, fastening, fetter, halter, lead, leash, restraint, rope, shackle @@@@ [2]at one's wits' end, at the limit of one's endurance, exasperated, exhausted, finished, out of patience @@@@ [3]bind, chain, fasten, fetter, leash, manacle, picket, restrain, rope, secure, shackle, tie"} {"x":"text","y":"[1]body, contents, main body, matter @@@@ [2]wording, words @@@@ [3]paragraph, passage, sentence, verse @@@@ [4]argument, matter, motif, subject, theme, topic @@@@ [5]reader, reference book, source, textbook"} {"x":"texture","y":"[1]character, composition, consistency, constitution, fabric, feel, grain, make, quality, structure, surface, tissue, weave"} {"x":"thank","y":"[1]express gratitude, say thank you, show gratitude, show one's appreciation"} {"x":"thankful","y":"[1]appreciative, beholden, grateful, indebted, obliged, pleased, relieved"} {"x":"thanks","y":"[1]acknowledgment, appreciation, Brownie points, credit, gratefulness, gratitude, recognition, thanksgiving @@@@ [2]as a result of, because of, by reason of, due to, owing to, through @@@@ [3]express gratitude, say thank you, show gratitude, show one's appreciation"} {"x":"thaw","y":"[1]defrost, dissolve, liquefy, melt, soften, unfreeze, warm"} {"x":"theatrical","y":"[1]dramatic, dramaturgic, melodramatic, scenic, Thespian @@@@ [2]actorly, actressy, affected, artificial, camp @@@@ [3]ceremonious, dramatic, exaggerated, hammy @@@@ [4]histrionic, mannered, ostentatious, overdone, pompous, showy, stagy, stilted, unreal"} {"x":"theft","y":"[1]embezzlement, fraud, larceny, pilfering, purloining, rip-off @@@@ [2]robbery, stealing, swindling, thievery, thieving"} {"x":"theme","y":"[1]argument, burden, idea, keynote, matter, subject, subject matter, text, thesis, topic @@@@ [2]leitmotif, motif, recurrent image, unifying idea @@@@ [3]composition, dissertation, essay, exercise, paper"} {"x":"theological","y":"[1]divine, doctrinal, ecclesiastical, religious"} {"x":"theorem","y":"[1]deduction, dictum, formula, hypothesis, principle, proposition, rule, statement"} {"x":"theoretical","y":"[1]abstract, academic, conjectural, hypothetical, ideal, impractical, notional, pure, speculative"} {"x":"theorize","y":"[1]conjecture, formulate, guess, hypothesize, project, propound, speculate, suppose"} {"x":"theory","y":"[1]assumption, conjecture, guess, hypothesis, presumption, speculation, supposition, surmise, thesis @@@@ [2]philosophy, plan, proposal, scheme, system"} {"x":"therapeutic","y":"[1]ameliorative, analeptic, beneficial, corrective, curative, good, healing, remedial, restorative, salubrious, salutary, sanative"} {"x":"therapy","y":"[1]cure, healing, remedial treatment, remedy, treatment"} {"x":"therefore","y":"[1]accordingly, as a result, consequently, ergo, for that reason, hence, so, then, thence, thus, whence"} {"x":"thesaurus","y":"[1]dictionary, encyclopedia, repository, storehouse, treasury, wordbook"} {"x":"thesis","y":"[1]composition, disquisition, dissertation, essay, monograph, paper, treatise @@@@ [2]contention, hypothesis, idea, line of argument, opinion, proposal, proposition, theory, view @@@@ [3]area, subject, theme, topic @@@@ [4]assumption, postulate, premise, proposition, statement, supposition, surmise"} {"x":"thick","y":"[1]broad, bulky, deep, fat, solid, substantial, wide @@@@ [2]close, clotted, coagulated, compact, concentrated, condensed, crowded, deep, dense, heavy, impenetrable, opaque @@@@ [3]abundant, brimming, bristling, bursting, chock-a-block, chock-full, covered, crawling, frequent, full, numerous, packed, replete, swarming, teeming @@@@ [4]blockheaded, braindead @@@@ [5]brainless, dense, dim-witted @@@@ [6]dopey @@@@ [7]dozy @@@@ [8]dull, insensitive, moronic, obtuse, slow, slow-witted, stupid, thickheaded @@@@ [9]dense, heavy, impenetrable, soupy @@@@ [10]distorted, guttural, hoarse, husky, inarticulate, indistinct, throaty @@@@ [11]broad, decided, distinct, marked, pronounced, rich, strong @@@@ [12]buddy-buddy @@@@ [13]chummy @@@@ [14]close, confidential, devoted, familiar, friendly, hand in glove, inseparable, intimate, matey or maty @@@@ [15]palsy-walsy @@@@ [16]well in @@@@ [17]too much, unfair, unjust, unreasonable @@@@ [18]centre, heart, middle, midst @@@@ [19]centre, heart, middle, midst"} {"x":"thicken","y":"[1]cake, clot, coagulate, condense, congeal, deepen, gel, inspissate @@@@ [2]jell, set"} {"x":"thicket","y":"[1]brake, clump, coppice, copse, covert, grove, hurst @@@@ [2]spinney @@@@ [3]wood, woodland"} {"x":"thickset","y":"[1]beefy @@@@ [2]brawny, bulky, burly, heavy, muscular, powerfully built, stocky, strong, stubby, sturdy, well-built @@@@ [3]closely packed, dense, densely planted, solid, thick"} {"x":"thief","y":"[1]bandit, burglar, cheat, cracksman @@@@ [2]crook @@@@ [3]embezzler, footpad @@@@ [4]housebreaker, larcenist, mugger @@@@ [5]pickpocket, pilferer, plunderer, purloiner, robber, shoplifter, stealer, swindler"} {"x":"thieve","y":"[1]blag @@@@ [2]cabbage @@@@ [3]cheat, embezzle, filch, half-inch @@@@ [4]knock off @@@@ [5]lift @@@@ [6]misappropriate, nick @@@@ [7]peculate, pilfer, pinch @@@@ [8]plunder, poach, purloin, rip off @@@@ [9]rob, run off with, snitch @@@@ [10]steal, swindle, swipe"} {"x":"thievery","y":"[1]banditry, burglary, crookedness @@@@ [2]embezzlement, larceny, mugging @@@@ [3]pilfering, plundering, robbery, shoplifting, stealing, theft, thieving"} {"x":"thin","y":"[1]attenuate, attenuated, fine, narrow, threadlike @@@@ [2]delicate, diaphanous, filmy, fine, flimsy, gossamer, see-through, sheer, translucent, transparent, unsubstantial @@@@ [3]bony, emaciated, lank, lanky, lean, light, macilent @@@@ [4]meagre, scraggy, scrawny, skeletal, skin and bone, skinny, slender, slight, slim, spare, spindly, thin as a rake, undernourished, underweight @@@@ [5]deficient, meagre, scanty, scarce, scattered, skimpy, sparse, wispy @@@@ [6]dilute, diluted, rarefied, runny, watery, weak, wishy-washy @@@@ [7]feeble, flimsy, inadequate, insufficient, lame, poor, scant, scanty, shallow, slight, superficial, unconvincing, unsubstantial, weak @@@@ [8]attenuate, cut back, dilute, diminish, emaciate, prune, rarefy, reduce, refine, trim, water down, weaken, weed out @@@@ [9]attenuate, cut back, dilute, diminish, emaciate, prune, rarefy, reduce, refine, trim, water down, weaken, weed out"} {"x":"thing","y":"[1]affair, article, being, body, circumstance, concept, entity, fact, matter, object, part, portion, something, substance @@@@ [2]act, deed, event, eventuality, feat, happening, incident, occurrence, phenomenon, proceeding @@@@ [3]apparatus, contrivance, device, gadget, implement, instrument, machine, means, mechanism, tool @@@@ [4]aspect, detail, facet, factor, feature, item, particular, point, statement, thought @@@@ [5]baggage, belongings, bits and pieces, clobber @@@@ [6]clothes, effects, equipment, gear, goods, impedimenta, luggage, odds and ends, paraphernalia, possessions, stuff @@@@ [7]attitude, bee in one's bonnet, fetish, fixation, hang-up @@@@ [8]idee fixe, mania, obsession, phobia, preoccupation, quirk @@@@ [9]close shave"} {"x":"think","y":"[1]believe, conceive, conclude, consider, deem, determine, esteem, estimate, guess @@@@ [2]hold, imagine, judge, reckon, regard, suppose, surmise @@@@ [3]brood, cerebrate, chew over @@@@ [4]cogitate, consider, contemplate, deliberate, have in mind, meditate, mull over, muse, ponder, rack one's brains, reason, reflect, revolve, ruminate, turn over in one's mind, weigh up @@@@ [5]call to mind, recall, recollect, remember @@@@ [6]anticipate, envisage, expect, foresee, imagine, plan for, presume, suppose @@@@ [7]change one's mind about, decide against, go back on, have second thoughts about, reconsider, repent, think again, think twice about @@@@ [8]admire, attach importance to, esteem, have a high opinion of, hold in high regard, rate @@@@ [9]respect, set store by, think highly of, value @@@@ [10]assessment, consideration, contemplation, deliberation, look, reflection @@@@ [11]chew over @@@@ [12]consider, consider the pros and cons of, contemplate, give thought to, mull over, ponder, rack one's brains, reflect upon, turn over in one's mind, weigh up @@@@ [13]come up with, concoct, contrive, create, devise, dream up, imagine, improvise, invent, manufacture, trump up, visualize"} {"x":"thinking","y":"[1]assessment, conclusions, conjecture, idea, judgment, opinion, outlook, philosophy, position, reasoning, theory, thoughts, view @@@@ [2]contemplative, cultured, intelligent, meditative, philosophical, ratiocinative, rational, reasoning, reflective, sophisticated, thoughtful"} {"x":"thirst","y":"[1]craving to drink, drought, dryness, thirstiness @@@@ [2]ache, appetite, craving, desire, eagerness, hankering, hunger, keenness, longing, lust, passion, yearning, yen"} {"x":"thirsty","y":"[1]arid, dehydrated, dry, parched @@@@ [2]athirst, avid, burning, craving, desirous, dying, eager, greedy, hankering, hungry, itching, longing, lusting, thirsting, yearning"} {"x":"thorn","y":"[1]barb, prickle, spike, spine @@@@ [2]affliction, annoyance, bane, bother, curse, hassle @@@@ [3]irritant, irritation, nuisance, pest, plague, scourge, torment, torture, trouble"} {"x":"thorough","y":"[1]all-embracing, all-inclusive, assiduous, careful, complete, comprehensive, conscientious, efficient, exhaustive, full, in-depth, intensive, leaving no stone unturned, meticulous, painstaking, scrupulous, sweeping @@@@ [2]absolute, arrant, complete, deep-dyed @@@@ [3]downright, entire, out-and-out, outright, perfect, pure, sheer, total, unmitigated, unqualified, utter"} {"x":"thoroughbred","y":"[1]blood, full-blooded, of unmixed stock, pedigree, pure-blooded, purebred"} {"x":"thoroughly","y":"[1]assiduously, carefully, completely, comprehensively, conscientiously, efficiently, exhaustively, from top to bottom, fully, inside out, intensively, leaving no stone unturned, meticulously, painstakingly, scrupulously, sweepingly, through and through, throughout @@@@ [2]absolutely, completely, downright, entirely, perfectly, quite, totally, to the full, to the hilt, utterly, without reservation"} {"x":"though","y":"[1]albeit, allowing, although, despite the fact that, even if, even supposing, even though, granted, notwithstanding, tho' @@@@ [2]while @@@@ [3]all the same, for all that, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, still, yet @@@@ [4]act as if or though, affect, feign, feint, give the impression that, make a show of, pretend @@@@ [5]albeit, allowing, although, despite the fact that, even if, even supposing, even though, granted, notwithstanding, tho' @@@@ [6]while @@@@ [7]all the same, for all that, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, still, yet"} {"x":"thought","y":"[1]brainwork, cerebration, cogitation, consideration, contemplation, deliberation, introspection, meditation, musing, navel-gazing @@@@ [2]reflection, regard, rumination, thinking @@@@ [3]assessment, belief, concept, conception, conclusion, conjecture, conviction, estimation, idea, judgment, notion, opinion, thinking, view @@@@ [4]attention, consideration, heed, regard, scrutiny, study @@@@ [5]aim, design, idea, intention, notion, object, plan, purpose @@@@ [6]anticipation, aspiration, dream, expectation, hope, prospect @@@@ [7]dash, jot, little, small amount, soupcon, touch, trifle, whisker @@@@ [8]anxiety, attentiveness, care, compassion, concern, kindness, regard, solicitude, sympathy, thoughtfulness @@@@ [9]admired, esteemed, highly regarded, of good repute, reputable, respected, revered, venerated"} {"x":"thrall","y":"[1]bondage, enslavement, serfdom, servitude, slavery, subjection, subjugation, thraldom, vassalage @@@@ [2]bondservant, bondsman, serf, slave, subject, varlet @@@@ [3]vassal"} {"x":"thrash","y":"[1]beat, belt @@@@ [2]birch, cane, chastise, clobber @@@@ [3]drub, flagellate, flog, give (someone) a (good) hiding @@@@ [4]hide @@@@ [5]horsewhip, lambast(e), leather, lick @@@@ [6]paste @@@@ [7]punish, scourge, spank, take a stick to, tan @@@@ [8]whip @@@@ [9]clobber @@@@ [10]crush, defeat, drub, hammer @@@@ [11]lick @@@@ [12]maul, overwhelm, paste @@@@ [13]slaughter @@@@ [14]stuff @@@@ [15]tank @@@@ [16]flail, heave, jerk, plunge, squirm, thresh, toss, toss and turn, writhe @@@@ [17]argue out, debate, discuss, have out, resolve, settle, solve, talk over"} {"x":"thread","y":"[1]cotton, fibre, filament, line, strand, string, yarn @@@@ [2]course, direction, drift, motif, plot, story line, strain, tenor, theme, train of thought @@@@ [3]ease, inch, loop, meander, pass, pick (one's way), squeeze through, string, wind"} {"x":"threat","y":"[1]commination, intimidatory remark, menace, threatening remark, warning @@@@ [2]foreboding, foreshadowing, omen, portent, presage, warning, writing on the wall @@@@ [3]danger, hazard, menace, peril, risk"} {"x":"threnody","y":"[1]coronach @@@@ [2]dirge, elegy, funeral ode, keen, lament, monody, requiem"} {"x":"threshold","y":"[1]door, doorsill, doorstep, doorway, entrance, sill @@@@ [2]beginning, brink, dawn, inception, opening, outset, start, starting point, verge @@@@ [3]lower limit, minimum"} {"x":"thrift","y":"[1]carefulness, economy, frugality, good husbandry, parsimony, prudence, saving, thriftiness"} {"x":"thrill","y":"[1]adventure, buzz @@@@ [2]charge @@@@ [3]flush of excitement, glow, kick @@@@ [4]pleasure, sensation, stimulation, tingle, titillation @@@@ [5]flutter, fluttering, quiver, shudder, throb, tremble, tremor, vibration @@@@ [6]arouse, electrify, excite, flush, get a charge @@@@ [7]glow, move, send @@@@ [8]stimulate, stir, tingle, titillate @@@@ [9]flutter, quake, quiver, shake, shudder, throb, tremble, vibrate"} {"x":"thrive","y":"[1]advance, bloom, boom, burgeon, develop, do well, flourish, get on, grow, grow rich, increase, prosper, succeed, wax"} {"x":"thriving","y":"[1]blooming, booming, burgeoning, developing, doing well, flourishing, going strong, growing, healthy, prosperous, successful, wealthy, well"} {"x":"throb","y":"[1]beat, palpitate, pound, pulsate, pulse, thump, vibrate @@@@ [2]beat, palpitation, pounding, pulsating, pulse, thump, thumping, vibration"} {"x":"throe","y":"[1]convulsion, fit, pain, pang, paroxysm, spasm, stab @@@@ [2]agony, anguish, pain, suffering, torture, travail @@@@ [3]agonized by, anguished by, in the midst of, in the pangs of, in the process of, struggling with, suffering from, toiling with, wrestling with"} {"x":"throng","y":"[1]assemblage, concourse, congregation, crowd, crush, horde, host, jam, mass, mob, multitude, pack, press, swarm @@@@ [2]bunch, congregate, converge, cram, crowd, fill, flock, hem in, herd, jam, mill around, pack, press, swarm around, troop"} {"x":"throttle","y":"[1]choke, garrotte, strangle, strangulate @@@@ [2]control, gag, inhibit, silence, stifle, suppress"} {"x":"through","y":"[1]between, by, from end to end of, from one side to the other of, in and out of, past @@@@ [2]as a consequence or result of, because of, by means of, by virtue of, by way of, using, via, with the help of @@@@ [3]during, in, in the middle of, throughout @@@@ [4]at the end of, done, finished, having completed, having had enough of @@@@ [5]completed, done, ended, finished, terminated, washed up @@@@ [6]altogether, completely, entirely, fully, thoroughly, totally, to the core, unreservedly, utterly, wholly @@@@ [7]altogether, completely, entirely, fully, thoroughly, totally, to the core, unreservedly, utterly, wholly"} {"x":"throughout","y":"[1]all over, all the time, all through, during the whole of, everywhere, for the duration of, from beginning to end, from end to end, from start to finish, from the start, in every nook and cranny, over the length and breadth of, right through, the whole time, through the whole of"} {"x":"throw","y":"[1]cast, chuck @@@@ [2]fling, heave, hurl, launch, lob @@@@ [3]pitch, project, propel, put, send, shy, sling, toss @@@@ [4]astonish, baffle, confound, confuse, disconcert, dumbfound, faze, put one off one's stroke, throw off, throw one off one's stride, throw out @@@@ [5]bring down, dislodge, fell, floor, hurl to the ground, overturn, unseat, upset @@@@ [6]cast, fling, heave, lob @@@@ [7]pitch, projection, put, shy, sling, toss @@@@ [8]attempt, chance, essay, gamble, hazard, try, venture, wager @@@@ [9]axe @@@@ [10]bin @@@@ [11]cast off, chuck @@@@ [12]discard, dispense with, dispose of, ditch @@@@ [13]dump @@@@ [14]get rid of, jettison, junk @@@@ [15]reject, scrap, throw out @@@@ [16]blow @@@@ [17]fail to exploit, fritter away, lose, make poor use of, squander, waste"} {"x":"thrust","y":"[1]butt, drive, elbow or shoulder one's way, force, impel, jam, plunge, poke, press, prod, propel, push, ram, shove, urge @@@@ [2]jab, lunge, pierce, stab, stick @@@@ [3]drive, lunge, poke, prod, push, shove, stab @@@@ [4]impetus, momentum, motive force, motive power, propulsive force"} {"x":"thud","y":"[1]clonk, clump, clunk, crash, knock, smack, thump, wallop"} {"x":"thug","y":"[1]assassin, bandit, bruiser @@@@ [2]bully boy, cut-throat, gangster, heavy @@@@ [3]hooligan, killer, mugger @@@@ [4]murderer, robber, ruffian, tough, tsotsi"} {"x":"thumb","y":"[1]pollex @@@@ [2]butterfingered @@@@ [3]cack-handed @@@@ [4]clumsy, ham-fisted @@@@ [5]inept, maladroit @@@@ [6]disapproval, negation, no, rebuff, refusal, rejection @@@@ [7]acceptance, affirmation, approval, encouragement, go-ahead @@@@ [8]yes @@@@ [9]hitch @@@@ [10]hitchhike @@@@ [11]browse through, flick through, flip through, glance at, leaf through, riffle through, run one's eye over, scan the pages of, skim through, turn over @@@@ [12]dog-ear, finger, handle, mark @@@@ [13]be contemptuous of, cock a snook at, deride, flout, jeer at, laugh at, laugh in the face of, mock, ridicule, show contempt for, show disrespect to"} {"x":"thump","y":"[1]bang, blow, clout @@@@ [2]clunk, crash, knock, punch, rap, smack, thud, thwack, wallop @@@@ [3]whack @@@@ [4]bang, batter, beat, belabour, chin @@@@ [5]clobber @@@@ [6]clout @@@@ [7]crash, deck @@@@ [8]hit, knock, lambast(e), lay one on @@@@ [9]pound, punch, rap, smack, strike, thrash, throb, thud, thwack, wallop @@@@ [10]whack"} {"x":"thunder","y":"[1]boom, booming, cracking, crash, crashing, detonation, explosion, pealing, rumble, rumbling @@@@ [2]blast, boom, clap, crack, crash, detonate, explode, peal, resound, reverberate, roar, rumble @@@@ [3]bark, bellow, declaim, roar, shout, yell @@@@ [4]curse, denounce, fulminate, rail, threaten, utter threats"} {"x":"thunderous","y":"[1]booming, deafening, ear-splitting, loud, noisy, resounding, roaring, tumultuous"} {"x":"thus","y":"[1]as follows, in this fashion, in this manner, in this way, like so, like this, so, to such a degree @@@@ [2]accordingly, consequently, ergo, for this reason, hence, on that account, so, then, therefore"} {"x":"thwack","y":"[1]bash @@@@ [2]beat, chin @@@@ [3]clout @@@@ [4]deck @@@@ [5]flog, hit, lambast(e), lay one on @@@@ [6]smack, thump, wallop @@@@ [7]whack @@@@ [8]bash @@@@ [9]blow, clout @@@@ [10]smack, thump, wallop @@@@ [11]whack"} {"x":"thwart","y":"[1]baffle, balk, check, cook (someone's) goose @@@@ [2]defeat, foil, frustrate, hinder, impede, obstruct, oppose, outwit, prevent, put a spoke in someone's wheel @@@@ [3]snooker, stop, stymie"} {"x":"tic","y":"[1]jerk, spasm, twitch"} {"x":"tick","y":"[1]clack, click, clicking, tap, tapping, ticktock @@@@ [2]instant, jiffy @@@@ [3]minute, moment, sec @@@@ [4]second, shake @@@@ [5]split second, trice, twinkling, two shakes of a lamb's tail @@@@ [6]dash, mark, stroke @@@@ [7]clack, click, tap, ticktock @@@@ [8]check off, choose, indicate, mark, mark off, select @@@@ [9]drive, motivation, motive, raison d'etre @@@@ [10]account, credit, deferred payment, the slate @@@@ [11](mainly BRIT)"} {"x":"ticket","y":"[1]card, certificate, coupon, pass, slip, token, voucher @@@@ [2]card, docket, label, marker, slip, sticker, tab, tag"} {"x":"tickle","y":"[1]amuse, delight, divert, entertain, excite, gratify, please, thrill, titillate"} {"x":"tide","y":"[1]course, current, ebb, flow, stream, tideway, undertow @@@@ [2]course, current, direction, drift, movement, tendency, trend @@@@ [3]aid, assist, bridge the gap, help, keep one going, keep one's head above water, keep the wolf from the door, see one through"} {"x":"tidings","y":"[1]advice, bulletin, communication, gen @@@@ [2]greetings, information, intelligence, latest @@@@ [3]message, news, report, word"} {"x":"tidy","y":"[1]businesslike, clean, cleanly, in apple-pie order @@@@ [2]methodical, neat, ordered, orderly, shipshape, spick-and-span, spruce, systematic, trig @@@@ [3]trim, well-groomed, well-kept, well-ordered @@@@ [4]ample, considerable, fair, generous, good, goodly, handsome, healthy, large, largish, respectable, sizable or sizeable, substantial @@@@ [5]clean, groom, neaten, order, put in order, put in trim, put to rights, spruce up, straighten"} {"x":"tie","y":"[1]attach, bind, connect, fasten, interlace, join, knot, lash, link, make fast, moor, rope, secure, tether, truss, unite @@@@ [2]bind, confine, hamper, hinder, hold, limit, restrain, restrict @@@@ [3]be even, be neck and neck, draw, equal, match @@@@ [4]band, bond, connection, cord, fastening, fetter, joint, knot, ligature, link, rope, string @@@@ [5]affiliation, affinity, allegiance, bond, commitment, connection, duty, kinship, liaison, obligation, relationship @@@@ [6]encumbrance, hindrance, limitation, restraint, restriction @@@@ [7]dead heat, deadlock, draw, stalemate @@@@ [8]contest, fixture, game, match"} {"x":"tier","y":"[1]bank, echelon, file, layer, level, line, order, rank, row, series, storey, stratum"} {"x":"tiff","y":"[1]difference, disagreement, dispute, falling-out @@@@ [2]petty quarrel, quarrel, row, scrap @@@@ [3]squabble, words @@@@ [4]bad mood, fit of ill humour, fit of pique, huff, ill humour, pet, sulk, tantrum, temper, wax"} {"x":"tight","y":"[1]close, close-fitting, compact, constricted, cramped, fast, firm, fixed, narrow, rigid, secure, snug, stiff, stretched, taut, tense @@@@ [2]hermetic, impervious, proof, sealed, sound, watertight @@@@ [3]harsh, inflexible, rigid, rigorous, severe, stern, strict, stringent, tough, uncompromising, unyielding @@@@ [4]close, grasping, mean, miserly, niggardly, parsimonious, penurious, sparing, stingy, tight-arse @@@@ [5]tight-arsed @@@@ [6]tight-ass @@@@ [7]tight-assed @@@@ [8]tightfisted @@@@ [9]dangerous, difficult, hazardous, perilous, precarious, problematic, sticky @@@@ [10]ticklish, tough, tricky, troublesome, worrisome @@@@ [11]close, even, evenly-balanced, near, well-matched @@@@ [12]bevvied @@@@ [13]blitzed @@@@ [14]blotto @@@@ [15]bombed @@@@ [16]drunk, flying @@@@ [17]half cut @@@@ [18]inebriated, in one's cups, intoxicated, legless @@@@ [19]lit up @@@@ [20]paralytic @@@@ [21]pickled @@@@ [22]pie-eyed @@@@ [23]pissed @@@@ [24]plastered @@@@ [25]rat-arsed @@@@ [26]smashed @@@@ [27]sozzled @@@@ [28]steamboats @@@@ [29]steaming @@@@ [30]stewed @@@@ [31]stoned @@@@ [32]tiddly @@@@ [33]wasted @@@@ [34]wrecked @@@@ [35]zonked"} {"x":"tightfisted","y":"[1]close, close-fisted, grasping, mean, mingy @@@@ [2]miserly, niggardly, parsimonious, penurious, snoep @@@@ [3]sparing, stingy, tight, tight-arse @@@@ [4]tight-arsed @@@@ [5]tight-ass @@@@ [6]tight-assed"} {"x":"tights","y":"[1]close, close-fitting, compact, constricted, cramped, fast, firm, fixed, narrow, rigid, secure, snug, stiff, stretched, taut, tense @@@@ [2]hermetic, impervious, proof, sealed, sound, watertight @@@@ [3]harsh, inflexible, rigid, rigorous, severe, stern, strict, stringent, tough, uncompromising, unyielding @@@@ [4]close, grasping, mean, miserly, niggardly, parsimonious, penurious, sparing, stingy, tight-arse @@@@ [5]tight-arsed @@@@ [6]tight-ass @@@@ [7]tight-assed @@@@ [8]tightfisted @@@@ [9]dangerous, difficult, hazardous, perilous, precarious, problematic, sticky @@@@ [10]ticklish, tough, tricky, troublesome, worrisome @@@@ [11]close, even, evenly-balanced, near, well-matched @@@@ [12]bevvied @@@@ [13]blitzed @@@@ [14]blotto @@@@ [15]bombed @@@@ [16]drunk, flying @@@@ [17]half cut @@@@ [18]inebriated, in one's cups, intoxicated, legless @@@@ [19]lit up @@@@ [20]paralytic @@@@ [21]pickled @@@@ [22]pie-eyed @@@@ [23]pissed @@@@ [24]plastered @@@@ [25]rat-arsed @@@@ [26]smashed @@@@ [27]sozzled @@@@ [28]steamboats @@@@ [29]steaming @@@@ [30]stewed @@@@ [31]stoned @@@@ [32]tiddly @@@@ [33]wasted @@@@ [34]wrecked @@@@ [35]zonked"} {"x":"till","y":"[1]cultivate, dig, plough, turn over, work @@@@ [2]cash box, cash drawer, cash register"} {"x":"tilt","y":"[1]cant, heel, incline, lean, list, slant, slope, tip @@@@ [2]attack, break a lance, clash, contend, cross swords, duel, encounter, fight, joust, lock horns, overthrow, spar @@@@ [3]angle, cant, inclination, incline, list, pitch, slant, slope @@@@ [4]clash, combat, duel, encounter, fight, joust, lists, set-to @@@@ [5]tournament, tourney @@@@ [6]for dear life, full force, full speed, headlong, like a bat out of hell"} {"x":"timber","y":"[1]beams, boards, forest, logs, planks, trees, wood"} {"x":"timbre","y":"[1]colour, quality of sound, resonance, ring, tonality, tone, tone colour"} {"x":"time","y":"[1]age, chronology, date, duration, epoch, era, generation, hour, interval, period, season, space, span, spell, stretch, term, while @@@@ [2]instance, juncture, occasion, point, stage @@@@ [3]allotted span, day, duration, life, life span, lifetime, season @@@@ [4]heyday, hour, peak @@@@ [5]beat, measure, metre, rhythm, tempo @@@@ [6]always, at all times, constantly, continually, continuously, ever, for the duration, perpetually, throughout @@@@ [7]for a while, formerly, hitherto, once, once upon a time, previously @@@@ [8]all at once, at the same time, simultaneously, together @@@@ [9]every now and then, every so often, from time to time, now and then, occasionally, once in a while, on occasion, sometimes @@@@ [10]antiquated, dated, obsolete, old-fashioned, old hat, outdated, outmoded, out of date, out of fashion, out of style, passe, square @@@@ [11]for now, for the moment, for the nonce, for the present, in the meantime, meantime, meanwhile, pro tem, temporarily @@@@ [12]at times, every now and then, every so often, now and then, occasionally, once in a while, on occasion, sometimes @@@@ [13]early, on time, with time to spare @@@@ [14]quickly, rapidly, speedily, swiftly, with dispatch @@@@ [15]quickly, rapidly, speedily, swiftly @@@@ [16]at the appointed time, early, in good time, on schedule, on time, with time to spare @@@@ [17]by and by, eventually, in the fullness of time, one day, someday, sooner or later, ultimately @@@@ [18]in good time, on the dot, punctually @@@@ [19]frequently, many times, often, on many occasions, over and over again, repeatedly, time after time @@@@ [20]clock, control, count, judge, measure, regulate, schedule, set @@@@ [21]ancient, antique, bygone, former, old-fashioned, past, vintage @@@@ [22]erstwhile, ex-, former, late, previous, quondam, sometime @@@@ [23]insignificant, minor, no-account @@@@ [24]of no account, of no consequence, petty, piddling @@@@ [25]unimportant @@@@ [26]free time, leisure, odd moments, time on one's hands, time to kill @@@@ [27]age-old, ancient, conventional, customary, established, fixed, long-established, old, traditional, usual, venerable @@@@ [28]Time is what we measure in minutes, hours, days, and years."} {"x":"timetable","y":"[1]agenda, calendar, curriculum, diary, list, order of the day, programme, schedule"} {"x":"timeworn","y":"[1]aged, ancient, broken-down, decrepit, dog-eared, lined, ragged, run-down, shabby, the worse for wear, weathered, worn, wrinkled @@@@ [2]ancient, cliched, dated, hackneyed, hoary, old hat, out of date, outworn, passe, stale, stock, threadbare, tired, trite, well-worn @@@@ [3]Time is what we measure in minutes, hours, days, and years."} {"x":"timid","y":"[1]afraid, apprehensive, bashful, cowardly, coy, diffident, faint-hearted, fearful, irresolute, modest, mousy, nervous, pusillanimous, retiring, shrinking, shy, timorous"} {"x":"timorous","y":"[1]afraid, apprehensive, bashful, cowardly, coy, diffident, faint-hearted, fearful, frightened, irresolute, mousy, nervous, pusillanimous, retiring, shrinking, shy, timid, trembling"} {"x":"tincture","y":"[1]aroma, colour, dash, flavour, hint, hue, seasoning, shade, smack, soupcon, stain, suggestion, tinge, tint, touch, trace @@@@ [2]colour, dye, flavour, scent, season, stain, tinge, tint"} {"x":"tinge","y":"[1]cast, colour, dye, shade, stain, tincture, tint, wash @@@@ [2]bit, dash, drop, pinch, smack, smattering, soupcon, sprinkling, suggestion, touch, trace @@@@ [3]colour, dye, imbue, shade, stain, suffuse, tinge, tint"} {"x":"tingle","y":"[1]have goose pimples, itch, prickle, sting, tickle @@@@ [2]goose pimples, itch, itching, pins and needles @@@@ [3]prickling, quiver, shiver, stinging, thrill, tickle, tickling"} {"x":"tinker","y":"[1]dabble, fiddle @@@@ [2]meddle, mess about, monkey, muck about @@@@ [3]play, potter, toy"} {"x":"tinsel","y":"[1]brummagem, cheap, flashy, gaudy, gimcrack, meretricious, ostentatious, pinchbeck, plastic @@@@ [2]sham, showy, specious, superficial, tawdry, trashy"} {"x":"tint","y":"[1]cast, colour, hue, shade, tone @@@@ [2]dye, rinse, stain, tincture, tinge, wash @@@@ [3]hint, shade, suggestion, tinge, touch, trace @@@@ [4]colour, dye, rinse, stain, tincture, tinge @@@@ [5]affect, colour, influence, taint, tinge"} {"x":"tiny","y":"[1]diminutive, dwarfish, infinitesimal, insignificant, Lilliputian, little, microscopic, mini, miniature, minute, negligible, petite, pint-sized @@@@ [2]puny, pygmy or pigmy, slight, small, teensy-weensy, teeny-weeny, trifling, wee"} {"x":"tip","y":"[1]apex, cap, crown, end, extremity, head, peak, pinnacle, point, summit, top @@@@ [2]cap, crown, finish, surmount, top @@@@ [3]cant, capsize, incline, lean, list, overturn, slant, spill, tilt, topple over, upend, upset @@@@ [4]ditch @@@@ [5]dump, empty, pour out, unload @@@@ [6]dump, midden @@@@ [7]baksheesh, gift, gratuity, perquisite, pourboire @@@@ [8]clue, forecast, gen @@@@ [9]hint, information, inside information, pointer, suggestion, warning, word, word of advice @@@@ [10]remunerate, reward @@@@ [11]advise, caution, forewarn, give a clue, give a hint, suggest, tip (someone) the wink @@@@ [12]warn @@@@ [13]Conseil, tuyau"} {"x":"tipple","y":"[1]bevvy @@@@ [2]drink, imbibe, indulge @@@@ [3]quaff, swig, take a drink, tope @@@@ [4]alcohol, booze @@@@ [5]drink, John Barleycorn, liquor, poison"} {"x":"tipsy","y":"[1]babalas @@@@ [2]elevated @@@@ [3]fuddled, happy @@@@ [4]mellow, merry @@@@ [5]slightly drunk, tiddly @@@@ [6]woozy"} {"x":"tirade","y":"[1]abuse, denunciation, diatribe, fulmination, harangue, invective, lecture, outburst, philippic"} {"x":"tire","y":"[1]drain, droop, enervate, exhaust, fag @@@@ [2]fail, fatigue, flag, jade, knacker @@@@ [3]wear down, wear out, weary, whack @@@@ [4]aggravate @@@@ [5]annoy, bore, exasperate, get on one's nerves @@@@ [6]harass, hassle @@@@ [7]irk, irritate, piss one off @@@@ [8]weary"} {"x":"tired","y":"[1]all in @@@@ [2]clapped out @@@@ [3]dead beat @@@@ [4]dog-tired @@@@ [5]done in @@@@ [6]drained, drooping, drowsy, enervated, exhausted, fagged @@@@ [7]fatigued, flagging, jaded, knackered @@@@ [8]ready to drop, sleepy, spent, weary, whacked @@@@ [9]worn out, zonked @@@@ [10]annoyed with, bored with, exasperated by, fed up with, irked by, irritated by, pissed off with @@@@ [11]cliched, conventional, corny @@@@ [12]familiar, hackneyed, old, outworn, stale, stock, threadbare, trite, well-worn"} {"x":"tireless","y":"[1]determined, energetic, indefatigable, industrious, resolute, unflagging, untiring, unwearied, vigorous"} {"x":"tissue","y":"[1]fabric, gauze, mesh, structure, stuff, texture, web @@@@ [2]paper, paper handkerchief, wrapping paper @@@@ [3]accumulation, chain, collection, combination, concatenation, conglomeration, fabrication, mass, network, pack, series, web"} {"x":"titan","y":"[1]colossus, giant, leviathan, ogre, superman"} {"x":"titanic","y":"[1]Brobdingnagian, colossal, elephantine, enormous, giant, gigantic, herculean, huge, humongous or humungous @@@@ [2]immense, jumbo @@@@ [3]mammoth, massive, mighty, monstrous, mountainous, prodigious, stellar @@@@ [4]stupendous, towering, vast"} {"x":"titbit","y":"[1]bonne bouche, choice item, dainty, delicacy, goody, juicy bit, morsel, scrap, snack, treat"} {"x":"tithe","y":"[1]assessment, duty, impost, levy, tariff, tax, tenth, toll, tribute @@@@ [2]assess, charge, levy, rate, tax @@@@ [3]give up, pay, pay a tithe on, render, surrender, turn over"} {"x":"titillate","y":"[1]arouse, excite, interest, provoke, stimulate, tantalize, tease, thrill, tickle, turn on"} {"x":"title","y":"[1]caption, heading, inscription, label, legend, name, style @@@@ [2]appellation, denomination, designation, epithet, handle @@@@ [3]name, nickname, nom de plume, pseudonym, sobriquet, term @@@@ [4]championship, crown, laurels @@@@ [5]claim, entitlement, ownership, prerogative, privilege, right @@@@ [6]call, designate, label, name, style, term"} {"x":"titter","y":"[1]chortle @@@@ [2]chuckle, giggle, laugh, snigger, tee-hee, te-hee"} {"x":"tittle","y":"[1]atom, bit, dash, drop, grain, iota, jot, mite, particle, scrap, shred, speck, whit @@@@ [2]babble, blather, blether, cackle, chatter, chitchat, clishmaclaver @@@@ [3]dirt @@@@ [4]gossip, hearsay, idle chat, jaw @@@@ [5]natter, prattle, rumour, twaddle, yackety-yak @@@@ [6]yatter @@@@ [7]babble, blather, blether, cackle, chat, chatter, chitchat, gossip, jaw @@@@ [8]natter, prattle, run off at the mouth @@@@ [9]witter @@@@ [10]yak @@@@ [11]yatter"} {"x":"titular","y":"[1]honorary, in name only, nominal, puppet, putative, so-called, theoretical, token"} {"x":"toady","y":"[1]apple polisher @@@@ [2]ass-kisser @@@@ [3]bootlicker @@@@ [4]brown-noser @@@@ [5]crawler @@@@ [6]creep @@@@ [7]fawner, flatterer, flunkey, groveller, hanger-on, jackal, lackey, lickspittle, minion, parasite, spaniel, sycophant, truckler, yes man @@@@ [8]be obsequious to, bow and scrape, brown-nose @@@@ [9]butter up, crawl, creep, cringe, curry favour with, fawn on, flatter, grovel, kiss (someone's) ass"} {"x":"toast","y":"[1]brown, grill, heat, roast, warm @@@@ [2]compliment, drink, health, pledge, salutation, salute, tribute @@@@ [3]darling, favourite, heroine @@@@ [4]drink to, drink (to) the health of, pledge, salute"} {"x":"together","y":"[1]as a group, as one, cheek by jowl, closely, collectively, hand in glove, hand in hand, in a body, in concert, in cooperation, in unison, jointly, mutually, shoulder to shoulder, side by side @@@@ [2]all at once, as one, at one fell swoop, at the same time, concurrently, contemporaneously, en masse, in unison, simultaneously, with one accord @@@@ [3]consecutively, continuously, in a row, in succession, one after the other, on end, successively, without a break, without interruption @@@@ [4]arranged, fixed, ordered, organized, settled, sorted out, straight, to rights @@@@ [5]calm, composed, cool, stable, well-adjusted, well-balanced, well-organized"} {"x":"toil","y":"[1]application, blood, sweat, and tears @@@@ [2]donkey-work, drudgery, effort, elbow grease @@@@ [3]exertion, graft @@@@ [4]hard work, industry, labour, pains, slog, sweat, travail @@@@ [5]drag oneself, drudge, give it one's all @@@@ [6]graft @@@@ [7]grind @@@@ [8]slave, slog, strive, struggle, sweat"} {"x":"toilet","y":"[1]ablutions @@@@ [2]bathroom, bog @@@@ [3]can @@@@ [4]closet, convenience, crapper @@@@ [5]gents @@@@ [6]john @@@@ [7]khazi @@@@ [8]ladies' room, latrine, lavatory, little boy's room @@@@ [9]loo @@@@ [10]outhouse, pissoir, powder room, privy, throne @@@@ [11]urinal, washroom, water closet, W.C. @@@@ [12]ablutions, bathing, dressing, grooming, toilette"} {"x":"token","y":"[1]badge, clue, demonstration, earnest, evidence, expression, index, indication, manifestation, mark, note, proof, representation, sign, symbol, warning @@@@ [2]keepsake, memento, memorial, remembrance, reminder, souvenir @@@@ [3]hollow, minimal, nominal, perfunctory, superficial, symbolic"} {"x":"tolerable","y":"[1]acceptable, allowable, bearable, endurable, sufferable, supportable @@@@ [2]acceptable, adequate, all right, average, fair, fairly good, fair to middling, good enough, indifferent, mediocre, middling, not bad @@@@ [3]ordinary, passable, run-of-the-mill, so-so @@@@ [4]unexceptional"} {"x":"tolerance","y":"[1]broad-mindedness, charity, forbearance, indulgence, lenity, magnanimity, open-mindedness, patience, permissiveness, sufferance, sympathy @@@@ [2]endurance, fortitude, hardiness, hardness, resilience, resistance, stamina, staying power, toughness @@@@ [3]fluctuation, play, swing, variation"} {"x":"tolerate","y":"[1]abide, accept, admit, allow, bear, brook, condone, countenance, endure, hack @@@@ [2]indulge, permit, pocket, put up with @@@@ [3]receive, sanction, stand, stomach, submit to, suffer, swallow, take, thole"} {"x":"toleration","y":"[1]acceptance, allowance, condonation, endurance, indulgence, permissiveness, sanction, sufferance"} {"x":"toll","y":"[1]chime, clang, knell, peal, ring, sound, strike @@@@ [2]announce, call, signal, summon, warn @@@@ [3]chime, clang, knell, peal, ring, ringing, tolling @@@@ [4]assessment, charge, customs, demand, duty, fee, impost, levy, payment, rate, tariff, tax, tribute @@@@ [5]cost, damage, inroad, loss, penalty"} {"x":"tomb","y":"[1]burial chamber, catacomb, crypt, grave, mausoleum, sarcophagus, sepulchre, vault"} {"x":"tombstone","y":"[1]gravestone, headstone, marker, memorial, monument"} {"x":"tome","y":"[1]book, title, volume, work"} {"x":"tomfoolery","y":"[1]buffoonery, childishness, clowning, fooling around @@@@ [2]foolishness, horseplay, idiocy, larks @@@@ [3]messing around @@@@ [4]shenanigans @@@@ [5]silliness, skylarking @@@@ [6]stupidity @@@@ [7]balderdash, baloney @@@@ [8]bilge @@@@ [9]bosh @@@@ [10]bunk @@@@ [11]claptrap @@@@ [12]hogwash, hooey @@@@ [13]inanity, nonsense, poppycock @@@@ [14]rot, rubbish, stuff and nonsense, tommyrot, tosh @@@@ [15]trash, twaddle"} {"x":"tone","y":"[1]accent, emphasis, force, inflection, intonation, modulation, pitch, strength, stress, timbre, tonality, volume @@@@ [2]air, approach, aspect, attitude, character, drift, effect, feel, frame, grain, manner, mood, note, quality, spirit, style, temper, tenor, vein @@@@ [3]cast, colour, hue, shade, tinge, tint @@@@ [4]blend, go well with, harmonize, match, suit @@@@ [5]dampen, dim, mitigate, moderate, modulate, play down, reduce, restrain, soften, soft-pedal @@@@ [6]subdue, temper @@@@ [7]freshen, get in shape, get into condition, invigorate, limber up, shape up, sharpen up, trim, tune up"} {"x":"tongue","y":"[1]argot, dialect, idiom, language, lingo @@@@ [2]parlance, patois, speech, talk, vernacular @@@@ [3]articulation, speech, utterance, verbal expression, voice @@@@ [4]dressing-down @@@@ [5]lecture, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reproof, scolding, slating @@@@ [6]talking-to @@@@ [7]telling-off @@@@ [8]ticking-off @@@@ [9]wigging @@@@ [10]at a loss for words, dumb, dumbstruck, inarticulate, mute, speechless, struck dumb"} {"x":"tonic","y":"[1]analeptic, boost, bracer @@@@ [2]cordial, fillip, livener, pick-me-up @@@@ [3]refresher, restorative, roborant, shot in the arm @@@@ [4]stimulant"} {"x":"too","y":"[1]also, as well, besides, further, in addition, into the bargain, likewise, moreover, to boot @@@@ [2]excessively, exorbitantly, extremely, immoderately, inordinately, over-, overly, unduly, unreasonably, very"} {"x":"tool","y":"[1]apparatus, appliance, contraption, contrivance, device, gadget, implement, instrument, machine, utensil @@@@ [2]agency, agent, intermediary, means, medium, vehicle, wherewithal @@@@ [3]cat's-paw, creature, dupe, flunkey, hireling, jackal, lackey, minion, pawn, puppet, stooge @@@@ [4]chase, cut, decorate, ornament, shape, work"} {"x":"top","y":"[1]acme, apex, apogee, crest, crown, culmination, head, height, high point, meridian, peak, pinnacle, summit, vertex, zenith @@@@ [2]cap, cork, cover, lid, stopper @@@@ [3]first place, head, highest rank, lead @@@@ [4]blow up @@@@ [5]go spare @@@@ [6]excessive, going too far, immoderate, inordinate, over the limit, too much, uncalled-for @@@@ [7]best, chief, crack @@@@ [8]crowning, culminating, dominant, elite, finest, first, foremost, greatest, head, highest, lead, leading, pre-eminent, prime, principal, ruling, sovereign, superior, topmost, upper, uppermost @@@@ [9]cap, cover, crown, finish, garnish, roof, tip @@@@ [10]ascend, climb, crest, reach the top of, scale, surmount @@@@ [11]be first, be in charge of, command, head, lead, rule @@@@ [12]beat, best, better, eclipse, exceed, excel, go beyond, outdo, outshine, outstrip, surpass, transcend"} {"x":"topic","y":"[1]issue, matter, point, question, subject, subject matter, text, theme, thesis"} {"x":"topple","y":"[1]capsize, collapse, fall, fall headlong, fall over, keel over, knock down, knock over, overbalance, overturn, tip over, totter, tumble, upset @@@@ [2]bring down, bring low, oust, overthrow, overturn, unseat"} {"x":"torment","y":"[1]afflict, agonize, crucify, distress, excruciate, harrow, pain, rack, torture @@@@ [2]aggravate @@@@ [3]annoy, bedevil, bother, chivvy, devil @@@@ [4]harass, harry, hassle @@@@ [5]hound, irritate, lead (someone) a merry dance @@@@ [6]nag, persecute, pester, plague, provoke, tease, trouble, vex, worry @@@@ [7]agony, anguish, distress, hell, misery, pain, suffering, torture @@@@ [8]affliction, annoyance, bane, bother, harassment, hassle @@@@ [9]irritation, nag, nagging, nuisance, pain in the neck @@@@ [10]persecution, pest, plague, provocation, scourge, thorn in one's flesh, trouble, vexation, worry"} {"x":"torn","y":"[1]cut, lacerated, ragged, rent, ripped, slit, split @@@@ [2]irresolute, split, uncertain, undecided, unsure, vacillating, wavering"} {"x":"tornado","y":"[1]cyclone, gale, hurricane, squall, storm, tempest, twister @@@@ [2]typhoon, whirlwind, windstorm"} {"x":"torpid","y":"[1]apathetic, benumbed, dormant, drowsy, dull, faineant, inactive, indolent, inert, lackadaisical, languid, languorous, lazy, lethargic, listless, lymphatic, motionless, numb, passive, slothful, slow, slow-moving, sluggish, somnolent, stagnant"} {"x":"torpor","y":"[1]accidie, acedia, apathy, dormancy, drowsiness, dullness, inactivity, inanition, indolence, inertia, inertness, languor, laziness, lethargy, listlessness, numbness, passivity, sloth, sluggishness, somnolence, stagnancy, stupor, torpidity"} {"x":"torrent","y":"[1]cascade, deluge, downpour, effusion, flood, flow, gush, outburst, rush, spate, stream, tide"} {"x":"torrid","y":"[1]arid, blistering, boiling, broiling, burning, dried, dry, fiery, flaming, hot, parched, parching, scorched, scorching, sizzling, stifling, sultry, sweltering, tropical @@@@ [2]ardent, erotic, fervent, flaming, hot, intense, passionate, sexy @@@@ [3]steamy"} {"x":"tortuous","y":"[1]bent, circuitous, convoluted, crooked, curved, indirect, mazy, meandering, serpentine, sinuous, twisted, twisting, twisty, winding, zigzag @@@@ [2]ambiguous, complicated, convoluted, cunning, deceptive, devious, indirect, involved, mazy, misleading, roundabout, tricky"} {"x":"torture","y":"[1]afflict, agonize, crucify, distress, excruciate, harrow, lacerate, martyr, pain, persecute, put on the rack, rack, torment @@@@ [2]affliction, agony, anguish, distress, hell, laceration, martyrdom, misery, pain, pang(s), persecution, rack, suffering, torment"} {"x":"toss","y":"[1]cast, chuck @@@@ [2]fling, flip, hurl, launch, lob @@@@ [3]pitch, project, propel, shy, sling, throw @@@@ [4]agitate, disturb, jiggle, joggle, jolt, rock, roll, shake, thrash, tumble, wriggle, writhe @@@@ [5]heave, labour, lurch, pitch, roll, wallow @@@@ [6]cast, fling, lob @@@@ [7]pitch, shy, throw"} {"x":"tot","y":"[1]ankle-biter @@@@ [2]baby, child, infant, little one, mite, rug rat @@@@ [3]sprog @@@@ [4]toddler, wean @@@@ [5]dram, finger, measure, nip, shot @@@@ [6]slug, snifter @@@@ [7]toothful @@@@ [8]add up, calculate, count up, reckon, sum (up), tally, total"} {"x":"total","y":"[1]aggregate, all, amount, entirety, full amount, mass, sum, totality, whole @@@@ [2]absolute, all-out, arrant, complete, comprehensive, consummate, deep-dyed @@@@ [3]downright, entire, full, gross, integral, out-and-out, outright, perfect, sheer, sweeping, thorough, thoroughgoing, unconditional, undisputed, undivided, unmitigated, unqualified, utter, whole @@@@ [4]add up, amount to, come to, mount up to, reach, reckon, sum up, tot up"} {"x":"totalitarian","y":"[1]authoritarian, despotic, dictatorial, monolithic, one-party, oppressive, tyrannous, undemocratic"} {"x":"totality","y":"[1]aggregate, all, entirety, everything, sum, total, whole @@@@ [2]completeness, entireness, fullness, wholeness"} {"x":"totally","y":"[1]absolutely, completely, comprehensively, consummately, entirely, fully, one hundred per cent, perfectly, quite, thoroughly, to the hilt, unconditionally, unmitigatedly, utterly, wholeheartedly, wholly"} {"x":"touch","y":"[1]feel, feeling, handling, palpation, physical contact, tactility @@@@ [2]blow, brush, caress, contact, fondling, hit, pat, push, stroke, tap @@@@ [3]bit, dash, detail, drop, hint, intimation, jot, pinch, smack, small amount, smattering, soupcon, speck, spot, suggestion, suspicion, taste, tincture, tinge, trace, whiff @@@@ [4]direction, effect, hand, influence @@@@ [5]approach, characteristic, handiwork, manner, method, style, technique, trademark, way @@@@ [6]ability, adroitness, art, artistry, command, craft, deftness, facility, flair, knack, mastery, skill, virtuosity @@@@ [7]acquaintance, awareness, communication, contact, correspondence, familiarity, understanding @@@@ [8]brush, caress, contact, feel, finger, fondle, graze, handle, hit, lay a finger on, palpate, pat, push, strike, stroke, tap @@@@ [9]abut, adjoin, be in contact, border, brush, come together, contact, converge, graze, impinge upon, meet @@@@ [10]affect, disturb, get through to, get to @@@@ [11]have an effect on, impress, influence, inspire, make an impression on, mark, melt, move, soften, stir, strike, tug at (someone's) heartstrings @@@@ [12]upset @@@@ [13]be a party to, concern oneself with, consume, deal with, drink, eat, get involved in, handle, have to do with, partake of, use, utilize @@@@ [14]allude to, bring in, cover, deal with, mention, refer to, speak of @@@@ [15]bear upon, concern, have to do with, interest, pertain to, regard @@@@ [16]be a match for, be in the same league as, be on a par with, come near, come up to, compare with, equal, hold a candle to @@@@ [17]match, parallel, rival @@@@ [18]arrive at, attain, come to, reach @@@@ [19]close, critical, dangerous, hairy @@@@ [20]hazardous, near, nerve-racking, parlous, perilous, precarious, risky, sticky @@@@ [21]tricky @@@@ [22]fire, ignite, light, put a match to, set off @@@@ [23]arouse, begin, cause, foment, give rise to, initiate, provoke, set in motion, spark off, trigger (off) @@@@ [24]finish off, perfect, put the finishing touches to, round off @@@@ [25]brush up, enhance, fake (up), falsify, give a face-lift to, gloss over, improve, patch up, polish up, renovate, retouch, revamp, titivate, whitewash @@@@ [26]tact fin"} {"x":"touched","y":"[1]affected, disturbed, impressed, melted, moved, softened, stirred, swayed, upset @@@@ [2]barmy @@@@ [3]batty @@@@ [4]bonkers @@@@ [5]crackpot @@@@ [6]crazy, cuckoo @@@@ [7]daft @@@@ [8]doolally @@@@ [9]gonzo @@@@ [10]loopy @@@@ [11]nutty"} {"x":"touching","y":"[1]affecting, emotive, heartbreaking, melting, moving, pathetic, piteous, pitiable, pitiful, poignant, sad, stirring, tender"} {"x":"touchstone","y":"[1]criterion, gauge, measure, norm, par, standard, yardstick"} {"x":"touchy","y":"[1]bad-tempered, captious, crabbed, cross, easily offended, grouchy @@@@ [2]grumpy, irascible, irritable, oversensitive, peevish, pettish, petulant, querulous, quick-tempered, ratty @@@@ [3]splenetic, surly, testy, tetchy, thin-skinned, ticklish"} {"x":"tough","y":"[1]cohesive, durable, firm, hard, inflexible, leathery, resilient, resistant, rigid, rugged, solid, stiff, strong, sturdy, tenacious @@@@ [2]brawny, fit, hard as nails, hardened, hardy, resilient, seasoned, stalwart, stout, strapping, strong, sturdy, vigorous @@@@ [3]hard-bitten, pugnacious, rough, ruffianly, ruthless, vicious, violent @@@@ [4]adamant, callous, exacting, firm, hard, hard-boiled @@@@ [5]hard-nosed @@@@ [6]inflexible, intractable, merciless, obdurate, obstinate, refractory, resolute, severe, stern, strict, stubborn, unbending, unforgiving, unyielding @@@@ [7]arduous, baffling, difficult, exacting, exhausting, hard, intractable, irksome, knotty, laborious, perplexing, puzzling, strenuous, thorny, troublesome, uphill @@@@ [8]bad, hard cheese @@@@ [9]hard lines @@@@ [10]hard luck, lamentable, regrettable, too bad @@@@ [11]unfortunate, unlucky @@@@ [12]bravo, bruiser @@@@ [13]brute, bully, bully boy, heavy @@@@ [14]hooligan, rough @@@@ [15]roughneck @@@@ [16]rowdy, ruffian, thug, tsotsi"} {"x":"tour","y":"[1]excursion, expedition, jaunt, journey, outing, peregrination, progress, trip @@@@ [2]circuit, course, round @@@@ [3]explore, go on the road, go round, holiday in, journey, sightsee, travel round, travel through, visit"} {"x":"tourist","y":"[1]excursionist, globetrotter, holiday-maker, journeyer, sightseer, traveller, tripper, voyager"} {"x":"tournament","y":"[1]competition, contest, event, match, meeting, series @@@@ [2]joust, the lists, tourney"} {"x":"tousle","y":"[1]disarrange, disarray, dishevel, disorder, mess up, ruffle, rumple, tangle"} {"x":"tout","y":"[1]bark @@@@ [2]canvass, drum up, solicit, spiel @@@@ [3]approve, commend, endorse, praise, promote, recommend, speak well of, support, tip, urge @@@@ [4]barker, canvasser, solicitor, spieler @@@@ [5]tipster"} {"x":"tow","y":"[1]drag, draw, haul, lug, pull, trail, trawl, tug"} {"x":"towards","y":"[1]en route for, for, in the direction of, in the vicinity of, on the road to, on the way to, to @@@@ [2]about, concerning, for, regarding, with regard to, with respect to @@@@ [3]almost, close to, coming up to, getting on for, just before, nearing, nearly, not quite, shortly before @@@@ [4]If you move, look, or point towards something or someone, you move, look, or point in their direction."} {"x":"tower","y":"[1]belfry, column, obelisk, pillar, skyscraper, steeple, turret @@@@ [2]castle, citadel, fort, fortification, fortress, keep, refuge, stronghold @@@@ [3]ascend, be head and shoulders above, dominate, exceed, loom, mount, overlook, overtop, rear, rise, soar, surpass, top, transcend @@@@ [4]cloister, refuge, remoteness, retreat, sanctum, seclusion, splendid isolation, unreality, world of one's own"} {"x":"toxic","y":"[1]baneful @@@@ [2]deadly, harmful, lethal, noxious, pernicious, pestilential, poisonous, septic"} {"x":"toy","y":"[1]doll, game, plaything @@@@ [2]bauble, gewgaw, knick-knack, trifle, trinket @@@@ [3]amuse oneself, dally, fiddle @@@@ [4]flirt, fool (about or around), play, play fast and loose @@@@ [5]sport, trifle, wanton"} {"x":"trace","y":"[1]evidence, indication, mark, record, relic, remains, remnant, sign, survival, token, vestige @@@@ [2]bit, dash, drop, hint, iota, jot, shadow, soupcon, suggestion, suspicion, tincture, tinge, touch, trifle, whiff @@@@ [3]footmark, footprint, footstep, path, slot, spoor, track, trail @@@@ [4]ascertain, detect, determine, discover, ferret out, find, follow, hunt down, pursue, search for, seek, shadow, stalk, track, trail, unearth @@@@ [5]chart, copy, delineate, depict, draw, map, mark out, outline, record, show, sketch"} {"x":"track","y":"[1]footmark, footprint, footstep, mark, path, scent, slipstream, slot, spoor, trace, trail, wake @@@@ [2]course, flight path, line, orbit, path, pathway, road, track, trajectory, way @@@@ [3]line, permanent way, rail, rails @@@@ [4]follow, keep an eye on, keep in sight, keep in touch with, keep up to date with, keep up with, monitor, oversee, watch @@@@ [5]lose, lose sight of, misplace @@@@ [6]chase, dog, follow, follow the trail of, hunt down, pursue, shadow, stalk, tail @@@@ [7]trace, trail @@@@ [8]fanatical, fixated, monomaniacal, obsessed, single-track @@@@ [9]apprehend, bring to light, capture, catch, dig up, discover, expose, ferret out, find, hunt down, run to earth or ground, sniff out, trace, unearth @@@@ [10]A track is a piece of ground, often oval-shaped, that is used for races involving athletes, cars, bicycles, horses, or dogs called greyhounds."} {"x":"tracks","y":"[1]footprints, impressions, imprints, trail, tyremarks, tyreprints, wheelmarks @@@@ [2]beat it @@@@ [3]depart, disappear, get going, get moving, go, head off, hit the road @@@@ [4]set out, split @@@@ [5]take off @@@@ [6]bring to a standstill, freeze, immobilize, petrify, rivet to the spot, stop dead, transfix @@@@ [7]footmark, footprint, footstep, mark, path, scent, slipstream, slot, spoor, trace, trail, wake @@@@ [8]course, flight path, line, orbit, path, pathway, road, track, trajectory, way @@@@ [9]line, permanent way, rail, rails @@@@ [10]follow, keep an eye on, keep in sight, keep in touch with, keep up to date with, keep up with, monitor, oversee, watch @@@@ [11]lose, lose sight of, misplace @@@@ [12]chase, dog, follow, follow the trail of, hunt down, pursue, shadow, stalk, tail @@@@ [13]trace, trail @@@@ [14]fanatical, fixated, monomaniacal, obsessed, single-track @@@@ [15]apprehend, bring to light, capture, catch, dig up, discover, expose, ferret out, find, hunt down, run to earth or ground, sniff out, trace, unearth @@@@ [16]A track is a piece of ground, often oval-shaped, that is used for races involving athletes, cars, bicycles, horses, or dogs called greyhounds."} {"x":"tract","y":"[1]area, district, estate, expanse, extent, lot, plot, quarter, region, stretch, territory, zone @@@@ [2]booklet, brochure, disquisition, dissertation, essay, homily, leaflet, monograph, pamphlet, tractate, treatise"} {"x":"tractable","y":"[1]amenable, biddable, compliant, controllable, docile, governable, manageable, obedient, persuadable, submissive, tame, willing, yielding @@@@ [2]ductile, fictile, malleable, plastic, pliable, pliant, tensile, tractile, workable"} {"x":"traction","y":"[1]adhesion, drag, draught, drawing, friction, grip, haulage, pull, pulling, purchase, resistance"} {"x":"trade","y":"[1]barter, business, buying and selling, commerce, dealing, exchange, traffic, transactions, truck @@@@ [2]avocation, business, calling, craft, employment, job, line, line of work, metier, occupation, profession, pursuit, skill @@@@ [3]deal, exchange, interchange, swap @@@@ [4]clientele, custom, customers, market, patrons, public @@@@ [5]bargain, barter, buy and sell, deal, do business, exchange, have dealings, peddle, traffic, transact, truck @@@@ [6]barter, exchange, swap, switch @@@@ [7]When people, firms, or countries trade, they buy, sell, or exchange goods or services between themselves."} {"x":"trader","y":"[1]broker, buyer, dealer, marketer, merchandiser, merchant, purveyor, seller, supplier"} {"x":"tradesman","y":"[1]dealer, merchant, purveyor, retailer, seller, shopkeeper, supplier, vendor @@@@ [2]artisan, craftsman, journeyman, skilled worker, workman"} {"x":"tradition","y":"[1]convention, custom, customs, established practice, folklore, habit, institution, lore, praxis, ritual, unwritten law, usage"} {"x":"traditional","y":"[1]accustomed, ancestral, conventional, customary, established, fixed, folk, historic, long-established, old, oral, time-honoured, transmitted, unwritten, usual"} {"x":"traduce","y":"[1]abuse, asperse, bad-mouth @@@@ [2]blacken, calumniate, decry, defame, denigrate, deprecate, depreciate, detract, disparage, drag through the mud, dump on @@@@ [3]knock @@@@ [4]malign, misrepresent, revile, rubbish @@@@ [5]slander, smear, speak ill of, vilify"} {"x":"traffic","y":"[1]coming and going, freight, movement, passengers, transport, transportation, vehicles @@@@ [2]barter, business, buying and selling, commerce, communication, dealing, dealings, doings, exchange, intercourse, peddling, relations, trade, truck @@@@ [3]bargain, barter, buy and sell, deal, do business, exchange, have dealings, have transactions, market, peddle, trade, truck"} {"x":"tragedy","y":"[1]adversity, affliction, bummer @@@@ [2]calamity, catastrophe, disaster, grievous blow, misfortune, whammy"} {"x":"tragic","y":"[1]anguished, appalling, awful, calamitous, catastrophic, deadly, dire, disastrous, dismal, doleful, dreadful, fatal, grievous, heartbreaking, heart-rending, ill-fated, ill-starred, lamentable, miserable, mournful, pathetic, pitiable, ruinous, sad, shocking, sorrowful, unfortunate, woeful, wretched"} {"x":"trail","y":"[1]dangle, drag, draw, hang down, haul, pull, stream, tow @@@@ [2]chase, follow, hunt, pursue, shadow, stalk, tail @@@@ [3]trace, track @@@@ [4]bring up the rear, dawdle, drag oneself, fall behind, follow, hang back, lag, linger, loiter, straggle, traipse @@@@ [5]dangle, droop, extend, hang, straggle @@@@ [6]footprints, footsteps, mark, marks, path, scent, slipstream, spoor, trace, track, wake @@@@ [7]beaten track, footpath, path, road, route, track, way @@@@ [8]appendage, stream, tail, train @@@@ [9]decrease, die away, diminish, dwindle, fade away or out, fall away, grow faint, grow weak, lessen, peter out, shrink, sink, subside, tail off, taper off, weaken @@@@ [10]A trail-blazing idea, event, or organization is new, exciting, and original."} {"x":"train","y":"[1]coach, discipline, drill, educate, guide, improve, instruct, prepare, rear, rehearse, school, teach, tutor @@@@ [2]exercise, improve, prepare, work out @@@@ [3]aim, bring to bear, direct, focus, level, line up, point @@@@ [4]chain, concatenation, course, order, progression, sequence, series, set, string, succession @@@@ [5]caravan, column, convoy, file, procession @@@@ [6]appendage, tail, trail @@@@ [7]attendants, cortege, court, entourage, followers, following, household, retinue, staff, suite @@@@ [8]mess, disaster"} {"x":"training","y":"[1]coaching, discipline, education, grounding, guidance, instruction, schooling, teaching, tuition, tutelage, upbringing @@@@ [2]body building, exercise, practice, preparation, working-out"} {"x":"trait","y":"[1]attribute, characteristic, feature, idiosyncrasy, lineament, mannerism, peculiarity, quality, quirk"} {"x":"traitor","y":"[1]apostate, back-stabber, betrayer, deceiver, defector, deserter, double-crosser @@@@ [2]fifth columnist, informer, Judas, miscreant, quisling, rebel, renegade, snake in the grass @@@@ [3]turncoat"} {"x":"trajectory","y":"[1]course, flight, flight path, line, path, route, track"} {"x":"trammel","y":"[1]bar, block, bond, chain, check, clog, curb, fetter, handicap, hazard, hindrance, impediment, obstacle, rein, shackle, stumbling block @@@@ [2]bar, block, capture, catch, check, clog, curb, enmesh, ensnare, entrap, fetter, hamper, handicap, hinder, impede, net, restrain, restrict, snag, tie"} {"x":"tramp","y":"[1]footslog, hike, march, ramble, range, roam, rove, slog, trek, walk, yomp @@@@ [2]march, plod, stamp, stump, toil, traipse @@@@ [3]trudge, walk heavily @@@@ [4]crush, stamp, stomp @@@@ [5]trample, tread, walk over @@@@ [6]bag lady @@@@ [7]bum @@@@ [8]derelict, dosser @@@@ [9]down-and-out, drifter, hobo @@@@ [10]vagabond, vagrant @@@@ [11]hike, march, ramble, slog, trek @@@@ [12]footfall, footstep, stamp, tread"} {"x":"trample","y":"[1]crush, flatten, run over, squash, stamp, tread, walk over @@@@ [2]do violence to, encroach upon, hurt, infringe, ride roughshod over, show no consideration for, violate"} {"x":"trance","y":"[1]abstraction, daze, dream, ecstasy, hypnotic state, muse, rapture, reverie, spell, stupor, unconsciousness"} {"x":"tranquil","y":"[1]at peace, calm, composed, cool, pacific, peaceful, placid, quiet, restful, sedate, serene, still, undisturbed, unexcited, unperturbed, unruffled, untroubled"} {"x":"tranquillize","y":"[1]calm, compose, lull, pacify, quell, quiet, relax, sedate, settle one's nerves, soothe"} {"x":"transact","y":"[1]accomplish, carry on, carry out, conclude, conduct, discharge, do, enact, execute, handle, manage, negotiate, perform, prosecute, see to, settle, take care of"} {"x":"transaction","y":"[1]action, affair, bargain, business, coup, deal, deed, enterprise, event, matter, negotiation, occurrence, proceeding, undertaking @@@@ [2]affairs, annals, doings, goings-on @@@@ [3]minutes, proceedings, record"} {"x":"transcend","y":"[1]eclipse, exceed, excel, go above, go beyond, leave behind, leave in the shade @@@@ [2]outdo, outrival, outshine, outstrip, outvie, overstep, rise above, surpass"} {"x":"transcendent","y":"[1]consummate, exceeding, extraordinary, incomparable, matchless, peerless, pre-eminent, second to none, sublime, superior, transcendental, unequalled, unique, unparalleled, unrivalled"} {"x":"transcribe","y":"[1]copy out, engross, note, reproduce, rewrite, set out, take down, transfer, write out @@@@ [2]interpret, render, translate, transliterate @@@@ [3]record, tape, tape-record"} {"x":"transcript","y":"[1]carbon, carbon copy, copy, duplicate, manuscript, note, notes, record, reproduction, transcription, translation, transliteration, version"} {"x":"transfer","y":"[1]carry, change, consign, convey, displace, hand over, make over, move, pass on, relocate, remove, shift, translate, transmit, transplant, transport, transpose, turn over @@@@ [2]change, displacement, handover, move, relocation, removal, shift, transference, translation, transmission, transposition"} {"x":"transfigure","y":"[1]alter, apotheosize, change, convert, exalt, glorify, idealize, metamorphose, transform, transmute"} {"x":"transfix","y":"[1]engross, fascinate, halt or stop in one's tracks, hold, hypnotize, mesmerize, paralyse, petrify, rivet the attention of, root to the spot, spellbind, stop dead, stun @@@@ [2]fix, impale, pierce, puncture, run through, skewer, spear, spit, transpierce"} {"x":"transform","y":"[1]alter, change, convert, make over, metamorphose, reconstruct, remodel, renew, revolutionize, transfigure, translate, transmogrify @@@@ [2]transmute"} {"x":"transformation","y":"[1]alteration, change, conversion, metamorphosis, radical change, renewal, revolution, revolutionary change, sea change, transfiguration, transmogrification @@@@ [2]transmutation"} {"x":"transfuse","y":"[1]permeate, pervade, spread over, suffuse"} {"x":"transgress","y":"[1]be out of order, break, break the law, contravene, defy, disobey, do or go wrong, encroach, err, exceed, fall from grace, go astray, go beyond, infringe, lapse, misbehave, offend, overstep, sin, trespass, violate"} {"x":"transient","y":"[1]brief, ephemeral, evanescent, fleeting, flying, fugacious, fugitive, here today and gone tomorrow, impermanent, momentary, passing, short, short-lived, short-term, temporary, transitory"} {"x":"transit","y":"[1]carriage, conveyance, crossing, motion, movement, passage, portage, shipment, transfer, transport, transportation, travel, traverse @@@@ [2]alteration, change, changeover, conversion, shift, transition @@@@ [3]during passage, en route, on the journey, on the move, on the road, on the way, while travelling @@@@ [4]cross, journey, move, pass, travel, traverse"} {"x":"transition","y":"[1]alteration, change, changeover, conversion, development, evolution, flux, metamorphosis, metastasis, passage, passing, progression, shift, transit, transmutation, upheaval"} {"x":"transitory","y":"[1]brief, ephemeral, evanescent, fleeting, flying, fugacious, here today and gone tomorrow, impermanent, momentary, passing, short, short-lived, short-term, temporary, transient"} {"x":"translate","y":"[1]construe, convert, decipher, decode, interpret, paraphrase, render, transcribe, transliterate @@@@ [2]elucidate, explain, make clear, paraphrase, put in plain English, simplify, spell out, state in layman's language @@@@ [3]alter, change, convert, metamorphose, transfigure, transform, transmute, turn @@@@ [4]carry, convey, move, remove, send, transfer, transplant, transport, transpose"} {"x":"translation","y":"[1]construction, decoding, gloss, interpretation, paraphrase, rendering, rendition, transcription, transliteration, version @@@@ [2]elucidation, explanation, paraphrase, rephrasing, rewording, simplification @@@@ [3]alteration, change, conversion, metamorphosis, transfiguration, transformation, transmutation @@@@ [4]conveyance, move, removal, transference, transposition"} {"x":"transmigration","y":"[1]journey, metempsychosis, migration, movement, passage, rebirth, reincarnation, travel"} {"x":"transmission","y":"[1]carriage, communication, conveyance, diffusion, dispatch, dissemination, remission, sending, shipment, spread, transfer, transference, transport @@@@ [2]broadcasting, dissemination, putting out, relaying, sending, showing @@@@ [3]broadcast, programme, show"} {"x":"transparent","y":"[1]clear, crystal clear, crystalline, diaphanous, filmy, gauzy, limpid, lucent, lucid, pellucid, see-through, sheer, translucent, transpicuous @@@@ [2]bold, distinct, easy, evident, explicit, manifest, obvious, patent, perspicuous, plain, recognizable, unambiguous, understandable, undisguised, visible @@@@ [3]candid, direct, forthright, frank, open, plain-spoken, straight, straightforward, unambiguous, unequivocal"} {"x":"transpire","y":"[1]arise, befall, chance, come about, come to pass @@@@ [2]happen, occur, take place, turn up @@@@ [3]become known, be disclosed, be discovered, be made public, come out, come to light, emerge"} {"x":"transplant","y":"[1]displace, relocate, remove, resettle, shift, transfer, uproot"} {"x":"transport","y":"[1]bear, bring, carry, convey, fetch, haul, move, remove, run, ship, take, transfer @@@@ [2]banish, deport, exile, sentence to transportation @@@@ [3]captivate, carry away, delight, electrify, enchant, enrapture, entrance, move, ravish, spellbind @@@@ [4]conveyance, transportation, vehicle, wheels @@@@ [5]carriage, conveyance, removal, shipment, shipping, transference, transportation @@@@ [6]cloud nine @@@@ [7]enchantment, euphoria, heaven, rapture, seventh heaven @@@@ [8]bliss, delight, ecstasy, happiness, ravishment"} {"x":"transpose","y":"[1]alter, change, exchange, interchange, move, rearrange, relocate, reorder, shift, substitute, swap @@@@ [2]switch, transfer"} {"x":"transverse","y":"[1]athwart, crossways, crosswise, diagonal, oblique"} {"x":"trap","y":"[1]ambush, gin, net, noose, pitfall, snare, springe, toils @@@@ [2]ambush, artifice, deception, device, ruse, stratagem, subterfuge, trick, wile @@@@ [3]catch, corner, enmesh, ensnare, entrap, snare, take @@@@ [4]ambush, beguile, deceive, dupe, ensnare, inveigle, trick"} {"x":"trapped","y":"[1]ambushed, at bay, beguiled, caught, cornered, cut off, deceived, duped, ensnared, in a tight corner, in a tight spot, inveigled, netted, snared, stuck"} {"x":"trappings","y":"[1]accoutrements, adornments, bells and whistles, decorations, dress, equipment, finery, fittings, fixtures, fripperies, furnishings, gear, livery, ornaments, panoply, paraphernalia, raiment @@@@ [2]things, trimmings"} {"x":"trash","y":"[1]balderdash, balls @@@@ [2]bilge @@@@ [3]bosh @@@@ [4]bull @@@@ [5]bullshit @@@@ [6]cobblers @@@@ [7]crap @@@@ [8]drivel, eyewash @@@@ [9]foolish talk, garbage @@@@ [10]guff @@@@ [11]hogwash, hokum @@@@ [12]horsefeathers @@@@ [13]hot air @@@@ [14]inanity, kak @@@@ [15]moonshine, nonsense, pap, piffle @@@@ [16]poppycock @@@@ [17]rot, rubbish, shit @@@@ [18]tommyrot, tosh @@@@ [19]tripe @@@@ [20]trumpery, twaddle @@@@ [21]dreck @@@@ [22]dregs, dross, garbage, junk @@@@ [23]litter, offscourings, refuse, rubbish, sweepings, waste"} {"x":"trauma","y":"[1]agony, anguish, damage, disturbance, hurt, injury, jolt, ordeal, pain, shock, strain, suffering, torture, upheaval, upset, wound"} {"x":"traumatic","y":"[1]agonizing, damaging, disturbing, hurtful, injurious, painful, scarring, shocking, upsetting, wounding"} {"x":"travail","y":"[1]distress, drudgery, effort, exertion, grind @@@@ [2]hardship, hard work, labour, pain, slavery, slog, strain, stress, suffering, sweat, tears, toil @@@@ [3]birth pangs, childbirth, labour, labour pains @@@@ [4]drudge, grind @@@@ [5]labour, slave, slog, suffer, sweat, toil"} {"x":"travel","y":"[1]cross, go, journey, make a journey, make one's way, move, proceed, progress, ramble, roam, rove, take a trip, tour, traverse, trek, voyage, walk, wander, wend @@@@ [2]be transmitted, carry, get through, move @@@@ [3]excursion, expedition, globetrotting, journey, movement, passage, peregrination, ramble, tour, touring, trip, voyage, walk, wandering"} {"x":"traverse","y":"[1]bridge, cover, cross, cut across, go across, go over, make one's way across, negotiate, pass over, ply, range, roam, span, travel over, wander @@@@ [2]balk, contravene, counter, counteract, deny, frustrate, go against, hinder, impede, obstruct, oppose, thwart @@@@ [3]check, consider, examine, eye, inspect, investigate, look into, look over, pore over, range over, review, scan, scrutinize, study"} {"x":"travesty","y":"[1]burlesque, caricature, distortion, lampoon, mockery, parody, perversion, send-up @@@@ [2]sham, spoof @@@@ [3]takeoff @@@@ [4]burlesque, caricature, deride, distort, lampoon, make a mockery of, make fun of, mock, parody, pervert, ridicule, send up @@@@ [5]sham, spoof @@@@ [6]take off"} {"x":"treacherous","y":"[1]deceitful, disloyal, double-crossing @@@@ [2]double-dealing, duplicitous, faithless, false, perfidious, recreant @@@@ [3]traitorous, treasonable, unfaithful, unreliable, untrue, untrustworthy @@@@ [4]dangerous, deceptive, hazardous, icy, perilous, precarious, risky, slippery, slippy @@@@ [5]tricky, unreliable, unsafe, unstable"} {"x":"tread","y":"[1]hike, march, pace, plod, stamp, step, stride, tramp, trudge, walk @@@@ [2]crush underfoot, squash, trample @@@@ [3]bear down, crush, oppress, quell, repress, ride roughshod over, subdue, subjugate, suppress @@@@ [4]affront, annoy, bruise, disgruntle, get someone's back up, hurt, hurt someone's feelings, infringe, injure, irk, offend, vex @@@@ [5]footfall, footstep, gait, pace, step, stride, walk"} {"x":"treason","y":"[1]disaffection, disloyalty, duplicity, lese-majesty, mutiny, perfidy, sedition, subversion, traitorousness, treachery"} {"x":"treasure","y":"[1]cash, fortune, funds, gold, jewels, money, riches, valuables, wealth @@@@ [2]darling, gem, greatest thing since sliced bread @@@@ [3]jewel, nonpareil, paragon, pearl, precious, pride and joy, prize @@@@ [4]adore, cherish, dote upon, esteem, hold dear, idolize, love, prize, revere, value, venerate, worship @@@@ [5]accumulate, cache, collect, garner, hoard, husband, lay up, salt away, save, stash (away) @@@@ [6]store up"} {"x":"treasury","y":"[1]bank, cache, hoard, repository, store, storehouse, vault @@@@ [2]assets, capital, coffers, exchequer, finances, funds, money, resources, revenues"} {"x":"treat","y":"[1]banquet, celebration, entertainment, feast, gift, party, refreshment @@@@ [2]delight, enjoyment, fun, gratification, joy, pleasure, satisfaction, surprise, thrill @@@@ [3]act towards, behave towards, consider, deal with, handle, look upon, manage, regard, use @@@@ [4]apply treatment to, attend to, care for, doctor, medicate, nurse @@@@ [5]buy for, entertain, feast, foot or pay the bill, give, lay on, pay for, provide, regale, stand @@@@ [6]be concerned with, contain, deal with, discourse upon, discuss, go into, touch upon @@@@ [7]bargain, come to terms, confer, have talks, make terms, negotiate, parley @@@@ [8]abuse, damage, dump on @@@@ [9]handle roughly, harass, harm, harry, ill-use, injure, knock about or around, maltreat, mishandle, misuse, oppress, shit on @@@@ [10]wrong"} {"x":"treatise","y":"[1]disquisition, dissertation, essay, exposition, monograph, pamphlet, paper, study, thesis, tract, work, writing"} {"x":"treatment","y":"[1]care, cure, healing, medication, medicine, remedy, surgery, therapy @@@@ [2]action towards, behaviour towards, conduct, dealing, handling, management, manipulation, reception, usage @@@@ [3]abuse, damage, harm, ill-use, injury, mistreatment, misuse, rough handling"} {"x":"treaty","y":"[1]agreement, alliance, bargain, bond, compact, concordat, contract, convention, covenant, entente, pact"} {"x":"tree","y":"[1]ancestry, extraction, genealogy, line, lineage, line of descent, pedigree, stemma, stirps"} {"x":"trek","y":"[1]expedition, footslog, hike, journey, long haul, march, odyssey, safari, slog, tramp @@@@ [2]footslog, hike, journey, march, plod, range, roam, rove, slog, traipse @@@@ [3]tramp, trudge, yomp"} {"x":"tremble","y":"[1]oscillate, quake, quake in one's boots, quiver, rock, shake, shake in one's boots, shake in one's shoes, shiver, shudder, teeter, totter, vibrate, wobble @@@@ [2]oscillation, quake, quiver, shake, shiver, shudder, tremor, vibration, wobble"} {"x":"tremendous","y":"[1]appalling, awesome, awful, colossal, deafening, dreadful, enormous, fearful, formidable, frightful, gargantuan, gigantic, great, huge, immense, mammoth, monstrous, prodigious, stellar @@@@ [2]stupendous, terrible, terrific, titanic, towering, vast, whopping @@@@ [3]ace @@@@ [4]amazing, awesome @@@@ [5]bodacious @@@@ [6]boffo @@@@ [7]brill @@@@ [8]brilliant, chillin' @@@@ [9]cracking @@@@ [10]excellent, exceptional, extraordinary, fabulous @@@@ [11]fantastic @@@@ [12]great, incredible, jim-dandy @@@@ [13]marvellous, mean @@@@ [14]sensational @@@@ [15]sovereign, super @@@@ [16]terrific @@@@ [17]topping @@@@ [18]wonderful"} {"x":"tremor","y":"[1]agitation, quaking, quaver, quiver, quivering, shake, shaking, shiver, tremble, trembling, trepidation, vibration, wobble @@@@ [2]earthquake, quake @@@@ [3]shock"} {"x":"tremulous","y":"[1]aflutter, afraid, agitated, agog, anxious, aquiver, excited, fearful, frightened, jittery @@@@ [2]jumpy, nervous, quavering, quivering, quivery, scared, shaking, shivering, timid, trembling, vibrating, wavering @@@@ [3]If someone's voice, smile, or actions are tremulous, they are unsteady because the person is uncertain, afraid, or upset."} {"x":"trench","y":"[1]channel, cut, ditch, drain, earthwork, entrenchment, excavation, fosse, furrow, gutter, pit, trough, waterway"} {"x":"trenchant","y":"[1]acerbic, acid, acidulous, acute, astringent, biting, caustic, cutting, hurtful, incisive, keen, mordacious, mordant, penetrating, piquant, pointed, pungent, sarcastic, scathing, severe, sharp, tart, vitriolic @@@@ [2]driving, effective, effectual, emphatic, energetic, forceful, potent, powerful, strong, vigorous @@@@ [3]clear, clear-cut, crisp, distinct, distinctly defined, explicit, salient, unequivocal, well-defined"} {"x":"trend","y":"[1]bias, course, current, direction, drift, flow, inclination, leaning, tendency @@@@ [2]craze, fad @@@@ [3]fashion, look, mode, rage, style, thing, vogue @@@@ [4]bend, flow, head, incline, lean, run, stretch, swing, tend, turn, veer"} {"x":"trepidation","y":"[1]agitation, alarm, anxiety, apprehension, blue funk @@@@ [2]butterflies @@@@ [3]cold feet @@@@ [4]cold sweat @@@@ [5]consternation, dismay, disquiet, disturbance, dread, emotion, excitement, fear, fright, jitters @@@@ [6]nervousness, palpitation, perturbation, quivering, shaking, the heebie-jeebies @@@@ [7]trembling, tremor, uneasiness, worry"} {"x":"trespass","y":"[1]encroach, infringe, intrude, invade, obtrude, poach @@@@ [2]offend, sin, transgress, violate, wrong @@@@ [3]encroachment, infringement, intrusion, invasion, poaching, unlawful entry, wrongful entry @@@@ [4]breach, crime, delinquency, error, evildoing, fault, infraction, iniquity, injury, misbehaviour, misconduct, misdeed, misdemeanour, offence, sin, transgression, wrongdoing"} {"x":"tress","y":"[1]braid, curl, lock, pigtail, plait, ringlet"} {"x":"triad","y":"[1]threesome, trilogy, trine, trinity, trio, triple, triplet, triptych, triumvirate, triune"} {"x":"trial","y":"[1]assay, audition, check, dry run @@@@ [2]examination, experience, experiment, probation, proof, test, testing, test-run @@@@ [3]contest, hearing, industrial tribunal, judicial examination, litigation, tribunal @@@@ [4]attempt, crack @@@@ [5]effort, endeavour, go @@@@ [6]shot @@@@ [7]stab @@@@ [8]try, venture, whack @@@@ [9]adversity, affliction, burden, cross to bear, distress, grief, hardship, hard times, load, misery, ordeal, pain, suffering, tribulation, trouble, unhappiness, vexation, woe, wretchedness @@@@ [10]bane, bother, drag @@@@ [11]hassle @@@@ [12]irritation, nuisance, pain in the arse @@@@ [13]pest, plague @@@@ [14]experimental, exploratory, pilot, probationary, provisional, testing"} {"x":"tribe","y":"[1]blood, caste, clan, class, division, dynasty, ethnic group, family, gens, house, people, race, seed @@@@ [2]sept, stock"} {"x":"tribulation","y":"[1]adversity, affliction, bad luck, blow, bummer @@@@ [2]burden, care, cross to bear, curse, distress, grief, hardship, hassle @@@@ [3]heartache, ill fortune, misery, misfortune, ordeal, pain, reverse, sorrow, suffering, trial, trouble, unhappiness, vexation, woe, worry, wretchedness"} {"x":"tribunal","y":"[1]bar, bench, court, hearing, industrial tribunal, judgment seat, judicial examination, trial"} {"x":"tribute","y":"[1]accolade, acknowledgment, applause, commendation, compliment, encomium, esteem, eulogy, gift, gratitude, honour, laudation, panegyric, praise, recognition, respect, testimonial @@@@ [2]charge, contribution, customs, duty, excise, homage, impost, offering, payment, ransom, subsidy, tax, toll"} {"x":"trice","y":"[1]flash, instant, jiffy @@@@ [2]minute, moment, second, shake @@@@ [3]split second, tick"} {"x":"trick","y":"[1]artifice, canard, con @@@@ [2]deceit, deception, device, dodge, feint, fraud, gimmick, hoax, imposition, imposture, manoeuvre, ploy, ruse, scam @@@@ [3]sting @@@@ [4]stratagem, subterfuge, swindle, trap, wile @@@@ [5]antic, cantrip @@@@ [6]caper, device, feat, frolic, gag @@@@ [7]gambol, jape, joke, juggle, legerdemain, leg-pull @@@@ [8]practical joke, prank, put-on @@@@ [9]art, command, craft, device, expertise, gift, hang @@@@ [10]knack, know-how @@@@ [11]secret, skill, technique @@@@ [12]characteristic, crotchet, foible, habit, idiosyncrasy, mannerism, peculiarity, practice, quirk, trait @@@@ [13]be effective or effectual, have effect, produce the desired result, work @@@@ [14]bamboozle @@@@ [15]cheat, con @@@@ [16]deceive, defraud, delude, dupe, fool, gull @@@@ [17]have (someone) on, hoax, hoodwink, impose upon, kid @@@@ [18]stiff @@@@ [19]sting @@@@ [20]swindle, take in @@@@ [21]trap @@@@ [22]adorn, array, attire, bedeck, deck out, doll up @@@@ [23]do up @@@@ [24]ornament, prank, prink"} {"x":"trickle","y":"[1]crawl, creep, dribble, drip, drop, exude, ooze, percolate, run, seep, stream @@@@ [2]dribble, drip, seepage"} {"x":"trickster","y":"[1]cheat, chiseller @@@@ [2]con man @@@@ [3]deceiver, fraud, fraudster, grifter @@@@ [4]hoaxer, hustler @@@@ [5]impostor, joker, practical joker, pretender, swindler"} {"x":"tricky","y":"[1]complicated, delicate, difficult, knotty, problematic, risky, sticky @@@@ [2]thorny, ticklish, touch-and-go @@@@ [3]artful, crafty, cunning, deceitful, deceptive, devious, foxy, scheming, slippery, sly, subtle, wily"} {"x":"trifle","y":"[1]bagatelle, bauble, child's play @@@@ [2]gewgaw, knick-knack, nothing, plaything, toy, triviality @@@@ [3]bit, dash, drop, jot, little, pinch, spot, touch, trace @@@@ [4]amuse oneself, coquet, dally, dawdle, flirt, fritter, idle, mess about, palter, play, play fast and loose @@@@ [5]toy, wanton, waste, waste time"} {"x":"trigger","y":"[1]activate, bring about, cause, elicit, generate, give rise to, produce, prompt, provoke, set in motion, set off, spark off, start"} {"x":"trill","y":"[1]If a bird trills, it sings with short, high-pitched, repeated notes."} {"x":"trim","y":"[1]compact, dapper, natty @@@@ [2]neat, nice, orderly, shipshape, smart, soigne or soignee, spick-and-span, spruce, tidy, trig @@@@ [3]well-groomed, well-ordered, well turned-out @@@@ [4]fit, shapely, sleek, slender, slim, streamlined, svelte, willowy @@@@ [5]barber, clip, crop, curtail, cut, cut back, dock, even up, lop, pare, prune, shave, shear, tidy @@@@ [6]adorn, array, beautify, bedeck, deck out, decorate, dress, embellish, embroider, garnish, ornament, trick out @@@@ [7]adjust, arrange, balance, distribute, order, prepare, settle @@@@ [8]adornment, border, decoration, edging, embellishment, frill, fringe, garnish, ornamentation, piping, trimming @@@@ [9]condition, fettle, fitness, form, health, order, repair, shape @@@@ [10]situation, state @@@@ [11]clipping, crop, cut, pruning, shave, shearing, tidying up, trimming @@@@ [12]array, attire, dress, equipment, gear, trappings"} {"x":"trinity","y":"[1]threesome, triad, trilogy, trine, trio, triple, triplet, triptych, triumvirate, triune"} {"x":"trinket","y":"[1]bagatelle, bauble, bibelot, gewgaw, gimcrack, kickshaw, knick-knack, nothing, ornament, piece of bric-a-brac, toy, trifle"} {"x":"trio","y":"[1]threesome, triad, trilogy, trine, trinity, triple, triplet, triptych, triumvirate, triune"} {"x":"trip","y":"[1]errand, excursion, expedition, foray, jaunt, journey, outing, ramble, run, tour, travel, voyage @@@@ [2]bloomer @@@@ [3]blunder, boob @@@@ [4]error, fall, false move, false step, faux pas, indiscretion, lapse, misstep, slip, stumble @@@@ [5]blunder, boob @@@@ [6]err, fall, go wrong, lapse, lose one's balance, lose one's footing, make a false move, make a faux pas, miscalculate, misstep, slip, slip up @@@@ [7]stumble, tumble @@@@ [8]catch out, confuse, disconcert, put off one's stride, throw off, trap, unsettle @@@@ [9]go, ramble, tour, travel, voyage @@@@ [10]caper, dance, flit, frisk, gambol, hop, skip, spring, tread lightly @@@@ [11]get high @@@@ [12]get stoned @@@@ [13]activate, engage, flip, pull, release, set off, switch on, throw, turn on"} {"x":"tripe","y":"[1]balderdash, balls @@@@ [2]bilge @@@@ [3]bollocks @@@@ [4]bosh @@@@ [5]bull @@@@ [6]bullshit @@@@ [7]claptrap @@@@ [8]cobblers @@@@ [9]crap @@@@ [10]drivel, eyewash @@@@ [11]foolish talk, garbage @@@@ [12]guff @@@@ [13]hogwash, hokum @@@@ [14]horsefeathers @@@@ [15]hot air @@@@ [16]inanity, moonshine, nonsense, pap, piffle @@@@ [17]poppycock @@@@ [18]rot, rubbish, shit @@@@ [19]tommyrot, tosh @@@@ [20]trash, trumpery, twaddle"} {"x":"triple","y":"[1]threefold, three times as much, three-way, tripartite @@@@ [2]threesome, triad, trilogy, trine, trinity, trio, triplet, triumvirate, triune @@@@ [3]increase threefold, treble, triplicate"} {"x":"triplet","y":"[1]threesome, triad, trilogy, trine, trinity, trio, triple, triumvirate, triune"} {"x":"trite","y":"[1]banal, bromidic, cliched, common, commonplace, corny @@@@ [2]dull, hack, hackneyed, ordinary, pedestrian, routine, run-of-the-mill, stale, stereotyped, stock, threadbare, tired, uninspired, unoriginal, worn"} {"x":"triturate","y":"[1]beat, bray, bruise, comminute, crush, grind, masticate, pound, powder, pulverize"} {"x":"triumph","y":"[1]elation, exultation, happiness, joy, jubilation, pride, rejoicing @@@@ [2]accomplishment, achievement, ascendancy, attainment, conquest, coup, feat, feather in one's cap, hit @@@@ [3]mastery, sensation, smash @@@@ [4]smasheroo @@@@ [5]smash-hit @@@@ [6]success, tour de force, victory, walkover @@@@ [7]dominate, flourish, get the better of, overcome, overwhelm, prevail, prosper, subdue, succeed, take the honours, thrive, vanquish, win @@@@ [8]celebrate, crow, drool, exult, gloat, glory, jubilate, rejoice, revel, swagger"} {"x":"triumphant","y":"[1]boastful, celebratory, cock-a-hoop, conquering, dominant, elated, exultant, glorious, jubilant, proud, rejoicing, successful, swaggering, triumphal, undefeated, victorious, winning"} {"x":"trivial","y":"[1]chickenshit @@@@ [2]commonplace, everyday, frivolous, incidental, inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, little, meaningless, minor, negligible, nickel-and-dime @@@@ [3]paltry, petty, puny, slight, small, trifling, trite, unimportant, valueless, wanky @@@@ [4]worthless"} {"x":"triviality","y":"[1]frivolity, inconsequentiality, insignificance, littleness, meaninglessness, much ado about nothing, negligibility, paltriness, pettiness, slightness, smallness, triteness, unimportance, valuelessness, worthlessness @@@@ [2]detail, no big thing, no great matter, nothing, petty detail, technicality, trifle"} {"x":"trollop","y":"[1]fallen woman, floozy @@@@ [2]harlot, hussy, loose woman, prostitute, scrubber @@@@ [3]slag @@@@ [4]slattern, slut, streetwalker, strumpet, tart @@@@ [5]wanton, whore, working girl"} {"x":"troop","y":"[1]assemblage, band, bevy, body, bunch @@@@ [2]company, contingent, crew @@@@ [3]crowd, drove, flock, gang, gathering, group, herd, horde, multitude, pack, posse @@@@ [4]squad, swarm, team, throng, unit @@@@ [5]armed forces, army, fighting men, men, military, servicemen, soldiers, soldiery @@@@ [6]crowd, flock, march, parade, stream, swarm, throng, traipse"} {"x":"trophy","y":"[1]award, bays, booty, cup, laurels, memento, prize, souvenir, spoils"} {"x":"trot","y":"[1]canter, go briskly, jog, lope, run, scamper @@@@ [2]brisk pace, canter, jog, lope, run @@@@ [3]consecutively, in a row, in succession, one after the other, without break, without interruption @@@@ [4]bring forward, bring up, come out with, drag up, exhibit, recite, rehearse, reiterate, relate, repeat"} {"x":"troubadour","y":"[1]balladeer, jongleur, lyric poet, minstrel, poet, singer"} {"x":"trouble","y":"[1]agitation, annoyance, anxiety, bummer @@@@ [2]disquiet, distress, grief, hardship, hassle @@@@ [3]heartache, irritation, misfortune, pain, sorrow, suffering, torment, tribulation, vexation, woe, worry @@@@ [4]agitation, bother @@@@ [5]commotion, discontent, discord, disorder, dissatisfaction, disturbance, hassle @@@@ [6]Pandora's box, row, strife, tumult, unrest @@@@ [7]ailment, complaint, defect, disability, disease, disorder, failure, illness, malfunction, upset @@@@ [8]bother, concern, danger, deep water @@@@ [9]difficulty, dilemma, dire straits, hassle @@@@ [10]hot water @@@@ [11]mess, nuisance, pest, pickle @@@@ [12]predicament, problem, scrape @@@@ [13]spot @@@@ [14]tight spot @@@@ [15]attention, bother, care, effort, exertion, inconvenience, labour, pains, struggle, thought, work @@@@ [16]afflict, agitate, annoy, bother, discompose, disconcert, disquiet, distress, disturb, faze, fret, grieve, harass, hassle @@@@ [17]inconvenience, pain, perplex, perturb, pester, plague, put or get someone's back up, sadden, torment, upset, vex, worry @@@@ [18]be concerned, bother, burden, discomfort, discommode, disturb, impose upon, incommode, inconvenience, put out @@@@ [19]exert oneself, go to the effort of, make an effort, take pains, take the time"} {"x":"trough","y":"[1]crib, manger, water trough @@@@ [2]canal, channel, depression, ditch, duct, flume, furrow, gully, gutter, trench, watercourse"} {"x":"trounce","y":"[1]clobber @@@@ [2]crush, defeat heavily or utterly, drub, give a hiding @@@@ [3]hammer @@@@ [4]lick @@@@ [5]make mincemeat of, overwhelm, paste @@@@ [6]slaughter @@@@ [7]stuff @@@@ [8]tank @@@@ [9]thrash, walk over"} {"x":"troupe","y":"[1]band, cast, company"} {"x":"truant","y":"[1]absentee, delinquent, deserter, dodger, malingerer, runaway, shirker, skiver @@@@ [2]straggler @@@@ [3]absent, absent without leave, A.W.O.L., missing, skiving @@@@ [4]bunk off @@@@ [5]desert, dodge, go missing, malinger, play truant, run away, shirk, skive @@@@ [6]wag"} {"x":"truce","y":"[1]armistice, break, ceasefire, cessation, cessation of hostilities, intermission, interval, let-up @@@@ [2]lull, moratorium, peace, respite, rest, stay, treaty"} {"x":"truck","y":"[1]commercial goods, commodities, goods, merchandise, stock, stuff, wares @@@@ [2]barter, business, buying and selling, commerce, communication, connection, contact, dealings, exchange, relations, trade, traffic @@@@ [3]bargain, barter, buy and sell, deal, do business, exchange, have dealings, negotiate, swap, trade, traffic, transact business"} {"x":"truckle","y":"[1]bend the knee, bow and scrape, concede, cringe, crouch, defer, fawn, give in, give way, knuckle under, kowtow, lick (someone's) boots, pander to, stoop, submit, toady, yield"} {"x":"truculent","y":"[1]aggressive, antagonistic, bad-tempered, bellicose, belligerent, combative, contentious, cross, defiant, fierce, hostile, ill-tempered, itching or spoiling for a fight @@@@ [2]obstreperous, pugnacious, scrappy @@@@ [3]sullen, violent"} {"x":"trudge","y":"[1]clump, drag oneself, footslog, hike, lumber, march, plod, slog, stump, traipse @@@@ [2]tramp, trek, walk heavily, yomp @@@@ [3]footslog, haul, hike, march, slog, traipse @@@@ [4]tramp, trek, yomp"} {"x":"true","y":"[1]accurate, actual, authentic, bona fide, correct, exact, factual, genuine, legitimate, natural, precise, pure, real, right, truthful, valid, veracious, veritable @@@@ [2]confirmed, constant, dedicated, devoted, dutiful, faithful, fast, firm, honest, honourable, loyal, pure, reliable, sincere, staunch, steady, true-blue, trustworthy, trusty, unswerving, upright @@@@ [3]accurate, correct, exact, on target, perfect, precise, proper, spot-on @@@@ [4]unerring @@@@ [5]honestly, rightly, truthfully, veraciously, veritably @@@@ [6]accurately, correctly, on target, perfectly, precisely, properly, unerringly @@@@ [7]become reality, be granted, be realized, come to pass, happen, occur"} {"x":"truism","y":"[1]axiom, bromide, cliche, commonplace, platitude, stock phrase, trite saying"} {"x":"truly","y":"[1]accurately, authentically, beyond doubt, beyond question, correctly, exactly, factually, genuinely, in actuality, in fact, in reality, in truth, legitimately, precisely, really, rightly, truthfully, veraciously, veritably, without a doubt @@@@ [2]confirmedly, constantly, devotedly, dutifully, faithfully, firmly, honestly, honourably, loyally, sincerely, staunchly, steadily, with all one's heart, with dedication, with devotion @@@@ [3]exceptionally, extremely, greatly, indeed, of course, really, seriously @@@@ [4]to be sure, verily, very"} {"x":"trump","y":"[1]ruff @@@@ [2]cap, excel, outdo, score points off, surpass, top @@@@ [3]concoct, contrive, cook up @@@@ [4]create, fabricate, fake, invent, make up, manufacture"} {"x":"trumpery","y":"[1]balderdash, balls @@@@ [2]bilge @@@@ [3]bosh @@@@ [4]bull @@@@ [5]bullshit @@@@ [6]claptrap @@@@ [7]cobblers @@@@ [8]crap @@@@ [9]drivel, eyewash @@@@ [10]foolishness, foolish talk, garbage @@@@ [11]guff @@@@ [12]hogwash, hokum @@@@ [13]horsefeathers @@@@ [14]hot air @@@@ [15]idiocy, inanity, moonshine, nonsense, pap, piffle @@@@ [16]poppycock @@@@ [17]rot, rubbish, shit @@@@ [18]stuff, tommyrot, tosh @@@@ [19]trash, tripe @@@@ [20]twaddle @@@@ [21]bagatelle, bauble, gewgaw, kickshaw, knick-knack, toy, trifle, trinket @@@@ [22]brummagem, cheap, flashy, meretricious, nasty, rubbishy, shabby, shoddy, tawdry, trashy, trifling, useless, valueless, worthless"} {"x":"trumpet","y":"[1]bugle, clarion, horn @@@@ [2]bay, bellow, call, cry, roar @@@@ [3]boast, brag, crow, sing one's own praises, vaunt @@@@ [4]advertise, announce, broadcast, crack up @@@@ [5]extol, noise abroad, proclaim, publish, shout from the rooftops, sound loudly, tout"} {"x":"truncate","y":"[1]abbreviate, clip, crop, curtail, cut, cut short, dock, lop, pare, prune, shorten, trim"} {"x":"truncheon","y":"[1]baton, club, cudgel, staff"} {"x":"trunk","y":"[1]bole, stalk, stem, stock @@@@ [2]body, torso @@@@ [3]proboscis, snout @@@@ [4]bin, box, case, casket, chest, coffer, crate, kist @@@@ [5]locker, portmanteau"} {"x":"truss","y":"[1]bind, bundle, fasten, make fast, pack, pinion, secure, strap, tether, tie @@@@ [2]beam, brace, buttress, joist, prop, shore, stanchion, stay, strut, support @@@@ [3]bandage, support @@@@ [4]bale, bundle, package, packet"} {"x":"trust","y":"[1]assurance, belief, certainty, certitude, confidence, conviction, credence, credit, expectation, faith, hope, reliance @@@@ [2]duty, obligation, responsibility @@@@ [3]care, charge, custody, guard, guardianship, protection, safekeeping, trusteeship @@@@ [4]assume, believe, expect, hope, presume, suppose, surmise, think likely @@@@ [5]bank on, believe, count on, depend on, have faith in, lean on, pin one's faith on, place confidence in, place one's trust in, place reliance on, rely upon, swear by, take as gospel, take at face value @@@@ [6]assign, command, commit, confide, consign, delegate, entrust, give, put into the hands of, sign over, turn over"} {"x":"trustful","y":"[1]confiding, credulous, gullible, innocent, naive, optimistic, simple, unguarded, unsuspecting, unsuspicious, unwary"} {"x":"truth","y":"[1]accuracy, actuality, exactness, fact, factuality, factualness, genuineness, legitimacy, precision, reality, truthfulness, validity, veracity, verity @@@@ [2]candour, constancy, dedication, devotion, dutifulness, faith, faithfulness, fidelity, frankness, honesty, integrity, loyalty, naturalism, realism, uprightness @@@@ [3]axiom, certainty, fact, law, maxim, proven principle, reality, truism, verity"} {"x":"try","y":"[1]aim, attempt, bend over backwards @@@@ [2]endeavour, essay, exert oneself, give it one's all @@@@ [3]seek, strive, struggle, undertake @@@@ [4]appraise, check out, evaluate, examine, experiment, inspect, investigate, prove, put to the test, sample, taste, test @@@@ [5]afflict, annoy, inconvenience, irk, irritate, pain, plague, strain, stress, tax, tire, trouble, upset, vex, weary @@@@ [6]adjudge, adjudicate, examine, hear @@@@ [7]attempt, crack @@@@ [8]effort, endeavour, essay, go @@@@ [9]shot @@@@ [10]stab @@@@ [11]whack @@@@ [12]appraisal, evaluation, experiment, inspection, sample, taste, test, trial @@@@ [13]appraise, check out, evaluate, experiment with, inspect, put into practice, put to the test, sample, taste, test"} {"x":"trying","y":"[1]aggravating @@@@ [2]annoying, arduous, bothersome, difficult, exasperating, fatiguing, hard, irksome, irritating, stressful, taxing, tiresome, tough, troublesome, upsetting, vexing, wearisome"} {"x":"tsar","y":"[1]autocrat, despot, emperor, head, leader, overlord, ruler, sovereign, tyrant"} {"x":"tuck","y":"[1]fold, gather, insert, push @@@@ [2]fold, gather, pinch, pleat @@@@ [3]comestibles, eats @@@@ [4]food, grub @@@@ [5]nosebag @@@@ [6]nosh @@@@ [7]scoff @@@@ [8]tack @@@@ [9]victuals, vittles @@@@ [10]bed down, enfold, fold under, make snug, put to bed, swaddle, wrap up @@@@ [11]chow down @@@@ [12]eat heartily, eat up, fall to, get stuck in"} {"x":"tuft","y":"[1]bunch, clump, cluster, collection, knot, shock, topknot, tussock"} {"x":"tug","y":"[1]drag, draw, haul, heave, jerk, lug, pull, tow, wrench, yank @@@@ [2]drag, haul, heave, jerk, pull, tow, traction, wrench, yank"} {"x":"tuition","y":"[1]education, instruction, lessons, schooling, teaching, training, tutelage, tutoring"} {"x":"tumble","y":"[1]drop, fall, fall end over end, fall headlong, fall head over heels, flop, lose one's footing, pitch, plummet, roll, stumble, topple, toss, trip up @@@@ [2]collapse, drop, fall, flop, headlong fall, plunge, roll, spill, stumble, toss, trip @@@@ [3]affray @@@@ [4]brawl, donnybrook, dust-up @@@@ [5]fight, fracas, melee or melee, punch-up @@@@ [6]roughhouse @@@@ [7]scrap @@@@ [8]scrimmage, scuffle, shindig @@@@ [9]shindy @@@@ [10]struggle @@@@ [11]boisterous, disorderly, haphazard, indisciplined, irregular, rough, rowdy, scrambled, scrambling"} {"x":"tumid","y":"[1]bloated, bulging, distended, enlarged, inflated, protuberant, puffed up, puffy, swollen, tumescent @@@@ [2]bombastic, flowery, fulsome, fustian, grandiloquent, grandiose, high-flown, inflated, magniloquent, orotund, overblown, pompous, pretentious, sesquipedalian, stilted, turgid"} {"x":"tummy","y":"[1]abdomen, belly, breadbasket @@@@ [2]corporation @@@@ [3]gut @@@@ [4]inside(s) @@@@ [5]paunch, pot, potbelly, spare tyre @@@@ [6]stomach, tum"} {"x":"tumult","y":"[1]ado, affray @@@@ [2]agitation, altercation, bedlam, brawl, brouhaha, clamour, commotion, din, disorder, disturbance, excitement, fracas, hubbub, hullabaloo, outbreak, pandemonium, quarrel, racket, riot, row, ruction @@@@ [3]stir, stramash @@@@ [4]strife, turmoil, unrest, upheaval, uproar"} {"x":"tumultuous","y":"[1]agitated, boisterous, clamorous, confused, disorderly, disturbed, excited, fierce, full-on @@@@ [2]hectic, irregular, lawless, noisy, obstreperous, passionate, raging, restless, riotous, rowdy, rumbustious, stormy, turbulent, unrestrained, unruly, uproarious, violent, vociferous, wild"} {"x":"tune","y":"[1]air, melody, melody line, motif, song, strain, theme @@@@ [2]agreement, concert, concord, consonance, euphony, harmony, pitch, sympathy, unison @@@@ [3]attitude, demeanour, disposition, frame of mind, mood @@@@ [4]command, dictate, govern, lead, rule, rule the roost @@@@ [5]change one's mind, do an about-face, have a change of heart, reconsider, take a different tack, think again @@@@ [6]adapt, adjust, attune, bring into harmony, harmonize, pitch, regulate"} {"x":"tunnel","y":"[1]burrow, channel, hole, passage, passageway, shaft, subway, underpass @@@@ [2]burrow, dig, dig one's way, excavate, mine, penetrate, scoop out, undermine"} {"x":"turbid","y":"[1]clouded, cloudy, confused, dense, dim, dreggy, foggy, foul, fuzzy, hazy, impure, incoherent, muddled, muddy, murky, opaque, roiled, thick, unclear, unsettled"} {"x":"turbulence","y":"[1]agitation, boiling, commotion, confusion, disorder, instability, pandemonium, roughness, storm, tumult, turmoil, unrest, upheaval"} {"x":"turf","y":"[1]clod, divot, grass, green, sod, sward @@@@ [2]horse-racing, racecourse, racetrack, racing, the flat @@@@ [3]banish, bounce @@@@ [4]discharge, dismiss, dispossess, eject, evict, expel, fire @@@@ [5]kick out @@@@ [6]kiss off @@@@ [7]oust, relegate, sack @@@@ [8]Turf is short, thick, even grass."} {"x":"turgid","y":"[1]bloated, bulging, congested, distended, inflated, protuberant, puffed up, puffy, swollen, tumescent, tumid @@@@ [2]bombastic, flowery, fulsome, fustian, grandiloquent, grandiose, high-flown, inflated, magniloquent, orotund, ostentatious, overblown, pompous, pretentious, sesquipedalian, stilted, tumid, windy"} {"x":"turmoil","y":"[1]agitation, bedlam, brouhaha, bustle, chaos, commotion, confusion, disarray, disorder, disturbance, ferment, flurry, hubbub, noise, pandemonium, row, stir, strife, trouble, tumult, turbulence, upheaval, uproar, violence"} {"x":"turn","y":"[1]circle, go round, gyrate, move in a circle, pivot, revolve, roll, rotate, spin, swivel, twirl, twist, wheel, whirl @@@@ [2]change course, change position, go back, move, return, reverse, shift, swerve, switch, veer, wheel @@@@ [3]arc, come round, corner, go round, negotiate, pass, pass around, take a bend @@@@ [4]adapt, alter, become, change, convert, divert, fashion, fit, form, metamorphose, mould, mutate, remodel, shape, transfigure, transform, transmute @@@@ [5]become rancid, curdle, go bad, go off @@@@ [6]go sour, make rancid, sour, spoil, taint @@@@ [7]appeal, apply, approach, go, have recourse, look, resort @@@@ [8]nauseate, sicken, upset @@@@ [9]apostatize, bring round @@@@ [10]change one's mind, change sides, defect, desert, go over, influence, persuade, prejudice, prevail upon, renege, retract, talk into @@@@ [11]construct, deliver, execute, fashion, frame, make, mould, perform, shape, write @@@@ [12]flee, hook it @@@@ [13]bend, change, circle, curve, cycle, gyration, pivot, reversal, revolution, rotation, spin, swing, turning, twist, whirl @@@@ [14]bias, direction, drift, heading, tendency, trend @@@@ [15]bend, change of course, change of direction, curve, departure, deviation, shift @@@@ [16]chance, crack @@@@ [17]fling, go, opportunity, period, round, shift, shot @@@@ [18]spell, stint, succession, time, try, whack @@@@ [19]airing, circuit, constitutional, drive, excursion, jaunt, outing, promenade, ride, saunter, spin @@@@ [20]stroll, walk @@@@ [21]affinity, aptitude, bent, bias, flair, gift, inclination, knack, leaning, propensity, talent @@@@ [22]cast, fashion, form, format, guise, make-up, manner, mode, mould, shape, style, way @@@@ [23]act, action, deed, favour, gesture, service @@@@ [24]bend, distortion, twist, warp @@@@ [25]fright, scare, shock, start, surprise @@@@ [26]alternately, in succession, one after another, reciprocally, turn and turn about @@@@ [27]correctly, exactly, just right, perfectly, precisely @@@@ [28]change of direction, reversal, reverse, right about (turn), turnabout, turnaround, U-turn, volte-face @@@@ [29]change direction, do or perform a U-turn or volte-face, face the opposite direction, reverse, turn about or around, turn through 180 degrees, volte-face @@@@ [30]diminish, lessen, lower, muffle, mute, quieten, reduce the volume of, soften @@@@ [31]abstain from, decline, rebuff, refuse, reject, repudiate, say no to, spurn, throw out @@@@ [32]abstain from, decline, rebuff, refuse, reject, repudiate, say no to, spurn, throw out @@@@ [33]abstain from, decline, rebuff, refuse, reject, repudiate, say no to, spurn, throw out"} {"x":"turning","y":"[1]bend, crossroads, curve, junction, side road, turn, turn-off @@@@ [2]change, climacteric, crisis, critical moment, crossroads, crux, decisive moment, moment of decision, moment of truth"} {"x":"turnout","y":"[1]assemblage, assembly, attendance, audience, congregation, crowd, gate, number, throng @@@@ [2]amount produced, output, outturn @@@@ [3]production, production quota, productivity, turnover, volume, yield @@@@ [4]array, attire, costume, dress, equipage, equipment, gear @@@@ [5]get-up @@@@ [6]outfit, rigout @@@@ [7]Aiguillage"} {"x":"turpitude","y":"[1]badness, baseness, corruption, criminality, degeneracy, depravity, evil, foulness, immorality, iniquity, nefariousness, sinfulness, viciousness, vileness, villainy, wickedness"} {"x":"tussle","y":"[1]battle, brawl, contend, fight, grapple, scrap @@@@ [2]scuffle, struggle, vie, wrestle @@@@ [3]bagarre, battle, bout, brawl, competition, conflict, contention, contest, fight, fracas, fray, punch-up @@@@ [4]scrap @@@@ [5]scrimmage, scuffle, set-to @@@@ [6]shindig @@@@ [7]shindy @@@@ [8]struggle"} {"x":"tutelage","y":"[1]care, charge, custody, dependence, education, guardianship, guidance, instruction, patronage, preparation, protection, schooling, teaching, tuition, wardship"} {"x":"tutor","y":"[1]coach, educator, governor, guardian, guide, guru, instructor, lecturer, master, mentor, preceptor, schoolmaster, teacher @@@@ [2]coach, direct, discipline, drill, edify, educate, guide, instruct, lecture, school, teach, train"} {"x":"tutorial","y":"[1]individual instruction, lesson, seminar @@@@ [2]coaching, guiding, instructional, teaching"} {"x":"twaddle","y":"[1]balderdash, balls @@@@ [2]bilge @@@@ [3]blather, bosh @@@@ [4]bull @@@@ [5]bullshit @@@@ [6]chatter, claptrap @@@@ [7]cobblers @@@@ [8]crap @@@@ [9]drivel, eyewash @@@@ [10]foolish talk, gabble, garbage @@@@ [11]gobbledegook @@@@ [12]gossip, guff @@@@ [13]hogwash, hokum @@@@ [14]horsefeathers @@@@ [15]hot air @@@@ [16]inanity, moonshine, nonsense, pap, piffle @@@@ [17]poppycock @@@@ [18]rigmarole, rot, rubbish, shit @@@@ [19]tattle, tommyrot, tosh @@@@ [20]trash, tripe @@@@ [21]trumpery, verbiage, waffle @@@@ [22]blather, chatter, gabble, gossip, prattle, rattle on, talk nonsense, talk through one's hat, tattle, waffle"} {"x":"tweak","y":"[1]jerk, nip, pinch, pull, squeeze, twist, twitch"} {"x":"twiddle","y":"[1]adjust, fiddle @@@@ [2]finger, jiggle, juggle, monkey with @@@@ [3]play with, twirl, wiggle @@@@ [4]be idle, be unoccupied, do nothing, have nothing to do, malinger, mark time, sit around"} {"x":"twig","y":"[1]branch, offshoot, shoot, spray, sprig, stick, withe @@@@ [2]catch on @@@@ [3]comprehend, fathom, find out, get, grasp, make out, rumble @@@@ [4]see, tumble to @@@@ [5]understand"} {"x":"twilight","y":"[1]dimness, dusk, evening, gloaming @@@@ [2]gloom, half-light, sundown, sunset @@@@ [3]decline, ebb, last phase @@@@ [4]crepuscular, darkening, dim, evening @@@@ [5]declining, dying, ebbing, final, last"} {"x":"twin","y":"[1]clone, corollary, counterpart, double, duplicate, fellow, likeness, lookalike, match, mate, ringer @@@@ [2]corresponding, double, dual, duplicate, geminate, identical, matched, matching, paired, parallel, twofold @@@@ [3]couple, join, link, match, pair, yoke"} {"x":"twine","y":"[1]cord, string, yarn @@@@ [2]coil, convolution, interlacing, twist, whorl @@@@ [3]knot, snarl, tangle @@@@ [4]braid, entwine, interlace, interweave, knit, plait, splice, twist, twist together, weave @@@@ [5]bend, coil, curl, encircle, loop, meander, spiral, surround, twist, wind, wrap, wreathe"} {"x":"twinge","y":"[1]bite, gripe, pain, pang, pinch, prick, sharp pain, spasm, stab, stitch, throb, throe @@@@ [2]tic, tweak, twist, twitch"} {"x":"twinkle","y":"[1]blink, coruscate, flash, flicker, gleam, glint, glisten, glitter, scintillate, shimmer, shine, sparkle, wink @@@@ [2]blink, coruscation, flash, flicker, gleam, glimmer, glistening, glittering, light, scintillation, shimmer, shine, spark, sparkle, wink @@@@ [3]flash, instant, jiffy @@@@ [4]moment, second, shake @@@@ [5]split second, tick"} {"x":"twirl","y":"[1]gyrate, pirouette, pivot, revolve, rotate, spin, turn, turn on one's heel, twiddle, twist, wheel, whirl, wind @@@@ [2]gyration, pirouette, revolution, rotation, spin, turn, twist, wheel, whirl @@@@ [3]coil, spiral, twist"} {"x":"twist","y":"[1]coil, corkscrew, curl, encircle, entwine, intertwine, screw, spin, swivel, twine, weave, wind, wrap, wreathe, wring @@@@ [2]contort, distort, screw up @@@@ [3]rick, sprain, turn, wrench @@@@ [4]alter, change, distort, falsify, garble, misquote, misrepresent, pervert, warp @@@@ [5]squirm, wriggle, writhe @@@@ [6]bully, coerce, force, persuade, pressurize, talk into @@@@ [7]coil, curl, spin, swivel, twine, wind @@@@ [8]braid, coil, curl, hank, plug, quid, roll @@@@ [9]change, development, revelation, slant, surprise, turn, variation @@@@ [10]arc, bend, convolution, curve, meander, turn, undulation, zigzag @@@@ [11]defect, deformation, distortion, flaw, imperfection, kink, warp @@@@ [12]jerk, pull, sprain, turn, wrench @@@@ [13]aberration, bent, characteristic, crotchet, eccentricity, fault, foible, idiosyncrasy, oddity, peculiarity, proclivity, quirk, trait @@@@ [14]confusion, entanglement, kink, knot, mess, mix-up, ravel, snarl, tangle @@@@ [15]barmy @@@@ [16]batty @@@@ [17]bonkers @@@@ [18]crazy, cuckoo @@@@ [19]daft @@@@ [20]gonzo @@@@ [21]insane, loopy @@@@ [22]mad, not all there, not right in the head, nuts @@@@ [23]nutty"} {"x":"twit","y":"[1]banter, berate, blame, censure, deride, jeer, make fun of, scorn, taunt, tease, upbraid @@@@ [2]airhead @@@@ [3]ass, berk @@@@ [4]blockhead, charlie @@@@ [5]chump @@@@ [6]clown, dickhead @@@@ [7]dickwit @@@@ [8]dipstick @@@@ [9]divvy @@@@ [10]dope @@@@ [11]dork @@@@ [12]dweeb @@@@ [13]fool, fuckwit @@@@ [14]geek @@@@ [15]gobshite @@@@ [16]gonzo @@@@ [17]halfwit, idiot, jerk @@@@ [18]juggins @@@@ [19]nincompoop, ninny, nitwit @@@@ [20]oaf, pillock @@@@ [21]plank @@@@ [22]plonker @@@@ [23]prat @@@@ [24]prick @@@@ [25]schmuck @@@@ [26]silly-billy @@@@ [27]wally @@@@ [28]weenie"} {"x":"twitch","y":"[1]blink, flutter, jerk, jump, pluck, pull, snatch, squirm, tug, yank @@@@ [2]blink, flutter, jerk, jump, pull, spasm, tic, tremor, twinge"} {"x":"twitter","y":"[1]chatter, cheep, chirp, chirrup, trill, tweet, warble, whistle @@@@ [2]chatter, giggle, prattle, simper, snigger, titter @@@@ [3]call, chatter, cheep, chirp, chirrup, cry, song, trill, tweet, warble, whistle @@@@ [4]agitation, anxiety, bustle, dither @@@@ [5]excitement, flurry, fluster, flutter, nervousness, tizzy @@@@ [6]whirl"} {"x":"tycoon","y":"[1]baron, big cheese @@@@ [2]big noise @@@@ [3]capitalist, captain of industry, fat cat @@@@ [4]financier, industrialist, magnate, merchant prince, mogul, plutocrat, potentate, wealthy businessman"} {"x":"type","y":"[1]breed, category, class, classification, form, genre, group, ilk, kidney, kind, order, sort, species, stamp, strain, style, subdivision, variety @@@@ [2]case, characters, face, fount, print, printing @@@@ [3]archetype, epitome, essence, example, exemplar, model, norm, original, paradigm, pattern, personification, prototype, quintessence, specimen, standard"} {"x":"typhoon","y":"[1]cyclone, squall, storm, tempest, tornado, tropical storm"} {"x":"typical","y":"[1]archetypal, average, bog-standard @@@@ [2]characteristic, classic, conventional, essential, illustrative, in character, indicative, in keeping, model, normal, orthodox, representative, standard, stock, true to type, usual"} {"x":"typify","y":"[1]characterize, embody, epitomize, exemplify, illustrate, incarnate, personify, represent, sum up, symbolize"} {"x":"ugly","y":"[1]hard-favoured, hard-featured, homely @@@@ [2]ill-favoured, misshapen, no oil painting @@@@ [3]not much to look at, plain, unattractive, unlovely, unprepossessing, unsightly @@@@ [4]disagreeable, disgusting, distasteful, frightful, hideous, horrid, monstrous, objectionable, obscene, offensive, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, shocking, terrible, unpleasant, vile @@@@ [5]baleful, bodeful, dangerous, forbidding, menacing, ominous, sinister, threatening @@@@ [6]angry, bad-tempered, dark, evil, malevolent, nasty, spiteful, sullen, surly"} {"x":"ulcer","y":"[1]abscess, boil, fester, gathering, gumboil, peptic ulcer, pustule, sore"} {"x":"ulterior","y":"[1]concealed, covert, hidden, personal, secondary, secret, selfish, undisclosed, unexpressed"} {"x":"ultimate","y":"[1]conclusive, decisive, end, eventual, extreme, final, furthest, last, terminal @@@@ [2]extreme, greatest, highest, maximum, most significant, paramount, superlative, supreme, topmost, utmost @@@@ [3]basic, elemental, fundamental, primary, radical @@@@ [4]culmination, epitome, extreme, greatest, height, mother (of all), peak, perfection, summit, the last word"} {"x":"ultimately","y":"[1]after all, at last, at the end of the day, basically, eventually, finally, fundamentally, in due time, in the end, in the fullness of time, sooner or later"} {"x":"ultra","y":"[1]excessive, extreme, fanatical, immoderate, rabid, radical, revolutionary"} {"x":"ululate","y":"[1]bawl, cry, howl, keen, lament, moan, mourn, sob, wail, weep"} {"x":"umbrage","y":"[1]anger, chagrin, displeasure, grudge, high dudgeon, huff, indignation, offence, pique, resentment, sense of injury"} {"x":"umbrella","y":"[1]brolly @@@@ [2]gamp @@@@ [3]aegis, agency, cover, patronage, protection"} {"x":"umpire","y":"[1]adjudicator, arbiter, arbitrator, judge, moderator, ref @@@@ [2]referee @@@@ [3]adjudicate, arbitrate, call @@@@ [4]judge, mediate, moderate, referee"} {"x":"umpteen","y":"[1]a good many, a thousand and one, considerable, countless, ever so many, millions, n, numerous, very many"} {"x":"unable","y":"[1]impotent, inadequate, incapable, ineffectual, no good, not able, not equal to, not up to, powerless, unfit, unfitted, unqualified"} {"x":"unabridged","y":"[1]complete, full-length, uncondensed, uncut, unexpurgated, unshortened, whole"} {"x":"unaccompanied","y":"[1]a cappella @@@@ [2]alone, by oneself, lone, on one's own, solo, unescorted"} {"x":"unadorned","y":"[1]plain, restrained, severe, simple, stark, straightforward, unembellished, unfussy, unornamented, unvarnished"} {"x":"unadvised","y":"[1]careless, hasty, heedless, ill-advised, imprudent, inadvisable, indiscreet, injudicious, rash, reckless, unwary, unwise @@@@ [2]ignorant, in the dark, unaware, uninformed, unknowing, unsuspecting, unwarned"} {"x":"unaffected","y":"[1]artless, genuine, honest, ingenuous, naive, natural, plain, simple, sincere, straightforward, unassuming, unpretentious, unsophisticated, unspoilt, unstudied, without airs @@@@ [2]artless, genuine, honest, ingenuous, naive, natural, plain, simple, sincere, straightforward, unassuming, unpretentious, unsophisticated, unspoilt, unstudied, without airs"} {"x":"unanimity","y":"[1]accord, agreement, assent, chorus, concert, concord, concurrence, consensus, harmony, like-mindedness, one mind, unison, unity"} {"x":"unanimous","y":"[1]agreed, agreeing, at one, common, concerted, concordant, harmonious, in agreement, in complete accord, like-minded, of one mind, united"} {"x":"unanimously","y":"[1]by common consent, nem. con., unitedly, unopposed, with one accord, without exception, without opposition"} {"x":"unassailable","y":"[1]impregnable, invincible, invulnerable, secure, well-defended @@@@ [2]absolute, conclusive, incontestable, incontrovertible, indisputable, irrefutable, positive, proven, sound, undeniable"} {"x":"unattached","y":"[1]autonomous, free, independent, nonaligned, unaffiliated, uncommitted @@@@ [2]a free agent, available, by oneself, footloose and fancy-free, left on the shelf, not spoken for, on one's own, single, unengaged, unmarried"} {"x":"unavailing","y":"[1]abortive, bootless, fruitless, futile, idle, ineffective, ineffectual, of no avail, pointless, to no purpose, unproductive, unsuccessful, useless, vain"} {"x":"unaware","y":"[1]heedless, ignorant, incognizant, oblivious, unconscious, unenlightened, uninformed, unknowing, unmindful, unsuspecting"} {"x":"unbalanced","y":"[1]asymmetrical, irregular, lopsided, not balanced, shaky, unequal, uneven, unstable, unsymmetrical, wobbly @@@@ [2]barking @@@@ [3]barking mad @@@@ [4]crazy, demented, deranged, disturbed, doolally @@@@ [5]eccentric, erratic, gonzo @@@@ [6]insane, irrational, loopy @@@@ [7]lunatic, mad, non compos mentis, not all there, not the full shilling @@@@ [8]touched, unhinged, unsound, unstable, up the pole @@@@ [9]biased, inequitable, one-sided, partial, partisan, prejudiced, unfair, unjust"} {"x":"unbecoming","y":"[1]ill-suited, inappropriate, incongruous, unattractive, unbefitting, unfit, unflattering, unsightly, unsuitable, unsuited @@@@ [2]discreditable, improper, indecorous, indelicate, offensive, tasteless, unseemly"} {"x":"unbelief","y":"[1]atheism, disbelief, distrust, doubt, incredulity, scepticism"} {"x":"unbend","y":"[1]be informal, calm down, chill out @@@@ [2]cool it @@@@ [3]let oneself go, let up, lighten up @@@@ [4]loosen up, relax, slacken, slow down, take it easy, unbutton @@@@ [5]unwind @@@@ [6]put straight, straighten, uncoil, uncurl"} {"x":"unbiased","y":"[1]disinterested, dispassionate, equitable, even-handed, fair, impartial, just, neutral, objective, open-minded, unprejudiced"} {"x":"unbosom","y":"[1]admit, confess, confide, disburden, disclose, divulge, get (something) off one's chest @@@@ [2]get (something) out of one's system, lay bare, let out, reveal, spill one's guts about @@@@ [3]tell, unburden"} {"x":"unbroken","y":"[1]complete, entire, intact, solid, total, unimpaired, whole @@@@ [2]ceaseless, constant, continuous, endless, incessant, progressive, serried, successive, uninterrupted, unremitting @@@@ [3]deep, fast, profound, sound, undisturbed, unruffled, untroubled @@@@ [4]unbowed, unsubdued, untamed"} {"x":"uncanny","y":"[1]creepy @@@@ [2]eerie, eldritch @@@@ [3]mysterious, preternatural, queer, spooky @@@@ [4]strange, supernatural, unearthly, unnatural, weird @@@@ [5]astonishing, astounding, exceptional, extraordinary, fantastic, incredible, inspired, miraculous, prodigious, remarkable, singular, unheard-of, unusual"} {"x":"uncertain","y":"[1]ambiguous, chancy, conjectural, doubtful, iffy @@@@ [2]incalculable, indefinite, indeterminate, indistinct, questionable, risky, speculative, undetermined, unforeseeable, unpredictable @@@@ [3]ambivalent, at a loss, doubtful, dubious, hazy, in the balance, in two minds, irresolute, unclear, unconfirmed, undecided, undetermined, unfixed, unresolved, unsettled, unsure, up in the air, vacillating, vague @@@@ [4]changeable, erratic, fitful, hesitant, iffy @@@@ [5]inconstant, insecure, irregular, precarious, unpredictable, unreliable, vacillating, variable, wavering"} {"x":"uncertainty","y":"[1]ambiguity, bewilderment, confusion, dilemma, doubt, dubiety, hesitancy, hesitation, inconclusiveness, indecision, irresolution, lack of confidence, misgiving, mystification, perplexity, puzzlement, qualm, quandary, scepticism, state of suspense, unpredictability, vagueness"} {"x":"unclean","y":"[1]contaminated, corrupt, defiled, dirty, evil, filthy, foul, impure, nasty, polluted, scuzzy @@@@ [2]soiled, spotted, stained, sullied, tainted"} {"x":"unclear","y":"[1]ambiguous, bleary, blurred, confused, dim, doubtful, faint, fuzzy, hazy, ill-defined, indefinite, indeterminate, indiscernible, indistinct, indistinguishable, misty, muffled, obscure, out of focus, shadowy, undefined, unintelligible, vague, weak"} {"x":"uncommitted","y":"[1]floating, free, free-floating, neutral, nonaligned, nonpartisan, not involved, (sitting) on the fence, unattached, uninvolved"} {"x":"uncommon","y":"[1]bizarre, curious, few and far between, infrequent, novel, odd, out of the ordinary, peculiar, queer, rare, scarce, singular, strange, thin on the ground, unfamiliar, unusual @@@@ [2]distinctive, exceptional, extraordinary, incomparable, inimitable, notable, noteworthy, outstanding, rare, remarkable, singular, special, superior, unparalleled, unprecedented"} {"x":"uncommunicative","y":"[1]close, curt, guarded, reserved, reticent, retiring, secretive, short, shy, silent, taciturn, tight-lipped, unforthcoming, unresponsive, unsociable, withdrawn"} {"x":"uncompromising","y":"[1]decided, die-hard, firm, hardline, inexorable, inflexible, intransigent, obdurate, obstinate, rigid, steadfast, stiff-necked, strict, stubborn, tough, unbending, unyielding"} {"x":"unconcern","y":"[1]aloofness, apathy, detachment, indifference, insouciance, lack of interest, nonchalance, remoteness, uninterestedness"} {"x":"unconditional","y":"[1]absolute, arrant, categorical, complete, downright, entire, explicit, full, out-and-out, outright, plenary, positive, thoroughgoing, total, unlimited, unqualified, unreserved, unrestricted, utter"} {"x":"unconquerable","y":"[1]indomitable, invincible, unbeatable, undefeatable, unyielding @@@@ [2]enduring, ingrained, innate, insurmountable, inveterate, irrepressible, irresistible, overpowering"} {"x":"unconscious","y":"[1]blacked out @@@@ [2]insensible, knocked out, numb, out, out cold, out for the count @@@@ [3]senseless, stunned @@@@ [4]blind to, deaf to, heedless, ignorant, in ignorance, lost to, oblivious, unaware, unknowing, unmindful, unsuspecting @@@@ [5]accidental, inadvertent, unintended, unintentional, unpremeditated, unwitting @@@@ [6]automatic, gut @@@@ [7]inherent, innate, instinctive, involuntary, latent, reflex, repressed, subconscious, subliminal, suppressed, unrealized"} {"x":"uncontrollable","y":"[1]beside oneself, carried away, frantic, furious, irrepressible, irresistible, like one possessed, mad, strong, ungovernable, unmanageable, unruly, violent, wild"} {"x":"uncover","y":"[1]bare, lay open, lift the lid, open, show, strip, take the wraps off, unwrap @@@@ [2]bring to light, disclose, discover, divulge, expose, lay bare, make known, reveal, unearth, unmask"} {"x":"unctuous","y":"[1]fawning, glib, gushing, ingratiating, insincere, obsequious, oily, plausible, slick, smarmy @@@@ [2]smooth, suave, sycophantic @@@@ [3]greasy, oily, oleaginous, slippery, slithery"} {"x":"undaunted","y":"[1]bold, brave, courageous, dauntless, fearless, gallant, gritty, indomitable, intrepid, not discouraged, nothing daunted, not put off, resolute, steadfast, undeterred, undiscouraged, undismayed, unfaltering, unflinching, unshrinking"} {"x":"undeceive","y":"[1]be honest with, correct, disabuse, disillusion, enlighten, open (someone's) eyes (to), put (someone) right, set (someone) straight, shatter (someone's) illusions"} {"x":"undemonstrative","y":"[1]aloof, cold, contained, distant, formal, impassive, reserved, restrained, reticent, stiff, stolid, unaffectionate, uncommunicative, unemotional, unresponsive, withdrawn"} {"x":"under","y":"[1]below, beneath, on the bottom of, underneath @@@@ [2]directed by, governed by, inferior to, junior to, reporting to, secondary to, subject to, subordinate to, subservient to @@@@ [3]belonging to, comprised in, included in, subsumed under @@@@ [4]below, beneath, down, downward, lower, to the bottom @@@@ [5]below, beneath, down, downward, lower, to the bottom"} {"x":"underclothes","y":"[1]lingerie, smalls @@@@ [2]underclothing, undergarments, underlinen, underthings, underwear, undies @@@@ [3]unmentionables"} {"x":"undercover","y":"[1]clandestine, concealed, confidential, covert, hidden, hush-hush @@@@ [2]intelligence, private, secret, spy, surreptitious, underground"} {"x":"undercut","y":"[1]sacrifice, sell at a loss, sell cheaply, undercharge, underprice, undersell @@@@ [2]cut away, cut out, excavate, gouge out, hollow out, mine, undermine"} {"x":"underdog","y":"[1]fall guy @@@@ [2]little fellow @@@@ [3]loser, victim, weaker party"} {"x":"underestimate","y":"[1]belittle, hold cheap, minimize, miscalculate, misprize, not do justice to, rate too low, sell short @@@@ [2]set no store by, think too little of, underrate, undervalue"} {"x":"underground","y":"[1]below ground, below the surface, buried, covered, subterranean @@@@ [2]clandestine, concealed, covert, hidden, secret, surreptitious, undercover @@@@ [3]alternative, avant-garde, experimental, radical, revolutionary, subversive @@@@ [4]the metro, the subway, the tube @@@@ [5]partisans, the Maquis, the Resistance"} {"x":"undergrowth","y":"[1]bracken, brambles, briars, brush, brushwood, scrub, underbrush, underbush, underwood"} {"x":"underhand","y":"[1]clandestine, crafty, crooked @@@@ [2]deceitful, deceptive, devious, dishonest, dishonourable, fraudulent, furtive, secret, secretive, sly, sneaky, stealthy, surreptitious, treacherous, underhanded, unethical, unscrupulous"} {"x":"underline","y":"[1]italicize, mark, rule a line under, underscore @@@@ [2]accentuate, bring home, call or draw attention to, emphasize, give emphasis to, highlight, point up, stress"} {"x":"underling","y":"[1]cohort @@@@ [2]flunky, hireling, inferior, lackey, menial, minion, nonentity, retainer, servant, slave, subordinate, understrapper"} {"x":"underlying","y":"[1]concealed, hidden, latent, lurking, veiled @@@@ [2]basal, basic, elementary, essential, fundamental, intrinsic, primary, prime, radical, root"} {"x":"underpinning","y":"[1]base, footing, foundation, groundwork, substructure, support @@@@ [2]backbone, basis, foundation, ground, support"} {"x":"underrate","y":"[1]belittle, discount, disparage, fail to appreciate, misprize, not do justice to, set (too) little store by, underestimate, undervalue"} {"x":"undersized","y":"[1]atrophied, dwarfish, miniature, pygmy or pigmy, runtish, runty, small, squat, stunted, teensy-weensy, teeny-weeny, tiny, underdeveloped, underweight"} {"x":"understand","y":"[1]appreciate, apprehend, be aware, catch on @@@@ [2]comprehend, conceive, cotton on @@@@ [3]discern, fathom, follow, get, get one's head round, get the hang of @@@@ [4]make out, penetrate, perceive, realize, recognize, savvy @@@@ [5]see, see the light, take in, tumble to @@@@ [6]twig @@@@ [7]assume, be informed, believe, conclude, gather, hear, learn, presume, suppose, take it, think @@@@ [8]accept, appreciate, be able to see, commiserate, show compassion for, sympathize with, tolerate"} {"x":"understanding","y":"[1]appreciation, awareness, comprehension, discernment, grasp, insight, intelligence, judgment, knowledge, penetration, perception, sense @@@@ [2]belief, conclusion, estimation, idea, interpretation, judgment, notion, opinion, perception, view, viewpoint @@@@ [3]accord, agreement, common view, gentlemen's agreement, meeting of minds, pact @@@@ [4]accepting, compassionate, considerate, discerning, forbearing, forgiving, kind, kindly, patient, perceptive, responsive, sensitive, sympathetic, tolerant"} {"x":"understood","y":"[1]implicit, implied, inferred, tacit, unspoken, unstated @@@@ [2]accepted, assumed, axiomatic, presumed, taken for granted"} {"x":"understudy","y":"[1]double, fill-in, replacement, reserve, stand-in, sub, substitute"} {"x":"undertake","y":"[1]agree, bargain, commit oneself, contract, covenant, engage, guarantee, pledge, promise, stipulate, take upon oneself @@@@ [2]attempt, begin, commence, embark on, endeavour, enter upon, set about, tackle, take on, try"} {"x":"undertaker","y":"[1]funeral director, mortician"} {"x":"undertone","y":"[1]low tone, murmur, subdued voice, whisper @@@@ [2]atmosphere, feeling, flavour, hint, suggestion, tinge, touch, trace, undercurrent, vibes"} {"x":"undervalue","y":"[1]depreciate, hold cheap, look down on, make light of, minimize, misjudge, misprize, set no store by, underestimate, underrate"} {"x":"underwater","y":"[1]submarine, submerged, sunken, undersea"} {"x":"underwear","y":"[1]lingerie, smalls @@@@ [2]underclothes, underclothing, undergarments, underlinen, underthings, undies @@@@ [3]unmentionables"} {"x":"underweight","y":"[1]emaciated, half-starved, puny, skin and bone @@@@ [2]skinny, undernourished, undersized"} {"x":"underworld","y":"[1]criminal element, criminals, gangland @@@@ [2]gangsters, organized crime @@@@ [3]abode of the dead, Hades, hell, infernal region, nether regions, nether world, the inferno"} {"x":"underwrite","y":"[1]back, finance, fund, guarantee, insure, provide security, sponsor, subsidize @@@@ [2]countersign, endorse, initial, sign, subscribe @@@@ [3]agree to, approve, consent, O.K. or okay @@@@ [4]sanction"} {"x":"undesirable","y":"[1]disagreeable, disliked, distasteful, dreaded, for the birds @@@@ [2]objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, out of place, repugnant, strictly for the birds @@@@ [3](to be) avoided, unacceptable, unattractive, unpleasing, unpopular, unsavoury, unsuitable, unwanted, unwelcome, unwished-for"} {"x":"undo","y":"[1]disengage, disentangle, loose, loosen, open, unbutton, unclasp, unfasten, unlock, unstrap, untie, unwrap @@@@ [2]annul, cancel, invalidate, neutralize, nullify, offset, reverse, wipe out @@@@ [3]bring to naught, defeat, destroy, impoverish, invalidate, mar, overturn, quash, ruin, shatter, subvert, undermine, upset, wreck"} {"x":"undone","y":"[1]incomplete, left, neglected, not completed, not done, omitted, outstanding, passed over, unattended to, unfinished, unfulfilled, unperformed"} {"x":"undoubted","y":"[1]acknowledged, certain, definite, evident, incontrovertible, indisputable, indubitable, obvious, sure, undisputed, unquestionable, unquestioned"} {"x":"undoubtedly","y":"[1]assuredly, beyond a shadow of (a) doubt, beyond question, certainly, come hell or high water @@@@ [2]definitely, doubtless, of course, surely, undeniably, unmistakably, unquestionably, without doubt"} {"x":"unduly","y":"[1]disproportionately, excessively, extravagantly, immoderately, improperly, inordinately, out of all proportion, overly, overmuch, unjustifiably, unnecessarily, unreasonably"} {"x":"uneasy","y":"[1]agitated, anxious, apprehensive, discomposed, disturbed, edgy, ill at ease, impatient, jittery @@@@ [2]like a fish out of water, nervous, on edge, perturbed, restive, restless, troubled, twitchy @@@@ [3]uncomfortable, unsettled, upset, wired @@@@ [4]worried @@@@ [5]awkward, constrained, insecure, precarious, shaky, strained, tense, uncomfortable, unstable @@@@ [6]bothering, dismaying, disquieting, disturbing, troubling, upsetting, worrying"} {"x":"unemployed","y":"[1]idle, jobless, laid off, on the dole @@@@ [2]out of a job, out of work, redundant, resting @@@@ [3]workless"} {"x":"unending","y":"[1]ceaseless, constant, continual, endless, eternal, everlasting, incessant, interminable, never-ending, perpetual, unceasing, unremitting"} {"x":"unequivocal","y":"[1]absolute, black-and-white, certain, clear, clear-cut, cut-and-dried @@@@ [2]decisive, definite, direct, evident, explicit, incontrovertible, indubitable, manifest, plain, positive, straight, unambiguous, uncontestable, unmistakable"} {"x":"unerring","y":"[1]accurate, certain, exact, faultless, impeccable, infallible, perfect, sure, unfailing"} {"x":"uneventful","y":"[1]boring, commonplace, dull, ho-hum @@@@ [2]humdrum, monotonous, ordinary, quiet, routine, tedious, unexceptional, unexciting, uninteresting, unmemorable, unremarkable, unvaried"} {"x":"unexampled","y":"[1]unequalled, unheard-of, unique, unmatched, unparalleled, unprecedented"} {"x":"unexpected","y":"[1]abrupt, accidental, astonishing, chance, fortuitous, not bargained for, out of the blue, startling, sudden, surprising, unanticipated, unforeseen, unlooked-for, unpredictable"} {"x":"unfailing","y":"[1]bottomless, boundless, ceaseless, continual, continuous, endless, inexhaustible, never-failing, persistent, unflagging, unlimited @@@@ [2]certain, constant, dependable, faithful, infallible, loyal, reliable, staunch, steadfast, sure, tried and true, true"} {"x":"unfair","y":"[1]arbitrary, biased, bigoted, discriminatory, inequitable, one-sided, partial, partisan, prejudiced, unjust @@@@ [2]crooked @@@@ [3]dishonest, dishonourable, uncalled-for, unethical, unprincipled, unscrupulous, unsporting, unwarranted, wrongful"} {"x":"unfamiliar","y":"[1]alien, beyond one's ken, curious, different, little known, new, novel, out-of-the-way, strange, unaccustomed, uncommon, unknown, unusual @@@@ [2]a stranger to, inexperienced in, unaccustomed to, unacquainted, unconversant, uninformed about, uninitiated in, unpractised in, unskilled at, unversed in"} {"x":"unfasten","y":"[1]detach, disconnect, let go, loosen, open, separate, unclasp, uncouple, undo, unlace, unlock, unstrap, untie"} {"x":"unfit","y":"[1]ill-equipped, inadequate, incapable, incompetent, ineligible, no good, not cut out for, not equal to, not up to, unprepared, unqualified, untrained, useless @@@@ [2]ill-adapted, inadequate, inappropriate, ineffective, not designed, not fit, unsuitable, unsuited, useless @@@@ [3]debilitated, decrepit, feeble, flabby, in poor condition, out of kelter, out of shape, out of trim, unhealthy"} {"x":"unfold","y":"[1]disentangle, expand, flatten, open, spread out, straighten, stretch out, undo, unfurl, unravel, unroll, unwrap @@@@ [2]clarify, describe, disclose, divulge, explain, illustrate, make known, present, reveal, show, uncover @@@@ [3]bear fruit, blossom, develop, evolve, expand, grow, mature"} {"x":"unforgettable","y":"[1]exceptional, extraordinary, fixed in the mind, impressive, memorable, never to be forgotten, notable, striking"} {"x":"unfortunate","y":"[1]adverse, calamitous, disastrous, ill-fated, ill-starred, inopportune, ruinous, unfavourable, untoward @@@@ [2]cursed, doomed, hapless, hopeless, luckless, out of luck, poor, star-crossed, unhappy, unlucky, unprosperous, unsuccessful, wretched @@@@ [3]deplorable, ill-advised, inappropriate, infelicitous, lamentable, regrettable, unbecoming, unsuitable"} {"x":"unfrequented","y":"[1]deserted, godforsaken, isolated, lone, lonely, off the beaten track, remote, sequestered, solitary, uninhabited, unvisited"} {"x":"unfriendly","y":"[1]aloof, antagonistic, chilly, cold, disagreeable, distant, hostile, ill-disposed, inhospitable, not on speaking terms, quarrelsome, sour, surly, uncongenial, unneighbourly, unsociable @@@@ [2]alien, hostile, inauspicious, inhospitable, inimical, unfavourable, unpropitious"} {"x":"ungodly","y":"[1]blasphemous, corrupt, depraved, godless, immoral, impious, irreligious, profane, sinful, vile, wicked @@@@ [2]dreadful, horrendous, intolerable, outrageous, unearthly, unholy @@@@ [3]unreasonable, unseemly"} {"x":"ungrateful","y":"[1]heedless, ingrate @@@@ [2]selfish, thankless, unappreciative, unmindful, unthankful"} {"x":"unhallowed","y":"[1]not sacred, unblessed, unconsecrated, unholy, unsanctified @@@@ [2]damnable, evil, godless, irreverent, profane, sinful, wicked"} {"x":"unhappy","y":"[1]blue, crestfallen, dejected, depressed, despondent, disconsolate, dispirited, down, downcast, down in the dumps @@@@ [2]gloomy, long-faced, low, melancholy, miserable, mournful, sad, sorrowful @@@@ [3]cursed, hapless, ill-fated, ill-omened, luckless, unfortunate, unlucky, wretched @@@@ [4]awkward, clumsy, gauche, ill-advised, ill-timed, inappropriate, inept, infelicitous, injudicious, malapropos, tactless, unsuitable, untactful"} {"x":"unhinge","y":"[1]confound, confuse, craze, dement, derange, disorder, distemper @@@@ [2]drive out of one's mind, madden, unbalance, unsettle @@@@ [3]detach, disconnect, disjoint, dislodge, remove"} {"x":"unholy","y":"[1]base, corrupt, depraved, dishonest, evil, heinous, immoral, iniquitous, irreligious, profane, sinful, ungodly, vile, wicked @@@@ [2]appalling, awful, dreadful, horrendous, outrageous, shocking, unearthly, ungodly @@@@ [3]unnatural, unreasonable"} {"x":"unification","y":"[1]alliance, amalgamation, coalescence, coalition, combination, confederation, federation, fusion, merger, union, uniting"} {"x":"uniform","y":"[1]costume, dress, garb, habit, livery, outfit, regalia, regimentals, suit @@@@ [2]consistent, constant, equable, even, regular, smooth, unbroken, unchanging, undeviating, unvarying @@@@ [3]alike, equal, identical, like, same, selfsame, similar"} {"x":"uniformity","y":"[1]constancy, evenness, homogeneity, invariability, regularity, sameness, similarity @@@@ [2]drabness, dullness, flatness, lack of diversity, monotony, sameness, tedium"} {"x":"unify","y":"[1]amalgamate, bind, bring together, combine, confederate, consolidate, federate, fuse, join, merge, unite"} {"x":"unimpeachable","y":"[1]above reproach, beyond criticism, beyond question, blameless, faultless, impeccable, irreproachable, perfect, unassailable, unblemished, unchallengeable, unexceptionable, unquestionable"} {"x":"uninhibited","y":"[1]candid, frank, free, free and easy, informal, instinctive, liberated, natural, open, relaxed, spontaneous, unrepressed, unreserved, unselfconscious @@@@ [2]free, unbridled, unchecked, unconstrained, uncontrolled, uncurbed, unrestrained, unrestricted"} {"x":"unintentional","y":"[1]accidental, casual, fortuitous, inadvertent, involuntary, unconscious, undesigned, unintended, unpremeditated, unthinking, unwitting"} {"x":"uninterested","y":"[1]apathetic, blase, bored, distant, impassive, incurious, indifferent, listless, unconcerned, uninvolved, unresponsive"} {"x":"uninterrupted","y":"[1]constant, continual, continuous, nonstop, peaceful, steady, sustained, unbroken, undisturbed, unending"} {"x":"union","y":"[1]amalgam, amalgamation, blend, combination, conjunction, fusion, junction, mixture, synthesis, uniting @@@@ [2]alliance, association, Bund, coalition, confederacy, confederation, federation, league @@@@ [3]accord, agreement, concord, concurrence, harmony, unanimity, unison, unity @@@@ [4]coition, coitus, copulation, coupling, intercourse, marriage, matrimony, nookie @@@@ [5]rumpy-pumpy @@@@ [6]the other @@@@ [7]wedlock"} {"x":"unique","y":"[1]lone, one and only, only, single, solitary, sui generis @@@@ [2]incomparable, inimitable, matchless, nonpareil, peerless, unequalled, unexampled, unmatched, unparalleled, unrivalled, without equal @@@@ [3]If something is unique to one thing, person, group, or place, it concerns or belongs only to that thing, person, group, or place."} {"x":"unison","y":"[1]accord, accordance, agreement, concert, concord, cooperation, harmony, unanimity, unity"} {"x":"unit","y":"[1]assembly, detachment, entity, group, section, system, whole @@@@ [2]component, constituent, element, item, member, module, part, piece, portion, section, segment @@@@ [3]measure, measurement, module, quantity"} {"x":"unite","y":"[1]amalgamate, blend, coalesce, combine, confederate, consolidate, couple, fuse, incorporate, join, link, marry, meld, merge, unify, wed @@@@ [2]ally, associate, band, close ranks, club together, cooperate, join forces, join together, league, pool, pull together"} {"x":"united","y":"[1]affiliated, allied, banded together, collective, combined, concerted, in partnership, leagued, pooled, unified @@@@ [2]agreed, in accord, in agreement, like-minded, of like mind, of one mind, of the same opinion, one, unanimous"} {"x":"unity","y":"[1]entity, integrity, oneness, singleness, undividedness, unification, union, wholeness @@@@ [2]accord, agreement, assent, concord, concurrence, consensus, harmony, peace, solidarity, unanimity, unison"} {"x":"universal","y":"[1]all-embracing, catholic, common, ecumenical, entire, general, omnipresent, total, unlimited, whole, widespread, worldwide"} {"x":"universe","y":"[1]cosmos, creation, everything, macrocosm, nature, the natural world"} {"x":"unjust","y":"[1]biased, inequitable, one-sided, partial, partisan, prejudiced, undeserved, unfair, unjustified, unmerited, wrong, wrongful"} {"x":"unkind","y":"[1]cruel, hardhearted, harsh, inconsiderate, inhuman, insensitive, malicious, mean, nasty, spiteful, thoughtless, uncaring, uncharitable, unchristian, unfeeling, unfriendly, unsympathetic"} {"x":"unknown","y":"[1]alien, concealed, dark, hidden, mysterious, new, secret, strange, unrecognized, unrevealed, untold @@@@ [2]anonymous, beyond one's ken, nameless, uncharted, undiscovered, unexplored, unidentified, unnamed @@@@ [3]humble, little known, obscure, undistinguished, unfamiliar, unheard-of, unrenowned, unsung"} {"x":"unlawful","y":"[1]actionable, against the law, banned, criminal, forbidden, illegal, illegitimate, illicit, outlawed, prohibited, unauthorized, under-the-table, unlicensed"} {"x":"unlettered","y":"[1]ignorant, illiterate, uneducated, unlearned, unschooled, untaught, untutored"} {"x":"unlike","y":"[1]contrasted, different, dissimilar, distinct, divergent, diverse, ill-matched, incompatible, not alike, opposite, unequal, unrelated"} {"x":"unlikely","y":"[1]doubtful, faint, improbable, not likely, remote, slight, unimaginable @@@@ [2]cock-and-bull @@@@ [3]implausible, incredible, questionable, unbelievable, unconvincing"} {"x":"unlimited","y":"[1]boundless, countless, endless, extensive, great, illimitable, immeasurable, immense, incalculable, infinite, limitless, stellar @@@@ [2]unbounded, vast @@@@ [3]absolute, all-encompassing, complete, full, total, unconditional, unconstrained, unfettered, unqualified, unrestricted"} {"x":"unman","y":"[1]daunt, demoralize, discourage, dispirit, emasculate, enervate, enfeeble, intimidate, psych out @@@@ [2]unnerve, weaken"} {"x":"unmistakable","y":"[1]blatant, certain, clear, conspicuous, decided, distinct, evident, glaring, indisputable, manifest, obvious, palpable, patent, plain, positive, pronounced, sure, unambiguous, unequivocal"} {"x":"unmitigated","y":"[1]grim, harsh, intense, oppressive, persistent, relentless, unabated, unalleviated, unbroken, undiminished, unmodified, unqualified, unredeemed, unrelieved @@@@ [2]absolute, arrant, complete, consummate, deep-dyed @@@@ [3]downright, out-and-out, outright, perfect, rank, sheer, thorough, thoroughgoing, utter"} {"x":"unmoved","y":"[1]fast, firm, in place, in position, steady, unchanged, untouched @@@@ [2]cold, dry-eyed, impassive, indifferent, unaffected, unfeeling, unimpressed, unresponsive, unstirred, untouched @@@@ [3]determined, firm, inflexible, resolute, resolved, steadfast, undeviating, unshaken, unwavering"} {"x":"unnatural","y":"[1]aberrant, abnormal, anomalous, irregular, odd, perverse, perverted, unusual @@@@ [2]bizarre, extraordinary, freakish, outlandish, queer, strange, supernatural, unaccountable, uncanny @@@@ [3]affected, artificial, assumed, contrived, factitious, false, feigned, forced, insincere, laboured, mannered, phoney or phony @@@@ [4]self-conscious, stagy, stiff, stilted, strained, studied, theatrical @@@@ [5]brutal, callous, cold-blooded, evil, fiendish, heartless, inhuman, monstrous, ruthless, savage, unfeeling, wicked"} {"x":"unnecessary","y":"[1]dispensable, expendable, inessential, needless, nonessential, redundant, supererogatory, superfluous, surplus to requirements, uncalled-for, unneeded, unrequired, useless"} {"x":"unnerve","y":"[1]confound, daunt, demoralize, disarm, disconcert, discourage, dishearten, dismay, dispirit, faze, fluster, frighten, intimidate, psych out @@@@ [2]rattle @@@@ [3]shake, throw off balance, unhinge, unman, upset"} {"x":"unobtrusive","y":"[1]humble, inconspicuous, keeping a low profile, low-key, meek, modest, quiet, restrained, retiring, self-effacing, subdued, unassuming, unnoticeable, unostentatious, unpretentious"} {"x":"unoccupied","y":"[1]empty, tenantless, uninhabited, untenanted, vacant @@@@ [2]at a loose end, at leisure, disengaged, idle, inactive, unemployed"} {"x":"unprecedented","y":"[1]abnormal, exceptional, extraordinary, freakish, ground-breaking, new, novel, original, remarkable, singular, unexampled, unheard-of, unparalleled, unrivalled, unusual"} {"x":"unpredictable","y":"[1]chance, changeable, doubtful, erratic, fickle, fluky @@@@ [2]hit-and-miss @@@@ [3]hit-or-miss @@@@ [4]iffy @@@@ [5]inconstant, random, unforeseeable, unreliable, unstable, variable"} {"x":"unprincipled","y":"[1]amoral, corrupt, crooked, deceitful, devious, dishonest, immoral, sink, tricky, unconscionable, underhand, unethical, unprofessional, unscrupulous"} {"x":"unprofessional","y":"[1]improper, lax, negligent, unethical, unfitting, unprincipled, unseemly, unworthy @@@@ [2]amateur, amateurish, cowboy @@@@ [3]incompetent, inefficient, inexperienced, inexpert, slapdash, slipshod, untrained"} {"x":"unravel","y":"[1]disentangle, extricate, free, separate, straighten out, undo, unknot, untangle, unwind @@@@ [2]clear up, explain, figure out @@@@ [3]get straight, get to the bottom of, interpret, make out, puzzle out, resolve, solve, suss (out) @@@@ [4]work out"} {"x":"unreal","y":"[1]chimerical, dreamlike, fabulous, fanciful, fictitious, illusory, imaginary, make-believe, phantasmagoric, storybook, visionary @@@@ [2]hypothetical, immaterial, impalpable, insubstantial, intangible, mythical, nebulous @@@@ [3]artificial, fake, false, insincere, mock, ostensible, pretended, seeming, sham"} {"x":"unregenerate","y":"[1]godless, impious, profane, sinful, unconverted, unreformed, unrepentant, wicked @@@@ [2]hardened, intractable, obdurate, obstinate, recalcitrant, refractory, self-willed, stubborn"} {"x":"unrest","y":"[1]agitation, disaffection, discontent, discord, dissatisfaction, dissension, protest, rebellion, sedition, strife, tumult, turmoil, upheaval @@@@ [2]agitation, anxiety, disquiet, distress, perturbation, restlessness, trepidation, uneasiness, worry"} {"x":"unrestrained","y":"[1]abandoned, boisterous, free, immoderate, inordinate, intemperate, natural, unbounded, unbridled, unchecked, unconstrained, uncontrolled, unhindered, uninhibited, unrepressed"} {"x":"unruly","y":"[1]disobedient, disorderly, fractious, headstrong, insubordinate, intractable, lawless, mutinous, obstreperous, rebellious, refractory, riotous, rowdy, turbulent, uncontrollable, ungovernable, unmanageable, wayward, wild, wilful"} {"x":"unseat","y":"[1]throw, unhorse, unsaddle @@@@ [2]depose, dethrone, discharge, dismiss, displace, oust, overthrow, remove"} {"x":"unseen","y":"[1]concealed, hidden, invisible, lurking, obscure, undetected, unnoticed, unobserved, unobtrusive, unperceived, veiled"} {"x":"unsophisticated","y":"[1]artless, childlike, guileless, inexperienced, ingenuous, innocent, naive, natural, unaffected, untutored, unworldly @@@@ [2]plain, simple, straightforward, uncomplex, uncomplicated, uninvolved, unrefined, unspecialized @@@@ [3]genuine, not artificial, pure, unadulterated"} {"x":"unstable","y":"[1]insecure, not fixed, precarious, rickety, risky, shaky, tottering, unsettled, unsteady, wobbly @@@@ [2]capricious, changeable, erratic, fitful, fluctuating, inconsistent, inconstant, irrational, temperamental, unpredictable, unsteady, untrustworthy, vacillating, variable, volatile"} {"x":"unsubstantial","y":"[1]airy, flimsy, fragile, frail, inadequate, light, slight, thin @@@@ [2]erroneous, full of holes, ill-founded, superficial, tenuous, unsound, unsupported, weak @@@@ [3]dreamlike, fanciful, illusory, imaginary, immaterial, impalpable, visionary"} {"x":"unsuitable","y":"[1]improper, inapposite, inappropriate, inapt, incompatible, incongruous, ineligible, infelicitous, out of character, out of keeping, out of place, unacceptable, unbecoming, unbefitting, unfit, unfitting, unseasonable, unseemly, unsuited"} {"x":"untie","y":"[1]free, loosen, release, unbind, unbridle, unclasp, undo, unfasten, unknot, unlace, unstrap"} {"x":"untimely","y":"[1]awkward, badly timed, early, ill-timed, inappropriate, inauspicious, inconvenient, inopportune, mistimed, premature, unfortunate, unseasonable, unsuitable"} {"x":"untold","y":"[1]indescribable, inexpressible, undreamed of, unimaginable, unspeakable, unthinkable, unutterable @@@@ [2]countless, incalculable, innumerable, measureless, myriad, numberless, uncountable, uncounted, unnumbered @@@@ [3]hidden, private, secret, undisclosed, unknown, unpublished, unrecounted, unrelated, unrevealed"} {"x":"untoward","y":"[1]annoying, awkward, disastrous, ill-timed, inconvenient, inimical, irritating, troublesome, unfortunate, vexatious @@@@ [2]adverse, contrary, inauspicious, inopportune, unfavourable, unlucky, untimely @@@@ [3]improper, inappropriate, indecorous, out of place, unbecoming, unfitting, unseemly, unsuitable"} {"x":"untrue","y":"[1]deceptive, dishonest, erroneous, fallacious, false, inaccurate, incorrect, lying, misleading, mistaken, sham, spurious, untruthful, wrong @@@@ [2]deceitful, disloyal, faithless, false, forsworn, inconstant, perfidious, traitorous, treacherous, two-faced, unfaithful, untrustworthy @@@@ [3]deviant, distorted, inaccurate, off, out of line, out of true, wide"} {"x":"unusual","y":"[1]abnormal, atypical, bizarre, curious, different, exceptional, extraordinary, left-field @@@@ [2]notable, odd, out of the ordinary, phenomenal, queer, rare, remarkable, singular, strange, surprising, uncommon, unconventional, unexpected, unfamiliar, unwonted"} {"x":"unvarnished","y":"[1]bare, candid, frank, honest, naked, plain, pure, pure and simple, simple, sincere, stark, straightforward, unadorned, unembellished"} {"x":"unwind","y":"[1]disentangle, slacken, uncoil, undo, unravel, unreel, unroll, untwine, untwist @@@@ [2]calm down, let oneself go, loosen up, make oneself at home, mellow out @@@@ [3]quieten down, relax, sit back, slow down, take a break, take it easy, wind down"} {"x":"unwitting","y":"[1]ignorant, innocent, unaware, unconscious, unknowing, unsuspecting @@@@ [2]accidental, chance, inadvertent, involuntary, undesigned, unintended, unintentional, unmeant, unplanned"} {"x":"unwritten","y":"[1]oral, unrecorded, vocal, word-of-mouth @@@@ [2]accepted, conventional, customary, tacit, traditional, understood, unformulated"} {"x":"upbeat","y":"[1]buoyant, cheerful, cheery, encouraging, favourable, forward-looking, heartening, hopeful, looking up, optimistic, positive, promising, rosy"} {"x":"upbraid","y":"[1]admonish, bawl out @@@@ [2]berate, blame, carpet @@@@ [3]castigate, censure, chew out @@@@ [4]chide, condemn, dress down @@@@ [5]lecture, rap (someone) over the knuckles, read the riot act, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reprove, scold, slap on the wrist, take to task, tear into @@@@ [6]tell off @@@@ [7]tick off"} {"x":"upbringing","y":"[1]breeding, bringing-up, care, cultivation, education, nurture, raising, rearing, tending, training"} {"x":"update","y":"[1]amend, bring up to date, modernize, renew, revise"} {"x":"upgrade","y":"[1]advance, ameliorate, better, elevate, enhance, improve, promote, raise"} {"x":"upheaval","y":"[1]cataclysm, disorder, disruption, disturbance, eruption, overthrow, revolution, turmoil, violent change"} {"x":"uphill","y":"[1]ascending, climbing, mounting, rising @@@@ [2]arduous, difficult, exhausting, gruelling, hard, laborious, punishing, Sisyphean, strenuous, taxing, tough, wearisome"} {"x":"uphold","y":"[1]advocate, aid, back, champion, defend, encourage, endorse, hold to, justify, maintain, promote, stand by, stick up for @@@@ [2]support, sustain, vindicate"} {"x":"upkeep","y":"[1]conservation, keep, maintenance, preservation, repair, running, subsistence, support, sustenance @@@@ [2]expenditure, expenses, oncosts @@@@ [3]operating costs, outlay, overheads, running costs"} {"x":"uplift","y":"[1]elevate, heave, hoist, lift up, raise @@@@ [2]advance, ameliorate, better, civilize, cultivate, edify, improve, inspire, raise, refine, upgrade @@@@ [3]advancement, betterment, cultivation, edification, enhancement, enlightenment, enrichment, improvement, refinement"} {"x":"upper","y":"[1]high, higher, loftier, top, topmost @@@@ [2]elevated, eminent, greater, important, superior"} {"x":"uppermost","y":"[1]highest, loftiest, most elevated, top, topmost, upmost @@@@ [2]chief, dominant, foremost, greatest, leading, main, paramount, predominant, pre-eminent, primary, principal, supreme"} {"x":"uppish","y":"[1]affected, arrogant, cocky, conceited, high and mighty @@@@ [2]hoity-toity @@@@ [3]overweening, presumptuous, putting on airs, self-important, snobbish, stuck-up @@@@ [4]supercilious, toffee-nosed @@@@ [5]uppity"} {"x":"uppity","y":"[1]bigheaded @@@@ [2]bumptious, cocky, conceited, full of oneself, impertinent, on one's high horse @@@@ [3]overweening, self-important, swanky @@@@ [4]uppish"} {"x":"upright","y":"[1]erect, on end, perpendicular, straight, vertical @@@@ [2]above board, conscientious, ethical, faithful, good, high-minded, honest, honourable, incorruptible, just, principled, righteous, straightforward, true, trustworthy, unimpeachable, virtuous"} {"x":"uprising","y":"[1]disturbance, insurgence, insurrection, mutiny, outbreak, putsch, rebellion, revolt, revolution, rising, upheaval"} {"x":"uproar","y":"[1]bagarre, brawl, brouhaha, clamour, commotion, confusion, din, furore, hubbub, hullabaloo, hurly-burly, mayhem, noise, outcry, pandemonium, racket, riot, ruckus @@@@ [2]ruction @@@@ [3]rumpus, turbulence, turmoil"} {"x":"uproarious","y":"[1]clamorous, confused, disorderly, loud, noisy, riotous, rowdy, tempestuous, tumultuous, turbulent, wild @@@@ [2]convulsive @@@@ [3]hilarious, hysterical, killing @@@@ [4]rib-tickling, rip-roaring @@@@ [5]screamingly funny, side-splitting, very funny @@@@ [6]boisterous, gleeful, loud, rollicking, unrestrained"} {"x":"uproot","y":"[1]deracinate, dig up, extirpate, grub up, pull out by the roots, pull up, rip up, root out, weed out @@@@ [2]deracinate, disorient, displace, exile @@@@ [3]destroy, do away with, eliminate, eradicate, extirpate, remove, wipe out"} {"x":"upset","y":"[1]capsize, knock over, overturn, spill, tip over, topple over @@@@ [2]change, disorder, disorganize, disturb, mess up, mix up, put out of order, spoil, turn topsy-turvy @@@@ [3]agitate, bother, discompose, disconcert, dismay, disquiet, distress, disturb, faze, fluster, grieve, hassle @@@@ [4]perturb, ruffle, throw (someone) off balance, trouble, unnerve @@@@ [5]be victorious over, conquer, defeat, get the better of, overcome, overthrow, triumph over, win against the odds @@@@ [6]defeat, reverse, shake-up @@@@ [7]sudden change, surprise @@@@ [8]bug @@@@ [9]complaint, disorder, disturbance, illness, indisposition, malady, queasiness, sickness @@@@ [10]agitation, bother, discomposure, disquiet, distress, disturbance, hassle @@@@ [11]shock, trouble, worry @@@@ [12]capsized, overturned, spilled, tipped over, toppled, tumbled, upside down @@@@ [13]disordered, disturbed, gippy @@@@ [14]ill, poorly @@@@ [15]queasy, sick @@@@ [16]agitated, bothered, confused, disconcerted, dismayed, disquieted, distressed, disturbed, frantic, grieved, hassled @@@@ [17]hurt, overwrought, put out, ruffled, troubled, worried @@@@ [18]at sixes and sevens, chaotic, confused, disarrayed, disordered, in disarray or disorder, messed up, muddled, topsy-turvy @@@@ [19]beaten, conquered, defeated, overcome, overthrown, vanquished"} {"x":"upshot","y":"[1]conclusion, consequence, culmination, end, end result, event, finale, issue, outcome, payoff @@@@ [2]result, sequel"} {"x":"upstanding","y":"[1]ethical, good, honest, honourable, incorruptible, moral, principled, true, trustworthy, upright @@@@ [2]firm, hale and hearty, hardy, healthy, robust, stalwart, strong, sturdy, upright, vigorous"} {"x":"upstart","y":"[1]arriviste, nobody, nouveau riche, parvenu, social climber, status seeker"} {"x":"uptight","y":"[1]anxious, edgy, nervy @@@@ [2]neurotic, on edge, on the defensive, prickly, tense, uneasy, wired @@@@ [3]withdrawn"} {"x":"upturn","y":"[1]advancement, boost, improvement, increase, recovery, revival, rise, upsurge, upswing"} {"x":"urban","y":"[1]city, civic, inner-city, metropolitan, municipal, oppidan @@@@ [2]town"} {"x":"urbane","y":"[1]civil, civilized, cosmopolitan, courteous, cultivated, cultured, debonair, elegant, mannerly, polished, refined, smooth, sophisticated, suave, well-bred, well-mannered"} {"x":"urbanity","y":"[1]charm, civility, courtesy, culture, elegance, grace, mannerliness, polish, refinement, sophistication, suavity, worldliness"} {"x":"urchin","y":"[1]brat, gamin, guttersnipe, mudlark @@@@ [2]ragamuffin, street Arab @@@@ [3]waif, young rogue"} {"x":"urge","y":"[1]appeal to, beg, beseech, entreat, exhort, implore, plead, press, solicit @@@@ [2]advise, advocate, champion, counsel, insist on, push for, recommend, support @@@@ [3]compel, constrain, drive, egg on, encourage, force, goad, hasten, impel, incite, induce, instigate, press, prompt, propel, push, spur, stimulate @@@@ [4]compulsion, desire, drive, fancy, impulse, itch, longing, thirst, wish, yearning, yen"} {"x":"urgent","y":"[1]compelling, critical, crucial, exigent, immediate, imperative, important, instant, not to be delayed, now or never, pressing, top-priority @@@@ [2]clamorous, earnest, importunate, insistent, intense, persistent, persuasive"} {"x":"usable","y":"[1]at one's disposal, available, current, fit for use, functional, in running order, practical, ready for use, serviceable, utilizable, valid, working"} {"x":"usage","y":"[1]control, employment, handling, management, operation, regulation, running, treatment, use @@@@ [2]convention, custom, form, habit, matter of course, method, mode, practice, procedure, regime, routine, rule, tradition, wont"} {"x":"use","y":"[1]apply, avail oneself of, bring into play, employ, exercise, exert, find a use for, make use of, operate, ply, practise, profit by, put to use, turn to account, utilize, wield, work @@@@ [2]act towards, behave towards, deal with, exploit, handle, manipulate, misuse, take advantage of, treat @@@@ [3]consume, exhaust, expend, run through, spend, waste @@@@ [4]application, employment, exercise, handling, operation, practice, service, treatment, usage, wear and tear @@@@ [5]advantage, application, avail, benefit, good, help, mileage @@@@ [6]point, profit, service, usefulness, utility, value, worth @@@@ [7]custom, habit, practice, usage, way, wont @@@@ [8]call, cause, end, necessity, need, object, occasion, point, purpose, reason @@@@ [9]absorb, burn up, consume, deplete, devour, drain, exhaust, finish, fritter away, run through, squander, swallow up, waste"} {"x":"used","y":"[1]cast-off, hand-me-down @@@@ [2]nearly new, not new, reach-me-down @@@@ [3]second-hand, shopsoiled, worn"} {"x":"useful","y":"[1]advantageous, all-purpose, beneficial, effective, fruitful, general-purpose, helpful, of help, of service, of use, practical, profitable, salutary, serviceable, valuable, worthwhile"} {"x":"useless","y":"[1]basket case, bootless, disadvantageous, fruitless, futile, hopeless, idle, impractical, ineffective, ineffectual, of no use, pointless, profitless, unavailing, unproductive, unworkable, vain, valueless, wanky @@@@ [2]worthless @@@@ [3]a dead loss, hopeless, incompetent, ineffectual, inept, no good, stupid, weak"} {"x":"usher","y":"[1]attendant, doorkeeper, doorman, escort, guide, usherette @@@@ [2]conduct, direct, escort, guide, lead, pilot, show in or out, steer @@@@ [3]bring in, herald, inaugurate, initiate, introduce, launch, open the door to, pave the way for, precede, ring in"} {"x":"usual","y":"[1]accustomed, bog-standard @@@@ [2]common, constant, customary, everyday, expected, familiar, fixed, general, habitual, normal, ordinary, regular, routine, standard, stock, typical, wonted"} {"x":"usually","y":"[1]as a rule, as is the custom, as is usual, by and large, commonly, for the most part, generally, habitually, in the main, mainly, mostly, most often, normally, on the whole, ordinarily, regularly, routinely"} {"x":"usurp","y":"[1]appropriate, arrogate, assume, commandeer, infringe upon, lay hold of, seize, take, take over, wrest"} {"x":"utility","y":"[1]advantageousness, avail, benefit, convenience, efficacy, fitness, mileage @@@@ [2]point, practicality, profit, service, serviceableness, use, usefulness"} {"x":"utilize","y":"[1]appropriate, avail oneself of, employ, have recourse to, make the most of, make use of, profit by, put to use, resort to, take advantage of, turn to account, use"} {"x":"utmost","y":"[1]chief, extreme, greatest, highest, maximum, paramount, pre-eminent, supreme @@@@ [2]extreme, farthest, final, last, most distant, outermost, remotest, uttermost @@@@ [3]best, greatest, hardest, highest, most"} {"x":"utter","y":"[1]articulate, enunciate, express, pronounce, put into words, say, speak, verbalize, vocalize, voice @@@@ [2]declare, divulge, give expression to, make known, proclaim, promulgate, publish, reveal, state @@@@ [3]absolute, arrant, complete, consummate, deep-dyed @@@@ [4]downright, entire, out-and-out, outright, perfect, sheer, stark, thorough, thoroughgoing, total, unmitigated, unqualified"} {"x":"utterly","y":"[1]absolutely, completely, entirely, extremely, fully, one hundred per cent, perfectly, thoroughly, totally, to the core, to the nth degree, wholly"} {"x":"uttermost","y":"[1]extreme, farthest, final, last, outermost, remotest, utmost"} {"x":"vacancy","y":"[1]job, opening, opportunity, position, post, room, situation @@@@ [2]absent-mindedness, abstraction, blankness, inanity, inattentiveness, incomprehension, incuriousness, lack of interest, vacuousness @@@@ [3]emptiness, gap, space, vacuum, void"} {"x":"vacant","y":"[1]available, disengaged, empty, free, idle, not in use, to let, unemployed, unengaged, unfilled, unoccupied, untenanted, void @@@@ [2]absent-minded, abstracted, blank, dreaming, dreamy, expressionless, idle, inane, incurious, thoughtless, unthinking, vacuous, vague"} {"x":"vacate","y":"[1]depart, evacuate, give up, go away, leave, leave empty, move out of, quit, relinquish possession of, withdraw"} {"x":"vacillate","y":"[1]fluctuate, haver, hesitate, keep changing one's mind, oscillate, reel, rock, shillyshally @@@@ [2]sway, swither @@@@ [3]waver"} {"x":"vacillation","y":"[1]dithering @@@@ [2]fluctuation, hesitation, inconstancy, indecisiveness, irresoluteness, irresolution, shillyshallying @@@@ [3]unsteadiness, wavering"} {"x":"vacuity","y":"[1]blankness, emptiness, inanity, incognizance, incomprehension, vacuousness @@@@ [2]emptiness, nothingness, space, vacuum, void"} {"x":"vacuous","y":"[1]blank, inane, stupid, uncomprehending, unintelligent, vacant @@@@ [2]empty, unfilled, vacant, void"} {"x":"vacuum","y":"[1]emptiness, free space, gap, nothingness, space, vacuity, void"} {"x":"vagabond","y":"[1]bag lady @@@@ [2]beggar, bum @@@@ [3]down-and-out, hobo @@@@ [4]itinerant, knight of the road, migrant, nomad, outcast, rascal, rover, tramp, vagrant, wanderer, wayfarer @@@@ [5]destitute, down and out, drifting, fly-by-night @@@@ [6]footloose, homeless, idle, itinerant, journeying, nomadic, rootless, roving, shiftless, vagrant, wandering"} {"x":"vagary","y":"[1]caprice, crotchet, fancy, humour, megrim @@@@ [2]notion, whim, whimsy"} {"x":"vagina","y":"[1]beaver @@@@ [2]box @@@@ [3]crack @@@@ [4]cunt @@@@ [5]fanny @@@@ [6]hole @@@@ [7]minge @@@@ [8]muff @@@@ [9]pussy @@@@ [10]quim @@@@ [11]snatch @@@@ [12]twat @@@@ [13]vulva, yoni"} {"x":"vagrant","y":"[1]bag lady @@@@ [2]beggar, bird of passage, bum @@@@ [3]drifter, hobo @@@@ [4]itinerant, person of no fixed address, rolling stone, tramp, wanderer @@@@ [5]itinerant, nomadic, roaming, rootless, roving, unsettled, vagabond"} {"x":"vague","y":"[1]amorphous, blurred, dim, doubtful, fuzzy, generalized, hazy, ill-defined, imprecise, indefinite, indeterminate, indistinct, lax, loose, nebulous, obscure, shadowy, uncertain, unclear, unknown, unspecified, woolly"} {"x":"vain","y":"[1]arrogant, bigheaded @@@@ [2]cocky, conceited, egotistical, inflated, narcissistic, ostentatious, overweening, peacockish, pleased with oneself, proud, self-important, stuck-up @@@@ [3]swaggering, swanky @@@@ [4]swollen-headed @@@@ [5]vainglorious @@@@ [6]abortive, empty, fruitless, futile, hollow, idle, nugatory, pointless, senseless, time-wasting, trifling, trivial, unavailing, unimportant, unproductive, unprofitable, useless, wanky @@@@ [7]worthless @@@@ [8]bootless, fruitless(ly), ineffectual(ly), to no avail, to no purpose, unsuccessful(ly), useless(ly), vain(ly), wasted, without success"} {"x":"valediction","y":"[1]adieu, farewell, goodbye, leave-taking, sendoff @@@@ [2]vale"} {"x":"valedictory","y":"[1]farewell, final, parting"} {"x":"valetudinarian","y":"[1]delicate, feeble, frail, hypochondriac, infirm, in poor health, invalid, sickly, weakly"} {"x":"valiant","y":"[1]bold, brave, courageous, dauntless, doughty, fearless, gallant, heroic, indomitable, intrepid, lion-hearted, plucky, redoubtable, stouthearted, valorous, worthy"} {"x":"valid","y":"[1]acceptable, binding, cogent, conclusive, convincing, efficacious, efficient, good, just, logical, powerful, sensible, sound, substantial, telling, weighty, well-founded, well-grounded @@@@ [2]authentic, bona fide, genuine, in force, lawful, legal, legally binding, legitimate, official, signed and sealed"} {"x":"validate","y":"[1]authenticate, authorize, certify, confirm, corroborate, endorse, legalize, make legally binding, ratify, set one's seal on or to, substantiate"} {"x":"validity","y":"[1]cogency, force, foundation, grounds, point, power, soundness, strength, substance, weight @@@@ [2]authority, lawfulness, legality, legitimacy, right"} {"x":"valley","y":"[1]coomb, cwm @@@@ [2]dale, dell, depression, dingle, glen, hollow, strath @@@@ [3]vale"} {"x":"valorous","y":"[1]bold, brave, courageous, dauntless, doughty, fearless, gallant, heroic, intrepid, lion-hearted, plucky, valiant"} {"x":"valuable","y":"[1]costly, dear, expensive, high-priced, precious @@@@ [2]beneficial, cherished, esteemed, estimable, held dear, helpful, important, prized, profitable, serviceable, treasured, useful, valued, worth one's or its weight in gold, worthwhile, worthy @@@@ [3]heirloom, treasure(s)"} {"x":"value","y":"[1]cost, equivalent, market price, monetary worth, rate @@@@ [2]advantage, benefit, desirability, help, importance, merit, mileage @@@@ [3]profit, serviceableness, significance, use, usefulness, utility, worth @@@@ [4]code of behaviour, ethics, (moral) standards, principles @@@@ [5]account, appraise, assess, compute, estimate, evaluate, price, put a price on, rate, set at, survey @@@@ [6]appreciate, cherish, esteem, hold dear, hold in high regard or esteem, prize, regard highly, respect, set store by, treasure"} {"x":"valued","y":"[1]cherished, dear, esteemed, highly regarded, loved, prized, treasured"} {"x":"vamoose","y":"[1]bugger off @@@@ [2]clear off @@@@ [3]fuck off @@@@ [4]hook it @@@@ [5]run away, scarper @@@@ [6]scram @@@@ [7]skedaddle"} {"x":"vandal","y":"[1]delinquent, graffiti artist, hooligan, lager lout, ned"} {"x":"vanguard","y":"[1]advance guard, cutting edge, forefront, forerunners, front, front line, front rank, leaders, spearhead, trailblazers, trendsetters, van"} {"x":"vanish","y":"[1]become invisible, be lost to sight, die out, disappear, disappear from sight or from the face of the earth, dissolve, evanesce, evaporate, exit, fade (away), melt (away), vanish off the face of the earth"} {"x":"vanity","y":"[1]affected ways, airs, arrogance, bigheadedness @@@@ [2]conceit, conceitedness, egotism, narcissism, ostentation, pretension, pride, self-admiration, self-love, showing off @@@@ [3]swollen-headedness @@@@ [4]vainglory @@@@ [5]emptiness, frivolity, fruitlessness, futility, hollowness, inanity, pointlessness, profitlessness, triviality, unproductiveness, unreality, unsubstantiality, uselessness, worthlessness"} {"x":"vanquish","y":"[1]clobber @@@@ [2]conquer, crush, defeat, get the upper hand over, lick @@@@ [3]master, overcome, overpower, overwhelm, put down, put to flight, put to rout, quell, reduce, repress, rout, run rings around @@@@ [4]stuff @@@@ [5]subdue, subjugate, tank @@@@ [6]triumph over, undo, wipe the floor with"} {"x":"vapid","y":"[1]bland, dead, flat, flavourless, insipid, lifeless, milk-and-water, stale, tasteless, unpalatable, watery, weak, wishy-washy @@@@ [2]boring, colourless, dull, flat, limp, tame, tedious, tiresome, uninspiring, uninteresting"} {"x":"variable","y":"[1]capricious, chameleonic, changeable, fickle, fitful, flexible, fluctuating, inconstant, mercurial, mutable, protean, shifting, temperamental, uneven, unstable, unsteady, vacillating, wavering"} {"x":"variance","y":"[1]difference, difference of opinion, disagreement, discord, discrepancy, dissension, dissent, divergence, inconsistency, lack of harmony, strife, variation @@@@ [2]conflicting, in disagreement, in opposition, out of harmony, out of line"} {"x":"variant","y":"[1]alternative, derived, different, divergent, exceptional, modified @@@@ [2]alternative, derived form, development, modification, sport @@@@ [3]variation"} {"x":"variation","y":"[1]alteration, break in routine, change, departure, departure from the norm, deviation, difference, discrepancy, diversification, diversity, innovation, modification, novelty, variety"} {"x":"varied","y":"[1]assorted, different, diverse, heterogeneous, manifold, miscellaneous, mixed, motley, sundry, various"} {"x":"variety","y":"[1]change, difference, discrepancy, diversification, diversity, many-sidedness, multifariousness, variation @@@@ [2]array, assortment, collection, cross section, intermixture, medley, miscellany, mixed bag @@@@ [3]mixture, multiplicity, range @@@@ [4]brand, breed, category, class, kind, make, order, sort, species, strain, type"} {"x":"various","y":"[1]assorted, different, differing, disparate, distinct, divers @@@@ [2]diverse, diversified, heterogeneous, manifold, many, many-sided, miscellaneous, several, sundry, varied, variegated"} {"x":"varnish","y":"[1]adorn, decorate, embellish, gild, glaze, gloss, japan, lacquer, polish, shellac"} {"x":"vary","y":"[1]alter, alternate, be unlike, change, depart, differ, disagree, diverge, diversify, fluctuate, intermix, modify, permutate, reorder, transform"} {"x":"varying","y":"[1]changing, different, distinct, distinguishable, diverse, fluctuating, inconsistent"} {"x":"vassal","y":"[1]bondman, bondservant, bondsman, liegeman, retainer, serf, slave, subject, thrall, varlet"} {"x":"vast","y":"[1]astronomical, boundless, colossal, elephantine, enormous, extensive, gigantic, ginormous @@@@ [2]great, huge, humongous or humungous @@@@ [3]illimitable, immeasurable, immense, limitless, mammoth, massive, measureless, mega @@@@ [4]monstrous, monumental, never-ending, prodigious, sweeping, tremendous, unbounded, unlimited, vasty @@@@ [5]voluminous, wide"} {"x":"vault","y":"[1]bound, clear, hurdle, jump, leap, spring @@@@ [2]arch, ceiling, roof, span @@@@ [3]catacomb, cellar, charnel house, crypt, mausoleum, tomb, undercroft @@@@ [4]depository, repository, strongroom @@@@ [5]arch, bend, bow, curve, overarch, span"} {"x":"vaunt","y":"[1]boast about, brag about, crow about, exult in, flaunt, give oneself airs about, make a display of, make much of, parade, prate about, show off, talk big about"} {"x":"veer","y":"[1]be deflected, change, change course, change direction, sheer, shift, swerve, tack, turn"} {"x":"vegetate","y":"[1]be inert, deteriorate, exist, go to seed, idle, languish, loaf, moulder, stagnate, veg out @@@@ [2]burgeon, germinate, grow, shoot, spring, sprout, swell"} {"x":"vehemence","y":"[1]ardour, eagerness, earnestness, emphasis, energy, enthusiasm, fervency, fervour, fire, force, forcefulness, heat, impetuosity, intensity, keenness, passion, verve, vigour, violence, warmth, zeal"} {"x":"vehicle","y":"[1]conveyance, means of transport, transport, transportation @@@@ [2]apparatus, channel, means, means of expression, mechanism, medium, organ"} {"x":"veil","y":"[1]cloak, conceal, cover, dim, disguise, hide, mantle, mask, obscure, screen, shield @@@@ [2]blind, cloak, cover, curtain, disguise, film, mask, screen, shade, shroud"} {"x":"vein","y":"[1]blood vessel, course, current, lode, seam, stratum, streak, stripe @@@@ [2]dash, hint, strain, streak, thread, trait @@@@ [3]attitude, bent, character, faculty, humour, mode, mood, note, style, temper, tenor, tone, turn"} {"x":"velocity","y":"[1]celerity, fleetness, impetus, pace, quickness, rapidity, speed, swiftness"} {"x":"venal","y":"[1]bent @@@@ [2]corrupt, corruptible, crooked @@@@ [3]dishonourable, grafting @@@@ [4]mercenary, prostituted, purchasable, rapacious, simoniacal, sordid, unprincipled"} {"x":"vendetta","y":"[1]bad blood, blood feud, feud, quarrel"} {"x":"veneer","y":"[1]appearance, facade, false front, finish, front, gloss, guise, mask, pretence, semblance, show"} {"x":"venerable","y":"[1]august, esteemed, grave, honoured, respected, revered, reverenced, sage, sedate, wise, worshipped"} {"x":"venerate","y":"[1]adore, esteem, hold in awe, honour, look up to, respect, revere, reverence, worship"} {"x":"veneration","y":"[1]adoration, awe, deference, esteem, respect, reverence, worship"} {"x":"vengeance","y":"[1]an eye for an eye, avenging, lex talionis, reprisal, requital, retaliation, retribution, revenge, settling of scores @@@@ [2]forcefully, furiously, vehemently, violently @@@@ [3]and no mistake, extremely, greatly, to the full, to the nth degree, to the utmost, with no holds barred"} {"x":"vengeful","y":"[1]avenging, implacable, punitive, rancorous, relentless, retaliatory, revengeful, spiteful, thirsting for revenge, unforgiving, vindictive"} {"x":"venial","y":"[1]allowable, excusable, forgivable, insignificant, minor, pardonable, slight, trivial"} {"x":"venom","y":"[1]bane, poison, toxin @@@@ [2]acidity, acrimony, bitterness, gall, grudge, hate, ill will, malevolence, malice, maliciousness, malignity, pungency, rancour, spite, spitefulness, spleen, virulence"} {"x":"venomous","y":"[1]baneful @@@@ [2]envenomed, mephitic, noxious, poison, poisonous, toxic, virulent @@@@ [3]baleful, hostile, malicious, malignant, rancorous, savage, spiteful, vicious, vindictive, virulent"} {"x":"vent","y":"[1]aperture, duct, hole, opening, orifice, outlet, split @@@@ [2]air, come out with, discharge, emit, empty, express, give expression to, give vent to, pour out, release, utter, voice"} {"x":"ventilate","y":"[1]air, bring out into the open, broadcast, debate, discuss, examine, make known, scrutinize, sift, talk about"} {"x":"venture","y":"[1]chance, endanger, hazard, imperil, jeopardize, put in jeopardy, risk, speculate, stake, wager @@@@ [2]advance, dare, dare say, hazard, make bold, presume, stick one's neck out @@@@ [3]embark on, go, plunge into, set out @@@@ [4]adventure, chance, endeavour, enterprise, fling, gamble, hazard, jeopardy, project, risk, speculation, undertaking"} {"x":"veracious","y":"[1]accurate, credible, dependable, ethical, factual, faithful, frank, genuine, high-principled, honest, reliable, straightforward, true, trustworthy, truthful, veridical"} {"x":"veracity","y":"[1]accuracy, candour, credibility, exactitude, frankness, honesty, integrity, precision, probity, rectitude, trustworthiness, truth, truthfulness, uprightness"} {"x":"verbal","y":"[1]literal, oral, spoken, unwritten, verbatim, word-of-mouth"} {"x":"verbatim","y":"[1]exactly, precisely, to the letter, word for word"} {"x":"verbiage","y":"[1]circumlocution, periphrasis, pleonasm, prolixity, redundancy, repetition, tautology, verbosity"} {"x":"verbose","y":"[1]circumlocutory, diffuse, garrulous, long-winded, periphrastic, pleonastic, prolix, tautological, windy, wordy"} {"x":"verdant","y":"[1]flourishing, fresh, grassy, green, leafy, lush"} {"x":"verdict","y":"[1]adjudication, conclusion, decision, finding, judgment, opinion, sentence"} {"x":"verge","y":"[1]border, boundary, brim, brink, edge, extreme, limit, lip, margin, roadside, threshold @@@@ [2]approach, border, come near"} {"x":"verification","y":"[1]authentication, confirmation, corroboration, proof, substantiation, validation"} {"x":"verify","y":"[1]attest, attest to, authenticate, bear out, check, confirm, corroborate, prove, substantiate, support, validate"} {"x":"verisimilitude","y":"[1]authenticity, colour, credibility, likeliness, likeness, plausibility, realism, resemblance, semblance, show of"} {"x":"vernacular","y":"[1]colloquial, common, indigenous, informal, local, mother, native, popular, vulgar @@@@ [2]argot, cant, dialect, idiom, jargon, native language, parlance, patois, speech, vulgar tongue"} {"x":"versatile","y":"[1]adaptable, adjustable, all-purpose, all-round, all-singing, all-dancing, flexible, functional, handy, many-sided, multifaceted, protean, resourceful, variable"} {"x":"versed","y":"[1]accomplished, acquainted, competent, conversant, experienced, familiar, knowledgeable, practised, proficient, qualified, seasoned, skilled, well informed, well up in"} {"x":"version","y":"[1]account, adaptation, exercise, interpretation, portrayal, reading, rendering, side, take @@@@ [2]translation @@@@ [3]design, form, kind, model, style, type, variant"} {"x":"vertex","y":"[1]acme, apex, apogee, crest, crown, culmination, extremity, height, pinnacle, summit, top, zenith"} {"x":"vertical","y":"[1]erect, on end, perpendicular, upright"} {"x":"vertigo","y":"[1]dizziness, giddiness, light-headedness, loss of equilibrium, swimming of the head"} {"x":"verve","y":"[1]animation, brio, dash, elan, energy, enthusiasm, force, get-up-and-go @@@@ [2]gusto, life, liveliness, pep, punch @@@@ [3]sparkle, spirit, vigour, vim @@@@ [4]vitality, vivacity, zeal, zip"} {"x":"very","y":"[1]absolutely, acutely, awfully @@@@ [2]decidedly, deeply, eminently, exceedingly, excessively, extremely, greatly, highly, jolly @@@@ [3]noticeably, particularly, profoundly, really, remarkably, seriously @@@@ [4]superlatively, surpassingly, terribly, truly, uncommonly, unusually, wonderfully @@@@ [5]actual, appropriate, exact, express, identical, perfect, precise, real, same, selfsame, unqualified @@@@ [6]bare, mere, plain, pure, sheer, simple @@@@ [7]albeit \nalthough, even if, even though, notwithstanding that, tho' (U.S. or poetic) though"} {"x":"vessel","y":"[1]barque @@@@ [2]boat, craft, ship @@@@ [3]container, pot, receptacle, utensil"} {"x":"vest","y":"[1]authorize, be devolved upon, bestow, confer, consign, empower, endow, entrust, furnish, invest, lodge, place, put in the hands of, settle @@@@ [2]apparel, bedeck, clothe, cover, dress, envelop, garb, robe"} {"x":"vestibule","y":"[1]anteroom, entrance hall, foyer, hall, lobby, porch, portico"} {"x":"vestige","y":"[1]evidence, glimmer, hint, indication, relic, remainder, remains, remnant, residue, scrap, sign, suspicion, token, trace, track"} {"x":"vestigial","y":"[1]imperfect, incomplete, nonfunctional, rudimentary, surviving, undeveloped"} {"x":"vet","y":"[1]appraise, check, check out, examine, give (someone or something) the once-over @@@@ [2]investigate, look over, pass under review, review, scan, scrutinize, size up"} {"x":"veteran","y":"[1]master, old hand, old stager, old-timer, past master, past mistress, pro @@@@ [2]trouper, warhorse @@@@ [3]adept, battle-scarred, expert, long-serving, old, proficient, seasoned"} {"x":"veto","y":"[1]ban, boycott, disallow, forbid, give the thumbs down to, interdict, kill @@@@ [2]negative, prohibit, put the kibosh on @@@@ [3]refuse permission, reject, rule out, turn down @@@@ [4]ban, boycott, embargo, interdict, nonconsent, prohibition"} {"x":"vex","y":"[1]afflict, aggravate @@@@ [2]agitate, annoy, bother, bug @@@@ [3]displease, distress, disturb, exasperate, fret, gall, get one's back up, get on one's nerves @@@@ [4]grate on, harass, hassle @@@@ [5]irritate, molest, nark @@@@ [6]needle @@@@ [7]nettle, offend, peeve @@@@ [8]perplex, pester, pique, plague, provoke, put one's back up, put out, rile, tease, torment, trouble, upset, worry"} {"x":"vexation","y":"[1]aggravation @@@@ [2]annoyance, chagrin, displeasure, dissatisfaction, exasperation, frustration, irritation, pique @@@@ [3]bother, difficulty, hassle @@@@ [4]headache @@@@ [5]irritant, misfortune, nuisance, problem, thorn in one's flesh, trouble, upset, worry"} {"x":"viable","y":"[1]applicable, feasible, operable, practicable, usable, within the bounds of possibility, workable"} {"x":"vibrant","y":"[1]aquiver, oscillating, palpitating, pulsating, quivering, trembling @@@@ [2]alive, animated, colourful, dynamic, electrifying, full of pep @@@@ [3]responsive, sensitive, sparkling, spirited, vivacious, vivid"} {"x":"vibrate","y":"[1]fluctuate, judder @@@@ [2]oscillate, pulsate, pulse, quiver, resonate, reverberate, shake, shiver, sway, swing, throb, tremble, undulate"} {"x":"vibration","y":"[1]juddering @@@@ [2]oscillation, pulsation, pulse, quiver, resonance, reverberation, shaking, throb, throbbing, trembling, tremor"} {"x":"vicarious","y":"[1]acting, at one remove, commissioned, delegated, deputed, empathetic, indirect, substituted, surrogate"} {"x":"vice","y":"[1]corruption, degeneracy, depravity, evil, evildoing, immorality, iniquity, profligacy, sin, turpitude, venality, wickedness @@@@ [2]blemish, defect, failing, fault, imperfection, shortcoming, weakness"} {"x":"vicinity","y":"[1]area, district, environs, locality, neck of the woods @@@@ [2]neighbourhood, precincts, propinquity, proximity, purlieus"} {"x":"vicious","y":"[1]abandoned, abhorrent, atrocious, bad, barbarous, corrupt, cruel, dangerous, debased, degenerate, degraded, depraved, diabolical, ferocious, fiendish, foul, heinous, immoral, infamous, monstrous, profligate, savage, sinful, unprincipled, vile, violent, wicked, worthless, wrong @@@@ [2]backbiting, bitchy @@@@ [3]cruel, defamatory, malicious, mean, rancorous, slanderous, spiteful, venomous, vindictive"} {"x":"vicissitude","y":"[1]alteration, alternation, change, fluctuation of fortune, mutation, one of life's ups and downs @@@@ [2]revolution, shift, variation"} {"x":"victim","y":"[1]casualty, fatality, injured party, martyr, sacrifice, scapegoat, sufferer @@@@ [2]dupe, easy prey, fall guy @@@@ [3]gull @@@@ [4]innocent, patsy @@@@ [5]sitting duck @@@@ [6]sitting target, sucker"} {"x":"victimize","y":"[1]cheat, deceive, defraud, dupe, exploit, fool, gull @@@@ [2]hoodwink, prey on, swindle, take advantage of, use"} {"x":"victor","y":"[1]champ @@@@ [2]champion, conquering hero, conqueror, first, prizewinner, top dog @@@@ [3]vanquisher, winner"} {"x":"victorious","y":"[1]champion, conquering, first, prizewinning, successful, triumphant, vanquishing, winning"} {"x":"victory","y":"[1]conquest, laurels, mastery, success, superiority, the palm, the prize, triumph, win"} {"x":"vie","y":"[1]be rivals, compete, contend, contest, match oneself against, strive, struggle"} {"x":"view","y":"[1]aspect, landscape, outlook, panorama, perspective, picture, prospect, scene, spectacle, vista @@@@ [2]range or field of vision, sight, vision @@@@ [3]attitude, belief, conviction, feeling, impression, judgment, notion, opinion, point of view, sentiment, thought, way of thinking @@@@ [4]contemplation, display, examination, inspection, look, recce @@@@ [5]scan, scrutiny, sight, survey, viewing @@@@ [6]behold, check, check out @@@@ [7]clock @@@@ [8]contemplate, examine, explore, eye, eyeball @@@@ [9]inspect, look at, observe, recce @@@@ [10]regard, scan, spectate, stare at, survey, take a dekko at @@@@ [11]watch, witness @@@@ [12]consider, deem, judge, look on, regard, think about @@@@ [13]angle, orientation, outlook, perspective, position, standpoint @@@@ [14]approach, attitude, belief, judgment, opinion, slant, view, viewpoint, way of looking at it"} {"x":"viewpoint","y":"[1]angle, frame of reference, perspective, point of view, position, slant, stance, standpoint, vantage point, way of thinking"} {"x":"vigilance","y":"[1]alertness, attentiveness, carefulness, caution, circumspection, observance, watchfulness"} {"x":"vile","y":"[1]abandoned, abject, appalling, bad, base, coarse, contemptible, corrupt, debased, degenerate, degrading, depraved, despicable, disgraceful, evil, humiliating, ignoble, impure, loathsome, low, mean, miserable, nefarious, perverted, shocking, sinful, ugly, vicious, vulgar, wicked, worthless, wretched @@@@ [2]disgusting, foul, horrid, loathsome, nasty, nauseating, noxious, obscene, offensive, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, sickening, yucky or yukky"} {"x":"vilification","y":"[1]abuse, aspersion, calumniation, calumny, contumely, defamation, denigration, disparagement, invective, mudslinging, scurrility, vituperation"} {"x":"vilify","y":"[1]abuse, asperse, bad-mouth @@@@ [2]berate, calumniate, debase, decry, defame, denigrate, disparage, dump on @@@@ [3]knock @@@@ [4]revile, rubbish @@@@ [5]slander, smear, speak ill of, traduce, vilipend @@@@ [6]vituperate"} {"x":"villain","y":"[1]blackguard, caitiff @@@@ [2]criminal, evildoer, knave @@@@ [3]libertine, malefactor, miscreant, profligate, rapscallion, reprobate, rogue, scoundrel, wretch @@@@ [4]antihero, baddy @@@@ [5]devil, monkey, rascal, rogue, scallywag @@@@ [6]scamp"} {"x":"vinaigrette","y":"[1]Vinaigrette is a dressing made by mixing oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, and herbs, which is put on salad."} {"x":"vindicate","y":"[1]absolve, acquit, clear, defend, do justice to, exculpate, excuse, exonerate, free from blame, justify, rehabilitate @@@@ [2]advocate, assert, establish, maintain, support, uphold"} {"x":"vindication","y":"[1]apology, assertion, defence, exculpating, exculpation, excuse, exoneration, justification, maintenance, plea, rehabilitation, substantiation, support"} {"x":"vindictive","y":"[1]full of spleen, implacable, malicious, malignant, rancorous, relentless, resentful, revengeful, spiteful, unforgiving, unrelenting, vengeful, venomous"} {"x":"vintage","y":"[1]collection, crop, epoch, era, generation, harvest, origin, year @@@@ [2]best, choice, classic, mature, prime, rare, ripe, select, superior, venerable"} {"x":"violate","y":"[1]break, contravene, disobey, disregard, encroach upon, infract, infringe, transgress @@@@ [2]abuse, assault, befoul, debauch, defile, desecrate, dishonour, invade, outrage, pollute, profane, rape, ravish"} {"x":"violation","y":"[1]abuse, breach, contravention, encroachment, infraction, infringement, transgression, trespass @@@@ [2]defilement, desecration, profanation, sacrilege, spoliation @@@@ [3]If someone violates an agreement, law, or promise, they break it."} {"x":"violence","y":"[1]bestiality, bloodshed, bloodthirstiness, brutality, brute force, cruelty, destructiveness, ferocity, fierceness, fighting, force, frenzy, fury, murderousness, passion, rough handling, savagery, strong-arm tactics @@@@ [2]terrorism, thuggery, vehemence, wildness @@@@ [3]boisterousness, power, raging, roughness, storminess, tumult, turbulence, wildness @@@@ [4]abandon, acuteness, fervour, force, harshness, intensity, severity, sharpness, vehemence"} {"x":"violent","y":"[1]berserk, bloodthirsty, brutal, cruel, destructive, fiery, flaming, forcible, furious, headstrong, homicidal, hot-headed, impetuous, intemperate, maddened, maniacal, murderous, passionate, powerful, raging, riotous, rough, savage, strong, tempestuous, uncontrollable, ungovernable, unrestrained, vehement, vicious, wild @@@@ [2]blustery, boisterous, devastating, full of force, gale force, powerful, raging, ruinous, strong, tempestuous, tumultuous, turbulent, wild @@@@ [3]acute, agonizing, biting, excruciating, extreme, harsh, inordinate, intense, outrageous, painful, severe, sharp"} {"x":"virago","y":"[1]ballbreaker @@@@ [2]battle-axe @@@@ [3]fury, harridan, scold, shrew, termagant @@@@ [4]vixen, Xanthippe"} {"x":"virgin","y":"[1]damsel @@@@ [2]girl, maid @@@@ [3]maiden @@@@ [4]vestal, virgo intacta @@@@ [5]chaste, fresh, immaculate, maidenly, modest, new, pristine, pure, snowy, uncorrupted, undefiled, unsullied, untouched, unused, vestal, virginal"} {"x":"virginity","y":"[1]chastity, maidenhead, maidenhood"} {"x":"virile","y":"[1]forceful, lusty, macho, male, manlike, manly, masculine, potent, red-blooded, robust, strong, vigorous"} {"x":"virility","y":"[1]machismo, manhood, masculinity, potency, vigour"} {"x":"virtual","y":"[1]essential, implicit, implied, in all but name, indirect, potential, practical, tacit, unacknowledged"} {"x":"virtually","y":"[1]as good as, effectually, for all practical purposes, in all but name, in effect, in essence, nearly, practically, to all intents and purposes"} {"x":"virtue","y":"[1]ethicalness, excellence, goodness, high-mindedness, incorruptibility, integrity, justice, morality, probity, quality, rectitude, righteousness, uprightness, worth, worthiness @@@@ [2]advantage, asset, attribute, credit, good point, good quality, merit, plus @@@@ [3]strength @@@@ [4]chastity, honour, innocence, morality, purity, virginity @@@@ [5]as a result of, by dint of, by reason of, in view of, on account of, owing to, thanks to"} {"x":"virtuosity","y":"[1]brilliance, craft, eclat, expertise, finish, flair, mastery, panache, polish, skill"} {"x":"virtuoso","y":"[1]artist, genius, grandmaster, maestro, magician, master, master hand, maven @@@@ [2]bravura @@@@ [3]brilliant, dazzling, masterly"} {"x":"virtuous","y":"[1]blameless, ethical, excellent, exemplary, good, high-principled, honest, honourable, incorruptible, just, moral, praiseworthy, pure, righteous, squeaky-clean, upright, worthy @@@@ [2]celibate, chaste, clean-living, innocent, pure, spotless, virginal"} {"x":"virulent","y":"[1]baneful @@@@ [2]deadly, infective, injurious, lethal, malignant, pernicious, poisonous, septic, toxic, venomous @@@@ [3]acrimonious, bitter, envenomed, hostile, malevolent, malicious, rancorous, resentful, spiteful, splenetic, venomous, vicious, vindictive"} {"x":"viscous","y":"[1]adhesive, clammy, gelatinous, gluey, glutinous, gooey @@@@ [2]gummy, mucilaginous, sticky, syrupy, tenacious, thick, treacly, viscid"} {"x":"visible","y":"[1]anywhere to be seen, apparent, bold, clear, conspicuous, detectable, discernible, discoverable, distinguishable, evident, in sight, in view, manifest, not hidden, noticeable, observable, obvious, palpable, patent, perceivable, perceptible, plain, salient, to be seen, unconcealed, unmistakable"} {"x":"vision","y":"[1]eyes, eyesight, perception, seeing, sight, view @@@@ [2]breadth of view, discernment, farsightedness, foresight, imagination, insight, intuition, penetration, prescience @@@@ [3]castle in the air, concept, conception, daydream, dream, fantasy, idea, ideal, image, imago @@@@ [4]apparition, chimera, delusion, eidolon, ghost, hallucination, illusion, mirage, phantasm, phantom, revelation, spectre, wraith @@@@ [5]dream, feast for the eyes, perfect picture, picture, sight, sight for sore eyes, spectacle"} {"x":"visionary","y":"[1]dreaming, dreamy, idealistic, quixotic, romantic, starry-eyed, with one's head in the clouds @@@@ [2]chimerical, delusory, fanciful, fantastic, ideal, idealized, illusory, imaginal @@@@ [3]imaginary, impractical, prophetic, speculative, unreal, unrealistic, unworkable, utopian @@@@ [4]daydreamer, Don Quixote, dreamer, enthusiast @@@@ [5]idealist, mystic, prophet, romantic, seer, theorist, utopian, zealot"} {"x":"visit","y":"[1]be the guest of, call in, call on, drop in on @@@@ [2]go to see, inspect, look (someone) up, pay a call on, pop in @@@@ [3]stay at, stay with, stop by, take in @@@@ [4]afflict, assail, attack, befall, descend upon, haunt, smite, trouble @@@@ [5]bring down upon, execute, impose, inflict, wreak @@@@ [6]call, sojourn, stay, stop"} {"x":"visitation","y":"[1]examination, inspection, visit @@@@ [2]bane, blight, calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe, disaster, infliction, ordeal, punishment, scourge, trial"} {"x":"visitor","y":"[1]caller, company, guest, visitant"} {"x":"vista","y":"[1]panorama, perspective, prospect, view"} {"x":"visual","y":"[1]ocular, optic, optical @@@@ [2]discernible, observable, perceptible, visible"} {"x":"visualize","y":"[1]conceive of, conjure up a mental picture of, envisage, imagine, picture, see in the mind's eye"} {"x":"vital","y":"[1]basic, cardinal, essential, fundamental, imperative, indispensable, necessary, radical, requisite @@@@ [2]critical, crucial, decisive, important, key, life-or-death, significant, urgent @@@@ [3]animated, dynamic, energetic, forceful, full of beans @@@@ [4]full of the joy of living, lively, sparky, spirited, vibrant, vigorous, vivacious, zestful @@@@ [5]alive, alive and kicking, animate, generative, invigorative, life-giving, live, living, quickening"} {"x":"vitality","y":"[1]animation, brio, energy, exuberance, go @@@@ [2]life, liveliness, lustiness, pep, robustness, sparkle, stamina, strength, vigour, vim @@@@ [3]vivaciousness, vivacity"} {"x":"vitiate","y":"[1]blemish, devalue, harm, impair, injure, invalidate, mar, spoil, undermine, water down @@@@ [2]blight, contaminate, corrupt, debase, defile, deprave, deteriorate, pervert, pollute, sully, taint"} {"x":"vitiation","y":"[1]deterioration, devaluation, dilution, impairment, marring, reduction, spoiling, undermining @@@@ [2]adulteration, contamination, corruption, debasement, degradation, perversion, pollution, sullying"} {"x":"vitriolic","y":"[1]acerbic, acid, bitchy @@@@ [2]bitter, caustic, destructive, dripping with malice, envenomed, sardonic, scathing, venomous, virulent, withering"} {"x":"vituperate","y":"[1]abuse, asperse, berate, blame, castigate, censure, cry down, denounce, excoriate, find fault with, rail against, rate, reproach, revile, run down, slang, slate @@@@ [2]tear into @@@@ [3]upbraid, vilify"} {"x":"vivacious","y":"[1]animated, bubbling, cheerful, chirpy @@@@ [2]ebullient, effervescent, frolicsome, full of beans @@@@ [3]full of life, gay, high-spirited, jolly, light-hearted, lively, merry, scintillating, sparkling, sparky, spirited, sportive, sprightly, upbeat @@@@ [4]vital"} {"x":"vivid","y":"[1]bright, brilliant, clear, colourful, glowing, intense, rich @@@@ [2]distinct, dramatic, graphic, highly-coloured, lifelike, memorable, powerful, realistic, sharp, sharply-etched, stirring, strong, telling, true to life @@@@ [3]active, animated, dynamic, energetic, expressive, flamboyant, lively, quick, spirited, striking, strong, vigorous"} {"x":"vixen","y":"[1]ballbreaker @@@@ [2]fury, harpy, harridan, hellcat, scold, shrew, spitfire, termagant @@@@ [3]virago, Xanthippe"} {"x":"vocabulary","y":"[1]dictionary, glossary, language, lexicon, wordbook, word hoard, words, word stock"} {"x":"vocal","y":"[1]articulate, articulated, oral, put into words, said, spoken, uttered, voiced @@@@ [2]articulate, blunt, clamorous, eloquent, expressive, forthright, frank, free-spoken, noisy, outspoken, plain-spoken, strident, vociferous"} {"x":"vocals","y":"[1]articulate, articulated, oral, put into words, said, spoken, uttered, voiced @@@@ [2]articulate, blunt, clamorous, eloquent, expressive, forthright, frank, free-spoken, noisy, outspoken, plain-spoken, strident, vociferous"} {"x":"vocation","y":"[1]business, calling, career, employment, job, life's work, life work, metier, mission, office, post, profession, pursuit, role, trade"} {"x":"vociferous","y":"[1]clamant, clamorous, loud, loudmouthed @@@@ [2]noisy, obstreperous, outspoken, ranting, shouting, strident, uproarious, vehement, vocal"} {"x":"vodka","y":"[1]Vodka is a strong, clear, alcoholic drink."} {"x":"vogue","y":"[1]craze, custom, dernier cri, fashion, last word, mode, style, the latest, the rage, the thing @@@@ [2]trend, way @@@@ [3]acceptance, currency, fashionableness, favour, popularity, prevalence, usage, use @@@@ [4]fashionable, in, modish, now @@@@ [5]popular, prevalent, trendy @@@@ [6]up-to-the-minute, voguish, with it"} {"x":"voice","y":"[1]articulation, language, power of speech, sound, tone, utterance, words @@@@ [2]decision, expression, part, say, view, vote, will, wish @@@@ [3]agency, instrument, medium, mouthpiece, organ, spokesman, spokesperson, spokeswoman, vehicle @@@@ [4]air, articulate, assert, come out with @@@@ [5]declare, divulge, enunciate, express, give expression or utterance to, put into words, say, utter, ventilate"} {"x":"void","y":"[1]bare, clear, drained, emptied, empty, free, tenantless, unfilled, unoccupied, vacant @@@@ [2]destitute, devoid, lacking, without @@@@ [3]dead, ineffective, ineffectual, inoperative, invalid, nonviable, nugatory, null and void, unenforceable, useless, vain, worthless @@@@ [4]blank, blankness, emptiness, gap, lack, opening, space, vacuity, vacuum, want @@@@ [5]discharge, drain, eject, eliminate @@@@ [6]emit, empty, evacuate @@@@ [7]abnegate, cancel, invalidate, nullify, rescind"} {"x":"volatile","y":"[1]airy, changeable, erratic, explosive, fickle, flighty, gay, giddy, inconstant, lively, mercurial, sprightly, temperamental, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, up and down @@@@ [2]variable, whimsical"} {"x":"volition","y":"[1]choice, choosing, determination, discretion, election, free will, option, preference, purpose, resolution, will"} {"x":"volley","y":"[1]barrage, blast, bombardment, burst, cannonade, discharge, explosion, fusillade, hail, salvo, shower"} {"x":"volubility","y":"[1]fluency, garrulity, gift of the gab, glibness, loquaciousness, loquacity"} {"x":"voluble","y":"[1]articulate, blessed with the gift of the gab, fluent, forthcoming, glib, loquacious, talkative"} {"x":"volume","y":"[1]aggregate, amount, body, bulk, capacity, compass, cubic content, dimensions, mass, quantity, total @@@@ [2]book, publication, title, tome, treatise"} {"x":"voluminous","y":"[1]ample, big, billowing, bulky, capacious, cavernous, copious, full, large, massive, prolific, roomy, vast"} {"x":"voluntarily","y":"[1]by choice, freely, lief @@@@ [2]off one's own bat, of one's own accord, of one's own free will, on one's own initiative, willingly, without being asked, without prompting"} {"x":"voluntary","y":"[1]discretional, discretionary, free, gratuitous, honorary, intended, intentional, optional, spontaneous, uncompelled, unconstrained, unforced, unpaid, volunteer, willing"} {"x":"volunteer","y":"[1]need no invitation, offer, offer one's services, present, proffer, propose, put forward, put oneself at (someone's) disposal, step forward, suggest, tender"} {"x":"voluptuary","y":"[1]bon vivant, epicurean, hedonist, luxury-lover, playboy, pleasure seeker, profligate, sensualist, sybarite"} {"x":"voluptuous","y":"[1]bacchanalian, epicurean, hedonistic, licentious, luxurious, pleasure-loving, self-indulgent, sensual, sybaritic @@@@ [2]ample, buxom, curvaceous @@@@ [3]enticing, erotic, full-bosomed, provocative, seductive, shapely, well-stacked"} {"x":"vomit","y":"[1]barf @@@@ [2]belch forth, be sick, bring up, chuck (up) @@@@ [3]chunder @@@@ [4]eject, emit, heave, puke @@@@ [5]regurgitate, retch, sick up @@@@ [6]upchuck"} {"x":"voracious","y":"[1]avid, devouring, edacious, esurient, gluttonous, greedy, hungry, insatiable, omnivorous, prodigious, rapacious, ravening, ravenous, uncontrolled, unquenchable"} {"x":"vortex","y":"[1]eddy, maelstrom, whirlpool"} {"x":"votary","y":"[1]adherent, aficionado, believer, devotee, disciple, follower"} {"x":"vote","y":"[1]ballot, franchise, plebiscite, poll, referendum, right to vote, show of hands, suffrage @@@@ [2]ballot, cast one's vote, elect, go to the polls, opt, return @@@@ [3]declare, judge, pronounce, propose, recommend, suggest"} {"x":"vouch","y":"[1]affirm, answer for, assert, asseverate, attest to, back, certify, confirm, give assurance of, go bail for, guarantee, stand witness, support, swear to, uphold"} {"x":"vouchsafe","y":"[1]accord, cede, condescend to give, confer, deign, favour (someone) with, grant, yield"} {"x":"vow","y":"[1]affirm, consecrate, dedicate, devote, pledge, promise, swear, undertake solemnly @@@@ [2]oath, pledge, promise, troth"} {"x":"voyage","y":"[1]crossing, cruise, journey, passage, travels, trip"} {"x":"vulgar","y":"[1]blue, boorish, cheap and nasty, coarse, common, common as muck, crude, dirty, flashy, gaudy, gross, ill-bred, impolite, improper, indecent, indecorous, indelicate, low, nasty, naughty, off colour, ribald, risque, rude, suggestive, tasteless, tawdry, uncouth, unmannerly, unrefined @@@@ [2]general, native, ordinary, unrefined, vernacular"} {"x":"vulgarian","y":"[1]arriviste, boor, churl, nouveau riche, parvenu, philistine, upstart"} {"x":"vulgarity","y":"[1]bad taste, coarseness, crudeness, crudity, gaudiness, grossness, indecorum, indelicacy, lack of refinement, ribaldry, rudeness, suggestiveness, tastelessness, tawdriness"} {"x":"vulnerable","y":"[1]accessible, assailable, defenceless, exposed, open to attack, sensitive, susceptible, tender, thin-skinned, unprotected, weak, wide open"} {"x":"wacky","y":"[1]crazy, daft @@@@ [2]eccentric, erratic, gonzo @@@@ [3]goofy @@@@ [4]irrational, loony @@@@ [5]nutty @@@@ [6]odd, oddball @@@@ [7]off-the-wall @@@@ [8]outre, screwy @@@@ [9]silly, unpredictable, wacko or whacko @@@@ [10]wild, zany"} {"x":"wad","y":"[1]ball, block, bundle, chunk, hunk, lump, mass, plug, roll"} {"x":"wadding","y":"[1]filler, lining, packing, padding, stuffing"} {"x":"waddle","y":"[1]rock, shuffle, sway, toddle, totter, wobble"} {"x":"wade","y":"[1]ford, paddle, splash, walk through @@@@ [2]drudge, labour, peg away, plough through, toil, work one's way @@@@ [3]assail, attack, get stuck in @@@@ [4]go for, launch oneself at, light into @@@@ [5]set about, tackle, tear into"} {"x":"waffle","y":"[1]blather, jabber, prate, prattle, rabbit (on) @@@@ [2]verbalize, witter on @@@@ [3]blather, jabber, padding, prating, prattle, prolixity, verbiage, verbosity, wordiness"} {"x":"waft","y":"[1]bear, be carried, carry, convey, drift, float, ride, transmit, transport @@@@ [2]breath, breeze, current, draught, puff, whiff"} {"x":"wag","y":"[1]bob, flutter, nod, oscillate, quiver, rock, shake, stir, vibrate, waggle, wave, wiggle @@@@ [2]bob, flutter, nod, oscillation, quiver, shake, toss, vibration, waggle, wave, wiggle @@@@ [3]card @@@@ [4]clown, comedian, comic, humorist, jester, joculator or (fem.) joculatrix, joker, wit"} {"x":"wage","y":"[1]allowance, compensation, earnings, emolument, fee, hire, pay, payment, recompense, remuneration, reward, stipend @@@@ [2]carry on, conduct, engage in, practise, proceed with, prosecute, pursue, undertake"} {"x":"wager","y":"[1]bet, flutter @@@@ [2]gamble, pledge, punt @@@@ [3]stake, venture @@@@ [4]bet, chance, gamble, hazard, lay, pledge, punt @@@@ [5]put on, risk, speculate, stake, venture"} {"x":"waggish","y":"[1]amusing, comical, droll, facetious, funny, humorous, impish, jesting, jocose, jocular, ludic @@@@ [2]merry, mischievous, playful, puckish, risible, sportive, witty"} {"x":"waggle","y":"[1]flutter, oscillate, shake, wag, wave, wiggle, wobble @@@@ [2]flutter, oscillation, shake, wag, wave, wiggle, wobble"} {"x":"waif","y":"[1]foundling, orphan, stray"} {"x":"wail","y":"[1]bawl, bemoan, bewail, cry, deplore, grieve, howl, keen, lament, ululate, weep, yowl @@@@ [2]complaint, cry, grief, howl, keen, lament, lamentation, moan, ululation, weeping, yowl"} {"x":"wait","y":"[1]abide, bide one's time, cool one's heels, dally, delay, hang fire, hold back, hold on @@@@ [2]kick one's heels, linger, mark time, pause, remain, rest, stand by, stay, tarry @@@@ [3]delay, entr'acte, halt, hold-up, interval, pause, rest, stay"} {"x":"waive","y":"[1]abandon, defer, dispense with, forgo, give up, postpone, put off, refrain from, relinquish, remit, renounce, resign, set aside, surrender"} {"x":"waiver","y":"[1]abandonment, abdication, disclaimer, giving up, relinquishment, remission, renunciation, resignation, setting aside, surrender"} {"x":"wake","y":"[1]arise, awake, awaken, bestir, come to, get up, rouse, rouse from sleep, stir @@@@ [2]activate, animate, arouse, awaken, enliven, excite, fire, galvanize, kindle, provoke, quicken, rouse, stimulate, stir up @@@@ [3]deathwatch, funeral, vigil, watch"} {"x":"waken","y":"[1]activate, animate, arouse, awake, awaken, be roused, come awake, come to, enliven, fire, galvanize, get up, kindle, quicken, rouse, stimulate, stir"} {"x":"wale","y":"[1]contusion, mark, scar, streak, stripe, weal, welt, wheal"} {"x":"walk","y":"[1]advance, amble, foot it, go, go by shanks's pony @@@@ [2]go on foot, hike, hoof it @@@@ [3]march, move, pace, perambulate, promenade, saunter, step, stride, stroll, traipse @@@@ [4]tramp, travel on foot, tread, trek, trudge @@@@ [5]accompany, convoy, escort, take @@@@ [6]constitutional, hike, march, perambulation, promenade, ramble, saunter, stroll, traipse @@@@ [7]tramp, trek, trudge, turn @@@@ [8]carriage, gait, manner of walking, pace, step, stride @@@@ [9]aisle, alley, avenue, esplanade, footpath, lane, path, pathway, pavement, promenade, sidewalk, trail @@@@ [10]area, arena, calling, career, course, field, line, metier, profession, sphere, trade, vocation @@@@ [11]flounce out, get up and go, leave suddenly, storm out, take off @@@@ [12]down tools, go on strike, stop work, strike, take industrial action, withdraw one's labour @@@@ [13]abandon, chuck @@@@ [14]desert, forsake, jilt, leave, leave in the lurch, pack in @@@@ [15]run away from, strand, throw over"} {"x":"walker","y":"[1]footslogger, hiker, pedestrian, rambler, wayfarer"} {"x":"wall","y":"[1]divider, enclosure, panel, partition, screen @@@@ [2]barricade, breastwork, bulwark, embankment, fortification, palisade, parapet, rampart, stockade @@@@ [3]barrier, block, fence, hedge, impediment, obstacle, obstruction @@@@ [4]be ruined, collapse, fail, fall, go bust @@@@ [5]go under @@@@ [6]aggravate @@@@ [7]annoy, dement, derange, drive crazy @@@@ [8]drive insane, exasperate, get on one's nerves @@@@ [9]infuriate, irritate, madden, piss one off @@@@ [10]try"} {"x":"wallet","y":"[1]case, holder, notecase, pocketbook, pouch, purse"} {"x":"wallop","y":"[1]batter, beat, belt @@@@ [2]buffet, chin @@@@ [3]clobber @@@@ [4]deck @@@@ [5]hit, lambast(e), lay one on @@@@ [6]paste @@@@ [7]pound, pummel, punch, slug, smack, strike, thrash, thump, whack @@@@ [8]beat, best, blow out of the water @@@@ [9]clobber @@@@ [10]crush, defeat, drub, hammer @@@@ [11]lick @@@@ [12]stuff @@@@ [13]thrash, trounce, vanquish, wipe the floor with @@@@ [14]worst @@@@ [15]bash, belt @@@@ [16]blow, haymaker @@@@ [17]kick, punch, slug, smack, thump, thwack, whack"} {"x":"wallow","y":"[1]lie, roll about, splash around, tumble, welter @@@@ [2]flounder, lurch, stagger, stumble, wade @@@@ [3]bask, delight, glory, indulge oneself, luxuriate, relish, revel, take pleasure"} {"x":"wan","y":"[1]anaemic, ashen, bloodless, cadaverous, colourless, discoloured, ghastly, like death warmed up @@@@ [2]livid, pale, pallid, pasty, sickly, washed out, waxen, wheyfaced, white @@@@ [3]dim, faint, feeble, pale, weak"} {"x":"wand","y":"[1]baton, rod, sprig, stick, twig, withe, withy"} {"x":"wander","y":"[1]cruise, drift, knock about or around, meander, mooch around @@@@ [2]peregrinate, ramble, range, roam, rove, straggle, stravaig @@@@ [3]stray, stroll, traipse @@@@ [4]depart, deviate, digress, divagate @@@@ [5]diverge, err, get lost, go astray, go off at a tangent, go off course, lapse, lose concentration, lose one's train of thought, lose one's way, swerve, veer @@@@ [6]babble, be delirious, be incoherent, ramble, rave, speak incoherently, talk nonsense @@@@ [7]cruise, excursion, meander, peregrination, ramble, traipse"} {"x":"wandering","y":"[1]drifting, homeless, itinerant, migratory, nomadic, peripatetic, rambling, rootless, roving, strolling, travelling, vagabond, vagrant, voyaging, wayfaring"} {"x":"wanderlust","y":"[1]itchy feet"} {"x":"wane","y":"[1]abate, atrophy, decline, decrease, die out, dim, diminish, draw to a close, drop, dwindle, ebb, fade, fade away, fail, lessen, sink, subside, taper off, weaken, wind down, wither @@@@ [2]abatement, atrophy, decay, declension, decrease, diminution, drop, dwindling, ebb, fading, failure, fall, falling off, lessening, sinking, subsidence, tapering off, withering @@@@ [3]at its lowest ebb, declining, dropping, dwindling, dying out, ebbing, fading, lessening, obsolescent, on its last legs, on the decline, on the way out, subsiding, tapering off, weakening, withering"} {"x":"wangle","y":"[1]arrange, bring off, contrive, engineer, fiddle @@@@ [2]finagle @@@@ [3]fix @@@@ [4]manipulate, manoeuvre, pull off, scheme, work"} {"x":"want","y":"[1]covet, crave, desire, eat one's heart out over, feel a need for, hanker after, have a fancy for, have a yen for @@@@ [2]hope for, hunger for, long for, need, pine for, require, set one's heart on, thirst for, wish, would give one's eyeteeth for, yearn for @@@@ [3]be able to do with, be deficient in, be short of, be without, call for, demand, fall short in, have need of, lack, miss, need, require, stand in need of @@@@ [4]appetite, craving, demand, desire, fancy, hankering, hunger, longing, necessity, need, requirement, thirst, wish, yearning, yen @@@@ [5]absence, dearth, default, deficiency, famine, insufficiency, lack, paucity, scantiness, scarcity, shortage @@@@ [6]destitution, indigence, need, neediness, pauperism, penury, poverty, privation"} {"x":"wanting","y":"[1]absent, incomplete, lacking, less, missing, short, shy @@@@ [2]defective, deficient, disappointing, faulty, imperfect, inadequate, inferior, leaving much to be desired, not good enough, not much cop @@@@ [3]not up to expectations, not up to par, patchy, pathetic, poor, sketchy, substandard, unsound"} {"x":"wanton","y":"[1]abandoned, dissipated, dissolute, fast, immoral, lecherous, lewd, libertine, libidinous, licentious, loose, lustful, of easy virtue, promiscuous, rakish, shameless, unchaste @@@@ [2]arbitrary, cruel, evil, gratuitous, groundless, malevolent, malicious, motiveless, needless, senseless, spiteful, uncalled-for, unjustifiable, unjustified, unprovoked, vicious, wicked, wilful @@@@ [3]careless, devil-may-care, extravagant, heedless, immoderate, intemperate, lavish, outrageous, rash, reckless, unrestrained, wild @@@@ [4]Casanova, debauchee, Don Juan, gigolo, harlot, lech or letch @@@@ [5]lecher, libertine, loose woman, profligate, prostitute, rake, roue, scrubber @@@@ [6]slag @@@@ [7]slut, strumpet, tart @@@@ [8]trollop, voluptuary, whore, woman of easy virtue @@@@ [9]debauch, dissipate, revel, riot, sleep around @@@@ [10]wench @@@@ [11]whore @@@@ [12]fritter away, misspend, squander, throw away, waste"} {"x":"war","y":"[1]armed conflict, battle, bloodshed, combat, conflict, contention, contest, enmity, fighting, hostilities, hostility, strife, struggle, warfare @@@@ [2]battle, campaign against, carry on hostilities, clash, combat, conduct a war, contend, contest, fight, make war, strive, struggle, take up arms, wage war"} {"x":"warble","y":"[1]chirp, chirrup, quaver, sing, trill, twitter @@@@ [2]call, chirp, chirrup, cry, quaver, song, trill, twitter"} {"x":"ward","y":"[1]area, district, division, precinct, quarter, zone @@@@ [2]apartment, cubicle, room @@@@ [3]charge, dependant, minor, protege, pupil @@@@ [4]care, charge, custody, guardianship, keeping, protection, safekeeping @@@@ [5]avert, avoid, beat off, block, deflect, fend off, forestall, keep at arm's length, keep at bay, parry, repel, stave off, thwart, turn aside, turn away"} {"x":"warden","y":"[1]administrator, caretaker, curator, custodian, guardian, janitor, keeper, ranger, steward, superintendent, warder, watchman"} {"x":"warder","y":"[1]custodian, gaoler, guard, jailer, keeper, prison officer, screw @@@@ [2]turnkey"} {"x":"wardrobe","y":"[1]closet, clothes cupboard, clothes-press @@@@ [2]apparel, attire, clothes, collection of clothes, outfit"} {"x":"warehouse","y":"[1]depository, depot, stockroom, store, storehouse"} {"x":"warfare","y":"[1]armed conflict, armed struggle, arms, battle, blows, campaigning, clash of arms, combat, conflict, contest, discord, fighting, hostilities, passage of arms, strategy, strife, struggle, war"} {"x":"warily","y":"[1]cagily @@@@ [2]carefully, cautiously, charily, circumspectly, distrustfully, gingerly, guardedly, suspiciously, vigilantly, watchfully, with care"} {"x":"wariness","y":"[1]alertness, attention, caginess @@@@ [2]care, carefulness, caution, circumspection, discretion, distrust, foresight, heedfulness, mindfulness, prudence, suspicion, vigilance, watchfulness"} {"x":"warm","y":"[1]balmy, heated, lukewarm, moderately hot, pleasant, sunny, tepid, thermal @@@@ [2]affable, affectionate, amiable, amorous, cheerful, congenial, cordial, friendly, genial, happy, hearty, hospitable, kindly, likable or likeable, loving, pleasant, tender @@@@ [3]ablaze, animated, ardent, cordial, earnest, effusive, emotional, enthusiastic, excited, fervent, glowing, heated, intense, keen, lively, passionate, spirited, stormy, vehement, vigorous, violent, zealous @@@@ [4]irascible, irritable, passionate, quick, sensitive, short, touchy @@@@ [5]dangerous, disagreeable, hazardous, perilous, tricky, uncomfortable, unpleasant @@@@ [6]heat, heat up, melt, thaw, warm up @@@@ [7]animate, awaken, excite, get going, interest, make enthusiastic, put some life into, rouse, stimulate, stir, turn on @@@@ [8]animate, awaken, excite, get going, interest, make enthusiastic, put some life into, rouse, stimulate, stir, turn on"} {"x":"warmonger","y":"[1]belligerent, hawk, jingo, militarist, sabre-rattler"} {"x":"warmth","y":"[1]heat, hotness, warmness @@@@ [2]animation, ardour, eagerness, earnestness, effusiveness, enthusiasm, excitement, fervency, fervour, fire, heat, intensity, passion, spirit, transport, vehemence, vigour, violence, zeal, zest @@@@ [3]affability, affection, amorousness, cheerfulness, cordiality, happiness, heartiness, hospitableness, kindliness, love, tenderness"} {"x":"warn","y":"[1]admonish, advise, alert, apprise, caution, forewarn, give fair warning, give notice, inform, make (someone) aware, notify, put one on one's guard, summon, tip off"} {"x":"warning","y":"[1]admonition, advice, alarm, alert, augury, caution, caveat, foretoken, hint, notice, notification, omen, premonition, presage, sign, signal, threat, tip, tip-off, token, word, word to the wise @@@@ [2]admonitory, bodeful, cautionary, monitory, ominous, premonitory, threatening"} {"x":"warp","y":"[1]bend, contort, deform, deviate, distort, misshape, pervert, swerve, turn, twist @@@@ [2]bend, bent, bias, contortion, deformation, deviation, distortion, kink, perversion, quirk, turn, twist"} {"x":"warrant","y":"[1]assurance, authority, authorization, carte blanche, commission, guarantee, licence, permission, permit, pledge, sanction, security, warranty @@@@ [2]affirm, answer for, assure, attest, avouch, certify, declare, guarantee, pledge, secure, stand behind, underwrite, uphold, vouch for @@@@ [3]approve, authorize, call for, commission, demand, deserve, empower, entail, entitle, excuse, give ground for, justify, license, necessitate, permit, require, sanction"} {"x":"warranty","y":"[1]assurance, bond, certificate, contract, covenant, guarantee, pledge"} {"x":"warrior","y":"[1]champion, combatant, fighter, fighting man, gladiator, man-at-arms, soldier"} {"x":"wary","y":"[1]alert, attentive, cagey @@@@ [2]careful, cautious, chary, circumspect, distrustful, guarded, heedful, leery @@@@ [3]on one's guard, on the lookout, on the qui vive, prudent, suspicious, vigilant, watchful, wide-awake"} {"x":"wash","y":"[1]bath, bathe, clean, cleanse, launder, moisten, rinse, scrub, shampoo, shower, wet @@@@ [2]bear away, carry off, erode, move, sweep away, wash off @@@@ [3]bear scrutiny, be convincing, be plausible, carry weight, hold up, hold water, stand up, stick @@@@ [4]ablution, bath, bathe, cleaning, cleansing, laundering, rinse, scrub, shampoo, shower, washing @@@@ [5]ebb and flow, flow, roll, surge, sweep, swell, wave @@@@ [6]coat, coating, film, layer, overlay, screen, stain, suffusion"} {"x":"washout","y":"[1]clinker @@@@ [2]disappointment, disaster, dud @@@@ [3]failure, fiasco, flop @@@@ [4]mess @@@@ [5]failure, incompetent, loser"} {"x":"washy","y":"[1]attenuated, diluted, feeble, insipid, overdiluted, thin, watered-down, watery, weak, wishy-washy @@@@ [2]bland, feeble, flat, ineffective, ineffectual, insipid, jejune, tasteless, thin, vapid, watered-down, watery, weak"} {"x":"waste","y":"[1]blow @@@@ [2]dissipate, fritter away, frivol away @@@@ [3]lavish, misuse, run through, squander, throw away @@@@ [4]atrophy, consume, corrode, crumble, debilitate, decay, decline, deplete, disable, drain, dwindle, eat away, ebb, emaciate, enfeeble, exhaust, fade, gnaw, perish, sap the strength of, sink, undermine, wane, wear out, wither @@@@ [5]despoil, destroy, devastate, lay waste, pillage, rape, ravage, raze, ruin, sack, spoil, total @@@@ [6]trash @@@@ [7]dissipation, expenditure, extravagance, frittering away, loss, lost opportunity, misapplication, misuse, prodigality, squandering, unthriftiness, wastefulness @@@@ [8]desolation, destruction, devastation, havoc, ravage, ruin @@@@ [9]debris, dregs, dross, garbage, leavings, leftovers, litter, offal, offscourings, refuse, rubbish, scrap, sweepings, trash @@@@ [10]desert, solitude, void, wasteland, wild, wilderness @@@@ [11]leftover, superfluous, supernumerary, unused, unwanted, useless, worthless @@@@ [12]bare, barren, desolate, devastated, dismal, dreary, empty, uncultivated, uninhabited, unproductive, wild @@@@ [13]depredate @@@@ [14]despoil, destroy, devastate, pillage, rape, ravage, raze, ruin, sack, spoil, wreak havoc upon"} {"x":"wasteland","y":"[1]desert, void, waste, wild, wilderness"} {"x":"wastrel","y":"[1]prodigal, profligate, spendthrift, squanderer @@@@ [2]drone, good-for-nothing, idler, layabout, loafer, loser, malingerer, ne'er-do-well, shirker, skiver @@@@ [3]waster"} {"x":"watch","y":"[1]check, check out @@@@ [2]clock @@@@ [3]contemplate, eye, eyeball @@@@ [4]look, look at, look on, mark, note, observe, pay attention, peer at, regard, see, stare at, take a dekko at @@@@ [5]view @@@@ [6]attend, be on the alert, be on the lookout, be vigilant, be wary, be watchful, keep an eye open @@@@ [7]look out, take heed, wait @@@@ [8]guard, keep, look after, mind, protect, superintend, take care of, tend @@@@ [9]chronometer, clock, pocket watch, timepiece, wristwatch @@@@ [10]alertness, attention, eye, heed, inspection, lookout, notice, observation, supervision, surveillance, vigil, vigilance, watchfulness @@@@ [11]be alert, be careful, be on one's guard, be on the alert, be on (the) watch, be vigilant, be watchful, have a care, keep a sharp lookout, keep a weather eye open, keep one's eyes open, keep one's eyes peeled or skinned @@@@ [12]look out, mind out, watch oneself @@@@ [13]defend, guard, keep safe, look after, preserve, protect, shelter, shield, stand guard over"} {"x":"water","y":"[1]Adam's ale or wine, aqua, H\\I2O @@@@ [2]bear examination or scrutiny, be credible, be logical, be sound, make sense, pass the test, ring true, work @@@@ [3]damp, dampen, douse, drench, flood, hose, irrigate, moisten, soak, souse, spray, sprinkle @@@@ [4]add water to, adulterate, dilute, put water in, thin, water down, weaken @@@@ [5]feeble, innocuous, insipid, jejune, nerdy or nurdy @@@@ [6]vapid, weak, weedy @@@@ [7]wishy-washy @@@@ [8]feeble, innocuous, insipid, jejune, nerdy or nurdy @@@@ [9]vapid, weak, weedy @@@@ [10]wishy-washy"} {"x":"watertight","y":"[1]sound, waterproof @@@@ [2]airtight, firm, flawless, foolproof, impregnable, incontrovertible, sound, unassailable"} {"x":"watery","y":"[1]aqueous, damp, fluid, humid, liquid, marshy, moist, soggy, squelchy, wet @@@@ [2]rheumy, tear-filled, tearful, weepy @@@@ [3]adulterated, dilute, diluted, flavourless, insipid, runny, tasteless, thin, washy, watered-down, waterish, weak, wishy-washy"} {"x":"wave","y":"[1]brandish, flap, flourish, flutter, move to and fro, oscillate, quiver, ripple, shake, stir, sway, swing, undulate, wag, waver, wield @@@@ [2]beckon, direct, gesticulate, gesture, indicate, sign, signal @@@@ [3]billow, breaker, comber, ridge, ripple, roller, sea surf, swell, undulation, unevenness @@@@ [4]current, drift, flood, ground swell, movement, outbreak, rash, rush, stream, surge, sweep, tendency, trend, upsurge"} {"x":"waver","y":"[1]dither @@@@ [2]falter, fluctuate, hesitate, hum and haw, seesaw, shillyshally @@@@ [3]swither @@@@ [4]vacillate @@@@ [5]flicker, fluctuate, quiver, reel, shake, sway, totter, tremble, undulate, vary, wave, weave, wobble"} {"x":"wax","y":"[1]become fuller, become larger, develop, dilate, enlarge, expand, fill out, get bigger, grow, increase, magnify, mount, rise, swell"} {"x":"way","y":"[1]approach, course of action, fashion, manner, means, method, mode, plan, practice, procedure, process, scheme, system, technique @@@@ [2]access, avenue, channel, course, direction, highway, lane, path, pathway, road, route, street, thoroughfare, track, trail @@@@ [3]elbowroom, opening, room, space @@@@ [4]distance, journey, length, stretch, trail @@@@ [5]advance, approach, journey, march, passage, progress @@@@ [6]characteristic, conduct, custom, habit, idiosyncrasy, manner, nature, personality, practice, style, trait, usage, wont @@@@ [7]aspect, detail, feature, particular, point, respect, sense @@@@ [8]aim, ambition, choice, demand, desire, goal, pleasure, will, wish @@@@ [9]circumstance, condition, fettle, shape @@@@ [10]situation, state, status @@@@ [11]forward motion, headway, movement, passage, progress @@@@ [12]by the bye, en passant, incidentally, in parenthesis, in passing @@@@ [13]break down, cave in, collapse, crack, crumple, fall, fall to pieces, give, go to pieces, subside @@@@ [14]accede, acknowledge defeat, acquiesce, back down, concede, make concessions, withdraw, yield @@@@ [15]afoot, begun, going, in motion, in progress, moving, on the go @@@@ [16]distant, far-flung, inaccessible, isolated, lonely, obscure, off the beaten track, outlying, remote, secluded, unfrequented @@@@ [17]abnormal, curious, exceptional, extraordinary, odd, outlandish, out of the ordinary, peculiar, strange, uncommon, unusual"} {"x":"weak","y":"[1]anaemic, debilitated, decrepit, delicate, effete, enervated, exhausted, faint, feeble, fragile, frail, infirm, languid, puny, shaky, sickly, spent, tender, unsound, unsteady, wasted, weakly @@@@ [2]boneless, cowardly, impotent, indecisive, ineffectual, infirm, irresolute, namby-pamby, pathetic, powerless, soft, spineless, timorous, weak-kneed @@@@ [3]distant, dull, faint, imperceptible, low, muffled, poor, quiet, slight, small, soft @@@@ [4]deficient, faulty, inadequate, lacking, pathetic, poor, substandard, under-strength, wanting @@@@ [5]feeble, flimsy, hollow, inconclusive, invalid, lame, pathetic, shallow, slight, unconvincing, unsatisfactory @@@@ [6]defenceless, exposed, helpless, unguarded, unprotected, unsafe, untenable, vulnerable, wide open @@@@ [7]diluted, insipid, milk-and-water, runny, tasteless, thin, under-strength, waterish, watery, wishy-washy"} {"x":"weakness","y":"[1]debility, decrepitude, enervation, faintness, feebleness, fragility, frailty, impotence, infirmity, irresolution, powerlessness, vulnerability @@@@ [2]Achilles heel, blemish, chink in one's armour, defect, deficiency, failing, fault, flaw, imperfection, lack, shortcoming @@@@ [3]fondness, inclination, liking, partiality, passion, penchant, predilection, proclivity, proneness, soft spot"} {"x":"weal","y":"[1]contusion, mark, ridge, scar, streak, stripe, wale, welt, wheal"} {"x":"wealth","y":"[1]affluence, assets, big bucks @@@@ [2]big money, capital, cash, estate, fortune, funds, goods, lucre, means, megabucks @@@@ [3]money, opulence, pelf, possessions, pretty penny @@@@ [4]property, prosperity, resources, riches, substance, tidy sum @@@@ [5]wad @@@@ [6]abundance, bounty, copiousness, cornucopia, fullness, plenitude, plenty, profusion, richness, store"} {"x":"wealthy","y":"[1]affluent, comfortable, filthy rich, flush @@@@ [2]loaded @@@@ [3]opulent, prosperous, quids in @@@@ [4]stinking rich @@@@ [5]well-heeled @@@@ [6]well-off, well-to-do"} {"x":"wear","y":"[1]bear, be clothed in, be dressed in, carry, clothe oneself, don, dress in, have on, put on, sport @@@@ [2]display, exhibit, fly, show @@@@ [3]abrade, consume, corrode, deteriorate, erode, fray, grind, impair, rub, use, wash away, waste @@@@ [4]bear up, be durable, endure, hold up, last, stand up @@@@ [5]annoy, drain, enervate, exasperate, fatigue, get on one's nerves @@@@ [6]harass, irk, pester, tax, undermine, vex, weaken, weary @@@@ [7]accept, allow, brook, countenance, fall for, permit, put up with @@@@ [8]stand for, stomach, swallow @@@@ [9]take @@@@ [10]employment, mileage @@@@ [11]service, use, usefulness, utility @@@@ [12]apparel, attire, clothes, costume, dress, garb, garments, gear @@@@ [13]habit, outfit, things, threads @@@@ [14]abrasion, attrition, corrosion, damage, depreciation, deterioration, erosion, friction, use, wear and tear @@@@ [15]abrasion, attrition, corrosion, damage, depreciation, deterioration, erosion, friction, use, wear and tear @@@@ [16]abrasion, attrition, corrosion, damage, depreciation, deterioration, erosion, friction, use, wear and tear"} {"x":"wearing","y":"[1]exasperating, exhausting, fatiguing, irksome, oppressive, taxing, tiresome, tiring, trying, wearisome"} {"x":"wearisome","y":"[1]annoying, boring, bothersome, burdensome, dull, exasperating, exhausting, fatiguing, humdrum, irksome, mind-numbing, monotonous, oppressive, pestilential, prosaic, tedious, tiresome, troublesome, trying, uninteresting, vexatious, wearing"} {"x":"weary","y":"[1]all in @@@@ [2]clapped out @@@@ [3]dead beat @@@@ [4]dog-tired @@@@ [5]done in @@@@ [6]drained, drooping, drowsy, enervated, exhausted, fagged @@@@ [7]fatigued, flagging, jaded, knackered @@@@ [8]ready to drop, sleepy, spent, tired, wearied, whacked @@@@ [9]worn out, zonked @@@@ [10]arduous, enervative, irksome, laborious, taxing, tiresome, tiring, wearing, wearisome @@@@ [11]bored, browned-off @@@@ [12]discontented, fed up, impatient, indifferent, jaded, sick @@@@ [13]burden, debilitate, drain, droop, enervate, fade, fag @@@@ [14]fail, fatigue, grow tired, sap, take it out of @@@@ [15]tax, tire, tire out, wear out @@@@ [16]annoy, become bored, bore, exasperate, have had enough, irk, jade, make discontented, plague, sicken, try the patience of, vex"} {"x":"weather","y":"[1]climate, conditions @@@@ [2]ailing, below par, ill, indisposed, nauseous, not well, off-colour, out of sorts, poorly @@@@ [3]seedy @@@@ [4]sick @@@@ [5]crapulent, crapulous, drunk, flying @@@@ [6]groggy @@@@ [7]hung over @@@@ [8]inebriated, intoxicated, one over the eight @@@@ [9]expose, harden, season, toughen @@@@ [10]bear up against, brave, come through, endure, get through, live through, make it @@@@ [11]overcome, pull through, resist, ride out, rise above, stand, stick it out @@@@ [12]suffer, surmount, survive, withstand"} {"x":"weave","y":"[1]blend, braid, entwine, fuse, incorporate, interlace, intermingle, intertwine, introduce, knit, mat, merge, plait, twist, unite @@@@ [2]build, construct, contrive, create, fabricate, make, make up, put together, spin @@@@ [3]crisscross, move in and out, weave one's way, wind, zigzag @@@@ [4]get under way, hurry, make a start, shake a leg @@@@ [5]start"} {"x":"web","y":"[1]cobweb, spider's web @@@@ [2]interlacing, lattice, mesh, net, netting, network, screen, tangle, toils, weave, webbing"} {"x":"wed","y":"[1]become man and wife, be married to, espouse, get hitched @@@@ [2]get married, join, make one, marry, plight one's troth @@@@ [3]splice @@@@ [4]unite @@@@ [5]ally, blend, coalesce, combine, commingle, dedicate, fuse, interweave, join, link, marry, merge, unify, unite, yoke"} {"x":"wedding","y":"[1]espousals, marriage, marriage ceremony, nuptial rite, nuptials, wedlock"} {"x":"wedge","y":"[1]block, chock, chunk, lump, wodge @@@@ [2]block, cram, crowd, force, jam, lodge, pack, ram, split, squeeze, stuff, thrust"} {"x":"wedlock","y":"[1]marriage, matrimony"} {"x":"wee","y":"[1]diminutive, insignificant, itsy-bitsy @@@@ [2]Lilliputian, little, microscopic, miniature, minuscule, minute, negligible, pygmy or pigmy, small, teensy-weensy, teeny, teeny-weeny, tiny"} {"x":"weekly","y":"[1]by the week, every week, hebdomadal, hebdomadally, hebdomadary, once a week"} {"x":"weep","y":"[1]bemoan, bewail, blub @@@@ [2]blubber, boohoo, complain, cry, greet @@@@ [3]keen, lament, moan, mourn, shed tears, snivel, sob, ululate, whimper, whinge"} {"x":"weigh","y":"[1]apportion, deal out, dole out, measure @@@@ [2]consider, contemplate, deliberate upon, evaluate, examine, eye up, give thought to, meditate upon, mull over, ponder, reflect upon, study, think over @@@@ [3]be influential, carry weight, count, cut any ice @@@@ [4]have influence, impress, matter, tell @@@@ [5]bear down, burden, oppress, prey @@@@ [6]bear down, burden, depress, get down, oppress, overburden, overload, press down, trouble, weigh upon, worry"} {"x":"weight","y":"[1]avoirdupois, burden, gravity, heaviness, heft @@@@ [2]load, mass, poundage, pressure, tonnage @@@@ [3]ballast, heavy object, load, mass @@@@ [4]albatross, burden, load, millstone, oppression, pressure, strain @@@@ [5]greatest force, main force, onus, preponderance @@@@ [6]authority, bottom, clout @@@@ [7]consequence, consideration, efficacy, emphasis, impact, import, importance, influence, moment, persuasiveness, power, significance, substance, value @@@@ [8]add weight to, ballast, charge, freight, increase the load on, increase the weight of, load, make heavier @@@@ [9]burden, encumber, handicap, impede, oppress, overburden, weigh down @@@@ [10]bias, load, unbalance"} {"x":"weird","y":"[1]bizarre, creepy @@@@ [2]eerie, eldritch @@@@ [3]far-out @@@@ [4]freakish, ghostly, grotesque, mysterious, odd, outlandish, queer, spooky @@@@ [5]strange, supernatural, uncanny, unearthly, unnatural"} {"x":"welcome","y":"[1]acceptable, accepted, agreeable, appreciated, delightful, desirable, gladly received, gratifying, pleasant, pleasing, pleasurable, refreshing, wanted @@@@ [2]at home, free, invited, under no obligation @@@@ [3]acceptance, entertainment, greeting, hospitality, reception, salutation @@@@ [4]accept gladly, bid welcome, embrace, greet, hail, meet, offer hospitality to, receive, receive with open arms, roll out the red carpet for, usher in"} {"x":"weld","y":"[1]bind, bond, braze, cement, connect, fuse, join, link, solder, unite @@@@ [2]bond, joint, juncture, seam"} {"x":"welfare","y":"[1]advantage, benefit, good, happiness, health, interest, profit, prosperity, success, wellbeing"} {"x":"well","y":"[1]fount, fountain, pool, source, spring, waterhole @@@@ [2]bore, hole, pit, shaft @@@@ [3]fount, mine, repository, source, wellspring @@@@ [4]exude, flow, gush, jet, ooze, pour, rise, run, seep, spout, spring, spurt, stream, surge, trickle @@@@ [5]agreeably, capitally, famously @@@@ [6]nicely, pleasantly, satisfactorily, smoothly, splendidly, successfully @@@@ [7]ably, adeptly, adequately, admirably, conscientiously, correctly, effectively, efficiently, expertly, proficiently, properly, skilfully, with skill @@@@ [8]accurately, attentively, carefully, closely @@@@ [9]comfortably, flourishingly, prosperously @@@@ [10]correctly, easily, fairly, fittingly, in all fairness, justly, properly, readily, rightly, suitably @@@@ [11]closely, completely, deeply, fully, intimately, personally, profoundly, thoroughly @@@@ [12]approvingly, favourably, glowingly, graciously, highly, kindly, warmly @@@@ [13]abundantly, amply, completely, considerably, fully, greatly, heartily, highly, substantially, sufficiently, thoroughly, very much @@@@ [14]also, besides, in addition, into the bargain, to boot, too @@@@ [15]along with, at the same time as, in addition to, including, over and above @@@@ [16]able-bodied, alive and kicking, fighting fit @@@@ [17]fit, fit as a fiddle, hale, healthy, hearty, in fine fettle, in good health, robust, sound, strong, up to par @@@@ [18]advisable, agreeable, bright, fine, fitting, flourishing, fortunate, good, happy, lucky, pleasing, profitable, proper, prudent, right, satisfactory, thriving, useful"} {"x":"welt","y":"[1]contusion, mark, ridge, scar, streak, stripe, wale, weal, wheal"} {"x":"welter","y":"[1]flounder, lie, roll, splash, tumble, wade, wallow, writhe @@@@ [2]billow, heave, pitch, roll, surge, swell, toss @@@@ [3]confusion, hotchpotch, jumble, mess, muddle, tangle, web"} {"x":"wend","y":"[1]direct one's course, go, make for, move, proceed, progress, travel @@@@ [2]If you wend your way in a particular direction, you walk, especially slowly, casually, or carefully, in that direction."} {"x":"wet","y":"[1]aqueous, damp, dank, drenched, dripping, humid, moist, moistened, saturated, soaked, soaking, sodden, soggy, sopping, waterlogged, watery, wringing wet @@@@ [2]clammy, dank, drizzling, humid, misty, pouring, raining, rainy, showery, teeming @@@@ [3]boneless, effete, feeble, foolish, ineffectual, irresolute, namby-pamby, nerdy or nurdy @@@@ [4]silly, soft, spineless, timorous, weak, weedy @@@@ [5]as green as grass, born yesterday, callow, green, immature, inexperienced, innocent, naive, new, raw @@@@ [6]clamminess, condensation, damp, dampness, humidity, liquid, moisture, water, wetness @@@@ [7]damp weather, drizzle, rain, rains, rainy season, rainy weather @@@@ [8]drip @@@@ [9]milksop, weakling, weed @@@@ [10]wimp @@@@ [11]wuss @@@@ [12]damp, dampen, dip, douse, drench, humidify, irrigate, moisten, saturate, soak, splash, spray, sprinkle, steep, water"} {"x":"whack","y":"[1]bang, bash @@@@ [2]beat, belabour, belt @@@@ [3]box, buffet, chin @@@@ [4]clobber @@@@ [5]clout @@@@ [6]cuff, deck @@@@ [7]hit, lambast(e), lay one on @@@@ [8]rap, slap, slug, smack, sock @@@@ [9]strike, thrash, thump, thwack, wallop @@@@ [10]bang, bash @@@@ [11]belt @@@@ [12]blow, box, buffet, clout @@@@ [13]cuff, hit, rap, slap, slug, smack, sock @@@@ [14]stroke, thump, thwack, wallop @@@@ [15]wham @@@@ [16]allotment, bit, cut @@@@ [17]part, portion, quota, share @@@@ [18]attempt, bash @@@@ [19]crack @@@@ [20]go @@@@ [21]shot @@@@ [22]stab @@@@ [23]try, turn"} {"x":"wharf","y":"[1]dock, jetty, landing stage, pier, quay"} {"x":"wheal","y":"[1]contusion, mark, ridge, scar, streak, stripe, wale, weal"} {"x":"wheedle","y":"[1]butter up, cajole, charm, coax, court, draw, entice, flatter, inveigle, persuade, talk into, worm"} {"x":"wheel","y":"[1]circle, gyration, pivot, revolution, roll, rotation, spin, turn, twirl, whirl @@@@ [2]at the helm, driving, in charge, in command, in control, in the driving seat, steering @@@@ [3]circle, gyrate, orbit, pirouette, revolve, roll, rotate, spin, swing, swivel, turn, twirl, whirl"} {"x":"wheeze","y":"[1]breathe roughly, catch one's breath, cough, gasp, hiss, rasp, whistle @@@@ [2]cough, gasp, hiss, rasp, whistle @@@@ [3]expedient, idea, plan, ploy, ruse, scheme, stunt, trick, wrinkle @@@@ [4]anecdote, chestnut @@@@ [5]crack @@@@ [6]gag @@@@ [7]joke, old joke, one-liner @@@@ [8]story"} {"x":"whereabouts","y":"[1]location, position, site, situation"} {"x":"wherewithal","y":"[1]capital, equipment, essentials, funds, means, money, ready @@@@ [2]ready money, resources, supplies"} {"x":"whet","y":"[1]edge, file, grind, hone, sharpen, strop @@@@ [2]animate, arouse, awaken, enhance, excite, incite, increase, kindle, pique, provoke, quicken, rouse, stimulate, stir"} {"x":"whiff","y":"[1]aroma, blast, breath, draught, gust, hint, niff @@@@ [2]odour, puff, scent, smell, sniff @@@@ [3]breathe, inhale, puff, smell, smoke, sniff, waft @@@@ [4]hum @@@@ [5]malodour, niff @@@@ [6]pong @@@@ [7]reek, stink"} {"x":"whim","y":"[1]caprice, conceit, craze, crotchet, fad @@@@ [2]fancy, freak, humour, impulse, notion, passing thought, quirk, sport, sudden notion, urge, vagary, whimsy"} {"x":"whimper","y":"[1]blub @@@@ [2]blubber, cry, grizzle @@@@ [3]mewl, moan, pule, snivel, sob, weep, whine, whinge @@@@ [4]moan, snivel, sob, whine"} {"x":"whimsical","y":"[1]capricious, chimerical, crotchety, curious, droll, eccentric, fanciful, fantastic, fantastical, freakish, funny, mischievous, odd, peculiar, playful, quaint, queer, singular, unusual, waggish, weird"} {"x":"whine","y":"[1]cry, moan, plaintive cry, sob, wail, whimper @@@@ [2]beef @@@@ [3]complaint, gripe @@@@ [4]grouch @@@@ [5]grouse, grumble, moan @@@@ [6]beef @@@@ [7]bellyache @@@@ [8]bleat, carp, complain, cry, gripe @@@@ [9]grizzle @@@@ [10]grouch @@@@ [11]grouse, grumble, kvetch @@@@ [12]moan, sob, wail, whimper, whinge"} {"x":"whip","y":"[1]beat, birch, cane, castigate, flagellate, flog, give a hiding @@@@ [2]lambast(e), lash, leather, lick @@@@ [3]punish, scourge, spank, strap, switch, tan @@@@ [4]thrash @@@@ [5]exhibit, flash, jerk, produce, pull, remove, seize, show, snatch, whisk @@@@ [6]dart, dash, dive, flit, flounce, fly, rush, shoot, tear, whisk @@@@ [7]beat, best, blow out of the water @@@@ [8]clobber @@@@ [9]conquer, defeat, drub, hammer @@@@ [10]lick @@@@ [11]outdo, overcome, overpower, overwhelm, rout, run rings around @@@@ [12]stuff @@@@ [13]take apart @@@@ [14]thrash, trounce, wipe the floor with @@@@ [15]worst @@@@ [16]agitate, compel, drive, foment, goad, hound, incite, instigate, prick, prod, provoke, push, spur, stir, urge, work up @@@@ [17]beat, whisk @@@@ [18]birch, bullwhip, cane, cat-o'-nine-tails, crop, horsewhip, knout, lash, rawhide, riding crop, scourge, switch, thong @@@@ [19]agitate, arouse, excite, foment, incite, inflame, instigate, kindle, provoke, rouse, stir up, work up"} {"x":"whirl","y":"[1]circle, gyrate, pirouette, pivot, reel, revolve, roll, rotate, spin, swirl, turn, twirl, twist, wheel @@@@ [2]feel dizzy, reel, spin @@@@ [3]birl @@@@ [4]circle, gyration, pirouette, reel, revolution, roll, rotation, spin, swirl, turn, twirl, twist, wheel @@@@ [5]confusion, daze, dither @@@@ [6]flurry, giddiness, spin @@@@ [7]flurry, merry-go-round, round, series, succession @@@@ [8]agitation, bustle, commotion, confusion, flurry, hurly-burly, stir, tumult, uproar @@@@ [9]attempt, have a bash, have a crack @@@@ [10]try"} {"x":"whisk","y":"[1]brush, flick, sweep, whip, wipe @@@@ [2]barrel (along) @@@@ [3]burn rubber @@@@ [4]dart, dash, fly, hasten, hurry, race, rush, shoot, speed, sweep, tear @@@@ [5]beat, fluff up, whip @@@@ [6]brush, flick, sweep, whip, wipe @@@@ [7]beater"} {"x":"whisky","y":"[1]barley-bree @@@@ [2]bourbon, firewater, John Barleycorn, malt, rye, Scotch, usquebaugh"} {"x":"whisper","y":"[1]breathe, murmur, say softly, speak in hushed tones, utter under the breath @@@@ [2]gossip, hint, insinuate, intimate, murmur, spread rumours @@@@ [3]hiss, murmur, rustle, sigh, sough, susurrate @@@@ [4]swish @@@@ [5]hushed tone, low voice, murmur, soft voice, undertone @@@@ [6]hiss, murmur, rustle, sigh, sighing, soughing, susurration or susurrus @@@@ [7]swish @@@@ [8]breath, fraction, hint, shadow, suggestion, suspicion, tinge, trace, whiff @@@@ [9]buzz, dirt @@@@ [10]gossip, innuendo, insinuation, report, rumour, scuttlebutt @@@@ [11]word"} {"x":"whit","y":"[1]atom, bit, crumb, dash, drop, fragment, grain, iota, jot, least bit, little, mite, modicum, particle, piece, pinch, scrap, shred, speck, trace"} {"x":"white","y":"[1]ashen, bloodless, ghastly, grey, like death warmed up @@@@ [2]pale, pallid, pasty, wan, waxen, wheyfaced @@@@ [3]grey, grizzled, hoary, silver, snowy @@@@ [4]clean, immaculate, impeccable, innocent, pure, spotless, squeaky-clean, stainless, unblemished, unsullied"} {"x":"whiten","y":"[1]blanch, bleach, blench, etiolate, fade, go white, pale, turn pale"} {"x":"whitewash","y":"[1]camouflage, concealment, cover-up, deception, extenuation @@@@ [2]camouflage, conceal, cover up, extenuate, gloss over, make light of, suppress"} {"x":"whittle","y":"[1]carve, cut, hew, pare, shape, shave, trim @@@@ [2]consume, destroy, eat away, erode, reduce, undermine, wear away"} {"x":"whole","y":"[1]complete, entire, full, in one piece, integral, total, unabridged, uncut, undivided @@@@ [2]faultless, flawless, good, in one piece, intact, inviolate, mint, perfect, sound, unbroken, undamaged, unharmed, unhurt, unimpaired, uninjured, unmutilated, unscathed, untouched @@@@ [3]able-bodied, better, cured, fit, hale, healed, healthy, in fine fettle, in good health, recovered, robust, sound, strong, well @@@@ [4]aggregate, all, everything, lot, sum total, the entire amount, total @@@@ [5]ensemble, entirety, entity, fullness, piece, totality, unit, unity @@@@ [6]as a rule, for the most part, generally, in general, in the main, mostly, predominantly"} {"x":"wholehearted","y":"[1]committed, complete, dedicated, determined, devoted, earnest, emphatic, enthusiastic, genuine, heartfelt, hearty, real, sincere, true, unfeigned, unqualified, unreserved, unstinting, warm, zealous"} {"x":"wholesale","y":"[1]all-inclusive, broad, comprehensive, extensive, far-reaching, indiscriminate, mass, sweeping, wide-ranging @@@@ [2]all at once, comprehensively, extensively, indiscriminately, on a large scale, without exception"} {"x":"wholesome","y":"[1]beneficial, good, healthful, health-giving, healthy, helpful, hygienic, invigorating, nourishing, nutritious, salubrious, salutary, sanitary, strengthening @@@@ [2]apple-pie @@@@ [3]clean, decent, edifying, ethical, exemplary, honourable, improving, innocent, moral, nice, pure, respectable, righteous, squeaky-clean, uplifting, virtuous, worthy"} {"x":"wholly","y":"[1]all, altogether, completely, comprehensively, entirely, fully, heart and soul, in every respect, one hundred per cent @@@@ [2]perfectly, thoroughly, totally, utterly @@@@ [3]exclusively, only, solely, without exception"} {"x":"whoop","y":"[1]cheer, cry, halloo, holler @@@@ [2]hoot, hurrah, scream, shout, shriek, yell"} {"x":"whopper","y":"[1]colossus, crackerjack @@@@ [2]giant, jumbo @@@@ [3]leviathan, mammoth, monster @@@@ [4]big lie, fable, fabrication, falsehood, tall story @@@@ [5]untruth"} {"x":"whore","y":"[1]brass @@@@ [2]call girl, cocotte, courtesan, demimondaine, demirep @@@@ [3]fallen woman, fille de joie, harlot, hooker @@@@ [4]hustler @@@@ [5]lady of the night, loose woman, prostitute, scrubber @@@@ [6]slag @@@@ [7]streetwalker, strumpet, tart @@@@ [8]trollop, woman of easy virtue, woman of ill repute, working girl @@@@ [9]hustle @@@@ [10]prostitute oneself, sell one's body, sell oneself, solicit, walk the streets @@@@ [11]sleep around @@@@ [12]wanton, wench @@@@ [13]womanize @@@@ [14]sweat excessively"} {"x":"whorl","y":"[1]coil, corkscrew, helix, spiral, swirl, twist, vortex"} {"x":"wicked","y":"[1]abandoned, abominable, amoral, atrocious, bad, black-hearted, corrupt, debased, depraved, devilish, dissolute, egregious, evil, fiendish, flagitious, foul, guilty, heinous, immoral, impious, iniquitous, irreligious, maleficent, nefarious, scandalous, shameful, sinful, sink, unprincipled, unrighteous, vicious, vile, villainous, worthless @@@@ [2]arch, impish, incorrigible, mischievous, naughty, rascally, roguish @@@@ [3]acute, agonizing, awful, crashing, destructive, dreadful, fearful, fierce, harmful, injurious, intense, mighty, painful, severe, terrible @@@@ [4]bothersome, difficult, distressing, galling, offensive, troublesome, trying, unpleasant @@@@ [5]adept, adroit, deft, expert, masterly, mighty, outstanding, powerful, skilful, strong"} {"x":"wide","y":"[1]ample, broad, catholic, comprehensive, distended, encyclopedic, expanded, expansive, extensive, far-reaching, general, immense, inclusive, large, sweeping, vast @@@@ [2]away, distant, off, off course, off target, remote @@@@ [3]dilated, distended, expanded, fully open, outspread, outstretched @@@@ [4]ample, baggy, capacious, commodious, full, loose, roomy, spacious @@@@ [5]as far as possible, completely, fully, right out, to the furthest extent @@@@ [6]astray, nowhere near, off course, off target, off the mark, out @@@@ [7]astray, nowhere near, off course, off target, off the mark, out"} {"x":"widen","y":"[1]broaden, dilate, enlarge, expand, extend, open out or up, open wide, spread, stretch"} {"x":"widespread","y":"[1]broad, common, epidemic, extensive, far-flung, far-reaching, general, pervasive, popular, prevalent, rife, sweeping, universal, wholesale"} {"x":"width","y":"[1]breadth, compass, diameter, extent, girth, measure, range, reach, scope, span, thickness, wideness"} {"x":"wield","y":"[1]brandish, employ, flourish, handle, manage, manipulate, ply, swing, use @@@@ [2]apply, be possessed of, command, control, exercise, exert, have, have at one's disposal, hold, maintain, make use of, manage, possess, put to use, utilize"} {"x":"wife","y":"[1]better half @@@@ [2]bride, helpmate, helpmeet, her indoors @@@@ [3]little woman @@@@ [4]mate, old lady @@@@ [5]old woman @@@@ [6]partner, significant other @@@@ [7]vrou @@@@ [8]woman"} {"x":"wiggle","y":"[1]jerk, jiggle, shake, shimmy, squirm, twitch, wag, waggle, writhe"} {"x":"wild","y":"[1]feral, ferocious, fierce, savage, unbroken, undomesticated, untamed @@@@ [2]free, indigenous, native, natural, uncultivated @@@@ [3]desert, deserted, desolate, empty, godforsaken, lonely, trackless, uncivilized, uncultivated, uninhabited, unpopulated, virgin @@@@ [4]barbaric, barbarous, brutish, ferocious, fierce, primitive, rude, savage, uncivilized @@@@ [5]boisterous, chaotic, disorderly, impetuous, lawless, noisy, riotous, rough, rowdy, self-willed, turbulent, unbridled, uncontrolled, undisciplined, unfettered, ungovernable, unmanageable, unrestrained, unruly, uproarious, violent, wayward @@@@ [6]blustery, choppy, furious, howling, intense, raging, rough, tempestuous, violent @@@@ [7]dishevelled, disordered, straggly, tousled, unkempt, untidy, windblown @@@@ [8]at one's wits' end, berserk, beside oneself, crazed, crazy, delirious, demented, excited, frantic, frenzied, hysterical, irrational, mad, maniacal, rabid, raving @@@@ [9]extravagant, fantastic, flighty, foolhardy, foolish, giddy, ill-considered, impracticable, imprudent, madcap, outrageous, preposterous, rash, reckless @@@@ [10]agog, avid, crazy @@@@ [11]daft @@@@ [12]eager, enthusiastic, excited, gonzo @@@@ [13]mad @@@@ [14]nuts @@@@ [15]potty @@@@ [16]grow unchecked, ramble, spread, straggle @@@@ [17]abandon all restraint, cut loose, go on the rampage, kick over the traces, rampage, run free, run riot, stray @@@@ [18]uninhabited area, wasteland, wilderness"} {"x":"wilderness","y":"[1]desert, jungle, waste, wasteland, wild @@@@ [2]clutter, confused mass, confusion, congeries, jumble, maze, muddle, tangle, welter"} {"x":"wile","y":"[1]artfulness, artifice, cheating, chicanery, craft, craftiness, cunning, fraud, guile, slyness, trickery @@@@ [2]artifice, contrivance, device, dodge, imposition, lure, manoeuvre, ploy, ruse, stratagem, subterfuge, trick"} {"x":"wilful","y":"[1]adamant, bull-headed, determined, dogged, froward @@@@ [2]headstrong, inflexible, intractable, intransigent, mulish, obdurate, obstinate, persistent, perverse, pig-headed, refractory, self-willed, stiff-necked, stubborn, uncompromising, unyielding @@@@ [3]conscious, deliberate, intended, intentional, purposeful, volitional, voluntary, willed"} {"x":"will","y":"[1]choice, decision, determination, discretion, option, prerogative, volition @@@@ [2]declaration, last wishes, testament @@@@ [3]choice, decision, decree, desire, fancy, inclination, mind, pleasure, preference, wish @@@@ [4]aim, determination, intention, purpose, resolution, resolve, willpower @@@@ [5]attitude, disposition, feeling @@@@ [6]as one pleases, as one thinks fit, as one wishes, at one's desire, at one's discretion, at one's inclination, at one's pleasure, at one's whim, at one's wish @@@@ [7]bid, bring about, cause, command, decree, determine, direct, effect, ordain, order, resolve @@@@ [8]choose, desire, elect, opt, prefer, see fit, want, wish @@@@ [9]bequeath, confer, give, leave, pass on, transfer @@@@ [10]acrimony, animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, aversion, bad blood, dislike, enmity, envy, grudge, hard feelings, hatred, hostility, malevolence, malice, no love lost, rancour, resentment, spite, unfriendliness, venom"} {"x":"willing","y":"[1]agreeable, amenable, compliant, consenting, content, desirous, disposed, eager, enthusiastic, favourable, game @@@@ [2]happy, inclined, in favour, in the mood, nothing loath, pleased, prepared, ready, so-minded"} {"x":"willowy","y":"[1]graceful, limber, lissom(e), lithe, slender, slim, supple, svelte, sylphlike"} {"x":"willpower","y":"[1]determination, drive, firmness of purpose or will, fixity of purpose, force or strength of will, grit, resolution, resolve, self-control, self-discipline, single-mindedness"} {"x":"wilt","y":"[1]become limp or flaccid, droop, sag, shrivel, wither @@@@ [2]diminish, dwindle, ebb, fade, fail, flag, languish, lose courage, melt away, sag, sink, wane, weaken, wither"} {"x":"wily","y":"[1]arch, artful, astute, cagey @@@@ [2]crafty, crooked, cunning, deceitful, deceptive, designing, fly @@@@ [3]foxy, guileful, intriguing, scheming, sharp, shifty, shrewd, sly, tricky, underhand"} {"x":"win","y":"[1]achieve first place, achieve mastery, be victorious, carry all before one, carry the day, come first, conquer, finish first, gain victory, overcome, prevail, succeed, sweep the board, take the prize, triumph @@@@ [2]accomplish, achieve, acquire, attain, bag @@@@ [3]catch, collect, come away with, earn, gain, get, land, net, obtain, pick up, procure, receive, secure @@@@ [4]allure, attract, bring or talk round, carry, charm, convert, convince, disarm, induce, influence, persuade, prevail upon, sway @@@@ [5]conquest, success, triumph, victory"} {"x":"wince","y":"[1]blench, cower, cringe, draw back, flinch, quail, recoil, shrink, start @@@@ [2]cringe, flinch, start"} {"x":"wind","y":"[1]air, air-current, blast, breath, breeze, current of air, draught, gust, zephyr @@@@ [2]clue, hint, inkling, intimation, notice, report, rumour, suggestion, tidings, warning, whisper @@@@ [3]babble, blather, bluster, boasting, empty talk, gab @@@@ [4]hot air, humbug, idle talk, talk, verbalizing @@@@ [5]breath, puff, respiration @@@@ [6]flatulence, flatus, gas @@@@ [7]be afraid, be alarmed, be frightened, be scared, fear, take fright @@@@ [8]about to happen, approaching, close at hand, coming, imminent, impending, in the offing, near, on the cards @@@@ [9]alarm, discourage, frighten, frighten off, scare, scare off @@@@ [10]coil, curl, encircle, furl, loop, reel, roll, spiral, turn around, twine, twist, wreathe @@@@ [11]bend, curve, deviate, meander, ramble, snake, turn, twist, zigzag @@@@ [12]bend, curve, meander, turn, twist, zigzag"} {"x":"windbag","y":"[1]bigmouth @@@@ [2]blether @@@@ [3]blowhard @@@@ [4]boaster, bore, braggart, bullshit artist @@@@ [5]bullshitter @@@@ [6]gasbag @@@@ [7]gossip, loudmouth @@@@ [8]prattler"} {"x":"windfall","y":"[1]bonanza, find, godsend, jackpot, manna from heaven, pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, stroke of luck"} {"x":"winding","y":"[1]bend, convolution, curve, meander, turn, twist, undulation @@@@ [2]anfractuous, bending, circuitous, convoluted, crooked, curving, flexuous, indirect, meandering, roundabout, serpentine, sinuous, spiral, tortuous, turning, twisting, twisty"} {"x":"windy","y":"[1]blowy, blustering, blustery, boisterous, breezy, gusty, inclement, squally, stormy, tempestuous, wild, windswept @@@@ [2]boastful, bombastic, diffuse, empty, garrulous, long-winded, loquacious, meandering, pompous, prolix, rambling, turgid, verbose, wordy @@@@ [3]afraid, chicken @@@@ [4]chickenshit @@@@ [5]cowardly, fearful, frightened, nervous, nervy @@@@ [6]scared, timid"} {"x":"wing","y":"[1]pinion @@@@ [2]arm, branch, cabal, circle, clique, coterie, faction, group, grouping, schism, section, segment, set, side @@@@ [3]adjunct, annexe, ell, extension @@@@ [4]fly, glide, soar @@@@ [5]fleet, fly, hasten, hurry, race, speed, zoom @@@@ [6]clip, hit, nick, wound"} {"x":"wink","y":"[1]bat, blink, flutter, nictate, nictitate @@@@ [2]flash, gleam, glimmer, sparkle, twinkle @@@@ [3]blink, flutter, nictation @@@@ [4]flash, gleam, glimmering, sparkle, twinkle @@@@ [5]instant, jiffy @@@@ [6]moment, second, split second, twinkling @@@@ [7]allow, blink at, condone, connive at, disregard, ignore, overlook, pretend not to notice, put up with"} {"x":"winner","y":"[1]champ @@@@ [2]champion, conquering hero, conqueror, first, master, vanquisher, victor"} {"x":"winning","y":"[1]alluring, amiable, attractive, bewitching, captivating, charming, cute, delectable, delightful, disarming, enchanting, endearing, engaging, fascinating, fetching, likable or likeable, lovely, pleasing, prepossessing, sweet, taking, winsome @@@@ [2]conquering, successful, triumphant, victorious"} {"x":"winnow","y":"[1]comb, cull, divide, fan, part, screen, select, separate, separate the wheat from the chaff, sift, sort out"} {"x":"winsome","y":"[1]agreeable, alluring, amiable, attractive, bewitching, captivating, charming, comely, cute, delectable, disarming, enchanting, endearing, engaging, fair, fascinating, fetching, likable or likeable, pleasant, pleasing, pretty, sweet, taking, winning"} {"x":"wintry","y":"[1]brumal, chilly, cold, freezing, frosty, frozen, harsh, hibernal, hiemal, icy, snowy @@@@ [2]bleak, cheerless, cold, desolate, dismal"} {"x":"wipe","y":"[1]brush, clean, dry, dust, mop, rub, sponge, swab @@@@ [2]clean off, erase, get rid of, remove, rub off, take away, take off @@@@ [3]brush, lick, rub, swab @@@@ [4]annihilate, blot out, blow away @@@@ [5]destroy, efface, eradicate, erase, expunge, exterminate, extirpate, kill to the last man, massacre, obliterate, take out"} {"x":"wisdom","y":"[1]astuteness, circumspection, comprehension, discernment, enlightenment, erudition, foresight, insight, intelligence, judgment, judiciousness, knowledge, learning, penetration, prudence, reason, sagacity, sapience, sense, smarts @@@@ [2]sound judgment, understanding"} {"x":"wise","y":"[1]aware, clever, clued-up @@@@ [2]discerning, enlightened, erudite, informed, intelligent, judicious, knowing, perceptive, politic, prudent, rational, reasonable, sagacious, sage, sapient, sensible, shrewd, sound, understanding, well-advised, well-informed @@@@ [3]alert, apprise, clue in or up @@@@ [4]inform, let (someone) into the secret, notify, tell, tip off, warn @@@@ [5]alert, apprise, clue in or up @@@@ [6]inform, let (someone) into the secret, notify, tell, tip off, warn"} {"x":"wisecrack","y":"[1]barb, funny @@@@ [2]gag @@@@ [3]jest, jibe, joke, pithy remark, quip, sally, sardonic remark, smart remark, witticism @@@@ [4]be facetious, jest, jibe, joke, quip, tell jokes"} {"x":"wish","y":"[1]aspire, covet, crave, desiderate, desire, hanker, hope, hunger, long, need, set one's heart on, sigh for, thirst, want, yearn @@@@ [2]bid, greet with @@@@ [3]ask, bid, command, desire, direct, instruct, order, require @@@@ [4]aspiration, desire, hankering, hope, hunger, inclination, intention, liking, longing, thirst, urge, want, whim, will, yearning @@@@ [5]bidding, command, desire, order, request, will"} {"x":"wisp","y":"[1]piece, shred, snippet, strand, thread, twist"} {"x":"wistful","y":"[1]contemplative, disconsolate, dreaming, dreamy, forlorn, longing, meditative, melancholy, mournful, musing, pensive, reflective, sad, thoughtful, yearning"} {"x":"wit","y":"[1]badinage, banter, drollery, facetiousness, fun, humour, jocularity, levity, pleasantry, raillery, repartee, wordplay @@@@ [2]card @@@@ [3]comedian, epigrammatist, farceur, humorist, joker, punster, wag @@@@ [4]acumen, brains, cleverness, common sense, comprehension, discernment, ingenuity, insight, intellect, judgment, mind, nous @@@@ [5]perception, practical intelligence, reason, sense, smarts @@@@ [6]understanding, wisdom"} {"x":"witch","y":"[1]crone, enchantress, hag, magician, necromancer, occultist, sorceress"} {"x":"withdraw","y":"[1]draw back, draw out, extract, pull, pull out, remove, take away, take off @@@@ [2]abjure, disavow, disclaim, recall, recant, rescind, retract, revoke, take back, unsay @@@@ [3]absent oneself, back off, back out, cop out @@@@ [4]depart, detach oneself, disengage, drop out, fall back, go, leave, make oneself scarce @@@@ [5]pull back, pull out, retire, retreat, secede"} {"x":"withdrawal","y":"[1]extraction, removal @@@@ [2]abjuration, disavowal, disclaimer, recall, recantation, repudiation, rescission, retraction, revocation @@@@ [3]departure, disengagement, exit, exodus, retirement, retreat, secession"} {"x":"wither","y":"[1]atrophy, blast, blight, decay, decline, desiccate, disintegrate, droop, dry, fade, languish, perish, shrink, shrivel, wane, waste, wilt @@@@ [2]abash, blast, humiliate, mortify, put down, shame, snub"} {"x":"withhold","y":"[1]check, conceal, deduct, hide, hold back, keep, keep back, keep secret, refuse, repress, reserve, resist, restrain, retain, sit on @@@@ [2]suppress @@@@ [3]forbear, keep oneself, refrain, stop oneself"} {"x":"within","y":"[1]If something is within sight, within earshot, or within reach, you can see it, hear it, or reach it."} {"x":"withstand","y":"[1]bear, brave, combat, confront, cope with, defy, endure, face, grapple with, hold off, hold out against, oppose, put up with @@@@ [2]resist, stand up to, suffer, take, take on, thwart, tolerate, weather @@@@ [3]endure, hold or stand one's ground, hold out, remain firm, stand, stand fast, stand firm"} {"x":"witless","y":"[1]asinine, braindead @@@@ [2]crackpot @@@@ [3]crazy, daft @@@@ [4]dozy @@@@ [5]dull, empty-headed, foolish, goofy @@@@ [6]halfwitted, idiotic, imbecilic, inane, loopy @@@@ [7]moronic, obtuse, rattlebrained @@@@ [8]senseless, silly, stupid, unintelligent"} {"x":"witness","y":"[1]beholder, bystander, eyewitness, looker-on, observer, onlooker, spectator, viewer, watcher @@@@ [2]attestant, corroborator, deponent, testifier @@@@ [3]depone, depose, give evidence, give testimony, testify @@@@ [4]attest to, bear out, be evidence of, be proof of, betoken, confirm, constitute proof of, corroborate, demonstrate, evince, prove, show, testify to, vouch for @@@@ [5]attend, behold @@@@ [6]be present at, look on, mark, note, notice, observe, perceive, see, view, watch @@@@ [7]attest, authenticate, bear out, bear witness, confirm, corroborate, depone, depose, give evidence, give testimony, testify @@@@ [8]countersign, endorse, sign"} {"x":"witticism","y":"[1]bon mot, clever remark, epigram, one-liner @@@@ [2]play on words, pleasantry, pun, quip, repartee, riposte, sally, witty remark"} {"x":"witty","y":"[1]amusing, brilliant, clever, droll, epigrammatic, facetious, fanciful, funny, gay, humorous, ingenious, jocular, lively, original, piquant, sparkling, waggish, whimsical"} {"x":"wizard","y":"[1]conjuror, enchanter, mage @@@@ [2]magician, magus, necromancer, occultist, shaman, sorcerer, thaumaturge @@@@ [3]warlock, witch @@@@ [4]ace @@@@ [5]adept, buff @@@@ [6]expert, genius, hotshot @@@@ [7]maestro, master, maven @@@@ [8]prodigy, star, virtuoso, whizz @@@@ [9]whizz kid @@@@ [10]wiz"} {"x":"wizened","y":"[1]dried up, gnarled, lined, sere @@@@ [2]shrivelled, shrunken, withered, worn, wrinkled"} {"x":"wobble","y":"[1]quake, rock, seesaw, shake, sway, teeter, totter, tremble, vibrate, waver @@@@ [2]fluctuate, hesitate, shillyshally @@@@ [3]swither @@@@ [4]vacillate, waver @@@@ [5]quaking, shake, tremble, tremor, unsteadiness, vibration"} {"x":"woe","y":"[1]adversity, affliction, agony, anguish, burden, curse, dejection, depression, disaster, distress, gloom, grief, hardship, heartache, heartbreak, melancholy, misery, misfortune, pain, sadness, sorrow, suffering, trial, tribulation, trouble, unhappiness, wretchedness"} {"x":"woebegone","y":"[1]blue, chapfallen, cheerless, crestfallen, dejected, disconsolate, doleful, downcast, downhearted, down in the dumps @@@@ [2]forlorn, funereal, gloomy, grief-stricken, hangdog, long-faced, low, lugubrious, miserable, mournful, sad, sorrowful, troubled, wretched"} {"x":"wolf","y":"[1]devil, fiend, killer, mercenary, pirate, predator, robber, savage, shark @@@@ [2]Casanova, Don Juan, lady-killer, lech or letch @@@@ [3]lecher, Lothario, philanderer, seducer, womanizer @@@@ [4]bolt, cram, devour, eat like a horse, gobble, gollop, gorge, gulp, pack away @@@@ [5]pig out @@@@ [6]scoff @@@@ [7]stuff"} {"x":"woman","y":"[1]bird @@@@ [2]chick @@@@ [3]dame @@@@ [4]female, gal @@@@ [5]girl, ho @@@@ [6]lady, lass, lassie @@@@ [7]maid @@@@ [8]maiden @@@@ [9]miss, she, wench @@@@ [10]chambermaid, char @@@@ [11]charwoman, domestic, female servant, handmaiden, housekeeper, lady-in-waiting, maid, maidservant @@@@ [12]bride, girl, girlfriend, ladylove, mate, mistress, old lady @@@@ [13]partner, significant other @@@@ [14]spouse, sweetheart, wife"} {"x":"womb","y":"[1]uterus"} {"x":"wonder","y":"[1]admiration, amazement, astonishment, awe, bewilderment, curiosity, fascination, stupefaction, surprise, wonderment @@@@ [2]curiosity, marvel, miracle, nonpareil, phenomenon, portent, prodigy, rarity, sight, spectacle, wonderment @@@@ [3]ask oneself, be curious, be inquisitive, conjecture, cudgel one's brains @@@@ [4]doubt, inquire, meditate, ponder, puzzle, query, question, speculate, think @@@@ [5]be amazed, be astonished, be awed, be dumbstruck, be flabbergasted @@@@ [6]boggle, gape, gawk, marvel, stand amazed, stare"} {"x":"wonderful","y":"[1]amazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome, extraordinary, fantastic, incredible, marvellous, miraculous, odd, peculiar, phenomenal, remarkable, staggering, startling, strange, surprising, unheard-of, wondrous @@@@ [2]ace @@@@ [3]admirable, awesome @@@@ [4]bodacious @@@@ [5]boffo @@@@ [6]brill @@@@ [7]brilliant, chillin' @@@@ [8]cracking @@@@ [9]excellent, fabulous @@@@ [10]fantastic @@@@ [11]great @@@@ [12]jim-dandy @@@@ [13]like a dream come true, magnificent, marvellous, mean @@@@ [14]outstanding, sensational @@@@ [15]smashing @@@@ [16]sovereign, stupendous, super @@@@ [17]superb, terrific, tiptop, topping @@@@ [18]tremendous"} {"x":"wont","y":"[1]accustomed, given, in the habit of, used @@@@ [2]custom, habit, practice, rule, use, way"} {"x":"woo","y":"[1]chase, court, cultivate, importune, pay court to, pay one's addresses to, pay suit to, press one's suit with, pursue, seek after, seek the hand of, seek to win, solicit the goodwill of, spark"} {"x":"wood","y":"[1]coppice, copse, forest, grove, hurst @@@@ [2]thicket, trees, woodland @@@@ [3]in the clear, out of danger, safe, safe and sound, secure @@@@ [4]planks, timber"} {"x":"wooden","y":"[1]ligneous, made of wood, of wood, timber, woody @@@@ [2]awkward, clumsy, gauche, gawky, graceless, inelegant, maladroit, rigid, stiff, ungainly @@@@ [3]blank, colourless, deadpan, dull, emotionless, empty, expressionless, glassy, lifeless, spiritless, unemotional, unresponsive, vacant @@@@ [4]inflexible, obstinate, rigid, stiff, unbending, unyielding @@@@ [5]dense, dim, dim-witted @@@@ [6]dozy @@@@ [7]dull, dull-witted, obtuse, slow, stupid, thick, witless, woodenheaded @@@@ [8]dull, muffled"} {"x":"wool","y":"[1]fleece, hair, yarn @@@@ [2]confirmed, diehard, fixed, hardened, inflexible, inveterate, settled, unchangeable, uncompromising, unshakable @@@@ [3]bamboozle @@@@ [4]con @@@@ [5]deceive, delude, dupe, fool, hoodwink, kid @@@@ [6]take in @@@@ [7]trick @@@@ [8]complete, confirmed, deep-dyed @@@@ [9]deep-rooted, die-hard, entrenched, established, inveterate, through-and-through"} {"x":"woolgathering","y":"[1]absent-mindedness, abstraction, building castles in the air, daydreaming, dreaming, inattention, musing, preoccupation, reverie"} {"x":"woozy","y":"[1]befuddled, bemused, confused, dazed, dizzy, nauseated, rocky @@@@ [2]tipsy, unsteady, wobbly"} {"x":"word","y":"[1]brief conversation, chat, chitchat, colloquy, confab @@@@ [2]confabulation, consultation, discussion, talk, tete-a-tete @@@@ [3]brief statement, comment, declaration, expression, remark, utterance @@@@ [4]expression, locution, name, term, vocable @@@@ [5]account, advice, bulletin, communication, communique, dispatch, gen @@@@ [6]information, intelligence, intimation, latest @@@@ [7]message, news, notice, report, tidings @@@@ [8]command, go-ahead @@@@ [9]green light, order, signal @@@@ [10]affirmation, assertion, assurance, guarantee, oath, parole, pledge, promise, solemn oath, solemn word, undertaking, vow, word of honour @@@@ [11]bidding, command, commandment, decree, edict, mandate, order, ukase @@@@ [12]will @@@@ [13]countersign, password, slogan, watchword @@@@ [14]briefly, concisely, in a nutshell, in short, succinctly, to put it briefly, to sum up @@@@ [15]couch, express, phrase, put, say, state, utter @@@@ [16]final say, finis, mother (of all), summation, ultimatum @@@@ [17]best, cream, creme de la creme, crown, epitome, ne plus ultra, perfection, quintessence, ultimate @@@@ [18]dernier cri, fashion, latest, newest, rage, vogue @@@@ [19]If you offer someone aword of something such as warning, advice, or praise, you warn, advise, or praise them. @@@@ [20]a new word formed by joining together two others and combining their meanings. \nExamples: brunch, camcorder, carjack, motel, greenwash, smog, workaholic."} {"x":"wordplay","y":"[1]punning, puns, repartee, wit, witticisms"} {"x":"words","y":"[1]lyrics, text @@@@ [2]altercation, angry exchange, angry speech, argument, barney @@@@ [3]bickering, disagreement, dispute, falling-out @@@@ [4]quarrel, row, run-in @@@@ [5]set-to @@@@ [6]squabble @@@@ [7]brief conversation, chat, chitchat, colloquy, confab @@@@ [8]confabulation, consultation, discussion, talk, tete-a-tete @@@@ [9]brief statement, comment, declaration, expression, remark, utterance @@@@ [10]expression, locution, name, term, vocable @@@@ [11]account, advice, bulletin, communication, communique, dispatch, gen @@@@ [12]information, intelligence, intimation, latest @@@@ [13]message, news, notice, report, tidings @@@@ [14]command, go-ahead @@@@ [15]green light, order, signal @@@@ [16]affirmation, assertion, assurance, guarantee, oath, parole, pledge, promise, solemn oath, solemn word, undertaking, vow, word of honour @@@@ [17]bidding, command, commandment, decree, edict, mandate, order, ukase @@@@ [18]will @@@@ [19]countersign, password, slogan, watchword @@@@ [20]briefly, concisely, in a nutshell, in short, succinctly, to put it briefly, to sum up @@@@ [21]couch, express, phrase, put, say, state, utter @@@@ [22]final say, finis, mother (of all), summation, ultimatum @@@@ [23]best, cream, creme de la creme, crown, epitome, ne plus ultra, perfection, quintessence, ultimate @@@@ [24]dernier cri, fashion, latest, newest, rage, vogue @@@@ [25]If you offer someone aword of something such as warning, advice, or praise, you warn, advise, or praise them. @@@@ [26]If you offer someone aword of something such as warning, advice, or praise, you warn, advise, or praise them. @@@@ [27]If you offer someone aword of something such as warning, advice, or praise, you warn, advise, or praise them."} {"x":"work","y":"[1]drudgery, effort, elbow grease @@@@ [2]exertion, grind @@@@ [3]industry, labour, slog, sweat, toil, travail @@@@ [4]business, calling, craft, duty, employment, job, line, livelihood, metier, occupation, office, profession, pursuit, trade @@@@ [5]assignment, chore, commission, duty, job, stint, task, undertaking @@@@ [6]achievement, composition, creation, handiwork, oeuvre, opus, performance, piece, production @@@@ [7]art, craft, skill, workmanship @@@@ [8]idle, jobless, on the dole @@@@ [9]break one's back, drudge, exert oneself, labour, peg away, slave, slog (away), sweat, toil @@@@ [10]be employed, be in work, do business, earn a living, have a job @@@@ [11]act, control, direct, drive, handle, manage, manipulate, move, operate, ply, use, wield @@@@ [12]function, go, operate, perform, run @@@@ [13]cultivate, dig, farm, till @@@@ [14]fashion, form, handle, knead, make, manipulate, mould, process, shape @@@@ [15]be agitated, convulse, move, twitch, writhe @@@@ [16]arouse, excite, move, prompt, provoke, rouse, stir @@@@ [17]accomplish, achieve, bring about, carry out, cause, contrive, create, effect, encompass, execute, implement @@@@ [18]force, make one's way, manoeuvre, move, progress @@@@ [19]arrange, bring off, contrive, exploit, fiddle @@@@ [20]fix @@@@ [21]handle, manipulate, pull off, swing"} {"x":"workaday","y":"[1]bog-standard @@@@ [2]common, commonplace, everyday, familiar, humdrum, mundane, ordinary, practical, prosaic, routine, run-of-the-mill"} {"x":"worker","y":"[1]artisan, craftsman, employee, hand, labourer, proletarian, tradesman, wage earner, working man, working woman, workman"} {"x":"working","y":"[1]action, functioning, manner, method, mode of operation, operation, running @@@@ [2]diggings, excavations, mine, pit, quarry, shaft @@@@ [3]active, employed, in a job, in work, labouring @@@@ [4]functioning, going, operative, running @@@@ [5]effective, practical, useful, viable @@@@ [6]assiduous, busy, conscientious, diligent, energetic, indefatigable, industrious, sedulous, zealous"} {"x":"workman","y":"[1]artificer, artisan, craftsman, employee, hand, journeyman, labourer, mechanic, operative, tradesman, worker"} {"x":"works","y":"[1]factory, mill, plant, shop, workshop @@@@ [2]canon, oeuvre, output, productions, writings @@@@ [3]actions, acts, deeds, doings @@@@ [4]action, guts @@@@ [5]innards @@@@ [6]insides @@@@ [7]machinery, mechanism, movement, moving parts, parts, workings @@@@ [8]drudgery, effort, elbow grease @@@@ [9]exertion, grind @@@@ [10]industry, labour, slog, sweat, toil, travail @@@@ [11]business, calling, craft, duty, employment, job, line, livelihood, metier, occupation, office, profession, pursuit, trade @@@@ [12]assignment, chore, commission, duty, job, stint, task, undertaking @@@@ [13]achievement, composition, creation, handiwork, oeuvre, opus, performance, piece, production @@@@ [14]art, craft, skill, workmanship @@@@ [15]idle, jobless, on the dole @@@@ [16]break one's back, drudge, exert oneself, labour, peg away, slave, slog (away), sweat, toil @@@@ [17]be employed, be in work, do business, earn a living, have a job @@@@ [18]act, control, direct, drive, handle, manage, manipulate, move, operate, ply, use, wield @@@@ [19]function, go, operate, perform, run @@@@ [20]cultivate, dig, farm, till @@@@ [21]fashion, form, handle, knead, make, manipulate, mould, process, shape @@@@ [22]be agitated, convulse, move, twitch, writhe @@@@ [23]arouse, excite, move, prompt, provoke, rouse, stir @@@@ [24]accomplish, achieve, bring about, carry out, cause, contrive, create, effect, encompass, execute, implement @@@@ [25]force, make one's way, manoeuvre, move, progress @@@@ [26]arrange, bring off, contrive, exploit, fiddle @@@@ [27]fix @@@@ [28]handle, manipulate, pull off, swing"} {"x":"workshop","y":"[1]atelier, factory, mill, plant, shop, studio, workroom, works @@@@ [2]class, discussion group, seminar, study group"} {"x":"world","y":"[1]earth, earthly sphere, globe @@@@ [2]everybody, everyone, humanity, humankind, human race, man, mankind, men, the public, the race of man @@@@ [3]cosmos, creation, existence, life, nature, universe @@@@ [4]heavenly body, planet, star @@@@ [5]area, domain, environment, field, kingdom, province, realm, sphere, system @@@@ [6]age, days, epoch, era, period, times @@@@ [7]exactly, in every respect, in every way, just as if, just like, precisely, to all intents and purposes @@@@ [8]beside oneself with joy, cock-a-hoop, ecstatic, elated, exultant, happy, in raptures, on cloud nine @@@@ [9]awesome @@@@ [10]bodacious @@@@ [11]excellent, fabulous @@@@ [12]fantastic @@@@ [13]great @@@@ [14]incredible, indescribable, marvellous, superb, unbelievable, wonderful @@@@ [15]Avernus, Hades, hell, infernal regions, nether regions, underworld @@@@ [16]afterlife, afterworld, heaven, hereafter, nirvana, paradise @@@@ [17]archaic, ceremonious, chivalrous, courtly, gallant, old-fashioned, picturesque, quaint, traditional"} {"x":"worldly","y":"[1]carnal, earthly, fleshly, lay, mundane, physical, profane, secular, sublunary, temporal, terrestrial @@@@ [2]avaricious, covetous, grasping, greedy, materialistic, selfish, worldly-minded @@@@ [3]blase, cosmopolitan, experienced, knowing, politic, sophisticated, urbane, well versed in the ways of the world, worldly-wise @@@@ [4]blase, cosmopolitan, experienced, knowing, politic, sophisticated, urbane, well versed in the ways of the world, worldly-wise"} {"x":"worldwide","y":"[1]general, global, international, omnipresent, pandemic, ubiquitous, universal"} {"x":"worn","y":"[1]frayed, ragged, shabby, shiny, tattered, tatty, the worse for wear, threadbare @@@@ [2]careworn, drawn, haggard, lined, pinched, wizened @@@@ [3]exhausted, fatigued, jaded, played-out @@@@ [4]spent, tired, tired out, wearied, weary, worn-out @@@@ [5]banal, commonplace, hackneyed, overused, stale, stereotyped, threadbare, timeworn, tired, trite @@@@ [6]broken-down, clapped out @@@@ [7]decrepit, done, frayed, moth-eaten, on its last legs, ragged, run-down, shabby, tattered, tatty, threadbare, used, used-up, useless, worn @@@@ [8]all in @@@@ [9]clapped out @@@@ [10]dog-tired @@@@ [11]done in @@@@ [12]exhausted, fatigued, fit to drop, jiggered @@@@ [13]knackered @@@@ [14]played-out, prostrate, shagged out @@@@ [15]spent, tired, tired out, weary, wiped out @@@@ [16]zonked"} {"x":"worried","y":"[1]afraid, anxious, apprehensive, bothered, concerned, distracted, distraught, distressed, disturbed, fearful, fretful, frightened, hot and bothered, ill at ease, nervous, on edge, overwrought, perturbed, tense, tormented, troubled, uneasy, unquiet, upset, wired"} {"x":"worrisome","y":"[1]bothersome, disquieting, distressing, disturbing, irksome, perturbing, troublesome, upsetting, vexing, worrying @@@@ [2]anxious, apprehensive, fretful, insecure, jittery @@@@ [3]nervous, neurotic, uneasy"} {"x":"worry","y":"[1]agonize, annoy, badger, be anxious, bother, brood, disquiet, distress, disturb, feel uneasy, fret, harass, harry, hassle @@@@ [2]hector, importune, irritate, make anxious, perturb, pester, plague, tantalize, tease, torment, trouble, unsettle, upset, vex @@@@ [3]attack, bite, gnaw at, go for, harass, harry, kill, lacerate, savage, tear @@@@ [4]annoyance, bother, care, hassle @@@@ [5]irritation, pest, plague, problem, torment, trial, trouble, vexation @@@@ [6]annoyance, anxiety, apprehension, care, concern, disturbance, fear, irritation, misery, misgiving, perplexity, torment, trepidation, trouble, unease, vexation, woe"} {"x":"worsen","y":"[1]aggravate, damage, decay, decline, degenerate, deteriorate, exacerbate, get worse, go downhill"} {"x":"worship","y":"[1]adore, adulate, deify, exalt, glorify, honour, idolize, laud, love, praise, pray to, put on a pedestal, respect, revere, reverence, venerate @@@@ [2]adoration, adulation, deification, devotion, exaltation, glorification, glory, homage, honour, laudation, love, praise, prayer(s), regard, respect, reverence"} {"x":"worst","y":"[1]beat, best, blow out of the water @@@@ [2]clobber @@@@ [3]conquer, crush, defeat, gain the advantage over, get the better of, lick @@@@ [4]master, overcome, overpower, overthrow, run rings around @@@@ [5]subdue, subjugate, undo, vanquish, wipe the floor with"} {"x":"worth","y":"[1]aid, assistance, avail, benefit, credit, desert(s), estimation, excellence, goodness, help, importance, merit, quality, usefulness, utility, value, virtue, worthiness @@@@ [2]cost, price, rate, valuation, value"} {"x":"worthless","y":"[1]futile, ineffectual, insignificant, inutile, meaningless, measly, miserable, nickel-and-dime @@@@ [2]no use, nugatory, paltry, pointless, poor, poxy @@@@ [3]rubbishy, trashy, trifling, trivial, two a penny @@@@ [4]unavailing, unimportant, unusable, useless, valueless, wanky @@@@ [5]wretched @@@@ [6]abandoned, abject, base, contemptible, depraved, despicable, good-for-nothing, ignoble, useless, vile"} {"x":"worthwhile","y":"[1]beneficial, constructive, expedient, gainful, good, helpful, justifiable, productive, profitable, useful, valuable, worthy"} {"x":"worthy","y":"[1]admirable, commendable, creditable, decent, dependable, deserving, estimable, excellent, good, honest, honourable, laudable, meritorious, praiseworthy, reliable, reputable, respectable, righteous, upright, valuable, virtuous, worthwhile @@@@ [2]big shot @@@@ [3]bigwig @@@@ [4]dignitary, luminary, notable, personage"} {"x":"wound","y":"[1]cut, damage, gash, harm, hurt, injury, laceration, lesion, slash, trauma @@@@ [2]anguish, distress, grief, heartbreak, injury, insult, offence, pain, pang, sense of loss, shock, slight, torment, torture, trauma @@@@ [3]cut, damage, gash, harm, hit, hurt, injure, irritate, lacerate, pierce, slash, wing @@@@ [4]annoy, cut (someone) to the quick, distress, grieve, hurt, hurt the feelings of, mortify, offend, pain, shock, sting, traumatize"} {"x":"wraith","y":"[1]apparition, eidolon, ghost, phantom, revenant, shade @@@@ [2]spectre, spirit, spook"} {"x":"wrangle","y":"[1]altercate, argue, bicker, brawl, contend, disagree, dispute, fall out @@@@ [2]fight, have words, quarrel, row, scrap, spar, squabble @@@@ [3]altercation, angry exchange, argy-bargy @@@@ [4]bagarre, barney @@@@ [5]bickering, brawl, clash, contest, controversy, dispute, falling-out @@@@ [6]quarrel, row, set-to @@@@ [7]slanging match @@@@ [8]squabble, tiff"} {"x":"wrap","y":"[1]absorb, bind, bundle up, cloak, cover, encase, enclose, enfold, envelop, fold, immerse, muffle, pack, package, roll up, sheathe, shroud, surround, swathe, wind @@@@ [2]cape, cloak, mantle, shawl, stole"} {"x":"wrath","y":"[1]anger, choler, displeasure, exasperation, fury, indignation, ire, irritation, passion, rage, resentment, temper"} {"x":"wreak","y":"[1]bring about, carry out, cause, create, effect, execute, exercise, inflict, visit, work @@@@ [2]express, give free rein to, give vent to, gratify, indulge, unleash, vent"} {"x":"wreath","y":"[1]band, chaplet, coronet, crown, festoon, garland, loop, ring"} {"x":"wreathe","y":"[1]adorn, coil, crown, encircle, enfold, engarland, entwine, envelop, enwrap, festoon, intertwine, interweave, surround, twine, twist, wind, wrap, writhe"} {"x":"wreck","y":"[1]blow @@@@ [2]break, cock up @@@@ [3]dash to pieces, demolish, destroy, devastate, fuck up @@@@ [4]mar, play havoc with, ravage, ruin, screw up @@@@ [5]shatter, smash, spoil, total @@@@ [6]trash @@@@ [7]undo @@@@ [8]founder, go or run aground, run onto the rocks, shipwreck, strand @@@@ [9]derelict, hulk, shipwreck, sunken vessel @@@@ [10]desolation, destruction, devastation, disruption, mess, overthrow, ruin, undoing"} {"x":"wrench","y":"[1]force, jerk, pull, rip, tear, tug, twist, wrest, wring, yank @@@@ [2]distort, rick, sprain, strain @@@@ [3]jerk, pull, rip, tug, twist, yank @@@@ [4]sprain, strain, twist @@@@ [5]ache, blow, pain, pang, shock, upheaval, uprooting @@@@ [6]adjustable spanner, shifting spanner, spanner"} {"x":"wrest","y":"[1]extract, force, pull, seize, strain, take, twist, win, wrench, wring"} {"x":"wrestle","y":"[1]battle, combat, contend, fight, grapple, scuffle, strive, struggle, tussle"} {"x":"wretch","y":"[1]asshole @@@@ [2]asswipe @@@@ [3]bad egg @@@@ [4]bastard @@@@ [5]blackguard, bugger @@@@ [6]cocksucker @@@@ [7]cur, good-for-nothing, miscreant, mother @@@@ [8]motherfucker @@@@ [9]outcast, profligate, rascal, rat @@@@ [10]rogue, rotter @@@@ [11]ruffian, scoundrel, scumbag @@@@ [12]shit @@@@ [13]son-of-a-bitch @@@@ [14]swine, turd @@@@ [15]vagabond, villain, worm @@@@ [16]poor thing, unfortunate"} {"x":"wretched","y":"[1]abject, brokenhearted, cheerless, comfortless, crestfallen, dejected, deplorable, depressed, disconsolate, dismal, distressed, doleful, downcast, down in the dumps @@@@ [2]forlorn, funereal, gloomy, hapless, hopeless, melancholy, miserable, pathetic, pitiable, pitiful, poor, sorry, unfortunate, unhappy, woebegone, woeful, worthless @@@@ [3]calamitous, deplorable, inferior, miserable, paltry, pathetic, poor, sorry, worthless @@@@ [4]base, contemptible, crappy @@@@ [5]despicable, low, low-down @@@@ [6]mean, paltry, poxy @@@@ [7]scurvy, shabby, shameful, vile"} {"x":"wriggle","y":"[1]jerk, jiggle, squirm, turn, twist, wag, waggle, wiggle, writhe @@@@ [2]crawl, slink, snake, twist and turn, worm, zigzag @@@@ [3]crawl, dodge, extricate oneself, manoeuvre, sneak, talk one's way out, worm @@@@ [4]jerk, jiggle, squirm, turn, twist, wag, waggle, wiggle"} {"x":"wring","y":"[1]coerce, extort, extract, force, screw, squeeze, twist, wrench, wrest @@@@ [2]distress, hurt, lacerate, pain, pierce, rack, rend, stab, tear at, wound"} {"x":"wrinkle","y":"[1]corrugation, crease, crinkle, crow's-foot, crumple, fold, furrow, gather, line, pucker, rumple @@@@ [2]corrugate, crease, crinkle, crumple, fold, furrow, gather, line, pucker, ruck, rumple"} {"x":"writ","y":"[1]court order, decree, document, summons"} {"x":"write","y":"[1]author @@@@ [2]commit to paper, compose, copy, correspond, create, draft, draw up, indite, inscribe, jot down, pen, put down in black and white, put in writing, record, scribble, set down, take down, tell, transcribe @@@@ [3]cancel, cross out, disregard, forget about, give up for lost, score out, shelve @@@@ [4]crash, damage beyond repair, destroy, smash up, total @@@@ [5]trash @@@@ [6]wreck @@@@ [7]Someone who writes creates books, stories, or articles, usually for publication."} {"x":"writer","y":"[1]author, columnist, essayist, hack, litterateur, man of letters, novelist, penman, penny-a-liner @@@@ [2]penpusher, scribbler, scribe, wordsmith"} {"x":"writhe","y":"[1]contort, distort, jerk, squirm, struggle, thrash, thresh, toss, twist, wiggle, wriggle"} {"x":"writing","y":"[1]calligraphy, chirography, hand, handwriting, penmanship, print, scrawl, scribble, script @@@@ [2]book, composition, document, letter, opus, publication, title, work @@@@ [3]belles-lettres, letters, literature"} {"x":"wrong","y":"[1]erroneous, fallacious, false, faulty, inaccurate, incorrect, in error, mistaken, off base @@@@ [2]off beam @@@@ [3]off target, out, unsound, untrue, way off beam @@@@ [4]bad, blameworthy, criminal, crooked, dishonest, dishonourable, evil, felonious, illegal, illicit, immoral, iniquitous, not cricket @@@@ [5]reprehensible, sinful, under-the-table, unethical, unfair, unjust, unlawful, wicked, wrongful @@@@ [6]funny, improper, inappropriate, inapt, incongruous, incorrect, indecorous, infelicitous, malapropos, not done, unacceptable, unbecoming, unconventional, undesirable, unfitting, unhappy, unseemly, unsuitable @@@@ [7]amiss, askew, awry, defective, faulty, not working, out of commission, out of order @@@@ [8]inside, inverse, opposite, reverse @@@@ [9]amiss, askew, astray, awry, badly, erroneously, inaccurately, incorrectly, mistakenly, wrongly @@@@ [10]come to nothing, fail, fall through, flop @@@@ [11]miscarry, misfire @@@@ [12]boob @@@@ [13]err, go astray, make a mistake, slip up @@@@ [14]break down, cease to function, conk out @@@@ [15]fail, go kaput @@@@ [16]go phut @@@@ [17]malfunction, misfire @@@@ [18]go to the bad, lapse, sin @@@@ [19]abuse, bad or evil deed, crime, error, grievance, immorality, inequity, infraction, infringement, iniquity, injury, injustice, misdeed, offence, sin, sinfulness, transgression, trespass, unfairness, wickedness @@@@ [20]at fault, blameworthy, guilty, in error, mistaken, off beam @@@@ [21]off course, off target, to be blamed @@@@ [22]abuse, cheat, discredit, dishonour, dump on @@@@ [23]harm, hurt, ill-treat, ill-use, impose upon, injure, malign, maltreat, misrepresent, mistreat, oppress, shit on"} {"x":"wrongdoer","y":"[1]criminal, culprit, delinquent, evildoer, lawbreaker, malefactor, miscreant, offender, sinner, transgressor, trespasser @@@@ [2]villain"} {"x":"wry","y":"[1]askew, aslant, awry, contorted, crooked, deformed, distorted, off the level, skewwhiff @@@@ [2]twisted, uneven, warped @@@@ [3]droll, dry, ironic, mocking, mordacious, pawky @@@@ [4]sarcastic, sardonic"} {"x":"yahoo","y":"[1]barbarian, beast, boor, brute, churl, lout, philistine, roughneck @@@@ [2]rowdy, savage, yob or yobbo"} {"x":"yak","y":"[1]blather, chatter, chew the fat or rag @@@@ [2]gab @@@@ [3]gossip, jabber, jaw @@@@ [4]rabbit (on) @@@@ [5]run on, spout, tattle, waffle @@@@ [6]witter on @@@@ [7]yap @@@@ [8]blather, chat, chinwag @@@@ [9]confab @@@@ [10]gossip, hot air @@@@ [11]jaw @@@@ [12]waffle @@@@ [13]yackety-yak @@@@ [14]yammer"} {"x":"yank","y":"[1]hitch, jerk, pull, snatch, tug, wrench"} {"x":"yap","y":"[1]yammer @@@@ [2]yelp, yip @@@@ [3]babble, blather, chatter, chew the fat or rag, go on, gossip, jabber, jaw @@@@ [4]prattle, rabbit (on) @@@@ [5]spout, talk, tattle, waffle"} {"x":"yarn","y":"[1]fibre, thread @@@@ [2]anecdote, cock-and-bull story @@@@ [3]fable, story, tale, tall story"} {"x":"yearn","y":"[1]ache, covet, crave, desire, eat one's heart out over, hanker, have a yen for @@@@ [2]hunger, itch, languish, long, lust, pant, pine, set one's heart upon, suspire"} {"x":"years","y":"[1]age, dotage, eld @@@@ [2]old age, second childhood, senescence, senility @@@@ [3]days, generation(s), lifetime, span, time"} {"x":"yell","y":"[1]bawl, holler @@@@ [2]howl, scream, screech, shout, shriek, squeal @@@@ [3]cry, howl, scream, screech, shriek, whoop"} {"x":"yelp","y":"[1]cry, yammer @@@@ [2]yap, yip @@@@ [3]yowl"} {"x":"yen","y":"[1]ache, craving, desire, hankering, hunger, itch, longing, passion, thirst, yearning"} {"x":"yet","y":"[1]as yet, so far, thus far, until now, up to now @@@@ [2]however, nevertheless, notwithstanding, still @@@@ [3]additionally, as well, besides, further, in addition, into the bargain, moreover, over and above, still, to boot @@@@ [4]already, just now, now, right now, so soon"} {"x":"yield","y":"[1]afford, bear, bring forth, bring in, earn, furnish, generate, give, net, pay, produce, provide, return, supply @@@@ [2]crop, earnings, harvest, income, output, produce, profit, return, revenue, takings @@@@ [3]abandon, abdicate, admit defeat, bow, capitulate, cave in @@@@ [4]cede, cry quits, give in, give up the struggle, give way, knuckle under, lay down one's arms, lose, part with, raise the white flag, relinquish, resign, resign oneself, submit, succumb, surrender, throw in the towel @@@@ [5]accede, agree, allow, bow, comply, concede, consent, go along with, grant, permit"} {"x":"yoke","y":"[1]bond, chain, coupling, ligament, link, tie @@@@ [2]bondage, burden, enslavement, helotry, oppression, serfdom, service, servility, servitude, slavery, thraldom, vassalage @@@@ [3]bracket, connect, couple, harness, hitch, join, link, tie, unite"} {"x":"yokel","y":"[1]boor, bucolic, clodhopper @@@@ [2](country) bumpkin, country cousin, countryman, hayseed @@@@ [3]hick @@@@ [4]hillbilly, hind @@@@ [5]peasant @@@@ [6]rustic"} {"x":"young","y":"[1]adolescent, callow, green, growing, immature, infant, in the springtime of life, junior, juvenile, little, unfledged, youthful @@@@ [2]at an early stage, early, fledgling, new, newish, not far advanced, recent, undeveloped @@@@ [3]babies, brood, family, issue, litter, little ones, offspring, progeny"} {"x":"youth","y":"[1]adolescence, boyhood, early life, girlhood, immaturity, juvenescence, salad days, young days @@@@ [2]adolescent, boy, kid @@@@ [3]lad, shaveling @@@@ [4]stripling, teenager, young man, young shaver @@@@ [5]youngster @@@@ [6]teenagers, the rising generation, the young, younger generation, young people"} {"x":"yowl","y":"[1]bawl, bay, caterwaul, cry, give tongue, howl, screech, squall, ululate, wail, yell"} {"x":"zany","y":"[1]clownish, comical, crazy, eccentric, funny, goofy @@@@ [2]kooky @@@@ [3]loony @@@@ [4]madcap, nutty @@@@ [5]oddball @@@@ [6]wacky @@@@ [7]buffoon, clown, comedian, jester, joculator or (fem.) joculatrix, joker, merry-andrew, nut @@@@ [8]screwball @@@@ [9]wag"} {"x":"zeal","y":"[1]ardour, devotion, eagerness, earnestness, enthusiasm, fanaticism, fervency, fervour, fire, gusto, keenness, militancy, passion, spirit, verve, warmth, zest"} {"x":"zealot","y":"[1]bigot, energumen, enthusiast, extremist, fanatic, fiend @@@@ [2]maniac, militant"} {"x":"zealous","y":"[1]ablaze, afire, ardent, burning, devoted, eager, earnest, enthusiastic, fanatical, fervent, fervid, impassioned, keen, militant, passionate, rabid, spirited"} {"x":"zenith","y":"[1]acme, apex, apogee, climax, crest, height, high noon, high point, meridian, peak, pinnacle, summit, top, vertex"} {"x":"zero","y":"[1]cipher, naught, nil, nothing, nought @@@@ [2]bottom, lowest point or ebb, nadir, nothing, rock bottom @@@@ [3]appointed hour, crisis, moment of decision, moment of truth, turning point, vital moment @@@@ [4]aim, bring to bear, concentrate, converge, direct, focus, home in, level, pinpoint, train"} {"x":"zest","y":"[1]appetite, delectation, enjoyment, gusto, keenness, relish, zeal, zing @@@@ [2]charm, flavour, interest, kick @@@@ [3]piquancy, pungency, relish, savour, smack, spice, tang, taste"} {"x":"zing","y":"[1]animation, brio, dash, energy, go @@@@ [2]life, liveliness, oomph @@@@ [3]spirit, vigour, vitality, zest, zip"} {"x":"zip","y":"[1]brio, drive, energy, get-up-and-go @@@@ [2]go @@@@ [3]gusto, life, liveliness, oomph @@@@ [4]punch @@@@ [5]sparkle, spirit, verve, vigour, vim @@@@ [6]vitality, zest, zing @@@@ [7]barrel (along) @@@@ [8]burn rubber @@@@ [9]dash, flash, fly, hurry, rush, shoot, speed, tear, whizz @@@@ [10]zoom"} {"x":"zone","y":"[1]area, belt, district, region, section, sector, sphere"} {"x":"zoom","y":"[1]barrel (along) @@@@ [2]burn rubber @@@@ [3]buzz, dash, dive, flash, fly, hare @@@@ [4]hum @@@@ [5]hurtle, pelt, rip @@@@ [6]rush, shoot, speed, streak, tear, whirl, whizz @@@@ [7]zip @@@@ [8]barrel (along) @@@@ [9]burn rubber @@@@ [10]buzz, dash, dive, flash, fly, hare @@@@ [11]hum @@@@ [12]hurtle, pelt, rip @@@@ [13]rush, shoot, speed, streak, tear, whirl, whizz @@@@ [14]zip"}